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Title Author(s) Citation Issue Date URL The Profitability of Eucalyptus Farm Forest in Northeast Thailand Ubukata, Fumikazu; Takeda, Shinya; Watanabe, Hiroyuki; Jamroenprucksa, Monton 森林研究 = Forest research, Kyoto (1998), 70: 35-42 1998-12-28 Right Type Textversion Departmental Bulletin Paper publisher Kyoto University 35 森 林 研 究70:35-42,lgg8 一 論( ) 文 The Profitability of Eucalyptus Farm Forest in Northeast Thailand Fumikazu UBUKATA*,Shinya TAKEDA*,Hiroyuki and Monton JAMROENPRUCKSA WATANABE タ イ東 北部 にお け るユ ー カ リ農 家林 経営 の収 益 性 生 方 史 数*・ 竹 田 晋 也*・ 渡 辺 弘 之*・Monton JAMRoENPRucKsA** The Profitabilityof Eucalyptus Farm Forest in Northeast Thailand: Recently Eucalyptus farm forest has rapidly expanded in Thailand, especially in eastern and northeastern regions. This research analyzed the recent change in profitabilitybetween Eucalyptus plantingand cassava cultivation, by focusing on changes in production prices,factor pricesand factorcosts.Two sources, a1994 reference survey on the profitability of Eucalyptus and cassava in the northeast region,and a fieldsurvey on farm forest management conducted in 1996, were analyzed. First,itwas found that Eucalyptus farm forest provided labor savings for farmers. Second, the decreasing trend in the cassava farm gate price from the mid 1980s to early 1990s improved the relativeprofitability of Eucalyptus planting. Key words:Northeast Thailand, Eucalyptus, Farm Forest, Profitability 近 年 タ イ で は 農 家 に よ るユ ー カ リ林 業 経 営(農 家 林 経 営)が 東 部 や 東 北 部 を 中 心 に 急 速 に広 ま っ て い る 。 本 研 究 で は 、 東 北 部 に お け る1994年 の ユ ー カ リ ・キ ャ ッサ バ の 費 用 ・収 益 に 関 す る文 献 資 料 と 、1996年 に行 っ た 農 家 林 経 営 に 関 す る 聞 き取 り調 査 を も と に 、 要 素 費 用 と生 産 物 価 格 の 変 化 に着 目 して 、 近 年 の ユ ー カ リ農 家 林 経 営 とキ ャ ッ サ バ 耕 作 との 収 益 性 の 比 較 を行 っ た 。 ユ ー カ リ 農 家 林 経 営 は 農 家 に と っ て 労 働 節 約 的 な 経 営 で あ る こ と 、80年 代 後 半 か ら90年 代 前 半 に か け て の キ ャ ッサ バ 庭 先 価 格 の 相 対 的 下 落 が 、 ユ ー カ リの 収 益 性 を相 対 的 に 改 善 した こ とが 明 ら か と な っ た。 キ ー ワ ー ド:タ イ 東 北 部 、 ユ ー カ リ、 農 家 林 、 収 益 性 1 1ntroduction:Expansion of Eucalyptus farm forest in Thailand used for pulp, construction poles, furniture and wood chips in Thailand. It has been in the spotlight since the late 19$Os, in accordance with the price hike of Recently the area under farm forest has rapidly expanded in Thailand, even though Thailand has pulp product markets. The experienced serious deforestation since 1960s. The Eucalyptus expansion crops, which in northeast region is one of the most recent and drastic examples. NAGATA (1996)estimated rai=0.16ha)of farm and KONG that approximately 550,000 rai(1 Eucalyptus private forest,of which forest is considered established between 1991 This figure;110,000 the largest part, was and 1996 in northeast. rai per year, is more than the in both domestic government has and international also promoted planting to replace various agricultural have been facing marketing problem (such as cassava), for structural adjustment in the agriculturalsector. From the farmer's point of view, it is quite natural to say that a change in terms of profitability may affect a change researches analyzed in agricultural crops. Some profitability of Eucalyptus annual forest depletion in this region during 1991 plantation and that of cassava, the most competitive and 1993. crop with Eucalyptus. Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus camaldulensis)is mainly 串 Grad. 蔀* Fac. Sch. of Agric., Kyoto of For., Kasetsart Univ. Univ. Kyoto Bangkok 串京 都 大 学 大 学 院 農 学 研 究 科 ・#タ イ 王 国 カ セ サ ー ト大 学 林 学 部 606-8502 10903 Thailand First, based on a field survey in eastern region, 36 FOR. MAKARABHIROM(1994)suggested that Eucalyptus was profitability. The following indices RES.,KYOTO 701998 are calculated. more profitable than cassava under the 12%discount rate. However, whether a research in eastern region is adaptable to the northeastern region remains Net Profit(NP)and Net Present Value(NPV) in Production costs here are defined as variable question. In addition, detailed data (especially factor costs,which are basically categorized into three parts; costs)on labor, material and others. This includes non-cash cassava production were not presented in the analysis. Taking costs a theoretical approach, a Finnish