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Embassy of the United States of America
Box 114, 1-10-5 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-8420
館内持込み制限についてのお知らせ 在日米国大使館・領事館ではビザ業務の夏季繁忙期に向け準備を進めています。例年、6、7、8 月は、他の
どの月よりも多くのビザを発給している期間で、米国大使館(東京)では毎日 300 件を超えるビザ面接を行って
止していることから、複数の携帯電話や iPad、コンピューター等の検査にも時間を要します。そこで、申請者
います。ビザ面接日には「携帯電話 1 台のみ持参」にご協力いただきたく、申請者の皆様のご理解をお願い
2014 年 6 月 2 日より、ビザ申請者の大使館への持込不可品をお預かりすることはできません。大使館内に手
• 携帯電話 1 台(セキュリティゲートで預ける)
• 手持ち可能な小さなバッグ 1 点(25×25cm 以下)
• ビザ申請関連書類が入った透明なクリアフォルダー
• 傘、ただし荷物検査前にセキュリティゲートの外の傘たてに置くこと
ノートパソコン、iPad 、USB メモリ、電子手帳、スマートウォッチ、ポケベル、カメラ、オーディオ/
5/28/2014 改訂版
Embassy of the United States of America
Box 114, 1-10-5 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-8420
New Procedures for Access to the Visa Section Mission Japan is preparing for the annual summer busy season in visas. Historically, we do more visas in June, July, and August than any other months of the year. We have over 300 people a day coming to the Embassy in Tokyo for visa appointments. We do not want our customers standing in the sun for a long time. All customers have to go through a security screening process, and X‐raying large bags, briefcases, backpacks and the like takes too much time. No electronics are allowed in the Embassy, and screening and checking multiple phone, I pads, computers and the like also takes too much time. To keep you from a long wait outside, and to speed up your time at the Embassy, we are no longer storing any of these items while you have your visa interview. If you arrive with any of the items below, you will be asked to leave and return without them. We recognize this will cause inconvenience as you will need to store them at your own expense if you forget and bring them to the interview. But we believe the overall increase in the speed and efficiency of our screening, and the shorter time you will be at the Embassy for visa interview, will be worth it. Please plan now for our “Phone Only” screening process on the day of your visa interview. Starting June 2, 2014, the Embassy will not store prohibited items for visa applicants. There is no facility at the Embassy to store such items, therefore you must make arrangements to store these items elsewhere before you enter. If you arrive with any prohibited items, you will be turned away and asked to make a new appointment. You are allowed to bring the following items to the U.S. Embassy: • One cellphone (which must be checked at the security gate) • One small purse or bag that can be carried by hand (no larger than 10” x 10”) • Clear plastic folders containing visa application‐related papers • Umbrella (which must be stored in the umbrella rack outside the security gate) You are not allowed to enter the U.S. Embassy while carrying any of the following items: • Laptops, battery‐operated or electronic devices such as thumb drives, digital diaries, smart watches, pagers, cameras, audio/video cassettes, compact discs, MP3s, floppy disks, or portable music players • Any luggage • Bags such as travel bags, backpacks, briefcases, suitcases, leather, cloth bags, and zip folders • Large shoulder bags/purses • Food items • Cigarettes, cigars, match boxes, lighters • Sharp objects such as scissors, pen knives or nail files • Weapons or explosive materials of any kind This list is not exhaustive. Other items may be prohibited at the discretion of security staff. Due to security considerations, there is no information window for walk‐in visitors at the Embassy. Only visa applicants with scheduled interviews will be admitted. We are introducing these measures to reduce the amount of time applicants wait in line outside the Embassy. Thank you for your understanding. Visa Section U.S. Embassy Tokyo FAQ: New Security Procedures Q1: Why is the Embassy restricting what I can bring to the