̆̆̆ ⋡ ᰴ ̆̆̆ 2006㨪2011 ᐕᐲቇ⠪㐿⸳⑼⋡৻ⷩ ቇ⑼ၮ␆⑼⋡(ౣጁୃ⑼⋡ࠍ)------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 ቇ⑼ㅢ⑼⋡--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 ቇ⑼ኾ㐷⑼⋡--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 2003㨪2005 ᐕᐲቇ⠪㐿⸳⑼⋡৻ⷩ ቇ⑼ၮ␆⑼⋡(ౣጁୃ⠪↪) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 ቇ⑼ㅢ⑼⋡--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 ቇ⑼ኾ㐷⑼⋡--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 ᵹᢥൻ⺰㐿⸳⑼⋡৻ⷩ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 ᄖ࿖⺆ቇㇱㅢ⑼⋡㐿⸳৻ⷩ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20 ᜂᒰ⠪ࠪࡃࠬ--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 ޣෳ⠨⾗ᢱޤ㧔⧷⺆ࡌ࡞㧕 2006 ᐕᐲએ㒠ቇ⠪ TOEFL® PBT CBT iBT ታ↪⧷⺆ᛛ⢻ ᬌቯ 700 ὐએ 520 ὐએ 190 ὐએ 68 ὐએ Ḱ㧝⚖ 600 ὐએ 480 ὐએ 157 ὐએ 54 ὐએ ࡌ࡞ TOEIC® ⚖ ਛ⚖ 2003 ᐕᐲએ㒠ቇ⠪ TOEFL® ࡌ࡞ TOEIC® A PBT CBT iBT 700 ὐએ 520 ὐએ 190 ὐએ 68 ὐએ B 600 ὐએ 480 ὐએ 157 ὐએ 54 ὐએ C 500 ὐએ 440 ὐએ 123 ὐએ 41 ὐએ ጁୃ᧦ઙߢ৻ቯߩ⧷⺆ࡌ࡞ࠍᔅⷐߣߔࠆ⑼⋡ߪޔቇౝߢታᣉߒߚ TOEIC®࠹ࠬ࠻ߩࠬࠦࠕ߇ጁୃ᧦ઙࠍḩߚߒߡࠇ ߫ጁୃ⊓㍳ߪน⢻ߢߔޕ ቇᄖߢฃ㛎ߒߚࠬࠦࠕࠍ↪ߔࠆ႐วߪ⸽ޔߔࠆࠦࡇࠍᢎോ⺖ᄖ࿖⺆ቇㇱଥߦឭߒߡߊߛߐޕ ⧷⺆ቇ⑼䇭ᬺ⑼⋡㩿㪉㪇㪇㪍䌾㪉㪇㪈㪈ᐕᐲቇ⠪↪㪀 06∼11年度入学者用 ቇ⑼ၮ␆⑼⋡ ⑼⋡ฬ ⧷⺆ቇ㐷 ⧷⺆ቇ㐷 ⧷⺆ቇ㐷 ⧷⺆ቇ㐷 ⧷⺆䈱ᢥቇ䊶ᢥൻ㐷 ⧷⺆䈱ᢥቇ䊶ᢥൻ㐷 ⧷⺆䈱ᢥቇ䊶ᢥൻ㐷 ᢥൻ䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮㐷 ᢥൻ䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮㐷 ᢥൻ䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮㐷 ᢥൻ䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮㐷 ࿖㓙䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮㐷 ࿖㓙䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮㐷 ࿖㓙䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮㐷 ⧷⺆㖸ჿቇ ⧷⺆㖸ჿቇ ⧷⺆㖸ჿቇ ⧷⺆㖸ჿቇ 㪣㪼㪺㫋㫌㫉㪼㩷㪮㫆㫉㫂㫊㪿㫆㫇㸇 㪣㪼㪺㫋㫌㫉㪼㩷㪮㫆㫉㫂㫊㪿㫆㫇㸈 㪚㫆㫄㫇㫉㪼㪿㪼㫅㫊㫀㫍㪼㩷㪜㫅㪾㫃㫀㫊㪿㩷㸇 㪚㫆㫄㫇㫉㪼㪿㪼㫅㫊㫀㫍㪼㩷㪜㫅㪾㫃㫀㫊㪿㩷㸈 㪚㫆㫄㫇㫉㪼㪿㪼㫅㫊㫀㫍㪼㩷㪜㫅㪾㫃㫀㫊㪿㩷㸇㩷ౣጁୃ 㪚㫆㫄㫇㫉㪼㪿㪼㫅㫊㫀㫍㪼㩷㪜㫅㪾㫃㫀㫊㪿㩷㸈㩷ౣጁୃ 㪚㫆㫄㫇㫉㪼㪿㪼㫅㫊㫀㫍㪼㩷㪜㫅㪾㫃㫀㫊㪿㩷㸉䋨㪟㪦㪥㪦㪩㪪䋩 㪚㫆㫄㫇㫉㪼㪿㪼㫅㫊㫀㫍㪼㩷㪜㫅㪾㫃㫀㫊㪿㩷㸊䋨㪟㪦㪥㪦㪩㪪䋩 㪚㫆㫄㫇㫉㪼㪿㪼㫅㫊㫀㫍㪼㩷㪜㫅㪾㫃㫀㫊㪿㩷㸉䋨㪟㪦㪥㪦㪩㪪䋩 㪚㫆㫄㫇㫉㪼㪿㪼㫅㫊㫀㫍㪼㩷㪜㫅㪾㫃㫀㫊㪿㩷㸊䋨㪟㪦㪥㪦㪩㪪䋩 㪚㫆㫄㫇㫉㪼㪿㪼㫅㫊㫀㫍㪼㩷㪜㫅㪾㫃㫀㫊㪿㩷㸉 㪚㫆㫄㫇㫉㪼㪿㪼㫅㫊㫀㫍㪼㩷㪜㫅㪾㫃㫀㫊㪿㩷㸊 㪚㫆㫄㫇㫉㪼㪿㪼㫅㫊㫀㫍㪼㩷㪜㫅㪾㫃㫀㫊㪿㩷㸉 㪚㫆㫄㫇㫉㪼㪿㪼㫅㫊㫀㫍㪼㩷㪜㫅㪾㫃㫀㫊㪿㩷㸊 㪚㫆㫄㫇㫉㪼㪿㪼㫅㫊㫀㫍㪼㩷㪜㫅㪾㫃㫀㫊㪿㩷㸉 㪚㫆㫄㫇㫉㪼㪿㪼㫅㫊㫀㫍㪼㩷㪜㫅㪾㫃㫀㫊㪿㩷㸊 㪚㫆㫄㫇㫉㪼㪿㪼㫅㫊㫀㫍㪼㩷㪜㫅㪾㫃㫀㫊㪿㩷㸉 㪚㫆㫄㫇㫉㪼㪿㪼㫅㫊㫀㫍㪼㩷㪜㫅㪾㫃㫀㫊㪿㩷㸊 㪚㫆㫄㫇㫉㪼㪿㪼㫅㫊㫀㫍㪼㩷㪜㫅㪾㫃㫀㫊㪿㩷㸉 㪚㫆㫄㫇㫉㪼㪿㪼㫅㫊㫀㫍㪼㩷㪜㫅㪾㫃㫀㫊㪿㩷㸊 㪚㫆㫄㫇㫉㪼㪿㪼㫅㫊㫀㫍㪼㩷㪜㫅㪾㫃㫀㫊㪿㩷㸉 㪚㫆㫄㫇㫉㪼㪿㪼㫅㫊㫀㫍㪼㩷㪜㫅㪾㫃㫀㫊㪿㩷㸊 㪚㫆㫄㫇㫉㪼㪿㪼㫅㫊㫀㫍㪼㩷㪜㫅㪾㫃㫀㫊㪿㩷㸉 㪚㫆㫄㫇㫉㪼㪿㪼㫅㫊㫀㫍㪼㩷㪜㫅㪾㫃㫀㫊㪿㩷㸊 㪚㫆㫄㫇㫉㪼㪿㪼㫅㫊㫀㫍㪼㩷㪜㫅㪾㫃㫀㫊㪿㩷㸉 㪚㫆㫄㫇㫉㪼㪿㪼㫅㫊㫀㫍㪼㩷㪜㫅㪾㫃㫀㫊㪿㩷㸊 㪚㫆㫄㫇㫉㪼㪿㪼㫅㫊㫀㫍㪼㩷㪜㫅㪾㫃㫀㫊㪿㩷㸉 㪚㫆㫄㫇㫉㪼㪿㪼㫅㫊㫀㫍㪼㩷㪜㫅㪾㫃㫀㫊㪿㩷㸊 㪚㫆㫄㫇㫉㪼㪿㪼㫅㫊㫀㫍㪼㩷㪜㫅㪾㫃㫀㫊㪿㩷㸉 㪚㫆㫄㫇㫉㪼㪿㪼㫅㫊㫀㫍㪼㩷㪜㫅㪾㫃㫀㫊㪿㩷㸊 㪚㫆㫄㫇㫉㪼㪿㪼㫅㫊㫀㫍㪼㩷㪜㫅㪾㫃㫀㫊㪿㩷㸉㩷ౣጁୃ 㪚㫆㫄㫇㫉㪼㪿㪼㫅㫊㫀㫍㪼㩷㪜㫅㪾㫃㫀㫊㪿㩷㸊㩷ౣጁୃ 㪚㫆㫄㫇㫉㪼㪿㪼㫅㫊㫀㫍㪼㩷㪜㫅㪾㫃㫀㫊㪿㩷㸉㩷ౣጁୃ 㪚㫆㫄㫇㫉㪼㪿㪼㫅㫊㫀㫍㪼㩷㪜㫅㪾㫃㫀㫊㪿㩷㸊㩷ౣጁୃ ᜂᒰ⠪ ㋈ᧁ䇭⧷৻ ㋈ᧁ䇭⧷৻ 䇭⟤ઍሶ 䇭⟤ઍሶ ㊁䇭⋥ሶ ጊ䇭♿ ጊ䇭♿ ᧼႐䇭⦟ਭ ᧼႐䇭⦟ਭ ᩑ↰䇭⑲᮸ ᩑ↰䇭⑲᮸ ㊄ሶ䇭⧐᮸ ㊄ሶ䇭⧐᮸ ᳗㊁䇭㓉ⴕ 㕍ᩒ䇭⌀♿ሶ 㕍ᩒ䇭⌀♿ሶ ਛ↰䇭䈵䈫䉂 ਛ↰䇭䈵䈫䉂 ฦᜂᒰᢎຬ ฦᜂᒰᢎຬ ฦᜂᒰᢎຬ ฦᜂᒰᢎຬ 䌋䋮䊚䊷䊊䊮䋯䌊䋮䌁䋮䉫䊧䉟 䌌䋮䌋䋮䊊䊷䉨䊮䉴 䌊䋮䉡䉤䊷䊦䊄䊙䊮 䌊䋮䉡䉤䊷䊦䊄䊙䊮 䌒䋮䉳䊢䊷䊮䉵 䌒䋮䉳䊢䊷䊮䉵 䌁䋮䊙䉫䉵 䌁䋮䊙䉫䉵 䌁䋮䊙䉫䉵 䌁䋮䊙䉫䉵 䌅䋮䊐䊤䊮䉮 䌅䋮䊐䊤䊮䉮 䌅䋮䊐䊤䊮䉮 䌅䋮䊐䊤䊮䉮 䌊䋮䌁䋮䉫䊧䉟 䌊䋮䌁䋮䉫䊧䉟 䌊䋮䉴䊈䊷䊦 䌊䋮䉴䊈䊷䊦 䌊䋮䊐䉤䊦䉦䉴 䌊䋮䊐䉤䊦䉦䉴 䌋䋮䊐䉤䊷䊄 䌋䋮䊐䉤䊷䊄 䌐䋮䉝䉾䊒䉴 䌐䋮䉝䉾䊒䉴 䌒䋮䉳䊢䊷䊮䉵 䌒䋮䉳䊢䊷䊮䉵 䌐䋮䊙䉾䉬䊎䊥䊷 䌐䋮䊙䉾䉬䊎䊥䊷 䌐䋮䊙䉾䉬䊎䊥䊷 䌐䋮䊙䉾䉬䊎䊥䊷 㐿⻠ ቇᦼ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ⑺ ᤐ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ 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⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㸇䊶㸈 䋨㪣㪸㫅㪾㫌㪸㪾㪼㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪤㫀㫅㪻䋩 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㸇䊶㸈 㩿࿖㓙ᯏ㑐䈫䊚䊧䊆䉝䊛㐿⊒⋡ᮡ㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㸇䊶㸈 㩿㪧㫉㪸㪾㫄㪸㫋㫀㪺㫊㩷㪠㩷㪆㪧㫉㪸㪾㫄㪸㫋㫀㪺㫊㩷㪠㪠㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㸇䊶㸈 㩿㖸ჿቇ⺰䈫ᣣᧄ⺆䈱㖸ჿ㩷㪆 㩷㖸ჿ⍮ⷡ䈱䈚䈒䉂䈫⊒㆐㐷㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㸇䊶㸈 㩿㪜㫏㫇㫃㫆㫉㫀㫅㪾㩷㪣㪸㫅㪾㫌㪸㪾㪼㩷㪫㪼㪸㪺㪿㫀㫅㪾㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㸇䊶㸈 㩿䉝䊜䊥䉦䈱䊘䊏䊠䊤䊷䊶䊅䉲䊢䊅䊥䉵䊛䋺ℂ⺰✬㩷㪆 㩷䉝䊜䊥䉦䈱䊘䊏䊠䊤䊷䊶䊅䉲䊢䊅䊥䉵䊛䋺ᔕ↪✬㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㸇䊶㸈 㩿ઍ䈮䈍䈔䉎࿖㓙㑐ଥ䈱ዷ㐿㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㸇䊶㸈 㩿ዊ䈘䈐ੱ䇱䈱ᱧผ㩷㪄ᄌൻ䈜䉎⧷࿖␠ળ䉕⺒䉃㪄㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㸇䊶㸈 㩿䊝䉻䊆䉵䊛䈱Ꮒඅ䈢䈤䈮䉃㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㸇䊶㸈 㩿䊂䉞䉵䊆䊷䊶䉝䊆䊜䈱ᱧผ䉕䈢䈬䉎㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㸇䊶㸈 㩿䉝䊆䊜ᛕ⹏㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㸇䊶㸈 㩿䌙䌁ዊ⺑䈫ർ䉝䉟䊦䊤䊮䊄⚗㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㸇䊶㸈 㩿䉝䊜䊥䉦ᢥቇ㪑㪡㫆㪿㫅㩷㪪㫋㪼㫀㫅㪹㪼㪺㫂䈱ᢥቇ䉕⺒䉃㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㸇䊶㸈 䋨䉝䉳䉝ᄥᐔᵗၞ䈱ᴦ䊶⚻ᷣ䊶࿖㓙㑐ଥ䋩 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㸇䊶㸈 㩿↢ᚑᢥᴺ㐷㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㸇䊶㸈 䋨Ꮢ᳃䈱䈢䉄䈱䊐䉢䉝䊃䊧䊷䊄㐷䋩 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㸇䊶㸈 㩿⇣ᢥൻ䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮䈱ℂ⺰㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㸇䊶㸈 㩿䉥䊷䉴䊃䊤䊥䉝䈱㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㸇䊶㸈 㩿⧷⺆䈱ઍṶ㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㸇䊶㸈 㩿㪚㫉㫀㫋㫀㪺㪸㫃㫃㫐㩷㫋㪿㫀㫅㫂㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㪿㫀㫅㪾㫊㩷㫋㪿㫉㫆㫌㪾㪿㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㸇䊶㸈 㩿⍮⸒⺆ቇ㪀 㐿⻠ ಽ ᦐᤨ ቯຬ න ᢙ 㐿ᆎ ቇᐕ 䌁䋮䉹䊷䊥䊮䉳䊞䊷 ᤐ⑺ ᧁ㪉 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪎㪌 䌃䋮䌂䋮ᳰญ ᤐ⑺ Ἣ㪋 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪎㪍 䌊䋮䌊䋮䉻䉭䊮 ᤐ⑺ Ἣ㪊 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪎㪎 䌊䋮䌎䋮䉡䉢䊮䊂䊦 ᤐ⑺ 㪋 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪎㪏 䌍䋮䊐䉾䊄 ᤐ⑺ Ἣ㪊 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪎㪐 䌎䋮䌈䋮䉳䊢䉴䊃 ᤐ⑺ 㪊 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪏㪇 䌓䋮䊨䉲䊷䊃 ᤐ⑺ ᧁ㪊 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪏㪈 䌔䋮䊍䊦 ᤐ⑺ 㪉 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪏㪉 㕍ᩒ䇭⌀♿ሶ ᤐ⑺ Ἣ㪊 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪏㪊 ᵻጟ䇭ජ ᤐ⑺ ᧁ㪈 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪏㪋 ᧼႐䇭⦟ਭ ᤐ⑺ ㊄㪊 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪏㪌 દ⮮䇭㚍 ᤐ⑺ ᧁ㪋 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪏㪍 ㊁䇭⋥ሶ ᤐ⑺ 㪉 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪏㪎 ㆙⮮䇭ਯ ᤐ⑺ ᧁ㪊 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪏㪏 ᄢᧁ䇭ℂᕺሶ ᤐ⑺ 㪋 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪏㪐 ᩑ↰䇭⑲᮸ ᤐ⑺ Ἣ㪌 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪐㪇 ጊ䇭♿ ᤐ⑺ ㊄㪉 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪐㪈 ㊄⼱䇭ఝሶ ᤐ⑺ ㊄㪋 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪐㪉 ㊄ሶ䇭⧐᮸ ᤐ⑺ ᳓㪈 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪐㪊 ᴡේ䇭ብਯ ᤐ⑺ 㪌 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪐㪋 ർ㊁䇭 ᤐ⑺ ㊄㪋 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪐㪌 Ꮏ⮮䇭ብ ᤐ⑺ Ἣ㪉 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪐㪍 ࿖䇭ᤩሶ ⑺ Ἣ㪊䊶 ᧁ㪉 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪐㪎 㪐㪏 ఽ᎑䇭৻↵ ᤐ⑺ Ἣ㪉 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪐㪐 ዊ䇭ථਃ ᤐ⑺ 㪉 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈㪇㪇 ዊᣧᎹ䇭ᥙ ᤐ⑺ ㊄㪋 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈㪇㪈 ᜂᒰ⠪ 4 ጁୃ ਇน 䊕䊷䉳 ⑼⋡ฬ䋨㗴䋩 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㸇䊶㸈 㩿䉣䊥䉱䊔䉴䊶䊎䉲䊢䉾䊒䈱䉕⺒䉃㩷㪆 㩷䊨䊋䊷䊃䊶䊑䊤䉟䈱䉕⺒䉃㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㸇䊶㸈 㩿⧷࿖䊡䉻䊟ੱผ㩷㪆 㩷☨࿖䊡䉻䊟ੱผ㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㸇䊶㸈 䋨‛⺆䉕⺒䉖䈪ᭉ䈚䉃䋩 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㸇䊶㸈 㩿ઍ࿖㓙㑐ଥ⺰㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㸇䊶㸈 㩿䉝䊜䊥䉦ዊ⺑䋩 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㸇䊶㸈 㩿㪘㫇㫇㫃㫀㪼㪻㩷㪣㫀㫅㪾㫌㫀㫊㫋㫀㪺㫊㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㸇䊶㸈 㩿䉟䉩䊥䉴ఽ┬ᢥቇ㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㸇䊶㸈 㩿↢ᚑ⧷⺆⛔⺆⺰䈻䈱⺃䈇㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㸇䊶㸈 㩿㪛㪼㪺㫆㫅㫊㫋㫉㫌㪺㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㵰㪡㪸㫇㪸㫅㪼㫊㪼㫅㪼㫊㫊㵱㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㸇䊶㸈 㩿䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮䈫⇣ᢥൻℂ⸃㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㸇䊶㸈 㩿㪉㪇♿䉝䊜䊥䉦㩷ⴕേ䈜䉎ᅚᕈኅ䊶ੱ㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㸇䊶㸈 㩿䉫䊨䊷䊋䊦䈭⌒䈪䉝䉳䉝䉕⺒䉃㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㸇䊶㸈 㩿ᣣᧄ⺆ቇ䊶ኻ⽎⸒⺆ቇ㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㸇䊶㸈 㩿ઍ䉟䉩䊥䉴ዊ⺑㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㸇䊶㸈 㩿ᚢᓟ࿖㓙ᴦผ㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㸇䊶㸈 㩿䉟䊮䉺䊎䊠䊷䉇䊆䊠䊷䉴䈱䉴䉪䊥䊒䊃䉕⺒䉃㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㸇䊶㸈 㩿㪪㪣㪘ታ⸽⎇ⓥ⺰ᢥ㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㸇䊶㸈 㩿䉝䊜䊥䉦ઍ䉕⺒䉃㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㸇䊶㸈 㩿䉴䊇䊷䊏䊷䈎䉌⡛ᦠ䈱䊜䉾䉶䊷䉳䉕⺒䉂䈫䈒㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㸇䊶㸈 㩿䉲䉢䉟䉪䉴䊏䉝䉕⺒䉃㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㸇䊶㸈 㩿࿖㓙ㅪว䈱⚵❱䈫ᯏ⢻㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㸇䊶㸈 㩿㤥ੱ䊚䉴䊁䊥䊷ຠ䉕⸃⺒䈜䉎㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㸇䊶㸈 㩿䇸▤ℂ䈘䉏䉎ᔃ䇹䉕ᣣᧄੱ䈱ᗵᕈ䈪⺒䉂⸃䈒㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㸇䊶㸈 㩿䉥䊷䊒䊮䉴䉦䉟䈫ർ᧲䉝䉳䉝ㅢ⥶ⓨᏒ႐㪀 㐿⻠ ಽ ᦐᤨ ቯຬ න ᢙ 㐿ᆎ ቇᐕ ዊᨋ䇭ᗲ ᤐ⑺ ᧁ㪋 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈㪇㪉 ⮮䇭໑ⴕ ᤐ⑺ Ἣ㪋 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈㪇㪊 ⮮䇭ീ ᤐ⑺ ᧁ㪊 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈㪇㪋 ㊁䇭ᐽሶ ᤐ⑺ Ἣ㪉 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈㪇㪌 ፉ↰䇭৻ ᤐ⑺ ᧁ㪉 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈㪇㪍 ᷡ᳓䇭↱ℂሶ ᤐ⑺ ᳓㪉 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈㪇㪎 ⊕㠽䇭ᱜቁ ᤐ⑺ ᳓㪊 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈㪇㪏 ㋈ᧁ䇭⧷৻ ᤐ⑺ ᧁ㪋 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈㪇㪐 㗇᳗䇭ඳ ᤐ⑺ 㪊 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈㪈㪇 ἑᚭ䇭ජ ᤐ⑺ Ἣ㪊 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈㪈㪈 㜞↰䇭ትሶ ᤐ⑺ Ἣ㪋 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈㪈㪉 ┻↰䇭䈇䈘䉂 ᤐ⑺ Ἣ㪋 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈㪈㪊 ᜂᒰ⠪ᧂቯ ᤐ⑺ ᳓㪋 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈㪈㪋 ᧲ㇹ䇭ᓼ ᤐ⑺ 㪌 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈㪈㪌 ᳗㊁䇭㓉ⴕ ᤐ⑺ Ἣ㪊 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈㪈㪍 ㍿ୖ䇭ஜᖝ ᤐ⑺ 㪉 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈㪈㪎 ⠀ጊ䇭ᕺ ᤐ⑺ ㊄㪊 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈㪈㪏 ේ䇭ᚑศ ᤐ⑺ Ἣ㪈 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈㪈㪐 䇭ཅᒾ ᤐ⑺ Ἣ㪊 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈㪉㪇 ೨ᴛ䇭ᶈሶ ᤐ⑺ Ἣ㪈 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈㪉㪈 శ"䇭స㚍 ᤐ⑺ ᧁ㪋 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈㪉㪉 ਃศ䇭⟤ട ᤐ⑺ 㪊 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈㪉㪊 ጊ〝䇭㗼 ᤐ⑺ Ἣ㪊 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈㪉㪋 ጊ〝䇭㗼 ᤐ⑺ ᧁ㪊 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈㪉㪌 ᜂᒰ⠪ 5 ጁୃ ਇน 䊕䊷䉳 06∼11年度入学者用 ቇ⑼ㅢ⑼⋡䇭䇸⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㸇䊶㸈䇹 ቇ⑼ㅢ⑼⋡ 06∼11年度入学者用 ⑼⋡ฬ 㪘㪺㪸㪻㪼㫄㫀㪺㩷㪮㫉㫀㫋㫀㫅㪾 㪘㪺㪸㪻㪼㫄㫀㪺㩷㪮㫉㫀㫋㫀㫅㪾 㪘㪺㪸㪻㪼㫄㫀㪺㩷㪮㫉㫀㫋㫀㫅㪾 㪘㪺㪸㪻㪼㫄㫀㪺㩷㪮㫉㫀㫋㫀㫅㪾 㪘㪺㪸㪻㪼㫄㫀㪺㩷㪮㫉㫀㫋㫀㫅㪾 㪘㪺㪸㪻㪼㫄㫀㪺㩷㪮㫉㫀㫋㫀㫅㪾 㪘㪺㪸㪻㪼㫄㫀㪺㩷㪮㫉㫀㫋㫀㫅㪾 㪘㪺㪸㪻㪼㫄㫀㪺㩷㪮㫉㫀㫋㫀㫅㪾 㪘㪺㪸㪻㪼㫄㫀㪺㩷㪮㫉㫀㫋㫀㫅㪾 㪘㪺㪸㪻㪼㫄㫀㪺㩷㪮㫉㫀㫋㫀㫅㪾 㪘㪺㪸㪻㪼㫄㫀㪺㩷㪮㫉㫀㫋㫀㫅㪾 㪘㪺㪸㪻㪼㫄㫀㪺㩷㪮㫉㫀㫋㫀㫅㪾 㪘㪺㪸㪻㪼㫄㫀㪺㩷㪮㫉㫀㫋㫀㫅㪾 㪘㪺㪸㪻㪼㫄㫀㪺㩷㪮㫉㫀㫋㫀㫅㪾 㪘㪺㪸㪻㪼㫄㫀㪺㩷㪮㫉㫀㫋㫀㫅㪾 㪘㪺㪸㪻㪼㫄㫀㪺㩷㪮㫉㫀㫋㫀㫅㪾 㪘㪺㪸㪻㪼㫄㫀㪺㩷㪮㫉㫀㫋㫀㫅㪾 㪘㪺㪸㪻㪼㫄㫀㪺㩷㪮㫉㫀㫋㫀㫅㪾 㪘㪺㪸㪻㪼㫄㫀㪺㩷㪮㫉㫀㫋㫀㫅㪾 㪘㪺㪸㪻㪼㫄㫀㪺㩷㪮㫉㫀㫋㫀㫅㪾 㪘㪺㪸㪻㪼㫄㫀㪺㩷㪮㫉㫀㫋㫀㫅㪾 㪘㪺㪸㪻㪼㫄㫀㪺㩷㪮㫉㫀㫋㫀㫅㪾 㪘㪺㪸㪻㪼㫄㫀㪺㩷㪮㫉㫀㫋㫀㫅㪾 㪘㪺㪸㪻㪼㫄㫀㪺㩷㪮㫉㫀㫋㫀㫅㪾 㪘㪺㪸㪻㪼㫄㫀㪺㩷㪮㫉㫀㫋㫀㫅㪾 㪘㪺㪸㪻㪼㫄㫀㪺㩷㪮㫉㫀㫋㫀㫅㪾 㪘㪺㪸㪻㪼㫄㫀㪺㩷㪮㫉㫀㫋㫀㫅㪾 ⠡⸶ ⠡⸶ ⠡⸶ ⠡⸶ ⠡⸶ ⠡⸶ ⠡⸶ ⠡⸶ ⠡⸶ ⠡⸶ ⠡⸶ ⠡⸶ ⠡⸶ ⠡⸶ ⠡⸶ 㪚㫆㫃㫃㪼㪾㪼㩷㪞㫉㪸㫄㫄㪸㫉 㪚㫆㫃㫃㪼㪾㪼㩷㪞㫉㪸㫄㫄㪸㫉 㪚㫆㫃㫃㪼㪾㪼㩷㪞㫉㪸㫄㫄㪸㫉 㪚㫆㫃㫃㪼㪾㪼㩷㪞㫉㪸㫄㫄㪸㫉 㪚㫆㫃㫃㪼㪾㪼㩷㪞㫉㪸㫄㫄㪸㫉 㪚㫆㫃㫃㪼㪾㪼㩷㪞㫉㪸㫄㫄㪸㫉 㪚㫆㫃㫃㪼㪾㪼㩷㪞㫉㪸㫄㫄㪸㫉 㪚㫆㫃㫃㪼㪾㪼㩷㪞㫉㪸㫄㫄㪸㫉 㪚㫆㫃㫃㪼㪾㪼㩷㪞㫉㪸㫄㫄㪸㫉 㪚㫆㫃㫃㪼㪾㪼㩷㪞㫉㪸㫄㫄㪸㫉 㪚㫆㫃㫃㪼㪾㪼㩷㪞㫉㪸㫄㫄㪸㫉 㪚㫆㫃㫃㪼㪾㪼㩷㪞㫉㪸㫄㫄㪸㫉 㪚㫆㫃㫃㪼㪾㪼㩷㪞㫉㪸㫄㫄㪸㫉 㪚㫆㫃㫃㪼㪾㪼㩷㪞㫉㪸㫄㫄㪸㫉 㪚㫆㫃㫃㪼㪾㪼㩷㪞㫉㪸㫄㫄㪸㫉 㪚㫆㫃㫃㪼㪾㪼㩷㪞㫉㪸㫄㫄㪸㫉 㪚㫆㫃㫃㪼㪾㪼㩷㪞㫉㪸㫄㫄㪸㫉 㪚㫆㫃㫃㪼㪾㪼㩷㪞㫉㪸㫄㫄㪸㫉 ᜂᒰ⠪ 䌄䋮䌈䋮䉬䊈䊂䉞 䌄䋮䌈䋮䉬䊈䊂䉞 䌄䋮䊑䊤䊄䊥䊷 䌄䋮䊑䊤䊄䊥䊷 䌅䋮䌊䋮䊅䉥䉡䊚 䌅䋮䌊䋮䊅䉥䉡䊚 䌅䋮䌊䋮䊅䉥䉡䊚 䌅䋮䌊䋮䊅䉥䉡䊚 䌅䋮䊐䊤䊮䉮 䌅䋮䊐䊤䊮䉮 䌊䋮䌎䋮䉡䉢䊮䊂䊦 䌊䋮䌎䋮䉡䉢䊮䊂䊦 䌊䋮䉡䉤䊷䊦䊄䊙䊮 䌊䋮䉡䉤䊷䊦䊄䊙䊮 䌋䋮䊐䉤䊷䊄 䌋䋮䊐䉤䊷䊄 䌋䋮䊚䊷䊊䊮 䌌䋮䌋䋮䊊䊷䉨䊮䉴 䌍䋮䉻䊷䊥䊮 䌍䋮䉻䊷䊥䊮 䌍䋮䊐䉾䊄 䌍䋮䊐䉾䊄 䌐䋮䊄䊷䊧 䌒䋮䉳䊢䊷䊮䉵 䌒䋮䉳䊢䊷䊮䉵 䌒䋮䉻䊤䊛 䌒䋮䉻䊤䊛 䌐䋮䊈䊦䊛 䌐䋮䊈䊦䊛 ㊁䇭⋥ሶ ᩊ↰䇭⠹ᄥ㇢ ᩊ↰䇭⠹ᄥ㇢ ᩊ↰䇭⠹ᄥ㇢ ᩊ↰䇭⠹ᄥ㇢ ⊕Ꮉ䇭⾆ሶ ⊕Ꮉ䇭⾆ሶ 㜞↰䇭ትሶ 㜞↰䇭ትሶ ⮮↰䇭᳗ ⮮↰䇭᳗ ጊਛ䇭┨ሶ ጊਛ䇭┨ሶ 㕤ᳯ䇭㕒 㕤ᳯ䇭㕒 㕤ᳯ䇭㕒 㕤ᳯ䇭㕒 ᴡේ䇭ብਯ ᴡේ䇭ብਯ ዊᣧᎹ䇭ᥙ ዊᣧᎹ䇭ᥙ ဈᧄ䇭ᵗሶ ဈᧄ䇭ᵗሶ ဈᧄ䇭ᵗሶ ဈᧄ䇭ᵗሶ ㋈ᧁ䇭⧷৻ ㋈ᧁ䇭⧷৻ ᐭᎹ䇭⻯ ᐭᎹ䇭⻯ ⮮↰䇭᳗ ⮮↰䇭᳗ 6 㐿⻠ ቇᦼ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᦐᤨ Ἣ㪈 Ἣ㪈 Ἣ㪊 Ἣ㪊 Ἣ㪈 Ἣ㪈 Ἣ㪉 Ἣ㪉 ᧁ㪊 ᧁ㪊 Ἣ㪊 Ἣ㪊 ᧁ㪉 ᧁ㪉 ㊄㪉 ㊄㪉 㪋 㪊 㪌 㪌 Ἣ㪋 Ἣ㪋 Ἣ㪊 ᳓㪊 ᳓㪊 ᧁ㪉 ᧁ㪉 ㊄㪌 ㊄㪌 ᳓㪈 ᧁ㪊 ᧁ㪊 ᧁ㪋 ᧁ㪋 ᳓㪋 ᳓㪋 Ἣ㪌 Ἣ㪌 ㊄㪋 ㊄㪋 ᧁ㪌 ᧁ㪌 㪊 㪊 㪌 㪌 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⧷⺆䊎䉳䊈䉴䊶䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮 ⧷⺆䊎䉳䊈䉴䊶䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮ታോ ⧷⺆䊎䉳䊈䉴䊶䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮ታോ 䊜䊂䉞䉝⧷⺆䇭㸇 䊜䊂䉞䉝⧷⺆䇭㸇 䊜䊂䉞䉝⧷⺆䇭㸇 䊜䊂䉞䉝⧷⺆䇭㸇 䊜䊂䉞䉝⧷⺆䇭㸇 䊜䊂䉞䉝⧷⺆䇭㸇 䊜䊂䉞䉝⧷⺆䇭㸇 䊜䊂䉞䉝⧷⺆䇭㸇 䊜䊂䉞䉝⧷⺆䇭㸇 䊜䊂䉞䉝⧷⺆䇭㸇 䊜䊂䉞䉝⧷⺆䇭㸇 䊜䊂䉞䉝⧷⺆䇭㸇 䊜䊂䉞䉝⧷⺆䇭㸈 䊜䊂䉞䉝⧷⺆䇭㸈 䊜䊂䉞䉝⧷⺆䇭㸈 䊜䊂䉞䉝⧷⺆䇭㸈 䊜䊂䉞䉝⧷⺆䇭㸈 䊜䊂䉞䉝⧷⺆䇭㸈 䉲䊈䊙⧷⺆ 䉲䊈䊙⧷⺆ 䉲䊈䊙⧷⺆ 䉲䊈䊙⧷⺆ ᜂᒰ⠪ ㍿ୖ䇭ஜᖝ ㍿ୖ䇭ஜᖝ ේญ䇭ሶ ේญ䇭ሶ ේญ䇭ሶ ේญ䇭ሶ ේญ䇭ሶ ේญ䇭ሶ ᶏ⠧ᴛ䇭㆐㇢ ᶏ⠧ᴛ䇭㆐㇢ ᶏ⠧ᴛ䇭㆐㇢ ᶏ⠧ᴛ䇭㆐㇢ ᧖ጊ䇭᥍ା ᧖ጊ䇭᥍ା ᧖ጊ䇭᥍ା ᧖ጊ䇭᥍ା ା䇭㆐㇢ ା䇭㆐㇢ ା䇭㆐㇢ ା䇭㆐㇢ ᧖ጊ䇭᥍ା ᧖ጊ䇭᥍ା 䌁䋮䌒䋮䊐䉜䊦䊯䉤 䌁䋮䌒䋮䊐䉜䊦䊯䉤 䌁䋮䌒䋮䊐䉜䊦䊯䉤 䌁䋮䌒䋮䊐䉜䊦䊯䉤 䌐䋮䊈䊦䊛 䌐䋮䊈䊦䊛 ᶏ⠧ᴛ䇭㆐㇢ ᶏ⠧ᴛ䇭㆐㇢ ࿖䇭ᤩሶ ࿖䇭ᤩሶ ዊᨋ䇭ᗲ ዊᨋ䇭ᗲ 䌁䋮䌒䋮䊐䉜䊦䊯䉤 䌁䋮䌒䋮䊐䉜䊦䊯䉤 䌐䋮䊈䊦䊛 䌐䋮䊈䊦䊛 ᧲ㇹ䇭ᓼ ᧲ㇹ䇭ᓼ 㐷ୖ䇭ᒄᨑ 㐷ୖ䇭ᒄᨑ ㊁䇭ᐽሶ ೨ᴛ䇭ᶈሶ 8 㐿⻠ ቇᦼ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ⑺ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᦐᤨ Ἣ㪊 Ἣ㪊 ㊄㪋 ㊄㪋 ㊄㪌 ㊄㪌 ㊄㪊 ㊄㪊 Ἣ㪊 Ἣ㪊 ᳓㪊 ᳓㪊 ᧁ㪊 ᧁ㪊 ᧁ㪋 ᧁ㪋 㪈 㪈 㪉 㪉 ㊄㪈 ㊄㪈 㪊 㪊 ㊄㪉 ㊄㪉 ㊄㪊 ㊄㪊 Ἣ㪉 Ἣ㪉 Ἣ㪋 ᧁ㪋 ᧁ㪊 ᧁ㪊 㪈 㪈 ㊄㪋 ㊄㪋 㪋 㪋 ᧁ㪉 ᧁ㪉 ᧁ㪉 㪊 න ᢙ 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㐿ᆎ ቇᐕ 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪊 㪊 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 ጁୃ ਇน 䊕䊷䉳 㪈㪏㪏 㪈㪏㪏 㪈㪏㪐 㪈㪏㪐 㪈㪐㪇 㪈㪐㪇 㪈㪐㪈 㪈㪐㪈 㪈㪐㪉 㪈㪐㪉 㪈㪐㪊 㪈㪐㪊 㪈㪐㪋 㪈㪐㪋 㪈㪐㪌 㪈㪐㪌 㪈㪐㪍 㪈㪐㪍 㪈㪐㪎 㪈㪐㪎 㪈㪐㪏 㪈㪐㪏 㪈㪐㪐 㪈㪐㪐 㪉㪇㪇 㪉㪇㪇 㪉㪇㪈 㪉㪇㪈 㪉㪇㪉 㪉㪇㪉 㪉㪇㪊 㪉㪇㪋 㪉㪇㪌 㪉㪇㪌 㪉㪇㪍 㪉㪇㪍 㪉㪇㪎 㪉㪇㪎 㪉㪇㪏 㪉㪇㪏 㪉㪇㪐 㪉㪇㪐 㪉㪈㪇 㪉㪈㪈 䇭⸒⺆䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮 ⑼⋡ฬ ⧷⺆ቇ䈱⇇ ⧷⺆ቇ䈱⇇ ⸒⺆ᖱႎಣℂ㸇㪸 ⸒⺆ᖱႎಣℂ㸇㪹 ⸒⺆ᖱႎಣℂ㸇㪸 ⸒⺆ᖱႎಣℂ㸇㪹 ⸒⺆ᖱႎಣℂ㸈㪸 ⸒⺆ᖱႎಣℂ㸈㪹 ⧷⺆⊒㖸ᢎᴺ䇭䋨㪇㪍ᐕᐲએ㒠ቇ⠪䋩 ⧷⺆⊒㖸ᢎᴺ䇭䋨㪇㪍ᐕᐲએ㒠ቇ⠪䋩 ታ〣⧷⺆㖸ჿቇ䇭䋨㪇㪐ᐕᐲએ㒠ቇ⠪䋩 ታ〣⧷⺆㖸ჿቇ䇭䋨㪇㪐ᐕᐲએ㒠ቇ⠪䋩 㖸ჿ䊶㖸㖿⺰㪸 㖸ჿ䊶㖸㖿⺰㪹 䉲䊮䉺䉪䉴㪸 䉲䊮䉺䉪䉴㪹 ᗧ⺰㪸 ᗧ⺰㪹 ⧷⺆ቇ․ᱶ⻠⟵㪸 ⧷⺆ቇ․ᱶ⻠⟵㪹 ⧷⺆ቇᢥ₂⎇ⓥ㪸 ⧷⺆ቇᢥ₂⎇ⓥ㪹 ⧷⺆ቇᢥ₂⎇ⓥ㪸 ⧷⺆ቇᢥ₂⎇ⓥ㪹 ᜂᒰ⠪ ᐭᎹ䇭⻯ ᐭᎹ䇭⻯ ⠀ጊ䇭ᕺ ⠀ጊ䇭ᕺ ศᚑ䇭㓶৻㇢ ศᚑ䇭㓶৻㇢ ศᚑ䇭㓶৻㇢ ศᚑ䇭㓶৻㇢ ᷡ᳓䇭↱ℂሶ ᷡ᳓䇭↱ℂሶ ᷡ᳓䇭↱ℂሶ ᷡ᳓䇭↱ℂሶ 㕍ᩒ䇭⌀♿ሶ 㕍ᩒ䇭⌀♿ሶ 䇭⟤ઍሶ 䇭⟤ઍሶ ᐭᎹ䇭⻯ ᐭᎹ䇭⻯ ዊᣧᎹ䇭ᥙ ዊᣧᎹ䇭ᥙ ዊᣧᎹ䇭ᥙ ዊᣧᎹ䇭ᥙ ㋈ᧁ䇭⧷৻ ㋈ᧁ䇭⧷৻ 㐿⻠ ቇᦼ ᦐᤨ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ㊄㪈 Ἣ㪌 ᧁ㪉 ᧁ㪉 ㊄㪉 ㊄㪉 ㊄㪈 ㊄㪈 㪊 㪊 㪊 㪊 ㊄㪊 ㊄㪊 ㊄㪉 ㊄㪉 Ἣ㪉 Ἣ㪉 ᳓㪈 ᳓㪈 ᳓㪉 ᳓㪉 ᧁ㪊 ᧁ㪊 㐿⻠ ቇᦼ ᦐᤨ න ᢙ 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㐿ᆎ ቇᐕ 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪊 㪊 㪊 㪊 ጁୃ ਇน ⁛䊶䊶 ⁛䊶䊶 ⁛䊶䊶 ⁛䊶䊶 䊕䊷䉳 㪉㪈㪉 㪉㪈㪉 㪉㪈㪊 㪉㪈㪊 㪉㪈㪋 㪉㪈㪋 㪉㪈㪌 㪉㪈㪌 㪉㪈㪍 㪉㪈㪍 㪉㪈㪍 㪉㪈㪍 㪉㪈㪎 㪉㪈㪎 㪉㪈㪏 㪉㪈㪏 㪉㪈㪐 㪉㪈㪐 㪉㪉㪇 㪉㪉㪇 㪉㪉㪈 㪉㪉㪈 㪉㪉㪉 㪉㪉㪉 䇭ᢥቇ䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮 ⑼⋡ฬ ⧷⺆䈱ᢥቇ䊶ᢥൻ ⧷⺆䈱ᢥቇ䊶ᢥൻ ⧷⺆䈱ዊ⺑㩷㪸 ⧷⺆䈱ዊ⺑㩷㪹 ⧷⺆䈱㩷㪸 ⧷⺆䈱㩷㪹 ⧷⺆䈱Ṷ㩷㪸 ⧷⺆䈱Ṷ㩷㪹 ⧷⺆䈱␠ળ䈫ᕁᗐ㩷㪸 ⧷⺆䈱␠ળ䈫ᕁᗐ㩷㪹 ⧷⺆䈱ᱧผ㩷㪸 ⧷⺆䈱ᱧผ㩷㪹 ⧷⺆䈱䉣䊥䉝䊶䉴䉺䊂䉞䊷䉵㩷㪸 ⧷⺆䈱䉣䊥䉝䊶䉴䉺䊂䉞䊷䉵㩷㪹 ⧷⺆䈱ᢥቇ䊶ᢥൻ․ᱶ⻠⟵㩷㪸 ⧷⺆䈱ᢥቇ䊶ᢥൻ․ᱶ⻠⟵㩷㪹 ⧷⺆䈱ᢥቇ䊶ᢥൻᢥ₂⎇ⓥ㩷㪸 ⧷⺆䈱ᢥቇ䊶ᢥൻᢥ₂⎇ⓥ㩷㪹 ⧷⺆䈱ᢥቇ䊶ᢥൻᢥ₂⎇ⓥ㩷㪹 ᜂᒰ⠪ ೨ᴛ䇭ᶈሶ ጊ䇭♿ ㊁䇭⋥ሶ ፉ↰䇭৻ ㆙⮮䇭ਯ ⊕㠽䇭ᱜቁ ఽ᎑䇭৻↵ ఽ᎑䇭৻↵ 䇭ཅᒾ 䇭ཅᒾ ⮮䇭໑ⴕ ⮮䇭໑ⴕ ೨ᴛ䇭ᶈሶ ೨ᴛ䇭ᶈሶ ፉ↰䇭৻ 䌊䋮䌃䋮䉝䊤䊷䊄 ⊕㠽䇭ᱜቁ 䌊䋮䌃䋮䉝䊤䊷䊄 ㊁䇭⋥ሶ 9 ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ⑺ 㪋 ㊄㪋 㪋 ᧁ㪊 ᧁ㪋 ᳓㪋 㪊 㪊 Ἣ㪉 Ἣ㪉 Ἣ㪉 Ἣ㪉 ᳓㪊 ᳓㪊 ᧁ㪊 ᧁ㪉 ᳓㪋 ᧁ㪊 㪋 න ᢙ 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㐿ᆎ ቇᐕ 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪊 㪊 㪊 ጁୃ ਇน ో ో ో ో ో ో ో ో 䊕䊷䉳 㪉㪉㪊 㪉㪉㪊 㪉㪉㪋 㪉㪉㪋 㪉㪉㪌 㪉㪉㪌 㪉㪉㪍 㪉㪉㪍 㪉㪉㪎 㪉㪉㪎 㪉㪉㪏 㪉㪉㪏 㪉㪉㪐 㪉㪉㪐 㪉㪊㪇 㪉㪊㪈 㪉㪊㪉 㪉㪊㪊 㪉㪊㪋 06∼11年度入学者用 ቇ⑼ኾ㐷⑼⋡ ቇ⑼ኾ㐷⑼⋡ 06∼11年度入学者用 䇭⇣ᢥൻ䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮 ⑼⋡ฬ ⇣ᢥൻ㑆䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮⺰㪸㪃㪹 ⇣ᢥൻ㑆䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮⺰㪸㪃㪹 ⇣ᢥൻ㑆䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮⺰㪸㪃㪹 ⇣ᢥൻ㑆䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮⺰㪸㪃㪹 䊜䊂䉞䉝䊶䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮⺰㪸 䊜䊂䉞䉝䊶䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮⺰㪹 䉴䊏䊷䉼䊶䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮⺰㪸 䉴䊏䊷䉼䊶䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮⺰㪹 䉴䊏䊷䉼䊶䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮⺰㪸 䉴䊏䊷䉼䊶䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮⺰㪹 䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮⺰․ᱶ⻠⟵㪸 䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮⺰․ᱶ⻠⟵㪹 䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮⺰․ᱶ⻠⟵㪸 䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮⺰․ᱶ⻠⟵㪹 䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮⺰ᢥ₂⎇ⓥ㪸 䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮⺰ᢥ₂⎇ⓥ㪹 䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮⺰ᢥ₂⎇ⓥ㪸 䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮⺰ᢥ₂⎇ⓥ㪹 ᜂᒰ⠪ Ꮏ⮮䇭ብ Ꮏ⮮䇭ብ ㍿ୖ䇭ஜᖝ ㍿ୖ䇭ஜᖝ ᩑ↰䇭⑲᮸ ᩑ↰䇭⑲᮸ ᧼႐䇭⦟ਭ ᧼႐䇭⦟ਭ ᩑ↰䇭⑲᮸ ᩑ↰䇭⑲᮸ ዊ䇭ථਃ ዊ䇭ථਃ ↸↰䇭༑⟵ ↸↰䇭༑⟵ ዊ䇭ථਃ ዊ䇭ථਃ ዊ䇭ථਃ ዊ䇭ථਃ 㐿⻠ ቇᦼ ᦐᤨ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ Ἣ㪌 Ἣ㪌 Ἣ㪌 Ἣ㪌 Ἣ㪋 Ἣ㪋 Ἣ㪈 Ἣ㪈 ᧁ㪊 ᧁ㪊 ᧁ㪈 ᧁ㪈 㪊 㪊 㪋 㪋 ᧁ㪉 ᧁ㪉 㐿⻠ ቇᦼ ᦐᤨ න ᢙ 㐿ᆎ ቇᐕ න ᢙ 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 䊕䊷䉳 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪊 㪊 㪊 㪊 㪊 㪊 㪊 㪊 ጁୃ ਇน ⸒䊶㙃 ⸒䊶㙃 ⸒䊶㙃 ⸒䊶㙃 㐿ᆎ ቇᐕ ጁୃ ਇน 䊕䊷䉳 㪉㪊㪌 㪉㪊㪌 㪉㪊㪍 㪉㪊㪍 㪉㪊㪎 㪉㪊㪎 㪉㪊㪏 㪉㪊㪏 㪉㪊㪐 㪉㪊㪐 㪉㪋㪇 㪉㪋㪇 㪉㪋㪈 㪉㪋㪈 㪉㪋㪉 㪉㪋㪉 㪉㪋㪊 㪉㪋㪊 䇭࿖㓙䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮 ⑼⋡ฬ 䉫䊨䊷䊋䊦␠ળ⺰㪸㪃㪹 䉫䊨䊷䊋䊦␠ળ⺰㪸㪃㪹 䉫䊨䊷䊋䊦␠ળ⺰㪸㪃㪹 䉫䊨䊷䊋䊦␠ળ⺰㪸㪃㪹 ⧷⺆䈱࿖㓙㑐ଥ㪸 ⧷⺆䈱࿖㓙㑐ଥ㪹 ࿖㓙㐿⊒⺰ ࿖㓙දജ⺰ ࿖㓙ᵹ⺰ ࿖㓙䉿䊷䊥䉵䊛⺰ ࿖㓙㪥㪞㪦䊶䊗䊤䊮䊁䉞䉝⺰ ࿖㓙㑐ଥ․ᱶ⻠⟵㪸 ࿖㓙㑐ଥ․ᱶ⻠⟵㪸 ࿖㓙㑐ଥ․ᱶ⻠⟵䌢 ࿖㓙㑐ଥ․ᱶ⻠⟵䌢 ࿖㓙㑐ଥᢥ₂⎇ⓥ㪸 ࿖㓙㑐ଥᢥ₂⎇ⓥ㪹 ࿖㓙㑐ଥᢥ₂⎇ⓥ㪸 ࿖㓙㑐ଥᢥ₂⎇ⓥ㪹 ࿖㓙㑐ଥᢥ₂⎇ⓥ㪸 ࿖㓙㑐ଥᢥ₂⎇ⓥ㪹 ᜂᒰ⠪ ㊁䇭ᐽሶ ㊁䇭ᐽሶ ┻↰䇭䈇䈘䉂 ┻↰䇭䈇䈘䉂 ᳗㊁䇭㓉ⴕ ᳗㊁䇭㓉ⴕ ㊄ሶ䇭⧐᮸ ┻↰䇭䈇䈘䉂 ዊ᧻䇭⺡ᖝ ጊ〝䇭㗼 ㊄ሶ䇭⧐᮸ ┻↰䇭䈇䈘䉂 ᳗㊁䇭㓉ⴕ ዊ᧻䇭⺡ᖝ ㊁䇭ᐽሶ ㊄ሶ䇭⧐᮸ ㊄ሶ䇭⧐᮸ ┻↰䇭䈇䈘䉂 ┻↰䇭䈇䈘䉂 శ"䇭స㚍 శ"䇭స㚍 10 ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ⑺ ᤐ ᤐ ⑺ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ Ἣ㪊 Ἣ㪊 Ἣ㪊 Ἣ㪊 㪉 㪉 Ἣ㪉 㪊 ㊄㪉 ᧁ㪋 Ἣ㪉 㪊 ᧁ㪉 ㊄㪉 ᧁ㪉 Ἣ㪋 Ἣ㪋 Ἣ㪌 Ἣ㪌 ᧁ㪌 ᧁ㪌 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪊 㪊 㪊 㪊 㪊 㪊 䊶ᴺ 䊶ᴺ 㪉㪋㪋 㪉㪋㪋 㪉㪋㪌 㪉㪋㪌 㪉㪋㪍 㪉㪋㪍 㪉㪋㪎 㪉㪋㪏 㪉㪋㪐 㪉㪌㪇 㪉㪌㪈 㪉㪌㪉 㪉㪌㪊 㪉㪌㪋 㪉㪌㪌 㪉㪌㪍 㪉㪌㪍 㪉㪌㪎 㪉㪌㪎 㪉㪌㪏 㪉㪌㪏 㩷 ⧷⺆ቇ⑼䇭ᬺ⑼⋡㩿㪉㪇㪇㪊䌾㪉㪇㪇㪌ᐕᐲቇ⠪↪㪀 ቇ⑼ၮ␆⑼⋡㩿ౣጁୃ⠪↪㪀 ⧷⺆䊥䊷䊂䉞䊮䉫䊶䉴䊃䊤䊁䉞䉳䊷䉵㩷㪹 ⧷⺆䊥䊷䊂䉞䊮䉫䊶䉴䊃䊤䊁䉞䉳䊷䉵㩷㪸 ⧷⺆䊥䊷䊂䉞䊮䉫䊶䉴䊃䊤䊁䉞䉳䊷䉵㩷㪸 ⧷⺆䊥䊷䊂䉞䊮䉫䊶䉴䊃䊤䊁䉞䉳䊷䉵㩷㪸 ⧷⺆䊥䊷䊂䉞䊮䉫䊶䉴䊃䊤䊁䉞䉳䊷䉵㩷㪹 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㐷㩷㪸 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㐷㩷㪹 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㐷㩷㪹 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㐷㩷㪸 ⧷⺆ቇ⺰㩷㪸 ⧷⺆ቇ⺰㩷㪸 ⧷⺆ቇ⺰㩷㪸 ⧷⺆ቇ⺰㩷㪸 ⧷⺆ቇ⺰㩷㪹 ⧷⺆ቇ⺰㩷㪹 ⧷⺆䈱ᢥቇ䊶ᢥൻ⺰㩷㪸 ⧷⺆䈱ᢥቇ䊶ᢥൻ⺰㩷㪸 ⧷⺆䈱ᢥቇ䊶ᢥൻ⺰㩷㪸 ⧷⺆䈱ᢥቇ䊶ᢥൻ⺰㩷㪹 ⧷⺆䈱ᢥቇ䊶ᢥൻ⺰㩷㪹 ᢥൻ䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮⺰㩷㪹 ᢥൻ䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮⺰㩷㪸 ᢥൻ䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮⺰㩷㪸 ᢥൻ䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮⺰㩷㪹 ࿖㓙䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮⺰㩷㪹 ࿖㓙䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮⺰㩷㪸 ࿖㓙䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮⺰㩷㪸 ⧷⺆㖸ჿቇ ⧷⺆㖸ჿቇ ⧷⺆㖸ჿቇ ⧷⺆㖸ჿቇ 䉴䊏䊷䉼䊶䉪䊥䊆䉾䉪 䉴䊏䊷䉼䊶䉪䊥䊆䉾䉪 ᜂᒰ⠪ 㕤ᳯ䇭㕒 㕤ᳯ䇭㕒 ⊕Ꮉ䇭⾆ሶ ⊕Ꮉ䇭⾆ሶ ࿖䇭ᤩሶ ㊄⼱䇭ఝሶ ㊄⼱䇭ఝሶ ጊਛ䇭┨ሶ ጊਛ䇭┨ሶ ㋈ᧁ䇭⧷৻ ㋈ᧁ䇭⧷৻ 䇭⟤ઍሶ 䇭⟤ઍሶ ᐭᎹ䇭⻯ ᐭᎹ䇭⻯ ㊁䇭⋥ሶ ጊ䇭♿ ጊ䇭♿ ೨ᴛ䇭ᶈሶ ጊ䇭♿ ᧼႐䇭⦟ਭ ᧼႐䇭⦟ਭ ᩑ↰䇭⑲᮸ ᩑ↰䇭⑲᮸ ㊄ሶ䇭⧐᮸ ㊄ሶ䇭⧐᮸ ᳗㊁䇭㓉ⴕ 㕍ᩒ䇭⌀♿ሶ 㕍ᩒ䇭⌀♿ሶ ਛ↰䇭䈵䈫䉂 ਛ↰䇭䈵䈫䉂 ᷡ᳓䇭↱ℂሶ ᷡ᳓䇭↱ℂሶ 㐿⻠ ቇᦼ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᦐᤨ 㪋 㪋 ᳓㪊 ᳓㪊 ᧁ㪊 ᳓㪊 ᳓㪊 ᧁ㪊 ᧁ㪊 Ἣ㪊 Ἣ㪊 ㊄㪈 ㊄㪈 ㊄㪈 Ἣ㪌 ᧁ㪌 ᧁ㪋 ᧁ㪌 㪋 ㊄㪋 㪌 㪌 ᳓㪉 ᳓㪉 ᳓㪉 ᳓㪉 Ἣ㪌 Ἣ㪈 Ἣ㪈 Ἣ㪉 Ἣ㪉 㪊 㪊 㶎㐽⻠䈚䈢⑼⋡䉕ጁୃ䈜䉎႐ว䈲䇮ᢎോ⺖ᄖ࿖⺆ቇㇱଥ⓹ญ䈪ጁୃ⋧⺣䉕ฃ䈔䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯 11 න ᢙ 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㐿ᆎ ቇᐕ 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 ጁୃ ਇน ో ో ో ో ో ⸒ ⸒ ⸒ 䊕䊷䉳 㪋㪐 㪋㪐 㪌㪇 㪌㪇 㪌㪈 㪍㪋 㪍㪋 㪍㪌 㪍㪌 㪉㪈 㪉㪈 㪉㪉 㪉㪉 㪉㪈㪉 㪉㪈㪉 㪉㪊 㪉㪊 㪉㪊 㪉㪉㪊 㪉㪉㪊 㪉㪋 㪉㪋 㪉㪌 㪉㪌 㪉㪍 㪉㪍 㪉㪎 㪉㪏 㪉㪏 㪉㪐 㪉㪐 㪉㪈㪍 㪉㪈㪍 03∼05年度入学者用 ⑼⋡ฬ ቇ⑼ㅢ⑼⋡䇭䇸⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㩷䌡㩷䊶㩷䌢㩷䇹 ⑼⋡ฬ䋨㗴䋩 03∼05年度入学者用 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㩷䌡㩷䊶㩷䌢 㩿㪡㪸㫇㪸㫅㪼㫊㪼㩷㪘㫉㫋㩷㩽㩷㪚㫌㫃㫋㫌㫉㪼㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㩷䌡㩷䊶㩷䌢 㩿㪣㪸㫅㪾㫌㪸㪾㪼㪃㩷㪚㫌㫃㫋㫌㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪚㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㩷䌡㩷䊶㩷䌢 㩿㪣㫀㫅㪾㫌㫀㫊㫋㫀㪺㫊㩷㩽㩷㪫㪼㪸㪺㪿㫀㫅㪾㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㩷䌡㩷䊶㩷䌢 㩿㪦㫉㫀㪾㫀㫅㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪜㫍㫆㫃㫌㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫆㪽㩷㪣㪸㫅㪾㫌㪸㪾㪼㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㩷䌡㩷䊶㩷䌢 㩿㪡㪸㫄㪼㫊㩷㪡㫆㫐㪺㪼㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㩷䌡㩷䊶㩷䌢 䋨㪣㪸㫅㪾㫌㪸㪾㪼㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪤㫀㫅㪻䋩 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㩷䌡㩷䊶㩷䌢 㩿࿖㓙ᯏ㑐䈫䊚䊧䊆䉝䊛㐿⊒⋡ᮡ㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㩷䌡㩷䊶㩷䌢 㩿㪧㫉㪸㪾㫄㪸㫋㫀㪺㫊㩷㪠㩷㪆㪧㫉㪸㪾㫄㪸㫋㫀㪺㫊㩷㪠㪠㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㩷䌡㩷䊶㩷䌢 㩿㖸ჿቇ⺰䈫ᣣᧄ⺆䈱㖸ჿ㩷㪆 㩷㖸ჿ⍮ⷡ䈱䈚䈒䉂䈫⊒㆐㐷㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㩷䌡㩷䊶㩷䌢 㩿㪜㫏㫇㫃㫆㫉㫀㫅㪾㩷㪣㪸㫅㪾㫌㪸㪾㪼㩷㪫㪼㪸㪺㪿㫀㫅㪾㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㩷䌡㩷䊶㩷䌢 㩿䉝䊜䊥䉦䈱䊘䊏䊠䊤䊷䊶䊅䉲䊢䊅䊥䉵䊛䋺ℂ⺰✬㩷㪆 㩷䉝䊜䊥䉦䈱䊘䊏䊠䊤䊷䊶䊅䉲䊢䊅䊥䉵䊛䋺ᔕ↪✬㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㩷䌡㩷䊶㩷䌢 㩿ઍ䈮䈍䈔䉎࿖㓙㑐ଥ䈱ዷ㐿㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㩷䌡㩷䊶㩷䌢 㩿ዊ䈘䈐ੱ䇱䈱ᱧผ㩷㪄ᄌൻ䈜䉎⧷࿖␠ળ䉕⺒䉃㪄㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㩷䌡㩷䊶㩷䌢 㩿䊝䉻䊆䉵䊛䈱Ꮒඅ䈢䈤䈮䉃㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㩷䌡㩷䊶㩷䌢 㩿䊂䉞䉵䊆䊷䊶䉝䊆䊜䈱ᱧผ䉕䈢䈬䉎㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㩷䌡㩷䊶㩷䌢 㩿䉝䊆䊜ᛕ⹏㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㩷䌡㩷䊶㩷䌢 㩿䌙䌁ዊ⺑䈫ർ䉝䉟䊦䊤䊮䊄⚗㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㩷䌡㩷䊶㩷䌢 㩿䉝䊜䊥䉦ᢥቇ㪑㪡㫆㪿㫅㩷㪪㫋㪼㫀㫅㪹㪼㪺㫂䈱ᢥቇ䉕⺒䉃㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㩷䌡㩷䊶㩷䌢 䋨䉝䉳䉝ᄥᐔᵗၞ䈱ᴦ䊶⚻ᷣ䊶࿖㓙㑐ଥ䋩 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㩷䌡㩷䊶㩷䌢 㩿↢ᚑᢥᴺ㐷㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㩷䌡㩷䊶㩷䌢 䋨Ꮢ᳃䈱䈢䉄䈱䊐䉢䉝䊃䊧䊷䊄㐷䋩 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㩷䌡㩷䊶㩷䌢 㩿⇣ᢥൻ䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮䈱ℂ⺰㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㩷䌡㩷䊶㩷䌢 㩿䉥䊷䉴䊃䊤䊥䉝䈱㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㩷䌡㩷䊶㩷䌢 㩿⧷⺆䈱ઍṶ㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㩷䌡㩷䊶㩷䌢 㩿㪚㫉㫀㫋㫀㪺㪸㫃㫃㫐㩷㫋㪿㫀㫅㫂㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㪿㫀㫅㪾㫊㩷㫋㪿㫉㫆㫌㪾㪿㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㩷䌡㩷䊶㩷䌢 㩿⍮⸒⺆ቇ㪀 㐿⻠ ಽ ᦐᤨ ቯຬ න ᢙ 㐿ᆎ ቇᐕ 䌁䋮䉹䊷䊥䊮䉳䊞䊷 ᤐ⑺ ᧁ㪉 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪎㪌 䌃䋮䌂䋮ᳰญ ᤐ⑺ Ἣ㪋 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪎㪍 䌊䋮䌊䋮䉻䉭䊮 ᤐ⑺ Ἣ㪊 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪎㪎 䌊䋮䌎䋮䉡䉢䊮䊂䊦 ᤐ⑺ 㪋 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪎㪏 䌍䋮䊐䉾䊄 ᤐ⑺ Ἣ㪊 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪎㪐 䌎䋮䌈䋮䉳䊢䉴䊃 ᤐ⑺ 㪊 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪏㪇 䌓䋮䊨䉲䊷䊃 ᤐ⑺ ᧁ㪊 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪏㪈 䌔䋮䊍䊦 ᤐ⑺ 㪉 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪏㪉 㕍ᩒ䇭⌀♿ሶ ᤐ⑺ Ἣ㪊 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪏㪊 ᵻጟ䇭ජ ᤐ⑺ ᧁ㪈 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪏㪋 ᧼႐䇭⦟ਭ ᤐ⑺ ㊄㪊 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪏㪌 દ⮮䇭㚍 ᤐ⑺ ᧁ㪋 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪏㪍 ㊁䇭⋥ሶ ᤐ⑺ 㪉 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪏㪎 ㆙⮮䇭ਯ ᤐ⑺ ᧁ㪊 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪏㪏 ᄢᧁ䇭ℂᕺሶ ᤐ⑺ 㪋 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪏㪐 ᩑ↰䇭⑲᮸ ᤐ⑺ Ἣ㪌 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪐㪇 ጊ䇭♿ ᤐ⑺ ㊄㪉 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪐㪈 ㊄⼱䇭ఝሶ ᤐ⑺ ㊄㪋 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪐㪉 ㊄ሶ䇭⧐᮸ ᤐ⑺ ᳓㪈 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪐㪊 ᴡේ䇭ብਯ ᤐ⑺ 㪌 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪐㪋 ർ㊁䇭 ᤐ⑺ ㊄㪋 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪐㪌 Ꮏ⮮䇭ብ ᤐ⑺ Ἣ㪉 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪐㪍 ࿖䇭ᤩሶ ⑺ 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪐㪎 㪐㪏 ఽ᎑䇭৻↵ ᤐ⑺ Ἣ㪉 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪐㪐 ዊ䇭ථਃ ᤐ⑺ 㪉 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈㪇㪇 ዊᣧᎹ䇭ᥙ ᤐ⑺ ㊄㪋 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈㪇㪈 ᜂᒰ⠪ 12 䇭Ἣ㪊䊶 ᧁ㪉 ጁୃ ਇน 䊕䊷䉳 ቇ⑼ㅢ⑼⋡䇭䇸⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒䌡䊶䌢䇹 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㩷䌡㩷䊶㩷䌢 㩿䉣䊥䉱䊔䉴䊶䊎䉲䊢䉾䊒䈱䉕⺒䉃㩷㪆 㩷䊨䊋䊷䊃䊶䊑䊤䉟䈱䉕⺒䉃㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㩷䌡㩷䊶㩷䌢 㩿⧷࿖䊡䉻䊟ੱผ㩷㪆 㩷☨࿖䊡䉻䊟ੱผ㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㩷䌡㩷䊶㩷䌢 䋨‛⺆䉕⺒䉖䈪ᭉ䈚䉃䋩 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㩷䌡㩷䊶㩷䌢 㩿ઍ࿖㓙㑐ଥ⺰㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㩷䌡㩷䊶㩷䌢 㩿䉝䊜䊥䉦ዊ⺑䋩 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㩷䌡㩷䊶㩷䌢 㩿㪘㫇㫇㫃㫀㪼㪻㩷㪣㫀㫅㪾㫌㫀㫊㫋㫀㪺㫊㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㩷䌡㩷䊶㩷䌢 㩿䉟䉩䊥䉴ఽ┬ᢥቇ㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㩷䌡㩷䊶㩷䌢 㩿↢ᚑ⧷⺆⛔⺆⺰䈻䈱⺃䈇㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㩷䌡㩷䊶㩷䌢 㩿㪛㪼㪺㫆㫅㫊㫋㫉㫌㪺㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㵰㪡㪸㫇㪸㫅㪼㫊㪼㫅㪼㫊㫊㵱㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㩷䌡㩷䊶㩷䌢 㩿䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮䈫⇣ᢥൻℂ⸃㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㩷䌡㩷䊶㩷䌢 㩿㪉㪇♿䉝䊜䊥䉦㩷ⴕേ䈜䉎ᅚᕈኅ䊶ੱ㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㩷䌡㩷䊶㩷䌢 㩿䉫䊨䊷䊋䊦䈭⌒䈪䉝䉳䉝䉕⺒䉃㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㩷䌡㩷䊶㩷䌢 㩿ᣣᧄ⺆ቇ䊶ኻ⽎⸒⺆ቇ㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㩷䌡㩷䊶㩷䌢 㩿ઍ䉟䉩䊥䉴ዊ⺑㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㩷䌡㩷䊶㩷䌢 㩿ᚢᓟ࿖㓙ᴦผ㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㩷䌡㩷䊶㩷䌢 㩿䉟䊮䉺䊎䊠䊷䉇䊆䊠䊷䉴䈱䉴䉪䊥䊒䊃䉕⺒䉃㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㩷䌡㩷䊶㩷䌢 㩿㪪㪣㪘ታ⸽⎇ⓥ⺰ᢥ㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㩷䌡㩷䊶㩷䌢 㩿䉝䊜䊥䉦ઍ䉕⺒䉃㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㩷䌡㩷䊶㩷䌢 㩿䉴䊇䊷䊏䊷䈎䉌⡛ᦠ䈱䊜䉾䉶䊷䉳䉕⺒䉂䈫䈒㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㩷䌡㩷䊶㩷䌢 㩿䉲䉢䉟䉪䉴䊏䉝䉕⺒䉃㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㩷䌡㩷䊶㩷䌢 㩿࿖㓙ㅪว䈱⚵❱䈫ᯏ⢻㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㩷䌡㩷䊶㩷䌢 㩿㤥ੱ䊚䉴䊁䊥䊷ຠ䉕⸃⺒䈜䉎㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㩷䌡㩷䊶㩷䌢 㩿䇸▤ℂ䈘䉏䉎ᔃ䇹䉕ᣣᧄੱ䈱ᗵᕈ䈪⺒䉂⸃䈒㪀 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㩷䌡㩷䊶㩷䌢 㩿䉥䊷䊒䊮䉴䉦䉟䈫ർ᧲䉝䉳䉝ㅢ⥶ⓨᏒ႐㪀 㐿⻠ ಽ ᦐᤨ ቯຬ න ᢙ 㐿ᆎ ቇᐕ ዊᨋ䇭ᗲ ᤐ⑺ ᧁ㪋 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈㪇㪉 ⮮䇭໑ⴕ ᤐ⑺ Ἣ㪋 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈㪇㪊 ⮮䇭ീ ᤐ⑺ ᧁ㪊 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈㪇㪋 ㊁䇭ᐽሶ ᤐ⑺ Ἣ㪉 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈㪇㪌 ፉ↰䇭৻ ᤐ⑺ ᧁ㪉 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈㪇㪍 ᷡ᳓䇭↱ℂሶ ᤐ⑺ ᳓㪉 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈㪇㪎 ⊕㠽䇭ᱜቁ ᤐ⑺ ᳓㪊 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈㪇㪏 ㋈ᧁ䇭⧷৻ ᤐ⑺ ᧁ㪋 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈㪇㪐 㗇᳗䇭ඳ ᤐ⑺ 㪊 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈㪈㪇 ἑᚭ䇭ජ ᤐ⑺ Ἣ㪊 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈㪈㪈 㜞↰䇭ትሶ ᤐ⑺ Ἣ㪋 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈㪈㪉 ┻↰䇭䈇䈘䉂 ᤐ⑺ Ἣ㪋 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈㪈㪊 ᜂᒰ⠪ᧂቯ ᤐ⑺ ᳓㪋 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈㪈㪋 ᧲ㇹ䇭ᓼ ᤐ⑺ 㪌 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈㪈㪌 ᳗㊁䇭㓉ⴕ ᤐ⑺ Ἣ㪊 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈㪈㪍 ㍿ୖ䇭ஜᖝ ᤐ⑺ 㪉 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈㪈㪎 ⠀ጊ䇭ᕺ ᤐ⑺ ㊄㪊 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈㪈㪏 ේ䇭ᚑศ ᤐ⑺ Ἣ㪈 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈㪈㪐 䇭ཅᒾ ᤐ⑺ Ἣ㪊 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈㪉㪇 ೨ᴛ䇭ᶈሶ ᤐ⑺ Ἣ㪈 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈㪉㪈 శ"䇭స㚍 ᤐ⑺ ᧁ㪋 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈㪉㪉 ਃศ䇭⟤ട ᤐ⑺ 㪊 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈㪉㪊 ጊ〝䇭㗼 ᤐ⑺ Ἣ㪊 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈㪉㪋 ጊ〝䇭㗼 ᤐ⑺ ᧁ㪊 㪊㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈㪉㪌 ᜂᒰ⠪ 13 ጁୃ ਇน 䊕䊷䉳 03∼05年度入学者用 ⑼⋡ฬ䋨㗴䋩 ቇ⑼ㅢ⑼⋡ ⑼⋡ฬ 03∼05年度入学者用 ⧷⺆䉣䉾䉶䉟䊶䊤䉟䊁䉞䊮䉫㩷㪸 ⧷⺆䉣䉾䉶䉟䊶䊤䉟䊁䉞䊮䉫㩷㪹 ⧷⺆䉣䉾䉶䉟䊶䊤䉟䊁䉞䊮䉫㩷㪸 ⧷⺆䉣䉾䉶䉟䊶䊤䉟䊁䉞䊮䉫㩷㪹 ⧷⺆䉣䉾䉶䉟䊶䊤䉟䊁䉞䊮䉫㩷㪸 ⧷⺆䉣䉾䉶䉟䊶䊤䉟䊁䉞䊮䉫㩷㪹 ⧷⺆䉣䉾䉶䉟䊶䊤䉟䊁䉞䊮䉫㩷㪸 ⧷⺆䉣䉾䉶䉟䊶䊤䉟䊁䉞䊮䉫㩷㪹 ⧷⺆䉣䉾䉶䉟䊶䊤䉟䊁䉞䊮䉫㩷㪸 ⧷⺆䉣䉾䉶䉟䊶䊤䉟䊁䉞䊮䉫㩷㪹 ⧷⺆䉣䉾䉶䉟䊶䊤䉟䊁䉞䊮䉫㩷㪸 ⧷⺆䉣䉾䉶䉟䊶䊤䉟䊁䉞䊮䉫㩷㪹 ⧷⺆䉣䉾䉶䉟䊶䊤䉟䊁䉞䊮䉫㩷㪸 ⧷⺆䉣䉾䉶䉟䊶䊤䉟䊁䉞䊮䉫㩷㪹 ⧷⺆䉣䉾䉶䉟䊶䊤䉟䊁䉞䊮䉫㩷㪸 ⧷⺆䉣䉾䉶䉟䊶䊤䉟䊁䉞䊮䉫㩷㪹 ⧷⺆䉣䉾䉶䉟䊶䊤䉟䊁䉞䊮䉫㩷㪸 ⧷⺆䉣䉾䉶䉟䊶䊤䉟䊁䉞䊮䉫㩷㪹 ⧷⺆䉣䉾䉶䉟䊶䊤䉟䊁䉞䊮䉫㩷㪸 ⧷⺆䉣䉾䉶䉟䊶䊤䉟䊁䉞䊮䉫㩷㪹 ⧷⺆䉣䉾䉶䉟䊶䊤䉟䊁䉞䊮䉫㩷㪸 ⧷⺆䉣䉾䉶䉟䊶䊤䉟䊁䉞䊮䉫㩷㪹 ⧷⺆䉣䉾䉶䉟䊶䊤䉟䊁䉞䊮䉫㩷㪸 ⧷⺆䉣䉾䉶䉟䊶䊤䉟䊁䉞䊮䉫㩷㪸 ⧷⺆䉣䉾䉶䉟䊶䊤䉟䊁䉞䊮䉫㩷㪹 ⧷⺆䉣䉾䉶䉟䊶䊤䉟䊁䉞䊮䉫㩷㪸 ⧷⺆䉣䉾䉶䉟䊶䊤䉟䊁䉞䊮䉫㩷㪹 ⠡⸶㩷㪸 ⠡⸶㩷㪹 ⠡⸶㩷㪸 ⠡⸶㩷㪸 ⠡⸶㩷㪹 ⠡⸶㩷㪸 ⠡⸶㩷㪹 ⠡⸶㩷㪸 ⠡⸶㩷㪹 ⠡⸶㩷㪸 ⠡⸶㩷㪹 ⠡⸶㩷㪸 ⠡⸶㩷㪹 ⠡⸶㩷㪸 ⠡⸶㩷㪹 䉦䊧䉾䉳䊶䉫䊤䊙䊷㩷㪸 䉦䊧䉾䉳䊶䉫䊤䊙䊷㩷㪹 䉦䊧䉾䉳䊶䉫䊤䊙䊷㩷㪸 䉦䊧䉾䉳䊶䉫䊤䊙䊷㩷㪹 䉦䊧䉾䉳䊶䉫䊤䊙䊷㩷㪸 䉦䊧䉾䉳䊶䉫䊤䊙䊷㩷㪹 䉦䊧䉾䉳䊶䉫䊤䊙䊷㩷㪸 䉦䊧䉾䉳䊶䉫䊤䊙䊷㩷㪹 䉦䊧䉾䉳䊶䉫䊤䊙䊷㩷㪸 䉦䊧䉾䉳䊶䉫䊤䊙䊷㩷㪹 䉦䊧䉾䉳䊶䉫䊤䊙䊷㩷㪸 䉦䊧䉾䉳䊶䉫䊤䊙䊷㩷㪹 䉦䊧䉾䉳䊶䉫䊤䊙䊷㩷㪸 䉦䊧䉾䉳䊶䉫䊤䊙䊷㩷㪹 䉦䊧䉾䉳䊶䉫䊤䊙䊷㩷㪸 䉦䊧䉾䉳䊶䉫䊤䊙䊷㩷㪹 䉦䊧䉾䉳䊶䉫䊤䊙䊷㩷㪸 䉦䊧䉾䉳䊶䉫䊤䊙䊷㩷㪹 ᜂᒰ⠪ 䌄䋮䌈䋮䉬䊈䊂䉞 䌄䋮䌈䋮䉬䊈䊂䉞 䌄䋮䊑䊤䊄䊥䊷 䌄䋮䊑䊤䊄䊥䊷 䌅䋮䌊䋮䊅䉥䉡䊚 䌅䋮䌊䋮䊅䉥䉡䊚 䌅䋮䌊䋮䊅䉥䉡䊚 䌅䋮䌊䋮䊅䉥䉡䊚 䌅䋮䊐䊤䊮䉮 䌅䋮䊐䊤䊮䉮 䌊䋮䌎䋮䉡䉢䊮䊂䊦 䌊䋮䌎䋮䉡䉢䊮䊂䊦 䌊䋮䉡䉤䊷䊦䊄䊙䊮 䌊䋮䉡䉤䊷䊦䊄䊙䊮 䌋䋮䊐䉤䊷䊄 䌋䋮䊐䉤䊷䊄 䌋䋮䊚䊷䊊䊮 䌌䋮䌋䋮䊊䊷䉨䊮䉴 䌍䋮䉻䊷䊥䊮 䌍䋮䉻䊷䊥䊮 䌍䋮䊐䉾䊄 䌍䋮䊐䉾䊄 䌐䋮䊄䊷䊧 䌒䋮䉳䊢䊷䊮䉵 䌒䋮䉳䊢䊷䊮䉵 䌒䋮䉻䊤䊛 䌒䋮䉻䊤䊛 䌐䋮䊈䊦䊛 䌐䋮䊈䊦䊛 ㊁䇭⋥ሶ ᩊ↰䇭⠹ᄥ㇢ ᩊ↰䇭⠹ᄥ㇢ ᩊ↰䇭⠹ᄥ㇢ ᩊ↰䇭⠹ᄥ㇢ ⊕Ꮉ䇭⾆ሶ ⊕Ꮉ䇭⾆ሶ 㜞↰䇭ትሶ 㜞↰䇭ትሶ ⮮↰䇭᳗ ⮮↰䇭᳗ ጊਛ䇭┨ሶ ጊਛ䇭┨ሶ 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ା䇭㆐㇢ ା䇭㆐㇢ ା䇭㆐㇢ ᧖ጊ䇭᥍ା ᧖ጊ䇭᥍ା 䌁䋮䌒䋮䊐䉜䊦䊯䉤 䌁䋮䌒䋮䊐䉜䊦䊯䉤 䌁䋮䌒䋮䊐䉜䊦䊯䉤 䌁䋮䌒䋮䊐䉜䊦䊯䉤 䌐䋮䊈䊦䊛 䌐䋮䊈䊦䊛 ᶏ⠧ᴛ䇭㆐㇢ ᶏ⠧ᴛ䇭㆐㇢ ࿖䇭ᤩሶ ࿖䇭ᤩሶ ዊᨋ䇭ᗲ ዊᨋ䇭ᗲ 䌁䋮䌒䋮䊐䉜䊦䊯䉤 䌁䋮䌒䋮䊐䉜䊦䊯䉤 䌐䋮䊈䊦䊛 䌐䋮䊈䊦䊛 ᧲ㇹ䇭ᓼ ᧲ㇹ䇭ᓼ 㐷ୖ䇭ᒄᨑ 㐷ୖ䇭ᒄᨑ ㊁䇭ᐽሶ ೨ᴛ䇭ᶈሶ 16 㐿⻠ ቇᦼ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ⑺ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᦐᤨ Ἣ㪊 Ἣ㪊 ㊄㪋 ㊄㪋 ㊄㪌 ㊄㪌 ㊄㪊 ㊄㪊 Ἣ㪊 Ἣ㪊 ᳓㪊 ᳓㪊 ᧁ㪊 ᧁ㪊 ᧁ㪋 ᧁ㪋 㪈 㪈 㪉 㪉 ㊄㪈 ㊄㪈 㪊 㪊 ㊄㪉 ㊄㪉 ㊄㪊 ㊄㪊 Ἣ㪉 Ἣ㪉 Ἣ㪋 ᧁ㪋 ᧁ㪊 ᧁ㪊 㪈 㪈 ㊄㪋 ㊄㪋 㪋 㪋 ᧁ㪉 ᧁ㪉 ᧁ㪉 㪊 න ᢙ 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㐿ᆎ ቇᐕ 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 ጁୃ ਇน 䊕䊷䉳 㪈㪏㪏 㪈㪏㪏 㪈㪏㪐 㪈㪏㪐 㪈㪐㪇 㪈㪐㪇 㪈㪐㪈 㪈㪐㪈 㪈㪐㪉 㪈㪐㪉 㪈㪐㪊 㪈㪐㪊 㪈㪐㪋 㪈㪐㪋 㪈㪐㪌 㪈㪐㪌 㪈㪐㪍 㪈㪐㪍 㪈㪐㪎 㪈㪐㪎 㪈㪐㪏 㪈㪐㪏 㪈㪐㪐 㪈㪐㪐 㪉㪇㪇 㪉㪇㪇 㪉㪇㪈 㪉㪇㪈 㪉㪇㪉 㪉㪇㪉 㪉㪇㪊 㪉㪇㪋 㪉㪇㪌 㪉㪇㪌 㪉㪇㪍 㪉㪇㪍 㪉㪇㪎 㪉㪇㪎 㪉㪇㪏 㪉㪇㪏 㪉㪇㪐 㪉㪇㪐 㪉㪈㪇 㪉㪈㪈 ቇ⑼ኾ㐷⑼⋡ 䇭⸒⺆䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮 ⸒⺆ᖱႎಣℂ㸇㪸 ⸒⺆ᖱႎಣℂ㸇㪹 ⸒⺆ᖱႎಣℂ㸇㪸 ⸒⺆ᖱႎಣℂ㸇㪹 ⸒⺆ᖱႎಣℂ㸈㪸 ⸒⺆ᖱႎಣℂ㸈㪹 㖸ჿ䊶㖸㖿⺰㪸 㖸ჿ䊶㖸㖿⺰㪹 ⛔⺆⺰㪸 ⛔⺆⺰㪹 ᗧ⺰㪸 ᗧ⺰㪹 ⧷⺆ቇ․ᱶ⻠⟵㪸 ⧷⺆ቇ․ᱶ⻠⟵㪹 ⧷⺆ቇᢥ₂⎇ⓥ㪸 ⧷⺆ቇᢥ₂⎇ⓥ㪹 ⧷⺆ቇᢥ₂⎇ⓥ㪸 ⧷⺆ቇᢥ₂⎇ⓥ㪹 ᜂᒰ⠪ ⠀ጊ䇭ᕺ ⠀ጊ䇭ᕺ ศᚑ䇭㓶৻㇢ ศᚑ䇭㓶৻㇢ ศᚑ䇭㓶৻㇢ ศᚑ䇭㓶৻㇢ 㕍ᩒ䇭⌀♿ሶ 㕍ᩒ䇭⌀♿ሶ 䇭⟤ઍሶ 䇭⟤ઍሶ ᐭᎹ䇭⻯ ᐭᎹ䇭⻯ ዊᣧᎹ䇭ᥙ ዊᣧᎹ䇭ᥙ ዊᣧᎹ䇭ᥙ ዊᣧᎹ䇭ᥙ ㋈ᧁ䇭⧷৻ ㋈ᧁ䇭⧷৻ 㐿⻠ ቇᦼ ᦐᤨ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᧁ㪉 ᧁ㪉 ㊄㪉 ㊄㪉 ㊄㪈 ㊄㪈 ㊄㪊 ㊄㪊 ㊄㪉 ㊄㪉 Ἣ㪉 Ἣ㪉 ᳓㪈 ᳓㪈 ᳓㪉 ᳓㪉 ᧁ㪊 ᧁ㪊 㐿⻠ ቇᦼ ᦐᤨ න ᢙ 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㐿ᆎ ቇᐕ ጁୃ ਇน 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪊 㪊 㪊 㪊 ⁛䊶䊶 㐿ᆎ ቇᐕ ጁୃ ਇน ⁛䊶䊶 ⁛䊶䊶 ⁛䊶䊶 䊕䊷䉳 㪉㪈㪊 㪉㪈㪊 㪉㪈㪋 㪉㪈㪋 㪉㪈㪌 㪉㪈㪌 㪉㪈㪎 㪉㪈㪎 㪉㪈㪏 㪉㪈㪏 㪉㪈㪐 㪉㪈㪐 㪉㪉㪇 㪉㪉㪇 㪉㪉㪈 㪉㪉㪈 㪉㪉㪉 㪉㪉㪉 䇭ᢥቇ䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮 ⑼⋡ฬ ⧷⺆䈱ዊ⺑㩷㪸 ⧷⺆䈱ዊ⺑㩷㪹 ⧷⺆䈱㩷㪸 ⧷⺆䈱㩷㪹 ⧷⺆䈱Ṷ㩷㪸 ⧷⺆䈱Ṷ㩷㪹 ⧷⺆䈱␠ળ䈫ᕁᗐ㩷㪸 ⧷⺆䈱␠ળ䈫ᕁᗐ㩷㪹 ⧷⺆䈱ᱧผ㩷㪸 ⧷⺆䈱ᱧผ㩷㪹 ⧷⺆䈱䉣䊥䉝䊶䉴䉺䊂䉞䊷䉵㩷㪸 ⧷⺆䈱䉣䊥䉝䊶䉴䉺䊂䉞䊷䉵㩷㪹 ⧷⺆䈱ᢥቇ䊶ᢥൻ․ᱶ⻠⟵㩷㪸 ⧷⺆䈱ᢥቇ䊶ᢥൻ․ᱶ⻠⟵㩷㪹 ⧷⺆䈱ᢥቇ䊶ᢥൻᢥ₂⎇ⓥ㩷㪸 ⧷⺆䈱ᢥቇ䊶ᢥൻᢥ₂⎇ⓥ㩷㪹 ⧷⺆䈱ᢥቇ䊶ᢥൻᢥ₂⎇ⓥ㩷㪹 ᜂᒰ⠪ ㊁䇭⋥ሶ ፉ↰䇭৻ ㆙⮮䇭ਯ ⊕㠽䇭ᱜቁ ఽ᎑䇭৻↵ ఽ᎑䇭৻↵ 䇭ཅᒾ 䇭ཅᒾ ⮮䇭໑ⴕ ⮮䇭໑ⴕ ೨ᴛ䇭ᶈሶ ೨ᴛ䇭ᶈሶ ፉ↰䇭৻ 䌊䋮䌃䋮䉝䊤䊷䊄 ⊕㠽䇭ᱜቁ 䌊䋮䌃䋮䉝䊤䊷䊄 ㊁䇭⋥ሶ 17 ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ⑺ 㪋 ᧁ㪊 ᧁ㪋 ᳓㪋 㪊 㪊 Ἣ㪉 Ἣ㪉 Ἣ㪉 Ἣ㪉 ᳓㪊 ᳓㪊 ᧁ㪊 ᧁ㪉 ᳓㪋 ᧁ㪊 㪋 න ᢙ 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪊 㪊 㪊 ో ో ో ో ో ో ో ో 䊕䊷䉳 㪉㪉㪋 㪉㪉㪋 㪉㪉㪌 㪉㪉㪌 㪉㪉㪍 㪉㪉㪍 㪉㪉㪎 㪉㪉㪎 㪉㪉㪏 㪉㪉㪏 㪉㪉㪐 㪉㪉㪐 㪉㪊㪇 㪉㪊㪈 㪉㪊㪉 㪉㪊㪊 㪉㪊㪋 03∼05年度入学者用 ⑼⋡ฬ ቇ⑼ኾ㐷⑼⋡ 䇭⇣ᢥൻ䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮 ⑼⋡ฬ 03∼05年度入学者用 ⇣ᢥൻ㑆䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮⺰㪸㪃㪹 ⇣ᢥൻ㑆䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮⺰㪸㪃㪹 ⇣ᢥൻ㑆䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮⺰㪸㪃㪹 ⇣ᢥൻ㑆䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮⺰㪸㪃㪹 䊙䉴䊶䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮⺰㪸 䊙䉴䊶䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮⺰㪹 䉴䊏䊷䉼䊶䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮⺰㪸 䉴䊏䊷䉼䊶䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮⺰㪹 䉴䊏䊷䉼䊶䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮⺰㪸 䉴䊏䊷䉼䊶䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮⺰㪹 䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮⺰․ᱶ⻠⟵㪸 䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮⺰․ᱶ⻠⟵㪹 䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮⺰․ᱶ⻠⟵㪸 䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮⺰․ᱶ⻠⟵㪹 䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮⺰ᢥ₂⎇ⓥ㪸 䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮⺰ᢥ₂⎇ⓥ㪹 䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮⺰ᢥ₂⎇ⓥ㪸 䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮⺰ᢥ₂⎇ⓥ㪹 ᜂᒰ⠪ Ꮏ⮮䇭ብ Ꮏ⮮䇭ብ ㍿ୖ䇭ஜᖝ ㍿ୖ䇭ஜᖝ ᩑ↰䇭⑲᮸ ᩑ↰䇭⑲᮸ ᧼႐䇭⦟ਭ ᧼႐䇭⦟ਭ ᩑ↰䇭⑲᮸ ᩑ↰䇭⑲᮸ ዊ䇭ථਃ ዊ䇭ථਃ ↸↰䇭༑⟵ ↸↰䇭༑⟵ ዊ䇭ථਃ ዊ䇭ථਃ ዊ䇭ථਃ ዊ䇭ථਃ 㐿⻠ ቇᦼ ᦐᤨ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ Ἣ㪌 Ἣ㪌 Ἣ㪌 Ἣ㪌 Ἣ㪋 Ἣ㪋 Ἣ㪈 Ἣ㪈 ᧁ㪊 ᧁ㪊 ᧁ㪈 ᧁ㪈 㪊 㪊 㪋 㪋 ᧁ㪉 ᧁ㪉 㐿⻠ ቇᦼ ᦐᤨ න ᢙ 㐿ᆎ ቇᐕ ጁୃ ਇน 䊕䊷䉳 න ᢙ 㐿ᆎ ቇᐕ ጁୃ ਇน 䊕䊷䉳 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪊 㪊 㪊 㪊 㪊 㪊 㪊 㪊 ⸒ ⸒ ⸒ ⸒ 㪉㪊㪌 㪉㪊㪌 㪉㪊㪍 㪉㪊㪍 㪉㪊㪎 㪉㪊㪎 㪉㪊㪏 㪉㪊㪏 㪉㪊㪐 㪉㪊㪐 㪉㪋㪇 㪉㪋㪇 㪉㪋㪈 㪉㪋㪈 㪉㪋㪉 㪉㪋㪉 㪉㪋㪊 㪉㪋㪊 䇭࿖㓙䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮 ⑼⋡ฬ ࿖㓙␠ળ⺰㪸㪃㪹 ࿖㓙␠ળ⺰㪸㪃㪹 ࿖㓙␠ળ⺰㪸㪃㪹 ࿖㓙␠ળ⺰㪸㪃㪹 ࿖㓙㑐ଥผ㪸 ࿖㓙㑐ଥผ㪹 ࿖㓙㐿⊒දജ⺰㪸 ࿖㓙㐿⊒දജ⺰㪹 ࿖㓙㑐ଥ⺰․ᱶ⻠⟵㪸 ࿖㓙㑐ଥ⺰․ᱶ⻠⟵㪸 ࿖㓙㑐ଥ⺰․ᱶ⻠⟵䌢 ࿖㓙㑐ଥ⺰․ᱶ⻠⟵䌢 ࿖㓙㑐ଥ⺰ᢥ₂⎇ⓥ㪸 ࿖㓙㑐ଥ⺰ᢥ₂⎇ⓥ㪹 ࿖㓙㑐ଥ⺰ᢥ₂⎇ⓥ㪸 ࿖㓙㑐ଥ⺰ᢥ₂⎇ⓥ㪹 ࿖㓙㑐ଥ⺰ᢥ₂⎇ⓥ㪸 ࿖㓙㑐ଥ⺰ᢥ₂⎇ⓥ㪹 ᜂᒰ⠪ ㊁䇭ᐽሶ ㊁䇭ᐽሶ ┻↰䇭䈇䈘䉂 ┻↰䇭䈇䈘䉂 ᳗㊁䇭㓉ⴕ ᳗㊁䇭㓉ⴕ ㊄ሶ䇭⧐᮸ ┻↰䇭䈇䈘䉂 ┻↰䇭䈇䈘䉂 ᳗㊁䇭㓉ⴕ ዊ᧻䇭⺡ᖝ ㊁䇭ᐽሶ ㊄ሶ䇭⧐᮸ ㊄ሶ䇭⧐᮸ ┻↰䇭䈇䈘䉂 ┻↰䇭䈇䈘䉂 శ"䇭స㚍 శ"䇭స㚍 18 ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ᤐ ⑺ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ Ἣ㪊 Ἣ㪊 Ἣ㪊 Ἣ㪊 㪉 㪉 Ἣ㪉 㪊 㪊 ᧁ㪉 ㊄㪉 ᧁ㪉 Ἣ㪋 Ἣ㪋 Ἣ㪌 Ἣ㪌 ᧁ㪌 ᧁ㪌 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪊 㪊 㪊 㪊 㪊 㪊 ᴺ ᴺ 㪉㪋㪋 㪉㪋㪋 㪉㪋㪌 㪉㪋㪌 㪉㪋㪍 㪉㪋㪍 㪉㪋㪎 㪉㪋㪏 㪉㪌㪉 㪉㪌㪊 㪉㪌㪋 㪉㪌㪌 㪉㪌㪍 㪉㪌㪍 㪉㪌㪎 㪉㪌㪎 㪉㪌㪏 㪉㪌㪏 㐿⻠⑼⋡ฬ⒓ ᜂᒰ⠪ ᵹᢥൻ⺰䋨䉰䉴䊁䉟䊅䊑䊦䊶䉿䊷䊥䉵䊛⺰䋩 ർ㊁䇭 ᵹᢥൻ⺰䋨ᣏⴕ䊶ኋᴱ↥ᬺ⺰䋩 ᵹᢥൻ⺰䋨䊜䊂䉞䉝䊶䊤䉟䊁䉞䊮䉫⺰䋩 ᵹᢥൻ⺰䋨⥶ⓨ↥ᬺ⺰䋩 ᵹᢥൻ⺰䋨㐿⊒ᢥൻ⺰䋩 ᵹᢥൻ⺰䋨⽎ᢥൻ⺰䋩 ᵹᢥൻ⺰䋨㘩䈱ᢥൻ⺰䋩 ᵹᢥൻ⺰䋨䉿䊷䊥䉵䊛ੱ㘃ቇ䋩 ᵹᢥൻ⺰䋨䉿䊷䊥䉵䊛ᢥൻ⺰䋩 ᵹᢥൻ⺰䋨࿖㓙ળ⼏䊶䉟䊔䊮䊃ᬺ⺰䋩 ᵹᢥൻ⺰䋨䉿䊷䊥䉵䊛╷⺰䋩 ᵹᢥൻ⺰䋨䉿䊷䊥䉵䊛䊶䊙䊈䉳䊜䊮䊃⺰䋩 ᵹᢥൻ⺰䋨䉿䊷䊥䉵䊛䊶䊜䊂䉞䉝⺰䋩 ᵹᢥൻ⺰䋨Ꮢ᳃ෳട䈱䉁䈤䈨䈒䉍⺰䋩 ᵹᢥൻ⺰䋨䊌䊐䉤䊷䊙䊮䉴⎇ⓥ䋩 ᵹᢥൻ⺰䋨䊃䊤䊮䉴䊅䉲䊢䊅䊦␠ળቇ䋩 㐿⻠ ቇᦼ ೨ᦼ ㆙⮮䇭లା ᮮ䇭 ೨ᦼ ೨ᦼ ጊ〝䇭㗼 ೨ᦼ ർ㊁䇭 ೨ᦼ 㜞ᯅ䇭㓶৻㇢ ർ㊁䇭 ೨ᦼ ೨ᦼ 㗇᳗䇭ඳ ㆙⮮䇭లା ㆙⮮䇭లା ጊ〝䇭㗼 ೨ᦼ ᓟᦼ ᓟᦼ ᓟᦼ ጊ〝䇭㗼 ᓟᦼ 㜞ᯅ䇭↵ ർ㊁䇭 ᓟᦼ ᓟᦼ 㜞ᯅ䇭㓶৻㇢ ർ㊁䇭 ᓟᦼ ᓟᦼ ᵹᢥൻ⺰䋨䉥䊦䉺䊅䊁䉞䊑䊶䉿䊷䊥䉵䊛⺰䋩 㗇᳗䇭ඳ 19 ᓟᦼ ᦐᤨ 㪊 Ἣ㪋 ᳓㪋 ᧁ㪉 ㊄㪈 ㊄㪉 ㊄㪊 ㊄㪌 Ἣ㪋 Ἣ㪌 Ἣ㪌 ᧁ㪉 ㊄㪈 ㊄㪉 ㊄㪉 ㊄㪊 ㊄㪌 න ᢙ 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㐿ᆎ ቇᐕ ጁୃ ਇน 䊕䊷䉳 㪉 䊶㙃 ⚻䊶ᴺ 㪉㪌㪐 㪉 䊶㙃 ⚻䊶ᴺ 㪉㪍㪇 㪉 䊶㙃 ⚻䊶ᴺ 㪉㪍㪈 㪉 䊶㙃 ⚻䊶ᴺ 㪉㪍㪉 㪉 䊶㙃 ⚻䊶ᴺ 㪉㪍㪊 㪉 䊶㙃 ⚻䊶ᴺ 㪉㪍㪋 㪉 䊶㙃 ⚻䊶ᴺ 㪉㪍㪌 㪉 䊶㙃 ⚻䊶ᴺ 㪉㪍㪍 㪉 䊶㙃 ⚻䊶ᴺ 㪉㪍㪎 㪉 䊶㙃 ⚻䊶ᴺ 㪉㪍㪏 㪉 䊶㙃 ⚻䊶ᴺ 㪉㪍㪐 㪉 䊶㙃 ⚻䊶ᴺ 㪉㪎㪇 㪉 䊶㙃 ⚻䊶ᴺ 㪉㪎㪈 㪉 䊶㙃 ⚻䊶ᴺ 㪉㪎㪉 㪉 䊶㙃 ⚻䊶ᴺ 㪉㪎㪊 㪉 䊶㙃 ⚻䊶ᴺ 㪉㪎㪋 㪉 䊶㙃 ⚻䊶ᴺ 㪉㪎㪌 交流文化論 ᵹᢥൻ⺰䋨㪇㪐ᐕᐲએ㒠ቇ⠪䋩 ᄖ࿖⺆ቇㇱㅢ⑼⋡ ⑼⋡ฬ 外国語学部共通科目 ✚ว⻠ᐳ ✚ว⻠ᐳ ✚ว⻠ᐳ ✚ว⻠ᐳ ᖱႎ⑼ቇ⺰㪸 ᖱႎ⑼ቇ⺰㪹 䋨㐷䋩ᖱႎ⑼ቇฦ⺰ 䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䋨ᖱႎಣℂṶ⠌䋩㪲✚ว㪴 䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䋨ᖱႎಣℂṶ⠌䋩㪲✚ว㪴 䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䋨ᖱႎಣℂṶ⠌䋩㪲✚ว㪴 䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䋨ᖱႎಣℂṶ⠌䋩㪲⧷⺆㪴 䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䋨ᖱႎಣℂṶ⠌䋩㪲⧷⺆㪴 䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䋨ᖱႎಣℂṶ⠌䋩㪲䊣䊷䊨䉾䊌⸒⺆㪴 䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䋨ᖱႎಣℂṶ⠌䋩㪲䊣䊷䊨䉾䊌⸒⺆㪴 䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䋨ᖱႎಣℂṶ⠌䋩㪲䊣䊷䊨䉾䊌⸒⺆㪴 䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䋨ᖱႎಣℂṶ⠌䋩㪲䊣䊷䊨䉾䊌⸒⺆㪴 䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䋨ᖱႎಣℂṶ⠌䋩㪲䊣䊷䊨䉾䊌⸒⺆㪴 䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䋨ᖱႎಣℂṶ⠌䋩㪲䊣䊷䊨䉾䊌⸒⺆㪴 䋨ᔕ↪䋩ᖱႎ⑼ቇฦ⺰ 䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䋨㪜㫏㪺㪼㫃䊶䊒䊧䉷䊮䊁䊷䉲䊢䊮ਛ⚖㪀 䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䋨㪜㫏㪺㪼㫃䊶䊒䊧䉷䊮䊁䊷䉲䊢䊮ਛ⚖㪀 䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䋨㪜㫏㪺㪼㫃䊶䊒䊧䉷䊮䊁䊷䉲䊢䊮ਛ⚖㪀 䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䋨㪜㫏㪺㪼㫃䊶䊒䊧䉷䊮䊁䊷䉲䊢䊮ਛ⚖㪀 䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䋨䊒䊧䉷䊮䊁䊷䉲䊢䊮ਛ⚖䋩 䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䋨䊒䊧䉷䊮䊁䊷䉲䊢䊮ਛ⚖䋩 䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䋨㪮㫆㫉㪻ਛ⚖䋩 䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䋨㪮㫆㫉㪻ਛ⚖䋩 䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䋨㪮㫆㫉㪻ਛ⚖䋩 䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䋨㪮㫆㫉㪻ਛ⚖䋩 䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䋨㪮㫆㫉㪻ਛ⚖䋩 䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䋨㪦㪽㪽㫀㪺㪼ਛ⚖䋩 䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䋨㪦㪽㪽㫀㪺㪼ਛ⚖䋩 䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䋨⸒⺆ᖱႎಣℂ䋱䋩 䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䋨⸒⺆ᖱႎಣℂ䋱䋩 䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䋨⸒⺆ᖱႎಣℂ䋲䋩 䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䋨⸒⺆ᖱႎಣℂ䋲䋩 㩿㪟㪫㪤㪣䋩ᖱႎ⑼ቇฦ⺰ 䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䋨㪟㪫㪤㪣ೋ⚖䋩 䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䋨㪟㪫㪤㪣ೋ⚖䋩 䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䋨㪟㪫㪤㪣ೋ⚖䋩 䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䋨㪟㪫㪤㪣ೋ⚖䋩 䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䇭䋨㪟㪫㪤㪣ਛ⚖䋩 ⚻ᷣේ⺰㪸 ⚻ᷣේ⺰㪹 ␠ળᔃℂቇ㪸 ␠ળᔃℂቇ㪹 ᜂᒰ⠪ ᑝ↰䇭ᗲℂ ᑝ↰䇭ᗲℂ Ꮏ⮮䇭㆐ 㘵᎑䇭ᦐሶ 㤛䇭ᶏḕ ભ⻠ ฦᜂᒰᢎຬ ↰ਛ䇭㓷⧷ ↰ਛ䇭㓷⧷ ౝ↰䇭ବ㇢ ⠀ጊ䇭ᕺ ⠀ጊ䇭ᕺ ↰ਛ䇭ༀ⧷ ㊄䇭ḩ ↰ਛ䇭ༀ⧷ ↰ਛ䇭ༀ⧷ ㊄䇭ḩ ↰ਛ䇭ༀ⧷ ฦᜂᒰᢎຬ ᧻ጊ䇭ᕺ⟤ሶ ౝ↰䇭ବ㇢ ↰ਛ䇭㓷⧷ ᧻ጊ䇭ᕺ⟤ሶ ㊄ሶ䇭ᙗ৻ ㊄ሶ䇭ᙗ৻ ㊄ሶ䇭ᙗ৻ ㊄ሶ䇭ᙗ৻ ౝ↰䇭ବ㇢ ↰ਛ䇭㓷⧷ ౝ↰䇭ବ㇢ ᧻ጊ䇭ᕺ⟤ሶ ᧻ጊ䇭ᕺ⟤ሶ ⠀ጊ䇭ᕺ ศᚑ䇭㓶৻㇢ ⠀ጊ䇭ᕺ ศᚑ䇭㓶৻㇢ ฦᜂᒰᢎຬ ౝ↰䇭ବ㇢ ㊄ሶ䇭ᙗ৻ ↰ਛ䇭㓷⧷ ౝ↰䇭ବ㇢ ㊄ሶ䇭ᙗ৻ ㊁䇭ኈᐽ ㊁䇭ኈᐽ ભ⻠ ભ⻠ 㐿⻠ ቇᦼ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ᦐᤨ ᳓㪈 ᳓㪈 ᳓㪊 ᳓㪊 ᳓㪉 න 㐿ᆎ ᢙ ቇᐕ 㪉 㪈 㪉 㪈 㪉 㪈 㪉 㪈 㪉 㪈 ጁୃ ਇน 㙃䊶⚻䊶ᴺ 㙃䊶⚻䊶ᴺ 㙃䊶⚻䊶ᴺ 㙃䊶⚻䊶ᴺ 㙃䊶⚻䊶ᴺ ᤐ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ᤐ ᤐ ⑺ ⑺ ⑺ Ἣ㪉 Ἣ㪊 ᧁ㪋 ᧁ㪊 ᧁ㪊 Ἣ㪈 Ἣ㪉 ㊄㪋 Ἣ㪈 Ἣ㪉 ㊄㪋 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㙃䊶⚻䊶ᴺ 㙃䊶⚻䊶ᴺ 㙃䊶⚻䊶ᴺ 㙃䊶⚻䊶ᴺ 㙃䊶⚻䊶ᴺ 㙃䊶⚻䊶ᴺ 㙃䊶⚻䊶ᴺ 㙃䊶⚻䊶ᴺ 㙃䊶⚻䊶ᴺ 㙃䊶⚻䊶ᴺ 㙃䊶⚻䊶ᴺ ᤐ ᤐ ⑺ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ᤐ ᤐ ⑺ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᤐ ᤐ ⑺ ⑺ Ἣ㪉 ᧁ㪉 Ἣ㪋 Ἣ㪉 㪋 㪋 㪊 㪌 ᧁ㪋 Ἣ㪉 ᧁ㪊 Ἣ㪊 Ἣ㪊 ᧁ㪉 ㊄㪉 ᧁ㪉 ㊄㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㙃䊶⚻䊶ᴺ 㙃䊶⚻䊶ᴺ 㙃䊶⚻䊶ᴺ 㙃䊶⚻䊶ᴺ 㙃䊶⚻䊶ᴺ 㙃䊶⚻䊶ᴺ 㙃䊶⚻䊶ᴺ 㙃䊶⚻䊶ᴺ 㙃䊶⚻䊶ᴺ 㙃䊶⚻䊶ᴺ 㙃䊶⚻䊶ᴺ 㙃䊶⚻䊶ᴺ 㙃䊶⚻䊶ᴺ 㙃䊶⚻䊶ᴺ 㙃䊶⚻䊶ᴺ 㙃䊶⚻䊶ᴺ 㙃䊶⚻䊶ᴺ ᤐ ⑺ ⑺ ⑺ ⑺ ᤐ ⑺ ᧁ㪊 㪊 Ἣ㪊 ᧁ㪉 㪌 ᳓㪉 ᳓㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪉 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㪈 㙃䊶⚻䊶ᴺ 㙃䊶⚻䊶ᴺ 㙃䊶⚻䊶ᴺ 㙃䊶⚻䊶ᴺ 㙃䊶⚻䊶ᴺ 㙃䊶⚻䊶ᴺ 㙃䊶⚻䊶ᴺ 䊕䊷䉳 㪉㪎㪎 㪉㪎㪎 㪉㪎㪏 㪉㪎㪏 㪉㪎㪐 㪉㪏㪇䌾㪉㪏㪉 㪉㪏㪊䌾㪉㪏㪍 㪉㪏㪎 㪉㪏㪏 㪉㪏㪎 㪉㪏㪏 㪉㪏㪐 㪉㪐㪇 㪉㪐㪈 㪉㪐㪈 㶎ቯຬ䈱䈅䉎⑼⋡䈲䉥䊮䊤䉟䊮⊓㍳䈮䉋䉎ㆬ䈫䈭䉍䉁䈜䇯ᔅ䈝ㆬ⚿ᨐ䉕⏕䈚䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯 㶎ᖱႎ⑼ቇฦ⺰䉕ጁୃ䈜䉎႐ว䈲䇮䇺ᬺᤨ㑆ഀ䇻䈱䇸ᖱႎ⑼ቇฦ⺰䇭㊀ⶄጁୃนุ৻ⷩ䇹䉕ෳ⠨䈮䈚䈩䈒䈣䈘䈇䇯 20 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ቇ㐷 ⧷⺆ቇ⺰ a ᜂᒰ⠪ ㋈ᧁ ⧷৻ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ⻠⟵⋡⊛䋺 ⧷⺆ቇ䈫䈲⧷⺆䈱⸒⺆ቇ䈪䈅䉍䋬⸒⺆ቇ䈲ੱ㑆䈱⸒⺆䉕⑼ ቇ⊛䈮⎇ⓥ䈜䉎ቇ㗔ၞ䈪䈅䉎䋮⧷⺆ቇ䈲⧷⺆䈫䈇䈉⸒⺆䈱 䈘䉁䈙䉁䈭㕙䉕⑼ቇ⊛䈮⎇ⓥ䈜䉎ಽ㊁䈪䈅䉎䋮䈖䈱⻠⟵䈪䈲䋬 ⧷⺆䈱ᱧผ䉕◲න䈮ᝄ䉍䉍䋬⧷⺆䈱㖸䊶⺆䊶ᢥ䊶ᗧ䊶↪ᴺ 䈏䈬䈱䉋䈉䈭․ᓽ䉕䉅䈧䈎䉕ⷰ䈜䉎䋮 1. ⧷⺆䈱ᴫ䊶⧷⺆䈱♽⼆㑐ଥ 3. ᤨઍಽ䈫ฦᤨᦼ䈱․⦡(2): ㄭઍ⧷⺆䈱ᚑ┙ ⻠⟵ⷐ䋺 6. 㖸ჿ䋨1䋩䋺 ⧷⺆㖸ჿቇ䋬㖸ჿེቭ䋬㖸ჿ⸥ภ ੱ㑆䈏䈬䈱䉋䈉䈭㖸䉕↪䈇䉎䈎䋬⧷⺆䈪䈲䈬䈱䉋䈉䈭㖸䈏↪䈇 䉌䉏䈩䈇䉎䈎䈲㖸ჿቇ䈫㖸㖿⺰䈪⺑䈘䉏䉎䋮ᢥ䈱ᦨዊන 䈪䈅䉎⺆䈱ౝㇱ᭴ㅧ䈲ᒻᘒ⺰䈮䉋䈦䈩⎇ⓥ䈘䉏䉎䋮⛔⺆⺰ 䈲䋬⺆䈮䉋䈦䈩᭴ᚑ䈘䉏䉎ᢥ䈏䈬䈱䉋䈉䈭⺆䈱㈩䈫᭴ㅧ䉕䉅 䈧䈎䋬䈬䈱䉋䈉䈮⺑䈜䉎䈱䈏ㆡಾ䈪䈅䉎䈎䉕⎇ⓥ䈜䉎䋮ᗧ ⺰䈲䋬ᢥ䈏䈬䈱䉋䈉䈭ᗧౝኈ䉕䈜䈎䉕ᛒ䈉䋮ᢥ䈱ᗧౝ ኈ䉕ℂ⸃䈜䉎䈢䉄䈮䈲䋬⺆ฏ䈱ᢥ䈮䈍䈔䉎ᯏ⢻䋬⺆䈱ᗧ䉇 ⺆䈱⚿ว䈱ᗧ⸘▚䋬⺆䈱ୃ㘼㑐ଥ䈭䈬䉕⍮䉎ᔅⷐ䈏䈅䉎䋮 2. ᤨઍಽ䈫ฦᤨᦼ䈱․⦡(1): ⧷⺆䈱⢛᥊䈫ᤨઍಽ 4. ᤨઍಽ䈫ฦᤨᦼ䈱․⦡(3): ⺆㗅䈱⏕┙ 5. ✄䉍ሼ䋺 ✄䉍ሼ䈫㖸ჿ䋬ⷙೣᕈ䋬ਇⷙೣᕈ䋬✄䉍ሼ⊒㖸 7. 㖸ჿ䋨2䋩䋺 ⧷⺆䈱Უ㖸䊶ሶ㖸♽䋬ㅪ㖸䈱․ᓽ 8. ⺆ᒵ䊶⺆Ḯ䋺 ⺆ᒵ䈱ᄌൻ䋬⺆䈱᭴ㅧ䋬 9. ᒻᘒ⺰䋨1䋩䋺⺆䈱ၮᧄ᭴ㅧ䋬ᒻᘒ⚛䈱⒳㘃䈫⺆䈱᭴ᚑ 10. ᒻᘒ⺰䋨2䋩䋺⺆ᒻᚑ䈱ᣇᴺ䋬ᵷ↢ធㄉ䈫ዮ᛬ធㄉ䋬ⶄว⺆ 11. ⛔⺆⺰䋨1䋩䋺⛔⺆⺰䈫䈲䈎䋬᭴ᚑ⚛᭴ㅧ䋬⺆㗅 12. ⛔⺆⺰䋨2䋩䋺ᄌᒻ↢ᚑᢥᴺ䈱⛔⺆⺰ 13. ᗧ⺰䋺⺆䈱ᗧ⺰䋬ᢥ䈱ᗧ⺰ ᢥ䈱ᗧ⸃㉼䈮ᢥ䉕↪䈜䉎ᢥ⣂䊶⣂⛊䈏䈬䈱䉋䈉䈭ᓇ㗀䉕 14. ᖱႎ᭴ㅧ䋺 ᢥ䈱ਥ㗴䈫ᖱႎ᭴ㅧ䋬ᒝ䈫ᢥ䈱ᖱႎ᭴ㅧ 䈿䈜䈎䉕⺑䈜䉎䈱䈲⺆↪⺰䈪䈅䉎䋮 15. ⺆↪⺰䋺 ⋥␜䋬ળ䈱ᗧ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ 䊁䉨䉴䊃䋺㩷⒤䋨㪈㪐㪏㪎䋩䇺⧷⺆ቇ⺰䇻㩷 㐿ᜏ␠㩷 Ꮸ⁁ᴫ䋬ᬺ䈮䈍䈔䉎ᐔᏱὐ䋬ᦼᧃ⹜㛎䈱ᚑ❣䉕✚ว䈚䈩 ⹏ଔ䈜䉎䋮䈭䈍䋬න䈱ቯ䈮䈲ᬺ࿁ᢙ䈱 2/3 એ䈱Ꮸ 䈏ᔅⷐ䈫䈘䉏䉎䋮 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ቇ㐷 ⧷⺆ቇ⺰ a ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ⻠⟵⋡⊛䋺 ⧷⺆ቇ䈫䈲⧷⺆䈱⸒⺆ቇ䈪䈅䉍䋬⸒⺆ቇ䈲ੱ㑆䈱⸒⺆䉕⑼ ቇ⊛䈮⎇ⓥ䈜䉎ቇ㗔ၞ䈪䈅䉎䋮⧷⺆ቇ䈲⧷⺆䈫䈇䈉⸒⺆䈱 䈘䉁䈙䉁䈭㕙䉕⑼ቇ⊛䈮⎇ⓥ䈜䉎ಽ㊁䈪䈅䉎䋮䈖䈱⻠⟵䈪䈲䋬 ⧷⺆䈱ᱧผ䉕◲න䈮ᝄ䉍䉍䋬⧷⺆䈱㖸䊶⺆䊶ᢥ䊶ᗧ䊶↪ᴺ 䈏䈬䈱䉋䈉䈭․ᓽ䉕䉅䈧䈎䉕ⷰ䈜䉎䋮 1. ⧷⺆ቇ䈫䈲䈎䊶⸒⺆ቇ䈫䈲䈎 ⻠⟵ⷐ䋺 6. ᒻᘒ⺰䋨1䋩䋺 ᒻᘒ⚛䋬ᒻᘒ⚛䈱⒳㘃 ੱ㑆䈏䈬䈱䉋䈉䈭㖸䉕↪䈇䉎䈎䋬⧷⺆䈪䈲䈬䈱䉋䈉䈭㖸䈏↪䈇 䉌䉏䈩䈇䉎䈎䈲㖸ჿቇ䈫㖸㖿⺰䈪⺑䈘䉏䉎䋮ᢥ䈱ᦨዊන 䈪䈅䉎⺆䈱ౝㇱ᭴ㅧ䈲ᒻᘒ⺰䈮䉋䈦䈩⎇ⓥ䈘䉏䉎䋮⛔⺆⺰ 䈲䋬⺆䈮䉋䈦䈩᭴ᚑ䈘䉏䉎ᢥ䈏䈬䈱䉋䈉䈭⺆䈱㈩䈫᭴ㅧ䉕䉅 䈧䈎䋬䈬䈱䉋䈉䈮⺑䈜䉎䈱䈏ㆡಾ䈪䈅䉎䈎䉕⎇ⓥ䈜䉎䋮ᗧ ⺰䈲䋬ᢥ䈏䈬䈱䉋䈉䈭ᗧౝኈ䉕䈜䈎䉕ᛒ䈉䋮ᢥ䈱ᗧౝ ኈ䉕ℂ⸃䈜䉎䈢䉄䈮䈲䋬⺆ฏ䈱ᢥ䈮䈍䈔䉎ᯏ⢻䋬⺆䈱ᗧ䉇 ⺆䈱⚿ว䈱ᗧ⸘▚䋬⺆䈱ୃ㘼㑐ଥ䈭䈬䉕⍮䉎ᔅⷐ䈏䈅䉎䋮 ㋈ᧁ ⧷৻ 2. ⧷⺆䈱䊐䉤䊆䉾䉪䉴䋺 ✄䉍ሼ䈫⊒㖸 3. 㖸ჿቇ䊶㖸㖿⺰䋨1䋩䋺 㖸ჿቇ䋬㖸㖿⺰䋬㖸ჿེቭ 4. 㖸ჿቇ䊶㖸㖿⺰䋨2䋩䋺 Უ㖸䈱ಽ㘃䋬ሶ㖸䈱ಽ㘃䋬 5. 㖸ჿቇ䊶㖸㖿⺰䋨3䋩䋺 䉝䉪䉶䊮䊃䈫䊥䉵䊛 7. ᒻᘒ⺰䋨2䋩䋺 ⺆ᒻᚑ䈱ᣇᴺ䋬ᵷ↢䈫ዮ᛬ 8. ⛔⺆⺰䋨1䋩䋺 ᢥ䈱⒳㘃䋬ᢥဳ 9. ⛔⺆⺰䋨2䋩䋺 ᢥ䈱ౝㇱ᭴ㅧ䋬ᢥ䈱᭴ㅧ 10. ⛔⺆⺰䋨3䋩䋺 ᄌᒻ䈫ᢥ䈱↢ᚑ 11. ᗧ⺰䋨1䋩䋺 ⺆䈱ᗧ⺰䋬ᢥ䈱ᗧ⺰ 12. ᗧ⺰䋨2䋩䋺 ᗧ㑐ଥ䋬ᗧᄌൻ䋬⍮ᗧ⺰ 13. ⺆↪⺰䋨1䋩䋺 ⋥␜䋬⊒ⴕὑ ᢥ䈱ᗧ⸃㉼䈮ᢥ䉕↪䈜䉎ᢥ⣂䊶⣂⛊䈏䈬䈱䉋䈉䈭ᓇ㗀䉕 14. ⺆↪⺰䋨2䋩䋺 ೨ឭ䋬ળ䈱ᗧ 䈿䈜䈎䉕⺑䈜䉎䈱䈲⺆↪⺰䈪䈅䉎䋮 15. ᖱႎ᭴ㅧ䋺ᣂ䊶ᣥᖱႎ䋬ᖱႎ᭴ㅧ䈫᭴ᢥ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ 䊁䉨䉴䊃䋺㩷⮮⽵㓶䊶Ỉ↰ᴦ⟤䋨㪉㪇㪇㪈䋩䇺⧷⺆ቇ㐷䇻㩷 㐿ᜏ␠ Ꮸ⁁ᴫ䋬ᬺ䈮䈍䈔䉎ᐔᏱὐ䋬ᦼᧃ⹜㛎䈱ᚑ❣䉕✚ว䈚䈩 ⹏ଔ䈜䉎䋮䈭䈍䋬න䈱ቯ䈮䈲ᬺ࿁ᢙ䈱 2/3 એ䈱Ꮸ 䈏ᔅⷐ䈫䈘䉏䉎䋮 21 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ቇ㐷 ⧷⺆ቇ⺰ a ᜂᒰ⠪ ⟤ઍሶ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ impossible, intolerable ߪߤߜࠄ߽ਅ✢ㇱߩㅒࠍᗧߔࠆ ᒻኈ⹖ߢࠆ߇ޔ㧞⇟⋡ߩᢥሼߪ m ߣ n ߢ⇣ߥࠆ㧚߹ߚޔ incomplete ߪ n ߛ߇ޔintolerable ߩ n ߣߪ⥠ߩ⟎߇㆑ ߁ߩߦ᳇ߠߊߛࠈ߁߆㧚หߓࠃ߁ߥ㆑߇ታߪᣣᧄ⺆ߩ ޟޠ᧰ੇޟ㑐᧲ޟޠ㑐ଥ⊒ߩޠࠎޟߩޠ㖸ߦ߽ࠆ㧚߹ߚޔ ᣣᧄ⺆ߦߪޟ߇ࠆ㧛ߍࠆߊ⛯ޟ߿ޠ㧛⛯ߌࠆ߁ࠃߩޠ ߦᗧ߿⊒㖸ߦㅢㇱಽ߇ᄙࡍࠕ߇ࠆ߇߽ߢ⺆⧷ޔ rise/raise ߿ continue㧔⥄ઁേ⹖หᒻ㧕ߣ߁ࠃ߁ߦޔ หߓࠃ߁ߥേ⹖ߩࡍࠕ߇ࠆ㧚ߎࠇࠄߩㅢᕈߪታߪᣣ⧷ ⺆ߦ㒢ߞߚߎߣߢߪߥߊޔ⇇ਛߩ⸒⺆ߦᐢߊߺࠄࠇࠆ㧚 ߎߩᬺߢߪ⸒⺆ࠍᗧ⼂⊛ߦಽᨆߒߡߺࠆߎߣߦࠃߞߡޔ ⸒⺆߇✺ኒߥ᭴ㅧࠍᜬߞߡࠆߎߣੱޟߡߒߘޔ㑆ߩ⸒⺆ ߪߤࠇ߽หߓߤ߶߽ߡߞ⸒ߣޠㅢᕈ߇ࠆߎߣࠍ ߡߊ㧚ᛒ߁࠺࠲ߪ⧷⺆߇ਛᔃߢࠆ߇ޔᣣᧄ⺆ߦࠄ ࠇࠆห᭽ߩ⽎߽Ⓧᭂ⊛ߦขࠅߍࠆ㧚߹ߚޔਇᐘߦߒߡ Უ࿖⺆ࠍᜬߚߥߪߊߒ߽ޔᄬߞߡߒ߹ߞߚߥߤߦߟ ߡ⠨ኤߔࠆ㧚ታ㓙⊛ߥ⧷ᢥ⸶ޔᢥߥߤߢ߽⸒⺆ࠍಽ ᨆ⊛ߦߣࠄ߃ࠆ⢻ജ߇㕖Ᏹߦᓎߦ┙ߟߎߣ߽ታᗵߒߡ߽ ࠄ߃ࠆߣᕁ߁㧚 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߪߥߒࠍ࠻ࡦࡊޕ㈩Ꮣߔࠆޕ ᬺߩᦨೋߦ◲නߥᓳ⠌ࠢࠗ࠭ࠍⴕ߁㧔⸥ߩᬺ⸘↹ෳ ᾖ㧕⹏ޕଔߪߎߩࠢࠗ࠭ (10%) ߣਛ㑆⹜㛎(40%)ޔቯᦼ⹜ 㛎 (50%) ߦࠃࠆޕ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ήᗧ⼂ߩ⸒⺆⍮⼂ ⧷⺆ߩ㖸ߩߒߊߺ ᭽ߥޘ㖸㖿⽎ 㧔ࠢࠗ࠭ 1㧕 ⧷⺆ߩන⺆ߩᚑࠅ┙ߜ 㧔ࠢࠗ࠭ 2㧕 ⛯߈ 㧔ࠢࠗ࠭ 3㧕 ⧷⺆ߩࠕࠢࡦ࠻㧔ࠢࠗ࠭ 4㧕 ਛ㑆⹜㛎 ⧷⺆ߩᢥ᭴ㅧ 㧔ࠢࠗ࠭ 5㧕 ⛯߈ 㧔ࠢࠗ࠭ 6㧕 ⛯߈ 㧔ࠢࠗ࠭ 7㧕 ᢥ᭴ㅧߣᗧ㧔ࠢࠗ࠭ 8㧕 ሶଏߩ⸒⺆₪ᓧ 㧔ࠢࠗ࠭ 9㧕 ⸒⺆㓚ኂ 㧔ࠢࠗ࠭ 10㧕 ⑳ߚߜߦߣߞߡ⸒⺆ߣߪ߆㧔ࠢࠗ࠭ 11㧕 ߹ߣ ⧷⺆ቇ㐷 ⧷⺆ቇ⺰ a ᜂᒰ⠪ ⟤ઍሶ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ impossible, intolerable ߪߤߜࠄ߽ਅ✢ㇱߩㅒࠍᗧߔࠆ ᒻኈ⹖ߢࠆ߇ޔ㧞⇟⋡ߩᢥሼߪ m ߣ n ߢ⇣ߥࠆ㧚߹ߚޔ incomplete ߪ n ߛ߇ޔintolerable ߩ n ߣߪ⥠ߩ⟎߇㆑ ߁ߩߦ᳇ߠߊߛࠈ߁߆㧚หߓࠃ߁ߥ㆑߇ታߪᣣᧄ⺆ߩ ޟޠ᧰ੇޟ㑐᧲ޟޠ㑐ଥ⊒ߩޠࠎޟߩޠ㖸ߦ߽ࠆ㧚߹ߚޔ ᣣᧄ⺆ߦߪޟ߇ࠆ㧛ߍࠆߊ⛯ޟ߿ޠ㧛⛯ߌࠆ߁ࠃߩޠ ߦᗧ߿⊒㖸ߦㅢㇱಽ߇ᄙࡍࠕ߇ࠆ߇߽ߢ⺆⧷ޔ rise/raise ߿ continue㧔⥄ઁേ⹖หᒻ㧕ߣ߁ࠃ߁ߦޔ หߓࠃ߁ߥേ⹖ߩࡍࠕ߇ࠆ㧚ߎࠇࠄߩㅢᕈߪታߪᣣ⧷ ⺆ߦ㒢ߞߚߎߣߢߪߥߊޔ⇇ਛߩ⸒⺆ߦᐢߊߺࠄࠇࠆ㧚 ߎߩᬺߢߪ⸒⺆ࠍᗧ⼂⊛ߦಽᨆߒߡߺࠆߎߣߦࠃߞߡޔ ⸒⺆߇✺ኒߥ᭴ㅧࠍᜬߞߡࠆߎߣੱޟߡߒߘޔ㑆ߩ⸒⺆ ߪߤࠇ߽หߓߤ߶߽ߡߞ⸒ߣޠㅢᕈ߇ࠆߎߣࠍ ߡߊ㧚ᛒ߁࠺࠲ߪ⧷⺆߇ਛᔃߢࠆ߇ޔᣣᧄ⺆ߦࠄ ࠇࠆห᭽ߩ⽎߽Ⓧᭂ⊛ߦขࠅߍࠆ㧚߹ߚޔਇᐘߦߒߡ Უ࿖⺆ࠍᜬߚߥߪߊߒ߽ޔᄬߞߡߒ߹ߞߚߥߤߦߟ ߡ⠨ኤߔࠆ㧚ታ㓙⊛ߥ⧷ᢥ⸶ޔᢥߥߤߢ߽⸒⺆ࠍಽ ᨆ⊛ߦߣࠄ߃ࠆ⢻ജ߇㕖Ᏹߦᓎߦ┙ߟߎߣ߽ታᗵߒߡ߽ ࠄ߃ࠆߣᕁ߁㧚 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߪߥߒࠍ࠻ࡦࡊޕ㈩Ꮣߔࠆޕ ᬺߩᦨೋߦ◲නߥᓳ⠌ࠢࠗ࠭ࠍⴕ߁㧔⸥ߩᬺ⸘↹ෳ ᾖ㧕⹏ޕଔߪߎߩࠢࠗ࠭ (10%) ߣਛ㑆⹜㛎(40%)ޔቯᦼ⹜ 㛎 (50%) ߦࠃࠆޕ 22 ήᗧ⼂ߩ⸒⺆⍮⼂ ⧷⺆ߩ㖸ߩߒߊߺ ᭽ߥޘ㖸㖿⽎ 㧔ࠢࠗ࠭ 1㧕 ⧷⺆ߩන⺆ߩᚑࠅ┙ߜ 㧔ࠢࠗ࠭ 2㧕 ⛯߈ 㧔ࠢࠗ࠭ 3㧕 ⧷⺆ߩࠕࠢࡦ࠻㧔ࠢࠗ࠭ 4㧕 ਛ㑆⹜㛎 ⧷⺆ߩᢥ᭴ㅧ 㧔ࠢࠗ࠭ 5㧕 ⛯߈ 㧔ࠢࠗ࠭ 6㧕 ⛯߈ 㧔ࠢࠗ࠭ 7㧕 ᢥ᭴ㅧߣᗧ㧔ࠢࠗ࠭ 8㧕 ሶଏߩ⸒⺆₪ᓧ 㧔ࠢࠗ࠭ 9㧕 ⸒⺆㓚ኂ 㧔ࠢࠗ࠭ 10㧕 ⑳ߚߜߦߣߞߡ⸒⺆ߣߪ߆㧔ࠢࠗ࠭ 11㧕 ߹ߣ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ߩᢥቇᢥൻ㐷 ⧷⺆ߩᢥቇᢥൻ⺰ a ᜂᒰ⠪ ㊁⋥ሶ㧔㩄㨺㩍㩨㨲㩒㨺㩊㨺㧕 ጊ♿೨ᴛᶈሶ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ⇇ߦ߭ࠈ߇ࠆ⧷⺆ᢥቇߩ⸒⪲߇ޔᱧผ␠ޔળޔᴦ⚻ޔᷣޔ ᢥൻޔߡߟߦ߁ࠃࠅߩੱߡߒߘޔࠍߖߡߊࠇࠆߩ߆ࠍ ឭ␜ߒߚޕਃฬߩ⻠Ꮷ߇ߩࠇߙࠇߘޔಾࠅญߢ࠹ࡑࠍ⸳ቯ ߒޔߦߣ߽ߩࡑ࠹ߩߘޔᢥቇߩࠄࠇᣇߺ⺒ޔᣇߦߟߡޔ ㅪ⛯⻠⟵ࠍⴕ߁ޕ᭽ߟ߽ࠍ࠴ࡠࡊࠕࠆߥ⇣ߦޘᢥቇᛕ⹏߿ޔ ߘߩ↪⺆߽⚫ߔࠆޕ ਃߟߩ࠹ࡑߣ⻠⟵ౝኈߩ⇛ߪએਅߩߣ߅ࠅߢࠆޕ㧝㧙 㧡࿁ޟᢥቇߣࡔ࠺ࠖࠕࠬࠡࠗޔߪߢޠㄭઍߦ߅ߡޔ႐ޔ ශ‛ޔᤋ↹ޔߤߥ࠻࠶ࡀ࠲ࡦࠗޔᇦ㧔ࡔ࠺ࠖࠕ㧕ߩᄌൻ ߇ߤߩࠃ߁ߦᢥቇࠫࡖࡦ࡞ߩᚑ┙߿ᄌኈߦᓇ㗀ࠍਈ߃ߡ߈ߚ ߆ࠍ⠨߃ࠆޕᢥቇߩ↢↥ߣฃኈߣࠍޔㄭઍ⧷⺆ߩᚑ┙ᤨ߆ࠄ 21 ♿߹ߢ൮⊛ߦᬌ⸛ߒߚ߁߃ߢޔ㧢㧙10 ࿁ޟᢥቇ߆ࠄ␠ ળࠍ⺒ ߩࠬࠡࠗޔߪߢޠ19 ♿ߣ 20 ♿ߦᦠ߆ࠇߚઍ ⊛ߥᢥቇຠࠍขࠅߍޔᢥቇߣ␠ળߩធὐߦߟߡ⠨߃ ࠆᦨޕᓟߦ 11-15 ࿁ޟ㡆ߣ㆑ޔߪߢޠߩߟߣ߭߁߽ߡߒߘޔ ⺒⠪߇⟎߆ࠇߚᴦ⊛ᱧผ⊛⁁ᴫߦࠃߞߡޔหߓ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻߇ ߤߩࠃ߁ߦ⇣ߥࠆᗧࠍᜬߟߩ߆ߦᵈ⋡ߔࠆ⧷ޔߚ߹ޕ࿖ਛᔃ ߦㅴࠄࠇߡ߈ߚ⻠⟵ߪࠅࠃߢߎߎޔᄢ߈ߥ⧷⺆߳ߣ㐿߆ࠇ ࠆޕ ਃߟߩ⇣ߥߞߚಾࠅญ߆ࠄޔ᭽ᤨߥޘઍߣ႐ᚲߢ↢߹ࠇߚ࠹ ࠠࠬ࠻ߦធߔࠆߎߣߢޔᢥቇߣߩᣂߒળࠍߒߡߚߛ߈ ߚޕ 㧨ᢥቇߣࡔ࠺ࠖࠕ㧪 ᜂᒰ㧦೨ᴛ ╙㧝࿁ᢥቇߣࡔ࠺ࠖࠕ ╙㧞࿁㧦ߎߩߪ⥰บࠪࠚࠗࠢࠬࡇࠕߣ᳃ⴐṶ㩷 ╙㧟࿁㧦ශᢥൻߣㄭઍ⧷⺆ߩᚑ┙ ╙㧠࿁㧦ᤋ↹ߩ 100 ᐕࠗࠡࠬᤋ↹ߩㅌߣᓳᵴ ╙㧡࿁㧦࠺ࠫ࠲࡞࠹ࠢࡁࡠࠫߣᢥቇ 㧨ᢥቇ߆ࠄ␠ળࠍ⺒㧪 ᜂᒰ㧦 ጊ ╙㧢࿁㧦㕟ߩᤨઍߦ̆̆ࠧࠪ࠶ࠢዊ⺑ߪߥߗᵹⴕߒߚ߆ ╙㧣࿁㧦ࠫࠚࠗࡦࠝࠬ࠹ࠖࡦߩ⇇ ╙㧤࿁㧦ࡧࠖࠢ࠻ࠕᤨઍߣᢎ㙃ዊ⺑ ╙㧥࿁㧦ఽ┬ᢥቇߩ㤛㊄ᦼߦ̆̆ޡਇᕁ⼏ߩ࿖ߩࠕࠬޢ ╙ ࿁㧦╙৻ᰴ⇇ᄢᚢߣࡕ࠳࠾࠭ࡓᢥቇ 㧨ᗵߣ㆑⺆‛ߩߟߣ߭߁߽ߡߒߘޔ㧪 ᜂᒰ㧦㊁ ╙ ࿁㧦♿ࠍߎ߃ࠆࡌࠬ࠻ߩ㝯ജ ╙ ࿁㧦ደᩮⵣㇱደߩ᳇㆑ᅚߪ⺕ߥߩ߆ ╙ ࿁㧦߽߁߭ߣߟߩ‛⺆ ╙ ࿁㧦⺆ࠅߔ⸒⪲ ╙ ࿁㧦↢߈ࠆߚߩ⸒⪲ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࡂࡦ࠼ࠕ࠙࠻ࠍ↪ᗧߔࠆޕFurther Reading ߩࠬ࠻ߦߟ ߡߪฦ⻠Ꮷ߇⚫ߔࠆޕ ቯᦼ⹜㛎ߦࠃࠆߪ⚦ޕ㐿⻠ᤨߦ⺑ߔࠆޕ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ߩᢥቇᢥൻ㐷 ⧷⺆ߩᢥቇᢥൻ⺰ a ᜂᒰ⠪ ጊ♿㧔㩄㨺㩍㩨㨲㩒㨺㩊㨺㧕 ㊁⋥ሶ೨ᴛᶈሶ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ⇇ߦ߭ࠈ߇ࠆ⧷⺆ᢥቇߩ⸒⪲߇ޔᱧผ␠ޔળޔᴦ⚻ޔᷣޔ ᢥൻޔߡߟߦ߁ࠃࠅߩੱߡߒߘޔࠍߖߡߊࠇࠆߩ߆ࠍ ឭ␜ߒߚޕ ਃฬߩ⻠Ꮷ߇ߩࠇߙࠇߘޔಾࠅญߢ࠹ࡑࠍ⸳ቯߒ࠹ߩߘޔ ࡑߩ߽ߣߦޔᢥቇߩࠄࠇᣇߺ⺒ޔᣇߦߟߡޔㅪ⛯⻠⟵ࠍ ⴕ߁ޕ᭽ߟ߽ࠍ࠴ࡠࡊࠕࠆߥ⇣ߦޘᢥቇᛕ⹏߿߽⺆↪ߩߘޔ ⚫ߔࠆޕ ਃߟߩ࠹ࡑߣ⻠⟵ౝኈߩ⇛ߪએਅߩߣ߅ࠅߢࠆޕ㧝㧙 㧡࿁ޟᢥቇߣࡔ࠺ࠖࠕࠬࠡࠗޔߪߢޠㄭઍߦ߅ߡޔ႐ޔ ශ‛ޔᤋ↹ޔߤߥ࠻࠶ࡀ࠲ࡦࠗޔᇦ㧔ࡔ࠺ࠖࠕ㧕ߩᄌൻ ߇ߤߩࠃ߁ߦᢥቇࠫࡖࡦ࡞ߩᚑ┙߿ᄌኈߦᓇ㗀ࠍਈ߃ߡ߈ߚ ߆ࠍ⠨߃ࠆޕᢥቇߩ↢↥ߣฃኈࠍޔㄭઍ⧷⺆ߩᚑ┙߆ࠄ 21 ♿߹ߢ൮⊛ߦᬌ⸛ߒߚ߁߃ߢޔ㧢㧙10 ࿁ޟᢥቇ߆ࠄ␠ળࠍ ⺒ ߩࠬࠡࠗޔߪߢޠ19 ♿ߣ 20 ♿ߦᦠ߆ࠇߚઍ⊛ ߥᢥቇຠࠍขࠅߍޔᢥቇߣ␠ળߩធὐߦߟߡ⠨߃ࠆᦨޕ ᓟߦ 11-15 ࿁ޟ㡆ߣ㆑⺒ޔߪߢޠߩߟߣ߭߁߽ߡߒߘޔ⠪ ߇⟎߆ࠇߚᴦ⊛ᱧผ⊛⁁ᴫߦࠃߞߡޔหߓ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻߇ߤߩ ࠃ߁ߦ⇣ߥࠆᗧࠍᜬߟߩ߆ߦᵈ⋡ߔࠆ⧷ޔߚ߹ޕ࿖ਛᔃߦㅴ ࠄࠇߡ߈ߚ⻠⟵ߪࠅࠃߢߎߎޔᄢ߈ߥ⧷⺆߳ߣ㐿߆ࠇࠆޕ ਃߟߩ⇣ߥߞߚಾࠅญ߆ࠄޔ᭽ᤨߥޘઍߣ႐ᚲߢ↢߹ࠇߚ࠹ ࠠࠬ࠻ߦធߔࠆߎߣߢޔᢥቇߣߩᣂߒળࠍߒߡߚߛ߈ ߚޕ 㧨ᢥቇߣࡔ࠺ࠖࠕ㧪 ᜂᒰ㧦೨ᴛ ╙㧝࿁ᢥቇߣࡔ࠺ࠖࠕ ╙㧞࿁㧦ߎߩߪ⥰บࠪࠚࠗࠢࠬࡇࠕߣ᳃ⴐṶ㩷 ╙㧟࿁㧦ශᢥൻߣㄭઍ⧷⺆ߩᚑ┙ ╙㧠࿁㧦ᤋ↹ߩ 100 ᐕࠗࠡࠬᤋ↹ߩㅌߣᓳᵴ ╙㧡࿁㧦࠺ࠫ࠲࡞࠹ࠢࡁࡠࠫߣᢥቇ 㧨ᢥቇ߆ࠄ␠ળࠍ⺒㧪 ᜂᒰ㧦 ጊ ╙㧢࿁㧦㕟ߩᤨઍߦ̆̆ࠧࠪ࠶ࠢዊ⺑ߪߥߗᵹⴕߒߚ߆ ╙㧣࿁㧦ࠫࠚࠗࡦࠝࠬ࠹ࠖࡦߩ⇇ ╙㧤࿁㧦ࡧࠖࠢ࠻ࠕᤨઍߣᢎ㙃ዊ⺑ ╙㧥࿁㧦ఽ┬ᢥቇߩ㤛㊄ᦼߦ̆̆ޡਇᕁ⼏ߩ࿖ߩࠕࠬޢ ╙ ࿁㧦╙৻ᰴ⇇ᄢᚢߣࡕ࠳࠾࠭ࡓᢥቇ 㧨㡆ߣ㆑⺆‛ߩߟߣ߭߁߽ߡߒߘޔ㧪 ᜂᒰ㧦㊁ ╙ ࿁㧦♿ࠍߎ߃ࠆࡌࠬ࠻ߩ㝯ജ ╙ ࿁㧦ደᩮⵣㇱደߩ᳇㆑ᅚߪ⺕ߥߩ߆ ╙ ࿁㧦߽߁߭ߣߟߩ‛⺆ ╙ ࿁㧦⺆ࠅߔ⸒⪲ ╙ ࿁㧦↢߈ࠆߚߩ⸒⪲ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࡂࡦ࠼ࠕ࠙࠻ࠍ↪ᗧߔࠆޕFurther Reading ߩࠬ࠻ߦߟ ߡߪฦ⻠Ꮷ߇⚫ߔࠆޕ ቯᦼ⹜㛎ߦࠃࠆߪ⚦ޕ㐿⻠ᤨߦ⺑ߔࠆޕ 23 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ᢥൻࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ㐷 ᢥൻࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ⺰ b ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᧼႐ ⦟ਭ ᬺ⸘↹ 㧝㧚⻠⟵ⷐ⎇ޔⓥ࠴ࡓߩ✬ᚑ ⧷⺆ࠍቇ߱⊝ߐࠎߪ⇣ޟޔᢥൻࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦߣޠ 㧞㧚ࠣࡠࡃ࡞␠ળߣ⇣ᢥൻࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ ߁߽ߩߦዋߥ߆ࠄߕ⥝߇ࠆߩߢߪߥߢߒࠂ߁߆㧫 㧟㧚ᢥൻ ߒ߆ߒᧄࠍߣߎߩߘޔᩰ⊛ߦീᒝߔࠆ೨ߦޟߪߕ߹ޔᢥൻޠ 㧠㧚ࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ ߩߎޔߡߒߘޠࡦ࡚ࠪࠤ࠾ࡘࡒࠦޟ㧞ߟߩ㑐ଥᕈߦߟ 㧡㧚⸒⺆ ߡℂ⸃ࠍᷓߡ߅ߊᔅⷐ߇ࠅ߹ߔߩߢ߹ࠇߎޔߢߎߘޕ 㧢㧚㕖⸒⺆ ⥄ಽߩ⠨߃߿ࠗࡔࠫࠍ৻ᣤᚻߒߡߚߛߡࠍࠇߘޔ 㧣㧚ᤨ㑆ⓨ㑆 ߟ⋥ߒߡߚߛ߈ߚߣ⠨߃ߡ߹ߔޔࠄߥߗߥޕᄢ 㧤㧚⇣ᢥൻធ⸅ ቇߢቇ߱⇣ᢥൻࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦߩᷓℂ⸃ߣߪޔߕ߹ޔ 㧥㧚␠ળ⊛㑐ଥᕈߣࡔ࠺ࠖࠕ ⥄ಽߩ⠨߃߿৻⥸⊛ߦ⸒ࠊࠇߡࠆߎߣߩ⋥ߒ߆ࠄ 㧝㧜㧚ࡔ࠺ࠖࠕߣᢥൻ ᆎ߹ࠆ߆ࠄߢߔޕ 㧝㧝㧚ᢥൻߩࡐ࠹ࠖࠢࠬ ↪࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߩ⋡ᰴߣᬺ⸘↹ߩ㧞㨪㧝㧞࿁⋡ߩ⻠⟵㗴 㧝㧞㧚ࠣࡠࡃ࡚ࠪࡦߩⴕᣇ ⋡߇ኻᔕߒߡ߹ߔޕᒰߔࠆ┨ࠍࠃߊ⺒ࠎߢ߆ࠄฦ⻠⟵ 㧝㧟㧚ࠦࡦࠨ࡞࠹࡚ࠪࡦ ߦᏨߔࠆࠃ߁ߦߒߡߊߛߐޕ 㧝㧠㧚⎇ⓥ⊒ 㧝㧡㧚ࡈࠜࡓޟઍᢥൻߣࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦޠ ߥ߅ߪ⟵⻠ޔၮᧄ⊛ߦᣣᧄ⺆ߢⴕ߹ߔ߇ޔฦ࿁ߩ⻠⟵ᤨ 㑆ߩᦨೋߦ೨࿁ߩ⻠⟵ߩᓳ⠌ࠍᐔᤃߥ⧷⺆ߢⴕ߹ߔޕ 㧔⎇ⓥ⃰ߩᢙߦࠃࠅᄌᦝߩน⢻ᕈ߽ࠅ߹ߔޕ㧕 ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻㧦ᳰ↰ℂ⍮ሶ✬⇣ࠆ߆ࠊߊࠃޡᢥൻࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ ࡚ࠪࡦޢ㧔ࡒࡀ࡞ࡧࠔᦠᚱ㧕 Ԙ⎇ⓥ⊒㧔⻠⟵ℂ⸃Ḱ⊒ክᩏ㧦90㧑㧕 ԙࡈࠜࡓ߳ߩෳട㧔10㧑㧕 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ᢥൻࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ㐷 ᢥൻࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ⺰ a ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᧼႐ ⦟ਭ ᬺ⸘↹ 㧝㧚⻠⟵ⷐ⎇ޔⓥ࠴ࡓߩ✬ᚑ ⧷⺆ࠍቇ߱⊝ߐࠎߪ⇣ޟޔᢥൻࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦߣޠ 㧞㧚ࠣࡠࡃ࡞␠ળߣ⇣ᢥൻࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ ߁߽ߩߦዋߥ߆ࠄߕ⥝߇ࠆߩߢߪߥߢߒࠂ߁߆㧫 㧟㧚ᢥൻ ߒ߆ߒᧄࠍߣߎߩߘޔᩰ⊛ߦീᒝߔࠆ೨ߦޟߪߕ߹ޔᢥൻޠ 㧠㧚ࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ ߩߎޔߡߒߘޠࡦ࡚ࠪࠤ࠾ࡘࡒࠦޟ㧞ߟߩ㑐ଥᕈߦߟ 㧡㧚⸒⺆ ߡℂ⸃ࠍᷓߡ߅ߊᔅⷐ߇ࠅ߹ߔߩߢ߹ࠇߎޔߢߎߘޕ 㧢㧚㕖⸒⺆ ⥄ಽߩ⠨߃߿ࠗࡔࠫࠍ৻ᣤᚻߒߡߚߛߡࠍࠇߘޔ 㧣㧚ᤨ㑆ⓨ㑆 ߟ⋥ߒߡߚߛ߈ߚߣ⠨߃ߡ߹ߔޔࠄߥߗߥޕᄢ 㧤㧚⇣ᢥൻធ⸅ ቇߢቇ߱⇣ᢥൻࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦߩᷓℂ⸃ߣߪޔߕ߹ޔ 㧥㧚␠ળ⊛㑐ଥᕈߣࡔ࠺ࠖࠕ ⥄ಽߩ⠨߃߿৻⥸⊛ߦ⸒ࠊࠇߡࠆߎߣߩ⋥ߒ߆ࠄ 㧝㧜㧚ࡔ࠺ࠖࠕߣᢥൻ ᆎ߹ࠆ߆ࠄߢߔޕ 㧝㧝㧚ᢥൻߩࡐ࠹ࠖࠢࠬ ↪࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߩ⋡ᰴߣᬺ⸘↹ߩ㧞㨪㧝㧞࿁⋡ߩ⻠⟵㗴 㧝㧞㧚ࠣࡠࡃ࡚ࠪࡦߩⴕᣇ ⋡߇ኻᔕߒߡ߹ߔޕᒰߔࠆ┨ࠍࠃߊ⺒ࠎߢ߆ࠄฦ⻠⟵ 㧝㧟㧚ࠦࡦࠨ࡞࠹࡚ࠪࡦ ߦᏨߔࠆࠃ߁ߦߒߡߊߛߐޕ 㧝㧠㧚⎇ⓥ⊒ 㧝㧡㧚ࡈࠜࡓޟઍᢥൻߣࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦޠ ߥ߅ߪ⟵⻠ޔၮᧄ⊛ߦᣣᧄ⺆ߢⴕ߹ߔ߇ޔฦ࿁ߩ⻠⟵ᤨ 㑆ߩᦨೋߦ೨࿁ߩ⻠⟵ߩᓳ⠌ࠍᐔᤃߥ⧷⺆ߢⴕ߹ߔޕ 㧔⎇ⓥ⃰ߩᢙߦࠃࠅᄌᦝߩน⢻ᕈ߽ࠅ߹ߔޕ㧕 ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻㧦ᳰ↰ℂ⍮ሶ✬⇣ࠆ߆ࠊߊࠃޡᢥൻࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ ࡚ࠪࡦޢ㧔ࡒࡀ࡞ࡧࠔᦠᚱ㧕 Ԙ⎇ⓥ⊒㧔⻠⟵ℂ⸃Ḱ⊒ክᩏ㧦90㧑㧕 ԙࡈࠜࡓ߳ߩෳട㧔10㧑㧕 24 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ᢥൻࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ㐷 ᢥൻࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ⺰ a ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ⻠⟵⋡⊛ 㧝 㧞 㧟 㧠 㧡 㧢 㧣 㧤 㧥 㧝㧜 㧝㧝 㧝㧞 㧝㧟 㧝㧠 㧝㧡 ᤋ↹߿ࠦࡑࠪࡖ࡞ࠍࡑࠬࡔ࠺ࠖࠕࠍਛᔃߣߒߚᢥൻ⽎ ߩᄙ᭽ߥ࠻࠶ࠢಽᨆࠍㅢߒߡࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ⎇ⓥߩ࠳ࠗ ࠽ࡒ࠶ࠢߐࠍ⊒ߒߡ߈ߚౕޕ⊛ߦߪ࠹ߩࠕࠖ࠺ࡔࠬࡑޔ ࠢࠬ࠻ߦᛕ⹏⊛ಽᨆࠍᣉߔ࠻࠶ࠢߩᣇᴺߦ㊀ὐࠍ⟎߈ߥ߇ ࠄߩࡖ࠴࡞ࠞࡘࡇࡐޔ㗴᧚ࠍਛᔃߦᒰ⎇ⓥಽ㊁ߩ㊀ⷐᕈ ࠍ⸃⺑ߒߡߊޕ ⽎㧔represent㧕ߐࠇߚ⸒⺆ߪᴦ⊛ߢࠅߩ⽎ޔઍℂઍ ↪㧔re-present㧕น⢻ᕈ߇ࠁ߃ߦฃߌᚻ߽߹ߚ⤪ࠍ↪ߒߚ್ᢿ ࠍᔅⷐߣߔࠆޕᚒࠍ⺆⸒ߪޘࠍޠ⽎ޟᶖ⾌ߔࠆᐲߦߎߩ⒳ ߩ್ᢿࠍㄼࠄࠇߡࠆߩߢࠆ⾫ߚߒ߁ߘޔߪ⊛⋡ߩ⟵⻠ޕߥ ್ᢿߩߚߦᔅⷐߥᐔࠍℂ⸃ߔࠆߎߣߢࠆޕᛕ⹏⊛ಽᨆߩℂ ⸃ߪ⺆⧷ޔ㧔․ߦࠕࡔࠞ㧕ߩᢥൻ߿␠ળߩ⻉㗴ࠍ⾫ᘦߣߣ ߽ߦ್ᢿߔࠆ⢻ജࠍ㙃߁ᚻഥߌߣߥࠈ߁ޕ ᩑ↰ ⑲᮸ Course Orientation Hollywood and Hypercommercialism Hollywood and Hypercommercialism Hollywood and Hypercommercialism Hollywood and Hypercommercialism Advertisement and Public Culture Advertisement and Public Culture Advertisement and Public Culture Advertisement and Public Culture Desire, Sexuality and Power in Music Video Desire, Sexuality and Power in Music Video Desire, Sexuality and Power in Music Video Desire, Sexuality and Power in Music Video Desire, Sexuality and Power in Music Video ࡈࠜࡓ㧔ઍᢥൻߣࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ㧕 ⻠⟵ⷐ ⻠⟵ߢߪ 1 ࠹ࡑࠍ㧟ߥߒ㧠࿁ߩᬺߢᛒ߁ߣ࠻ࠬࠢ࠹ޕ ߒߡߪฦ࠹ࡑߩℂ⸃ߦᦨㆡߣᕁࠊࠇࠆࡆ࠺ࠝࠍណ↪ߒ࠲ࠠޔ ࡓߩ⸃⺑ࠍട߃ߥ߇ࠄ⻠⟵ࠍㅴߡߊޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ᬺߢᜰ␜ߔࠆޕ ቯᦼ⹜㛎ޔਇቯᦼߦ⺖ߔ⺖㗴㧔ࠢࠗ࠭㧕 ޔ߮Ꮸ⁁ᴫ╬ߦࠃࠆ✚ ว⹏ଔ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ᢥൻࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ㐷 ᢥൻࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ⺰ b ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ⻠⟵⋡⊛ 㧝 㧞 㧟 㧠 㧡 㧢 㧣 㧤 㧥 㧝㧜 㧝㧝 㧝㧞 㧝㧟 㧝㧠 㧝㧡 ᤋ↹߿ࠦࡑࠪࡖ࡞ࠍࡑࠬࡔ࠺ࠖࠕࠍਛᔃߣߒߚᢥൻ⽎ ߩᄙ᭽ߥ࠻࠶ࠢಽᨆࠍㅢߒߡࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ⎇ⓥߩ࠳ࠗ ࠽ࡒ࠶ࠢߐࠍ⊒ߒߡ߈ߚౕޕ⊛ߦߪ࠹ߩࠕࠖ࠺ࡔࠬࡑޔ ࠢࠬ࠻ߦᛕ⹏⊛ಽᨆࠍᣉߔ࠻࠶ࠢߩᣇᴺߦ㊀ὐࠍ⟎߈ߥ߇ ࠄߩࡖ࠴࡞ࠞࡘࡇࡐޔ㗴᧚ࠍਛᔃߦᒰ⎇ⓥಽ㊁ߩ㊀ⷐᕈ ࠍ⸃⺑ߒߡߊޕ ⽎㧔represent㧕ߐࠇߚ⸒⺆ߪᴦ⊛ߢࠅߩ⽎ޔઍℂઍ ↪㧔re-present㧕น⢻ᕈ߇ࠁ߃ߦฃߌᚻ߽߹ߚ⤪ࠍ↪ߒߚ್ᢿ ࠍᔅⷐߣߔࠆޕᚒࠍ⺆⸒ߪޘࠍޠ⽎ޟᶖ⾌ߔࠆᐲߦߎߩ⒳ ߩ್ᢿࠍㄼࠄࠇߡࠆߩߢࠆ⾫ߚߒ߁ߘޔߪ⊛⋡ߩ⟵⻠ޕߥ ್ᢿߩߚߦᔅⷐߥᐔࠍℂ⸃ߔࠆߎߣߢࠆޕᛕ⹏⊛ಽᨆߩℂ ⸃ߪ⺆⧷ޔ㧔․ߦࠕࡔࠞ㧕ߩᢥൻ߿␠ળߩ⻉㗴ࠍ⾫ᘦߣߣ ߽ߦ್ᢿߔࠆ⢻ജࠍ㙃߁ᚻഥߌߣߥࠈ߁ޕ ᩑ↰ ⑲᮸ Course Orientation Hollywood and Hypercommercialism Hollywood and Hypercommercialism Hollywood and Hypercommercialism Hollywood and Hypercommercialism Advertisement and Public Culture Advertisement and Public Culture Advertisement and Public Culture Advertisement and Public Culture Desire, Sexuality and Power in Music Video Desire, Sexuality and Power in Music Video Desire, Sexuality and Power in Music Video Desire, Sexuality and Power in Music Video Desire, Sexuality and Power in Music Video ࡈࠜࡓ㧔ઍᢥൻߣࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ㧕 ⻠⟵ⷐ ⻠⟵ߢߪ 1 ࠹ࡑࠍ㧟ߥߒ㧠࿁ߩᬺߢᛒ߁ߣ࠻ࠬࠢ࠹ޕ ߒߡߪฦ࠹ࡑߩℂ⸃ߦᦨㆡߣᕁࠊࠇࠆࡆ࠺ࠝࠍណ↪ߒ࠲ࠠޔ ࡓߩ⸃⺑ࠍട߃ߥ߇ࠄ⻠⟵ࠍㅴߡߊޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ᬺߢᜰ␜ߔࠆޕ ቯᦼ⹜㛎ޔਇቯᦼߦ⺖ߔ⺖㗴㧔ࠢࠗ࠭㧕 ޔ߮Ꮸ⁁ᴫ╬ߦࠃࠆ✚ ว⹏ଔ 25 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ࿖㓙ࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ㐷 ࿖㓙ࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ⺰ b ᜂᒰ⠪ ㊄ሶ ⧐᮸ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ᧄ⻠⟵ߢߪޔઍߩ࿖㓙␠ળߢߎߞߡࠆ᭽ߥޘ᧪ ߩ᭴ㅧ⢛᥊ᓇ㗀ߥߤࠍℂ⸃ߒޔ ޟ࿖㓙㗴ࠍࠆ⌒ޠ 㧔ⷞὐߣ್ᢿജ㧕ࠍ㙃߁ߎߣࠍ⋡ᜰߒ߹ߔޔߦߚߩߘޕ ࿖㓙␠ળߦ߅ߌࠆઍ⊛ߥ᧪߿㗴ࠍขࠅߍౕޔ ⊛߆ߟᄙⷺ⊛ߦಽᨆ⸃⺑ߒ߹ߔߚ߹ޕ࿖㓙㑐ଥ⎇ⓥߩၮ ␆⊛ߥᔨ߿ℂ⺰ߩ⸃⺑߽❱ࠅߗߥ߇ࠄޔ࿖㓙㑐ଥߦߟ ߡߩ൮⊛ℂ⸃ࠍଦߒ߹ߔޕ ⻠⟵ߪᄢ߈ߊಽߌߡޔ ޟ࿖㓙㑐ଥߩၮ␆⍮⼂╙ ޠ㧞ޯ㧡 ㅳߣޟ࿖㓙␠ળߩ᭴ㅧߣᄌൻޠ㧔╙㧢ޯ㧕࡞ࡃࡠࠣޟ ൻߩਛߩ࿖㓙␠ળޠ 㧔╙ ޯ╙ ㅳ㧕ߩ㧟ߟߩࡄ࠻߆ࠄ ᭴ᚑߐࠇ߹ߔ㧔ฝߩᬺ⸘↹ෳᾖ㧕ޕ ߎߩᬺߢߪޔ㧞ᐕᰴ߆ࠄߩኾ㐷ࠦࠬߩㆬᛯߩ㓙ߦෳ ⠨ߦߒߡ߽ࠄ߁ߚߦޔ࿖㓙ࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦࠦࠬ ߢߪߤߩࠃ߁ߥീᒝࠍߔࠆߩ߆ࠍࠗࡔࠫߢ߈ࠆࠃ߁⠨ ᘦߒߥ߇ࠄㅴ߹ߔޕ ߥ߅ޔᬺߪߔߴߡࡊࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦ࠰ࡈ࠻ࠍ↪ ߡⴕ⾗ࠝ࠺ࡆޔᢱ߽ㆡቱ↪ߒ߹ߔޕ 㧝㧚ࠗࡦ࠻ࡠ࠳࡚ࠢࠪࡦ 㧖࿖㓙␠ળޔ࿖㓙㑐ଥ⺰ߣߪ߆ࠍ⺑ߒ߹ߔޕ 㧞ޯ㧡㧚࿖㓙㑐ଥߩၮ␆ࠪ࠭ 㧖 ♿ᓟඨߩ࿖㓙␠ળߩ᭴ㅧߣᱧผ⊛ዷ㐿ࠍ⺑ߔ ࠆߣߣ߽ߦޔၮᧄ⊛ߥ࿖㓙㑐ଥ⺰ߩℂ⺰ࠍ⸃⺑ߒ߹ߔౕޕ ⊛ߦߪޔԘ಄ᚢ᭴ㅧޔԙ಄ᚢਅߩᚢ㧔ᦺ㞲ᚢ࠻ࡌޔ ࠽ࡓᚢߥߤ㧕ޔԚ಄ᚢ፣უߥߤࠍᛒ߹ߔޕ 㧢ޯ࿖㓙␠ળߩ᭴ㅧߣᄌൻࠪ࠭ 㧖࿖㓙㑐ଥߩၮ␆⊛ߥℂ⺰߿ᕁᗐߦߟߡޔߎߞ ߡࠆౕ⊛ߥߣ㊀ߨวࠊߖߥ߇ࠄ♽⊛ߦᛠីߒޔ ߐࠄߦߘࠇࠄߩᄌൻߦߟߡ⠨߃߹ߔౕޕ⊛ߦߪޔԘ⥄ ↱᳃ਥਥ⟵ߣ⾗ᧄਥ⟵ޔԙ␠ળਥ⟵ߣߘߩ፣უޔԚਛ࿖ߣ ർᦺ㞲ߩ࿖ኅ᭴ㅧߣߘߩᄌൻߥߤࠍᛒ߹ߔޕ ޯࠣࡠࡃ࡞ൻߩਛߩ࿖㓙␠ળࠪ࠭ 㧖 ᐕઍએ㒠ᕆㅦߦㅴࠎߛࠣࡠࡃ࡞ൻߦߞߡ㗼 ⪺ߣߥߞߡࠆ⽎ࠍขࠅߍߥ߇ࠄޔ࿖㓙␠ળߩ᭴ㅧᄌ ൻ߿ᣂߒ࠻ࡦ࠼ࠍᝒ߃߹ߔౕޕ⊛ߦߪޔԘ࿖Ⴚࠍ ߃ߚࡅ࠻ࡕࡁࠞࡀᖱႎޔԙࠗࠬࡓߩบ㗡ߣᓇ㗀ޔ ԚⅣႺ㗴ߩዷ㐿ߥߤࠍᛒ߹ߔޕ 㧔ೋ࿁ߩᬺᤨߦ⚦ߥᬺ⸘↹ࠍ߅વ߃ߒ߹ߔ㧕 ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ․ቯߩ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ࠍ৻⽾ߒߡ߁ߎߣߪࠅ߹ߖࠎ⟵⻠ޕౝኈࠍ ቇᦼᧃ⹜㛎ߩᚑ❣ߦၮߠߡᚑ❣ࠍߟߌ߹ߔޕ ⿷ߔࠆෳ⠨ᢥ₂ࠍฦㅳߩᬺߩਛߢㆡቱ⚫ߒ߹ߔޕ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ࿖㓙ࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ㐷 ࿖㓙ࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ⺰ a ᜂᒰ⠪ ㊄ሶ ⧐᮸ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ᧄ⻠⟵ߢߪޔઍߩ࿖㓙␠ળߢߎߞߡࠆ᭽ߥޘ᧪ ߩ᭴ㅧ⢛᥊ᓇ㗀ߥߤࠍℂ⸃ߒޔ ޟ࿖㓙㗴ࠍࠆ⌒ޠ 㧔ⷞὐߣ್ᢿജ㧕ࠍ㙃߁ߎߣࠍ⋡ᜰߒ߹ߔޔߦߚߩߘޕ ࿖㓙␠ળߦ߅ߌࠆઍ⊛ߥ᧪߿㗴ࠍขࠅߍౕޔ ⊛߆ߟᄙⷺ⊛ߦಽᨆ⸃⺑ߒ߹ߔߚ߹ޕ࿖㓙㑐ଥ⎇ⓥߩၮ ␆⊛ߥᔨ߿ℂ⺰ߩ⸃⺑߽❱ࠅߗߥ߇ࠄޔ࿖㓙㑐ଥߦߟ ߡߩ൮⊛ℂ⸃ࠍଦߒ߹ߔޕ ⻠⟵ߪᄢ߈ߊಽߌߡޔ ޟ࿖㓙㑐ଥߩၮ␆⍮⼂╙ ޠ㧞ޯ㧡 ㅳߣޟ࿖㓙␠ળߩ᭴ㅧߣᄌൻޠ㧔╙㧢ޯ㧕࡞ࡃࡠࠣޟ ൻߩਛߩ࿖㓙␠ળޠ 㧔╙ ޯ╙ ㅳ㧕ߩ㧟ߟߩࡄ࠻߆ࠄ ᭴ᚑߐࠇ߹ߔ㧔ฝߩᬺ⸘↹ෳᾖ㧕ޕ ߎߩᬺߢߪޔ㧞ᐕᰴ߆ࠄߩኾ㐷ࠦࠬߩㆬᛯߩ㓙ߦෳ ⠨ߦߒߡ߽ࠄ߁ߚߦޔ࿖㓙ࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦࠦࠬ ߢߪߤߩࠃ߁ߥീᒝࠍߔࠆߩ߆ࠍࠗࡔࠫߒߡ߽ࠄ߃ࠆ ࠃ߁⠨ᘦߒߥ߇ࠄㅴ߹ߔޕ ߥ߅ޔᬺߪߔߴߡࡊࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦ࠰ࡈ࠻ࠍ↪ ߡⴕ⾗ࠝ࠺ࡆޔᢱ߽ㆡቱ↪ߒ߹ߔޕ 㧝㧚ࠗࡦ࠻ࡠ࠳࡚ࠢࠪࡦ 㧖࿖㓙␠ળޔ࿖㓙㑐ଥ⺰ߣߪ߆ࠍ⺑ߒ߹ߔޕ 㧞ޯ㧡㧚࿖㓙㑐ଥߩၮ␆ࠪ࠭ 㧖 ♿ᓟඨߩ࿖㓙␠ળߩ᭴ㅧߣᱧผ⊛ዷ㐿ࠍ⺑ߔ ࠆߣߣ߽ߦޔၮᧄ⊛ߥ࿖㓙㑐ଥ⺰ߩℂ⺰ࠍ⸃⺑ߒ߹ߔౕޕ ⊛ߦߪޔԘ಄ᚢ᭴ㅧޔԙ಄ᚢਅߩᚢ㧔ᦺ㞲ᚢ࠻ࡌޔ ࠽ࡓᚢߥߤ㧕ޔԚ಄ᚢ፣უߥߤࠍᛒ߹ߔޕ 㧢ޯ࿖㓙␠ળߩ᭴ㅧߣᄌൻࠪ࠭ 㧖࿖㓙㑐ଥߩၮ␆⊛ߥℂ⺰߿ᕁᗐߦߟߡޔߎߞ ߡࠆౕ⊛ߥߣ㊀ߨวࠊߖߥ߇ࠄ♽⊛ߦᛠីߒޔ ߐࠄߦߘࠇࠄߩᄌൻߦߟߡ⠨߃߹ߔౕޕ⊛ߦߪޔԘ⥄ ↱᳃ਥਥ⟵ߣ⾗ᧄਥ⟵ޔԙ␠ળਥ⟵ߣߘߩ፣უޔԚਛ࿖ߣ ർᦺ㞲ߩ࿖ኅ᭴ㅧߣߘߩᄌൻߥߤࠍᛒ߹ߔޕ ޯࠣࡠࡃ࡞ൻߩਛߩ࿖㓙␠ળࠪ࠭ 㧖 ᐕઍએ㒠ᕆㅦߦㅴࠎߛࠣࡠࡃ࡞ൻߦߞߡ㗼 ⪺ߣߥߞߡࠆ⽎ࠍขࠅߍߥ߇ࠄޔ࿖㓙␠ળߩ᭴ㅧᄌ ൻ߿ᣂߒ࠻ࡦ࠼ࠍᝒ߃߹ߔౕޕ⊛ߦߪޔԘ࿖Ⴚࠍ ߃ߚࡅ࠻ࡕࡁࠞࡀᖱႎޔԙࠗࠬࡓߩบ㗡ߣᓇ㗀ޔ ԚⅣႺ㗴ߩዷ㐿ߥߤࠍᛒ߹ߔޕ 㧔ೋ࿁ߩᬺᤨߦ⚦ߥᬺ⸘↹ࠍ߅વ߃ߒ߹ߔ㧕 ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ․ቯߩ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ࠍ৻⽾ߒߡ߁ߎߣߪࠅ߹ߖࠎ⟵⻠ޕౝኈࠍ ቇᦼᧃ⹜㛎ߩᚑ❣ߦၮߠߡᚑ❣ࠍߟߌ߹ߔޕ ⿷ߔࠆෳ⠨ᢥ₂ࠍฦㅳߩᬺߩਛߢㆡቱ⚫ߒ߹ߔޕ 26 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ࿖㓙ࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ㐷 ࿖㓙ࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ⺰ a ᜂᒰ⠪ ᳗㊁ 㓉ⴕ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ඨ ᦼ ߩ ᬺ ࠍ ㅢ ߓ ߡ ޔ࿖ 㓙 㑐 ଥ ⎇ ⓥ 㧔 study of international relations㧕ߣߪߤߩࠃ߁ߥቇߥߩ߆ࠍޟᚢ ߡߟߦޠ⠨߃ࠆߎߣࠍㅢߓߡℂ⸃ߒߡ߽ࠄ߁⊛⚳ᦨޕ ߦߪޔᢎຬߦࠃࠆ⺑ࠍߚߛฃേ⊛ߦ⡞ߊߩߢߪߥߊޔ ᬺౝኈࠍᛕ್⊛ߦ⡞߈⥄ޔಽߥࠅߩޟ࿖㓙㑐ଥࡔࠗߩޠ ࠫࠍᜬߟࠃ߁ߦߥࠆߎߣࠍ⋡ᜰߔޕ Ფ࿁ߩᬺߩ౨㗡ߢߪޔቇ↢⻉ำߦᣣޘᄌൻߔࠆ࿖㓙ᖱ ߦ㑐ᔃࠍᜬߞߡ߽ࠄ߁ߚߦߩߘޔㅳߩᣂ⡞⸥߆ࠄ㕙 ⊕ߘ߁ߥ߽ߩࠍㆬࠎߢ⸥ߩߘޔߦߟߡ৻✜ߦ⠨߃ࠆᤨ 㑆ࠍ 30 ಽ⒟ᐲ⸳ߌࠆޕᔅⷐߦᔕߓߡࡆ࠺ࠝᤋߥߤ߽ ↪ߒߡޔℂ⸃ࠍᷓߡ߽ࠄߚޕ ߹ߚᬺߩߥ߆ߢߪޔ࿖㓙㑐ଥ⎇ⓥߩ߁߃ߢ㊀ⷐߥℂ⺰ ߿↪⺆ߦߟߡ߽ߩߘޔㇺᐲ⺑ࠍട߃ߡߊޕ ߎߩᬺߢߪޔ៤Ꮺࡔ࡞ߦࠃࠆ⾰ࠍᬺਛ㓐ᤨฃߌ ઃߌޔㆡቱߘࠇࠄࠍขࠅߍߡࠆߩߢ⇼ޔߦᕁߞߚߎ ߣߥߤࠍⓍᭂ⊛ߦᢎຬߦવ߃ߡ᰼ߒޕ ߥ߅⑳⺆ߪ෩⌀ޔߦቇ߷߁ߣߔࠆቇ↢ߩ㇎㝷ࠍߔࠆ ߽ߩߦߪޔහᐳߦㅌቶߒߡ߽ࠄ߁ޕ ╙㧝࿁㧦࿖㓙㑐ଥ⺰ࠍቇ߱ߦߚߞߡߩࠟࠗ࠳ࡦࠬԘ ╙㧞࿁㧦࿖㓙㑐ଥ⺰ࠍቇ߱ߦߚߞߡߩࠟࠗ࠳ࡦࠬԙ ╙㧟࿁㧦࿖㓙㑐ଥ⺰ߪߥߗ↢߹ࠇߚߩ߆ ╙㧠࿁㧦࿖㓙㑐ଥߦ߅ߌࠆੱ࿖ኅ ޯੱߣ࿖ኅߩోߣ࿖㓙㑐ଥߩቯ ╙㧡࿁㧦ᚢߣߪ߆Ԙߘߩቯ⟵ ╙ 6 ࿁㧦ᚢߣߪ߆ԙ࿖㓙㑐ଥߩ᭴ㅧߣᚢ ╙㧣࿁㧦ᚢߣߪ߆Ԛᚢߣ࿖ኅ ޯᚢߪࠍ߽ߚࠄߔߩ߆ ╙㧤࿁㧦ᚢߣߪ߆ԛᚢⷰߩᄌൻ ޯᱜᚢ⺰ޔήᏅᚢⷰੱޔ⊛ ╙㧥࿁㧦ᚢߣߪ߆Ԝ࿖㓙㑐ଥߦ߅ߌࠆᱜ⟵ߣᚢ ޯࠝࡃࡑ☨ᄢ⛔㗔ߩࡁࡌ࡞ᐔ⾨ฃ⾨ࠬࡇ࠴߆ࠄ ╙ 10 ࿁㧦ᚢߣߪ߆ԝᣂߒ⚗ ޯ21 ♿ߩ⚗ߩ․ᓽߣߪ߆ ╙ 11 ࿁㧦ᚢߣߪ߆Ԟᚢߩਥ ޯޟઍߩெޠ᳃㑆ァળ␠㧔㧼㧹㧯㧕ߩ⊓႐ ╙ 12 ࿁㧦ᚢߣߪ߆ԟᩭེߣ࿖㓙㑐ଥ ޯࠝࡃࡑ☨ᄢ⛔㗔ߩޟᩭߥ߈⇇ޠṶ⺑߆ࠄ ╙ 13 ࿁㧦ᚢߣߪ߆ԠⓍᭂ⊛ᐔߣᶖᭂ⊛ᐔ ޯ᭴ㅧ⊛ജߩߥ⇇ࠍ⋡ᜰߒߡ ╙ 14 ࿁㧦ᚢߣߪ߆ԡ࿖㓙⒎ᐨߣ࿖ኅ ╙ 15 ࿁㧦߹ߣ㧔⾰⇼ᔕ╵㧕㧒࿖㓙㑐ଥࠍߐࠄߦቇ߱ߦߪ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ╙৻࿁⋡ߩ⻠⟵ߢߒޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ࠬ࠻ࠍ㈩Ꮣߔࠆ ਇቯᦼߦታᣉߔࠆࠕ࡚ࠢࠪࡦࡍࡄߩឭ㧔40㧑㧕ߣ ቯᦼ⹜㛎㧔⺰ㅀᒻᑼޔ60㧑㧕ߦࠃࠆ⹏ଔޕ 27 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆㖸ჿቇ㩷 ᜂᒰ⠪ 㕍ᩒ㩷 ⌀♿ሶ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ⻠⟵⋡⊛㩷 㪈㪅㩷 ╙ 㪈 ┨㩷 䇸㖸ჿቇ䈫䈲䇹㩷 ቇ㓙⊛㗔ၞ㪃㩷 ℂ⺰䈫ᔕ↪㪃㩷 㖸ჿ䈱ᖱႎ㩷 㖸ჿ䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮䉕⠨䈋䈢䈫䈐䈮䇮㖸ჿ䈏䈬䈱䉋䈉䈮䉌䉏䇮વ䉒 䉍䇮⡞䈐ข䉌䉏䉎䈎䈫䈇䈉㗴䈲⥝ᷓ䈇䉅䈱䈏䈅䉎䇯䈖䈱ᬺ䈪䈲䇮 ⧷⺆ቇ⠌⠪䉁䈢䈲᧪䈱ᢎᏧ䈮䈫䈦䈩㊀ⷐ䈪䈅䉎⧷⺆㖸ჿ䈮䈧䈇䈩 ዋ䈚♽⊛䈮䈩䉂䉎䇯ᣣᧄ⺆䉇ઁ䈱⸒⺆䈱㖸ჿ䈫䈱Ყセ䉅䈋䈩䇮 ⧷⺆㖸ჿ䉕䉋䉍ᷓ䈒ℂ⸃䈚䇮ታ〣䈪䈐䉎䉋䈉䈮䈭䉎䈖䈫䉕⋡ᜰ䈜䇯䉁䈢䇮 㖸ჿ䉇㖸ჿቇ䈱䈘䉁䈙䉁䈭㕙䈮䈧䈇䈩⸅䉏䉎䈖䈫䈮䉋䉍䇮䈠䈱㕙⊕䈘䉕 ⚫䈚䇮䈖䉏એ㒠䈱㖸ჿ㑐ଥ䈱⑼⋡ጁୃ䈻䈱ዉ䈫䈜䉎䇯㩷 㪉㪅㩷 ╙ 㪉 ┨㩷 䇸⊒ჿ䈱䊜䉦䊆䉵䊛䇹㩷 ེቭ䋨⊒ჿ䋬㡆䋬⺞㖸䋩㩷 㪊㪅㩷 ╙ 㪊 ┨㩷 䇸㖸ჿ⸥䇹㩷 㩷 㪠㪧㪘㪃㩷 ಽ㘃㩿᳇ᵹ㪃㩷 ჿᏪᝄേ㪃㩷 ⺞㖸⟎㪆ᣇᴺ㪀㩷 㪋㪅㩷 ╙ 㪋 ┨㩷 䇸Უ㖸䇹㩷 ಽ㘃㩷 䋨㜞ૐ㪆೨ᓟ㪃㩷 ໃ㪀㪃㩷 ၮᧄᲣ㖸㩷 㪌㪅㩷 Უ㖸䋨㪉䋩㩷 ᣣᧄ⺆䈫䈱Ყセ䋬䉴䊕䊥䊮䉫䈫Უ㖸䋬䉝䉪䉶䊮䊃䈫Უ㖸㩷 㪍㪅㩷 ╙ 㪌 ┨㩷 䇸ሶ㖸䇹㩷 ჿ㪆ήჿ㪃㩷 ⺞㖸⟎㪆ᣇᴺ㪃㩷 㒖ኂ㖸㪆㡆㖸㩷 ⻠⟵ⷐ㩷 㪎㪅㩷 ሶ㖸㩿㪉㪀㩷 ᣣᧄ⺆䈫䈱Ყセ㩷 㩷 㖸ჿቇ䈱ၮ␆䈱⻠⟵䈪䈅䉍䇮ᜰቯ䊁䉨䉴䊃䈲ೋ⠌⠪䈱䉅䈱䈪ၮᧄ㗄 䈏⸥䈚䈩䈅䉎䇯ฦቇ↢䈲Ფ࿁䇮ᦨૐ㒢䈖䈱ᜰቯ▸࿐䉕⺒䉖䈪䈒䉎䈖䈫䈏 ᔅ㗇䈫䈭䉎䇯㩷 㪏㪅㩷 ╙ 㪍 ┨㩷 䇸㖸▵䇹㩷 㖸▵᭴ㅧ䈫ᒝ䋨╙ੑ䉝䉪䉶䊮䊃䋩䈫Უ㖸㩷 㪐㪅㩷 㖸▵㩿㪉㪀㩷 㩷 㩷 䍱䍎䍵㪆㖸▵㪃㩷 㖸▵䈱ㅪ⛯䈮䉋䉎䉝䉪䉶䊮䊃㪆䊥䉵䊛㩷 䊜䉾䉶䊷䉳㩷 㪈㪇㪅㩷 ╙ 㪎 ┨㩷 䇸⺆ᒝ䇹㩷 ╙৻࿁⋡䈱ᬺ೨䈮䊁䉨䉴䊃䉕ᚻ䈚䇮╙ 㪈 ┨䋨㫇㫇㪅㩷 㪉㪄㪎䋩䉕⺒䉖䈪䈒䉎 䈖䈫䇯 㪈㪈㪅㩷 ⺆ᒝ㩿㪉㪀㩷 䊐䉾䊃㪆䊥䉵䊛㩷 ᣣᧄ⺆䈫⧷⺆㩷 㩷 㪈㪉㪅㩷 ╙ 㪏 ┨㩷 䇸㖸❗ዊ䇹㩷 ╙ 㪐 ┨㩷 䇸หᤨ⺞㖸䇹㩷 㪈㪊㪅㩷㩷╙ 㪈㪇 ┨㩷 䇸䉟䊮䊃䊈䊷䉲䊢䊮䇹㩷 㪈㪋㪅㩷 㖸ჿ⑼ቇ䈱⊒ዷ㩷 䋨⸒⺆ቇ䇮ᔃℂቇ䇮Ꮏቇ䊶ᢎ⢒䊶ක≮䊶╷䊶␠ ળቇ㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅䋩㩷 㪈㪌㪅㩷 䉁䈫䉄㩷 ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ⮮ካ㪃㩷 ⮮ദ㩷 䇺ઍ䈱⧷⺆㖸ჿቇ䇻㩷 ㊄ᤊၴ㩷 㩿㪈㪐㪐㪎㪀㩷 䈠䈱ઁ㩷 ㈩Ꮣ⾗ᢱ㩷 Ꮸ䇮䉪䉟䉵䉇⺖㗴䇮⹜㛎䈱✚ว⹏ଔ䈮䉋䉎䇯ฦ㗄⋡䈮䈍䈇䈩ᦨૐ㒢 䉕䉪䊥䉝䈜䉎䈖䈫䇯නቯ䈮䈲 㪉㪆㪊 એ䈱Ꮸ䈏᳞䉄䉌䉏䉎䇯Ꮸ䈲 ෩䈚䈇䇯㩷 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆㖸ჿቇ㩷 ᜂᒰ⠪ 㕍ᩒ㩷 ⌀♿ሶ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ⻠⟵⋡⊛㩷 㪈㪅㩷 ╙ 㪈 ┨㩷 䇸㖸ჿቇ䈫䈲䇹㩷 ቇ㓙⊛㗔ၞ㪃㩷 ℂ⺰䈫ᔕ↪㪃㩷 㖸ჿ䈱ᖱႎ㩷 㖸ჿ䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮䉕⠨䈋䈢䈫䈐䈮䇮㖸ჿ䈏䈬䈱䉋䈉䈮䉌䉏䇮વ䉒 䉍䇮⡞䈐ข䉌䉏䉎䈎䈫䈇䈉㗴䈲⥝ᷓ䈇䉅䈱䈏䈅䉎䇯䈖䈱ᬺ䈪䈲䇮 ⧷⺆ቇ⠌⠪䉁䈢䈲᧪䈱ᢎᏧ䈮䈫䈦䈩㊀ⷐ䈪䈅䉎⧷⺆㖸ჿ䈮䈧䈇䈩 ዋ䈚♽⊛䈮䈩䉂䉎䇯ᣣᧄ⺆䉇ઁ䈱⸒⺆䈱㖸ჿ䈫䈱Ყセ䉅䈋䈩䇮 ⧷⺆㖸ჿ䉕䉋䉍ᷓ䈒ℂ⸃䈚䇮ታ〣䈪䈐䉎䉋䈉䈮䈭䉎䈖䈫䉕⋡ᜰ䈜䇯䉁䈢䇮 㖸ჿ䉇㖸ჿቇ䈱䈘䉁䈙䉁䈭㕙䈮䈧䈇䈩⸅䉏䉎䈖䈫䈮䉋䉍䇮䈠䈱㕙⊕䈘䉕 ⚫䈚䇮䈖䉏એ㒠䈱㖸ჿ㑐ଥ䈱⑼⋡ጁୃ䈻䈱ዉ䈫䈜䉎䇯㩷 㪉㪅㩷 ╙ 㪉 ┨㩷 䇸⊒ჿ䈱䊜䉦䊆䉵䊛䇹㩷 ེቭ䋨⊒ჿ䋬㡆䋬⺞㖸䋩㩷 㪊㪅㩷 ╙ 㪊 ┨㩷 䇸㖸ჿ⸥䇹㩷 㩷 㪠㪧㪘㪃㩷 ಽ㘃㩿᳇ᵹ㪃㩷 ჿᏪᝄേ㪃㩷 ⺞㖸⟎㪆ᣇᴺ㪀㩷 㪋㪅㩷 ╙ 㪋 ┨㩷 䇸Უ㖸䇹㩷 ಽ㘃㩷 䋨㜞ૐ㪆೨ᓟ㪃㩷 ໃ㪀㪃㩷 ၮᧄᲣ㖸㩷 㪌㪅㩷 Უ㖸䋨㪉䋩㩷 ᣣᧄ⺆䈫䈱Ყセ䋬䉴䊕䊥䊮䉫䈫Უ㖸䋬䉝䉪䉶䊮䊃䈫Უ㖸㩷 㪍㪅㩷 ╙ 㪌 ┨㩷 䇸ሶ㖸䇹㩷 ჿ㪆ήჿ㪃㩷 ⺞㖸⟎㪆ᣇᴺ㪃㩷 㒖ኂ㖸㪆㡆㖸㩷 ⻠⟵ⷐ㩷 㪎㪅㩷 ሶ㖸㩿㪉㪀㩷 ᣣᧄ⺆䈫䈱Ყセ㩷 㩷 㖸ჿቇ䈱ၮ␆䈱⻠⟵䈪䈅䉍䇮ᜰቯ䊁䉨䉴䊃䈲ೋ⠌⠪䈱䉅䈱䈪ၮᧄ㗄 䈏⸥䈚䈩䈅䉎䇯ฦቇ↢䈲Ფ࿁䇮ᦨૐ㒢䈖䈱ᜰቯ▸࿐䉕⺒䉖䈪䈒䉎䈖䈫䈏 ᔅ㗇䈫䈭䉎䇯㩷 㪏㪅㩷 ╙ 㪍 ┨㩷 䇸㖸▵䇹㩷 㖸▵᭴ㅧ䈫ᒝ䋨╙ੑ䉝䉪䉶䊮䊃䋩䈫Უ㖸㩷 㪐㪅㩷 㖸▵㩿㪉㪀㩷 㩷 㩷 䍱䍎䍵㪆㖸▵㪃㩷 㖸▵䈱ㅪ⛯䈮䉋䉎䉝䉪䉶䊮䊃㪆䊥䉵䊛㩷 䊜䉾䉶䊷䉳㩷 㪈㪇㪅㩷 ╙ 㪎 ┨㩷 䇸⺆ᒝ䇹㩷 ╙৻࿁⋡䈱ᬺ೨䈮䊁䉨䉴䊃䉕ᚻ䈚䇮╙ 㪈 ┨䋨㫇㫇㪅㩷 㪉㪄㪎䋩䉕⺒䉖䈪䈒䉎 䈖䈫䇯 㪈㪈㪅㩷 ⺆ᒝ㩿㪉㪀㩷 䊐䉾䊃㪆䊥䉵䊛㩷 ᣣᧄ⺆䈫⧷⺆㩷 㩷 㪈㪉㪅㩷 ╙ 㪏 ┨㩷 䇸㖸❗ዊ䇹㩷 ╙ 㪐 ┨㩷 䇸หᤨ⺞㖸䇹㩷 㪈㪊㪅㩷㩷╙ 㪈㪇 ┨㩷 䇸䉟䊮䊃䊈䊷䉲䊢䊮䇹㩷 㪈㪋㪅㩷 㖸ჿ⑼ቇ䈱⊒ዷ㩷 䋨⸒⺆ቇ䇮ᔃℂቇ䇮Ꮏቇ䊶ᢎ⢒䊶ක≮䊶╷䊶␠ ળቇ㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅䋩㩷 㪈㪌㪅㩷 䉁䈫䉄㩷 ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ⮮ካ㪃㩷 ⮮ദ㩷 䇺ઍ䈱⧷⺆㖸ჿቇ䇻㩷 ㊄ᤊၴ㩷 㩿㪈㪐㪐㪎㪀㩷 䈠䈱ઁ㩷 ㈩Ꮣ⾗ᢱ㩷 Ꮸ䇮䉪䉟䉵䉇⺖㗴䇮⹜㛎䈱✚ว⹏ଔ䈮䉋䉎䇯ฦ㗄⋡䈮䈍䈇䈩ᦨૐ㒢 䉕䉪䊥䉝䈜䉎䈖䈫䇯නቯ䈮䈲 㪉㪆㪊 એ䈱Ꮸ䈏᳞䉄䉌䉏䉎䇯Ꮸ䈲 ෩䈚䈇䇯㩷 28 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆㖸ჿቇ ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ਛ↰ ߭ߣߺ ᬺ⸘↹ 㧚ࠦࠬⷐ㧧㖸ჿቇߣߪ ⸒⺆ቇߣߒߡߩ㖸ჿቇ㧧㑐ㅪ㗔ၞ߳ߩታ↪ᕈ 㧚⊒ჿߩࡔࠞ࠾࠭ࡓ 㖸ჿེቭ㧧㖸ߩಽ㘃 㧚㖸ჿ⸥ 㧵㧼㧭㧧ࠗࠡࠬ⧷⺆ߣࠕࡔࠞ⧷⺆㧧㖸⚛ߣ⇣㖸 㧚Უ㖸ߩ⺞㖸 ಽ㘃㧧ၮᧄᲣ㖸㧧೨⥠Უ㖸㧧ᓟ⥠Უ㖸ߥߤ 㧚ሶ㖸ߩ⺞㖸㧔㧝㧕 ಽ㘃㧔ჿήჿ㧧⺞㖸ὐ᭽ᑼ㧕㧧㥦ሶ㖸㧧㐽㎮㖸 㧚ሶ㖸ߩ⺞㖸㧔㧞㧕 ⷐ ᡂ㖸㧧⎕ᡂ㖸㧧ធㄭ㖸 ೨ඨߪਥߦ㖸ߩಽ㘃߮․ᓽࠍቇ⠌ߔࠆޕᓟඨߢߪ 4GXKGY ࠃࠅᄢ߈ߥᢥ⣂㧔න⺆㨪ᢥන㧕ߢ㖸߇ߤ߁ᄌൻߔࠆ߆ 㧨ਛ㑆࠹ࠬ࠻㧪 ࠍ⠨ኤߒޔᣣᧄ⺆ߩ㖸㖿♽ߣߩᲧセᬌ⸛߽⹜ߺࠆޕ 㧚㖸▵㧔㧝㧕㖸▵ࠍ␜ߔ⽎㧧⡞ߎ߃ߣ㖸▵㧧㖸▵᭴ㅧߥߤ 㧚⺆ᒝ ࠬ࠻ࠬߣ࠭ࡓ ᵈ㧕⊒㖸⸥ภߩ⏕ޔ߮⧷⺆ߢߩኾ㐷↪⺆߽㗫ߔࠆ 㧚㖸❗ዊ ߩߢޔᬺߦߪ⧷ࠆߪ⧷⧷ㄉౖࠍᜬෳߩߎߣ ޕౝኈ⺆ߣᯏ⢻⺆㧧ᒙᒻߩ㊀ⷐᕈ 㧚หᤨ⺞㖸ߣࠗࡦ࠻ࡀ࡚ࠪࡦ ៤Ꮺ㔚ߩㄉᦠᯏ⢻ߪ↪ᱛߣߔࠆޕ หൻ⽎㧧ࠗࡦ࠻ࡀ࡚ࠪࡦߩᓎഀ 㧚㖸㗀㖸ჿቇ㧛⑼ቇߣߒߡߩ㖸ჿቇ 㧚4GXKGY 㧚㧨ᦼᧃ࠹ࠬ࠻㧪 ⋡⊛ ⥄ὼߥㅦᐲߢߐࠇࠆ⸒⺆㖸ࠍⷰኤߒᄙⷺ⊛ߦ⎇ⓥߔࠆ ߩ߇㖸ჿቇߣ߁ቇߢࠆߩߘߪߢࠬࠦߩߎޕၮ␆ ߣߥࠆ⍮⼂ߩᓧࠍਥ⌒ߣߒޔᣣᏱߦࠄࠇࠆ㖸⽎ߩ ⸃ࠍࠣࡦ࠾ࠬ⺆⧷ޔ࿎㔍ߦߒߡࠆⷐ࿃߽ᬌ⸛ߔࠆޕ ⧷⺆ߦࠄࠇࠆ᭽ߥޘ㖸⽎ࠍ♽⊛ߦᲧセߔࠆߎߣߢ ⊒㖸ࠬ࠾ࡦࠣ⢻ജߩะ߽࿑ࠆޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ᢎ⑼ᦠ ⮮ካ⮮ദ⪺ޡઍߩ⧷⺆㖸ჿቇޢ 㧔㊄ᤊޔ1997 ᐕ㧕 ⹜㛎ߩઁߦ⺖㗴ឭ߿Ꮸ₸ࠍടߒߡ✚ว⹏ଔߔࠆޕ ᬺ࿁ᢙߩ 3/4 એߩᏨࠍනቯߩᔅ㗇᧦ઙߣߔࠆޕ ෳ⠨ᢥ₂ߪᬺਛߦㆡቱᜰ␜ߔࠆޕ 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆㖸ჿቇ ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ਛ↰ ߭ߣߺ ᬺ⸘↹ 㧚ࠦࠬⷐ㧧㖸ჿቇߣߪ ⸒⺆ቇߣߒߡߩ㖸ჿቇ㧧㑐ㅪ㗔ၞ߳ߩታ↪ᕈ 㧚⊒ჿߩࡔࠞ࠾࠭ࡓ 㖸ჿེቭ㧧㖸ߩಽ㘃 㧚㖸ჿ⸥ 㧵㧼㧭㧧ࠗࠡࠬ⧷⺆ߣࠕࡔࠞ⧷⺆㧧㖸⚛ߣ⇣㖸 㧚Უ㖸ߩ⺞㖸 ಽ㘃㧧ၮᧄᲣ㖸㧧೨⥠Უ㖸㧧ᓟ⥠Უ㖸ߥߤ 㧚ሶ㖸ߩ⺞㖸㧔㧝㧕 ಽ㘃㧔ჿήჿ㧧⺞㖸ὐ᭽ᑼ㧕㧧㥦ሶ㖸㧧㐽㎮㖸 㧚ሶ㖸ߩ⺞㖸㧔㧞㧕 ⷐ ᡂ㖸㧧⎕ᡂ㖸㧧ធㄭ㖸 ೨ඨߪਥߦ㖸ߩಽ㘃߮․ᓽࠍቇ⠌ߔࠆޕᓟඨߢߪ 4GXKGY ࠃࠅᄢ߈ߥᢥ⣂㧔න⺆㨪ᢥන㧕ߢ㖸߇ߤ߁ᄌൻߔࠆ߆ 㧨ਛ㑆࠹ࠬ࠻㧪 ࠍ⠨ኤߒޔᣣᧄ⺆ߩ㖸㖿♽ߣߩᲧセᬌ⸛߽⹜ߺࠆޕ 㧚㖸▵㧔㧝㧕㖸▵ࠍ␜ߔ⽎㧧⡞ߎ߃ߣ㖸▵㧧㖸▵᭴ㅧߥߤ 㧚⺆ᒝ ࠬ࠻ࠬߣ࠭ࡓ ᵈ㧕⊒㖸⸥ภߩ⏕ޔ߮⧷⺆ߢߩኾ㐷↪⺆߽㗫ߔࠆ 㧚㖸❗ዊ ߩߢޔᬺߦߪ⧷ࠆߪ⧷⧷ㄉౖࠍᜬෳߩߎߣ ޕౝኈ⺆ߣᯏ⢻⺆㧧ᒙᒻߩ㊀ⷐᕈ 㧚หᤨ⺞㖸ߣࠗࡦ࠻ࡀ࡚ࠪࡦ ៤Ꮺ㔚ߩㄉᦠᯏ⢻ߪ↪ᱛߣߔࠆޕ หൻ⽎㧧ࠗࡦ࠻ࡀ࡚ࠪࡦߩᓎഀ 㧚㖸㗀㖸ჿቇ㧛⑼ቇߣߒߡߩ㖸ჿቇ 㧚4GXKGY 㧚㧨ᦼᧃ࠹ࠬ࠻㧪 ⋡⊛ ⥄ὼߥㅦᐲߢߐࠇࠆ⸒⺆㖸ࠍⷰኤߒᄙⷺ⊛ߦ⎇ⓥߔࠆ ߩ߇㖸ჿቇߣ߁ቇߢࠆߩߘߪߢࠬࠦߩߎޕၮ␆ ߣߥࠆ⍮⼂ߩᓧࠍਥ⌒ߣߒޔᣣᏱߦࠄࠇࠆ㖸⽎ߩ ⸃ࠍࠣࡦ࠾ࠬ⺆⧷ޔ࿎㔍ߦߒߡࠆⷐ࿃߽ᬌ⸛ߔࠆޕ ⧷⺆ߦࠄࠇࠆ᭽ߥޘ㖸⽎ࠍ♽⊛ߦᲧセߔࠆߎߣߢ ⊒㖸ࠬ࠾ࡦࠣ⢻ജߩะ߽࿑ࠆޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ᢎ⑼ᦠ ⮮ካ⮮ദ⪺ޡઍߩ⧷⺆㖸ჿቇޢ 㧔㊄ᤊޔ1997 ᐕ㧕 ⹜㛎ߩઁߦ⺖㗴ឭ߿Ꮸ₸ࠍടߒߡ✚ว⹏ଔߔࠆޕ ᬺ࿁ᢙߩ 3/4 એߩᏨࠍනቯߩᔅ㗇᧦ઙߣߔࠆޕ ෳ⠨ᢥ₂ߪᬺਛߦㆡቱᜰ␜ߔࠆޕ 29 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ᜂᒰ⠪ Lecture Workshop I ฦᜂᒰᢎຬ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ These classes are a combination of mini-lectures on a variety of topics and task-based activities. The lectures, and all the activities, will be conducted in English. Lecture topics will be provided by each instructor. Topic examples include “Introduction to narratives”, “Introduction to Africa”, “Introduction to Asian Englishes”, and “Introduction to American History through Music”. Students will be required to complete weekly assignments and to keep a folder of all work done in and out of class. This folder will be presented to the instructor at the end of each seven-week lecture series, and will be used for assessment purposes at the end of each semester. There are two objectives for the courses 1) to build up students’ overall English ability and 2) to help students gain knowledge of the content topics that will be presented. These courses are short seven-week courses and active participation and attendance will be an important part of the overall evaluation. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Teachers will mostly use handouts, booklets or prints to be distributed in class. Evaluation will be based upon participation and the quality of work done for the class. Teachers will combine their grades for a semester grade. 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ᜂᒰ⠪ Lecture Workshop II ฦᜂᒰᢎຬ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ These classes are a combination of mini-lectures on a variety of topics and task-based activities. The lectures, and all the activities, will be conducted in English. Lecture topics will be provided by each instructor. Topic examples include “Gender studies”, “Introduction to international relations”, “Film studies”, and “Japanese culture”. Students will be required to complete weekly assignments and to keep a folder of all work done in and out of class. This folder will be presented to the instructor at the end of each seven-week lecture series, and will be used for assessment purposes at the end of each semester. There are two objectives for these courses 1) to build up students’ overall English ability and 2) to help students gain knowledge of the content topics that will be presented. These courses are short seven-week courses and active participation and attendance will be an important part of the overall evaluation. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Teachers will mostly use handouts, booklets or prints to be distributed in class. Evaluation will be based upon participation and the quality of work done for the class. Teachers will combine their grades for a semester grade. 30 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Comprehensive English Σ ᜂᒰ⠪ ฦᜂᒰᢎຬ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This one-term twice-a-week class develops the range of English language skills (but with an emphasis on oral communication) by applying practical communication strategies to help build on those linguistic skills learned by students in high school. ᬺ੍ቯߪฦᜂᒰᢎຬ߆ࠄ⺑߇ߥߐࠇࠆޕ Overall Objectives: The following are the macro-level objectives for this course: 1. To give students maximum opportunities to communicate (speak, listen, read and write). 2. To build student confidence in interpersonal communication. 3. To develop the basic study skills needed to successfully carry out their four years of English study at this institution. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Individual instructors are free to select their own text material, including any supplementary teaching material, and to use it in the manner they feel will best complete the above objectives. Individual instructors are asked to determine a system of grading that is fair and consistent to the students, and best measures the classroom performance and overall improvement of the students’ communicative abilities. 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Comprehensive English Τ ᜂᒰ⠪ ฦᜂᒰᢎຬ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This one-term twice-a-week class helps students to learn how to improve their English language communication skills by introducing the organizational skills necessary to become a competent speaker and writer. ᬺ੍ቯߪฦᜂᒰᢎຬ߆ࠄ⺑߇ߥߐࠇࠆޕ Overall Objectives: The following are the macro-level objectives for this course: 1. To develop in the students a good grounding in the organization skills of speech communication and writing. 2. To give students maximum opportunities to develop their speech delivery and writing skills. 3. To build student confidence in speech communication in a small as well as a large group context. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Individual instructors are free to select their own text material, including any supplementary teaching material, and to use it in the manner they feel will best complete the above objectives. Individual instructors are asked to determine a system of grading that is fair and consistent to the students, and best measures the classroom performance and overall improvement of the students’ communicative abilities. 31 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Comprehensive English Σ㧔ౣ㧕 ⑺ቇᦼ 㧠 ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ 㧷㧚ࡒࡂࡦ ᬺ⸘↹ Comprehensive English Σ㧔ౣ㧕ߪ⑺ޔቇᦼ ᦐ㧠㒢ߣ ᳓ᦐ㧡㒢㧔ਅᲑ㧕ࠍ࠶࠻ߢฃ⻠ߒߡߊߛߐޕ The objective of the course is develop students English through meaningful discussion. This class will integrate reading, listening practice, and vocabulary building into all topic discussions. The course's integrated approach encourages students to share and compare different points of view on a wide range of ᜂᒰ⠪ topical issues and guides them towards 1. Introduction 2.Exchanging personal information 3.Personality Types 4.Appearances 5.Attitudes 6.Comparing experiences 7.Getting information 8. Events 9. Quiz 10. Movies 11.Music 12. Media 13.Japan 14. Globalization 15. Test successful communication. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ None Grades will be based on attendance, class participation, and tests. 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Comprehensive English Σ㧔ౣ㧕 ⑺ቇᦼ ᳓㧡 ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ This course meets once a week and is concentrated on the four skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking). will be 㧶㧚㧭㧚ࠣࠗ ᬺ⸘↹ Comprehensive English Σ㧔ౣ㧕ߪ⑺ޔቇᦼ ᦐ㧠㒢㧔 Ბ㧕ߣ᳓ᦐ㧡㒢ࠍ࠶࠻ߢฃ⻠ߒߡߊߛߐޕ Students ᜂᒰ⠪ given opportunities to lead presentations and communicate with one another in English on a daily basis in order to build fluency and competence in interpersonal communication. Students will be working in groups and/or pairs in order to increase their individual communication time. Students will choose contemporary topics to base their presentation on and will also introduce appropriate special vocabulary needed for understanding the presentation and discussion in class. There will be 1㧚Course Introduction / Demonstration/Assignment Choose Topics Today 2㧚Quiz 1 Class Presentations and Discussions 3㧚Quiz 2 Class Presentations and Discussions 4㧚Quiz 3 Class Presentations and Discussions 5㧚Quiz 4 Class Presentations and Discussions 6㧚Quiz 5 Class Presentations and Discussions 7㧚Mid-term 8㧚Quiz 6 Class Presentations and Discussions 9㧚Quiz 7 Class Presentations and Discussions 10㧚Quiz 8 Class Presentations and Discussions 11㧚Quiz 9 Class Presentations and Discussions 12㧚Quiz 10 Class Presentations and Discussions 13㧚Final 14㧚Wrap-up of this semester’s work. 15㧚Late Assignments/Extra Credit/ Interviews Scheduling and scoring may be changed at the instructor’s discretion. daily quizzes, discussions, and presentations. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Text: Grading: Students will be graded according to their attendance, quizzes, attitude, participation, homework, and presentations. Handouts prepared by students Student led presentations 32 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Comprehensive English Τ㧔ౣ㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧸㧚㧷㧚ࡂࠠࡦࠬ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This is a course designed to expose the students to modern, idiomatic English an innovative and interesting format. The students will study the English used in one 10 minute scene of a selected Disney movie. The students will study and use the vocabulary, (standard and slang) and idioms used in said scene. There will be many opportunities to practice the studied material with fellow students and the instructor. It is hoped that through this method, the students will see improvement in their listening skill, written work and spoken English. The instructor will provide a schedule upon assessment of each class. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ The instructor will provide worksheets each week. Attendance, worksheets and one report 33 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Comprehensive English Υ㧔HONORS㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧶㧚࠙ࠜ࡞࠼ࡑࡦ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This course will focus on using oral skills to communicate effectively in English. The activities in this class will give students opportunities to express their ideas in English and help them to function in practical everyday situations. Facets that will be included in this course will be pronunciation, practical vocabulary necessary for communication, cultural understanding, public speaking and learner strategies. The learner strategies will help students to take more responsibility and initiative to improve their English ability. 1. Introduction with explanation of the grading system and student requirements. 2. Cosmetic surgery: Is there too much emphasis on appearance these days? 3. Can man and woman be close without romance? 4. This session will focus on environmental issues. 5. Teenage life with student presentations. 6. Is plagiarism a crime? 7. Who’s responsible for household duties? Vocabulary test on previous issues. 8. What are the options for pregnant teenagers? 9. Is it okay to go on dates for money? Quiz on previous issues. 10. How important is appearance in a relationship? 11. Should adult children move out? Quiz on previous issue. 12. Should employees go out with their bosses? 13. How should we deal with culture shock? Vocabulary test on previous issues. 14.The changing role of women in society. 15. Explanation of summer homework projects. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Title: Impact Issues 3 Author: Day, Shaules and Yamanaka Publisher: Pearson/Longman Students will be grade on attendance, classroom participation, homework and tests. 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Comprehensive English Φ㧔HONORS㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧶㧚࠙ࠜ࡞࠼ࡑࡦ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This course will focus on using oral skills to communicate effectively in English. The activities in this class will give students opportunities to express their ideas in English and help them to function in practical everyday situations. Facets that will be included in this course will be pronunciation, practical vocabulary necessary for communication, cultural understanding and learner strategies. The learner strategies will help students to take more responsibility and initiative to improve their English ability. 1. Discussion will focus on summer projects. 2. The Confucian and Socratic methods of education will be the main focus of this class. 3. Is money more important than life style? 4. Story telling techniques. 5. The problems faced by immigrants. 6. Vocabulary test on previous issues. Student presentations. 7. Does technology create distance in relationships? 8. Who should work and who should stay at home? Quiz on previous issue. 9. Career choices. 10. Story telling techniques. 11. When is war justified? 12. The art of compromise. 13. When is it okay to get a divorce? Vocabulary test on previous issues. 14. Unrequited love. 15. Story telling techniques. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Title: Impact Issues 3 Author: Day, Shaules and Yamanaka Publisher: Pearson/Longman Students will be graded on attendance, classroom participation, homework and tests. 34 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Comprehensive English Υ㧔᳓㧝㧕㧔HONORS㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧾㧚࡚ࠫࡦ࠭ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ Students! Challenge your English skills in this exciting and interesting class. This class is for those students who are serious about discussing various issues in English. You should be quite confident in your English ability, but all students, who are prepared to try hard, are most welcome. A willingness to try your best is most important. Interesting topics will be covered in the lessons, there will be a lot of fun, and plenty of opportunities to speak English. You do not need a textbook in the class because materials will be given to you. Be prepared, because you must do most of the talking! Topics of social and world interest will be discussed in the lessons. At the end of the course, if you have studied hard, you will have increased your English speaking, listening and vocabulary abilities a great deal. In addition, the lessons will contain cultural aspects so that you will be able to understand more fully the differences between the UK (and other Western countries) and Japanese thinking on the issues covered. Motto for this class: Always try your best and never give up! ᬺ⸘↹ Below is a list of topics that may be covered. Each topic will take between 3 to 4 weeks to cover. How far we get through these topics depends on the progress and pace of the class. Also the order of the topics may change, or new ones introduced, depending on the class. Much more information on the syllabus will be given in the first couple of classes at the start of the semester. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ No textbook will be used in this class. Printed material will be given to the students, thus each student should buy a clear folder with many pages in order to keep the handouts in good order. Please bring a good dictionary to all the lessons. ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Your grade comes from: Class work, homework, vocabulary test and speeches: 40% End of term speaking tests: 40% Good attendance, trying hard in class, never late, speaking English: 20% 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 First Semester Topics 1 2 3 4 Introduction to the course of studies. Japanese work ethics. Attitudes towards women. Other gender issues. Important note: The class will always start on time, so do not come late. Also, please attend all the lessons. If you miss a class, be sure to find out what work you missed especially as there could be homework to do. It is not hard to get a good grade in this class as long as you are punctual, keep good attendance and do your best. Comprehensive English Φ㧔᳓㧝㧕㧔HONORS㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧾㧚࡚ࠫࡦ࠭ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ Students! Challenge your English skills in this exciting and interesting class. This class is for those students who are serious about discussing various issues in English. You should be quite confident in your English ability. Your English level should be pretty good, but a willingness to try your best is most important. Interesting topics will be covered in the lessons, there will be a lot of fun, and plenty of opportunities to speak English. You do not need a textbook in the class because materials will be given to you. Be prepared, because you must do most of the talking! Topics of social and world interest will be discussed in the lessons. At the end of the course, if you have studied hard, you will have increased your English speaking, listening and vocabulary abilities a great deal. In addition, the lessons will contain cultural aspects so that you will be able to understand more fully the differences between the UK (and other Western countries) and Japanese thinking on the issues covered. Motto for this class: Always try your best and never give up! ᬺ⸘↹ Below is a list of topics that may be covered. Each topic takes between 3 to 4 weeks to cover How far we get through these topics depends on the progress and pace of the class. Also the order of the topics may change, or new ones introduced, depending on the class. Much more information on the syllabus will be given in the first couple of classes at the start of the semester. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ No textbook will be used in this class. Printed material will be given to the students, thus each student should buy a clear folder with many pages in order to keep the handouts in good order. Please bring a good dictionary to all the lessons. ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Your grade comes from: Class work, homework, vocabulary test and speeches: 40% End of term speaking tests: 40% Good attendance, trying hard in class, never late, speaking English: 20% 35 Second Semester Topics 1 2 3 4 Brief introduction/welcome back to class. Computers and society. Ageing Society. The Automobile. Important note: The class will always start on time, so do not come late. Also, please attend all the lessons. If you miss a class, be sure to find out what work you missed especially as there could be homework to do. It is not hard to get a good grade in this class as long as you are punctual, keep good attendance and do your best. 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Comprehensive English Υ㧔Ἣ㧝㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧭㧚ࡑࠣ࠭ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This is a topic-based intermediate level course focusing on listening and speaking. The topics are current and interesting. The information comes from the internet and newspapers. There is no textbook. Week 1: Introductions Week 2: Foreign countries / intro to basic notetaking Week 3: Foreign countries/ intro to internet research Week 4: Poster presentation Week 5: Technology trends Week 6: Technology trends Week 7: Famous people Week 8: Famous people / internet research techniques Week 9: Poster presentation Week 10: Health Week 11: Health Week 12: Movies Week 13: Movies Week 14: Practice for the speaking test Week 15: Speaking test There are two poster presentations during this semester. These posters are based on internet research. They are homework and part of your final grade. There is a speaking test at the end of the course. The style of the class is relaxed, fun but hardworking. Attendance policy: 4 absences (without a very good reason) are a FAIL. 3 ‘lates’ means one ‘absence’ (‘late’ means you arrive up to 15 minutes after class starts; after 15 minutes is an absence). ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ No textbook. The teacher will provide all materials 40% attendance & class effort 30% homework 30% end of semester speaking test An electronic dictionary will be helpful 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Comprehensive English Φ㧔Ἣ㧝㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧭㧚ࡑࠣ࠭ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ The topics are a little more challenging than semester one. Later in the course, students will be able to choose topics for class themselves. Week 1: Education Week 2: Education Week 3: Business issues Week 4: Business issues Week 5: Poster presentation Week 6: Media issues Week 7: Media issues Week 8: Environment Week 9: Globalization Week 10: Globalization Week 11: Poster presentation Week 12: Money & wealth Week 13:Money & wealth Week 14: Practice for the speaking test Week 15: Speaking test Again, there are two poster presentations during this second semester. For the final poster, students are free to choose their own topic (with teacher advice if you need it) The posters are homework and part of your final grade. There is a speaking test at the end of the course. Attendance policy: 4 absences (without a very good reason) are a FAIL. 3 ‘lates’ means one ‘absence’ (‘late’ means you arrive up to 15 minutes after class starts; after 15 minutes is an absence) ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ No textbook. The teacher will provide all materials 40% attendance & class effort 30% homework 30% end of semester speaking test An electronic dictionary will be helpful 36 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Comprehensive English Υ㧔Ἣ㧟㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧭㧚ࡑࠣ࠭ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This is a topic-based intermediate level course focusing on listening and speaking. The topics are current and interesting. The information comes from the internet and newspapers. There is no textbook. Week 1: Introductions Week 2: Foreign countries / intro to basic notetaking Week 3: Foreign countries/ intro to internet research Week 4: Poster presentation Week 5: Technology trends Week 6: Technology trends Week 7: Famous people Week 8: Famous people / internet research techniques Week 9: Poster presentation Week 10: Health Week 11: Health Week 12: Movies Week 13: Movies Week 14: Practice for the speaking test Week 15: Speaking test There are two poster presentations during this semester. These posters are based on internet research. They are homework and part of your final grade. There is a speaking test at the end of the course. The style of the class is relaxed, fun but hardworking. Attendance policy: 4 absences (without a very good reason) are a FAIL. 3 ‘lates’ means one ‘absence’ (‘late’ means you arrive up to 15 minutes after class starts; after 15 minutes is an absence). ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ No textbook. The teacher will provide all materials 40% attendance & class effort 30% homework 30% end of semester speaking test An electronic dictionary will be helpful 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Comprehensive English Φ㧔Ἣ㧟㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧭㧚ࡑࠣ࠭ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ The topics are a little more challenging than semester one. Later in the course, students will be able to choose topics for class themselves. Week 1: Education Week 2: Education Week 3: Business issues Week 4: Business issues Week 5: Poster presentation Week 6: Media issues Week 7: Media issues Week 8: Environment Week 9: Globalization Week 10: Globalization Week 11: Poster presentation Week 12: Money & wealth Week 13:Money & wealth Week 14: Practice for the speaking test Week 15: Speaking test Again, there are two poster presentations during this second semester. For the final poster, students are free to choose their own topic (with teacher advice if you need it) The posters are homework and part of your final grade. There is a speaking test at the end of the course. Attendance policy: 4 absences (without a very good reason) are a FAIL. 3 ‘lates’ means one ‘absence’ (‘late’ means you arrive up to 15 minutes after class starts; after 15 minutes is an absence) ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ No textbook. The teacher will provide all materials 40% attendance & class effort 30% homework 30% end of semester speaking test An electronic dictionary will be helpful 37 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Comprehensive English Υ㧔᳓㧝㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧱㧚ࡈࡦࠦ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This course seeks to master competency in English Week 1: introduction, outline, evaluation, course requirements & start article # 1 Week 2: Article # 2 Week 3: Article # 3 Week 4: Article # 4 Week 5: Article # 5 Week 6: Article # 6 Week 7: Article # Quiz Week 8: Article # 7 Week 9: Article # 8 Week 10: Article # 9 Week 11: Article # 10 Week 12: Article # 11 Week 13: Article # 12 Week 14: Article # 13 Week 15: Article # Quiz fluency improving speaking, and comprehension skills. Students will complete weekly classroom activities using English newspaper articles to study national and international issues of political and social significance. The class aims to provide an English native like environment in reading, listening, writing, pair and group discussion practice. Students will prepare an article and come to class prepared to present it in their own words to a group and or the class. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Notes and handouts will be provided every week. Attendance, weekly exercises, quizzes, presentation, and class participation. 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Comprehensive English Φ㧔᳓㧝㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧱㧚ࡈࡦࠦ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This course seeks to master competency in English Week 1: introduction, outline, evaluation, course requirements & start article # 1 Week 2: Article # 2 Week 3: Article # 3 Week 4: Article # 4 Week 5: Article # 5 Week 6: Article # 6 Week 7: Article # Quiz Week 8: Article # 7 Week 9: Article # 8 Week 10: Article # 9 Week 11: Article # 10 Week 12: Article # 11 Week 13: Article # 12 Week 14: Article # 13 Week 15: Article # Quiz fluency improving speaking, and comprehension skills. Students will complete weekly classroom activities using English newspaper articles to study national and international issues of political and social significance. The class aims to provide an English native like environment in reading, listening, writing, pair and group discussion practice. Students will prepare an article and come to class prepared to present it in their own words to a group and or the class. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Notes and handouts will be provided every week. Attendance, weekly exercises, quizzes, presentation, and class participation. 38 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Comprehensive English Υ㧔᳓㧟㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧱㧚ࡈࡦࠦ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This course seeks to master competency in English Week 1: introduction, outline, evaluation, course requirements & start article # 1 Week 2: Article # 2 Week 3: Article # 3 Week 4: Article # 4 Week 5: Article # 5 Week 6: Article # 6 Week 7: Article # Quiz Week 8: Article # 7 Week 9: Article # 8 Week 10: Article # 9 Week 11: Article # 10 Week 12: Article # 11 Week 13: Article # 12 Week 14: Article # 13 Week 15: Article # Quiz fluency improving speaking, and comprehension skills. Students will complete weekly classroom activities using English newspaper articles to study national and international issues of political and social significance. The class aims to provide an English native like environment in reading, listening, writing, pair and group discussion practice. Students will prepare an article and come to class prepared to present it in their own words to a group and or the class. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Notes and handouts will be provided every week. Attendance, weekly exercises, quizzes, presentation, and class participation. 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Comprehensive English Φ㧔᳓㧟㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧱㧚ࡈࡦࠦ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This course seeks to master competency in English Week 1: introduction, outline, evaluation, course requirements & start article # 1 Week 2: Article # 2 Week 3: Article # 3 Week 4: Article # 4 Week 5: Article # 5 Week 6: Article # 6 Week 7: Article # Quiz Week 8: Article # 7 Week 9: Article # 8 Week 10: Article # 9 Week 11: Article # 10 Week 12: Article # 11 Week 13: Article # 12 Week 14: Article # 13 Week 15: Article # Quiz fluency improving speaking, and comprehension skills. Students will complete weekly classroom activities using English newspaper articles to study national and international issues of political and social significance. The class aims to provide an English native like environment in reading, listening, writing, pair and group discussion practice. Students will prepare an article and come to class prepared to present it in their own words to a group and or the class. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Notes and handouts will be provided every week. Attendance, weekly exercises, quizzes, presentation, and class participation. 39 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Comprehensive English Υ ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧶㧚㧭㧚ࠣࠗ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This course meets once a week and is concentrated on 1㧚Course Introduction / Demonstration/Assignment Choose Topics Today 2㧚Quiz 1 Class Presentations and Discussions 3㧚Quiz 2 Class Presentations and Discussions 4㧚Quiz 3 Class Presentations and Discussions 5㧚Quiz 4 Class Presentations and Discussions 6㧚Quiz 5 Class Presentations and Discussions 7㧚Mid-term 8㧚Quiz 6 Class Presentations and Discussions 9㧚Quiz 7 Class Presentations and Discussions 10㧚Quiz 8 Class Presentations and Discussions 11㧚Quiz 9 Class Presentations and Discussions 12㧚Quiz 10 Class Presentations and Discussions 13㧚Final 14㧚Late Assignments/Extra Credit/ Interviews 15㧚Wrap-up of this semester’s work. the four skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking). Students will be given opportunities to lead presentations and communicate with one another in English on a daily basis in order to build fluency and competence in interpersonal communication. Students will be working in groups and/or pairs in order to increase their individual communication time. Students will choose contemporary topics to base their presentation on and will also introduce appropriate special vocabulary needed for understanding the presentation and discussion in class. Scheduling and scoring may be changed at the instructor’s discretion. There will be daily quizzes, discussions, and presentations. The second semester is a continuation of first semester. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Text: Grading: Students will be graded according to their attendance, quizzes, attitude, participation, homework, and presentations. Handouts prepared by students Student led presentations 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Comprehensive English Φ ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧶㧚㧭㧚ࠣࠗ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This course meets once a week and is concentrated on 1㧚Course Introduction / Demonstration/Assignment Choose Topics Today 2㧚Quiz 1 Class Presentations and Discussions 3㧚Quiz 2 Class Presentations and Discussions 4㧚Quiz 3 Class Presentations and Discussions 5㧚Quiz 4 Class Presentations and Discussions 6㧚Quiz 5 Class Presentations and Discussions 7㧚Mid-term 8㧚Quiz 6 Class Presentations and Discussions 9㧚Quiz 7 Class Presentations and Discussions 10㧚Quiz 8 Class Presentations and Discussions 11㧚Quiz 9 Class Presentations and Discussions 12㧚Quiz 10 Class Presentations and Discussions 13㧚Final 14㧚Late Assignments/Extra Credit/ Interviews 15㧚Wrap-up of this semester’s work. the four skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking). Students will be given opportunities to lead presentations and communicate with one another in English on a daily basis in order to build fluency and competence in interpersonal communication. Students will be working in groups and/or pairs in order to increase their individual communication time. Students will choose contemporary topics to base their presentation on and will also introduce appropriate special vocabulary needed for understanding the presentation and discussion in class. Scheduling and scoring may be changed at the instructor’s discretion. There will be daily quizzes, discussions, and presentations. The second semester is a continuation of first semester. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Text: Grading: Students will be graded according to their attendance, quizzes, attitude, participation, homework, and presentations. Handouts prepared by students Student led presentations 40 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Comprehensive English Υ ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This course is aimed at the intermediate level student and uses current topics as the basis to improve general comprehension, develop critical thinking skills and promote active discussion. Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Students will be expected to read about a topic, demonstrate understanding, and then discuss it in a meaningful manner in small groups. In every class, students will be expected to be active and participate fully. In addition to regular class participation, students will give two poster presentations based on topics covered in class. Students will also learn how to make a vocabulary journal which will be the basis for the vocabulary tests. 㧶㧚ࠬࡀ࡞ 1: Class orientation 2: Global warming, vocabulary journal 3: Cosmetic surgery 4: Family rules 5: Plagiarism 6: Poster presentations 7: Abortion 8: Earning money 9: Body art 10: Adult Children 11: Poster Presentations 2 12: Friendship 13: Labor roles 14: Speaking test 15: Review and consultation Grades will be based on attendance and class participation, two poster presentations, vocabulary tests and one speaking test. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Impact Issues 3 (Pearson Longman) 20% attendance and participation 20% vocabulary tests 40% poster presentations 20% speaking test 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Comprehensive English Φ ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ Like the Comprehensive English III course, the aim of this course is for intermediate level students to learn to give good presentations and participate in group discussions based on current topics. The class will look at a variety of topics and students will be expected to demonstrate understanding of the subject and contribute meaningfully to the discussions. Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Students will give two poster presentations with the goal of leading a group discussion based on their own topic choice and research. Significant class time will be spend on research for the presentations--developing a good topic, finding good sources, representing different points of view, and effectively leading a group discussion. 1: Class orientation 2: Sexual harassment 3: Technology in daily life 4: Career choices 5: Gender issues, presentation research 6: Poster presentations 7: War and peace 8: One-sided love 9: Culture shock 10: Euthanasia, presentation research 11: Presentation research 12: Poster Presentations 2 13: Divorce 14: Speaking test 15: Review and consultation Grades will be based on attendance and class participation, two poster presentations, vocabulary tests and one speaking test. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Impact Issues 3 (Pearson Longman) 20% attendance and participation 20% vocabulary tests 40% poster presentations 20% speaking test 41 㧶㧚ࠬࡀ࡞ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Comprehensive English Υ ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ 㧶㧚ࡈࠜ࡞ࠞࠬ ᬺ⸘↹ In this course we concentrate on two main skills: how to engage productively in group discussions, and how to read more effectively. The ultimate goal of the course is to learn how to combine these skills; by the end of the semester students will be able to read about a topical issues, select certain aspects of the issue that are worthy of discussion, and then lead that discussion in an interesting and thoughtful way. 1. Introduction to the course 2. Discussion basics 3. Leading a discussion 4. Other ‘discussion roles’ 5. Discussion skills: interrupting and clarifying 6. Discussion skills: agreeing and disagreeing 7. Discussion skills: asking intelligent question 8. Reading basics 9. Choosing topical texts: newspapers and the Internet 10. Identifying main points in a text 11. Analyzing information and raising questions 12. Presenting a text for discussion 13. Leading a reading-based discussion 1 14. Leading a reading-based discussion 2 15. What we have learned this semester ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ There are no set texts for this course. Students will be given materials throughout the semester. Assessment will be conducted on a continuous basis during the semester. Class activities, homework assignments and class participation will form the basis of the final grade. 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Comprehensive English Φ ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ 㧶㧚ࡈࠜ࡞ࠞࠬ ᬺ⸘↹ In this course students learn basic and advanced presentation skills, how to put those skills into practice when giving a self-prepared presentation and, finally, how to lead a class discussion based on the presentation topic. We shall be covering a variety of topics, including ‘How to choose an appropriate topic’, ‘Using multimedia in the classroom’, ‘Leading a class discussion’ and much more. 1. Introduction to the course Cycle 1 2. Presentation skills 3. Presentation preparation 4. Presentation and discussion Cycle 2 5. Presentation skills 6. Presentation preparation 7. Presentation and discussion Cycle 3 8. Presentation skills 9. Presentation preparation 10. Presentation and discussion Cycle 4 11. Presentation skills 12. Presentation preparation 13. Presentation and discussion 14. Final project 15. Final project ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ There are no set texts for this course. Students will be given materials throughout the semester. Assessment will be conducted on a continuous basis during the semester. Class presentations and discussions, homework assignments and class participation will form the basis of the final grade. 42 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Comprehensive English Υ ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧷㧚ࡈࠜ࠼ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This one-semester course focuses on students’ reading and discussion skills. As well as further developing interpersonal communication and fluency, students will get practice in critical thinking through expressing opinions and justifying their arguments with sound reasoning. They will practice the skill of using mind maps for reporting and summarizing readings and researched information. Each student will be required to take the role of discussion leader, as well as be prepared to actively participate in discussions lead by their peers. In the first part of the semester discussions will be based on assigned readings. Later in the semester students choose social issues, find readings, prepare appropriate discussion questions, and give an oral report to a group of classmates. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ No textbook is required for this course. Evaluation is based on attendance, speaking assignments, and classroom participation. 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Introduction to course and class The language of reasoning and critical thinking Practicing the discussion leader role Response to assigned reading/discussion Response to assigned reading/discussion Response to assigned reading/discussion Response to assigned reading/discussion Choosing social issues for reading/research Class survey of peers Group collation of survey opinions and reasoning Oral report/discussion of chosen social issues Oral report/discussion of chosen social issues Oral report/discussion of chosen social issues Oral report/discussion of chosen social issues Course review and self-reflection Comprehensive English Φ ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧷㧚ࡈࠜ࠼ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This one-semester course focuses on developing students’ skills as presenter and discussion leader. This involves students giving academic presentations that demonstrate good delivery skills, such as voice volume, pace and intonation, varied audience eye contact, and use of notes. Presentations should also show a clear understanding of the structure and language requirements of the introduction, body and conclusion of a speech. The nature of visual material will also be considered. The two main assignments for this course will be a news article summary/discussion presentation and an informative or persuasive presentation using power point. Peer evaluation will also play an important part in this course. 1. Introduction to course and class 2. Brainstorming on what makes a good presentation 3. Example news summary/discussion presentation 4. Review of discussion skills and discussion leader role 5. News article summary/discussion presentations 6. News article summary/discussion presentations 7. News article summary/discussion presentations 8. News article summary/discussion presentations 9. Review of presentation delivery skills 10. Assessing visuals/assessment checklist 11. Power point presentations/audience questions 12. Power point presentations/audience questions 13. Power point presentations/audience questions 14. Power point presentations/audience questions 15. Course review and self-reflection ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ No textbook is required for this course. Evaluation is based on attendance, presentations, and classroom participation in discussion and questioning. 43 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Comprehensive English Υ ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This is the second year Comprehensive English course. It is designed for students with intermediate level abilities in listening and speaking. Emphasis is placed on the students to motivate themselves in the classroom. The students will be expected to participate in discussions in the classroom and give opinions on a wide variety of topics. The students will select two assignments of a possible Which include 1㧚Recording a radio commercial 2㧚A Poster presentation 3㧚A power point Presentation 4㧚A two page essay 1㧚Class organization, explanation of the course and an essay how to write an essay. Why I want to study English. 2㧚How to write speeches and how to prepare posters. 3㧚Unit Two - Identity Theft. Prepare for the poster presentation 4㧚Unit Two - Identity Theft. Prepare for the poster presentation 5㧚Poster Presentation and speech 6㧚Unit One - Advertising on the air Preparing a radio commercial. Study of voice and intonation. 7㧚Unit One - Advertising on the air Preparing a radio commercial. Study of voice and intonation. 8㧚Listen to the radio commercials. 9㧚Movie - Essay - Dead Poet Society 10㧚Movie - Essay - Dead Poet Society 11㧚Unit four - Separated by the same language. The final presentation for the semester is a power point presentation. 12㧚Unit four - Separated by the same language. The final presentation for the semester is a power point presentation. 13㧚Unit four - Separated by the same language. The final presentation for the semester is a power point presentation. 14㧚Power point presentations on language 15㧚Summary of the semester ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Northstar Listening and Speaking Three ( New Edition) Evaluation 1) Class attendance 20% 2) Class Attitude 20% 3) Two assignments at 30% each by Helen S Solorzano and Jennifer P.L. Schmidt Every student is to have a dictionary. 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Comprehensive English Φ ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ designed for students with intermediate level abilities in listening and speaking. Emphasis is placed on the students to motivate themselves in the classroom. The students will be expected to participate in discussions in classroom and give opinions on a wide variety of topics. The students will select two assignments of a possible Which include 㧼㧚ࠕ࠶ࡊࠬ ᬺ⸘↹ This is the second year Comprehensive English course. It is the 㧼㧚ࠕ࠶ࡊࠬ 1㧚Recording a radio commercial 2㧚A Poster presentation 3㧚A power point Presentation 4㧚A two page essay 1㧚Unit Six - The Art Story Telling Prepare a scary story in mp3 format 2㧚Unit Six - The Art Story Telling Prepare a scary story in mp3 format 3㧚Unit Six - The Art Story Telling Prepare a scary story in mp3 format 4㧚Unit Ten - Before I say I do Preparation of a power point presentation on Wedding Customs 5㧚Unit Ten - Before I say I do Preparation of a power point presentation on Wedding Customs 6㧚Unit Ten - Before I say I do Preparation of a power point presentation on Wedding Customs 7㧚PowerPoint presentation on wedding customs 8㧚Unit Nine - Personal Carbon Print Prepare a poster presentation 9㧚Unit Nine - Personal Carbon Print Prepare a poster presentation 10㧚Unit Nine - Personal Carbon Print Prepare a poster presentation 11㧚Unit Nine - Personal Carbon Print Prepare a poster presentation 12㧚Movies and East is East Write an essay on education 13㧚Movies and East is East Write an essay on education 14㧚Interview on the years work. 15㧚Interview on the years work. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Northstar Listening and Speaking Three ( New Edition) Evaluation 1) Class attendance 20% 2) Class Attitude 20% 3) Two assignments at 30% each by Helen S Solorzano and Jennifer P.L. Schmidt Every student is to have a dictionary. 44 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Comprehensive English Υ㧔᳓㧞㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧾㧚࡚ࠫࡦ࠭ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ Think, debate and discuss! This class is for those students who are serious about discussing various issues in English. You should be quite confident in your English ability, and you should be prepared to study hard. Your English level should be pretty good, but a willingness to try your best is most important. Interesting topics will be covered in the lessons, there will be a lot of fun, and plenty of opportunities to speak English. You do not need a textbook in the class because materials will be given to you. Be prepared, because you must do most of the talking! Topics of social and world interest will be discussed in the lessons. At the end of the course, if you have studied hard, you will have increased your English speaking, listening and vocabulary abilities a great deal. In addition, the lessons will contain cultural aspects so that you will be able to understand more fully the differences between the UK (and other Western countries) and Japanese thinking on the issues covered. Motto for this class: Always try your best and never give up! ᬺ⸘↹ Below is a list of topics that may be covered. Each topic will take between 3 to 4 weeks to cover. How far we get through these topics depends on the progress and pace of the class. Also the order of the topics may change, or new ones introduced, depending on the class. Much more information on the syllabus will be given in the first couple of classes at the start of the semester. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Your grade comes from: Class work, homework, vocabulary test and speeches: 40% End of term speaking tests: 40% Good attendance, trying hard in class, never late, speaking English: 20% No textbook will be used in this class. Printed material will be given to the students, thus each student should buy a clear folder with many pages in order to keep the handouts in good order. Please bring a good dictionary to all the lessons. 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 First Semester Topics 1 2 3 4 Introduction to the course of studies. Japanese work ethics. Attitudes towards women. Other gender issues. Important note: The class will always start on time, so do not come late. Also, please attend all the lessons. If you miss a class, be sure to find out what work you missed especially as there could be homework to do. It is not hard to get a good grade in this class as long as you are punctual, keep good attendance and do your best. Comprehensive English Φ㧔᳓㧞㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧾㧚࡚ࠫࡦ࠭ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ Think, debate and discuss! This class is for those students who are serious about discussing various issues in English. You should be quite confident in your English ability, and you should be prepared to study hard. Your English level should be pretty good, but a willingness to try your best is most important. Interesting topics will be covered in the lessons, there will be a lot of fun, and plenty of opportunities to speak English. You do not need a textbook in the class because materials will be given to you. Be prepared, because you must do most of the talking! Topics of social and world interest will be discussed in the lessons. At the end of the course, if you have studied hard, you will have increased your English speaking, listening and vocabulary abilities a great deal. In addition, the lessons will contain cultural aspects so that you will be able to understand more fully the differences between the UK (and other Western countries) and Japanese thinking on the issues covered. Motto for this class: Always try your best and never give up! ᬺ⸘↹ Below is a list of topics that may be covered. Each topic takes between 3 to 4 weeks to cover How far we get through these topics depends on the progress and pace of the class. Also the order of the topics may change, or new ones introduced, depending on the class. Much more information on the syllabus will be given in the first couple of classes at the start of the semester. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ No textbook will be used in this class. Printed material will be given to the students, thus each student should buy a clear folder with many pages in order to keep the handouts in good order. Please bring a good dictionary to all the lessons. ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Your grade comes from: Class work, homework, vocabulary test and speeches: 40% End of term speaking tests: 40% Good attendance, trying hard in class, never late, speaking English: 20% 45 Second Semester Topics 1 2 3 4 Brief introduction/welcome back to class. Computers and society. Ageing Society. The Automobile. Important note: The class will always start on time, so do not come late. Also, please attend all the lessons. If you miss a class, be sure to find out what work you missed especially as there could be homework to do. It is not hard to get a good grade in this class as long as you are punctual, keep good attendance and do your best. 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Comprehensive English Υ㧔ౣޔ㧝㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ To be announced in the first class To be announced in the first class ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ To be announced in the first class To be announced in the first class 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Comprehensive English Φ㧔ౣޔ㧝㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ To be announced in the first class To be announced in the first class ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ To be announced in the first class To be announced in the first class 46 㧼㧚ࡑ࠶ࠤࡆ 㧼㧚ࡑ࠶ࠤࡆ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Comprehensive English Υ㧔ౣޔ㊄㧟㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ To be announced in the first class To be announced in the first class ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ To be announced in the first class To be announced in the first class 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Comprehensive English Φ㧔ౣޔ㊄㧟㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ To be announced in the first class To be announced in the first class ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ To be announced in the first class To be announced in the first class 47 㧼㧚ࡑ࠶ࠤࡆ 㧼㧚ࡑ࠶ࠤࡆ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Reading Strategies I ⧷⺆࠺ࠖࡦࠣࠬ࠻࠹ࠖࠫ࠭ a ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᜂᒰ⠪ ฦᜂᒰᢎຬ ᬺ⸘↹ [⋡ᮡ] ⧷⺆ߩ⺆ᒵࠍჇ߿ߒߥ߇ࠄޔᣣᧄ⺆ࠍߐߕ⧷⺆ߢ⠨ ߃ࠆ⢻ജࠍ㙃ޔ૬ߖߡᄖ࿖ߩᢥൻ߿ᢥቇࠍℂ⸃ߔࠆജ ࠍߟߌࠆޕ᧪⺆⧷ޔߢቇ⠌ߔࠆ႐วߦ߽ᓎ┙ߟࠃ߁ ߥၮ␆⊛ߥ⺒⸃ࠬࠠ࡞ࠍቇ⠌ߔࠆޕ ฦᜂᒰᢎຬ߇㐿⻠ᤨߦ⺑ߔࠆޕ [ⷐ] ฦᜂᒰᢎຬ߇ㆬቯߒߚᢎ᧚ࠍ↪ࠆޕ ⺒⸃ࠬࠠ࡞ߣߒߡߪޔPreviewing and Predicting; Recognizing patterns in paragraphs; Recognizing patterns of text organization ߥߤ߇߹ࠇࠆޕ 6 ߦߪ࿑ᦠ㙚ߩ↪ᣇᴺߦᘠࠇࠆߚޔ࿑ᦠ㙚ࠟࠗ࠳ ࡦࠬ߇ⴕࠊࠇࠆޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ฦᜂᒰᢎຬ߇ᜰ␜ߔࠆޕ ฦᜂᒰᢎຬ߇㐿⻠ᤨߦ⺑ߔࠆޕ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Reading Strategies Τ ⧷⺆࠺ࠖࡦࠣࠬ࠻࠹ࠖࠫ࠭ b ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ [⋡ᮡ] ޟReading Strategies Iߦޠᒁ߈⛯߈⺆ߩ⺆⧷ޔᒵജࠍ ߟߌߥ߇ࠄޔᄖ࿖ߩᢥൻ߿ᢥቇࠍℂ⸃ߔࠆജࠍߟߌࠆޕ ߹ߚޔ ޟReading Strategies Iߢ ޠりߦߟߌߚၮ␆⊛ߥ⺒ ⸃ࠬࠠ࡞ࠍቯ⌕ߐߖ⊒ޔዷߐߖࠆޕ ᜂᒰ⠪ ᬺ⸘↹ ฦᜂᒰᢎຬ߇㐿⻠ᤨߦ⺑ߔࠆޕ [ⷐ] ฦᢎຬ߇ㆬቯߒߚᢎ᧚ࠍ↪ࠆޕ ⑺ቇᦼߪޔᰴߩࠃ߁ߥ⺒⸃ࠬࠠ࡞ࠍቇ߱ޕPreviewing and Predicting; Recognizing patterns of text organization; Making inferences; Outlining ߥߤޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ฦᜂᒰᢎຬ߇ᜰ␜ߔࠆޕ ฦᜂᒰᢎຬ߇㐿⻠ᤨߦ⺑ߔࠆޕ 48 ฦᜂᒰᢎຬ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Reading Strategies Τ㧔ౣ㧕 ⧷⺆࠺ࠖࡦࠣࠬ࠻࠹ࠖࠫ࠭ b㧔ౣ㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ 㕤ᳯ 㕒 ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ⻠⟵⋡⊛㩷 ⧷ᢥࡄࠣࡈߪࡈࡈࠣࡄޔ᭴ᚑ࡞࡞ߦᓥߞߡᦠ ߆ࠇߡࠆࠍ࡞࡞ߩߎޕ⍮ߞߡࠇ߫ߩࡈࠣࡄޔਛ ߢ㊀ὐ⊛ߦ⺒ߴ߈ᢥ߿ࠠࡢ࠼߇ߤࠇ߆ࠍ್ᢿߔࠆ ߎߣ߇ߢ߈ోࡈࠣࡄޔߩਥᒛࠍᱜ⏕ߦℂ⸃ߔࠆ߇ߢ ߈ࠆࠃ߁ߦߥࠆ⚿ߩߘޕᨐޔ㊂ߩࠆ⧷ᢥࠍ⺒㓙ߦᔅⷐ ߥㅦ⺒ᄙ⺒ߩߚߩ⺒⸃ജࠍりߦߟߌࠆߎߣ߇ߢ߈ࠆޕ ߘߎߢᧄޔᬺߢߪߩࡈࠣࡄޔ᭴ᚑࠍℂ⸃ߒ⧷ޔᢥ ߩ᭴ᚑ߿⒳㘃ߦᔕߓߚ⺒⸃ജߩ⠌ᓧࠍ⋡ᜰߔᧄޕᬺߩ⋡ ⊛ߪޔߊߥߪߢ⺒♖ޔㅦ⺒ᄙ⺒ߩߚߩ⺒⸃ജࠍ㙃߁ߎ ߣߢࠆߩߢ⧷ޔᢥ৻ᢥߏߣߩᱜ⏕ߥᣣᧄ⺆⸶ࠍࠆߎߣ ߪ⋡ᜰߐߥ⧷ޔߪࠇߎߒ߆ߒޕᢥߩᗧࠍℂ⸃ߒߥߊߡ ⦟ߣ߁ߎߣߢߪߥߩߢ⧷ޔᢥࠍᱜߒߊℂ⸃ߔࠆߚ ߦߎ߹ߦㄉᦠࠍᒁߊߎߣࠍᧄᬺෳട߳ߩ೨ឭߣߔࠆޕ 㩷 ⻠⟵ⷐ㩷 㩷 ᧄᬺߪޔ㧝࿁ߩᬺߢ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߩ㧝࡙࠾࠶࠻ߏߣ㧔㧢 㗁㧕ߩࡍࠬߢㅴߺޔᲧセ⊛㐳⧷ᢥࠍ⺒੍ޕ⠌ࠍ೨ឭ ߣߒߚᬺࠍߔࠆޕቇ↢ߩቇ⠌⠌ᾫᐲߦࠃߞߡᬺㅴᐲࠍ ᄌᦝߔࠆߎߣ߽ࠆޕ㩷 ࠟࠗ࠳ࡦࠬߣ⺒⸃ജࡌ࡞⸻ᢿ࠹ࠬ࠻㧔㧝㧕 ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻㧦වၔมઁ Reader’s Ark㧔࠺⺆⧷ޡ Ꮸ⁁ᴫޔᬺ߳ߩ⽸₂ᐲ⹜ᧃᦼޔ㛎ࠍ✚วߒߡ⹏ଔߔࠆޕ ࠖࡦࠣߩ౨㒾ޢ㧕㊄ᤊၴ ߥ߅ޔනቯߩߚߦߪోޔᬺ࿁ᢙߩ㧞㧛㧟એߩ ෳ⠨ᢥ₂㧦ߥߒ Ꮸ߇ᔅⷐߢࠆޕ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ࡊ࠺ࠖࡦࠣࠬࠠ࡞ࠍ⏴ߊ ㊀ⷐߥᖱႎ߿ᔨ㧔ࡔࠗࡦࠕࠗ࠺ࠕ㧕ࠍℂ⸃ߔࠆ ⚦ᖱႎࠍℂ⸃ߔࠆ ࠕࠗ࠺ࠕߩ⚿߮ߟ߈ࠍࠪࠣ࡞ࡢ࠼߆ࠄℂ⸃ߔࠆ ᜰ␜⺆߇⺕ࠍᜰߔ߆ޔࠍᜰߔ߆ࠍᛠីߔࠆ ࡄࠣࡈ᭴ㅧ㧦ޟᲧセޟߣޠኻᾖࠍޠቇ߱ ࡄࠣࡈ᭴ㅧ㧦ޟේ࿃ߣ⚿ᨐࠍޠቇ߱ ࡄࠣࡈ᭴ㅧ㧦ᤨޟ㑆㗅ᐨࠍޠቇ߱ ࡄࠣࡈ᭴ㅧ㧦ޟⓨ㑆㗅ᐨࠍޠቇ߱ ㊀ⷐߥᖱႎࠍߊ⏴ࠍࠫ࠹࠻ࠬޠࠆߔ⚂ⷐޟ ᔅⷐߥᖱႎࠍࠬࡇ࠺ࠖߦᛠីߔࠆࠬ࠻࠹ࠫ ⷞⷡ⊛ߥᖱႎࠍലᨐ⊛ߦ↪ߔࠆ ޟታޟߣޠᗧࠍޠߔࠆ ⺒⸃ജࡌ࡞⸻ᢿ࠹ࠬ࠻㧔㧞㧕 Reading Strategies Σ㧔ౣ㧕 ⧷⺆࠺ࠖࡦࠣࠬ࠻࠹ࠖࠫ࠭ a㧔ౣ㧕 ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᜂᒰ⠪ 㕤ᳯ 㕒 ᬺ⸘↹ ⻠⟵⋡⊛㩷 ߹ߣ߹ߞߚ㊂ߩ⧷ᢥࠍ⺒ߺߎߥߔߚߦߪ⧷ޔන⺆ߣ⧷ ᢥᴺߩ⍮⼂ߛߌߢߪਇචಽߢࠆ⧷ޔߪࠇߘޕᢥࡄࠣ ࡈ߇ࡄࠣࡈ᭴ᚑ࡞࡞ߦᓥߞߡᦠ߆ࠇߡࠆ߆ࠄߢ ࠆࠍ࡞࡞ߩߎޕ⍮ࠄߥߌࠇ߫ޔߦਤᔨߦㄉᦠࠍᒁ߈ޔ ࡄࠣࡈౝߩో⧷ᢥࠍ⸶ߔߎߣ߇ߢ߈ߚߣߒߡ߽⚿ޔዪ ⪺⠪ߩਥᒛߪߥߩ߆ోࡈࠣࡄ߁ߣޔߩਥᒛࠍṼ ὼߣߒ߆ℂ⸃ߢ߈ߥߎߣߦߥߞߡߒ߹߁ޕ ߘߎߢᧄޔᬺߢߪߩࡈࠣࡄޔ᭴ᚑࠍℂ⸃ߒޔㅦ⺒ ᄙ⺒ߩߚߩ⺒⸃ജߩၮ␆ࠍ⠌ᓧߔࠆߎߣࠍ⋡ᜰߔᧄޕ ᬺߩ⋡⊛ߪ⧷ޔᢥߩ♖⺒ߢߪߥߩߢ⧷ޔᢥ৻ᢥߏߣߩᱜ ⏕ߢ⥄ὼߥᣣᧄ⺆⸶ࠍࠆߎߣߪ⋡ᜰߐߥ߇⧷ޔᢥߩᗧ ࠍᱜߒߊℂ⸃ߔࠆߚߦߎ߹ߦㄉᦠࠍᒁߊߎߣࠍᧄ ᬺෳട߳ߩ೨ឭߣߔࠆޕ ⻠⟵ⷐ ᧄᬺߪޔ㧝࿁ߩᬺߢ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߩ㧝࡙࠾࠶࠻ߏߣ㧔㧢 㗁㧕ߩࡍࠬߢㅴߺ੍ޔ⠌ࠍ೨ឭߣߒߚᬺࠍߔࠆޕቇ↢ ߩቇ⠌⠌ᾫᐲߦࠃߞߡᬺㅴᐲࠍᄌᦝߔࠆߎߣ߽ࠆޕ㩷 ࠟࠗ࠳ࡦࠬߣ⺒⸃ജࡌ࡞⸻ᢿ࠹ࠬ࠻ ⧷ᢥߩౝኈࠍ੍᷹ߔࠆ ࡔࠗࡦࠕࠗ࠺ࠕࠍℂ⸃ߔࠆ㧨㧝㧪 ࡔࠗࡦࠕࠗ࠺ࠕࠍℂ⸃ߔࠆ㧨㧞㧪 ࡔࠗࡦࠕࠗ࠺ࠕࠍℂ⸃ߔࠆ㧨㧟㧪 ⚦ᖱႎࠍℂ⸃ߔࠆ ࠪࠣ࠽࡞ࡢ࠼ࠍℂ⸃ߔࠆ㧨㧝㧪 ࠪࠣ࠽࡞ࡢ࠼ࠍℂ⸃ߔࠆ㧨㧞㧪 ᜰ␜⺆ࠍℂ⸃ߔࠆ㧨㧝㧪 ᜰ␜⺆ࠍℂ⸃ߔࠆ㧨㧞㧪 ࡄࠣࡈ᭴ㅧ㧨㧝㧪 ࡄࠣࡈ᭴ㅧ㧨㧞㧪 ࡄࠣࡈ᭴ㅧ㧨㧟㧪 ࡄࠣࡈ᭴ㅧ㧨㧠㧪 ᖱႎࠍലᨐ⊛ߦ⺒ߺขࠆ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻㧦වၔมઁ Reader’s Ark Basic㧔⺆⧷ޡ Ꮸ⁁ᴫޔᬺ߳ߩ⽸₂ᐲ⹜ᧃᦼޔ㛎ࠍ✚วߒߡ⹏ଔߔࠆޕ ࠺ࠖࡦࠣߩ౨㒾㧦ၮ␆✬ޢ㧕㊄ᤊၴ ߥ߅ޔනቯߩߚߦߪోޔᬺ࿁ᢙߩ㧞㧛㧟એߩ ෳ⠨ᢥ₂㧦ߥߒ Ꮸ߇ᔅⷐߢࠆޕ 49 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Reading Strategies Σ㧔ౣ㧕 ⧷⺆࠺ࠖࡦࠣࠬ࠻࠹ࠖࠫ࠭ a㧔ౣ㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ⋡ᮡ㧦 ⧷⺆ߩ⺆ᒵࠍჇ߿ߒߥ߇ࠄޔᣣᧄ⺆ࠍߐߕ⧷⺆ߢ⠨߃ ࠆ⢻ജࠍ㙃ޔ૬ߖߡᄖ࿖ߩᢥൻ߿ᢥቇࠍℂ⸃ߔࠆജࠍߟ ߌࠆޕ᧪⺆⧷ޔߢቇ⠌ߔࠆ႐วߦ߽ᓎ┙ߟࠃ߁ߥၮ␆ ⊛ߥ⺒⸃ᛛ⢻ࠍቇ⠌ߔࠆޕ ╙㧝࿁ ࠝࠛࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦ ╙㧞࿁㨪╙㧝㧠࿁ ↪࠹ࠠࠬ࠻㧔㓐ᤨ㈩Ꮣ㧕ࠍ⾼⺒ ╙㧝㧡࿁ ✚ ⊕Ꮉ ⾆ሶ ⻠⟵ⷐ ฃ⻠↢ߪේೣߣߒߡᲤ࿁ᬺᤨ㑆ౝߦࡊࡦ࠻ࠍ⺒ߺޔ 㖸⺒ߒޔౝኈࠍ⸶ߔࠆޕ㓐ᤨࠣ࡞ࡊ⸛⼏߽ⴕోޔຬ ߇Ⓧᭂ⊛ߦෳടߔࠆࠬ࠲ࠗ࡞ߢౝኈࠍቢోߦℂ⸃ߒߡߊޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻㧦ㆡቱࡊࡦ࠻ࠍ㈩Ꮣߔࠆޕ Ꮸᣣᢙޔᬺ߳ߩෳട⺖ޔ㗴ߩขࠅ⚵ߺࠍ✚ว⊛ߦ⹏ଔ ߔࠆޕ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Reading Strategies Σ㧔ౣ㧕 ⧷⺆࠺ࠖࡦࠣࠬ࠻࠹ࠖࠫ࠭ a㧔ౣ㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ⋡ᮡ㧦 ೨ᦼߣห᭽ߦ⺆ߩ⺆⧷ޔᒵࠍჇ߿ߒߥ߇ࠄޔᣣᧄ⺆ࠍ ߐߕ⧷⺆ߢ⠨߃ࠆ⢻ജࠍ㙃ޔ૬ߖߡᄖ࿖ߩᢥൻ߿ᢥቇࠍ ℂ⸃ߔࠆജࠍߟߌࠆޕ᧪⺆⧷ޔߢቇ⠌ߔࠆ႐วߦ߽ᓎ ┙ߟࠃ߁ߥၮ␆⊛ߥ⺒⸃ᛛ⢻ࠍቇ⠌ߔࠆޕ ╙㧝࿁ ࠝࠛࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦ ╙㧞࿁㨪╙㧝㧠࿁ ↪࠹ࠠࠬ࠻㧔㓐ᤨ㈩Ꮣ㧕ࠍ⾼⺒ ╙㧝㧡࿁ ✚ ⊕Ꮉ ⾆ሶ ⻠⟵ⷐ ฃ⻠↢ߪේೣߣߒߡᲤ࿁ᬺᤨ㑆ౝߦࡊࡦ࠻ࠍ⺒ߺޔ 㖸⺒ߒޔౝኈࠍ⸶ߔࠆޕ㓐ᤨࠣ࡞ࡊ⸛⼏߽ⴕోޔຬ ߇Ⓧᭂ⊛ߦෳടߔࠆࠬ࠲ࠗ࡞ߢౝኈࠍቢోߦℂ⸃ߒߡߊޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻㧦ㆡቱࡊࡦ࠻ࠍ㈩Ꮣߔࠆޕ Ꮸᣣᢙޔᬺ߳ߩෳട⺖ޔ㗴ߩขࠅ⚵ߺࠍ✚ว⊛ߦ⹏ଔ ߔࠆޕ 50 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Reading Strategies Τ㧔ౣ㧕 ⧷⺆࠺ࠖࡦࠣࠬ࠻࠹ࠖࠫ࠭b㧔ౣ㧕 ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ࡑࠗࠤ࡞ࠫࡖࠢ࠰ࡦ߇ߊߥߞߚᓟߦᤋ↹ൻߣߥߞߚ 6JKU+U+V 㧔ࡢ࡞࠼࠷ࠕߩࡂࠨ࡞ࠍ㍳ߒߚ߽ ߩ㧕ߚߞߥߦⷩߏޕᣇߪᄙߊࠄߞߒ߾ࠆߣᕁ߹ߔ߽ޕ ߒߎߩࠦࡦࠨ࠻࠷ࠕ߇ታߦⴕࠊࠇߡߚߣߒߚࠄޔ ࠦࡦࠨ࠻ᦨᓟߩᦛߪ̌/CPKPVJG/KTTQT̍ߩ੍ቯߢߒ ߚޕ ̌/CPKPVJG/KTTQT̍ߩ࡚ࠪ࠻ࡈࠖ࡞ࡓߦߪࠤࠗࡑޔ ࡞ᧄੱߪ߶ࠎߩᢙ⑽ߒ߆⊓႐ߒ߹ߖࠎߩߘޕઍࠊࠅߦޔ ♿ߦߎߞߚᄢઙ߿㊀ⷐੱ‛ߩ᭽ሶ߇ޔᢙ⑽නߢ⚫ ߐࠇߡ߹ߔޕ ߎߩᬺߢߪߩࡓ࡞ࠖࡈ࠻࡚ࠪޔᤋߦ⚫ߐࠇߡࠆ ઙߩ⢛᥊߿ੱ‛߇ᱷߒߚ⸒⪲ࠍৼޔካߦ⺒ࠎߢߊߎߣ ߦࠃߞߡ࠶ࡔߚߎߦᦛߩߎ߇ࡦ࠰ࠢࡖࠫ࡞ࠤࠗࡑޔ ࠫࠍ⠨߃ߡ߈ߚߣ⠨߃ߡ߹ߔޕ ᜂᒰ⠪ ࿖ ᤩሶ ᬺ⸘↹ ࠟࠗ࠳ࡦࠬ /KEJCGN,CEMUQPߩ̌/CPKPVJG/KTTQT̍ ⒳㘃ߩ 5( ࠍⷰࠆ ,QJP(-GPPGF[Ԙ ,QJP(-GPPGF[ԙ 4QDGTV-GPPGF[Ԙ 4QDGTV-GPPGF[ԙ 4QDGTV-GPPGF[Ԛ 4QDGTV-GPPGF[ԛ ਛ㑆࠹ࠬ࠻ /CTVKP.WVJGT-KPI,TԘ /CTVKP.WVJGT-KPI,Tԙ ,QJP;QMQԘ ,QJP;QMQԙ /QVJGT6GTGUCԘ /QVJGT6GTGUCԙ ⻠⟵ߩ߹ߣ ̪ ᬺߩㅴⴕ⁁ᘒߦࠃߞߡޔᄙዋߩᄌᦝ߽⠨߃ࠄࠇ߹ߔޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࡊࡦ࠻ࠍ㈩Ꮣߒ߹ߔޕ ̪ ᚑ❣ߪએਅߩ㈩ಽߢ⹏ଔߒ߹ߔޕ ਛ㑆࠹ࠬ࠻㧠㧜㧑࠻ࠬ࠹ᧃᦼޔ㧠㧜㧑ޔᬺౝ⊒㧞㧜㧑 ̪ ㆃೞ㧟࿁㧔㧟㧜ಽએౝ㧕ߢ ࿁ߩᰳᏨߣߺߥߒ߹ߔޕ ᰳᏨ㧡࿁ߒߚᤨὐߢනขᓧ߇ਇน⢻ߣߥࠅ߹ߔޕ 51 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Reading Strategies Υ (HONORS) ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧭㧚࠱ࡦࠫࡖ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ Reading Strategies Υ (Honors) is an advanced level 1. Course Introduction reading course designed to help students develop 2. Quick easy reading – Recalling and retelling what you’ve effective skills, strategies and practices for improving read their reading and vocabulary. Based on a variety of 3. Reading 1: Introduction to author and theme / First read readings selected for their sentiment and humor, as well 4. Reading 1: Vocabulary and comprehension exercises as for their relevance to present-day society, it is the aim 5. Reading 1: Group discussion / Final read and review of the instructor that through the course of the semester 6. Reading 2: Introduction to author and theme / First read students come to develop a genuine fondness for and 7. Reading 2: Vocabulary and comprehension exercises interest in reading English. 8. Reading 2: Group discussion / Final read and review 9. Reading 3: Introduction to author and theme / First read Focus readings will include essays, memoirs, 10. Reading 3: Vocabulary and comprehension exercises contemporary fiction, and recently-published newspaper 11. Reading 3: Group discussion / Final read and review articles from authors/journalists Raymond Carver, Gary 12. Reading 4: Introduction to author and theme / First read Shteyngart, David Sedaris, Amy Tan, Ernest 13. Reading 4: Vocabulary and comprehension exercises Hemingway and Jonathan Franzen, among others. 14. Reading 4: Group discussion / Final read and review 15. Final Assessment ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Printouts of required reading materials will be provided by the instructor. 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Final evaluations will be based on attendance (20%), participation in classroom discussions (20%), the completion of in-class and homework assignments (30%), and achievement on a final essay (30%). Reading Strategies Φ (HONORS) ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧭㧚࠱ࡦࠫࡖ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ Reading Strategies Φ (Honors) is an advanced level 1. Course Introduction reading course designed to help students develop 2. Quick easy reading – Recalling and retelling what you’ve read effective skills, strategies and practices for improving their reading and vocabulary. Based on a variety of readings selected for their sentiment and humor, as well as for their relevance to present-day society, it is the aim of the instructor that through the course of the semester students come to develop a genuine fondness for and interest in reading English. Focus readings will include essays, memoirs, 3. Reading 1: Introduction to author and theme / First read 4. Reading 1: Vocabulary and comprehension exercises 5. Reading 1: Group discussion / Final read and review 6. Reading 2: Introduction to author and theme / First read 7. Reading 2: Vocabulary and comprehension exercises 8. Reading 2: Group discussion / Final read and review 9. Reading 3: Introduction to author and theme / First read 10. Reading 3: Vocabulary and comprehension exercises 11. Reading 3: Group discussion / Final read and review contemporary fiction, and recently-published newspaper 12. Reading 4: Introduction to author and theme / First read articles from authors/journalists Raymond Carver, Gary 13. Reading 4: Vocabulary and comprehension exercises Shteyngart, David Sedaris, Amy Tan, Ernest 14. Reading 4: Group discussion / Final read and review Hemingway and Jonathan Franzen, among others. 15. Final Assessment ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Printouts of required reading materials will be provided by the instructor. 52 Final evaluations will be based on attendance (20%), participation in classroom discussions (20%), the completion of in-class and homework assignments (30%), and achievement on a final essay (30%). 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Reading Strategies Υ (HONORS) ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This course is designed to help students develop their critical reading skills and the ability to discuss issues of contemporary importance. 1. Introduction Using newspapers, students will build up their vocabulary in a number of content areas, and will develop the ability to express their own opinions in both written and spoken English. Students will be expected to participate actively in class, do research in the library and on the internet, and write a number of short papers on the issues that interest them most. 㨀㧚ࡅ࡞ 2. Japanese politics 3. Japanese politics 4. World politics 5. World politics 6. Economics and business 7. Economics and business 8. Social issues 9. Social issues 10. Sport and Entertainment 11. Sport and Entertainment 12. Religion 13. Religion 14. Education 15. Education ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Material will be taken from internationally respected newspapers. Evaluation will be based on attendance, class participation, a number of written papers, and the submission of a class notebook. 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Reading Strategies Φ (HONORS) ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This course is designed to help students develop their critical reading skills and the ability to discuss issues of contemporary importance. 1. Introduction Using newspapers, students will build up their vocabulary in a number of content areas, and will develop the ability to express their own opinions in both written and spoken English. Students will be expected to participate actively in class, do research in the library and on the internet, and write a number of short papers on the issues that interest them most. 㨀㧚ࡅ࡞ 2. Japanese politics 3. Japanese politics 4. World politics 5. World politics 6. Economics and business 7. Economics and business 8. Social issues 9. Social issues 10. Sport and Entertainment 11. Sport and Entertainment 12. Religion 13. Religion 14. Education 15. Education ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Material will be taken from internationally respected newspapers. Evaluation will be based on attendance, class participation, a number of written papers, and the submission of a class notebook. 53 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Reading Strategies Υ ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧶㧚㧶㧚࠳ࠥࡦ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ The overall objectives of the Reading Strategies III course are to: 1) Increase academic vocabulary. 2) Read a variety of reading material. 3) Develop effective reading skills. 4) Read materials outside of class. Week 1: Introduction. Week 2: Selected readings. Week 3: Selected readings. Week 4: Selected readings. Week 5: Selected readings. Week 6: Selected readings. Week 7: Selected readings. Week 8: Selected readings. Week 9: Selected readings. Week 10: Selected readings. Week 11: Selected Readings/Presentations. Week 12: Selected Readings/Presentations. Week 13: Selected Readings/Presentations. Week 14: Selected Readings/Presentations. Week 15: Consolidation & Review. Throughout this course, we will be working towards the above objectives using the selected text and associated readings. Students will be required to keep reading journals in which they will record their assignments as well as their own observations, opinions, and discussion of the text. These journals will be occasionally collected and checked by the instructor. As attendance is essential for participating in this course, if you miss or are very late for more than 1/3 of the lessons, you will automatically fail. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Leeming, D, & J. Page. Myths, Legends, and Folktales of America: An Anthology. (Oxford University Press.) Grading will be based on class participation, assignments, quizzes and a final assessment. 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Reading Strategies Φ ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧶㧚㧶㧚࠳ࠥࡦ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ The overall objectives of the Reading Strategies III course are to: 1) Increase academic vocabulary. 2) Read a variety of reading material. 3) Develop effective reading skills. 4) Read materials outside of class. Week 1: Introduction. Week 2: Selected readings. Week 3: Selected readings. Week 4: Selected readings. Week 5: Selected readings. Week 6: Selected readings. Week 7: Selected readings. Week 8: Selected readings. Week 9: Selected readings. Week 10: Selected readings. Week 11: Selected Readings/Presentations. Week 12: Selected Readings/Presentations. Week 13: Selected Readings/Presentations. Week 14: Selected Readings/Presentations. Week 15: Consolidation & Review. Throughout this course, we will be working towards the above objectives using the selected text and associated readings. Students will be required to keep reading journals in which they will record their assignments as well as their own observations, opinions, and discussion of the text. These journals will be occasionally collected and checked by the instructor. As attendance is essential for participating in this course, if you miss or are very late for more than 1/3 of the lessons, you will automatically fail. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Leeming, D, & J. Page. Myths, Legends, and Folktales of America: An Anthology. (Oxford University Press.) Grading will be based on class participation, assignments, quizzes, and a final assessment. 54 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Reading Strategies Υ ᜂᒰ⠪ ㊁ ⋥ሶ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ What does globalization really mean? ࠦࠬฬߩߣ߅ࠅ⺒ޔജࠍߟߌࠆߚߩࠢࠬߢߔޕ ᤐቇᦼߪޔᣧߊߚߊߐࠎ⺒ࠆࠃ߁ߦߥࠆߚߩ⸠✵ߦὶ ὐࠍ⟎߈߹ߔޕ ౝኈߣߒߡߪ࡞ࡃࡠࠣޔൻߒߚઍߩ⇇ࠍ⊛⌒ⶄޔ ߦᝒ߃ࠆᆫࠍりߦߟߌࠆߩ߇⁓ߢߔߩߟߣ߭ޕ᧪ ࠍⶄᢙߩ⇣ߥࠆⷞὐ߆ࠄᬌ⸛ߔࠆߎߣߢ⥄ޔಽ⥄りߩ ߣ↢ᵴߩ႐ࠍޔ㐳ᱧผߣ⇇ߩ߭ࠈ߇ࠅߩਛߢߣࠄ߃ߥ ߅ߔᗧ⼂ࠍ㙃ߞߡߚߛ߈ߚߩߢߔޕ ᢎ᧚ߦߪ⒳ߩޘᣂ⡞߮ࠃ߅ޔขࠅߍࠆ⽎ߦ㑐ㅪߒߚ ࠛ࠶ࠗࠍ↪ߒ߹ߔ⧷ޕ࿖ޔวⴐ࿖ޔࠕ࠻ࠬࠝޔ ࠞ࠽࠳ߩߺߥࠄߕ࠼ࡦࠗޔᄢ㒽ࡉࠞޔࠞࡈࠕޔᶏ ၞߥߤ⺆↪ޔ⺆⸒৻╙߇⺆⧷ޔ㨮ㅢ⺆ߢࠆ᭽ߥޘ႐ ᚲߦ╬ߒߊᵈ⋡ߒߥ߇ࠄࠍ࠻ࠬࠠ࠹ޔㆬࠎߢ߈߹ߔޕ ߥ߅ᬺߩ৻ㇱߪ⧷⺆ߢⴕ߹ߔߩߘޕഀวߦߟߡߪޔ ታ㓙ߩᬺߩߥ߆ߢ⺞ᢛߒߡ߈߹ߔޕ ዉ ߩ࠻ࠬ࡞ࠣࡦࠪޟෂ㒾ᕈޠ㧔࠴ࡑࡑࡦ࠳ࠕ࠺ ࠖ࠴ࠚ⻠ޔṶࡧࠖ࠺ࠝߣࠬࠢࡊ࠻㧕 㨪 ࿁ ᐕߪߓߋࠄ߆ࠄᬺᤨ߹ߢߩ㑅ߦߎߞߚᄢ߈ ߥ⇇ߩᄌൻࠍߣࠅߍߦ⊛⌒ⶄޔᬌ⸛ߒ߹ߔޕᬺ㧟࿁ ࠍ㧝ࠢ࡞ߣߒ߹ߔ⺒ޟߡߒߦ߁ࠃߩߤޕജߡߌߟࠍޠ ߊ߆ߪ⚕ޔߩ㑐ଥߢߒߊㅀߴࠆߎߣ߇ߢ߈߹ߖࠎߩ ߢޔᬺౝߢ⺑ߒ߹ߔޕYRO㧔YQTFURGTOKPWVGߩ᷹ቯ ࠍߒߥ߇ࠄޔㅦ⺒⢻ജ߽ߍߡ߈߹ߔޕ ࡒ࠾ࡊࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦߩ↪ᗧޕ ࡒ࠾ࡊࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦ ࡒ࠾ࡊࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦ ߹ߣ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࡂࡦ࠼ࠕ࠙࠻߅ࠃ߮ࠗࡦ࠲ࡀ࠶࠻߆ࠄߩ࠳࠙ࡦࡠ࠼ ࠍ↪ߒ߹ߔޕ Ꮸ 20㧑 ឭ‛ߣࡒ࠾ࡊࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦ 40 % ⹜㛎 40㧑 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Reading Strategies Φ ᜂᒰ⠪ ㊁ ⋥ሶ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ What does globalization really mean? ⑺ቇᦼߪ Reading Strategies Υߢりߦߟߌߚࠬࠠ࡞ࠍ ↢߆ߒߟߟߦ⺒♖ޔὶὐࠍ⒖ߒ߹ߔߪࡑ࠹ޕᤐቇᦼߣห ߓ⌒ⶄޕᕁ⠨ߢࠣࡠࡃ࡞␠ળߦߟߡ critical ߦ⠨߃ߡ ߈߹ߒࠂ߁ޕ5 ࿁⋡߆ࠄߪߩߎޔਥ㗴ߦߟߡߩ㐷ᦠ ࠍ⺒ߺ߹ߔ߇ޔౝኈࠍℂ⸃ߔࠆߩߺߥࠄߕ⥄ࠍ⸃⺒ޔಽ⥄ りߩ⇼߿ᛕ್߳ߣߟߥߢߞߡ߽ࠄ߹ߔޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߦߪࠛ࠶ࠗ'The Algebra of Infinite Justice' ߣޔએਅߦᜰቯߒߚᧄࠍ↪ߒ߹ߔޕᤐቇᦼห᭽ޔᬺߩ ৻ㇱߪ⧷⺆ߢⴕ߁੍ቯߢߔޕ 㨋㨋㨋㨋㨋㨋㨋㨋㨋㨋㨋㨋㨋㨋㨋㨋㨋㨋㨋㨋㨋㨋㨋㨋㨋 'The Algebra of Infinite Justice'ߦߟߡߩ⺑ ߎߩࠛ࠶ࠗߪࠗࡦ࠼ੱዊ⺑ኅ Aruhdhati Roy ߦࠃࠆޔว ⴐ࿖ᐭߩァᴦ╷߳ߩᛕ್ߢߔ⋥ޕធ⊛ߦߪޔ9.11 ߩᓟࡘࠪ࠶ࡉޔᮭ߇ߔߋߐ߹ߦዷ㐿ߒߚޟή㒢ߩᱜ⟵ޠ ᚢߩᘟߣෂ㒾ࠍᜰ៰ߒߡ߹ߔޕRoy ߪࠗࡦ࠼ࠗ ࡦ࠼ੱ⧷⺆ኅߣߒߡߪߓߡ Booker ⾨㧔⧷࿖ߢ߽ߞߣ ߽ᵈ⋡ᐲߩ㜞ᢥቇ⾨ߩ߭ߣߟ㧕ࠍฃ⾨ߒߚᅚᕈߩᦠ߈ᚻ ߢߔޕ ዉ6JG#NIGDTCQH+PHKPKVG,WUVKEG 6JG#NIGDTCQH+PHKPKVG,WUVKEG 6JG#NIGDTCQH+PHKPKVG,WUVKEG 6JG#NIGDTCQH+PHKPKVG,WUVKEG )NQDCNK\CVKQP#8GT[5JQTV+PVTQFWEVKQP ࠍ⺒ )NQDCNK\CVKQPCEQPVGUVGFEQPEGRV )NQDCNK\CVKQPCPFJKUVQT[ CUUGUUOGPV 6JGGEQPQOKEFKOGPUKQPQHINQDCNK\CVKQP 6JGEWNVWTCNFKOGPUKQPQHINQDCNK\CVKQP 6JGGEQNQIKECNFKOGPUKQPQHINQDCNK\CVKQP CUUGUUOGPV +FGQNQIKGUQHINQDCNK\CVKQP #UUGUUKPIVJGHWVWTGQHINQDCNK\CVKQP CUUGUUOGPV 4QWPFWR ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ 'The Algebra of Infinite Justice'ߦߟߡߪࡂࡦ࠼ࠕ࠙࠻ࠍ↪ᗧ ޕᏨ 20㧑 )NQDCNK\CVKQP#8GT[5JQTV+PVTQFWEVKQP 1ZHQTF7PKXGTUKV[ ឭ‛ 30㧑 2TGUUߪᤐቇᦼ⚳ࠊࠅ߹ߢߦห⾼ߔࠆޕ ⹜㛎 50㧑 55 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Reading Strategies Υ ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This course will be conducted all in English. We will read, write, talk, and think in English. Mistakes are OK, but you are encouraged to use English as fully as possible. Our textbook is Nick Hornby’s novel Slam. It is a story about Sam, fifteen-year-old, who lives in London and is good at skateboarding. In the beginning of the novel, he is perhaps a very ordinary boy, but when he starts dating with Alicia, something very serious happens (which is suggested in the title—“slam” means crash). We are going to see what happens to Sam, as we will read 10 to 20 pages in each class. At the same time, we will focus on the colloquial language Sam frequently uses. We will also make small groups and discuss topics such as cultural differences between UK and Japan. 1. Introduction ጊ ♿ 2. Chapter 1 3. Ch. 2 4. Ch. 2 5. Ch. 3 6. Ch. 4 7. Ch. 5 8. Ch. 6 9. Ch. 6 10. Ch. 7 11. Ch. 8 12. Ch. 9 13. Ch. 9 14. Wrap up 1 (Attendance is essential for this course. If you miss or are very late for more than 1/3 of the lessons, you will automatically fail.) 15. Wrap up 2 ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Nick Hornby, Slam (London: Penguin, 2007) * Buy at DUO Class participation, preparation, and a final assessment 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Reading Strategies Φ ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ጊ ♿ ᬺ⸘↹ We are going to read the latter part of Slam. 1. Introduction 2. Ch. 10 3. Ch. 11 4. Ch. 12 5. Ch. 13 6. Ch. 14 7. Ch. 14 8. Ch. 15 9. Ch. 16 10. Ch. 17 11. Ch. 18 12. Ch. 19 13. Ch. 20 14. Wrap up 1 15. Wrap up 2 ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Nick Hornby, Slam (London: Penguin, 2007) Class participation, preparation, and a final assessment 56 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Reading Strategies Υ ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ Ꮏ⮮ ብ ᬺ⸘↹ ⋡⊛ߦᔕߓߚ⧷ᢥߩ⺒ߺᣇࠍ⠌ᓧߒߥ߇ࠄ⺆ޔᒵജ߿ᛕ ್⊛⺒⸃ജߦട߃ߡ⧷⺆ߢߩࡊࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦߣࠗ࠹ ࠖࡦࠣߩࠬࠠ࡞ࠍ㜞ࠆߣ߁ޔ᰼ᒛࠅߥᬺ⋡ᮡࠍ⸳ቯ ߒߡ߹ߔࠍࠄࠇߎޕ㆐ᚑߔࠆߚߦޔ 㧔1㧕ᔀᐩߒߚ㖸⺒ ✵⠌㧔ᤐቇᦼ㧕ޔ 㧔2㧕⧷⺆ߦࠃࠆ㧟ಽ㑆ࠬࡇ࠴ߩታ〣㧔⑺ ቇᦼ㧕 ޔ 㧔3㧕ਛ⚖ࡌ࡞ߩ⧷ᢥߩ♖⺒ޔ 㧔4㧕ᢎ᧚ߩౝኈߦߟ ߡߩࡊࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦߣ࠺ࠖࠬࠞ࠶࡚ࠪࡦޔ 㧔5㧕ቇ⠌ ࠹ࡑߩℂ⸃ࠍᷓࠆߚߩࠪࡒࡘ࡚ࠪࡦࠥࡓ╬ ߩࡎࠬ࠹ࠖ࠶ࠢߥቇ⠌ᣇᴺࠍ↪ᗧߒߡ߹ߔޕ ᤐቇᦼߪޔ㖸⺒✵⠌ߩᗧ⟵ߣ✵⠌ᣇᴺߩ⺑࠾ࡖࠠࠬޔ ࡦࠣߩ࠻ࡁ߿ࡕࡔޔࠣࡦࡒࠠࠬޔขࠅᣇ╬ߩၮᧄᛛⴚࠍ ቇ⠌㧔ᓳ⠌㧫㧕ߔࠆߣߎࠈ߆ࠄᆎ߹ࠅ߹ߔޕᰴߦޔᐔᤃߥ ᢥߢᦠ߆ࠇߚવ⛔⊛ߥ⇣ᢥൻ㑆ࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ⺰ߩ ᢎ᧚ࠍ↪ߥ߇ࠄⷐޔᣦߩ߹ߣᣇߣ⧷⺆ߢߩࡊࡦ࠹ ࡚ࠪࡦߩᣇߦߟߡታ〣ࠍㅢߒߡቇ߮߹ߔޔߦᦝޕ ⇣ޟ ᢥൻ㑆ࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ㧔⺰㧕ߦޠ㑐ߔࠆ᭽ࠍ⸃⺋ߥޘ ⸃ᶖߒߥ߇ࠄޔᣣᧄߩᄢቇ↢߇⧷⺆ߢࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࠻ߔࠆ 㓙ߩ㗴ὐ߿ᒙὐޔᒝߺߦߟߡ⠨ኤߒ߹ߔ৻ߚߒ߁ߎޕ ㅪߩቇ⠌ߩᚑᨐߪޔቇᦼᧃߦᢎ᧚ߩᦠ⹏㧔book review㧕 ࠍ⧷⺆ߢၫ╩ߔࠆߣ߁ᒻߢ⏕ߐࠇࠆߎߣߦߥࠅ߹ߔޕ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. ዉ RS I&II ߩᓳ⠌ ᔃࠍ⺒㧛⺒߹ࠇࠆ Culture and communication (pp. 1-7) Intercultural communication (pp.8-16) Verbal messages (pp.17-23) Verbal messages (pp.23-31) Verbal messages (pp.32-36) Nonverbal communication (pp.37-45) Nonverbal communication (pp.45-58) Nonverbal communication (pp.58-67) Becoming more effective (pp.68-76) Becoming more effective (pp.76-83) ߹ߣ ߹ߣ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࠨࡕࡃLA ઁ㧔2002㧕ޡઍ⧷ᢥ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ ⇣ᢥ ൻߣߩળ⎇ޢⓥ␠ޕ ࿖ᒄᱜ㓶ޔජ↰Ả৻㧔2004㧕 ⧷ޡળߗߞߚ㖸⺒ ⛯ ᚢ✬ޕ␠⺣⻠ޢ ⧷⺆ߢߩࡊࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦ㧔40%㧕ޔ㖸⺒࠹ࠬ࠻㧔20㧑㧕ޔ ᦠ⹏㧔⧷ᢥߢ 500~1,000 ⺆⒟ᐲ㧕 㧔30㧑㧕ޔᬺෳട㧔10%㧕 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ᜂᒰ⠪ Reading Strategies IV ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ Ꮏ⮮ ብ ᬺ⸘↹ ⑺ቇᦼߪޔ࿐ߩⅣႺߩᄌൻߦ߁ᚭᖺ߿⪾⮮ߦߟ ߡᛒߞߚኚࠍ⇣ᢥൻㆡᔕℂ⺰߿ᢥൻℂ⺰ߩ⍮ࠍ୫ࠅߥ ߇ࠄᛕ್⊛ಽᨆ⊛ߦ⺒ߺ߹ߔޕኚߩ♖⺒ߣౝኈߦ㑐ߔ ࠆࡊࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦ߿࠺ࠖࠬࠞ࠶࡚ࠪࡦޔ㑐ㅪᢥ₂ߩ♖ ⺒ߩ߳ࡓࠥࡦ࡚ࠪࡘࡒࠪޔෳടߦࠃࠅ⇐ޔቇޔ ޔᇕᆪޔᚗߪ⚗߿⽺࿎ߥߤߩℂ↱ߢ࿖߿ၞࠍ߃ ߡ↢ᵴߔࠆߎߣߩᗧ߿ޔᄖ࿖⺆ࠍቇࠎߛࠅ࿖㓙⊛㧔ࠣࡠ ࡃ࡞㧕ߥಽ㊁ߩቇࠍߒߚࠅߔࠆߎߣߩᗧ⟵ߦߟߡߩ ℂ⸃ࠍᷓ߹ߔޕቇᦼᧃߦߪޔቇ⠌ߩ߹ߣߣߒߡ⧷⺆ߢ ߩ㧟ಽ㑆ࠬࡇ࠴ߩ⊒ߣᦠ⹏ߩၫ╩ࠍߒߡߚߛ߈߹ ߔޕ ᬺෳട߇㕖Ᏹߦ㊀ⷞߐࠇ߹ߔߩߢޔⓍᭂ⊛ߦ⊒⸒ߒᗧ ឵ࠍߒߥ߇ࠄ⺆ቇജߣᕁ⠨ജࠍะߐߖߚੱߩฃ ⻠ࠍᦸߺ߹ߔޔߚ߹ޕᬺᜂᒰ⠪߽⧷⺆ߩቇ⠌⠪ߢࠅޔ ⧷⺆߇ᡰ㈩⊛ߦߥߞߡࠆ࿖㓙⊛ߥ႐㕙ߢߩ୶ℂ⊛ߥࠦ ࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦߩࠅᣇࠍᮨ⚝ਛߢࠆߎߣޔᬺߪᣣ ⧷ਔ⸒⺆ߢⴕࠊࠇࠆߎߣޔ㧠ಽߩ㧝એߩᰳᏨߪਇนߦߥ ࠆߎߣࠍℂ⸃ߩ߁߃ޔᬺߦ⥃ࠎߢߊߛߐޕ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. ዉ Who moved my cheese?