group pointed out that profitabilityof Eucalyptus was higher than that of cassava under the 12% interest rate, although the market order(NISKANEN, interest rate(18%)changed in (e.g. unpaid family labor, materials not purchased). For cassava cultivation, revenue is calculated by multiplying farm gate price(Baht/kg;1 Baht=US$0.4, in 1996)by (kg/rai).Then the amount of production based on production cost and benefit,,1993). However, because of Net Profit(NP)is calculated by revenue minus costs. lack of field survey, the research of Finnish group Since Eucalyptus is a perennial crop, Net Present used estimated data in calculation,some part of which Value did not reflect field data. For profit by formula. optimum rotation period (8 instance, it used and 10 years for (NPV)is pulpwood and sawlog production in farm forest, respectively),while the most farmers cut and sold the northeast region eagerly planted Eucalyptus, NP; since the old data(basically during 1980s)was r To date, few researchers analyzed the factors affecting the change of the relative profitability northeast Thailand. In addition, factor cost =NP in year i,i=1,2,3,..., n = Interestrate Annual between Eucalyptus planting and cassava cultivation in Net Since crop Profit(ANP) cassava in modified into further account of farmer's decision-making behavior, with NP were in not calculated to provide in the previous explanations research. for recent expansion of Eucalyptus farm forest management in the each is generally Thailand, efficiencyand recent trends in factor costs, that took Therefore, the following Where, especially during the early 1990s, was not analyzed used. time. It is calculated by nNPiNPV=i=i(1+r)i trees within 5 years. Besides, the reason why farmers in used to determine the discounted annual of year Eucalyptus NPV of terms so cassava as is as Eucalyptus that cultivation. constant, planting regarded Annual calculated annual should it can be Regarding Net an be compared Revenue Profit(ANP)of by the following formula. northeast region, this research aims to discuss the factors affectingrecent change in profitabilitybetween Eucalyptus farm forest and cassava cultivation,by focusing on changes in production prices,factor prices and factor costs. 2 Methodology and Data Source NP V ANP=n Σ(1+が i=1 Benefit cost ratio(B/C-R) Benefit cost ratio(B/C-R)is used to analyze the cost efficiency of the investment. It is calculated by dividing the discounted cost into discounted revenue 2-1Methodology First,based on referencesand interviews, the farmer'smanagement of Eucalyptusfarm forestis described,and the productioncosts of Eucalyptus (benefit). For cassava cultivation,cost and revenue are not discounted by time. In the same manner,"benefit planting are compared with that of cassava cultivation. labor cost(LC)and Second,financial analysisispresentedto measure per labor cost"(B/LC)and"benefit (B/MAC)are per material cost" defined to see the efficiencyin terms of material cost(MAC). Internal Rate of Return(IRR) 37 森 林 研 究701gg8 Choosing a discount rate is one of the problems of cassava in profitabilityanalysis of investment. Using the Internalrate of return(IRR)can avoid it.This gives the rate that NPV of the investmentis equal to zero. However, itis not zero value of money but net profit of cassava that profitfrom Eucalyptus plantingshould be compared with. Thus "the discounting rate that offersequivalentreturn with net profitof cassava" EuCalyptus (IRRe=c)is definedand calculated. ANPe=Annual Sensitivity analysis In analysis,Four discount rates are used;0%, 5%,10%,and 15%. The latterthree discount rates representrecent saving rate,12 months depositrate, and lending rate in recent Thailand, respectively that offers planting production are following equivalent (Pe=c), constant provided across net profit that COSt time(Calculated by to and the formula). ANP。+α PQ.。 