Elementary(低学年用) 9 9 1 1
Elementary (低学年用) Activity Bank Activity Bank Activity Bank Activity Bank Activity Bank Activity Bank Activity Bank Activity Bank Activity Bank Activity Bank Activity Bank Activity Bank Carrots, Please. Theme: Time: 10 Minutes Students will play a game using numbers from 1 to 10. Preparation: Make copies of the cards. You will need two sets of cards for each group in your class. Instructions: 1. Ask your students if they know what animal represents 2011 in the Chinese calendar. Have your students guess different names of animals. Finally, tell your students it is the year of the rabbit. 2. Tell your students that rabbits like to eat carrots. In groups of 4, students have to play the matching game and collect many carrots for their rabbit. Members of the groups should ask the player “How many carrots?” The player should turn over the cards , saying the numbers from 1 to 10. ( 1 carrot, 2 carrots, 3 carrots etc…) If the cards match, the player can keep the cards and the game should continue with the next player. 3. The winner is the student whose cards add up to the highest score at the end of the game. For example: A student with the following cards has a score of 20 ( 9+9+1+1=20) 9 4. 9 1 You can also use the cards to play other number games such as “Doubt.” Activity Bank On-line January 2011 1 Elementary (低学年用) Activity Bank Activity Bank Activity Bank Activity Bank Activity Bank Activity Bank Activity Bank Activity Bank Activity Bank Activity Bank Activity Bank Activity Bank Carrots, Please. テーマ: Time: 10分間 「1から10の数字を使った2011年の干支(うさぎ)にっかかわる 活動です。」 準備: 1グループに1セットずつ配れるようにカードのコピーをします。 方法: 1.子どもたちの今年の干支を質問します。今年の干支ではない動物を答えた場合も、 最後に今年の干支はうさぎ(rabbit)であることを伝えてください。 2.うさぎは、にんじんが好きなので、うさぎの好きなにんじんを集まるカードゲーム (神経衰弱)をします。4人グループに1~10までのにんじんカードを2セット配 布します。順番の回ってきたこどもに対して、他の子どもたちが“How many carrots?” と質問します。そしてカードをぬくりながら、“1 carrot, 2 carrots etc.” と言います。2枚のカードがマッチングしていたら、もらえます。ただし マッチングしてもしなくても、次の人の番となります。 3. 自分が集めたカード(にんじんの数)の合計が一番多い人が勝ちです。 例えば、次のようなカードを手に入れた場合は、合計20となります。 9 4. 9 1 1 ( 9+9+1+1=20) このカードを使って、“Doubt”もできます。 Activity Bank On-line January 2011 1 2 3 4 5 6 Activity Bank On-line January 2011 7 8 9 10 1 2 Activity Bank On-line January 2011 3 4 5 6 7 8 Activity Bank On-line January 2011 9 10 Activity Bank On-line January 2011