ࠍ⁛ࠅߢ⺒ ߥߚߩ⇣ᢥൻㆡᔕ⢻ജߪ㧫 Culture shock and cross-cultural adjustment 㧔Levine & Adelman, 1993㧕 A gathering (pp.21-24) The story of Who Moved My Cheese? (pp. 25-36) The story of Who Moved My Cheese? (pp. 37-46) The story of Who Moved My Cheese? (pp. 47-56) The story of Who Moved My Cheese? (pp. 57-66) The story of Who Moved My Cheese? (pp. 67-76) A discussion (pp. 77-94) The story behind the story (pp.12-18) ࠞ࡞࠴ࡖ࡚ࠪ࠶ࠢߣ߁ฬߩࡊࡦ࠻ ߹ߣ ߹ߣ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Johnson, S. (1998). Who moved my cheese? London: Vermilion. ߘߩઁߩࡊࡦ࠻ᢎ᧚ ⧷⺆ߢߩࡊࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦ㧔40%㧕ޔ㧟ಽ㑆ࠬࡇ࠴ 㧔20㧑㧕⹏ᦠޔ㧔⧷ᢥߢ 500~1,000 ⺆⒟ᐲ㧕 㧔30㧑㧕 ޔᬺ ෳട㧔10%㧕 57 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Reading Strategies Υ ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ఽ᎑ ৻↵ ᬺ⸘↹ ⧷☨ߩઍṶߩบᧄࠍ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߦߒߡ vocabulary ߩ Ფ࿁ᬺ㐿ᆎᤨߦ vocabulary ࠹ࠬ࠻ࠍⴕ߹ߔޕ Ⴧ߿ߒߩ⺆⧷ߥ߹ߑ߹ߐޔਥߣߒߡળࠍቇ߮߹ߔޕ ↢߹ࠇ⢒ߞߚⅣႺ߇⇣ߥࠇ߫↢߇⇣⋧߽ߦ⪲⸒߁߇ੱޔ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߪࠗࠡࠬߩઍṶ㧔farce㧕ߩบᧄߢߔ߇ޔ ࠅࠄ߾߉ߊߞ߱ޛDUO⾼ߢޜਅߐޕ ߓ߹ߔޕ⢛᥊ߣߥߞߡࠆᢥൻࠍ⠨߃ߥ߇ࠄޔᄙ⒳ᄙ᭽ߥ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ࠍᤋൻߒߚ߽ߩ߇ࠆߩߢߚߒࠍ⺒♖ޔᓟޔ ⧷⺆ߩࠍⷡ߃ߡߎ߁ߣᕁ߹ߔߚ߹ޕታ㓙ߩ⥰บࠍ ߘߩᣣߦ⺒ߺ⚳ࠊߞߚ▸࿐ࠍޔᤋߢ⏕ߒ߹ߔ㧔⧷⺆ࠍ ⷰߡޔṶߪ㕙⊕ߣ߁ߎߣࠍታᗵߒߡߺߡߊߛߐޕ ⡬߈ߣߞߚࠅޔᣣᧄ⺆ሼ᐀߇ࠆ႐วߪ⥄ޔಽߩ⸶ߣᲧセ ᢎቶߢߪ߅ߩ⠡⸶ࠍ⏕ߒߥ߇ࠄࠎ⺒ࠍ࠻ࠬࠠ࠹ޔ ߒߡߺߡߊߛߐ㧕ޕ ߢ߈߹ߔߣࠎߜ߈ޕㄉᦠࠍᒁߡޔᣣᧄ⺆⠡⸶ࠍࡁ ࠻ߦ↪ᗧߒߡᏨߔࠆߎߣࠍ᳞߹ߔޕ೨ߩḰ߇ਇ ᢎቶߢ⺒࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߣߪߦޔᜰቯߔࠆṶߩⷰࡐ ࠻㧔400 ሼએ 500 ሼએਅ㧕2 ✬ߩឭࠍ᳞߹ߔޕ චಽߥੱߪߩߘޔ႐ߢㅌ႐ߒߡ߽ࠄޔᰳᏨᛒߣߒ߹ߔߦ࠻ࡐ ޕ㑐ߔࠆߎߣߥߤޔᬺ⸘↹ߩ⚦ߪᢎቶߦߡ⺑ ㆃೞߪߔߴߡᰳᏨᛒߣߒ߹ߔޕᰳᛒߪࠅ߹ߖࠎޕ ߒ߹ߔޕ ᬺ࿁ᢙߩ 3 ಽߩ 1 એࠍᰳᏨߒߚ႐วޔේೣߣߒߡޔℂ ↱ߩᅤࠍࠊߕޔනࠍ߹ߖࠎޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Ფ࿁ᬺ㐿ᆎᤨߦⴕ߁ XQECDWNCT[ ࠹ࠬ࠻ 㧑ⷰޕࡐ࠻ 㧔 ሼ㧕 ✬ߢ 㧑ޕቇᦼᧃቯᦼ⹜㛎ߪߒ߹ߖࠎޕ ࡐ࠻ߪ ✬ᔅୃߢߔᧂޕឭ⠪ߦߪනࠍ߹ߖࠎޕ /KEJCGN(TC[P0QKUGU1HH 5COWGN(TGPEJ+5$0 ෳ⠨ᢥ₂ߪᬺਛߦ⸒ߔࠆ੍ቯ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Reading Strategies Φ ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ఽ᎑ ৻↵ ᬺ⸘↹ ⧷☨ߩઍṶߩบᧄࠍ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߦߒߡ vocabulary ߩ Ფ࿁ᬺ㐿ᆎᤨߦ vocabulary ࠹ࠬ࠻ࠍⴕ߹ߔޕ Ⴧ߿ߒߩ⺆⧷ߥ߹ߑ߹ߐޔਥߣߒߡળࠍቇ߮߹ߔޕ ↢߹ࠇ⢒ߞߚⅣႺ߇⇣ߥࠇ߫↢߇⇣⋧߽ߦ⪲⸒߁߇ੱޔ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߪࠗࠡࠬߩઍṶ㧔farce㧕ߩบᧄߢߔ߇ޔ ࠅࠄ߾߉ߊߞ߱ޛDUO⾼ߢޜਅߐޕ ߓ߹ߔޕ⢛᥊ߣߥߞߡࠆᢥൻࠍ⠨߃ߥ߇ࠄޔᄙ⒳ᄙ᭽ߥ Reading Strategies Υ߆ࠄߩ⛯߈ࠍ⺒ߺ߹ߔޕ ⧷⺆ߩࠍⷡ߃ߡߎ߁ߣᕁ߹ߔߚ߹ޕታ㓙ߩ⥰บࠍ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ࠍᤋൻߒߚ߽ߩ߇ࠆߩߢߚߒࠍ⺒♖ޔᓟޔ ⷰߡޔṶߪ㕙⊕ߣ߁ߎߣࠍታᗵߒߡߺߡߊߛߐޕ ߘߩᣣߦ⺒ߺ⚳ࠊߞߚ▸࿐ࠍޔᤋߢ⏕ߒ߹ߔ㧔⧷⺆ࠍ ᢎቶߢߪ߅ߩ⠡⸶ࠍ⏕ߒߥ߇ࠄࠎ⺒ࠍ࠻ࠬࠠ࠹ޔ ⡬߈ߣߞߚࠅޔᣣᧄ⺆ሼ᐀߇ࠆ႐วߪ⥄ޔಽߩ⸶ߣᲧセ ߢ߈߹ߔߣࠎߜ߈ޕㄉᦠࠍᒁߡޔᣣᧄ⺆⠡⸶ࠍࡁ ߒߡߺߡߊߛߐ㧕ޕ ࠻ߦ↪ᗧߒߡᏨߔࠆߎߣࠍ᳞߹ߔޕ೨ߩḰ߇ਇ ᢎቶߢ⺒࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߣߪߦޔᜰቯߔࠆṶߩⷰࡐ චಽߥੱߪߩߘޔ႐ߢㅌ႐ߒߡ߽ࠄޔᰳᏨᛒߣߒ߹ߔ࠻ ޕ㧔400 ሼએ 500 ሼએਅ㧕2 ✬ߩឭࠍ᳞߹ߔޕ ㆃೞߪߔߴߡᰳᏨᛒߣߒ߹ߔޕᰳᛒߪࠅ߹ߖ ࡐ࠻ߦ㑐ߔࠆߎߣߥߤޔᬺ⸘↹ߩ⚦ߪᢎቶߦߡ ࠎޕᬺ࿁ᢙߩ 3 ಽߩ 1 એࠍᰳᏨߒߚ႐วޔේೣߣߒߡ⺑ ޔߒ߹ߔޕ ℂ↱ߩᅤࠍࠊߕޔනࠍ߹ߖࠎޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Ფ࿁ᬺ㐿ᆎᤨߦⴕ߁ XQECDWNCT[ ࠹ࠬ࠻ 㧑ⷰޕࡐ࠻ 㧔 ሼ㧕 ✬ߢ 㧑ޕቇᦼᧃቯᦼ⹜㛎ߪߒ߹ߖࠎޕ ࡐ࠻ߪ ✬ᔅୃߢߔᧂޕឭ⠪ߦߪනࠍ߹ߖࠎޕ /KEJCGN(TC[P0QKUGU1HH 5COWGN(TGPEJ+5$0 ෳ⠨ᢥ₂ߪᬺਛߦ⸒ߔࠆ੍ቯ 58 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ᜂᒰ⠪ Reading StrategiesΥ ⮮ ໑ⴕ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ᐔဋ⊛ߥᄢቇ↢ߩਛߦߪ⧷ޔᢥߩ⸶߇৻ᔕ᧪ߡ߽ޔ ᗧ߇ℂ⸃ߢ߈ߡߥ߆ߞߚࠅޔౝኈࠍⷐ⚂ߒ߭ࠍ⺰⚿ޔ ߣߎߣߢߔࠆജ߇ਇ⿷ߒߡࠆ⠪߇ዋߥߊࠅ߹ߖ ࠎ⧷ޕᢥߩቇⴚᦠࠍ⺒ߺㅴ႐วࡈࠣࡄޔᲤޔฦ┨Ფ ߩౝኈⷐ⚂⢻ജ߇Ᏹߦ᳞ࠄࠇ߹ߔᧄߚߩߘޕᬺߢ ߪޔቇ↢ߩߘ߁ߒߚᒙὐࠍᒝߔࠆߚߦޔฦࡄࠣ ࡈᲤߦౝኈߩⷐᣦࠍ߭ߣߎߣߢⷐ⚂ߔࠆ⢻ജࠍ㙃߁ࠍ ᬺߩ⋡ᮡߣߚߒ߹ߔޕ ೋߩᬺߢ⺑ߒ߹ߔޕ ᦨ ☨ࠗࠬࠛ࡞㑐ଥผߩ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ࠍ↪ߒ߹ߔޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ⧷☨ผߦ㑐ߔࠆ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ࠍࠦࡇߒߡߩߘޔㇺᐲ㈩Ꮣߒ߹ ߔޕ ╩⸥⹜㛎ࠍߒ߹ߔޕᐔᏱὐ߽㧟㧜㧑߶ߤ⠨ᘦߒ߹ߔޕ ᰳᏨ߇ᬺ࿁ᢙߩ㧝㧛㧟ࠍ߃ߚ႐วޔනࠍਈ߃߹ߖ ࠎޕㆃೞߪ㧟࿁ߢᰳᏨ㧝࿁ಽߦࠞ࠙ࡦ࠻ߒ߹ߔޕ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ᜂᒰ⠪ Reading StrategiesΦ ⮮ ໑ⴕ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ᤐቇᦼߣหߓޕ ᦨೋߩᬺߢ⺑ߒ߹ߔޕ ☨ࠗࠬࠛ࡞㑐ଥผߩ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ࠍ↪ߒ߹ߔޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ᤐቇᦼߣหߓޕ ᤐቇᦼߣหߓޕ 59 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Reading Strategies Υ ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ᧪ߩኾ㐷ಽ㊁⎇ⓥߦߟߥ߇ࠆቇⴚ⺆ᒵࠍჇ߿ߒޔㅦ⺒ ╙ 1 ࿁ ߿♖⺒ߦᔅⷐߣߥࠆ⺒⸃ᛛⴚߩะࠍ⋡ᜰߔߎߣࠍᧄᬺ ㊁ ᐽሶ ࠝࠛࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦ ╙ 2㨪3 ࿁ Preface ╙㧠㨪6 ࿁ Chapter 1 ࠣࡦࠖ࠹ࠗࡑࠨ ޔ ߚࠆ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߣߒߡ↪ߒޔၮ␆ᔨࠍቇ߮⪺⠪ߩᗧ࿑ࠍ ╙ 7㨪10 ࿁ Chapter 2 ࠣࡦࠖ࠹ࠗࡑࠨ ޔ ᱜߒߊℂ⸃ߒޔᛕ⹏⊛ߥ⺒ߺᣇࠍ⸠✵ߔࠆޕ ╙ 11㨪14 ࿁ Chapter 3ࠣࡦࠖ࠹ࠗࡑࠨ ޔ ߩ⋡⊛ߣߔࠆޕ ᧄᬺߢߪߦࡦ࡚ࠪࡃࡠࠣޔ㑐ߔࠆ㐷ᦠࠍਥ ᬺߢߪޔᲤ࿁ߩන⺆࠹ࠬ࠻߿⊒㧔ੱࡊ࡞ࠣޔ㧕 ╙ 15 ࿁ ߹ߣ ࠍⴕ߁੍ቯߢࠆޕᲤㅳ⺒ࠎߢ߈ߚ߽ߩࠍ೨ឭߦᬺࠍㅴ ࠆޕ ⑺ቇᦼߪᤐቇᦼߣหߓ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ࠍ↪ߔࠆ੍ቯߢࠆޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ 㧔ෳ⠨⾗ᢱ㧕Manfred B. Steger. Globalization: A very Short Introduction, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. Ꮸ࿁ᢙޔᬺᘒᐲޔන⺆࠹ࠬ࠻ޔቇᦼᧃ⹜㛎ߩ✚ว⹏ଔ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ߣߔࠆޕ Reading Strategies Φ ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ㊁ ᐽሶ ᬺ⸘↹ ᧪ߩኾ㐷ಽ㊁⎇ⓥߦߟߥ߇ࠆቇⴚ⺆ᒵࠍჇ߿ߒޔㅦ⺒ ߿♖⺒ߦᔅⷐߣߥࠆ⺒⸃ᛛⴚߩะࠍ⋡ᜰߔߎߣࠍᧄᬺ ߩ⋡⊛ߣߔࠆޕ ᧄᬺߢߪߦࡦ࡚ࠪࡃࡠࠣޔ㑐ߔࠆ㐷ᦠࠍਥ ╙ 1 ࿁ ࠝࠛࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦ ╙ 2㨪5 ࿁ Chapter 4ࠣࡦࠖ࠹ࠗࡑࠨޔ ╙ 6㨪9 ࿁ Chapter 5ࠣࡦࠖ࠹ࠗࡑࠨޔ ߚࠆ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߣߒߡ↪ߒޔၮ␆ᔨࠍቇ߮⪺⠪ߩᗧ࿑ࠍ ╙ 10 ~13 ࿁ Chapter 6ࠣࡦࠖ࠹ࠗࡑࠨޔ ᱜߒߊℂ⸃ߒޔᛕ⹏⊛ߥ⺒ߺᣇࠍ⸠✵ߔࠆޕ ╙ 14 ࿁ Assessing the Globalization ᬺߢߪޔᲤ࿁ߩන⺆࠹ࠬ࠻߿⊒㧔ੱࡊ࡞ࠣޔ㧕 ╙ 15 ࿁ ߹ߣ ࠍⴕ߁੍ቯߢࠆޕᲤㅳ⺒ࠎߢ߈ߚ߽ߩࠍ೨ឭߦᬺࠍㅴ ࠆޕ ⑺ቇᦼߪᤐቇᦼߣหߓ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ࠍ↪ߔࠆ੍ቯߢࠆޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ 㧔ෳ⠨⾗ᢱ㧕Manfred B. Steger. Globalization: A very Short Introduction, Oxford: Oxford University Press, Ꮸ࿁ᢙޔᬺᘒᐲޔන⺆࠹ࠬ࠻ޔቇᦼᧃ⹜㛎ߩ✚ว⹏ଔ ߣߔࠆޕ 2009. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߪᢎຬ߇㈩Ꮣߔࠆޕ 60 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Reading Strategies Υ ᜂᒰ⠪ ㍿ୖ ஜᖝ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ᢥᴺࠍߊࠄ⍮⼂ߣߒߡⷡ߃ߡߡ߽ߩߘޔᔕ↪ജ߇ߥߌ ᒰᬺߢߪޔቇ↢ߪᢥᴺߩᔕ↪ജࠕ࠶ࡊࠍ⋡⊛ߣߒߡࠈ ࠇ߫ࠍ⺆⧷ޔචಽߦ⺒ߺߎߥߖࠆࠃ߁ߦߪߥࠄߥޕ ࠈߥ⧷ᢥߩ⸃⺒ߦขࠅ⚵ߎߣߦߥࠆޕౝኈߩᆔ⚦ߦߟ ᦌ߁ߣޠࠆ߆⸃ߊߥߣࠎߥޟᤒߥ⺒ߺᣇࠍߟߠߌߡߚ ߡߪᤨߩޔὐߢߪᧂቯߢࠆ߇ޔ㨀㧻㧱㧵㧯oߩᢥᴺ ߩߢߪߥ߆⚦ޔ߽ߡߞߚߢ߹ߟޔౝኈ߿࠾ࡘࠕࡦࠬࠍ⺒ 㗴ࠍᐢߊ↪ߚޕ ߺขࠇࠆࠃ߁ߦߪߥࠄߥߩߢࠆߢߎߘޕᒰ⻠ᐳߢߪޔ ⧷ᢥᴺߩᔕ↪ജࠕ࠶ࡊࠍ⋡⊛ߣߒߡᬺࠍㅴߡ߈ߚ ޕ ߥ߅ޔᬺߩ㧟ಽߩ㧝એࠍᰳᏨߒߚ႐วޔනߪ ࠄࠇߥޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࡊࡦ࠻↪ ᐔᏱߩᬺߢߩ⹏ଔ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Reading Strategies Φ ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ห ห ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࡊࡦ࠻↪ ᏨޔᐔᏱߩᬺߢߩ⹏ଔ 61 ㍿ୖ ஜᖝ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Reading Strategies Υ ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ේ ᚑศ ᬺ⸘↹ Reading Classic Rock 1. An Introduction Classic Rock ߩਛ߆ࠄઍ⊛ߥ 30 ᦛߩ⹖ࠍขࠅߍ ޔ2. “America” by Paul Simon 3. “Eleanor Rigby” by the Beatles ߘߩຠ߆ࠄᤨઍࠍ⺒ߩࠢ࠶ࠫࡘࡒࠢ࠶ࡠޕ㧡㧜ᐕ 4. “The Boxer” by Paul Simon 5. “Across the Universe” by the Beatles ߩᱧผ߆ࠄ↢߹ࠇߚޟࠊࠇࠆઍߩ⪲⸒ߩޠ㝯ജࠍޔ 6. “Me and Bobby McGee” by Janis Joplin 7. “Sympathy for the Devil” by Rolling Stones ࠊࠁࠆઍߣࠪࡦࠢࡠߐߖߡߺߚޕ 8. “Sweet Baby James” by James Taylor 㧞ੱ㧝⚵ߩࡐ࠲ࠍਛᔃߦޔߩޘຠ߇↢߹ࠇߚ 9. “Big Yellow Taxi” by Joni Mitchell 10. “At Seventeen” by Janis Ian ᱧผ⊛ᴦ⊛␠ળ⊛⚻ᷣ⊛⢛᥊ࠍⷞ㊁ߦࠇߥ߇ࠄ ޔ11. “The River” by Bruce Springsteen 12. “Good Night Saigon” by Billy Joel ࠗࡦ࠲ࠢ࠹ࠖࡧߦ⧷⺆ߩᢥൻࠍ⠨߃ࠆޕ 13. “The Last Resort” by the Eagles 14. “The Pretender” by Jackson Browne 15. Review ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࡊࡦ࠻ߪᜂᒰ⠪߇↪ᗧߔࠆޕ ࡊࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦߣࡐ࠻㧔4,000 ⒟ᐲߩຠ⺰㧕ߦ ࠃߞߡࠆޔߒߛߚޕᰳᏨ߇ᬺ࿁ᢙߩ 1/3 ࠍ߃ߚ႐ วߪ⹏ଔኻ⽎ߣߪߒߥޕ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Reading Strategies Φ ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ේ ᚑศ ᬺ⸘↹ Reading Classic Rock 1. “Blowin’ in the wind” 2. “A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall” Classic Rock ߩਛ߆ࠄઍ⊛ߥ 30 ᦛߩ⹖ࠍขࠅߍޔ 3. “With God on Our Side” ߘߩຠ߆ࠄᤨઍࠍ⺒ߩࠢ࠶ࠫࡘࡒࠢ࠶ࡠޕ㧡㧜ᐕ 4. “My Back Pages” 5. “Mr. Tambourine Man” ߩᱧผ߆ࠄ↢߹ࠇߚޟࠊࠇࠆઍߩ⪲⸒ߩޠ㝯ജࠍޔ 6. “Like a rolling Stone” 7. “Desolation Row” ࠊࠁࠆઍߣࠪࡦࠢࡠߐߖߡߺߚޕ 8. “I Want You” 㧞ੱ㧝⚵ߩࡐ࠲ࠍਛᔃߦޔߩޘຠ߇↢߹ࠇߚ 9. “Sad-Eyed Lady of the Lowlands” 10. “All Along the Watchtower” ᱧผ⊛ᴦ⊛␠ળ⊛⚻ᷣ⊛⢛᥊ࠍⷞ㊁ߦࠇߥ߇ࠄ ޔ11. “Idiot Wind” 12. “Hurricane” ࠗࡦ࠲ࠢ࠹ࠖࡧߦ⧷⺆ߩᢥൻࠍ⠨߃ࠆޕ 13. “One More Cup of Coffee (Valley Below)” ⑺ቇᦼߪޔBob Dylan ߩຠࠍขࠅߍࠆޕ 14. “Jokerman” 15. Review ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Lyrics ߪޔ ࠃࠅ࠳࠙ࡦࡠ࠼ޕ ࡊࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦߣࡐ࠻㧔4,000 ⒟ᐲߩຠ⺰㧕ߦ ࠃߞߡࠆޔߒߛߚޕᰳᏨ߇ᬺ࿁ᢙߩ 1/3 ࠍ߃ߚ႐ วߪ⹏ଔኻ⽎ߣߪߒߥޕ 62 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Reading Strategies Υ ᜂᒰ⠪ ೨ᴛ ᶈሶ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ࠹ࡑ㧦Tuesdays with Morrie ࠍ⺒ 1. ᬺߩㅴᣇߩ⺑ޔThe Curriculum 2. The Syllabus, The Student 3. The Audiovisual, The Orientation 4. The Classroom, Taking Attendance 5. The First Tuesday, The Second Tuesday 6. The Third Tuesday, The Audiovisual, Pt 2 7. The Professor, The Fourth Tuesday 8. The Fifth Tuesday, The Sixth Tuesday 9. The Professor, Pt 2, The Seventh Tuesday 10. The Eighth Tuesday, The Ninth Tuesday 11. The Tenth Tuesday, The Eleventh Tuesday 12. The Audiovisual Pt 3, The Twelfth Tuesday 13. The Thirteenth Tuesday, The Fourteenth Tuesday 14. Graduation, Conclusion 15. ߹ߣ Mitch Albom ߩ Tuesdays with Morrie ߪ 2000 ᐕߦࠕࡔࠞ ߢࡌࠬ࠻ߦߥߞߚࡁࡦࡈ࡚ࠖࠢࠪࡦߢࠆࡖࠫޕ ࠽ࠬ࠻ߩ Mitch ߪޔතᬺᓟ 20 ᐕㄭߊࠍ⚻ߡޔᄢቇᤨઍߩ ᕲᏧ Morrie ߩኅߦᲤㅳἫᦐᣣߦㅢߞߡ⻠⟵ࠍฃߌࠆߎߣ ߦߥࠆޕALS ߣ߁㔍∛ߦ߆߆ߞߡᱫࠍ೨ߦߒߚ Morrie ߪߩߡߟ߆ޔᢎ߃ሶߦᦨᓟߩ⻠⟵ࠍߔࠆޕ ⧷⺆ߪᐔߛ߇ޔ࿁ᗐߣࠅ⺆ޔᚻߣ⡞߈ᚻޔౝ⋭ߣ ␠ળߥߤⷞߩࡦ࡚ࠪࠢࠖࡈࡦࡁߩߎޔὐߪᄙ᭽ߦᄌൻߔ ࠆޕ㘼ࠅ᳇ߩߥࠪࡦࡊ࡞ߥ⸒⪲ࠍㅢߒߡޔᗲߣᱫߩᗧ ߿ޔᄢⴐᢥൻ߳ߩᛕ್ߥߤޔᄢ߈ߥ㗴ឭ߽ߥߐࠇߡ ࠆޕ ߚߛౝኈࠍᛠីߔࠆߛߌߦߣߤ߹ࠄߕ࠻ࠬࡌߩߎޔ ߩ⺆ࠅߩᚻᴺ߿⺒⠪ࠍ߭߈ߟߌࠆ࠹ࡑߦߟߡℂ⸃ࠍ ᷓࠆߎߣࠍ⋡⊛ߣߔࠆޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Mitch Albom, Tuesdays with Morrie (1997) Ფ࿁ޔࠄࠇߚ▸࿐ߦߟߡዊ࠹ࠬ࠻ࠍⴕ߁ߩߘޕᚑ❣ ߦࠃߞߡ⹏ଔࠍⴕ߁ޕ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Reading Strategies Φ ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ࠹ࡑ㧦Stone Cold ࠍ⺒ 1. ᬺߩㅴᣇߩ⺑ 2. pp. 1-10 3. pp. 11-21 4. pp. 22-35 5. pp. 36-50 6.Discussion and review 7. pp. 51-61 8. pp. 62-74 9. pp. 75-91 10. pp. 92-105 11.Discussion and review 12 pp. 106-116 13. pp. 117-132 14. Discussion and review 15. ߹ߣ ࠗࠡࠬߢߘߩᐕߦ ߐࠇߚఽ┬ᦠߢᦨ߽ఝࠇߚ߽ߩ ߦਈ߃ࠄࠇࠆ Carnegie Medal ࠍ 1994 ᐕߦฃ⾨ߒߡࠆఽޕ ┬ᦠߢߪࠆ߇ޔࠅߢޠࠬࡓࡎޟߪࡑ࠹ޔㇺᏒᢥ ൻߩ಄㉃ߐࠍޔᲕੱઙࠍㅊ߁ࠨࠬࡍࡦࠬߣߣ߽ߦឬߡ ࠆޕ ౝኈࠍᛠីߒߩ⺆‛ޔዷ㐿ࠍᭉߒߣߣ߽ߦࠅ⺆ޔᚻੑ ੱߣ߁ᚻᴺߩ㕙⊕ߐ߿⧯ޔ⠪ߩⷞὐߢᦠ߆ࠇߡࠆ ߩ․ᓽߦߟߡℂ⸃ࠍᷓࠆߎߣࠍߑߔ⧯ߚ߹ޕ⠪ߩቅ ⁛ߣᖱߣ߁᥉ㆉ⊛࠹ࡑ߿␠ߣࠬࡓࡎޔળߣߞ ߚઍ⊛ߥ㗴ߦߟߡ߽⠨߃ࠆᄾᯏߦߒߚޕ ೨ᴛ ᶈሶ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Robert Swindells, Stone Cold (1993) Ფ࿁ޔᬺߩਛߢዊ࠹ࠬ࠻ࠆߪ⺖㗴ឭࠍߒߡ߽ࠄ ߁ߩߘޕᚑ❣ߦࠃߞߡ⹏ଔࠍⴕ߁ޕ 63 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Reading Strategies Υ㧔ౣ㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㐷 a 㧔ౣ㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ᣣᧄߩᢥൻ⧷ߚࠇ߆ᦠߡߟߦߦ․ޔᢥࠍ⺒ࠎߢޔᢥ ┨⺒⸃ജࠍߟߌࠆߣߣ߽ߦ⥄ޔ࿖ߩᢥൻߦߟߡߩℂ⸃ࠍ ᷓࠆޕ 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 5: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: [♖⺒] એਅߦㅀߔࠆࠃ߁ߦ♖⺒ࠍⴕ⧷ޔᢥ⺒⸃ജࠍߟߌࠆޕ 㧝㧦 ⺰ℂ⊛ធ⛯⺆(logical connectors)ߦߟߡቇ߮ޔ ᢥ┨ߩᵹࠇࠍᱜ⏕ߦᛠីߔࠆജࠍりߦߟߌࠆޕ 㧞㧦 ⺆ᒵᢙࠍჇ߿ߔߩߪ൩⺰ߩߎߣߩߡߟߦ⪲⸒ޔᱜ ⏕ߥ⍮⼂ࠍቇ߱ޔߚ߹ޕᢥ⣂߆ࠄߪࠆޔធㄉ߆ ࠄޔ⍮ࠄߥ⸒⪲߽ផ᷹ߔࠆߎߣߩߢ߈ࠆജࠍりߦ ߟߌࠆޕ 㧟㧦 ᢥਛߩ⸒⪲㆜߿ᢥਛߦㄟࠄࠇߚ⢛᥊⊛⍮⼂ߦ߽ ᵈ⋡ߒߡ⺒ߎߣ߇ߢ߈ࠆࠃ߁ߦߥࠆޕ [ㅦ⺒] ᬺߢ♖⺒ߒߚᢥ┨ߦ㑐ㅪߔࠆߩᢥ┨ࠍ⺒ߺޔ⍴ᤨ㑆 ߢޔᱜ⏕ߦߘߩⷐᣦࠍߟ߆⸠✵ࠍߔࠆޕ ㊄⼱ ఝሶ Introduction ԘMythology and the Japanese World 㩹㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 ԙJapanese Uniqueness 㩹 ԚJapanese Topography and Geography 㩹 ԛThe Creation Myth 㩹㩷 㩹 㩷 ԜJapanese Population 㩹 ԝJapanese History and Traditions 㩹 㩹㩷 Review ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࡊࡦ࠻㈩Ꮣ 㧔ೋ࿁ߦ߹ߣߡᢎ᧚ߩࡊࡦ࠻ࠍ㈩Ꮣߒ ߹ߔߩߢޔฃ⻠Ꮧᦸ⠪ߪᔅߕೋ࿁ߦᏨߒߡਅߐޕ㧕 Ꮸ (30%)⹜ᧃᦼޔ㛎(30%)ޔឭ‛(30%)ޔᬺᘒᐲ(10%)ࠍ✚ ว⊛ߦ⹏ଔోޕߩ 1/3 એᰳᏨߒߚ႐ว⹜ᧃᦼޔ㛎ߩฃ㛎⾗ᩰ ࠍᄬ߹ߔޕᬺਛߩዬ⌁ࠅߪᰳᏨߣߥߒ߹ߔޕ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Reading Strategies Φ㧔ౣ㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㐷 b 㧔ౣ㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ᤐቇᦼߦᒁ߈⛯߈ޔᣣᧄߩᢥൻࠇ߆ᦠߡߟߦߦ․ޔ ߚ⧷ᢥࠍ⺒ࠎߢޔᢥ┨⺒⸃ജࠍߟߌࠆߣߣ߽ߦޔᣣᧄߩᢥ ൻߦߟߡߩℂ⸃ࠍᷓࠆޕ [♖⺒ߣ] એਅߦㅀߔࠆࠃ߁ߦ♖⺒ࠍⴕޔᢥ┨ࠍᱜ⏕ߦℂ⸃ߒޔ ᦝߦߛࠎ⺒ޔౝኈߦߟߡ⥄ಽߩ⠨߃ࠍ߹ߣࠆജࠍりߦ ߟߌࠆޕ 㧝㧦 ⺰ℂ⊛ធ⛯⺆(logical connectors)ߦߟߡቇ߮ޔ ᢥ┨ߩᵹࠇࠍᱜ⏕ߦᛠីߔࠆޕ 㧞㧦 ⺆ᒵᢙࠍჇ߿ߔߩߪ൩⺰ߩߎߣߩߡߟߦ⪲⸒ޔᱜ ⏕ߥ⍮⼂ࠍቇ߱ޔߚ߹ޕᢥ⣂߆ࠄߪࠆޔធㄉ߆ ࠄޔ⍮ࠄߥ⸒⪲߽ផ᷹ߔࠆߎߣߩߢ߈ࠆജࠍりߦ ߟߌࠆޕ 㧟㧦 ᢥਛߩ⸒⪲㆜߿ᢥਛߦㄟࠄࠇߚ⢛᥊⊛⍮⼂ߦ߽ ᵈ⋡ߒߡ⺒ߎߣ߇ߢ߈ࠆࠃ߁ߦߥࠆޕ 㧠㧦 ⷐὐࠍᱜ⏕ߦᛠីߔࠆޕ 㧡㧦 ⥄ಽߩ⠨߃ࠍ◲ẖߦࠊߔޕ 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: ㊄⼱ ఝሶ ԘJapanese Mythic Traditions 㩹㩷 㩹 ԙGreat Tradition and the Little Traditions 㩹 ԚExternal Sources of Japanese Traditions 㩹㩷 ԛKojiki and Nihonshoki 㩹㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 9: ԜOutlying Myth Complexes 10:㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩹 11: 㩹㩷 12:ԝJapanese Myth in the Modern World 13: 㩹 14: 㩹㩷 15: Review [ㅦ⺒] ᬺߢ♖⺒ߒߚᢥ┨ߦ㑐ㅪߔࠆߩᢥ┨ࠍ⺒ߺޔ⍴ᤨ㑆 ߢޔᱜ⏕ߦߘߩⷐᣦࠍߟ߆⸠✵ࠍߔࠆޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࡊࡦ࠻㈩Ꮣ 㧔ೋ࿁ߦ߹ߣߡᢎ᧚ߩࡊࡦ࠻ࠍ㈩Ꮣߒ ߹ߔߩߢޔฃ⻠Ꮧᦸ⠪ߪᔅߕೋ࿁ߦᏨߒߡਅߐޕ㧕 Ꮸ (30%)⹜ᧃᦼޔ㛎(30%)ޔឭ‛(30%)ޔᬺᘒᐲ(10%)ࠍ✚ ว⊛ߦ⹏ଔోޕߩ 1/3 એᰳᏨߒߚ႐ว⹜ᧃᦼޔ㛎ߩฃ㛎⾗ᩰ ࠍᄬ߹ߔޕᬺਛߩዬ⌁ࠅߪᰳᏨߣߥߒ߹ߔޕ 64 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Reading Strategies IV㧔ౣ㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㐷 b 㧔ౣ㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ߎߩᬺߢߪ⍴✬ዊ⺑ࠍ♖⺒ߒߡ߈߹ߔ⺆⧷ޕቇ⑼ߦ ᚲዻߒߡࠆቇ↢ߣߒߡߪߊߥߣࠎߥޟಽ߆ࠆߺ⺒ߢޠㅴ ࠆߩߢߪਇ⿷ߢߒࠂ߁߈ࠍ⺆⧷ߢߩ߽ߢࠅߊߞࠁޕ ߜࠎߣಽᨆߒߥ߇ࠄ⺒ߺޔᢥ⣂ߥߤࠍ⚦ߦℂ⸃ߔࠆߎߣ ߿ຠࠍࠊ߁ߎߣߩ⪲⸒ߡߒߘޔᣇ߿࠾ࡘࠕࡦࠬ߹ ߢ⺒ߺขࠇࠆࠃ߁ߦߥࠆߎߣࠍᬺߩ⋡⊛ߣߒ߹ߔޕ ߘߩߚޔᬺෳട೨ߦᔅߕㄉᦠࠍᒁߡ੍⠌ߒߡߊࠆ ߎߣߡߒߘޔㄉᦠࠍਤᔨߦ⺒ߎߣߪᔅ㗇ߢߔޕ 1. ᬺߩⷐ 2㧙14. ຠ♖⺒ 15. ᤐቇᦼߩ߹ߣ ጊਛ ┨ሶ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ American Fantastic Tales: Terror and the Uncanny from the 1940s to Now. Peter Straub ed. New York: The ᬺ߳ߩෳട㧔40%㧕ޔዊ࠹ࠬ࠻ߥߤߩ⺖㗴㧔60%㧕 Library of America, 2009. ࡊࡦ࠻ࠍ㈩Ꮣߔࠆޕ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Reading Strategies Υ㧔ౣ㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㐷 a 㧔ౣ㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ጊਛ ┨ሶ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ߎߩᬺߢߪᢔᢥࠍ♖⺒ߒߡ߈߹ߔ⺆⧷ޕቇ⑼ߦᚲዻ ߒߡࠆቇ↢ߣߒߡߪߊߥߣࠎߥޟಽ߆ࠆߺ⺒ߢޠㅴࠆ ߩߢߪਇ⿷ߢߒࠂ߁ࠎߜ߈ࠍ⺆⧷ߢߩ߽ߢࠅߊߞࠁޕ ߣಽᨆߒߥ߇ࠄ⺒ߺޔᢥ⣂ߥߤࠍ⚦ߦℂ⸃ߔࠆߎߣߘޔ ߒߡ⸒⪲ߩᣇ߿࠾ࡘࠕࡦࠬ߹ߢ⺒ߺขࠇࠆࠃ߁ߦߥ ࠆߎߣࠍᬺߩ⋡⊛ߣߒ߹ߔޕ ߘߩߚޔᬺෳട೨ߦᔅߕㄉᦠࠍᒁߡ੍⠌ߒߡߊࠆ ߎߣߡߒߘޔㄉᦠࠍਤᔨߦ⺒ߎߣߪᔅ㗇ߢߔޕ 1. ᬺߩⷐ 2㧙14. ຠ♖⺒ 15. ⑺ቇᦼߩ߹ߣ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ American Fantastic Tales: Terror and the Uncanny from the 1940s to Now. Peter Straub ed. New York: The ᬺ߳ߩෳട㧔40%㧕ޔዊ࠹ࠬ࠻ߥߤߩ⺖㗴㧔60%㧕 Library of America, 2009. ࡊࡦ࠻ࠍ㈩Ꮣߔࠆޕ 65 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ᜂᒰ⠪ Writing Strategies ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This is a one-term-long class in which students work on Recommended Topics: sentence-level writing so that they can review what they ฦᜂᒰᢎຬ Verb tenses learned in high school and move on to the introductory academic writing. Accuracy is the main focus; however, Sentence structure students should be provided with some free writing Modals (necessity, certainty etc.) exercises where they can practice fluency at the same Conditional time. Passives The objectives of this class are to help students: 1. to write grammatical sentences. Relative Clauses 2. to increase their awareness of the common Noun Clauses grammatical problems in writing made by EFL Free writing/Rush writing students. 3. to introduce self-help strategies so that they can analyze their problems and revise their writing. (ex. Teachers should use an error awareness sheet in order to help their students become aware of what their errors are and to help them decide which errors to work on first.) ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ There are no set texts for this course, so the decision is left to the discretion of individual instructors. The decision is left to the discretion of individual instructors. 66 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ᜂᒰ⠪ Paragraph Writing ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ The students will be taught how to write a unified, coherent paragraph which is a basic unit of composition common to most forms of academic, business, professional, and general-purpose writing in English. Recommended Topics: ฦᜂᒰᢎຬ What is a paragraph? Planning what they write Overall Objectives: 1. To provide an overview of what constitutes a ‘good’ paragraph (ex. topic sentence, supporting sentences). 2. To teach the various patterns of paragraph organizations. 3. To help students write clear and focused structures. 4. To help students analyze their problems and revise their writing. Topic vs. topic sentence Writing a topic sentence of a paragraph Supporting topic sentences (ex. giving examples, enumeration, giving a definition, cause and effect, comparison and contrast) Revising what they write Free writing/ Rush writing Students should write at least four 150-word-long paragraphs and have a chance to revise them. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ There are no set texts for this course, so the decision is left to the discretion of individual instructors. The decision is left to the discretion of individual instructors. 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ᜂᒰ⠪ Paragraph Writing ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ The students will be taught how to write a unified, coherent paragraph which is a basic unit of composition common to most forms of academic, business, professional, and general-purpose writing in English. Recommended Topics: ฦᜂᒰᢎຬ What is a paragraph? Planning what they write Topic vs. topic sentence Overall Objectives: 1. To provide an overview of what constitutes a ‘good’ paragraph (ex. topic sentence, supporting sentences). 2. To teach the various patterns of paragraph organizations. 3. To help students write clear and focused structures. 4. To help students analyze their problems and revise their writing. Writing a topic sentence of a paragraph Supporting topic sentences (ex. giving examples, enumeration, giving a definition, cause and effect, comparison and contrast) Revising what they write Free writing/ Rush writing Students should write at least four 150-word-long paragraphs and have a chance to revise them. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ There are no set texts for this course, so the decision is left to the discretion of individual instructors. The decision is left to the discretion of individual instructors. 67 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ᜂᒰ⠪ Basic Essay Writing ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ The goal of this course is to develop students’ writing and thinking abilities in English, progressing from production of shorter to longer academic texts, and from writing about familiar ideas to writing about more complex and academic ones. Recommended Topics: ฦᜂᒰᢎຬ Brainstorming and narrowing down the topic Writing an introduction Writing cohesive paragraphs Overall Objectives: 1. To provide an overview of what constitutes a ‘good’ basic essay (ex. introduction, a thesis statement, supporting details, conclusion). 2. To teach the various patterns of essay organizations. 3. To help students plan and revise an essay. 4. To help students write clear and focused paragraphs. Writing a conclusion Narrating (ex. unforgettable event) Describing (ex. a person you admire, a favorite place, a celebration, a process) Explaining (ex. the origin of a name, your learning style) Informing (ex. an event, a famous person) Evaluating (ex. a movie, a story, an event, a person) Students should write at least one 5-paragraph-level essay including an introduction and a conclusion and have a chance to revise it. Summarizing (ex. a movie, a story) ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ There are no set texts for this course, so the decision is left to the discretion of individual instructors. The decision is left to the discretion of individual instructors. However, not only the final product but also the process of writing should be evaluated. 68 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ᜂᒰ⠪ Basic Essay Writing㧔ౣ㧕 㧸㧚㧷㧚ࡂࠠࡦࠬ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ In this course, the students will be introduced to the basic structure of essay writing. This includes the following: proper use of the topic sentence, a supporting body and a conclusion reflecting the topic sentence. After mastering this basic structure, the students should be able to write a well organized essay on a variety of topics. Note: This course shall focus more on structure and style than on grammar. The schedule will be provided to the students after judging the ability of the class. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Hand outs will be provided by the instructor. Attendance, 69 5 essays 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ᜂᒰ⠪ Basic Essay Writing㧔ౣ㧕 ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ This course is concentrated on essays. 㧶㧚㧭㧚ࠣࠗ ᬺ⸘↹ Students will observe and learn how to avoid common grammatical errors produced by second language learners of English. As students begin to write assignments, they will learn to: find ideas for their writing and express them in sentences, logically order sentences to form paragraphs, and strengthen their work through review and revision. On-line, video, and other sources including a text may be used in and outside of class. 1㧚Course Introduction / Assignment 2㧚Lesson 1 Assignment 3㧚Continued… 4㧚Lesson 2 Assignment 5㧚Continued… 6㧚Lesson 3 Assignment 7㧚Continued… 8㧚Mid-Term Assignment Due 9㧚Lesson 4 Assignment 10㧚Continued… 11㧚Lesson 5 Assignment 12㧚Continued… 13㧚Lesson Assignment 14㧚End-Term Assignment Due 15㧚Late Assignments/Extra Credit/ Interviews Scheduling and scoring may be changed at the instructor’s discretion. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Text: Grading: Students will be graded according to their attendance, attitude, participation, homework, and other assignments. To Be Announced 70 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ᜂᒰ⠪ E-learning I ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ [⋡⊛] ⧷⺆ቇ⑼ 1 ᐕ 1㧘2 ⚵ߣᵹᢥൻቇ⑼ߩቇ↢ࠍኻ⽎ߣߔ ࠆ㧚Reading Strategies, Paragraph Writing/Basic Essay Writing ߥߤߩኻ㕙ᬺߢᢎຬ߆ࠄ⠌ߞߚࠬࠠ࡞ࠍ⥄ᓞ ቇ⠌ߦࠃߞߡቯ⌕㧘ะߐߖࠆߎߣࠍ⋡⊛ߣߔࠆ㧚 [ⷐ] ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ 㒙ㇱ⌀ޓ 1 ㅳ⋡ߩ⺑ળߢ㧘ࠝࡦࠗࡦᢎ᧚ߣߘߩ↪ᣇᴺߦ ߟߡᜰ␜ߔࠆߩߢᜰቯᢎቶߦ㓸วߩߎߣ ೋ࿁ᬺᓟߔߋߦ PC ߢߩ⺖㗴ߦขࠅ߆߆ࠆߎߣߦ ߥࠆ㧚⥄ቛࠆߪቇౝߩ PC ࠍ↪ߔࠆߎߣߦߥ ࠆ߇㧘ቇౝߩ PC ࠍ↪ߔࠆߚߩ ID ߣࡄࠬࡢ࠼ ࠍᏱߦ៤Ꮺߔࠆߎߣ ㅢᏱᬺᦼ㑆ਛߪᜰቯߩࠝࡦࠗࡦᢎ᧚ߦࠕࠢࠬ ߒ㧘⥄ਥ⊛ߦቇ⠌ࠍㅴࠆߎߣ 4 ㅳ⋡એ㒠ߪ㓒ㅳߢኻ㕙ᬺ㧔⏕࠹ࠬ࠻㧕ࠍⴕ߁ߩ ߢ㧘ᜰቯᢎቶߦ㓸วߔࠆߎߣ ⸘↹⊛ߦቇ⠌ࠍㅴߥߣනߩขᓧߪ㔍ߒߩ ߢ㧘චಽᵈᗧߔࠆߎߣ 1. ోࠟࠗ࠳ࡦࠬ㧘Criterion㧔1㧕 2. Criterion ࠟࠗ࠳ࡦࠬ㧘Criterion㧔2㧕 3. ⥄⠌㧘Criterion㧔3㧕 4. ALC ࠹ࠬ࠻ ╙ 1 ࿁㧘Criterion㧔4㧕 5. ⥄⠌㧘Criterion㧔5㧕 6. ALC ࠹ࠬ࠻ ╙ 2 ࿁㧘Criterion㧔6㧕 7. ⥄⠌㧘Criterion㧔7㧕 8. ALC ࠹ࠬ࠻ ╙ 3 ࿁㧘Criterion㧔8㧕 9. ⥄⠌㧘Criterion㧔9㧕 10. ALC ࠹ࠬ࠻㧦ਛ㑆㧘Criterion㧔10㧕 11. ⥄⠌㧘Criterion㧔11㧕 12. ALC ࠹ࠬ࠻ ╙ 4 ࿁㧘Criterion㧔12㧕 13. ⥄⠌㧘Criterion㧔13㧕 14. ALC ࠹ࠬ࠻ ╙ 5 ࿁㧘Criterion㧔14㧕 15. ⥄⠌ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࠝࡦࠗࡦቇ⠌ᢎ᧚㧔ALC NetAcademy 2㧘Criterion㧕 㧔a㧕࠹ࠬ࠻ߩᓧὐ㧘㧔b㧕⺖㗴ߩឭ࿁ᢙ㧘㧔c㧕⺖㗴ߩ⹏ ቯ߆ࠄ✚ว⊛ߦ⹏ଔߔࠆ㧚 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ᜂᒰ⠪ E-learning II 㒙ㇱ⌀ޓ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ [⋡⊛] ⧷⺆ቇ⑼ 1 ᐕ 1㧘2 ⚵ߣᵹᢥൻቇ⑼ߩቇ↢ࠍኻ⽎ߣߔ ࠆ㧚Reading Strategies, Paragraph Writing/Basic Essay Writing ߥߤߩኻ㕙ᬺߢᢎຬ߆ࠄ⠌ߞߚࠬࠠ࡞ࠍ⥄ᓞ ቇ⠌ߦࠃߞߡቯ⌕㧘ะߐߖࠆߎߣࠍ⋡⊛ߣߔࠆ㧚 1. ోࠟࠗ࠳ࡦࠬ㧘Criterion㧔1㧕 2. Criterion ࠟࠗ࠳ࡦࠬ㧘Criterion㧔1㧕review 3. ALC ࠹ࠬ࠻ ╙ 1 ࿁㧘Criterion㧔2㧕 4. ⥄⠌㧘Criterion㧔2㧕review [ⷐ] ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ 1 ㅳ⋡߅ࠃ߮ 2 ㅳ⋡ߩ⺑ળߢ㧘ࠝࡦࠗࡦߢឭ ߔࠆࠛ࠶ࠗ㧔Criterion㧕ߦ㑐ߔࠆㅊട⺖㗴ߩ⺑ ࠍߔࠆߩߢᔅߕᏨߔࠆߎߣ ㅢᏱᬺᦼ㑆ਛߪᜰቯߩࠝࡦࠗࡦᢎ᧚ߦࠕࠢࠬ ߒ㧘⥄ਥ⊛ߦቇ⠌ࠍㅴࠆߎߣ 3 ㅳ⋡એ㒠ߪ㓒ㅳߢኻ㕙ᬺ㧔⏕࠹ࠬ࠻㧕ࠍⴕ߁ߩ ߢ㧘ᜰቯᢎቶߦ㓸วߔࠆߎߣ ⸘↹⊛ߦቇ⠌ࠍㅴߥߣනߩขᓧߪ㔍ߒߩ ߢ㧘චಽᵈᗧߔࠆߎߣ 5. ALC ࠹ࠬ࠻ ╙ 2 ࿁㧘Criterion㧔3㧕 6. ⥄⠌㧘Criterion㧔3㧕review 7. ALC ࠹ࠬ࠻ ╙ 3 ࿁㧘Criterion㧔4㧕 8. ⥄⠌㧘Criterion㧔4㧕review 9. ALC ࠹ࠬ࠻㧦ਛ㑆㧘Criterion㧔5㧕 10. ⥄⠌㧘Criterion㧔5㧕review 11. ALC ࠹ࠬ࠻ ╙ 4 ࿁㧘Criterion㧔6㧕 12. ⥄⠌㧘Criterion㧔6㧕review 13. ALC ࠹ࠬ࠻ ╙ 5 ࿁㧘Criterion㧔7㧕 14. ⥄⠌㧘Criterion㧔7㧕review 15. ⥄⠌ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࠝࡦࠗࡦቇ⠌ᢎ᧚㧔ALC NetAcademy 2㧘Criterion㧕 㧔a㧕࠹ࠬ࠻ߩᓧὐ㧘㧔b㧕⺖㗴ߩឭ࿁ᢙ㧘 㧔c㧕⺖㗴ߩ⹏ ቯ߆ࠄ✚ว⊛ߦ⹏ଔߔࠆ㧚 71 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 E-learning Σ ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ޤ⊛⋡ޣ ⧷⺆ቇ⑼ 1 ᐕ Group B ߣ C ߩቇ↢ࠍኻ⽎ߣߔࠆ㧚 Reading Strategies, Writing Strategies/Paragraph Writing ߥߤߩኻ㕙ᬺߢᢎຬ߆ࠄ⠌ߞߚࠬࠠ࡞ࠍ⥄ᓞ ቇ⠌ߦࠃߞߡቯ⌕㧘ะߐߖࠆߎߣࠍ⋡⊛ߣߔࠆ㧚 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. ޣⷐޤ • 1 ㅳ⋡ߩ⺑ળߢࡦࠗࡦࠝޔᢎ᧚ߣߘߩ↪ᣇᴺߦߟ ߡᜰ␜ߔࠆߩߢᜰቯᢎቶߦ㓸วߩߎߣ • 2 ㅳ⋡ߪ PC ᢎቶߢᢎ᧚ߦታ㓙ߦࠕࠢࠬߒߡ߽ࠄ߁ߩ ߢޔᄢቇߩࡀ࠶࠻ࡢࠢ߳ߩࡠࠣࠗࡦࡄࠬࡢ࠼߇ಽ߆ࠆ ࠃ߁ߦߒߡ߅ߊߎߣ • ㅢᏱᬺᦼ㑆ਛߪቇౝ߽ߒߊߪ⥄ቛ PC ߆ࠄᜰቯߩࠝ ࡦࠗࡦᢎ᧚ߦࠕࠢࠬߒ㧘⥄ᓞቇ⠌ࠍㅴࠆ • 4 ㅳ⋡એ㒠㓒ㅳߦ⺆ᒵ࠺ࠖࡦࠣߦ㑐ߔࠆ࠹ࠬ࠻ࠍⴕ ߁ߩߢޔᜰቯᢎቶߦ㓸วߔࠆߎߣ • ࠹ࠬ࠻ߩߥㅳߦߪࠛ࠶ࠗ㧔㧡Ბ⪭⒟ᐲߩ⧷ᢥ㧕߇ ⺖ߐࠇࠆߩߢขࠅ⚵ߎߣ • ቇ⠌ౝኈߪ㧘⺆ᒵ㧘࠺ࠖࡦࠣ㧘ࠗ࠹ࠖࡦࠣ ⟤ઍሶ ో⺑ળ PC ࠟࠗ࠳ࡦࠬ, Criterion (1) ⥄⠌ ALC ࠹ࠬ࠻(1)㧘Criterion (2) ⥄⠌ ALC ࠹ࠬ࠻(2)㧘Criterion (3) ⥄⠌ ALC ࠹ࠬ࠻(3)㧘Criterion (4) ⥄⠌ ALC ࠹ࠬ࠻(4) (ਛ㑆⹜㛎), Criterion (5) ⥄⠌ ALC ࠹ࠬ࠻(5)㧘Criterion (6) ⥄⠌ ALC ࠹ࠬ࠻(6)㧘Criterion (7) ⥄⠌ ALC ࠹ࠬ࠻(7) (ቯᦼ⹜㛎) ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࠝࡦࠗࡦᢎ᧚ 㧔ALC ߣ Criterion㧕 ᣣࡦࠗࡦࠝߩޘቇ⠌ߩጁᱧ㧘㧣࿁ߩ࠹ࠬ࠻ޔ㧣ߟߩࠛ࠶ ࠗ࠻ࡇ࠶ࠢߦၮߠߡ✚ว⊛ߦ⹏ଔߔࠆ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 E-learning Τ ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ޤ⊛⋡ޣ E-learning I ߣหߓ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. ޣⷐޤ • 1 ㅳ⋡ߩ⺑ળߢߢࡦࠗࡦࠝޔឭߔࠆࠛ࠶ࠗ (Criterion)ߦ㑐ߔࠆㅊട⺖㗴ߩ⺑ࠍߔࠆ • ㅢᏱᬺᦼ㑆ਛߪቇౝ߽ߒߊߪ⥄ቛ PC ߆ࠄᜰቯߩࠝࡦ ࠗࡦᢎ᧚ߦࠕࠢࠬߒ㧘⥄ᓞቇ⠌ࠍㅴࠆ • 㓒ㅳߦ࠹ࠬ࠻ࠍⴕ߁ߩߢᜰቯᢎቶߦ㓸วߔࠆ • ቇᦼᧃߦᢎቶߢࠛ࠶ࠗ࠹ࠬ࠻ࠍⴕ߁ • ቇ⠌ౝኈߪ㧘⺆ᒵ㧘࠺ࠖࡦࠣ㧘ࠗ࠹ࠖࡦࠣ ⟤ઍሶ PC ࠟࠗ࠳ࡦࠬ ࠹ࠬ࠻(1)㧘Criterion (1) ⥄⠌ ࠹ࠬ࠻(2)㧘Criterion (2) ⥄⠌ ࠹ࠬ࠻(3)㧘Criterion (3) ⥄⠌ ALC ࠹ࠬ࠻(4) (ਛ㑆⹜㛎), Criterion (4) ⥄⠌ ALC ࠹ࠬ࠻(5)㧘Criterion (5) ⥄⠌ ALC ࠹ࠬ࠻(6)㧘Criterion (6) ࠛ࠶ࠗ࠹ࠬ࠻ Criterion (7) ⥄⠌ ALC ࠹ࠬ࠻(7) (ቯᦼ⹜㛎) ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࠝࡦࠗࡦᢎ᧚ 㧔ALC ߣ Criterion㧕 ᣣࡦࠗࡦࠝߩޘቇ⠌ߩጁᱧ㧘㧣࿁ߩ࠹ࠬ࠻ޔ㧣ߟߩࠛ࠶ ࠗ࠻ࡇ࠶ࠢ߅ࠃ߮ࠛ࠶ࠗ࠹ࠬ࠻ߦၮߠߡ✚ว⊛ߦ ⹏ଔߔࠆ 72 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ᜂᒰ⠪ Pronunciation Practice ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ⻠⟵⋡⊛ ฦᜂᒰ⠪ߦࠃࠆޕ ฦᜂᒰᢎຬ ࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦߦ߅ߡ⋧ޔᚻߩ⸒ߞߚߎߣ߇⡞߈ข ࠇ⥄ߚ߹ޔಽߩ⸒ߞߚߎߣ߇⋧ᚻߦㅢߓࠆߎߣߪߣߡ߽㊀ ⷐߢࠆߩߎޕᬺߢߪࠃࠅ⧷⺆ࠄߒ㖸ჿߦߟߡℂ ⸃ߒ✵ޔ⠌ࠍㅢߒߡ⧷⺆ߩ⡬⸃⢻ജߣ⊒㖸ᛛ⢻ߩะࠍ⋡ ᜰߔޕ ⻠⟵ⷐ %#. ᢎቶߦ߅ߡޔ⡞߈ขࠅߣ⊒㖸ߩṶ⠌ࠍⴕ߁ޕᣣᧄ⺆ 㖸ჿߣߩᲧセ߽߃ߡ⧷⺆㖸ჿߩ․ᓽߦߟߡቇ߮ߦ․ޔ ᣣᧄ⺆⠪ߩ⧰ᚻߥὐߦߟߡ✵ޔ⠌ߔࠆޕ ౕ⊛ߦߪޔߩޘ㖸㧔Უ㖸ሶ㖸㧕ޔ㖸ߩㅪ⚿࠻ࠬޔ ࠬߩߤߥࡦ࡚ࠪࡀ࠻ࡦࠗޔቇ⠌ࠍߒ⺆ޔฏޔ⍴ᢥ߹ޔ ߚߪ㐳ᢥࠍߞߡ⊒✵⠌ࠍߔࠆޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ฦᜂᒰ⠪䈮䉋䉎䇯㩷 ฦᜂᒰ⠪䈮䉋䉎䇯㩷 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ᜂᒰ⠪ Pronunciation Practice ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ⻠⟵⋡⊛ ฦᜂᒰ⠪䈮䉋䉎䇯㩷 ࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦߦ߅ߡ⋧ޔᚻߩ⸒ߞߚߎߣ߇⡞߈ข ࠇ⥄ߚ߹ޔಽߩ⸒ߞߚߎߣ߇⋧ᚻߦㅢߓࠆߎߣߪߣߡ߽㊀ ⷐߢࠆߩߎޕᬺߢߪࠃࠅ⧷⺆ࠄߒ㖸ჿߦߟߡℂ ⸃ߒ✵ޔ⠌ࠍㅢߒߡ⧷⺆ߩ⡬⸃⢻ജߣ⊒㖸ᛛ⢻ߩะࠍ⋡ ᜰߔޕ ⻠⟵ⷐ %#. ᢎቶߦ߅ߡޔ⡞߈ขࠅߣ⊒㖸ߩṶ⠌ࠍⴕ߁ޕᣣᧄ⺆ 㖸ჿߣߩᲧセ߽߃ߡ⧷⺆㖸ჿߩ․ᓽߦߟߡቇ߮ߦ․ޔ ᣣᧄ⺆⠪ߩ⧰ᚻߥὐߦߟߡ✵ޔ⠌ߔࠆޕ ౕ⊛ߦߪޔߩޘ㖸㧔Უ㖸ሶ㖸㧕ޔ㖸ߩㅪ⚿࠻ࠬޔ ࠬߩߤߥࡦ࡚ࠪࡀ࠻ࡦࠗޔቇ⠌ࠍߒ⺆ޔฏޔ⍴ᢥ߹ޔ ߚߪ㐳ᢥࠍߞߡ⊒✵⠌ࠍߔࠆޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ฦᜂᒰ⠪ߦࠃࠆޕ ฦᜂᒰ⠪ߦࠃࠆޕ 73 ฦᜂᒰᢎຬ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ᜂᒰ⠪ Introductory Grammar ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ฦᜂᒰᢎຬ ᬺ⸘↹ ၮᧄᢥᴺ㗄ߩ⛮⛯⊛ߥቇ⠌ࠍㅢߒߡ⺆⧷ޔቇ⑼ߩ㐿⸳ ᬺ੍ቯߪฦᜂᒰᢎຬ߆ࠄ⺑߇ߥߐࠇࠆޕ ⑼⋡ࠍฃ⻠ߔࠆߩߦᦨૐ㒢᳞ࠄࠇࠆᢥᴺ⊛⍮⼂ࠍ㜞 ࠆߣߦߩ↪⺋ޔዋߥ⧷ᢥࠍᚑߢ߈ࠆ⢻ജࠍ㙃߁ߎߣ ࠍ⋡⊛ߣߔࠆޕ ⻠⟵ߪޔએਅߩౝኈ߆ࠄߥࠆޕ 1. ฦᜂᒰᢎຬߦࠃࠆ㊀ⷐࡐࠗࡦ࠻ߩ⸃⺑ߣ㗴Ṷ⠌ࠍ ⴕ߁ޕฃ⻠↢߇㑆㆑߃߿ߔᢥᴺ⊛㗄߿⺆ฏߦߟ ߡߪߊߒߦ․ޔᛒ߁ޕ 2. ᢥᴺ㗄⋡Ფߦ㊀ⷐߥ⧷ᢥࠍฦᜂᒰᢎຬ߇ㆬ߮ޔฃ⻠↢ ߪᔀᐩߒߚ㖸⺒✵⠌ߦࠃߞߡᜰቯߐࠇߚ⧷ᢥࠍᥧ⸥ ߔࠆޕ 3. 㧝 ߣ 㧞 ߩ ᣇ ᴺ ߢ ㊀ ⷐ ᢥ ᴺ 㗄 ⋡ ࠍ ቇ ⠌ ߒ ߚ ᓟ ߪ ޔ TOEIC ߿ TOEFL ╬ߩ✚ว㗴Ṷ⠌ࠍ➅ࠅߒⴕ߁ ߎߣߢޔᢥᴺ⊛⺋⻪ߦኻߔࠆᗵฃᕈࠍ㜞ࠆ✵⠌ࠍⓍ ޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ฦᜂᒰᢎຬ߇ᜰ␜ߔࠆޕ ฦᜂᒰᢎຬ߇㐿⻠ᤨߦ⺑ߔࠆޕ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ᜂᒰ⠪ Introductory Grammar ฦᜂᒰᢎຬ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ၮᧄᢥᴺ㗄ߩ⛮⛯⊛ߥቇ⠌ࠍㅢߒߡ⺆⧷ޔቇ⑼ߩ㐿⸳ ⑼⋡ࠍฃ⻠ߔࠆߩߦᦨૐ㒢᳞ࠄࠇࠆᢥᴺ⊛⍮⼂ࠍ㜞 ࠆߣߦߩ↪⺋ޔዋߥ⧷ᢥࠍᚑߢ߈ࠆ⢻ജࠍ㙃߁ߎߣ ࠍ⋡⊛ߣߔࠆޕ ⻠⟵ߪޔએਅߩౝኈ߆ࠄߥࠆޕ 1. ฦᜂᒰᢎຬߦࠃࠆ㊀ⷐࡐࠗࡦ࠻ߩ⸃⺑ߣ㗴Ṷ⠌ࠍ ⴕ߁ޕฃ⻠↢߇㑆㆑߃߿ߔᢥᴺ⊛㗄߿⺆ฏߦߟ ߡߪߊߒߦ․ޔᛒ߁ޕ 2. ᢥᴺ㗄⋡Ფߦ㊀ⷐߥ⧷ᢥࠍฦᜂᒰᢎຬ߇ㆬ߮ޔฃ⻠↢ ߪᔀᐩߒߚ㖸⺒✵⠌ߦࠃߞߡᜰቯߐࠇߚ⧷ᢥࠍᥧ⸥ ߔࠆޕ 3. 㧝 ߣ 㧞 ߩ ᣇ ᴺ ߢ ㊀ ⷐ ᢥ ᴺ 㗄 ⋡ ࠍ ቇ ⠌ ߒ ߚ ᓟ ߪ ޔ TOEIC ߿ TOEFL ╬ߩ✚ว㗴Ṷ⠌ࠍ➅ࠅߒⴕ߁ ߎߣߢޔᢥᴺ⊛⺋⻪ߦኻߔࠆᗵฃᕈࠍ㜞ࠆ✵⠌ࠍⓍ ޕ ᬺ੍ቯߪฦᜂᒰᢎຬ߆ࠄ⺑߇ߥߐࠇࠆޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ฦᜂᒰᢎຬ߇ᜰ␜ߔࠆޕ ฦᜂᒰᢎຬ߇㐿⻠ᤨߦ⺑ߔࠆޕ 㩷 74 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σ㧔Japanese Art & Culture㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ a㧔Japanese Art & Culture㧕 ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧭㧚࠱ࡦࠫࡖ ᬺ⸘↹ Exhibitions for study during the spring semester will This course will focus on the history and culture of Japanese art with emphasis on Edo-period painting. include one or two from the following: Noh and noh masks will also be discussed. x ᧲੩࿖┙ඳ‛㙚․ޟዷ ౮ᭉޠ 2011 ᐕ 4 5 ᣣ㨪5 15 ᣣ Reading for the course is aimed at preparing x students to attend related art exhibitions in the Tokyo ᩮᵤ⟤ⴚ㙚ޟKORIN ዷ ࿖ቲޡῆሶ⧎࿑࠲ࡐࡠ࠻ࡔߣޢ ࡦ⟤ⴚ㙚ᚲ⬿ޡᯅ࿑ޢ ޠ metropolitan area during the course of the semester. 2011 ᐕ 4 16 ᣣ㨪5 15 ᣣ Drawing from academic articles, museum catalogues, x and texts, students will study the profiles and ਃ⸥ᔨ⟤ⴚ㙚․ޟዷ ࡎࡁ࡞࡞⟤ⴚ㙚ᚲ⬿࡚ࠦࠢࠪࡦ ⪾㘼ർᢪฬຠዷޠ backgrounds of the featured artists; study the artists’ characteristic painting styles; study the common themes and iconography of selected paintings; and study the 2011 ᐕ 4 16 ᣣ㨪6 19 ᣣ Following a general introduction, classes 1 through 7 will comprise reading and discussion exercises directed cultural context from which the works of art were toward the first exhibition, with classes 8 through 14 produced. directed toward the next. Class 15 will focus on review Working together in small groups, students will and assessment. routinely be called upon to summarize their reading, to respond to prepared comprehension questions, and to introduce additional supportive materials (imagery and text) for in-class discussion. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Printouts of required reading materials will be provided Final evaluations will be based on attendance (20%), the completion of homework assignments (20%), and achievement on quizzes (25%) and a final essay (35%). by the instructor. 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Τ㧔Japanese Art & Culture㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ b㧔Japanese Art & Culture㧕 ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧭㧚࠱ࡦࠫࡖ ᬺ⸘↹ Exhibitions for study during the fall semester will This course will focus on the history and culture of Japanese art with emphasis on Edo-period painting. include one or two from the following: Noh and noh masks will also be discussed. x MOA ⟤ⴚ㙚℘ޟᵷዷ శᖝశ℘ੇጊᛴ৻ޠ 2011 ᐕ 10 14 ᣣ㨪11 16 ᣣ Reading for the course is aimed at preparing x students to attend related art exhibitions in the Tokyo శ⟤ⴚ㙚ޟᣣᧄߩ⟤ ⊒Ψ 㐳⼱Ꮉ╬ષߣ⁚㊁ᵷޠ 2011 ᐕ 10 29 ᣣ㨪12 18 ᣣ metropolitan area during the course of the semester. x Drawing from academic articles, museum catalogues, ਃ⸥ᔨ⟤ⴚ㙚ޟਃኅવ᧪ ⢻㕙ߣ⢻ⵝ᧤ ߣᐝ₵ߩ߆ߚ and texts, students will study the profiles and ߜޠ backgrounds of the featured artists; study the artists’ 2011 ᐕ 11 23 ᣣ㨪1 28 ᣣ characteristic painting styles; study the common themes Following a general introduction, classes 1 through 7 and iconography of selected paintings; and study the will comprise reading and discussion exercises directed cultural context from which the works of art were toward the first exhibition, with classes 8 through 14 produced. directed toward the next. Class 15 will focus on review Working together in small groups, students will and assessment. routinely be called upon to summarize their reading, to respond to prepared comprehension questions, and to introduce additional supportive materials (imagery and text) for in-class discussion. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Printouts of required reading materials will be provided Final evaluations will be based on attendance (20%), the completion of homework assignments (20%), and achievement on quizzes (25%) and a final essay (35%). by the instructor. 75 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σ(Language, Culture and Communication) ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ a(Language, Culture and Communication) ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧯㧚㧮㧚ᳰญ ᬺ⸘↹ This course aims to provide a lot of reading opportunity to develop different reading skills. The reading skills in focus range from simple factual comprehension to interpretation and reasoning for implications. Materials will focus on the relation between language and culture. The choice of materials is based on the rationale that students today live in an ever globalizing world. Travel is a necessity. There is a great need to interrelate with diverse people of different language and culture backgrounds. The basic step, awareness of the issue, is the final goal, by reading materials on these and related topics. 1. Course orientation: scope of the lesson, class methods, evaluation, etc. 2. The joys of traveling 3. Various types/experiences of culture travelers (1) 4. Various types/experiences of culture travelers (2) 5. Culture interaction as a result of traveling 6. Culture interaction as a result of traveling 7. The culture shock experience: how to deal with it1. 8. The culture shock experience: how to deal with it2. 9. Foreigners in Japan: what they say! 10. Foreigners in Japan: why they say so!! 11. What’s the difference? 12. The Japanese uniqueness (1) 13. The Japanese uniqueness (2) 14. Best of both worlds! 15. Summary and evaluation ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Text and references will be announced on the first day of class. Student grades will be based on a summative evaluation of class participation and end-of-term test or report. This class is student-centered. Reading and preparation are required. 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Τ(Language, Culture and Communication) ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ b(Language, Culture and Communication) ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧯㧚㧮㧚ᳰญ ᬺ⸘↹ The aims of the lessons in the second term continue from those of the first term. This course aims to provide a lot of reading opportunity to develop different reading skills. The reading skills in focus range from simple factual comprehension to interpretation and reasoning for implications. Materials will focus on the relation between language and culture. The choice of materials is based on the rationale that students today live in an ever globalizing world. Travel is a necessity. There is a great need to interrelate with diverse people of different language and culture backgrounds. The basic step, awareness of the issue, is the final goal, by reading materials on these and related topics. 1. Course orientation: scope of the lessons, class methods, evaluation, etc. 2. Culture, language and communication style 3. Sweet interdependence “Amae” 4. Respectfulness and homogeneity 5. Relational identities 6. Levels of politeness: language honorifics 7. Frankness & friendliness in speech 8. Politeness & punctuality 9. Masculinity and Femininity (a culture perspective) 10. Masculinity and language use 11. Femininity and language use 12. Back chanelling 1: types of back chanelling 13. Back chanelling 2: psychological use in face-to-face communication 14. Back chanelling 3: cultural factors 15. Summary and evaluation ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Text will be announced on the first day of class. Student grades will be based on a summative evaluation of class participation and end-of-term test or report. This class is student-centered. Reading & preparation are required. 76 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σ㧔Linguistics & Teaching㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ a㧔Linguistics & Teaching㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧶㧚㧶㧚࠳ࠥࡦ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This course is designed to help students interested in language teaching and learning to better understand how and why the English language works, and to broaden their understanding of the various functions of English in the real world. By reading and discussing the text material, including prereading activities to enhance the reader’s comprehension, and postreading activities to expand and elaborate the concepts and to help students to think in ways similar to the ways linguists think, it is hoped that students will come away from this course better prepared to meet the challenges and questions one might encounter in the language classroom. Students will be required to keep reading journals in which they will record their assignments as well as their own observations, opinions, and discussion of the text. These journals will be occasionally collected and checked by the instructor. As participation and attendance are essential for learning from this course, if you miss or are very late for more than 1/3 of the lessons, you will automatically fail. Week 1: Introduction. Week 2: Chapter 1: Selected sections. Week 3: Chapter 1: Selected sections. Week 4: Chapter 1: Selected sections. Week 5: Chapter 1: Selected sections. Week 6: Chapter 2: Selected sections. Week 7: Chapter 2: Selected sections. Week 8: Chapter 2: Selected sections. Week 9: Chapter 2: Selected sections. Week 10: Chapter 3: Selected sections. Week 11: Chapter 3: Selected sections. Week 12: Chapter 3: Selected sections. Week 13: Chapter 3: Selected sections. Week 14: Consolidation. Week 15: Review. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Andrews, L. Linguistics for L2 Teachers. (Routledge). Grades are based on in-class participation, assignments, and a final assessment based on the text and lecture. 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Τ㧔Linguistics & Teaching㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ b㧔Linguistics & Teaching㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧶㧚㧶㧚࠳ࠥࡦ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This course is designed to help students interested in language teaching and learning to better understand how and why the English language works, and to broaden their understanding of the various functions of English in the real world. By reading and discussing the text material, including prereading activities to enhance the reader’s comprehension, and postreading activities to expand and elaborate the concepts and to help students to think in ways similar to the ways linguists think, it is hoped that students will come away from this course better prepared to meet the challenges and questions one might encounter in the language classroom. Students will be required to keep reading journals in which they will record their assignments as well as their own observations, opinions, and discussion of the text. These journals will be occasionally collected and checked by the instructor. As participation and attendance are essential for learning from this course, if you miss or are very late for more than 1/3 of the lessons, you will automatically fail. Week 1: Introduction. Week 2: Chapter 4: Selected sections. Week 3: Chapter 4: Selected sections. Week 4: Chapter 4: Selected sections. Week 5: Chapter 4: Selected sections. Week 6: Chapter 5: Selected sections. Week 7: Chapter 5: Selected sections. Week 8: Chapter 5: Selected sections. Week 9: Chapter 5: Selected sections. Week 10: Chapter 6: Selected sections. Week 11: Chapter 6: Selected sections. Week 12: Chapter 6: Selected sections. Week 13: Chapter 6: Selected sections. Week 14: Consolidation. Week 15: Review. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Andrews, L. Linguistics for L2 Teachers. (Routledge). Grades are based on in-class participation, assignments, and a final assessment based on the text and lecture. 77 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σ 1TKIKPCPF'XQNWVKQPQH.CPIWCIG ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ a 1TKIKPCPF'XQNWVKQPQH.CPIWCIG ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ Language is the most extraordinary ability that humans possess, and yet, curiously, we seem to know so little about its origins and evolution. In fact, the past 30 years have seen fascinating developments in our understanding of these questions. These developments are found in sciences that range across many disciplines including biology, genetics, archeology, anthropology, psychology and, of course, linguistics. This course will survey the many perspectives that have enriched our understanding of language and its origin and evolution. 1 2-3 ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧶㧚㧺㧚࠙ࠚࡦ࠺࡞ Orientation How did language begin: A natural curiosity 4-5 What is language for: A peculiar habit 6-7 Why do languages differ so much? The bother at Babel 8-9 Is language an independent skill? Distinct duties 10-11 The evolutionary background: The family tree A word of advice—This course will require careful 12 Test reading of a text (The Seeds of Speech) and, possibly, a 13-15 Presentations few short articles. Although the text is written with the general reader in mind, it is not an easy read, and, in order to pass the course, you will need to be able to understand, discuss, and write about the ideas covered in the book. Thus I would recommend this course only to students who are genuinely interested in these questions—the origin and evolution of language—and who are willing to devote the time and effort it takes to acquire an understanding of them. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ The Seeds of Speech: Language origin and Students will be evaluated according to the quality of evolution. (2000) Jean Aitchison. Cambridge their contributions to the class discussions, presentations, and a test. University Press. 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Τ 1TKIKPCPF'XQNWVKQPQH.CPIWCIG ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ b 1TKIKPCPF'XQNWVKQPQH.CPIWCIG ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ Language is the most extraordinary ability that humans possess, and yet, curiously, we seem to know so little about its origins and evolution. In fact, the past 30 years have seen fascinating developments in our understanding of these questions. These developments are found in sciences that range across many disciplines including biology, genetics, archeology, anthropology, psychology and, of course, linguistics. This course will survey the many perspectives that have enriched our understanding of language and its origin and evolution. 1 2-3 ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧶㧚㧺㧚࠙ࠚࡦ࠺࡞ Orientation The basic requirements of language: A devious mind 4-5 Inherited ingredients: Broken air 6-7 First steps in language: Small beginnings 8-9 Expansion of language: The tower of speech 10-11 Extra attachments: Time travelling 12 Test 13-15 Presentations A word of advice—This course will require careful reading of a text (The Seeds of Speech) and, possibly, a few short articles. Although the text is written with the general reader in mind, it is not an easy read, and, in order to pass the course, you will need to be able to understand, discuss, and write about the ideas covered in the book. Thus I would recommend this course only to students who are genuinely interested in these questions—the origin and evolution of language—and who are willing to devote the time and effort it takes to acquire an understanding of them. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ The Seeds of Speech: Language origin and Students will be evaluated according to the quality of evolution. (2000) Jean Aitchison. Cambridge their contributions to the class discussions, presentations, and a test. University Press. 78 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σ㧔James Joyce㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ a㧔James Joyce㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧹㧚ࡈ࠶࠼ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This course is designed to introduce students of English to the works of the Irish writer, James Joyce. Week 1: Course Introduction & Discussion Week 2: The Sisters Week 3: Araby Week 4: Araby (video) Week 5: Eveline Week 6: Two Gallants Week 7: A Painful Case Week 8: The Dead Week 9: The Dead (video) Week 10: Review, Nora (video) Week 11: Nora (video) Week 12: Introduction to A Portrait of the Artist Week 13: Portrait, Chapter 1 Week 14: Portrait, Chapter 2 Week 15: Review During the spring term, we will focus on Joyce’s collection of short stories, Dubliners and begin reading his semi-autobiographical novel A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. Discussions of Joyce’s work will focus on his innovative style and technique. More broadly, we will look at Joyce’s role in the modernist movement, situating his work and its influence within the canon of English literature. This is a lecture-discussion style class. Students will be expected to complete weekly reading assignments in preparation for discussion. ATTENDANCE and PARTICIPATION are crucial to your success in this class. Students are expected to be ON TIME for class and use ENGLISH ONLY for discussion. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ There is no text for this class. All of Joyce’s works are in the public domain, so weekly readings will be sent to students via email. Grades will be determined based on participation, quizzes, and a final paper. 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Τ㧔James Joyce㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ b㧔James Joyce㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧹㧚ࡈ࠶࠼ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This course is designed to introduce students of English to the works of the Irish writer, James Joyce. Week 1: Portrait, Chapter 3 Week 2: Portrait, Chapters 4 Week 3: Portrait 5 Week 4: Review of Portrait Week 5: Introduction to Ulysses Week 6: Telemachus, Nestor (video) Week 7: Calypso, Hades (video) Week 8: Cyclops, The Wandering Rocks (video) Week 9: The Sirens, Circe (video) Week 10: Ithaca Week 11: Penelope (video) Week 12: Review of Ulysses Week 13: Finnegans Wake Week 14: Finnegans Wake Week 15: Review During the fall term, we will finish A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and read excerpts from Joyce’s most important novel, Ulysses. We will finish the course with a short introduction to Joyce’s final and most enigmatic work, Finnegans Wake. Discussions of Joyce’s work will focus on his innovative style and technique. More broadly, we will look at Joyce’s role in the modernist movement, situating his work and its influence within the canon of English literature. This is a lecture-discussion style class. Students will be expected to complete weekly reading assignments in preparation for discussion. ATTENDANCE and PARTICIPATION are crucial to your success in this class. Students are expected to be ON TIME for class and use ENGLISH ONLY for discussion. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ There is no text for this class. All of Joyce’s works are in the public domain, so weekly readings will be sent to students via email. Grades will be determined based on participation, quizzes, and a final paper. 79 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σ㧔Language and the Mind㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ a㧔Language and the Mind㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧺㧚㧴㧚࡚ࠫࠬ࠻ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ The course text for this class--Language and the Mind--sets out to answer a number of key questions concerning the unique ability humans have for communicating--language. Week 1: Orientation Week 2: Language and animals Week 3: Language and animals Week 4: Language and animals Week 5: Language and the brain Week 6: Language and the brain Week 7: Language and the grammar gene Week 8: Language and the grammar gene Week 9: Language and the child Week 10: Language and the child Week 11: Language and the disadvantaged Week 12: Language and the disadvantaged Week 13: Summation Week 14: Classroom Projects Week 15: Classroom Projects * is language peculiar to humans * how do infants acquire language * how are words stored in the mind * how do we assemble words in order to express our thoughts * how do we succeed in learning foreign Languages These questions as well as many others concerning our uniqueness for language will be addressed. The course text will provide a foundation for the in-class lectures, workshops, and projects. Textbook is available on-line at 2,337 yen ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Language and the Brain (2004) John Field Grades are based on class participation, attendance, quizzes and presentations. 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Τ㧔Language and the Mind㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ b㧔Language and the Mind㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧺㧚㧴㧚࡚ࠫࠬ࠻ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ The second semester is a continuation of the first semester. Week 1: Second Semester Orientation Week 2: Storing words Week 3: Storing words Week 4: Finding words Week 5: Finding words Week 6: The writing process Week 7: The writing process Week 8: The speaking process Week 9: The speaking process Week 10: The reading process Week 11: The reading process Week 12: The listening process Week 13: The listening process Week 14: Classroom Projects Week 15: Classroom Projects Students considering this class should keep in mind that they will need to read the assigned pages from the text each week, and be prepared to carry on extended discussions. Class time will be divided between reading, lectures, and discussions. Textbook is available on-line at 2,337 yen ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Language and the Brain (2004) John Field Grades are based on class participation, attendance, quizzes and presentations. 80 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σ㧔࿖㓙ᯏ㑐ߣࡒ࠾ࠕࡓ㐿⊒⋡ᮡ) ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ a㧔࿖㓙ᯏ㑐ߣࡒ࠾ࠕࡓ㐿⊒⋡ᮡ) ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧿㧚ࡠࠪ࠻ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ Aims to improve 1. Reading skills and specialized vocabulary related to international development 2. Knowledge of global issues related to poverty using the MDGs (ࡒ࠾ࠕࡓ㐿⊒⋡ᮡ) as a base 3. Understanding about what is being done to tackle these problems 4. Critical understanding of problems and approaches. 5. Develop communication skills * Since we will be focusing on current issues – specific contents may change. Weekly assignments: Each week students will complete short readings, which will form a based for class discussion. Class format Instructor presentation – key issues. Group work – discussion, review of readings and exercises. Participant presentation - present summaries, final project. Class 1 Introduction to course, Overview of international development and current global issues Class 2 What are the MDGs? Class 3 MDG 1 - poverty Class 4 Case studies on poverty and hunger Class 5 Quiz #1 Class 6 MDG 2 - universal education Paper #1 due Class 7 Case study on girl’s education Class 8 MDG 3 – gender equity Class 9 Quiz #2 Class 10 MDG 4 & 5 – infant and maternal mortality Class 11 MDG 4 & 5 – connection to other MDGs Paper #2 due Class 12 Case studies on health issues Class 13 Overview of NGO-government collaboration Class 14 Quiz # 3 Class 15 Wrap up & Final Activity ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Online readings from OXFAM and 2015 Anyone without internet access should tell the instructor in class1 Active class participation, mid-term quiz, final project (paper and presentation) and regular completion of assignments. Attendance of 75% is required to pass. 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Τ㧔࿖㓙ᯏ㑐ߣࡒ࠾ࠕࡓ㐿⊒⋡ᮡ) ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ b㧔࿖㓙ᯏ㑐ߣࡒ࠾ࠕࡓ㐿⊒⋡ᮡ) ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧿㧚ࡠࠪ࠻ ᬺ⸘↹ * Since we will be focusing on current issues – specific Aims to improve 1. Reading skills and specialized vocabulary related to international development 2. Knowledge of global issues related to poverty using the MDGs (ࡒ࠾ࠕࡓ㐿⊒⋡ᮡ) as a base 3. Understanding about what is being done to tackle these problems 4. Critical understanding of problems and approaches. 5. Develop communication skills Weekly assignments: Each week students will complete short readings, which will form a based for class discussion. Class format Instructor presentation – key issues. Group work – discussion, review of readings and exercises. Participant presentation - present summaries, final project. contents may change. Class 1 Introduction to course, Overview of international development and current global issues Class 2 MDG 5 & 6 – maternal health and infectious diseases Class 3 AIDS & reproductive health issues Class 4 Neglected diseases Class 5 Quiz #1 Class 6 Class 8 MDG 7 – environmental sustainability overview Paper #1 due Class 7 Climate change and Carbon footprint Class 8 Water & sanitation issues Class 9 housing issues Class 10 Quiz #2 Class 11 MDG 8 – collaboration & international aid Class 12 Aid policy and foreign policy Paper #2 due Class 13 Collaboration and what the different sectors are doing Class 14 Quiz # 3 Class 15 Wrap up & Final Activity ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Online readings from OXFAM and 2015 Anyone without internet access should tell the instructor in class1 Active class participation, mid-term quiz, final project (paper and presentation) and regular completion of assignments. Attendance of 75% is required to pass. 81 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σ㧔Pragmatics Σ㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ a㧔Pragmatics Σ㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ 㨀㧚ࡅ࡞ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ Pragmatics is the study of meaning that is derived from the context. To understand the pragmatic meaning of an utterance it is necessary to take into account not just linguistic knowledge but also knowledge of the physical and social world. For example, when someone says ‘It’s hot in here!’ they might mean ‘Please open the window!’ or ‘Let’s move to another room!’ or perhaps ‘You’re wasting electricity!’ depending on the context. A language user’s pragmatic competence is their ability to understand what speakers actually mean, and their ability to produce, in each context, pragmatically appropriate utterances. In this course students will be expected to read the textbook, complete handouts that will be provided, and engage in class discussion on a number of pragmatic issues. One of these issues will be how to develop pragmatic competence in a second language, and how pragmatics can best be taught in the second language classroom. 1. Introduction 15. Review II ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Pragmatics Routledge Language Workbooks Jean Stilwell Peccei Evaluation will be based on attendance, class participation, and the submission of a number of written papers. 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 2. What is Pragmatics I 3. What is Pragmatics II 4. What is Pragmatics III 5. Entailment I 6. Entailment II 7. Entailment III 8. Presupposition I 9. Presupposition II 10. Presupposition III 11. The Co-operative principle I 12. The Co-operative principle II 13. The Co-operative principle III 14. Review I ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Τ㧔Pragmatics Τ㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ b㧔Pragmatics Τ㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ 㨀㧚ࡅ࡞ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ Pragmatics is the study of meaning that is derived from the context. To understand the pragmatic meaning of an utterance it is necessary to take into account not just linguistic knowledge but also knowledge of the physical and social world. For example, when someone says ‘It’s hot in here!’ they might mean ‘Please open the window!’ or ‘Let’s move to another room!’ or perhaps ‘You’re wasting electricity!’ depending on the context. A language user’s pragmatic competence is their ability to understand what speakers actually mean, and their ability to produce, in each context, pragmatically appropriate utterances. In this course students will be expected to read the textbook, complete handouts that will be provided, and engage in class discussion on a number of pragmatic issues. One of these issues will be how to develop pragmatic competence in a second language, and how pragmatics can best be taught in the second language classroom. 1. Review 15. Review ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Pragmatics Routledge Language Workbooks Jean Stilwell Peccei Evaluation will be based on attendance, class participation, and the submission of a number of written papers. 82 2. Implicature I 3. Implicature II 4. Implicature III 5. Speech acts I 6. Speech acts II 7. Speech acts III 8. Politeness I 9. Politeness II 10. Politeness III 11. Making sense I 12. Making sense II 13. Pragmatics project I 14. Pragmatics project II 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㸇㩷 䋨㖸ჿቇ⺰䈫ᣣᧄ⺆䈱㖸ჿ䋩㩷 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ a㩷 䋨㖸ჿቇ⺰䈫ᣣᧄ⺆䈱㖸ჿ䋩㩷 ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᜂᒰ⠪ 㕍ᩒ ⌀♿ሶ ᬺ⸘↹ ⻠⟵⋡⊛ 1. Introduction, Ch 1.1 - 1.4 㧝ᐕ↢ߩ⺆⧷ޟ㖸ჿቇߢޠቇࠎߛߎߣࠍၮߦޔ㖸ჿߩ৻⥸⊛․ᓽߣᣣᧄ⺆ 㖸ჿߦߟߡ㧘ᐲߪ⧷⺆ߢ⺒ࠎߢߺࠆޕ 2. Ch 1.7 – 1.8 ᦨೋߦ⧷⺆ࠍਛᔃߦ⸃⺑ߒߚ㖸ჿቇ⺰ࠍ߅ߐࠄߒ㧘ᰴߦ㧘ᣣᧄ⺆ ߩ㖸ჿߦߟߡ㧘⧷⺆⠪ߩⷞὐ߆ࠄᦠ߆ࠇߚ⸃⺑ࠍ⺒ޕ 3. Ch 1.9 ᥉Ბήᗧ⼂ߦߒߚࠅ⡞ߚࠅߒߡࠆᣣᧄ⺆ߦߟߡ㧘⧷⺆ߩⷞὐ߽ ߃ߥ߇ࠄ㧘ቴⷰ⊛ߦ⠨߃ࠆ⚻㛎ࠍߔࠆޕ 4. Ch 1.10 – 1.11 ࠆ⒟ᐲ߹ߣ߹ߞߚಽ㊂ࠍ⛮⛯ߒߡ⺒ߺㅴࠆߎߣߦࠃࠅ㧘⧷ᢥߩ⺒⸃ ജߣಽᨆ⊛ߥⷞὐࠍ㙃߁ޕ 5. Ch 1.12, Exercises 6. Ch 2.1 – 2.5 ⻠⟵ⷐ ฦቇ↢ߪᲤ࿁ߩᜰቯ▸࿐ߩ੍⠌߇೨ឭߣߥࠆ⧷ޕᢥߩ᭴ㅧߣߘߩౝኈࠍ ᱜ⏕ߦℂ⸃ߔࠆࠃ߁♖⺒ߩ✵⠌ࠍߔࠆޕౝኈߦߟߡ㧘ᢎຬ߇⿷⸃⺑ ࠍߒ⇼⾰ޔᔕ╵⼏⺰ࠍⴕ߁ޕ ࡔ࠶ࠫ 7. Ch 2.6 – 2.7 ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߪ &WQ ߦ⧯ᐓᢙࠍᵈᢥߒߡ߅ߊ⥄ޕಽߢࠝࡦࠗࡦ⾼ߒߡ߽ ࠃޕ 10. Ch 3.2 8. Ch 2.11 9. Ch 2.12, Exercises 11. Ch 3.3 ౝኈߣᢥߦᘠࠇࠆ߹ߢ㧘߹ߚ⺒⠌ᘠ߇ߟߊ߹ߢ㧘ᦨೋߪዋߒᄢᄌ߆ ߽ߒࠇߥߒ߆ߒޕ㧘ߘߎ߇ᚒᘟߩߒߤߎࠈߢࠆޕᐕߩฃ⻠⠪ࠍߡ ࠆߣ㧘⺒ߺ⺖㗴㧔⾰㊂㧕ߦߪዋߒߕߟᘠࠇߡߊߪߕߢߣߟߎߟߎޔ ദജࠍ㊀ߨࠆߎߣߢޔᐕᐲᧃߦߪᔅߕ⺒⸃ജะ߇ታᗵߢ߈ࠆߣᕁࠊࠇࠆޕ 12. Ch 3 Exercises 13. Ch 4.1 – 4.3 14. Ch 4.4 – 4.6 ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߪᬺߢೋߡ↪ߔࠆ߽ߩߢ㧘⧯ᐓᓸ⚦ 㨿㩊㩂⊛ߢࠅ㧘ᧂ⍮ ߩㇱಽ߽ࠆ߇㧘ㅴᐲ߿ℂ⸃ࠍ࠴ࠚ࠶ࠢߒߥ߇ࠄㅴߡⴕߊߩߢ㧘৻✜ߦ ⺒ࠎߢߺ߹ߖࠎ߆ޕ 15. Review exercises ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Timothy J. Vance. 2008. The Sounds of Japanese. Cambridge. (ISBN: 978-0-521-61754-3) ᬺෳട䋨Ḱ䊶ෳട䋩䇮ዊ䊁䉴䊃䇮⊒䇮⹜㛎㩷 ╬䈱✚ว⹏ଔ䈮䉋䉎䇯 ฦ㗄䈪ᦨૐ㒢䉕䉪䊥䉝䈜䉎䈖䈫䇯㩷 䈠䈱ઁ㩷 ㈩Ꮣ⾗ᢱ㩷 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㸈㩷 㩿㖸ჿ⍮ⷡ䈱䈚䈒䉂䈫⊒㆐㐷䋩㩷 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ b㩷 㩿㖸ჿ⍮ⷡ䈱䈚䈒䉂䈫⊒㆐㐷䋩㩷 ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᜂᒰ⠪ 㕍ᩒ㩷 ⌀♿ሶ㩷 ᬺ⸘↹ ⻠⟵⋡⊛ 1. Ch 5.1. ᤐቇᦼߦᒁ߈⛯߈⺒ߺㅴ㧘ߐࠄߥࠆ⺒⸃ജࠍ㙃߁ޕ 2. Ch 5.2 – 5.3 3. Ch 5.4 – 5.6 ⻠⟵ⷐ 4. Ch 5 Exercises ᤐቇᦼߦหߓ 5. Review questions 㩷 6. Ch 6.1 – 6.2 7. Ch 6.3 – 6.4 (1) 8. Ch 6.4 (2) 9. Ch 6.6 10. Ch 6 Exercises 11. Ch 7.1 – 7.2 (1) 12. Ch 7.2 (2) 13. Ch 8.1 (1) 14. Ch 8.2 (2) 15. Review Exercises ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Timothy J. Vance. 2008. The Sounds of Japanese. Cambridge. (ISBN: 978-0-521-61754-3) ฦ㗄䈪ᦨૐ㒢䉕䉪䊥䉝䈜䉎䈖䈫䇯㩷 ᬺෳട䋨Ḱ䊶ෳട䋩䇮ዊ䊁䉴䊃䇮⊒䇮⹜㛎╬䈱✚ว⹏ଔ䈮䉋䉎䇯㩷 䈠䈱ઁ㩷 ㈩Ꮣ⾗ᢱ㩷 83 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σ(Exploring Language Teaching) ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ a(Exploring Language Teaching) ᜂᒰ⠪ ᵻጟ ජ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ In this course, you will learn practical ideas and 1. Introduction 2. Reflecting on your own learning 3. Language teaching methodology 1 4. Language teaching methodology 2 5. Teaching listening 1 6. Teaching listening 2 7. Teaching speaking 1 8. Teaching speaking 2 will be encouraged to actively participate in the class 9. Teaching reading 1 activities. 10. Teaching reading 2 techniques which you can use to make your own learning and teaching more effective and enjoyable for yourselves. All the coursework will be conducted in English. You 11. Teaching writing 1 12. Teaching writing 2 This course is recommended for students who are in the 13. Discussion initial teacher training course. 14. Discussion 15. Wrap-up ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ⻠⟵ᡰេࠪࠬ࠹ࡓߣࡂࡦ࠼ࠕ࠙࠻↪ (cf. Practical oral presentations, reading assignments and summary, self evaluation English Language Teaching, D. Nunan, McGraw Hill᧥ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Τ(Exploring Language Teaching) ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ b(Exploring Language Teaching) ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ In this course, you will learn practical ideas and 1. Introduction 2. Teaching pronunciation 1 3. Teaching pronunciation 2 4. Teaching grammar 1 5. Teaching grammar 2 6. Teaching vocabulary 1 7. Teaching vocabulary 2 techniques which you can use to make your own learning and teaching more effective and enjoyable for yourselves. All the coursework will be conducted in English. You 8. Content-based instruction 1 will be encouraged to actively participate in the class 9. Content-based instruction 2 activities. 10. Learning styles and strategies ᵻጟ ජ 11. Classroom-based assessment 1 12. Classroom-based assessment 2 This course is recommended for students who are in the 13. Discussion initial teacher training course. 14. Discussion 15. Wrap-up ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ⻠⟵ᡰេࠪࠬ࠹ࡓߣࡂࡦ࠼ࠕ࠙࠻↪ (cf. Practical oral presentations, reading assignments and summary, self evaluation English Language Teaching, D. Nunan, McGraw Hill᧥ 84 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σ(ࠕࡔࠞߩࡐࡇࡘ࠽࡚ࠪ࠽࠭ࡓ㧦ℂ⺰✬) ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ a(ࠕࡔࠞߩࡐࡇࡘ࠽࡚ࠪ࠽࠭ࡓ㧦ℂ⺰✬) ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᜂᒰ⠪ ᧼႐ ⦟ਭ ᬺ⸘↹ ࡐࡇࡘࠞ࡞࠴ࡖ⎇ⓥߣߒߡࠞࡔࠕޟวⴐ࿖ޠ ߥࠆ߽ߩࠍಽᨆߔࠆߎߣ߇ޕߔߢ⊛⋡ߩࠬࠢߩߎޔ 㧚 ޟᄖ࿖⺆ߣޠ߫ࠇࠆ߽ߩࠍቇ߱⑳ߚߜߦᒝߊࠄࠇࠆ ะߩ㧝ߟߪ߿⺆⸒ޔᢥൻ߿ੱ㑆㓸࿅ߦ࿖ฬࠍઃߌߡℂ ⸃⊒ߔࠆߎߣߢߔޟޕ㨪⺆ޟޠ㨪ᢥൻޟޠ㨪ੱޟߩޠ㨪ޠ ߩㇱಽߦ࿖ฬࠍࠇߡࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦߔࠆ႐ว߇ߘ߁ ߢߔޔߪߦ⊛⥸৻ࠅࠃޔߚ߹ޕ࿖නߢ⇇ࠍℂ⸃ߔࠆߎ ߣ߇⥄ὼߥߎߣߢߪߥߊޔᴦ⊛⠌ᘠߢࠆߎߣߦ᳇ߠ߆ ߥ႐ว߽ࠅ߹ߔޕ ߎߩࠢࠬߢߪࠞࡔࠕޟޔวⴐ࿖߁ߣޠ࿖ኅࠍಽᨆ ኻ⽎ߣߒߡขࠅߍޔ࿖ኅߣ߁නࠍޟ㗔ߛߡߒߣޠ ߌߢߥߊޟᗧ߽ߡߒߣޠሽ⛯ߐߖߡࠆᣣᏱ⊛ߢࡐࡇࡘ ߥដߌࠍ⠨ኤߔࠆߎߣࠍ⋡ᜰߒ߹ߔߩߘޕᚻᲑߣߒ ߡޔᤐቇᦼߦߪߩࡓ࠭࠽࡚ࠪ࠽ޔಽᨆߩߚߩℂ⺰ࠍቇ ߮⑺ޔቇᦼߦቇౕ߱ߩಽᨆߦ߃߹ߔޕ ߹ߚޔりㄭߥ࠽࡚ࠪ࠽࠭ࡓߩ↪ࠍᗵߓߡߚߛߊߚ ߦ␠ޔቇ࠷ࠕ੍߽ቯߒߡ߹ߔޕ ࠣ࡞ࡊ⎇ⓥ⊒߇ਛᔃߩߚߥ߁ࠃߩߘޔᬺᒻᑼ ߦ⥝ߩࠆቇ↢ߦ߅൘ߩࠢࠬߣ⸒߃߹ߔޕ ߥ߅ߪ࠻ࠬࠠ࠹ޔೋ࿁ߩᬺߢห⾼ᚻ⛯߈ࠍߔࠆߎ ߣ߽น⢻ߢߔޕ 1. Overview of the course; group formation 2. American nationalism: phenomenon 1 3. American nationalism: phenomenon 2 4. The problem (pp.1-6) 5. What is the nation? (pp.7-26) 6. The nation as social relation (pp.27-42) 7. Motherland, fatherland, and homeland (pp.43-56) 8. Field work: a shrine visit 9. The nation in history (pp.57-79) 10. Whose god is mightier? (pp.80-97) 11. Human Divisiveness (pp.98-115) 12. Conclusion (pp.116-120); task TBA 13. Consultation 14. Presentation 15. Feedback (ጁୃੱᢙߦࠃߞߡ⧯ᐓߩᄌᦝߩน⢻ᕈ߽ࠅ߹ߔ) ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Steven Grosby, Nationalism: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford University Press). ԘᏨ⁁ᴫ 40%. ԙᬺ߳ߩෳട⽸₂ᐲ 40%. Ԛቇᦼᧃ⎇ⓥ⊒ 20%. 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Τ(ࠕࡔࠞߩࡐࡇࡘ࠽࡚ࠪ࠽࠭ࡓ㧦ᔕ↪✬) ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ b(ࠕࡔࠞߩࡐࡇࡘ࠽࡚ࠪ࠽࠭ࡓ㧦ᔕ↪✬) ᜂᒰ⠪ ᧼႐ ⦟ਭ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ᤋᢎ᧚߿㖸ᭉ㧯㧰㧔ࡠ࠶ࠢࡦࡠ࡞ᢎ᧚㧕ߩࠞࡔࠕޔ ၮᧄᢥᦠߥߤࠍߥ߇ࠄޔᤐቇᦼߦቇࠎߛ࠽࡚ࠪ࠽࠭ ࡓℂ⺰ߦၮߠߡࠞࡔࠕޟޔ࿖ኅ߁ߣޠหᗧ⼂ࠍ ሽ⛯ߐߖߡࠆࡐࡇࡘߥᚢ⇛ࠍ⺒ߺ⸃ߡ߈߹ߔޕ 1. Overview of the course; group formation 2. America Rock 1-2 3. America Rock 3-4 4. America Rock 5-6 5. America Rock 7-8 6. America Rock 9-10 7. Mid-term presentation 8. (a) “The Star-Spangled Banner”; (b) “The Declaration of Independence” 9. (a) “The U.S. Constitution̅Preamble”; (b) “The Emancipation Proclamation” 10. (a) “The Gettysburg Address”; (b) “The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag” 11. (a) “The Great Seal of the U.S.”; (b) “God Bless the USA” 12. Consultation 13. Final presentation 14. Feedback 1 15. Feedback 2 ౕ⊛ߦߪએਅߩߎߣࠍⴕ߁੍ቯߢߔޕ Ԙࠕࡔࠞ࿖ኅߩઍ⊛ߥၮᧄᢥᦠ߿ࠪࡦࡏ࡞ߘߡߒߘޔ ࠇࠄߦ㑐ߔࠆ◲නߥෳ⠨ᢥ₂ࠍߘࠇߙࠇ㧝㨪2 ὐ⺒ߺ߹ ߔޕ࿖ኅߥߤߩߪ৻✜ߦ߹ߔ߇࠹ޟߪ⊛⋡ߩߘޔ ࠢࠬ࠻ߦޠ㚔ᨴߚߦ߹ߔߛࠎ⺒ޔߚ߹ޕᢥ┨ߩ ৻ㇱࠍᥧ໒ߒߡߚߛߊߎߣ߽ࠅ߹ߔޕ ԙߎࠇࠄߩᢥᦠߦ⽎ߐࠇࠆࠕࡔࠞߩ࿖ኅ߿ℂᔨࠍ ᛕ್⊛ߦಽᨆߔࠆߎߣߢߣ⺆⸒ޔᢥൻߣ࿖ኅߩᴦ⊛㑐 ଥࠍቇ߮߹ߔޕ Ԛࠣ࡞ࡊᵴേࠍਛᔃߣߒ⊒ޔᒻᑼ߽ขࠅࠇ߹ߔޕ ԛ⻠⟵ߣ࠺ࠖࠬࠞ࠶࡚ࠪࡦߪᣣᧄ⺆ߢ⎇ޔⓥ⊒ߪ⧷⺆ߢ ⴕߥߞߡߚߛ߈߹ߔޕ (ጁୃੱᢙߦࠃߞߡ⧯ᐓߩᄌᦝߩน⢻ᕈ߽ࠅ߹ߔ) ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࡊࡦ࠻ࠍ㈩Ꮣߒ߹ߔߩࠞࡔࠕޕሶଏะߌࡆ࠺ࠝᢎ᧚߿ 㖸ᭉ CD ߥߤ߽↪ߒ߹ߔޕ ԘᏨ⁁ᴫ 40%. ԙᬺ߳ߩෳട⽸₂ᐲ 30%. Ԛਛ㑆⊒ 10㧑ޔቇᦼᧃ⎇ⓥ⊒ 20%. 