ニ Where, Net Cc = Production Xc =Amount Profit cost of of Eucalyptus cassava(variable cost is used) of cassava Results are compared production per rai with average farm gate price of cassava (real value). If this index is higher (Asian Development Bank, 1996). Each result is compared with thatof cassava cultivation. As shown in Figure 1, farm gate priceof cassava than the average farm gate price, Eucalyptus offers (realvalue)has fluctuated,while mill gate price of Eucalyptus (real value) has been rather constant. Some forms of time seriesanalysisare necessary to analyze its impact on Eucalyptus plantingbehavior. However, lack of data source does not allow such analysis.Thus we calculatedthe realfarm gate price Changes in the factor prices better profits in the longer term. Change in the factor prices such as wage material prices also plays an and important role in profitabilitychange. Recent changes in factor prices, such as agricultural wage and seedling price for Eucalyptus farm forest, are described and discussed 38 on FOR. the basis region in the crop year 1993/1994, of field interviews. agricultural 2-2Data Source economics was used 701998 from office of (Office of Agricultural Economics,1994). Data was collected from two sources, references on RES.,KYOTO profitabilityof Eucalyptus and cassava northeast region, and a field survey in Kosum district,Mahasarakham in the Pisai province. Field survey was conducted in the southern part of Kosum Pisai district,Mahasarakham province in 1996.This districtis located in the southeast of Khon Kaen city, which is one of the central cities in this From reference, information on cost and revenue of both Eucalyptus planting and cassava cultivation region (Fig.2). Since there are accessible markets was obtained. On Eucalyptus farm forest,SONGANOK'S for a pulp mill, Eucalyptus farm forest has rapidly survey in 1994 expanded in this area. Socio-economic conditions were was used, since it is currently the most reliable data that can be compared cassava (SONGANOK, with that of 1994). For cassava cultivation, data concerning production costs in the northeast around this area;construction pole and raw materials mainly surveyed in Ban Hua Na Kham farmer's management surveyed village,while on Eucalyptus farm forest was complementarily in several villages 39 森 林 研 究701gg8 including Ban Hua Na Kham Ploughing village. rainy 3 Result and discussion season. ploughing and cost of Eucalyptus farm forest First, interviews give the following insight into the management of Eucalyptus farm forest. is by is seedlings Operations after operated certain water immediately varied per among rai)is planting Eucalyptus 13years. Cost Share(%) FactorCosts Labor Cost Plough血9 135.61 1257 21.93 (26.85) 10.13 (12.40) 24.52 (30.02) 248.87 (28.59) Planting 129.32 11.99 (27.26) 114.99 Maintenance beforeHarvest- 112.98 10.47 (23.82) 27830 . Harvest O.00 0.00 (Fe血a) Maintenance 96.42 (26.84) 8.94 血harvest 3.18 (3.89) 81.69 (100.00) 5.04 (54.25) 36.08 (20.33) Labor Cost inTotal Ma重erial Cost 21.92 248.78 (0。00) 474.33 Sood(D血ig) 43.97 (100:00) 438.24 927.02 40.62 幽57.15 (83.55) Fertilizer Pesticide 51.60 and 4.78 (9.84) 4.52 0.00 (o.00) 0.00 (0.86) AgriculAUal Tools,etc. Mate血 (40.21) 0.42 W6edK聾1◎r 3.73 42.36 30.18 皿Cost血Total 2.80 . (5:75) 524.54 0.51 5.84 (5.54) 48.62・ 9.28 (100.00) o.aa (2.45) 105.35 (100.00) 0出els 】M㎞ 血劉鵠凋鷹m{℃of α00 α00 A顔 ㎝1tu国 Took 2.51 '(0.00) Interestetc. 79.91 Others血Total 7.41 (100.00) 99.97 8.81 7.41 102。48 (97.55) 9.03 79。91 (100.00) (100.00) Total Cost 1078.78 100.00 1134.85 11f/ Nσtes 1:Data 2: in The 1994. Source:SoNGANOK,1994 production SONGANOK'S data cost on Eucalyptus, 博t for COS[on 幽 and Eucalyptus Eucalyptus northeast爬gion(ωta1α 3:Fbr of is Office is based an on of Agricultural average field for survey Bconomibs,1994. the northeast 40 households of region. in the 13years)・ ma血 加 鵬皿 ㏄befo】 鵠ha四est i8血e to電組 血the lst and 2口d years(93.21,19.77Baht,respectively). Cost on mainteaenceafterharvestisthe totalin 出e5db、8山and 4:Cost cost l l血 】 灘(4398,38.36,14ρ8 share share means in factor cost share血 costs(96). ω 憾cost(%), Bahち 騨 w】圃b ▼ely> oostls㎞ 血P漁 驚heses means the rainfall, buffaloes follows recommended Cassava 1year Cost Share(%) of farmers, generally Table 1: The Production Cost of Eucalyptus and Cassava (Baht/rai,%) Items during amount using Planting Spacing ×2m(400 a operated tillers. ploughing. planting After is power 3-1Management and or after while recognized. by Royal 2 40 FOR. Forest Department include annual weeding and fertilizing. However, interviews showed that l l out of 20 farmers used fertilizeronly during planting.5 RES.,KYOTO 701998 gate price of cassava(real value). Average farm gate price during 1985-1989, 1990-1994 is O.83,0.71 Baht/kg, respectively. Under the O%,5% and 10% farmers did not use fertilizerat all.For weeding,5 discount rate, Pe=c became 0ut of 10 farmers said that they did not weed average farm gate price of cassava during planting. They perceived that weeding was after not 1994,because necessary on the Eucalyptus farm forest. 