Embassy? A1: Mission Japan is preparing for the annual summer busy season in visas. Historically, we do more visas in June, July, and August than any other months of the year. We have over 300 people a day coming to the Embassy in Tokyo for visa appointments. We do not want our customers standing in the sun for a long time. All customers have to go through a security screening process, and X‐raying large bags, briefcases, backpacks and the like takes too much time. No electronics are allowed in the Embassy, and screening and checking multiple phones, iPads, computers and the like also takes too much time. To keep you from a long wait outside, and to speed up your time at the Embassy, we are no longer storing any of these items while you have your visa interview. We recognize this will cause inconvenience as you will need to store them at your own expense if you forget and bring them to the interview. But we believe the overall increase in the speed and efficiency of our screening, and the shorter time you will be at the Embassy for visa interview, will be worth it. Please plan now for our “Phone Only” screening process on the day of your visa interview. Q2: If I cannot store my belongings at the Embassy, where can I store them? A2: Metro stations and train stations have coin operated lockers. In addition, there are similar facilities throughout Tokyo. Please note that for security reasons, you cannot leave baggage or belongings of any kind on the sidewalk or in public areas adjacent to the Embassy. Q3: I’ve been turned away for my morning appointment because I brought prohibited items. Can I return after I store my items elsewhere? A3: Yes, applicants with morning appointments must return by 12:00 noon on the day of their interview, otherwise they will need to make a new appointment for another day. Applicants with afternoon appointments must return to the Embassy by 3:00 p.m. , otherwise they will need to make a new appointment for another day. Q4: If I need to re‐schedule my appointment, can I do so immediately? A4: Generally, your profile will not be unlocked until the following day. Once your profile is unlocked, you will be able to make a new appointment. Q5: What if my visa documents don’t fit into the clear holder? Can’t I bring them in my briefcase? A5: No. You can use more than one clear holder, bound together, for your visa documents. Q6: Would this new rule be applied for Travel Agent window? A6: We understand Travel Agents must bring in large amounts of visa cases. The screening is for visa applicants only. Travel Agents are not visa applicants. Q7: I would like to know if the back‐pack to carry diapers and baby clothes/wears instead of diaper bag is also prohibited. A7: A Big back‐pack is prohibited, but if you place a diaper to a small bag (less than 10”x10”), it will be allowed. Q1: なぜ大使館は持込み品目について制限するのですか? A1: 在日米国大使館・領事館ではビザ業務の夏季繁忙期に向け準備を進めています。例年、6、7、8 月は、他
のどの月よりも多くのビザを発給している期間で、米国大使館(東京)では毎日 300 件を超えるビザ面接を行っ
を禁止していることから、複数の携帯電話や iPad、コンピューター等の検査にも時間がかかります。そこで、
とって意義のあることと信じています。ビザ面接日には「携帯電話 1 台のみ持参」にご協力いただきたく、
申請者の皆様のご理解をお願い致します。 Q2: 大使館で預けられない場合、どこに保管したらいいですか? A2: 地下鉄や駅のコインロッカーをご利用ください。また、東京には各所に同じような施設があります。保安
んので、ご注意ください。 Q3: 持込み禁止品を持参したため午前中の面接を受けることができませんでした。所持品をどこかに保管し
てくれば戻ることができますか? A3: はい。ただし、午前中の申請者の方で面接日の 12:00(正午)までに戻れない場合は、別の日で新たに予約
を取り直さなければなりません。午後の予約の方は面接日の 3:00 までにお戻りください。 Q4: 予約を取り直さなければならない場合、すぐにできますか? A4: 一般的に、あなたのプロファイルは面接日の翌日まで解除されませんが、いったん解除されれば新しい予
約をとることができます。 Q5: ビザ申請書類がクリアファイルに収まらなかったらどうしたらいいですか?ブリーフケースを持ってい
くことはできないんですか? A5: できません。書類は数冊のクリアファイルに分けて入れてから輪ゴムなどで一つにまとめてください。 Q6: この新しい規定は代理店窓口にも適用されますか? A6: 旅行代理業者の方々は多くのビザ申請書類を持参されることは承知しています。今回の入館手続き変更は
個々のビザ申請者のみに該当するもので、代理店には適用されません。 Q7: オムツバッグの代わりに、オムツや赤ちゃんの洋服等を入れたリュックも持込み禁止ですか? A7: 大きなリュックは持込み禁止ですが、オムツを 25cm 四方以下の小さいバッグに入れてあれば大丈夫です。 * * * * 
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