85 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σ㧔ઍߦ߅ߌࠆ࿖㓙㑐ଥߩዷ㐿㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ a㧔ઍߦ߅ߌࠆ࿖㓙㑐ଥߩዷ㐿㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ દ⮮ 㚍 ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ᧄᬺߢߪޔઍߦ߅ߌࠆ࿖㓙㑐ଥߩዷ㐿ࠍᤨ♽ߢㅊ ߞߡ߈߹ߔ৻╙ޕᰴ⇇ᄢᚢߩഺ⊒߆ࠄޔ಄ᚢᓟߩ⇇ ߹ߢޔ࿖㓙ᴦ߇ߤߩࠃ߁ߦ⊒ዷߒޔᒻᚑߐࠇߡ߈ߚ߆ࠍ ࠄ߆ߦߒߡ߈߹ߔޕ ╙ 1 ࿁㧦ࠝࠛࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦߩࡦ࡚ࠪ࠹ࡦࡊޔᜂᒰ ⠪ࠍቯ ╙ 2 ࿁㨪╙ 14 ࿁㧦ฃ⻠⠪ߦࠃࠆࡊࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦࠖ࠺ޔ ࠬࠞ࠶࡚ࠪࡦ߅ࠃ߮⾰⇼ᔕ╵ ╙ 15 ࿁㧦߹ߣ ᬺߪߦ࠻ࠬࠠ࠹ޔၮߠߡⴕޔฃ⻠⠪ߦࠃࠆࡊ ࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦߣߘߩᓟߩ࠺ࠖࠬࠞ࠶࡚ࠪࡦࠍਛᔃߦㅴ ߹ߔޕฃ⻠⠪ߩੱᢙߦࠃߞߡߪࠣࠍࡦ࡚ࠪ࠹ࡦࡊޔ ࡞ࡊߢⴕ߁น⢻ᕈ߽ࠅ߹ߔ৻ߩ࠻ࠬࠠ࠹ޔߚ߹ޕㇱࠍ ⠡⸶ߒߡޔฃ⻠⠪ోຬߦㆡቱឭߒߡ߽ࠄ߹ߔޕ ߥ߅ᧄޔᬺߪ⛮⛯ᕈ߇㜞ߚޔၮᧄ⊛ߦߪᤐቇᦼߣ ⑺ቇᦼਔᣇߩጁୃࠍ᳞߹ߔޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻㧦 ⾐⽵ ޡAn International History of the Modern World ㄭઍ⇇ߩ࿖㓙㑐ଥผޢ㧔⎇ⓥ␠ޔ2003 ᐕ㧕 ⧷ᢥ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߪޔ࿖㓙㑐ଥߩᱧผࠍ⚦ߦಽᨆ⸃⺑ߒߚ ߽ߩߢߔޕฃ⻠⠪ߦߪߦ࠻ࠬࠠ࠹ޔᴪߞߡએਅߩ┨߆ࠄࡊ ࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦࠍᜂᒰߒߡ߽ࠄ߹ߔޕ The Second Phase of World War I The World in Postwar Confusion The Return of Relative Stability The Collapse of the International Order The Beginning of War in East Asia and in Europe World War II after Pearl Harbor ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ⾐⽵ ޡAn International History of the Modern World ㄭઍ⇇ߩ࿖㓙㑐ଥผޢ㧔⎇ⓥ␠ޔ2003 ᐕ㧕 Ꮸ₸ࡦࡊޔౝኈޔ⠡⸶ౝኈߩ߳ࡦ࡚ࠪ࠶ࠞࠬࠖ࠺ޔ ෳട⁁ᴫࠍၮߦ⹏ଔߒ߹ߔޕ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Τ㧔ઍߦ߅ߌࠆ࿖㓙㑐ଥߩዷ㐿㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ b㧔ઍߦ߅ߌࠆ࿖㓙㑐ଥߩዷ㐿㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ દ⮮ 㚍 ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ᬺߩ⋡⊛߅ࠃ߮ⷐߪޔ⸥ߩ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㧵ߣห᭽ ߢߔޕᤐቇᦼߦᛒߞߚᐕઍએ㒠ߩ࿖㓙㑐ଥผࠍᬌ⸛ߒߡ ߈߹ߔޕ ╙ 1 ࿁㧦ࠝࠛࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦߩࡦ࡚ࠪ࠹ࡦࡊޔᜂᒰ ⠪ࠍቯ ╙ 2 ࿁㨪╙ 14 ࿁㧦ฃ⻠⠪ߦࠃࠆࡊࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦ࠺ޔ ࠖࠬࠞ࠶࡚ࠪࡦ߅ࠃ߮⾰⇼ᔕ╵ ╙ 15 ࿁㧦߹ߣ ᬺߪߦ࠻ࠬࠠ࠹ޔၮߠߡⴕޔฃ⻠⠪ߦࠃࠆࡊ ࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦߣߘߩᓟߩ࠺ࠖࠬࠞ࠶࡚ࠪࡦࠍਛᔃߦㅴ ߹ߔޕฃ⻠⠪ߩੱᢙߦࠃߞߡߪࠣࠍࡦ࡚ࠪ࠹ࡦࡊޔ ࡞ࡊߢⴕ߁น⢻ᕈ߽ࠅ߹ߔ৻ߩ࠻ࠬࠠ࠹ޔߚ߹ޕㇱࠍ ⠡⸶ߒߡޔฃ⻠⠪ోຬߦㆡቱឭߒߡ߽ࠄ߹ߔޕ ߥ߅ᧄޔᬺߪ⛮⛯ᕈ߇㜞ߚޔၮᧄ⊛ߦߪᤐቇᦼߣ ⑺ቇᦼਔᣇߩጁୃࠍ᳞߹ߔޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻㧦 ⾐⽵ ޡAn International History of the Modern World ㄭઍ⇇ߩ࿖㓙㑐ଥผޢ㧔⎇ⓥ␠ޔ2003 ᐕ㧕 ⧷ᢥ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߪޔ࿖㓙㑐ଥߩᱧผࠍ⚦ߦಽᨆ⸃⺑ߒߚ ߽ߩߢߔޕฃ⻠⠪ߦߪߦ࠻ࠬࠠ࠹ޔᴪߞߡએਅߩ┨߆ࠄࡊ ࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦࠍᜂᒰߒߡ߽ࠄ߹ߔޕ Turbulence in East Asia The Post-Stalin USSR and East-West Relations The Retreat of Western European Imperialism Vietnam and the Reorientation of American Foreign Policy The End of Cold War International Relations in the Post-Cold War Era ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ⾐⽵ ޡAn International History of the Modern World ㄭઍ⇇ߩ࿖㓙㑐ଥผޢ㧔⎇ⓥ␠ޔ2003 ᐕ㧕 Ꮸ₸ࡦࡊޔౝኈޔ⠡⸶ౝኈߩ߳ࡦ࡚ࠪ࠶ࠞࠬࠖ࠺ޔ ෳട⁁ᴫࠍၮߦ⹏ଔߒ߹ߔޕ 86 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σ㧔ዊߐ߈ੱߩޘᱧผ ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ a㧔ዊߐ߈ੱߩޘᱧผ 㧙ᄌൻߔࠆ⧷࿖␠ળࠍ⺒㧙㧕 㧙ᄌൻߔࠆ⧷࿖␠ળࠍ⺒㧙㧕 ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᜂᒰ⠪ ㊁ ⋥ሶ ᬺ⸘↹ 2004 ᐕߩ⧷࿖ߩࡌࠬ࠻ߩ߭ߣߟޔAndrea Levy ߩ Small Island㧔ో 439 㗁㧕ࠍ⺒ߺ߹ߔޕ㐳✬ዊ⺑ࠍ⺒ ߎߣߢ⧷⺆⺒⸃ജࠍ㙃߁ߣߣ߽ߦߦߎߘޔឬ߆ࠇߚᄌࠊࠅ ࠁߊ⧷࿖ߩᆫߦߟߡቇ߮ߚ߹ޔᱧผߣߪ߆ߦߟߡ߽ ⠨ኤߒߡ߈߹ߔޕ ⺒⠪߇ળ߁ߩߪ╙ޔੑᰴ⇇ᄢᚢࠍ߈ߞ߆ߌߣߒߡޔ ᄢ߈ߊᄌࠊߞߡߊੑߟߩޟዊߐߥፉ⧷ޔޠ࿖ߣࠫࡖࡑࠗ ࠞߢߩޔ᥉ㅢߩੱߩޘỗേߩੱ↢ߢߔੱޔߪ⺆‛ޕ⒳߽ޔ ᕈ߽ޔ㓏⚖߽⇣ߥࠆ྾ੱߩਥⷐ⊓႐ੱ‛ߩ৻ੱ⒓ߩ⺆ࠅ ࠍᏅߐߖᤨޔ㑆ߣ႐ᚲࠍⴕ߈᧪ߒߥ߇ࠄㅴⴕߒ߹ߔޕ ྾ੱࠍ◲නߦ⚫ߒ߹ߒࠂ߁(ࠬࡦ࠹ࡎޕHortense)ߪ ⭯⨥⦡ߩ⡼ࠍߒߚࠫࡖࡑࠗࠞ↢߹ࠇߩᅚᕈޕᓐᅚߩᄦߦ ߥࠆࠡ࡞ࡃ࠼(Gilbert)߽ߩࠇ߹↢ࠞࠗࡑࡖࠫޔ㤥ੱߢߔޕ ᱷࠅߩੑੱߪ⧷࿖⊕ੱߢ(࠾ࠗࠢޔQueenie)ߪ↰⥢ߩㄘ႐ ߩᆷޕᓐᅚ߇⚿ᇕߔࠆࡃ࠽࠼(Bernard)ߪࡠࡦ࠼ࡦ↢ ߹ࠇߩ㌁ⴕຬߢߔ╙ޕੑᰴ⇇ᄢᚢߣᚢᓟߩࠞࡉᶏ߆ࠄ ߩ⒖᳃ߣ߁ᄢ߈ߥᱧผߩ߁ߨࠅߣޔੱ߈ࠃࠅࠃߩੱޘ ↢߳ߩዊߐߥᄞ߇ޔᄢᵗࠍ㓒ߡߚ႐ᚲߦ⇣ߥࠆ⢛᥊ࠍ߽ ߞߡ↢߹ࠇߚ྾ੱߩੱ↢ࠍࡠࡦ࠼ࡦߢᏅߐߖ߹ߔ߆ߒޕ ߒޔᄞߪ㗿ߞߚ߆ߚߜߢߪታߒ߹ߖࠎޕ 㧔ਅᲑߦ⛯ߊ㧕 1. Introduction –ዊߐ߈ੱߩޘᚢߣ⸥ᙘߩዊ⺑ 2. Prologue—I thought I’d been to Africa. 3. <1948> chap1+2—ᐛṌߩࡠࡦ࠼ࡦ(1) 4. <Before>chap3-5—Hortense ߩࠫࡖࡑࠗࠞޔᚑ㐳ߣᄬᕜ 5. chap6-8—Gilbert ߣ Hortense 6. <1948>chap9&10—ᐛṌߩࡠࡦ࠼ࡦ(2) 7. <Before> chap11-14—⧷࿖ⓨァァੱ Gilbert ߩᄞߣᄬᦸ 8. ⺞ᢛ 9. chap15-17—Gilbert ߣ Queenie ߩળޔᏅߣᖱ 10. chap18-19—Gilbert ߩౣ⊒ 11. <1948> chap20-22—ߘࠇߙࠇߩ 1948 ޕHortense, Gilbert &Queenie 12. <Before> chap23-24—Queenie ߩᐜᐕᤨઍߣ㕍ᤐ 13. chap25-27—Queenie ߣ Bernard ળ⚿ޔᇕࠇߔޔ㆑߁ੑੱߡߒߘޔᚢ߳ 14. chap28-29—ᚢ႐߳ߣࠆ Berard ߣ Queenie ߩᕜ 15. ߹ߣߩ⻠⟵+ࡐ࠻ᜰዉ 㧔৻࿁ߩᬺߢߪ 30 㗁߶ߤࠍ⺒ߺ߹ߔޕ 㧕 ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Andrea Levy, Small Island 㧗 ࡂࡦ࠼ࠕ࠙࠻ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߪ ࠍ⛔৻ߔࠆߚߦ⻠ޔᏧ߇৻ߒߡ Amazon ߢߣࠅࠃߖ৻╙ޔ࿁⋡ߩᬺߢ⾼ߒߡߚߛ߈߹ߔޕ ᬺ߳ߩෳട㧔නߥࠆᏨߢߪߥ㧕ޔዊ࠹ࠬ࠻ࡊޔ ࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦ✚ࠍ࠻ࡐޔว⊛ߦ⹏ଔߒ߹ߔޕ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Τ㧔ዊߐ߈ੱߩޘᱧผ ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ b㧔ዊߐ߈ੱߩޘᱧผ 㧙ᄌൻߔࠆ⧷࿖␠ળࠍ⺒㧙㧕 㧙ᄌൻߔࠆ⧷࿖␠ળࠍ⺒㧙㧕 ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᜂᒰ⠪ ㊁ ⋥ሶ ᬺ⸘↹ 㧔Ბߩ⛯߈㧕 ྾ੱߪᱧผߦ⠡ᑲߐࠇ⥄ޔಽ⥄りߩ㒢⇇ߣߣ߽ߦ ߦੱ ↢ࠍ↢߈ߡߊߎߣߦߥࠅ߹ߔޕᄞߣᝂ᛬⧰ޔታߩฃ ኈߣᣂߚߥᏗᦸߧࠄߥ߹߹ޔᕜߣߘߩᓟߩᢿ߇ޔ྾ߟߩ ⇣ߥࠆჿߢ⺆ࠄࠇ⺒ޔ⠪ߪ⊓႐ੱ‛ߦᗵߒߚࠅޔ⊒ߒ ߚࠅߒߥ߇ࠄ⺆‛ޔ⇇ߦᒁ߈ㄟ߹ࠇߡ߈߹ߔޕ ᱧผߣߪߢߒࠂ߁ޕᐕߦ⟜ߐࠇࠆࠊࠁࠆᱧผ ߩ᧪ࠍߟߥߍߚ߽ߩߢߒࠂ߁߆ޕવ⸥ߦߣࠅߍࠄࠇ ߁ࠃ߁ߥੱ✚ࠍ↢ੱߩޘวߒߚ߽ߩߢߒࠂ߁߆ ޕSmall Island ࠍ⺒ߣߩ↢ੱߚࠇࠄ߈↢ޔߡߊߥߪߢ߁ߘޔᢙߛ ߌᱧผߩ⽩߇ࠆߩߛߣታᗵߔࠆߎߣߢߒࠂ߁ޕ ⠪ߪਔⷫ߇ 1948 ᐕߦ⧷࿖ߦ⒖᳃ߒߡ߈ߚࡦ࠼ࡦࡠޔ ↢߹ࠇߩࠫࡖࡑࠗࠞ♽⧷࿖ੱᅚᕈޕ⒖᳃╙ੑઍߩࡉ࠶ ࠢࡉ࠹ࠖ࠶ࠪࡘߩኅ߇ឬߊޟޔዊߐ߈ੱߩޘᱧผޠ ࠍ⺒ߺߥ߇ࠄ⧷ޔ࿖␠ળߩᄌൻߦߟߡ߽⠨ኤߒ߹ߔޕ ᬺߪේೣߣߒߡࠍࡦ࡚ࠪ࠹ࡦࡊޔਛᔃߦㅴ߹ ߔࠍ࠻ࠬࠠ࠹ޕᷓߊℂ⸃ߒޔఝࠇߚࡊࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦࠍ ⴕ߁ߚߦߪᧄޔᢥߩ♖⺒ߩߺߥࠄߕޔᱧผᢥൻ␠ળ ߦߟߡߩ᭽߽࠴ࠨߥޘᔅⷐߢߔߩߢޔᢥ₂ᬌ⚝⢻ജ ߽りߦߟߌߡߚߛߊߟ߽ࠅߢߔߚ߹ޕᢙ࿁ߩᬺࠍߩߙ ߡޔᬺᤨ㑆ߩ 50%߶ߤߪ⧷⺆ߢⴕߥ߹ߔޕ 1. ࡐ࠻߳ߩࠦࡔࡦ࠻ 2. <1948>chap30-32̅ᣣᏱߩ㑵㧦ታࠍ⍮ࠆ Gilbert ߣ ᒝ᳇ߩᣂෳ⠪ Hortense 3. chap33-34̅ਃᣣ⋡ߩࡠࡦ࠼ࡦ㧦Hortense&ᢙᐕ߱ࠅߩࡠ ࡦ࠼ࡦ㧦ⴕᣇਇߩ Bernard ߩᏫㆶ 4. <Before>chap35-38̅Bernard ߩᚢ 5. chap39-42̅Bernard ߩᚢ 6. chap43-45̅Bernard ߩᚢ 7. <1948> chap46-48̅≹߃ߧᚢߩ் 8. ⺞ᢛ 9. chap49-51̅Hortense ߩᝂ᛬ 10. chap52-53̅ⴣ᠄ߩታ㧦Queenie ߩᕜߩ⚿ᨐ 11. chap54-55̅⺋⸃๔⊕ℂ⸃ 12. chap56-57̅⺋⸃๔⊕ℂ⸃ 13. chap58-59̅ߘࠇߙࠇߩ⊒ 14. ⻠⟵ Changing Britannia (1) 15. ⻠⟵ Changing Britannia (2) ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ᤐቇᦼߣหߓޕ ᤐቇᦼߣหߓޕ 87 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σ㧔ࡕ࠳࠾࠭ࡓߩᏂඅߚߜߦ㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ a㧔ࡕ࠳࠾࠭ࡓߩᏂඅߚߜߦ㧕 ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ߎߩᬺߪޔ㧞㧜♿ೋ㗡ߦߞߚ⧓ⴚㆇേ࠭࠾࠳ࡕޟޔ ࡓߩޠㇱ㐷ߩᏂඅߚߜߩຠࠍ⺒ߎߣࠍਥ⌒ߣߔࠆޕ ขࠅᛒ߁ੱߚߜߪޔEzra PoundޔT. S. EliotޔWallace StevensޔWilliam Carlos Williamsߡߒߘޔ⣁㗅ਃ㇢ߢ ࠆޔ߽ߡߞߣޠࡓ࠭࠾࠳ࡕޟߦߜߊߣ߭ޕ⸥㧡ੱߩ ੱߚߜߪޔหߒߡࠄ߆ߩㆇേࠍࠅߍߚࠊߌߢߪ ߥߒޔㅢὐߪޔ㧞㧜♿ೋ㗡᧲ࠞࡔࠕ߆ࡦ࠼ࡦࡠޔ ᶏጯߦߚޔ߇ߛޕߛࠄߊ߁ߣޔᄢᵗࠍߪߐࠎߢห ߓᤨઍߩⓨ᳇ࠍๆޔຠࠍᦠߡߚੱߚߜޔ㧡ੱߔ ߴߡߦߩ߆ࠄࠎߥޔ߽ߢ߹ߥࠊ⸒ߪߣޔㅢߔࠆⷐ⚛߇ޔ ⶄᢙࠆߦ㆑ߥޕ ߘߎߢߎߩᬺߢߪޠࡓ࠭࠾࠳ࡕޟޔߪߕ߹ޔࠅࠃޘ ߽ޔਛ㜞ߩ࿖⺆ߩᬺߢߔࠄ㘧߫ߐࠇ߇ߜߥ⺒ࠍޠޟ ߎߣߩ৻╙ߦߎߎޔജὐࠍ߅ߊޔߡߒߘޕ⸥ߩੱߚߜ ߩຠࠍ♖⺒ߔࠆ“ ޔߡߒߣ࠼ࡢࠠޕTraditionalist”ޔ “Order”“ ޔSynchronicity”“ ޔExpatriate”“ ޔMyth” ߥ ߤࠍߍߡ߅ߊޕᤐቇᦼߪޔ㧝㧥㧞㧜ᐕઍߦࡠࡦ࠼ࡦߦ ߒߡߚ PoundޔEliot ߘߒߡ⣁ࠍ⺒ޕ 1. Introduction ᜂᒰ⠪ ㆙⮮ ਯ 2~6. Imagist short poems, “The Jewel-Stairs’ Grievance””ޔHugh Selwyn Mauberley”“ ޔCanto I” 7~11. “Preludes”“ ޔThe Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”ޔ “Gerontion” 12~15 ޟᄤ᳇ޔޠ ޟ㔎ޔޠ ޟᄥ㓁ޔޠ ޔޠ⌒ޟ ޔޠ⋁ޟ ޔޠࠎࠄࠎࠀߒޟ “January in Kyoto” ߥ߅ޔ ߩ☨⧷ޟ㧔ᤐቇᦼ㧕ߣޠౝኈ߇㊀ߥࠆ႐ว߇ࠆ ߎߣࠍߓ߆ࠄޔᢿߞߡ߅ߊޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߪᬌ⸛ਛޕෳ⠨ᢥ₂ߣߒߡޔንጊ⧷ବ✬ࡔࠕޡ ࠞࡦࡕ࠳࠾࠭ࡓޢ㧔ߖࠅ߆ᦠᚱ㧕ࠍߍߡ߅ߊޕ ࡐ࠻ߪ⚦ޕᬺߢવ߃ࠆޕ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Τ㧔ࡕ࠳࠾࠭ࡓߩᏂඅߚߜߦ㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ b㧔ࡕ࠳࠾࠭ࡓߩᏂඅߚߜߦ㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ㆙⮮ ਯ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ᤐቇᦼߦᒁ߈⛯߈ߩࡓ࠭࠾࠳ࡕޔᏂඅߚߜߩຠࠍ⺒ ޔߪߤߥ⊛⋡߿ࡑ࠹ޕᤐቇᦼߣᄌࠊࠄߥ߇ޔᤐቇᦼ ߦ⺒ࠎߢ߈ߚࡕ࠳࠾࠭ࡓߩቇ߇ࡓ࠭࠾࠳ࡕޔએ㒠ߩੱ ߦߤߩࠃ߁ߦฃߌ⛮߇ࠇߡ߈ߚ߆ޕߚߺߡ߽ࠇߘޔ ⑺ቇᦼߪޔWallace StevensޔWilliam Carlos Williams ࠍ⺒੍ቯߢࠆ߇ޔㅜਛߢޔ㧝㧜ߦ᧪ᣣߦวࠊߖߡ Gary Snyder ߽⺒੍ቯޕ 1. ᤐቇᦼߩࡐ࠻ළ 2~6. “Anecdote of a Jar”“ ޔThe Idea of Order at Key West”“ ޔOf Modern Poetry”“ ޔThe Emperor of Ice-Cream”ޔSunday Morning” 7~11. “Piute Creek”“ ޔRiprap”“ ޔFor the Children”ޔ “The Snow on Saddle Mountain”“ ޔThe HumpBacked Flute Player” 12~15. “The Red Wheelbarrow”“ ޔNantucket”“ ޔPoem”ޔ “Between Walls”“ ޔThis Is Just to Say”“ ޔThe Term”“ ޔClassic Scene”“ ޔPaterson, Preface” ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ᤐቇᦼߦ߅ߥߓޕ ᤐቇᦼߦ߅ߥߓޕ 88 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σ㧔࠺ࠖ࠭࠾ࠕ࠾ࡔߩᱧผࠍߚߤࠆ㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ a㧔࠺ࠖ࠭࠾ࠕ࠾ࡔߩᱧผࠍߚߤࠆ㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ᄢᧁ ℂᕺሶ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ Walt Disney ⎇ⓥߩ╙৻ੱ⠪ Bob Thomas ߩ⪺ࠍㅢߓޔ ⊕ޡ㔐ᆢޔߢ߹ޢࠢ࠶ࡉ࡞ࠣࡦࡖࠫޡࠄ߆ޢWalt Disney ሽਛߩ㐳✬ࠕ࠾ࡔ࡚ࠪࡦᤋ↹ࠍਛᔃߦޔDisney ᤋ↹ߩ ゠〔ࠍߚߤࠅ߹ߔޕDisney ᤋ↹ߣࠍࠇߘޔᩭߣߒߡᐢ߇ࠆ ჽᄢߥ Disney ᢥൻߩ⇇ߪߩࠞࡔࠕ߿߹ޔ㧔ߘߒߡ ᣣᧄࠍߚ⇇ߩ㧕ࡐ࠶ࡊࠞ࡞࠴ࡖࠍ⺆ࠆߢߪㆱߌ ߡㅢࠆߎߣߩߢ߈ߥ߽ߩߢߔޕฃ⻠⠪ߩߺߥߐࠎߦߪޔ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߩౝኈࠍℂ⸃ߒߚߢᤨޔઍ⢛᥊߿␠ޔળᖱࠍ ޔ20 ♿ߩࠕࡔࠞᢥൻߦᐢߊ⋡ࠍะߌࠆࠁࠄޔᢥ ൻ⎇ⓥߩ␆ߣߥࠆᱧผⷰࠍ▽ߡ᰼ߒߣ⠨߃ߡ߹ߔޕ ᬺߪޔᜂᒰ⠪ߦࠃࠆࡊࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦࠍਛᔃߣߒߡ ㅴ߹ߔޕᜂᒰ⠪ߦߪޔ೨ߦᔅߕࠫࡘࡔࠍ↪ᗧߔࠆߎ ߣޔߚ߹ޔㆡቱࡊࠬࠕ࡞ࡈࠔߩ⾗ᢱࠍ↪ᗧߒࡐࡢࡄޔ ࠗࡦ࠻ߥߤߩࡊࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦߩ࠷࡞ࠍ↪ߔࠆߥߤ ߒߡޔലᨐ⊛ߥ⊒ࠍ⸘↹ታᣉߔࠆߎߣ߇᳞ࠄࠇ߹ߔޕ ోຬ੍⠌ᔅ㗇ޔ߅ߥޕᬺߢᛒࠊࠇࠆຠߪޔᬺᄖߩ ᤨ㑆ࠍ↪ߒޔฦ⥄㧔skeptical ߥⷰ߆ߚߢ㧕ⷞ⡬ߒߡ߆ࠄ Ꮸߔࠆߎߣޕᚻ࿎㔍ߥ߽ߩߦߟߡߪ↪ޔᗧߒߚ⾗ᢱ ࠍޔᬺౝߦⷞ⡬ߔࠆߎߣ߽ࠅ߹ߔޕ 1. ᤐቇᦼࠦࠬࠝࠛࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦ 2. Launching the Animated Feature 3. Seven Dwarfs for Snow White 4. New Tools 1 5. New Tools 2 6. Disney’s Folly 7. Pinocchio 8. Fantasia 9. Bambi 10. Economizing: Dumbo 11. The New Studio, The Strike, and the War 1 12. The New Studio, The Strike, and the War 2 13.Cinderella Restores the Glory 14. ⻠⟵ߩ߹ߣ 15. ⻠⟵ߩ߹ߣ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Thomas, Bob, Disney’s Art of Animation: From Mickey Mouse to Beauty and the Beast, Hyperion, New York, 1991. ઁߩෳ⠨ᢥ₂╬ߦߟߡߪޔᬺਛߦ㓐ᤨ⚫ޕ Ꮸޔᬺ߳ߩ⽸₂ᐲߩࡦ࡚ࠪ࠹ࡦࡊޔౝኈޔቇᦼ ᧃߦឭߔࠆࡍࡄߥߤ߆ࠄ✚ޔว⊛ߦ⹏ଔߒ߹ߔޕ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Τ㧔࠺ࠖ࠭࠾ࠕ࠾ࡔߩᱧผࠍߚߤࠆ㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ b㧔࠺ࠖ࠭࠾ࠕ࠾ࡔߩᱧผࠍߚߤࠆ㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ᄢᧁ ℂᕺሶ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ᤐቇᦼ߆ࠄᒁ߈⛯߈ޔWalt Disney ⎇ⓥߩ╙৻ੱ⠪ Bob Thomas ߩ⪺ࠍㅢߓߡޔDisney ᤋ↹ߩ゠〔ࠍߚߤࠅ߹ߔޕ ⑺ቇᦼߪޔWalt ߩሽਛߩຠߛߌߢߥߊޔWalt ߈ ᓟߩࠬ࠲ࠫࠝߩຠ㧔 ߢ߹ޢ࠼ࠗࡔࡑ࡞࠻ޡ㧕߽ᛒ ߹ߔޕฃ⻠⠪ߩ⊝ߐࠎߦߪޔᒁ߈⛯߈࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߩౝኈࠍℂ ⸃ߒߚߢᤨޔઍ⢛᥊߿␠ޔળᖱࠍޔ20 ♿ߩࠕࡔ ࠞᢥൻߦᐢߊ⋡ࠍะߌࠆࠁࠄޔᢥൻ⎇ⓥߩ␆ߣߥࠆᱧ ผⷰࠍ▽ߡ᰼ߒߣ⠨߃ߡ߹ߔޕ ᤐቇᦼߣหߓߊޔᬺߪޔᜂᒰ⠪ߦࠃࠆࡊࡦ࠹࡚ࠪ ࡦࠍਛᔃߣߒߡㅴ߹ߔޕᜂᒰ⠪ߦߪޔ೨ߦᔅߕࠫࡘ ࡔࠍ↪ᗧߔࠆߎߣޔߚ߹ޔㆡቱࡊࠬࠕ࡞ࡈࠔߩ⾗ᢱࠍ↪ ᗧߒ࡞࠷ߩࡦ࡚ࠪ࠹ࡦࡊߩߤߥ࠻ࡦࠗࡐࡢࡄޔ ࠍ↪ߔࠆߥߤߒߡޔലᨐ⊛ߥ⊒ࠍ⸘↹ታᣉߔࠆߎߣ ߇᳞ࠄࠇ߹ߔޕ ోຬ੍⠌ᔅ㗇ޔ߅ߥޕᬺߢᛒࠊࠇࠆຠߪޔᬺᄖߩ ᤨ㑆ࠍ↪ߒޔฦ⥄㧔skeptical ߥⷰ߆ߚߢ㧕ⷞ⡬ߒߡ߆ࠄ Ꮸߔࠆߎߣޕᚻ࿎㔍ߥ߽ߩߦߟߡߪ↪ޔᗧߒߚ⾗ᢱ ࠍޔᬺౝߦⷞ⡬ߔࠆߎߣ߽ࠅ߹ߔޕ 1. The Anthology Features 2. Alice, Peter, Lady and the Tramp 1 (Alice) 3. Alice, Peter, Lady and the Tramp 2 (Peter Pan) 4. Alice, Peter, Lady and the Tramp 3 (L&T) 5. Sleeping Beauty Awakens 6. Walt Disney’s Last Films 7. Carrying on the Tradition 8. The Black Cauldron 9. A New Regime and a Rebirth 10. A New Regime and a Rebirth 11. Who Framed Roger Rabbit 12. Triumph: The Little Mermaid 13. The Rescuers Down Under 14. ⻠⟵ߩ߹ߣ 15. ⻠⟵ߩ߹ߣ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Thomas, Bob, Disney’s Art of Animation: From Mickey Mouse to Beauty and the Beast, Hyperion, New York, 1991. ઁߩෳ⠨ᢥ₂╬ߦߟߡߪޔᬺਛߦ㓐ᤨ⚫ޕ Ꮸޔᬺ߳ߩ⽸₂ᐲߩࡦ࡚ࠪ࠹ࡦࡊޔౝኈޔቇᦼ ᧃߦឭߔࠆࡍࡄߥߤ߆ࠄ✚ޔว⊛ߦ⹏ଔߒ߹ߔޕ 89 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σ㧔ࠕ࠾ࡔᛕ⹏㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ a㧔ࠕ࠾ࡔᛕ⹏㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ᩑ↰ ⑲᮸ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ⻠⟵⋡⊛ ᤋ↹ື⻉ࠍࡔ࠾ࠕߌࠊࠅߣޔቇ⊛┙႐߆ࠄᛕ⹏ߒߚ⺰ᢥࠍ♖ ⺒ߔࠆ⺰ޕᢥߩ♖⺒ࠍㅢߒߡᤋ࠹ࠢࠬ࠻ߩ⽎ಽᨆߣߪ߆ ߥࠆ߽ߩߢࠆ߆ࠍ⠨ኤߔࠆߪߡ߅ߦ⟵⻠ޕએਅߩ㧟ὐ߇ត ᳞ߩ࠹ࡑߣߥࠆޕ㧝㧕ℂ⺰ߣߪ߆ޔ㧞㧕ᛕ⹏ߣߪ߆ޔ㧟㧕 ⽎㧔ߩ࠻࠶ࠢ㧕⎇ⓥߣߪ߆ࠄࠇߎޕ㧟ὐߩ࠹ࡑߦߟ ߡޔᤋ↹ߩ✎ኒߥ࠹ࠢࠬ࠻ಽᨆࠍታ〣ߒߩߎޔᤋ↹ߩน⢻ᕈ ߦ߹ࠇߚᢥൻᴦ⊛ᗧ⟵ࠍតߞߡߊޕ ⻠⟵ⷐ ᤋߣ߁⽎ᚻᲑߦࠃߞߡࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࠻ߐࠇࠆᤋ↹ࠍ ࠹ࠢࠬ࠻ߣߒߡࠢ࠶࠻ޔℂ⺰ߩၮ␆ߣߒߡߩ⻉ືቇࠍቇࠎ ߢߊޕᤋߣ߁ⷞⷡ࠻࠶ࠢߩᚻᲑ߇ືቇࠍ❱ࠅㄟࠎߢ ߊㆊ⒟ࠍޔᤋ↹ຠߣߘߩᛕ⹏ࠍ✎ኒߦ⺒ߺㄟߺߦࠄߐޔℂ ⺰⊛ߥ⢛᥊ࠍടߒߥ߇ࠄℂ⸃ߒߡߊ⻠ߩߎޕᐳߩ⋡⊛ߪ ߊ߹ߢ߽࠻࠶ࠢℂ⺰ߩត᳞ߢࠅޔᤋ↹ࠍࠛࡦ࠲࠹ࠗ ࡔࡦ࠻ߣߒߡᭉߒߎߣߢߪߥޕᅤߦߒߡℂ⺰⊛ߥ⺒ޟ ߺߩޠ㊀ⷐᕈࠍᤋ↹ߣ߁࠹ࠢࠬ࠻ࠍㅢߓߡߛߔߎߣ߇ߢ ߈ࠆ߆ޔ߇ࠇߎޕቇ↢߇⻠⟵ߣᵴ⊒ߥ⸛⺰ߢត᳞ߔࠆਥ㗴ߣߥ ࠆߩ࠻ࠬࠢ࠹ޔߡߞ߇ߚߒޕᣂߚߥ┨ߦࠆ೨ߦߪࠍ┨ߩߘޔ ੍⠌ߒߡ߅ߊߛߌߢߥߊޔ㗴᧚ߣߥࠆᤋ↹੍߽ᔅߕฦ⥄ߢⷰ ߡ߅ߊߎߣᤨߩࠄࠇߎޕ㑆ࠍⷐߔࠆ੍⠌߳ߩᔃ᭴߃߇ߥቇ↢ ߪฃ⻠ࠍ㆙ᘦߔࠆߎߣޕ 1. Course Orientation 2. Just a Ghost in the Shell? 3. Just a Ghost in the Shell? 4. I am Tetsuo 5. I am Tetsuo 6. Nothing that Happens is Ever Forgotten 7. Nothing that Happens is Ever Forgotten 8. Why Nice Princesses don’t Always Finish Last 9. Why Nice Princesses don’t Always Finish Last 10. Just War is No Gouf 11. Just War is No Gouf 12. The Search for Vengeance 13. The Search for Vengeance 14. Wrap up 15. Wrap up ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Anime and Philosophy: Wide Eyed Wonder. ed. by Josef Steiff and Tristan D. Tamplin. (Chicago; La Salle, Il: Open Court, 2010)ઁ ቯᦼ⹜㛎ߪࡐ࠻ޔᬺ߳ߩෳടᐲ㧔⊒⊒⸒╬㧕ޔ Ꮸ⁁ᴫ㧔৻ቯએߩᰳᏨߪਇวᩰޔㆃೞ㧞࿁ߪᰳᏨ㧝࿁ ߦ⋧ᒰ㧕╬߆ࠄ✚ว⊛ߦ⹏ଔߔࠆޕ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Τ㧔ࠕ࠾ࡔᛕ⹏㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ b㧔ࠕ࠾ࡔᛕ⹏㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ᩑ↰ ⑲᮸ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ห 1. Course Orientation 2. Astro Boy and the Atomic Age 3. Astro Boy and the Atomic Age 4. Grave of the Child Hero 5. Grave of the Child Hero 6. Cyborg Songs for an Existential Crisis 7. Cyborg Songs for an Existential Crisis 8. Cyborg Goddess 9. Cyborg Goddess 10. It’s the End of the Species as We Know it, and I Feel Anxious 11. It’s the End of the Species as We Know it, and I Feel Anxious 12. Sex and the Single Cyborg (From Robot Ghosts) 13. Sex and the Single Cyborg (From Robot Ghosts) 14. Wrap up 15. Wrap up ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Anime and Philosophy: Wide Eyed Wonder. ed. by Josef Steiff and Tristan D. Tamplin. (Chicago; La Salle, Il: Open Court, 2010) ઁ ቯᦼ⹜㛎ߪࡐ࠻ޔᬺ߳ߩෳടᐲ㧔⊒⊒⸒╬㧕ޔ Ꮸ⁁ᴫ㧔৻ቯએߩᰳᏨߪਇวᩰޔㆃೞ㧞࿁ߪᰳᏨ㧝࿁ ߦ⋧ᒰ㧕╬߆ࠄ✚ว⊛ߦ⹏ଔߔࠆޕ 90 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σ㧔㨅㧭ዊ⺑ߣർࠕࠗ࡞ࡦ࠼⚗㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ a㧔㨅㧭ዊ⺑ߣർࠕࠗ࡞ࡦ࠼⚗㧕 ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᜂᒰ⠪ ጊ ♿ ᬺ⸘↹ ⻠⟵⋡⊛㧔I ߣ II ߢㅢ㧕 ⑳ߚߜߪዊ⺑߿ᤋ↹ߥߤߩࡈ࡚ࠖࠢࠪࡦࠍㅢߓߡታ ߩ㗴ߦߟߡቇ߱ߎߣ߇ࠃߊࠅ߹ߔࠪࠢࠖࡈߒ߆ߒޕ ࡚ࡦߪታࠍߘߩ߹߹ᤋߒߒߡࠆࠊߌߢߪߥߊ⊓ޔ႐ ੱ‛ߩⷞὐࠍㅢߒߡ৻ࠆޔቯߩⷺᐲ߆ࠄታࠍಾࠅขߞ ߡߖߡࠆߣޔ⠨߃ࠄࠇ߹ߔޕ ᧄ⻠⟵ߢߪߩߎޔὐࠍᗧ⼂ߒߟߟޔSiobhan Dowd ߩ Bog Child ߣ߁ YA ዊ⺑㧔⧯ઍߦะߌߡᦠ߆ࠇߚዊ⺑㧕 ࠍ⺒ߺ߹ߔޕዊ⺑ߩਥੱߪᄢቇฃ㛎ࠍប߃ߚዋᐕࡈࠔ ࠟࠬޕർࠕࠗ࡞ࡦ࠼ߢ↢߹ࠇ⢒ߞߚᓐߪޔᰴ╙ߦࠊࠁ ࠆർࠕࠗ࡞ࡦ࠼⚗ߦᏎ߈ㄟ߹ࠇߡ߈߹ߔޕ ർࠕࠗ࡞ࡦ࠼⚗ߣ⸒߃߫ޔᤋ↹߿ዊ⺑ߢᐲ߽ឬ߆ ࠇߡ߹ߔ߇ߩߎޔዊ⺑ߪߤߩࠃ߁ߥὐ߇ᣂߒߣ⸒߃ࠆ ߢߒࠂ߁߆㧫 ߹ߚߘߩᣂߒߐߪߤ߁⹏ଔߢ߈ࠆߢߒࠂ ߁߆㧫 ߎ߁ߒߚߦߟߡޔዊ⺑ࠍ⺒ߺㅴߥ߇ࠄޔ ߺࠎߥߢ⠨߃ߡ߈ߚߣᕁ߹ߔޕ 1. ࠗࡦ࠻ࡠ࠳࡚ࠢࠪࡦ 㧔ోߩ⺑ࠍߒߡᜂᒰ⠪ࠍ߹ߔߩߢޔฃ⻠ࠍᏗ ᦸߔࠆੱߪ߆ߥࠄߕᏨߒߡߊߛߐޕ㧕 2. One㧔એਅ⇟┨ޔภ㧕 3. Two 4. Three, Four 5. Five, Six 6. Seven 7. Eight 8. Nine, Ten 9. Eleven 10. Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen 11. Fifteen, Sixteen 12. Seventeen, Eighteen ⻠⟵ⷐ㧔I ߣ II ߢㅢ㧕 Ფ࿁ 10㨪15 ࡍࠫ⒟ᐲޔ㧝ᐕ㑆߆ߌߡ⺒ߺㅴ߹ߔޕ 㧔ਅ ߳⛯ߊ㧕 13. Nineteen, Twenty ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Siobhan Dowd, Bog Child (2008) 㧖㧰㨁㧻ߢ⾼ߔࠆߎߣ ᬺ߳ߩෳടޔᤋ↹ࡆࡘޔቯᦼ⹜㛎ࠍ✚ว⹏ଔ 㧔ߚߛߒ㧠࿁ࠍ߃ߡᰳᏨߒߚ႐วߪ⹏ଔኻ⽎ߣߒߥ㧕 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 14. Twenty-One, Twenty-Two 15. ߹ߣ ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Τ㧔㨅㧭ዊ⺑ߣർࠕࠗ࡞ࡦ࠼⚗㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ b㧔㨅㧭ዊ⺑ߣർࠕࠗ࡞ࡦ࠼⚗㧕 ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᜂᒰ⠪ ጊ ♿ ᬺ⸘↹ 㧔߆ࠄ⛯ߊ㧕 ⧷⺆ߪߘࠇ߶ߤ㔍ߒߊࠅ߹ߖࠎ߇ޔญ⺆߇ᄙߊޔᣣᧄߣ ߪ⇣ߥࠆർࠕࠗ࡞ࡦ࠼ߩ㘑᥊ឬ౮߽⼾ንߥߩߢ⺒ޔ ߪㄉᦠࠍᒁߡਤᔨߦᗧࠍߐ߃ⷡⷞࠍࠫࡔࠗޔൻߔ ࠆߎߣ߇᳞ࠄࠇ߹ߔޕ Ფ࿁ߩᬺ㐿ᆎᤨߦޔౝኈ⏕ߩዊ࠹ࠬ࠻ࠍߒ߹ߔߘޕ ߩᓟޔᲤ࿁ߩ▸࿐ߦߟߡࠣ࡞ࡊ⊒ࠍߒߡ߽ࠄ߹ ߔޕ㧔ࠣ࡞ࡊ⊒ߩ߿ࠅ߆ߚߪᬺౝߢ⺑ߒ߹ߔޕ㧕 ߹ߚޔᬺߣߪߦޔർࠕࠗ࡞ࡦ࠼⚗ࠍᛒߞߚᤋ↹ ࠍᤐቇᦼ⑺ቇᦼߣ߽ߦⷰߡߩߘޔᤋ↹⹏߽ឭߒߡ߽ࠄ ߹ߔޕ 1. ࠗࡦ࠻ࡠ࠳࡚ࠢࠪࡦ 㧔ᜂᒰ⠪ࠍࠆߩߢߕࠄߥ߆ޔᏨߩߎߣ㧕 2. Twenty-Three, -Four, -Five 3. Twenty-Six, -Seven 4. Twenty-Eight, -Nine 5. Thirty, Thirty-One 6. Thirty-Two, -Three 7. Thirty-Four, -Five 8. Thirty-Six 9. Thirty-Seven, -Eight 10. Thirty-Nine, Forty, Forty-One 11. Forty-Two, -Three 12. Forty-Four 13. Forty-Five, -Six, -Seven 14. ߹ߣ㧝 15. ߹ߣ㧞 ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Siobhan Dowd, Bog Child (2008) 㧖㧰㨁㧻ߢ⾼ߔࠆߎߣ ᬺ߳ߩෳടޔᤋ↹ࡆࡘޔቯᦼ⹜㛎ࠍ✚ว⹏ଔ 㧔ߚߛߒ㧠࿁ࠍ߃ߡᰳᏨߒߚ႐วߪ⹏ଔኻ⽎ߣߒߥ㧕 91 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σ(ࠕࡔࠞᢥቇ:John Steinbeck ߩᢥቇࠍ⺒) ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ a(ࠕࡔࠞᢥቇ:John Steinbeck ߩᢥቇࠍ⺒) ᜂᒰ⠪ ㊄⼱ ఝሶ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ޡᔶࠅߩ⫁⪕(ޢThe Grapes of Wrath, 1939)ࡦ࠺ࠛޡޔ ߩ᧲(ޢThe East of Eden, 1952)ߩ⪺⠪ߢࠅޔ1962 ᐕߦ ࡁࡌ࡞ᢥቇ⾨ࠍฃ⾨ߒߚ John Steinbeck(1902-1968) ߪޔ20 ♿ߩࠕࡔࠞᢥቇࠍ⺆ࠆ㓙ߦᔓࠇߡߪߥࠄߥ ኅߣ⸒߃ࠃ߁ޕᓐߪឝߩੑᄢຠߩઁޔᄙ᭽ߥࠫࡖࡦ࡞ ߦࠊߚࠆᢙᄙߊߩຠࠍഃߒߚ߇ߩߎޔᬺߢߪޔ⍴✬ 㓸ޡ㐳⼱㑆(ޢThe Long Valley, 1938)ߦࠄࠇߚਃㇱ ”The Red Pony”ࠍਛᔃߦᓐߩຠࠍᛒߞߡࠁߊޕ Ფ࿁ຠࠍ♖⺒ߒ࠻ࠬޔዷ㐿ࠍᛠីߒߥ߇ࠄޔ ຠߩ࠹ࡑޔߩޘᢥ┨߿ᛛᏁޔኅߩⷞὐޔຠߩ ᤨઍ⢛᥊╬ߦ߽ᵈᗧࠍᛄߞߡޔຠ߆ࠄᄙߊߩ߽ߩࠍ⺒ߺ ขߞߡࠁ߈ߚޔߦ․ޕຠߩ࠹ࡑ߿ᢥ┨ߦߟߡ ߪࠣ࡞ࡊࡢࠢࠍㅢߒߡᗧ឵ࠍⴕߥߞߡࠁߊᦝޕ ߦ߇ࠄ⥄ࠢ࠶ࡌࡦࠗ࠲ࠬޔ⣉ᧄࠍᚻដߌߚᤋ↹⿒ޡሶ㚍ޢ (1949)ߣຠࠍᲧセߒߚࠅޔຠߦߟߡߩਥⷐߥ⹏⺰߽ ᐞߟ߆⚫ߒࠍ⸃⺒ޔᷓߡࠁ߈ߚޕ ዏޔᬺߦߪ੍⠌ࠍߒߡ⥃ࠎߢਅߐޕ 1: Introduction: ኅ John Steinbeck ߣઍຠࠍ⚫ 2: ዊ⺑ࠍ⺒ᭉߒߺߦߟߡ 3: 1.̌The Gift ̍⺒⸃ 4: ห 5: ห 6: ห 7: ห 8: 2. “The Great Mountains”⺒⸃ 9: ห 10: ห 11: ห 12: ᛕ⹏ࠍ⺒ 13: ห 14: ห 15: Review ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻㧦John Steinbeck, The Red Pony (ධ㔕ၴ) ෳ⠨ᢥ₂㧦ԘJohn Steinbeck, The Long Valley (Penguin Classics) 㧛 ԙࠬ࠲ࠗࡦࡌ࠶ࠢࠢ࠶ࡌࡦࠗ࠲ࠬޡ⍴✬㓸ޢ 㧔ᣂầ ᢥᐶ㧕 Ꮸ㧔30%㧕ޔឭ‛㧔20%㧕ޔᬺਛߩ⊒㧔20%㧕ᧃᦼޔ ࡐ࠻㧔30%㧕ࠍ✚ว⊛ߦ⹏ଔోޕߩ 2/3 એߩᏨ ߇ਇนᰳޕᬺਛߩዬ⌁ࠅߪᰳᏨߣߺߥߒ߹ߔޕ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Τ(ࠕࡔࠞᢥቇ:John Steinbeck ߩᢥቇࠍ⺒) ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ b(ࠕࡔࠞᢥቇ:John Steinbeck ߩᢥቇࠍ⺒) ᜂᒰ⠪ ㊄⼱ ఝሶ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ᤐቇᦼߦᒁ߈⛯߈ޔThe Red Pony ࠍ⺒ߺߦᦝޔຠߦߟ ߡߩ⹏⺰߽⺒ࠎߢࠁߊޔߚ߹ޕຠߣᤋ↹ߣࠍᲧセᬌ⸛ ߒߡࠁߊᤨ ޕ㑆߇⸵ߖ߫ߩઁߩࠢ࠶ࡌࡦࠗ࠲ࠬޔຠ߽ ㆡቱ⚫ߒߡࠁ߈ߚޕ ዏޔᬺߦߪ੍⠌ࠍߒߡ⥃ࠎߢਅߐޕ 1: ೨ᦼࡐ࠻ළߣࠣ࡞ࡊ⊒ 2: ࡐ࠻ߦߟߡߩᢎቶ⊒ 3: 3.̌The Promise̍⺒⸃ 4: ห 5: ห 6: ห 7: “The Leader of the People” ⺒⸃ 8: ห 9: ห 10: ห 11: ᤋ↹⿒ޡሶ㚍ࠆⷰࠍޢ 12: ᛕ⹏ࠍ⺒ 13: ห 14: ห 15: Review ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻㧦John Steinbeck, The Red Pony (ධ㔕ၴ) ෳ⠨ᢥ₂㧦ԘJohn Steinbeck, The Long Valley (Penguin Classics) 㧛 ԙࠬ࠲ࠗࡦࡌ࠶ࠢࠢ࠶ࡌࡦࠗ࠲ࠬޡ⍴✬㓸ޢ 㧔ᣂầ ᢥᐶ㧕 Ꮸ㧔30%㧕ޔឭ‛㧔20%㧕ޔᬺਛߩ⊒㧔20%㧕ᧃᦼޔ ࡐ࠻㧔30%㧕ࠍ✚ว⊛ߦ⹏ଔోޕߩ 2/3 એߩᏨ ߇ਇนᰳޕᬺਛߩዬ⌁ࠅߪᰳᏨߣߺߥߒ߹ߔޕ 92 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σ㧔ࠕࠫࠕᄥᐔᵗၞߩᴦ⚻ᷣ࿖㓙㑐ଥ㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ a㧔ࠕࠫࠕᄥᐔᵗၞߩᴦ⚻ᷣ࿖㓙㑐ଥ㧕 ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᜂᒰ⠪ ㊄ሶ ⧐᮸ ᬺ⸘↹ ᬺߩ⋡⊛ߪ㧟ߟࠅ߹ߔ╙ޕ㧝ߦޔ࿖㓙㑐ଥ⺰߿ၞ ⎇ⓥ㧔CTGCUVWFKGU㧕ߦߣߞߡਇนᰳߥᔨ߿ࠍ⧷⺆ ߢℂ⸃ߔࠆߎߣ╙ޔ㧞ߦࠕࠫࠕޔᄥᐔᵗၞߩ࿖㓙㑐ଥޔ ᴦ⚻ޔᷣߩၮᧄ⊛⍮⼂߮ࠃ߅ޔฦ࿖ၞߩ⁁ಽᨆߦ ᔅⷐߥⷞὐ߿ᚻᴺࠍ⠌ᓧߔࠆߎߣ╙ޔ㧟ߦޔലᨐ⊛ߥࡊ ࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦߩࠬࠠ࡞ࠍりߦߟߌޕߔߢߣߎߊ⏴ޔ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߦၮߠ߈ฦ࿖ߩ⁁ᴫ߿หၞߦᮮߚࠊࠆ⻉ 㗴ࠍขࠅᛒ߹ߔޕᬺߪޔฃ⻠⠪ߦࠃࠆࡊࡦ࠹ࠪ ࡚ࡦ⇼⾰ޔᔕ╵ࠍ⺰⸛ޔゲߦㅴ߹ߔޔߚ߹ޕㅳߏߣߦᜰ ቯߐࠇߚ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߩࡄ࠻ࠍ♖⺒ߒࠍ⸶ߩߘޔᲤㅳޔฃ⻠ ⠪ోຬߦឭߒߡ߽ࠄ߹ߔߩઁߦࠄߐޕᢥ₂⾗ᢱߢ㑐 ㅪ⍮⼂ࠍᒝߒߚࡐ࠻ߩឭࠍቯᦼ⊛ߦ᳞߹ߔޕ ߥ߅ޔ㊄ሶᜂᒰߩ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σ㧔ᤐ㧕ߣΤ㧔⑺㧕ߪ⛮ ⛯ߒߡጁୃߔࠆߎߣࠍ᧦ઙߣߒ߹ߔᧄޔߚ߹ޕᬺߩฃ⻠ ⠪ᢙߦߪ㒢߇ࠅ߹ߔޕೋ࿁ߩᬺߢ㧝ᤨ㑆⒟ᐲߩ⧷ᢥ ⺒⸃ജࠍ⸘ࠆߚߩ࠹ࠬ࠻㧔࿖㓙ᴦ⚻ᷣߩᤨ㗴ߦ㑐 ߔࠆ⧷ᢥ⸶㧕ࠍታᣉߒ߹ߔޕ ╙㧝࿁㧦ࠗࡦ࠻ࡠ࠳࡚ࠢࠪࡦ㧦ࠪࡃࠬࠍ㈩Ꮣߔࠆߣߣ߽ ߦ╙ޔ㧞࿁⋡એ㒠ߩᜂᒰࠍ߹ߔޕ ╙㧞࿁ޯ╙ 15 ࿁㧦࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߩࡄ࠻ߦᴪߞߡฃ⻠⠪ߦࡊ ࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦࠍߒߡ߽ࠄߦࠇߘޔ㑐ߔࠆ⾰⇼ᔕ╵߅ ࠃ߮࠺ࠖࠬࠞ࠶࡚ࠪࡦࠍⴕ߹ߔޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻㧦 Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Regional Outlook: Southeast Asia 2011-2012, ISEAS, 2011㧔ㄭೀ㧕.㧔150 ࡍࠫ೨ᓟޔଔᩰߪ 2000 ⒟ᐲ㧕ޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߩౝኈߪޔㄭᐕߦ߅ߌࠆ᧲ධࠕࠫࠕ⻉࿖ߩ࿖㓙 㑐ଥᴦ⚻ᷣߦ㑐ߔࠆਥⷐߥ᧪ߦߟߡߩ࿖ޔ ࠗࠪࡘߩಽᨆ⸃⺑ޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߪᜂᒰ⠪߇ጁୃ⠪ቯᓟߦ৻ᵈᢥߒ߹ߔޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ฝߩᬺ⸘↹ෳᾖޕᜂᒰ⠪߇৻ᵈᢥߔࠆߩߢฃ⻠⠪߇ᚻ ㈩ߔࠆᔅⷐߪߥޕ Ꮸ₸࠻ࡐޔౝኈࡦࡊޔౝኈߩ߳⺰⸛ޔෳട⁁ᴫ ࠍၮߦ⹏ଔߔࠆޕℂ↱ߩᅤࠍࠊߕޔᰳᏨ࿁ᢙ߇㧟࿁ߦ ㆐ߒߚᤨὐߢጁୃ⠪ࠬ࠻߆ࠄ㒰ᄖߔࠆޕ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Τ㧔ࠕࠫࠕᄥᐔᵗၞߩᴦ⚻ᷣ࿖㓙㑐ଥ㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ b㧔ࠕࠫࠕᄥᐔᵗၞߩᴦ⚻ᷣ࿖㓙㑐ଥ㧕 ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᜂᒰ⠪ ㊄ሶ ⧐᮸ ᬺ⸘↹ ᬺߩ⋡⊛߅ࠃ߮ㅴᣇߦߟߡߪ⺆⧷ޔኾ㐷⻠⺒Σߣ ห᭽ߢߔޕᬺߪޔฃ⻠⠪ߦࠃࠆࡊࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦ⾰ޔ ⇼ᔕ╵ࠍ⺰⸛ޔゲߦㅴ߹ߔޔߚ߹ޕㅳߏߣߦᜰቯߐࠇߚ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߩࡄ࠻ࠍ♖⺒ߒࠍ⸶ߩߘޔᲤㅳޔฃ⻠⠪ోຬߦ ឭߒߡ߽ࠄ߹ߔߩઁߦࠄߐޕᢥ₂⾗ᢱߢ㑐ㅪ⍮⼂ࠍ ᒝߒߚࡐ࠻ߩឭࠍቯᦼ⊛ߦ᳞߹ߔޕᒰὼߩߎߣ ߥ߇ࠄޔᏨࠍ㊀ⷞߒ߹ߔޕ ߥ߅ޔ㊄ሶᜂᒰߩ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σ㧔ᤐ㧕ߣΤ㧔⑺㧕ߪ⛮ ╙㧝࿁㧦ࠗࡦ࠻ࡠ࠳࡚ࠢࠪࡦ㧦ࠪࡃࠬࠍ㈩Ꮣߔࠆߣߣ߽ ߦ╙ޔ㧞࿁⋡એ㒠ߩᜂᒰࠍ߹ߔޕ ╙㧞࿁ޯ╙ 15 ࿁㧦࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߩࡄ࠻ߦᴪߞߡฃ⻠⠪ߦࡊ ࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦࠍߒߡ߽ࠄߦࠇߘޔ㑐ߔࠆ⾰⇼ᔕ╵߅ ࠃ߮࠺ࠖࠬࠞ࠶࡚ࠪࡦࠍⴕ߹ߔޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻㧦 Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Southeast Asian Affairs 2012, ISEAS, 2011㧔੍ቯ㧕. 㧔350 ࡍࠫ೨ᓟޔ ଔᩰߪ 2300 ⒟ᐲ㧕ޕ ⛯ᕈ߇ᒝߚᧄޔᬺߩጁୃߦߟߡߪ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߩౝኈߪޔㄭᐕߦ߅ߌࠆ᧲ධࠕࠫࠕ⻉࿖ߩ࿖㓙 㧔ᤐቇᦼ㧦㊄ሶᜂᒰ㧕ࠍጁୃߒߡࠆߎߣࠍ᧦ઙߦߒ߹ߔ ޕ㑐ଥᴦ⚻ᷣߦ㑐ߔࠆਥⷐߥ᧪ߦߟߡߩ࿖ޔ ࠗࠪࡘߩಽᨆ⸃⺑ޕ㧔ౝኈߩ⇛ߪએਅߩ Web ࠨࠗ ߹ߚᧄޔᬺߩฃ⻠⠪ᢙߦߪ㒢߇ࠅ߹ߔޕ ࠻ߢᬌ⚝߇น⢻㧦㧕 ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߪᜂᒰ⠪߇ጁୃ⠪ቯᓟߦ৻ᵈᢥߒ߹ߔޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ฝߩᬺ⸘↹ෳᾖޕᜂᒰ⠪߇৻ᵈᢥߔࠆߩߢฃ⻠⠪߇ᚻ ㈩ߔࠆᔅⷐߪࠅ߹ߖࠎޕ Ꮸ₸࠻ࡐޔౝኈࡦࡊޔౝኈߩ߳⺰⸛ޔෳട⁁ᴫ ࠍၮߦ⹏ଔߒ߹ߔޕℂ↱ߩᅤࠍࠊߕޔᰳᏨ࿁ᢙ߇㧟࿁ ߦ㆐ߒߚᤨὐߢጁୃ⠪ࠬ࠻߆ࠄ㒰ᄖߒ߹ߔޕ 93 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σ㧔↢ᚑᢥᴺ㐷㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ a㧔↢ᚑᢥᴺ㐷㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᴡේ ብਯ ᬺ⸘↹ Noam Chomsky ߇ឭ໒ߔࠆℂ⺰↢ޔᚑᢥᴺߦߟߡ⺒ ᬺߢߔޕ߽ߥ߅ߘߩ᭴▽߇ㅴⴕਛߢࠆᦨᣂߩ⸒⺆ℂ ⺰ࡒ࠾ࡑࠬ࠻ࡊࡠࠣࡓ߳ߩᯅᷰߒߣߥߞߚ⛔₸᧤❈ ℂ⺰ߦߟߡ⺒ࠎߢ߈߹ߔੱޕ㑆ߩ⣖ౝߦ↢ᓧ⊛ߦߘߥ ࠊߞߡ߅ࠅᲣ⺆ߩ₪ᓧߦᄢ߈ߥᓎഀࠍᨐߚߔߣ⺑߆ࠇߡ ࠆ↢ᚑᢥᴺߩ㧝ߟߩࡕ࠺࡞ࠍℂ⸃ߔࠆߎߣߦਥ⌒ࠍ߅߈߹ ߔ❈᧤₸⛔ޕℂ⺰ߢឭ໒ߐࠇߚᢥᴺࡕ࠺࡞ߩ․ᓽࠍ◲ẖߦ ㅀߴࠆߥࠄ߫ࠇߘޔએ೨ߩℂ⺰ߢߪ⒳ޘ㔀ᄙߥⷙೣߩ㓸ว ߣߞߚශ⽎ߩᒝ߆ߞߚᢥᴺߩࡕ࠺࡞ߦኻߒޔ㒢ࠄࠇߚዋ ᢙߩℂ⺰ߢน⢻ߥ㒢ࠅᄙߊߩ⸒⺆⽎ࠍ⺑ߔࠆߣ߁ ⋡ᮡߦะߞߡౕ⊛ߥឭ᩺߇ᚑߐࠇᆎߚߣ߁ߎߣߢ ߔޕ ⺒ߺ⸃ߡߊᢥ₂ߪߘߩℂ⸃ߩߚߩ㐷⊛⟎ߠߌ ߦߥߞߡࠆ߽ߩࠍⶄᢙㆬ੍߱ቯߢߪࠅ߹ߔ߇ޔℂ⺰ߩ ౝኈߘߩ߽ߩࠍℂ⸃ߔࠆߩߪߐߐ߆㔍ߒߣ⸒ߞߡ߽ ㆊ⸒ߢߪࠅ߹ߖࠎⷺߚ߹ޕᐲࠍᄌ߃ߚⷞὐ߆ࠄߩ⠨ኤߦ ࠃࠅᬌ⸛ߔߴ߈⺖㗴߽ᱷߐࠇߡࠆὐߢᦝߥࠆ⼏⺰ߩᔅⷐ ߦߖ߹ࠄࠇࠆㇱಽ߽ࠅ߹ߔޕᲤ࿁ߘࠇߥࠅߩ㊂ࠍ⺒ߺㅴ ࠎߢߊߎߣߦߥࠅ߹ߔߩߢ੍⠌ࠍᰳ߆ߐߕߦᬺෳട ߔࠆߎߣࠍᏗᦸߒ߹ߔޕ 1 Introduction 2 Overview 3 Overview 4 Overview 5 Phrase Structure 6 Phrase Structure 7 Phrase Structure 8 Binding 9 Binding 10 Binding 11 Binding 12 Empty Pronoun PRO 13 Empty Pronoun PRO 14 Review 15 Review ̪ ⸥ߩᬺㅴᐲߪᄢߩ⋡ߣߒߡ⠨߃ߡ߹ߔߩߢޔℂ⸃ ᐲߦᔕߓߡᄌᦝࠍട߃ߚࠅߔࠆߥߤᨵエᕈࠍ߽ߚߖࠆߟ߽ ࠅߢߔޕ ̪ ᧄ⻠⟵ߩㆊߩฃ⻠⚻㛎⠪ߪ⊓㍳ࠍប߃ߡਅߐޕ ̪ ೋ࿁ᬺߪ㊀ⷐߥ⸃⺑ࠍߔࠆߩߢᔅߕᏨߒߡߊߛߐޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻㧦ೋ࿁ᬺߦߡᜰ␜ߒ߹ߔޕ ෳ⠨ᢥ₂㧦ࠠࠬࡓ࡚࠴ޡℂ⺰ㄉౖ⎇ޢⓥ␠ Ꮸ㧒ᬺෳട₸㧔30㧑㧕 ࠻ࡐޔ㧒⹜㛎㧔70㧑㧕ߩ✚ว⹏ଔߣ ߒ߹ߔޕᏨߪోߩ 1/3 એࠍᰳᏨߒߡߒ߹߁ߣߘߩᤨὐߢන ቯਇ⢻ߣߥࠅ߹ߔޕ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Τ㧔↢ᚑᢥᴺ㐷㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ b㧔↢ᚑᢥᴺ㐷㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᴡේ ብਯ ᬺ⸘↹ Noam Chomsky ߇ឭ໒ߔࠆℂ⺰↢ޔᚑᢥᴺߦߟߡ⺒ ᬺߢߔޕ߽ߥ߅ߘߩ᭴▽߇ㅴⴕਛߢࠆᦨᣂߩ⸒⺆ℂ ⺰ࡒ࠾ࡑࠬ࠻ࡊࡠࠣࡓ߳ߩᯅᷰߒߣߥߞߚ⛔₸᧤❈ ℂ⺰ߦߟߡ⺒ࠎߢ߈߹ߔੱޕ㑆ߩ⣖ౝߦ↢ᓧ⊛ߦߘߥ ࠊߞߡ߅ࠅᲣ⺆ߩ₪ᓧߦᄢ߈ߥᓎഀࠍᨐߚߔߣ⺑߆ࠇߡ ࠆ↢ᚑᢥᴺߩ㧝ߟߩࡕ࠺࡞ࠍℂ⸃ߔࠆߎߣߦਥ⌒ࠍ߅߈߹ ߔ❈᧤₸⛔ޕℂ⺰ߢឭ໒ߐࠇߚᢥᴺࡕ࠺࡞ߩ․ᓽࠍ◲ẖߦ ㅀߴࠆߥࠄ߫ࠇߘޔએ೨ߩℂ⺰ߢߪ⒳ޘ㔀ᄙߥⷙೣߩ㓸ว ߣߞߚශ⽎ߩᒝ߆ߞߚᢥᴺߩࡕ࠺࡞ߦኻߒޔ㒢ࠄࠇߚዋ ᢙߩℂ⺰ߢน⢻ߥ㒢ࠅᄙߊߩ⸒⺆⽎ࠍ⺑ߔࠆߣ߁ ⋡ᮡߦะߞߡౕ⊛ߥឭ᩺߇ᚑߐࠇᆎߚߣ߁ߎߣߢ ߔޕ ⺒ߺ⸃ߡߊᢥ₂ߪߘߩℂ⸃ߩߚߩ㐷⊛⟎ߠߌ ߦߥߞߡࠆ߽ߩࠍⶄᢙㆬ੍߱ቯߢߪࠅ߹ߔ߇ޔℂ⺰ߩ ౝኈߘߩ߽ߩࠍℂ⸃ߔࠆߩߪߐߐ߆㔍ߒߣ⸒ߞߡ߽ ㆊ⸒ߢߪࠅ߹ߖࠎⷺߚ߹ޕᐲࠍᄌ߃ߚⷞὐ߆ࠄߩ⠨ኤߦ ࠃࠅᬌ⸛ߔߴ߈⺖㗴߽ᱷߐࠇߡࠆὐߢᦝߥࠆ⼏⺰ߩᔅⷐ ߦߖ߹ࠄࠇࠆㇱಽ߽ࠅ߹ߔޕᲤ࿁ߘࠇߥࠅߩ㊂ࠍ⺒ߺㅴ ࠎߢߊߎߣߦߥࠅ߹ߔߩߢ੍⠌ࠍᰳ߆ߐߕߦᬺෳട ߔࠆߎߣࠍᏗᦸߒ߹ߔޕ 1 Anaphors 2 Anaphors 3 Anaphors 4 Government 5 Government 6 Types of Subject 7 Types of Subject 8 Types of Subject 9 Pronouns 10 Pronouns 11 Pronouns 12 Referential Expressions 13 Referential Expressions 14 Review 15 Review ̪ ⸥ߩᬺㅴᐲߪᄢߩ⋡ߣߒߡ⠨߃ߡ߹ߔߩߢޔℂ⸃ ᐲߦᔕߓߡᄌᦝࠍട߃ߚࠅߔࠆߥߤᨵエᕈࠍ߽ߚߖࠆߟ߽ ࠅߢߔޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻㧦ೋ࿁ᬺߦߡᜰ␜ߒ߹ߔޕ ෳ⠨ᢥ₂㧦ࠠࠬࡓ࡚࠴ޡℂ⺰ㄉౖ⎇ޢⓥ␠ Ꮸ㧒ᬺෳട₸㧔30㧑㧕 ࠻ࡐޔ㧒⹜㛎㧔70㧑㧕ߩ✚ว⹏ଔߣ ߒ߹ߔޕᏨߪోߩ 1/3 એࠍᰳᏨߒߡߒ߹߁ߣߘߩᤨὐߢන ቯਇ⢻ߣߥࠅ߹ߔޕ 94 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σ㧔Ꮢ᳃ߩߚߩࡈࠚࠕ࠻࠼㐷㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ a㧔Ꮢ᳃ߩߚߩࡈࠚࠕ࠻࠼㐷㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ർ㊁ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ࡠࠞ࡞ߥⷞὐ߆ࠄోߩ⺖㗴ࠍ⠨߃ࠆߎߣࠍᔨ㗡 ߦޔవㅴ࿖ߣㅜ࿖ߩࡈࠚࠕ࠻࠼㧔ᱜ⾏ᤃ㧕ߣ߁ ࠹ࡑࠍᤐ⑺ㅪ⛯ߒߡቇ⠌ߒ߹ߔޔߪߣ࠼࠻ࠕࠚࡈޕ ㅜ࿖ߩ↢↥⠪㧔ࠦࡅޔㄘ↥‛ޔᎿ⧓ຠ╬㧕ߣవㅴ࿖ ߩᶖ⾌⠪߇ޔⅣႺ߿ᢥൻߦ㑐ߔࠆ৻ቯߩℂ⸃ߦၮߠߡข ᒁߔࠆ ࠆ߃߽ߣޠ⋥↥ޟᵴേߢߔ⑳ޕ㆐߽ޔODA ߥߤߩេഥߣߪߥ߿ࠅᣇߢ⽺ޔ࿎߿ⅣႺߩ㗴ߩ⸃ ✭ߦෳടߔࠆߎߣ߇ߢ߈ࠆߩߢߔޕ ᄢಾߥߩߪりߩ࿁ࠅߩߢ߈ࠆߎߣ߆ࠄߥ࡞ࡃࡠࠣޔ 㗴ߦߟߡ⠨߃ߡߊߣ߁⊒ޟᗐ⺆⧷ޔߡߒߘޕߔߢޠ ࠍᵴ↪ߒߡߚߒ߁ߎޔᨩߦኻߔࠆޟቇ߮ࠍޠᷓࠆߎߣ ߩ༑߮ࠍ⍮ߞߡߚߛ߈ߚߣᕁ߹ߔޕ ᬺߩㅴᣇߪޔ೨ߦ㈩Ꮣߒߚᢥ₂ࠍ߽ߣߦᜂᒰߔࠆ ቇ↢߇ࠫࡘࡔࠍ↪ᗧߒߦࠇߘޔၮߠ߈ᢥ₂ߩౝኈߦ㑐ߔ ࠆࡊࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦࠍⴕ߹ߔࠍࡦ࡚ࠪ࠹ࡦࡊޕ ߽ߣߦޔᢎ᧚ߩ࠹ࡑߦ㑐ㅪߒߚᨩߦߟߡࠞࠬࠖ࠺ޔ ࠶࡚ࠪࡦࠍߒ߹ߔᦨޕᓟߦᢎຬ߇⻠⹏ߒ߹ߔޕ 1. ᬺߩㅴᣇߦߟߡ 2. ᢎຬߦࠃࠆࠢ࠴ࡖ㧔੍ቯ㧕 3. Fair Trade: Why it’s not just for coffee farmers anymore? 4. Fish don’t know they are wet or how trading influences our lives 5. Why is Fair Trade so popular? 6. Fair Trade principles and practices 7. Fair Trade histories 8. ࡆ࠺ࠝߣ⸛⺰⌀ߩࡅࠦߒ߅ޡታޢ 9. Yes, but does it work? 10. Ordinary people making Fair Trade extraordinary 11. Will free trade ever be fair? 12. The future of Fair Trade 13. Daily life with Fair Trade 14. ᢎຬߦࠃࠆࠢ࠴ࡖ㧔੍ቯ㧕 15. ోߩ߹ߣ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ JacquelineDecarlo,FairTrade:ABeginnersGuide (OneworldPublications,2007) ̪ฦ⥄ߢ⾼ߒߡਅߐޕ Ꮸὐޕ࠻ࡐᧃᦼޔࡦࡊޔࡔࠫޔ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Τ㧔Ꮢ᳃ߩߚߩࡈࠚࠕ࠻࠼㐷㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ b㧔Ꮢ᳃ߩߚߩࡈࠚࠕ࠻࠼㐷㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ർ㊁ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ᤐቇᦼߩቇ⠌ࠍ〯߹߃ߦࠄߐޔኾ㐷⊛ߥᢥ₂ߩベ⺒ࠍⴕ ߹ߔޕ ᬺߢߪޔᜂᒰߔࠆቇ↢߇ࠫࡘࡔࠍ↪ᗧߒߦࠇߘޔၮߠ ߈ᢥ₂ߩౝኈߦ㑐ߔࠆࡊࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦࠍⴕ߁ࡊޕ ࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦࠍ߽ߣߦޔᢎ᧚ߩ࠹ࡑߦ㑐ㅪߒߚᨩߦߟ ߡᦨޕ߁ⴕࠍࡦ࡚ࠪ࠶ࠞࠬࠖ࠺ޔᓟߦޔᢎຬ߇⻠⹏ߣࠕ ࠼ࡃࠗࠬࠍⴕ߁ޕ ขࠅߍࠆᢥ₂ߪߦ࠼࠻ࠕࠚࡈޔࠈߎߣߩޔ㑐ߔࠆ ␠ળ⑼ቇಽ㊁ߩ㔀⺰ᢥޔኾ㐷⪺ᦠߩ┨ޔႎ๔ᦠ╬ࠍ੍ቯߒ ߡ߹ߔ߇ޔᤐቇᦼᢥ₂ߩℂ⸃ߩ⁁ᴫᰴ╙ߢߪࠅࠃޔᷓᢥ ₂⎇ⓥࠍⴕ߁ߚߦ․ޔቯߩᜰቯ࿑ᦠߩベ⺒ᣇᑼߦᄌᦝߔࠆ น⢻ᕈ߽ࠅ߹ߔ㧔ᤨὐߢߩ㧦D. Jaffee. Brewing Justice: Fair Trade Coffee, Sustainability, And Survival㧕ޕ ߕࠇߩ႐วߢ߽ޔᢥ₂⺒⸃ࠍᤋߒߚࠫࡔᚑࠍਛᔃ ߦޔベ⺒⊒ߦ⺰⼏ޔ⊒ޔዷߐߖ߹ߔޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ̪⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σߩℂ⸃ߩ⁁ᴫࠍ〯߹߃ߡޔᤐቇᦼߩᬺ ਛߦᜰ␜ᚻ㈩ߒ߹ߔޕ Ꮸὐޕ࠻ࡐᧃᦼޔࡦࡊޔࡔࠫޔ 95 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σ㧔⇣ᢥൻࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦߩℂ⺰㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ a㧔⇣ᢥൻࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦߩℂ⺰㧕 ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᜂᒰ⠪ Ꮏ⮮ ብ ᬺ⸘↹ This subject is aimed at helping students to understand key concepts and theories of interpersonal and intercultural communication, explore their assumptive foundations and applicability in different sociocultural and historical contexts and develop an (inter)active attitude towards ‘cultural differences’. Towards these objectives, students will be asked to read at least 7,000 words every week, give short summary presentations, participate in discussions and write a term paper. All the coursework will be done in English. This subject is recommended for students who wish to practice English for academic and professional purposes, undertake research into interpersonal and intercultural communication, and most importantly, pursue the ethical dimensions of communication for intercultural harmony and personal/social development. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Introduction to the course Introduction (pp. 1-9) Challenges of living in a global society (pp. 11-20) The necessity and benefits of IC (pp. 20-30) Understanding communication (pp. 31-41) Models of communication (pp. 41-54) Understanding culture (pp. 55-66) Characteristics of culture (pp. 66-76) The influence of culture on perception (pp. 77-88) Perception and IC (pp. 89-98) Cultural orientations and behaviours (pp. 99-112) Intercultural communication ethics (pp. 112-118) Verbal communication and culture (pp. 119-128) Cultural variations in verbal comm. (pp. 128-138) Wrap-up 㧖ౝኈ߇߆ߥࠅኾ㐷⊛ߥߩߢ⇣ޟޔᢥൻ㑆ࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤࠪ ࡚ࡦ⺰ a, bࠍޠጁୃᷣߺߢࠆߎߣ߇ᦸ߹ߒޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Liu, S., Volcic, Z. & Gallois, C. (2011). Introducing Participation (20%), oral presentations (40%) and term paper (40%) intercultural communication: Global cultures and contexts. Los Angels, CA: Sage. (318 pages) 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Τ㧔⇣ᢥൻࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦߩℂ⺰㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ b㧔⇣ᢥൻࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦߩℂ⺰㧕 ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᜂᒰ⠪ Ꮏ⮮ ብ ᬺ⸘↹ This subject is aimed at helping students to understand key concepts and theories of interpersonal and intercultural communication, explore their assumptive foundations and applicability in different sociocultural and historical contexts and develop an (inter)active attitude towards ‘cultural differences’. Towards these objectives, students will be asked to read at least 7,000 words every week, give short summary presentations, participate in discussions and write a term paper. All the coursework will be done in English. This subject is recommended for students who wish to practice English for academic and professional purposes, undertake research into interpersonal and intercultural communication, and most importantly, pursue the ethical dimensions of communication for intercultural harmony and personal/social development. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Introduction to the autumn semester Nonvernal comm. and culture (pp. 139-151) Influence of culture on NV comm. (pp. 151-156) Categorisation, subgroups, and identities (pp. 157-169) Identities and IC (pp. 169-175) Developing relations with culturally different others (pp. 176-188) Developing intercultural relationships (pp. 188-196) Managing intercultural conflicts (pp. 197-207) Conflict management styles and approaches (pp. 207-218) Mass media, technology, and cultural change (pp. 219-232) The mass media and cultural change (pp. 232-238) Immigration and acculturation (pp. 239-250) Cross-cultural adaptation (pp. 250-260) Becoming an effective IC (pp. 261-278) Wrap-up 㧖ౝኈ߇߆ߥࠅኾ㐷⊛ߥߩߢ⇣ޟޔᢥൻ㑆ࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤࠪ ࡚ࡦ⺰ a, bࠍޠጁୃᷣߺߢࠆߎߣ߇ᦸ߹ߒޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Liu, S., Volcic, Z. & Gallois, C. (2011). Introducing Participation (20%), oral presentations (40%) and term paper (40%) intercultural communication: Global cultures and contexts. Los Angels, CA: Sage. (318 pages) 96 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σ㧔ࠝࠬ࠻ࠕߩ㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ a㧔ࠝࠬ࠻ࠕߩ㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ࿖ ᤩሶ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σߢߪޠࠕ࠻ࠬࠝޟ ޟవ᳃ᣖࠕࡏࠫ࠾ߦޠ ὶὐࠍᒰߡߡቇ⠌ߒ߹ߔޔߪߢޕ ࠍࠕ࠻ࠬࠝޟቇ߱ޠᗧ ⟵ߪߢߒࠂ߁ޔߕ߹ޕᵹ߇ᷓ࿖ߥߩߦ⎇ⓥ߿⍮⼂߇߹ߛ ዋߥߎߣ߽ߢޕ㕙⊛ߥࠗࡔࠫߩߺ߇ᵹᏓߒߡࠆᗵ߇ ࠅ߹ߔߦࠕ࠻ࠬࠝޕᣏⴕ߿⇐ቇߔࠆᯏળ߇ᤄࠃࠅ߽ᄙ ߊߥߞߚߦ߽߆߆ࠊࠄߕޔᱧผ߿♖ผߥߤࠍ⍮ࠄߥߩߢ ߪߩ⌀ޔᗧߢߩᵹ߇㔍ߒߊߥࠆߣᕁ߹ߔޕ ߘࠇ߆ࠄߪߜߚ⑳ޔ᩺ᄖ⥄ಽߦߟߡℂ⸃ߒߡ߹ߖࠎޕᲧセ ኻ⽎߇ߞߡޔೋߡᏆ߇߃ߡߊࠆ߽ߩߢߔ࠻ࠬࠝޕ ࠕࠍቇ߱ߎߣߦࠃߞߡޔᡷߡ⥄ಽߦߟߡ⠨߃ࠆ⦟ᯏળߦ ߥߞߚࠄߢߔߨޕ 㧔߃߫ࠍ⺕ߪߣੱࠕ࠻ࠬࠝޟᜰ ߔ߆㧫ߚߞߣޠߪ߹߹ߩߘޔᣣᧄߦᒰߡߪߚ႐วߤ߁ ߥࠆߩ߆ޕߤߥޔ㧕 ߎߩᬺߩ⻠⟵⋡⊛ߪޔ ߩ⪲⸒ޟജࠍᗵߔࠆޠ ࠻ࠬࠝޟ ࠕࠍࠃࠅ⍮ࠆߎߣߢ⌀ߩᵹࠍ⋡ᜰߔޠ ࠍࠕ࠻ࠬࠝޟㅢ ߒߡᏆࠍ⠨߃ࠆ⊒ޔߚ߹ޠᒻᑼߩᬺߢߔߩߢ⥄ޟಽߩ⸒⪲ ߢ⠨߃ޕߔ߹ࠅߥߦߣߎޠࠆ⺆ޔᬺᤨ㑆ߛߌߢߥߊߡ߈↢ޔ ࠆ㑆ߕߞߣ߅ߩࠎߐ⊝ޔᓎߦ┙ߟߎߣ߇ߢ߈ߚࠄᦨ㜞ߦሜߒ ߊᕁ߹ߔޕ ߘࠇߢߪޔᾲᗧߩࠆᣇ߅ޔᓙߜߒߡ߅ࠅ߹ߔ㧍 㧍㧍ᵈᗧ㧍㧍 ᐕߩߎߩᬺߪޔᤐቇᦼߦߪ㐿⻠ߖߕ⑺ቇᦼߩߺߣߥࠅ ߹ߔߚߞ߁ߎޕᖱ߆ࠄޔᄢᄌ↳ߒ⸶ࠅ߹ߖࠎ߇ޔἫ ᦐ㧟㒢㧔ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σ㧕ߣᧁᦐ㧞㒢㧔ኾ㐷⻠⺒Τ㧕ࠍหᤨߦ ฃ⻠ߔࠆᔅⷐ߇ࠅ߹ߔޕ ࠟࠗ࠳ࡦࠬ ࠝࠬ࠻ࠕߩᱧผԘ ࠝࠬ࠻ࠕߩᱧผԙ ࠕࡏࠫ࠾ߩᱧผԘ ࠕࡏࠫ࠾ߩᱧผԙ ࠕࡏࠫ࠾ߩવ⺑Ԙ ࠕࡏࠫ࠾ߩવ⺑ԙ ⧷⸶ߐࠇߚࠕࡏࠫ࠾ߩԘ ⧷⸶ߐࠇߚࠕࡏࠫ࠾ߩԙ ⧷⺆ߢᦠ߆ࠇߚࠕࡏࠫ࠾ߩԘ ⧷⺆ߢᦠ߆ࠇߚࠕࡏࠫ࠾ߩԙ ⧷⺆ߢᦠ߆ࠇߚࠕࡏࠫ࠾ߩԚ ⧷⺆ߢᦠ߆ࠇߚࠕࡏࠫ࠾ߩԛ ⻠⟵ߩ߹ߣ ⻠⟵ߩ߹ߣ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߪࡊࡦ࠻ߒߡ㈩Ꮣޕ ෳ⠨ᢥ₂ߪᬺߢ㓐ᤨ⚫ޕ YYYNGCHCPFNGVVGTUEQO ̪ቇᦼᧃࡐ࠻㧔ឭߒߥ߆ߞߚ႐วਇน㧕 ޔ ᬺߢߩෳടᐲ㧔ࡊࡦ⊒㧒⊒⸒㧕 ޔᏨ⁁ᴫ ̪ㆃೞ㧟࿁㧔㧟㧜ಽએౝ㧕ߢ㧝࿁ߩᰳᏨߣߺߥߒ߹ߔޕ ᰳᏨ㧡࿁ߒߚᤨὐߢනขᓧ߇ਇน⢻ߣߥࠅ߹ߔޕ 97 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Τ㧔ࠝࠬ࠻ࠕߩ㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ b㧔ࠝࠬ࠻ࠕߩ㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ࿖ ᤩሶ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σߢߪߦޠࠕ࠻ࠬࠝޟࠈߒ߽ࠅࠃޠޟ ὶὐࠍᒰߡߚᬺߣߥࠅ߹ߔ߇ޔኾ㐷⻠⺒Τߢߪࠃࠃ ࠍߩ߽ߩߘޠޟࠊ߁ᯏળ߇ᄙߊߥࠅ߹ߔޕߒߡᄙߊ ߪߥ⸒⪲ߩߥ߆ߦ⤘ޔᄢߥᕁ㧔ᕁ⠨ᤨޔⓨ㑆ޔ⍮⼂ GVE㧕 ࠍ၂㑆ࠆߎߣߦߥࠆߢߒࠂ߁ޕ ߘࠇߦߒߡ߽ࠍޟޔቇ߱ߪߣߎޠઍߩᤨઍߦߘߋࠊߥ ߣᗵߓࠆᣇ߽ࠄߞߒ߾ࠆ߆߽ߒࠇ߹ߖࠎߣߞ߽ޕታ↪ ⊛ߥ⍮⼂ࠍりߦߟߌࠆߴ߈ߛߣ⾗ߦ߆⏕ޕᩰ╬ߩታ↪⊛ߥ ⍮⼂ࠍߟߌࠆߎߣߪᔅⷐߢߔߩߘޕᣇ߇ᐞಽਇ߽ዋߥߊ ߥࠆߢߒࠂ߁ࠍޔߒ߆ߒޕቇ߱ߎߣ߽ࠆޔᗧޔታ↪ ⊛ߛߣ⸒߃ࠆߣᕁ߹ߔৼࠍޔߣ߁⸒ߣ߆ߗߥޕካߦ⺒ ߣߩ⪲⸒ޟޔജࠍޠᗵߔࠆߎߣߦߥࠆ߆ࠄߢߔߒߘޕ ߡߎߩ⸒⪲ߩജߪ⑳ߚߜߩ↢߈ᣇߦᄢ߈ߥᓇ㗀ࠍਈ߃ߡ ࠆ߆ࠄߢߔࠍޟޕቇ߱㧩↢߈ᣇࠍቇ߽߱߆ࠆ߃⸒ߣޠ ߒࠇ߹ߖࠎޕ ߪᇅᭉߛߣ߆ࠆ߈↢ޔߢᔅ㗇ߢߪߥߚߞߣޔᶋ 㔌ࠇߒߚࠗࡔࠫ߇ߦࠆߣߒߚࠄ৻ࠍޔ㕙⊛ߦߒ߆ ߡߥࠃ߁ߦᗵߓ߹ߔޔߡߞޕ᩺ᄖ↢ߣߞ߽ޔᵴߦ ኒធߒߡࠆ߽ߩߥߩߢߔࠃޕ ߘࠇߢߪޔᾲᗧߩࠆᣇ߅ޔᓙߜߒߡ߅ࠅ߹ߔ㧍 㧍㧍ᵈᗧ㧍㧍 ᐕߩߎߩᬺߪޔᤐቇᦼߦߪ㐿⻠ߖߕ⑺ቇᦼߩߺߣߥࠅ ߹ߔߚߞ߁ߎޕᖱ߆ࠄޔᄢᄌ↳ߒ⸶ࠅ߹ߖࠎ߇ޔἫ ᦐ㧟㒢㧔ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σ㧕ߣᧁᦐ㧞㒢㧔ኾ㐷⻠⺒Τ㧕ࠍหᤨߦ ฃ⻠ߔࠆᔅⷐ߇ࠅ߹ߔޕ ࠟࠗ࠳ࡦࠬ ࠝࠬ࠻ࠕߩ⺒♖ޔ ࠝࠬ࠻ࠕߩ⺒♖ޔ ࠝࠬ࠻ࠕߩ⺒♖ޔ ࠝࠬ࠻ࠕߩ⺒♖ޔ ࠝࠬ࠻ࠕߩ⺒♖ޔ ࠝࠬ࠻ࠕߩ⺒♖ޔ ࠝࠬ࠻ࠕߩ⺒♖ޔ ࠝࠬ࠻ࠕߩ⺒♖ޔ ࠝࠬ࠻ࠕߩ⺒♖ޔ ࠝࠬ࠻ࠕߩ⺒♖ޔ ࠝࠬ࠻ࠕߩ⺒♖ޔ ࠝࠬ࠻ࠕߩ⺒♖ޔ ⻠⟵ߩ߹ߣ ⻠⟵ߩ߹ߣ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߪࡊࡦ࠻ߒߡ㈩Ꮣޕ ෳ⠨ᢥ₂ߪᬺߢ㓐ᤨ⚫ޕ YYYNGCHCPFNGVVGTUEQO ̪ቇᦼᧃࡐ࠻㧔ឭߒߥ߆ߞߚ႐วਇน㧕 ޔ ᬺߢߩෳടᐲ㧔ࡊࡦ⊒㧒⊒⸒㧕 ޔᏨ⁁ᴫ ̪ㆃೞ㧟࿁㧔㧟㧜ಽએౝ㧕ߢ㧝࿁ߩᰳᏨߣߺߥߒ߹ߔޕ ᰳᏨ㧡࿁ߒߚᤨὐߢනขᓧ߇ਇน⢻ߣߥࠅ߹ߔޕ 98 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σ㧔⧷⺆ߩઍṶ㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ a㧔⧷⺆ߩઍṶ㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ఽ᎑ ৻↵ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ⧷☨ߩઍṶߩบᧄࠍ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߦߒߡߐ߹ߑ߹ߥ⧷ ⺆ߩਥߣߒߡળࠍቇ߮߹ߔࠇ߹↢ޕ⢒ߞߚⅣႺ߇⇣ ߥࠇ߫ޕߔ߹ߓ↢߇⇣⋧߽ߦ⪲⸒߁߇ੱޔ⢛᥊ߣߥߞߡ ࠆᢥൻࠍ⠨ኤߒޔᄙ⒳ᄙ᭽ߥળࠍ⺒߽߁ߣᕁ߹ ߔߦࠄߐޕታ㓙ߩ⥰บࠍⷰߡޔṶߪ㕙⊕ߣ߁ߎߣࠍ ታᗵߒߡߊߛߐߩߤޕบᧄ߽ᦨೋߩ ࡍࠫ⋡߹ߢ ߒ߆ᢎቶߢߪ⺒ߺ߹ߖࠎ⥄ߪ߈⛯ޕಽߢ⺒ࠎߢߊߛߐޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߪᏨ⠪ߩߺߦࡊࡦ࠻ߢ㈩Ꮣߒ߹ߔޕᢎቶߢߪ ߅ߩ⠡⸶ࠍ⏕ߒߥ߇ࠄࠗࡊ࡞ࡠޔᒻᑼߢ࠹ࠠ ࠬ࠻ࠍ♖⺒ߒߡ߈߹ߔߣࠎߜ߈ޕㄉᦠࠍᒁߡ⥰ޔบߢ ߐࠇࠆߒ⸒⪲ߩᣣᧄ⺆⠡⸶ࠍࡁ࠻ߦ↪ᗧߒߡ Ꮸߔࠆߎߣࠍ᳞߹ߔޕ೨ߩḰ߇ਇචಽߥੱߪߘޔ ߩ႐ߢㅌ႐ߒߡ߽ࠄޔᰳᏨᛒߣߒ߹ߔޕㆃೞߪߔߴߡ ᰳᏨᛒߣߒ߹ߔޕᰳᛒߪࠅ߹ߖࠎޕᬺ࿁ᢙߩ ಽߩ એࠍᰳᏨߒߚ႐วޔේೣߣߒߡޔℂ↱ߩᅤࠍ ࠊߕޔනࠍ߹ߖࠎޕ Ფ࿁ᬺ㐿ᆎᤨߦ XQECDWNCT[ ࠹ࠬ࠻ࠍⴕ߹ߔޕ ᢎቶߢ⺒࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߪޔታ㓙ߩṶ⥰บ߇ⷰࠄࠇࠆᚨᦛ ຠࠍߥࠆߴߊㆬ߱ࠃ߁ߦߒߡߩߘޔṶࠬࠤࠫࡘ࡞ߦ วࠊߖߡᬺࠍㅴߡߊ੍ቯߢߔ߇ޔṶ੍ቯߩߥࡒ ࡘࠫࠞ࡞บᧄߥߤ߽ᯏળ߇ࠇ߫⺒ࠎߢߺࠃ߁ߣᕁ ߹ߔޕ 4GCFKPI5VTCVGIKGUΣΤޔΥΦߩࠢࠬࠃࠅ߽⧷⺆ ߿ౝኈ߇ᄙዋ㔍ߒຠ߇࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߣߥߞߡ߹ߔ ޕ ᜰቯߔࠆṶߩⷰࡐ࠻㧔 ሼએ ሼએਅ㧕 ✬ߦ㑐ߔࠆߎߣߥߤߪ⚦ޔᢎቶߦߡ⺑ߒ߹ߔޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ਥߣߒߡ⧷☨ߩઍṶߩบᧄࠍᛮ☴ߒߡࡊࡦ࠻ߢ㈩Ꮣߒ߹ ߔޕෳ⠨ᢥ₂ߪᬺਛߦ⸒ߔࠆ੍ቯߢߔ Ფ࿁ᬺ㐿ᆎᤨߦⴕ߁ XQECDWNCT[ ࠹ࠬ࠻ 㧑ⷰޕࡐ࠻ 㧔 ሼ⒟ᐲ㧕 ✬ߢ 㧑ޕቇᦼᧃቯᦼ⹜㛎ߪߒ߹ߖࠎޕ ࡐ࠻ߪ ✬ᔅୃߢߔᧂޕឭ⠪ߦߪනࠍ߹ߖࠎޕ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 㧖㧖㧖ᵈᗧ㗄㧖㧖㧖 ೋ࿁㧔 ᣣ㧕ߩ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߪਛᄩ 㓏 ⎇ⓥቶ೨ ߦ⟎ߡࠅ߹ߔޕXQECDWNCT[ ࠹ࠬ࠻ߣ♖⺒ߩḰࠍߒߡ Ꮸߔࠆߎߣޕ ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Τ㧔⧷⺆ߩઍṶ㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ b㧔⧷⺆ߩઍṶ㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ఽ᎑ ৻↵ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ⧷☨ߩઍṶߩบᧄࠍ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߦߒߡߐ߹ߑ߹ߥ⧷ ⺆ߩਥߣߒߡળࠍቇ߮߹ߔࠇ߹↢ޕ⢒ߞߚⅣႺ߇⇣ ߥࠇ߫ޕߔ߹ߓ↢߇⇣⋧߽ߦ⪲⸒߁߇ੱޔ⢛᥊ߣߥߞߡ ࠆᢥൻࠍ⠨ኤߒޔᄙ⒳ᄙ᭽ߥળࠍ⺒߽߁ߣᕁ߹ ߔߦࠄߐޕታ㓙ߩ⥰บࠍⷰߡޔṶߪ㕙⊕ߣ߁ߎߣࠍ ታᗵߒߡߊߛߐߩߤޕบᧄ߽ᦨೋߩ ࡍࠫ⋡߹ߢ ߒ߆ᢎቶߢߪ⺒ߺ߹ߖࠎ⥄ߪ߈⛯ޕಽߢ⺒ࠎߢߊߛߐޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߪᏨ⠪ߩߺߦࡊࡦ࠻ߢ㈩Ꮣߒ߹ߔޕᢎቶߢߪ ߅ߩ⠡⸶ࠍ⏕ߒߥ߇ࠄࠗࡊ࡞ࡠޔᒻᑼߢ࠹ࠠ ࠬ࠻ࠍ♖⺒ߒߡ߈߹ߔߣࠎߜ߈ޕㄉᦠࠍᒁߡ⥰ޔบߢ ߐࠇࠆߒ⸒⪲ߩᣣᧄ⺆⠡⸶ࠍࡁ࠻ߦ↪ᗧߒߡ Ꮸߔࠆߎߣࠍ᳞߹ߔޕ೨ߩḰ߇ਇචಽߥੱߪߘޔ ߩ႐ߢㅌ႐ߒߡ߽ࠄޔᰳᏨᛒߣߒ߹ߔޕㆃೞߪߔߴߡ ᰳᏨᛒߣߒ߹ߔޕᰳᛒߪࠅ߹ߖࠎޕᬺ࿁ᢙߩ ಽߩ એࠍᰳᏨߒߚ႐วޔේೣߣߒߡޔℂ↱ߩᅤࠍ ࠊߕޔනࠍ߹ߖࠎޕ Ფ࿁ᬺ㐿ᆎᤨߦ XQECDWNCT[ ࠹ࠬ࠻ࠍⴕ߹ߔޕ ᢎቶߢ⺒࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߪޔታ㓙ߩṶ⥰บ߇ⷰࠄࠇࠆᚨᦛ ຠࠍߥࠆߴߊㆬ߱ࠃ߁ߦߒߡߩߘޔṶࠬࠤࠫࡘ࡞ߦ วࠊߖߡᬺࠍㅴߡߊ੍ቯߢߔ߇ޔṶ੍ቯߩߥࡒ ࡘࠫࠞ࡞บᧄߥߤ߽ᯏળ߇ࠇ߫⺒ࠎߢߺࠃ߁ߣᕁ ߹ߔޕ 4GCFKPI5VTCVGIKGUΣΤޔΥΦߩࠢࠬࠃࠅ߽⧷⺆ ߿ౝኈ߇ᄙዋ㔍ߒຠ߇࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߣߥߞߡ߹ߔ ޕ ᜰቯߔࠆṶߩⷰࡐ࠻㧔 ሼએ ሼએਅ㧕 ✬ߦ㑐ߔࠆߎߣߥߤߪ⚦ޔᢎቶߦߡ⺑ߒ߹ߔޕ 㧖㧖㧖ᵈᗧ㗄㧖㧖㧖 ೋ࿁㧔9 27 ᣣ㧕ߩ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߪਛᄩ 5 㓏 504 ⎇ⓥቶ ೨ߦ⟎ߡࠅ߹ߔޕvocabulary ࠹ࠬ࠻ߣ♖⺒ߩḰࠍߒ ߡᏨߔࠆߎߣޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ਥߣߒߡ⧷☨ߩઍṶߩบᧄࠍᛮ☴ߒߡࡊࡦ࠻ߢ㈩Ꮣߒ߹ ߔޕෳ⠨ᢥ₂ߪᬺਛߦ⸒ߔࠆ੍ቯߢߔ Ფ࿁ᬺ㐿ᆎᤨߦⴕ߁ XQECDWNCT[ ࠹ࠬ࠻ 㧑ⷰޕࡐ࠻ 㧔 ሼ⒟ᐲ㧕 ✬ߢ 㧑ޕቇᦼᧃቯᦼ⹜㛎ߪߒ߹ߖࠎޕ ࡐ࠻ߪ ✬ᔅୃߢߔᧂޕឭ⠪ߦߪනࠍ߹ߖࠎޕ 99 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σ(Critically thinking things through) ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ a(Critically thinking things through) ᜂᒰ⠪ ዊ ථਃ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ଔ୯߿ᗧߩᄙ᭽ᕈࠍ᳞ߡߊᤨઍߦ߅ߡߪ⺰ޔ ⊛ߥ㗴ߦߟߡ⠨߃ߡߊߎߣ߇ᄢߦߥࠅ߹ߔߩߎޕ ᬺߢߪߩ⺰⼏ޔಽᨆ⸃㉼⹏ଔࠍ߅ߎߥ߁ߎߣߢ⼏ޔ ⺰ߣߪ߆⺰ޔߦ߆߆ࠊࠆߣߪ߆ߣߞߚߎߣࠍ⠨߃ ߡ߈߹ߔޕ೨ᦼߪၮ␆⊛ߥᔨࠍቇࠎߛߢޔታ㓙ߦߘ ߩᔨࠍߞߡ⼏⺰ࠍಽᨆ⸃㉼⹏ଔߒߡߺ߹ߔޕ ᬺᒻᑼߪ⻠⟵⊒ޔࠢࡢࡊ࡞ࠣޔࠖ࠺࠲ࠬࠬࠤޔ ߇ਛᔃߦߥࠅ߹ߔߕ߹ޕ㊀ⷐߥᔨࠍቇ߮ߘࠇࠍ↪ߡ ⠨߃ߡߊߣ߁ᵹࠇࠍߣࠆߚޔቇᦼ߇ㅴߦߟࠇߡ ᬺෳടߩ㊀ⷐᕈ߇Ⴧߒߡ߈߹ߔޕ 1 Course Overview 2 What is argument?: opinion and argument 3 What is argument?: explanation and argument, burden of proof 4 Argument structure: the principle of charity 5 Argument structure: missing/hidden/unstated statement 6 Argument structure: tree-diagramming 7 Argument structure: tree-diagramming 8 Argument evaluation: acceptability 9 Argument evaluation: acceptability 10 Argument evaluation: relevance 11 Argument evaluation: relevance 12 Argument evaluation: strength 13 Argument evaluation: strength 14 Evaluating extended argument 15 Review ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ᬺᤨߦ㈩Ꮣߔࠆޕ ᬺෳടޔዊ࠹ࠬ࠻⺖ޔ㗴⹜ޔ㛎ߩ✚ว⹏ଔߦࠃࠆޕ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Τ(Critically thinking things through) ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ b(Critically thinking things through) ᜂᒰ⠪ ዊ ථਃ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ᤐቇᦼߩ⛯߈ߢߔ߿⊛⋡ޕᬺᒻᘒߪᤐቇᦼߣหߓߢߔޕ ߎߩቇᦼߢߪኻߩᛛᴺޔ࿃ᨐ㑐ଥޔ㘃ផߦ⺰⼏⊛ⷡⷞޔ 㑐ߒߡᬌ⸛ߒߚᓟ␠ޔળ⊛⺰ߦߟߡታ㓙⠨߃ߡߺ߹ ߔޕ ᬺᒻᑼߪ⻠⟵⊒ޔࠢࡢࡊ࡞ࠣޔࠖ࠺࠲ࠬࠬࠤޔ ߇ਛᔃߦߥࠅ߹ߔ߇ᧄޔቇᦼߪࠣ࡞ࡊࡢࠢߩᲧ㊀߇ ೨ᦼࠃࠅ߽㜞ߊߥࠅ߹ߔޕ 1 Retrospect and Prospect 2 Dialectical shift 3 Dialectical shift 4 Dialectical shift 5 Causal reasoning/argument 6 Causal reasoning/argument 7 Causal reasoning/argument 8 Analogical reasoning/argument 9 Analogical reasoning/argument 10 Analogical reasoning/argument 11 Visual argument 12 Visual argument 13 Visual argument 14 Visual argument 15 Review ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ᬺᤨߦ㈩Ꮣߔࠆޕ ᬺෳടޔዊ࠹ࠬ࠻⺖ޔ㗴⹜ޔ㛎ߩ✚ว⹏ଔߦࠃࠆޕ 100 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σ㧔⍮⸒⺆ቇ㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ a㧔⍮⸒⺆ቇ㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ዊᣧᎹ ᥙ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ߎߩᬺߩ⋡⊛ߪ㧘⧷⺆ߩ⺒⸃ജࠍ㜞ࠆߎߣߦࠆޕ ↪ߔࠆ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߪ㧘⍮⸒⺆ቇߩ┙႐߆ࠄᦠ߆ࠇߚ⺆ߩ ᄙ⟵ᕈ㧘⺆ߩᗧߣᢥߩᗧߩ㑆ߩ㑐ଥߦ㑐ߔࠆ⺰ᢥߢ ࠆޕ ᬺߢߪ㧘ਅ⸥ߩ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߩߪߓ߆ࠄ 3 ▵ߩਛ߶ߤ߹ ߢࠍ⺒ࠎߢࠁߊ㧔ࡊࡦ࠻ࠍ㈩Ꮣߔࠆ㧕ޕฃ⻠↢ߪ㧘ࠄ ߆ߓഀࠅᒰߡࠄࠇߚㇱಽߦߟߡ⊒ߔࠆߎߣߦߥࠆޕ ⧷⺆ࠍ⺒ജߪ㧘㎊㍰ߣ߆ୃ✵ߣ߁ߎߣ߫ߦࠃߞߡ․ ᓽߠߌࠄࠇࠆࠃ߁ߥ㧘ߣ߈ߣߒߡᔋ⠴ࠍᔅⷐߣߔࠆ㧘ቇ߮ ߩㆊ⒟ߥߒߦߪ㜞ࠄࠇߥࠃ߁ߦᕁ߁ޕߩޘන⺆ߩᗧ ࠍ⺞ߴ㧘ߘࠇࠍਗߴ߆߃ߐ߃ߔࠇ߫ߘࠇߢࠃߒ㧘ߣ߁ ࠃ߁ߥߎߣࠍߖߕ㧘⌀ߩᗧߢ⧷⺆߇⺒ࠆࠃ߁ߦߥࠆߎ ߣࠍ⋡ᜰߒߚޕනߥࠆᖱႎ㓸ࠍ⋡⊛ߣߔࠆࠃ߁ߥ⺒ߺ ߣߪ㆑߁ਤᔨߥ⺒ߺࠍㅢߓߡ㧘ᣣᧄ⺆ࠄߒߐ㧘⧷⺆ࠄߒߐ ߦߟߡ߽ቇ߱ߎߣ߇ߢ߈ࠆߪߕߢࠆޕ ቇᦼᧃߦⴕ߁ቯᦼ⹜㛎ߢߪ㧘㈩Ꮣࡊࡦ࠻߿ࡁ࠻㧘ㄉ ᦠߥߤߩᜬߜㄟߺࠍࠆ੍ቯߪߥ⹜ޕ㛎ߪ⺰ㅀᑼߩ੍ ቯߢࠆޕ ㅴᐲߩ⋡ߪᰴߩㅢࠅߢࠆޕ㗴⋡ߪ㧘⺰ᢥߩ▵ߩ࠲ࠗ ࠻࡞ߦኻᔕߔࠆޕ 㧝㧚ࠝࠛࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦ 㧞㧚Abstract 㧟㧚The protean nature of word ‘meaning’ 1 㧠㧚The protean nature of word ‘meaning’ 2 㧡㧚Towards a cognitive compositional semantics 1 㧢㧚Towards a cognitive compositional semantics 2 㧣㧚Towards a cognitive compositional semantics 3 㧤㧚Towards a cognitive compositional semantics 4 㧥㧚Towards a cognitive compositional semantics 5 㧝㧜㧚Lexical representation 1 㧝㧝㧚Lexical representation 2 㧝㧞㧚Lexical representation 3 㧝㧟㧚Lexical representation 4 㧝㧠㧚ᤐቇᦼߩ߹ߣ 㧝㧡㧚ᤐቇᦼߩ߹ߣ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Evans, Vyvyan (2006) “Lexical concepts, cognitive models and meaning-construction,” Cognitive Linguistics 17.4:491-534. ⹏ଔߪቯᦼ⹜㛎ᦼ㑆ਛߩ⹜㛎ߦࠃࠆ߅ߥޕ㧘නቯߦ ߚߞߡߪ㧘ᬺ࿁ᢙߩ 3 ಽߩ 2 એߩᏨ߇ᔅⷐߢࠆ 㧔ߚߛߒ㧘Ꮸߘߩ߽ߩ߇ടὐߩኻ⽎ߣߥࠆߎߣߪߥ㧕ޕ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Τ㧔⍮⸒⺆ቇ㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ b㧔⍮⸒⺆ቇ㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ዊᣧᎹ ᥙ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ߎߩᬺߩ⋡⊛ߪ㧘⧷⺆ߩ⺒⸃ജࠍ㜞ࠆߎߣߦࠆޕ ↪ߔࠆ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߪ㧘⍮⸒⺆ቇߩ┙႐߆ࠄᦠ߆ࠇߚ⺆ߩ ᄙ⟵ᕈ㧘⺆ߩᗧߣᢥߩᗧߩ㑆ߩ㑐ଥߦ㑐ߔࠆ⺰ᢥߢ ࠆޕ ᬺߢߪ㧘ਅ⸥ߩ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߩ 3 ▵ߩਛ߶ߤ߆ࠄ⚳ࠊࠅ߹ ߢࠍ⺒ࠎߢࠁߊ㧔ࡊࡦ࠻ࠍ㈩Ꮣߔࠆ㧕ޕฃ⻠↢ߪ㧘ࠄ ߆ߓഀࠅᒰߡࠄࠇߚㇱಽߦߟߡ⊒ߔࠆߎߣߦߥࠆޕ ⧷⺆ࠍ⺒ജߪ㧘㎊㍰ߣ߆ୃ✵ߣ߁ߎߣ߫ߦࠃߞߡ․ ᓽߠߌࠄࠇࠆࠃ߁ߥ㧘ߣ߈ߣߒߡᔋ⠴ࠍᔅⷐߣߔࠆ㧘ቇ߮ ߩㆊ⒟ߥߒߦߪ㜞ࠄࠇߥࠃ߁ߦᕁ߁ޕߩޘන⺆ߩᗧ ࠍ⺞ߴ㧘ߘࠇࠍਗߴ߆߃ߐ߃ߔࠇ߫ߘࠇߢࠃߒ㧘ߣ߁ ࠃ߁ߥߎߣࠍߖߕ㧘⌀ߩᗧߢ⧷⺆߇⺒ࠆࠃ߁ߦߥࠆߎ ߣࠍ⋡ᜰߒߚޕනߥࠆᖱႎ㓸ࠍ⋡⊛ߣߔࠆࠃ߁ߥ⺒ߺ ߣߪ㆑߁ਤᔨߥ⺒ߺࠍㅢߓߡ㧘ᣣᧄ⺆ࠄߒߐ㧘⧷⺆ࠄߒߐ ߦߟߡ߽ቇ߱ߎߣ߇ߢ߈ࠆߪߕߢࠆޕ ቇᦼᧃߦⴕ߁ቯᦼ⹜㛎ߢߪ㧘㈩Ꮣࡊࡦ࠻߿ࡁ࠻㧘ㄉ ᦠߥߤߩᜬߜㄟߺࠍࠆ੍ቯߪߥ⹜ޕ㛎ߪ⺰ㅀᑼߩ੍ ቯߢࠆޕ ㅴᐲߩ⋡ߪᰴߩㅢࠅߢࠆޕ㗴⋡ߪ㧘⺰ᢥߩ▵ߩ࠲ࠗ ࠻࡞ߦኻᔕߔࠆޕ 㧝㧚Lexical representation 5 㧞㧚Lexical representation 6 㧟㧚Lexical representation 7 㧠㧚Lexical concept integration 1 㧡㧚Lexical concept integration 2 㧢㧚Lexical concept integration 3 㧣㧚Lexical concept integration 4 㧤㧚Lexical concept integration 5 㧥㧚Lexical concept integration 6 㧝㧜㧚Lexical concept integration 7 㧝㧝㧚Conclusion 1 㧝㧞㧚Conclusion 2 㧝㧟㧚Conclusion 3 㧝㧠㧚⑺ቇᦼߩ߹ߣ 㧝㧡㧚⑺ቇᦼߩ߹ߣ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Evans, Vyvyan (2006) “Lexical concepts, cognitive models and meaning-construction,” Cognitive Linguistics 17.4:491-534. ⹏ଔߪቯᦼ⹜㛎ᦼ㑆ਛߩ⹜㛎ߦࠃࠆ߅ߥޕ㧘නቯߦ ߚߞߡߪ㧘ᬺ࿁ᢙߩ 3 ಽߩ 2 એߩᏨ߇ᔅⷐߢࠆ 㧔ߚߛߒ㧘Ꮸߘߩ߽ߩ߇ടὐߩኻ⽎ߣߥࠆߎߣߪߥ㧕ޕ 101 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σ㧔ࠛࠩࡌࠬࡆ࡚ࠪ࠶ࡊߩࠍ⺒㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ a㧔ࠛࠩࡌࠬࡆ࡚ࠪ࠶ࡊߩࠍ⺒㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ೨ᦼߢߪࠛࠩࡌࠬࡆ࡚ࠪ࠶ࡊ(Elizabeth Bishop, 1911-79)ߩࠍ⺒ޕ 1. ࠗࡦ࠻ࡠ࠳࡚ࠢࠪࡦ 2㨪15. ࡔ࠺ࠖࠕ⧷⺆㧔ታ〣㧕 ዊᨋ ᗲ ᓐᅚߩߪߣߡ߽❫⚦ߢߪߦᤨޔᄢᄌ㔍ߒޕᓥߞߡޔ ߩ♖⺒ߛߌߢߪߥߊޔຠߦኻߔࠆઍ⊛ߥᛕ⹏߽หᤨߦ ⺒ࠎߢߊޕጁୃߔࠆቇ↢ߦߪ߆ߥࠅߩ⺆ቇജ㧒ᔋ⠴ജ߇ ᔅⷐߣߐࠇࠆޕ ⊒ߪ৻ੱ৻ࠬ࠲ࡦࠩߩഀวߢベ⺒ߒߡߊޕ⸶ߩᚑ ߪ൩⺰ߛ߇ޔᢥൻ⊛⢛᥊ߦ㑐ߒߡ߽ߒߞ߆ࠅߣ⺞ߴߡ߈ߡ ߽ࠄ߁ޕ ߥ߅ࠍ⊒ޔήᢿߢᰳᏨߒߚࠅޔหߓ⃰ߩੱߦኻߒߡή⽿ છߥⴕേࠍขߞߚࠅߒߚ႐วߦߪ⹏ଔኻ⽎ᄖߣߥࠆߩߢ ⷐᵈᗧޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ 㧦The Complete Poems: 1927-1979 ࠍ⾼ߔࠆߎߣޕ ᛕ⹏㧦ᢎຬ߇㈩Ꮣࡊࡦ࠻ߦ㓐ᤨᒁ↪ߔࠆޕ ࡊࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦߣࡢࡊࡠߦࠃࠆ 4,000 ሼ⒟ᐲߩຠ ⺰ࠍ✚วߒߡࠆޕ4 ࿁એᰳᏨߒߚ႐ว߿ࡐ࠻ߦ ਇ߇ࠆ႐วߦ㑐ߒߡߪ⹏ଔኻ⽎ᄖߣߥࠆޕ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Τ㧔ࡠࡃ࠻ࡉࠗߩࠍ⺒㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ b㧔ࡠࡃ࠻ࡉࠗߩࠍ⺒㧕 ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᜂᒰ⠪ ዊᨋ ᗲ ᬺ⸘↹ ࠗࡦ࠻ࡠ࠳࡚ࠢࠪࡦ ᓟᦼߢߪࡠࡃ࠻ࡉࠗ(Robert Bly, 1926-)ߩࠍ⺒ ޕ1. 2㨪15. ࡔ࠺ࠖࠕ⧷⺆㧔ታ〣㧕 ࠛࠩࡌࠬࡆ࡚ࠪ࠶ࡊߣห᭽ޔᓐߩ߽ᄢᄌ㔍ߒޕᓥ ߞߡޔߊߥߪߢߌߛ⺒♖ߩޔຠߦኻߔࠆઍ⊛ߥᛕ⹏ ߽หᤨߦ⺒ࠎߢߊޕጁୃߔࠆቇ↢ߦߪ߆ߥࠅߩ⺆ቇജ㧒 ᔋ⠴ജ߇ᔅⷐߣߐࠇࠆޕ ⊒ߪ৻ੱ৻ࠬ࠲ࡦࠩߩഀวߢベ⺒ߒߡߊޕ⸶ߩᚑ ߪ൩⺰ߛ߇ޔᢥൻ⊛⢛᥊ߦ㑐ߒߡ߽ߒߞ߆ࠅߣ⺞ߴߡ߈ߡ ߽ࠄ߁ޕ ߥ߅ࠍ⊒ޔήᢿߢᰳᏨߒߚࠅޔหߓ⃰ߩੱߦኻߒߡή⽿ છߥⴕേࠍขߞߚࠅߒߚ႐วߦߪ⹏ଔኻ⽎ᄖߣߥࠆߩߢ ⷐᵈᗧޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ 㧦Eating the Honey of Words: New and Selected Poems ࠍ⾼ߔࠆߎߣޕ ᛕ⹏㧦ᢎຬ߇㈩Ꮣࡊࡦ࠻ߦ㓐ᤨᒁ↪ߔࠆޕ ࡊࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦߣࡢࡊࡠߦࠃࠆ 4,000 ሼ⒟ᐲߩຠ ⺰ࠍ✚วߒߡࠆޕ4 ࿁એᰳᏨߒߚ႐ว߿ࡐ࠻ߦ ਇ߇ࠆ႐วߦ㑐ߒߡߪ⹏ଔኻ⽎ᄖߣߥࠆޕ 102 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σ㧔⧷࿖࡙࠳ࡗੱผ㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ a 㧔⧷࿖࡙࠳ࡗੱผ㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ቇ↢ߩਛߦߪ⧷ޔᢥߩ⸶߇৻ᔕ᧪ߡ߽ޔᗧ߇ℂ⸃ ߢ߈ߡߥ߆ߞߚࠅޔౝኈࠍⷐ⚂ߒߢߣߎߣ߭ࠍ⺰⚿ޔ ߔࠆജ߇ਇ⿷ߒߡࠆ⠪߇ዋߥߊࠅ߹ߖࠎ⧷ޕᢥߩቇ ⴚᦠࠍ⺒ߺㅴ႐วࡈࠣࡄޔᲤߩౝኈⷐ⚂⢻ജ߇Ᏹߦ ᳞ࠄࠇ߹ߔᧄߚߩߘޕᬺߢߪޔቇ↢ߩߘ߁ߒߚᒙ ὐࠍᒝߔࠆߚߦޔฦࡄࠣࡈᲤߦౝኈߩⷐᣦࠍ߭ߣ ߎߣߢⷐ⚂ߔࠆ⢻ജࠍ㙃߁ࠍᬺߩ⋡ᮡߣߚߒ߹ߔޕ ᦨೋߩᬺߢ⺑ߒ߹ߔޕ ⮮ ໑ⴕ ↪ߔࠆ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߪ⧷࿖࡙࠳ࡗੱผߩ⺑ᦠߢߔޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ 㜞ଔߥߚࠍࡇࠦޔ㈩Ꮣߒ߹ߔޕ Ფ࿁Ꮸࠍߣࠅ߹ߔޕᬺᣣᢙߩ㧝㧛㧟એᰳᏨߐࠇߚᣇ ߪනࠍߍ߹ߖࠎޕㆃೞ 3 ࿁ߢᰳᏨ 1 ࿁ߦࠞ࠙ࡦ࠻ޕ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Τ㧔☨࿖࡙࠳ࡗੱผ㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ b 㧔☨࿖࡙࠳ࡗੱผ㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ☨࿖࡙࠳ࡗੱผߩ⺑ᦠࠍ↪ߒ߹ߔޕ ᦨೋߩᬺߢ⺑ߒ߹ߔޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ᤐቇᦼߣหߓ ᤐቇᦼߣหߓ 103 ⮮ ໑ⴕ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σ㧔‛⺆ࠍ⺒ࠎߢᭉߒ㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ a㧔‛⺆ࠍ⺒ࠎߢᭉߒ㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ⮮ ീ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ఝࠇߚઍ⧷☨ߩ‛⺆㧔⍴✬ዊ⺑ߣࠎߢ߽߆߹ࠊߥ㧕 ࠍ⺒ࠎߢޔຠߩ᭴ㅧ߿⺆ࠅߩᛛᏁ߿‛⺆ౝኈߥߤߦ⸅ࠇޔ ᢥቇߩ⺒ߺᣇߪߤߩࠃ߁ߥ߽ߩ߆߁ߣޔὐߦὶὐࠍᒰߡ ߡ⠨߃ߡߺࠆޕ ‛⺆ߩ㕙⊕ߐࠍᗵߓขࠅߥ߇ࠄߩߚ⺒ޔᛛⴚࠍりߦߟ ߌࠆߎߣࠍ⋡ᜰߔࠍ⺆‛ߥࠈࠈߦߚߩߘޕขࠅߍ ߚߩߛ߇ᤨޔ㑆ߩㇺวߢᢙ✬ߣ߁ߎߣߦߥࠆ߆߽⍮ࠇ ߥޕᐕᐲߪ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ࠍ⾼ߒߡߘࠇࠍਛᔃߦ⺒ࠎߢ ߊ․ߩ⺆‛⺒ޕᓽ߇ℂ⸃ߢ߈ࠆࠃ߁ߦ⺒ߺㅴࠆⓍ߽ࠅ ߢࠆ߇ޔฃ⻠↢ߦ㗅⇟ߦ⺒ࠎߢ߽ࠄ߁ߩߢᲤ࿁Ꮸߔࠆ ߎߣᄢಾߢࠆޕ ⸒⪲ߩ߽ߟ㕙⊛ߥᗧ߿㓝ߐࠇߡࠆᗧࠍជࠅߎ ߒߚࠅߒߡޔ⠪߇‛⺆ߩ⺆ࠅߦߤࠎߥᛛᏁࠍ㚟ߒߡ ࠆ߆ࠍᭂߡߊߩ⺆‛ޕ㕙⊕ߐ߇ߤߎ߆ࠄߊࠆߩ߆ࠍ ℂ⸃ߒߡ߽ࠄ߃ࠆߎߣࠍᦼᓙߒߡࠆޕᬺߢߪ⺒ߺㅴ ࠆ‛⺆ߩ⸃⺑ߣߣ߽ߦ ޔฝߦឝߍߚᬺ⸘↹ߩࡔࠗࡦ ࠻ࡇ࠶ࠢࠬࠍขࠅߍߡ⸃⺑ࠍߒߥ߇ࠄ⺒ࠎߢߊߩߢޔ ⇟ภߪᔅߕߒ߽ᬺᤨ㑆ߩ࿁ᢙߢߪߥޕ J. Thurber ߩ The Unicorn in the Garden ߣ‛⺆ߩ㕙⊕ߐ߳ߩ ⺃ኚߣታ 㧝㧚E. Hemingway ߩ The Killers ߆ࠄ⺒ߺᆎ߹ߔޕ 㧞㧚೨ߩᬺߩ⛯߈⺒ߺߣᢥቇߩ⸃㉼ 㧟㧚೨ߩᬺߩ⛯߈࠼ࡑߣߒߡߩ⺆ࠅߩᚻᴺ 㧠㧚 The Catbird Seat ߦ߅ߌࠆઍߩኚߣᓳ⼦ 㧡㧚೨ߩᬺߩ⛯߈⺆ࠅᚻߩⷞὐߣ⠪ 㧢㧚೨ߩᬺߩ⛯߈⺆ࠅߩ㕙⊕ߐߣߪ 㧣㧚Emma Brookes ߩ Visiting Time ߩઍᕈߣߪ 㧤㧚೨ߩᬺߩ⛯߈⺆ࠅᚻߩᔃߩᷓೞߐߣᄌൻ 㧥㧚R.Gunesekera ߩ Carapace ߦ߅ߌࠆ↵ᅚߩ㆑ 㧝㧜㧚೨ߦᬺߩ⛯߈‛⺆ߩⓥᭂߩᗧߣߪ 㧝㧝㧚O. Wilde ߩ Happy Prince ߩᄢੱߩ┬ߣߪ 㧝㧞㧚೨ߩᬺߩ⛯߈⠪ߩᧄᔃࠍតࠆ 㧝㧟㧚೨ߩᬺߩ⛯߈⠪ߣߘߩᤨઍߩ↢߈ᣇ 㧝㧠㧚L. Newlin ߩ Our Last Day in Venice ߦ߅ߌࠆⷫߣ ሶߩ㑐ଥ 㧝㧡㧚೨ߩᬺߩ⛯߈㑐ଥ⊛ࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦߣߪ ᵈᗧ㧦ߎߩᬺߦෳടߒߚቇ↢ߪ੍⠌ߩಽᜂ߇ߢ߈ߥߣᰴߩ ੍⠌੍ቯ⠪ߦㅅᖺ߇߆߆ࠅ߹ߔߩߎޕಽᜂ⚂᧤߇ᨐߚߖߥቇ↢ ߪฃ⻠ߒߥߢߊߛߐ৻ߒ߽ޕ࿁ߢ߽ᨐߚߖߥ߆ߞߚ႐วߪਇ นߣߒ߹ߔߌߛࠇߘޕ㊀ⷐߥߩߢߔޕ ߹ߚ⥄ޔಽߢ⊒ߒߥߣᬺߦ࿎㔍߇↢ߓ߹ߔޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߪߔߴߡࡊࡦ࠻ᢎ᧚ࠍ߹ߔޕ Ꮸὐߣᦼᧃ࠹ࠬ࠻ߦࠃࠅ߹ߔޕᐔᏱὐߪ㗅⇟ߢᒰߚࠅ ߹ߔߩߢߚߞ߆ߥࠄ߿ᤨߩߘޔ႐วߦߪࡑࠗ࠽ࠬὐߣߒߡ ὐᢙൻߒ߹ߔޕ3 ಽߩ㧞એߩᏨ߇ߥߣනߪߥޕ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Τ㧔‛⺆ࠍ⺒ࠎߢᭉߒ㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ b㧔‛⺆ࠍ⺒ࠎߢᭉߒ㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ⮮ ീ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ఝࠇߚઍ⧷☨ߩ‛⺆㧔⍴✬ዊ⺑ߣࠎߢ߽߆߹ࠊߥ㧕 ࠍ⺒ࠎߢޔຠߩ᭴ㅧ߿⺆ࠅߩᛛᏁ߿‛⺆ౝኈߥߤߦ⸅ࠇޔ ᢥቇߩ⺒ߺᣇߪߤߩࠃ߁ߥ߽ߩ߆߁ߣޔὐߦὶὐࠍᒰߡ ߡ⠨߃ߡߺࠆޕ ‛⺆ߩ㕙⊕ߐࠍᗵߓขࠅߥ߇ࠄߩߚ⺒ޔᛛⴚࠍりߦߟ ߌࠆߎߣࠍ⋡ᜰߔࠍ⺆‛ߥࠈࠈߦߚߩߘޕขࠅߍ ߚߩߛ߇ᤨޔ㑆ߩㇺวߢᢙ✬ߣ߁ߎߣߦߥࠆ߆߽⍮ࠇ ߥޕᐕᐲߪ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ࠍ⾼ߒߡߘࠇࠍਛᔃߦ⺒ࠎߢ ߊ․ߩ⺆‛⺒ޕᓽ߇ℂ⸃ߢ߈ࠆࠃ߁ߦ⺒ߺㅴࠆⓍ߽ࠅ ߢࠆ߇ޔฃ⻠↢ߦ㗅⇟ߦ⺒ࠎߢ߽ࠄ߁ߩߢᲤ࿁Ꮸߔࠆ ߎߣᄢಾߢࠆޕ ⸒⪲ߩ߽ߟ㕙⊛ߥᗧ߿㓝ߐࠇߡࠆᗧࠍជࠅߎ ߒߚࠅߒߡޔ⠪߇‛⺆ߩ⺆ࠅߦߤࠎߥᛛᏁࠍ㚟ߒߡ ࠆ߆ࠍᭂߡߊߩ⺆‛ޕ㕙⊕ߐ߇ߤߎ߆ࠄߊࠆߩ߆ࠍ ℂ⸃ߒߡ߽ࠄ߃ࠆߎߣࠍᦼᓙߒߡࠆޕᬺߢߪ⺒ߺㅴ ࠆ‛⺆ߩ⸃⺑ߣߣ߽ߦ ޔฝߦឝߍߚᬺ⸘↹ߩࡔࠗࡦ ࠻ࡇ࠶ࠢࠬࠍขࠅߍߡ⸃⺑ࠍߒߥ߇ࠄ⺒ࠎߢߊߩߢޔ ⇟ภߪᔅߕߒ߽ᬺᤨ㑆ߩ࿁ᢙߢߪߥޕ ‛⺆ߩ⺆ࠅߩᛛᏁࠍቇ߱ߣߣ߽ߦ⺆‛ࠆߌ߅ߦ↢ੱߥ߹ߑ߹ߐޔ ߩᗧߣ㊀ⷐᕈࠍℂ⸃ߒ߹ߔ 㧝㧚F. Stockton ߩ The Lady or the Tiger ߩ⺆ࠅߩၮᧄ 㧞㧚೨ߩᬺߩ⛯߈ 㧟㧚೨ߩᬺߩ⛯߈ 㧠㧚S.V. Benet ߩ By the Waters of Babylon ߦ߅ߌࠆᢎ⸠ 㧡㧚೨ߩᬺߩ⛯߈ 㧢㧚೨ߩᬺߩ⛯߈ 㧣㧚R. Gunesekera ߩ “A House in the Country”ߩ⧯⠪ 㧤㧚೨ߩᬺߩ⛯߈ 㧥㧚೨ߩᬺߩ⛯߈ 㧝㧜㧚Bali Rai ߩ the White Towel ߩ㗴ὐߣߪ 㧝㧝㧚೨ߩᬺߩ⛯߈ 㧝㧞㧚೨ߩᬺߩ⛯߈ 㧝㧟㧚T.Williams ߩ Portrait of a Girl in Glass ߦ߅ߌࠆੱ㑆ߩ ఝߒߐߣᕈ 㧝㧠㧚೨ߩᬺߩ⛯߈ 㧝㧡㧚೨ߩᬺߩ⛯߈ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߪߔߴߡࡊࡦ࠻ᢎ᧚ࠍ߹ߔޕ Ꮸὐߣᦼᧃ࠹ࠬ࠻ߦࠃࠅ߹ߔޕᐔᏱὐߪ㗅⇟ߢᒰߚࠅ ߹ߔߩߢߚߞ߆ߥࠄ߿ᤨߩߘޔ႐วߦߪࡑࠗ࠽ࠬὐߣߒߡ ὐᢙൻߒ߹ߔޕ3 ಽߩ㧞એߩᏨ߇ߥߣනߪߥޕ ᵈᗧ㧦ߎߩᬺߦෳടߒߚቇ↢ߪ੍⠌ߩಽᜂ߇ߢ߈ߥߣᰴߩ ੍⠌੍ቯ⠪ߦㅅᖺ߇߆߆ࠅ߹ߔߩߎޕಽᜂ⚂᧤߇ᨐߚߖߥቇ↢ ߪฃ⻠ߒߥߢߊߛߐ৻ߒ߽ޕ࿁ߢ߽ᨐߚߖߥ߆ߞߚ႐วߪਇ นߣߒ߹ߔߌߛࠇߘޕ㊀ⷐߥߩߢߔޕ 104 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σ㧔ઍ࿖㓙㑐ଥ⺰㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ a㧔ઍ࿖㓙㑐ଥ⺰㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ㊁ ᐽሶ ᬺ⸘↹ ߎߩᬺߢߪޔ࿖㓙㑐ଥ⺰ߩਛߢ߽⚗ޔ᳃ਥൻޔᩭ ᢔޔ᳇ᄌേߥߤߩࠗࠪࡘࠍᛒ߁ޕᢎ᧚ߣߒߡߪޔ Foreign AffairsޔCurrent HistoryޔThe New York Timesޔ Foreign Policy ߥߤߦឝタߐࠇߚ⸥߿⺰ᢥࠍ↪ߔࠆޕ ౝኈߩỚ⺰ᢥࠍㅢߓߡޔ࿖㓙␠ળߩὐࠍℂ⸃ߒޔಽᨆ ߔࠆᆫࠍりߦߟߌࠆޕ ၮᧄ⊛ߦߪ⊒ߣߘߩᓟߩ࠺ࠖࠬࠞ࠶࡚ࠪࡦߦࠃߞߡ ㅴࠆޕฃ⻠⠪߇ᄙ႐วߦߪޔ2㨪3 ฬߢ 1 ߟߩࠣ࡞ࡊ ࠍᒻᚑߒޕ߁ࠄ߽ߡߒࠍ⊒ࡊ࡞ࠣޔ ᬺ߳ߩⓍᭂ⊛ߥෳടࠍ᳞ࠆߩߢ⺒ߊࠃࠍ࠻ࠬࠠ࠹ޔ ࠎߛߢᬺߦ⥃ࠎߢ߽ࠄߚޕᔅⷐߦᔕߓߡᤋ⾗ᢱ ࠍ↪ޔℂ⸃ߩะߦദࠆޕ ߥ߅ ╙ޔ1 ࿁⋡ߩᬺߢᬺౝኈߩ⚦ࠍ⺑ߒߚ߹ޔ ⊒⠪ࠍࠆߩߢᔅߕᏨߔࠆߎߣޕᤐቇᦼߣ⑺ቇᦼߩ ਔᣇߩጁୃ߇ᦸ߹ߒޕ ╙ 1 ࿁ ࠝࠛࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦ⊒ޔ⠪ ╙ 2㨪15 ࿁ ⊒ࡦ࡚ࠪ࠶ࠞࠬࠖ࠺ޔ 㧔) 㨯Richard N. Haass, The Age of Nonpolarity: What will Follow U.S. Dominance?, Foreign Affairs, May/June 2008. Evans S. Medeiros, Is Beijing Ready for Global Leadership? , Current History, September 2009. 㨯 Millennium Development Goals: At a Glance, UN Department of Public Information, April 2010. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ㆡቱ㈩Ꮣߔࠆޕ Ꮸ࿁ᢙޔᬺ߳ߩෳട⁁ᴫޔ⊒ޔቇᦼᧃࡐ࠻ߩ✚ ว⹏ଔߣߔࠆޕ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Τ㧔ઍ࿖㓙㑐ଥ⺰㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ b㧔ઍ࿖㓙㑐ଥ⺰㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ㊁ ᐽሶ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ߎߩᬺߢߪޔ࿖㓙㑐ଥ⺰ߩਛߢ߽⚗ޔ᳃ਥൻޔᩭᢔޔ ᳇ᄌേߥߤߩࠗࠪࡘࠍᛒ߁ޕᢎ᧚ߣߒߡߪޔForeign AffairsޔCurrent History ޔThe New York TimesޔForeign Policy ߥߤߦឝタߐࠇߚ⸥߿⺰ᢥࠍ↪ߔࠆޕౝኈߩỚ ⺰ᢥࠍㅢߓߡޔ࿖㓙␠ળߩὐࠍℂ⸃ߒޔಽᨆߔࠆᆫ ࠍりߦߟߌࠆޕ ၮᧄ⊛ߦߪ⊒ߣߘߩᓟߩ࠺ࠖࠬࠞ࠶࡚ࠪࡦߦࠃߞߡㅴ ࠆޕฃ⻠⠪߇ᄙ႐วߦߪޔ2㨪3 ฬߢ 1 ߟߩࠣ࡞ࡊࠍ ᒻᚑߒޕ߁ࠄ߽ߡߒࠍ⊒ࠆࠃߦࡊ࡞ࠣޔ ᬺ߳ߩⓍᭂ⊛ߥෳടࠍ᳞ࠆߩߢࠎ⺒ߊࠃࠍ࠻ࠬࠠ࠹ޔ ߛߢᬺߦ⥃ࠎߢ߽ࠄߚޕᔅⷐߦᔕߓߡᤋ⾗ᢱࠍ ↪ޔℂ⸃ߩะߦദࠆޕ ߥ߅ ╙ޔ1 ࿁⋡ߩᬺߢᬺౝኈߩ⚦ࠍ⺑ߒߚ߹ޔ ⊒⠪ࠍࠆߩߢᔅߕᏨߔࠆߎߣޕᤐቇᦼߣ⑺ቇᦼߩ ਔᣇߩጁୃ߇ᦸ߹ߒޕ ╙ 1 ࿁ ࠝࠛࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦ⊒ޔ⠪ ╙ 2㨪15 ࿁ ⊒ࡦ࡚ࠪ࠶ࠞࠬࠖ࠺ޔ 㧔㧕 㨯Paul Kennedy, Asia’s Rise: Rise and Fall, The World Today, August 2010. Bernice Lee, Climate Change After Copenhagen: Beyond Doom and Gloom, The World Today, August 2010. 㨯Gettleman, Jeffrey. ‘The Most Dangerous Place in the World,’ Foreign Policy, March/April 2009.. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ㆡቱ㈩Ꮣߔࠆޕ Ꮸ࿁ᢙޔᬺ߳ߩෳട⁁ᴫޔ⊒ޔቇᦼᧃࡐ࠻ߩ✚ ว⹏ଔߣߔࠆޕ 105 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σ㧔ࠕࡔࠞዊ⺑㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ a㧔ࠕࡔࠞዊ⺑㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ፉ↰ ৻ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ⻠⟵⋡⊛ ߹ߕ╙৻ߦޠߢ⺆⧷ޟዊ⺑ࠍ⺒ߎߣߦࠃࠅ⧷⺆ജߩะ ࠍ࿑ࠆߎߣ╙ޔੑߦ⸛⺰ߦࠃࠆຠℂ⸃ࠍᷓࠆߎߣࠍ ⋡⊛ߣߒ߹ߔޕ ╙ 1 ㅳ ᬺߩㅴᣇߥߤߦߟߡߩ⺑ߣ⾰ޟߦޠ ߽ߣߠߊ⸛⺰ߦࠃࠆ㛎ᬺޕ ╙ 2 ㅳ ೨ㅳߦ㈩Ꮣߒߚ⾰ߦࠃࠆ⸛⺰ޕ ╙ 3 ㅳએ㒠ޔห᭽ߥᣇᴺߢᲤㅳᐔဋ߶߷ 5 ߆ࠄ 10 ࡍࠫ ⒟ᐲ⺒ࠎߢߊ੍ቯޕ ⻠⟵ⷐ ࡙࠳ࡗ♽ኅ㧔Bernard Malamud ╬㧕ߩ⍴✬ዊ⺑ࠍᢙ ✬⺒ߺ߹ߔޕฦߩޘຠߩᛛᏁ߿ਥ㗴ࠍ⾰ߦၮߠߊ⸛ ⺰ࠍㅢߓߡ⠨߃ߡ߈߹ߔޕ ᬺߪ೨ߩㅳ߹ߢߦ㈩Ꮣߔࠆౝኈߦ㑐ߔࠆ⾰ࠍ߽ ߣߦㅴ߹ߔޕᬺߩ೨߹ߢߦߘߩㅳߩ▸࿐ࠍ⺒ߺ⾰ޔ ߦ╵߃ࠄࠇࠆࠃ߁੍⠌ߔࠆߎߣ߇⟵ോߠߌࠄࠇ߹ߔޕ ᬺߢߪ⾰ࠍ߽ߣߦ⾰⇼ᔕ╵⸛⺰ࠍㅴߡ߈߹ߔ ߇ޔⓍᭂ⊛ߦ⸛⺰ߦෳടߔࠆߎߣ߇ᦸ߹ࠇ߹ߔ⾰ߚ߹ޕ ߩ╵߃ࠍዊࡐ࠻ߣߒߡឭߒߡ߽ࠄ߁႐ว߇ࠅ ߹ߔޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࡊࡦ࠻ࠍ㈩Ꮣߒ߹ߔޕ ਇቯᦼߦ⺖ߔ⺖㗴ޔቇᦼᧃߩቯᦼ⹜㛎߮ࠃ߅ޔᐔᏱὐ㧔 ᬺ⸛⺰߳ߩ⽸₂ᐲߢޔᏨὐߢߪߥ㧕 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Τ㧔ࠕࡔࠞዊ⺑㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ b㧔ࠕࡔࠞዊ⺑㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ፉ↰ ৻ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ⻠⟵⋡⊛ ߹ߕ╙৻ߦޠߢ⺆⧷ޟዊ⺑ࠍ⺒ߎߣߦࠃࠅ⧷⺆ജߩะ ࠍ࿑ࠆߎߣ╙ޔੑߦ⸛⺰ߦࠃࠆຠℂ⸃ࠍᷓࠆߎߣࠍ ⋡⊛ߣߒ߹ߔޕ ╙ 1 ㅳ ᤐቇᦼቯᦼ⹜㛎㗴ߩළߣ⻠⹏ޕᤐቇᦼߣหߓ ߊ⾰ޔߦࠃࠆ⸛⺰ޕ ╙ 2 ㅳ ⾰ߦࠃࠆ⸛⺰ޕ ╙ 3 ㅳએ㒠ޔห᭽ߥᣇᴺߢᲤㅳᐔဋ߶߷ 5 ߆ࠄ 10 ࡍࠫ ⒟ᐲ⺒ࠎߢߊ੍ቯޕ ⻠⟵ⷐ ࡙࠳ࡗ♽ኅ㧔Bernard Malamud ╬㧕ߩ⍴✬ዊ⺑ࠍᢙ ✬⺒ߺ߹ߔޕฦߩޘຠߩᛛᏁ߿ਥ㗴ࠍ⾰ߦၮߠߊ⸛ ⺰ࠍㅢߓߡ⠨߃ߡ߈߹ߔޕ ᬺߪ೨ߩㅳ߹ߢߦ㈩Ꮣߔࠆౝኈߦ㑐ߔࠆ⾰ࠍ߽ ߣߦㅴ߹ߔޕᬺߩ೨߹ߢߦߘߩㅳߩ▸࿐ࠍ⺒ߺ⾰ޔ ߦ╵߃ࠄࠇࠆࠃ߁੍⠌ߔࠆߎߣ߇⟵ോߠߌࠄࠇ߹ߔޕ ᬺߢߪ⾰ࠍ߽ߣߦ⾰⇼ᔕ╵⸛⺰ࠍㅴߡ߈߹ߔ ߇ޔⓍᭂ⊛ߦ⸛⺰ߦෳടߔࠆߎߣ߇ᦸ߹ࠇ߹ߔ⾰ߚ߹ޕ ߩ╵߃ࠍዊࡐ࠻ߣߒߡឭߒߡ߽ࠄ߁႐ว߇ࠅ ߹ߔޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࡊࡦ࠻ࠍ㈩Ꮣߒ߹ߔޕ ਇቯᦼߦ⺖ߔ⺖㗴ޔቇᦼᧃߩቯᦼ⹜㛎߮ࠃ߅ޔᐔᏱὐ㧔 ᬺ⸛⺰߳ߩ⽸₂ᐲߢޔᏨὐߢߪߥ㧕 106 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σ (Applied Linguistics) ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ a (Applied Linguistics) ᜂᒰ⠪ ᷡ᳓ ↱ℂሶ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ᔕ↪⸒⺆ቇߦ߹ࠇࠆ⎇ⓥಽ㊁ߪᐢ߇ߪߢߎߎޔᄖ࿖ ⺆ߣߒߡߩ⧷⺆ᢎ⢒ߦଥࠊࠆ࠹ࡑࠍขࠅߍޔ㑐ㅪߒߚ ⺰ᢥࠍ⺒ޕ ⸒⺆⎇ⓥߩⷞὐߩ⺆⸒ޔᄌൻ߿ᶖṌ⺆⸒ޔᢎ⢒⺆⸒ޔ⠌ ᓧߥߤߩ⎇ⓥߩ⁁ࠍ⍮ࠅߢߎߘޔឭ໒ߐࠇߡࠆℂ⺰ߩ ⢛᥊߿ߘߩᣇᴺࠍᬌ⸽ߒߡߺࠆޕ ߹ߚޔᲤ࿁ᬺᤨ㑆ߩ৻ㇱߢ URGGFTGCFKPI ߩ⸠✵ࠍⴕ ߁ޕ5MKOOKPIUECPPKPI ߽ߦ⊛⋡⺒ޔวߞߚ⺒ߺᣇ ߦᘠࠇࠆߎߣࠍ⋡ᜰߔޕ ㅦ⺒↪ߩ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߪޔฃ⻠⠪߇߹ߞߡ߆ࠄ࠹ࠬ࠻ࠍⴕ ߦ࡞ࡌߩߘޔวࠊߖߚᢎ᧚ࠍ↪ࠆߩߘߪ࠻ࠬࠠ࠹ޕ ᓟߦᜰ␜ߔࠆ⺖ޕᄖߦౠ߆ߩᧄࠍ⺒ࠎߢࠄ߽ߡߒ⊒ޔ ߁ޕ 1. Introduction 2. What is applied linguistics? 3. ޖ 4. Prescribing and describing 5. ޖ 6. Languages in the contemporary world 7. ޖ 8. Book Report (1) 9. English language teaching 10. ޖ 11. Language and communication 12. ޖ 13. Second Language Acquisition 14. ޖ 15. Book Report (2) ⧷⺆ᢎ⢒ߦ㑐ᔃ߇ࠅ߇ᦠ⺒ߩߢ⺆⧷ޔᅢ߈ߥੱะ߈ޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻㧦Guy Cook, Applied Linguistics, OUP ߅ࠃ߮ࡊࡦ࠻ࠍ↪ޕㅦ⺒↪࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߪฃ⻠⠪ቯᓟ ߦᬺᤨߦᜰ␜ߔࠆޕ ෳ⠨ᢥ₂㧦 ⊕⇌⍮ᒾઁ (2009)ޡᡷ⸓ ⧷⺆ᢎ⢒↪⺆ㄉౖޢ ᄢୃ㙚ᦠᐫ ߘߩઁ࠻ࡇ࠶ࠢᲤߦ㓐ᤨ⚫ߔࠆޕ ⎇ⓥ⊒㧔Presentation㧕20% Book Report 20% ᦼᧃ࠹ࠬ࠻ 60% 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Τ (Applied Linguistics) ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ b (Applied Linguistics) ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ᤐቇᦼߦ⛯ߡ⺆⧷ޔᢎ⢒ߦ㑐ߔࠆ⺰ᢥࠍ⺒ߺޔߤ ߩࠃ߁ߥߎߣ߇⎇ⓥߐࠇߡࠆ߆ޔℂ⺰ߣታ〣㕙߆ࠄ⠨߃ ࠆߩߘޕਛ߆ࠄฦ⥄߇࠹ࡑࠍߡ⺞ߴߣߎࠆߔ⊒ޔ ࠍࠆޕ 1. Introduction 2. Listening 3. ޖ 4. Speaking 5. ޖ 6. Reading 7. ޖ 8. Presentation (1) 9. Writing 10. ޖ 11. Grammar 12. ޖ 13. Vocabulary 14. ޖ 15. Presentation (2) ㅦ⺒ߩ⸠✵߽ᒁ߈⛯߈ⴕߞߡߊޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻㧦Guy Cook, Applied Linguistics, OUP ߅ࠃ߮ࡊࡦ࠻ࠍ↪ޕ ෳ⠨ᢥ₂㧦 ⊕⇌⍮ᒾઁ (2009)ޡᡷ⸓ ⧷⺆ᢎ⢒↪⺆ㄉౖޢ ᄢୃ㙚ᦠᐫ ߘߩઁ࠻ࡇ࠶ࠢᲤߦ㓐ᤨ⚫ߔࠆޕ ⎇ⓥ⊒㧔Presentation㧕20% Book Report 20% ᦼᧃ࠹ࠬ࠻ߣࡐ࠻ 60% 107 ᷡ᳓ ↱ℂሶ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σ㧔ࠗࠡࠬఽ┬ᢥቇ㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ a㧔ࠗࠡࠬఽ┬ᢥቇ㧕 ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᜂᒰ⠪ ⊕㠽 ᱜቁ ᬺ⸘↹ ޟ⠌߁ࠃࠅᘠࠇࠃޠޕ 㧔Use makes perfect.㧕ߩⷰὐࠃࠅޔ 㕙⊕ߊߡᤃߒ⧷⺆ࠍᄙ⺒ߔࠆߎߣࠍޕࠆߔߣ⊛⋡ޔ㧔ᤓ ᐕߩታ❣ߪ⺖ޔᄖߩࡐ࠻߽ߡ 563 㗁ߢߞߚޕ㧕 Lang (Andrew,1844-1922)ߩ⦡ޡಽߌᤄ㓸ޢ㧔ో㧝㧞 Ꮞ㧕ߩౝޡޔ㕍⦡-ᤄ㓸ࡓࠣߪࠣࡦޕ⺒ࠍޢห᭽✬ ⠪ߦㆊ߉ߥ߇ޔਛߦߪ⠡⸶ౣߢዋߒᄌ߃ߡࠆߣߎ ࠈ߽ࠆޕ࿁߽ߥߓߺߩߪዋߥ߇ޔၮᧄߪหߓޔᄞ ߣࡅࡘࡑߣࡍࠗ࠰ࠬߢࠆޕ㧔㧝࿁㧞㧜㗁⋧ᒰࠍ㧞ੱ ߩห⽿છߢ⺒ࠎߢ߽ࠄ߁ޕ㧕 ෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ࠠࡖࠨࡦࡉࠣࠬ✬⪺ ޡᅯ♖ㄉౖ ޢᐔ㊁ᢘ৻ઁ⸶ ౷ጊᚱ 㧝㧥㧥㧞ᐕ 1~15 The bronze Ring Prince Hyacinth and the Dear Little Princess East of the Son and West of the Moon The Yellow Dwarf Little Red Riding Hood The Sleeping Beauty in the Wood Cinderella ; or, the Little Glass Slipper Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp The Tale of aYouth who Set out to Learn what Fear was Rumpelstiltzkin Beauty and the Beast The Master Maid Why the Sea is Salt The Master Cat; or, Puss in Boots Fericia and the Pot of Pinks ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Lang,Andrew, The Blue Fairy Book. 1st World Library , 2007 ᦼᧃ⹜㛎ࠍߔࠆߪߣࠇߘ ޕߦ⺖ᄖߦ㧞㧜㗁⒟ᐲߩ߽ߩ ࠍ⺒ࠎߢߚߛߊߪ⚦ޕᢎቶߢᜰ␜ߔࠆޕ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Τ㧔ࠗࠡࠬఽ┬ᢥቇ㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ b㧔ࠗࠡࠬఽ┬ᢥቇ㧕 ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᜂᒰ⠪ ᬺ⸘↹ 1~15 ห The White Cat The Water-lily. The Gold –spinners The Terrible Head The Story of Pretty Goldilocks The Story of Wittington The Wonderful Sheep Little Thumb The Forty Thieves Hansel and Grettel Snow-white and Rose-red The Goose-girl Toads and Diamonds Prince Darling Blue Beard Trusty John ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ห ห 108 ⊕㠽 ᱜቁ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σ㧔↢ᚑ⧷⺆⛔⺆⺰߳ߩ⺃㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ a㧔↢ᚑ⧷⺆⛔⺆⺰߳ߩ⺃㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⻠⟵ⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ⻠⟵⋡⊛䋺 1. Raising to Object Position. (1) ↢ᚑᢥᴺ䈮䈍䈔䉎⧷⺆䈱ᢥ᭴ㅧ䈮䉌䉏䉎⻉㗴䉕䋬Ann 2. Raising to Object Position. (2) Borkin䈏Michiganᄢቇ䈮ឭ䈚䈢ቇ⺰ᢥ䈪䈅䉎䋬Problems 3. Raising to Object Position. (3) in Form and Function (1984) 䈱⼏⺰䈫ਥᒛ䉕⺒䉂䈭䈏䉌䋬䈬 4. As-Constructions and Raising. (1) 䈱䉋䈉䈮⠨䈋䉎䈱䈏䉋䈇䈎䉕⠨ኤ䈜䉎䋮 ㋈ᧁ ⧷৻ 5. As-Constructions and Raising. (2) ⻠⟵ⷐ䋺 6. As-Constructions and Raising. (3) Ann Borkin䈲䋬ᢥ䈱ਥ⺆䈱⋡⊛⺆䈱⟎䈻䈱➅䉍䈕 7. As-Constructions and Raising. (4) ⽎䋬“recognize A as B”䈮䈍䈔䉎䉋䈉䈭as-᭴ㅧ䋬as䈱೨䈱ฬ⹖ 8. As-Constructions and Raising. (5) ฏ䈫to䈱೨䈱ฬ⹖ฏ䈱․ᓽ䋬➅䉍䈕⽎䈮䉌䉏䉎⻉ ⚂䋬“I believe John (to be) very tired.”䈮䉌䉏䉎䇸to be- 㒰䇹䋬“I believe (that) John is very tired.”䈮䉌䉏䉎䇸that- 㒰䇹䈫䈇䈉㗴䉕ᛒ䈦䈩䈇䉎䋮 9. The Object Status of Pre-As and Pre-To NPs. (1) 10. The Object Status of Pre-As and Pre-To NPs. (2) 11. The Object Status of Pre-As and Pre-To NPs. (3) 䈖䈱ᬺ䈪䈲䋬Ann Borkin䈱⪺ᦠ䉕ৼካ䈮⺒䉂䋬⧷⺆ജ䈱 12. Constraints on What Can Be Raised. (1) ะ䉕⋡ᜰ䈚䈭䈏䉌䋬↢ᚑ⛔⺆⺰䈱㊀ⷐ䈭䊁䊷䊙䉕⠨ኤ䈜 13. Constraints on What Can Be Raised. (2) 䉎䋮 14. Constraints on What Can Be Raised. (3) 15. Summary, Questions and Discussions ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ 䊁䉨䉴䊃䋺Ann Borkin (1984) Problems in Form and Function. Norwod, N.J.: Ablex Publishing Company.䋨↪ᚲ䉕㈩Ꮣ䋩 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Ꮸ⁁ᴫ䋬ᬺ䈱੍⠌䋬ᬺਛ䈱⊒䋬ᦼᧃ⹜㛎䈱ᚑ❣䉕✚ ว䈚䈩⹏ଔ䈜䉎䋮䈭䈍䋬න䈱ቯ䈮䈲ᬺ࿁ᢙ䈱2/3એ䈱 Ꮸ䈏ᔅⷐ䈫䈘䉏䉎䋮 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Τ㧔↢ᚑ⧷⺆⛔⺆⺰߳ߩ⺃㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ b㧔↢ᚑ⧷⺆⛔⺆⺰߳ߩ⺃㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ㋈ᧁ ⧷৻ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⻠⟵ⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ⻠⟵⋡⊛䋺䋨ᤐቇᦼ䈫ห䈛䋩 1. Constraints on Complements Broken Up by Raising. (1) ↢ᚑᢥᴺ䈮䈍䈔䉎⧷⺆䈱ᢥ᭴ㅧ䈮䉌䉏䉎⻉㗴䉕䋬Ann 2. Constraints on Complements Broken Up by Raising. (2) Borkin䈏Michiganᄢቇ䈮ឭ䈚䈢ቇ⺰ᢥ䈪䈅䉎䋬Problems 3. Constraints on Complements Broken Up by Raising. (3) in Form and Function (1984) 䈱⼏⺰䈫ਥᒛ䉕⺒䉂䈭䈏䉌䋬䈬 4. Constraints on Complements Broken Up by Raising. (4) 䈱䉋䈉䈮⠨䈋䉎䈱䈏䉋䈇䈎䉕⠨ኤ䈜䉎䋮 5. Constraints on Complements Broken Up by Raising. (5) 6. To Be Deletion and That Deletion. (1) ⻠⟵ⷐ䋺䋨ᤐቇᦼ䈫ห䈛䋩 Ann Borkin䈲䋬ᢥ䈱ਥ⺆䈱⋡⊛⺆䈱⟎䈻䈱➅䉍䈕 7. To Be Deletion and That Deletion. (2) ⽎䋬“recognize A as B”䈮䈍䈔䉎䉋䈉䈭as-᭴ㅧ䋬as䈱೨䈱ฬ⹖ 8. To Be Deletion and That Deletion. (3) ฏ䈫to䈱೨䈱ฬ⹖ฏ䈱․ᓽ䋬➅䉍䈕⽎䈮䉌䉏䉎⻉ 9. Lexically Conditioned Constraints on Raising. (1) ⚂䋬“I believe John (to be) very tired.”䈮䉌䉏䉎䇸to be- 10. Lexically Conditioned Constraints on Raising. (2) 㒰䇹䋬“I believe (that) John is very tired.”䈮䉌䉏䉎䇸that- 11. Concluding Remarks 㒰䇹䈫䈇䈉㗴䉕ᛒ䈦䈩䈇䉎䋮 12. Coreference and Beheaded NPs. (1) 䈖䈱ᬺ䈪䈲䋬Ann Borkin䈱⪺ᦠ䉕ৼካ䈮⺒䉂䋬⧷⺆ജ䈱 13. Coreference and Beheaded NPs. (2) ะ䉕⋡ᜰ䈚䈭䈏䉌䋬↢ᚑ⛔⺆⺰䈱㊀ⷐ䈭䊁䊷䊙䉕⠨ኤ䈜 14. Coreference and Beheaded NPs. (3) 䉎䋮 15. Summary, Questions and Discussions ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ 䊁䉨䉴䊃䋺Ann Borkin (1984) Problems in Form and Function. Norwod, N.J.: Ablex Publishing Company.䋨↪ᚲ䉕㈩Ꮣ䋩 Ꮸ⁁ᴫ䋬ᬺ䈱੍⠌䋬ᬺਛ䈱⊒䋬ᦼᧃ⹜㛎䈱ᚑ❣䉕✚ ว䈚䈩⹏ଔ䈜䉎䋮䈭䈍䋬න䈱ቯ䈮䈲ᬺ࿁ᢙ䈱2/3એ䈱 Ꮸ䈏ᔅⷐ䈫䈘䉏䉎䋮 109 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σ㧔Deconstructing “Japaneseness”㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ a㧔Deconstructing “Japaneseness”㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ 㗇᳗ ඳ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ࠣࡠࡃ࡚ࠪࡦ߿ࡐࠬ࠻ᬀ᳃ਥ⟵⊛⁁ᴫߣ 1. ⿰ᣦ⺑ࠣ࡞ࡊಽߌ 㧔ೋ࿁ߩᬺߢࠣ࡞ࡊಽߌࠍⴕߥ߁ߩߢޔጁୃᏗᦸ⠪ ߪᔅߕᏨߔࠆߎߣޕ㧕 ߁ⷞὐ߆ࠄޔઍᣣᧄߦߟߡᦠ߆ࠇߚ⧷⺆⺰ᢥߩ⺒⸃ ⼏⺰ࠍㅢߓߡޔઍᣣᧄߩᄙ᳃ᣖᄙᢥൻ⊛⁁ᴫߦߟߡ ߩᬌ⸛ࠍⴕߥ߁ޕฃ⻠⠪ߪⶄᢙߩࠣ࡞ࡊߦಽ߆ࠇޔᜰቯ 2. ฦ⺖㗴ߦߟߡߩ⸃⺑(1~2 ࿁) ߐࠇߚ࠻ࡇ࠶ࠢߩߥ߆߆ࠄ⎇ⓥ࠹ࡑࠍ⸳ቯߔࠆߙࠇߘޕ 3. ၮ␆ᢥ₂ߩ⻠⺒⼏⺰ ࠇߩࠣ࡞ࡊߪޔߩ⎇ⓥ࠹ࡑߦ㑐ㅪߔࠆᢥ₂ߩ⺒ ߩ⎇ⓥࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߦขࠅ߆߆ࠆ೨ߩḰᬺߣ ߒߡޔᄙᢥൻᄙ᳃ᣖߣ߁ⷞὐ߆ࠄᣣᧄ␠ળࠍ⺰ߓߚᢥ ⸃⼏⺰ࠍⴕޔᐕᐲᧃߦႎ๔ᦠࠍᚑߔࠆޕᛒ߁㗴᧚ߪޔ ₂ߩ⻠⺒⼏⺰ࠍⴕߥ߁ౕޕ⊛ߦߪ࠻ࠬࠠ࠹ޔᰣߦ⚫ ࠕࠗޔᣣࠦࠕࡦޔᣣࡓࠬࡓޔᣣࡉࠫ࡞ੱޕߊߢࠎ⺒ࠍ࠲ࡊࡖ࠴ߩ߆ߟߊޔࠄ߆߆ߥߩᧄߚߒ ޔ ߘࠇࠁ߃ޔጁୃᏗᦸ⠪ߪ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ࠍೋ࿁ᬺᤨ߹ߢߦ↪ᗧ ࠴ࡖࠗ࠽࠲࠙ࡦޔ࿖㓙⚿ᇕߥߤࠍ੍ቯߒߡࠆޕ ߒߡ߅ߊߎߣ߅ߥޕᛒ߁੍ቯߩ࠴ࡖࡊ࠲ߪએਅߩㅢࠅߢ ᧄ⻠⟵ߪࡊ࡞ࠣޔᬺࠍၮᧄߣߒߚṶ⠌ᒻᑼߢⴕߥࠊ ࠆޕ ࠇࠆߚࡊ࡞ࠣޔᬺߦⓍᭂ⊛ߦෳടߢ߈ࠆ⠪ߩߺጁୃ ࠍࠆ⺆⧷ޔߚ߹ޕᢥ₂ࠍᢎ᧚⾗ᢱߣߒߡᛒ߁߇⧷ޟޔ Geographical and Generational Variations ⺆ᢥ₂ߩ⻠⺒ߣࡦ࡚ࠪࡃࡠࠣޔߕࠄ߹ߤߣߦޠ Varieties in Work and Labor ߫ࠇࠆᣣ⊛⁁ᴫࠍޟᢥൻⷞ߁ߣޠὐ߆ࠄ⠨߃ࠆߚߩ ᣇᴺ⺰⊛ⷞᐳ(ᢥൻੱ㘃ቇ⊛␠ળቇ⊛ᕁ⠨)ࠍ㙃߁ߎߣࠍ ⋡⊛ߣߔࠆޕ Gender Stratification and the Family System Minority Groups: Ethnicity and Discrimination Popular Culture and Everyday Life ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Sugimoto, Yoshio 2010. An Introduction to Japanese Society (Third Edition). Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press. ᬺߦ߅ߌࠆ⊒⼏⺰(50%)(࠻ࡐᧃᦼޔ50%)ޕ ߚߛߒޔ4 ࿁એߩᰳᏨ㧔ㆃೞߪ 2 ࿁ߢᰳᏨ 1 ࿁ߦ឵▚㧕 ߢනቯߩ⾗ᩰࠍᄬ߁ޕ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Τ㧔Deconstructing “Japaneseness”㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ b㧔Deconstructing “Japaneseness”㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ 㗇᳗ ඳ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ࠣࡠࡃ࡚ࠪࡦ߿ࡐࠬ࠻ᬀ᳃ਥ⟵⊛⁁ᴫߣ߁ ᤐቇᦼߩ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σߩᚑᨐࠍ〯߹߃ߚߢޔฦࠣ࡞ ࡊߏߣߦ⎇ߩޘⓥࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߦขࠅ߆߆ࠆޕ ⷞὐ߆ࠄޔઍᣣᧄߦߟߡᦠ߆ࠇߚ⧷⺆⺰ᢥߩ⺒⸃⼏⺰ ࠍㅢߓߡޔઍᣣᧄߩᄙ᳃ᣖᄙᢥൻ⊛⁁ᴫߦߟߡߩᬌ⸛ ࠍⴕߥ߁ޕฃ⻠⠪ߪⶄᢙߩࠣ࡞ࡊߦಽ߆ࠇޔᜰቯߐࠇߚ࠻ ࡇ࠶ࠢߩߥ߆߆ࠄ⎇ⓥ࠹ࡑࠍ⸳ቯߔࠆ࡞ࠣߩࠇߙࠇߘޕ ࡊߪޔߩ⎇ⓥ࠹ࡑߦ㑐ㅪߔࠆᢥ₂ߩ⺒⸃⼏⺰ࠍⴕޔ ᐕᐲᧃߦႎ๔ᦠࠍᚑߔࠆޕᛒ߁㗴᧚ߪޔࠗࠕޔᣣࠦ ࠕࡦޔᣣࡓࠬࡓޔᣣࡉࠫ࡞ੱޔ࿖㓙⚿ᇕߥߤࠍ੍ቯ ߒߡࠆޕ ᧄ⻠⟵ߪࡊ࡞ࠣޔᬺࠍၮᧄߣߒߚṶ⠌ᒻᑼߢⴕߥࠊࠇ ࠆߚࡊ࡞ࠣޔᬺߦⓍᭂ⊛ߦෳടߢ߈ࠆ⠪ߩߺጁୃࠍ ฦࠣ࡞ࡊߏߣߦޔᜰቯߐࠇߚ⧷⺆⺰ᢥ╬ࠍ⺒ߺㄟߺߥ ߇ࠄޕ߁ߥⴕࠍ⺰⼏ޔ ਛ㑆⊒ ቇᦼඨ߫ߦฦࠣ࡞ࡊߏߣߦਛ㑆⊒ࠍߒߡ߽ࠄ߁ޕ ᦨ⚳⊒ ቇᦼᧃߦฦࠣ࡞ࡊߏߣߦᦨ⚳⊒ࠍߒߡ߽ࠄߩߘޔ ᚑᨐࠍ߽ߣߦᐕᐲᧃࡐ࠻ࠍᚑߔࠆޕ ࠆ⺆⧷ޔߚ߹ޕᢥ₂ࠍᢎ᧚⾗ᢱߣߒߡᛒ߁߇ޔ ⺆⧷ޟᢥ₂ ߩ⻠⺒ߣࡦ࡚ࠪࡃࡠࠣޔߕࠄ߹ߤߣߦޠ߫ࠇࠆ ᣣ⊛⁁ᴫࠍޟᢥൻⷞ߁ߣޠὐ߆ࠄ⠨߃ࠆߚߩᣇᴺ⺰⊛ⷞ ᐳ(ᢥൻੱ㘃ቇ⊛␠ળቇ⊛ᕁ⠨)ࠍ㙃߁ߎߣࠍ⋡⊛ߣߔࠆޕ ߥ߅ޔㅳᧃ╬ࠍ↪ߒߡߦ⟵⻠ᧄޔ㑐ㅪߒߚቇᄖታ⠌╬ࠍ ⴕߥ߁น⢻ᕈ߇ࠆߩߢᵈᗧߐࠇߚޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ೋ࿁ߩᬺߢ⺰ޔᢥࠬ࠻㧔ၮᧄ⊛ߦߪቇⴚ㔀ᚲ⺰ᢥ㧕ࠍ㈩ Ꮣߔࠆߩߢޔᜂᒰࠣ࡞ࡊߪฦ⥄࿑ᦠ㙚╬ߢࠦࡇߔࠆߎߣߥޕ ߅ᚻ࿎㔍ߥ߽ߩߦߟߡߪޔᜂᒰ⠪߇㈩Ꮣߔࠆޕ ᬺߦ߅ߌࠆ⊒⼏⺰(50%)(࠻ࡐᧃᦼޔ50%)ޕ ߚߛߒޔ4 ࿁એߩᰳᏨ㧔ㆃೞߪ 2 ࿁ߢᰳᏨ 1 ࿁ߦ឵▚㧕 ߢනቯߩ⾗ᩰࠍᄬ߁ޕ 110 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σ㧔ࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦߣ⇣ᢥൻℂ⸃㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ a㧔ࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦߣ⇣ᢥൻℂ⸃㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ἑᚭ ජ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ߎߩᬺߢߪ㧘⇣ᢥൻ㑆ࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ⺰ߩኾ㐷⊛ ߥᢥ₂㧔ᦠ☋⺰ᢥ㧕ࠍ⺒ߩߦᔅⷐߥ⢻ജߣ⍮⼂ࠍ㙃߁ ߎߣࠍ⋡⊛ߦߒߡ߹ߔ㧚ߔߥࠊߜ㧘ࠃࠅኾ㐷⊛ߥౝኈߦ ߟߡᦠ߆ࠇߚ⧷ᢥࠍ⺒⢻ജߣኾ㐷ᦠߦࠄࠇࠆᦠ߈ᣇ ߩ࡞࡞ߦߟߡ⍮ࠅ㧘⎇ⓥᣇᴺ߿㑐ㅪಽ㊁ߣߩ㑐ࠊࠅ߆ ࠄ⍮ߞߡ߅߆ߥߌࠇ߫ߥࠄߥ⍮⼂ߦߟߡ߽ቇ⠌ߒ߹ߔ㧚 ᤐቇᦼߪ․ߦ㧘৻⥸ࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦߦ㑐ߔࠆၮᧄ⊛ߥ ⍮⼂ࠍቇ⠌ߒߚߢ㧘ࠃࠅኾ㐷⊛ߥᢥ₂ߩౝኈࠍℂ⸃ߔࠆ ߎߣࠍ⋡⊛ߦߒ߹ߔ㧚 ᬺߪ㧘ࠣ࡞ࡊࡢࠢ߇ਛᔃߢߔ㧚ᜂᒰ▎ᚲߦߟߡ ߩࠣ࡞ࡊ⊒ߩᓟ㧘ౝኈߦ㑐ߔࠆ⾰⇼ᔕ╵߿࠺ࠖࠬࠞ࠶ ࡚ࠪࡦ㧘ᜂᒰ⠪ߦࠃࠆ⿷⺑ߣ⸃⺑ߣ߁ᒻߢㅴߡ ߈߹ߔ㧚ࠣ࡞ࡊ⊒ߢߪ㧘ᢥ₂ߩౝኈࠍ◲ẖ߆ߟౕ⊛ ߦ⺑ߔࠆߎߣ߇᳞ࠄࠇ߹ߔ㧚ࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ⺰ߢ ᛒ߁ߎߣߪᣣᏱ↢ᵴߣኒធߦ㑐ㅪߒ㧘ߘߩ⚻㛎ߩਛߦ߰ ࠇߡߡ㧘ቇ↢⻉ำ߽ᔅߕ㛎ߒߡࠆߎߣߢߔ㧚ߎߩߎ ߣࠍᔨ㗡ߦ⟎ߡ㧘ฃ⻠ߔࠆߔߴߡߩቇ↢ߦࠃࠆᵴ⊒ߥ⼏ ⺰ߦࠃߞߡᵴ᳇߰ࠇࠆᢎቶߦߒ㧘Ფㅳߩᬺ߇ᭉߒߺߦ ߥࠆࠃ߁ߥ߽ߩߦߒߡ᰼ߒߣᕁߞߡ߹ߔ㧚⋡ᜰߔߩߪ ޟቇ↢ߩ㧘ቇ↢ߦࠃࠆ㧘ቇ↢ߩߚߩᬺߔߢޠ㧚 1. ᬺࠝࠛࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦ 2. ၮᧄᢥ₂⻠⺒㧔1㧕pp. 1-110 ̪ ᢎ᧚㈩Ꮣ 3. ၮᧄᢥ₂⻠⺒㧔2㧕pp. 11-18 ̪ ᢎ᧚㈩Ꮣ 4. ၮᧄᢥ₂⻠⺒㧔3㧕pp. 18-28 ̪ ᢎ᧚㈩Ꮣ 5. ၮᧄᢥ₂⻠⺒㧔4㧕pp. 29-36 ̪ ᢎ᧚㈩Ꮣ 6. ၮᧄᢥ₂⻠⺒㧔5㧕pp. 36-47 ̪ ᢎ᧚㈩Ꮣ 7. ၮᧄᢥ₂⻠⺒㧔6㧕pp. 48-59 ̪ ᢎ᧚㈩Ꮣ 8. ၮᧄᢥ₂⻠⺒㧔7㧕pp. 59-75 ̪ ᢎ᧚㈩Ꮣ 9. ၮᧄᢥ₂⻠⺒㧔8㧕pp. 76-83 ̪ ᢎ᧚㈩Ꮣ 10. ਛ㑆߹ߣ㧒ࠣ࡞ࡊಽߌ 11. ⇣ᢥൻࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦߩ⎇ⓥᗧ⟵Ԙ 12. ⇣ᢥൻࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦߩ⎇ⓥᗧ⟵ԙ 13. ⇣ᢥൻࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦߣߪ߆Ԙ 14. ⇣ᢥൻࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦߣߪ߆ԙ 15. ᤐቇᦼߩ߹ߣ ̪ ℂ⸃ᐲ╬ߦࠃࠅ㧘ᬺㅴᐲ߇ᄌࠊࠆߎߣ߽ࠅ߹ߔ㧚 ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ 1㧕Klopf, W. D. & Ishii, S. (1988). Communicating Effectively Across Cultures. Tokyo: Nan’un-do. 2㧕ߘߩઁߦࠦࡇᢎ᧚ࠍ㈩Ꮣߒ߹ߔ㧚 ࠣ࡞ࡊࡢࠢ㧔Ḱ㧘⊒ߩᣇ㧘⊒ౝኈ㧕 㧘ᬺ߳ߩ ⽸₂ᐲ㧔⾰⇼ᔕ╵㧚⼏⺰߳ߩෳട㧕 㧘ቇᦼᧃࡐ࠻߹ߚߪ ⹜㛎ߦࠃࠅ⹏ଔߒ߹ߔ㧚 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Τ㧔ࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦߣ⇣ᢥൻℂ⸃㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ b㧔ࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦߣ⇣ᢥൻℂ⸃㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ἑᚭ ජ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ߎߩᬺߢߪ㧘ࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ⺰ߦ߅ߌࠆኾ㐷⊛ߥ ᢥ₂㧔ᦠ☋⺰ᢥ㧕ࠍ⺒ߩߦᔅⷐߥ⢻ജߣ⍮⼂ࠍ㙃߁ߎ ߣࠍ⋡⊛ߦߒߡ߹ߔ㧚ߔߥࠊߜ㧘ࠃࠅኾ㐷⊛ߥౝኈߦߟ ߡᦠ߆ࠇߚ⧷ᢥࠍ⺒⢻ജߣኾ㐷ᦠߦࠄࠇࠆᦠ߈ᣇߩ ࡞࡞ߦߟߡ⍮ࠅ㧘⎇ⓥᣇᴺ߿㑐ㅪಽ㊁ߣߩ㑐ࠊࠅ߆ࠄ ⍮ߞߡ߅߆ߥߌࠇ߫ߥࠄߥ⍮⼂ߦߟߡ߽ቇ⠌ߒ߹ߔ㧚 ⑺ቇᦼߢߪ㧘․ߦߊߟ߆ߩℂ⺰ߦߟߡᦠ߆ࠇߚᢥ₂ࠍ ⺒ߚ㧘ᢥ₂ਛߦࠄࠇࠆߘࠇߙࠇߦᔨ߿ߘࠇࠄߩ㆑ 㧘߅ࠃ߮ߘߩ㑐ㅪᕈࠍᱜߒߊℂ⸃ߒߥ߇ࠄ⺒ߺㅴߡ ߊߎߣࠍᦨᄢߩ⋡⊛ߦߒ߹ߔ㧚 ᬺߪ㧘ࠣ࡞ࡊࡢࠢ߇ਛᔃߢߔ㧚ᜂᒰ▎ᚲߦߟߡ ߩࠣ࡞ࡊ⊒ߩᓟ㧘ౝኈߦ㑐ߔࠆ⾰⇼ᔕ╵߿࠺ࠖࠬࠞ࠶ ࡚ࠪࡦ㧘ᜂᒰ⠪ߦࠃࠆ⿷⺑ߣ⸃⺑ߣ߁ᒻߢㅴߡ ߈߹ߔ㧚ࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ⺰ߢᛒ߁ߎߣߪᣣᏱ↢ᵴߣኒ ធߦ㑐ㅪߒ㧘ߘߩ⚻㛎ߩਛߦ߰ࠇߡߡ㧘ቇ↢⻉ำ߽ᔅ ߕ㛎ߒߡࠆߎߣߢߔ㧚ߎߩߎߣࠍᔨ㗡ߦ⟎ߡ㧘ฃ⻠ ߔࠆߔߴߡߩቇ↢ߦࠃࠆᵴ⊒ߥ⼏⺰ߦࠃߞߡᵴ᳇߰ࠇࠆ ᢎቶߦߒ㧘Ფㅳߩᬺ߇ᭉߒߺߦߥࠆࠃ߁ߥ߽ߩߦߒߡ᰼ ߒߣᕁߞߡ߹ߔ㧚⋡ᜰߔߩߪޟቇ↢ߩ㧘ቇ↢ߦࠃࠆ㧘 ቇ↢ߩߚߩᬺߔߢޠ㧚 1. ㊀ⷐߥᢥൻ⊛ଔ୯ߩࡄ࠲ࡦԘ 2. ㊀ⷐߥᢥൻ⊛ଔ୯ߩࡄ࠲ࡦԙ 3. ㊀ⷐߥᢥൻ⊛ଔ୯ߩࡄ࠲ࡦԚ 4. ੑర⺰ߩḮᴰ㧦࠺ࠞ࡞࠻⊛⇇ⷰ 5. ᢥൻࠕࠗ࠺ࡦ࠹ࠖ࠹ࠖߩᰴర 6. ⥄Ꮖ㐿␜ 7. Identity Management Theory Ԙ 8. Identity Management Theory ԙ 9. Face-Negotiation Theory Ԙ 10. Face-Negotiation Theory ԙ 11. Face-Negotiation Theory Ԛ 12. Expectancy Violation Theory Ԙ 13. Expectancy Violation Theory ԙ 14. Expectancy Violation Theory Ԛ 15. ቇᦼߩ߹ߣ㧒ࡐ࠻⺖㗴㈩Ꮣ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ 1㧕ࠦࡇᢎ᧚ࠍ㈩Ꮣߒ߹ߔ㧚 2㧕ᔃℂቇ㧘␠ળቇ㧘‛ℂቇ㧘⛔⸘ቇߥߤߩ㑐ㅪߔࠆಽ㊁ ߩၮᧄᦠ߿↪⺆ㄉౖߥߤ㧚 ࠣ࡞ࡊࡢࠢ㧔Ḱ㧘⊒ߩᣇ㧘⊒ౝኈ㧕 㧘ᬺ߳ߩ ⽸₂ᐲ㧔⾰⇼ᔕ╵㧚⼏⺰߳ߩෳട㧕 㧘ቇᦼᧃࡐ࠻߹ߚߪ ⹜㛎ߦࠃࠅ⹏ଔߒ߹ߔ㧚 ̪ ℂ⸃ᐲߦࠃࠅ㧘ᬺㅴᐲ߇ᄌࠊࠆߎߣ߽ࠅ߹ߔ㧚 111 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σ㧔㧞㧜♿ࠕࡔࠞ ⴕേߔࠆᅚᕈኅੱ㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ a㧔㧞㧜♿ࠕࡔࠞ ⴕേߔࠆᅚᕈኅੱ㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ 㜞↰ ትሶ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ߎߩᬺߢߪޔ㧞㧜♿ᓟඨߩࠕࡔࠞߩᅚᕈኅੱ 㧝㧚ࠟࠗ࠳ࡦࠬ ߚߜߩຠ㧔ࠛ࠶ࠗޔ⍴▻ዊ⺑ޔ㧕ࠍߪࠆ⺒♖ޔ 㧞㧚ᣣ♽ࠕࡔࠞੱߩᱧผߣᢥൻ ᄙ⺒ߒߥ߇ࠄⴕޔേߔࠆᅚᕈߚߜߩ⋡ߦᤋߞߚࠕࡔࠞ␠ 㧟㧚ᤋ߿㖸ᭉߦࠄࠇࠆᣣ♽ࠕࡔࠞੱ ળߦߟߡតࠆޕ೨ᦼߪਥߦᣣ♽ࠕࡔࠞੱߣࠕࡈࠞ♽ 㧠㨪㧢㧚ᣣ♽ࠕࡔࠞੱߩຠࠍ⺒ ࠕࡔࠞੱߩᱧผߣᢥൻޔຠࠍขࠅߍࠆ 㧣㧚ᣣ♽߆ࠄࠕࠫࠕ♽߳ 㧤㧚߹ߣᓳ⠌࠹ࠬ࠻ 㧥㧚ࠕࡈࠞ♽ࠕࡔࠞੱߩᢥൻߣᱧผ 㧝㧜㨪㧝㧟㧚ࠕࡈࠞ♽ࠕࡔࠞੱߩຠࠍ⺒ 㧝㧠㧚ᤋ߿㖸ᭉߦࠄࠇࠆࠕࡈࠞ♽ࠕࡔࠞੱ 㧝㧡㧚߹ߣ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࡊࡦ࠻㈩Ꮣޕ ዊ࠹ࠬ࠻ߥޕࠆࠃߦ࠻ࡐ߮ࠃ߅ࡦ࡚ࠪ࠹ࡦࡊޔ ෳ⠨ᢥ₂ߦߟߡߪ㐿⻠ᤨߦ⚫ޕ ߅ޔ㧠࿁એᰳᏨߒߚ႐วߪޔᚑ❣⹏ଔߩኻ⽎ߣߒߥ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Τ㧔㧞㧜♿ࠕࡔࠞ ⴕേߔࠆᅚᕈኅੱ㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ b㧔㧞㧜♿ࠕࡔࠞ ⴕേߔࠆᅚᕈኅੱ㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ 㜞↰ ትሶ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ߎߩᬺߢߪޔ㧞㧜♿ᓟඨߩࠕࡔࠞߩᅚᕈኅੱ 㧝㧚ࠟࠗ࠳ࡦࠬ ߚߜߩຠ㧔ࠛ࠶ࠗޔ⍴▻ዊ⺑ޔ㧕ࠍߪࠆ⺒♖ޔ 㧞㧚ࡀࠗ࠹ࠖࡧࠕࡔࠞࡦߩᱧผߣᢥൻ ᄙ⺒ߒߥ߇ࠄⴕޔേߔࠆᅚᕈߚߜߩ⋡ߦᤋߞߚࠕࡔࠞ␠ 㧟㨪㧢㧚ຠ⚫ߣಽᨆ ળߦߟߡតࠆޕᓟᦼߪਥߦࡀࠗ࠹ࠖࡧࠕࡔࠞࡦߣࡔ 㧣㧚ᤋߦࠄࠇࠆࡀࠗ࠹ࠖࡧࠕࡔࠞࡦ ࠠࠪࠦ♽ࠕࡔࠞੱߩᱧผߣᢥൻޔຠࠍขࠅߍࠆ 㧤㧚߹ߣᓳ⠌࠹ࠬ࠻ 㧥㧚Ⴚ⇇߆ࠄߩჿ̆࠴ࠞ࠽ߣ߁↢߈ᣇ 㧝㧜㨪㧝㧟㧚ຠ⚫ߣಽᨆ 㧝㧠㧚ᤋߦࠄࠇࠆ࠴ࠞ࠽ 㧝㧡㧚߹ߣ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࡊࡦ࠻㈩Ꮣޕ ዊ࠹ࠬ࠻ߥޕࠆࠃߦ࠻ࡐ߮ࠃ߅ࡦ࡚ࠪ࠹ࡦࡊޔ ෳ⠨ᢥ₂ߦߟߡߪ㐿⻠ᤨߦ⚫ޕ ߅ޔ㧠࿁એᰳᏨߒߚ႐วߪޔᚑ❣⹏ଔߩኻ⽎ߣߒߥ 112 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σ㧔ࠣࡠࡃ࡞ߥ⌒ߢࠕࠫࠕࠍ⺒㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ a㧔ࠣࡠࡃ࡞ߥ⌒ߢࠕࠫࠕࠍ⺒㧕 ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᜂᒰ⠪ ┻↰ ߐߺ ᬺ⸘↹ ߎߩᬺߢߪߩࠕࠫࠕޔ࿖ৼߟߕߟ৻ࠍޘካߦข 㧝㧚ࠝࠛࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߩ⺑ ࠅߍᦨޔᣂߩ࿖㓙ᖱႎࠍ₪ᓧߒߡ߈ߚߣᕁ ࠹ࡑߩㆬᛯ ߹ߔޕ 㧢ߟߩࠣ࡞ࡊࠍ✬ᚑ ࠣ࡞ࡊ⊒ߩᣣ⒟ࠍ⺞ᢛ ࠣ࡞ࡊߏߣߦࡊࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦࠍⴕߥ߹ߔޕ 㧠ੱ㨪㧡ੱߢ߭ߣߟߩࠣ࡞ࡊࠍࠅ ߩࡦࡊޔ㧞㧚ࠣ࡞ࡊ⊒ߩ࠹ࡑ Ḱࠍ৻✜ߦⴕߥ߹ߔޕ એਅߩਛ߆ࠄߦߣߏࡊ࡞ࠣޔㆬ߮߹ߔޕ ࠣ࡞ࡊߪ㧞ㅳ㑆ࠍᜂᒰߒޔᰴߩࠣ࡞ࡊߦઍ ࠕࠫࠕേะߩ✚⺰ ർ᧲ࠕࠫࠕၞ ߒ߹ߔޕ ᣣᧄޔਛ࿖ޔบḧޔ㖧࿖ޔർᦺ㞲ߤߥࠕࠪࡠޔ ╙㧝ㅳ⋡ߦߪ⾗ࡦࡊߦߣߏࡊ࡞ࠣޔᢱ㧔 ධࠕࠫࠕၞ ࠫࡘࡔ㧕ࠍᚑߒߡ߹ⴕࠍࡦ࡚ࠪ࠹ࡦࡊޔ ࠗࡦ࠼ޔࠞࡦࠬޔࡦ࠲ࠬ࠾ࠟࡈࠕޔࡦ࠲ࠬࠠࡄޔ ߔߩߘޕ㓙ߦޔᣂ⡞߿㔀ߥߤ߽ᵴ↪ߒߡߺ߹ߒࠂ ࡃࡦࠣ࠺ࠪࡘߤߥ࡞ࡄࡀޔ ߁ޕ ᧲ධࠕࠫࠕၞ ╙㧞ㅳ⋡ߢߪ⧷ߩ࠻ࠬࠠ࠹ޔᢥߦᵈ⋡ߒߡ⧷⺆ജ ࠲ࠗޔࠕࠪࡀ࠼ࡦࠗޔ࡞ࡐࠟࡦࠪޔࠕࠪࡑޔ ࡈࠖࡇࡦޔࠬࠝޔࠕࠫࡏࡦࠞޔࡓ࠽࠻ࡌޔ ߩࠕ࠶ࡊࠍ⋡ᜰߒߚߣᕁ߹ߔޕ ࡒࡖࡦࡑ㧔ࡆ࡞ࡑ㧕ߥߤ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Asian Survey (A Bimonthly Review of Contemporary Asian Affairs), University of California Press, January / February, 2011. 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ࡊࡦ⾗ᢱޔࡦ࡚ࠪ࠹ࡦࡊޔᏨ࿁ᢙ⇼⾰ޔᔕ╵ ߳ߩ⽸₂ᐲߥߤߦࠃߞߡ⹏ଔߒ߹ߔޕ ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Τ㧔ࠣࡠࡃ࡞ߥ⌒ߢࠕࠫࠕࠍ⺒㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ b㧔ࠣࡠࡃ࡞ߥ⌒ߢࠕࠫࠕࠍ⺒㧕 ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᜂᒰ⠪ ┻↰ ߐߺ ᬺ⸘↹ ߎߩᬺߢߪߩࠕࠫࠕޔ࿖ৼߟߕߟ৻ࠍޘካߦข 㧝㧚ࠝࠛࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߩ⺑ ࠅߍᦨޔᣂߩ࿖㓙ᖱႎࠍ₪ᓧߒߡ߈ߚߣᕁ ࠹ࡑߩㆬᛯ ߹ߔޕ 㧢ߟߩࠣ࡞ࡊࠍ✬ᚑ ࠣ࡞ࡊ⊒ߩᣣ⒟ࠍ⺞ᢛ ࠣ࡞ࡊߏߣߦࡊࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦࠍⴕߥ߹ߔޕ 㧠ੱ㨪㧡ੱߢ߭ߣߟߩࠣ࡞ࡊࠍࠅ ߩࡦࡊޔ㧞㧚ࠣ࡞ࡊ⊒ߩ࠹ࡑ Ḱࠍ৻✜ߦⴕߥ߹ߔޕ ᤐቇᦼߦᛒߞߡߥ࿖ࠍޔએਅߩਛ߆ࠄㆬ߮߹ߔޕ ࠣ࡞ࡊߪ㧞ㅳ㑆ࠍᜂᒰߒޔᰴߩࠣ࡞ࡊߦઍ ࠕࠫࠕേะߩ✚⺰ ർ᧲ࠕࠫࠕၞ ߒ߹ߔޕ ᣣᧄޔਛ࿖ޔบḧޔ㖧࿖ޔർᦺ㞲ߤߥࠕࠪࡠޔ ╙㧝ㅳ⋡ߦߪ⾗ࡦࡊߦߣߏࡊ࡞ࠣޔᢱ㧔 ධࠕࠫࠕၞ ࠫࡘࡔ㧕ࠍᚑߒߡ߹ⴕࠍࡦ࡚ࠪ࠹ࡦࡊޔ ࠗࡦ࠼ޔࠞࡦࠬޔࡦ࠲ࠬ࠾ࠟࡈࠕޔࡦ࠲ࠬࠠࡄޔ ߔߩߘޕ㓙ߦޔᣂ⡞߿㔀ߥߤ߽ᵴ↪ߒߡߺ߹ߒࠂ ࡃࡦࠣ࠺ࠪࡘߤߥ࡞ࡄࡀޔ ߁ޕ ᧲ධࠕࠫࠕၞ ╙㧞ㅳ⋡ߢߪ⧷ߩ࠻ࠬࠠ࠹ޔᢥߦᵈ⋡ߒߡ⧷⺆ജߩ ࠲ࠗޔࠕࠪࡀ࠼ࡦࠗޔ࡞ࡐࠟࡦࠪޔࠕࠪࡑޔ ࡈࠖࡇࡦޔࠬࠝޔࠕࠫࡏࡦࠞޔࡓ࠽࠻ࡌޔ ࠕ࠶ࡊࠍ⋡ᜰߒߚߣᕁ߹ߔޕ ࡒࡖࡦࡑ㧔ࡆ࡞ࡑ㧕ߥߤ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Asian Survey (A Bimonthly Review of Contemporary Asian Affairs), University of California Press, January / February, 2011. ࡊࡦ⾗ᢱޔࡦ࡚ࠪ࠹ࡦࡊޔᏨ࿁ᢙ⇼⾰ޔᔕ╵ ߳ߩ⽸₂ᐲߥߤߦࠃߞߡ⹏ଔߒ߹ߔޕ 113 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σ㧔ᣣᧄ⺆ቇኻᾖ⸒⺆ቇ㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ a㧔ᣣᧄ⺆ቇኻᾖ⸒⺆ቇ㧕 ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᜂᒰ⠪ ᜂᒰ⠪ᧂቯ ᬺ⸘↹ 㧝㧚ࠗࡦ࠻ࡠ࠳࡚ࠢࠪࡦ 㧞㧚ౣᏫᒻ (1) 㧟㧚ౣᏫᒻ (2) 㧠㧚ౣᏫᒻ (3) 㧡㧚ౣᏫᒻ (4) ߎߩᬺߢߪߚࠇ߆ᦠߢ⺆⧷ޔᣣᧄ⺆ቇߦ㑐ߔࠆ㐷ᦠ 㧢㧚ౣᏫᒻ (5) ࠍ⺒ߺߥ߇ࠄޔᣣᧄ⺆ߦߟߡ⠨߃߹ߔޕᣣᧄ⺆ߣ⧷⺆ߩ 㧣㧚ฃり (1) ㅢὐ⋧㆑ὐࠍ⍮ࠅޔᣣᧄ⺆ߩ․ᓽࠍℂ⸃ߔࠆߣߣ߽ߦ ޔ㧤㧚ฃり (2) ߘࠇࠄߩ․ᓽࠍ⺑ߔࠆߚߦ⺆⸒ޔቇߢߪߤߩࠃ߁ߥಽ 㧥㧚ฃり (3) ᨆ߇ߥߐࠇߩߘޔಽᨆߦߪߤߩࠃ߁ߥ㗴ὐ߇ࠆ߆ࠍ 㧚ฃり (4) ⷰߒ߹ߔޕหᤨߦ⺰ߩ⺆⧷ޔᢥࠍ⺒ߚߦᔅⷐߥታ〣⊛ 㧚߆߈߹ߗ (1) ߥ⺒⸃ജࠍ㙃ᚑߒ߹ߔޕฃ⻠⠪ߦߪ੍⠌ߒߚㇱಽߦߟߡ 㧚߆߈߹ߗ (2) ⾰⇼⊒ࠍߒߡ߽ࠄޔ㗴ὐߦߟߡ⼏⺰ߔࠆᒻᑼߣ 㧚߆߈߹ߗ (3) ߥࠅ߹ߔޕ 㧚߆߈߹ߗ (4) 㧚߹ߣ ᤐቇᦼߪߦ⺰⺆⛔ߦ߽߅ޔ㑐ߔࠆ࠻ࡇ࠶ࠢࠍขࠅߍ߹ ߔޕ ߅߽ߥౝኈߪ ߩ⺆⧷ޔoneself ߣᣣᧄ⺆ߩ⥄ޟಽߪߦޠ ߤߩࠃ߁ߥߜ߇߇ࠆ߆ޔᣣᧄ⺆ߩޟᲕߐࠇࠆ߁ࠃߩޠ ᣣᧄ⺆ቇߪ߽ߜࠈࠎ⺆⧷ޔቇ⺆⸒ޔቇ⇣ޔᢥൻℂ⸃╬ߦ ߥ߰ߟ߁ߩฃりߣޟ㔎ߦ㒠ࠄࠇࠆߥ߁ࠃߩޠ㑆ធ㧔ㅅᖺ㧕 㑐ᔃߩࠆቇ↢ߩෳടࠍᦼᓙߒ߹ߔޕ ฃりߪหߓ߽ߩ߆ޔᣣᧄ⺆ߩ⥄↱ߥ⺆㗅ߪߤߩࠃ߁ߦߒߡ ↢߹ࠇࠆߩ߆ޕߤߥޔ ᄖ࿖ੱߦᣣᧄ⺆ࠍᢎ߃ࠆᯏળ߇ࠆߣߪߜߚ⑳ޔᣣᧄ⺆ ߩߎߣࠍࠃߊ⍮ࠄߥߎߣߦᡷߡ᳇ߠ߆ߐࠇ߹ߔߚ⑳ޕ ߜ߇ᄖ࿖⺆ࠍߎߥߖࠆࠃ߁ߦߥࠆߚߦߪޔᣣᧄ⺆ߦ ߟߡℂ⸃ߔࠆᔅⷐ߇ࠆߢߒࠂ߁ޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Tsujimura, N. (ed.) (1999) The Handbook of Japanese Linguistics, Blackwell, Oxford. 㧔ࡊࡦ࠻㈩Ꮣ㧕 ᦼᧃ⹜㛎ޔᏨޔᬺෳടࠍ✚ว⊛ߦ⹏ଔߒ߹ߔޕ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Τ㧔ᣣᧄ⺆ቇኻᾖ⸒⺆ቇ㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ b㧔ᣣᧄ⺆ቇኻᾖ⸒⺆ቇ㧕 ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᜂᒰ⠪ ᜂᒰ⠪ᧂቯ ᬺ⸘↹ 㧝㧚ࠗࡦ࠻ࡠ࠳࡚ࠢࠪࡦ 㧞㧚⺆ᒻᚑ (1) 㧟㧚⺆ᒻᚑ (2) 㧠㧚⺆ᒻᚑ (3) 㧡㧚⺆ᒻᚑ (4) ߎߩᬺߢߪߚࠇ߆ᦠߢ⺆⧷ޔᣣᧄ⺆ቇߦ㑐ߔࠆ㐷ᦠ 㧢㧚⺆ᒵᗧ⺰ (1) ࠍ⺒ߺߥ߇ࠄޔᣣᧄ⺆ߦߟߡ⠨߃߹ߔޕᣣᧄ⺆ߣ⧷⺆ߩ 㧣㧚⺆ᒵᗧ⺰ (2) ㅢὐ⋧㆑ὐࠍ⍮ࠅޔᣣᧄ⺆ߩ․ᓽࠍℂ⸃ߔࠆߣߣ߽ߦ ޔ㧤㧚⺆ᒵᗧ⺰ (3) ߘࠇࠄߩ․ᓽࠍ⺑ߔࠆߚߦ⺆⸒ޔቇߢߪߤߩࠃ߁ߥಽ 㧥㧚࠹ࡦࠬߣࠕࠬࡍࠢ࠻ (1) ᨆ߇ߥߐࠇߩߘޔಽᨆߦߪߤߩࠃ߁ߥ㗴ὐ߇ࠆ߆ࠍ 㧚࠹ࡦࠬߣࠕࠬࡍࠢ࠻ (2) ⷰߒ߹ߔޕหᤨߦ⺰ߩ⺆⧷ޔᢥࠍ⺒ߚߦᔅⷐߥታ〣⊛ 㧚࠹ࡦࠬߣࠕࠬࡍࠢ࠻ (3) ߥ⺒⸃ജࠍ㙃ᚑߒ߹ߔޕฃ⻠⠪ߦߪ੍⠌ߒߚㇱಽߦߟߡ 㧚ᢙ㊂⹖ߣ wh-᭴ᢥ (1) ⾰⇼⊒ߒߡ߽ࠄޔ㗴ὐߦߟߡ⼏⺰ߔࠆᒻᑼߣߥ 㧚ᢙ㊂⹖ߣ wh-᭴ᢥ (2) ࠅ߹ߔޕ 㧚ᢙ㊂⹖ߣ wh-᭴ᢥ (3) 㧚߹ߣ ⑺ቇᦼߪߦ߽߅ޔᒻᘒ⺰ᗧ⺰ߦ㑐ߔࠆ࠻ࡇ࠶ࠢࠍข ࠅߍ߹ߔޕ ߅߽ߥౝኈߪޔ ޟ㘧߮ߔⶄߥ߁ࠃߩޠวേ⹖ߪߤߩࠃ ߁ߦࠄࠇࠆߩ߆ ⺆⧷ޔbreak㧛ᣣᧄ⺆ޟუࠇࠆუߔޠ ᣣᧄ⺆ቇߪ߽ߜࠈࠎ⺆⧷ޔቇ⺆⸒ޔቇ⇣ޔᢥൻℂ⸃╬ߦ ߩࠃ߁ߥᓎᦧߦߪߤࠎߥ․ᓽ߇ࠆ߆ޔᣣᧄ⺆ߩޟ㨪 㑐ᔃߩࠆቇ↢ߩෳടࠍᦼᓙߒ߹ߔޕ ߚߪޠㆊߥߩ߆ቢੌߥߩ߆ ߩ⺆⧷ޔwh-ฏߪᢥ㗡ߦ⒖േ ߔࠆ߇ᣣᧄ⺆ߩ⇼⹖ߪ⒖േߔࠆߩ߆ޕߤߥޔ ᄖ࿖ੱߦᣣᧄ⺆ࠍᢎ߃ࠆᯏળ߇ࠆߣߪߜߚ⑳ޔᣣᧄ⺆ ߩߎߣࠍࠃߊ⍮ࠄߥߎߣߦᡷߡ᳇ߠ߆ߐࠇ߹ߔߚ⑳ޕ ߜ߇ᄖ࿖⺆ࠍߎߥߖࠆࠃ߁ߦߥࠆߚߦߪޔᣣᧄ⺆ߦ ߟߡℂ⸃ߔࠆᔅⷐ߇ࠆߢߒࠂ߁ޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Tsujimura, N. (ed.) (1999) The Handbook of Japanese Linguistics, Blackwell, Oxford. 㧔ࡊࡦ࠻㈩Ꮣ㧕 ᦼᧃ⹜㛎ޔᏨޔᬺෳടࠍ✚ว⊛ߦ⹏ଔߒ߹ߔޕ 114 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σ㧔ઍࠗࠡࠬዊ⺑㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ a㧔ઍࠗࠡࠬዊ⺑㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ᧲ㇹ ᓼ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ߎߩ⻠⟵ߢߪ⧷ޔ࿖ߩኅ࡚ࠫࠫ㨯ࠝࠛ࡞ߩዊ ⺑ Nineteen Eighty-four㧔1948 ᐕຠ㧕ࠍ⺒ޕ ߎߎߢឬ߆ࠇߡࠆߩߪࠣ࠶ࡆޔ㨯ࡉࠩߣ߫ ࠇࠆ⁛ⵙ⠪߇ำ⥃ߔࠆᭂᐲߦ㕖ੱ㑆⊛ߥోਥ⟵⊛ ▤ℂ␠ળߢࠆޕ⇇ߪ㧟ߟߩᄢ࿖ߦࠃߞߡಽഀ ߐࠇ߽ߣࠆࠊ⚳ߟޔ⍮ࠇߥᚢ߇⛯ߡࠆޕ ੱ↢⑳ߩޘᵴߪ⚦ㇱ߹ߢᒰዪߦ⋙ⷞߐࠇޔᕁᗐߪ▤ ℂߐࠇޔᗲᖱࠍᜬߟߎߣߔࠄᱛߐࠇߡࠆޕᱧผ ߪᮭജ⠪ߩㇺวߦวࠊߖߡᏱߦᡷߑࠎߐࠇ⛯ߌࠆޕ ᒰዪߦ⢛ߚ⠪ߪᜧߦࠃࠅᵞ⣖ߐࠇߚᓟߦⴐޔ ߩ㕙೨ߢ⥄ࠄߩ⟋ࠍ๔⊕ߒߚ߁߃ߢಣೃߐࠇࠆޕ ੱ㑆ߩ⡺⊛♖⊛⥄↱ࠍุቯߒㆊ߽ᧂ᧪߽⥄ ߦࠦࡦ࠻ࡠ࡞ߒࠃ߁ߣߔࠆᮭജߩߦኻߒߡ ࠝࠛ࡞߇㡆ࠄߒߚ⼊㏹ߪߒߡߢ߽⦡ߖߡ ߥޔߪ࠼ࡢࠠߊ⸃ߺ⺒ࠍ࡞ࠛࠝޕ ੱޟ㑆ࠄߒ ߐ(“decency”)ߩߎޕࠆߢޠ㧞㧜♿ࠍઍߔࠆ 㗴ࠍ⺒ߺߥ߇ࠄޔ ੱޟ㑆ࠄߒߊ߁߁ߤߪߣࠆޠ ߎߣ߆ࠍ⠨߃ߚޕ Ფ࿁ߩ⺒⻠ޕ߁ⴕࠍ⺒⻠ޔታ㓙ߩ߿ࠅᣇޔㅴᐲߦߟ ߡߪޔෳട⠪ߩ᭽ሶࠍߺߡቯ⺞ޔᢛߔࠆޕ᛬ࠍ ߺߡޔᤋ↹ൻߐࠇߚຠ߽ᬺౝߢ⚫ߒߚޕቇ ᦼᧃߦࡐ࠻ࠍ⺖ߔޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ George Orwell Ꮸޔᬺෳട⺖ޔ㗴ߩౝኈߥߤ߆ࠄ✚ว⊛ߦ⹏ଔߔࠆޕ Nineteen Eighty-four Penguin 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Τ㧔ઍࠗࠡࠬዊ⺑㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ b㧔ઍࠗࠡࠬዊ⺑㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ᧲ㇹ ᓼ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ᤐቇᦼߩ⛯߈ޕ ᤐቇᦼߩ⛯߈ޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ George Orwell Ꮸޔᬺෳട⺖ޔ㗴ߩౝኈߥߤ߆ࠄ✚ว⊛ߦ⹏ଔߔࠆޕ Nineteen Eighty-four Penguin 115 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σ㧔ᚢᓟ࿖㓙ᴦผ㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ a㧔ᚢᓟ࿖㓙ᴦผ㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᳗㊁ 㓉ⴕ ᬺ⸘↹ ╙ੑᰴ⇇ᄢᚢᓟߩ࿖㓙㑐ଥߦ㑐ߔࠆ⧷⺆ᢥ₂ࠍ⺒ ߎߣࠍㅢߓߡޔ࿖㓙㑐ଥߦ㑐ߔࠆ⍮⼂ࠍ⠌ᓧߔࠆߎߣࠍ⋡ ᜰߔޕ Ფ࿁ߩᬺߢߪߦߣߏࡈࠣࡄޔౝኈࠍ⏕ߒߥ߇ࠄ ㅴߡߊޕᏨ⠪ߦߪࡄࠣࡈߩⷐ⚂ߦ߮ࠄߥޔᢎຬ ߆ࠄߩ⾰ߦ╵߃ߡ߽ࠄ߁ߩߢ੍ޔ⠌߇ਇนᰳߣߥࠆߥޕ ߅ᬺ⚳ੌᓟߦߪ⧷ޔᢥ⸶߿ౝኈ⏕ߩዊ࠹ࠬ࠻ࠍᲤㅳ ⴕ߁ޕ ↪ߔࠆ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߪ࿑ᦠ㙚ߦᚲ⬿ߒߡࠆ߇ޔᬺᜰቯ ࿑ᦠߣߥࠆߚ㙚ᄖ⾉ߒߒߪਇนޕฦ⥄ࠦࡇߔࠆ߆ޔ ࠕࡑ࠱ࡦߥߤߢ⾼ߖࠃޕ 㧝㧚 ߎߩᬺߩㅴᣇߦ㑐ߔࠆࠝࠛࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦߥޔ ࠄ߮ߦᬺ㐿ᆎ㧔╙ 1 ㅳ㧕 㧞㧚 ฦ┨ޔฦ࡚ࠢࠪࡦޔฦࡄࠣࡈߩౝኈ⏕ 㧔╙ 2㨪╙ 15 ㅳ㧕 ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߩ⧷ᢥߪᐔᤃߢࠆ߇ޔ࿖㓙㑐ଥ⺰ߦߟߡߩ ၮ␆⍮⼂߇ߥߣ⺒ߺㅴࠆߎߣߪߢ߈ߥߒޔᢎຬߩ⺑ ࠍ⡞ߡ߽ℂ⸃ߢ߈ߥߛࠈ߁⥄ޕାߩߥቇ↢ߦߪޔ ᳗㊁߇ᜂᒰߔࠆ㨬࿖㓙㑐ଥ․ᱶ⻠⟵㨭㧔ᤐቇᦼ ᦐᧁޔ2 㒢㧕 ߩฃ⻠ࠍ൘ࠆޕ 㧖ߥ߅৻╙ޔ࿁⋡߆ࠄᬺࠍ㐿ᆎߔࠆߩߢޔዋߥߊߣ߽㧡 ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻㧔߽ߒߊߪࠦࡇ㧕 ࡍࠫಽߪ⺒ࠎߢ߅ߊߎߣ࠹ޕ ࠍᜬෳߒߡߥ߽ߩߩฃ⻠ߪߥޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Robert J. McMahon, Cold War: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003. ⹏ଔߪᰴߩ㧟ὐߦࠃࠆޕԘᰳ(35%)ޔԙᬺߩෳടᐲ ⽸₂ᐲ(30%)ޔԚዊ࠹ࠬ࠻㧔35㧑㧕ޕᰳᏨ߇㧠࿁ߦߥߞߚᤨ ὐߢਇนޕㆃೞߪ㧞࿁ߢᰳᏨߣߺߥߔޕ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Τ㧔ᚢᓟ࿖㓙ᴦผ㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ b㧔ᚢᓟ࿖㓙ᴦผ㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᳗㊁ 㓉ⴕ ᬺ⸘↹ ᤐቇᦼߦᒁ߈⛯߈╙ޔੑᰴ⇇ᄢᚢᓟߩ࿖㓙㑐ଥߦ㑐ߔ ࠆ⧷⺆ᢥ₂ࠍ⺒ߎߣࠍㅢߓߡޔ࿖㓙㑐ଥߦ㑐ߔࠆ⍮⼂ࠍ ⠌ᓧߔࠆߎߣࠍ⋡ᜰߔޕ Ფ࿁ߩᬺߢߪߦߣߏࡈࠣࡄޔౝኈࠍ⏕ߒߥ߇ࠄ ㅴߡߊޕᏨ⠪ߦߪࡄࠣࡈߩⷐ⚂ߦ߮ࠄߥޔᢎຬ ߆ࠄߩ⾰ߦ╵߃ߡࠄ߁ߩߢ੍ޔ⠌߇ਇนᰳߦߥࠆ߅ߥޕ ᬺ⚳ੌᓟߦߪޔᢥ⧷⸶ߩዊ࠹ࠬ࠻ࠍᲤㅳⴕ߁ޕ 㧝㧚 ߎߩᬺߩㅴᣇߦ㑐ߔࠆࠝࠛࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦߥޔ ࠄ߮ߦᬺ㐿ᆎ㧔╙ 1 ㅳ㧕 㧞㧚 ฦ┨ޔฦ࡚ࠢࠪࡦޔฦࡄࠣࡈߩౝኈ⏕ 㧔╙ 2㨪╙ 15 ㅳ㧕 ↪ߔࠆ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߪ࿑ᦠ㙚ߦᚲ⬿ߒߡࠆ߇ޔᬺᜰቯ ࿑ᦠߣߥࠆߚ㙚ᄖ⾉ߒߒߪਇนޕฦ⥄ࠦࡇߔࠆ߆ޔ ࠕࡑ࠱ࡦߥߤߢ⾼ߖࠃޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߩ⧷ᢥߪᐔᤃߢࠆ߇ޔ࿖㓙㑐ଥ⺰ߦߟߡߩ ၮ␆⍮⼂߇ߥߣ⺒ߺㅴࠆߎߣߪߢ߈ߥߒޔᢎຬߩ⺑ ࠍ⡞ߡ߽ℂ⸃ߢ߈ߥߛࠈ߁ ߦ․ޕ2 ᐕ↢ߪⷐᵈᗧޕ 㧖ߥ߅৻╙ޔ࿁⋡߆ࠄᬺࠍ㐿ᆎߔࠆߩߢޔዋߥߊߣ߽㧡 ࡍࠫಽߪ⺒ࠎߢ߅ߊߎߣ࠹ޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻㧔߽ߒߊߪࠦࡇ㧕 ࠍᜬෳߒߡߥ߽ߩߩฃ⻠ߪߥޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Robert J. McMahon, Cold War: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003. ⹏ଔߪᰴߩ㧟ὐߦࠃࠆޕԘᰳ(35%)ޔԙᬺߩෳടᐲ ⽸₂ᐲ(30%)ޔԚዊ࠹ࠬ࠻㧔35㧑㧕ޕᰳᏨ߇㧠࿁ߦߥߞߚᤨ ὐߢਇนޕㆃೞߪ㧞࿁ߢᰳᏨߣߺߥߔޕ 116 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σ㧔ࠗࡦ࠲ࡆࡘ߿࠾ࡘࠬߩࠬࠢࡊ࠻ࠍ⺒㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ a㧔ࠗࡦ࠲ࡆࡘ߿࠾ࡘࠬߩࠬࠢࡊ࠻ࠍ⺒㧕 ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᜂᒰ⠪ ㍿ୖ ஜᖝ ᬺ⸘↹ ⺒ࠎߢℂ⸃ߢ߈ߥ⧷⺆ߪޔᒰὼޔ⡬ߡ߽ℂ⸃ߢ߈ߥ ޕ⡬⸃⢻ജߦߪ⸃⺒ޔ⢻ജߛߌߢߥߊࡇࠬޔ㧙࠼߽߹ߚ㊀ⷐ ߚߛߎߩߎߣߪޔᓔߡߒߦޘᔓࠇࠄࠇ߇ߜߢࠆޕ ߣߥߞߡߊࠆޔߢߎߘޕቇ↢ߦߪޔᢥ㗡߆ࠄߩ⺒ߺ੍ޔ᷹ ᒰ⻠ᐳߪ⧷ޔળએߩ⧷⺆㧔ࠬࡇ㧙࠴ࠢ࠴ࡖࠗ ⺒ߺޔㅦ⺒ߥߤ㧔⧷⺆ࠍ⡬ߡℂ⸃ߔࠆߚߩ⺒ߺߩᛛⴚ㧕 ࡦ࠲ࡆࡘGVE㧕ࠍ⡬ߡℂ⸃ߢ߈ࠆࠃ߁ߦߔࠆߚߦߪ ࠍᢎ߃ߡ߈ߚޕ ߤ߁ߒߚࠄࠃߩ߆ࠍ࡞ࠠࠬߩߘޔળᓧߔࠆߚߩ߽ߩߢ ࠆޔߚߩߎޕᬺߢߪࠢࠬߩ࡞ࡦࡖࠫߥ߹ߑ߹ߐޔ ࡊ࠻ࠍߞߡޔ⡬⸃ജࠕ࠶ࡊߩߚߩࠈࠈߥ⺒ߺᣇࠍ 㛎ߒߡ߽ࠄ߁ޕ ߥ߅ޔᬺߩ㧟ಽߩ㧝એࠍᰳᏨߒߚ႐วޔනߪ ࠄࠇߥޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Ფ࿁ߏߣߦࠬࠢࡊ࠻ߩࡊࡦ࠻ࠍ↪ ᏨޔᐔᏱᬺߢߩ⹏ଔߦࠃࠆ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Τ㧔ࠗࡦ࠲ࡆࡘ߿࠾ࡘࠬߩࠬࠢࡊ࠻ࠍ⺒㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ b㧔ࠗࡦ࠲ࡆࡘ߿࠾ࡘࠬߩࠬࠢࡊ࠻ࠍ⺒㧕 ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ห ห ᜂᒰ⠪ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Ფ࿁ߏߣߦࠬࠢࡊ࠻ߩࡊࡦ࠻ࠍ↪ ᏨޔᐔᏱᬺߢߩ⹏ଔߦࠃࠆ 117 ㍿ୖ ஜᖝ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σ㧔SLA ታ⸽⎇ⓥ⺰ᢥ㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ a㧔SLA ታ⸽⎇ⓥ⺰ᢥ㧕 ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᜂᒰ⠪ ⠀ጊ ᕺ ᬺ⸘↹ [⋡⊛] ╙ੑ⸒⺆⠌ᓧ(SLA: second language acquisition)⎇ⓥ ߩਛߩ㧘․ߦޟታ⸽⊛⎇ⓥࠍޠᛒ߁⧷⺆⺰ᢥࠍ⻠⺒ߔࠆ㧚 ߘࠇߦࠃࠅ㧘SLA ߦ㑐ߔࠆ⍮⼂ࠍᓧࠆߣߣ߽ߦ㧘⎇ⓥ⺰ ᢥߢ↪ࠄࠇࠆ⧷⺆ࠍ⍮ࠆߎߣࠍ⋡⊛ߣߔࠆ㧚ട߃ ߡ㧘ⶄ㔀ߢߪߞߡ߽⺰ℂ⊛ߥ⎇ⓥ࠺ࠩࠗࡦࠍ⺒ߺ⸃ߊ ߚߦ➅ࠅߒኻ⽎⺰ᢥࠍ⺒ߺ㧘ࡠࠫࠞ࡞ߥᕁ⠨ߩ⸠✵㧘 ߐࠄߥࠆ⧷⺆ജჇᒝࠍ߽⋡ᜰߒߡߊ㧚 [ⷐ] ੱޟ㑆ߪߤߩࠃ߁ߦߒߡ⥄ಽߩᲣ⺆એᄖߩ⸒⺆㧔╙ੑ ⸒⺆㧕ࠍりߦઃߌߡߊߩ߆㧫ߪߣߎ߁ߣޠ㧘⥄り⧷ ⺆ቇ⠌⠪ߢࠆࠊࠇࠊࠇߦߣߞߡ㕖Ᏹߦりㄭߥ࠹ࡑߢ ࠆ㧚߹ߚ㧘ࠃࠅ⦟⧷⺆ቇ⠌ᴺᢎ⢒ᴺࠍㅊ᳞ࠆ ߥ߆ߢ㧘ᢎᏧ߿⎇ⓥ⠪ߚߜߪߐ߹ߑ߹ߥޟታ⸽⎇ⓥࠍޠ ⴕߞߡࠆ㧚ߚߣ߃߫㧘 ޟA ߣ߁ᢎ߃ᣇߣ B ߣ߁ᢎ߃ ᣇߩߤߜࠄ߇ലᨐ⊛ߥߩ߆㧫ޠ㧘ޟᣣᧄੱߩ⧷⺆⺆ᒵജࠍ ᱜ⏕ߦ᷹ࠆ࠹ࠬ࠻ߪߤߩࠃ߁ߦߞߚࠄࠃߩ߆㧫ߣޠ ߞߚ߽ߩߢࠆ㧚ᧄᬺߢߪ㧘ߘߩࠃ߁ߥታ⸽⎇ⓥ⺰ ᢥࠍ⻠⺒ߔࠆ㧚ߐࠄߦ㧘ߘࠇࠄߩ⎇ⓥ⚿ᨐ㧘ᣇᴺ⺰ߦߟ ߡᛕ⹏⼏⺰߽ⴕ߁㧚 1. ޤࠬࡦ࠳ࠗࠟޣ㧘ታ⸽⎇ⓥߣߪ߆ 2. ታ⸽⎇ⓥ⺰ᢥߩ৻ 3. ⺰ᢥ㧔1㧕: ౝኈℂ⸃ߩ⏕ 4. ⺰ᢥ㧔1㧕: ౝኈℂ⸃ߩ⏕ 5. ⺰ᢥ㧔1㧕: ࠺ࠖࠬࠞ࠶࡚ࠪࡦ 6. ⺰ᢥ㧔2㧕: ౝኈℂ⸃ߩ⏕ 7. ⺰ᢥ㧔2㧕: ౝኈℂ⸃ߩ⏕ 8. ⺰ᢥ㧔2㧕: ࠺ࠖࠬࠞ࠶࡚ࠪࡦ 9. ⺰ᢥ㧔3㧕: ౝኈℂ⸃ߩ⏕ 10. ⺰ᢥ㧔3㧕: ౝኈℂ⸃ߩ⏕ 11. ⺰ᢥ㧔3㧕: ࠺ࠖࠬࠞ࠶࡚ࠪࡦ 12. ⺰ᢥ㧔4㧕: ౝኈℂ⸃ߩ⏕ 13. ⺰ᢥ㧔4㧕: ౝኈℂ⸃ߩ⏕ 14. ⺰ᢥ㧔4㧕: ࠺ࠖࠬࠞ࠶࡚ࠪࡦ 15. ޤߣ߹ޣ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ᣣᧄ࿖ౝߢ ߐࠇߚ㧘ᣣᧄੱ⧷⺆ቇ⠌ߦߟߡขࠅᛒߞ ߚ⧷⺆⺰ᢥ㧚ߘߩㇺᐲࠦࡇࠍ㈩Ꮣߔࠆ㧚 Ꮸ㧗ᬺᵴേ߳ߩෳടᐲ㧗ࡐ࠻ߦࠃࠅ⹏ଔߔࠆ㧚 ᰳᏨߩ႐วߪᰴ࿁ᬺߢ․⺖㗴ߩឭ⊒ࠍ᳞ࠆ㧚 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Τ㧔SLA ታ⸽⎇ⓥ⺰ᢥ㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ b㧔SLA ታ⸽⎇ⓥ⺰ᢥ㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ [⋡⊛] ᤐቇᦼห᭽㧘SLA ⎇ⓥߩਛߩ㧘․ߦޟታ⸽⊛⎇ⓥࠍޠ ⴕ߁⎇ⓥ⺰ᢥࠍ⻠⺒ߔࠆ㧚 ⑺ቇᦼߪ㧘ࠃࠅᐢⷞ㊁ࠍ߽ߞߡ SLA ⎇ⓥࠍ⠨߃ࠆߎ ߣ㧘ࠃࠅᵞ✵ߐࠇ߆ߟ㜞ᐲߥ⧷⺆ࠍ⺒ߎߣࠍ⋡ᜰߒ㧘 ᶏᄖߢ ߐࠇߚ⺰ᢥࠍ⻠⺒ߔࠆ㧚 1. [ⷐ] 1㧕⺰ᢥࠍ⺒ߺ㧘ߘߩౝኈߦߟߡℂ⸃ߩ⏕ࠍⴕ߁ 2㧕ߘߩ⎇ⓥ⚿ᨐ㧘ᣇᴺ⺰ߦߟߡᛕ⹏⼏⺰ࠍⴕ߁ 3㧕⼏⺰ࠍ߽ߣߦ㧘ࠃࠅ⦟⎇ⓥᣇᴺࠍឭ᩺ߔࠆ ⠀ጊ ᕺ ޤࠬࡦ࠳ࠗࠟޣ 2. ⺰ᢥ㧔1㧕: ౝኈℂ⸃ߩ⏕ 3. ⺰ᢥ㧔1㧕: ౝኈℂ⸃ߩ⏕ 4. ⺰ᢥ㧔1㧕: ౝኈℂ⸃ߩ⏕ 5. ⺰ᢥ㧔1㧕: ࠺ࠖࠬࠞ࠶࡚ࠪࡦ 6. ⺰ᢥ㧔2㧕: ౝኈℂ⸃ߩ⏕ 7. ⺰ᢥ㧔2㧕: ౝኈℂ⸃ߩ⏕ 8. ⺰ᢥ㧔2㧕: ౝኈℂ⸃ߩ⏕ 9. ⺰ᢥ㧔2㧕: ࠺ࠖࠬࠞ࠶࡚ࠪࡦ 10. ⺰ᢥ㧔3㧕: ౝኈℂ⸃ߩ⏕ ⑺ቇᦼߪ࠺ࠖࠬࠞ࠶࡚ࠪࡦࠍ⧷⺆ߢⴕ߁㧚 11. ⺰ᢥ㧔3㧕: ౝኈℂ⸃ߩ⏕ 12. ⺰ᢥ㧔3㧕: ౝኈℂ⸃ߩ⏕ 13. ⺰ᢥ㧔3㧕: ࠺ࠖࠬࠞ࠶࡚ࠪࡦ 14. ᦨ⚳ࡐ࠻✵⠌ 15. ޤߣ߹ޣ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ᣣᧄ࿖ᄖߢ ߐࠇߚ㧘╙ੑ⸒⺆ቇ⠌ߦߟߡขࠅᛒߞߚ ⧷⺆⺰ᢥ㧚ߘߩㇺᐲࠦࡇࠍ㈩Ꮣߔࠆ㧚 Ꮸ㧗ᬺᵴേ߳ߩෳടᐲ㧗ࡐ࠻ߦࠃࠅ⹏ଔߔࠆ㧚 ᰳᏨߩ႐วߪᰴ࿁ᬺߢ․⺖㗴ߩឭ⊒ࠍ᳞ࠆ㧚 118 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σ㧔ࠕࡔࠞઍࠍ⺒㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ a㧔ࠕࡔࠞઍࠍ⺒㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ේ ᚑศ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ࠥࠬ࠽ࠗ࠳ߩ㓸ޡᢼߩᨩ(ޢAxe Handles, 1983) ߪޔࠊߚߒߚߜ߇⋥㕙ߒߡࠆⅣႺ㗴ࠍ ߚߣ߁↢ߩߡߟߦޠࠕࠗࠟޟຠ߇ࠄࠇ ߡ߹ߔޔޔࠫࡠࠦࠛޔߪ࠳ࠗ࠽ࠬޕᢎ⥄ޔಽ ߇ࠄߔ႐ᚲߩ߳ࠬࡀ࠳࡞ࠖ࠙ߡߒߘޔᣏࠍߣ߅ߒߡᓧߡ ߈ߚ⚻㛎ߣ⍮⼂ࠍߎߩ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߦ❱ࠅㄟߺ߹ߒߚࠢߩߎޕ ࠬߩ⋡⊛ߪࠄߢࠕࠗࠟޔߡߒ߅ߣࠍߩ࠳ࠗ࠽ࠬޔ ߔߚߩߎࠇ߆ࠄߩࠗࡈࠬ࠲ࠗ࡞ࠍ⠨߃ࠆߎߣߢߔޕ ᬺߪޔቇ↢ߦࠃࠆ⊒⸛⺰ߩᒻᑼߢⴕࠍ࠻ࡐޔឭ ߒߡ߽ࠄ߹ߔޕ ࡧࠖ࠺ࠝᤋ߿㧯㧰ࠍߞߡޟჿߣߒߡߩ—ޠpoetry performance ߦߟߡ߽⚫ߒ߹ߔߡߟߦ࠳ࠗ࠽ࠬޕ ߪޔ der.htm ࠍ߈ᦠߩ࠻ࡐߚ߹ޔᣇߦߟߡߪޔ ࠍෳᾖߊߛߐޕ ᦨೋߩᬺߢࡊࡦߩࡍࠕߣᜂᒰຠࠍࠆߩߢ ᔅߕᏨߩߎߣޕ ઃ⸥㧦 㧞㧜㧝㧝ᐕ㧝㧜㧞㧥ᣣߦࠬ࠽ࠗ࠳߇᧪ᣣߒ⼱ޔᎹବᄥ ㇢ߣߩࡐࠛ࠻࠺ࠖࡦࠣ߇੍ቯߐࠇߡ߹ߔޕ 1. An introduction 2. “Axe Handles” & “For/From Lew” 3. “River in the Valley” & “Among” 4. “On Top” & “Berry Territory” 5. “Bows to Drouth” 6. “The Cool Around the Fire” & Changing Diapers” 7. “Beating the Average” & “Painting the North San Juan School” & “All in the Family” 8. “Fence Posts” & “So Old” 9. “Look Back” & “Soy Sauce” 10. “Beetle Trails” & “Walking Through Myoshin-ji” 11. “Fishing Catching Nothing” & “At the Ibaru Family Tomb” 12. “Strategic Air Command” & “Eastward Across Texas” 13. “Working on the ’58 Willys Pickup” & “Getting in the Wood” 14. “True Night” 15. Review ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Gary Snyder, Axe Handles. Washington D. C.: Shoemaker & Hoard, 2005. ISBN:1-59376-057-4 <>ߥߤߢฦ⥄⾼ߩߎߣޕ ࡊࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦߣࡐ࠻㧔4,000 ⒟ᐲߩຠ⺰㧕ߦ ࠃߞߡ߹ߔޔߒߛߚޕᰳᏨ߇ᬺ࿁ᢙߩ 1/3 ࠍ߃ߚ ႐วߪ⹏ଔኻ⽎ߣߪߥࠅ߹ߖࠎޕ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Τ㧔ࠕࡔࠞઍࠍ⺒㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ b㧔ࠕࡔࠞઍࠍ⺒㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ේ ᚑศ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ࠥࠬ࠽ࠗ࠳ߩ㓸ޡᢼߩᨩ(ޢAxe Handles, 1983) ߦߪޔࠊߚߒߚߜ߇⋥㕙ߒߡࠆⅣႺ㗴ࠍ ߚߣ߁↢ߩߡߟߦޠࠕࠗࠟޟຠ߇ࠄ ࠇߡ߹ߔޔޔࠫࡠࠦࠛޔߪ࠳ࠗ࠽ࠬޕᢎ⥄ޔ ಽ߇ࠄߔ႐ᚲߩ߳ࠬࡀ࠳࡞ࠖ࠙ߡߒߘޔᣏࠍߣ߅ߒߡᓧ ߡ߈ߚ⚻㛎ߣ⍮⼂ࠍߎߩ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߦ❱ࠅㄟߺ߹ߒߚޕ ߎߩࠢࠬߩ⋡⊛ߪࠗࠟޔߡߒ߅ߣࠍߩ࠳ࠗ࠽ࠬޔ ࠕߢࠄߔߚߩߎࠇ߆ࠄߩࠗࡈࠬ࠲ࠗ࡞ࠍ⠨߃ࠆߎߣ ߢߔޕᬺߪޔቇ↢ߦࠃࠆ⊒⸛⺰ߩᒻᑼߢⴕࡐޔ ࠻ࠍឭߒߡ߽ࠄ߹ߔޕ ࡧࠖ࠺ࠝᤋ߿㧯㧰ࠍߞߡޟჿߣߒߡߩ—ޠpoetry performance ߦߟߡ߽⚫ߒ߹ߔߡߟߦ࠳ࠗ࠽ࠬޕ ߪޔ der.htm ࠍ߈ᦠ࠻ࡐߚ߹ޔᣇߦߟߡߪޔ ࠍෳᾖߊߛߐޕ ᦨೋߩᬺߢࡊࡦߩࡍࠕߣᜂᒰຠࠍࠆߩߢ ᔅߕᏨߩߎߣޕ 1. “Walked Two Days in Snow” & Geese Gone Beyond” 2. “Three Deer One Coyote Running in the Snow” & White Sticky” 3. “Old Pond” & “ 24: IV: $0075, 3:30 PM” & “ I: VI: 40077” 4. “The Grand Entry” & “ Under the Sign of Toki’s” 5. “Talking Late with Governor about the Budget” & “’He Shot Arrows . . .’” 6. “Arts Council” & “’What Have I Learned’” 7. “A Maul for Bill and Cindy’s Wedding” & “Alaska” 8. “Dillingham, Alaska, the Willow Tree Bar” & “Removing the Plate of the Pump” 9. “Glamor” & “ Ulru Wild Fig Song” 10. “Money Goes Upstream” & “Breasts” 11. “Old Rotting Tree Trunk Down” & “ For a Fifty-Year-Old Woman in Stockholm” 12. “Old Woman Nature” 13. “The Canyon Wren” 14. “For all” 15. Review ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Gary Snyder, Axe Handles. Washington D. Shoemaker & Hoard, 2005. ISBN: 1-59376-057-4 <>ߥߤߢฦ⥄⾼ߩߎߣޕ C.: ࡊࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦߣࡐ࠻㧔4,000 ⒟ᐲߩຠ⺰㧕ߦ ࠃߞߡ߹ߔޔߒߛߚޕᰳᏨ߇ᬺ࿁ᢙߩ 1/3 ࠍ߃ߚ ႐วߪ⹏ଔኻ⽎ߣߪߥࠅ߹ߖࠎޕ 119 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σ㧔ࠬࡇ߆ࠄ⡛ᦠߩࡔ࠶ࠫࠍ⺒ߺߣߊ㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㨍㧔ࠬࡇ߆ࠄ⡛ᦠߩࡔ࠶ࠫࠍ⺒ߺߣߊ㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ཅᒾ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ߎߩ⪺⠪ߪߩࡇࠬޔẂ↹ߦߪࠠࠬ࠻ᢎߩࡔ࠶ ࠫ߇ឬ߆ࠇߡࠆߣޔㅀߴߡࠆޕ ߘߎߢ⺒ߜߚ⑳ޔ⠪ߪ߽ࠆߥ߆ߪߣࠫ࠶ࡔߩߘޔ ߩ߆ߺ⺒ޔขߞߡߺߚޕ 㧝࿁⋡ߩࡇࠦ࠻ࠬࠠ࠹ߣࠬࡦ࠳ࠗࠟޔ㈩Ꮣޕ 㧞࿁⋡એᓟ⚳ᦨޔ࿁߹ߢߪߩߘޔᣣߩᖱߦߘߞߡㅴߺౕ วߪᄌߞߡߊࠆ߇ߺ⺒ࠍ࠻ࠬࠠ࠹ޔวࠊߖߡߊޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ᔅⷐߣࠇ߫ߩߘޔㇺᐲ㈩Ꮣޕ ᬺ߳ߩෳടߣ⹜㛎ߣߦࠃࠆޕ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᤐቇᦼߦḰߓࠆޕ ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Τ㧔ࠬࡇ߆ࠄ⡛ᦠߩࡔ࠶ࠫࠍ⺒ߺߣߊ㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒㨎㧔ࠬࡇ߆ࠄ⡛ᦠߩࡔ࠶ࠫࠍ⺒ߺߣߊ㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ཅᒾ ᬺ⸘↹ ೋ࿁߆ࠄᦨ⚳࿁߹ߢᤐቇᦼߣหߓࠃ߁ߦ⧷ᢥ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ ࠍ⺒ߺวࠊߖߡߊޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ᤐቇᦼߦḰߓࠆޕ ᬺ߳ߩෳടߣ⹜㛎ߣߦࠃࠆޕ 120 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σ㧔ࠪࠚࠗࠢࠬࡇࠕࠍ⺒㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ a㧔ࠪࠚࠗࠢࠬࡇࠕࠍ⺒㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ೨ᴛ ᶈሶ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ࠪࠚࠗࠢࠬࡇࠕߩᖤ Julius Caesar㧔ࠪࠬࠕࡘࠫޡ ࠩޢ㧕ࠍ♖⺒ߒߥ߇ࠄ߿ߩࠕࡇࠬࠢࠗࠚࠪޔᴺߦ ⸅ࠇࠆࠍࠕࡇࠬࠢࠗࠚࠪޕේᢥߢ⺒߅߽ߒࠈߐߣߕ߆ ߒߐࠍታ㓙ߦ⚻㛎ߔࠆߎߣࠍ⋡⊛ߣߔࠆޕ 1㧚ࠪࠚࠗࠢࠬࡇࠕߦߟߡߩ⺑ߣᬺߩㅴᣇߩ⺑ 2㧚♖⺒ 3㧚♖⺒ 4㧚♖⺒ 5㧚♖⺒ 6㧚♖⺒ 7㧚ዊ࠹ࠬ࠻ 8㧚♖⺒ 9㧚♖⺒ 10㧚♖⺒ 11㧚♖⺒ 12㧚♖⺒ 13㧚♖⺒ 14㧚♖⺒ 15㧚߹ߣ Julius Caesar ߪࠪࠚࠗࠢࠬࡇࠕ߇ᦠߚࡠࡑߩᱧผࠍ 㗴᧚ߣߒߚᖤߩ৻ߟߢࠆߩࡑࡠޕౝੂߣ߁࿖ኅߩ 㗴ߩߘޔേੂߩᱧผߩਛߦ↢߈ࠆ৻ੱ߭ߣࠅߩ᰼ᦸ߿ਇ ޔᄢⴐᔃℂߩ߽ࠈߐߥߤ߇ឬ߆ࠇߡࠆࡇࠬࠢࠗࠚࠪޕ ࠕߩߩ⸒⪲ࠍਤᔨߦ⺒ߺߥ߇ࠄࠢࠕߥࠢ࠶ࠖ࠹ࡑ࠼ޔ ࡚ࠪࡦߣౝ⋭⊛ߥᔃℂߣ߇⚿߮ߟߊࠪࠚࠗࠢࠬࡇࠕߩ ᴺࠍℂ⸃ߔࠆޕ ㄭઍೋᦼߩ⧷⺆ߩ㖿ᢥߦೋߡ⸅ࠇࠆߣ߁ੱ߽ᄙߣ ᕁ߁ߩߢޔઍߩᣣᏱ⊛ߥ⧷⺆ߣߩ⺆⟵߿⺆ᴺߩ㆑ߥߤ ࠍዋߒߕߟ⺑ߒߥ߇ࠄ⺒ߺߥࠇߡߊࠬࠡࠗߚ߹ޕେ ఝߦࠃࠆ㖸ჿ࠹ࡊࠍ⡞߈ࠍࡈޔ㖸⺒ߒߡޔ㖿ᢥߩ㖸 ߩࡄ࠲ࡦߦᘠࠇࠆޕຠ߳ߩℂ⸃ࠍᷓࠆߚߦࠚࠪޔ ࠗࠢࠬࡇࠕᤨઍߩ႐߿␠ળ⊛⢛᥊ࠬࠢࠗࠚࠪߪࠆޔ ࡇࠕߩઁߩຠߦߟߡ߽ޔᔅⷐߦᔕߓߡ⺑ߔࠆޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ᄢୃ㙚ࠪࠚࠗࠢࠬࡇࠕᦠ Julius Caesar ዊ࠹ࠬ࠻㧦40% ᦼᧃ࠹ࠬ࠻㧦60% 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Τ㧔ࠪࠚࠗࠢࠬࡇࠕࠍ⺒㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ b㧔ࠪࠚࠗࠢࠬࡇࠕࠍ⺒㧕 ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ᤐቇᦼ⺆⧷ޟኾ㐷⻠⺒Σߦޠหߓޕ 1㧚♖⺒ 2㧚♖⺒ 3㧚♖⺒ 4㧚♖⺒ 5㧚♖⺒ 6㧚♖⺒ 7㧚♖⺒ 8㧚ዊ࠹ࠬ࠻ 9㧚♖⺒ 10㧚♖⺒ 11㧚♖⺒ 12㧚♖⺒ 13㧚♖⺒ 14㧚♖⺒ 15㧚♖⺒ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ᄢୃ㙚ࠪࠚࠗࠢࠬࡇࠕᦠ Julius Caesar ዊ࠹ࠬ࠻㧦40% ᦼᧃ࠹ࠬ࠻㧦60% 121 ᜂᒰ⠪ ೨ᴛ ᶈሶ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σ㧔࿖㓙ㅪวߩ⚵❱ߣᯏ⢻㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ a㧔࿖㓙ㅪวߩ⚵❱ߣᯏ⢻㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ శ స㚍 ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ߎߩ⻠⟵ߪޔ࿖㓙ㅪวߦߟߡߩᢥ₂ࠍ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߣߒߡޔ 㧔㧝㧕࿖㓙ㅪวߦߟߡ⍮ࠅޔ㧔㧞㧕࿖㓙㑐ଥಽ㊁ߦᔅⷐ ߥ⧷⺆⢻ജࠍะߐߖࠆߎߣࠍ⋡ᜰߒ߹ߔޕ ╙ 1 ࿁㧦 ࠗࡦ࠻ࡠ࠳࡚ࠢࠪࡦ㧦࿖㓙ㅪว㧒ᔃᓧ⸃⺑ ጁୃ⠪ߪޔᲤㅳ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߩᜰቯߐࠇߚㇱಽࠍ⺒ࠎߢߊࠆߎ ߣ߇᳞ࠄࠇ߹ߔߪߢ⟵⻠ޕ㑐ㅪߔࠆౝኈߦߟߡޔㆡቱ ⸃⺑ࠍട߃ߡⴕ߈߹ߔޔߚ߹ޕℂ⸃ࠍᷓࠆߚߦࡊޔ ࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦߒߚࠅߣߚߒ߽ࠅߚߒ⺰⸛ޔ⠨߃ߡ߹ ߔޕ ╙ 2 ࿁-╙ 15 ࿁㧦 ጁୃ⠪ߦࠃࠆႎ๔ߣ⸛⺰ ጁୃ⠪߇࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ࠍ⺒ߎߣࠍ㊀ⷞߒ߹ߔࠬࡍࠆ⺒ޕ ߢ⻠⟵ߪㅴߚߣᕁ߹ߔޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ MJPeterson, The UN General Assembly ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߩᚻᣇᴺߦߟߡߪೋ࿁ߦ⺑ߒ߹ߔޕ Ꮸ⁁ᴫߩࡦ࡚ࠪ࠹ࡦࡊޔౝኈ⽸ߩ߳⺰⸛ޔ₂ᐲߥ ߤߦࠃࠅ⹏ଔߒ߹ߔޕනขᓧߩߚߦߪޔ2/3 એߩ Ꮸ߇ᔅⷐߢߔޕ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Τ㧔࿖㓙ㅪวߩ⚵❱ߣᯏ⢻㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ b㧔࿖㓙ㅪวߩ⚵❱ߣᯏ⢻㧕 ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᜂᒰ⠪ శ స㚍 ᬺ⸘↹ ߎߩ⻠⟵ߪޔ࿖㓙ㅪวߦߟߡߩᢥ₂ࠍ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߣߒߡ ╙ ޔ1 ࿁㧦 㧔㧝㧕࿖㓙ㅪวߦߟߡ⍮ࠅޔ㧔㧞㧕࿖㓙㑐ଥಽ㊁ߦᔅⷐ ࠗࡦ࠻ࡠ࠳࡚ࠢࠪࡦ㧦࿖㓙ㅪว㧒ᔃᓧ⸃⺑ ߥ⧷⺆⢻ജࠍะߐߖࠆߎߣࠍ⋡ᜰߒ߹ߔޕ ጁୃ⠪ߪޔᲤㅳ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߩᜰቯߐࠇߚㇱಽࠍ⺒ࠎߢߊࠆߎ ߣ߇᳞ࠄࠇ߹ߔߪߢ⟵⻠ޕ㑐ㅪߔࠆౝኈߦߟߡޔㆡቱ ⸃⺑ࠍട߃ߡⴕ߈߹ߔޔߚ߹ޕℂ⸃ࠍᷓࠆߚߦࡊޔ ࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦߒߚࠅߣߚߒ߽ࠅߚߒ⺰⸛ޔ⠨߃ߡ߹ ߔޕ ╙ 2 ࿁-╙ 14 ࿁㧦 ጁୃ⠪ߦࠃࠆႎ๔ߣ⸛⺰ ╙ 15 ࿁㧦 ߺࠎߥߢ✚ ጁୃ⠪߇࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ࠍ⺒ߎߣࠍ㊀ⷞߒ߹ߔࠬࡍࠆ⺒ޕ ߢ⻠⟵ߪㅴߚߣᕁ߹ߔޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ECLuck, UN Security Council: Practics and Promise ߥ ߤߩ࠻ࠬࠠ࠹ޕᚻᣇᴺߦߟߡߪೋ࿁ߦ⺑ߒ߹ߔޕ Ꮸ⁁ᴫߩࡦ࡚ࠪ࠹ࡦࡊޔౝኈ⽸ߩ߳⺰⸛ޔ₂ᐲߥ ߤߦࠃࠅ⹏ଔߒ߹ߔޕනขᓧߩߚߦߪޔ2/3 એߩ Ꮸ߇ᔅⷐߢߔޕ 122 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σ㧔㤥ੱࡒࠬ࠹ຠࠍ⸃⺒ߔࠆ㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ a㧔㤥ੱࡒࠬ࠹ຠࠍ⸃⺒ߔࠆ㧕 ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᜂᒰ⠪ ᬺ⸘↹ ࠕࡔࠞᄢ㒽ߦ߅ߌࠆ㤥ੱ␠ળߩⷐࠍℂ⸃ߒߚ߁߃ߢޔ ࠦࡦ࠹ࡦࡐߥᄢⴐะߌዊ⺑ࠍ⺒ࠎߢߊ࠻ࠬޕ ߛߌߢߥߊߦߎߘޔឬ߆ࠇߡࠆ࠺ࠖ࠹࡞ߦ߽ᵈᗧࠍ ᛄޔߥࠢ࠶ࡏࡦࠪޔዊౕߥ߆߿ߐߐޔᨩࠍಽ ᨆ⊛ߦߺߡߊޕ ਥߦޔᬺߢߪ 9CNVGT/QUNG[ ߩ⍴✬㓸 5KZ'CU[2KGEGU ࠍ⺒ࠎߢߊ߇ޔㅜਛߡߊࠆࠪࡦࠍ߽ߣߦࡘࡇࡐޔ ࠞ࡞࠴ࡖߦߟߡߐ߹ߑ߹ߥⷞὐ߆ࠄಽᨆߒߡߺࠆޕ 㧝ࠕࡔࠞᄢ㒽ߩ㤥ੱ㧔㧝㧕 㧞ࠕࡔࠞᄢ㒽ߩ㤥ੱ㧔㧞㧕 㧟☨࿖ߣࠞࡉᶏߩ㤥ੱ 㧠࡚ࠪ࠻ࡒࠬ࠹㧔㧝㧕 㧡࡚ࠪ࠻ࡒࠬ࠹㧔㧞㧕 㧢࡚ࠪ࠻ࡒࠬ࠹㧔㧟㧕 㧣࡚ࠪ࠻ࡒࠬ࠹㧔㧠㧕 㧤Six Easy Pieces 㧥Six Easy Pieces 㧝㧜Six Easy Pieces 㧝㧝Six Easy Pieces 㧝㧞Six Easy Pieces 㧝㧟Six Easy Pieces 㧝㧠Six Easy Pieces 㧝㧡Six Easy Pieces ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Walter Mosley㩷 ”Six Easy Pieces“㩷 2003. Washington Square Press. ᬺਛߩᘒᐲ 50㧑 ᦼᧃ⹜㛎 50㧑 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ਃศ ⟤ട ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Τ㧔㤥ੱࡒࠬ࠹ຠࠍ⸃⺒ߔࠆ㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ b㧔㤥ੱࡒࠬ࠹ຠࠍ⸃⺒ߔࠆ㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ᤐቇᦼߦᒁ߈⛯߈࠹ࠬࡒޔዊ⺑ࠍ⺒ࠎߢߊޕ 㧝Six Easy Pieces 㧞Six Easy Pieces 㧟Six Easy Pieces 㧠Six Easy Pieces 㧡Six Easy Pieces 㧢Six Easy Pieces 㧣Six Easy Pieces 㧤Six Easy Pieces 㧥Six Easy Pieces 㧝㧜Six Easy Pieces 㧝㧝Six Easy Pieces 㧝㧞Six Easy Pieces 㧝㧟Six Easy Pieces 㧝㧠Six Easy Pieces 㧝㧡߹ߣ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Walter Mosley㩷 ”Six Easy Pieces“㩷 2003. Washington Square Press. ᬺਛߩᘒᐲ 50㧑 ᦼᧃ⹜㛎 50㧑 123 ਃศ ⟤ട 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 㧔Ἣ㧟㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σ㧔▤ޟℂߐࠇࠆᔃࠍޠᣣᧄੱߩᗵᕈߢ⺒ߺ⸃ߊ㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ a㧔▤ޟℂߐࠇࠆᔃࠍޠᣣᧄੱߩᗵᕈߢ⺒ߺ⸃ߊ㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ጊ〝 㗼 ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ 21 ♿ߪޟᔃߩᤨઍ☨ޕࠆࠇࠊ⸒ߣߛޠ࿖ߩ␠ળቇ⠪ Arlie Russell Hochschild ߪ⥶ⓨળ␠ߩቴቶਸ਼ോຬߦὶὐ ࠍߡޟᗵᖱഭ߁ߣޠಽ㊁ࠍ⺑߈ᗵᖱ␠ળቇߩ㗔ၞࠍ ᜏ߈ᷓߚੱ ޕ㑆ߩᗵᖱߔࠄᄁ⾈ߩኻ⽎ߣߥࠆຠߣߒ ߡ▤ℂߐࠇࠆ␠ળࠍᅚᕈߥࠄߢߪߩ㍈ⷞὐߢᝒ߃ߚޕ 1 ࿁ ࠟࠗ࠳ࡦࠬ㧧⻠⟵ߩㅴᣇ 2 ࿁ ࠣ࡞ࡊಽߌ⟵⻠ޔ㧧⥶ⓨߦ߅ߌࠆࠨࡆࠬߩ⟎ 3㨪7 ࿁ ᗵᖱഭࠍᝒ߃ࠆ Part One Private Life Exploring the Managed Heart ࠍਛᔃߦ⺒ߺ⸃ߊ 㧔7 ࿁⋡ߪࠣ࡞ࡊ⊒↪ࠍࡔࡘࠫޔᗧߔࠆ㧕 ⋡ߦ߃ߥⓨ᳇ߦṫ߁ᗧ߿ଔ୯ࠍ߽⺒ߺޟޔ᳇㆜ޔޠ ߩߒߥߡ߽ޟᔃࠍޠᜬߟᣣᧄੱߩᗵᕈ߆ࠄߪ Hochschild 8 ࿁ ⻠⟵㧧ࠛࠕࠗࡦ߆ࠄ߃ࠆࡎࠬࡇ࠲࠹ࠖ 9㨪13 ࿁ ᗵᖱߩ⯯ߣታ ߩ㗴ឭࠍߤ߁ᝒ߃ࠄࠇࠆߛࠈ߁߆ޕ Managing Feeling ࠍਛᔃߦ⺒ߺ⸃ߊ Gender㧔ࠫࠚࡦ࠳ޔᕈᏅ㧕ߩઍ⊛ᗧࠍ⠨ኤߒ⥶ޔⓨ 㧔13 ࿁⋡ߪࠣ࡞ࡊ⊒↪ࠍࡔࡘࠫޔᗧߔࠆ㧕 ↥ᬺߩࠨࡆࠬ߆ࠄ߃ߡߊࠆᣂߚߥ␠ળߩ᭴▽ߦ❬߇ 14 ࿁ ⻠⟵㧧ᣣᧄੱ߆ࠄࠆᗵᖱഭ ࠆ Paradigm㧔ࡄ࠳ࠗࡓ㧕ߩត᳞ࠍ⹜ߺࠆޕ 15 ࿁ ੱ⊒㧔ᄦߩޘ㆐ὐ㧕ోޔߩ߹ߣ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Arlie Russell Hochschild, Managed Heart – Commercialization of Human Feeling (University of California Press) ෳ⠨࿑ᦠ㧦Le Petit Prince (The Little Prince)ઁߩ⟵⻠ޔਛߢ⚫ ߔࠆ㩷 Ꮸޔ⊒ޔᬺ߳ߩෳ↹㧔㧡㧜㧑㧕࠻ࡐᧃᦼޔ㧔㧡 㧜㧑㧕 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 㧔Ἣ㧟㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Τ㧔▤ޟℂߐࠇࠆᔃࠍޠᣣᧄੱߩᗵᕈߢ⺒ߺ⸃ߊ㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ b㧔▤ޟℂߐࠇࠆᔃࠍޠᣣᧄੱߩᗵᕈߢ⺒ߺ⸃ߊ㧕 ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᜂᒰ⠪ ጊ〝 㗼 ᬺ⸘↹ ᤐቇᦼߩ⠨ኤࠍ〯߹߃ߩ࠳ࡦࠚࠫޔઍ⊛ᗧޔᰴઍ 1 ࿁ ⻠⟵ߩㅴᣇޔᣂࠣ࡞ࡊࠅ ߳ߩ᨞ߌᯅߣߥࠆߩޠࠖ࠹࠲ࡇࠬࡎޟត᳞ߦ߽ᵈജߔࠆ ޕ2 ࿁ ⻠⟵㧧ⷙ✭ߣࠛࠕࠗࡦߩࠨࡆࠬ┹ 3㨪7 ࿁ ቴቶਸ਼ോຬ߳ߩߣ⸠✵ Part Two Public Life Feeling Management ࠍਛᔃߦ⺒ߺ⸃ߊ 㧔7 ࿁⋡ߪࠣ࡞ࡊ⊒↪ࠍࡔࡘࠫޔᗧߔࠆ㧕 8 ࿁ ⻠⟵㧧ࠫࠚࡦ࠳㧔ᕈᏅ㧕ߩ⊒ជ 9㨪13 ࿁ ቴቶਸ਼ോຬߩᗵᖱഭ Jobs and Emotional Labor Gender, Status, and Feeling ࠍਛᔃߦ⺒ߺ⸃ߊ 14 ࿁ ⻠⟵㧧ᣣᧄੱߩᗵᕈ߇࠼ߔࠆ␠ળ 15 ࿁ ੱ⊒㧔ᄦߩޘ㆐ὐ㧕ోޔߩ߹ߣ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Arlie Russell Hochschild, Managed Heart – Commercialization of Human Feeling (University of California Press) ෳ⠨࿑ᦠ㧦Le Petit Prince (The Little Prince)ઁߩ⟵⻠ޔਛߢ⚫ ߔࠆ Ꮸޔ⊒ޔᬺ߳ߩෳ↹㧔㧡㧜㧑㧕࠻ࡐᧃᦼޔ㧔㧡 㧜㧑㧕 124 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 㧔ᧁ㧟㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Σ㧔ࠝࡊࡦࠬࠞࠗߣർ᧲ࠕࠫࠕㅢ⥶ⓨᏒ႐㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ a㧔ࠝࡊࡦࠬࠞࠗߣർ᧲ࠕࠫࠕㅢ⥶ⓨᏒ႐㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ጊ〝 㗼 ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ޔᣣᧄߩ⥶ⓨ߇ỗേߩᤨᦼࠍะ߆߃ߡࠆߩߪ⺕ߩ⋡ߦ ߽ಽ߆ࠆߩߟߐ߈߁߁ߤޕਅߢߎ߁ߥߞߚߩ߆ߒߘޕ ߡᓟߤ߁ߥࠆߩߢࠈ߁߆ޕ߆߁ࠈߢ߈ߴߔ߁ߤޔุޔ ࿖㓙᳃㑆⥶ⓨߩᨒ⚵ߺߪ╙ޔੑᰴᄢᚢਛߦ☨ޔ࿖߇ਛᔃ ߣߥࠅㅪว࿖ߩ࿖ߡߞࠃߦޘࠄࠇ߽ޔ⇇ࠍⷙߒ ߡࠆઁ ޕᣇ⥶ߩߎޔⓨߩ⇇⊛ߥᨒ⚵ߺߢࠆࠪޟ ࠞࠧࡃࡒࡘ࠳৻ߩⷫߩߺ↢ߩޠᣇߢࠆ☨࿖ߪ ߎߩᨒ⚵ߺࠍ⣕ߒੑ࿖㑆ߢߩࠝࡊࡦࠬࠞࠗࠍ⇇ߦ ޔ߽߁৻ᣇߩⷫߢࠆ㧱㨁ߪ 27 ࠞ࿖ߢࡃࡗ ࡈߩ⥶ⓨࠍߞߚޕ⇇ߩⓨߪⷙߩߥࠝࡊ ࡦࠬࠞࠗߦะߌߡᄢ߈ߊ⥽ࠍಾࠅᆎߚߩߢࠆޕ ᣣᧄߪવ⛔⊛ߥ࠳ࡘࡒࡃࠧࠞࠪޟߩޠᨒࠍ⣕ߒ ߈ࠇߕޔㄭ㓞⻉࿖㧔㖧࿖ޔਛ࿖ߥߤ㧕ߣߩㅪ៤߽ߥߊ৻ ࿖ਥ⟵ߩᨒ߆ࠄ߽ࠆߎߣ߇ߥޕ ⻠⟵⸘↹ߦឝߍࠆ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ࠍ↪ߒޔ⇇ߩⓨࠍⷙߔ ࠆⴕߩᨒ⚵ߺޔ㧱㨁㧙㨁㧿ߩᣂߚߥⓨ߳ߩേ߈ޔᣣਛ 㖧ޔർ᧲ࠕࠫࠕߩⓨߩߎࠇ߆ࠄࠍ⺒ߺ⸃ߊޕ ᣣᧄߩߩߒߥߡ߽߅ޟᔃࡎޟࠆߔߢࠕࠫࠕޔߒ⊒ߦޠ ࠬࡇ࠲࠹ࠖ߇ޠบߣߥࠆࠕࠫࠕ᧲ޟㅢ⥶ⓨᏒ႐ޠ 㧔⒓㧕ߩᆫࠍ⠨߃ࠆޕ 1 ࿁ ࠝࠛࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦ㧧⻠⟵ߩㅴᣇ 2 ࿁ ࠣ࡞ࡊಽߌߣ⻠⟵㧔ࠪࠞࠧࡃࡒࡘ࠳ߩၮ␆㧕 3㨪7 ࿁ ࠪࠞࠧࡃࡒࡘ࠳ࠍ⺒ߺ⸃ߊ 㧔7 ࿁ߪࠣ࡞ࡊ⊒↪ࠍࡔࡘࠫޔᗧߔࠆ㧕 8 ࿁ ⻠⟵㧧ⴕ࠳ࡘࡒࡃࠧࠞࠪޟߩޠ㗴 9㨪13 ࿁ ⴕߩ㗴ࠍ⺒ߺ⸃ߊ 㧔13 ࿁ߪࠣ࡞ࡊ⊒↪ࠍࡔࡘࠫޔᗧߔࠆ㧕 14 ࿁ ⻠⟵㧧⇇ߩⓨߩ㗴ߣ㧱㨁ߢ߈ߡࠆߎߣ 15 ࿁ ߹ߣޔੱ⊒ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ Ԙ“Chicago Regime Research Committee Report” by Japan International Transport Institute ԙ“The US-EU Agreement-A Path to a Global Aviation Agreement” Issues in Aviation Law and Policy Ԛ“Recent developments in China’s air transport : Implications for Northeast Asia Integration” by Professor Anming Zhang, The University of British Columbia ߘߩઁ᰷☨ߦ߅ߌࠆ㑐ㅪ⺰ᢥࠍㇺᐲ⚫ߔࠆޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ⻠⟵⸘↹ߩᰣߦ⸥タߩ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻࠻ࡦࡊ ޕᢎ᧚ߩᒻߢ㈩ Ꮣߔࠆߩ⟵⻠ޔઁߩߘޕਛߢㆡቱࡊࡦ࠻ࠍ㈩Ꮣߔࠆޕ Ꮸޔ⊒ޔᬺ߳ߩෳ↹㧔㧡㧜㧑㧕࠻ࡐᧃᦼޔ㧔㧡 㧜㧑㧕 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 㧔ᧁ㧟㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒Τ㧔ࠝࡊࡦࠬࠞࠗߣർ᧲ࠕࠫࠕㅢ⥶ⓨᏒ႐㧕 ⧷⺆ኾ㐷⻠⺒ b㧔ࠝࡊࡦࠬࠞࠗߣർ᧲ࠕࠫࠕㅢ⥶ⓨᏒ႐㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ጊ〝 㗼 ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ᤐቇᦼߩ⺒ߺ⸃߈ޔ⠨ኤࠍࡌࠬߦޟޔർ᧲ࠕࠫࠕㅢ⥶ ⓨᏒ႐᭴ᗐߦޠജὐࠍะߌࠆޕห᭴ᗐߩၮ␆ࠍߥߔޔℂ ᔨߣ߽ߥࠆࠕࠫࠕߩ♖ߩޠࠖ࠹࠲ࡇࠬࡎޟޔ⠨ኤߦ߽ ᵈജߔࠆޕ 1 ࿁ ⻠⟵ߩㅴᣇ ᣂࠣ࡞ࡊࠅ 2 ࿁ ⻠⟵㧧㧱㨁න৻⥶ⓨᏒ႐ߦߟߡ 3㨪7 ࿁ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻Ԙߩ㧯h㧟ޔ㧯h㧠ࠍਛᔃߦ⺒ߺ⸃ߊ Hospitality ߦߟߡߩ⼏⺰ࠍᷓࠆ 㧔7 ࿁ߪࠣ࡞ࡊ⊒↪ࠍࡔࡘࠫޔᗧߔࠆ㧕 8 ࿁ ⻠⟵㧧㨁㧿㧘㧱㨁ߩᚢ⇛ޔASEAN ߩേ߈ ޟᣣᧄ߆ࠄ⊒ାߔࠆࡎࠬࡇ࠲࠹ࠖߡߟߦޠ 9㨪13 ࿁ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ԙޔԚࠍ⺒ߺ⸃ߊ 㧔13 ࿁ߪࠣ࡞ࡊ⊒↪ࠍࡔࡘࠫޔᗧߔࠆ㧕 14 ࿁ ੱ⊒ ർ᧲ࠕࠫࠕㅢ⥶ⓨᏒ႐᭴ᗐߦߟߡ 15 ࿁ ߹ߣ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ᤐቇᦼߦหߓ Ꮸޔ⊒ޔᬺ߳ߩෳ↹㧔㧡㧜㧑㧕࠻ࡐᧃᦼޔ㧔㧡 㧜㧑㧕 125 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Academic Writing ⧷⺆ࠛ࠶ࠗࠗ࠹ࠖࡦࠣ a ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This is a one-semester course to improve students’ ability to write academic essays in English. Students will learn how to focus a topic, develop a thesis statement, collect and synthesize data, cite sources, and organize a clear and persuasive academic essay. The instructor will lead students step by step through the academic writing process, providing feedback along the way, toward multiple drafts of a 1,000 to 1,300-word final essay. Tentative schedule: Class time will include lectures, brainstorming, discussion, short writing activities, and feedback. Students are expected to spend lots of time for assignments outside class, and to be prepared, attentive, and active during class hours. 㧰㧚㧴㧚ࠤࡀ࠺ࠖ 1. Course introduction 2. Choosing and focusing a topic 3. Research skills 4. Writing a thesis statement and outline 5. Revising the thesis statement and outline 6. Writing the first draft 7. Revising organization: introduction, body, conclusion 8. Revising details: support, accuracy, and logic 9. Avoiding plagiarism: citing and quoting sources 10. Writing the second draft 11. Peer evaluation 12. Common problems with punctuation, grammar, and vocabulary 13. Editing for clarity and conciseness 14. Sharing final drafts 15. Feedback and comments ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Basic Steps to Writing Research Papers, by David E. Students will be graded according to their preparation outside class, participation in class, and the progress and quality of their academic essay. Kluge and Matthew A. Taylor. 2007, Cengage Learning. ISBN 978-4-902902-89-1 (¥2,300) 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Academic Writing ⧷⺆ࠛ࠶ࠗࠗ࠹ࠖࡦࠣ b ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This is a one-semester course to improve students’ ability to write academic essays in English. Students will learn how to focus a topic, develop a thesis statement, collect and synthesize data, cite sources, and organize a clear and persuasive academic essay. The instructor will lead students step by step through the academic writing process, providing feedback along the way, toward multiple drafts of a 1,000 to 1,300-word final essay. Tentative schedule: Class time will include lectures, brainstorming, discussion, short writing activities, and feedback. Students are expected to spend lots of time for assignments outside class, and to be prepared, attentive, and active during class hours. 㧰㧚㧴㧚ࠤࡀ࠺ࠖ 1. Course introduction 2. Choosing and focusing a topic 3. Research skills 4. Writing a thesis statement and outline 5. Revising the thesis statement and outline 6. Writing the first draft 7. Revising organization: introduction, body, conclusion 8. Revising details: support, accuracy, and logic 9. Avoiding plagiarism: citing and quoting sources 10. Writing the second draft 11. Peer evaluation 12. Common problems with punctuation, grammar, and vocabulary 13. Editing for clarity and conciseness 14. Sharing final drafts 15. Feedback and comments ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Basic Steps to Writing Research Papers, by David E. Students will be graded according to their preparation outside class, participation in class, and the progress and quality of their academic essay. Kluge and Matthew A. Taylor. 2007, Cengage Learning. ISBN 978-4-902902-89-1 (¥2,300) 126 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Academic Writing ⧷⺆ࠛ࠶ࠗࠗ࠹ࠖࡦࠣ a ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧰㧚ࡉ࠼ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ The aim of this course is to refine students’ ability to write academic essays. We will work on reviewing and expanding the skills acquired in the Basic Essay Writing course. Week 1 Introduction to the course Week 2 Selecting and Narrowing a Topic Week 3 The Five-Paragraph Essay Week 4 The Five-Paragraph Essay Week 5 Process Analysis Essays Week 6 Process Analysis Essays Week 7 Cause and Effect Essays Week 8 Cause and Effect Essays Week 9 Argumentative Essays Week 10 Argumentative Essays Week 11 Classification Essays Week 12 Classification Essays Week 13 Reaction Essays Week 14 Reaction Essays Week 15 Timed Essay ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Effective Academic Writing 3, by Jason Davis and Grades will be based on class participation (25%), homework writing activities (25%), final essay assignment (25%) and final timed essay (25%). Rhonda Liss, published by Oxford University Press. 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Academic Writing ⧷⺆ࠛ࠶ࠗࠗ࠹ࠖࡦࠣ b ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧰㧚ࡉ࠼ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ The aim of this course is to refine students’ ability to write academic essays. We will work on reviewing and expanding the skills acquired in the Basic Essay Writing course. Week 1 Introduction to the course Week 2 Selecting and Narrowing a Topic Week 3 The Five-Paragraph Essay Week 4 The Five-Paragraph Essay Week 5 Process Analysis Essays Week 6 Process Analysis Essays Week 7 Cause and Effect Essays Week 8 Cause and Effect Essays Week 9 Argumentative Essays Week 10 Argumentative Essays Week 11 Classification Essays Week 12 Classification Essays Week 13 Reaction Essays Week 14 Reaction Essays Week 15 Timed Essay ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Effective Academic Writing 3, by Jason Davis and Rhonda Liss, published by Oxford University Press. Grades will be based on class participation (25%), homework writing activities (25%), final essay assignment (25%) and final timed essay (25%). 127 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Academic Writing㧔Ἣ㧝㧕 ⧷⺆ࠛ࠶ࠗࠗ࠹ࠖࡦࠣ a㧔Ἣ㧝㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧱㧚㧶㧚࠽ࠝ࠙ࡒ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ Learning to write in a foreign language takes time and effort, but it is very satisfying to be able to communicate your ideas in writing. The purpose of this course is to refine the skills acquired in the Basic Essay Writing course. Each student has a different level of skill in writing, but the only way to improve writing skills is to write. The course will introduce and give practice in collecting, organizing and presenting information in a written format in an academic environment. There will be a number of short assignments that students are encourage to resubmit after receiving feedback and one short final paper. 1. Introduction to the course 2. Review of writing basics 1 3. Review of writing basics 2 4. Critical reading 5. Summary skills 1 6. Summary skills 2 7. Book reports 8. Academic vocabulary 9. Choosing a topic - Outlining 10. Academic patterns 11. Citations and references 12. Introductions and conclusions 13. Checking the first draft 14. Sharing the final product 15. Final paper submission and wrap up This syllabus may be modified to better suit student needs ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ All materials will be provided by the instructor Dictionaries will be discussed on the first day Attendance, preparation and participation in class 35%; Assignments and final paper 65% 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Academic Writing㧔Ἣ㧝㧕 ⧷⺆ࠛ࠶ࠗࠗ࠹ࠖࡦࠣ b㧔Ἣ㧝㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧱㧚㧶㧚࠽ࠝ࠙ࡒ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ The purpose of this course is to further refine academic writing skills. The more students practice, the more enjoyable writing will become. There will be a number of short class assignments designed to reinforce class content and to give students detailed feedback from the instructor. Students are encouraged to resubmit these assignments because it is common practice in academic writing to revise drafts before final submission. Students will also write one short paper on a topic of their choice. 1. Introduction to the course 2. Writing workshop 1 3. Writing workshop 2 4. Library research skills 5. Avoiding plagiarism 1 – summary and paraphrase 6. Topics, outlines and academic writing patterns 7. Topics, outlines and academic writing patterns 8. Avoiding plagiarism 2 – citations and references 9 Topics, outlines and academic writing patterns 10. Topics, outlines and academic writing patterns 11. Topics for the final paper 12. Questionnaires, graphs and tables 13. Checking the first draft 14. Sharing the final product 15. Final paper submission and wrap up This syllabus may be modified to better suit student needs ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ All materials will be provided by the instructor Discussion of references Attendance, preparation and participation in class 35%; Assignments and final paper 65% 128 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Academic Writing㧔Ἣ㧞㧕 ⧷⺆ࠛ࠶ࠗࠗ࠹ࠖࡦࠣ a㧔Ἣ㧞㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧱㧚㧶㧚࠽ࠝ࠙ࡒ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This course is a designed to build on the writing skills acquired in the Basic Essay Writing course and to help students produce short but more academic pieces of writing. In this semester we will look again at the different types of essays that students can write, such as description, comparing and contrasting, or expressing and supporting opinions in English. We will look at how to gather information and ideas before writing and students will write a number of short assignments on different topics. At the end of the semester students will submit three revised essays as a final portfolio. 1. Introduction to the course 2. Review of academic writing basics 1 3. Review of academic writing basics 2 4. When do we need description, process and narrative? 5. Brainstorming, topic narrowing and essay outline 6. How to support an opinion 7. Brainstorming, topic narrowing and essay outline 8. Comparison and contrast in academic writing 9. Brainstorming, topic narrowing and essay outline 10. Problem solving 11. Brainstorming, topic narrowing and essay outline 12. Writing workshop – editing and rewriting 13. Writing workshop – common errors 14. Writing workshop – acquiring academic vocabulary 15. Portfolio submission and wrap up The content of this course may change slightly to suit the needs of the students. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ Prints will be supplied by the instructor Reference materials will be discussed on the first day of Class. 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⹏ଔᣇᴺ In class participation 35%; Portfolio 65% Academic Writing㧔Ἣ㧞㧕 ⧷⺆ࠛ࠶ࠗࠗ࠹ࠖࡦࠣ b㧔Ἣ㧞㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧱㧚㧶㧚࠽ࠝ࠙ࡒ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This course is a designed to build on the writing skills acquired in the Basic Essay Writing course and to help students produce short but more academic pieces of writing. In this semester we will look again at the different types of essays that students can write, such as description, comparing and contrasting, or expressing and supporting opinions in English. We will look at how to gather information and ideas before writing and students will write a number of short assignments on different topics. At the end of the semester students will submit three revised essays as a final portfolio. 1. Introduction to the course 2. Review of academic writing basics 1 3. Review of academic writing basics 2 4. When do we need description, process and narrative? 5. Brainstorming, topic narrowing and essay outline 6. How to support an opinion 7. Brainstorming, topic narrowing and essay outline 8. Comparison and contrast in academic writing 9. Brainstorming, topic narrowing and essay outline 10. Problem solving 11. Brainstorming, topic narrowing and essay outline 12. Writing workshop – editing and rewriting 13. Writing workshop – common errors 14. Writing workshop – acquiring academic vocabulary 15. Portfolio submission and wrap up The content of this course may change slightly to suit the needs of the students.. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ Prints will be supplied by the instructor Reference materials will be discussed on the first day of Class. ⹏ଔᣇᴺ In class participation 35%; Portfolio 65% 129 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Academic Writing ⧷⺆ࠛ࠶ࠗࠗ࠹ࠖࡦࠣ a ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧱㧚ࡈࡦࠦ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This course aims to improve and refine academic writing skills. Most importantly, we hope to have fun improving our writing skills. Week 1: Introduction, course outline, evaluation, requirements & start writing topic # 1 Week 2: Writing Topic # 2 Week 3: Writing Topic # 3 Week 4: Writing Topic # 4 Week 5: Writing Topic # 5 Week 6: Writing Topic # 6 Week 7: Quiz Week 8: Writing Topic # 7 Week 9: Writing Topic # 8 Week 10: Writing Topic # 9 Week 11: Writing Topic # 10 Week 12: Writing Topic # 11 Week 13: Writing Topic # 12 Week 14: Writing Topic # 13 Week 15: Quiz Students will complete weekly classroom activities, working on self-expression and looking for self-improvement, in order to help build the confidence and knowledge necessary for academic life. Students will evaluate basic writing structures, writing techniques, analyze and review writing models, summarize articles, proof writing techniques, Etymology and referencing in order to synthesize information to produce clear and coherent discourse. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Notes and handouts will be provided every week. (Optional Text) Hogue & Oshima, Writing Academic English Level 4, 4th Edition, Pearson Education. Attendance, weekly exercises, quizzes, participation, class writing activities and writing of a number of papers. 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Academic Writing ⧷⺆ࠛ࠶ࠗࠗ࠹ࠖࡦࠣ b ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧱㧚ࡈࡦࠦ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This course aims to improve and refine academic writing skills. Most importantly, we hope to have fun improving our writing skills. Week 1: Introduction, course outline, evaluation, requirements & start writing topic # 1 Week 2: Writing Topic # 2 Week 3: Writing Topic # 3 Week 4: Writing Topic # 4 Week 5: Writing Topic # 5 Week 6: Writing Topic # 6 Week 7: Quiz Week 8: Writing Topic # 7 Week 9: Writing Topic # 8 Week 10: Writing Topic # 9 Week 11: Writing Topic # 10 Week 12: Writing Topic # 11 Week 13: Writing Topic # 12 Week 14: Writing Topic # 13 Week 15: Quiz Students will complete weekly classroom activities, working on self-expression and looking for self-improvement, in order to help build the confidence and knowledge necessary for academic life. Students will evaluate basic writing structures, writing techniques, analyze and review writing models, summarize articles, proof writing techniques, Etymology and referencing in order to synthesize information to produce clear and coherent discourse. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Notes and handouts will be provided every week. (Optional Text) Hogue & Oshima, Writing Academic English Level 4, 4th Edition, Pearson Education. Attendance, weekly exercises, quizzes, participation, class writing activities and writing of a number of papers. 130 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Academic Writing ⧷⺆ࠛ࠶ࠗࠗ࠹ࠖࡦࠣ a ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧶㧚㧺㧚࠙ࠚࡦ࠺࡞ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ As the saying goes, “Writing is thinking.” Competence in academic writing promotes clarity and precision, and enables you to present your ideas logically and persuasively. It invites you to broaden your perspectives and deepen your understanding of the issues underlying your subject. Developing your academic writing skills takes time and practice, but it’s worth the effort as these skills can be applied to other forms of communication. 1. Orientation 2. Paragraph structure (Chapt 1) 3. Unity and coherence (Chapt 2) 4. Supporting Details (Chapt 3) 5. From paragraph to essay (Chapt 4) 6. The process of academic writing (Appendix A) 7. The extended essay—Chronological order (Chapt 5) 8. Gathering ideas and background information 9. Developing an outline; thesis statement 10. First draft of extended essay due 11. Research and documentation of sources (Appendix E) 12. Revision 13. Revision 14. Revision 15. Final draft of extended essay due The prerequisite for this course is Basic Essay Writing. After a review of academic paragraph structure and the fiveparagraph essay, you will undertake a longer piece of writing, a 1000-word essay. You will begin by collecting ideas and background information and developing perspectives on your chosen subject. You will prepare a detailed outline and have it evaluated by your peers. Finally, you will write at least two drafts of your extended essay, revising as appropriate. Outside sources will be noted and duly cited. You will not only be writing extended essays, but you will also do writing practices and exercises from the textbook. You will also analyze models of writing—successful essays that illustrate the fine-tuned integration of form and function. (N.B. This syllabus may be modified as appropriate depending on the skill level, experience, and needs of the students.) ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Writing Academic English (4th Edition). 2006. Students will be evaluated on the basis of class participation, exercises and written homework, and their essays. Alice Oshima & Ann Hogue. Pearson Education. 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Academic Writing ⧷⺆ࠛ࠶ࠗࠗ࠹ࠖࡦࠣ b ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧶㧚㧺㧚࠙ࠚࡦ࠺࡞ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ As the saying goes, “Writing is thinking.” Competence in academic writing promotes clarity and precision, and enables you to present your ideas logically and persuasively. It invites you to broaden your perspectives and deepen your understanding of the issues underlying your subject. Developing your academic writing skills takes time and practice, but it’s worth the effort as these skills can be applied to other forms of communication. 1. Orientation 2. Paragraph structure (Chapt 1) 3. Unity and coherence (Chapt 2) 4. Supporting Details (Chapt 3) 5. From paragraph to essay (Chapt 4) 6. The process of academic writing (Appendix A) 7. The extended essay—Cause and effect (Chapt 6) 8. Gathering ideas and background information 9. Developing an outline; thesis statement 10. First draft of extended essay due 11. Research and documentation of sources (Appendix E) 12. Revision 13. Revision 14. Revision 15. Final draft of extended essay due The prerequisite for this course is Basic Essay Writing. After a review of academic paragraph structure and the fiveparagraph essay, you will undertake a longer piece of writing, a 1000-word essay. You will begin by collecting ideas and background information and developing perspectives on your chosen subject. You will prepare a detailed outline and have it evaluated by your peers. Finally, you will write at least two drafts of your extended essay, revising as appropriate. Outside sources will be noted and duly cited. You will not only be writing extended essays, but you will also do writing practices and exercises from the textbook. You will also analyze models of writing—successful essays that illustrate the fine-tuned integration of form and function. (N.B. This syllabus may be modified as appropriate depending on the skill level, experience, and needs of the students.) ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ Writing Academic English ⹏ଔᣇᴺ (4th Edition). 2006. Alice Oshima & Ann Hogue. Pearson Education. Students will be evaluated on the basis of class participation, exercises and written homework, and their essays. 131 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Academic Writing ⧷⺆ࠛ࠶ࠗࠗ࠹ࠖࡦࠣ a ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧶㧚࠙ࠜ࡞࠼ࡑࡦ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This course will enable students to become more proficient writers by encouraging them to explore and organize their ideas in writing. 1. Orientation with explanation of grading system and student requirements. 2. In-class diagnostic writing and Chapter 1 3. Chapter 2: Review of paragraph basics. 4. Organizing paragraphs. Finish chapter 2. 5. Chapter 3. Revising and editing. 6. Quiz covering the first 3 Chapters of the textbook. 7. Chapter 4: The five-paragraph essay. 8. The process essay. 9. The division and classification essay. 10. In-class timed division and classification essay. 11. Causes and effects essay. 12. Finish chapter 7 13. The comparison/contrast essay 14.Problem – Solution Essays 15. Final in-class essay. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Title: Ready To Write 3 Author: Blanchard and Root Publisher :Pearson/Longman Students will be graded on attendance, quizzes and in-class essays.. 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Academic Writing ⧷⺆ࠛ࠶ࠗࠗ࠹ࠖࡦࠣ b ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧶㧚࠙ࠜ࡞࠼ࡑࡦ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This course will enable students to become more proficient writers by encouraging them to explore and organize their ideas in writing. 1. Orientation with explanation of grading system and student requirements. 2. In-class diagnostic writing and Chapter 1 3. Chapter 2: Review of paragraph basics. 4. Organizing paragraphs. Finish chapter 2. 5. Chapter 3. Revising and editing. 6. Quiz covering the first 3 Chapters of the textbook. 7. Chapter 4: The five-paragraph essay. 8. The process essay. 9. The division and classification essay. 10. In-class timed division and classification essay. 11. Causes and effects essay. 12. Finish chapter 7 13. The comparison/contrast essay. 14.Problem – Solution Essays 15. Final in-class essay. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Title: Ready To Write 3 Author: Blanchard and Root Publisher: Pearson/Longman Students will be graded on attendance, quizzes and in-class essays. 132 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Academic Writing ⧷⺆ࠛ࠶ࠗࠗ࠹ࠖࡦࠣ a ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ K㧚ࡈࠜ࠼ ᬺ⸘↹ In this one-semester Academic Writing course students will develop their ability to write essays that have clear academic structure, style and language. Students will have two main assignments: 1) A 600-word advantages/disadvantages essay on the same topic as their peers that needs to reflect a clear understanding of appropriate paragraph division, style of introduction, thesis statement, development of body paragraphs, and style of conclusion. 2) A 1000-word essay on an academic topic of each student’s choosing that expands on previously learned writing skills, incorporates sources, and reflects ability to paraphrase and summarize material. Both assignments involve discussion, brainstorming, outlining, drafting, peer review, redrafting, editing. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ 1㧚Course Introduction 2㧚Review of essay structure/ Analyzing model essays 3㧚Discussion of first essay topic and assigned readings 4㧚Brainstorming/ Outlining for first essay 5㧚Incorporating paraphrase, summary and quotation 6㧚Peer review of first draft/ Revision 7㧚Example presentation and narrowing essay focus 8㧚Presentation/ Discussion of chosen essay topics 9㧚Presentation/ Discussion of chosen essay topics 10㧚Outlining of chosen essay topics and introduction 11㧚Analyzing thesis statements and topic sentences 12㧚Revision and editing checklists 13㧚Peer review of latest draft 14㧚Final essay submission/Course review 15㧚Return of final essays/Self-reflection ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Grades are based on attendance, writing assignments, No textbook is required for this course. and classroom participation. 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Academic Writing ⧷⺆ࠛ࠶ࠗࠗ࠹ࠖࡦࠣ b ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ In this one-semester Academic Writing course students will develop their ability to write essays that have clear academic structure, style and language. Students will have two main assignments: 1) A 600-word advantages/disadvantages essay on the same topic as their peers that needs to reflect a clear understanding of appropriate paragraph division, style of introduction, thesis statement, development of body paragraphs, and style of conclusion. 2) A 1000-word essay on an academic topic of each student’s choosing that expands on previously learned writing skills, incorporates sources, and reflects ability to paraphrase and summarize material. Both assignments involve discussion, brainstorming, outlining, drafting, peer review, and redrafting. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ No textbook is required for this course. K㧚ࡈࠜ࠼ 1㧚Course Introduction 2㧚Review of essay structure/ Analyzing model essays 3㧚Discussion of first essay topic and assigned readings 4㧚Brainstorming/ Outlining for first essay 5㧚Incorporating paraphrase, summary and quotation 6㧚Peer review of first draft/ Revision 7㧚Example presentation and narrowing essay focus 8㧚Presentation/ Discussion of chosen essay topics 9㧚Presentation/ Discussion of chosen essay topics 10㧚Outlining of chosen essay topics and introduction 11㧚Analyzing thesis statements and topic sentences 12㧚Revision and editing checklists 13㧚Peer review of latest draft 14㧚Final essay submission/Course review 15㧚Return of final essays/Self-reflection ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Evaluation is based on attendance, writing assignments, and classroom participation. 133 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Academic Writing ⧷⺆ࠛ࠶ࠗࠗ࠹ࠖࡦࠣ a ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧷㧚ࡒࡂࡦ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ The goal of this course is to refine students' ability to write academic essays and to synthesize information from multiple sources to produce clear and coherent discourse Students will have ample chances to practice drafting and re-drafting essays for academic purposes. 1. Course Introduction 2. Brainstorming and topic selection 3. Organization 4.Collecting and synthesizing information 5 Paragraph to short essay 6.Descriptive essay 7.Narrative essay 8.Opinion essay 9.Peer evaluation 10.writing final draft 11.Comparison and contrast essay 12.Paraphrasing 13.Bibliography 14 In-text citations 15.Final Examination ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ The textbook is to be announced Evaluation will be based on attendance, assignments, and final examination. 134 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Academic Writing ⧷⺆ࠛ࠶ࠗࠗ࠹ࠖࡦࠣ b ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧸㧚㧷㧚ࡂࠠࡦࠬ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ In this course, we will strive to provide the students The students will work according to their own speed on will the fundamentals necessary to construct a a series of essays after consultation with the instructor. well-organized, well-structured, persuasive essay in English. The students will also be taught the basics of how to document their research. The students will be asked to write persuasive essays on topics about which they have strong opinions (complete with additional information gleaned through research). After this course, it is hoped that the students will feel confident in writing short, well-constructed essays in English. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ There will be no text for this course. All handouts will be provided by the instructor. The students will be graded on attendance, participation and the quality of their essays. 135 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Academic Writing ⧷⺆ࠛ࠶ࠗࠗ࠹ࠖࡦࠣ a ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧹㧚࠳ࡦ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ The aim of this class is to help students develop the skill of academic writing by learning how to construct an essay. The focus will be on the organization and presentation of ideas, and the clarity and intelligibility of the English itself. The typical class will usually consist of a short lecture, followed by the presentation and analysis of a model writing. The class will be taught entirely in English. Students will be expected to use English to discuss their own writing and model essays which will be analyzed in the class. Ample opportunities will be provided for students to revise their writings and for sharing them in class with their peers. By the end of this course, students will be more competent writers and better understand the process of writing academic essays. Week1: Course Introduction Week 2: Analyzing sources Week 3: Prewriting activities Week 4: Brainstorming and narrowing the topic Week 5: Writing a thesis statement Week 6: Organizing ideas; writing task Week 7: Writing an essay outline Week 8: Revising the outline Week 9: Writing the draft Week 10: Quoting other sources; writing task Week 11: Using statistics; writing task Week 12: Revising and Editing Week 13: Final draft due Week 14: Presentations Week 15: Review and feedback ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Photocopies will be provided by the instructor. 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Students will be evaluated on their writing assignments, adherence to deadlines, attendance, and their progress in writing. Academic Writing ⧷⺆ࠛ࠶ࠗࠗ࠹ࠖࡦࠣ b ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ Points for further consideration: Students will need an English-English dictionary Students will be required to have a notebook ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧹㧚࠳ࡦ ᬺ⸘↹ Week1: Course Introduction Week 2: Analyzing sources Week 3: Prewriting activities Week 4: Brainstorming and narrowing the topic Week 5: Writing a thesis statement Week 6: Organizing ideas; writing task Week 7: Writing an essay outline Week 8: Revising the outline Week 9: Writing the draft Week 10: Quoting other sources; writing task Week 11: Using statistics; writing task Week 12: Revising and Editing Week 13: Final draft due Week 14: Presentations Week 15: Review and feedback ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Photocopies will be provided by the instructor. Students will be evaluated on their writing assignments, adherence to deadlines, attendance, and their progress in writing. 136 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Academic Writing ⧷⺆ࠛ࠶ࠗࠗ࠹ࠖࡦࠣ a ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧹㧚ࡈ࠶࠼ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This course is designed to introduce students of English to the fundamental skills of academic writing and to internalize those skills through extensive practice. Assuming that students have already mastered basic sentence-level clarity and paragraph writing, our unit of composition will be the essay. As we learn how to write several different types of essays for academic purposes, we will practice the macro skills of development, organization, coherence, and micro skills of diction, style, and mechanics. At all levels and at all times, we will attend to audience analysis. One of our goals is to understand the reading/writing connection, using the writing of others as both sources for our own writing and as models of both good and bad writing. We will proceed to peer review activities, in which classmates help each other identify strengths and weaknesses. The ultimate goal is to create independent, self-critical writers. ATTENDANCE and PARTICIPATION are crucial to your success in this class. Students are expected to be ON TIME for class and use ENGLISH ONLY for discussion. Week 1: Course Introduction & Discussion Week 2: Summarizing Week 3: Summary Workshop Week 4: Responding Week 5: Responding Week 6: Response Workshop Week 7: Textual Analysis Week 8: Textual Analysis Week 9: Textual Analysis Workshop Week 10: Comparison & Contrast Week 11: Comparison & Contrast Week 12: Comparison & Contrast Week 13: Comparison & Contrast Workshop Week 14: Final Workshop Week 15: Presentations ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ There is no text for this class, but students should bring a dictionary each week. Grades will be based on participation and written assignments. 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Academic Writing ⧷⺆ࠛ࠶ࠗࠗ࠹ࠖࡦࠣ b ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧹㧚ࡈ࠶࠼ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This course is designed to introduce students of English to the fundamental skills of academic writing and to internalize those skills through extensive practice. Assuming that students have already mastered basic sentence-level clarity and paragraph writing, our unit of composition will be the essay. As we learn how to write several different types of essays for academic purposes, we will practice the macro skills of development, organization, coherence, and micro skills of diction, style, and mechanics. At all levels and at all times, we will attend to audience analysis. One of our goals is to understand the reading/writing connection, using the writing of others as both sources for our own writing and as models of both good and bad writing. We will proceed to peer review activities, in which classmates help each other identify strengths and weaknesses. The ultimate goal is to create independent, self-critical writers. ATTENDANCE and PARTICIPATION are crucial to your success in this class. Students are expected to be ON TIME for class and use ENGLISH ONLY for discussion. Week 1: Course Introduction & Discussion Week 2: Cause & Effect Week 3: Cause & Effect Week 4: Cause & Effect Workshop Week 5: Cause & Effect Workshop Week 6: Research Skills Week 7: Documentation & Plagiarism Week 8: Evaluating Sources Week 9: Problem Solving Week 10: Problem Solving Week 11: Problem Solving Week 12: Problem Solving Workshop Week 13: Problem Solving Workshop Week 14: Review Week 15: Presentations ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ There is no text for this class, but students should bring a dictionary to class each week. Grades will be determined based on participation and written assignments. 137 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Academic Writing ⧷⺆ࠛ࠶ࠗࠗ࠹ࠖࡦࠣ a ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ 㧼㧚࠼ ᬺ⸘↹ The purpose of the 1st semester is to revise and improve the basic skills that the students already have. Various topics and exercises will be used during the semester to introduce basic academic writing skills. Week 1: Course Introduction, Overview, Getting to know you. Weeks 2-14: Below are topics to be covered during the semester. Students will be involved in peer evaluation and read each others writing and offer constructive feedback. - Sentence structure - Conjunctions - Paragraph structure Students thinking about this course should be prepared to share ideas and work together as a group with a common goal - making learning as interesting and as enjoyable as possible by taking their work seriously and meeting the challenge. - Idea coherence - Supporting the main points of your essay - Research and documentation of sources - Other topics covered during the semester will be announced in the first class. Week 15: Revision and Final Paper ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ To be announced in the first class Assessment details will be announced in the first class. 138 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Academic Writing ⧷⺆ࠛ࠶ࠗࠗ࠹ࠖࡦࠣ a ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧾㧚࡚ࠫࡦ࠭ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This positive and active class is for students who are serious about improving their academic writing skills. The lessons will progress step by step allowing the students to improve their essay writing skills. Below is a general outline of the course. Weeks 1 - 2, Introduction to the course, the teacher and students. Discussion topics. Week 3 - 4, The thesis statement. Discussion topics Week 5 - 6, Writing an effective introduction. Discussion topics. Week 7 - 8, Unity in an essay. Discussion topics. Week 9 - 10, Concluding an essay. Discussion topics. Week 11 - 13, Other important points in essay writing. Discussion topics. Week 14 -15, Final assessments. In addition to essay writing, the class will contain many opportunities to debate and discuss important social and world issues. Students who study hard will be able to improve their writing and debating skills. In addition, it is hoped that the students will be able to increase their vocabulary levels. Interesting topics will be covered in the lessons, there will be a lot of fun, and plenty of opportunities to speak English. Important note: The class will always start on time, so do not come late. Also, please attend all the lessons. If you miss a class, be sure to find out what work you missed especially as there could be homework to do. It is not hard to get a good grade in this class as long as you are punctual, keep good attendance and do your best. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ No textbook will be used in this class. Printed material will be given to the students, thus each student should buy a clear folder with many pages in order to keep the handouts in good order. Please bring a good dictionary to all the lessons. Your grade comes from: Class work, homework, vocabulary tests: 20%, Essay: 20%, Journal: 20%, Good attendance, trying hard in class, never late, speaking English: 20%, Final assessment: 20% 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Academic Writing ⧷⺆ࠛ࠶ࠗࠗ࠹ࠖࡦࠣ b ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧾㧚࡚ࠫࡦ࠭ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This positive and active class is for students who are serious about improving their academic writing skills. The lessons will progress step by step allowing the students to improve their essay writing skills. Below is a general outline of the course. In addition to essay writing, the class will contain many opportunities to debate and discuss important social and world issues. Students who study hard will be able to improve their writing and debating skills. In addition, it is hoped that the students will be able to increase their vocabulary levels. Weeks 1 - 2, Introduction to the course, the teacher and students. Discussion topics. Weeks 3 - 4, The paragraph and review of short essay structure. Discussion topics. Weeks 5 - 7, Developing the 5 paragraph essay. Discussion topics. Weeks 8 - 10, Unity and coherence in an essay. Discussion topics. Weeks 11 -13, Editing your writing. Discussion topics. Week 14 -15, Final assessments. Important note: Interesting topics will be covered in the lessons, there will be a lot of fun, and plenty of opportunities to speak English. The class will always start on time, so do not come late. Also, please attend all the lessons. If you miss a class, be sure to find out what work you missed especially as there could be homework to do. It is not hard to get a good grade in this class as long as you are punctual, keep good attendance and do your best. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ No textbook will be used in this class. Printed material will be given to the students, thus each student should buy a clear folder with many pages in order to keep the handouts in good order. Please bring a good dictionary to all the lessons. Your grade comes from: Class work, homework, vocabulary tests: 20%, Essay: 20%, Journal: 20%, Good attendance, trying hard in class, never late, speaking English: 20%, Final assessment: 20% 139 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Academic Writing ⧷⺆ࠛ࠶ࠗࠗ࠹ࠖࡦࠣ a ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧾㧚࠳ࡓ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ The purposes of the course are to show you how to learn to: (* Note: This is a tentative schedule. The items listed may change, depending on: student needs & requests; special festival days/occasions; recent News stories/events; and various other factors.) Week 1: Introductions, in modern English: eye contact; proper handshake; suitable follow-up questions. Writing about your part-time job. Week 2: Review/ practice of Introductions. Asking student suggestions for topics/themes which they would like to learn & study (especially with respect to international communication). English re-writing exercises (changing 'Wasei Eigo' sentences to correct English grammar and sentences.) Week 3: Writing about your (future) plans for Golden Week (including elaborating (explaining) about your plans. Week 4: "How was your Golden Week?": writing about what you did, during Golden Week. English re-writing exercises. Continuous assessments. Week 5: Finishing & re-drafting compositions about pre- and post-Golden Week activities. Continuous assessment. Week 6: Writing and explaining about your plans for Mother's Day. Writing about your English paragraph format. Week 7: Re-drafting and completing compositions re: Mother's Day. Continuous assessment. Week 8: Writing to express your opinions, part one: "How do you feel about ______?" & "What do you think of _______?"[Discussion and writing about News/Current topics/songs/videos. (Focus on striving to obtain and communicate a balanced Global viewpoint.) ] Week 9: Writing to expressing your opinions, part two. Ongoing assessments. Re-writing exercises. Continuous assessment. Week 10: Writing (and talking) about your hobbies, with elaboration thereof. Week 11: Finalizing compositions re: hobbies (with elaboration). Optionally: perhaps student research/writing/discussion about a variety of themes which are of students interest, such as: 'Global Warming' (a.k.a. 'Climate Change'); International Relations; 'GM' Food; Pros & Cons of the Internet; and many more student-suggested topics of interest.) Continuous assessment. .Week 12: "What kind of ______ do you like?": Discussing and writing about music, movies, magazines, TV shows, books, food, etc., in dynamic, modern English. Ongoing assessment of student abilities & class performance. Week 13: International News exercise, and/or video exercise, with writing & discussion about that. Re-writing exercises. Week 14: Second drafts of composition re: current News topic and/or video. Ongoing assessment of students. Week 15: Writing, discussing, and elaborating about plans for the Summer Break. Final opportunity to submit final drafts of all compositions. a) write grammatically-correct English sentences; b) communicate and explain, verbally and also in written English, about a variety of International topics, using "EQ" (Emotional Intelligence); c) write English paragraphs that effectively explain/discuss a wide range of topics, from an International point of view; d) (depending on student abilities & desires) research and write compostions about Academic (university level) topics; and e) try to understand International humor; and (hopefully) try to use such humor effectively in English writing (and in English conversations as well). ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ To stimulate our writing and imagination, we may be using some videos/movies; copies of recent International News articles; Internet research; some songs & song-listening exercises; International (travel) videos, and/or library materials. IF a textbook is truly necessary, one will be chosen. You will be assessed often--the 'ongoing assessment technique'. Your assessment will be based on: how well you participate in class; how well you write/speak/elaborate (explain)//communicate in English, the ways in which you reason (think); how well you use the information taught to you; how well you work together with other class members; and so on. Your grade will be tentatively & approximately determined by: ongoing class assessments (approximately 25%); class participation (20%); compositions (including several 'draft' versions) (40%); and attendance (15%). These percentages may vary, depending upon student abilities and needs. Attendance is CRUCIAL (very important) in this class. You must NOT miss more than three classes, for any reason. Please also keep in mind that: a) the lower your attendance, the lower your grade (& if more than three absences, your grade will be "F"); One late = 1/2 absence); b) lateness will also greatly affect your grade in this course (O c) if you are late/absent, and somehow miss submiting and assignment/homework, please make sure to e-mail that assignment/homework to your teacher, before the deadline. Late submissions will not be accepted. 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Academic Writing ⧷⺆ࠛ࠶ࠗࠗ࠹ࠖࡦࠣ b ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧾㧚࠳ࡓ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ The purposes of the course are to show you how to learn to: (* Note: This is a tentative schedule. The items listed may change, depending on: student needs & requests; special festival days/occasions; recent News stories/events; and various other factors.) Week 1: Discussing/communicating/writing/elaborating about your Summer Break,, using correct modern English. Sentence re-writing exercises. Week 2: Finishing & re-drafting the composition, re: Summer Break. Continuous assessment. Week 3: "What do you usually do ...?": discussing, communicating, and writing about your usual activities on holidays/weekends/weeknights. English re-writing exercises (changing 'Wasei Eigo' sentences to grammatically- & cuturally-correct English sentences.) Week 4: "What do you usually do...?", part two. (A News topic of current interest might be chosen, instead, for students to write opinions about.) Perhaps selection of a research topic for an Academic essay. Ongoing assessments. Week 5: Hallowe'en: researching, discussing, and writing about this international 'festival'. Parts of a Hallowe'en video might be shown, to stimulate the imagination. Week 6: "If you went to a Hallowe'en party, what would you dress up as?": using your imaginative abilities to write about a possible Hallowe'en costume, and about what you would do at such a party. Re-writing exercises. Week 7: Research, discussion, and writing about Thanksgiving. (A Song-listening exercise may be used, to stimulate discussion & writing.). Writing to answer the question, "What are you thankful for?" Week 8: Thanksgiving, part two: continuing to write (& re-draft) a composition about what you are thankful for. Continuous assessment. Week 9: Christmas writing & discussion--perhaps involving research about Christmas in various countries. (Parts of a Christmas video may be shown, in order to assist students to imagine Christmas possibilities.) Continuous assessments. Week 10: Finishing/Re-drafting Christmas compositions. Sentence re-writing exercises. Week 11:""What are your plans for Christmas?": discussing and writing about student plans for Christmas.(A Christmas song exercise may be introduced, in order to stimulate thinking/discussion/writing.) Re-writing exercises. Week 12: Writing about Christmas plans, part two (final drafts re: Christmas plans). Parts of a Christmas video may be shown, in order to assist students to imagine Christmas possibilities. Continuous assessments. Week 13: Discussion & writing about 'How was your O Sho Gatsu?'. Ongoing student assessment.. Week 14: Discussing and writing about "New Year's Resolutions". Continuous assessment. Week 15: Final drafts, re: specific New Year's Resolutions. Continuous assessment, and submission of final drafts of all compositions. a) write grammatically-correct English sentences; b) communicate and explain, verbally and also in written English, about a variety of International topics, using "EQ" (Emotional Intelligence); c) write English paragraphs that effectively explain/discuss a wide range of topics, from an International point of view; d) (depending on student abilities & desires) research and write compostions about Academic (university level) topics; and e) try to understand International humor; and (hopefully) try to use such humor effectively in English writing (and in English conversations as well). ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ To stimulate our writing and imagination, we may be using some videos/movies; copies of recent International News articles, Internet research, some songs & song-listening exercises; International (travel) videos, and/or library materials. IF a textbook is truly necessary, one will be chosen. You will be assessed often--the 'ongoing assessment technique'. Your assessment will be based on: how well you participate in class; how well you write/speak/elaborate (explain)//communicate in English, the ways in which you reason (think); how well you use the information taught to you; how well you work together with other class members; and so on. Your grade will be tentatively & approximately determined by: ongoing class assessments (approximately 25%); class participation (20%); compositions (including several 'draft' versions) (40%); and attendance (15%). These percentages may vary, depending upon student abilities and needs. Attendance is CRUCIAL (very important) in this class. You must NOT miss more than three classes, for any reason. Please also keep in mind that: a) the lower your attendance, the lower your grade (& if more than three absences, your grade will be "F"); One late = 1/2 absence); b) lateness will also greatly affect your grade in this course (O c) if you are late/absent, and somehow miss submiting and assignment/homework, please make sure to e-mail that assignment/homework to your teacher, before the deadline. Late submissions will not be accepted. 140 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⠡⸶ ⠡⸶ a ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧼㧚ࡀ࡞ࡓ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ The aim of the course during the first semester will be to give students the skill set to translate more effectively, focusing on translations from English to Japanese. Particular attention will be given to common mistranslations and translation strategies. The materials used will mainly include poems (by Robert Frost, et al.), novels (Mark Twain’s “Huckleberry Finn,” etc.) newspaper and magazine articles (mainly from Newsweek and Newsweek Japan), along with Western movies (Japanese subtitles). 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Document #1 1.3 Document #2 1.4 Document #3 1.5 Document #4 1.6 Document #5 1.7 Document #6 The format of the course will consist of lectures presenting the material chosen for the week, with students expected to do translations in class. Students will also be expected to compare and discuss their translations with each other in class. Homework will include trial translations, and a final essay examination will be given to test students' knowledge of what was learned in class, along with a self-evaluation. 1.8 Document #7 1.9 Document #8 1.10 Document #9 1.11 Document #10 1.12 Document #11 It is not necessary to take this class both semesters, though preference in student selection will be given to those students planning on doing so. 1.13 Document #12 1.14/15 Final Examination and Self-Evaluation ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Materials to be handed out in class weekly. Attendance 25% (maximum number of absences=4), Class participation 25%, Homework 25%, Final examination and self-evaluation 25% 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⠡⸶ ⠡⸶ b ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧼㧚ࡀ࡞ࡓ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ The aim of the course during the second semester will be to give students the skill set to translate more effectively, focusing on translations from Japanese to English. Particular attention will be given to vocabulary nuance and word order. The materials used will include English translations of novels and essays by famous Japanese authors (including Matsuo Basho, Natsume Soseki, Yasunari Kawabata, Junichiro Tanizaki, Yukio Mishima, Shusaku Endo, Kobo Abe, Haruki Murakami, Banana Yoshimoto, et al.), along with movies based on those authors’s works, and Japanese animations (looking at the English and Japanese subtitles). The format of the course will consist of lectures presenting the material chosen for the week, with students expected to do translations in class. Students will also be expected to compare and discuss their translations with each other in class. Homework will include trial translations, and a final essay examination will be given to test students' knowledge of what was learned in class, along with a self-evaluation. It is not necessary to take this class both semesters, though preference in student selection will be given to those students planning on doing so. 2.1 Introduction, Student Selection 2.2 Author #1 2.3 Author #2 2.4 Author #3 2.5 Author #4 2.6 Author #5 2.7 Author #6 2.8 Author #7 2.9 Author #8 2.10 Author #9 2.11 Author #10 2.12 Author #11 ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Materials to be handed out in class weekly. Attendance 25% (maximum number of absences=4), Class participation 25%, Homework 25%, Final examination and self-evaluation 25% 2.13 Author #12 2.14/15 Final Examination and Self-evaluation 141 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⠡⸶ ⠡⸶ a ᜂᒰ⠪ ㊁ ⋥ሶ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ߎߩࠢࠬߢߪࠄ߆⺆⧷ޔᣣᧄ⺆߳ߩ⠡⸶ࠍᛒ߹ߔޕ⠡⸶ ߩၮ␆ߪޔ⠡⸶ߔࠆኻ⽎߇ߢࠇหߓޕ ࠊࠁࠆᬺോᢥᦠ߽ޔ ႎᢥ߽ޔᢥቇຠ߽ޔ⽎ᐲߩ㜞⹏⺰ᢥ߽ޔᱜ⏕ߦේᢥࠍ ℂ⸃ߒޔㆡಾߥᣣᧄ⺆ߦ⟎߈឵߃ߡߊޔ ߘߩߎߣߦߟ߈߹ߔޕ න⚐ߣ߃߫න⚐ߥߩߢߔ߇ޔ ޟᱜ⏕ߥ⧷ᢥℂ⸃ߪߦޠ߇ᔅ ⷐߥߩ߆ޟ߫ࠇߔ߁ߤޔㆡಾߥᣣᧄ⺆߈⟎ߦޠ឵߃ࠄࠇࠆߩ߆ޔ ౕ⊛ߦ⠨߃ߡߊߣ⸃߽ߟߊޔߔߴ߈㗴ߦળ߹ ߔޕ㗴ࠍ⍎ߦᗧ⼂ߒޔലᨐ⊛ߦ⠡⸶ജࠍߟߌࠆߚޔᬺ ߢߪ⧷ޟޔᢥࠍℂ⸃ߔࠆޟߣࠬࡠࡊޠᣣᧄ⺆ߢߔࠆࡊޠ ࡠࠬߣࠍಽ߆ߜ߇ߚ߽ߩߣᝒ߃ߚ߁߃ߢޔᢓ߃ߡߦޘὶ ὐࠍߡߡ⸠✵ࠍⓍࠎߢ߈߹ߔߩ࠻ࠬࠠ࠹ߚ߹ޕᕈ⾰ߦࠃߞ ߡ߽ޔ㗴ߩᕈ⾰ߪ⧯ᐓ߆ࠊߞߡ߈߹ߔߩߢ߽ߦߎߘޔᵈ⋡ߒ ߡ߈߹ߔߚ߹ޕᓟඨਃಽߩ৻ߢߪࠣ࡞ࡊߢࡒ࠾⠡⸶ࡊࡠࠫ ࠚࠢ࠻ࠍ߿ߞߡߚߛ߈߹ߔޕ ฃ⻠↢ߦ᳞ࠆ⧷⺆ജߩࡌ࡞㧦Guardian ⚕ߩ࠻࠶ࡊ⸥ ߩ⧷ᢥߩ㧔ᢥᴺ㧕᭴ㅧ߇ޔㄉᦠࠍߞߡන⺆ࠍ⺞ߴࠇ߫ℂ⸃ߢ ߈ࠆߎߣޕ 㧔ᤨ⊛ߥౝኈ߇ℂ⸃ߢ߈ߥߊߡ߽ޔᢥ┨ࠍޟ⠡⸶ޠ ߢ߈ߥߊߡ߽߆߹߹ߖࠎ㧕ߘߎߦ㆐ߒߡߥቇ↢ߪޟޔ⠡ ⸶ࠍޠീᒝߔࠆ೨ߦၮ␆⧷⺆ജࠍߟߌߡߊߛߐޕᬺౝߢߪ ේೣߣߒߡᢥᴺᜰዉߪⴕ߹ߖࠎޕ ᬺߪ߭ߣߟߩᢎ᧚ߦߟߡᰴߩᵹࠇߢⴕ߁ޕ ᢎ᧚ߩ⚫㧔ᬺ㧕ψᢎ᧚ࠍ⺒ࠎߢਇὐࠍᵞߔ㧗⠡ ⸶㐿ᆎ㧔⺖㗴㧕ψਇὐࠍ⸃ߔࠆ㧔ᬺ㧕ψ⸶ੌ㧗ឭ 㧔⺖㗴㧕ψᷝ㧗⸃⺑㧔ᬺ㧕ޕ ࿁ߩᬺߪએਅߩߣ߅ࠅޕ ዉߣ࠻ࠗࠕ࡞㧔⍴ᢎ᧚ࠍኻ⽎ߦޔ⸥ߩోࡊࡠ ࠬߩᬺࠍⴕ߁㧕㧗ᢎ᧚㧝ߩ⚫ 㨪ᢎ᧚㧝㧙 ߹ߢࠍ⸥ߩࡊࡠࠬߢ⸶ੌޕ 㧔╙㧞࿁ߩඨಽߪ࿑ᦠ㙚ߢㄉᦠౖߩ⚫ࠍⴕ߁ޕㆡ ಾߥߣߎࠈߢ ޔ࿁⋡એ㒠ߩࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߦߟߡߩ⸃⺑ ߣਅḰࠍⴕ߁ޕ㧕 㨪ࠣ࡞ࡊࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ 㧔㇌⸶ߐࠇߡߥᧄࠍㆬ߮৻ޔౠ⺒ੌߒߚ߁߃ߢᦨޔೋ ߩ┨ߪࠆޔᢙ㗁ࠍ⠡⸶ߒߩ⹏ᦠߩᧄߩߘޔ⠡⸶ߣ⥄ޔ ಽߚߜߢᚑߒߚᧄߩ⚫ᢥߣߣ߽ߦឭޕឭᦼ㒢ߪ ᣣߩ⚳ᦨޕᬺߢዊౠሶߦߒߡ㈩Ꮣߔࠆޕ㧕 ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ 1 ࿁߆ࠄ 10 ࿁߹ߢߪ ߩࠄ߆࠻࠶ࡀ࠲ࡦࠗ߮ࠃ߅࠻࠙ࠕ࠼ࡦࡂޔᏨ 20㧑 ࠳࠙ࡦࡠ࠼ࠍ↪ߔࠆ⻠ޔߚ߹ޕᏧ߇ታ㓙ߦߣߒߡ߿ߞߡ ᢎ᧚ 1㨪8 ߹ߢߩឭ‛ߩ⹏ଔ 50㧑 ߈ߚᬺോ⠡⸶߆ࠄᢥቇຠ߹ߢޔ⠡⸶ߩታ㓙ߩࡊࡠ߽ࠬឭ␜ߔ ࠣ࡞ࡊࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ߩ⹏ଔ 30㧑 ࠆޕ11 ࿁એ㒠ߩࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻↪ߦߪ⥄ޔಽ߇ㆬࠎߛᧄࠍ⾼ߒߡ ߚߛߊޕኻ⽎࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߪᢔᢥߣߔࠆޕㄉᦠ߿ෳ⠨ᦠߦߟߡߪޔ ᬺౝߢᜰ␜ߔࠆޕ 142 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⠡⸶㧔ᧁ㧟㧕 ⠡⸶ a㧔ᧁ㧟㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ߎߩ⻠ᐳߪ␠ޔળੱߩ⠡⸶ኅᔒᦸ⠪ߦታᣉߒߡࠆౝኈ ߩ৻ㇱࠍߘߩ߹߹ޔᗧ᰼ࠆቇ↢⻉ำߦឭଏߔࠆ߽ߩߢߔޕ 㜞⚖ߥ⧷ᢥࠛ࠶ࠗࠍ㗴᧚ߣߒ߹ߔޕ (1)ដ߆ࠅᣇࠍ␜ߔ᭴ᢥಽᨆ (2)৻⺆৻ฏ߅ࠈߘ߆ߦߒߥ ⸃⺑ (3)⧷ᢥ⸶ߢߩᱜ⸃ߣߥࠆޟේᢥߦහߒߚ⸶ޠ (4)ේᢥߣ╬ଔߩᣣᧄ⺆ࠍ⋡ᜰߔ( ޠ⸶࡞࠺ࡕޟ5)৻⥸⊛ฃ ⻠↢ߩ╵᩺ᷝޔࠅࠃߦޔฃ⻠↢ߪ৻ޟὐߩᦅࠅߥߊ⧷ᢥ ࠍ⺒ߺ⸃ߊޕߔ߹߈ߢ߇ߣߎޠ ⧷ᢥࠍ♖⺒ߒߩߘޔℂ⸃ࠍ߈ߜࠎߣߒߚᣣᧄ⺆ߦ⟎߈឵ ߃ߡߺࠆߎߣߢޔᢥᴺജ⺰ℂജᢎ㙃ജജ߇㎊߃ ࠄࠇ߹ߔޕ⠡⸶ኅᔒᦸ⠪ߩߺߥࠄߕ✬ޔ㓸⠪ࠫࡖ࠽ ࠬ࠻⺆ቇᢎຬᔒᦸ⠪ߦ߽ᓎ┙ߟߢߒࠂ߁ޕ ߹ߚ⧷ᬌ 1 ⚖ޔㅢ⸶ࠟࠗ࠼⹜㛎ޔTOEIC 㜞ᓧὐࠍ⁓߁ ቇ↢ߦ߽ᔅ㗇ߩ⧷ᢥ⺒⸃ജࠍᶩ㙃ߒ߹ߔޕ 1ޔ⠡⸶ߣ߁Ԙ 2࠼ࡦࠣࡦࠗ߇ࠊޔ 3)߈⛯(࠼ࡦࠣࡦࠗ߇ࠊޔ 4)߈⛯(࠼ࡦࠣࡦࠗ߇ࠊޔ 5)߈⛯(࠼ࡦࠣࡦࠗ߇ࠊޔ 6ߣߐ⧯ޔ⠧ߩᗵᕈ 7ࠆ߃ߩ⋡ޔ༑߮ 8ੱޔ㑆ߩᔃℂ 9ޔᔓࠇߞ߸ߐ 10ޔᖱ⺰ 11ޔᐘߖߦߥࠆߚߦ 12ޔᄖ࿖⺆ࠍቇ߱ࠊߌ 13ޔᄖ࿖⺆ࠍቇ߱ࠊߌ 14ޔᄢㇺᏒᷙ㔀 15ޔ⠡⸶ߩߚߩᢥᴺԘ ੑᐕ(ᤐ⑺ޔ2)߆ߌߡో 100 㗴ࠍ⚳ੌߒ߹ߔޕᤐቇ ᦼߪ 50 ⇟߆ࠄ 75 ⇟ࠍᛒ߹ߔޕ 㧖ฦ࿁ ߦઁޔ1 㗴ࠍᛒ߹ߔ ᩊ↰ ⠹ᄥ㇢ ⠡⸶ኅޔㅢ⸶ࠟࠗ࠼ᔒᦸ⠪ߪޔ૬ߖޟ⠡⸶(ਥߦᢥ⧷⸶)ޠ (⊕Ꮉ⻠Ꮷ)ޟCollege Grammar(ޠᐭᎹᢎ)ޟㅢ⸶᩺ౝ჻ ߩ⧷⺆Σ㨯Τ(ޠᣣ㊁ᢎ)ࠍ⸘↹⊛ߦฃ⻠ߐࠇࠆߎߣࠍ߅൘ ߒ߹ߔޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߪ⻠Ꮷߩᚻࠅޕೋ࿁ߦᷰߒ߹ߔޕ ෳ⠨ᢥ₂ߪࠅ߹ߖࠎޕ ᦼᧃߦ⠡⸶ߩ⹜㛎ޕԘᢥᴺ⊛ߦᱜߒ߆ ԙᣣᧄ⺆߇ ᱜߒ߆ Ԛᢥ┨ߩ⺰ℂ߇ߣࠇߡࠆ߆ ԛ↪⺆ߩℂ⸃߇ ᱜߒ߆ Ԝᣣᧄ⺆ߣߒߡߩ⺒ߺ߿ߔߐޕߔ߹ࠍޔ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⠡⸶㧔ᧁ㧟㧕 ⠡⸶ b㧔ᧁ㧟㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ߎߩ⻠ᐳߪ␠ޔળੱߩ⠡⸶ኅᔒᦸ⠪ߦታᣉߒߡࠆౝኈ ߩ৻ㇱࠍߘߩ߹߹ޔᗧ᰼ࠆቇ↢⻉ำߦឭଏߔࠆ߽ߩߢߔޕ 㜞⚖ߥ⧷ᢥࠛ࠶ࠗࠍ㗴᧚ߣߒ߹ߔޕ (1)ដ߆ࠅᣇࠍ␜ߔ᭴ᢥಽᨆ (2)৻⺆৻ฏ߅ࠈߘ߆ߦߒߥ ⸃⺑ (3)⧷ᢥ⸶ߢߩᱜ⸃ߣߥࠆޟේᢥߦහߒߚ⸶ޠ (4)ේᢥߣ╬ଔߩᣣᧄ⺆ࠍ⋡ᜰߔ( ޠ⸶࡞࠺ࡕޟ5)৻⥸⊛ฃ ⻠↢ߩ╵᩺ᷝޔࠅࠃߦޔฃ⻠↢ߪ৻ޟὐߩᦅࠅߥߊ⧷ ᢥࠍ⺒ߺ⸃ߊޕߔ߹߈ߢ߇ߣߎޠ ⧷ᢥࠍ♖⺒ߒߩߘޔℂ⸃ࠍ߈ߜࠎߣߒߚᣣᧄ⺆ߦ⟎߈឵ ߃ߡߺࠆߎߣߢޔᢥᴺജ⺰ℂജᢎ㙃ജജ߇㎊߃ ࠄࠇ߹ߔޕ⠡⸶ኅᔒᦸ⠪ߩߺߥࠄߕ✬ޔ㓸⠪ࠫࡖ࠽ ࠬ࠻⺆ቇᢎຬᔒᦸ⠪ߦ߽ᓎ┙ߟߢߒࠂ߁ޕ 1ޔ⠡⸶ߣ߁ԙ 2ޔᐘߥੱߣߪ 3ޔᱧผߣᱧผቇ 4ੱޔ㑆ࠍੱ㑆ߚࠄߒߡࠆ߽ߩ 5ࠬࠡࠗޔᢥቇߩᱠߺ 6ޔᣣᧄੱߩ 7ߡߟߦᦠ⺒ޔ 8ޔሶߤ߽ߩᢎ⢒ߦᔅⷐߥ߽ߩ 9ޔή㒢ߦߟߡ 10⺰⹏ࠕࡇࠬࠢࠚࠪޔ 11ޔᔒߩ 12ޔᢎ㙃ੱߩะ 13ޔή㒢ߦߟߡ 14ޔᣣᧄੱ⺰ 15ޔ⠡⸶ߩߚߩᢥᴺԙ ߹ߚ⧷ᬌ 1 ⚖ޔㅢ⸶ࠟࠗ࠼⹜㛎ޔTOEIC 㜞ᓧὐࠍ⁓߁ ቇ↢ߦ߽ᔅ㗇ߩ⧷ᢥ⺒⸃ജࠍᶩ㙃ߒ߹ߔޕ ᩊ↰ ⠹ᄥ㇢ ੑᐕ(ᤐ⑺ޔ2)߆ߌߡో 100 㗴ࠍ⚳ੌߒ߹ߔ⑺ޕ 㧖ฦ࿁ߣ߽⸥߶߆ 1 ✬ࠍᛒ߁ ቇᦼߪ 76 ⇟߆ࠄ 100 ⇟ࠍᛒ߹ߔޕ ⠡⸶ኅޔㅢ⸶ࠟࠗ࠼ᔒᦸ⠪ߪޔ૬ߖޟ⠡⸶(ਥߦᢥ⧷⸶)ޠ (⊕Ꮉ⻠Ꮷ)ޟCollege Grammar(ޠᐭᎹᢎ)ޟㅢ⸶᩺ౝ჻ ߩ⧷⺆Σ㨯Τ(ޠᣣ㊁ᢎ)ࠍ⸘↹⊛ߦฃ⻠ߐࠇࠆߎߣࠍ߅൘ ߒ߹ߔޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ᢎ᧚ߪ⻠Ꮷߩᚻࠅޕೋ࿁ߦᷰߒ߹ߔޕ ෳ⠨ᢥ₂ߪࠅ߹ߖࠎޕ ᦼᧃߦ⠡⸶ߩ⹜㛎ޕԘᢥᴺ⊛ߦᱜߒ߆ ԙᣣᧄ⺆߇ ᱜߒ߆ Ԛᢥ┨ߩ⺰ℂ߇ߣࠇߡࠆ߆ ԛ↪⺆ߩℂ⸃߇ ᱜߒ߆ Ԝᣣᧄ⺆ߣߒߡߩ⺒ߺ߿ߔߐޕߔ߹ࠍޔ 143 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⠡⸶㧔ᧁ㧠㧕 ⠡⸶ a㧔ᧁ㧠㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ᩊ↰ ⠹ᄥ㇢ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ߎߩ⻠ᐳߪೋᔃ⠪ะ߈ߦޔᢥᴺߩᩮᐙࠍ߅ߐࠄߒߚ ߣߩ࡞ࡦࡖࠫߥ߹ߑ߹ߐޔᲧセ⊛߿ߐߒ⧷ᢥࠍৼካߦ⺒ ߺ⸃ߡࠁ߈߹ߔޟޕ⠡⸶ߪᣣᧄ⺆ജߩ㗴߹ࠇࠊߣޠ ߔ߇ߪࠇߘޔේᢥࠍᱜ⏕ߦℂ⸃ߒߚߢߩߎߣޕේᢥߩᱜ ⏕ߥℂ⸃ߦߪޔᢥᴺജߛߌߢߥߊ⺰ޔℂജ⺞ᩏജᢎ㙃 ജ߽ᔅⷐߢߔࠍࠄࠇߎޕ㙃߁⸠✵ࠍޔ⠡⸶ࠍㅢߓߡⴕߥ ߹ߔޔߪߦ⊛⚳ᦨޕේᢥߣ╬ଔߩ⺒ߺ߿ߔᣣᧄ⺆ࠍߟߊ ࠆߎߣࠍ⋡ᜰߒ߹ߔޕ 1ⷙߩ⺆⧷ޔೣ Ԙ 2┬ఽޔᢥቇޟᐘߩ₺ሶޠΣ 3┬ఽޔᢥቇޟᐘߩ₺ሶޠΤ 4┬ఽޔᢥቇ࡞࠻࠼ޟవ↢⥶ᶏ⸥ޠΣ 5┬ఽޔᢥቇ࡞࠻࠼ޟవ↢⥶ᶏ⸥ޠΤ 6┬ఽޔᢥቇޟਇᕁ⼏ߩ࿖ߩࠕࠬޠΣ 7┬ఽޔᢥቇޟਇᕁ⼏ߩ࿖ߩࠕࠬޠΤ 8ޔሶଏ⊖⑼ޠ⋡ߩ࠙ࡠࠢࡈޟ 9ޔሶଏ⊖⑼ޟᕟ┥ޠ 10ޔሶଏ⊖⑼ޟቝቮޠ 11ޠࡑࡎࠢࠝޟ࡞ࠞࠫࡘࡒޔ 12ߩⰂޟޔޠ 13ޔዊ⺑ޠ࠻࠶ࡠࡓ࠳ࡑޟ 14ޔᱧผࠗࡠ࠻ޟᚢޠ 15ޔᱧผޠࠬࡠ࠙࠲ࡁࡒޟ ᧁᦐ 3 ᤨ㒢ߩᩊ↰⻠Ꮷߩ⠡⸶⻠ᐳߩᆌᆂ✬ߢߔߣ⺆⧷ޕ ജߩၮ␆ࠍ࿕ߚੱߪߡߞࠄ߆ߎߎޔਅߐޕ ⑺ቇᦼหᤨ㒢(ᧁ 4)ߩޔਛ⚖ะߌߩ ⠡⸶ࠢࠬߦߟߥ ߇ࠅ߹ߔޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߪ⻠Ꮷߩᚻࠅޕೋ࿁ᤨߦᷰߒ߹ߔޕ ෳ⠨ᢥ₂ߪࠅ߹ߖࠎޕ ᦼᧃߦ⠡⸶ߩ⹜㛎ޕԘᢥᴺ⊛ߦᱜߒ߆ ԙᣣᧄ⺆߇ ᱜߒ߆ Ԛᢥ┨ߩ⺰ℂ߇ߣࠇߡࠆ߆ ԛ↪⺆ߩℂ⸃߇ ᱜߒ߆ Ԝࠃߺ߿ߔᣣᧄ⺆߆ޕߔ߹ࠍޔ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⠡⸶㧔ᧁ㧠㧕 ⠡⸶ b㧔ᧁ㧠㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ᩊ↰ ⠹ᄥ㇢ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ߎߩ⻠ᐳߢߪߥ߹ߑ߹ߐޔಽ㊁ߩᦠ☋ߩᛮ☴ㇱಽ(200 ࡢ ࠗ࠼⒟ᐲ)ࠍ♖⺒ߒߚ߁߃ߢޔ ޟຠߣߒߡㅢ↪ߔࠆ⸶ᢥޠ ߠߊࠅࠍ⸠✵ߒ߹ߔ⧷ޕᢥ⺒⸃ߣജߦ⥄ାߩࠆቇ↢ ߩ⡬⻠ࠍᦼᓙߒ߹ߔޕ 1ⷙߩ⺆⧷ޔೣԙ 2ޔ㖸ᭉޠࡦ࠻ࠬࠗࠬޟ 3ࠬࡦࡑࡠޔዊ⺑ߩࠨޟ౨㒾ޠ 4ࠬࡦࡑࡠޔዊ⺑ߩࠨޟ౨㒾)߈⛯(ޠ 5ޟ⺰⹏ޔᣣᧄੱޠΣ 6ޟ⺰⹏ޔᣣᧄੱޠΤ 7⹏ޔવޟศ↰ኑᰴ㇢ޠ 8⹏ޔવޟศ↰ኑᰴ㇢)߈⛯(ޠ 9⥄ࠬ࠙ࠦ࠾ࠢ࠶ࡖࠫޔવ 10♖ޔ⇇ߩࡦࠟࡒޟᄸ〔ޠ 11ޔᱧผޠࡦ࠴ࡠࠡޟ 12ޔ⍴✬ዊ⺑ޟᖤߩߪߓ߹ࠅޠԘ 13ޔ⍴✬ዊ⺑ޟᖤߩߪߓ߹ࠅޠԙ 14ޔ⍴✬ዊ⺑ޟᖤߩߪߓ߹ࠅޠԚ 15ޔ⍴✬ዊ⺑ޟᖤߩߪߓ߹ࠅޠԛ ᧁᦐ 3 ᤨ㒢ߩᩊ↰⻠Ꮷߩ⠡⸶⻠ᐳߩᆌᆂ✬ߢߔޕ⠡⸶ ႐ߩ෩ߒߐࠍታᗵߒߚੱߩฃ⻠ࠍᦼᓙߒ߹ߔޕ ㆬߦ⪭ߜߡ߽ޔනߦߥࠄߥߊߡ߽ઁޔቇㇱઁᄢቇ ߩቇ↢ߢ߽ޔᄢቇ㒮↢ߢ߽␠ߩࠅߋ߽ޔળੱߢ߽ޔᄢቇᢎ ຬߢ߽ޔᗧ᰼ߩࠆੱߪฃ⻠᱑ㄫߒ߹ߔޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߪ⻠Ꮷߩᚻࠅޕೋ࿁ᤨߦᷰߒ߹ߔޕ ෳ⠨ᢥ₂ߪࠅ߹ߖࠎޕ ᦼᧃߦ⠡⸶ߩ⹜㛎ޕԘᢥᴺ⊛ߦᱜߒ߆ ԙᣣᧄ⺆߇ ᱜߒ߆ Ԛᢥ┨ߩ⺰ℂ߇ߣࠇߡࠆ߆ ԛ↪⺆ߩℂ⸃߇ ᱜߒ߆ Ԝࠃߺ߿ߔᣣᧄ⺆߆ޕߔ߹ࠍޔ 144 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⠡⸶ ⠡⸶ a ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ⻠⟵⋡⊛ ⠡⸶ߪ⸒⪲ߩ⟎߈឵߃ᬺߢߪࠅ߹ߖࠎ⺆ޕቇജ ജ⍮ᕈᗵᕈᢎ㙃ߩߔߴߡࠍ✚േຬߒߡขࠅ⚵ ᬺߢߔޕ ߎߩࠢࠬߢߪޔ⠡⸶ߣ⧷ᢥ⸶ߣߪߤߩࠃ߁ߦ㆑߁ߩ ߆ޔ⠡⸶ߣߪ߆ࠍቇ߮ޔታ〣ߩ႐ߢᓎߦ┙ߟޟ⠡⸶ߩޠ ၮ␆⊛ߥࠬࠠ࡞ࠍりߦߟߌ߹ߔޕ ╙㧝࿁ ࠝࠛࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦ ╙㧞࿁ ⧷⺆ߣᣣᧄ⺆ߩ⺋Ꮕ 㧔㧝㧕 ╙㧟࿁ ⧷⺆ߣᣣᧄ⺆ߩ⺋Ꮕ 㧔㧞㧕 ╙㧠࿁ ⠡⸶ߣߪ ╙㧡࿁ Ṷ⠌ ╙㧢࿁ Ṷ⠌ ╙㧣࿁ Ṷ⠌ ╙㧤࿁ Ṷ⠌ ╙㧥࿁ Ṷ⠌ ╙㧝㧜࿁ Ṷ⠌ ╙㧝㧝࿁ Ṷ⠌ ╙㧝㧞࿁ Ṷ⠌ ╙㧝㧟࿁ Ṷ⠌ ╙㧝㧠࿁ Ṷ⠌ ╙㧝㧡࿁ ✚ ⻠⟵ⷐ Ṷ⠌ฬ⸶ߩ⸃ᨆ⸶ᢥߩᲧセࠣ࡞ࡊ࠺ࠖࠬࠞ࠶ ࡚ࠪࡦ߿⊒ࠍㅢߓⷺߥ߹ߑ߹ߐޔᐲ߆ࠄ⠡⸶ߩⷐ⺼ࠍข ࠅߍߡ߈߹ߔޕ ⊕Ꮉ ⾆ሶ ฦㅳߦ੍ቯߒߡࠆౝኈߪޔᔅⷐߦᔕߓㆡቱᔅⷐߥ࠹ࡑ ߦᏅߒᦧ߃ࠆߎߣ߽ࠅ߹ߔޕ ㄉᦠ㧔⧷⧷⧷⧷㧕ߪᲤ࿁ᔅߕᜬෳߒߡߊߛߐޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻㧦ㆡቱࡊࡦ࠻ࠍ㈩Ꮣߔࠆޕ Ꮸᣣᢙޔᬺ߳ߩෳട⺖ޔ㗴ߩขࠅ⚵ߺࠍ✚ว⊛ߦ⹏ଔ ߔࠆޕ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⠡⸶ ⠡⸶ b ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ⻠⟵⋡⊛ ᤐቇᦼߦᒁ߈⛯߈ޔ⠡⸶ߣ⧷ᢥ⸶ߣߪߤߩࠃ߁ߦ㆑߁ ߩ߆ޔ⠡⸶ߣߪ߆ࠍቇ߮ޔታ〣ߩ႐ߢᓎߦ┙ߟޟ⠡⸶ޠ ߩၮ␆⊛ߥࠬࠠ࡞ࠍりߦߟߌ߹ߔޕ ╙㧝࿁ ࠝࠛࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦ ╙㧞࿁㨪╙㧝㧠࿁ Ṷ⠌ ╙㧝㧡࿁ ✚ ⻠⟵ⷐ ⑺ቇᦼߪṶ⠌ࠍਥߦㅴ߹ߔ߇ߒޔౝኈߦߟߡ ߪ╙㧝࿁ߩᬺߢ⺑ߒ߹ߔ࡚ࠪ࠶ࠞࠬࠖ࠺ࡊ࡞ࠣޕ ࡦ߿⸶ᢥߩ⊒߽ⴕߞߡ߽ࠄ߹ߔߩߢޔⓍᭂ⊛ߦᬺߦ ෳടߔࠆᆫ߇᳞ࠄࠇ߹ߔޕ ⊕Ꮉ ⾆ሶ ᓟᦼߦขࠅߍࠆᢎ᧚ㅴᣇߦߟߡߪޔฃ⻠↢ߩ⠌ᾫ ᐲࠍ⠨ᘦߒߡቯߒ߹ߔޕ ㄉᦠ㧔⧷⧷⧷⧷㧕ߪᲤ࿁ᔅߕᜬෳߒߡߊߛߐޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻㧦ㆡቱࡊࡦ࠻ࠍ㈩Ꮣߔࠆޕ Ꮸᣣᢙޔᬺ߳ߩෳട⺖ޔ㗴ߩขࠅ⚵ߺࠍ✚ว⊛ߦ⹏ଔ ߔࠆޕ 145 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⠡⸶ ⠡⸶ a ᜂᒰ⠪ 㜞↰ ትሶ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ߎߩᬺߢߪߥ߹ߑ߹ߐޔಽ㊁ߩ⧷ᢥߩ⠡⸶ࠍታ〣⊛ߦᬌ ╙㧝࿁ ࠟࠗ࠳ࡦࠬㄉᦠߦߟߡ ⸛ߒߩߘޔน⢻ᕈߣ㗴ὐࠍࠄߦߒ߹ߔޕ ╙㧞࿁ ⠡⸶ߩ㔍ߒߐߣ㕙⊕ߐߦߟߡ ⠡⸶ߢߪޔේᢥࠍ⊛⏕ߥ⧷⺆ࠆߪᣣᧄ⺆ߦ⟎߈឵߃ࠆ ╙㧟࿁ ᯏ᪾⠡⸶ߩน⢻ᕈߦߟߡ 㓙ߦ⁁߿⊛⋡ޔᴫߥߤࠍ⠨ᘦߔࠆᔅⷐ߇ࠅ߹ߔޔߚ߹ޕ ╙㧠࿁ ⠡⸶ߩታᲧセᬌ⸛ ⠡⸶⺆ߩሼᢙ߿࠭ࡓߦߟߡ߽Ꮏᄦ߇᳞ࠄࠇࠆ႐ว ╙㧡࿁ ᓳ⠌࠹ࠬ࠻ ߽ࠅ߹ߔޕ ╙㧢㨪㧝㧠࿁ ᬺߢߪޔਥߣߒߡᢥ♽⧷ᢥ߅ࠃ߮ᢥ㧔ᣂ⡞ႎ⸥߿ 㔀⸥ޔᐢ๔ޔሼ᐀ޔ⹖ޔᢥ⧓ຠ㧕ߥߤߩ৻ㇱࠍข ቇ↢ߦࠃࠆ⠡⸶ࡊࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦߣࠦࡔࡦ࠻឵ ╙㧝㧡࿁ ߹ߣߣ࠹ࠬ࠻ ࠅߍߥ߇ࠄౕޔ⊛ߦᲧセᬌ⸛ߒ߹ߔޔߚ߹ޕฦቇ↢ߩ 㑐ᔃ㗔ၞߦᴪߞߚ⠡⸶ࡊࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦࠍⴕߞߡ߽ࠄ ߁ߎߣߢ⥄ޔಽߩ⠡⸶ߒߚᢥ┨ࠍޔቴⷰ⊛ߦᝒ߃ࠆ⸠✵߽ ⴕ߹ߔޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࡊࡦ࠻㈩Ꮣ ࠦࡔࡦ࠻ޔࡦ࡚ࠪ࠹ࡦࡊޔᓳ⠌࠹ࠬ࠻ߥߤߩว⸘ὐ ߢቯߔࠆޔ߅ߥޕ㧠࿁એᰳᏨߒߚ႐วߪޔᚑ❣⹏ଔߩ ኻ⽎ߣߒߥ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⠡⸶ ⠡⸶ b ᜂᒰ⠪ 㜞↰ ትሶ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ⠡⸶⸒⺆ߦ߅ߌࠆᕈޔ㓏⚖ޔၞᏅᤨޔઍޔ᳃ᣖߥߤࠍ ╙㧝࿁ ೨ᦼ࠹ࠬ࠻ߩ⻠⹏߅ࠃ߮ᓟᦼᬺߩࠟࠗ࠳ࡦࠬ ⠨ᘦߒߥ߇ࠄޔ⠡⸶ߔࠆ㓙ߩ㗴ὐࠍߐࠄߦᬌ⸽ߒ߹ߔޕ ╙㧞࿁ ᣣ⧷߅ࠃ߮⧷ᣣ⠡⸶ߩታᬌ⸛ߘߩ㧝 ᬺߢߪޔฦቇ↢ߩ㑐ᔃಽ㊁߆ࠄ⥄↱ߦ⠡⸶㗴᧚ࠍㆬ߮ޔ ╙㧟࿁ ᣣ⧷߅ࠃ߮⧷ᣣ⠡⸶ߩታᬌ⸛ߘߩ㧞 ฦ⥄ߩ⺑ߦၮߠߚࡊࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦࠍⴕߥߞߡ߽ ╙㧠㨪㧢࿁ ࠄ߹ߔ⊒ޔߚ߹ޕౝኈߦߟߡᲤ࿁࠺ࠖࠬࠞ࠶࡚ࠪࡦ ࡊࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦ߅ࠃ߮࠺ࠖࠬࠞ࠶࡚ࠪࡦ ࠍⴕ߹ߔޕ ╙㧣࿁ ᓳ⠌࠹ࠬ࠻ ߥ߅ޔᓟᦼߩߺጁୃߔࠆቇ↢ࠍ⠨ᘦߒޔೋ࿁ᬺߪࠟࠗ࠳ ╙㧤㨪㧝㧠࿁ ࡦࠬ߅ࠃ߮೨ᦼߦⴕߞߚౝኈߦߟߡߩᓳ⠌ߣߒ߹ߔޕ ࡊࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦ߅ࠃ߮࠺ࠖࠬࠞ࠶࡚ࠪࡦ ߹ߚޔጁୃ⠪ߩੱᢙ߅ࠃ߮⠌ᾫᐲߦวࠊߖߡᬺౝኈࠍᄌ ╙㧝㧡࿁ ߹ߣߣ࠹ࠬ࠻ ᦝߒ߹ߔޕೋ࿁ᬺߦߪᔅߕᏨߒߡߊߛߐޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࡊࡦ࠻㈩Ꮣ ࠦࡔࡦ࠻ޔࡦ࡚ࠪ࠹ࡦࡊޔᓳ⠌࠹ࠬ࠻ߥߤߩว⸘ὐ ߢቯߔࠆޔ߅ߥޕ㧠࿁એᰳᏨߒߚ႐วߪޔᚑ❣⹏ଔߩ ኻ⽎ߣߒߥ 146 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⠡⸶ ⠡⸶ a ᜂᒰ⠪ ⮮↰ ᳗ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ᢥቇຠ߿ฦ⒳ߩࠛ࠶ࠗ߿ᤨ⧷⺆ߥߤࠍ⧷ᢥ߆ࠄ ᣣᧄᢥߦ⠡⸶ߒ߹ߔޕᣣᧄ⺆ߩ․ᓽࠍ↢߆ߒߚ⥄ὼߥᣣᧄ ᢥߦߔࠆ⸠✵⎇ޔⓥࠍߒ߹ߔޕᬺߪਅḰࠍᔅߕߒߡ߅ ߊߎߣ߇ਇนᰳߢߔ⥄ޕಽߩᗧ߿⸃㉼ߥߤࠍᕯߕ߆ߒ߇ ࠄߕߦ⊒ߔࠆߎߣࠍ᱑ㄫߒ߹ߔޕ ⧷ᢥࠍᱜ⏕ߦ⺒ߺߣࠆߎߣߚߞߣߺ⺒ޔౝኈࠍㆡಾߦᣣ ᧄ⺆ߦ⒖ߒ߆߃ࠆߎߣߩߘޔᣣᧄ⺆߽ࠊ߆ࠅ߿ߔߊ⺒ߺ߿ ߔߩ߇ᦸ߹ߒߩߢߔޕ⠡⸶ߩ⢻ജࠍᧄᩰ⊛ߦりߦߟߌ ߚߩߥࠄޔ᥉Ბ߆ࠄᣣᧄ⺆ߩ⺆ᒵࠍᐢߍࠆߎߣޔᢥߣ ߁߽ߩߦ㑐ᔃ⥝ࠍᜬߞߡߥߣߌ߹ߖࠎޕ ⠡⸶ߩၮ␆ߪ⧷⺆ߩ⺒⸃ജߩၮᧄ߇ߒߞ߆ࠅߒߡࠆ ߎߣߢߔޕ⠡⸶ߪ⾼⺒ߣߪߪߞ߈ࠅ㆑߹ߔࠍⷡ⥄ߩߘޕ ߽ߚߕߦẂὼߣᬺࠍฃߌࠆቇ↢߇ዋߥߊࠅ߹ߖࠎ߇ޔ ߘࠇߢߪ߹ࠅりߦߟ߈߹ߖࠎޕ ᢎ᧚ߦߪၮ␆⊛ߥ⢻ജ㙃ᚑߦᰳ߆ߖߥ⺆ᒵޔᢥ┨᭴ㅧ ࠍࠎߢߡޕߔ߹ࠍߩ߽ߔ߿ߺߒⷫޔ ᦨೋߩᬺᤨߦᔃ᭴߃ޔㄉᦠߩᣇޔᬺߩㅴᣇߥߤ ߦߟߡߒ߹ߔޕ ᐔᏱὐࠍ㊀ⷞߒ߹ߔ߆ࠄㆃೞ߇ᄙࠃ߁ߢߪᾲᗧߩ߶ߤ ߇⇼ࠊࠇ߹ߔޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࡊࡦ࠻ࠍ㈩Ꮣߔࠆޕෳ⠨ᢥ₂ߪㆡቱᜰ␜ߔࠆޕ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ᐔᏱὐޔឭ‛ޔᏨࠍ✚ว⹏ଔߔࠆޕ ⠡⸶ ⠡⸶ b ᜂᒰ⠪ ⮮↰ ᳗ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ᢥቇຠ߿ฦ⒳ߩࠛ࠶ࠗ߿ᤨ⧷⺆ߥߤࠍ⧷ᢥ߆ࠄ ᣣᧄᢥߦ⠡⸶ߒ߹ߔޕᣣᧄ⺆ߩ․ᓽࠍ↢߆ߒߚ⥄ὼߥᣣᧄ ᢥߦߔࠆ⸠✵⎇ޔⓥࠍߒ߹ߔޕᬺߪਅḰࠍᔅߕߒߡ߅ ߊߎߣ߇ਇนᰳߢߔ⥄ޕಽߩᗧ߿⸃㉼ߥߤࠍᕯߕ߆ߒ߇ ࠄߕߦ⊒ߔࠆߎߣࠍ᱑ㄫߒ߹ߔޕ ⧷ᢥࠍᱜ⏕ߦ⺒ߺߣࠆߎߣߚߞߣߺ⺒ޔౝኈࠍㆡಾߦᣣ ᧄ⺆ߦ⒖ߒ߆߃ࠆߎߣߩߘޔᣣᧄ⺆߽ࠊ߆ࠅ߿ߔߊ⺒ߺ߿ ߔߩ߇ᦸ߹ߒߩߢߔޕ⠡⸶ߩ⢻ജࠍᧄᩰ⊛ߦりߦߟߌ ߚߩߥࠄޔ᥉Ბ߆ࠄᣣᧄ⺆ߩ⺆ᒵࠍᐢߍࠆߎߣޔᢥߣ ߁߽ߩߦ㑐ᔃ⥝ࠍᜬߞߡߥߣߌ߹ߖࠎޕ ⠡⸶ߩၮ␆ߪ⧷⺆ߩ⺒⸃ജߩၮᧄ߇ߒߞ߆ࠅߒߡࠆ ߎߣߢߔޕ⠡⸶ߪ⾼⺒ߣߪߪߞ߈ࠅ㆑߹ߔࠍⷡ⥄ߩߘޕ ߽ߚߕߦẂὼߣᬺࠍฃߌࠆቇ↢߇ዋߥߊࠅ߹ߖࠎ߇ޔ ߘࠇߢߪ߹ࠅりߦߟ߈߹ߖࠎޕ ᢎ᧚ߦߪၮ␆⊛ߥ⢻ജ㙃ᚑߦᰳ߆ߖߥ⺆ᒵޔᢥ┨᭴ㅧ ࠍࠎߢߡޕߔ߹ࠍߩ߽ߔ߿ߺߒⷫޔ ᦨೋߩᬺᤨߦᔃ᭴߃ޔㄉᦠߩᣇޔᬺߩㅴᣇߥߤ ߦߟߡߒ߹ߔޕ ᐔᏱὐࠍ㊀ⷞߒ߹ߔ߆ࠄㆃೞ߇ᄙࠃ߁ߢߪᾲᗧߩ߶ߤ ߇⇼ࠊࠇ߹ߔޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࡊࡦ࠻ࠍ㈩Ꮣߔࠆޕෳ⠨ᢥ₂ߪㆡቱᜰ␜ߔࠆޕ ᐔᏱὐޔឭ‛ޔᏨࠍ✚ว⹏ଔߔࠆޕ 147 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⠡⸶ ⠡⸶ a ᜂᒰ⠪ ጊਛ ┨ሶ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ৻ญߦޟ⠡⸶ߔࠆޔ߽ߡߞߣޠනߦᗧߩㅢࠆᣣᧄ⺆ ߦ⟎߈឵߃ࠇ߫ࠃߣ߁߽ߩߢߪࠅ߹ߖࠎ⺒߇⺆⧷ޕ ࠇ߫ࠃߣ߁߽ߩߢߪߥߊ⊓ޔ႐ੱ‛ߩᕈᩰߪ߽ߜࠈ ࠎߩߎߣߘߩຠ⥄߇⢛⽶ߞߡࠆᢥൻ⊛⢛᥊߹ߢ⺒ߺ ㄟ߹ߥߌࠇ߫ߌ߹ߖࠎޕ ᤐቇᦼߪ Robert Graves ⪺ Caligula ࠍ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߣߒߡ ↪ ߒ ߹ ߔ ߪ ࠇ ߎ ޕᱧ ผ ᄢ I, Claudius (1934) ߣ Claudius the God (1934) ߆ࠄᛮ☴ߒߚᛞᧄߢߔޕᱧผ ຠߢࠅߥ߇ࠄᐔᤃߥ⧷⺆ߢᦠ߆ࠇߚ↢߈↢߈ߣߒߚឬ ౮߇㝯ജߢޔળ߽ᄙߩߢ⠡⸶ߔࠆ㓙ߦᎿᄦߩߒ߇߇ ࠆߢߒࠂ߁ޕ ⠡⸶ߔࠆߦߪ߹ߕຠߣะ߈ว߁ߎߣ⥄ࠅ߹ߟޔಽߩ⸃ ㉼ࠍ࿕ߡ߆ࠄ⠡⸶ߔࠆߎߣ߇᳞ࠄࠇ߹ߔߩߘޕߢޔ ⥄ಽ߇⸶⠪ߢࠆߣหᤨߦ⺒⠪ߢࠆߎߣࠍᔓࠇߕޔ⠡⸶ ߩߺࠍ⺒ࠎߢේߣห᭽ߩ㝯ജࠍᒁ߈ߔദജࠍᕃࠄߥ ࠃ߁ߦ᳇ࠍߟߌ߹ߔޕ ᬺߢߪᲤ࿁ోຬ߆ࠄޔ೨߽ߞߡ⺖㗴ᢥ㧔1~2 ࡍࠫ㧕 ࠍឭߒߡ߽ࠄ߹ߔޕቇ↢⸶ߩᛮ☴ߣߜߎߓ߆ࠄޔ ࠄߢ࠴ࠚ࠶ࠢߒߚឭ⺖㗴ࠍᬺᤨߦ㈩Ꮣළߔࠆߩߢޔ ߘࠇࠍߥ߇ࠄᗧࠍߒࠕ࠺ࠗࠕߩߚࠆߔߦ⸶⦟ޔ ࠍߒߡ߈߹ߒࠂ߁ޕ 1. ࠗࡦ࠻ࡠ࠳࡚ࠢࠪࡦ 2㧙14. Ṷ⠌ 15. ⻠⟵ߩ߹ߣ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Robert Graves. Caligula. London: Penguin Books, 2005. ᬺౝߩឭ⺖㗴ෳടᐲ㧔50㧑㧕࠻ࡐޔ㧔50㧑㧕ߩ ✚ว⹏ଔޕ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ㅴᐲߪㆃ߆߽ߒࠇ߹ߖࠎ߇ߩߘޔઍࠊࠅ৻⺆৻⺆ࠍ߅ࠈ ߘ߆ߦߖߕৼߤ߶ߎߟߒޔካߦ⺒ࠎߢ߈߹ߔޕ ⠡⸶ ⠡⸶ b ᜂᒰ⠪ ጊਛ ┨ሶ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ৻ญߦޟ⠡⸶ߔࠆޔ߽ߡߞߣޠනߦᗧߩㅢࠆᣣᧄ⺆ ߦ⟎߈឵߃ࠇ߫ࠃߣ߁߽ߩߢߪࠅ߹ߖࠎ⺒߇⺆⧷ޕ ࠇ߫ࠃߣ߁߽ߩߢߪߥߊ⊓ޔ႐ੱ‛ߩᕈᩰߪ߽ߜࠈ ࠎߩߎߣߘߩຠ⥄߇⢛⽶ߞߡࠆᢥൻ⊛⢛᥊߹ߢ⺒ߺ ㄟ߹ߥߌࠇ߫ߌ߹ߖࠎޕ ⑺ቇᦼߪ Aimee Bender ⪺ Willful Creatures ࠍ࠹ࠠࠬ ࠻ߣߒߡ↪ߒ߹ߔߩߎޕ⍴✬㓸ߦߪޔᣣᏱࠍឬߡߥ ߇ࠄߤߎ߆⇣ᰴరࠍᗵߓߐߖࠆຠ߇ࠄࠇߡ߹ߔޕ ᐔᤃߥ⸒⪲ߢߔ߇⠡⸶ߒ߇ߩࠆຠߢߔޕ⠡⸶ߔࠆߦ ߪ߹ߕຠߣะ߈ว߁ߎߣ⥄ࠅ߹ߟޔಽߩ⸃㉼ࠍ࿕ߡ߆ ࠄ⠡⸶ߔࠆߎߣ߇᳞ࠄࠇ߹ߔߩߘޕߢ⥄ޔಽ߇⸶⠪ߢ ࠆߣหᤨߦ⺒⠪ߢࠆߎߣࠍᔓࠇߕޔ⠡⸶ߩߺࠍ⺒ࠎߢ ේߣห᭽ߩ㝯ജࠍᒁ߈ߔദജࠍᕃࠄߥࠃ߁ߦ᳇ࠍ ߟߌ߹ߔޕ ᬺߢߪᲤ࿁ోຬ߆ࠄޔ೨߽ߞߡ⺖㗴ᢥ㧔1~2 ࡍࠫ㧕 ࠍឭߒߡ߽ࠄ߹ߔޕቇ↢⸶ߩᛮ☴ߣߜߎߓ߆ࠄޔ ࠄߢ࠴ࠚ࠶ࠢߒߚឭ⺖㗴ࠍᬺᤨߦ㈩Ꮣළߔࠆߩ ߢࠄ߇ߥࠍࠇߘޔᗧࠍߒࠗࠕߩߚࠆߔߦ⸶⦟ޔ ࠺ࠕࠍߒߡ߈߹ߒࠂ߁ޕ 1. ࠗࡦ࠻ࡠ࠳࡚ࠢࠪࡦ 2㧙14. Ṷ⠌ 15. ⻠⟵ߩ߹ߣ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Aimee Bender. Willful Creatures. New York: Anchor Books, 2005. ᬺౝߩឭ⺖㗴ෳടᐲ㧔50㧑㧕࠻ࡐޔ㧔50㧑㧕ߩ ✚ว⹏ଔޕ ㅴᐲߪㆃ߆߽ߒࠇ߹ߖࠎ߇ߩߘޔઍࠊࠅ৻⺆৻⺆ࠍ߅ࠈ ߘ߆ߦߖߕৼߤ߶ߎߟߒޔካߦ⺒ࠎߢ߈߹ߔޕ 148 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 College Grammar㧔㧟㧕 ࠞ࠶ࠫࠣࡑ a㧔㧟㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ 㕤ᳯ 㕒 ᬺ⸘↹ ࠟࠗ࠳ࡦࠬ ᢥ ਥㇱᢥဳ ㅀ⺆േ⹖Σ ㅀ⺆േ⹖Τ ᢥߩ⒳㘃㧤ຠ⹖ ฬ⹖ ⻠⟵ⷐ㩷 ઍฬ⹖ 㩷 ᤐቇᦼߪޔᢥߩ᭴ᚑߣᢥࠍ᭴ᚑߔࠆฦⷐ⚛ߦߟߡቇ⠌ ᒻኈ⹖ ߔࠆޔߕ߹ޕᢥߩ᭴ᚑߦߟߡቇ߱㧔ᬺ⸘↹㧞㨪㧢ෳᾖ㧕 ޕ⹖ ᰴߦޔᢥߩฦⷐ⚛ߦߟߡቇ߱㧔ᬺ⸘↹㧣㨪㧝㧠ෳᾖ㧕 ޕ⹖േ⹖ ߎߩ⻠⟵ߢቇ⠌ߔࠆ⧷ᢥᴺߪ✚ޔว⊛ߥ⧷⺆ജߩၮ␆ߢ ഥേ⹖ ࠆߣหᤨߦ⧷⺆ቇߩၮ␆ߢ߽ࠆ߇⺆⧷ޔቇߩ⍮⼂ࠍ⻠ ធ⛯⹖ ⟵ෳടߩ೨ឭߣߒߥ੍ޕ⠌ࠍ೨ឭߣߒߚᬺࠍߒޔቇ↢ ೨⟎⹖ ߩ⧷⺆⠌ᾫᐲޔቇ↢ߩ㑐ᔃ㗄ߦࠃߞߡᬺㅴᐲࠍᄌᦝߔ ⻠⟵ߩ߹ߣ ࠆߎߣ߽ࠆޕ㩷 ߥ߅⑺ޔቇᦼߩࠞ࠶ࠫࠣࡑߢ߽หߓᢎ⑼ᦠࠍ↪ ߔࠆ߇ޔᛒ߁▸࿐߇ቇᦼߣ⇣ߥࠆߩߢ⑺ޔቇᦼߦනข ᓧᷣߺߩቇ↢߽ቇᦼߦጁୃน⢻ߣߔࠆޕ 㩷 ⻠⟵⋡⊛㩷 ⧷ᢥᴺߪޟޔኾ㐷ᦠࠍ⺒⺰ޟޔޠᢥࠍᦠߊ⥄ޟޔޠಽߩᗧ ࠍߔࠆޔޠ ઁޟ⠪ߩᗧࠍ⡞ߊߦߚޠᔅⷐߥ⧷⺆ജ ߩၮ␆ߢࠆޔߪ⟵⻠ᧄޕ㜞╬ቇᩞ߹ߢߦቇࠎߛ⧷ᢥᴺߩ ⍮⼂ࠍ〯߹߃ߥ߇ࠄޔหᤨߦᦝߥࠆ⧷ᢥᴺߩ⚦ㇱߩ⍮⼂ࠍ りߦߟߌ✚ޔว⊛ߥ⧷⺆ജࠍ㙃߁ߎߣࠍ⋡⊛ߣߔࠆޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻㧦⒤ (1986) A Shorter Guide to English Grammar 㐿ᜏ␠ ෳ⠨ᢥ₂㧦⒤ (1996)⧷ޡᢥᴺ✚ⷩ㧔ᡷ⸓ 㧕ޢ㐿ᜏ␠ Ꮸ⁁ᴫޔᬺ߳ߩ⽸₂ᐲ⹜ᧃᦼޔ㛎ࠍ✚วߒߡ⹏ଔߔࠆޕ ߥ߅ޔනቯߩߚߦߪోޔᬺ࿁ᢙߩ㧞㧛㧟એߩ Ꮸ߇ᔅⷐߢࠆޕ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 College Grammar㧔㧟㧕 ࠞ࠶ࠫࠣࡑ b㧔㧟㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ⻠⟵⋡⊛ ⧷ᢥᴺߪޟޔኾ㐷ᦠࠍ⺒⺰ޟޔޠᢥࠍᦠߊ⥄ޟޔޠಽߩᗧ ࠍߔࠆޔޠ ઁޟ⠪ߩᗧࠍ⡞ߊߦߚޠᔅⷐߥ⧷⺆ജ ߩၮ␆ߢࠆޔߪ⟵⻠ᧄޕ㜞╬ቇᩞ䉁䈪䈮ቇ䉖䈣⧷ᢥᴺ䈱 ⍮⼂䉕〯䉁䈋䈭䈏䉌ޔหᤨߦᦝߥࠆ⧷ᢥᴺߩ⚦ㇱߩ⍮⼂ࠍり ߦߟߌ✚ޔว⊛ߥ⧷⺆ജࠍ㙃߁ߎߣࠍ⋡⊛ߣߔࠆޕ ࠟࠗ࠳ࡦࠬ ᤨ ᔕߣᤨߩ৻⥌ ᘒ ਇቯ⹖ ಽ⹖ േฬ⹖ 㑐ଥઍฬ⹖ 㑐ଥ⹖ ቯᴺ ᴺ㧔㧝㧕 ᴺ㧔㧞㧕 Ყセ ุቯ ⻠⟵ߩ߹ߣ ⻠⟵ⷐ ⑺ቇᦼߪᤨޔߣ᭴ᢥߦߟߡቇ⠌ߔࠆᤨޔߕ߹ޕߦ ߟߡቇ߱㧔ᬺ⸘↹㧞㨪㧟ෳᾖ㧕ޕᰴߦޔฦ᭴ᢥߦߟ ߡቇ߱㧔ᬺ⸘↹㧠㨪㧝㧠ෳᾖ㧕ޕ ߎߩ⻠⟵ߢቇ⠌ߔࠆ⧷ᢥᴺߪ✚ޔว⊛ߥ⧷⺆ജߩၮ␆ߢ ࠆߣหᤨߦ⧷⺆ቇߩၮ␆ߢ߽ࠆ߇⺆⧷ޔቇߩ⍮⼂ࠍ⻠ ⟵ෳടߩ೨ឭߣߒߥ੍ޕ⠌ࠍ೨ឭߣߒߚᬺࠍߒޔቇ↢ ߩ⧷⺆⠌ᾫᐲޔቇ↢ߩ㑐ᔃ㗄ߦࠃߞߡᬺㅴᐲࠍᄌᦝߔ ࠆߎߣ߽ࠆޕ ߥ߅ޔᤐቇᦼߩࠞ࠶ࠫࠣࡑߢ߽หߓᢎ⑼ᦠࠍ↪ ߔࠆ߇ޔᛒ߁▸࿐߇ቇᦼߣ⇣ߥࠆߩߢޔᤐቇᦼߢනข ᓧᷣߺߩቇ↢߽ቇᦼߦጁୃน⢻ߣߔࠆޕ 㕤ᳯ 㕒 ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻㧦⒤ (1986) A Shorter Guide to English Grammar 㐿 ᜏ␠ ෳ⠨ᢥ₂㧦⒤ (1996) ⧷ޡᢥᴺ✚ⷩ㧔ᡷ⸓ 㧕ޢ㐿ᜏ␠ Ꮸ⁁ᴫޔᬺ߳ߩ⽸₂ᐲ⹜ᧃᦼޔ㛎ࠍ✚วߒߡ⹏ଔߔࠆޕ ߥ߅ޔනቯߩߚߦߪోޔᬺ࿁ᢙߩ㧞㧛㧟એߩ Ꮸ߇ᔅⷐߢࠆޕ 149 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 College Grammar㧔㧡㧕 ࠞ࠶ࠫࠣࡑ a㧔㧡㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ 㕤ᳯ 㕒 ᬺ⸘↹ ࠟࠗ࠳ࡦࠬ ᢥ ਥㇱᢥဳ ㅀ⺆േ⹖Σ ㅀ⺆േ⹖Τ ᢥߩ⒳㘃㧤ຠ⹖ ฬ⹖ ⻠⟵ⷐ㩷 ઍฬ⹖ ᤐቇᦼߪޔᢥߩ᭴ᚑߣᢥࠍ᭴ᚑߔࠆฦⷐ⚛ߦߟߡቇ⠌ ᒻኈ⹖ 㩷 ߔࠆޔߕ߹ޕᢥߩ᭴ᚑߦߟߡቇ߱㧔ᬺ⸘↹㧞㨪㧢ෳᾖ㧕 ޕ⹖ ᰴߦޔᢥߩฦⷐ⚛ߦߟߡቇ߱㧔ᬺ⸘↹㧣㨪㧝㧠ෳᾖ㧕 ޕ⹖േ⹖ ߎߩ⻠⟵ߢቇ⠌ߔࠆ⧷ᢥᴺߪ✚ޔว⊛ߥ⧷⺆ജߩၮ␆ߢ ഥേ⹖ ࠆߣหᤨߦ⧷⺆ቇߩၮ␆ߢ߽ࠆ߇⺆⧷ޔቇߩ⍮⼂ࠍ⻠ ធ⛯⹖ ⟵ෳടߩ೨ឭߣߒߥ੍ޕ⠌ࠍ೨ឭߣߒߚᬺࠍߒޔቇ↢ ೨⟎⹖ ߩ⧷⺆⠌ᾫᐲޔቇ↢ߩ㑐ᔃ㗄ߦࠃߞߡᬺㅴᐲࠍᄌᦝߔ ⻠⟵ߩ߹ߣ ࠆߎߣ߽ࠆޕ㩷 ߥ߅⑺ޔቇᦼߩࠞ࠶ࠫࠣࡑߢ߽หߓᢎ⑼ᦠࠍ↪ ߔࠆ߇ޔᛒ߁▸࿐߇ቇᦼߣ⇣ߥࠆߩߢ⑺ޔቇᦼߦනข ᓧᷣߺߩቇ↢߽ቇᦼߦጁୃน⢻ߣߔࠆޕ ⻠⟵⋡⊛㩷 ⧷ᢥᴺߪޟޔኾ㐷ᦠࠍ⺒⺰ޟޔޠᢥࠍᦠߊ⥄ޟޔޠಽߩᗧ ࠍߔࠆޔޠ ઁޟ⠪ߩᗧࠍ⡞ߊߦߚޠᔅⷐߥ⧷⺆ജ ߩၮ␆ߢࠆޔߪ⟵⻠ᧄޕ㜞╬ቇᩞ߹ߢߦቇࠎߛ⧷ᢥᴺߩ ⍮⼂ࠍ〯߹߃ߥ߇ࠄޔหᤨߦᦝߥࠆ⧷ᢥᴺߩ⚦ㇱߩ⍮⼂ࠍ りߦߟߌ✚ޔว⊛ߥ⧷⺆ജࠍ㙃߁ߎߣࠍ⋡⊛ߣߔࠆޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻㧦⒤ (1986) A Shorter Guide to English Grammar 㐿ᜏ␠ ෳ⠨ᢥ₂㧦⒤ (1996)⧷ޡᢥᴺ✚ⷩ㧔ᡷ⸓ 㧕ޢ㐿ᜏ␠ Ꮸ⁁ᴫޔᬺ߳ߩ⽸₂ᐲ⹜ᧃᦼޔ㛎ࠍ✚วߒߡ⹏ଔߔࠆޕ ߥ߅ޔනቯߩߚߦߪోޔᬺ࿁ᢙߩ㧞㧛㧟એߩ Ꮸ߇ᔅⷐߢࠆޕ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 College Grammar㧔㧡㧕 ࠞ࠶ࠫࠣࡑ b㧔㧡㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ⻠⟵⋡⊛ ⧷ᢥᴺߪޟޔኾ㐷ᦠࠍ⺒⺰ޟޔޠᢥࠍᦠߊ⥄ޟޔޠಽߩᗧ ࠍߔࠆޔޠ ઁޟ⠪ߩᗧࠍ⡞ߊߦߚޠᔅⷐߥ⧷⺆ജ ߩၮ␆ߢࠆޔߪ⟵⻠ᧄޕ㜞╬ቇᩞ䉁䈪䈮ቇ䉖䈣⧷ᢥᴺ䈱 ⍮⼂䉕〯䉁䈋䈭䈏䉌ޔหᤨߦᦝߥࠆ⧷ᢥᴺߩ⚦ㇱߩ⍮⼂ࠍり ߦߟߌ✚ޔว⊛ߥ⧷⺆ജࠍ㙃߁ߎߣࠍ⋡⊛ߣߔࠆޕ ࠟࠗ࠳ࡦࠬ ᤨ ᔕߣᤨߩ৻⥌ ᘒ ਇቯ⹖ ಽ⹖ േฬ⹖ 㑐ଥઍฬ⹖ 㑐ଥ⹖ ቯᴺ ᴺ㧔㧝㧕 ᴺ㧔㧞㧕 Ყセ ุቯ ⻠⟵ߩ߹ߣ ⻠⟵ⷐ ⑺ቇᦼߪᤨޔߣ᭴ᢥߦߟߡቇ⠌ߔࠆᤨޔߕ߹ޕߦ ߟߡቇ߱㧔ᬺ⸘↹㧞㨪㧟ෳᾖ㧕ޕᰴߦޔฦ᭴ᢥߦߟ ߡቇ߱㧔ᬺ⸘↹㧠㨪㧝㧠ෳᾖ㧕ޕ ߎߩ⻠⟵ߢቇ⠌ߔࠆ⧷ᢥᴺߪ✚ޔว⊛ߥ⧷⺆ജߩၮ␆ߢ ࠆߣหᤨߦ⧷⺆ቇߩၮ␆ߢ߽ࠆ߇⺆⧷ޔቇߩ⍮⼂ࠍ⻠ ⟵ෳടߩ೨ឭߣߒߥ੍ޕ⠌ࠍ೨ឭߣߒߚᬺࠍߒޔቇ↢ ߩ⧷⺆⠌ᾫᐲޔቇ↢ߩ㑐ᔃ㗄ߦࠃߞߡᬺㅴᐲࠍᄌᦝߔ ࠆߎߣ߽ࠆޕ ߥ߅ޔᤐቇᦼߩࠞ࠶ࠫࠣࡑߢ߽หߓᢎ⑼ᦠࠍ↪ ߔࠆ߇ޔᛒ߁▸࿐߇ቇᦼߣ⇣ߥࠆߩߢޔᤐቇᦼߢනข ᓧᷣߺߩቇ↢߽ቇᦼߦጁୃน⢻ߣߔࠆޕ 㕤ᳯ 㕒 ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻㧦⒤ (1986) A Shorter Guide to English Grammar 㐿 ᜏ␠ ෳ⠨ᢥ₂㧦⒤ (1996) ⧷ޡᢥᴺ✚ⷩ㧔ᡷ⸓ 㧕ޢ㐿ᜏ␠ Ꮸ⁁ᴫޔᬺ߳ߩ⽸₂ᐲ⹜ᧃᦼޔ㛎ࠍ✚วߒߡ⹏ଔߔࠆޕ ߥ߅ޔනቯߩߚߦߪోޔᬺ࿁ᢙߩ㧞㧛㧟એߩ Ꮸ߇ᔅⷐߢࠆޕ 150 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 College Grammar ࠞ࠶ࠫࠣࡑ a ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ቇᩞᢥᴺ㧔School Grammar㧕ߣ߫ࠇࠆਛቇ㜞ᩞߢᘠࠇ ⷫߒࠎߛ⧷ᢥᴺ߆ࠄᦝߦ৻Ბ㜞ࡌ࡞ߩ⧷ᢥᴺࠍቇ߱ ߎߣࠍ⋡⊛ߣߒ߹ߔޕ ৻⥸⊛ߦᐢߊ⍮ߐࠇߡࠆߦ⧷ᢥᴺߩᨒ⚵߆ࠄ⊒ߒޔ ߘߩ⊒ዷဳߣߒߡߩ⧷ᢥᴺߩน⢻ᕈࠍ⠨ኤߒ߹ߔޔߕ߹ޕ ၮᧄᢥߥߤߢ㚔ᨴߺߩᷓ࠺࠲ߩⷰኤ߆ࠄࠅࠇߎޔ ߹ߢߥߐࠇߡ߈ߚ⧷ᢥᴺ♽ߩ৻⥸ൻߩᣇᴺࠍⷰᬌ⸛ ߒ߹ߔߚ߃߹〯ࠍࠇߘޕߢᣂߚߥⷞὐ߆ࠄ⠨ኤߒߚ⚿ᨐޔ ታߪߎࠇ߹ߢᒰὼߩߎߣߣߒߡฃߌࠇߡ߈ߚ⧷ᢥᴺߩ ࠅᣇ߇ታߪ߹ߛ߹ߛ⠨ኤߩ߇ࠆ߽ߩߛߣ߁ߎ ߣߦ᳇ઃ߆ߐࠇ߹ߔޕ ᬺౝኈߩᕈ⾰⧷ޔᢥᴺߩᑼࠍᥧ⸥ߒߚࠅߔࠆ߽ߩߢ ߪߥߊ⧷ޔᢥᴺߦ⥝߇ࠅߟ߆ޔᷓ⠨ኤജߣℂ⸃ജߩ ࠆቇ↢ߩෳട߇᳞ࠄࠇࠆߎߣࠍචಽߦ⇐ᗧߒߡਅ䈘䈇䇯 䉁䈢䇮ቇ↢䈎䉌䈱ᵴ⊒䈭ᗧ឵䈱႐䈮䈚䈢䈇䈫䉅⠨䈋䈩䈇 䉁䈜䈱䈪ฃり⊛䈮ᬺ䉕ฃ䈔䉎ᆫ䈮䈭䉌䈭䈇䈖䈫䉕Ꮧᦸ䈚䉁 䈜䇯 㧝ࠗࡦ࠻ࡠ࠳࡚ࠢࠪࡦ 㧞ቇᩞᢥᴺߩⷰ 㧟⒖േ߇㑐ਈߔࠆ᭴ᢥ㧔㧝㧕 㧠⒖േ߇㑐ਈߔࠆ᭴ᢥ㧔㧞㧕 㧡⒖േ߇㑐ਈߔࠆ᭴ᢥ㧔㧟㧕 㧢ㇱߣઃടㇱߩ㧔㧝㧕 㧣ㇱߣઃടㇱߩ㧔㧞㧕 㧤ㇱߣઃടㇱߩ㧔㧟㧕 㧥᧦ઙߩ⹖▵㧔㧝㧕 10᧦ઙߩ⹖▵㧔㧞㧕 11᧦ઙߩ⹖▵㧔㧟㧕 12Be േ⹖ߩᯏ⢻㧔㧝㧕 13Be േ⹖ߩᯏ⢻㧔㧞㧕 14Be േ⹖ߩᯏ⢻㧔㧟㧕 15✚ᓳ⠌ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ̪ ⸥ౝኈ߇ᄌᦝߔࠆ႐ว߽ࠅ߹ߔޕ ̪ ೋ࿁ᬺߪ㊀ⷐߥ⸃⺑ࠍߔࠆߩߢᔅߕᏨߒߡߊߛߐޕ ̪ ᧄ⻠⟵㧔ᤐቇᦼ㧕ߩㆊߩฃ⻠⚻㛎⠪ߪ⊓㍳ࠍប߃ߡਅߐޕ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻㧦ೋ࿁ᬺߦߡᜰ␜ߒ߹ߔޕ ෳ⠨ᢥ₂㧦⺆⧷ޡ᭴ᢥౖޢᄢୃ㙚ᦠᐫ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ᴡේ ብਯ Ꮸ㧒ᬺෳട₸㧔30㧑㧕 ⹜ޔ㛎ߦࠇߘ߮ࠃ߅ޔ㗅ߕࠆ߽ߩ㧔70㧑㧕 ߩ✚ว⹏ଔߣߒ߹ߔޕᏨߪోߩ 1/3 એࠍᰳᏨߒߡߒ߹߁ߣ ߘߩᤨὐߢනቯਇ⢻ߣߥࠅ߹ߔޕ College Grammar ࠞ࠶ࠫࠣࡑ b ᜂᒰ⠪ ᴡේ ብਯ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ቇᩞᢥᴺ㧔School Grammar㧕ߣ߫ࠇࠆਛቇ㜞ᩞߢᘠࠇ ⷫߒࠎߛ⧷ᢥᴺ߆ࠄᦝߦ৻Ბ㜞ࡌ࡞ߩ⧷ᢥᴺࠍቇ߱ ߎߣࠍ⋡⊛ߣߒ߹ߔޕ ৻⥸⊛ߦᐢߊ⍮ߐࠇߡࠆߦ⧷ᢥᴺߩᨒ⚵߆ࠄ⊒ߒޔ ߘߩ⊒ዷဳߣߒߡߩ⧷ᢥᴺߩน⢻ᕈࠍ⠨ኤߒ߹ߔޔߕ߹ޕ ၮᧄᢥߥߤߢ㚔ᨴߺߩᷓ࠺࠲ߩⷰኤ߆ࠄࠅࠇߎޔ ߹ߢߥߐࠇߡ߈ߚ⧷ᢥᴺ♽ߩ৻⥸ൻߩᣇᴺࠍⷰᬌ⸛ ߒ߹ߔߚ߃߹〯ࠍࠇߘޕߢᣂߚߥⷞὐ߆ࠄ⠨ኤߒߚ⚿ᨐޔ ታߪߎࠇ߹ߢᒰὼߩߎߣߣߒߡฃߌࠇߡ߈ߚ⧷ᢥᴺߩ ࠅᣇ߇ታߪ߹ߛ߹ߛ⠨ኤߩ߇ࠆ߽ߩߛߣ߁ߎ ߣߦ᳇ઃ߆ߐࠇ߹ߔޕ ᬺౝኈߩᕈ⾰⧷ޔᢥᴺߩᑼࠍᥧ⸥ߒߚࠅߔࠆ߽ߩߢ ߪߥߊ⧷ޔᢥᴺߦ⥝߇ࠅߟ߆ޔᷓ⠨ኤജߣℂ⸃ജߩ ࠆቇ↢ߩෳട߇᳞ࠄࠇࠆߎߣࠍචಽߦ⇐ᗧߒߡਅ䈘䈇䇯 䉁䈢䇮ቇ↢䈎䉌䈱ᵴ⊒䈭ᗧ឵䈱႐䈮䈚䈢䈇䈫䉅⠨䈋䈩䈇 䉁䈜䈱䈪ฃり⊛䈮ᬺ䉕ฃ䈔䉎ᆫ䈮䈭䉌䈭䈇䈖䈫䉕Ꮧᦸ䈚䉁 䈜䇯 㧝ࠗࡦ࠻ࡠ࠳࡚ࠢࠪࡦ 㧞ቇᩞᢥᴺߩⷰ 㧟⸃㉼ߩᦌᤒᕈ㧔㧝㧕 㧠⸃㉼ߩᦌᤒᕈ㧔㧞㧕 㧡SVOC ᭴ᢥߩਅಽ㧔㧝㧕 㧢SVOC ᭴ᢥߩਅಽ㧔㧞㧕 㧣ઍฬ⹖ߣౣᏫઍฬ⹖ߩᜰ␜⸃㉼㧔㧝㧕 㧤ઍฬ⹖ߣౣᏫઍฬ⹖ߩᜰ␜⸃㉼㧔㧞㧕 㧥৻⥸േ⹖ߩᗧ․ᕈ㧔㧝㧕 10৻⥸േ⹖ߩᗧ․ᕈ㧔㧞㧕 11৻⥸േ⹖ߩᗧ․ᕈ㧔㧟㧕 12ᖱႎ᭴ㅧ㧔㧝㧕 13ᖱႎ᭴ㅧ㧔㧞㧕 14ᖱႎ᭴ㅧ㧔㧟㧕 15✚ᓳ⠌ ̪ ⸥ౝኈ߇ᄌᦝߔࠆ႐ว߽ࠅ߹ߔޕ ̪ ೋ࿁ᬺߪ㊀ⷐߥ⸃⺑ࠍߔࠆߩߢᔅߕᏨߒߡߊߛߐޕ ̪ ᧄ⻠⟵㧔⑺ቇᦼ㧕ߩㆊߩฃ⻠⚻㛎⠪ߪ⊓㍳ࠍប߃ߡਅߐޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻㧦ೋ࿁ᬺߦߡᜰ␜ߒ߹ߔޕ ෳ⠨ᢥ₂㧦⺆⧷ޡ᭴ᢥౖޢᄢୃ㙚ᦠᐫ Ꮸ㧒ᬺෳട₸㧔30㧑㧕 ⹜ޔ㛎ߦࠇߘ߮ࠃ߅ޔ㗅ߕࠆ߽ߩ㧔70㧑㧕 ߩ✚ว⹏ଔߣߒ߹ߔޕᏨߪోߩ 1/3 એࠍᰳᏨߒߡߒ߹߁ߣ ߘߩᤨὐߢනቯਇ⢻ߣߥࠅ߹ߔޕ 151 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 College Grammar ࠞ࠶ࠫࠣࡑ a ᜂᒰ⠪ ዊᣧᎹ ᥙ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ߎߩᬺߩ⋡⊛ߪ㧘⧷ᢥᴺߦኻߔࠆℂ⸃ࠍᷓࠆߎߣ㧘 ߅ࠃ߮㧘⧷ᢥᴺߦኻߔࠆℂ⸃ߩᷓᣇࠍୃᓧߔࠆߎߣߢ ࠆޕቇᦼᧃߦߪ㧘ᥧ⸥ߩኻ⽎ߣߒߡߢߪߥߊ㧘⊒ℂ⸃ ߩኻ⽎ߣߒߡߩᢥᴺߣ߁ᣇࠍりߦߟߌࠆߎߣࠍ⋡ᮡߣ ߒߚߚ߹ޕ㧘⧷⺆ߣߘࠇߦኻᔕߔࠆᣣᧄ⺆ߩᲧ セࠍㅢߒߡ㧘ᄙߊߩ߽ߩߦߣߞߡߩᲣ⺆ߢࠆᣣᧄ⺆ߘߩ ߽ߩߦኻߔࠆℂ⸃߽ᷓߚޕ ቇᦼᧃߦⴕ߁ቯᦼ⹜㛎ߢߪ㧘㈩Ꮣࡊࡦ࠻߿ࡁ࠻ߥߤ ߩᜬߜㄟߺࠍࠆ੍ቯߪߥ⹜ޕ㛎ߪ⺰ㅀᑼߩ੍ቯߢ ࠆޕ 㧝㧚ࠝࠛࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦ 㧞㧚႐ᚲᛒ߆ౕᛒ߆㧔㧝㧕 㧟㧚႐ᚲᛒ߆ౕᛒ߆㧔㧞㧕 㧠㧚⥄േ⹖㧗೨⟎⹖ߪઁേ⹖߆㧔㧝㧕 㧡㧚⥄േ⹖㧗೨⟎⹖ߪઁേ⹖߆㧔㧞㧕 㧢㧚ޛౕߟߪޜਥ⺆ߦߥࠇࠆ߆㧔㧝㧕 㧣㧚ޛౕߟߪޜਥ⺆ߦߥࠇࠆ߆㧔㧞㧕 㧤㧚ౣᏫઍฬ⹖ߩਇᕁ⼏㧔㧝㧕 㧥㧚ౣᏫઍฬ⹖ߩਇᕁ⼏㧔㧞㧕 㧝㧜㧚EAT AT ߪ EAT ߣߤ߁㆑߁ߩ߆㧔㧝㧕 㧝㧝㧚EAT AT ߪ EAT ߣߤ߁㆑߁ߩ߆㧔㧞㧕 㧝㧞㧚Mary hit John on the head.ߩ᭴ᢥ㧔㧝㧕 㧝㧟㧚Mary hit John on the head.ߩ᭴ᢥ㧔㧞㧕 㧝㧠㧚I did the book.㧩ޠߚߒࠍᧄߩߘߪ⑳ޟ㧫㧔㧝㧕 㧝㧡㧚I did the book.㧩ޠߚߒࠍᧄߩߘߪ⑳ޟ㧫㧔㧞㧕 ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ਛฝታ (1995-1998)⧷ߩ⊒ޟᢥᴺ ㅪタ㧝㨪㧣ޡޠ㜞ᩞ⧷ ⺆ዷᦸ ╙ޢ8 ภ㨪╙ 14 ภ㧚ዊቇ㙚ዏቇ࿑ᦠ㧚 ⹏ଔߪቯᦼ⹜㛎ᦼ㑆ਛߩ⹜㛎ߦࠃࠆ߅ߥޕ㧘නቯߦ ߚߞߡߪ㧘ᬺ࿁ᢙߩ 3 ಽߩ 2 એߩᏨ߇ᔅⷐߢࠆ 㧔ߚߛߒ㧘Ꮸߘߩ߽ߩ߇ടὐߩኻ⽎ߣߥࠆߎߣߪߥ㧕ޕ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 College Grammar ࠞ࠶ࠫࠣࡑ b ᜂᒰ⠪ ዊᣧᎹ ᥙ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ߎߩᬺߩ⋡⊛ߪ㧘⧷ᢥᴺߦኻߔࠆℂ⸃ࠍᷓࠆߎߣ㧘 ߅ࠃ߮㧘⧷ᢥᴺߦኻߔࠆℂ⸃ߩᷓᣇࠍୃᓧߔࠆߎߣߢ ࠆޕቇᦼᧃߦߪ㧘ᥧ⸥ߩኻ⽎ߣߒߡߢߪߥߊ㧘⊒ℂ⸃ ߩኻ⽎ߣߒߡߩᢥᴺߣ߁ᣇࠍりߦߟߌࠆߎߣࠍ⋡ᮡߣ ߒߚߚ߹ޕ㧘⧷⺆ߣߘࠇߦኻᔕߔࠆᣣᧄ⺆ߩᲧ セࠍㅢߒߡ㧘ᄙߊߩ߽ߩߦߣߞߡߩᲣ⺆ߢࠆᣣᧄ⺆ߘߩ ߽ߩߦኻߔࠆℂ⸃߽ᷓߚޕ ቇᦼᧃߦⴕ߁ቯᦼ⹜㛎ߢߪ㧘㈩Ꮣࡊࡦ࠻߿ࡁ࠻ߥߤ ߩᜬߜㄟߺࠍࠆ੍ቯߪߥ⹜ޕ㛎ߪ⺰ㅀᑼߩ੍ቯߢ ࠆޕ 㧝㧚ࠝࠛࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦ 㧞㧚ޟᢙߩ৻⥌ߦ߁ࠃߩߤߪޠ߹ࠆ߆㧔㧝㧕 㧟㧚ޟᢙߩ৻⥌ߦ߁ࠃߩߤߪޠ߹ࠆ߆㧔㧞㧕 㧠㧚⛘ኻⶄᢙฬ⹖ trousers ߩਇᕁ⼏㧔㧝㧕 㧡㧚⛘ኻⶄᢙฬ⹖ trousers ߩਇᕁ⼏㧔㧞㧕 㧢㧚߇น▚ฬ⹖ߣ⾰㊂ฬ⹖ࠍಽߌࠆ߆㧔㧝㧕 㧣㧚߇น▚ฬ⹖ߣ⾰㊂ฬ⹖ࠍಽߌࠆ߆㧔㧞㧕 㧤㧚߇น▚ฬ⹖ߣ⾰㊂ฬ⹖ࠍಽߌࠆ߆㧔㧟㧕 㧥㧚⒊ߩᄌㆫ㧦scales ߆ࠄ scale ߳ߩ㧔㧝㧕 㧝㧜㧚⒊ߩᄌㆫ㧦scales ߆ࠄ scale ߳ߩ㧔㧞㧕 㧝㧝㧚ߥߗ in a car ߥߩߦ on a bus ߥߩ߆㧔㧝㧕 㧝㧞㧚ߥߗ in a car ߥߩߦ on a bus ߥߩ߆㧔㧞㧕 㧝㧟㧚ߥߗ in a car ߥߩߦ on a bus ߥߩ߆㧔㧟㧕 㧝㧠㧚ߥߗ at night ߣ߁ߩߦ at day ߣߪࠊߥ߆㧔㧝㧕 㧝㧡㧚ߥߗ at night ߣ߁ߩߦ at day ߣߪࠊߥ߆㧔㧞㧕 ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ਛฝታ (1998-2001)⧷ߩ⊒ޟᢥᴺ ㅪタ㧤㨪㧞㧜ޡޠ㜞ᩞ ⧷⺆ዷᦸ ╙ޢ15 ภ㨪╙ 20 ภ㧚ዊቇ㙚ዏቇ࿑ᦠ㧚 ⹏ଔߪቯᦼ⹜㛎ᦼ㑆ਛߩ⹜㛎ߦࠃࠆ߅ߥޕ㧘නቯߦ ߚߞߡߪ㧘ᬺ࿁ᢙߩ 3 ಽߩ 2 એߩᏨ߇ᔅⷐߢࠆ 㧔ߚߛߒ㧘Ꮸߘߩ߽ߩ߇ടὐߩኻ⽎ߣߥࠆߎߣߪߥ㧕ޕ 152 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 College Grammar㧔㧠㧕 ࠞ࠶ࠫࠣࡑ a㧔㧠㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ဈᧄ ᵗሶ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ⻠⟵⋡⊛䋺 ⺒䉃䊶ᦠ䈒䊶䈜䊶⡞䈒䈫䈇䈉⧷⺆䈮䉋䉎ో䈩䈱⸒⺆ 1. ᢥ䋺ਥㇱ䉕ᰳ䈒ᢥ䋬䇸ਥㇱ + ㅀㇱ䇹䋬▵䊶ฏ䊶⺆ ᵴേ䈱ၮ␆䈪䈅䉎⧷ᢥᴺ䉕り䈮䈧䈔䉎䈖䈫䉕⋡⊛䈫䈜䉎䋮 䉁 2. ਥㇱ䋺ਥㇱ䈱ⷐ⚛䈫ㅀㇱ䈱ⷐ⚛ 䈢䋬⧷⺆䈱ⷙೣᕈ䉕ត᳞䈜䉎䈖䈫䉕⋡⊛䈫䈜䉎䋮 3. ᢥဳ䋺䋵ᢥဳ䋬䋵ᢥဳ䈱ᒛ䋬䋷ᢥဳ ⻠⟵ⷐ䋺 ⧷ᢥᴺ䉕ቇ⠌䈜䉎㓙䈮䋬䊃䉾䊒䊶䉻䉡䊮ᣇᑼ䈪ᢥ䈱 4. ㅀ⺆േ⹖䋺ㅀㇱ䋬ㅀ⺆േ⹖䈱⒳㘃䋬╬คㅀဳ䋬⺆ ᭴ㅧ䉕ℂ⸃䈜䉎䈫䈇䈉ᆫ䈏㊀ⷐ䈪䈅䉎䋮ᢥో䈎䉌ฏ䋬ฏ 5. ㅀ⺆േ⹖䋺⥄േ⹖ဳ䋬ઁേ⹖ဳ䋬ઁേ⹖ဳ䈱ㅀㇱ 䈎䉌⺆䈫䈇䈉䉋䈉䈭ᣇᑼ䉕䈫䉍䈭䈏䉌䋬ᤐቇᦼ䈪䈲䉁䈝䋬⧷ᢥ 6. ᢥ䈱⒳㘃䋺ਛᔃᢥဳ䈱ᢥ䋬ᢥ䈱⒳㘃䋬㊀ᢥ䈫ⶄᢥ ᴺ䈱ၮᧄ⊛䈭㗄䈱䈉䈤䋬ᢥ䈫䈇䈉䉅䈱䈲䈬䈱䉋䈉䈭䉅䈱䈪䈅 7. ᢥ䈱⒳㘃䋺⇼ᢥ䋬ᗵགྷᢥ䋬ᢥ䋬ุቯᢥ 䉎䈎䉕⠨䈋䉎䋮ᢥ䈲ၮᧄ⊛䈭ᢥ䋬ᒛ⊛䈭ᢥ䋬ᵷ↢⊛䈭ᢥ䈱 8. ฬ⹖䋬ฬ⹖䈱⒳㘃䋬น▚ฬ⹖䋬ਇน▚ฬ⹖䋬㓸วฬ⹖ ਃ⒳㘃䈮ಽ䈔䉌䉏䉎䋮䉁䈝䋬ၮᧄ⊛䈭ᢥ䈲䋵ᢥဳ䈮䉋䈦䈩⺑ 9. ઍฬ⹖䋬ઍฬ⹖䈱⒳㘃䋬ੱ⒓ઍฬ⹖䋬ౣᏫઍฬ⹖ 䈜䉎䈖䈫䈏น⢻䈪䈅䉎䋮ᒛ⊛䈭ᢥ䈲৻䈧䈱ᢥ䈮ੑ䈧એ 10. ᜰ␜ઍฬ⹖䋬⇼ઍฬ⹖䋬ਇቯઍฬ⹖ 䈱▵䋨ਥ⺆䋫ㅀ⺆䋩䉕䉃ᢥ䈪䈅䉍䋬㊀ᢥ䉇ⶄᢥ䈫䈚䈩ቇ 11. ᒻኈ⹖䋬ᒻኈ⹖䈱↪ᴺ䋬ᒻኈ⹖䈱⺆㗅䋬ᢙ⹖ ⠌䈜䉎䋮䈘䉌䈮䋬ᵷ↢⊛䈭ᢥ䈱⒳㘃䈫䈚䈩䋬⇼ᢥ䋬ᗵགྷᢥ䋬 12. ⹖䋬ਇቯ⹖䋬ቯ⹖䋬ή⹖䈱↪ᴺ ᢥ䈭䈬䉕ቇ⠌䈜䉎䋮ᢥ䈱ᨒ⚵䉂䉕ᝒ䈋䈢䈪䋬䈠䈱᭴ 13. ⹖䋬⹖䈱⒳㘃䋬⹖䈱↪ᴺ䋬⹖䈱⟎ ᚑⷐ⚛䈪䈅䉎ฬ⹖䋬ᒻኈ⹖䋬⹖䋬⹖䈭䈬䉕ᛒ䈉䋮 14. ഥേ⹖㧘ഥേ⹖ߩ↪ᴺ 15. ធ⛯⹖㧘೨⟎⹖ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Ξ΅ΑΠȇ⒤㩿㪈㪐㪏㪍㪀㩷㪘㩷㪪㪿㫆㫉㫋㪼㫉㩷㪞㫌㫀㪻㪼㩷㫋㫆㩷㪜㫅㪾㫃㫀㫊㪿㩷㪞㫉㪸㫄㫄㪸㫉㩷 Ꮸ⁁ᴫ䋬ᬺ䈮䈍䈔䉎ᐔᏱὐ䋬ᦼᧃ⹜㛎䈱ᚑ❣䉕✚ว䈚䈩 ⹏ଔ䈜䉎䋮䈭䈍䋬න䈱ቯ䈮䈲ᬺ࿁ᢙ䈱 2/3 એ䈱Ꮸ 䋨㐿ᜏ␠䋩㩷 㩷 㩷 ४ࣉȇ⒤䋨㪈㪐㪐㪍䋩䇺⧷ᢥᴺ✚ⷩ䋨ᡷ⸓ 䋩䇻 䈏ᔅⷐ䈫䈘䉏䉎䋮 䋨㐿ᜏ␠䋩 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 College Grammar㧔㧠㧕 ࠞ࠶ࠫࠣࡑ b㧔㧠㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ⻠⟵⋡⊛䋺䋨ᤐቇᦼ䈫ห䈛䋩 ⺒䉃䊶ᦠ䈒䊶䈜䊶⡞䈒䈫䈇䈉⧷⺆䈮䉋 1. ਇቯ⹖ 䉎ో䈩䈱⸒⺆ᵴേ䈱ၮ␆䈪䈅䉎⧷ᢥᴺ䉕り䈮䈧䈔䉎䈖䈫䉕⋡ 2. ಽ⹖䋬േฬ⹖ ⊛䈫䈜䉎䋮 䉁䈢䋬⧷⺆䈱ⷙೣᕈ䉕ត᳞䈜䉎䈖䈫䉕⋡⊛䈫䈜䉎䋮 3. 㑐ଥઍฬ⹖䋬㑐ଥ⹖ ⻠⟵ⷐ䋺䋨ᤐቇᦼ䈱⛯䈐䋩 ⑺ቇᦼ䈪䈲䉁䈝䋬ਇቯ⹖䊶ಽ⹖䊶േ ฬ⹖䉕ቇ⠌䈜䉎䋮䈘䉌䈮䋬ਇቯ⹖䈫േ⹖䈱 ing ಽ⹖䋨䈇䉒䉉䉎 4. ᤨ䋺ᤨ䈱↪ᴺ䋬ㆊᤨ䈱↪ᴺ 5. ቢੌ䈱↪ᴺ䋬ㆊቢੌ䈱↪ᴺ ಽ⹖䋩䈮䈲ฬ⹖⊛↪ᴺ䊶ᒻኈ⹖⊛↪ᴺ䊶⹖⊛↪ᴺ䊶േ 6. ㅴⴕᒻ䈱↪ᴺ ⹖⊛↪ᴺ䈱྾䈧䈱↪ᴺ䈏䈅䉎䈖䈫䉕ቇ⠌䈜䉎䋮 7. ⢻േᘒ䈫ฃേᘒ ᰴ䈮䋬㑐ଥઍฬ⹖䋬㑐ଥ⹖䉕ᛒ䈇䋬㒢⊛↪ᴺ䈫㕖 㒢⊛↪ᴺ䈮䈧䈇䈩ቇ⠌䈜䉎䋮䉁䈢䋬⧷⺆䈮䈍䈇䈩㊀ⷐ䈭ᤨ 8. ᔕ䈫ᤨ䈱৻⥌ 9. ቯᴺ䋬⋥⺑ᴺ䈫ቯᴺ䋬to ਇቯ⹖䊶೨⟎⹖䊶ធ⛯⹖䉕↪ 䈇䈢ቯ 䉕ᛒ䈇䋬⧷⺆䈮䈍䈇䈩ᤨ䈱ᔨ䈏䈬䈱䉋䈉䈮ℂ⸃䈘䉏䈩䈇 䉎䈎䉕ቇ⠌䈜䉎䋮䈘䉌䈮䋬⢻േᘒ䈫ฃേᘒ䈮䈧䈇䈩ቇ䈹䈖䈫 10. ᴺ䋬⋥ធᴺ䈫㑆ធᴺ 䈮䉋䉍䇮ฃേᘒ䈱᭴ㅧ䉇ᗧ䈱․ᓽ䉕ቇ⠌䈜䉎䋮 11. Ყセ䋬ේ⚖䈱↪ᴺ ⑺ቇᦼ䈱ᓟඨ䈪䈲䋬ⶄᢥ䈮㑐䉒䉎⽎䈫䈚䈩ᤨ䈱৻⥌ 䉇ᴺ䈮䈧䈇䈩ቇ⠌䈜䉎䋮 䈘䉌䈮䋬⧷⺆䈱ᢥ䈱᭴ᚑ䈮㊀ⷐ 12. Ყセ⚖䈱↪ᴺ䋬ᦨ⚖䈱↪ᴺ 13. ุቯ䋬ㇱಽุቯ䈫ోุቯ䋬ุቯ⺆䈱⟎䋬ੑ㊀䈱ุቯ 䈭ᓎഀ䉕ᨐ䈢䈚䈩䈇䉎ቯᴺ䋬Ყセ䋬ุቯ䈱↪ᴺ 14. ᢥ䈱ਥ⺆䈫ᖱႎ᭴ㅧ䋬 䉕ቇ⠌䈜䉎䋮 15.㩷 ᒝ⺞䋬⋭⇛䊶ᝌ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ဈᧄ ᵗሶ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Ξ΅ΑΠȇ⒤㩿㪈㪐㪏㪍㪀㩷㪘㩷㪪㪿㫆㫉㫋㪼㫉㩷㪞㫌㫀㪻㪼㩷㫋㫆㩷㪜㫅㪾㫃㫀㫊㪿㩷㪞㫉㪸㫄㫄㪸㫉㩷 Ꮸ⁁ᴫ䋬ᬺ䈮䈍䈔䉎ᐔᏱὐ䋬ᦼᧃ⹜㛎䈱ᚑ❣䉕✚ว䈚䈩 ⹏ଔ䈜䉎䋮䈭䈍䋬න䈱ቯ䈮䈲ᬺ࿁ᢙ䈱 2/3 એ䈱Ꮸ 䋨㐿ᜏ␠䋩㩷 㩷 㩷 ४ࣉȇ⒤䋨㪈㪐㪐㪍䋩䇺⧷ᢥᴺ✚ⷩ䋨ᡷ⸓ 䋩䇻 䈏ᔅⷐ䈫䈘䉏䉎䋮 䋨㐿ᜏ␠䋩 153 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 College Grammar㧔㊄㧠㧕 ࠞ࠶ࠫࠣࡑ a㧔㊄㧠㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ဈᧄ ᵗሶ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ⻠⟵⋡⊛䋺 ⺒䉃䊶ᦠ䈒䊶䈜䊶⡞䈒䈫䈇䈉⧷⺆䈮䉋䉎ో䈩䈱⸒⺆ 1. ᢥ䋺ਥㇱ䉕ᰳ䈒ᢥ䋬䇸ਥㇱ + ㅀㇱ䇹䋬▵䊶ฏ䊶⺆ ᵴേ䈱ၮ␆䈪䈅䉎⧷ᢥᴺ䉕り䈮䈧䈔䉎䈖䈫䉕⋡⊛䈫䈜䉎䋮 䉁 2. ਥㇱ䋺ਥㇱ䈱ⷐ⚛䈫ㅀㇱ䈱ⷐ⚛ 䈢䋬⧷⺆䈱ⷙೣᕈ䉕ត᳞䈜䉎䈖䈫䉕⋡⊛䈫䈜䉎䋮 3. ᢥဳ䋺䋵ᢥဳ䋬䋵ᢥဳ䈱ᒛ䋬䋷ᢥဳ ⻠⟵ⷐ䋺 ⧷ᢥᴺ䉕ቇ⠌䈜䉎㓙䈮䋬䊃䉾䊒䊶䉻䉡䊮ᣇᑼ䈪ᢥ䈱 4. ㅀ⺆േ⹖䋺ㅀㇱ䋬ㅀ⺆േ⹖䈱⒳㘃䋬╬คㅀဳ䋬⺆ ᭴ㅧ䉕ℂ⸃䈜䉎䈫䈇䈉ᆫ䈏㊀ⷐ䈪䈅䉎䋮ᢥో䈎䉌ฏ䋬ฏ 5. ㅀ⺆േ⹖䋺⥄േ⹖ဳ䋬ઁേ⹖ဳ䋬ઁേ⹖ဳ䈱ㅀㇱ 䈎䉌⺆䈫䈇䈉䉋䈉䈭ᣇᑼ䉕䈫䉍䈭䈏䉌䋬ᤐቇᦼ䈪䈲䉁䈝䋬⧷ᢥ 6. ᢥ䈱⒳㘃䋺ਛᔃᢥဳ䈱ᢥ䋬ᢥ䈱⒳㘃䋬㊀ᢥ䈫ⶄᢥ ᴺ䈱ၮᧄ⊛䈭㗄䈱䈉䈤䋬ᢥ䈫䈇䈉䉅䈱䈲䈬䈱䉋䈉䈭䉅䈱䈪䈅 7. ᢥ䈱⒳㘃䋺⇼ᢥ䋬ᗵགྷᢥ䋬ᢥ䋬ุቯᢥ 䉎䈎䉕⠨䈋䉎䋮ᢥ䈲ၮᧄ⊛䈭ᢥ䋬ᒛ⊛䈭ᢥ䋬ᵷ↢⊛䈭ᢥ䈱 8. ฬ⹖䋬ฬ⹖䈱⒳㘃䋬น▚ฬ⹖䋬ਇน▚ฬ⹖䋬㓸วฬ⹖ ਃ⒳㘃䈮ಽ䈔䉌䉏䉎䋮䉁䈝䋬ၮᧄ⊛䈭ᢥ䈲䋵ᢥဳ䈮䉋䈦䈩⺑ 9. ઍฬ⹖䋬ઍฬ⹖䈱⒳㘃䋬ੱ⒓ઍฬ⹖䋬ౣᏫઍฬ⹖ 䈜䉎䈖䈫䈏น⢻䈪䈅䉎䋮ᒛ⊛䈭ᢥ䈲৻䈧䈱ᢥ䈮ੑ䈧એ 10. ᜰ␜ઍฬ⹖䋬⇼ઍฬ⹖䋬ਇቯઍฬ⹖ 䈱▵䋨ਥ⺆䋫ㅀ⺆䋩䉕䉃ᢥ䈪䈅䉍䋬㊀ᢥ䉇ⶄᢥ䈫䈚䈩ቇ 11. ᒻኈ⹖䋬ᒻኈ⹖䈱↪ᴺ䋬ᒻኈ⹖䈱⺆㗅䋬ᢙ⹖ ⠌䈜䉎䋮䈘䉌䈮䋬ᵷ↢⊛䈭ᢥ䈱⒳㘃䈫䈚䈩䋬⇼ᢥ䋬ᗵགྷᢥ䋬 12. ⹖䋬ਇቯ⹖䋬ቯ⹖䋬ή⹖䈱↪ᴺ ᢥ䈭䈬䉕ቇ⠌䈜䉎䋮ᢥ䈱ᨒ⚵䉂䉕ᝒ䈋䈢䈪䋬䈠䈱᭴ 13. ⹖䋬⹖䈱⒳㘃䋬⹖䈱↪ᴺ䋬⹖䈱⟎ ᚑⷐ⚛䈪䈅䉎ฬ⹖䋬ᒻኈ⹖䋬⹖䋬⹖䈭䈬䉕ᛒ䈉䋮 14. ഥേ⹖㧘ഥേ⹖ߩ↪ᴺ 15. ធ⛯⹖㧘೨⟎⹖ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Ξ΅ΑΠȇ⒤㩿㪈㪐㪏㪍㪀㩷㪘㩷㪪㪿㫆㫉㫋㪼㫉㩷㪞㫌㫀㪻㪼㩷㫋㫆㩷㪜㫅㪾㫃㫀㫊㪿㩷㪞㫉㪸㫄㫄㪸㫉㩷 Ꮸ⁁ᴫ䋬ᬺ䈮䈍䈔䉎ᐔᏱὐ䋬ᦼᧃ⹜㛎䈱ᚑ❣䉕✚ว䈚䈩 ⹏ଔ䈜䉎䋮䈭䈍䋬න䈱ቯ䈮䈲ᬺ࿁ᢙ䈱 2/3 એ䈱Ꮸ 䋨㐿ᜏ␠䋩㩷 㩷 㩷 ४ࣉȇ⒤䋨㪈㪐㪐㪍䋩䇺⧷ᢥᴺ✚ⷩ䋨ᡷ⸓ 䋩䇻 䈏ᔅⷐ䈫䈘䉏䉎䋮 䋨㐿ᜏ␠䋩 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 College Grammar㧔㊄㧠㧕 ࠞ࠶ࠫࠣࡑ b㧔㊄㧠㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ဈᧄ ᵗሶ ᬺ⸘↹ ⻠⟵⋡⊛䋺䋨ᤐቇᦼ䈫ห䈛䋩 ⺒䉃䊶ᦠ䈒䊶䈜䊶⡞䈒䈫䈇䈉⧷⺆䈮䉋 1. ਇቯ⹖ 䉎ో䈩䈱⸒⺆ᵴേ䈱ၮ␆䈪䈅䉎⧷ᢥᴺ䉕り䈮䈧䈔䉎䈖䈫䉕⋡ 2. ಽ⹖䋬േฬ⹖ ⊛䈫䈜䉎䋮㩷 䉁䈢䋬⧷⺆䈱ⷙೣᕈ䉕ត᳞䈜䉎䈖䈫䉕⋡⊛䈫䈜䉎䋮 3. 㑐ଥઍฬ⹖䋬㑐ଥ⹖ ⻠⟵ⷐ䋺䋨ᤐቇᦼ䈱⛯䈐䋩 ⑺ቇᦼ䈪䈲䉁䈝䋬ਇቯ⹖䊶ಽ⹖䊶േ ฬ⹖䉕ቇ⠌䈜䉎䋮䈘䉌䈮䋬ਇቯ⹖䈫േ⹖䈱 ing ಽ⹖䋨䈇䉒䉉䉎 4. ᤨ䋺ᤨ䈱↪ᴺ䋬ㆊᤨ䈱↪ᴺ 5. ቢੌ䈱↪ᴺ䋬ㆊቢੌ䈱↪ᴺ ಽ⹖䋩䈮䈲ฬ⹖⊛↪ᴺ䊶ᒻኈ⹖⊛↪ᴺ䊶⹖⊛↪ᴺ䊶േ 6. ㅴⴕᒻ䈱↪ᴺ ⹖⊛↪ᴺ䈱྾䈧䈱↪ᴺ䈏䈅䉎䈖䈫䉕ቇ⠌䈜䉎䋮 7. ⢻േᘒ䈫ฃേᘒ ᰴ䈮䋬㑐ଥઍฬ⹖䋬㑐ଥ⹖䉕ᛒ䈇䋬㒢⊛↪ᴺ䈫㕖 㒢⊛↪ᴺ䈮䈧䈇䈩ቇ⠌䈜䉎䋮䉁䈢䋬⧷⺆䈮䈍䈇䈩㊀ⷐ䈭ᤨ 8. ᔕ䈫ᤨ䈱৻⥌ 9. ቯᴺ䋬⋥⺑ᴺ䈫ቯᴺ䋬to ਇቯ⹖䊶೨⟎⹖䊶ធ⛯⹖䉕↪ 䈇䈢ቯ 䉕ᛒ䈇䋬⧷⺆䈮䈍䈇䈩ᤨ䈱ᔨ䈏䈬䈱䉋䈉䈮ℂ⸃䈘䉏䈩䈇 䉎䈎䉕ቇ⠌䈜䉎䋮䈘䉌䈮䋬⢻േᘒ䈫ฃേᘒ䈮䈧䈇䈩ቇ䈹䈖䈫 10. ᴺ䋬⋥ធᴺ䈫㑆ធᴺ 䈮䉋䉍䇮ฃേᘒ䈱᭴ㅧ䉇ᗧ䈱․ᓽ䉕ቇ⠌䈜䉎䋮 11. Ყセ䋬ේ⚖䈱↪ᴺ ⑺ቇᦼ䈱ᓟඨ䈪䈲䋬ⶄᢥ䈮㑐䉒䉎⽎䈫䈚䈩ᤨ䈱৻⥌ 12. Ყセ⚖䈱↪ᴺ䋬ᦨ⚖䈱↪ᴺ 䉇ᴺ䈮䈧䈇䈩ቇ⠌䈜䉎䋮 䈘䉌䈮䋬⧷⺆䈱ᢥ䈱᭴ᚑ䈮㊀ⷐ 13. ุቯ䋬ㇱಽุቯ䈫ోุቯ䋬ุቯ⺆䈱⟎䋬ੑ㊀䈱ุቯ 䈭ᓎഀ䉕ᨐ䈢䈚䈩䈇䉎ቯᴺ䋬Ყセ䋬ุቯ䈱↪ᴺ 14. ᢥ䈱ਥ⺆䈫ᖱႎ᭴ㅧ䋬 䉕ቇ⠌䈜䉎䋮 15.㩷 ᒝ⺞䋬⋭⇛䊶ᝌ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Ξ΅ΑΠȇ⒤㩿㪈㪐㪏㪍㪀㩷㪘㩷㪪㪿㫆㫉㫋㪼㫉㩷㪞㫌㫀㪻㪼㩷㫋㫆㩷㪜㫅㪾㫃㫀㫊㪿㩷㪞㫉㪸㫄㫄㪸㫉㩷 Ꮸ⁁ᴫ䋬ᬺ䈮䈍䈔䉎ᐔᏱὐ䋬ᦼᧃ⹜㛎䈱ᚑ❣䉕✚ว䈚䈩 ⹏ଔ䈜䉎䋮䈭䈍䋬න䈱ቯ䈮䈲ᬺ࿁ᢙ䈱 2/3 એ䈱Ꮸ 䋨㐿ᜏ␠䋩㩷 㩷 㩷 ४ࣉȇ⒤䋨㪈㪐㪐㪍䋩䇺⧷ᢥᴺ✚ⷩ䋨ᡷ⸓ 䋩䇻 䈏ᔅⷐ䈫䈘䉏䉎䋮 䋨㐿ᜏ␠䋩 154 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 College Grammar㩷 ࠞ࠶ࠫࠣࡑ a ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ㋈ᧁ ⧷৻ ᬺ⸘↹ ⻠⟵⋡⊛䋺 ⧷ᢥᴺ䈲䋬⧷⺆䈱ᢥ䈱᭴ᚑ䊶ౝኈ䉕䉌䈎䈮䈜䉎⚵䉂䈪䈅 䉎䋮ᢥ䈲⺆䈎䉌᭴ᚑ䈘䉏䋬ⶄᢙ䈱⺆䈏ฏ䉕᭴ᚑ䈚䋬ฏ䈏⚿ว 䈘䉏䈩ᢥ䈫䈭䉎䋮⧷ᢥᴺ䈲⧷⺆䈱䈜䈼䈩䈱⸒⺆ᵴേ䈱ၮ␆䈫 䈭䈦䈩䈇䉎䋮⧷⺆䈏䈪䈐䉎䉋䈉䈮䈭䉎䈢䉄䈮䋬䈖䈱ᬺ䈪䈲⧷ ᢥᴺ䉕り䈮ઃ䈔䉎䈖䈫䉕⋡⊛䈫䈜䉎䋮䈘䉌䈮䋬⧷ᢥᴺ䈱ታ〣⊛ ᔕ↪䈫䈚䈩TOEIC䈱ᢥᴺ㗴䉕✵⠌䈚䋬䈠䈱⸃⺑䉕ⴕ䈉䋮 ⻠⟵ⷐ䋺 ⧷ᢥᴺ䉕ቇ⠌䈜䉎㓙䈮䋬䊃䉾䊒䊶䉻䉡䊮ᣇᑼ䈪ᢥ䈱᭴ㅧ䉕ℂ⸃ 䈜䉎䈫䈇䈉ᆫ䈏㊀ⷐ䈪䈅䉎䋮ᢥో䈎䉌ฏ䋬ฏ䈎䉌⺆䈫䈇䈉 䉋䈉䈭ᣇᑼ䉕䈫䉍䈭䈏䉌䋬ᤐቇᦼ䈪䈲䉁䈝䋬⧷ᢥᴺ䈱ၮᧄ⊛䈭 㗄䈱䈉䈤䋬ᢥ䈫䈇䈉䉅䈱䈲䈬䈱䉋䈉䈭䉅䈱䈏䈅䉎䈎䉕⠨䈋䉎䋮 ᢥ䈲ၮᧄ⊛䈭ᢥ䋬ᒛ⊛䈭ᢥ䋬ᵷ↢⊛䈭ᢥ䈱ਃ⒳㘃䈮ಽ䈔 䉌䉏䋬ၮᧄ⊛䈭ᢥ䈲䋵ᢥဳ䈮䉋䈦䈩⺑䈚䋬ᒛ⊛䈭ᢥ䈲৻ 䈧䈱ᢥ䈮ੑ䈧એ䈱▵䋨ਥ⺆䋫ㅀ⺆䋩䉕䉃ᢥ䈪䈅䉍䋬㊀ᢥ 䉇ⶄᢥ䈫䈚䈩ቇ⠌䈜䉎䋮䈘䉌䈮䋬ᢥ䈱⒳㘃䈫䈚䈩䋬⇼ᢥ䋬ᗵ གྷᢥ䋬ᢥ䋬ฃേᢥ䋬ᤨ䈭䈬䉕ቇ⠌䈜䉎䋮 㩷 Ფ࿁䈱ᬺ䈱䈢䉄䈮⋧ᒰ䈭ಽ㊂䈱ᢎ⑼ᦠ䈱੍⠌䈫TOEIC 䈱ኋ㗴䉕䈜䉎䈖䈫䈏ᔅⷐ䈪䈜䋮੍⠌䈫ኋ㗴䉕ⴕ䈋䉎ቇ↢⻉ำ 䈱ฃ⻠䉕ᒝ䈒ᦼᓙ䈚䉁䈜䋮ೋ࿁䈱䊁䉨䉴䊃䈲㈩Ꮣ䈚䉁䈜䋮 1. ⧷ᢥᴺ䈱ో⊛᭴ᚑ䋺 ᢥဳ䊶ᢥᴺ 2. ᢥ䋺ਥㇱ䉕ᰳ䈒ᢥ䋬䇸ਥㇱ + ㅀㇱ䇹䋬▵䊶ฏ䊶⺆ 3. ਥㇱ䋺ਥㇱ䈱ⷐ⚛䈫ㅀㇱ䈱ⷐ⚛ 4. ᢥဳ䋨1䋩䋺䋵ᢥဳ 5. ᢥဳ䋨2䋩䋺䋵ᢥဳ䈱ᒛ䋬䋷ᢥဳ 6. ㅀ⺆േ⹖䋨1䋩䋺ㅀㇱ䋬ㅀ⺆േ⹖䈱⒳㘃䋬╬คㅀဳ䋬⺆ 7. ㅀ⺆േ⹖䋨2䋩䋺⥄േ⹖ဳ䋬⥄േ⹖䊶ઁേ⹖ਔ↪䈱േ⹖ 8. ㅀ⺆േ⹖䋨3䋩䋺ઁേ⹖ဳ䋬ઁേ⹖ဳ䈱ㅀㇱ 9. ᢥ䈱⒳㘃䋨1䋩䋺ᢥ䈱⒳㘃䋬㊀ᢥ䈫ⶄᢥ 10. ᢥ䈱⒳㘃䋨2䋩䋺⇼ᢥ䋬ᗵགྷᢥ 11. ᢥ䈱⒳㘃䋨3䋩䋺ᢥ䋬ุቯᢥ 12. ᤨ䋨1䋩䋺ᤨ䋬ㆊᤨ 13. ᤨ䋨2䋩䋺ቢੌᒻ䋬ㆊቢੌᒻ䋬ㅴⴕᒻ 14. ᘒ䋺⢻േᘒ䈫ฃേᘒ䈱䋬ฃേᘒ䈱↪ᴺ 15. ᬺౝኈ䈱䉁䈫䉄 ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ 䊁䉨䉴䊃䋺㩷⒤㩿㪈㪐㪏㪍㪀㩷㪘㩷㪪㪿㫆㫉㫋㪼㫉㩷㪞㫌㫀㪻㪼㩷㫋㫆㩷㪜㫅㪾㫃㫀㫊㪿㩷㪞㫉㪸㫄㫄㪸㫉㩷 䋨㐿ᜏ␠䋩㩷 ෳ⠨ᦠ䋺㩷⒤䋨㪈㪐㪐㪍䋩䇺⧷ᢥᴺ✚ⷩ䋨ᡷ⸓ 䋩䇻䋨㐿ᜏ␠䋩 Ꮸ⁁ᴫ䋬੍⠌䈫ኋ㗴䈱⁁ᴫ䋬ᬺ䈮䈍䈔䉎ᐔᏱὐ䋬ᦼᧃ⹜ 㛎䈱ᚑ❣䉕✚ว䈚䈩⹏ଔ䈚䉁䈜䋮䈭䈍䋬න䈱ቯ䈮䈲ᬺ ࿁ᢙ䈱 2/3 એ䈱Ꮸ䈏ᔅⷐ䈫䈘䉏䉁䈜䋮 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 College Grammar㩷 ࠞ࠶ࠫࠣࡑ b ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ㋈ᧁ ⧷৻ ᬺ⸘↹ ⻠⟵⋡⊛䋺䋨ᤐቇᦼ䈫ห䈛䋩 ⧷ᢥᴺ䈲䋬⧷⺆䈱ᢥ䈱᭴ᚑ䊶ౝኈ䉕䉌䈎䈮䈜䉎⚵䉂䈪䈅 䉎䋮ᢥ䈲⺆䈎䉌᭴ᚑ䈘䉏䋬ⶄᢙ䈱⺆䈏ฏ䉕᭴ᚑ䈚䋬ฏ䈏⚿ว 䈘䉏䈩ᢥ䈫䈭䉎䋮⧷ᢥᴺ䈲⧷⺆䈱䈜䈼䈩䈱⸒⺆ᵴേ䈱ၮ␆䈫 䈭䈦䈩䈇䉎䋮⧷⺆䈏䈪䈐䉎䉋䈉䈮䈭䉎䈢䉄䈮䋬䈖䈱ᬺ䈪䈲⧷ ᢥᴺ䉕り䈮ઃ䈔䉎䈖䈫䉕⋡⊛䈫䈜䉎䋮䈘䉌䈮䋬⧷ᢥᴺ䈱ታ〣⊛ ᔕ↪䈫䈚䈩TOEIC䈱ᢥᴺ㗴䉕✵⠌䈚䋬䈠䈱⸃⺑䉕ⴕ䈉䋮 ⻠⟵ⷐ䋺 ⑺ቇᦼ䈲䋬ᢥ᭴ᚑ䈮㑐䉒䉎䋬ᔕ䉇ᤨ䈱৻⥌䋬ᴺ䋬ุ ቯ䋬ᒝ⺞䋬⋭⇛䋬ᝌ䈭䈬䉕䉃ᢥ䉕ᛒ䈉䋮䈘䉌䈮䋬ᤨ䉕 䉁䈭䈇▵䈫䈚䈩䋬ਇቯ⹖䊶ಽ⹖䊶േฬ⹖䉕ข䉍䈕䋬ਇቯ⹖䈫 േ⹖䈱ingᒻ䈮䈲ฬ⹖⊛↪ᴺ䊶ᒻኈ⹖⊛↪ᴺ䊶⹖⊛↪ᴺ䊶 േ⹖⊛↪ᴺ䈱྾䈧䈱↪ᴺ䈏䈅䉎䈫䈖䈫䉕ቇ⠌䈜䉎䋮䈘䉌䈮䋬ၒ 䉄ㄟ䉂ᢥ䈱৻䈧䈫䈚䈩㑐ଥ⹖▵䉕ቇ⠌䈜䉎䋮ᦨᓟ䈮䋬ᢥ䉕᭴ ᚑ䈜䉎ⷐ⚛䈫䈚䈩䋬ฬ⹖䊶ઍฬ⹖䊶ᒻኈ⹖䊶⹖䉕ቇ⠌䈜䉎䋮 㩷 ᤐ䊶⑺ቇᦼ䈱⛮⛯ጁୃ䈏䉄䉌䉏䈩䈍䉍䋬䈍൘䉄䈚䉁䈜䋮Ფ ࿁䈱ᬺ䈱䈢䉄䈮⋧ᒰ䈭ಽ㊂䈱ᢎ⑼ᦠ䈱੍⠌䈫TOEIC䈱ኋ 㗴䉕䈜䉎䈖䈫䈏ᔅⷐ䈪䈜䋮੍⠌䈫ኋ㗴䉕ⴕ䈋䉎ቇ↢⻉ำ䈱ฃ ⻠䉕ᒝ䈒ᦼᓙ䈚䉁䈜䋮ೋ࿁䈱䊁䉨䉴䊃䈲㈩Ꮣ䈚䉁䈜䋮 1. ᔕ䈫ᤨ䈱৻⥌䋺ᤨ䈱৻⥌䋬ᤨ䈱৻⥌䈱ᄖ 2. ᴺ䋨1䋩䋺⋥ធᴺ䈫㑆ធᴺ 3. ᴺ䋨2䋩䋺⇼ᢥ䈫ᢥ䈱㑆ធᴺ 4. Ყセ䋨1䋩䋺ේ⚖䊶Ყセ⚖ 5. Ყセ䋨2䋩䋺ᦨ⚖ 6. ุቯ䋺ㇱಽุቯ䈫ోุቯ䋬ุቯ⺆䈱⟎䋬ੑ㊀䈱ุቯ 7. 㕖ቯᒻ▵䋨1䋩䋺ਇቯ⹖ 8. 㕖ቯᒻ▵䋨2䋩䋺ಽ⹖䋬േฬ⹖ 9. 㑐ଥ⹖▵䋨1䋩䋺㑐ଥઍฬ⹖▵ 10. 㑐ଥ⹖▵䋨2䋩䋺㑐ଥ⹖▵ 11. ฬ⹖䋺ฬ⹖䈱⒳㘃䋬ฬ⹖䈱ᒻ䋬ฬ⹖䈱․ᓽ 12. ઍฬ⹖䋺ઍฬ⹖䈱⒳㘃䋬ઍฬ⹖䈱↪ᴺ 13. ᒻኈ⹖䋺ᒻኈ⹖䈱↪ᴺ䋬ᒻኈ⹖䈱⺆㗅䋬ᢙ⹖ 14. ⹖䋺ਇቯ⹖䋬ቯ⹖䋬ή⹖䈱↪ᴺ 15. ᬺౝኈ䈱䉁䈫䉄 ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ 䊁䉨䉴䊃䋺㩷⒤㩿㪈㪐㪏㪍㪀㩷㪘㩷㪪㪿㫆㫉㫋㪼㫉㩷㪞㫌㫀㪻㪼㩷㫋㫆㩷㪜㫅㪾㫃㫀㫊㪿㩷㪞㫉㪸㫄㫄㪸㫉㩷 䋨㐿ᜏ␠䋩㩷 ෳ⠨ᦠ䋺㩷⒤䋨㪈㪐㪐㪍䋩䇺⧷ᢥᴺ✚ⷩ䋨ᡷ⸓ 䋩䇻䋨㐿ᜏ␠䋩 Ꮸ⁁ᴫ䋬੍⠌䈫ኋ㗴䈱⁁ᴫ䋬ᬺ䈮䈍䈔䉎ᐔᏱὐ䋬ᦼᧃ⹜ 㛎䈱ᚑ❣䉕✚ว䈚䈩⹏ଔ䈚䉁䈜䋮䈭䈍䋬න䈱ቯ䈮䈲ᬺ ࿁ᢙ䈱 2/3 એ䈱Ꮸ䈏ᔅⷐ䈫䈘䉏䉁䈜䋮 155 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 College Grammar ࠞ࠶ࠫࠣࡑ a ᜂᒰ⠪ ᐭᎹ ⻯ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ߎߩᬺߩ⁓ߪޔኾ㐷ቇᩞߢߪߥߊޔᄢቇߢ⧷⺆ࠍቇ߱ ቇ↢ߣߒߡᕯߕ߆ߒߊߥ⺆ߚߒߣࠅߜߞ߈ޔᴺߩ⍮⼂ࠍ りߦߟߌߡ߽ࠄ߁ߎߣߢߔ⸒ߪ߁ߘߗߥޟߪߦߚߩߘޕ ߃ߡ߽߆ߩߥ߃⸒ߪ߁ߎޔ㧫⇼ߥᧉ⚛ߣޠࠍᛴߊߎߣ ߇ᄢಾߢߔޔߣࠆߔ߁ߘޕᰴ╙ߦ㕙ߦ߃ࠆ⧷⺆⽎ࠍ ᚻ߇߆ࠅߦߒޔ᳓㕙ਅߦẜ߇ࠞࡇࠬࡉࠖ࠹ࠗࡀޔή ᗧ⼂ߦりߦߟߌߡ߈ߚ⧷⺆ߩᗵⷡࠗࡔࠫࠍតߞߡߊ ⠌ᘠ߇りߦߟ߈⚿ޔዪߪߎߩᣇᴺ߇߽ߞߣ߽ല₸ߩ⦟⧷ ⺆߇ቇ⠌ᣇᴺߢࠆ߹ࠅߥߦ߁ࠃࠆ߆ࠊ߇ߣߎ߁ߣޔ ߔߩߎޕᬺߢߪޔ⍮ᢥᴺࠍၮߦߒߚ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ࠍޔ ߎࠇ߹ߢߩ⧷⺆ቇ⠌ߢߪ߆ߔߞ߈ࠅߒߥߣᗵߓߡ ࠆੱߩ⚛ᧉߥ⇼ߦߢ߈ࠆߛߌ╵߃ߡ߈߹ߔޔߚ߹ޕᣣ ᧄੱߣ⧷☨ੱߩᘒߦኻߔࠆߣࠄ߃ᣇߩ㆑ߦ߽⸒ߔ ࠆߣߎࠈ߇ࠆߩߢޔㅢ⸶᩺ౝ჻ࠍ⋡ᜰߔੱߦ߽ᓎ┙ߟߢ ߒࠂ߁ޕ 1. ⸶ߪ⧷⺆ࠍࠊ߆ࠄߥߊߔࠆ 2. ࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦߦᔅⷐߥᢥᴺߣߪ㧫 3. ⸶ߔߎߣߢ↢ߕࠆ⺋⸃ 4. ᣣᏱ⺆ߩਛߩᲧ༙ 5. ᄙ⟵⺆ߩᗧ߽ޔᲧ༙ߦࠃߞߡߟߥ߇ߞߡࠆ 6. ⛯߈ 7. ᒻߣᗧΣ㧔⧷⺆ߩၮᧄ᭴ㅧ㧕 8. a ߣ the ߩᣇ 9. ฬ⹖ߩੑߟߩ↪ᴺ 10. ᤨߩᴺ 11. ᴺߩᔨ(න⚐㨯ㅴⴕ㨯ቢੌ) 12. ㆊᒻߣৼካ 13. േ⹖ߩੑߟߩ↪ᴺ 14. ᒻߣᗧΤ(ਗ⟎) 15. ᒻߣᗧΥ(ୟ⟎) ̪ฃ⻠Ꮧᦸ⠪ߪ ߩࡦ࠱ࡑࠕޔHP ߢ⋡ᰴߥߤࠍߡ߅ߡ ਅߐޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ 㓉ᄦࠆ߃ᝒߢࠫࡔࠗޡᗵⷡ⧷ᢥᴺ֣⍮ᢥᴺࠍෳᾖ ߒߚ⧷⺆ቇ⠌ᴺޢ㐿ᜏ␠ ¥1800 ቯᦼ⹜㛎ߣ⺖㗴߅ࠃ߮ᬺߦ߅ߌࠆෳടᐲߦࠃࠅ߹ߔޕ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 College Grammar ࠞ࠶ࠫࠣࡑ b ᜂᒰ⠪ ᐭᎹ ⻯ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ߪߢ⺆⧷ࠍޠࠆߔࠢ࠶ࡁࠍࠕ࠼ޟknock the door ߢߪߥ ߊ knock on the door ߢߔ߇㧘ߢߪߥߗߘ߁⸒߁ߩ߆ߣ ߁ߣ߁ߘޟޔ⠌ߞߚ߆ࠄߢߤࠎߣ߶߇ੱߥ߃╵߆ߒߣޠ ߔޔߒ߆ߒޕታߪߤ߁ߒߡ on ߇ᔅⷐߥߩ߆ߣ߁ࠃ߁ߥ ដߌߎߘ߇⧷⺆ߩൊࠍ㙃߁ߢߣߡ߽㊀ⷐߥߎߣߢ ߔߩߎߡߒߘޕߦߚߔࠆ╵㧔㧩ℂዮ㧕ߦޔߤ߶ࠆߥޟ ߘ߁ߥߩ߆㧍⚊ߣޠᓧߔࠆߎߣ߇ߢ߈ࠇ߫ࠍ⺆⧷ޔቇ߱ߎ ߣߩ⍮⊛ᅢᄸᔃࠍḩߚߔߎߣߦߥࠅ⺆⧷ߪߡ߭߇ࠇߘޔ ቇ⠌ߩᒝേᯏߠߌߦߟߥ߇ࠅ߹ߔߡߞ߿߁ߘޕേᯏߠߌ ࠄࠇߚቇ⠌⠪ߪ⸒߁ޔ߫߃߁ߘޟޔᣇࠍߔࠆߩ ߽หߓℂዮߥߩߢߪߥߛࠈ߁߆߁ߣޠᕁ⠨ࠍㅢߓࡀޔ ࠗ࠹ࠖࡉࠬࡇࠞ߇ήᗧ⼂ߦりߦߟߌߚ⥄ὼߥᗵⷡߦ ㄼࠆߚߩޟ᳇ߠ߈ࠍޠᜬߡࠆࠃ߁ߦߥࠆߩߢߔߩߎޕ ᬺߢߪⷰߚߞ߁ߘޔὐ߆ࠄ৻߁߽ޔᐲ⧷ᢥᴺࠍ⠨߃ߡߺ ߹ߔޕ 1. ᣂߒ⧷ᢥᴺߩᔅⷐᕈ 2. BE, HAVE ߣㅴⴕᒻ㨯ฃりᒻ㨯ቢੌᒻ㨯ࠕࠬࡍࠢ࠻ 3. GIVE ߣޟੑ㊀⋡⊛⺆᭴ᢥޠ 4. MAKE, HAVE ߣޟᓎ᭴ᢥޠ 5. BE ߣ ╙ޟ2 ᢥဳޠ/ GET ߣޟ᭴ᢥߩޠ 6. TO ߣޟਇቯ⹖ޠ 7. ING ߣޟಽ⹖ޟޠേฬ⹖ޠ 8. WH-ߣ⇼ޟ⹖ޟޠ㑐ଥ⹖ޠ 9. A. THE ߣޟ⹖↪ߩޠේℂ 10. IT, THAT ߣޟᒻᑼਥ⺆(⋡⊛⺆)᭴ᢥޠ 11. CAN, MAY, MUST, SHOULD ߣޟᴺഥേ⹖ޠ 12. WILL ߣޠߩ᧪ᧂޟ 13. WOULD, USED TO ߣޟㆊߩ⠌ᘠޠ 14. WITH ߣޟઃᏪ⁁ᴫޠ/ ೨⟎⹖ߣޟᗵᖱޠ 15. AS ߣޟᲧセޠ ̪ฃ⻠Ꮧᦸ⠪ߪ ߩࡦ࠱ࡑࠕޔHP ߢ⋡ᰴߥߤࠍߡ߅ߡ ਅߐޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ⮮⧐↰ਛ⨃▸ߩ߳ࡑࠣ࡞ࠞࠪࠠޡᓙޢ 㐿ᜏ␠ ¥1800 ቯᦼ⹜㛎ߣ⺖㗴ߣ߅ࠃ߮ᬺߦ߅ߌࠆෳടᐲߦࠃࠅ߹ߔޕ 156 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 College Grammar ࠞ࠶ࠫࠣࡑ a ᜂᒰ⠪ ⮮↰ ᳗ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ Უ࿖⺆ߢߒߚ߽ߩࠍᢥሼㅢࠅ⧷⺆ߦ⋥ߘ߁ߣߔࠆߣ ⧷ᢥߦߥࠄߥߩߪ⚻߽ߒ⺕ޔ㛎ߔࠆߎߣߢߒࠂ߁(⧷ᢥࠍ ⸥ߒߡ‽ߔ㑆㆑ߩ 90 ࡄࡦ࠻એ߇ᣣᧄ⺆ߦᒁ߈ߕ ࠄࠇࠆߎߣߦ㑐ㅪߒߡࠆߣᕁ߹ߔ)ࡦࡈ߿ੱ࠷ࠗ࠼ޕ ࠬੱ߇⧷⺆ࠍቇ߱ߩߣ߿ੱ࡞ࠧࡦࡕ߿ੱࠦ࡞࠻ޔᣣᧄੱ߇ ቇ߱ߩߣߢߪޔᣇᴺߪ߹ࠆߢ⇣ߥࠆߪߕߢߔ(⸒⺆♽߇߹ ࠆߢ㆑߁ߩߢߔ߆ࠄ)ߪߦߜߚ⑳ޕᢥᴺߩታ〣⊛⍮⼂߇ਇน ᰳߥߩߢߔޕᢥᴺߛߌߢߥߊޔᣣᧄ⺆ߣ⧷⺆ߩ⊒ᗐ߇න ⺆ࡈ࠭ᢥ┨ߔߴߡߩࡌ࡞ߢᄢᄌ㆑߹ߔߣߚޕ ߃߫ޔᵹⴕߩ⡞߈ᵹߔߛߌߩቇ⠌ᴺߢߪ I caught a cold. ߪኈᤃߦࡑࠬ࠲ߢ߈ߡ߽ I developed an ulcer ߪ㔍ߒ ߊޔHe makes a good speech ߪኈᤃߢ߽ His spoken English is better than his written English(ᓐߪ⧷⺆ࠍ⸥ ߔࠃࠅߔᣇ߇ᚻ)ߪ㔍ߒߢߒࠂ߁ޕੑߟߩ⸒⺆ߩ⊒ᗐ ߩ㆑ࠍᲧセߔࠆ⠌ᘠࠍりߦߟߌࠆߩߪޔᔅⷐਇนᰳߥߩ ߢߔࠍ⺆⧷ޕᣣᧄ⺆ߦ߭߈ߟߌߡᲧセߔࠆߛߌߢߥߊ⧷ޔ ⺆ߦ߭߈ߟߌߡᣣᧄ⺆ࠍᲧセߔࠆߎߣߩߘޔਔᣇ߇ㆇ↪⢻ ജะߦᄢᄌᓎ┙ߜ߹ߔޕ ᬺߦ߇ࠇ߫߿ࠛ࠶ࠗߩ⧷⸶ߦߣࠅ⚵ࠎߢߺ ߹ߔޕ ᄖ࿖⺆ߩ⠌ᓧߪࠬࡐ࠷߿߅Ⓚฎࠍりߦߟߌࠆߩߦૃ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ߡࠆߣᕁ߹ߔޕਛ⚖ߩࡌ࡞ߪೋ⚖ߩࡌ࡞ࠍࡑࠬ࠲ ߒߡߥߣߒߡりߦߟ߈߹ߖࠎߣࠅ߆ߞߒޕၮ␆ࠍ ⠌ᓧߒߡߥ႐วߜߚߦߎߘޔᚯߞߡቇ⠌ߔࠆߎߣ߇⢄ ᔃߥߩߢߔޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ ᬌ⸛ਛ ᐔ⚛ߩዊ࠹ࠬ࠻ߣᐔᏱὐޕ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 College Grammar ࠞ࠶ࠫࠣࡑ b ᜂᒰ⠪ ⮮↰ ᳗ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ Უ࿖⺆ߢߒߚ߽ߩࠍᢥሼㅢࠅ⧷⺆ߦ⋥ߘ߁ߣߔࠆߣ ⧷ᢥߦߥࠄߥߩߪ⚻߽ߒ⺕ޔ㛎ߔࠆߎߣߢߒࠂ߁(⧷ᢥࠍ ⸥ߒߡ‽ߔ㑆㆑ߩ 90 ࡄࡦ࠻એ߇ᣣᧄ⺆ߦᒁ߈ߕ ࠄࠇࠆߎߣߦ㑐ㅪߒߡࠆߣᕁ߹ߔ)ࡦࡈ߿ੱ࠷ࠗ࠼ޕ ࠬੱ߇⧷⺆ࠍቇ߱ߩߣ߿ੱ࡞ࠧࡦࡕ߿ੱࠦ࡞࠻ޔᣣᧄੱ߇ ቇ߱ߩߣߢߪޔᣇᴺߪ߹ࠆߢ⇣ߥࠆߪߕߢߔ(⸒⺆♽߇߹ ࠆߢ㆑߁ߩߢߔ߆ࠄ)ߪߦߜߚ⑳ޕᢥᴺߩታ〣⊛⍮⼂߇ਇน ᰳߥߩߢߔޕᢥᴺߛߌߢߥߊޔᣣᧄ⺆ߣ⧷⺆ߩ⊒ᗐ߇න ⺆ࡈ࠭ᢥ┨ߔߴߡߩࡌ࡞ߢᄢᄌ㆑߹ߔߣߚޕ ߃߫ޔᵹⴕߩ⡞߈ᵹߔߛߌߩቇ⠌ᴺߢߪ I caught a cold. ߪኈᤃߦࡑࠬ࠲ߢ߈ߡ߽ I developed an ulcer ߪ㔍ߒ ߊޔHe makes a good speech ߪኈᤃߢ߽ His spoken English is better than his written English(ᓐߪ⧷⺆ࠍ⸥ ߔࠃࠅߔᣇ߇ᚻ)ߪ㔍ߒߢߒࠂ߁ޕੑߟߩ⸒⺆ߩ⊒ᗐ ߩ㆑ࠍᲧセߔࠆ⠌ᘠࠍりߦߟߌࠆߩߪޔᔅⷐਇนᰳߥߩ ߢߔࠍ⺆⧷ޕᣣᧄ⺆ߦ߭߈ߟߌߡᲧセߔࠆߛߌߢߥߊ⧷ޔ ⺆ߦ߭߈ߟߌߡᣣᧄ⺆ࠍᲧセߔࠆߎߣߩߘޔਔᣇ߇ㆇ↪⢻ ജะߦᄢᄌᓎ┙ߜ߹ߔޕ ᬺߦ߇ࠇ߫߿ࠛ࠶ࠗߩ⧷⸶ߦߣࠅ⚵ࠎߢߺ ߹ߔޕ ᄖ࿖⺆ߩ⠌ᓧߪࠬࡐ࠷߿߅Ⓚฎࠍりߦߟߌࠆߩߦૃ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ߡࠆߣᕁ߹ߔޕਛ⚖ߩࡌ࡞ߪೋ⚖ߩࡌ࡞ࠍࡑࠬ࠲ ߒߡߥߣߒߡりߦߟ߈߹ߖࠎߣࠅ߆ߞߒޕၮ␆ࠍ ⠌ᓧߒߡߥ႐วߜߚߦߎߘޔᚯߞߡቇ⠌ߔࠆߎߣ߇⢄ ᔃߥߩߢߔޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ ᬌ⸛ਛ ᐔ⚛ߩዊ࠹ࠬ࠻ߣᐔᏱὐޕ 157 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Communicative English COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH Τa ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧰㧚ࡉ࠼ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This course aims to help students build their English language skills, in particular their comprehension ability. Using a variety of materials (AV, audio, text, etc.) for language development and discussion we will work to consolidate and extend listening and speaking skills and students will have the opportunity to share and present their thoughts and opinions through pairworks and group discussions. There will be a project to watch some TV clips and produce a tapescript and translation. Week 1 Introduction to the course Week 2 Consolidation Week 3 Giving opinions Week 4 Background introduction to the UK Week 5 Work and daily lives Week 6 Describing a place Week 7 Biographies: famous people Week 8 Biographies: famous people Week 9 Language development: conditionals Week 10 Roleplay: socializing Week 11 Language development: quiz Week 12 Listening project corrections Week 13 Listening project corrections Week 14 Review Week 15 Review ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ There will be no textbook. I will distribute handouts as necessary. Grades will be based on class participation (60%) and a final assignment (40%). In particular, good attendance (75%) is a prerequisite for a final grade. 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Communicative English COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH Τb ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧰㧚ࡉ࠼ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This course aims to help students build their English language skills, in particular their comprehension ability. Using a variety of materials (AV, audio, text, etc.) for language development and discussion we will work to consolidate and extend listening and speaking skills and students will have the opportunity to share and present their thoughts and opinions through pairworks and group discussions. There will be a project to watch some TV clips and produce a tapescript and translation. Week 1 Introduction to the course Week 2 Consolidation Week 3 Giving opinions Week 4 Discussion Week 5 Language development: phrasal verbs Week 6 Language and culture Week 7 Language and culture Week 8 Language development: social English Week 9 Language development: quiz Week 10 Some features of British culture Week 11 London taxi Week 12 Listening project corrections Week 13 Listening project corrections Week 14 Review Week 15 Review ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ There will be no textbook. I will distribute handouts as necessary. Grades will be based on class participation (60%) and a final assignment (40%). In particular, good attendance (75%) is a prerequisite for a final grade. 158 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Communicative English COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISHΤa ᜂᒰ⠪ D. ࡑ࠶ࠠࡖࡦ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ Students on this course can expect to be given every opportunity to improve their English speaking and listening abilities, with reading and writing activities supporting this aim. The main goal will be to enable students to put structures, grammar and vocabulary they have already studied to practical use, and to develop strategies to communicate at an appropriate level in real-life situations. Instruction will be mainly topic-based, with emphasis on coherent development through a process-centred methodology in which students themselves play an active role in decision-making and input to course content. At the outset of the course, students will prepare a personalized introduction card which will be put to use in communicative activities throughout the semester. In addition to these interpersonal communication activities, time will be set aside in each lesson for students to use and improve their presentation, debate and group discussion skills. A variety of authentic language-learning materials will be put to use, and students will be encouraged to draw on their own day-to-day social and academic activities and interests as material for language practice. Through the use of pairing and group-based communicative activities, class members will have the chance to assist in creating a stress-free environment in which they can explore the possibilities of using English to assist their own personal, academic and professional development. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Materials will be selected from authentic language sources, including newspapers, music and song, DVD and selected extracts from language teaching texts. Assessment will be based on involvement, performance and attendance, with an end-of-term test designed to assess writing and speaking ability. 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Communicative English COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISHΤb ᜂᒰ⠪ D. ࡑ࠶ࠠࡖࡦ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ Students on this course can expect to be given every opportunity to improve their English speaking and listening abilities, with reading and writing activities supporting this aim. The main goal will be to enable students to put structures, grammar and vocabulary they have already studied to practical use, and to develop strategies to communicate at an appropriate level in real-life situations. Instruction will be mainly topic-based, with emphasis on coherent development through a process-centred methodology in which students themselves play an active role in decision-making and input to course content. At the outset of the course, students will prepare a personalized introduction card which will be put to use in communicative activities throughout the semester. In addition to these interpersonal communication activities, time will be set aside in each lesson for students to use and improve their presentation, debate and group discussion skills. A variety of authentic language-learning materials will be put to use, and students will be encouraged to draw on their own day-to-day social and academic activities and interests as material for language practice. Through the use of pairing and group-based communicative activities, class members will have the chance to assist in creating a stress-free environment in which they can explore the possibilities of using English to assist their own personal, academic and professional development. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Materials will be selected from authentic language sources, including newspapers, music and song, DVD and selected extracts from language teaching texts. Assessment will be based on involvement, performance and attendance, with an end-of-term test designed to assess writing and speaking ability. 159 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Communicative English COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH Τa ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ The aim of this course is to improve students’ communicative English in speaking and listening. The class will emphasize developing fluency for everyday speaking, improving listening comprehension, and developing effective presentation skills. Grades will be based on attendance and participation, listening tests, a class presentation and a speaking test at the end of the semester. Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Sound Bytes 2: Listening for Today’s World (Pearson Longman) 20% attendance and participation 20% class presentation 40% listening tests 20% speaking test Most of class time will be devoted to speaking. Students are expected to be active and participate in a variety of speaking situations—in pairs, small groups, with the teacher, and before the class. Most of the listening will take place outside of class. 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 1: Class orientation 2: Listening introduction 3: Small talk, family; self-introductions 4: Travel; interrupting 5: Music; natural openers and closings 6: Health; reported speech 7: Beliefs; responding naturally 8: Movies; inviting 9: Reading; speaking from notes 10: Presentation workshop 11: Presentation 12: Free time; pronunciation workshop 13: Restaurants; keeping a conversation going 14: Speaking test 15: Review and consultation Communicative English COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH Τb ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ The aim of this course is to improve students’ communicative English in speaking and listening. The class will emphasize developing fluency for everyday speaking, improving listening comprehension, and developing effective presentation skills. Grades will be based on attendance and participation, listening tests, a class presentation and a speaking test at the end of the semester. Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Sound Bytes 2: Listening for Today’s World (Pearson Longman) 20% attendance and participation 20% class presentation 40% listening tests 20% speaking test Most of class time will be devoted to speaking. Students are expected to be active and participate in a variety of speaking situations—in pairs, small groups, with the teacher, and before the class. Most of the listening will take place outside of class. 160 㧶㧚ࠬࡀ࡞ 㧶㧚ࠬࡀ࡞ 1: Class orientation 2: Famous people; likes and dislikes 3: Comedy; telling a joke 4: Food; describing Japanese food 5: Fashion; tag questions 6: TV; talking about experiences 7: Sleep; pronunciation workshop 8: Work; informal vs. formal usage 9: Dating; describing Japanese things 10: Presentation workshop 11: Presentation 12: Technology and online; asking for advice 13: Review 14: Speaking test 15: Review and consultation 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Communicative English㧔㧡㧕 COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH Τa㧔㧡㧕 ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ 㧶㧚㧭㧚ࠣࠗ ᬺ⸘↹ The purpose of this course is to provide students with opportunities to improve their abilities in English Communication. Students will be given opportunities to communicate with one another in English on a daily basis in order to build fluency and competence in interpersonal communication. ᜂᒰ⠪ Students will be working in groups and/or pairs in order to increase their individual communication time. Student presentations may be assigned and can include video projects using YouTube, movie maker, and/or power point individually and in groups depending on class size. Active participation by the individual is a must in order to develop confidence, improve ability, and enhance fluency 1㧚Course Introduction / Demonstration/Assignment Choose Topics Today 2㧚Quiz 1 Class Presentations and Discussions 3㧚Quiz 2 Class Presentations and Discussions 4㧚Quiz 3 Class Presentations and Discussions 5㧚Quiz 4 Class Presentations and Discussions 6㧚Quiz 5 Class Presentations and Discussions 7㧚Mid-term 8㧚Quiz 6 Class Presentations and Discussions 9㧚Quiz 7 Class Presentations and Discussions 10㧚Quiz 8 Class Presentations and Discussions 11㧚Quiz 9 Class Presentations and Discussions 12㧚Quiz 10 Class Presentations and Discussions 13㧚Final 14㧚Late Assignments/Extra Credit/ Interviews 15㧚Wrap-up of this semester’s work. Scheduling and scoring may be changed at the instructor’s discretion. in English. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ To Be Announced Grading: Students will be graded according to their attendance, attitude, quizzes and tests, participation, homework, special presentations, and notebook. 161 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Communicative English㧔᳓㧡㧕 COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH Τa㧔᳓㧡㧕 ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ 㧶㧚㧭㧚ࠣࠗ ᬺ⸘↹ The purpose of this course is to provide students with opportunities to improve their abilities in English Communication. Students will be given opportunities to communicate with one another in English on a daily basis in order to build fluency and competence in interpersonal communication. ᜂᒰ⠪ Students will be working in groups and/or pairs in order to increase their individual communication time. Student presentations may be assigned and can include video projects using YouTube, movie maker, and/or power point individually and in groups depending on class size. Active participation by the individual is a must in order to develop confidence, improve ability, and enhance fluency 1㧚Course Introduction / Demonstration/Assignment Choose Topics Today 2㧚Quiz 1 Class Presentations and Discussions 3㧚Quiz 2 Class Presentations and Discussions 4㧚Quiz 3 Class Presentations and Discussions 5㧚Quiz 4 Class Presentations and Discussions 6㧚Quiz 5 Class Presentations and Discussions 7㧚Mid-term 8㧚Quiz 6 Class Presentations and Discussions 9㧚Quiz 7 Class Presentations and Discussions 10㧚Quiz 8 Class Presentations and Discussions 11㧚Quiz 9 Class Presentations and Discussions 12㧚Quiz 10 Class Presentations and Discussions 13㧚Final 14㧚Late Assignments/Extra Credit/ Interviews 15㧚Wrap-up of this semester’s work. Scheduling and scoring may be changed at the instructor’s discretion. in English. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ To Be Announced Grading: Students will be graded according to their attendance, attitude, quizzes and tests, participation, homework, special presentations, and notebook. 162 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Communicative English COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH Τa ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ The objective of the course is develop students English 1. Introduction 2.Exchanging personal information 3.Personality Types 4.Appearances 5.Attitudes 6.Comparing experiences 7.Getting information 8. Events 9. Quiz 10. Movies 11.Music 12. Media 13.Japan 14. Globalization 15. Test through meaningful discussion. This class will integrate reading, listening practice, and vocabulary building into all topic discussions. The course's integrated approach encourages students to share and compare different points of view on a wide range of topical Issues and guides them towards successful communication. 㧷㧚ࡒࡂࡦ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ None Grades will be based on attendance, class participation, and tests. 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Communicative English COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH Τb ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ The objective of the course is to develop students 1. Religions 2.Film and TV 3. Language 4 Poverty 5 War 6. Diet and nutrition 7. Green issues 8. Natural Disasters 9. Sexism 10. International Relations 11. Pax Americana 12. Leisure Time 13 Future Pans 14. Demographics 15.Test English through meaningful discussion. This class will integrate reading, listening practice, and vocabulary building into all topic discussion. The course's integrated approach encourages students to share and compare different points of view on a wide range of topical issues and guides them towards successful communication. 㧷㧚ࡒࡂࡦ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ None Grades will be based on attendance, class participation, and tests. 163 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Communicative English㧔㧝㧕 COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH Τb㧔㧝㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧸㧚㧷㧚ࡂࠠࡦࠬ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ The goal of this course is to expose the class to The weekly schedule will be provided after consultation contemporary English vocabulary, grammar and idioms, with the class. and to imbue the students with the confidence necessary to use them. This shall be accomplished through the use of film clips, from which selected portions will used to illustrate grammatical points, targeted vocabulary and idiomatic expressions. The students will also engage in discussions, both with each other and with the instructor, on topics related to the film clips and employing the language presented in the lesson ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ No text will be used for this class. All materials will be provided by the instructor. Evaluation will consist of the following: attendance, participation, 2 tests and a presentation. 164 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Communicative English㧔㊄㧝㧕 COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH Τa㧔㊄㧝㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧸㧚㧷㧚ࡂࠠࡦࠬ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ The goal of this course is to expose the class to The weekly schedule will be provided after consultation contemporary English vocabulary, grammar and idioms, with the class. and to imbue the students with the confidence necessary to use them. This shall be accomplished through the use of film clips, from which selected portions will used to illustrate grammatical points, targeted vocabulary and idiomatic expressions. The students will also engage in discussions, both with each other and with the instructor, on topics related to the film clips and employing the language presented in the lesson ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ No text will be used for this class. All materials will be provided by the instructor. Evaluation will consist of the following: attendance, participation, 2 tests and a presentation. 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Communicative English㧔㊄㧝㧕 COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH Τb㧔㊄㧝㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ Same as 1st semester. Same as 1st semester. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Same as the 1st semester. Same as the 1st semester. 165 㧸㧚㧷㧚ࡂࠠࡦࠬ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Communicative English㧔㊄㧟㧕 COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH Τb㧔㊄㧟㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧸㧚㧷㧚ࡂࠠࡦࠬ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ The goal of this course is to expose the class to The weekly schedule will be provided after consultation contemporary English vocabulary, grammar and idioms, with the class. and to imbue the students with the confidence necessary to use them. This shall be accomplished through the use of film clips, from which selected portions will used to illustrate grammatical points, targeted vocabulary and idiomatic expressions. The students will also engage in discussions, both with each other and with the instructor, on topics related to the film clips and employing the language presented in the lesson ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ No text will be used for this class. All materials will be provided by the instructor. Evaluation will consist of the following: attendance, participation, 2 tests and a presentation. 166 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Communicative English COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH Τa ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧹㧚࠳ࡦ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ The aims of this class are to improve students’ confidence in using English for communication. Students will improve their speaking, listening and reading skills, mainly through small group discussion tasks. By choosing some class content, students will be encouraged to become more autonomous language learners. The typical class will consist of small group discussions. Each group will have a leader who will introduce a news article, summarize it and facilitate the discussion. The remainder of the class will be spent discussing issues from the textbook. Week 1: Course Introduction Week 2: Small group discussion task Week 3: Assessing discussions Week 4: Language for discussions Week 5: Discussions & text - unit 1 Week 6: Discussions & text - unit 1 continued Week 7: Discussions & text - unit 2 Week 8: Discussions & text – unit 2 continued Week 9: Discussions & text – unit 3 Week 10: Discussion & text – unit 3 continued Week 11: Discussion & text – unit 4 Week 12: Discussion & text - unit 4 continued Week 13: Discussion & text – unit 5 Week 14: Discussion & text – unit 5 continued Week 15: Review and feedback ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Impact Issues 3 Students will be evaluated on their active participation, their ability to lead group discussions, tests, vocabulary notebooks and attendance. 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Communicative English COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH Τb ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧹㧚࠳ࡦ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ The aims of this class are to improve students’ confidence in using English for communication. Students will improve their speaking, listening and reading skills, mainly through small group discussion tasks. By choosing some class content, students will be encouraged to become more autonomous language learners. The typical class will consist of small group discussions. Each group will have a leader who will introduce a news article, summarize it and facilitate the discussion. The remainder of the class will be spent discussing issues in the textbook. Week 1: Course Introduction Week 2: Small group discussion task Week 3: Assessing discussions Week 4: Language for discussions Week 5: Discussions & text - unit 1 Week 6: Discussions & text - unit 1 continued Week 7: Discussions & text - unit 2 Week 8: Discussions & text – unit 2 continued Week 9: Discussions & text – unit 3 Week 10: Discussion & text – unit 3 continued Week 11: Discussion & text – unit 4 Week 12: Discussion & text - unit 4 continued Week 13: Discussion & text – unit 5 Week 14: Discussion & text – unit 5 continued Week 15: Review and feedback ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Impact Issues 3 Students will be evaluated on their active participation, their ability to lead group discussions, tests, vocabulary notebooks and attendance. 167 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Communicative English COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH Τa ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧼㧚㧹㧚ࡎࡀࠬ ᬺ⸘↹ This is an introductory course to communication. Students will get a chance to improve their fluency through many speaking exercises. Much of the material is based on previously learned concepts to help improve individual aspects of fluency. The main goal of the course is for students to participate in a free-flowing conversation of approximately 15 minutes without using any Japanese. In addition, students will be able to build their vocabulary, work on pronunciation and review grammatical concepts. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Introduction Future, Suprasegmentals (intonation) Simple Past Alibi Alibi Culture Presentation: food & tourist attractions Comparisons and superlatives Conditionals Conditionals Reading presentation Survey: Movies Survey: Personality Culture Presentation Speaking tests Speaking tests (written summaries due) Subject to change based on class’s needs. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ None Attendance (Absence = -5 points) Participation Unit Summary Presentations (3X10) Speaking Test 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Communicative English COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH Τb ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᜂᒰ⠪ 20 10 10 30 30 㧼㧚㧹㧚ࡎࡀࠬ ᬺ⸘↹ This is the second half of the introductory course to communication. In this semester, students will get more of chance to voice their opinions in different discussions. Most of the discussion topics will involve aspects of the English language or learning English. In weeks 9-11, students will have a chance to decide particular weekly topics. Although there is no assigned text for this course, students will be required to research for the discussion topics. The main goal of this class is for students to develop and form opinions on selected topics of discussion. Students should be able to express their opinions in English coherently without relying on Japanese for clarification. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Introduction Survey: Bilinguals Survey: Dating Culture Presentation: language & art Survey: MASK School festival Survey: Travel Analyzing Poetry Survey: Music Music presentation Fashion and design: Is there a universal concept? 12 13 14 15 Culture Presentation Christmas party Speaking tests (written summaries due) Speaking tests Subject to change based on class’s needs. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ None Attendance (Absence = -5 points) Participation In class Summary Presentations (3X10) Speaking Test 168 15 15 20 30 20 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Communicative English COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH Τa ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧼㧚ࠕ࠶ࡊࠬ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ The aims of this course are As there is no textbook for the year the sequence on discussions will be decided by the students and the teacher. x To improve the students' knowledge of current English. x To improve the students' critical thinking skills x To improve the students' reading and speaking skills x To improve discussion and presentation skills. The topics studied in this course will be of current Most of the topics will be popular in the media. In 2010we discussed topics such as x Gun Control x Global Warming x Japanese Population x Japanese Education x Homelessness in the World x Religion Also please note there is homework after every class. issues (Please note this will be an intermediate level course. Students will be expected to participate in the class) ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ No text for this class. The teacher will provide handouts for each class. 1. Student Attendance 2. Student participation 3. Discussion Homework 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Communicative English COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH Τb ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧼㧚ࠕ࠶ࡊࠬ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ The aims of this course are As there is no textbook for the year the sequence on discussions will be decided by the students and the teacher. x To improve the students' knowledge of current English. x To improve the students' critical thinking skills x To improve the students' reading and speaking skills x To improve discussion and presentation skills. The topics studied in this course will be of current issues (Please note this will be an intermediate level course. Students will be expected to participate in the class) Most of the topics will be popular in the media. In 2010 we discussed topics such as x Computer x The Growth of English x Population x English Education x Homelessness in the World x Religion x Chocolate Also please note there is homework after every class. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ No text for this class. The teacher will provide handouts for each class. 1. Student Attendance 2. Student participation 3. Discussion Homework 169 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Communicative English COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH Τb ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧼㧚࠼ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ In your role as a company employee, you may be asked or required to lead a discussion or meeting. So, in this course we will look at how to organize information and people for a discussion, how to prepare your materials, and finally how to lead a discussion. 1. Orientation 2. Introduction to topic selection 3. Gathering ideas and background information 4. Developing your ideas and opinions 5. Introduction to question preparation 6. Introduction to effective discussion leadership 7. The process of leading a discussion 8. Introduction to effective discussion timing 9. Review of content so far 10. Large group discussion leadership 11. Review Large Group discussion leadership 12. Second Large Group discussion leadership 13. Review of second discussion leadership 14. In-class peer assessment and review session 15. In-class final written review Every student will lead one major discussion in class as well as being a member in several of your classmates discussions. You will need to submit drafts of your discussion topic to the teacher in advance of your discussion. You will also need to distribute the discussion information to all your discussion members in advance of the discussion date. (N.B. This syllabus may be modified as appropriate depending on the skill level, experience, and needs of the students.) ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ To Be Announced in class Students will be evaluated on the basis of class participation, exercises, homework, and their discussion leadership. 170 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Communicative English COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH Τa ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This is a context based course which seeks to: UK Culture I a) offer students an overview of British society, people & culture 1. Introductory Class 2. Presentation Preparation 3. Introduction to Britain I 4. Introduction to Britain II 5. British Pop 6. London 7. The Train 8. Heathrow Airport 9. William Shakespeare 10. Tea 11. Climbers 12. Sherlock Holmes 13. The Purple Violin 14. Semester Evaluation 15. Review b) improve students analytical & critical abilities towards foreign & Japanese culture c) broaden students’ communicative abilities via listening & conversation practice around a variety of topics & issues In addition to viewing & discussing UK culture video material, students will study related written material and grammar structures. In addition, students need to make a 5 minute presentation or submit an essay on any topic from British culture during the term. 