15% The rotation period of 3-5 years is shorter than the recommended 5 years. Then the stand is sold to a narrowed middleman through negotiation.As price per stand is higher than O.71, the 1990- of fallin cassava price.Even under the discount rate, the difference dramatically to only O.02 Baht/kg. This indicates that Eucalyptus gained its competitiveness against cassava during this period because of the relative fall in generally recognized, felling is operated by a middleman. Regeneration is based on coppice cassava farm gate price. regeneration,4-5 3-3 Recent changes in the factor prices in Kosum shoots per stump are left,while other shoots are cut. Pisai District These results highlight the labor-saving aspect of This hypothesis Factor prices, as well as production prices, are important signals affecting farmer's decision-making is checked in Table l by comparing Eucalyptus and behavior. Considering the difference in factor costs cassava in terms of production cost per rai. The between Eucalyptus planting and cassava cultivation, amount and the share of the cost are presented. (see Table 1),recent trends of wage and material costs are clearly important. Eucalyptus farm forest management. First, even though production cost of Eucalyptus considers 13 years of operation (4 years for lst rotation,3years production thereafter),it is lower than annual cost of cassava. Second, cassava According to the interviews in Kosum Pisai district,many people of the younger generation had moved to work in the urban sector, especially during cultivation requires higher labor costs, both in terms the early 1990s. of share and amount, than Eucalyptus planting, while the order changes in terms of material cost. Provided period. Agricultural wages increased from 50 baht/day in 1993 to 100 baht /day in 1996. It is that wage rate is 50-60 Baht per day, the amount of likely that the combined labor that cassava cultivation requires is 15.5-18.5 and the labor shortage, contributed to an increase in man-days, while 7.9-9.5 man-days Eucalyptus as itis regarded as a labor-saving crop. Eucalyptus. Thus we are required for can conclude that Eucalyptus Wage hikes also started in this effects of the wage increase planting has cost-saving and labor-saving aspects for In contrast, seedling price was around l baht/seedling during 1990s. Assuming that the farmers. farmers did not change the tree spacing, seedling costs, which are the highest portion of the material 3-2 Profitability of Eucalyptus farm forest in northeast region Table 2 costs for Eucalyptus planting, remained stable. Or if we consider the inflationrate(annual rate is around shows profitability of Eucalyptus 4-5%during 1990 to 1995), seedling costs decreased 20%within 5 years. In addition, one of the planting and cassava cultivation in the northeast region in 1994. All results on ANP, B/C-R, and B/LC around indicate that Eucalyptus is higher and more profitable. the study IRR and IRRe;calsoindicate betterprofitability for numbers of seedlings from the project free of charge. Eucalyptus planting.However, for B/MAC, Figure 3 shows that 29%of is higher only under the O% The remarkable B/MAC and 5% differences between Eucalyptus discount rate. B/LC and indicate the labor-saving nature of Eucalyptus Eucalyptus with average farm area. Some farmers near could get certain respondents had received seedlings from the government agencies. Although this figure needs to be considered cautiously due to the small sample size,itsuggests that relatively large number planting. Results on Pe.c are compared forest extension projects was initiated in 1992 of farmers may benefit from government agencies in this area. Thus the constant(or decreasing 41 森 林 研 究701998 Table 2: The Profitability Cassava (r=0%) Revenue and Cassava($aht/rai,1994) of Eucalyptus Eucalyptus Eucalyptus Eucalyptus (r=5%) (r=10%) (r= 15%) Eucalyptus (r =0%) 1218.66 9745.73 6478.65 4502.31 3251.20 1034.88 998.87 927.23 868.91 819.93 NP 183.78 8746.86 5551.42 3633.40 ANP 183.78 672.84 590.98 511.50 435.47 B/C-R 1.18 9.76 6.99 5.18 3.97 B2C 1.31 20.55 15.15 11.48 18.58 12.97 9.44 7.13 n.a. 0.80 0.76 0.72 0.69 璽RR(%) n.a. 53.26 53.26 53.26 53.26 IRRex(%) n.a. 34.30 34.30 34.30 34.30 Cost 1L57 B/MAC Pe=c(Baht/kg) 2431.27 8.941 Notes 1:Calculation is based on"interest rate. rate As etc."is cassava is used 2:The the faml n.a.