㧾㧚㧶㧚ࡃࡠ࠙࠭ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ A file or folder will be needed to keep photocopied handouts. An electronic dictionary is recommended 30 % Attendance & Punctuality, 30% In-Class Work, 20% Presentation, 20% Essay, 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Communicative English COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH Τb ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧾㧚㧶㧚ࡃࡠ࠙࠭ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This is a context based course which seeks to: UK Culture II a) offer students an overview of British society, people & culture In addition to viewing & discussing UK culture video material, students will study related written material and grammar structures. In addition, students need to make a 5 minute presentation or submit an essay on any topic from British culture during the term. 1. Summer / Spring Review 2. Fall Preview 3. The Seven Wonders of Britain 4. Wales 5. BBC World Service 6. The Mini 7. The Village 8. Agatha Christie 9. The Sea 10. Taxi 11. Public School 12. WOMAD 13. Semester Evaluation 14. UK Christmas 15. Review ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ A file or folder will be needed to keep photocopied handouts. An electronic dictionary is recommended 30 % Attendance & Punctuality, 30% In-Class Work, 20% Presentation, 20% Essay b) improve students analytical & critical abilities towards foreign & Japanese culture c) broaden students’ communicative abilities via listening & conversation practice around a variety of topics & issues 171 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Communicative English COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH Τa ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧾㧚࡚ࠫࡦ࠭ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ Beat the Monday morning blues with this dynamic and exiting class! This class is for those students who are serious about discussing various issues in English. You should be quite confident in your English ability, but all students, who are prepared to try hard, are most welcome. Your English level should be pretty good, but a willingness to try your best is most important. Interesting topics will be covered in the lessons, there will be a lot of fun, and plenty of opportunities to speak English. You do not need a textbook in the class because materials will be given to you. Be prepared, because you must do most of the talking! Topics of social and world interest will be discussed in the lessons. At the end of the course, if you have studied hard, you will have increased your English speaking, listening and vocabulary abilities a great deal. In addition, the lessons will contain cultural aspects so that you will be able to understand more fully the differences between the UK (and other Western countries) and Japanese thinking on the issues covered. Motto for this class: Always try your best and never give up! ᬺ⸘↹ Below is a list of topics that may be covered. Each topic will take between 3 to 4 weeks to cover. How far we get through these topics depends on the progress and pace of the class. Also the order of the topics may change, or new ones introduced, depending on the class. Much more information on the syllabus will be given in the first couple of classes at the start of the semester. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ No textbook will be used in this class. Printed material will be given to the students, thus each student should buy a clear folder with many pages in order to keep the handouts in good order. Please bring a good dictionary to all the lessons. ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Your grade comes from: Class work, homework, vocabulary test and speeches: 40% End of term speaking tests: 40% Good attendance, trying hard in class, never late, speaking English: 20% 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 First Semester Topics 1 2 3 4 Introduction to the course of studies. Japanese work ethics. Attitudes towards women. Other gender issues. Important note: The class will always start on time, so do not come late. Also, please attend all the lessons. If you miss a class, be sure to find out what work you missed especially as there could be homework to do. It is not hard to get a good grade in this class as long as you are punctual, keep good attendance and do your best. Communicative English COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH Τb ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧾㧚࡚ࠫࡦ࠭ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ Beat the Monday morning blues with this dynamic and exciting class! This class is for those students who are serious about discussing various issues in English. You should be quite confident in your English ability, but all students, who are prepared to try hard, are most welcome. Your English level should be pretty good, but a willingness to try your best is most important. Interesting topics will be covered in the lessons, there will be a lot of fun, and plenty of opportunities to speak English. You do not need a textbook in the class because materials will be given to you. Be prepared, because you must do most of the talking! Topics of social and world interest will be discussed in the lessons. At the end of the course, if you have studied hard, you will have increased your English speaking, listening and vocabulary abilities a great deal. In addition, the lessons will contain cultural aspects so that you will be able to understand more fully the differences between the UK (and other Western countries) and Japanese thinking on the issues covered. Motto for this class: Always try your best and never give up! ᬺ⸘↹ Below is a list of topics that may be covered. Each topic takes between 3 to 4 weeks to cover How far we get through these topics depends on the progress and pace of the class. Also the order of the topics may change, or new ones introduced, depending on the class. Much more information on the syllabus will be given in the first couple of classes at the start of the semester. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ No textbook will be used in this class. Printed material will be given to the students, thus each student should buy a clear folder with many pages in order to keep the handouts in good order. Please bring a good dictionary to all the lessons. ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Your grade comes from: Class work, homework, vocabulary test and speeches: 40% End of term speaking tests: 40% Good attendance, trying hard in class, never late, speaking English: 20% Second Semester Topics 1 2 3 4 Brief introduction/welcome back to class. Computers and society. Ageing Society. The Automobile. Important note: The class will always start on time, so do not come late. Also, please attend all the lessons. If you miss a class, be sure to find out what work you missed especially as there could be homework to do. It is not hard to get a good grade in this class as long as you are punctual, keep good attendance and do your best. 172 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Communicative English㧔Ἣ㧝㧕 COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH Τa㧔Ἣ㧝㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧾㧚࠳ࡓ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ The purposes of the course are to show you how to: (* Note: This is a tentative schedule. The items listed may change, depending on: student needs & requests; special festival days/occasions; recent News stories/events; and various other factors.) Week 1: Introductions, in modern English: eye contact; proper handshake; suitable follow-up questions. Practice of Introductions in English. Listening and/or video exercise, & discussion. Week 2: Review/ practice of Introductions, using aliases. Asking student suggestions for topics/themes which they a) think in and communicate more effectively in modern English, using "EQ" (Emotional Intelligence); b) learn about and actively discuss World Issues, from an International point of view; c) enjoy dynamic, interesting conversations in smooth, Modern English; and d) try to understand International humor; and (hopefully) try to use such humor effectively; and e) (perhaps) research and 'give' (present) a class presentation. would like to learn & study (especially with respect to international communication.) Week 3: Learning how to socialize with people from various cultures. What is "EQ"; and how can we best use it, to have more effective communication? Expressing your opinions, part one: "How do you feel about ______?" & "What do you think of _______?"[Discussion of News/Current topics/songs/videos. (Focus on striving to obtain and communicate a balanced Global viewpoint.) ] Week 4: Communicating about future plans. "What are your plans for Golden Week?"/ "What are your plans for Mother's Day?" Week 5: "How was your Golden Week?" / "How was your Mother's Day?": communicating a past experience...and elaborating (explaining a lot). Song-Listening exercise re: Mother's day. Discussion of plans/hopes for Mother's Day. Week 6: Song/ video exercise. Expressing your opinions, part two. Directions: asking for and communicating street directions, in international English. Perhaps: selecting and preparing for a class presentation. Week 7: Asking and telling other people about likes & dislikes. Pair practice, communicating. Perhaps: selecting and preparing for a class presentation. Ongoing assessment. Week 8: Discussing and communicating about your hobbies. Pair practice. Song-listening, and/or video watching/listening exercise. Continuous assessment. Week 9: Perhaps Student research/discussion about a variety of themes/books, such as: 'Global Warming' (a.k.a. 'Climate Change'); International Relations; 'GM' Food; Pros & Cons of the Internet; and many more current topics of interest. Pair practice, re: hobbies. Week 10: "What kind of ______ do you like?": Discussing and communicating about movies, books, music, food, etc., in dynamic, modern English. Ongoing assessment of student abilities & class performance. Perhaps: refining possible presentation topics. Week 11: Examining & using of International vs. Domestic etiquette and manners. Song exercise, International News exercise, and/or video exercise, with discussion. Preparations for making presentations. Week 12: Preparations for students' presentations. How to ask for and give: street directions, and/or train directions. Preparing for student presentations. Week 13: Continuous assessment. Ways to meet new people (using English); and how to continue/develop conversations with them. News, song-listening, and/or video exercise; with discussion thereof. Class presentations. Week 14: Body Language & 'EQ' Gestures & postures to be aware of, while travelling internationally. Pair practice. Listening exercise & discussion. Class presentations. Week 15: Ongoing assessment. Discussing & communicating your future plans (for the Summer), in English. Pair practice. Final student presentations. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ We may be using audio book listening exercises; videos/movies; copies of recent International News articles, Internet research, songs & song-listening exercises; International (travel) videos, and/or library materials. IF a textbook is truly necessary, one will be chosen. The instructor will use the ongoing assessment technique. You will be assessed often, on: how well you participate in class; how well you speak and elaborate (explain) in English, the ways in which you reason (think); how well you use the information taught to you; how well you work together with other class members; and so on. Your grade will be tentatively & approximately determined by: ongoing class assessments (approximately 30%); class participation (25%); homework/test(s)/presentations (25%); and attendance (20%). These percentages may vary, depending upon student abilities and needs. Attendance is CRUCIAL (very important) in this class. You must NOT miss more than three classes, for any reason. Please also keep in mind that: a) the lower your attendance, the lower your grade (& if more than three absences, your grade will be "F");㩷 One late = 1/2 absence.) b) lateness will also greatly affect your grade in this course. (O 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Communicative English㧔Ἣ㧝㧕 COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH Τb㧔Ἣ㧝㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧾㧚࠳ࡓ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ The purposes of the course are to show you how to: (* Note: This is a tentative schedule. The items listed may change, depending on: student needs & requests; special festival days/occasions; recent News stories/events; and various other factors.) Week 1: Asking, replying, communicating, and elaborating about your Summer Break, using modern English. Pair practice. Song-listening exercise, and/or video exercise, and/or News exercises. Week 2: "What do you usually do ...?": discussing and communicating about your usual activities. Pair practice. (Perhaps: asking student suggestions for topics, themes, and festivals which they would like to learn about & study.) Continuous assessments. Week 3: "What do you usually do...?, part two. Discussing your usual practices on holidays/weekends/weeknights. More pair practice and discussion. Week 4: Hallowe'en: researching and discussing about this international 'festival'. Hallowe'en video. Ongoing assessment. Assignment of class presentations. Week 5: Researching and discussing 'Guy Fawkes Day' & Hallowe'en. Song/video/News exercise, and discussion thereof. Hallowe'en video, continued. Refinement and preparations for student presentations. Week 6: Asking and communicating how to ask for, give, and receive advice, in English. Pair practice. Ongoing assessments. Week 7: Train and subway directions, part 2. Choosing a country and Fall/Winter festival about which to make a presentation. Discussion about "E EQ", and its effect on success in International communication, and on business success. Ongoing assessment. Preparations for student presentations. Week 8: Research and discussion re: Thanksgiving. Song-listening exercise. Student answersto"What are you thankful for?" Preparations for student presentations. Week 9: Pair practice re: Thanksgiving. English-listening and discussion exercise. Preparations for presentations. Ongoing assessments. Preparations for student presentations. Week 10: Start of in-class 'demonstration' mini-presentations/rehearsals. Conversation practice/explanations. Song and/or video exercise. Preparations for student presentations. Week 11: "How often do you ...?": discussing and communicating about activities, and frequency of doing those activities. Pair practice, and elaborating. Using dynamic English & "EQ" in conversations. Continuous assessments. Student presentations. Week 12: Finalizing preparations and practice for presentations. Song-listening activity and/or video, re: Christmas, and Christmas cultures in various countries. Class presentations. Week 13: Asking others, and elaborating about New Year's wishes and plans. Class presentations. Christmas video and/or Christmas song exercise. Student presentations. Week 14: "How was your Christmas?" & "How was your O Sho Gatsu?": discussing and communicating about your Winter Break. Pair practice. Discussing and talking about your "New Year's Resolutions". Final student presentations. Week 15: Review of specific New Year's Resolutions. Discussing and elaborating about: future plans for the February & March Break. a) think in and communicate more effectively in modern English, using "EQ" (Emotional Intelligence); b) learn about and actively discuss World Issues, from an International point of view; c) enjoy dynamic, interesting conversations in smooth, Modern English; d) try to understand International humor; and (hopefully) try to use such humor effectively; and e) (if students are interested) research and 'give' (present) a class presentation. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ We may be using dynamic conversation topics; videos/movies; song-listening exercises and discussion thereof; International newspaper articles, Internet research, and/or research materials from the library. If a textbook is necessary, one will be chosen. The instructor will use the ongoing assessment technique. You will be assessed often, on: how well you participate in class; how well you speak and elaborate (explain) in English, the ways in which you reason (think); how well you use the information taught to you; how well you work together with other class members; and so on. Your grade will be tentatively & approximately determined by: ongoing class assessments (approximately 30%); class participation (25%); homework/test(s)/presentations (25%); and attendance (20%). These percentages may vary, depending upon student abilities and needs. Attendance is CRUCIAL (very important) in this class. You must NOT miss more than three classes, for any reason. Please also keep in mind that: a) the lower your attendance, the lower your grade (& if more than three absences, your grade will be "F"); b) lateness will also greatly affect your grade in this course. (O One late = 1/2 absence.) 173 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Communicative English㧔Ἣ㧟㧕 COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH Τa㧔Ἣ㧟㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧾㧚࠳ࡓ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ The purposes of the course are to show you how to: (* Note: This is a tentative schedule. The items listed may change, depending on: student needs & requests; special festival days/occasions; recent News stories/events; and various other factors.) Week 1: Introductions, in modern English: eye contact; proper handshake; suitable follow-up questions. Practice of Introductions in English. Listening and/or video exercise, & discussion. Week 2: Review/ practice of Introductions, using aliases. Asking student suggestions for topics/themes which they a) think in and communicate more effectively in modern English, using "EQ" (Emotional Intelligence); b) learn about and actively discuss World Issues, from an International point of view; c) enjoy dynamic, interesting conversations in smooth, Modern English; and d) try to understand International humor; and (hopefully) try to use such humor effectively; and e) (perhaps) research and 'give' (present) a class presentation. would like to learn & study (especially with respect to international communication.) Week 3: Learning how to socialize with people from various cultures. What is "EQ"; and how can we best use it, to have more effective communication? Expressing your opinions, part one: "How do you feel about ______?" & "What do you think of _______?"[Discussion of News/Current topics/songs/videos. (Focus on striving to obtain and communicate a balanced Global viewpoint.) ] Week 4: Communicating about future plans. "What are your plans for Golden Week?"/ "What are your plans for Mother's Day?" Week 5: "How was your Golden Week?" / "How was your Mother's Day?": communicating a past experience...and elaborating (explaining a lot). Song-Listening exercise re: Mother's day. Discussion of plans/hopes for Mother's Day. Week 6: Song/ video exercise. Expressing your opinions, part two. Directions: asking for and communicating street directions, in international English. Perhaps: selecting and preparing for a class presentation. Week 7: Asking and telling other people about likes & dislikes. Pair practice, communicating. Perhaps: selecting and preparing for a class presentation. Ongoing assessment. Week 8: Discussing and communicating about your hobbies. Pair practice. Song-listening, and/or video watching/listening exercise. Continuous assessment. Week 9: Perhaps Student research/discussion about a variety of themes/books, such as: 'Global Warming' (a.k.a. 'Climate Change'); International Relations; 'GM' Food; Pros & Cons of the Internet; and many more current topics of interest. Pair practice, re: hobbies. Week 10: "What kind of ______ do you like?": Discussing and communicating about movies, books, music, food, etc., in dynamic, modern English. Ongoing assessment of student abilities & class performance. Perhaps: refining possible presentation topics. Week 11: Examining & using of International vs. Domestic etiquette and manners. Song exercise, International News exercise, and/or video exercise, with discussion. Preparations for making presentations. Week 12: Preparations for students' presentations. How to ask for and give: street directions, and/or train directions. Preparing for student presentations. Week 13: Continuous assessment. Ways to meet new people (using English); and how to continue/develop conversations with them. News, song-listening, and/or video exercise; with discussion thereof. Class presentations. Week 14: Body Language & 'EQ' Gestures & postures to be aware of, while travelling internationally. Pair practice. Listening exercise & discussion. Class presentations. Week 15: Ongoing assessment. Discussing & communicating your plans for the Summer, in English. Pair practice. Final student presentations. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ We may be using audio book listening exercises; videos/movies; copies of recent International News articles, Internet research, songs & song-listening exercises; International (travel) videos, and/or library materials. IF a textbook is truly necessary, one will be chosen. The instructor will use the ongoing assessment technique. You will be assessed often, on: how well you participate in class; how well you speak and elaborate (explain) in English, the ways in which you reason (think); how well you use the information taught to you; how well you work together with other class members; and so on. Your grade will be tentatively & approximately determined by: ongoing class assessments (approximately 30%); class participation (25%); homework/test(s)/presentations (25%); and attendance (20%). These percentages may vary, depending upon student abilities and needs. Attendance is CRUCIAL (very important) in this class. You must NOT miss more than three classes, for any reason. Please also keep in mind that: a) the lower your attendance, the lower your grade (& if more than three absences, your grade will be "F");㩷 One late = 1/2 absence.) b) lateness will also greatly affect your grade in this course. (O 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Communicative English㧔Ἣ㧟㧕 COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH Τb㧔Ἣ㧟㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧾㧚࠳ࡓ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ The purposes of the course are to show you how to: (* Note: This is a tentative schedule. The items listed may change, depending on: student needs & requests; special festival days/occasions; recent News stories/events; and various other factors.) Week 1: Asking, replying, communicating, and elaborating about your Summer Break, using modern English. Pair practice. Song-listening exercise, and/or video exercise, and/or News exercises. Week 2: "What do you usually do ...?": discussing and communicating about your usual activities. Pair practice. (Perhaps: asking student suggestions for topics, themes, and festivals which they would like to learn about & study.) Continuous assessments. Week 3: "What do you usually do...?, part two. Discussing your usual practices on holidays/weekends/weeknights. More pair practice and discussion. Week 4: Hallowe'en: researching and discussing about this international 'festival'. Hallowe'en video. Ongoing assessment. Assignment of class presentations. Week 5: Researching and discussing 'Guy Fawkes Day' & Hallowe'en. Song/video/News exercise, and discussion thereof. Hallowe'en video, continued. Refinement and preparations for student presentations. Week 6: Asking and communicating how to ask for, give, and receive advice, in English. Pair practice. Ongoing assessments. Week 7: Train and subway directions, part 2. Choosing a country and Fall/Winter festival about which to make a presentation. Discussion about "E EQ", and its effect on success in International communication, and on business success. Ongoing assessment. Preparations for student presentations. Week 8: Research and discussion re: Thanksgiving. Song-listening exercise. Student answersto"What are you thankful for?" Preparations for student presentations. Week 9: Pair practice re: Thanksgiving. English-listening and discussion exercise. Preparations for presentations. Ongoing assessments. Preparations for student presentations. Week 10: Start of in-class 'demonstration' mini-presentations/rehearsals. Conversation practice/explanations. Song and/or video exercise. Preparations for student presentations. Week 11: "How often do you ...?": discussing and communicating about activities, and frequency of doing those activities. Pair practice, and elaborating. Using dynamic English & "EQ" in conversations. Continuous assessments. Student presentations. Week 12: Finalizing preparations and practice for presentations. Song-listening activity and/or video, re: Christmas, and Christmas cultures in various countries. Class presentations. Week 13: Asking others, and elaborating about New Year's wishes and plans. Class presentations. Christmas video and/or Christmas song exercise. Student presentations. Week 14: "How was your Christmas?" & "How was your O Sho Gatsu?": discussing and communicating about your Winter Break. Pair practice. Discussing and talking about your "New Year's Resolutions". Week 15: Review of specific New Year's Resolutions. Discussing and elaborating about: future plans for the February & March Break. a) think in and communicate more effectively in modern English, using "EQ" (Emotional Intelligence); b) learn about and actively discuss World Issues, from an International point of view; c) enjoy dynamic, interesting conversations in smooth, Modern English; d) try to understand International humor; and (hopefully) try to use such humor effectively; and e) (if students are interested) research and 'give' (present) a class presentation. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ We may be using dynamic conversation topics; videos/movies; song-listening exercises and discussion thereof; International newspaper articles, Internet research, and/or research materials from the library. If a textbook is necessary, one will be chosen. The instructor will use the ongoing assessment technique. You will be assessed often, on: how well you participate in class; how well you speak and elaborate (explain) in English, the ways in which you reason (think); how well you use the information taught to you; how well you work together with other class members; and so on. Your grade will be tentatively & approximately determined by: ongoing class assessments (approximately 30%); class participation (25%); homework/test(s)/presentations (25%); and attendance (20%). These percentages may vary, depending upon student abilities and needs. Attendance is CRUCIAL (very important) in this class. You must NOT miss more than three classes, for any reason. Please also keep in mind that: a) the lower your attendance, the lower your grade (& if more than three absences, your grade will be "F"); b) lateness will also greatly affect your grade in this course. (O One late = 1/2 absence.) 174 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Communicative English COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH Τa ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᜂᒰ⠪ 㨀㧚ࡅ࡞ ᬺ⸘↹ This course is designed to help students develop critical thinking skills and the ability to discuss issues of contemporary importance. Using newspapers, students will build up their vocabulary in a number of content areas, and will develop the ability to express their own opinions in both written and spoken English. Students will be expected to participate actively in class, do research in the library and on the internet, and write a number of short papers on the issues that interest them most. 1. Introduction 2. Japanese politics 3. Japanese politics 4. World politics 5. World politics 6. Economics and business 7. Economics and business 8. Social issues 9. Social issues 10. Sport and Entertainment 11. Sport and Entertainment 12. Religion 13. Religion 14. Education 15. Education ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Material will be taken from internationally respected newspapers. Evaluation will be based on attendance, class participation, a number of written papers, and the submission of a class notebook. 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Communicative English COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH Τb ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᜂᒰ⠪ 㨀㧚ࡅ࡞ ᬺ⸘↹ This course is designed to help students develop critical thinking skills and the ability to discuss issues of contemporary importance. Using newspapers, students will build up their vocabulary in a number of content areas, and will develop the ability to express their own opinions in both written and spoken English. Students will be expected to participate actively in class, do research in the library and on the internet, and a number of short papers on the issues that interest them most. 1. Introduction 2. Japanese politics 3. Japanese politics 4. World politics 5. World politics 6. Economics and business 7. Economics and business 8. Social issues 9. Social issues 10. Sport and Entertainment 11. Sport and Entertainment 12. Religion 13. Religion 14. Education 15. Education ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Material will be taken from internationally respected newspapers. Evaluation will be based on attendance, class participation, a number of written papers, and the submission of a class notebook. 175 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Discussion DISCUSSION ᜂᒰ⠪ a ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ The overall aim of this course is teach students some important but often overlooked techniques in face-to-face communication. In the class, the term communication will be used to refer to communication style, focusing on differences between that of the Japanese and non-Japanese. First Term: 㧯㧚㧮㧚ᳰญ 1. Orientation class objectives, method and evaluation 2. How to avoid embarrassing conversation situations 3. Different Communication Styles 4. Sensitivity in conversations: does it help? 5. Practice 1 6. Be a Good Listener: a good advice? 7. Practice 2 8. Subtlety in Conversations: is it good? 9. Practice 3 10. Low-key expressions: do they help? 11. Practice 4 12. Frankness: when to and when not to? 13. Practice 5 14. Conversation Compliment: how to across cultures 15. Summary and Evaluation Classes in the first term will explore situations that show differences in thinking behavior and how these differences are reflected in the way people speak. Students will analyze and discuss different culture-style conversations. Classes in the second term will focus on various situations of virtue and polite manners. Students will analyze and discuss examples that illustrate these differences. The final goal of the course is to help improve fluency in the use of English language skills. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Summative evaluation of class participation: discussion and reports, as well as term-end exams. Students are highly recommended to review each lesson and study beforehand. To be announced on the first day of class. 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Discussion DISCUSSION ᜂᒰ⠪ b ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ The overall aim of this course is teach students some important but often overlooked techniques in face-face communication. In the class, the term communication will be used to refer to communication style, focusing on differences between that of the Japanese and non-Japanese. Second Term: Classes in the first term will explore situations that illustrate difference behavior and why these differences exist. Students will analyze and discuss various themes related to interpersonal communication. Classes in the second term will focus on various situations of virtue and polite manners. Students will analyze and discuss examples that illustrate these differences. 㧯㧚㧮㧚ᳰญ 1. Orientation: class objectives, method and evaluation 2. Behavior differences 3. Group Practice 1 4. Identity: do you have a strong cultural identity? 5. Group Practice 2 6. Values: what are your lifestyle values? 7. Group Practice 3 8. Culture shock: what is your personality type? 9. Group Practice 4 10. Culture in language: do you believe in proverbs? 11. Body language and customs: do you know them? 12. Individualism: are you an individualist? 13. Politeness: are you a formal or a casual person? 14. Communication style: what’s yours? 15. Summary and Evaluation The final goal of the course is to help improve fluency in the use of English language skills. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ To be announced on the first day of class. ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Summative evaluation of class participation: discussion and reports, as well as term-end exams. Students are highly recommended to review each lesson and study beforehand. 176 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Discussion DISCUSSION a ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧱㧚ࡈࡦࠦ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This course aims to provide friendly forums for student discussions in order to improve fluency in English communication and speaking skills. Week 1: Introduction, course outline, evaluation, requirements & start topic # 1 Week 2: Discussion Topic # 2 Week 3: Discussion Topic # 3 Week 4: Discussion Topic # 4 Week 5: Discussion Topic # 5 Week 6: Discussion Topic # 6 Week 7: Quiz Week 8: Discussion Topic # 7 Week 9: Discussion Topic # 8 Week 10: Discussion Topic # 9 Week 11: Discussion Topic # 10 Week 12: Discussion Topic # 11 Week 13: Discussion Topic # 12 Week 14: Discussion Topic # 13 Week 15: Quiz The class seeks to provide an enjoyable and interesting environment to discuss current and interesting topics and issues. Students are expected to collaborate and engage in friendly pair and group discussions. Students will complete weekly classroom activities using English newspaper articles covering current local and global issues in order to improve English speaking, comprehension and knowledge. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Discussion notes and handouts will be provided every week. Attendance, discussion involvement, weekly exercises, quizzes, presentation, and class participation. 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Discussion DISCUSSION b ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧱㧚ࡈࡦࠦ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This course aims to provide friendly forums for student discussions in order to improve fluency in English communication and speaking skills. Week 1: Introduction, course outline, evaluation, requirements & start topic #1 Week 2: Discussion Topic # 2 Week 3: Discussion Topic # 3 Week 4: Discussion Topic # 4 Week 5: Discussion Topic # 5 Week 6: Discussion Topic # 6 Week 7: Quiz Week 8: Discussion Topic # 7 Week 9: Discussion Topic # 8 Week 10: Discussion Topic # 9 Week 11: Discussion Topic # 10 Week 12: Discussion Topic # 11 Week 13: Discussion Topic # 12 Week 14: Discussion Topic # 13 Week 15: Quiz The class seeks to provide an enjoyable and interesting environment to discuss current and interesting topics and issues. Students are expected to collaborate and engage in friendly pair and group discussions. Students will complete weekly classroom activities using English newspaper articles covering current local and global issues in order to improve English speaking, comprehension and knowledge. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Discussion notes and handouts will be provided every week. Attendance, discussion involvement, weekly exercises, quizzes, presentation, and class participation. 177 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Discussion DISCUSSION a ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧶㧚࠙ࠜ࡞࠼ࡑࡦ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This course will focus on using oral skills to communicate effectively in English. The activities in this class will give students opportunities to express their ideas in English and help them to function in practical everyday situations. Facets that will be included in this course will be pronunciation, practical vocabulary necessary for communication, cultural understanding, public speaking and learner strategies. The learner strategies will help students to take more responsibility and initiative to improve their English ability. 1. Introduction with explanation of the grading system and student requirements. 2. Cosmetic surgery: Is there too much emphasis on appearance these days? 3. Can man and woman be close without romance? 4. This session will focus on environmental issues. 5. Teenage life with student presentations. 6. Is plagiarism a crime? 7. Who’s responsible for household duties? Vocabulary test on previous issues. 8. What are the options for pregnant teenagers? 9. Is it okay to go on dates for money? Quiz on previous issues. 10. How important is appearance in a relationship? 11. Should adult children move out? Quiz on previous issue. 12. Should employees go out with their bosses? 13. How should we deal with culture shock? Vocabulary test on previous issues. 14.The changing role of women in society. 15. Explanation of summer homework projects. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Title: Impact Issues 3 Author: Day, Shaules and Yamanaka Publisher: Pearson/Longman Students will be grade on attendance, classroom participation, homework and tests. 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Discussion DISCUSSION b ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧶㧚࠙ࠜ࡞࠼ࡑࡦ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This course will focus on using oral skills to communicate effectively in English. The activities in this class will give students opportunities to express their ideas in English and help them to function in practical everyday situations. Facets that will be included in this course will be pronunciation, practical vocabulary necessary for communication, cultural understanding and learner strategies. The learner strategies will help students to take more responsibility and initiative to improve their English ability. 1. Discussion will focus on summer projects. 2. The Confucian and Socratic methods of education will be the main focus of this class. 3. Is money more important than life style? 4. Story telling techniques. 5. The problems faced by immigrants. 6. Vocabulary test on previous issues. Student presentations. 7. Does technology create distance in relationships? 8. Who should work and who should stay at home? Quiz on previous issue. 9. Career choices. 10. Story telling techniques. 11. When is war justified? 12. The art of compromise. 13. When is it okay to get a divorce? Vocabulary test on previous issues. 14. Unrequited love. 15. Story telling techniques. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Title: Impact Issues 3 Author: Day, Shaules and Yamanaka Publisher: Pearson/Longman Students will be graded on attendance, classroom participation, homework and tests. 178 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Discussion DISCUSSION ᜂᒰ⠪ a 㧺㧚㧴㧚࡚ࠫࠬ࠻ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This is a course aimed at those serious students who will one day need to use English as an important tool for professional and personal advancement. It said that a great difficulty in learning a foreign language is your own language, which has been the tool for communicating your thoughts all your life. Thus, this class will help students work in a strict English only environment, one which will promote confidence and skill in English usage. Classroom time will be utilized by having extended discussions based on student topics introduced at the start of each class. This class will call on students to take an active role in the development of the class discussions. Week 1: Class Introduction and overview Week 2: Student-Discussion 1 Week 3: Presentation and Discussion Week 4: Discussion and Summation Week 5: Student-Discussion 2 Week 6: Presentation and Discussion Week 7: Discussion and Summation Week 8: Student-Discussion 3 Week 9: Presentation and Discussion Week 10: Discussion and Summation Week 11: Student-Discussion 4 Week 12: Presentation and Discussion Week 13: Discussion and Summation Week 14: Final Summations Week 15: Final Summations ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ No text is required for this course. Grades will be based on attendance, participation, and projects 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Discussion DISCUSSION ᜂᒰ⠪ b 㧺㧚㧴㧚࡚ࠫࠬ࠻ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This is a course aimed at those serious students who will one day need to use English as an important tool for professional and personal advancement. It said that a great difficulty in learning a foreign language is your own language, which has been the tool for communicating your thoughts all your life. Thus, this class will help students work in a strict English only environment, one which will promote confidence and skill in English usage. Classroom time will be utilized by having extended discussions based on student topics introduced at the start of each class. This class will call on students to take an active role in the development of the class discussions. Week 1: Class Introduction and overview Week 2: Student-Discussion 5 Week 3: Presentation and Discussion Week 4: Discussion and Summation Week 5: Student-Discussion 6 Week 6: Presentation and Discussion Week 7: Discussion and Summation Week 8: Student-Discussion 7 Week 9: Presentation and Discussion Week 10: Discussion and Summation Week 11: Student-Discussion 8 Week 12: Presentation and Discussion Week 13: Discussion and Summation Week 14: Final Summations Week 15: Final Summations ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ No text is required for this course. Grades will be based on attendance, participation, and projects 179 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Discussion DISCUSSION ᜂᒰ⠪ a ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ To be announced in the first class To be announced in the first class ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ To be announced in the first class To be announced in the first class 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Discussion DISCUSSION ᜂᒰ⠪ b ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ To be announced in the first class To be announced in the first class ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ To be announced in the first class To be announced in the first class 180 㧼㧚ࡑ࠶ࠤࡆ 㧼㧚ࡑ࠶ࠤࡆ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Discussion DISCUSSION ᜂᒰ⠪ a 㧿㧚ࡠࠪ࠻ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ Aims to improve 1. knowledge of social current issues in Japan 2. understanding about what nonprofit NGOs are doing to tackle these problems 3. ability to communicate about these issues 4. critical understanding 5. develop presentation skills * Since we will be focusing on current issues – specific contents may change. * semester 1 will focus on Japan Weekly assignments: Each week students will complete short readings, which will form a based for class discussion. Class format Instructor presentation – key issues. Group work – discussion, review of readings and exercises. Participant presentation - present summaries, final project. Class 1 Introduction to course, Overview of current social issues in Japan Class 2 What is a nonprofit NGO? Class 3 Aging in Japan Class 4 NGOs working on Aging Class 5 Youth issues Class 6 NGOs working with youth Class 7 Mid-term presentations Class 8 Home violence Class 9 NGOs helping families Class 10 Homelessness and new poverty in Japan Class 11 New comers in Japan Class 12 NGOs working on poverty and new comers Class 13 Gender Issues Class 14 Final Presentations Class 15 Final Presentations & Wrap up ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Online readings Anyone without internet access should tell the instructor in class1 Active class participation, mid-term presentation, final project (paper and presentation) and regular completion of assignments. Attendance of 75% is required to pass. 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Discussion DISCUSSION ᜂᒰ⠪ b 㧿㧚ࡠࠪ࠻ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ Aims to improve 1. knowledge of current global issues 2. understanding about what nonprofit NGOs are doing to tackle these problems 3. ability to communicate about these issues 4. critical understanding 5. develop presentation skills * Since we will be focusing on current issues – specific contents may change. * semester 2 will focus on international issues Weekly assignments: Each week students will complete short readings, which will form a based for class discussion. Class format Instructor presentation – key issues. Group work – discussion, review of readings and exercises. Participant presentation - present summaries, final project. Class 1 Introduction to course, Overview of issues Class 2 What is poverty? What is hunger? Class 3 What can we do about hunger and poverty? Class 4 Youth making a difference around the world! Class 5 Presentations Class 6 Current global health issues Class 7 Introduction to AIDS Class 8 Education about AIDS Class 9 Presentations Class 10 Conflict and peace Class 11 Child Labor Class 12 Smart shopping: Fair trade and organics Class 13 Microfinance Class 14 Final Presentations Class 15 Final Presentations & Wrap up ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Online readings Anyone without internet access should tell the instructor in class1 Active class participation, mid-term presentation, final project (paper, presentation) and regular completion of assignments. Attendance of 75% is required to pass. 181 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Public Speaking Σ PUBLIC SPEAKING Σa ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧭㧚㧾㧚ࡈࠔ࡞ࡧࠜ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ In the class we will focus on three messages in public 1 Introduction: The Physical Message 2 Posture and Eye Contact speaking: the Visual Message, the Physical Message 3 Informative Speech and the Story Message. We will video students with a 4 Gestures camera and evaluate their performance in class. 4 Layout Speech Students will be expected to use Power Point in making 5 Voice Infection presentations. 6 Demonstration 7 Introduction to the Story Message 8 The Introduction 9 Persuasive Speech 10 The Body 11 Transition and Sequencers 12 Home town speech 13 Positive Theory Formulation 14 Final Speeches I 15 Final Speeches II ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Prints from speeches and speech based texts Weekly participation in speeches and the email receipt of student speeches. 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Public Speaking Τ PUBLIC SPEAKING Σb ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ In the class we will focus on three messages in public 1 Review of Term One 㧭㧚㧾㧚ࡈࠔ࡞ࡧࠜ 2 Persuasive Speech: The Body speaking: the Visual Message, the Physical Message 3 The Conclusion and the Story Message. We will video students with a 4 Persuasive Speech: The Conclusion camera and evaluate their performance in class. 5 Introduction to the Visual Message Students will be expected to use Power Point in making 6 Making Visual Aids presentations. 7 Explaining Visual Aids 8 Full Presentation of the Persuasive Speech with Visual Aids 9 Power Point Introduction 10 Video Taping Part One 11 Video Taping Part Two 12 Critique of Taping 13 Story message 14 Final Evaluation I 15 Final Evaluation II ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Prints from Speech based text Weekly participation in speeches and the email receipt of student speeches. 182 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Public Speaking Σ PUBLIC SPEAKING Σa ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧶㧚㧺㧚࠙ࠚࡦ࠺࡞ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This course will develop both the language skills and strategies necessary to give effective speeches and presentations in English. First, we will examine the elements of effective public speaking and communication through discussions and the analysis of examples of speeches and presentations. Students will then give their own speeches and presentations, both on assigned topics and on topics of their own choosing. An important part of effective public speaking is having sufficient command of background information on your topics, so students can expect to do a fair amount of background reading and research during the semester. 1 2-3 4-5 ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ There is no set textbook. Instructional materials and handouts will be distributed to students throughout the semester. Assessment will be based on classroom participation, written assignments, and speeches and presentations. 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Orientation Elements of public speaking Effective speeches—examples and discussion 6-8 Student speeches 9-11 Effective presentations—examples discussion 12-14 Student presentations 15 Reflection and summary Public Speaking Τ PUBLIC SPEAKING Σb ᜂᒰ⠪ and 㧶㧚㧺㧚࠙ࠚࡦ࠺࡞ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This course will develop both the language skills and strategies necessary to give effective speeches and presentations in English. First, we will examine the elements of effective public speaking and communication through discussions and the analysis of examples of speeches and presentations. Students will then give their own speeches and presentations, both on assigned topics and on topics of their own choosing. An important part of effective public speaking is having sufficient command of background information on your topics, so students can expect to do a fair amount of background reading and research during the semester. 1 2-3 4-5 ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ There is no set textbook. Instructional materials and handouts will be distributed to students throughout the semester. Assessment will be based on classroom participation, written assignments, and speeches and presentations. Orientation Elements of public speaking Effective speeches—examples and discussion 6-8 Student speeches 9-11 Effective presentations—examples discussion 12-14 Student presentations 15 Reflection and summary 183 and 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Public Speaking Σ PUBLIC SPEAKING Σa ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This semester we concentrate on the skills required to speak effectively in public. These include mastering posture, gesture and eye-contact, learning how to ‘persuade’ an audience, and learning how to use our voices strategically. Part 1: Non-verbal skills 㧶㧚ࡈࠜ࡞ࠞࠬ Part 2: Verbal skills Part 3: Becoming persuasive Part 4: Putting it all together ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ There are no set texts for this course. Assessment will be conducted on a continuous basis during the semester. Class activities, homework assignments and class participation will form the basis of the final grade. 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Public Speaking Τ PUBLIC SPEAKING Σb ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This semester begins by briefly reviewing the skills learned in semester 1, and then moves on to more advanced topics. These include ‘Using Power Point’ effectively, and ‘Exploring different types of rhetoric’ Part 1: Review of basic skills 㧶㧚ࡈࠜ࡞ࠞࠬ Part 2: Exploring different types of rhetoric Part 3: Using Power Point Part 4: Final Speeches ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ There are no set texts for this course. Assessment will be conducted on a continuous basis during the semester. Class activities, homework assignments and class participation will form the basis of the final grade. 184 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Public Speaking Σ PUBLIC SPEAKING Σa ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ 㐷ୖ ᒄᨑ ᬺ⸘↹ ⻠⟵⋡⊛㧦 ⇣ޟᢥൻࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ㧙࡚ࠪࡦߊࠃ߇⪲⸒߁ߣޠ⡞ ߆ࠇࠆᣣߢ⺆⧷ࠄߚߒ߁ߤޔᚻߊࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ ߇ߣࠇࠆࠃ߁ߦߥࠆߩߢߒࠂ߁߆ߩߎޕᬺߢߪ⥄ޔಽߩ વ߃ߚࠍ⸒⪲ߩߺߢߥߊޔPhysical Message, Visual Message, Story Message ߦࠃߞߡᅤߦࠃࠅലᨐ⊛ߦࡊ ࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦ߇᧪ࠆࠃ߁ߦߥࠆ߆ࠍቇ߮߹ߔޕ 1. Introduction 2. [I] 3. THE PHYSICAL MESSAGE: What is Physical Message? Posture and Eye Contact 4. Informative Speech 5. Performance 6. Gestures ⻠⟵ⷐ㧦 ࡊࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦࠍߔࠆᤨߩࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ ߩᣇᴺߣᲑ㓏ࠍ⸥ߩਃߟߦಽߌ߹ߔ࠶ࡔߩࠇߙࠇߘޕ ࠫߪ’What’, ‘Why’, ‘How’, ‘Practice’ ߩ྾㗄⋡߆ࠄᚑࠅޔ ᦝߦ’Performance’ߣ’Evaluation’ ߩ࡚ࠢࠪࡦߢ⥄ಽߩ ࡊࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦࠍㅢߓߡޔࠢࠬࡔࠗ࠻ߩࡊࡦ ࠹࡚ࠪࡦࠍ⡞߈ޔᅤߦᡷༀߔߴ߈߆ࠍ⥄ࠄቇ߮ߣࠅ߹ ߔޕ ࠞߩᗢᔟߥࠗࠬ࠻ࠍߥ߇ࠄޔ㧝㧜㧜ࡄ ࡦ࠻ቇ⠌⠪ෳടဳߩṶ⠌ᣇᴺߢᬺࠍㅴߡ߈߹ߔޕ ㅴᐲߪ⊝ߐࠎߩ᭽ሶࠍߥ߇ࠄᔅⷐߦᔕߓߡ⺞ᢛߒ ߡ߈߹ߔޕDVD ߇ᄢ߈ߥഥߌߣߥࠆߢߒࠂ߁ޕ 7. Layout Speech 8. Performance 9. Voice Inflection 10. Demonstration Speech ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻㧦Harrington,D. & LeBeau, C. , Speaking of Ꮸ⁁ᴫޔᬺ߳ߩෳടᐲޔኋ㗴⹜ޔ⊒ޔ㛎ߥߤ߆ࠄ✚ ว⊛ߦ⹏ଔߒ߹ߔޕਥߦᬺਛߩࡊࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦࠍᦨ ㊀ⷐⷞߔࠆߩߢޔᏨߪᦨ߽㊀ⷐޕ Speech – New Edition-Basic Presentation Skills for Beginners. MACMILLAN LANGUAGEHOUSE, 2009. 2500 + ⒢ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 11. Performance 12. [II] THE VISUAL MESSAGE: Effective Visuals (1) 13. Effective Visuals (2) 14. Performance(1) 15. Performance(2) Public Speaking Τ PUBLIC SPEAKING Σb ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ⻠⟵⋡⊛㧦 ᤐቇᦼߣหߓޕ 1. ⻠⟵ⷐ㧦 ᤐቇᦼߦᒁ߈⛯ߊޕ 2. 3. 4. ᵈᗧ㧦 ࠄ߆ߩℂ↱ߢ⑺ቇᦼ߆ࠄጁୃߔࠆ႐วߪޔᤐቇᦼߩᬺ ౝኈࠍℂ⸃ߒޔߟታ㓙ߦߘߎ߹ߢߩᲑ㓏ߩࡄࡈࠜࡑࡦ ࠬ߇᧪ࠆࠃ߁ߦߒߡ߅ߊᔅⷐ߇ࠅ߹ߔ⑺ޕቇᦼߩᦨೋ ߩᬺߢᜰዉ⥌ߒ߹ߔޕ 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. THE VISUAL MESSAGE 㧔ᤐቇᦼߩ⛯߈㧕 Explaining Visuals (1) Explaining Visuals (2) Performance [III] THE STORY MESSAGE: What is Story Message? Presentation Structure Introduction What is the Story Message? Introductory Phrases Model Introduction Performance (Introduction) The Body Evidence Transitions Sequencers Performance (Body) The Conclusion – How to Make a Conclusion? Performance (Conclusion) Final performance(1) Final performance(2) [II] ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ᤐቇᦼߦหߓޕ ᤐቇᦼߦหߓޕ 185 㐷ୖ ᒄᨑ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 DebateΣ DEBATE Σa ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ 㧯㧚㧮㧚ᳰญ ᬺ⸘↹ The class aims to familiarize students with the principles of debate. It will teach students the rules and procedures involved and provide hands-on exercises in formulating appropriate proposition and constructing arguments based on a prescribed format. 1. Introduction to the course: brainstorming 2. Preliminary Exercises: how arguments take place 3. How does debate differ from discussion? 4. Why is debate necessary? 5. Format and procedures 1: Propositions 6. Format and procedures 2: Constructive Argument 7. Format and procedures 3: Affirmative Constructive 8. Format and procedures 4: Negative Constructive 9. Cross-examination 10. Rebuttal and Refutation 11. Classroom Debate 12. Practice Debate 1 13. Practice Debate 2 14. Graded Debate 1 15. Graded Debate and Summary ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ References: Enjoy Debating. Eichosha Speech Communication for International Students Evaluation is based on summative performance on weekly attendance, submission of requirements, and participation in exercises and debates. 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 DebateΤ DEBATE Σb ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ 㧯㧚㧮㧚ᳰญ ᬺ⸘↹ The class aims to familiarize students with the principles of debate. It will teach students the rules and procedures involved and provide hands-on exercises in formulating appropriate proposition and constructing arguments based on a prescribed format. 1. Introduction to the course: brainstorming 2. Preliminary Exercises: how arguments take place 3. How does debate differ from discussion? 4. Why is debate necessary? 5. Format and procedures 1: Propositions 6. Format and procedures 2: Constructive Argument 7. Format and procedures 3: Affirmative Constructive 8. Format and procedures 4: Negative Constructive 9. Cross-examination 10. Rebuttal and Refutation 11. Classroom Debate 12. Practice Debate 1 13. Practice Debate 2 14. Graded Debate 1 15. Graded Debate and Summary ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ References: Enjoy Debating. Eichosha Speech Communication for International Students Evaluation is based on summative performance on weekly attendance, submission of requirements, and participation in exercises and debates. 186 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Debate Σ DEBATE Σa ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧺㧚㧴㧚࡚ࠫࠬ࠻ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This class is designed with two basic goals in mind: 1) to help students develop debating skills--to understand issues; to articulate or defend their views on those issues; and, 2) to help students improve their overall language skills--speaking, listening, and critical thinking. Debate topics will be decided in advanced, and will include a variety of topics--challenging, yet enjoyable. Additionally, we will watch some of the famous debates in Western history evaluating them from a critical point of view, looking at debating style, techniques, reasoning and speaking skills and overall persuasiveness of the candidates. Week 1: Class Introduction and overview Week 2: Mini Lecture on Debating Week 3: Debate Preparations 1 Week 4: Debate & Summations Week 5: Mini Lecture on Debating Week 6: Debate Preparations 2 Week 7: Debate & Summations Week 8: Mini Lecture on Debating Week 9: Debate Preparations 3 Week 10: Debate & Summations Week 11: Mini Lecture on Debating Week 12: Debate Preparations 4 Week 13: Debate & Summations Week 14: Final Group Summations Week 15: Final Group Summations ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ No Text is required for this course. Grades will be based on attendance, participation, and projects 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 Debate Τ DEBATE Σb ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧺㧚㧴㧚࡚ࠫࠬ࠻ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This class is designed with two basic goals in mind: 1) to help students develop debating skills--to understand issues; to articulate or defend their views on those issues; and, 2) to help students improve their overall language skills--speaking, listening, and critical thinking. Debate topics will be decided in advanced, and will include a variety of topics--challenging, yet enjoyable. Additionally, we will watch some of the famous debates in Western history evaluating them from a critical point of view, looking at debating style, techniques, reasoning and speaking skills and overall persuasiveness of the candidates. Week 1: Class Introduction and overview Week 2: Mini Lecture on Debating Week 3: Debate Preparations 5 Week 4: Debate & Summations Week 5: Mini Lecture on Debating Week 6: Debate Preparations 6 Week 7: Debate & Summations Week 8: Mini Lecture on Debating Week 9: Debate Preparations 7 Week 10: Debate & Summations Week 11: Mini Lecture on Debating Week 12: Debate Preparations 8 Week 13: Debate & Summations Week 14: Final Group Summations Week 15: Final Group Summations ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ No text is required for this course. Grades will be based on attendance, participation, and projects 187 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ㅢ⸶Σ ㅢ⸶Σa ᜂᒰ⠪ ㍿ୖ ஜᖝ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ㅢ⸶ߩၮ␆⸠✵ߣ߁ߩߪࡦ࡚ࠪࠤ࠾ࡘࡒࠦޔ⢻ജߣ 㧝㨪 ࿁ߪㅢ⸶ో⥸ߦߟߡߩޕ㧟࿁⋡એ㒠߆ࠄታ㓙ߩ ߒߡߩ✚ว⊛⺆ቇജࠍࠕ࠶ࡊߔࠆߚࠪࠬ࠹ࡑ࠹ࠖ࠶ࠢ ࠻࠾ࡦࠣߦࠆ߇ߩߘޔౝኈߪᰴߩߣ߅ࠅ㧦 ߥ࠻࠾ࡦࠣߦ߶߆ߥࠄߥޕ ࡇ࠹ࠖࡦࠣޔࠣࡦࠗ࠼ࡖࠪޔࠬࡦࡐࠬࠢ࠶ࠗࠢޔ ߎߩߚޔ᭽ߥޘᣇᴺߢࠬޔࠣࡦ࠾ࠬޔࠣࡦࠖ࠺ޔ ࡏࠠࡖࡆ࡞ࠗࡑࠨޔࡦ࡚ࠪࠬࡦ࠻࠻ࠗࠨޔ ࡇࠠࡦࠣߩᛛⴚࠍᒝൻߒߡߊߚߩ✵⠌ࠍౕ⊛ߦ ࡚ࠪࡦࡈࠣࡄࠄ߆ࠬࡦ࠹ࡦࡦࡢޔㅢ⸶࡚ࠪࡦ࠹ޔ ⴕߞߡߊޕ ࡦޔㅢ⸶ࡔࡕߩขࠅᣇ GVE ߥ߅ޔᬺߩ㧟ಽߩ㧝એࠍᰳᏨߒߚ႐วޔනߪ ࠄࠇߥޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࡊࡦ࠻ࠍ↪ߔࠆ੍ቯ ᐔᏱߩᬺ߆ࠄޔㅢ⸶ᛛⴚࠍߤࠇߊࠄりߦઃߌߚ߆ߢ⹏ ଔߔࠆޕᬺߪࠬ࠹࠶ࡊࠕ࠶ࡊᒻᑼߢㅴߩߢᰳᏨߔࠆ ߣᄢᄌਇޕ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ㅢ⸶Σ ㅢ⸶Σb ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ห ᜂᒰ⠪ ㍿ୖ ஜᖝ ᬺ⸘↹ ห ߚߛߒޔᤐቇᦼࠃࠅ߽ౝኈߩ⒳㘃ߣ㔍ᤃᐲ߇Ⴧߔޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ห ห 188 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ㅢ⸶ Σ㧔㊄㧠㧕 ㅢ⸶ Σa㧔㊄㧠㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ⻠⟵ߩ⋡⊛ߪޔㅢ⸶ߣߒߡᔅⷐߥᰴߩ㧟ߟߩ⢻ജࠍりߦ ߟߌࠆߎߣߢߔ৻ޕᐕᓟߩߡߣߒߡߪޔℂ⸃ߢ߈ߚౝ ኈߢࠇ߫ߔߴߡහᐳߦㅢ⸶ߢ߈ࠆ⢻ജࠍりߦߟߌࠆߎߣ ߢߔޕ Ԙ ⧷⺆ࠍ⡬߈ขࠆߎߣ ԙ ⷐὐࠍࡔࡕߔࠆߎߣ Ԛ හᐳߦৼޔߟ߆ޔ⏕⊛ޔካߥᣣᧄ⺆ߦㅢ⸶ߔࠆ 㧔ㅢ⸶ߦᔅ㗇ਇนᰳߥޟᢘ⺆ߩޠᣇࠍቇ⠌ߔࠆ㧕 ߥߚߪ⸥ԙߣԚࠍቇࠎߛߎߣ߇ࠅ߹ߔ߆ޕԙ߿Ԛ ߦ⥄ା߇ήቇ↢ߦߪߗ߭ቇ⠌ߒߡ߽ࠄߚߣᕁ߹ߔޕ ᢎຬ߇ㅢ⸶⸠✵ቇᩞߢฃߌߚ⸠✵ᣇᴺࠍߘߩ߹߹ᢎቶߢ ౣߒޔㅙᰴㅢ⸶ߩታ〣⊛࠻࠾ࡦࠣࠍⴕ߹ߔޕ ታ〣⊛ߥ⸠✵ࠍ⛮⛯ߔࠆਛߢߩޔജࠍߔߚߦߪޔ ⥄ಽߩ✕ᒛᗵࠍࠦࡦ࠻ࡠ࡞ߒޔήᗧ⼂ߩ߁ߜߦߘߩ✕ᒛ ᗵࠍᭉߒࠆࠃ߁ߦߥࠅ߹ߔޕ ේญ ሶ 㧨╙㧝࿁㧪 ⊝ߐࠎߩ⧷⺆ജࠍᛠីߔࠆߚޔ61'+%㧔61'(.⧷ᬌ╬߽ ࠇ߫㧕ࠬࠦࠕߩࠦࡇࠍᜬෳߒߡਅߐޕ ߹ߚ৻ޔ࿁⋡ߪ⸥ޔߡߞߣߦࠎߐ⊝ޔᔨߔߴ߈ೋߡߩㅢ ⸶߳ߩᚢߢߔߩߢޔ75$ ࡈ࠶ࠪࡘࡔࡕࠍᔓࠇߥ ࠃ߁ߦߒߡਅߐޕ 㧨╙㧞࿁એ㒠㨪㧪 %#.. ᢎቶߢ⧷⺆ᢎ᧚ࠍㅍߒޔฦ⥄ࡔࡕࠍขࠅߥ߇ࠄታ 㓙ߦㅙᰴㅢ⸶ࠍⴕ߹ߔޕ ᤐቇᦼߩᢎ᧚ߪޔἴኂ߿ޔㆬޔઙߥߤߩ႐߆ ࠄߩ⥃႐ᗵߚߞ߲ࠅߩታᴫਛ⛮ࠍᢎ᧚ߣߒߡ߹ߔߚޕ ߛߒߩ‛ᧄޔႎ⧷⺆ߢߪߥߊ⺆ޔᒵ߇㒢ߐࠇߡࠆ HKEVKQP ߥߩߢࡕࡔޔขࠅ✵⠌߿ㅙᰴㅢ⸶ߦ߯ߞߚࠅߩ ࡌ࡞ߩᢎ᧚ߢߔޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࠈࠈߥᢎ᧚ࠍ↪ߒ߹ߔߩߢޔਥߦߢ࠻ࡦࡊޔ㈩Ꮣ ߒ߹ߔ߇ޔ㧝࿁⋡ߩᬺߢ㧝ౠߪ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ࠍᜰቯߒ߹ߔޕ ᬺਛߩㅢ⸶ޔᲤㅳߩ࠺ࠖࠢ࠹࡚ࠪࡦߩኋ㗴ޔቯᦼ⹜㛎 ߩ✚ว⹏ଔ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ㅢ⸶ Σ㧔㊄㧠㧕 ㅢ⸶ Σb㧔㊄㧠㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ේญ ሶ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ᤐቇᦼߦᒁ߈⛯߈ޔ%#.. ᢎቶߢ⧷⺆ᢎ᧚ࠍㅍߒޔฦ⥄ ࡔࡕࠍขࠅߥ߇ࠄޔታ㓙ߦㅙᰴㅢ⸶ࠍⴕޔฦ⥄ߩࡄࡈࠜ ࡑࡦࠬߪ㍳㖸ߔࠆ߁ߣޔታ〣⊛ߥ⸠✵ࠍⓍߺ㊀ߨ߹ ߔޕ ⑺ቇᦼߦߥࠆߣޔㅙᰴㅢ⸶߇ߘࠇߥࠅߦᒻߦߥߞߡ߈߹ ߔޕ႐߆ࠄߩታᴫਛ⛮߇ߘࠇࠄߒᣣᧄ⺆ߢㅢ⸶ߢ߈ࠆ ࠃ߁ߦߥࠆߢߒࠂ߁✕ޔ߽ࠄ߇ߥࠅߥߦ࠲ࠢ࠲ࠢޕᒛᗵߣ ㆐ᚑᗵࠍᭉߒࠎߢࠆቇ↢߇ᄙࠃ߁ߢߔޕ 㧨╙㧝࿁㧪 ฦ⥄ޔᄐભߺߦߟߡࠬࡇ࠴ࠍߒࡇࠬߩߘ߇߆⺕ޔ ࠴ߩㅢ⸶ࠍᜂᒰߔࠆޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ೨ᦼߩ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߣࡊࡦ࠻㈩Ꮣޕ ᬺਛߩㅢ⸶ޔᲤㅳߩ࠺ࠖࠢ࠹࡚ࠪࡦߩኋ㗴ޔቯᦼ⹜㛎 ߩ✚ว⹏ଔ 㧨╙㧞࿁એ㒠㨪㧪 ⸥ߩᤐቇᦼߦḰߓ߹ߔޕ 189 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ㅢ⸶ Σ㧔㊄㧡㧕 ㅢ⸶ Σa㧔㊄㧡㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ⻠⟵ߩ⋡⊛ߪޔㅢ⸶ߣߒߡᔅⷐߥᰴߩ㧟ߟߩ⢻ജࠍりߦ ߟߌࠆߎߣߢߔ৻ޕᐕᓟߩߡߣߒߡߪޔℂ⸃ߢ߈ߚౝ ኈߢࠇ߫ߔߴߡහᐳߦㅢ⸶ߢ߈ࠆ⢻ജࠍりߦߟߌࠆߎߣ ߢߔޕ Ԙ ⧷⺆ࠍ⡬߈ขࠆߎߣ ԙ ⷐὐࠍࡔࡕߔࠆߎߣ Ԛ හᐳߦৼޔߟ߆ޔ⏕⊛ޔካߥᣣᧄ⺆ߦㅢ⸶ߔࠆ 㧔ㅢ⸶ߦᔅ㗇ਇนᰳߥޟᢘ⺆ߩޠᣇࠍቇ⠌ߔࠆ㧕 ߥߚߪ⸥ԙߣԚࠍቇࠎߛߎߣ߇ࠅ߹ߔ߆ޕԙ߿Ԛ ߦ⥄ା߇ήቇ↢ߦߪߗ߭ቇ⠌ߒߡ߽ࠄߚߣᕁ߹ߔޕ ᢎຬ߇ㅢ⸶⸠✵ቇᩞߢฃߌߚ⸠✵ᣇᴺࠍߘߩ߹߹ᢎቶߢ ౣߒޔㅙᰴㅢ⸶ߩታ〣⊛࠻࠾ࡦࠣࠍⴕ߹ߔޕ ታ〣⊛ߥ⸠✵ࠍ⛮⛯ߔࠆਛߢߩޔജࠍߔߚߦߪޔ ⥄ಽߩ✕ᒛᗵࠍࠦࡦ࠻ࡠ࡞ߒޔήᗧ⼂ߩ߁ߜߦߘߩ✕ᒛ ᗵࠍᭉߒࠆࠃ߁ߦߥࠅ߹ߔޕ ේญ ሶ 㧨╙㧝࿁㧪 ⊝ߐࠎߩ⧷⺆ജࠍᛠីߔࠆߚޔ61'+%㧔61'(.⧷ᬌ╬߽ ࠇ߫㧕ࠬࠦࠕߩࠦࡇࠍᜬෳߒߡਅߐޕ ߹ߚ৻ޔ࿁⋡ߪ⸥ޔߡߞߣߦࠎߐ⊝ޔᔨߔߴ߈ೋߡߩㅢ ⸶߳ߩᚢߢߔߩߢޔ75$ ࡈ࠶ࠪࡘࡔࡕࠍᔓࠇߥ ࠃ߁ߦߒߡਅߐޕ 㧨╙㧞࿁એ㒠㨪㧪 %#.. ᢎቶߢ⧷⺆ᢎ᧚ࠍㅍߒޔฦ⥄ࡔࡕࠍขࠅߥ߇ࠄታ 㓙ߦㅙᰴㅢ⸶ࠍⴕ߹ߔޕ ೨ᦼߩᢎ᧚ߪޔἴኂ߿ޔㆬޔઙߥߤߩ႐߆ࠄ ߩ⥃႐ᗵߚߞ߲ࠅߩታᴫਛ⛮ࠍᢎ᧚ߣߒߡ߹ߔߛߚޕ ߒߩ‛ᧄޔႎ⧷⺆ߢߪߥߊ⺆ޔᒵ߇㒢ߐࠇߡࠆ HKEVKQP ߥߩߢࡕࡔޔขࠅ✵⠌߿ㅙᰴㅢ⸶ߦ߯ߞߚࠅߩ ࡌ࡞ߩᢎ᧚ߢߔޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࠈࠈߥᢎ᧚ࠍ↪ߒ߹ߔߩߢޔਥߦߢ࠻ࡦࡊޔ㈩Ꮣ ߒ߹ߔ߇ޔ㧝࿁⋡ߩᬺߢ㧝ౠߪ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ࠍᜰቯߒ߹ߔޕ ᬺਛߩㅢ⸶ޔᲤㅳߩ࠺ࠖࠢ࠹࡚ࠪࡦߩኋ㗴ޔቯᦼ⹜㛎 ߩ✚ว⹏ଔ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ㅢ⸶ Σ㧔㊄㧡㧕 ㅢ⸶ Σb㧔㊄㧡㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ේญ ሶ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ೨ᦼߦᒁ߈⛯߈ޔ%#.. ᢎቶߢ⧷⺆ᢎ᧚ࠍㅍߒޔฦ⥄ࡔ ࡕࠍขࠅߥ߇ࠄޔታ㓙ߦㅙᰴㅢ⸶ࠍⴕޔฦ⥄ߩࡄࡈࠜ ࡑࡦࠬߪ㍳㖸ߔࠆ߁ߣޔታ〣⊛ߥ⸠✵ࠍⓍߺ㊀ߨ߹ߔޕ ᓟᦼߦߥࠆߣޔㅙᰴㅢ⸶߇ߘࠇߥࠅߦᒻߦߥߞߡ߈߹ ߔޕ႐߆ࠄߩታᴫਛ⛮߇ߘࠇࠄߒᣣᧄ⺆ߢㅢ⸶ߢ߈ࠆ ࠃ߁ߦߥࠆߢߒࠂ߁✕ޔ߽ࠄ߇ߥࠅߥߦ࠲ࠢ࠲ࠢޕᒛᗵߣ ㆐ᚑᗵࠍᭉߒࠎߢࠆቇ↢߇ᄙࠃ߁ߢߔޕ 㧨╙㧝࿁㧪 ฦ⥄ޔᄐભߺߦߟߡࠬࡇ࠴ࠍߒࡇࠬߩߘ߇߆⺕ޔ ࠴ߩㅢ⸶ࠍᜂᒰߔࠆޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ೨ᦼߩ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߣࡊࡦ࠻㈩Ꮣޕ ᬺਛߩㅢ⸶ޔᲤㅳߩ࠺ࠖࠢ࠹࡚ࠪࡦߩኋ㗴ޔቯᦼ⹜㛎 ߩ✚ว⹏ଔ 㧨╙㧞࿁એ㒠㨪㧪 ⸥ߩᤐቇᦼߦḰߓ߹ߔޕ 190 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ㅢ⸶ Τ ㅢ⸶ Τa ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ේญ ሶ ᬺ⸘↹ ᤓᐕᐲ߆ࠄޔએਅߩࠃ߁ߦ৻ᣂߒ߹ߒߚޕ ᤓᐕ߹ߢߪޔㅢ⸶Σߩ advanced level ߣᝒ߃ޔ㔍ᤃᐲ ߩ㜞ᬺߢߒߚ߇ޔᐕᐲ߆ࠄߪߪߦ⊛࡞ࡌޔㅢ⸶Σ ࠃࠅ߿߿㔍ᤃᐲ߇߇ࠆ⒟ᐲߦߒޔ㐳ᤨ㑆ㅢ⸶ߒ⛯ߌࠆߎ ߣ߇ߢ߈ࠆࠃ߁ߦߥࠆߎߣࠍ⻠⟵ߩ⋡⊛ߣߒ߹ߔޕ ⻠⟵ⷐߪએਅߩࠃ߁ߦߥࠅ߹ߔޕ Ԙ ㅢ⸶ߩ႐ߩࠃ߁ߦޔᢎ᧚ࠍ߱ߞߟߌᧄ⇟ߢ⸶ߔ✵ ⠌ࠍߒ߹ߔޕ ԙ ㅢ⸶Σߢߪ⚦ޔಾࠇߦㅢ⸶ࠍ㍳㖸ߒ߹ߒߚ߇ޔ ㅢ⸶Τߢߪޔ㐳ᤨ㑆ㅢ⸶ߒ⛯ߌࠆ⸠✵ࠍߒ߹ߔޕ Ԛ ߘߩᢎ᧚ࠍ↪ߡหᤨㅢ⸶ߩᣇᴺࠍቇ߮߹ߔޕ ోຬޔ㧝࿁⋡ߩᬺߢޔ61'+%㧔61'(.⧷ᬌ╬߽ࠇ߫㧕 ࠬࠦࠕߩࠦࡇߣ 75$ ࡈ࠶ࠪࡘࡔࡕࠍᜬߞߡߊࠆߎ ߣޕ ޟㅢ⸶Σࠍޠጁୃߒߡࠆߎߣ߇ᦸ߹ߒߢߔ߇ޔ61'+% ࠬࠦࠕ એߩ⧷⺆ജ߇ࠇ߫ޟࠅߥ߈ޔㅢ⸶Τޠ ߆ࠄᆎߡ߽㗴ࠅ߹ߖࠎޕ ㅙᰴㅢ⸶ߣหᤨㅢ⸶ߩታ〣⊛ߥ⸠✵ࠍⴕ߁ޟቇ↢ෳട ဳߩޠᬺߢߔޕ ᦨೋߩᢎ᧚ߪޔFKUVKPIWKUJGFRGQRNG㧔⪺ฬੱ㧕ޕ $CTCEM1DCOC %JCTNGU%JCRNKP *CTWMK/WTCMCOK6KIGTYQQFU )WEEKQ)WEEK 0GNUQP/CPFGNC ᓢࠍ࡞ࡌߦޘߍߡ߈ޔWhite House ߿ Department of State ߩࡎࡓࡍࠫࠍቇ⠌ߒޔㅢ⸶ߩᢎ᧚ߣߒߡߺޔ ߥߐࠎߩ⧷⺆ജߢ߽චಽ↪ߢ߈ࠆߎߣࠍቇ߮߹ߔޕ Ფ㧝࿁ߩഀวߢหᤨㅢ⸶ᢎቶࠍ↪ߒ߹ߔޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ᢎ᧚ߪᄙጘߦࠊߚࠆߩߢޔਥߦࡊࡦ࠻ߢ㈩Ꮣߒ߹ߔ߇ޔ 㧝࿁⋡ߩᬺߢ㧝ౠߪ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ࠍᜰቯߒ߹ߔޕ ᬺਛߩㅢ⸶⺖ߩࡦ࡚ࠪ࠹ࠢࠖ࠺ޔ㗴ޔቯᦼ⹜㛎ߩ✚ว ⹏ଔ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ㅢ⸶ Τ ㅢ⸶ Τb ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ේญ ሶ ᬺ⸘↹ ᤓᐕᐲ߆ࠄޔએਅߩࠃ߁ߦ৻ᣂߒ߹ߒߚޕ CALL ᢎቶߪ⊝ߐࠎߩㅢ⸶߿ shadowing ࠍ㍳㖸ߔࠆߎ ᤓᐕ߹ߢߪޔㅢ⸶Σߩ advanced level ߣᝒ߃ޔ㔍ᤃᐲ ߩ㜞ᬺߢߒߚ߇ޔᐕᐲ߆ࠄߪߪߦ⊛࡞ࡌޔㅢ⸶Σ ߣหߓߦߒޔ㐳ᤨ㑆ㅢ⸶ߒ⛯ߌࠆߎߣ߇ߢ߈ࠆࠃ߁ߦߥࠆ ߎߣࠍ⻠⟵ߩ⋡⊛ߣߒ߹ߔޕ ߣ߇ߢ߈ࠆߩߢ ޔ3 ࿁ߪߎߜࠄߢᬺࠍⴕ߹ߔ৻ޕ ᣇޔหᤨㅢ⸶ቶߪ㍳㖸ߢ߈߹ߖࠎ߇ޔหᤨㅢ⸶ࡉࠬ߇ ࠆߩߢޔ㧝࿁↪ߒޔ3 ࿁ಽߩᬺߩ⊒ߩ႐ߣߒ ߡ↪ߒ߹ߔޕ ⻠⟵ⷐߪએਅߩࠃ߁ߦߥࠅ߹ߔޕ Ԙ ㅢ⸶Σߢߪ⚦ޔಾࠇߦㅢ⸶ࠍ㍳㖸ߒ߹ߒߚ߇ޔ ㅢ⸶Τߢߪޔ㐳ᤨ㑆ㅢ⸶ߒ⛯ߌࠆ⸠✵ࠍߒ߹ߔޕ ԙ ߘߩᢎ᧚ࠍ↪ߡหᤨㅢ⸶ߩᣇᴺࠍቇ߮߹ߔޕ Ფ㧝࿁ߩഀวߢหᤨㅢ⸶ᢎቶࠍ↪ߒ߹ߔޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ೨ᦼห᭽࠻ࡦࡊߣ࠻ࠬࠠ࠹ޔ㈩Ꮣޕ ᬺਛߩㅢ⸶⺖ߩࡦ࡚ࠪ࠹ࠢࠖ࠺ޔ㗴ޔቯᦼ⹜㛎ߩ✚ว ⹏ଔ 191 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ࡆࠫࡀࠬࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ㧔Ἣ㧟㧕 ⧷⺆ࡆࠫࡀࠬࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦΣa㧔Ἣ㧟㧕 ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᶏ⠧ᴛ ㆐㇢ ᬺ⸘↹ ࿖㓙ൻᤨઍߦߞߡ⇣ޔᢥൻ⻉࿖ߣߩࡆࠫࡀࠬࠦࡒࡘ ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦࠍṖߦߒޔ࿖㓙ࡆࠫࡀࠬࠍᚑഞߐߖ⸃⺋ޔ ߆ࠄ↢ߕࠆᡂࠍߎߐߖߥߚߩᚻᲑߣߒߡޔ࿖㓙⺆ ߣߒߡߩ⧷⺆ߩ㊀ⷐᕈߪᭂߡ㜞ޔߒ߆ߒޕቇ↢ߩᄢඨ ߇ᄢቇࠍතᬺߒߡ߽◲නߥ⧷ᢥ࠲㧔ࡔ࡞㧕ߐ߃ᦠߌ ߥߩ߇⁁ߢࠆ◲ޕනߥࡆࠫࡀࠬ࠲߿ࡔ࡞ࠍ⧷ ⺆ߢᦠߌߚࠄߤࠎߥߦ⚛᥍ࠄߒߎߣߢߒࠂ߁ࡆ⺆⧷ޟޕ ࠫࡀࠬࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ⺆⧷ޟޔߦ߁ࠃࠆߣޠ㧗ࡆ ࠫࡀࠬ㧗ࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦߩޠਃߟߩቇࠍหᤨߦⴕ߁ ᅏߩᷓቇߢߔߦ⺆⧷ࠬࡀࠫࡆޕ㚔ᨴߺߩߥೋᔃ⠪ߦ ⧷ᢥ Business Writing ߩၮᧄࠍಽ߆ࠅ߿ߔߊ⸃⺑ߒޔᜰ ዉߒߡ߈߹ߔޕ ౕ⊛ߦ⻠⟵ࠍ⺑ߒ߹ߔ⧷ߪߢ⟵⻠ᧄޕᢥ⾏ᤃㅢାߩ ၮᧄࠍ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ࠍ↪ߒߡޔขᒁ㑐ଥߩ᮸┙߆ࠄᚑ┙ጁ ⴕ᳞ఘ⸃߹ߢࠍ⻠⟵ߒޔၮᧄ⊛ߥࡆࠫࡀࠬ࠲ߩ ᦠ߈ᣇࠍᜰዉߔࠆޔߚ߹ޕዞ⡯ᵴേߦᔅⷐߥ⧷ᢥጁᱧᦠߣ ࠞࡃ࠲ߩᦠ߈ᣇࠍಽ߆ࠅ߿ߔߊ⻠⟵ߚߒ߹ߔޕ ᳓ᦐ 3 㒢ߩ⧷⺆ࡆࠫࡀࠬࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦࠍหᤨߦ ጁୃߔࠆߣޔඨᦼߢ 1 ᐕಽߩ⧷⺆ࡆࠫࡀࠬࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ ࡚ࠪࡦ߇ീᒝߢ߈ࠆࠃ߁ߦᎿᄦߚߒ߹ߒߚޔߚ߹ޕㅢᐕ ߢ߽ห᭽ߩീᒝ߇ߢ߈߹ߔߦ✜৻ޕീᒝߒ߹ߒࠂ߁ޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ᶏ⠧ᴛ㆐㇢⪺ޡBUSINESS WRITING ࠲㐷ޢ㧔㊄ᤊၴޔ2007 ᐕ㧕 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ᜂᒰ⠪ ⧷ᢥࡆࠫࡀࠬ 㧝.⻠⟵ߩ⺑ 㧞.ࡆࠫࡀࠬ࠲ߩᒻᑼ㧔ߩ࠲ࠬࡀࠫࡆޟ᭴ᚑⷐ⚛ޠ㧕 㧟.ࡆࠫࡀࠬ࠲ߩᒻᑼ㧔࡞ࠗ࠲ࠬޟฏ⺒ὐ✵ߣޠ⠌ 㗴㧕 㧠.ലᨐ⊛ߥࡆࠫࡀࠬ࠲ߩᦠ߈ᣇ㧔ߐߔ߿ߺ⺒ޟ⍎ ᕈ◲ẖߐౕᕈ”You” Attitude␞ᱜߒߐޠ㧕 㧡.ലᨐ⊛ߥࡆࠫࡀࠬ࠲ߩᦠ߈ᣇ㧔ޟߩߥ⸒⪲ߩ ↪⢻േᘒⓍᭂᕈPersonal Touch✵ߣޠ⠌㗴㧕 㧢.ࠃߊ↪ߐࠇࠆ㧔ߘߩ㧝̆ޟขᒁߩ↳ㄟߺޠ㧕 㧣.ࠃߊ↪ߐࠇࠆ㧔ߘߩ㧞̆ޟᒁวޠ㧕 㧤.ࠃߊ↪ߐࠇࠆ㧔ߘߩ㧟̆ޠࠔࡈࠝޟ㧕 㧥.ࠃߊ↪ߐࠇࠆ㧔ߘߩ㧠̆ޟା↪⁁ޠ㧕 㧝㧜㧚ࠃߊ↪ߐࠇࠆ㧔ߘߩ㧡̆ޟⓍߒޠ㧕 㧝㧝. ࠃߊ↪ߐࠇࠆ㧔ߘߩ㧢̆ޠࡓࠢޟ㧕 㧝㧞. ⧷ᢥ Business Writing ታ〣✵⠌㗴㧔ߘߩ㧝㧕 㧝㧟. ⧷ᢥ Business Writing ታ〣✵⠌㗴㧔ߘߩ㧞㧕 㧝㧠. ⧷ᢥጁᱧᦠߣ⧷ᢥࠞࡃ࠲ߩᦠ߈ᣇ 㧝㧡㧚߹ߣ ዏޔᬺ⸘↹ߪᄢߩ⋡ߢࠅߩߎޔㅢࠅᬺ߇ㅴ ߣߪ㒢ࠄߥޕ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ቇᦼᧃߩ⹜㛎㧔70㧑㧕ࠍਛᔃߦߒߡߦࠇߎޔᏨᬺ߳ ߩ⽸₂ᐲ㧔30㧑㧕ࠍෳ⠨ߦߒߡ✚ว⊛ߦ⹏ଔߔࠆޕዏޔᰳ Ꮸߪ 5 ࿁߹ߢߣߔࠆޕ ⧷⺆ࡆࠫࡀࠬࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ㧔Ἣ㧟㧕 ⧷⺆ࡆࠫࡀࠬࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦΣb㧔Ἣ㧟㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ᶏ⠧ᴛ ㆐㇢ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ⧷ޟᢥ⚻ᷣ⸥ߩ⺒ߺᣇߡߒߦࡑ࠹ࠍޠᬺࠍㅴߡ ߈ߚޕ࿖㓙ൻᤨઍߦߞߡޔᄖ࿖߆ࠄߩ⚻ᷣᖱႎࠍ⚛ ᣧߊ߽߆ߒޔᱜ⏕ߦᓧࠆߎߣߪᭂߡ㊀ⷐߥߎߣߢࠆޕ ߒ߆ߒޔTOEIC ߢ 900 ὐࠍขᓧߒߡ߽⧷ޔᢥߩ⚻ᷣᖱႎ ࠍ⧷ሼᣂ⡞㔀ࠗࡦ࠲ࡀ࠶࠻╬ߢ⺒ߺߎߥߔ⧷⺆ജ ߪ߶ߣࠎߤߥߩ߇⁁ߣ⸒ߞߡࠃߢߒࠂ߁⧷ޕᢥ⚻ᷣ ⸥ࠍࠆ⒟ᐲ⺒ߚࠄߤࠎߥߦ⚛᥍ࠄߒߎߣߢߒࠂ߁ޕ ᧄ⻠⟵ߢߪ⧷ޟޔᢥ⚻ᷣ⸥ߦޠ㚔ᨴߺߩߥߩߊోޔೋ ᔃ⠪ߢࠆ⧷⺆ቇ⑼ߩቇ↢ߦߢ⺆⧷ޟޔೋᱠ⊛ߥ⚻ᷣ⸥ ࠍ⺒ߺߎߥߔ⢻ജࠍޠ㙃ᚑߔࠆߎߣࠍ⋡ᮡߣߒޔಽ߆ࠅ߿ ߔߊޔᜰዉߒߡ߈߹ߔޕ ౕ⊛ߦ⻠⟵ࠍ⺑ߒ߹ߔᦨޕೋߪޔᣣᧄߢ⊒ⴕߐࠇߡ ࠆ⧷ሼᣂ⡞ߩ࿖ౝߩ⚻ᷣ⸥ࠍਛᔃߣߒߡၮᧄ⊛ߥീᒝ ࠍߒߡ߈߹ߔޕᓟඨߪޟޔ࿖㓙⚻ᷣࠍࠍޠ߃ߡ⚻ᷣ⸥ ో⥸ߦߟߡᧄᩰ⊛ߦീᒝߒߡ߈߹ߔޕหᤨߦ߃ޔ ߫ޟޔ㜞ߥߩߦߗߥޔේᴤ✎⧎ዊ㤈ᄢ⼺ࠦࡅ ⼺ߣ⸒ߞߚᄖ࿖߆ࠄߩャຠ߇୯߇ࠅߔࠆߩߢߒࠂ ߁߆ߪߦࠇߘޕޠℂ↱߇ࠆߩߢߔ߁߁ߎޕീ႐߽ߒߡ ߈߹ߔޕ᳓ᦐ 3 㒢ߩ⧷⺆ࡆࠫࡀࠬࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ ࠍหᤨߦጁୃߔࠆߣޔඨᦼߢ 1 ᐕಽߩ⧷⺆ࡆࠫࡀࠬࠦࡒ ࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ߇ീᒝߢ߈ࠆࠃ߁ߦᎿᄦߚߒ߹ߒߚޕ 㧝㧚⻠⟵ߩ⺑ 2㧚⧷ޟሼᣂ⡞ߩ․ᓽߦߟߡ㧔㧝㧕ޠ 3㧚⧷ޟሼᣂ⡞ߩ․ᓽߦߟߡ㧔㧞㧕ޠ 4㧚ޟHeadline ߩ⺒ߺᣇታ〣✵⠌㧔㧝㧕ޠ 5㧚ޟHeadline ߩ⺒ߺᣇታ〣✵⠌㧔㧞㧕ޠ 6㧚ޟLead ߩ⺒ߺᣇታ〣✵⠌㧔㧝㧕ޠ 7㧚ޟLead ߩ⺒ߺᣇታ〣✵⠌㧔㧞㧕ޠ 8㧚ޟLead ߩ⺒ߺᣇታ〣✵⠌㧔㧟㧕ޠ 9㧚ޟLead ߩ⺒ߺᣇታ〣✵⠌㧔㧠㧕ޠ 10㧚ᧄޟᩰ⊛ߥ⚻ᷣ⸥ߩ⺒ߺᣇታ〣✵⠌㧔㧝㧕ޠ 11㧚ᧄޟᩰ⊛ߥ⚻ᷣ⸥ߩ⺒ߺᣇታ〣✵⠌㧔㧞㧕ޠ 12㧚ޟ࿖㓙⚻ᷣ⸥ߩ⺒ߺᣇታ〣✵⠌㧔㧝㧕ޠ 13㧚ޟ࿖㓙⚻ᷣ⸥ߩ⺒ߺᣇታ〣✵⠌㧔㧞㧕ޠ 14㧚ޟ࿖㓙⚻ᷣ⸥ߩ⺒ߺᣇታ〣✵⠌㧔㧟㧕ޠ 15㧚߹ߣ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࡊࡦ࠻↪ ቇᦼᧃߩ⹜㛎㧔70㧑㧕ࠍਛᔃߦߒߡߦࠇߎޔᏨᬺ߳ ߩ⽸₂ᐲ㧔30㧑㧕ࠍෳ⠨ߦߒߡ✚ว⊛ߦ⹏ଔߔࠆޕዏޔᰳ Ꮸߪ 5 ࿁߹ߢߣߔࠆޕ 㓐ᤨޔᬺਛߦ⚻ᷣ↪⺆╬ߦߟߡಽ߆ࠅ߿ߔߊ⸃⺑ ⺑ߒߡ߈߹ߔޕዏޔᬺ⸘↹ߪᄢߩ⋡ߢࠅߎޔ ߩㅢࠅᬺ߇ㅴߣߪ㒢ࠄߥޕ 192 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ࡆࠫࡀࠬࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ㧔᳓㧟㧕 ⧷⺆ࡆࠫࡀࠬࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦΣa㧔᳓㧟㧕 ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᜂᒰ⠪ ᶏ⠧ᴛ ㆐㇢ ᬺ⸘↹ ⧷ޟᢥ⚻ᷣ⸥ߩ⺒ߺᣇߡߒߦࡑ࠹ࠍޠᬺࠍㅴߡ ߈ߚޕ࿖㓙ൻᤨઍߦߞߡޔᄖ࿖߆ࠄߩ⚻ᷣᖱႎࠍ⚛ᣧߊޔ ߒ߆߽ᱜ⏕ߦᓧࠆߎߣߪᭂߡ㊀ⷐߥߎߣߢࠆޔߒ߆ߒޕ TOEIC ߢ 900 ὐࠍขᓧߒߡ߽⧷ޔᢥߩ⚻ᷣᖱႎࠍ⧷ሼᣂ⡞ 㔀ࠗࡦ࠲ࡀ࠶࠻╬ߢ⺒ߺߎߥߔ⧷⺆ജߪ߶ߣࠎߤߥߩ ߇⁁ߣ⸒ߞߡࠃߢߒࠂ߁⧷ޕᢥ⚻ᷣ⸥ࠍࠆ⒟ᐲ⺒ߚ ᧄ⻠⟵ߢߪޔ ⧷ޟᢥ⚻ᷣ ࠄߤࠎߥߦ⚛᥍ࠄߒߎߣߢߒࠂ߁ᧄޕ ⸥ߦޠ㚔ᨴߺߩߥߩߊోޔೋᔃ⠪ߢࠆ⧷⺆ቇ⑼ߩቇ↢ ߦޔ ߢ⺆⧷ޟೋᱠ⊛ߥ⚻ᷣ⸥ࠍ⺒ߺߎߥߔ⢻ജࠍޠ㙃ᚑߔࠆ ߎߣࠍ⋡ᮡߣߒޔಽ߆ࠅ߿ߔߊޔᜰዉߒߡ߈߹ߔޕ ౕ⊛ߦ⻠⟵ࠍ⺑ߒ߹ߔᦨޕೋߪޔᣣᧄߢ⊒ⴕߐࠇߡࠆ ⧷ሼᣂ⡞ߩ࿖ౝߩ⚻ᷣ⸥ࠍਛᔃߣߒߡၮᧄ⊛ߥീᒝࠍߒߡ ߈߹ߔޕᓟඨߪޟޔ࿖㓙⚻ᷣࠍࠍޠ߃ߡ⚻ᷣ⸥ో⥸ߦߟ ޟ㜞ߥߩ ߡᧄᩰ⊛ߦീᒝߒߡ߈߹ߔޕหᤨߦޔ߫߃ޔ ߦߗߥޔේᴤ✎⧎ዊ㤈ᄢ⼺ࠦࡅ⼺ߣ⸒ߞߚᄖ࿖ ߆ࠄߩャຠ߇୯߇ࠅߔࠆߩߢߒࠂ߁߆ߪߦࠇߘޕޠℂ↱߇ ࠆߩߢߔ߁߁ߎޕീ႐߽ߒߡ߈߹ߔޕἫᦐ 3 㒢ߩ⧷⺆ ࡆࠫࡀࠬࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦࠍหᤨߦጁୃߔࠆߣޔඨᦼߢ 1 ᐕಽߩ⧷⺆ࡆࠫࡀࠬࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ߇ീᒝߢ߈ࠆࠃ߁ ߦᎿᄦߚߒ߹ߒߚޔߚ߹ޕㅢᐕߢ߽ห᭽ߩീᒝ߇ߢ߈߹ߔޕ 1㧚⻠⟵ߩ⺑ 2㧚⧷ޟሼᣂ⡞ߩ․ᓽߦߟߡ㧔㧝㧕ޠ 3㧚⧷ޟሼᣂ⡞ߩ․ᓽߦߟߡ㧔㧞㧕ޠ 4㧚ޟHeadline ߩ⺒ߺᣇታ〣✵⠌㧔㧝㧕ޠ 5㧚ޟHeadline ߩ⺒ߺᣇታ〣✵⠌㧔㧞㧕ޠ 6㧚ޟLead ߩ⺒ߺᣇታ〣✵⠌㧔㧝㧕ޠ 7㧚ޟLead ߩ⺒ߺᣇታ〣✵⠌㧔㧞㧕ޠ 8㧚ޟLead ߩ⺒ߺᣇታ〣✵⠌㧔㧟㧕ޠ 9㧚ޟLead ߩ⺒ߺᣇታ〣✵⠌㧔㧠㧕ޠ 10㧚ᧄޟᩰ⊛ߥ⚻ᷣ⸥ߩ⺒ߺᣇታ〣✵⠌㧔㧝㧕ޠ 11㧚ᧄޟᩰ⊛ߥ⚻ᷣ⸥ߩ⺒ߺᣇታ〣✵⠌㧔㧞㧕ޠ 12㧚ޟ࿖㓙⚻ᷣ⸥ߩ⺒ߺᣇታ〣✵⠌㧔㧝㧕ޠ 13㧚ޟ࿖㓙⚻ᷣ⸥ߩ⺒ߺᣇታ〣✵⠌㧔㧞㧕ޠ 14㧚ޟ࿖㓙⚻ᷣ⸥ߩ⺒ߺᣇታ〣✵⠌㧔㧟㧕ޠ 15㧚߹ߣ 㓐ᤨޔᬺਛߦ⚻ᷣ↪⺆╬ߦߟߡಽ߆ࠅ߿ߔߊ⸃⺑ ⺑ߒߡ߈߹ߔޕዏޔᬺ⸘↹ߪᄢߩ⋡ߢࠅߎޔ ߩㅢࠅᬺ߇ㅴߣߪ㒢ࠄߥޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࡊࡦ࠻↪ ቇᦼᧃߩ⹜㛎㧔70㧑㧕ࠍਛᔃߦߒߡߦࠇߎޔᏨᬺ߳ ߩ⽸₂ᐲ㧔30㧑㧕ࠍෳ⠨ߦߒߡ✚ว⊛ߦ⹏ଔߔࠆޕዏޔᰳ Ꮸߪ 5 ࿁߹ߢߣߔࠆޕ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ࡆࠫࡀࠬࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ㧔᳓㧟㧕 ⧷⺆ࡆࠫࡀࠬࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦΣb㧔᳓㧟㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ᶏ⠧ᴛ ㆐㇢ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ࿖㓙ൻᤨઍߦߞߡ⇣ޔᢥൻ⻉࿖ߣߩࡆࠫࡀࠬࠦࡒࡘ ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦࠍṖߦߒޔ࿖㓙ࡆࠫࡀࠬࠍᚑഞߐߖ⸃⺋ޔ ߆ࠄ↢ߕࠆᡂࠍߎߐߖߥߚߩᚻᲑߣߒߡޔ࿖㓙⺆ ߣߒߡߩ⧷⺆ߩ㊀ⷐᕈߪᭂߡ㜞ޔߒ߆ߒޕቇ↢ߩᄢඨ ߇ᄢቇࠍතᬺߒߡ߽◲නߥ⧷ᢥ࠲㧔ࡔ࡞㧕ߐ߃ᦠߌ ߥߩ߇⁁ߢࠆ◲ޕනߥࡆࠫࡀࠬ࠲߿ࡔ࡞ࠍ⧷ ⺆ߢᦠߌߚࠄߤࠎߥߦ⚛᥍ࠄߒߎߣߢߒࠂ߁ࡆ⺆⧷ޟޕ ࠫࡀࠬࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ⺆⧷ޟޔߦ߁ࠃࠆߣޠ㧗ࡆ ࠫࡀࠬ㧗ࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦߩޠਃߟߩቇࠍหᤨߦⴕ߁ ᅏߩᷓቇߢߔߦ⺆⧷ࠬࡀࠫࡆޕ㚔ᨴߺߩߥೋᔃ⠪ߦ ⧷ᢥ Business Writing ߩၮᧄࠍಽ߆ࠅ߿ߔߊ⸃⺑ߒޔᜰ ዉߒߡ߈߹ߔޕ ౕ⊛ߦ⻠⟵ࠍ⺑ߒ߹ߔ⧷ߪߢ⟵⻠ᧄޕᢥ⾏ᤃㅢାߩ ၮᧄࠍ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ࠍ↪ߒߡޔขᒁ㑐ଥߩ᮸┙߆ࠄᚑ┙ጁ ⴕ᳞ఘ⸃߹ߢࠍ⻠⟵ߒޔၮᧄ⊛ߥࡆࠫࡀࠬ࠲ߩ ᦠ߈ᣇࠍᜰዉߔࠆޔߚ߹ޕዞ⡯ᵴേߦᔅⷐߥ⧷ᢥጁᱧᦠߣ ࠞࡃ࠲ߩᦠ߈ᣇࠍಽ߆ࠅ߿ߔߊ⻠⟵ߚߒ߹ߔޕ Ἣᦐ 3 㒢ߩ⧷⺆ࡆࠫࡀࠬࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦࠍหᤨߦ ጁୃߔࠆߣޔඨᦼߢ 1 ᐕಽߩ⧷⺆ࡆࠫࡀࠬࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ ࡚ࠪࡦ߇ീᒝߢ߈ࠆࠃ߁ߦᎿᄦߚߒ߹ߒߚޔߚ߹ޕㅢᐕ ߢ߽ห᭽ߩീᒝ߇ߢ߈߹ߔߦ✜৻ޕീᒝߒ߹ߒࠂ߁ޕ 㧝.⻠⟵ߩ⺑ 㧞.ࡆࠫࡀࠬ࠲ߩᒻᑼ㧔ߩ࠲ࠬࡀࠫࡆޟ᭴ᚑⷐ⚛ޠ㧕 㧟.ࡆࠫࡀࠬ࠲ߩᒻᑼ㧔࡞ࠗ࠲ࠬޟฏ⺒ὐ✵ߣޠ⠌ 㗴㧕 㧠.ലᨐ⊛ߥࡆࠫࡀࠬ࠲ߩᦠ߈ᣇ㧔ߐߔ߿ߺ⺒ޟ⍎ ᕈ◲ẖߐౕᕈ”You” Attitude␞ᱜߒߐޠ㧕 㧡.ലᨐ⊛ߥࡆࠫࡀࠬ࠲ߩᦠ߈ᣇ㧔ޟߩߥ⸒⪲ߩ ↪⢻േᘒⓍᭂᕈPersonal Touch✵ߣޠ⠌㗴㧕 㧢.ࠃߊ↪ߐࠇࠆ㧔ߘߩ㧝̆ޟขᒁߩ↳ㄟߺޠ㧕 㧣.ࠃߊ↪ߐࠇࠆ㧔ߘߩ㧞̆ޟᒁวޠ㧕 㧤.ࠃߊ↪ߐࠇࠆ㧔ߘߩ㧟̆ޠࠔࡈࠝޟ㧕 㧥.ࠃߊ↪ߐࠇࠆ㧔ߘߩ㧠̆ޟା↪⁁ޠ㧕 㧝㧜㧚ࠃߊ↪ߐࠇࠆ㧔ߘߩ㧡̆ޟⓍߒޠ㧕 㧝㧝. ࠃߊ↪ߐࠇࠆ㧔ߘߩ㧢̆ޠࡓࠢޟ㧕 㧝㧞. ⧷ᢥ Business Writing ታ〣✵⠌㗴㧔ߘߩ㧝㧕 㧝㧟. ⧷ᢥ Business Writing ታ〣✵⠌㗴㧔ߘߩ㧞㧕 㧝㧠. ⧷ᢥጁᱧᦠߣ⧷ᢥࠞࡃ࠲ߩᦠ߈ᣇ 㧝㧡㧚߹ߣ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ᶏ⠧ᴛ㆐㇢⪺ޡBUSINESS WRITING ࠲㐷ޢ㧔㊄ᤊၴޔ2007 ᐕ㧕 ⧷ᢥࡆࠫࡀࠬ ዏޔᬺ⸘↹ߪᄢߩ⋡ߢࠅߩߎޔㅢࠅᬺ߇ㅴ ߣߪ㒢ࠄߥޕ ቇᦼᧃߩ⹜㛎㧔70㧑㧕ࠍਛᔃߦߒߡߦࠇߎޔᏨᬺ߳ ߩ⽸₂ᐲ㧔30㧑㧕ࠍෳ⠨ߦߒߡ✚ว⊛ߦ⹏ଔߔࠆޕዏޔᰳ Ꮸߪ 5 ࿁߹ߢߣߔࠆޕ 193 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ࡆࠫࡀࠬࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ㧔ᧁ㧟㧕 ⧷⺆ࡆࠫࡀࠬࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦΣa㧔ᧁ㧟㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ᧖ጊ ᥍ା ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ᤨ♽⊛ߥ⾏ᤃขᒁߩᵹࠇߦᴪߞߡޔฦขᒁᲑ㓏ߦ߅ߌ ࠆ⧷⺆ߩࡆࠫࡀࠬㅢାᢥ㧔Business Correspondence㧕 ࠍ⺒⸃ߒᚑߔࠆᛛⴚࠍりߦߟߌࠆߣߣ߽ߦ⾏ޔᤃታോߦ 㑐ߔࠆၮ␆⍮⼂ࠍᐢߊ⠌ᓧߔࠆߎߣ߇ߨࠄߢߔޕ ౕ⊛ߦߪ⾏ޔߕ߹ޔᤃขᒁߩᲑ㓏ߏߣߦ㧔ฝ⸥ෳᾖ㧕ޔ ਅ⸥ߩ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߦ㍳ߐࠇߡࠆࡆࠫࡀࠬㅢାᢥߩౝኈ ࠍ⚦ߦᬌ⸛ߒ߹ߔߩࠇߙࠇߘޔߦࠄߐޕනర (ᤐቇᦼߪ Unit1~12) ߦ߅ߌࠆታോ⍮⼂ޔㅢାᢥߩࠬࠤ࡞࠻ࡦࡊ ࡦ (skeleton plan)߮ࠃ߅ޔኾ㐷⺆ᒵ(technical terms) ࠍቇ߱ߣߣ߽ߦޔㅢାᢥߩ⺒⸃ (⧷ᢥ⸶)ߣᚑ (ᢥ⧷ ⸶) ߩ⸠✵ࠍⴕ߹ߔޔߚ߹ޕᲤ㧝࿁㧔ᤐቇᦼߪ㧡ޔ 㧢ޔ7 ߩᦨೋߩᬺᤨߩ੍ቯ㧕ࠍ࠻ࠬࠠ࠹ޔ㗴▸࿐ ߣߔࠆ⺆ᒵജ⸻ᢿ࠹ࠬ࠻ (vocabulary check) ࠍታᣉߒ߹ ߔߩߢޔጁୃ⠪ߪᢎቶᄖߢ⥄ਥ⊛ߦ⺆ᒵജჇᒝߦദߥߌ ࠇ߫ߥࠅ߹ߖࠎޕ ߥ߅ޔฝ⸥ߩᬺ⸘↹ߪޔᬺߩㅴ⁁ᴫߦࠃߞߡᄙዋ ߩᄌᦝ߇ࠆ߆߽ߒࠇ߹ߖࠎޕ ᧁᦐᣣ 3 ᤨ㒢ߩᬺߩ߽ߩߢ 㧖ᵈᗧ㧦 ߎߩࠪࡃࠬߪᧁ ߔ᧖ޕጊᜂᒰߩ߽߁ 1 ߟߩห৻ฬ⒓⑼⋡ߣߪౝኈ ߇⇣ߥࠅ߹ߔޕ 1. ᤐቇᦼߩᬺౝኈߣᬺ⸘↹ࠍߒߊ⺑ߒ߹ߔޕ 2. ࡆࠫࡀࠬࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦߩᔨޔ⊛⋡ޔᢥ ߩ․ᓽޔኾ㐷⺆ᒵߥߤߦߟߡߒߊ⺑ߒ߹ߔޕ 3. 㨬Ꮢᴫ㨭ߩታോ⍮⼂ߣㅢାᢥߩ⺒⸃ᚑ 4. ޟขᒁవߩ⊒ߩޠታോ⍮⼂ߣㅢାᢥߩ⺒⸃ᚑ 㧔╙㧝࿁⺆ᒵജ⸻ᢿ࠹ࠬ࠻ࠍታᣉߒ߹ߔ㧕 5. ޟขᒁߩ↳ㄟߺߩޠታോ⍮⼂ߣㅢାᢥߩ⺒⸃ᚑ 6. ޟା↪ᾖળߩޠታോ⍮⼂ߣㅢାᢥߩ⺒⸃ᚑ 7. ޟᒁวߩޠታോ⍮⼂ߣㅢାᢥߩ⺒⸃ᚑ 8. ޟᒁวߦኻߔࠆߩޠታോ⍮⼂ߣㅢାᢥߩ⺒⸃ ᚑ 㧔╙㧞࿁⺆ᒵജ⸻ᢿ࠹ࠬ࠻ࠍታᣉߒ߹ߔ㧕 9. ߩޠࠔࡈࠝޟታോ⍮⼂ߣㅢାᢥߩ⺒⸃ᚑ 10. ߩޠࠔࡈࠝ࠲ࡦ࠙ࠞޟታോ⍮⼂ߣㅢାᢥߩ⺒⸃ ᚑ 11. ޟᵈᢥߩޠታോ⍮⼂ߣㅢାᢥߩ⺒⸃ᚑ 12. ޟᵈᢥߩฃ⻌ߩޠታോ⍮⼂ߣㅢାᢥߩ⺒⸃ᚑ 㧔╙㧟࿁⺆ᒵജ⸻ᢿ࠹ࠬ࠻ࠍታᣉߒ߹ߔ㧕 13. ޟᵈᢥߩ⻢⛘ߩޠታോ⍮⼂ߣㅢାᢥߩ⺒⸃ᚑ 14. ޟᚑ⚂ߩޠታോ⍮⼂ߣㅢାᢥߩ⺒⸃ᚑ 15. ᤐቇᦼߩᬺߩ✚ᓳ⠌ࠍⴕ߹ߔޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ (࠹ࠠࠬ࠻) ᧖ጊ᥍ା⧷ޡᢥࡆࠫࡀࠬㅢାታ〣Ṷ⠌㧞㧝⻠ޢ 㧔ਃᕺ ␠ޔ2007 ᐕ㧕߅ࠃ߮㈩Ꮣࡊࡦ࠻ 㧔ෳ⠨ᦠ㧕 ᧖ጊ᥍ା⾏ޡᤃታോߩ⧷⺆ ࡆࠫࡀࠬ⧷ᢥࡔ࡞ ࡄࡈࠚࠢ࠻ࡉ࠶ࠢޢ㧔ߔ߫ࠆ⥢ޔ2009 ᐕ㧕 Ꮸ⁁ᴫޔᬺ⽸₂ᐲ⺆ޔᒵജ⸻ᢿ࠹ࠬ࠻ߩᓧὐߥߤޔᐔ Ᏹὐࠍ╙৻ߩዤᐲߣߒޔቯᦼ⹜㛎ߩ⚿ᨐࠍടߒߡቯߒ ߹ߔޕ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ࡆࠫࡀࠬࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ㧔ᧁ㧟㧕 ⧷⺆ࡆࠫࡀࠬࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦΣb㧔ᧁ㧟㧕 ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᜂᒰ⠪ ᧖ጊ ᥍ା ᬺ⸘↹ 1. ⑺ቇᦼߩᬺౝኈߣᬺ⸘↹ࠍߒߊ⺑ߒ߹ߔޕ 2. ࡆࠫࡀࠬࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦߩᔨޔ⊛⋡ޔᢥ ߩ․ᓽޔኾ㐷⺆ᒵߥߤߦߟߡߒߊ⺑ߒ߹ߔޕ 3. ޟା↪⁁ߩ㐿⸳ߣ⸓ᱜߩޠታോ⍮⼂ߣㅢାᢥߩ⺒⸃ ᚑ 4. ޟᶏ㒾ߩޠታോ⍮⼂ߣㅢାᢥߩ⺒⸃ᚑ 㧔╙㧠࿁⺆ᒵജ⸻ᢿ࠹ࠬ࠻ࠍታᣉߒ߹ߔ㧕 5. ޟャᚻ㈩ߩޠታോ⍮⼂ߣㅢାᢥߩ⺒⸃ᚑ 6. ⦁ޟⓍߺߩޠታോ⍮⼂ߣㅢାᢥߩ⺒⸃ᚑ 7. ޟャᚻ㈩ߩޠታോ⍮⼂ߣㅢାᢥߩ⺒⸃ᚑ 8. ޟᷣߩޠታോ⍮⼂ߣㅢାᢥߩ⺒⸃ᚑ 㧔╙㧡࿁⺆ᒵജ⸻ᢿ࠹ࠬ࠻ࠍታᣉߒ߹ߔ㧕 9. ߩޠࡓࠢޟታോ⍮⼂ߣㅢାᢥߩ⺒⸃ᚑ 10. ⺞ࡓࠢޟᢛߩޠታോ⍮⼂ߣㅢାᢥߩ⺒⸃ᚑ 11. ޟળ␠␠ᢥޠ㧔ផ⮈⁁㧕ߩ⺒⸃ᚑ 12. ޟળ␠␠ᢥޠ㧔᩺ౝ⁁㧕ߩ⺒⸃ᚑ 㧔╙㧢࿁⺆ᒵജ⸻ᢿ࠹ࠬ࠻ࠍታᣉߒ߹ߔ㧕 13. ޟળ␠␠ᢥޠ㧔␞⁁㧕ߩ⺒⸃ᚑ 㧖ᵈᗧ㧦 ߎߩࠪࡃࠬߪᧁ ᧁᦐᣣ 3 ᤨ㒢ߩᬺߩ߽ߩߢߔ ޕ14. ޟળ␠␠ᢥޠ㧔⥰⁁㧕ߩ⺒⸃ᚑ ᧖ጊᜂᒰߩ߽߁ 1 ߟߩห৻ฬ⒓⑼⋡ߣߪౝኈ߇⇣ 15. ⑺ቇᦼߩ✚ᓳ⠌ࠍⴕ߹ߔޕ ߥࠅ߹ߔޕ ᤨ♽⊛ߥ⾏ᤃขᒁߩᵹࠇߦᴪߞߡޔฦขᒁᲑ㓏ߦ߅ߌ ࠆ⧷⺆ߩࡆࠫࡀࠬㅢାᢥ㧔Business Correspondence㧕 ࠍ⺒⸃ߒᚑߔࠆᛛⴚࠍりߦߟߌࠆߣߣ߽ߦ⾏ޔᤃታോߦ 㑐ߔࠆၮ␆⍮⼂ࠍᐢߊ⠌ᓧߔࠆߎߣ߇ߨࠄߢߔޕ ౕ⊛ߦߪ⾏ޔߕ߹ޔᤃขᒁߩᲑ㓏ߏߣߦ㧔ฝ⸥ෳᾖ㧕ޔ ਅ⸥ߩ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߦ㍳ߐࠇߡࠆࡆࠫࡀࠬㅢାᢥߩౝኈ ࠍ⚦ߦᬌ⸛ߒ߹ߔߩࠇߙࠇߘޔߦࠄߐޕනర (⑺ቇᦼߪ Unit13~21) ߦ߅ߌࠆታോ⍮⼂ޔㅢାᢥߩࠬࠤ࡞࠻ࡦࡊ ࡦ(skeleton plan)߮ࠃ߅ޔኾ㐷⺆ᒵ (technical terms) ࠍቇ߱ߣߣ߽ߦޔㅢାᢥߩ⺒⸃ (⧷ᢥ⸶)ߣᚑ (ᢥ⧷ ⸶) ߩ⸠✵ࠍⴕ߹ߔޔߚ߹ޕᲤ㧝࿁㧔⑺ቇᦼߪ 10 ޔ 11 ޔ12 ߩᦨೋߩᬺᤨߩ੍ቯ㧕ࠍ࠻ࠬࠠ࠹ޔ㗴▸࿐ ߣߔࠆ⺆ᒵജ⸻ᢿ࠹ࠬ࠻ (vocabulary check) ࠍታᣉߒ߹ ߔߩߢޔጁୃ⠪ߪᢎቶᄖߢ⥄ਥ⊛ߦ⺆ᒵജჇᒝߦദߥߌ ࠇ߫ߥࠅ߹ߖࠎޕ ߥ߅ޔฝ⸥ߩᬺ⸘↹ߪޔᬺߩㅴ⁁ᴫߦࠃߞߡᄙዋ ߩᄌᦝ߇ࠆ߆߽ߒࠇ߹ߖࠎޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ (࠹ࠠࠬ࠻) ᧖ጊ᥍ା⧷ޡᢥࡆࠫࡀࠬㅢାታ〣Ṷ⠌㧞㧝⻠ޢ 㧔ਃᕺ ␠ޔ2007 ᐕ㧕߅ࠃ߮㈩Ꮣࡊࡦ࠻ 㧔ෳ⠨ᦠ㧕 ᧖ጊ᥍ା⾏ޡᤃታോߩ⧷⺆ ࡆࠫࡀࠬ⧷ᢥࡔ࡞ ࡄࡈࠚࠢ࠻ࡉ࠶ࠢޢ㧔ߔ߫ࠆ⥢ޔ2009 ᐕ㧕 Ꮸ⁁ᴫޔᬺ⽸₂ᐲ⺆ޔᒵജ⸻ᢿ࠹ࠬ࠻ߩᓧὐߥߤޔᐔ Ᏹὐࠍ╙৻ߩዤᐲߣߒޔቯᦼ⹜㛎ߩ⚿ᨐࠍടߒߡቯߒ ߹ߔޕ 194 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ࡆࠫࡀࠬࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ㧔ᧁ㧠㧕 ⧷⺆ࡆࠫࡀࠬࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦΣa㧔ᧁ㧠㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ᧖ጊ ᥍ା ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ࿖㓙ขᒁ⾏ߦ․ޔᤃขᒁࠍቇ߱ߚߦᔅⷐߥߎߣߪޔ ┵⊛ߦ⸒ߞߡߩޠࡒࠞࡀࠞࡁࡕޟޔᵹࠇࠍℂ⸃ߔࠆߎ ߣߦዧ߈߹ߔߩߎޕᬺߢߪߥߔޔޠࡒࠞޟߩߜ߁ߩߎޔ ࠊߜฦ⒳ߩ⧷⺆ߦࠃࠆ⾏ᤃ㑐ଥᦠ㘃߮ࠃ߅ޔ㑐ㅪߔࠆ⧷ᢥ ࡆࠫࡀࠬᢥᦠ(Business Documents) ߩ⺒⸃ߣᚑߩⷐ 㗔ࠍቇ߮ߥ߇ࠄ⾏ޔᤃታോߩၮ␆⍮⼂ࠍ⠌ᓧߒ߹ߔޕ ౕ⊛ߦߪޔᎿᬺຠ ߩャࠍᗐቯߒߡ⾏ޔᤃขᒁ ߩฦᲑ㓏ߦ⊓႐ߔࠆઍ⊛ߥ⾏ᤃ㑐ଥᦠ㘃ߣ㑐ㅪᢥᦠߩ ࠨࡦࡊ࡞ࠍᢎ᧚ߦ↪ߡޔฦᦠߩޘ㘃ߩᗧ⟵ߣ⋡⊛ޔᚑ ⠪ߣឭవ⸥ޔタ㗄ߣ⸃⺒ޔᚑߩᵈᗧὐߥߤᦠޔ㘃ߦ 㑐ߔࠆታോ⊛ߥ⍮⼂ࠍቇ߮ߥ߇ࠄ⾏ᤃขᒁߩᵹࠇࠍℂ⸃ ߒߩߘޔᓟߢᒰᦠ㘃ࠍታ㓙ߦ⺒⸃ࠆߪᚑߔࠆታ⠌ ࠍⴕ߹ߔޕᤐቇᦼߪޔᚑ⚂ߦߚࠆ߹ߢߩᲑ㓏ߦ⊓႐ߔ ࠆઍ⊛ߥࡆࠫࡀࠬᢥᦠߣߒߡࡦ࠹ࡦࠗࡉࠝ࠲ޔ ࠻ (Letter of Intent㧧LOI) ࠻࠶ࡐࠬޔᄁ⾈ᄾ⚂(One-shot Sales Contract) ߩ㕙⚂᱅ߣⵣ㕙⚂᱅ޔ㐳ᦼᄁ⾈ᄾ⚂ᦠ (Long-term Sales Contract) ޔข ᛒ ⺑ ᦠ (Instruction Manual) ߥߤࠍᛒ߹ߔޕ ߥ߅ޔฝ⸥ߩᬺ⸘↹ߪޔᬺߩㅴ⁁ᴫߦࠃߞߡᄙዋ ߩᄌᦝ߇ࠆ߆߽ߒࠇ߹ߖࠎޕ 㧖ᵈᗧ㧦ߎߩࠪࡃࠬߪᧁ ᧁᦐᣣ㧠ᤨ㒢ߩᬺߩ߽ߩߢߔޕ 1. ᤐቇᦼߩᬺౝኈᬺ⸘↹ࠍߒߊ⺑ߒ߹ߔޕ 2. LOI ߩᗧ⟵ߣ⋡⊛߿ᚑߩᵈᗧὐߦߟߡ⺑ߒ, ታ㓙ߩࠨࡦࡊ࡞ࠍᬌ⸛ߒ߹ߔޕ 3. ห 4. LOI ᚑߩታ⠌ࠍⴕ߹ߔޕ 5. ห 6. ࠬࡐ࠶࠻ᄁ⾈ᄾ⚂ᦠߩ⋡⊛߿ᚑߩᵈᗧὐߦߟߡ ⺑ߒޔታ㓙ߩޟ㕙⚂᱅ࠍ࡞ࡊࡦࠨߩޠᬌ⸛ߒ߹ߔޕ 7. ࠬࡐ࠶࠻ᄁ⾈ᄾ⚂ᦠߩⵣޟ㕙⚂᱅⥸৻ޟߜࠊߥߔޔޠข ᒁ᧦ઙ߿⊛⋡ߩޠᚑߩᵈᗧὐߦߟߡ⺑ߒޔታ 㓙ߩࠨࡦࡊ࡞ࠍㅙ᧦⊛ߦᬌ⸛ߒ߹ߔޕ 8. ห 9. 㐳ᦼᄁ⾈ᄾ⚂ᦠߦߟߡ⺑ߒޔታ㓙ߩࠨࡦࡊ࡞ࠍޟታ ⾰᧦㗄ࠍޠਛᔃߦᬌ⸛ߒ߹ߔޕ 10. ห 11. ㅧ‛⽿છ (Product Liability) ߩⷰὐ߆ࠄ⧷ޔᢥขᛒ ⺑ᦠᚑߩᵈᗧὐߦߟߡߒߊ⺑ߒ߹ߔޕ 12. ห 13. ̌Plain English̍ߢߩขᛒ⺑ᦠᚑߩᣇ⇛ࠍᬌ⸛ߒ ߹ߔޕ 14. ห 15. ᤐቇᦼߩᬺߩ✚ᓳ⠌ࠍⴕ߹ߔޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ 㧔࠹ࠠࠬ࠻㧕ᒰᣇߢ↪ᗧߔࠆࡊࡦ࠻ 㧔ෳ⠨ᦠ㧕᧖ጊ᥍ା⾏ޡᤃታോߩ⧷⺆ ࡆࠫࡀࠬ⧷ᢥࡔ ࡞ ࡄࡈࠚࠢ࠻ࡉ࠶ࠢޢ㧔ߔ߫ࠆ⥢ޔ2009 ᐕ㧕 Ꮸ⁁ᴫޔᬺ⽸₂ᐲޔឭ‛ߩឭ⁁ᴫߥߤޔᐔᏱὐࠍ ╙৻ߩዤᐲߣߒޔቯᦼ⹜㛎ߩ⚿ᨐࠍടߒߡቯߒ߹ߔޕ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ࡆࠫࡀࠬࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ㧔ᧁ㧠㧕 ⧷⺆ࡆࠫࡀࠬࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦΣb㧔ᧁ㧠㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ᧖ጊ ᥍ା ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ࿖㓙ขᒁ⾏ߦ․ޔᤃขᒁࠍቇ߱ߚߦᔅⷐߥߎߣߪޔ ┵⊛ߦ⸒ߞߡޔ ߩޠࡒࠞࡀࠞࡁࡕޟᵹࠇࠍℂ⸃ߔࠆߎߣ ߦዧ߈߹ߔߩߎޕᬺߢߪߜࠊߥߔޔޠࡒࠞޟߩߜ߁ߩߎޔ ฦ⒳ߩ⧷⺆ߦࠃࠆ⾏ᤃ㑐ଥᦠ㘃߮ࠃ߅ޔ㑐ㅪߔࠆ⧷ᢥࡆࠫ ࡀࠬᢥᦠ(Business Documents) ߩ⺒⸃ߣᚑߩⷐ㗔ࠍ ቇ߮ߥ߇ࠄ⾏ޔᤃታോߩၮ␆⍮⼂ࠍ⠌ᓧߒ߹ߔޕ ౕ⊛ߦߪޔᎿᬺຠߩャࠍᗐቯߒߡ⾏ޔᤃขᒁߩ ฦᲑ㓏ߦ⊓႐ߔࠆઍ⊛ߥ⾏ᤃ㑐ଥᦠ㘃ߣ㑐ㅪᢥᦠߩࠨࡦ ࡊ࡞ࠍᢎ᧚ߦ↪ߡޔฦᦠߩޘ㘃ߩᗧ⟵ߣ⋡⊛ޔᚑ⠪ߣ ឭవ⸥ޔタ㗄ߣ⸃⺒ޔᚑߩᵈᗧὐߥߤᦠޔ㘃ߦ㑐ߔ ࠆታോ⊛ߥ⍮⼂ࠍቇ߮ߥ߇ࠄ⾏ᤃขᒁߩᵹࠇࠍℂ⸃ߒߘޔ ߩᓟߢᒰᦠ㘃ࠍታ㓙ߦ⺒⸃ࠆߪᚑߔࠆታ⠌ࠍⴕ ߹ߔ⑺ޕቇᦼߪޔጁⴕ߅ࠃ߮ᷣߩᲑ㓏ߦ⊓႐ߔࠆઍ⊛ ߥࡆࠫࡀࠬᢥᦠߣߒߡޔᬺㅍࠅ⁁(Commercial Invoice)ޔ ൮ⵝ⚦ᦠ㧔Packing List㧕⸽⩄⦁ޔ㧔Bill of Lading; B/L㧕ޔ 㒾⸽㧔Insurance Policy㧕╬ߩ⦁Ⓧᦠ㘃ޔャ↳๔ᦠߣ ャ(⚊⒢)↳๔ᦠ⩄ޔὑᦧା↪⁁㧔Documentary Letter of Credit; L/C㧕ߥߤࠍᛒ߹ߔޕ ߥ߅ޔฝ⸥ߩᬺ⸘↹ߪޔᬺߩㅴ⁁ᴫߦࠃߞߡᄙዋ ߩᄌᦝ߇ࠆ߆߽ߒࠇ߹ߖࠎޕ 㧖ᵈᗧ㧦ߎߩࠪࡃࠬߪᧁ ᧁᦐᣣ㧠ᤨ㒢ߩᬺߩ߽ߩߢߔޕ 1. ⑺ቇᦼߩᬺౝኈᬺ⸘↹ࠍߒߊ⺑ߒ߹ߔޕ 2. ฦ⒳ߩ⦁Ⓧᦠ㘃(Shipping Documents; S/D)ߩᗧ⟵ߣ ⋡⊛ޔᚑ߹ߚߪ⺒⸃ߩᵈᗧὐ╬ࠍ⺑ߒ߹ߔޕ 3. ᬺㅍࠅ⁁ߣᪿ൮⚦ᦠߩታ㓙ߩࠨࡦࡊ࡞ࠍᬌ⸛ߒ ߹ߔޕ 4. ᬺㅍࠅ⁁ߣᪿ൮⚦ᦠࠍᚑߔࠆታ⠌ࠍⴕ߹ߔޕ 5. ⦁⩄⸽ߣ㒾⸽ߩታ㓙ߩࠨࡦࡊ࡞ࠍᬌ⸛ߒ߹ߔޕ 6. ⦁⩄⸽ߣ㒾⸽ߩ⸥タ㗄ࠍ⺒⸃ߔࠆታ⠌ࠍⴕ ߹ߔޕ 7. ャㅢ㑐߅ࠃ߮ャㅢ㑐ߦߟߡߒߊ⺑ߒ߹ߔޕ 8. ャ↳๔ᦠ㧔Export Declaration; E/D㧕ࠍᚑߔࠆታ ⠌ࠍⴕ߹ߔޕ 9. ห 10. ャ(⚊⒢)↳๔ᦠ㧔Import Declaration; I/D㧕ᚑߔ ࠆታ⠌ࠍⴕ߹ߔޕ 11. ห 12. ⩄ὑᦧା↪⁁ߦࠃࠆᷣߩ⚵ࠍߒߊ⺑ߒ߹ߔޕ 13. ⩄ὑᦧା↪⁁ߩታ㓙ߩࠨࡦࡊ࡞ࠍᬌ⸛ߒޔା↪⁁ߩ⸥ タ㗄ࠍ⺒⸃ߔࠆታ⠌ࠍⴕ߹ߔޕ 14. ห 15 ⑺ቇᦼߩᬺߩ✚ᓳ⠌ࠍⴕ߹ߔޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ 㧔࠹ࠠࠬ࠻㧕ᒰᣇߢ↪ᗧߔࠆࡊࡦ࠻ 㧔ෳ⠨ᦠ㧕᧖ጊ᥍ା⾏ޡᤃታോߩ⧷⺆ ࡆࠫࡀࠬ⧷ᢥࡔ ࡞ ࡄࡈࠚࠢ࠻ࡉ࠶ࠢޢ㧔ߔ߫ࠆ⥢ޔ2009 ᐕ㧕 Ꮸ⁁ᴫޔᬺ⽸₂ᐲޔឭ‛ߩឭ⁁ᴫߥߤޔᐔᏱὐࠍ ╙৻ߦዤᐲߣߒޔቯᦼ⹜㛎ߩ⚿ᨐࠍടߒߡቯߒ߹ߔޕ 195 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ࡆࠫࡀࠬࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ㧔㧝㧕 ⧷⺆ࡆࠫࡀࠬࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦΣa㧔㧝㧕 ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ⋡⊛ ࡆࠫࡀࠬ⧷⺆ߣ߁⧷⺆ߪߥߩࠬࡀࠫࡆޔߪⷐޕ႐ߢ ࠊࠇࠆ⧷⺆㧔English for business㧕ߢࠆޕડᬺߦൕോ ߒߡ∩ޔᗵߔࠆߎߣߪᐔဋ⊛ߥ⧷⺆ജߩਇ⿷ߢޔᄙᔔߥᬺ ോࠍㅢߓߡ⧷⺆ജિ߫ߔߣ⸒߁ߎߣߪ߈ࠊߡ࿎㔍ߢ ࠆ⺆⧷ޔࠅߪ߿ޕജߩၮᧄߪᄢቇᤨઍߦቇ߱ᔅⷐ߇ࠆޕ ߎߩࠦࠬߪޔၮᧄ⊛ߦ⧷⺆ജࠍߟߌࠆߎߣࠍࡔࠗࡦߦ ߒᦨޔૐ㒢ᐲߩታോߩౝኈࠍขࠅߍࠆ⑼⋡ߢࠆࠫࡆޕ ࡀࠬߦ㑐ߒߡ߽⥄ޔਥ⊛ߦ⥝ࠍᜬߜޔขࠅ⚵ࠎߢ߽ࠄ߁ ᆫ߇᳞ࠄࠇࠆޕ ᬺ⸘↹ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ᜂᒰ⠪ ା ㆐㇢ ਅ⸥ߩᬺ⸘↹ߪߊ߹ߢᥳቯ⊛ߥ߽ߩߢㅴⴕ⁁ᴫߦࠃ ࠅᄌᦝߔࠆߎߣ߇ࠆޕ 1 ࡆࠫࡀࠬ⧷⺆ߩ․ᓽ 2 ࡊࡦ࠻Ԙ㧔⧷ᢥࡆࠫࡀࠬࠦࡓ㧕 3 ࿖㓙ขᒁ⇛Σ 4 ࡊࡦ࠻ԙ 5 ࿖㓙ขᒁ⇛Τ 6 ࡊࡦ࠻Ԛ 7 ᒁว㧔inquiry㧕 ⻠⟵ⷐ 8 ࡊࡦ࠻ԛ ၮᧄ⊛ߦṶ⠌⑼⋡ߢޔᬺߩㅴᣇߪޔኋ㗴ߣᢎ⑼ᦠߘޔ ࠇߦࡊࡦ࠻㧔⧷ᢥࡆࠫࡀࠬࠦࡓ㧕ߩ 3 ⯃᭴ᚑߢޔෳട 9 ࠝࡈࠔΣ㧔offer㧕 ဳߩᬺߢࠆޔߚ߹ޕᄐભߺ೨ߩᬺߢߪޔ㤥᧼ࠍߞ 10 ࡊࡦ࠻Ԝ ߡߩṶ⠌߇ᄙߊߥࠆޕ᧪ޔડᬺߦዞ⡯ࠍᏗᦸߒࡀࠫࡆޔ ࠬࡦࠬࠍߔߎߒߢ߽㙃ߚߣᏗᦸߔࠆቇ↢ࠍఝవߔ 11 ࠝࡈࠔΤ ࠆޕᜂᒰ⻠Ꮷ⥄りߩޔડᬺࠍ㐳⧷⺆ߢߩ↢ᵴ⚻㛎 ޔ12 ࡊࡦ࠻ԝ ߘࠇߦᤄ ߩߢࠞࡔࠕޔMBA ⺖⒟ߢቇࠎߛࠅޔᢎ߃ߚࠅ 13 ࡊࡦ࠻Ԟ ߒߚ⚻㛎ࠍ↢߆ߖࠇ߫ߣᕁ߁ޔߪߦ⊛࡞ࡌޕTOEIC ߩ 650 ὐ⧷ޔᬌߩḰ 1 ⚖ࠍ⋡ᮡߦቯߚߊ߆ߦߣޕࠆߊ ޔ14 ࡊࡦ࠻ԟ ᭉߒࠢࠬߦߒߚޕⓍᭂ⊛ߥ⊒⸒᱑ㄫޔ߅ߥޕᬺ⸘ 15 ߹ߣ ↹ߪߊ߹ߢขࠅߍࠆౝኈߩෳ⠨ߢޔㅴⴕౕวߥߤߦࠃ ࠅᄌᦝ߇ࠅ߁ࠆޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߪᜰቯߒߥ߇ޔෳ⠨ᦠߣߒߡએਅߩ߽ߩ߇൘ࠄࠇ ฃ⻠ᆫ 25㧑⊒ޔ㧛ࠨ࠴ࡐ࠻ 25㧑ࡄࡍޕ ࠆޢ⺆⧷ࠬࡀࠫࡆߩࠢ࠶ࡇ࠻࠴࡞ࡑޡޕା ㆐㇢ઁޔධ㔕ၴ ࠹ࠬ࠻ 50㧑ޕ ࡈࠚ࠾࠶ࠢࠬ⧷ࠆߌᦠ߇࠲ࠬࡀࠫࡆޡޔන⺆ᢥㄉౖޔޢ ାޓ㆐㇢⪺ޔධ㔕ၴࡈࠚ࠾࠶ࠢࠬ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ࡆࠫࡀࠬࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ㧔㧝㧕 ⧷⺆ࡆࠫࡀࠬࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦΣa㧔㧝㧕 ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ⋡⊛ ࡆࠫࡀࠬ⧷⺆ߣ߁⧷⺆ߪߥߩࠬࡀࠫࡆޔߪⷐޕ႐ߢ ࠊࠇࠆ⧷⺆㧔English for business㧕ߢࠆޕડᬺߦൕോ ߒߡ∩ޔᗵߔࠆߎߣߪᐔဋ⊛ߥ⧷⺆ജߩਇ⿷ߢޔᄙᔔߥᬺ ോࠍㅢߓߡ⧷⺆ജિ߫ߔߣ⸒߁ߎߣߪ߈ࠊߡ࿎㔍ߢ ࠆ⺆⧷ޔࠅߪ߿ޕജߩၮᧄߪᄢቇᤨઍߦቇ߱ᔅⷐ߇ࠆޕ ߎߩࠦࠬߪޔၮᧄ⊛ߦ⧷⺆ജࠍߟߌࠆߎߣࠍࡔࠗࡦߦ ߒᦨޔૐ㒢ᐲߩታോߩౝኈࠍขࠅߍࠆ⑼⋡ߢࠆࠫࡆޕ ࡀࠬߦ㑐ߒߡ߽⥄ޔਥ⊛ߦ⥝ࠍᜬߜޔขࠅ⚵ࠎߢ߽ࠄ߁ ᆫ߇᳞ࠄࠇࠆޕ ᜂᒰ⠪ ା ㆐㇢ ᬺ⸘↹ ਅ⸥ߩᬺ⸘↹ߪߊ߹ߢᥳቯ⊛ߥ߽ߩߢㅴⴕ⁁ᴫߦࠃ ࠅᄌᦝߔࠆߎߣ߇ࠆޕ 1 ᄾ⚂ 1㧔contract㧕 2 ࡊࡦ࠻Ԟ 3 ᄾ⚂Τ 4 ࡊࡦ࠻ԟ 5 ࠢࡓΣ㧔claim㧕 6 ࡊࡦ࠻Ԡ 7 ࠢࡓΤ 8 ࡊࡦ࠻ԡ 9 ડᬺౝ⚵❱ߩ⧷⺆ 10-15 ࡊࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦߩታ⠌ ⻠⟵ⷐ ၮᧄ⊛ߦṶ⠌⑼⋡ߢޔᬺߩㅴᣇߪޔኋ㗴ߣᢎ⑼ᦠߘޔ ࠇߦࡊࡦ࠻㧔⧷ᢥࡆࠫࡀࠬࠦࡓ㧕ߩ 3 ⯃᭴ᚑߢޔෳട ဳߩᬺߢࠆޕ᧪ޔડᬺߦዞ⡯ࠍᏗᦸߒࠬࡀࠫࡆޔ ࡦࠬࠍߔߎߒߢ߽㙃ߚߣᏗᦸߔࠆቇ↢ࠍఝవߔࠆޕᜂ ᒰ⻠Ꮷ⥄りߩޔડᬺࠍ㐳⧷⺆ߢߩ↢ᵴ⚻㛎ࠇߘޔ ߦᤄ ߩߢࠞࡔࠕޔMBA ⺖⒟ߢቇࠎߛࠅޔᢎ߃ߚࠅߒߚ ⚻㛎ࠍ↢߆ߖࠇ߫ߣᕁ߁ޔߪߦ⊛࡞ࡌޕTOEIC ߩ 650 ὐ⧷ޔᬌߩḰ 1 ⚖ࠍ⋡ᮡߦቯߚߊ߆ߦߣޕࠆߊޔᭉ ߒࠢࠬߦߒߚޕⓍᭂ⊛ߥ⊒⸒᱑ㄫޔ߅ߥޕᬺ⸘↹ ߪߊ߹ߢขࠅߍࠆౝኈߩෳ⠨ߢޔㅴⴕౕวߥߤߦࠃࠅ ᄌᦝ߇ࠅ߁ࠆޕ ᬺߣᐔⴕߒߡޔ10 ਅᣨ߆ࠄߪࠨ࠴ࡍࡄߩᚑ ࠍ੍ቯޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߪᜰቯߒߥ߇ޔෳ⠨ᦠߣߒߡએਅߩ߽ߩ߇൘ࠄࠇ ฃ⻠ᆫ 25㧑⊒ޔ㧛ࠨ࠴ࡐ࠻ 25㧑ࡄࡍޕ ࠆޢ⺆⧷ࠬࡀࠫࡆߩࠢ࠶ࡇ࠻࠴࡞ࡑޡޕା ㆐㇢ઁޔධ㔕ၴ ࠹ࠬ࠻ 50㧑ޕ ࡈࠚ࠾࠶ࠢࠬ⧷ࠆߌᦠ߇࠲ࠬࡀࠫࡆޡޔන⺆ᢥㄉౖޢ ޔ ାޓ㆐㇢⪺ޔධ㔕ၴࡈࠚ࠾࠶ࠢࠬ 196 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ࡆࠫࡀࠬࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ㧔㧞㧕 ⧷⺆ࡆࠫࡀࠬࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦΣa㧔㧞㧕 ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ⋡⊛ ࡆࠫࡀࠬ⧷⺆ߣ߁⧷⺆ߪߥߩࠬࡀࠫࡆޔߪⷐޕ႐ߢ ࠊࠇࠆ⧷⺆㧔English for business㧕ߢࠆޕડᬺߦൕോ ߒߡ∩ޔᗵߔࠆߎߣߪᐔဋ⊛ߥ⧷⺆ജߩਇ⿷ߢޔᄙᔔߥᬺ ോࠍㅢߓߡ⧷⺆ജિ߫ߔߣ⸒߁ߎߣߪ߈ࠊߡ࿎㔍ߢ ࠆ⺆⧷ޔࠅߪ߿ޕജߩၮᧄߪᄢቇᤨઍߦቇ߱ᔅⷐ߇ࠆޕ ߎߩࠦࠬߪޔၮᧄ⊛ߦ⧷⺆ജࠍߟߌࠆߎߣࠍࡔࠗࡦߦ ߒᦨޔૐ㒢ᐲߩታോߩౝኈࠍขࠅߍࠆ⑼⋡ߢࠆࠫࡆޕ ࡀࠬߦ㑐ߒߡ߽⥄ޔਥ⊛ߦ⥝ࠍᜬߜޔขࠅ⚵ࠎߢ߽ࠄ߁ ᆫ߇᳞ࠄࠇࠆޕ ᬺ⸘↹ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ᜂᒰ⠪ ା ㆐㇢ ਅ⸥ߩᬺ⸘↹ߪߊ߹ߢᥳቯ⊛ߥ߽ߩߢㅴⴕ⁁ᴫߦࠃ ࠅᄌᦝߔࠆߎߣ߇ࠆޕ 1 ࡆࠫࡀࠬ⧷⺆ߩ․ᓽ 2 ࡊࡦ࠻Ԙ㧔⧷ᢥࡆࠫࡀࠬࠦࡓ㧕 3 ࿖㓙ขᒁ⇛Σ 4 ࡊࡦ࠻ԙ 5 ࿖㓙ขᒁ⇛Τ 6 ࡊࡦ࠻Ԛ 7 ᒁว㧔inquiry㧕 ⻠⟵ⷐ 8 ࡊࡦ࠻ԛ ၮᧄ⊛ߦṶ⠌⑼⋡ߢޔᬺߩㅴᣇߪޔኋ㗴ߣᢎ⑼ᦠߘޔ ࠇߦࡊࡦ࠻㧔⧷ᢥࡆࠫࡀࠬࠦࡓ㧕ߩ 3 ⯃᭴ᚑߢޔෳട 9 ࠝࡈࠔΣ㧔offer㧕 ဳߩᬺߢࠆޔߚ߹ޕᄐભߺ೨ߩᬺߢߪޔ㤥᧼ࠍߞ 10 ࡊࡦ࠻Ԝ ߡߩṶ⠌߇ᄙߊߥࠆޕ᧪ޔડᬺߦዞ⡯ࠍᏗᦸߒࡀࠫࡆޔ ࠬࡦࠬࠍߔߎߒߢ߽㙃ߚߣᏗᦸߔࠆቇ↢ࠍఝవߔ 11 ࠝࡈࠔΤ ࠆޕᜂᒰ⻠Ꮷ⥄りߩޔડᬺࠍ㐳⧷⺆ߢߩ↢ᵴ⚻㛎 ޔ12 ࡊࡦ࠻ԝ ߘࠇߦᤄ ߩߢࠞࡔࠕޔMBA ⺖⒟ߢቇࠎߛࠅޔᢎ߃ߚࠅ 13 ࡊࡦ࠻Ԟ ߒߚ⚻㛎ࠍ↢߆ߖࠇ߫ߣᕁ߁ޔߪߦ⊛࡞ࡌޕTOEIC ߩ 650 ὐ⧷ޔᬌߩḰ 1 ⚖ࠍ⋡ᮡߦቯߚߊ߆ߦߣޕࠆߊ ޔ14 ࡊࡦ࠻ԟ ᭉߒࠢࠬߦߒߚޕⓍᭂ⊛ߥ⊒⸒᱑ㄫޔ߅ߥޕᬺ⸘ 15 ߹ߣ ↹ߪߊ߹ߢขࠅߍࠆౝኈߩෳ⠨ߢޔㅴⴕౕวߥߤߦࠃ ࠅᄌᦝ߇ࠅ߁ࠆޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߪᜰቯߒߥ߇ޔෳ⠨ᦠߣߒߡએਅߩ߽ߩ߇൘ࠄࠇ ฃ⻠ᆫ 25㧑⊒ޔ㧛ࠨ࠴ࡐ࠻ 25㧑ࡄࡍޕ ࠆޢ⺆⧷ࠬࡀࠫࡆߩࠢ࠶ࡇ࠻࠴࡞ࡑޡޕା ㆐㇢ઁޔධ㔕ၴ ࠹ࠬ࠻ 50㧑ޕ ࡈࠚ࠾࠶ࠢࠬ⧷ࠆߌᦠ߇࠲ࠬࡀࠫࡆޡޔන⺆ᢥㄉౖޢ ޔ ାޓ㆐㇢⪺ޔධ㔕ၴࡈࠚ࠾࠶ࠢࠬ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ࡆࠫࡀࠬࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ㧔㧞㧕 ⧷⺆ࡆࠫࡀࠬࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦΣa㧔㧞㧕 ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ⋡⊛ ࡆࠫࡀࠬ⧷⺆ߣ߁⧷⺆ߪߥߩࠬࡀࠫࡆޔߪⷐޕ႐ߢ ࠊࠇࠆ⧷⺆㧔English for business㧕ߢࠆޕડᬺߦൕോ ߒߡ∩ޔᗵߔࠆߎߣߪᐔဋ⊛ߥ⧷⺆ജߩਇ⿷ߢޔᄙᔔߥᬺ ോࠍㅢߓߡ⧷⺆ജિ߫ߔߣ⸒߁ߎߣߪ߈ࠊߡ࿎㔍ߢ ࠆ⺆⧷ޔࠅߪ߿ޕജߩၮᧄߪᄢቇᤨઍߦቇ߱ᔅⷐ߇ࠆޕ ߎߩࠦࠬߪޔၮᧄ⊛ߦ⧷⺆ജࠍߟߌࠆߎߣࠍࡔࠗࡦߦ ߒᦨޔૐ㒢ᐲߩታോߩౝኈࠍขࠅߍࠆ⑼⋡ߢࠆࠫࡆޕ ࡀࠬߦ㑐ߒߡ߽⥄ޔਥ⊛ߦ⥝ࠍᜬߜޔขࠅ⚵ࠎߢ߽ࠄ߁ ᆫ߇᳞ࠄࠇࠆޕ ᜂᒰ⠪ ା ㆐㇢ ᬺ⸘↹ ਅ⸥ߩᬺ⸘↹ߪߊ߹ߢᥳቯ⊛ߥ߽ߩߢㅴⴕ⁁ᴫߦࠃ ࠅᄌᦝߔࠆߎߣ߇ࠆޕ 1 ᄾ⚂ 1㧔contract㧕 2 ࡊࡦ࠻Ԟ 3 ᄾ⚂Τ 4 ࡊࡦ࠻ԟ 5 ࠢࡓΣ㧔claim㧕 6 ࡊࡦ࠻Ԡ 7 ࠢࡓΤ 8 ࡊࡦ࠻ԡ 9 ડᬺౝ⚵❱ߩ⧷⺆ 10-15 ࡊࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦߩታ⠌ ⻠⟵ⷐ ၮᧄ⊛ߦṶ⠌⑼⋡ߢޔᬺߩㅴᣇߪޔኋ㗴ߣᢎ⑼ᦠߘޔ ࠇߦࡊࡦ࠻㧔⧷ᢥࡆࠫࡀࠬࠦࡓ㧕ߩ 3 ⯃᭴ᚑߢޔෳട ဳߩᬺߢࠆޕ᧪ޔડᬺߦዞ⡯ࠍᏗᦸߒࠬࡀࠫࡆޔ ࡦࠬࠍߔߎߒߢ߽㙃ߚߣᏗᦸߔࠆቇ↢ࠍఝవߔࠆޕᜂ ᒰ⻠Ꮷ⥄りߩޔડᬺࠍ㐳⧷⺆ߢߩ↢ᵴ⚻㛎ࠇߘޔ ߦᤄ ߩߢࠞࡔࠕޔMBA ⺖⒟ߢቇࠎߛࠅޔᢎ߃ߚࠅߒߚ ⚻㛎ࠍ↢߆ߖࠇ߫ߣᕁ߁ޔߪߦ⊛࡞ࡌޕTOEIC ߩ 650 ὐ⧷ޔᬌߩḰ 1 ⚖ࠍ⋡ᮡߦቯߚߊ߆ߦߣޕࠆߊޔᭉ ߒࠢࠬߦߒߚޕⓍᭂ⊛ߥ⊒⸒᱑ㄫޔ߅ߥޕᬺ⸘↹ ߪߊ߹ߢขࠅߍࠆౝኈߩෳ⠨ߢޔㅴⴕౕวߥߤߦࠃࠅ ᄌᦝ߇ࠅ߁ࠆޕ ᬺߣᐔⴕߒߡޔ10 ਅᣨ߆ࠄߪࠨ࠴ࡍࡄߩᚑ ࠍ੍ቯޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߪᜰቯߒߥ߇ޔෳ⠨ᦠߣߒߡએਅߩ߽ߩ߇൘ࠄࠇ ฃ⻠ᆫ 25㧑⊒ޔ㧛ࠨ࠴ࡐ࠻ 25㧑ࡄࡍޕ ࠆޢ⺆⧷ࠬࡀࠫࡆߩࠢ࠶ࡇ࠻࠴࡞ࡑޡޕା ㆐㇢ઁޔධ㔕ၴ ࠹ࠬ࠻ 50㧑ޕ ࡈࠚ࠾࠶ࠢࠬ⧷ࠆߌᦠ߇࠲ࠬࡀࠫࡆޡޔන⺆ᢥㄉౖޔޢ ାޓ㆐㇢⪺ޔධ㔕ၴࡈࠚ࠾࠶ࠢࠬ 197 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ࡆࠫࡀࠬࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦታോ ⧷⺆ࡆࠫࡀࠬࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦΤa ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ⧷⺆ߣᣣᧄ⺆ߦࠃࠆ⼾ንߥෳ⠨⾗ᢱࠍᵴ↪ߒߡ⾏ޔᤃታ ോߦ㑐ߔࠆ৻Ꮌߩᚻ⛯߈ޔᐲޔᴺ╬ࠍቇ߮߹ߔޔߦ․ޕ ⾏ᤃ߿࿖㓙‛ᵹߦ⥝ߩࠆੱ⾏ޔᤃ␠߳ߩዞ⡯ࠍᏗᦸ ߔࠆੱޔᣣᧄ⾏ᤃታോᬌቯදળߩ⾏ᤃታോᬌቯ⹜㛎߿ᣣ ࡆࠫࡀࠬ⧷⺆ᬌቯ⹜㛎ࠍ⋡ᜰߔੱޔㅢ㑐჻࿖ኅ⹜㛎ߩฃ㛎 ࠍᬌ⸛ߒߡࠆੱߥߤߦ⋉ߥᖱႎࠍឭଏߢ߈ࠆࠃ߁ߦޔ ⾏ᤃታോߩోߦࠊߚߞߡḩㆉߥߊߊ߆⚦ߟ߆ޔീᒝߔࠆ ߎߣࠍ⁓ߣߒ߹ߔޕ ᤐቇᦼߦߪ⾏ޔᤃߩၮᧄᔨߦട߃⾏ޔᤃขᒁߩᵹࠇࠍ ․ߦャ⠪ߩⷞὐ߆ࠄᤨ♽⊛ߦ㧢ߟߩࠬ࠹ࠫߦಽ ߒߡޔฝ⸥ߩࠃ߁ߦߩߘޔ೨ඨ㧔⾏ᤃࡑࠤ࠹ࠖࡦࠣᲑ㓏ޔ ขᒁ㑐ଥഃ⸳Ბ㓏ޔᚑ⚂Ბ㓏㧕ࠍߒߊቇ⠌ߒ߹ߔޕ ጁୃ⠪ߪࠄ߆ߓෳ⠨⾗ᢱߩᚲቯߩ▎ᚲࠍਤᔨߦ⺒ࠎ ߢߊࠆ߽ߩߣߒޔᬺߪෳ⠨⾗ᢱߩౝኈࠍ⻠⟵ߢᢝⴖߔࠆ ᒻߢㅴ߹ߔޔߚ߹ޕ࿕ฬ⹖ߩᄌᦝߥߤ⧯ᐓߩ⺞ᢛࠍട ߃ߚ‛ߩࡆࠫࡀࠬᢥᦠߦታ㓙ߦ⸅ࠇߡߚߛ߈ࠄࠇߘޔ ࠍ⺒⸃ߒߚࠅޔᣂⷙߦᚑߒߚࠅߔࠆታ⠌ߩᯏળ߽น⢻ߥ 㒢ࠅࠅ߹ߔޕ ߥ߅ޔฝ⸥ߩᬺ⸘↹ߪޔᬺߩㅴ⁁ᴫߦࠃߞߡᄙዋ ߩᄌᦝ߇ࠆ߆߽ߒࠇ߹ߖࠎޕ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. ᧖ጊ ᥍ା ᤐቇᦼߩᬺౝኈ߅ࠃ߮ᬺ⸘↹ߩ⺑ ⾏ᤃߩၮᧄᔨ(1)㧦Ყセఝ⾏ޔᤃᒻᘒߥߤ ⾏ᤃߩၮᧄᔨ(2)㧦⾏ᤃ㑐ଥᯏ㑐ޔ㑐⒢ߥߤ ⾏ᤃߩၮᧄᔨ(3)㧦⾏ᤃታോߩㆀⴕᚻ㗅ߩⷰ ⾏ᤃߩၮᧄᔨ(4)㧦ࡆࠫࡀࠬࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ߇ ⾏ᤃขᒁߩㆀⴕߣଦㅴߦᨐߚߒߡࠆᓎഀ ⾏ᤃࡑࠤ࠹ࠖࡦࠣᲑ㓏㧦Ꮢ႐⺞ᩏ㧔market research㧕 ߣ⽼ᄁᚢ⇛⺞ᩏ㧔marketing research㧕 ขᒁ㑐ଥഃ⸳Ბ㓏(1)㧦ขᒁవㆬቯߣᒁว ขᒁ㑐ଥഃ⸳Ბ㓏(2)㧦㌁ⴕ߳ߩା↪ᾖળ ขᒁ㑐ଥഃ⸳Ბ㓏(3)㧦ᬺ⥝ାᚲ߳ߩା↪ᾖળ ᚑ⚂Ბ㓏(1)㧦৻⥸ขᒁ᧦ઙ㧔general terms and conditions㧕ߩ߁ߜޟࠆࠁࠊޔਥⷐ㧡᧦ઙޠ 㧔ຠ⾰ ᢙ㊂ଔᩰ⦁Ⓧᷣ㧕ߣ㒾ߦ㑐ߔࠆⷙቯ ᚑ⚂Ბ㓏(2)㧦৻⥸ขᒁ᧦ઙߩ߁ߜޔᒰ⠪㑐ଥޔḰ ᴺޔቯဳ⾏ᤃ᧦ઙߥߤߦ㑐ߔࠆⷙቯ ᚑ⚂Ბ㓏(3)㧦৻⥸ขᒁ᧦ઙߩ߁ߜޔਇน᛫ജࠢޔ ࡓޔખⵙߥߤߦ㑐ߔࠆⷙቯ ᚑ⚂Ბ㓏(4)㧦ࠝࡈࠔ⊒ޔࠔࡈࠝ࠲ࡦ࠙ࠞޔᵈߣฃ ᵈ 14. ᚑ⚂Ბ㓏(5)㧦ฦ⒳ᄾ⚂㑐ଥᦠ㘃 15. ᤐቇᦼߩᬺߩ✚ᓳ⠌ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ 㧔࠹ࠠࠬ࠻㧕ᒰᣇߢ↪ᗧߔࠆ⾗ᢱࡊࡦ࠻ Ꮸ⁁ᴫ߿ᬺ⽸₂ᐲߣߞߚᐔᏱὐࠍ╙৻ߩዤᐲߣߒޔ 㧔ෳ⠨ᦠ㧕᧖ጊ᥍ା⾏ޡᤃታോߩ⧷⺆ ࡆࠫࡀࠬ⧷ᢥࡔ ቯᦼ⹜㛎ߩ⚿ᨐࠍടߒߡቯߒ߹ߔޕ ࡞ ࡄࡈࠚࠢ࠻ࡉ࠶ࠢޢ㧔ߔ߫ࠆ⥢ޔ2009 ᐕ㧕 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ࡆࠫࡀࠬࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦታോ ⧷⺆ࡆࠫࡀࠬࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦΤb ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ⧷⺆ߣᣣᧄ⺆ߦࠃࠆ⼾ንߥෳ⠨⾗ᢱࠍᵴ↪ߒߡ⾏ޔᤃታ ോߦ㑐ߔࠆ৻Ꮌߩᚻ⛯߈ޔᐲޔᴺ╬ࠍቇ߮߹ߔޔߦ․ޕ ⾏ᤃ߿࿖㓙‛ᵹߦ⥝ߩࠆੱ⾏ޔᤃ␠߳ߩዞ⡯ࠍᏗᦸ ߔࠆੱޔᣣᧄ⾏ᤃታോᬌቯදળߩ⾏ᤃታോᬌቯ⹜㛎߿ᣣ ࡆࠫࡀࠬ⧷⺆ᬌቯ⹜㛎ࠍ⋡ᜰߔੱޔㅢ㑐჻࿖ኅ⹜㛎ߩฃ㛎 ࠍᬌ⸛ߒߡࠆੱߥߤߦ⋉ߥᖱႎࠍឭଏߢ߈ࠆࠃ߁ߦޔ ⾏ᤃታോߩోߦࠊߚߞߡḩㆉߥߊߊ߆⚦ߟ߆ޔീᒝߔࠆ ߎߣࠍ⁓ߣߒ߹ߔޕ ⑺ቇᦼߦߪ⾏ޔᤃขᒁߩᵹࠇࠍ․ߦャ⠪ߩⷞὐ߆ࠄᤨ ♽⊛ߦ㧢ߟߩࠬ࠹ࠫߦಽߒߡޔฝ⸥ߩࠃ߁ߦߩߘޔ ᓟඨ㧔ጁⴕᲑ㓏ޔᷣᲑ㓏⺞ࡓࠢ߮ࠃ߅ࡓࠢޔᢛ ߩᲑ㓏㧕ࠍߒߊቇ⠌ߒ߹ߔޕ ጁୃ⠪ߪࠄ߆ߓෳ⠨⾗ᢱߩᚲቯߩ▎ᚲࠍਤᔨߦ⺒ࠎ ߢߊࠆ߽ߩߣߒޔᬺߪෳ⠨⾗ᢱߩౝኈࠍ⻠⟵ߢᢝⴖߔࠆ ᒻߢㅴ߹ߔޔߚ߹ޕ࿕ฬ⹖ߩᄌᦝߥߤ⧯ᐓߩ⺞ᢛࠍട ߃ߚ‛ߩࡆࠫࡀࠬᢥᦠߦታ㓙ߦ⸅ࠇߡߚߛ߈ࠄࠇߘޔ ࠍ⺒⸃ߒߚࠅޔᣂⷙߦᚑߒߚࠅߔࠆታ⠌ߩᯏળ߽น⢻ߥ 㒢ࠅࠅ߹ߔޕ ߥ߅ޔฝ⸥ߩᬺ⸘↹ߪޔᬺߩㅴ⁁ᴫߦࠃߞߡᄙዋߩ ᄌᦝ߇ࠆ߆߽ߒࠇ߹ߖࠎޕ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. ᧖ጊ ᥍ା ⑺ቇᦼߩᬺౝኈ߅ࠃ߮ᬺ⸘↹ߩ⺑ ጁⴕᲑ㓏(1)㧦ࠗࡦࠦ࠲ࡓ࠭ߦࠃࠆᄁਥߣ⾈ਥߩ⟵ോ ጁⴕᲑ㓏(2)㧦⸵นޔᛚ╬ߩขᓧ߅ࠃ߮ㅢ㑐ᚻ⛯߈ ጁⴕᲑ㓏(3)㧦ᶏャㅍߦ㑐ߔࠆታോ⍮⼂ߣᚻ⛯߈ ጁⴕᲑ㓏(4)㧦⥶ⓨャㅍߦ㑐ߔࠆታോ⍮⼂ߣᚻ⛯߈ ጁⴕᲑ㓏(5)㧦ⶄวャㅍߦ㑐ߔࠆታോ⍮⼂ߣᚻ⛯߈ ጁⴕᲑ㓏(6)㧦⽻‛ᶏ㒾ߦ㑐ߔࠆታോ⍮⼂ߣᚻ⛯߈ ጁⴕᲑ㓏(7)㧦 ห ጁⴕᲑ㓏(8)㧦ฦ⒳ߩㆇㅍᦠ㘃㧔⦁⩄⸽ޔᶏㆇㅍ⁁ޔ ⥶ⓨㆇㅍ⁁ⶄޔวㆇㅍ⸽╬㧕 ᷣᲑ㓏(1)㧦ὑᦧࠬࠢߩ࿁ㆱᴺ ᷣᲑ㓏(2)㧦ା↪⁁㧔Letter of Credit; L/C㧕ߣ⩄ὑ ᦧᚻᒻ㧔Documentary Draft㧕 ᷣᲑ㓏(3)㧦⩄ὑᦧᚻᒻߦࠃࠄߥᷣ ࠢࡓ߅ࠃ߮ࠢࡓ⺞ᢛߩᲑ㓏(1)㧦 ⧰ᖱ(complaint)ߣࠢࡓ(claim)ߩ⋧㆑ࡓࠢޔ ߩ⒳㘃੍ߩࡓࠢޔ㒐ᴺߥߤ ࠢࡓ߅ࠃ߮ࠢࡓ⺞ᢛߩᲑ㓏(2)㧦 ࠢࡓ⺞ᢛޔ⸃ޔ⸩⸷ޔખⵙߥߤ ⑺ቇᦼߩᬺߩ✚ᓳ⠌ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ 㧔࠹ࠠࠬ࠻㧕ᒰᣇߢ↪ᗧߔࠆ⾗ᢱࡊࡦ࠻ Ꮸ⁁ᴫ߿ᬺ⽸₂ᐲߣߞߚᐔᏱὐࠍ╙৻ߩዤᐲߣߒޔ 㧔ෳ⠨ᦠ㧕᧖ጊ᥍ା⾏ޡᤃታോߩ⧷⺆ ࡆࠫࡀࠬ⧷ᢥࡔ ቯᦼ⹜㛎ߩ⚿ᨐࠍടߒߡቯߒ߹ߔޕ ࡞ ࡄࡈࠚࠢ࠻ࡉ࠶ࠢޢ㧔ߔ߫ࠆ⥢ޔ2009 ᐕ㧕 198 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ࡔ࠺ࠖࠕ⧷⺆ Σ㧔㧟㧕 ࡔ࠺ࠖࠕ⧷⺆ Σa㧔㧟㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧭㧚㧾㧚ࡈࠔ࡞ࡧࠜ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This course will 1. Introduction to the class 2. Mosque building ban 3. Sharia Law ban 4. Confederate History revision 5. Reconciliation of slavery issues 6. Sons of the Confederacy lobbyists 7. Birther issues 8. Picture Manipulation expected to present opinions in class on video clips 9. Alcoholism in Russia viewed. All homework will be submitted by email. 10. Koran Burning raise the level of understanding of students to current events in English through the use of the Internet, CNN and YOU TUBE. Music, movies, and world events will all be examined both at the linguistic and the non linguistic level. Students will have quizzes biweekly and will be 11. CNN Vs Fox false Allegations 12. Women in the Miltary 13. Bullying 14. Sarah Palin Fact Vs, Fiction 15. Final Evaluation ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Weekly Prints (usually transcripts from video clips) will be sent by email to class participants. Weekly participation in class activities, written assignments submitted by email and other forms of constant evaluation 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ࡔ࠺ࠖࠕ⧷⺆ Σ㧔㧟㧕 ࡔ࠺ࠖࠕ⧷⺆ Σb㧔㧟㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧭㧚㧾㧚ࡈࠔ࡞ࡧࠜ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This course will 1. Introduction to the class 2. Mistaking bath room pictures as child pornography 3. Conspiracy Theories 4. Tea Party Racists 5. Michele Bachman misquotes 6. Christine O’Donnell Constitutional misconceptions 7. Afghanistan War Atrocities raise the level of understanding of students to current events in English through the use of the Internet, CNN and YOU TUBE. Music, movies, and world events will all be examined both at the linguistic and the non linguistic level. Students will have quizzes biweekly and will be 8. Pakistan expected to present opinions in class on video clips 9. European racism of Muslims border conflicts viewed. All homework will be submitted by email. 10. Doubts of Obama’s religion 11. Arizona Immigration law 12. Sex Education 13. Whale Hunting 14. Ritual Dolphin Killings 15. Final Evaluation ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Weekly Prints (usually transcripts from video clips) will be sent by email to class participants. Weekly participation in class activities, written assignments submitted by email and other forms of constant evaluation 199 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ࡔ࠺ࠖࠕ⧷⺆ Σ㧔㊄㧞㧕 ࡔ࠺ࠖࠕ⧷⺆ Σa㧔㊄㧞㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧭㧚㧾㧚ࡈࠔ࡞ࡧࠜ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This course will 1. Introduction to the class 2. Mosque building ban 3. Sharia Law ban 4. Confederate History revision 5. Reconciliation of slavery issues 6. Sons of the Confederacy lobbyists 7. Birther issues 8. Picture Manipulation expected to present opinions in class on video clips 9. Alcoholism in Russia viewed. All homework will be submitted by email. 10. Koran Burning raise the level of understanding of students to current events in English through the use of the Internet, CNN and YOU TUBE. Music, movies, and world events will all be examined both at the linguistic and the non linguistic level. Students will have quizzes biweekly and will be 11. CNN Vs Fox false Allegations 12. Women in the Miltary 13. Bullying 14. Sarah Palin Fact Vs, Fiction 15. Final Evaluation ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Weekly Prints (usually transcripts from video clips) will be sent by email to class participants. Weekly participation in class activities, written assignments submitted by email and other forms of constant evaluation 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ࡔ࠺ࠖࠕ⧷⺆ Σ㧔㊄㧞㧕 ࡔ࠺ࠖࠕ⧷⺆ Σb㧔㊄㧞㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧭㧚㧾㧚ࡈࠔ࡞ࡧࠜ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ This course will 1. Introduction to the class 2. Mistaking bath room pictures as child pornography 3. Conspiracy Theories 4. Tea Party Racists 5. Michele Bachman misquotes 6. Christine O’Donnell Constitutional misconceptions 7. Afghanistan War Atrocities raise the level of understanding of students to current events in English through the use of the Internet, CNN and YOU TUBE. Music, movies, and world events will all be examined both at the linguistic and the non linguistic level. Students will have quizzes biweekly and will be 8. Pakistan expected to present opinions in class on video clips 9. European racism of Muslims border conflicts viewed. All homework will be submitted by email. 10. Doubts of Obama’s religion 11. Arizona Immigration law 12. Sex Education 13. Whale Hunting 14. Ritual Dolphin Killings 15. Final Evaluation ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Weekly Prints (usually transcripts from video clips) will be sent by email to class participants. Weekly participation in class activities, written assignments submitted by email and other forms of constant evaluation 200 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ࡔ࠺ࠖࠕ⧷⺆ Σ ࡔ࠺ࠖࠕ⧷⺆ Σa ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧼㧚ࡀ࡞ࡓ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ Media English I is aimed at students whose English is at an intermediate level. 1.1 Documentary (or article) #1 1.2 Documentary (or article) #1 1.3 Essay #1 1.4 Documentary (or article) #2 1.5 Documentary (or article) #2 1.6 Essay #2 1.7 Documentary (or article) #3 1.8 Documentary (or article) #3 1.9 Essay #3 1.10 Documentary (or article) #4 1.11 Documentary (or article) #4 1.12 Essay #4 1.13 Final preparation 1.14/15 Final presentation, Self-evaluation The aim of this course is to introduce students to the various types of English used in the media world, especially newspapers, magazines, and documentaries. The emphasis of this semester will be on political and economic/business stories, with a focus on Japan. Possible documentaries to be shown include “Hiroshima” (BBC) and “The Cove.” The format of the course will be for students to read/listen to/watch prepared materials every week, to participate actively in discussions and debates, and to submit written one-page essays as requested. At the end of the term, students will make final presentations and write self-evaluations. Students taking my Media English I course cannot take Media English II in the same year, and vice versa. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Materials to be handed out in class weekly. Attendance 25% (maximum number of absences=4), Participation 25%, Essays 25%, Final presentation and self-evaluation 25% 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ࡔ࠺ࠖࠕ⧷⺆ Σ ࡔ࠺ࠖࠕ⧷⺆ Σb ᜂᒰ⠪ 㧼㧚ࡀ࡞ࡓ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ Media English I is aimed at students whose English is at an intermediate level. 2.1 Documentary (or article) #1 2.2 Documentary (or article) #1 2.3 Essay #1 2.4 Documentary (or article) #2 2.5 Documentary (or article) #2 2.6 Essay #2 The format of the course will be for students to read/listen to/watch prepared materials every week, to participate actively in discussions and debates, and to submit written one-page essays as requested. At the end of the term, students will make final presentations and write self-evaluations. 2.7 Documentary (or article) #3 2.8 Documentary (or article) #3 2.9 Essay #3 2.10 Documentary (or article) #4 Students taking my Media English I course cannot take Media English II in the same year, and vice versa. 2.11 Documentary (or article) #4 2.12 Essay #4 Preference will be given to students taking the first-semester course as well. 2.13 Final preparation 2.14/15 Final presentation, Self-evaluation ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Materials to be handed out in class weekly. Attendance 25% (maximum number of absences=4), Participation 25%, Essays 25%, Final presentation and self-evaluation 25% The aim of this course is to introduce students to the various types of English used in the media world, especially newspapers, magazines, and documentaries. The emphasis of this semester will be on cultural and entertainment stories, as well as travel guides (online and other). 201 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ࡔ࠺ࠖࠕ⧷⺆ Σ ࡔ࠺ࠖࠕ⧷⺆ Σa ᜂᒰ⠪ ᶏ⠧ᴛ ㆐㇢ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ᐕᐲޔᤐቇᦼߪޟᤋ↹ߢቇ߱⸒⪲ߣᢥൻߣޠ㗴ߒߡࡔޔ ࠺ࠖࠕߩ৻ߟߢࠆޟᤋ↹ࠍޠขࠅߍߡ⻠⟵ߚߒ߹ߔޕ ᄖ࿖ᤋ↹ࠍࠆ႐วߦߪߢߌߛ⪲⸒ޔᤋ↹ࠍචಽߦℂ⸃ߢ ߈ߥ႐ว߇ࠅ߹ߔޕᓥߞߡᤨޔઍ⢛᥊ᤋ↹ߩ㗴᧚ߣ ⸒ߞߚޟᄖ࿖ߩᢥൻࠍޠቇࠎߢ߈߹ߔޟޔߚ߹ޕᣣᧄ⺆ ሼ᐀ߣ㖸ჿ⧷⺆ߩ㆑ޔޠ ޟේዊ⺑ߣߩᲧセࠍߤߥޠㅢߒ ߡޟޔᤋ↹ߢቇ߱⸒⪲ߣᢥൻࠍޠಽ߆ࠅ߿ߔߊ⻠⟵ߒߡ ޟ⠨߃ࠆജࠍޠ ߈߹ߔޕหᤨߦޔዞᵴ߿␠ળߦߡᔅⷐߥޟ 㙃߹ߔޕቇ↢⻉ำߦߣߞߡߪޟߣߞ߈ޔ ࠄ߆⋡ޟ㠦߇⪭ߜ ࠆޕ߁ࠂߒߢࠆߥߣ⟵⻠ޠ ขࠅߍࠆᤋ↹ߪߩࠞࡔࠕޔᢥ⽕ߢࡁࡌ࡞⾨ኅߩ ࡚ࠫࡦࠬ࠲ࠗࡦࡌ࠶ࠢේ࡚ࠫࡦࡈࠜ࠼⋙〈ࡋ ࡦࡈࠜࡦ࠳ਥṶߩޡᔶࠅߩ⫁⪕—The Grapes of Wrath ޢ 㧔1940 ᐕᐲࠕࠞ࠺ࡒ⾨⋙〈⾨㧕ߣࠗࠡࠬߩᄢ ኅࠣࠕࡓࠣࡦේࠠࡖࡠ࡞࠼⋙〈ࠝ ࠰ࡦ࠙ࠚ࡞࠭ਥṶߩ╙ޡਃߩ↵—The Third Man ޢ 㧔1950 ᐕࠕࠞ࠺ࡒ⾨ᓇ⾨㧕ࠍขࠅߍ߹ߔޕ ߎߩࠃ߁ߦᐕᐲߪඨᦼቢ⚿ဳߩ⻠⟵ߣߚߒ߹ߒߚޕ ᬺߦᏨߒޔⓍᭂ⊛ߥቇ↢ߩෳടࠍᦸߺ߹ߔߦ✜৻ޕീ ᒝߒߡ߈߹ߒࠂ߁ޕ 㧝㧚⻠⟵ߩ⺑ 㧞㧚⟵⻠ߡߟߦޠࠢ࠶ࡌࡦࠗ࠲ࠬࡦ࡚ࠫޟ 㧟㧚ޟᔶࠅߩ⫁⪕⾨ⷰޠ㧔ߘߩ 1㧕 㧠㧚ޟᔶࠅߩ⫁⪕⾨ⷰޠ㧔ߘߩ 2㧕ߣޠ࠻ࡐޟឭ 㧡㧚ޟᔶࠅߩ⫁⪕㧔ߘߩ㧝㧕ޠㇱಽⷰ⾨ߣ⻠⟵ 㧢㧚ޟᔶࠅߩ⫁⪕㧔ߘߩ 2㧕ޠㇱಽⷰ⾨ߣ⻠⟵ 㧣㧚ޟᔶࠅߩ⫁⪕㧔ߘߩ 3㧕ޠㇱಽⷰ⾨ߣ⻠⟵ޠ࠻ࡐޟޔ ឭ 㧤㧚⟵⻠ߡߟߦޠࡦࠣࡓࠕࠣޟ 㧥㧚╙ޟਃߩ↵⾨ⷰޠ㧔ߘߩ 1㧕 㧝㧜㧚╙ਃߩ↵⾨ⷰޠ㧔ߘߩ 2㧕ߣޠ࠻ࡐޟឭ 㧝㧝㧚╙ޟਃߩ↵㧔ߘߩ 1㧕ޠㇱಽⷰ⾨ߣ⻠⟵ 㧝㧞㧚╙ޟਃߩ↵㧔ߘߩ㧞㧕ޠㇱಽⷰ⾨ߣ⻠⟵ 㧝㧟㧚╙ޟਃߩ↵㧔ߘߩ㧟㧕ޠㇱಽⷰ⾨ߣ⻠⟵࠻ࡐޟޔ ឭ 㧝㧠㧚⟵⻠ߡߟߦޠ࠭࡞ࠚ࠙ࡦ࠰ࠝޟ 㧝㧡㧚߹ߣ ዏޔᬺ⸘↹ߪᄢߩ⋡ߢࠅߩߎޔㅢࠅᬺ߇ㅴ ߣߪ㒢ࠄߥޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࡊࡦ࠻↪ ࡐ࠻㧔60㧑㧕ࠍਛᔃߦߒߡߦࠇߎޔᏨᬺ߳ߩ⽸ ₂ᐲ㧔40㧑㧕ࠍෳ⠨ߦߒߡ✚ว⊛ߦ⹏ଔߔࠆޕዏޔᰳᏨߪ 5 ࿁߹ߢߣߔࠆޕ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ࡔ࠺ࠖࠕ⧷⺆ Σ ࡔ࠺ࠖࠕ⧷⺆ Σb ᜂᒰ⠪ ᶏ⠧ᴛ ㆐㇢ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ⑺ቇᦼߪޟ ⧷ޟሼᣂ⡞ਣ߆ߓࠅߣޠ㗴ߒߡ৻ߩࠕࠖ࠺ࡔޔ ߟߢࠆޟ ⧷ޟሼᣂ⡞ࠍޠขࠅߍߡ⧷ޔሼᣂ⡞ߦ㚔ᨴߺߩ ߥቇ↢ߦ⧷ޟޔሼᣂ⡞ߩၮᧄ⊛ߥ⺒ߺᣇߡߒ⟵⻠ࠍޠ ߈߹ߔޕ ᧄ⻠⟵ߢߪࡊࡦ࠻ࠍ↪ߒߡ⧷ޔሼᣂ⡞ࠍ⺒ᗧ⟵ ⧷ሼᣂ⡞ߩ․ᓽHeadline㧔ߒ㧕ߩ⺒ߺᣇޔLead㧔⸥ ߩ╙㧝▵㧕ߩ⺒ߺᣇߩၮᧄࠍ߹ߕᜰዉߒߡ߈߹ߔޕᰴ ߦౕޔ⊛ߦ␠ޔળ㕙ᴦ㕙⚻ᷣ㕙࿖㓙㕙ߩ⸥ߩ ⺒ߺᣇߺ⺒ߩ⺑␠ޔᣇߥߤࠍീᒝߒߡ߈⧷ޔሼᣂ⡞ో ࠍࠆ⒟ᐲ⺒ߺߎߥߔജࠍ㙃ᚑߒߡ߈ߚߣᕁߞߡ߹ ߔޕหᤨߦޔᤐቇᦼߣหߓࠃ߁ߦޟ ޟ⠨߃ࠆജࠍޠ㙃߹ߔޕ ߃߫…“ޔJapan’s host nation support to cover expenses for U.S. bases in Japan.̍ߣ߁⧷ሼᣂ⡞ߩ⸥ߩਅ✢ㇱ ߪᣣᧄ⺆ߢߪޟޔធฃ࿖ᡰេߪߢࠇߎޔ߇ߔ߹ߒ⸶ߣޠᗧ ߇ࠃߊಽ߆ࠅ߹ߖࠎޕಽ߆ࠅ߿ߔᣣᧄ⺆ߦߒߚࠄߤ߁ ߥࠆߢߒࠂ߁߆߁߁ߎޕീᒝ߽ߒߡ߈߹ߔޕ ቇᦼߩ⚳ࠊࠅߦߪ⧷ޔሼᣂ⡞ࠍࠆ⒟ᐲ⺒ࠆࠃ߁ߦߥ ߞߡࠆߣ⏕ାߒߡ߅ࠅ߹ߔޕ᧪ߦᓎ┙ߟታ〣⊛ߥࡔ࠺ ࠖࠕ⧷⺆ߩ⻠⟵ߢࠆߣหᤨߦ⋡ࠍ⟵⻠ߥࠢ࠶ࡒ࠺ࠞࠕޔ ᜰߒ߹ߔߦ߁ࠃߩߎޕᐕᐲߪඨᦼቢ⚿ဳߩ⻠⟵ߣߚߒ ߹ߒߚޕⓍᭂ⊛ߥቇ↢ߩෳടࠍᦸߺ߹ߔޕ 㧝㧚⻠⟵ߩ⺑ 㧞㧚⧷ޟሼᣂ⡞ߩ․ᓽHeadline ߩ⺒ߺᣇ㧔ߘߩ㧝㧕ޠ 㧟㧚ޟHeadline ߩ⺒ߺᣇ㧔ߘߩ㧞㧕ޠ 㧠㧚ޟHeadline ߩ⺒ߺᣇታ〣✵⠌㧔ߘߩ㧝㧕ޠ 㧡㧚ޟHeadline ߩ⺒ߺᣇታ〣✵⠌㧔ߘߩ㧞㧕ޠ 㧢㧚ޟLead ߩ⺒ߺᣇታ〣✵⠌㧔ߘߩ㧝㧕ޠ 㧣㧚ޟLead ߩ⺒ߺᣇታ〣✵⠌㧔ߘߩ㧞㧕ޠ 㧤㧚ޟLead ߩ⺒ߺᣇታ〣✵⠌㧔ߘߩ 3㧕ޠ 㧥㧚ޟLead ߩ⺒ߺᣇታ〣✵⠌㧔ߘߩ㧠㧕ޠ 㧝㧜㧚⧷ޟሼᣂ⡞ᴦ㕙ߩ⸥ߩ⺒ߺᣇታ〣✵⠌ޠ 㧝㧝㧚⧷ޟሼᣂ⡞⚻ᷣ㕙ߩ⸥ߩ⺒ߺᣇታ〣✵⠌ޠ 㧝㧞㧚⧷ޟሼᣂ⡞࿖㓙㕙ߩ⸥ߩ⺒ߺᣇታ〣✵⠌ޠ 㧝㧟㧚⧷ޟሼᣂ⡞␠⺑ߩ⺒ߺᣇታ〣✵⠌㧔ߘߩ㧝㧕ޠ 㧝㧠㧚⧷ޟሼᣂ⡞␠⺑ߩ⺒ߺᣇታ〣✵⠌㧔ߘߩ㧞㧕ޠ 㧝㧡㧚߹ߣ ዏޔᬺ⸘↹ߪᄢߩ⋡ߢࠅߩߎޔㅢࠅᬺ߇ㅴ ߣߪ㒢ࠄߥޕ ߹ߚߣࡦ࡚ࠪࠤ࠾ࡘࡒࠦࠬࡀࠫࡆ⺆⧷ޔ૬ߖߡጁୃߔ ࠆߣޔ࿖㓙ࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦࠍ♽⊛ߦቇ⠌ߔࠆߎߣ߇ ߢ߈߹ߔޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࡊࡦ࠻↪ ቇᦼᧃߩ⹜㛎㧔70㧑㧕ࠍਛᔃߦߒߡߦࠇߎޔᏨᬺ߳ ߩ⽸₂ᐲ㧔30㧑㧕ࠍෳ⠨ߦߒߡ✚ว⊛ߦ⹏ଔߔࠆޕዏޔᰳ Ꮸߪ 5 ࿁߹ߢߣߔࠆޕ 202 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ࡔ࠺ࠖࠕ⧷⺆Σ 㧔Ἣ㧠㧕 ࡔ࠺ࠖࠕ⧷⺆Σa㧔Ἣ㧠㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ࿖ ᤩሶ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ࠍ⺆⧷ࠕࠖ࠺ࡔޟቇ߱ߪߣޠࠍᗧߔࠆߩߢߒࠂ߁߆ޕ ⧷ሼᣂ⡞㔀߿ࡀ࠶࠻ߩ⸥ࠍല₸ࠃߊ⺒ቇ⠌ 㧔㗫න⺆ߥߤ߽ޔ㗄⋡ߏߣߦᥧ⸥ߒߚࠅߔࠆ㧕 ࠹ࡆࠫࠝߩ㖸ჿࠍቇ⠌ᢎ᧚ߦߒߡቇ߱ 㧔࠾ࡘࠬ߿Ṷ⺑ߩߺߥࠄߕޔ㧯㧹߽㗴᧚ߦߥࠅ߃ࠆ㧕 ࡑࠬࡔ࠺ࠖࠕߩᵹߔ⸥ࠍ㡻๘ߺߦߖߕޔᙬ⇼⊛ߦ⺒ ⸠✵ ⺆⧷ࠕࠖ࠺ࡔޟቇ⠌ᴺࠍ߆ߟߊߩޠߍߡߺ߹ߒߚ ߇ޔቇ⠌⠪ߩ⋡⊛⥝ߦࠃߞߡߩ⺆⧷ࠕࠖ࠺ࡔޟޔቇ⠌ ᴺߪޠ᭽ߥޘᣇᴺ߇ࠆߣᕁ߹ߔޕ ᐕߩߎߩᬺߢߪޔᣣ߿ࠬࡘ࠾ߩޘ⇇ߢߎߞ ߡࠆ᭽ߥޘ᧪ࠍޔ㕙⊛ߢߪߥߊᷓߊℂ⸃ߔࠆߚ ߦߚߞߥߣ┵⊒ߩߘޔ㊀ᄢઙ߿ߦ⥋ࠆ߹ߢߩ⚻✲ޔ 㑐ㅪߒߚᱧผ㊀ⷐߥṶ⺑߿⺰ࠍቇ⠌ߒ߹ߔޟޕ⇇⚻ ᷣޟޠ⇇ᴦੱޟޠ⒳㗴᳃ਥൻ㗴ޟޠ಄ᚢએᓟߩỗ േߩᤨઍߡߒߣࡑ࠹ࠍޠขࠅᛒ߹ߔޕ⢛᥊⍮⼂ࠍߒߞ ߆ࠅℂ⸃ߒߚߢ⥄ޔಽ⥄りߩᗧࠍ⸒߃ࠆࠃ߁ߦ⺰ℂ⊛ ᕁ⠨ࠍりߦߟߌࠆߎߣ߽ߩߎޔᬺߩ⋡⊛ߣߥࠅ߹ߔޕ ࠟࠗ࠳ࡦࠬ ᳃ᮭㆇേ㧦㤥ੱᏅࠍਸ਼ࠅ߃ߡ 㧥㧚㧝㧝㧦࠹ࡠ࠭ࡓߩ⢿ᆭ ࠕࡐࡠ⸘↹㧦߳ߩ㆐ߣቝቮ㐿⊒ᚢ ᄢᕟᘓߣࠨࡉࡊࠗࡓࡠࡦ ࠰ㅪߩ⸃㧦⁛┙࿖ኅห㧔%+5㧕⺀↢ߩశߣᓇ '7 ⺀↢㧦ാ᳇ࠆ᧪߳ߩᛩ⾗ ਛ㑆࠹ࠬ࠻ ࡌ࡞ࡦߩო፣უ㧦಄ᚢߩ⽎ᓽޔოߩ፣უ߇ᗧߔࠆ߽ߩ ਛ࿖᳃ਥൻㆇേ㧦ᢥൻᄢ㕟ᄤ㐷ઙ⸒⺆⛔ ᦺ㞲ᚢ㧦หߓ᳃ᣖ߇߁ᖤ ࡌ࠻࠽ࡓᚢ㧦ߘߩᆎ߹ࠅߣ☨ァߩ⌀⋧ 㜞ᐲ⚻ᷣᚢ㧦ᣣᧄ߇ߎߒߚᄸ〔ߩ㜞ᐲ⚻ᷣᚑ㐳 ਛ᧲ᖱ㧦ⴊߛࠄߌߩࡄࠬ࠴࠽ߩᄢ ࠠࡘࡃෂᯏ㧦⇇ߪ╙ਃᰴ⇇ᄢᚢߩෂᯏߦߞߚ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ᬀ↰චਃઁ⪺)ޡNQDCN&[PCOKEU⇇ᖱࠍ⧷⺆ߢ⺒ޢ 㧔ࡦࠥࠫ࠾ࡦࠣ ޔᐕ㧕 +5$0 ̪ᚑ❣ߪએਅߩ㈩ಽߢ⹏ଔߒ߹ߔޕ ਛ㑆⹜㛎㧟㧡㧑⹜ᧃᦼޔ㛎㧟㧡㧑ޔᬺౝߢߩ⊒㧟㧜㧑 ̪ㆃೞ㧟࿁㧔㧟㧜ಽએౝ㧕ߢ㧝࿁ߩᰳᏨߣߺߥߒ߹ߔޕ ᰳᏨ㧡࿁ߒߚᤨὐߢනขᓧ߇ਇน⢻ߣߥࠅ߹ߔޕ 203 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ࡔ࠺ࠖࠕ⧷⺆Σ 㧔ᧁ㧠㧕 ࡔ࠺ࠖࠕ⧷⺆Σb㧔ᧁ㧠㧕 ᜂᒰ⠪ ࿖ ᤩሶ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ࠍ⺆⧷ࠕࠖ࠺ࡔޟቇ߱ߪߣޠࠍᗧߔࠆߩߢߒࠂ߁߆ޕ ⧷ሼᣂ⡞㔀߿ࡀ࠶࠻ߩ⸥ࠍല₸ࠃߊ⺒ቇ⠌ 㧔㗫න⺆ߥߤ߽ޔ㗄⋡ߏߣߦᥧ⸥ߒߚࠅߔࠆ㧕 ࠹ࡆࠫࠝߩ㖸ჿࠍቇ⠌ᢎ᧚ߦߒߡቇ߱ 㧔࠾ࡘࠬ߿Ṷ⺑ߩߺߥࠄߕޔ㧯㧹߽㗴᧚ߦߥࠅ߃ࠆ㧕 ࡑࠬࡔ࠺ࠖࠕߩᵹߔ⸥ࠍ㡻๘ߺߦߖߕޔᙬ⇼⊛ߦ⺒ ⸠✵ ⺆⧷ࠕࠖ࠺ࡔޟቇ⠌ᴺࠍ߆ߟߊߩޠߍߡߺ߹ߒߚ ߇ޔቇ⠌⠪ߩ⋡⊛⥝ߦࠃߞߡߩ⺆⧷ࠕࠖ࠺ࡔޟޔቇ⠌ ᴺߪޠ᭽ߥޘᣇᴺ߇ࠆߣᕁ߹ߔޕ ᐕߩߎߩᬺߢߪޔᣣ߿ࠬࡘ࠾ߩޘ⇇ߢߎߞ ߡࠆ᭽ߥޘ᧪ࠍޔ㕙⊛ߢߪߥߊᷓߊℂ⸃ߔࠆߚ ߦߚߞߥߣ┵⊒ߩߘޔ㊀ᄢઙ߿ߦ⥋ࠆ߹ߢߩ⚻✲ޔ 㑐ㅪߒߚᱧผ㊀ⷐߥṶ⺑߿⺰ࠍቇ⠌ߒ߹ߔޟޕ⇇⚻ ᷣޟޠ⇇ᴦੱޟޠ⒳㗴᳃ਥൻ㗴ޟޠ಄ᚢએᓟߩỗ േߩᤨઍߡߒߣࡑ࠹ࠍޠขࠅᛒ߹ߔޕ⢛᥊⍮⼂ࠍߒߞ ߆ࠅℂ⸃ߒߚߢ⥄ޔಽ⥄りߩᗧࠍ⸒߃ࠆࠃ߁ߦ⺰ℂ⊛ ᕁ⠨ࠍりߦߟߌࠆߎߣ߽ߩߎޔᬺߩ⋡⊛ߣߥࠅ߹ߔޕ ࠟࠗ࠳ࡦࠬ ᳃ᮭㆇേ㧦㤥ੱᏅࠍਸ਼ࠅ߃ߡ 㧥㧚㧝㧝㧦࠹ࡠ࠭ࡓߩ⢿ᆭ ࠕࡐࡠ⸘↹㧦߳ߩ㆐ߣቝቮ㐿⊒ᚢ ᄢᕟᘓߣࠨࡉࡊࠗࡓࡠࡦ ࠰ㅪߩ⸃㧦⁛┙࿖ኅห㧔%+5㧕⺀↢ߩశߣᓇ '7 ⺀↢㧦ാ᳇ࠆ᧪߳ߩᛩ⾗ ਛ㑆࠹ࠬ࠻ ࡌ࡞ࡦߩო፣უ㧦಄ᚢߩ⽎ᓽޔოߩ፣უ߇ᗧߔࠆ߽ߩ ਛ࿖᳃ਥൻㆇേ㧦ᢥൻᄢ㕟ᄤ㐷ઙ⸒⺆⛔ ᦺ㞲ᚢ㧦หߓ᳃ᣖ߇߁ᖤ ࡌ࠻࠽ࡓᚢ㧦ߘߩᆎ߹ࠅߣ☨ァߩ⌀⋧ 㜞ᐲ⚻ᷣᚢ㧦ᣣᧄ߇ߎߒߚᄸ〔ߩ㜞ᐲ⚻ᷣᚑ㐳 ਛ᧲ᖱ㧦ⴊߛࠄߌߩࡄࠬ࠴࠽ߩᄢ ࠠࡘࡃෂᯏ㧦⇇ߪ╙ਃᰴ⇇ᄢᚢߩෂᯏߦߞߚ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ᬀ↰චਃઁ⪺)ޡNQDCN&[PCOKEU⇇ᖱࠍ⧷⺆ߢ⺒ޢ 㧔ࡦࠥࠫ࠾ࡦࠣ ޔᐕ㧕 +5$0 ̪ᚑ❣ߪએਅߩ㈩ಽߢ⹏ଔߒ߹ߔޕ ਛ㑆⹜㛎㧟㧡㧑⹜ᧃᦼޔ㛎㧟㧡㧑ޔᬺౝߢߩ⊒㧟㧜㧑 ̪ㆃೞ㧟࿁㧔㧟㧜ಽએౝ㧕ߢ㧝࿁ߩᰳᏨߣߺߥߒ߹ߔޕ ᰳᏨ㧡࿁ߒߚᤨὐߢනขᓧ߇ਇน⢻ߣߥࠅ߹ߔޕ 204 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ࡔ࠺ࠖࠕ⧷⺆Σ ࡔ࠺ࠖࠕ⧷⺆Σa ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ᣂ⡞߿ࠗࡦ࠲ࡀ࠶࠻╬ߦタߖࠄࠇߡࠆᖱႎࠍㅢߓߡޔ ᭽ߺ⺒ࠍ⺆⧷ߩޠࠕࠖ࠺ࡔޟߥޘ⡬߈ℂ⸃ߔࠆⴚࠍ⠌ ᓧߒߡߊޔ߅ߥޕ ̌ゲ̍ߣߒߡߪ߹ߛࡎ࠶࠻ߥ㧔㧫㧕㗴 ߢࠈ߁ࠝࡃࡑᄢ⛔㗔ࠍਛᔃߣߒߡዷ㐿ߒߡߊ੍ቯᤨޕ 㑆߇ࠇ߫ޔᤋ↹ߥߤࠍㅢߓߡࠕࡔࠞߦ߅ߌࠆੱ⒳㑆ߩ ゟࠍ⚫ߒߡߊޕ 1. ࠗࡦ࠻ࡠ࠳࡚ࠢࠪࡦ 2㨪15. ࡔ࠺ࠖࠕ⧷⺆㧔ታ〣㧕 ዊᨋ ᗲ ߥ߅ࠍ⊒ޔήᢿߢᰳᏨߒߚࠅޔหߓ⃰ߩੱߦኻߒߡή⽿ છߥⴕേࠍขߞߚࠅߒߚ႐วߦߪ⹏ଔኻ⽎ᄖߣߥࠆߩߢ ⷐᵈᗧߢߔޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Ԙ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߪࡊࡦ࠻ߦߡ㈩Ꮣޕ Ꮸ⊒ቇᦼᧃߩࡐ࠻ࠍ✚วߒߡࠆޕ4 ࿁એ ԙ ㄉᦠߪᲤ࿁ᔅߕᜬෳߒߡߊࠆߎߣޕ ᰳᏨߒߚ႐ว߿ࡐ࠻ߦਇ㧔⾗ᢱߩήᢿ⋑↪ߥߤ㧕 㧔⧷࠭࠳ޡㄉౖޢએߩࡌ࡞ߩ߽ߩ߇ᦸ߹ߒ㧕 ߇ࠆ႐วߦ㑐ߒߡߪ⹏ଔኻ⽎ᄖߣߥࠆߩߢᵈᗧޕ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ࡔ࠺ࠖࠕ⧷⺆Σ ࡔ࠺ࠖࠕ⧷⺆Σb ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ᣂ⡞߿ࠗࡦ࠲ࡀ࠶࠻╬ߦタߖࠄࠇߡࠆᖱႎࠍㅢߓߡޔ ᭽ߺ⺒ࠍ⺆⧷ߩޠࠕࠖ࠺ࡔޟߥޘ⡬߈ℂ⸃ߔࠆⴚࠍ⠌ ᓧߒߡߊ̌ޔ߅ߥޕゲ̍ߣߒߡߪ߹ߛࡎ࠶࠻ߥ㧔㧫㧕 㗴ߢࠈ߁ࠝࡃࡑᄢ⛔㗔ࠍਛᔃߣߒߡዷ㐿ߒߡߊ੍ቯޕ ᤨ㑆߇ࠇ߫ޔᤋ↹ߥߤࠍㅢߓߡࠕࡔࠞߦ߅ߌࠆੱ⒳㑆 ߩゟࠍ⚫ߒߡߊޕ 1. ࠗࡦ࠻ࡠ࠳࡚ࠢࠪࡦ 2㨪15. ࡔ࠺ࠖࠕ⧷⺆㧔ታ〣㧕 ዊᨋ ᗲ ߥ߅ࠍ⊒ޔήᢿߢᰳᏨߒߚࠅޔหߓ⃰ߩੱߦኻߒߡή⽿ છߥⴕേࠍขߞߚࠅߒߚ႐วߦߪ⹏ଔኻ⽎ᄖߣߥࠆߩߢ ⷐᵈᗧߢߔޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Ԙ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߪࡊࡦ࠻ߦߡ㈩Ꮣޕ Ꮸ⊒ቇᦼᧃߩࡐ࠻ࠍ✚วߒߡࠆޕ4 ࿁એ ԙ ㄉᦠߪᲤ࿁ᔅߕᜬෳߒߡߊࠆߎߣޕ ᰳᏨߒߚ႐ว߿ࡐ࠻ߦਇ㧔⾗ᢱߩήᢿ⋑↪ߥߤ㧕 㧔⧷࠭࠳ޡㄉౖޢએߩࡌ࡞ߩ߽ߩ߇ᦸ߹ߒ㧕 ߇ࠆ႐วߦ㑐ߒߡߪ⹏ଔኻ⽎ᄖߣߥࠆߩߢᵈᗧޕ 205 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ࡔ࠺ࠖࠕ⧷⺆ Τ ࡔ࠺ࠖࠕ⧷⺆ Τa ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ The focus of this course will be to raise the 1 Introduction 㧭㧚㧾㧚ࡈࠔ࡞ࡧࠜ 2 Route 66, Weekly Current Event consciousness of students to current events in English 3 The American RED Cross, Weekly Current Event through the use of the Internet, the media and the 4 The Boston Ballet, Weekly Current Event entertainment community in the English speaking 5 Comedy, Weekly Current Event world. Music, movies, and world events will all be 6 Political Protest, Weekly Current Event 7 The Yellow Pages, Weekly Current Event analyzed both at the linguistic and the supra linguistic 8 The Dangers of Fast Food, Weekly Current Event level. Students will be expected to make weekly 9 The JOYS of Italian Cooking, Weekly Current Event presentations and interviews. By the end of the Spring 10 Healthy Life Styles, Weekly Current Event term students should be able to use POWER POINT for 11 Supermarkets, Weekly Current Event 12 Apples in the US Northwest, Weekly Current Event at least one presentation PER TERM! The use of email 14 Social Welfare Change to submit homework is COMPULSORY. Those who 15 Final Evaluation cannot nor will not need not apply to this class. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Weekly Prints (usually transcripts from video clips) will be sent by email to class participants. Weekly participation in class activities, written assignments submitted by email and other forms of constant evaluation 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ࡔ࠺ࠖࠕ⧷⺆ Τ ࡔ࠺ࠖࠕ⧷⺆ Τb ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ The focus of this course will be to raise the 1 Introduction 㧭㧚㧾㧚ࡈࠔ࡞ࡧࠜ 2 Tennessee, Weekly Current Event consciousness of students to current events in English 3 The Special Olympics, Weekly Current Event through the use of the Internet, the media and the 4 Sports Shoes, Weekly Current Event entertainment community in the English speaking 5 Charities for Children, Weekly Current Event world. Music, movies, and world events will all be 6 Health and Comedy, Weekly Current Event 7 Broadway Musical, Weekly Current Event analyzed both at the linguistic and the supra linguistic 8 Country Western Singers, Weekly Current Event level. Students will be expected to make weekly 9 Space Exploration, Weekly Current Event presentations and interviews. Students will use 10 Analysis of Commercial POWER POINT for at least one presentation this term. 11 You tube music analysis 12 Critique of Viral video As in the Spring term, students will submit homework 13 The Cove by email. 14 Whaling Issues 15 Final Presentations ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Weekly Prints (usually transcripts from video clips) will be sent by email to class participants. Weekly participation in class activities, written assignments submitted by email and other forms of constant evaluation 206 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ࡔ࠺ࠖࠕ⧷⺆ Τ ࡔ࠺ࠖࠕ⧷⺆ Τa ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ Media English II is aimed at students whose English is at an advanced level. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14/15 The aim of this course is to introduce students to the various types of English used in the media world, especially newspapers, magazines, and documentaries. The emphasis of this semester will be on political and economic/business stories, with a focus on Japan. Possible documentaries to be shown include “Hiroshima” (BBC) and “The Cove.” The format of the course will be for students to read/listen to/watch prepared materials every week, to participate actively in discussions and debates, and to submit written one-page essays as requested. At the end of the term, students will make final presentations and write self-evaluations. 㧼㧚ࡀ࡞ࡓ Documentary (or article) #1 Documentary (or article) #1 Essay #1 Documentary (or article) #2 Documentary (or article) #2 Essay #2 Documentary (or article) #3 Documentary (or article) #3 Essay #3 Documentary (or article) #4 Documentary (or article) #4 Essay #4 Final preparation Final presentation, Self-evaluation Students taking my Media English II course cannot take Media English I in the same year, and vice versa. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Materials to be handed out in class weekly. Attendance 25% (maximum number of absences=4), Participation 25%, Essays 25%, Final presentation and self-evaluation 25% 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ࡔ࠺ࠖࠕ⧷⺆ Τ ࡔ࠺ࠖࠕ⧷⺆ Τb ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ Media English II is aimed at students whose English is at an advanced level. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14/15 The aim of this course is to introduce students to the various types of English used in the media world, especially newspapers, magazines, and documentaries. The emphasis of this semester will be on cultural and entertainment stories, as well as travel guides (online and other). The format of the course will be for students to read/listen to/watch prepared materials every week, to participate actively in discussions and debates, and to submit written one-page essays as requested. At the end of the term, students will make final presentations and write self-evaluations. 㧼㧚ࡀ࡞ࡓ Documentary (or article) #1 Documentary (or article) #1 Essay #1 Documentary (or article) #2 Documentary (or article) #2 Essay #2 Documentary (or article) #3 Documentary (or article) #3 Essay #3 Documentary (or article) #4 Documentary (or article) #4 Essay #4 Final preparation Final presentation, Self-evaluation Students taking my Media English I course cannot take Media English II in the same year, and vice versa. Preference will be given to students taking the first-semester course as well. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Materials to be handed out in class weekly. Attendance 25% (maximum number of absences=4), Participation 25%, Essays 25%, Final presentation and self-evaluation 25% 207 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ࡔ࠺ࠖࠕ⧷⺆ Τ ࡔ࠺ࠖࠕ⧷⺆ Τa ᜂᒰ⠪ ᧲ㇹ ᓼ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ⧷ሼᣂ⡞ߩ⸥ࠍ⺒ߥࠈࠈޕౝኈߩႎ⸥߿․ 㓸⸥ࠍ⺒ߎߣࠍㅢߒߡ৻⥸␠ળߢᔅⷐߣߐࠇࠆ⧷⺆ߩ ⺆ᒵജࠍ㙃ᚑߔࠆ੍ޕ⠌ߒߡ߈ߚࠍ⏕ߔࠆߚߦޔᲤ ࿁◲නߥන⺆࠹ࠬ࠻ࠍⴕ߁ޕᢎ᧚ߦߟߡߪޔᰴߩᬺߢ ߁⸥ߩࠦࡇࠍᲤ࿁㈩Ꮣߔࠆߩߢޔ᧪ࠆߛߌᰳᏨߒ ߥߎߣ߇ᄢಾߢࠆޕᬺߢߪ⧷ᢥ⸥ࠍ⸶ߒߥ߇ࠄ ౝኈℂ⸃ߦദߚޕ Ფ࿁ޔᬺߩೋߦන⺆ዊ࠹ࠬ࠻ࠍⴕ߁ޕᬺߢߪਥߦ ⸶ࠍߒߥ߇ࠄ⸥ࠍ⺒ߺㅴࠆޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ᰴߩᬺߢ߁ᢎ᧚ࠍᲤ࿁㈩Ꮣߔࠆޕ ਥߣߒߡන⺆ዊ࠹ࠬ࠻ߩ⚿ᨐߩᐔဋὐߦࠃࠅ⹏ଔߔࠆޕ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ࡔ࠺ࠖࠕ⧷⺆ Τ ࡔ࠺ࠖࠕ⧷⺆ Τb ᜂᒰ⠪ ᧲ㇹ ᓼ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ᤐቇᦼߦหߓޕ ᤐቇᦼߦหߓޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ᰴߩᬺߢ߁ᢎ᧚ࠍᲤ࿁㈩Ꮣߔࠆޕ ਥߣߒߡන⺆ዊ࠹ࠬ࠻ߩᐔဋὐߦࠃࠅ⹏ଔߔࠆޕ 208 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ࠪࡀࡑ⧷⺆ ࠪࡀࡑ⧷⺆ a ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ⻠⟵⋡⊛㧦 1. 㐿ᓟ 60 ᐕࠍ⚻ߡ߽ዏߘߩノ߈ࠍᄬࠊߥฬ↹ࠨࠞޟޔ ࡉࡦࠞޕޠ㧔ࠕࠞ࠺ࡒ⾨ฃ⾨㧕╙ੑᰴ⇇ᄢᚢߩ࡛ࡠ ࠶ࡄ⥰ࠍࠦ࠶ࡠࡕޔบߦ➅ࠅᐢߍࠄࠇࠆ‛⺆ࠍ㧰㨂㧰ߢⷰ ⾨ߒࠍ⺆⧷ࠆ߃ߥࠢ࠶ࠗ࠹ࡦࠝߚߒߣ߈↢߈↢ޔቇ ߮ࠍߤߥ⊒ޔㅢߓߡታ㓙ߦ߃ࠆࠃ߁ߦߒߡ߈߹ߔޕ ᤨઍ⊛⢛᥊ߩਛߢᷓߺߩࠆบ⹖ߢߟߠࠄࠇߡߊࠬ࠻ ࠍᭉߒߺߥ߇ࠄቇߴࠆߣᕁ߹ߔޕ ⻠⟵ⷐ㧦 DVD ࠍߡࠬࠢࡊ࠻ࠍࠃߊℂ⸃ߒޔExercise ߢ⏕ߒ ߹ߔߦߣߏ࠲ࡊࡖ࠴ޕᅢ߈ߥࠍㆬ߮࠶ࠠࠬߢࠕࡍޔ ࠻ࠍᚑߒ⊒ߒߡࠍ⺆⧷ߚ߈↢ޔりߦߟߌߡ߈߹ߔޕ 㐷ୖ ᒄᨑ Introduction 2. Unit 1. I’ll Die in Casablanca 3. Unit 2. Where Were You Last Night? 4. Unit 3 Yeah? What’s His Name? Afternoon Tea Break 1 5. Unit 4. Play “As Time Goes By” 6. Unit 5. Here’s Looking at You, Kid. 7. Unit 6. Kiss Me As If It Were the Last Time Afternoon Tea Break 2 8. Unit 7. Your Story Had Me a Little Confused 9. Unit 8. Nobody Ever Loved Me That Much 10. Unit 9. This Café Is Closed Until Further Notice! Afternoon Tea Break 3 11. Unit 10. I Wish I Didn’t Love You So Much 12. Unit 11. She Isn’t Just Any Woman 13. Unit 12. We Always Have Paris 14. ߹ߣ(1) 15. ߹ߣ(2) ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Ed. by Hiromi Akimoto/Mayumi Hamada. Casablanca -- Ꮸ⁁ᴫޔᬺ߳ߩෳടᐲޔኋ㗴ࠗ࠶ࠛޔ⊒ޔឭ╬ ߆ࠄ✚ว⊛ߦ⹏ଔߒ߹ߔޕᬺਛߩࡊࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦ߽ ㊀ⷐⷞߒ߹ߔߩߢޔᏨߪᦨ߽㊀ⷐޕ Cool and Unforgettable English. Macmillan Languagehouse, 㩯2500 㧗⒢ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ࠪࡀࡑ⧷⺆ ࠪࡀࡑ⧷⺆ b ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ⻠⟵⋡⊛㧦 1. Introduction 㧟ߟߩฬߥࠕࡔࠞᤋ↹㧘ࡑࠟ࠶࠻ ࡒ࠶࠴ࠚ࡞ߩ ޟ㘑ߣߦࠅߧ⨲⧯ޟߩ࠻࠶ࠦ࡞ࠝ ࠗࡔ ࠩࠗ࡞ ޔޠ ‛⺆ޠ㧘ࠗࡑࡦ ࡈࡦࠢ ࡏࡓߩߩ࠭ࠝޟ㝷ᴺޠ ࠍㅢߒߡࠕࡔࠞߩᱧผ⊛␠ޔળ⊛ޔᢥൻ⊛⢛᥊ࠍℂ⸃ߒޔ ࠕࡔࠞߩᔃࠍᗵߓߣࠆߎߣ߇᧪ࠇ߫ሜߒߣᕁ߹ ߔޕ ⻠⟵ⷐ㧦 㧰㨂㧰ࠍⷰߡ✵ޔ⠌㗴ࠍߒߡౝኈߩℂ⸃ࠍ⏕ߒ߹ߔޕ ߘࠇ߆ࠄߘߩ႐㕙႐㕙ߦߜࠅ߫ࠄࠇߚᄙߊߩ⧷⺆ ࠍቇ߮ࠍߩࠄࠇߘޔฦ⥄ࠬࠠ࠶࠻ࠍᚑߒߡ⊒ ߔࠆߎߣߦࠃࠅታ㓙ߦ߃ࠆࠃ߁ߦߒߡ߈߹ߔޕ 㐷ୖ ᒄᨑ 2. “Gone With the Wind” Unit 1. Vocabulary Exercises/Scene 1, 2, 3/Review 3. Unit 2. Same as Above 4.Unit 3. “ 5.Unit 4. Vocabulary Exercises/Scene 1,2, 3/Summary 6.“Little Women” Unit 5. Vocabulary Exercises/Scene 1, 2, 3/Review 7. Unit 6. Same as above 8. Unit 7. “ 9. Unit 8 Vocabulary Exercises/Scene 1, 2, 3/Summary 10.“The Wizard of Oz” Unit 9. Vocabulary Exercises/Scene 1, 2, 3/Review 11. Unit 10. Same as Above 12. Unit 11. “ 13.Unit 12. Vocabulary Exercises/Scene 1, 2, 3/ Summary 13.Performance 14. ߹ߣ ( 1 ) 15. ߹ߣ (2) ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Ed. by M. Ishizuka, M. Kobayashi, M. Maass, M. Nagasaki. American Spirits in Movies . Seibido. ¥2400. ᤐቇᦼߦหߓޕ 209 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ࠪࡀࡑ⧷⺆ ࠪࡀࡑ⧷⺆ a ᜂᒰ⠪ ㊁ ᐽሶ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ߎߩᬺߩ⋡⊛ߪޔ2006 ᐕߦ㐿ߐࠇߚᤋ↹ࠍ࠳ࡊޟ ⌕ߚᖡ㝷(The Devil Wears Prada)ࠍޠ㗴᧚ߦޔᤋࠍߺߥ ߇ࠄታ〣⊛ߥ⧷⺆ജߩะࠍߪ߆ࠆߎߣߦࠆ࠽ࡖࠫޕ ࠬ࠻ᔒᦸߩਥੱࠕࡦ࠺ࠖ߇ޟᖡ㝷ߦ߁ࠃߩޠ෩ߒࡈ ࠔ࠶࡚ࠪࡦ㔀ߩ✬㓸㐳ߩਅߢ⋥ะ߈ߦ߈ޔᚑ㐳ߒߡ ߊᆫࠍឬߚ‛⺆ߢࠆߩߎޕᤋ↹ߪޔหઍߩᅚᕈߩ ᗵࠍࠃ߮ޔᣣᧄߢ߽ᄢ߈ߥ㗴ߣߥߞߚޕ ᬺߢߪߩࡑࡀࠪޔᱧผޔಽ㘃ޔᚻᴺߥߤߦߟ߈߹ߕ⺑ ߔࠆߩߘޕߢޔታ㓙ߦᤋࠍߺߥ߇ࠄޔࠣࡦ࠾ࠬޔ ౝኈߩᛠីᦨޕ߁ⴕࠍߤߥࠣࡦࠗ࠼ࡖࠪޔᓟߩᬺߢߪޔ 2㨪3 ੱߩࠣ࡞ࡊߦࠊ߆ࠇߡߩ⊒ޕ߁ࠄ߽ߡߒࠍ⊒ޔ ⚦ߦߟߡߪ ╙ޔ1 ࿁⋡ߩᬺߦߡㅀߴࠆޕ ╙ 1 ࿁ ࠟࠗ࠳ࡦࠬ ╙ 2 ࿁ ࠪࡀࡑߦߟߡԘ ╙ 3 ࿁ ࠪࡀࡑߦߟߡԙ ╙ 4 ࿁ ࠪࡀࡑߦߟߡԚ ╙ 5 ࿁ Andy Meets Miranda ╙ 6 ࿁ Andy’s First Day at Runway ╙7࿁ Miranda, the Almighty ╙8࿁ Andy’s Metamorphosis ╙9࿁ Andy Performs a Miracle ╙ 10 ࿁ Andy’s Stock Goes Up ╙ 11 ࿁ Andy’s Dilemma ╙ 12 ࿁ A Night in Paris ╙ 13 ࿁ A Plot against Miranda ╙ 14 ࿁ Andy’s Final Choice ╙ 15 ࿁ ⊒ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Aline Brosh McKenna ⪺⼱ޔਭ⟤ሶ㧛Kim R.Kanel ✬ ߚ⌕ࠍ࠳ࡊޡᖡ㝷᧻ޢᨰ␠ ޔᐕ Ꮸ࿁ᢙޔᬺ߳ߩ⽸₂ᐲ✚ࠆࠃߦ࠻ࡐޔ⊒ޔว⹏ ଔ 210 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ࠪࡀࡑ⧷⺆ ࠪࡀࡑ⧷⺆ b ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ 1999 ᐕߩࠕࠞ࠺ࡒ⾨ຠ⾨ฃ⾨ Shakespeare in Love ࠍขࠅߍࠆޕ 1. ᬺߩㅴᣇߩ⺑ޔ⺑ 2. Chapter 1 3. Chapter 2 4. Chapter 3 5. Chapter 4 6. Chapter 5 7. Chapter 6 8. Chapter 7 9. Chapter 8 10. Chapter 9 11. Chapter 10 12. Chapter 11 13. Chapter 12 14. Chapter 13 15. ߹ߣ ߎߩຠߪࠗࠡࠬઍኅߩ৻ੱ Tom Stoppard ߇ ⣉ᧄࠍᚻ߇ߌߚޕStoppard ߪ⸒⪲ߩߕࠇ߿㖸ߩㆆ߮ࠍ↪ ߒߡ⯯ޔታߩႺ⋡ߩᦌᤒߐࠍ⍮⊛ߦߔࠆߎߣߦߚߌߚ ኅߢࠆޕShakespeare in Love ߪࡠࡑࡦ࠹ࠖ࠶ࠢߥᕜᗲࠍ ឬߊᇅᭉຠߢࠆߣߣ߽ߦޔᱧผ⊛ታߣࡈ࡚ࠖࠢࠪࡦ ࠍⶄ㔀ߦ㍲ߐߖߚ⍮⊛ㆆᚨߦ߰ࠇߚຠߢ߽ࠆޕ ৻ߟߩᤋ↹ߩਛߢ Shakespeare ߩᚨᦛߩบ⹖ߣ Stoppard ߩ ⣉ᧄߩ⸒⪲߇ᷙߓࠅวᤨޔઍࠍ߃ߚੑੱߩኅߩห ຠߣ߽ߥߞߡࠆޕ ਤᔨߦߎߩຠࠍಽᨆߒߡߊߎߣߦࠃࠅޔStoppard ߩ⸒ ⺆ㆆᚨ߿ߘࠇࠍᤋൻߔࠆᚻᴺ߳ߩℂ⸃ࠍᷓࠆߎߣࠍ ⋡⊛ߣߔࠆޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ 㚅ผሶ✬ޔShakespeare in Love 㧔ᨰ᧻␠㧕 ᐔᏱὐ㧔ᬺਛߩ⺖㗴ߥߤ㧕㧦40% ᦼᧃ࠹ࠬ࠻㧦60% 211 ೨ᴛ ᶈሶ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ቇߩ⇇ ⧷⺆ቇ⺰ b ᜂᒰ⠪ ᐭᎹ ⻯ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ߎߩ⻠⟵ߩ⋡⊛ߪ⺆⸒ޔቇߩᦨㄭߩ⊒ዷ߆ࠄᓧࠄࠇߚ⍮ ࠍ↪ߒࠍ⾰․ߩ⺆⧷ޔតࠅᒰߡߡ⧷⺆ߘߩ߽ߩߩℂ⸃ ࠍᷓߩߡߟߦ⺆⧷ޔ⍮⼂ࠍჇ߿ߔߎߣߦࠅ߹ߔߒޕ ߚ߇ߞߡޔ㜞ᩞᤨઍߦ⠌ߞߡ߈ߚ߇ࠆ߃⸒߁ߘߗߥޟ ߩߦߩߥ߃⸒ߪ߁ߎޔ㧫⇼ߥᧉ⚛߁ߣޠߦኻߒߡޔ ߘࠇߥࠅߦߤ߶ࠆߥޟ㧍⚊ߣޠᓧߩߊℂ↱ߩࠆߎߣࠍ ⺑ߒߡ߈߹ߔޕ ߎߩᬺࠍฃߌࠆߣ߫߃ޔᣣᧄ⺆ߢࠦࡃ࠲ߦࡦ࡚ࠫޟ ࠍ߿ࠆࠃ߁⺑ᓧߒߚߌࠇߤޔ߽ߡ߃⸒ߣޠߚߞ߆ߥ߿ޔ ̌*I persuaded John out of smoking, but he didn’t quit smoking.̍ߣ⸒߃ߥℂ↱߿̌ޔI’m standing ( ) the street.̍ߩࠞ࠶ࠦߦ in ߽ on ߽ࠆߌߤޔᗧ߇㆑߁ߎߣ ߇ಽ߆ࠆࠃ߁ߦߥࠅ߹ߔޕᓎߦ┙ߟ⊛⾰ᧄޔ⍮⼂ࠍりߦߟ ߌߩߘޔㆊ⒟ߢੱ߇߫ߣߎޔ㑆ߢࠆߎߣߩᄢߥ⸽㧔 ߆ߒ㧕ߢࠆߎߣࠍℂ⸃ߒߡ߶ߒߣᕁߞߡ߹ߔޕ <⛯߈ߪਅࠍߏⷩߊߛߐ> 1. ⧷⺆ߣᣣᧄ⺆ߩᖱႎ᭴ㅧ 2. ᖱႎߩᣂᣥߣ⹖ 3. ᖱႎ᭴ㅧߣᦠ߈឵߃᭴ᢥ 4. ⧷⺆ฃേᢥ 5. GET ฃりߣ BE ฃり 6. ⥄േ⹖᭴ᢥߣઁേ⹖᭴ᢥ 7. േ⹖ߩᗧߣ᭴ᢥ㧔⚿ᨐ᭴ᢥ㧕 8. േ⹖ߩᗧߣ᭴ᢥ㧔ੑ㊀⋡⊛⺆᭴ᢥ㧕 9. േ⹖ߩᗧߣ᭴ᢥ㧔ოႣࠅ᭴ᢥ㧕 10. േ⹖ߩᗧߣ᭴ᢥ㧔tough ᭴ᢥߣਛ㑆᭴ᢥ㧕 11. േ⹖ߩᗧࡀ࠶࠻ࡢࠢ 12. ೨⟎⹖ߩᗧ 13. ⛯߈ 14. ೨⟎⹖ߩᗧࡀ࠶࠻ࡢࠢ 15. ࠕࠬࡍࠢ࠻㧔ㅴⴕ⋧ߣቢੌ⋧㧕 ̪ ߩ࠻ࡇ࠶ࠢߦᄙዋߩᄌᦝࠍട߃ࠆ႐วߪ ╙ޔ1 ࿁⋡ ߩᬺߢឭ␜ߔࠆޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻㧦╙ 2 ㅳ⋡߆ࠄߪ⻠⟵ᡰេࡐ࠲࡞ࠨࠗ࠻ࠍㅢߓ ߡ㈩Ꮣߒ߹ߔߩߢޔฦ⥄ߢශሼߒߡਅߐޕ ෳ⠨ᦠ㧦ᬺਛߦㆡቱ⚫ߒ߹ߔޕ ⺖㗴ߣዊ࠹ࠬ࠻߅ࠃ߮ቯᦼ⹜㛎ߢࠆޕ ߚߛߒޔᛮ߈ᛂߜዊ࠹ࠬ࠻ߢ ഀ㧔น㧕એขࠇߥ႐ว ߪޔቯᦼ⹜㛎ߩฃ㛎߇ߢ߈ߥߩߢᵈᗧߔࠆߎߣޕ 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ቇߩ⇇ ⧷⺆ቇ⺰ b ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᐭᎹ ⻯ ᬺ⸘↹ ⻠⟵⋡⊛ߣౝኈߪᤐቇᦼߣหߓߢߔޕ ߽߁ዋߒߩߎޔᬺࠍฃߌࠆߣಽ߆ࠆࠃ߁ߦߥࠆࠍ ߍߡ߅߈߹ߔޕ (1) ᴣߊߩߪ߅ޟߊߥߪߢޠࠎ߆߿ޟḡ߽⺆⧷ޔߦߩߥޠ ᣣᧄ⺆߽߇ࠎ߆߿ޟᴣߊޕ߁⸒ߣޠ a. The kettle is boiling. b. ࡗࠞࡦ߇ᾚ߃ߊࠅߞߡࠆޕ (2) ‘write Mary a letter’ߣ‘write a letter to Mary’ߪหߓᗧ ߛߣ⠌ߞߚߩߦޔb ߪ⸒߃ߥޕ a. John wrote a letter to Mary, but later he tore it up. b.*John wrote Mary a letter, but later he tore it up. (3) [∋ࠇߡࠆੱߦะ߆ߞߡ] ৻ޟᚲ ߚ߆ࠄ∋ࠇ ࠍᗵߓࠆߩߐ߁ߣޠ႐วߦߪ a ߩ߶߁߇ࠃޕ a. You feel tired because you've worked hard. b.??Because you've worked hard, you feel tired. (4) ฃേᢥߢ get ߣ be ߩߤߜࠄࠍߞߚࠄࠃߩ߆ޕ a. Criminals must {get/?be} arrested to prove their machismo. b. Criminals must {?get/be} arrested to keep the streets safe. 1. ⧷⺆ߣᣣᧄ⺆ߩᖱႎ᭴ㅧ 2. ᖱႎߩᣂᣥߣ⹖ 3. ᖱႎ᭴ㅧߣᦠ߈឵߃᭴ᢥ 4. ⧷⺆ฃേᢥ 5. GET ฃりߣ BE ฃり 6. ⥄േ⹖᭴ᢥߣઁേ⹖᭴ᢥ 7. േ⹖ߩᗧߣ᭴ᢥ㧔⚿ᨐ᭴ᢥ㧕 8. േ⹖ߩᗧߣ᭴ᢥ㧔ੑ㊀⋡⊛⺆᭴ᢥ㧕 9. േ⹖ߩᗧߣ᭴ᢥ㧔ოႣࠅ᭴ᢥ㧕 10. േ⹖ߩᗧߣ᭴ᢥ㧔tough ᭴ᢥߣਛ㑆᭴ᢥ㧕 11. േ⹖ߩᗧࡀ࠶࠻ࡢࠢ 12. ೨⟎⹖ߩᗧ 13. ⛯߈ 14. ೨⟎⹖ߩᗧࡀ࠶࠻ࡢࠢ 15. ࠕࠬࡍࠢ࠻㧔ㅴⴕ⋧ߣቢੌ⋧㧕 ̪ ߩ࠻ࡇ࠶ࠢߦᄙዋߩᄌᦝࠍട߃ࠆ႐วߪ ╙ޔ1 ࿁⋡ ߩᬺߢឭ␜ߔࠆޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻㧦╙ 2 ㅳ⋡߆ࠄߪ⻠⟵ᡰេࡐ࠲࡞ࠨࠗ࠻ࠍㅢߓ ߡ㈩Ꮣߒ߹ߔߩߢޔฦ⥄ߢශሼߒߡਅߐޕ ෳ⠨ᦠ㧦ᬺਛߦㆡቱ⚫ߒ߹ߔޕ ⺖㗴ߣዊ࠹ࠬ࠻߅ࠃ߮ቯᦼ⹜㛎ߢࠆޕ ߚߛߒޔᛮ߈ᛂߜዊ࠹ࠬ࠻ߢ ഀ㧔น㧕એขࠇߥ႐ว ߪޔቯᦼ⹜㛎ߩฃ㛎߇ߢ߈ߥߩߢᵈᗧߔࠆߎߣޕ 212 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⸒⺆ᖱႎಣℂΣa ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ⠀ጊ ᕺ ᬺ⸘↹ [⋡⊛] ߎߩᬺߢߪࠦࡦࡇࡘ࠲ࠍ↪ߚޟቇ⠌⠪⸒⺆ޠ ߩಽᨆࠍⴕ߁㧚ࠊࠇࠊࠇᣣᧄੱ߇ߔ㧘ࠆߪᦠߊ⧷ ⺆ߪోߡޟቇ⠌⠪⸒⺆ࠅߢޠ㧘ࡀࠗ࠹ࠖࡉࠬࡇࠞ ߩ⊒ߣߪߐ߹ߑ߹ߥ㕙ߢ⇣ߥࠆ㧚ߚߣ߃߫ޟᵹᥰߐޠ㧘 ࠆߔ↪ޟන⺆ߩ⒳㘃ޠ㧘ࠆߔ↪ޟᢥᴺߩⶄ㔀ߐޠ㧘ޟᱜ ⏕ߐࠆߢߤߥޠ㧚ߎߩᬺߪ㧘ߎࠇࠄ㧔ቇ⠌⠪㧕⸒⺆ ಽᨆߩⷰὐߣᣇᴺࠍቇ߱ߎߣࠍ⋡⊛ߣߔࠆ㧚ߘࠇߦࠃࠅ㧘 ⥄ಽ⥄りߩ⧷⺆ജࠍᝄࠅࠆߎߣ߇᧪ࠆࠃ߁ߦߥߞߚ ࠅ㧘᧪ᢎ⡯㧔⧷⺆ᢎᏧ㧕ߦዞ߈ߚߣᏗᦸߔࠆ႐วߪ㧘 ↢ᓤߚߜߩ⧷⺆ജࠍ᷹ቯ⹏ଔߢ߈ࠆᛛ⢻ࠍりߦߟߌࠆߎ ⧷⺆ቇ⠌ ߣ߇᧪ࠆࠃ߁ߦߥߞߚࠅߔࠆߎߣࠍ⋡ᜰߔ㧚⧷ ߦᒝ⥝㑐ᔃ߇ࠆੱ㧘ᢎ⡯ࠍ⋡ᜰߔੱߦᦨㆡߥౝኈ ߣ⠨߃ࠆ㧚 [ⷐ] ߏߊၮᧄ⊛ߥ⸒⺆ቇߩ⍮⼂ߩ⻠⟵߆ࠄᆎ㧘ߘߩᓟߪ 㧝ੱ㧝บߩࠦࡦࡇࡘ࠲ࠍ㧘Ṷ⠌ࠍਛᔃߦᬺࠍ ㅴࠆ㧚⥄ಽߢቇ⠌⠪⸒⺆࠺࠲ࠍ㓸ߒߚࠅ㧘ߘߩಽ ᨆ⚿ᨐࠍࡐ࠻ߦ߹ߣߚࠅߔࠆߎߣ߽⺖㗴ߣߥࠆ㧚 ࠦࡦࡇࡘ࠲ߩᠲߦࠆ⒟ᐲᘠࠇߡࠆߎߣ߇ᦸ߹ ߒ߇㧘ᬺࠍㅢߒߡቇ⠌ߔࠆߎߣ߽චಽน⢻㧚 1. ޤࠬࡦ࠳ࠗࠟޣ 2. ⸒⺆ߩၮᧄ㧔1㧕㧦ຠ⹖ 3. ⸒⺆ߩၮᧄ㧔2㧕㧦ᒻᘒ⚛㧘න⺆㧘ฏ㧘▵ 4. ቇ⠌⠪⸒⺆ߩಽᨆ㧦⺆ᒵജߣߪ߆㧔1㧕 5. ቇ⠌⠪⸒⺆ߩಽᨆ㧦⺆ᒵജߣߪ߆㧔2㧕 6. ቇ⠌⠪⸒⺆ߩಽᨆ㧦⺆ᒵജߣߪ߆㧔3㧕 7. ቇ⠌⠪⸒⺆ߩಽᨆ㧦ᢥᴺജߣߪ߆㧔1㧕 8. ቇ⠌⠪⸒⺆ߩಽᨆ㧦ᢥᴺജߣߪ߆㧔2㧕 9. ቇ⠌⠪⸒⺆ߩಽᨆ㧦ᢥᴺജߣߪ߆㧔3㧕 10. ቇ⠌⠪⸒⺆ߩಽᨆ㧦ᵹᥰߐߣߪ߆㧔1㧕 11. ቇ⠌⠪⸒⺆ߩಽᨆ㧦ᵹᥰߐߣߪ߆㧔2㧕 12. ቇ⠌⠪⸒⺆ߩಽᨆ㧦ᵹᥰߐߣߪ߆㧔3㧕 13. ᦨ⚳ࡐ࠻Ḱ㧔1㧕 14. ᦨ⚳ࡐ࠻Ḱ㧔2㧕 15. ޤߣ߹ޣ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ PowerPoint ߩ⾗ᢱࠍ⟵⻠ޟᡰេࠪࠬ࠹ࡓࠍޠ↪ߒߡឭ ␜ߔࠆ㧚 Ꮸ㧗ᬺᵴേ߳ߩෳടᐲ㧗ࡐ࠻ߦࠃࠅ⹏ଔߔࠆ㧚 ᰳᏨߩ႐วߢ߽ᔅߕ⺖㗴ࠍឭߔࠆߎߣ㧚 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⸒⺆ᖱႎಣℂΣb ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ [⋡⊛] ᤐቇᦼߦᒁ߈⛯߈㧘ቇ⠌⠪⸒⺆ߩಽᨆࠍⴕ߁㧚ߘࠇߦ ࠃࠅ㧘⧷⺆ቇ⠌ࠍㅴࠆߢ⋥㕙ߔࠆ࿎㔍ὐࠍ㧘ౕ⊛ ᢙ㊂⊛ߦᛠីߔࠆⷞὐ߿ಽᨆᣇᴺࠍりߦߟߌࠆ㧚 [ⷐ] ᤐቇᦼߩౝኈࠍ✚ว⊛ߦᓳ⠌ߒ㧘ߘࠇࠄࠍ〯߹߃ߚߢ Ṷ⠌ࠍਛᔃߦᬺࠍㅴࠆ㧚ߘߩߚ㧘ᤐቇᦼߩ⺆⸒ޟᖱ ႎಣℂ Ia੍ࠍޠጁୃߒߡࠆߎߣ߇ᦸ߹ߒ㧚⑺ቇᦼ ߆ࠄጁୃߔࠆ႐วߪ㧘⸒⺆ቇߩၮ␆⊛ߥ⍮⼂ࠍりߦߟߌߡ ࠆߎߣ߇ᦸ߹ߒ㧚 ᬺߦ߅ߡߪ㧘ታ㓙ߦቇ⠌⠪⸒⺆ߩ࠺࠲㓸ࠍⴕ 㧘ߘߩಽᨆࠍㅴߡߊ㧚ฃ⻠ੱᢙߦࠃߞߡ㧘ࠣ࡞ࡊ ᵴേ߹ߚߪੱᵴേߦߥࠆ߇㧘ቇ↢ߩᬺ㧘Ṷ⠌㧘⊒߇ ਛᔃߦߥࠆ㧚 1. ⠀ጊ ᕺ ޤࠬࡦ࠳ࠗࠟޣ 2. ቇ⠌⠪⸒⺆ߩಽᨆߩⷞὐ㧔1㧕㧦ⷐ 3. ቇ⠌⠪⸒⺆ߩಽᨆߩⷞὐ㧔2㧕㧦ᵹᥰߐ 4. ቇ⠌⠪⸒⺆ߩಽᨆߩⷞὐ㧔3㧕㧦⺆ᒵജ 5. ቇ⠌⠪⸒⺆ߩಽᨆߩⷞὐ㧔4㧕㧦ᢥᴺജ 6. ቇ⠌⠪⸒⺆ߩಽᨆߩⷞὐ㧔5㧕㧦ᱜ⏕ᕈ 7. ࠺࠲㓸ߣቇ⠌⠪ࠦࡄࠬߩᚑ㧔1㧕 8. ࠺࠲㓸ߣቇ⠌⠪ࠦࡄࠬߩᚑ㧔2㧕 9. ቇ⠌⠪ࠦࡄࠬߩടᎿ㧦tagging㧔1㧕 10. ቇ⠌⠪ࠦࡄࠬߩടᎿ㧦tagging㧔2㧕 11. ಽᨆ㧔1㧕 12. ಽᨆ㧔2㧕 13. ࡊࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦ㧔1㧕 14. ࡊࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦ㧔2㧕 15. ޤߣ߹ޣ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ PowerPoint ߩ⾗ᢱࠍ⟵⻠ޟᡰេࠪࠬ࠹ࡓࠍޠ↪ߒߡឭ ␜ߔࠆ㧚 Ꮸ㧗ᬺᵴേ߳ߩෳടᐲ㧗ࡊࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦߦࠃࠅ ⹏ଔߔࠆ㧚ᰳᏨߩ႐วߢ߽ᔅߕ⺖㗴ࠍឭߔࠆߎߣ㧚 213 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⸒⺆ᖱႎಣℂΣa ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛㧘⻠⟵ⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ 㧔⻠⟵⋡⊛⻠⟵ⷐߪᤐ⑺ቇᦼㅢߢߔ㧕 1 2 3 ᧄ⻠⟵ߢߪ㧘ᦨ⚳⊛ߦߪࠦࡦࡇࡘ࠲ߣ߁ࡔࠟࡀࠍㅢ ߒߡ㧘․ߩ⪲⸒߁ߣޠ⺆⧷ޟᓽࠍߡߺࠃ߁ߣ߁ߩ߇ ߨࠄߢߔ߫߃ߣߚޕ㧘⊝ߐࠎߪࠆᒻኈ⹖߇ߤߩࠃ߁ߥ ฬ⹖ߣ⋧ᕈࠍ⍮ࠅߚᤨ㧘ߤ߁ߒ߹ߔ߆ޕㄉᦠߢ⺞ߴߡ߽ ⍮ࠅߚᒻኈ⹖ߣฬ⹖ߩ⚵ߺวࠊߖ߇ߡࠆߣߪ㒢ࠅ߹ ߖࠎޕりㄭߦࡀࠗ࠹ࠖࡉࠬࡇࠞ߇ࠇ߫ߘߩੱߦߚߕ ߨࠆߩ߽৻᩺ߢߔ߇㧘ᔅߕߒ߽ㄭߊߦࠆߣߪ㒢ࠅ߹ߖࠎ ߒ㧘⡞ߊ⋧ᚻߦࠃߞߡ╵߃߇ំࠇࠆߎߣ߽ࠅ߹ߔޕ ߘࠎߥᤨߦ㧘৻ߟߩࡅࡦ࠻ࠍਈ߃ߡߊࠇࠆ߽ߩ߇㧘ࠦޟ ࡄࠬߪߩ߁ߣࠬࡄࠦޕߔߢޠ㧘ࠦࡦࡇࡘ࠲ߢ⥄ ߦᬌ⚝ߢ߈ࠆ⸒⪲ߩ࠺࠲ࡌࠬߢߔࠍࠬࡄࠦޕᬌ⚝ߔ ࠆߎߣߢ㧘᥉ㅢߩㄉᦠߢߪᓧࠄࠇߥᢥࠍߟߌߚࠅ㧘 ߹ߚవ߶ߤߩࠦࡠࠤ࡚ࠪࡦߩ㗴߽ࠬࠦࠕߢ␜ߒߚࠅߢ ߈߹ߔࠍ⺆⧷ߪࠇߎޕീᒝ⎇ⓥߔࠆੱߦᄢᄌଢߥ߽ߩ ߢߔޕ ᧄ⻠⟵ߢߪ㧘߹ߕᤐቇᦼߦᖱႎಣℂߩၮᧄ⊛ߥ⠨߃ᣇ㧘 ⊒ᗐࠍ Microsoft Excel ࠍߞߡቇ߮߹ߔ⑺ޕቇᦼߦ Excel ࠍߞߡ⸒⺆ಣℂࠍⴕ߁ߚߩḰߢߔߩࠬࡄࠦޕಽᨆ 㧔ਅߦ⛯ߊω㧕 ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻㧘ෳ⠨ᢥ₂ 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ศᚑ 㓶৻㇢ ⻠⟵ߩࠟࠗ࠳ࡦࠬ㧦⸒⺆ᖱႎಣℂߣߪ߆ ⸒⺆ᖱႎಣℂߣࠦࡄࠬ⸘▚৻Ꮌࠅ ⸘▚(⸘▚ᑼ㧘⸘▚ᑼߩࠦࡇ㧘࡞ߩ⋧ኻෳᾖ㧘 ⛘ኻෳᾖ╬) Excel 㑐ᢙ(▚ⴚ⛔⸘㑐ᢙࠍਛᔃߦ) Excel 㑐ᢙ(ᢥሼᠲ㑐ᢙࠍਛᔃߦ) Excel 㑐ᢙ(⺰ℂ㑐ᢙࠍਛᔃߦ) Excel 㑐ᢙߩࡀࠬ࠻(1) Excel 㑐ᢙߩࡀࠬ࠻(2) Excel 㑐ᢙߩࡀࠬ࠻(3) ࠺࠲ࡌࠬಣℂ(ਗߴᦧ߃ߣ㓸⸘ࠦ࠼ߩ ߅ࠃ߮᧦ઙᬌ⚝) ࠺࠲ࡌࠬಣℂ(ࠢࡠࠬ㓸⸘ߣࡇࡏ࠶࠻࠹ ࡉ࡞) ࠺࠲ࡌࠬߩ࠺࠲ߩ⫾Ⓧᣇᴺ ⥄ኅࠦࡄࠬߩ᭴ᗐࠍ✵ࠆ㧦࠺࠲㓸ߩᣇ ᴺߥߤ ࠺࠲ࡌࠬߩᵴ↪ ߹ߣߣṶ⠌ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻㧘ෳ⠨ᢥ₂ߪᬺਛߦ㓐ᤨ⚫ߔࠆ⻠ᧄߚ߹ޕ ቇᦼᧃ⹜㛎߅ࠃ߮㧞࿁⒟ᐲߩዊࡐ࠻߅ࠃ߮Ꮸࠍ ⟵↪ࡎࡓࡍࠫ㧔㧕 ടߒߡⴕ߁ޕ ࠍෳᾖߔࠆߎߣޕ 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⸒⺆ᖱႎಣℂΣb ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛㧘⻠⟵ⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ߦߪኾ↪ߩ࠰ࡈ࠻࠙ࠚࠕ߇ߊߟ߆㐿⊒ߐࠇߡ߹ߔ߇㧘 ߘࠇࠄߩ࠷࡞ߪ․ቯߩಣℂߦߪㆡߒߡࠆ߽ߩߩ㧘᳢↪ ᕈ߇ዋߥߊ߹ߚ⥄↱ߥ⊒ᗐ߆ࠄߩಽᨆߦߪะߡ߹ߖࠎޕ ߎߩ⻠⟵ߢߪߘߩࠃ߁ߥ࠷࡞ࠍ߁ߩߢߪߥߊ㧘߃ߡ ᳢↪ᕈߩࠆ⸘▚࠰ࡈ࠻࠙ࠚࠕࠍ߹ߔޕ ⑺ቇᦼߪ㧘ᤐቇᦼߦቇࠎߛ Excel ߩ⍮⼂ࠍᵴ↪ߒߡ㧘ቇ ↢৻ੱ৻ੱ߇⥄ಽߛߌߩ⥄ޟኅࠦࡄࠬࠍޠࠅ߹ߔޕ หᤨߦࠦࡄࠬ⸒⺆ቇߩၮ␆⊛ߥ⍮⼂ࠍቇ߮߹ߔߩ᧚⚛ޕ 㓸ᣇ߆ࠄ㧘ࠦࡄࠬߩ᭴▽ߩᣇ㧘߅ࠃ߮ Excel ߢ KWIC Concordance ࠍታߔࠆᚻᴺ㧘߅ࠃ߮⛔⸘⊛ߥಣℂᣇᴺࠍ ߓߞߊࠅߣቇ߱ߎߣߦߒ߹ߔߦࠄߐޕ㧘ᧄᩰ⊛ߥࠦࡄࠬ㧘 ⚂ 1 ం⺆ߩ British National Corpus ߦࠕࠢࠬߒ߹ߔޕ ⑺ቇᦼᓟඨߪ㧘ࠦࡄࠬએᄖߩ⸒⺆ಽᨆߦߟߡ߽⸅ࠇߚ ߣᕁ߹ߔޕᢥࠍࠦࡦࡇࡘ࠲ߢಽᨆߔࠆ⹜ߺ߿⺆ᒵ ߩࠊࠇᣇࠍࠦࡦࡇࡘ࠲ߢࠆߣߤߩࠃ߁ߥߎߣ߇ಽ߆ ࠆߩ߆ߥߤࠍታ㓙ߦᢥ₂ࠍࠦࡦࡇࡘ࠲ࠍߞߡಽᨆߒߡ ߺ߹ߒࠂ߁ޕ ᧄ⻠⟵ߢୃᓧߒߚࠦࡦࡇࡘ࠲ࠍߞߚᣇߣ㧘᭴▽ߒ ߚ⥄ಽኾ↪ߩࠦࡄࠬߪ㧘⻠⟵⚳ੌᓟ߽↢ߩ⸒⺆ࡈࠔ ࡦࠬߣߒߡᵴ↪ߢ߈ࠆߎߣߢߒࠂ߁ޕ 1 2 3 4 ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻㧘ෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ศᚑ 㓶৻㇢ ⻠⟵ߩࠟࠗ࠳ࡦࠬ㧦ࠦࡄࠬߣߘߩᔕ↪ Access ߦ࠺࠲ࠍᩰ⚊ Access ߩ࠺࠲ࠍᒁ߈ߒߡ Excel ߢಽᨆ ࠦࡦࠦ࠳ࡦࠬߩ↪(1)㧦ࠦࡠࠤ࡚ࠪࡦࠍ⺞ ߴࠆ(MI-Score)ޕ ࠦࡦࠦ࠳ࡦࠬࠗࡦߩ↪(2)㧦ࠦࡠࠤ࡚ࠪ ࡦࠍ⺞ߴࠆ(t-score)ޕ ࠦࡦࠦ࠳ࡦࠬࠗࡦߩ↪(3)㧦Ṷ⠌ ຠ⹖ᖱႎߩ࠲ࠣઃߌ㧦ฦන⺆ߦຠ⹖ߩ࠲ࠣࠍߟ ߌߡ㧘ࠃࠅ♖ኒߥಽᨆࠍ⹜ߺࠆߚ߹ޕ㧘⥄േ࠲ ࠣઃߌ߽⹜ߺࠆޕ ࠲ࠣઃߌߐࠇߚ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߩಽᨆ㧦ຠ⹖ᖱႎߩ࠲ ࠣઃߌ߇ߐࠇߚ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ࠍಽᨆߔࠆޕ ຠ⹖ߩࠊࠇᣇߣ⧷ᢥߩ․ᓽ ޟᢥޕ߆ࠆ߃ࠄߣ߁ߤࠍޠ㧙ᢥߩ㐳ߐ㧙 ⺆ᒵߩᖱႎ߆ࠄࠍ⺒ߺขࠆ߆(1) ⺆ᒵߩᖱႎ߆ࠄࠍ⺒ߺขࠆ߆(2) ⺆ᒵߩᖱႎ߆ࠄࠍ⺒ߺขࠆ߆(3) ᦨవ┵ߩࠦࡄࠬߩ⁁㧦㛎ࠕࠢࠬ ߹ߣߣṶ⠌ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻㧘ෳ⠨ᢥ₂ߪᬺਛߦ㓐ᤨ⚫ߔࠆ⻠ᧄߚ߹ޕ ቇᦼᧃࡐ࠻߅ࠃ߮㧞࿁⒟ᐲߩዊࡐ࠻߅ࠃ߮ ⟵↪ࡎࡓࡍࠫ㧔㧕 Ꮸࠍടߒߡⴕ߁ޕ ࠍෳᾖߔࠆߎߣޕ 214 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⸒⺆ᖱႎಣℂΤa ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ⺆⸒ޟᖱႎಣℂΤ⺆⸒ޟߪޠᖱႎಣℂΣߩޠጁୃࠍ೨ឭߣ ߒ߹ߖࠎ߽ੱߩߡߓߪޕฃ⻠ࠍ᱑ㄫߒ߹ߔޕ 1 2 3 ઍ␠ળߦߞߡޔᄖ࿖⺆ࠍ⠌ᓧߔࠆߎߣߣห᭽ߦቇ↢ ᤨઍߦりߦߟߌߡ߅߈ߚ⢻ജ߇ᖱႎಣℂߢߔ߇⺆⧷ޕ ߃ࠆߎߣߦട߃ߡޔ߫ࠇߌߥߖߥߎ߇࠲ࡘࡇࡦࠦޔ ߤߩࠃ߁ߥಽ㊁ߢࠍߒߡߡ߽ޔㅦߊޔᱜ⏕ߦㆀⴕߔ ࠆߎߣ߇ߢ߈߹ߔޕ ߎߩ⻠⟵ߢߪޔߡߞࠍ⺆⧷ޔ᧪ᢎ⡯ߦዞ߈ߚੱޔ ࡆࠫࡀࠬߩ╙৻✢ߢ߈ߚੱ⎇ޔⓥ⡯ߦዞ߈ߚੱߥߤ ࠍኻ⽎ߦޔၮᧄ⊛ߥᖱႎಣℂߦߟߡቇ߮߹ߔޕනߦࠬࠠ ࡞ࠍりߦߟߌࠆߣ߁ߛߌߢߥߊޔᖱႎಣℂߔࠆߣ߁ߎ ߣߪߤߩࠃ߁ߥߎߣߥߩ߆ࠍࠕࠞ࠺ࡒ࠶ࠢߦ߽߆ߒޔᭉߒ ߊീᒝߒ߹ߔ߫ࠇ߈ߢޕㅢᐕߢጁୃߒߡ߽ࠄߚߣᕁ ߹ߔࠅߊߞࠁߊߔ߿ࠅ߆ࠊ߽ߦੱߩߡߓߪޔࠎࠈߜ߽ޕ ߣㅴ߹ߔޕ ᤐቇᦼߦߪޔၮᧄ⊛ߥᖱႎಣℂߩ⠨߃ᣇࠍቇ߮߹ߔޕ ߁࠰ࡈ࠻ߪਥߦޔMicrosoft Excel ߢߔ߇ޔPowerPoint ߿ Word ߥߤߩㅪ៤ߥߤߦ߽⸅ࠇߚߣᕁ߹ߔޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ 4 5 6 7 8 ศᚑ 㓶৻㇢ ⻠⟵ߩࠟࠗ࠳ࡦࠬ㧦⸒⺆ᖱႎಣℂߣߪ߆ ⸒⺆ᖱႎಣℂߣࠦࡄࠬ⸘▚৻Ꮌࠅ ⸘▚(⸘▚ᑼ▚⸘ޔᑼߩࠦࡇ⋧ߩ࡞ޔኻෳᾖޔ ⛘ኻෳᾖ╬) Excel 㑐ᢙߩᛒ Excel 㑐ᢙߩࡀࠬ࠻ ࠺࠲ࡌࠬಣℂ ࠺࠲ࡌࠬߩ࠺࠲ߩ⫾Ⓧᣇᴺ PowerPoint ߿ Word ߣߩㅪ៤ 㧖9 ࿁⋡߆ࠄ 15 ࿁⋡ߪޔฃ⻠↢ߩ⊝ߐࠎߩ㑐ᔃޔℂ⸃ᐲޔ ᔕߦࠃߞߡࠍ࠷ࡦ࠹ࡦࠦޔឭଏߒߡ߈߹ߔޕ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻㧘ෳ⠨ᢥ₂ߪᬺਛߦ㓐ᤨ⚫ߔࠆ⻠ᧄߚ߹ޕ ቇᦼᧃ⹜㛎߅ࠃ߮㧞࿁⒟ᐲߩዊࡐ࠻߅ࠃ߮Ꮸࠍ ⟵↪ࡎࡓࡍࠫ㧔㧕 ടߒߡⴕ߁ޕ ࠍෳᾖߔࠆߎߣޕ 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ⸒⺆ᖱႎಣℂΤb ᜂᒰ⠪ ศᚑ 㓶৻㇢ ᬺ⸘↹ ⻠⟵ߩࠟࠗ࠳ࡦࠬ㧦Excel ߣ⛔⸘ ⺆⸒ޟᖱႎಣℂΤߩੱߩߡߓߪߪޠฃ⻠ࠍ᱑ㄫߒ߹ߔ ޕ1 ⛔⸘ߞߡ㧫ᐔဋߦߛ߹ߐࠇࠆߥ ߚߛߒޔIIb ߆ࠄᆎࠆߩߢߪߥߊ ߊߴࠆߥޔIIa ߆ࠄጁ 2 3 ߫ࠄߟ߈ߞߡ㧫 ୃߔࠆߎߣࠍផᅑߒ߹ߔޕ 4 ᐲᢙಽᏓ ޟᣂߒ⧷⺆ቇ⠌ᴺ߇㐿⊒ߐࠇߡޔ3 ࡩߢ TOEIC ߩ 6 ା㗬㑆 ࠬࠦࠕ߇ 100 ὐࠕ࠶ࡊߒ߹ߒߚ㧍ߥࠎߎޠᢎ᧚ߩትવᢥฏ 7 ࠞࠗ 2 ਸ਼ಽᏓ ࠍ⡞ߚࠄޔ᳇ߦߥࠅ߹ߔࠃߨޔߛߚޕ100 ὐࠕ࠶ࡊߒߚ 8 ޟᏅ୯ߪߣޠߛߞߚߩ߆ ੱ߇ ߚߞߚޔ1 ੱߛߞߚߣ⡞ߚࠄ ޕߨߔ߹ߒࠅ߆ߞ߇ޔ9 ⺑ࠍ┙ߡࠃ߁㧍 10 ੱߛߞߚࠄޔ50 ੱߛߞߚࠄ৻ޕ߁ࠂߒߢ߁ߤޔߤߩ 10 t ᬌቯ(ኻᔕߒߥ࠺࠲) ࠃ߁ߥᒻߢ⺑ࠍ⡞ߚࠄ⚊ޔᓧߢ߈߹ߔ߆㧫 11 t ᬌቯ(ኻᔕߔࠆ࠺࠲) ⛔⸘ߪታߪኾ↪࠰ࡈ࠻ࠍ߁ߣࠈࠈߥ⛔⸘ߩ⸘▚ ߪߢ߈߹ߔ߇ߩߘޔ⠨߃ᣇࠍℂ⸃ߒߡߥߣߣࠎߢ߽ߥ 㧖9 ࿁⋡߆ࠄ 15 ࿁⋡ߪޔฃ⻠↢ߩ⊝ߐࠎߩ㑐ᔃޔℂ⸃ᐲޔ ᔕߦࠃߞߡࠍ࠷ࡦ࠹ࡦࠦޔឭଏߒߡ߈߹ߔޕ ⚿ᨐࠍߒߡߒ߹߁ෂ㒾߽ࠅ߹ߔޕ ᧄ ⻠ ⟵ ߢ ߪ ޔᤐ ቇ ᦼ ߦ ቇ ࠎ ߛ Microsoft Excel( એ ਅ Excel)ࠍߞߡߩ࠲࠺ޔಣℂߩᣇࠍቇࠎߢ߈߹ߔޕ ߹ߚޔಣℂߒߚ⚿ᨐࠍࠣࡈൻߒߚࠅޔWord ߦ⾍ࠅઃߌ ߡࡐ࠻ࠍߞߚࠅޔPowerPoint ߢ␜ߐߖߡߺ߹ߒ ࠂ߁ޕಽ߆ࠄߥߎߣߪߢ߽⾰ߒߡߊߛߐޕ ߎߩ⻠⟵߇⚳ࠊࠆߎߣߦߪޔExcel ߩᣇߦ♖ㅢߒߡ ࠆߛߌߢߥߊ⸘⛔ޔಣℂߩၮᧄᔨ߇りߦߟߡࠆߎ ߣߢߒࠂ߁ߩߎޕ⍮⼂ߪ᧪ߣߞ߈ޔ᭽ߢࠈߎߣߥޘᓎߦ ┙ߟߣᕁ߹ߔޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻㧘ෳ⠨ᢥ₂ߪᬺਛߦ㓐ᤨ⚫ߔࠆ⻠ᧄߚ߹ޕ ቇᦼᧃ⹜㛎߅ࠃ߮㧞࿁⒟ᐲߩዊࡐ࠻߅ࠃ߮Ꮸࠍ ⟵↪ࡎࡓࡍࠫ㧔㧕 ടߒߡⴕ߁ޕ ࠍෳᾖߔࠆߎߣޕ 215 09 ᐕᐲએ㒠 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ታ〣⧷⺆㖸ჿቇ ⧷⺆⊒㖸ᢎᴺ ࠬࡇ࠴ࠢ࠾࠶ࠢ ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ㊀ⷞߩᢎ⢒ߩਛߢ⊒ޔ㖸ᜰዉߪᰳ߆ ߖߥ߽ߩߦߥߞߡ߅ࠅ⺆⧷ޔ⠌ᓧߩೋᦼᲑ㓏ߢߒߞ߆ࠅ ߣ⊒㖸ᜰዉࠍߒߡ߅߆ߥߌࠇ߫ߥࠄߥ⥄߽ߦߚߩߘޕ ಽߩ⊒㖸ࠍౣ⏕ߒ⥄ޔାࠍ߽ߞߡᢎ߃ࠄࠇࠆࠃ߁ߦߔࠆ ߎߣࠍ⋡⊛ߣߔࠆޕ ታ〣ࠍㅢߒߡޔሶ㖸ޔᲣ㖸ޔᒙᒻޔ㖸ߩหൻޔㅪធޔᒝ ߣ࠭ࡓޔᛥ឴ߥߤߦߟߡ⊒㖸ᣇߩౣ⏕ߣߘߩᢎ ᴺࠍቇ߱ޔ߇ࠆ↪ࠍ࠻ࡦࡊߪߦ⟵⻠ޕਛቇᩞ㜞ᩞ ߩᢎ⑼ᦠ߽৻ㇱᢎ᧚ߣߒߡ↪⊒ޔ㖸ᜰዉߩታ〣ࠍߔࠆޕ ⡞߈ขࠅߩജࠍߟߌࠆߚߦᬺᤨߦ Quiz ࠍⴕ⺖ޔᄖ ↪ߦ dictation ߩኋ㗴ࠍ⺖ߔޕUSB ࠍ↪ᗧߔࠆߎߣޕ ᷡ᳓ ↱ℂሶ Introduction Pre-test, ⧷⺆ߩᲣ㖸ߩ․ᓽ ޖ ⧷⺆ߩሶ㖸ߩ․ᓽ ޖ ޖ ޖ 㧔Presentation㧕 㧔Presentation㧕 ߹ߣ ኻ߿ᢔᢥ╬ࠍ↪ߚ✵⠌㖸ჿឭ ⧷⺆ߩᒝߣ࠭ࡓ ޖ 㧔Presentation㧕 ⧷⺆ߩࠗࡦ࠻ࡀ࡚ࠪࡦ ⧷⺆ᢎ⢒ߦ㑐ᔃߩࠆ㧞ᐕ↢એࠍኻ⽎ߣߔࠆඨᦼቢ⚿ ⑼⋡⺖⸵ޕ⒟⊓㍳⠪ߢߥߊߡ߽ጁୃนޕ ฃ⻠Ꮧᦸ⠪ߪ⺆⧷ޔ㖸ჿቇߩၮ␆⍮⼂߇ࠆߎߣ⊒ޔ㖸 ⸥ภࠍዋߥߊߣ߽⺒ࠆߎߣ߇ᔅⷐߢࠆޕ ޖ 㧔Presentation㧕 ⧷⺆ߩ㖸ᄌൻ ޖ 㧔Presentation㧕 ߹ߣ ኻ߿ᢔᢥ╬ࠍ↪ߚ✵⠌㖸ჿឭ ቯຬߪ㧞㧡ฬޕฃ⻠Ꮧᦸ⠪ߪᤐቇᦼߩᦨೋߩᬺߦᔅߕ Ꮸߔࠆߎߣޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻㧦ࡊࡦ࠻߅ࠃ߮ޡ㧡ಽ㑆 ⧷⺆⊒㖸ޢධ㔕ၴ ෳ⠨ᢥ₂㧦P. Avery and S. Ehrlich, Teaching American English Pronunciation, OUP. ߘߩઁޔᬺਛߦ㓐ᤨ⚫ ߔࠆޕ Ꮸ⁁ᴫ 2/3 એᏨߒߡࠆߎߣ ᐔᏱὐ㧦Presentation 㧒Quiz 10㧑ޔኋ㗴 20㧑 㖸ჿឭ㧦20㧑 ᦼᧃ⹜㛎㧦50㧑 09 ᐕᐲએ㒠 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ታ〣⧷⺆㖸ჿቇ ⧷⺆⊒㖸ᢎᴺ ࠬࡇ࠴ࠢ࠾࠶ࠢ ᜂᒰ⠪ ᷡ᳓ ↱ℂሶ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ㊀ⷞߩᢎ⢒ߩਛߢ⊒ޔ㖸ᜰዉߪᰳ߆ ߖߥ߽ߩߦߥߞߡ߅ࠅ⺆⧷ޔ⠌ᓧߩೋᦼᲑ㓏ߢߒߞ߆ࠅ ߣ⊒㖸ᜰዉࠍߒߡ߅߆ߥߌࠇ߫ߥࠄߥ⥄߽ߦߚߩߘޕ ಽߩ⊒㖸ࠍౣ⏕ߒ⥄ޔାࠍ߽ߞߡᢎ߃ࠄࠇࠆࠃ߁ߦߔࠆ ߎߣࠍ⋡⊛ߣߔࠆޕ +PVTQFWEVKQP 2TGVGUV⧷⺆ߩᲣ㖸ߩ․ᓽ ޖ ޖ㧔2TGUGPVCVKQP㧕 ⧷⺆ߩሶ㖸ߩ․ᓽ ޖ ޖ㧔2TGUGPVCVKQP㧕 ߹ߣ ኻ߿ᢔᢥ╬ࠍ↪ߚ✵⠌㖸ჿឭ ⧷⺆ߩᒝߣ࠭ࡓ ታ〣ࠍㅢߒߡޔሶ㖸ޔᲣ㖸ޔᒙᒻޔ㖸ߩหൻޔㅪធޔᒝ ߣ࠭ࡓޔᛥ឴ߥߤߦߟߡ⊒㖸ᣇߩౣ⏕ߣߘߩᢎ ᴺࠍቇ߱ޔ߇ࠆ↪ࠍ࠻ࡦࡊߪߦ⟵⻠ޕਛቇᩞ㜞ᩞ ߩᢎ⑼ᦠ߽৻ㇱᢎ᧚ߣߒߡ↪⊒ޔ㖸ᜰዉߩታ〣ࠍߔࠆޕ ⡞߈ขࠅߩജࠍߟߌࠆߚߦᬺᤨߦ Quiz ࠍⴕ⺖ޔᄖ ↪ߦ dictation ߩኋ㗴ࠍ⺖ߔޕUSB ࠍ↪ᗧߔࠆߎߣޕ ⧷⺆ᢎ⢒ߦ㑐ᔃߩࠆ㧞ᐕ↢એࠍኻ⽎ߣߔࠆඨᦼቢ⚿ ⑼⋡⺖⸵ޕ⒟⊓㍳⠪ߢߥߊߡ߽ጁୃนޕ ฃ⻠Ꮧᦸ⠪ߪ⺆⧷ޔ㖸ჿቇߩၮ␆⍮⼂߇ࠆߎߣ⊒ޔ㖸 ⸥ภࠍዋߥߊߣ߽⺒ࠆߎߣ߇ᔅⷐߢࠆޕ ቯຬߪ㧞㧡ฬޕฃ⻠Ꮧᦸ⠪ߪ⑺ቇᦼߩᦨೋߩᬺߦᔅߕ Ꮸߔࠆߎߣޕ ޖ㧔2TGUGPVCVKQP㧕 ⧷⺆ߩࠗࡦ࠻ࡀ࡚ࠪࡦ ޖ㧔2TGUGPVCVKQP㧕 ⧷⺆ߩ㖸ᄌൻ ޖ㧔2TGUGPVCVKQP㧕 ߹ߣ ኻ߿ᢔᢥ╬ࠍ↪ߚ✵⠌㖸ჿឭ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻㧦ࡊࡦ࠻߅ࠃ߮ޡ㧡ಽ㑆 ⧷⺆⊒㖸ޢධ㔕ၴ ෳ⠨ᢥ₂㧦P. Avery and S. Ehrlich, Teaching American English Pronunciation, OUP. ߘߩઁޔᬺਛߦ㓐ᤨ⚫ ߔࠆޕ Ꮸ⁁ᴫ 2/3 એᏨߒߡࠆߎߣ ᐔᏱὐ㧦Presentation 㧒Quiz 10㧑ޔኋ㗴 20㧑 㖸ჿឭ㧦20㧑 ᦼᧃ⹜㛎㧦50㧑 216 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 㖸ჿ㖸㖿⺰ a ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ 㕍ᩒ㩷 ⌀♿ሶ㩷 ᬺ⸘↹ ⻠⟵⋡⊛㩷 䋱ᐕ↢䈱䇸⧷⺆㖸ჿቇ䇹䈪ቇ䉖䈣䈖䈫䉕ၮ䈮䈘䉌䈮⊒ዷ䈘䈞䋬⧷⺆䈫ᣣ ᧄ⺆䉕ਛᔃ䈮᭽䇱䈭㖸䈱․ᓽ䉇ᄌൻ䈮䈧䈇䈩䈠䈱䈚䈒䉂䉇ᴺೣ䉕⠨ 䈋䈩䈇䈒䇯㩷 㖸ჿ䈮䈲㖸ჿ⊛䈭㕙䈫㖸㖿⊛䈭㕙䈏ⵣ৻䈫䈭䈦䈩ሽ䈜䉎䇯 㖸ჿ䈲Ᏹ䈮ᄌൻ䈜䉎㊂⊛䈭䉅䈱䈪ජᏅਁ䈪䈅䉍䋬ⓨਛ䈮㖸ᵄ䈫䈚䈩 䈱ታ䈏䈅䉎䇯৻ᣇ䋬㖸㖿䈲䈠䈱ᄌൻ䈜䉎㖸ჿ䈮䋬㪘 䈭䉌 㪘䋬㪙 䈭䉌 㪙 䈫䈇䈉⾰⊛䋨㕖㊂⊛䋩䈭⸥ภ䉕ᒰ䈩䈩⣖䈮ᩰ⚊䈘䉏䈩䈇䉎⽎⊛ታ 䈪䈅䉎䇯㩷 㖸ჿ䈱․ᓽ䉇ᄌൻ䈱ᴺೣᕈ䋨㖸㖿䋩䈮䈧䈇䈩䇮䈠䈱⢛ᓟ䈮䈅䉎㖸ჿታ ᘒ䋨㖸ჿ䋩䈱ᄙ᭽ᕈ䉕⚫䈚䈭䈏䉌䇮㖸ჿ䈫㖸㖿䈱㑐ଥ䈫䈇䈉⸒⺆㖸ჿ 䈱ⵣ৻ᕈ䈮䈧䈇䈩ዉ䉕⹜䉂䉎䇯㩷 ⻠⟵ⷐ㩷 Ფ࿁ߩ⺒ߺ⺖㗴߿✵⠌⺖㗴ࠍ߽ߣߦޕࠆߔࠍ⟵⻠ߩ⿷⺑⸃ޔ ࠢࠗ࠭ߢℂ⸃ࠍ⏕ߔࠆ੍ޕ⠌ޔᏨޔឭߥߤߦⓍᭂ⊛ߥෳട ߇᳞ࠄࠇࠆޕ 㪈㪅㩷 㖸ჿቇ䈫㖸㖿⺰䋬╙ 㪈 ┨㩷 㖸䈫ᢥሼ㩷 㪉㪅㩷 ╙ 㪉 ┨㩷 ሶ㖸䈱⺞㖸㩷 㩷 㪊㪅㩷 㩷╙ 㪊 ┨㩷 Უ㖸䈱⺞㖸㩷 㩿㪈㪀㩷 㪋㪅㩷 Უ㖸䈱⺞㖸㩷 㩿㪉㪀㩷 㪌㪅㩷 Უ㖸䈱ᮡᕈ䇮ሶ㖸䈱ᮡᕈ䇮㪜㫏㪼㫉㪺㫀㫊㪼㫊㩷 㪍㪅㩷 ╙ 㪋 ┨㩷 㖸䈫ᗧ㩷 㩿㪈㪀㩷 㪎㪅㩷 㖸䈫ᗧ㩷 㩿㪉㪀㩷 㪏㪅㩷 㖸⚛䈫⇣㖸䋬㪜㫏㪼㫉㪺㫀㫊㪼㫊㩷 㪈㪇㪅㩷 ╙ 㪍 ┨㩷 㖸▵䈫㖸䈱ਗ䈶ᣇ㩷 䋨㖸㖿⊛ಽ▵䇮㖸ჿ⊛ಽ▵䇮ಽ✄ ᴺ䋩㩷 㪈㪈㪅㩷 ╙ 㪈㪇 ┨㩷⺆䉝䉪䉶䊮䊃㩷 㪈㪉㪅㩷 ⺆䉝䉪䉶䊮䊃㩷 㩿㪉㪀䇮╙ੑ䉝䉪䉶䊮䊃䇮ή䉝䉪䉶䊮䊃㩷 㪈㪊㪅㩷 㖸▵䈫䊝䊷䊤㩷 㩿㪈㪀㩷 䋨㪩㪼㪸㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㪸㫊㫊㫀㪾㫅㫄㪼㫅㫋䋩㩷 ࡔ࠶ࠫ 㪈㪋㪅㩷 㩷㖸▵䈫䊝䊷䊤㩷 㩿㪉㪀㩷 㧞ᐕ⑺ߦ㖸ჿቇࡒᔒᦸ㧔2, 3 ᰴᏗᦸߢ߽㧕ߩน⢻ᕈ߇ࠆቇ ↢ߪᤚ㕖ቇࠎߢ᰼ߒޕ 㧔ਅᰣߦ⛯ߊ㧕 㪈㪌㪅㩷 㩷㪩㪼㫍㫀㪼㫎㩷㪜㫏㪼㫉㪺㫀㫊㪼㫊㩷 ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Ꮉ䈇䈧䈋㩷 䇺⧷⺆䈱㖸ჿ䉕⑼ቇ䈜䉎䇻㩷 ᄢୃ㙚㩷 㩿㪈㪐㪐㪐㪀㩷 㩿㪠㪪㪙㪥㪋㪄㪋㪍㪐㪄㪉㪈㪉㪊㪉㪄㪍㪀㪃㩷 㩷 䈠䈱ઁ㩷 ㈩Ꮣ⾗ᢱ㩷 Ꮸ䇮䉪䉟䉵䇮⺖㗴䇮ᦼᧃ⹜㛎䈱✚ว⹏ଔ䈮䉋䉎䇯ฦ㗄⋡䈮䈍䈇䈩ᦨ ૐ㒢䉕䉪䊥䉝䈜䉎䈖䈫䇯㩷 㩿ෳ⠨ᦠ㪀㩷 ┄⭽᥍ᄦ㩷 䇺㖸ჿቇ䊶㖸㖿⺰䇻㩷 䈒䉐䈚䈍 㩷 㩿㪈㪐㪐㪏㪀㩷 㩷 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 㖸ჿ㖸㖿⺰ b ᜂᒰ⠪ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ 㕍ᩒ㩷 ⌀♿ሶ㩷 ᬺ⸘↹ ⻠⟵⋡⊛㩷 㪈㪅㩷 㪩㪼㫍㫀㪼㫎㩷 䉶䉫䊜䊮䊃䋬㖸▵㪃㩷㪜㫏㪼㫉㪺㫀㫊㪼㫊㩷 㩷 ᤐቇᦼ䈮ห䈛䇯㩷 㪉㪅㩷 䊐䉾䊃䋬䉝䉪䉶䊮䊃㩷 䋨⺆䋬ฏ䋩㪃㩷㪜㫏㪼㫉㪺㫀㫊㪼㫊㩷 ⻠⟵ⷐ㩷 㪊㪅㩷 ╙ 㪈㪈 ┨㩷 䊥䉵䊛䈫䉟䊮䊃䊈䊷䉲䊢䊮㩷 㩿㪈㪀㩷 ᤐቇᦼ䈮ห䈛䇯㩷 㪋㪅㩷 䊥䉵䊛䈫䉟䊮䊃䊈䊷䉲䊢䊮㩷 㩿㪉䋩㩷 㪌㪅㩷 ╙ 㪌 ┨㩷 㖸ჿ․ᓽ㩷 ࡔ࠶ࠫ 㧞ᐕ⑺ߦ㖸ჿቇࡒᔒᦸ㧔2, 3 ᰴᏗᦸߢ߽㧕ߩน⢻ᕈ߇ࠆቇ ↢ߪᤚ㕖ቇࠎߢ᰼ߒޕ ߹ߚޔᤐቇᦼߣቇ⠌ౝኈߪᄌࠊࠆߩߢ⑺ߩߺߩฃ⻠߽ࠅᓧࠆ ߒ᱑ㄫߢߪࠆ߇ޔᤐߩౝኈ߇೨ឭߣߥࠆߎߣ߽ࠆߩߢߩߘޔ ಽޔฦ⥄⿷߇ᔅⷐߦߥࠆߢࠈ߁㧔ᤐߦ⿷ߒ▚ࠍቇࠎߢߦ⑺ޔ ដߌ▚ࠍቇ߱ߣߪߢߒߥ▚ߒ⿷ߦ⑺ޔ㗴߇⺆ࠅߦߊࠃ߁ߥ߽ ߩ㧕 ޕ 㩷 ᑯ⚛ᕈ㩷 㪍㪅㩷 ╙ 㪎 ┨㩷 㖸㖿⽎䉕ត䉎㩷 㩿㪈㪀㩷 㪎㪅㩷 㖸㖿⽎䉕ត䉎㩷 㩿㪉㪀㩷 䋬㪜㫏㪼㫉㪺㫀㫊㪼㫊㩷 㩷 㪏㪅㩷 ╙ 㪏 ┨㩷 หൻ⽎㩷 㪐㪅㩷 หൻ⽎㩷 㩿㪉㪀㩷 㪈㪇㪅㩷 ╙ 㪐 ┨㩷 ᒻᘒ㖸⚛㩷 㩿㪈㪀㩷 㪈㪈㪅㩷 ᒻᘒ㖸⚛㩷 㩿㪉㪀㩷 㩷 㪈㪉㪅㩷 㪩㪼㫍㫀㪼㫎㩷㪜㫏㪼㫉㪺㫀㫊㪼㫊㩷 㪈㪊㪅㩷 㖸㖿␜䈫㖸ჿታ㩷 㪈㪋㪅㩷 㖸ჿ䈫⛔⺆᭴ㅧ䋬ᗧ᭴ㅧ䈫䈱䉟䊮䉺䊷䊐䉢䊷䉴㩷 㪈㪌㪅㩷 㖸ჿ䈫㖸㖿䈱⎇ⓥ㩷 ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Ꮉ䈇䈧䈋㩷 䇺⧷⺆䈱㖸ჿ䉕⑼ቇ䈜䉎䇻㩷 ᄢୃ㙚㩷 㩿㪈㪐㪐㪐㪀㩷 㩿㪠㪪㪙㪥㪋㪄㪋㪍㪐㪄㪉㪈㪉㪊㪉㪄㪍㪀㪃㩷 㩷 䈠䈱ઁ㩷 ㈩Ꮣ⾗ᢱ㩷 Ꮸ䇮Ფ࿁䈱⺖㗴䇮ᦼᧃ䊁䉴䊃䊶⺖㗴䈱✚ว⹏ଔ䈮䉋䉎䇯ฦ㗄⋡䈮䈍䈇 䈩ᦨૐ㒢䉕䉪䊥䉝䈜䉎䈖䈫䇯㩷 㩿ෳ⠨ᦠ㪀㩷 ┄⭽᥍ᄦ㩷 䇺㖸ჿቇ䊶㖸㖿⺰䇻㩷 䈒䉐䈚䈍 㩷 㩿㪈㪐㪐㪏㪀㩷 㩷 217 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ࠪࡦ࠲ࠢࠬ a ⛔⺆⺰ a ᜂᒰ⠪ ⟤ઍሶ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ⊝ߐࠎߪਛ㜞 ᐕ㑆⧷⺆ࠍቇ߮ߩࠅߥ߆ޔᢥᴺ⍮⼂ࠍᜬ ߞߡࠆߎߣߣᕁ߁ߒ߆ߒߚߞ߹ߣ߹ߢ⺆⧷ߑޔᢥ┨ ࠍᦠߚࠅޔኅᐸᢎᏧߣߒߡ⧷ᢥ⸃㉼ߩ⺑ࠍߒࠃ߁ߣߔ ࠆߣߩߘޔ⍮⼂ߩ߿߰߿ߐߦ᳇ߠߊߎߣ߇ࠆߩߢߪߥ ߛࠈ߁߆ߎߩᬺߢߪߩ⺆⧷ޔᢥ᭴ㅧ㧔㧩ࠪࡦ࠲ࠢࠬ㧕 ࠍಽᨆ⊛ߦᢛℂߒߡߊಽᨆ⊛ߦ⧷⺆ࠍ⋥ߒߡߊߎ ߣߦࠃߞߡޔታ↪⊛ߥ⧷⺆ജ߇㜞߹ࠆߛߌߢߥߊߜߚ⑳ޔ ߇ήᗧ⼂ߦߞߡࠆᣣᧄ⺆ߣ߽ᄙߊߩㅢᕈ߇ࠆߎ ߣࠍ⍮ࠆߎߣߦߥࠆߛࠈ߁ߐࠄߦޔ⺆ߢࠇ⸒⺆ߪ⑳ ߚߜߩ⍮⊛ᵴേߦਇนᰳߥ߽ߩߥߩߢࠬࠢ࠲ࡦࠪߩ⺆⧷ޔ ࠍቇ߱ߎߣߦࠃࠅੱޔ㑆ߣߪ߆ߦߟߡ߽⠨ኤߒߡⴕ߈ ߚ ᛒ߁⧷⺆ߩ࠺࠲ߪਥߦනᢥߢࠆᬺߪ⻠⟵ᒻᑼߢ ㅴࠆ߇ߩ⟵⻠ޔᓟඨߦߪ⻠⟵ౝኈߦ㑐ߔࠆ⧷⺆ߩ࠺࠲ ࠍฃ⻠⠪ߦಽᨆߒߡឭߒߡ߽ࠄ߁ᰴㅳߦළߒߡ⸃⺑ ߔࠆᦼᧃ⹜㛎ߪߎߩឭ⺖㗴ࠍⓍߺ㊀ߨߚ߽ߩߦߥࠆ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߥߒޕ ෳ⠨ᢥ₂ߪTransformational Syntax (A. Radford, CUP). Introduction to Government and Binding Theory (L. Haegeman, Blackwell).↢ޡᚑᢥ ᴺߩၮ␆ޢ 㧔ਛᝰઁ⎇ޔⓥ␠㧕 ቯᦼ⹜㛎ߦࠃࠆ㧚ᬺߢߩ⺖㗴ߪ⹏ଔኻ⽎ߣߒߥ߇⻠ޔ ⟵ࠍℂ⸃ߔࠆߢ㕖Ᏹߦ㊀ⷐߢࠆ㧚ቯᦼ⹜㛎ߪᬺߩ⺖ 㗴ߦᴪߞߡ㗴ߐࠇࠆ㧚 06 ᐕᐲએ㒠 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ࠪࡦ࠲ࠢࠬߣߪ㧫 ฏ᭴ㅧ X-bar Syntax 㧔৻⥸ฏ᭴ㅧℂ⺰㧕 X-bar Syntax 㧔৻⥸ฏ᭴ㅧℂ⺰㧕 X-bar Syntax 㧔৻⥸ฏ᭴ㅧℂ⺰㧕 ᐜఽ߇ᜬߟ㜞ᐲߥ⍮⢻ജߦߟߡ ਥⷐㇱߦࠃࠆ⺆ᒵㆬᛯ ▵ߩౝㇱ᭴ㅧ ▵ߩౝㇱ᭴ㅧ ਥ⺆ߣഥേ⹖ߩୟ⟎ ᧄേ⹖ഥേ⹖ߣᤨㄉߩಽᏓ േ⹖ฏߩ⋭⇛ Yes/No ⇼ᢥWh ⇼ᢥ Yes/No ⇼ᢥWh ⇼ᢥ ⾰ ࠪࡦ࠲ࠢࠬ b ⛔⺆⺰ b ᜂᒰ⠪ ⟤ઍሶ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ᤐቇᦼߩ ࠬࠢ࠲ࡦࠪޟaࠍޠጁୃߒߚੱࠍኻ⽎ߦߔࠆ߇ޔ ෳ⠨ᢥ₂ࠍ⥄ಽߢ⺒╬ߩḰࠍߔࠇ߫ℂ⸃น⢻ߢࠆ㧚 ᛒ߁࠺࠲ߪਥߦ that ▵߿ਇቯ⹖▵ࠍ⧷⺆ߩⶄᢥ ߢࠆ㧚 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߥߒޕ ෳ⠨ᢥ₂ߪTransformational Syntax (A. Radford, CUP). Introduction to Government and Binding Theory (L. Haegeman, Blackwell).↢ޡᚑᢥ ᴺߩၮ␆ޢ 㧔ਛᝰઁ⎇ޔⓥ␠㧕 ቯᦼ⹜㛎ߦࠃࠆ㧚ᬺߢߩ⺖㗴ߪ⹏ଔኻ⽎ߣߒߥ߇⻠ޔ ⟵ࠍℂ⸃ߔࠆߢ㕖Ᏹߦ㊀ⷐߢࠆ㧚ቯᦼ⹜㛎ߪᬺߩ⺖ 㗴ߦᴪߞߡ㗴ߐࠇࠆ㧚 218 ࠪࡦ࠲ࠢࠬ a ቯᦼ⹜㛎ߩ⸃⺑ߥߤ ᯏ⢻▸⇵ߣ⺆ᒵ▸⇵ persuade ߣ expect ߩ⛔⺆⊛Ꮕ⇣ likely ߣ eager ߩ⛔⺆⊛Ꮕ⇣ ਇቯ⹖ᢥ৻⥸ߦߟߡ ฬ⹖ฏߩಽᏓߣᩰℂ⺰ ᩰℂ⺰ߣฬ⹖ฏ⒖േ ᩰℂ⺰ߣฬ⹖ฏ⒖േ ⸒⺆㓚ኂߦߟߡ himself ߥߤߩౣᏫᒻߣవⴕ⹖ߩ᭴ㅧ⊛㑐ଥ himself ߥߤߩౣᏫᒻߣవⴕ⹖ߩ᭴ㅧ⊛㑐ଥ ฬ⹖ฏ⒖േߩዪᚲᕈ ฬ⹖ฏ⒖േߩዪᚲᕈ he ߥߤߩઍฬ⹖ߣవⴕ⹖ߣߩ᭴ㅧ⊛㑐ଥ ⾰ 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ᗧ⺰ a ᜂᒰ⠪ ᐭᎹ ⻯ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ߎߩᬺߩߨࠄߪޔ⍮⸒⺆ቇߣ߁⸒⺆ቇߩ㧝ಽ㊁ߦ 㑐ᔃࠍᜬߞߡ߽ࠄ߁ߎߣߦࠆޕ⍮⸒⺆ቇߣߪߏߩ߽ޔ ߣߩߣࠄ߃ᣇߣ߿ߺ⚵ߩ߫ߣߎޔ߈ߣ߇ኒធߦ㑐ଥߒ ߡࠆߣߺߥߔ⠨߃ᣇࠍߣࠆ⸒⺆ቇߢߔޕ⍮߽ࠅ߹ߟޔ ߩߏߣߩߣࠄ߃ᣇߣߪੱޔ㑆߇⇇ࠍ⼂ߔࠆᣇᴺߢߔޕ ⇇ߪੱ㑆ߩ⼂ߦࠃߞߡᗧ߇ਈ߃ࠄࠇ߹ߔߦ‛ޕᒻ߿ ⦡ޔ൬ࠍᗵߓขࠅ⸥ࠍࠄࠇߘޔᙘߒޔ᧪ߦ⌀னᱜ ㇎ༀᖡߩ್ᢿࠍਅߔߎߣߢ⇇߇ࠇߡ߈߹ߔੱޕ㑆ߪ ᗵⷡߒ⸥ޔᙘߒ್ޔᢿߔࠆ↢߈‛ߢߔߩ⼂ߚߒ߁ߘޕᣇ ᴺ߇⸒⺆ߩ⚵ߺ߿ߪߚࠄ߈ߦᓇ㗀ࠍ߷ߒߚ߹ޔㅒߦޔ ⸒⺆ߩ߶߁߇⼂ߩᣇߦᓇ㗀ࠍਈ߃ࠆߎߣ߇ࠅ߹ߔޕ ⼂ߣ⸒⺆ߩ㑐ଥࠍߣࠄ߃ࠆߎߣ߇ࠇߎޔ⍮⸒⺆ቇߩ⋡ ⊛ߢߩߎ߇ߩࠆߔ⚫ࠍࠇߘޔᬺߣ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ߩ⋡⊛ߢߔޕ 1. ⸒⺆ቇ(linguistics) 2. ⍮(cognition) 3. ⍮⸒⺆ቇ(cognitive linguistics) 4. ࠞ࠹ࠧൻ(categorization) 5. ࡊࡠ࠻࠲ࠗࡊ(prototype) 6. ኅᣖ⊛㘃ૃᕈ(family resemblance) 7. ࠬࠠࡑ(schema) 8. ⸒⺆ࠞ࠹ࠧ(linguistic category) 9. ઁേᕈߣേਥ(transitivity and agent) 10. ⛯߈ 11. ᭴ᢥ(construction) 12. ⛯߈ 13. ᄙ⟵ᕈ(polysemy) 14. ࡔ࠲ࡈࠔࡔ࠻࠾ࡒ(metaphor/metonymy) 15. ߎߣ߫ߩᄌൻ(change in language) ̪ ߩ࠻ࡇ࠶ࠢߦᄌᦝࠍട߃ࠆ႐วߪ ╙ޔ1 ࿁⋡ߩᬺ ߢឭ␜ߒ߹ߔޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ศብߩߡߓߪޡ⍮⸒⺆ቇ⎇ޢⓥ␠> ⺖㗴ߣዊ࠹ࠬ࠻߅ࠃ߮ቯᦼ⹜㛎ߢ߹ߔޕ 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ᗧ⺰ b ᜂᒰ⠪ ᐭᎹ ⻯ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ߎߩᬺߢߪ⍮ᗧ⺰(cognitive semantics)ࠍᛒ߹ ߔޕ⍮ᗧ⺰ߣߪ㧘ߏߊ߅߅ߑߞ߬ߥᣇࠍߔࠇ߫ޔ ᗧߩ㗴ࠍ⍮ⷡ߿⼂ߣߩ㑐ㅪߢᝒ߃ࠆᗧℂ⺰ߢߔޕ ⍮ᗧ⺰ߩ┙႐ࠍߣࠆቇ⠪ߦߪࡈࠖ࡞ࡕࠕޔࡈࠦࠗޔ ࡀࠞࠄ߇߹ߔ߇ߩࠄࠇߎޔቇ⠪ߩᗧߦ㑐ߔࠆ⠨߃ ᣇߦߪ⋧㆑ὐ߽ࠅ߹ߔ߇ߩ߆ߟߊޔㅢߒߚᗧ⎇ⓥ ߳ߩࠕࡊࡠ࠴ߣߒߡޔԘᗧࠍ⸒⺆↪⠪ߩᄖ⇇⼂ߩ ↥‛ߣߒߡᝒ߃ࠆޔԙ⸒⺆⊛ᗧߣ⊖⑼ౖ⊛⍮⼂ߩήℂ ߥࠍߒߥޔԚᗧߦ⚻㛎ߥߤ߆ࠄߩേᯏߠߌࠍ᳞ ࠆޕߔ߹ࠅ߇ߣߎޔᬺߢߪߦ࠻ࠬࠠ࠹ޔᴪߞߡߩߎޔ ⍮ᗧ⺰ߩ⎇ⓥࠍⷰߒ߹ߔޕ 1. ⍮ᗧ⺰ߣߪ߆ 2. ⺆ߩᗧ (1)࠴ࠚ࠶ࠢࠬ࠻ᗧ⺰ 3. (2)ࡊࡠ࠻࠲ࠗࡊ 4. (3)ࠗࡔࠫࠬࠠࡑ 5. (4)ࡈࡓ 6. ᗧߩᒛ (1)ࡔ࠲ࡈࠔ 7. (2)ࠪࡀࠢ࠼ࠠ (3)ࡔ࠻࠾ࡒ 8. (4)ᗧᒛߩౕ (5)ਥൻ 9. ᢥᴺൻߦ߅ߌࠆᗧᄌൻ 10. ᄙ⟵ᕈ㧔ࠍߋࠆ⻉㗴㧕 11. out/over ߩᄙ⟵ᕈ 12. ᒛߣࠬࠠࡑߦၮߠߊࡀ࠶࠻ࡢࠢ㨯ࡕ࠺࡞ 13. ࡔ࠲ࡈࠔߩᗧߣᔨൻ 14. વ⛔⊛ࡔ࠲ࡈࠔߩ㗴ὐ 15. ᔨࡔ࠲ࡈࠔߣߘߩታᕈ ̪ ߩ࠻ࡇ࠶ࠢߦᄌᦝࠍട߃ࠆ႐วߪ ╙ޔ1 ࿁⋡ߩᬺ ߢឭ␜ߒ߹ߔޕ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ᧻ᧄᦐ(✬)ޡ⍮ᗧ⺰ޢᄢୃ㙚ᦠᐫ ¥ ⺖㗴ߣዊ࠹ࠬ࠻߅ࠃ߮ቯᦼ⹜㛎ߢ߹ߔޕ 219 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ቇ․ᱶ⻠⟵ a ᜂᒰ⠪ ዊᣧᎹ ᥙ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ߎߣ߫㧔⧷⺆ߣᣣᧄ⺆㧕ߩ⢛ᓟߦሽߔࠆ⚵ߺߩ৻ㇱ ࠍℂ⸃ߔࠆߎߣ㧘߅ࠃ߮㧘ߘߩࠃ߁ߥ⚵ߺߦኻߒߡਈ߃ ߁ࠆᩮࠍࠄ߆ߦߔࠆߎߣࠍ⋡⊛ߣߔࠆޕวࠊߖߡ㧘⸒ ⺆ቇߢ↪ࠄࠇࠆౖဳ⊛ߥ⺰⸽ߩဳࠍりߦઃߌࠆߎߣࠍ ⋡ᜰߒߚޕ ߞߡ┙ߟℂ⺰⊛ᨒ⚵ߺߪᐢ⟵ߩ⍮ਥ⟵ߦၮߠߊ⸒⺆ ቇߢࠆߩߘޕၮᧄ⊛ߥ⠨߃ᣇߦߟߡߪ⻠⟵ߢ⸃⺑ߔࠆ ߇㧘⧷⺆ቇ㐷ߢቇࠎߛߢࠈ߁ᨩߪ೨ឭߣߒߚޕ ㈩Ꮣ⾗ᢱߦߪ⧷⺆ߩᢥ₂߽߹ࠇࠆߎߣߦߥࠆߩߢ㧘੍ ⠌ߪᔅ㗇ߢࠆޕ ቇᦼᧃߦⴕ߁ቯᦼ⹜㛎ߢߪ㧘㈩Ꮣࡊࡦ࠻߿ࡁ࠻㧘ㄉ ᦠߥߤߩᜬߜㄟߺࠍࠆ੍ቯߪߥ⹜ޕ㛎ߪ⺰ㅀᑼߩ੍ ቯߢࠆޕ 㧝㧚ࠝࠛࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦ㧘⻠⟵ߩⷐ 㧞㧚ᔨᗧ⺰㧔Jackendoff (1991)㧕㧔㧝㧕 㧟㧚ᔨᗧ⺰㧔Jackendoff (1991)㧕㧔㧞㧕 㧠㧚ᔨᗧ⺰㧔Jackendoff (1991)㧕㧔㧟㧕 㧡㧚Jackendoff (1991)ߩಽᨆߩᒛ㧔㧝㧕 㧢㧚Jackendoff (1991)ߩಽᨆߩᒛ㧔㧞㧕 㧣㧚Jackendoff (1991)ߩಽᨆߩᒛ㧔㧟㧕 㧤㧚⍮ᗧ⺰㧔㧝㧕 㧥㧚⍮ᗧ⺰㧔㧞㧕 㧝㧜㧚⍮ᗧ⺰㧔㧟㧕 㧝㧝㧚หߓ⒳㘃ߩࡕࡁߣ⇣ߥࠆ⒳㘃ߩࡕࡁ㧔㧝㧕 㧝㧞㧚หߓ⒳㘃ߩࡕࡁߣ⇣ߥࠆ⒳㘃ߩࡕࡁ㧔㧞㧕 㧝㧟㧚หߓ⒳㘃ߩࡕࡁߣ⇣ߥࠆ⒳㘃ߩࡕࡁ㧔㧟㧕 㧝㧠㧚ᤐቇᦼߩ߹ߣ 㧝㧡㧚ᤐቇᦼߩ߹ߣ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ⹏ଔߪቯᦼ⹜㛎ᦼ㑆ਛߩ⹜㛎ߦࠃࠆ߅ߥޕ㧘නቯߦ ߚߞߡߪ㧘ᬺ࿁ᢙߩ 3 ಽߩ 2 એߩᏨ߇ᔅⷐߢࠆ 㧔ߚߛߒ㧘Ꮸߘߩ߽ߩ߇ടὐߩኻ⽎ߣߥࠆߎߣߪߥ㧕ޕ ㈩Ꮣࡊࡦ࠻ߦࠃࠆޕ 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ቇ․ᱶ⻠⟵ b ᜂᒰ⠪ ዊᣧᎹ ᥙ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ߎߣ߫㧔⧷⺆ߣᣣᧄ⺆㧕ߩ⢛ᓟߦሽߔࠆ⚵ߺߩ৻ㇱ ࠍℂ⸃ߔࠆߎߣ㧘߅ࠃ߮㧘ߘߩࠃ߁ߥ⚵ߺߦኻߒߡਈ߃ ߁ࠆᩮࠍࠄ߆ߦߔࠆߎߣࠍ⋡⊛ߣߔࠆޕวࠊߖߡ㧘⸒ ⺆ቇߢ↪ࠄࠇࠆౖဳ⊛ߥ⺰⸽ߩဳࠍりߦઃߌࠆߎߣࠍ ⋡ᜰߒߚޕ ߞߡ┙ߟℂ⺰⊛ᨒ⚵ߺߪᐢ⟵ߩ⍮ਥ⟵ߦၮߠߊ⸒⺆ ቇߢࠆߩߘޕၮᧄ⊛ߥ⠨߃ᣇߦߟߡߪ⻠⟵ߢ⸃⺑ߔࠆ ߇㧘⧷⺆ቇ㐷ߢቇࠎߛߢࠈ߁ᨩߪ೨ឭߣߒߚޕ ㈩Ꮣ⾗ᢱߦߪ⧷⺆ߩᢥ₂߽߹ࠇࠆߎߣߦߥࠆߩߢ㧘੍ ⠌ߪᔅ㗇ߢࠆޕ ቇᦼᧃߦⴕ߁ቯᦼ⹜㛎ߢߪ㧘㈩Ꮣࡊࡦ࠻߿ࡁ࠻㧘ㄉ ᦠߥߤߩᜬߜㄟߺࠍࠆ੍ቯߪߥ⹜ޕ㛎ߪ⺰ㅀᑼߩ੍ ቯߢࠆޕ 㧝㧚ࠝࠛࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦ㧘ᤐቇᦼߩᓳ⠌㧘⻠⟵ߩⷐ 㧞㧚หߓ⒳㘃ߩࠦ࠻ߣ⇣ߥࠆ⒳㘃ߩࠦ࠻㧔㧝㧕 㧟㧚หߓ⒳㘃ߩࠦ࠻ߣ⇣ߥࠆ⒳㘃ߩࠦ࠻㧔㧞㧕 㧠㧚หߓ⒳㘃ߩࠦ࠻ߣ⇣ߥࠆ⒳㘃ߩࠦ࠻㧔㧟㧕 㧡㧚⍮ᢥᴺ⺰㧔㧝㧕 㧢㧚⍮ᢥᴺ⺰㧔㧞㧕 㧣㧚⍮ᢥᴺ⺰㧔㧟㧕 㧤㧚⚛ᕈಽᨆߩ㗴ὐ㧔㧝㧕 㧥㧚⚛ᕈಽᨆߩ㗴ὐ㧔㧞㧕 㧝㧜㧚⚛ᕈಽᨆߩ㗴ὐ㧔㧟㧕 㧝㧝㧚ว⸘ࠍߔᢥߣᢙࠍᢙ߃ࠆ⢻ജ㧔㧝㧕 㧝㧞㧚ว⸘ࠍߔᢥߣᢙࠍᢙ߃ࠆ⢻ജ㧔㧞㧕 㧝㧟㧚ว⸘ࠍߔᢥߣᢙࠍᢙ߃ࠆ⢻ജ㧔㧟㧕 㧝㧠㧚⑺ቇᦼߩ߹ߣ 㧝㧡㧚⑺ቇᦼߩ߹ߣ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ ㈩Ꮣࡊࡦ࠻ߦࠃࠆޕ ⹏ଔߪቯᦼ⹜㛎ᦼ㑆ਛߩ⹜㛎ߦࠃࠆ߅ߥޕ㧘නቯߦ ߚߞߡߪ㧘ᬺ࿁ᢙߩ 3 ಽߩ 2 એߩᏨ߇ᔅⷐߢࠆ 㧔ߚߛߒ㧘Ꮸߘߩ߽ߩ߇ടὐߩኻ⽎ߣߥࠆߎߣߪߥ㧕ޕ 220 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ቇᢥ₂⎇ⓥ a ᜂᒰ⠪ ዊᣧᎹ ᥙ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ߎߩᬺߩ⋡⊛ߪ㧘⧷⺆ቇߦ㑐ߔࠆ⍮⼂ࠍჇ߿ߔߎߣߢ ߪߥߊ㧘⧷⺆ቇߣ߁⍮⊛༡ߺߦෳടߢ߈ࠆࠃ߁ߦߥࠆߎ ߣߢࠆޕవⴕ⎇ⓥߩᱜ⏕ߥℂ⸃ߦᔅⷐߥ⺒ߺߩᛛⴚ㧘න ߥࠆ឴ߍ⿷ขࠅߢߥ㗴ὐߩߟߌᣇ㧘ᗧ⟵ߥ㗴⸳ ቯߩᣇ㧘⺑ᓧജߩࠆ⼏⺰ߩᣇᴺߥߤࠍりߦߟߌࠆߎߣ ࠍ⋡ᮡߣߒߚޕวࠊߖߡ㧘⧷⺆ߘߩ߽ߩߦߟߡߩℂ⸃ ࠍᷓࠆߎߣ߽⋡ᜰߒߚޕ ᬺߢߪ㧘ਅ⸥ߩ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ࠍ৻ⴕ৻ⴕਤᔨߦ⺒ߺㅴߡ ࠁߊ㧔ࡊࡦ࠻ࠍ㈩Ꮣߔࠆ㧕 ߅ߥޕ㧘ߎߎߢ߁ߣޠߺ⺒ޟ ߪ㧘 ޟᖱႎߣߒߡ⺒ߊߥߪߢߣߎ߁ߣޠ㧘 ޟฎౖߣߒߡ ⺒ࠆߢߣߎ߁ߣޠ㧔ߎߩੑㅢࠅߩ⺒ߺߦߟߡߪ㧘 ౝ↰⟵ᒾߩ␠ߣᦠ⺒ޡળ⑼ቇޢ㧔ጤᵄᣂᦠ㧕ࠍෳᾖ㧕ޕฃ⻠ ↢ߪ㧘ࠄ߆ߓഀࠅᒰߡࠄࠇߚㇱಽߦߟߡ⊒ߔࠆߎ ߣߦߥࠆޕ ቇᦼᧃߦⴕ߁ቯᦼ⹜㛎ߢߪ㧘㈩Ꮣࡊࡦ࠻߿ࡁ࠻㧘ㄉ ᦠߥߤߩᜬߜㄟߺࠍࠆ੍ቯߪߥ⹜ޕ㛎ߪ⺰ㅀᑼߩ੍ ቯߢࠆޕ ㅴᐲߩ⋡ߪᰴߩㅢࠅߢࠆޕ㗴⋡ߪ㧘⺰ᢥߩ▵ߩ࠲ࠗ ࠻࡞ߦኻᔕߔࠆޕ 1. ࠝࠛࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦ㧘⻠⟵ߩⷐ 2. Introductory Remarks 1 3. Introductory Remarks 2 4. Introductory Remarks 3. 5. Introductory Remarks 4 6. Delimiting the Problem 1 7. Delimiting the Problem 2 8. Delimiting the Problem 3 9. Delimiting the Problem 4 10. Properties Ascribed by Grammarians 1 11. Properties Ascribed by Grammarians 2 12. Properties Ascribed by Grammarians 3 13. Properties Ascribed by Grammarians 4 14. ᤐቇᦼߩ߹ߣ 15. ᤐቇᦼߩ߹ߣ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Kirsner, Robert S., Charles N. Li, and Sandra A. Thompson (1976) “The Role of Pragmatic Inference in Semantics: A Study of Sensory Verb Complements in English,” Glossa 10.2: 200-240. ⹏ଔߪቯᦼ⹜㛎ᦼ㑆ਛߩ⹜㛎ߦࠃࠆ߅ߥޕ㧘නቯߦ ߚߞߡߪ㧘ᬺ࿁ᢙߩ 3 ಽߩ 2 એߩᏨ߇ᔅⷐߢࠆ 㧔ߚߛߒ㧘Ꮸߘߩ߽ߩ߇ടὐߩኻ⽎ߣߥࠆߎߣߪߥ㧕ޕ 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ቇᢥ₂⎇ⓥ b ᜂᒰ⠪ ዊᣧᎹ ᥙ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⟵⻠ޔⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ߎߩᬺߩ⋡⊛ߪ㧘⧷⺆ቇߦ㑐ߔࠆ⍮⼂ࠍჇ߿ߔߎߣߢ ߪߥߊ㧘⧷⺆ቇߣ߁⍮⊛༡ߺߦෳടߢ߈ࠆࠃ߁ߦߥࠆߎ ߣߢࠆޕవⴕ⎇ⓥߩᱜ⏕ߥℂ⸃ߦᔅⷐߥ⺒ߺߩᛛⴚ㧘න ߥࠆ឴ߍ⿷ขࠅߢߥ㗴ὐߩߟߌᣇ㧘ᗧ⟵ߥ㗴⸳ ቯߩᣇ㧘⺑ᓧജߩࠆ⼏⺰ߩᣇᴺߥߤࠍりߦߟߌࠆߎߣ ࠍ⋡ᮡߣߒߚޕวࠊߖߡ㧘⧷⺆ߘߩ߽ߩߦߟߡߩℂ⸃ ࠍᷓࠆߎߣ߽⋡ᜰߒߚޕ ᬺߢߪ㧘ਅ⸥ߩ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ࠍ৻ⴕ৻ⴕਤᔨߦ⺒ߺㅴߡ ࠁߊ㧔ࡊࡦ࠻ࠍ㈩Ꮣߔࠆ㧕 ߅ߥޕ㧘ߎߎߢ߁ߣޠߺ⺒ޟ ޟฎౖߣߒߡ ߪ㧘 ޟᖱႎߣߒߡ⺒ߊߥߪߢߣߎ߁ߣޠ㧘 ⺒ࠆߢߣߎ߁ߣޠ㧔ߎߩੑㅢࠅߩ⺒ߺߦߟߡߪ㧘 ౝ↰⟵ᒾߩ␠ߣᦠ⺒ޡળ⑼ቇޢ㧔ጤᵄᣂᦠ㧕ࠍෳᾖ㧕ޕฃ⻠ ↢ߪ㧘ࠄ߆ߓഀࠅᒰߡࠄࠇߚㇱಽߦߟߡ⊒ߔࠆߎ ߣߦߥࠆޕ ቇᦼᧃߦⴕ߁ቯᦼ⹜㛎ߢߪ㧘㈩Ꮣࡊࡦ࠻߿ࡁ࠻㧘ㄉ ᦠߥߤߩᜬߜㄟߺࠍࠆ੍ቯߪߥ⹜ޕ㛎ߪ⺰ㅀᑼߩ੍ ቯߢࠆޕ ㅴᐲߩ⋡ߪᰴߩㅢࠅߢࠆޕ㗴⋡ߪ㧘⺰ᢥߩ▵ߩ࠲ࠗ ࠻࡞ߦኻᔕߔࠆޕ 1. ࠝࠛࡦ࠹࡚ࠪࡦ㧘ᤐቇᦼߩᓳ⠌㧘⻠⟵ߩⷐ 2. The Analysis of the Plain and Ing Forms 1 3. The Analysis of the Plain and Ing Forms 2 4. The Analysis of the Plain and Ing Forms 3 5. The Analysis of the Plain and Ing Forms 4 6. The Analysis of the Plain and Ing Forms 5 7. Inferences from the Meaning of the Sensory Verb 1 8. Inferences from the Meaning of the Sensory Verb 2 9. Inferences from the Meaning of the Sensory Verb 3 10. Inferences from the Meaning of the Sensory Verb 4 11. Inferences from the Meaning of the Sensory Verb 5 12. Conclusion 1 13. Conclusion 2 14. ⑺ቇᦼߩ߹ߣ 15. ⑺ቇᦼߩ߹ߣ ࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ޔෳ⠨ᢥ₂ ⹏ଔᣇᴺ Kirsner, Robert S., Charles N. Li, and Sandra A. Thompson (1976) “The Role of Pragmatic Inference in Semantics: A Study of Sensory Verb Complements in English,” Glossa 10.2: 200-240. ⹏ଔߪቯᦼ⹜㛎ᦼ㑆ਛߩ⹜㛎ߦࠃࠆ߅ߥޕ㧘නቯߦ ߚߞߡߪ㧘ᬺ࿁ᢙߩ 3 ಽߩ 2 એߩᏨ߇ᔅⷐߢࠆ 㧔ߚߛߒ㧘Ꮸߘߩ߽ߩ߇ടὐߩኻ⽎ߣߥࠆߎߣߪߥ㧕ޕ 221 03 ᐕᐲએ㒠 ⧷⺆ቇᢥ₂⎇ⓥ a ᜂᒰ⠪ ㋈ᧁ ⧷৻ ⻠⟵⋡⊛⻠⟵ⷐ ᬺ⸘↹ ⻠⟵⋡⊛䋺 1. ↢ᚑᢥᴺ䈱ⷐ䋨1䋩䋺ᄢᮡḰℂ⺰ 㩷 ᐕᐲ䈱䊁䊷䊙䈲䇴⧷⺆ Wh ⒖േ䈱ᢥᴺ䇵䈪䈅䉍䋬Wh ⒖േ䈮 㑐 䈜 䉎 ฎ ౖ ⊛ ฬ ⪺ 䈪 䈅 䉎 Noam Chomsky (1977) 㵰On Wh-Movements㵱䉕⺒䉂䈭䈏䉌䋬⧷⺆䈱 Wh ⷐ⚛䉕䉃᭴ᢥ䉕 ⠨ኤ䈜䉎䋮 2. ↢ᚑᢥᴺ䈱ⷐ䋨2䋩䋺ᩭᔃᢥᴺ 3. ↢ᚑᢥᴺ䈱ⷐ䋨3䋩䋺ੑ䈧䈱⒖േⷙೣ䈫ਃ䈧䈱⸃㉼ⷙೣ ⻠⟵ⷐ䋺 6. ⸃㉼ⷙೣ䈫⻉᧦ઙ ↢ᚑᢥᴺℂ⺰䈪䈲䋬ᢥ䈱ⷐ⚛䈱⒖േ䈮䈲NP⒖േ䋬Wh⒖ േ䋬ਥⷐㇱ⒖േ䈱ਃ⒳㘃䈏䈅䉎䈫ቯ䈘䉏䈩䈇䉎䋮⧷⺆䈱NP ⒖േ䈲䋬⋡⊛⺆䉇ᢥਥ⺆䈱⟎䈮䈅䉎ฬ⹖ฏ䋨NP䋩䉕ਥ⺆ 䈱⟎䈮⒖േ䈜䉎ᠲ䈪䈅䉎䋮Wh⒖േ䈲䋬Whⷐ⚛䉕ᢥ㗡䈮 ⒖േ䈜䉎ᠲ䈪䈅䉎䋮ਥⷐㇱ⒖േ