=Not gate price 1994.The revenues ANP, and 2 in Table costs within are also 2. In cost calculation, discounted a year(around of are 7-12 and in RR by months), cost the discount no discount of amoロnt Agricultural of production of Thailand Economics,1994), per rai Crop in Year respectively are,2374.23,2331.4,2340.1,and from SONGANOK'S used. Eucalyptus analysis. of the 2700 in Baht/rai, for respectively(Sortcnxox,1994). are SONGANOK'S in definitions of years, different and Bah!ノkg(Agricultura】S重a重js重ics Eucalyptus 13th in SONGANOK'Sarticle B/C。R, in Thailand, kg/rai(Office and results differences note available cassava a即e,057 2138 4th,7th,10th respectively Revenues harvested of region and described l and it. noRheast 3:The in Table excluded. rate, l994195), the data is usually for r=Discount on calculation, analysis, For is example, 3636.91,512.80 Although they are Such almost under although the the Baht,5.20 differences negligible. data 10%interest sources rate, and may reflect NP, 53.42%, slight 42 FOR. in real value) trend of seedling costs, and extension project might the References Asian Clearly, the changes in the factor prices and costs the early 1990's were Eucalyptus planting in Kosum favorable Bank Developing for Pisai district. Development Asian Asian Conclusion and of Bank, Contract on labor productivity was much in some area where increased and material price decreased. Second, it was NAGATA, and Culture Y., found that the decreasing trend in cassava prices from Plantation the mid of 1980s to early 1990s had relative profitability of Eucalyptus compared improved the planting when Field interviews provided useful information that imply a relationship between Eucalyptus planting and alone does addition, new may not account crisis.More Acta Office information for future studies. of Program. Education, Science Expansion Northeast of Thailand:An Village Tree Application Information System ・ ド ラ イ ゾ ー ン の 地 域 形 LUUKKANEN,0., S. of Forestalia of 「総 合 的 地 Cost of 1-28 in the Trees. Northeast Agricultural (1994) 1994(ln Economics, Cooperatives, Production of and of Tropical Economics of Cassava Agricultural and Agricultural Evaluation Fast-Growing R.(1994)Feasibility Planting Journal (1993) O. Fenica.241:1-38. Agriculture SONGANOK, SAASTAMOINEN, Agricultural Office baseline Study Research; Tokyo,100-142. Thailand Profitability recent provide the Scientific Y.(1996) BHUMBHAMON, Production crisis, and Socio-economic Research 南 ア ジ ア A., current analysis, provide insight into the effects of economic Southeast 域 研 究 」 総 括 班).187.219. economic detailed field surveys would extend the in In と 発 展 一 地 域 発 展 の 固 有 論 理(3)一.219pp,文 NISKANEN, trends of rural socio-economic change of the 1997 Thailand. of for Japan, Patterns: 部 省 科 学 研 究 費 補 助 金 重 点 領 域 研 究 for this relationship. In occur as a consequence in Northeast 成 rural socio-economic change. Nevertheless profitability of of Report Ministry KONG, (NETVIS).(東 to cassava. course Scientific S.(eds.), NAGATA, the in Patterns Grant-ln-Aid International the labor wage Farming Final Conducted, cassava. This might help to improve profitabilityof Eucalyptus in Development. higher than that of Countries.435pp. Utilization Utilization Asia:Changes of Manila. Tree Forest Indicators Pacific P.(1994)Forest Study First, it was found that Eucalyptus farm forest management had labor-saving aspects for farmers. Its (1996)Key Development MAKARABHIROM, Case 4 701998 also contribute to reduce material costs of Eucalyptus planting in this area. during RES.,KYOTO The Thai).52pp. Ministry of Bangkok. of Fast-Growing under System Economics Tree Restructuring Project(ln Research Thai). 17: