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Slime/Black 新生 エルボーブレイス ひじ用サポーター M 1枚入 ×100個
July 2015
Volume15, Issue 4
AFG District 19 Newsletter
Inside Out
Special Events:
Aug 7-9: 30th Anniversary of “Serenity in the Sierras”. An AA
event with Al-Anon participation.-Oakhurst-register online at
www.serenitysierras.com. Al-Anon speaker-Louise M. from Sacramento-Al-Anon luncheon also scheduled
Aug 21-23: Attn Alateens: NoCAC August Bash “Rolling
Through Recovery-Big Meadows Stanislaus, Arnold, CA. $20, min
age 12, bring tent,sleeping bag, pillow, food, clothes for hot day and
cool nights, etc. info:[email protected]
Sep 4-6: Monterey Bay Area Roundup 2015-“Keep It Simple”Monterey Conference Ctr, 1 Portola Plaza. Info: montereybayarearoundup.com
Sep 18-20: Alateen Sponsors Recommit and
Revitalize at Westminster Woods, Occidental, CA. For Al-Anon
members involved in Alateen Service
For info: ncwsa.org
Oct 9-11: NCWSA 3-Day Assembly-Modesto Doubletree Hotel.
Info: ncwsa.org.
Oct 30,31-Nov 1:NCCAA (Northern California Council of Alcoholics Anonymous) Conference, Radisson in Fresno with Al-Anon/
Alateen participation.
Nov 20: Yosemite Summit Conference-info:serenityyosemite.com.
Within the pain lies the joy
Within the darkness lies the lite
Within sorrow and heartache lies peace—
deep settled peace.
So run not away from pain and darkness
sorrow and heartache
But embrace them as they come
feel their penetrating arrows
suffer their anguish
And be refined by their fires
Purified—filled up whole and complete
The hollow—empty—hole
overflowing with wholeness
when the arrow is removed and healing happens.
Know joy because the pain has done it’s work
See the lite because the darkness has stripped you
of blindness
Rest in peace because sorrow and heartache have
bloomed and blossomed
Fulfilled and able to be fulfilling
Let the essence of you shine forth
for all to see! Sharon R
* “What Does Alateen Mean To Me?” (*Alateens at the Saturday June 13th Visalia Alateen picnic responded)
Sofy G: Alateen means friendship and help.
Sean B: Alateen is fun!
Suzie: Alateen has made a difference in my life for the past six years. Alateen has helped me meet new
people not only in Alateen but outside it too. I’m grateful to have joined all those years ago in that one
only room with Katie.
Aurora C: To me Alateen is my home away from home. M sponsors are so caring that they act like my
grandmothers/mothers. Alateen is my way of life and I’m learning to live “One Day at a Time” in the program.
Danny J: Today is my first day at Alateen. I’ve come with my best friend Suzie as a “sponsor”, and I can
say that Alateen makes a difference, and means a solution and break from daily life troubles.
An Al-Anon’s Gratitude: Kathleen D.
I had a wonderful time meeting the Al-Anon members from
Visalia and Fresno at the Alateen picnic on Saturday July 13th at Whitendale Park in Visalia. It was a great day
of camaraderie, and of course the Alateen kids were precious. They danced and had projects that they made-love
bags, and rock paintings. We were all happy to buy raffle tickets to support the Alateens. What a wonderful program so that young minds can receive healing at a young age and have a bright and healthy future to look forward too. We had a wonderful pot luck with a variety of salads, sandwiches, chips, fruit, and desserts. What a
wonderful time of fellowship—my first conference. Sue W. gave an outstanding workshop on Conflict Resolution-something we all need. She used pocket pamphlet S-71 to explain the do’s and don’ts about conflict. What
stood out to me (about conflict) was you can either be right or happy. You can make a commitment to presume
goodwill. You can tell someone your expectations. And you can keep your hands off your hips. I thoroughly enjoyed myself. (My Monday Al-Anon meeting in Fresno has adopted Alateen to support and encourage).
Conference Approved Literature (CAL)
Our literature has a special place in my heart because it is composed of sharing’s from members
like you and I. I don’t know if that is unique to our fellowship but it is always inspiring and comforting to
read that I am not alone. I am so grateful that members took the time to share their experience,
strength, and hope in print.
What does Conference Approved mean? There is a literature committee comprised of past delegates, literature coordinator from WSO (World Service Office), and members of our fellowship. They
read the sharing’s sent to them from members like us and, using the group conscience, decide which
pieces to include in our literature. Once the process is complete, the rough draft is sent to the World
Service Conference to be approved by the group conscience of the conference. The Higher Power of the
committee and conference guides the process of the group conscience.
I spoke with a member of the literature committee about the release of the new publication
about intimacy. She reported to me that they hadn’t received enough sharing’s to compose a book about
intimacy. So it couldn’t be submitted to the conference until they had enough to make up the publication.
So I have a challenge for you District 19: send your experience, strength, and hope to WSO via email or
snail mail. You can go to the WSO website to submit your writing and there are guidelines provided for
you too. WSO is currently asking for sharing’s regarding intimacy in alcoholic relationships. I will have
copies to be distributed at the July district meeting. If you don’t want your name to be used, you can
always sign anonymous. No need to worry about your grammar or type O’s. The committee will take care
of that. You have a gift to share no matter how long you’ve been in program.
Love in Service, Sue W. Literature Distribution Coordinator
A Special Evening with D19 Al-Anons and Alateens
Friday, June 12th, an AA event with Al-Anon participation took place at the Park Inn in Fresno.
I have been to several events like this, but I must say that this one was one of the most unique. The
room was small, the air conditioner inadequate, the program started about thirty minutes late (and we
were told to vacate the room thirty minutes sooner than expected), the Al-Anon play was missing people, and delayed, the Alateen play took forever to set up, and the audience were chattering all the time.
But for all of this, this event will be my most memorable. Yes, the room was small, but it overflowed with attendance. It wasn’t anticipated that 40-50 Al-Anons and Alateens would show up, but
they did. I quickly realized that the chattering was a good thing too. People were socializing and enjoying each others company. The Al-Anon play was missing people, but people from the audience were
quickly recruited, and their impromptu performance gave the play (a scene at Lois and Bill W’s home
on the first days of Al-Anon’s existence) a humorous flare especially when Lois W. gave her shoe
throwing tantrum. Bill W. (an audience recruit) didn’t realize Lois’s aim was so good. After a few delays the Alateens came out with a table full of literature. The older Alateens read a terrific script naming off each piece of literature- books and pamphlets. As the title of each piece was read, the younger
Alateens scrambled to hold up each piece for the audience to see. It was a great performance and very
enthusiastically appreciated. There weren’t very many big items to raffle off, but the Kingsburg group
donated sixteen boxes of berries (blueberries and raspberries) so many people had the chance to be a
No, things did not go smoothly, but they did go exactly as they were supposed to. It was a great
evening-fun, laughter, fellowship, and entertainment. What more can you ask for?
(If you weren’t there, you missed a great time. Use the AlaNews Event Schedule on page one
to know what events are coming so you don’t miss any of these great opportunities to be involved with
D19 Al-Anons and Alateens). See you at the next event, Linda W. AlaNews Coordinator
District 19’s Coordinator’s Corner: This month featuring “MEETING LIST”
It’s my privilege to serve as your Meeting List Coordinator, and I thank you for this opportunity
to learn and grow in my Al-Anon journey. There are two things I’d like to talk to you about:
MEETING LIST: Please check the Meeting List for ANY meetings that you attend and make sure that we have ALL of the correct information – starting time ‐ ending time, too, if it’s a meeting that is different from the usual 1 ½ hr meetings/ location – address, name of building, any special instructions/ name of meeting – book study, beginners, etc. We need everyone’s eyes to be able to keep our list as cur‐
rent as possible. Just call, text, or email the information to me. Contact info: [email protected]. And remember that our most current meeting list will always be on the southvalleyalanon.org website. WHERE WE MEET: This second item came to my attention recently and is something that we all need to be reminded of. We are invited guests in the facilities where we attend our Al‐Anon meetings. We need to be vigilant that we DO NOT go anywhere in that building that we ARE NOT invited. We meet in churches, medical facilities, Red Cross buildings, meeting halls, and many other places. When an organization graciously allows us to use their building we need to be SURE that we go into our meet‐
ing room, the restroom we’ve been designated to use, and any lobby that might be available to us and NO WHERE ELSE! This would also include supervision of any children or teenagers that you might bring to a meeting place. I know that we will all be more aware of how we conduct ourselves when we attend meetings, realizing that we are guests and we are representing Al‐Anon and our own recov‐
ery. I hope this finds you enjoying serenity, living with courage, and finding wisdom. Sharon B. – Meeting List Coordinator Meeting Update: The Write on Spirituality AFG meeting on Wednesday
6:45 - 8:00 pm has moved to Fresno Center for Nonviolence @ 1584 N. Van
Ness Ave, Fresno (s/e corner of Van Ness & McKinley) Jody D.
Donations from D19 Groups made in Mar/Apr 2015
that go towards D19 General fund and D19 Alateens:
General fund
$879.40 $253.67
Group Donating
YLP Topic Meeting
El Nuevo Amanecer
Start Your Wk with a step
Changing What I Can
Sat Morning Women’s
Courage to Change
Straight Talk Book Study
Thurs Courage to Change
Tues Noon Step Power
Tues New Lifers
Tues Courage to Change
Wed Noon 11th Step
Mon Step Study
Fri Night Book Study
Visalia Mon Night Mon/6:30pm
Thur Al-Anon Reg mtg
D19 Business Mtg
Misc Donations
(information provided by D19’s treasurer)
I’m going to talk about
money. There, I’ve said it. “Money!”
For a long time now I’ve been thinking about the $1 donation I put into
the 7th tradition basket. The $1 that
seems to be the official, unannounced, on-going “traditional” donation at all the Al-Anon meetings I have
been to. Why $1?
I read an article in the Forum
many years ago about this $1 donation. If my memory serves me correctly, a $1 donation was what the
forefathers of Al-Anon gave.
Wow, how some things never
change. When I came to Al-Anon I
couldn’t afford counseling, but here
at Al-Anon for only $1, I get more
counseling, more sanity than I would
get paying hundreds to some professional. Don’t get me wrong, the professionals are needed and over the
years I’ve had some professional
counseling too. But think about AlAnon. For $1 I get more than my
money’s worth. (Continued on page 4)
DISTRICT 19 TRUSTED SERVANTS (2015‐2017 panel) Officers Trusted Servant Email Address District Rep Sheri W. [email protected] District Secretary Kathy B. [email protected] District Treasurer Karen N. [email protected] Alternate Officer Helen OPEN Joni Coordinators Alternate Coordinator AlaNews Linda W. [email protected] OPEN Alateen Mary O. OPEN Archives Jody D. [email protected] Elaine H. Diversity Beatriz Irma Group Records Ken S. [email protected] OPEN Hotline Tamara S. [email protected] Merrily L. Institutions Sandy [email protected] Literature Sue OPEN Meeting List Sharon [email protected] OPEN Public Outreach (PI) Mary M. [email protected] Monique OPEN Speaker Meeting Debbie K. Special Events Ellen K. [email protected] Dorothy Website Christopher H. [email protected] OPEN To contact a District Trusted Servant call District 19’s Hotline number 559‐444‐0224, and leave a message with a volunteer for a return call. District Update:
**New Site & Time for D19 Business Meeting‐
Kingsburg Community Church, 1590 Smith St., Kingsburg, CA 93631, 1:00‐3:00pm (continued from page 3, “What Price For Sanity”
So this started me thinking
(again). What if I doubled my giving?
Now that’s a new concept for me.
Give more? But how could I? I
prayed over it and started to put
this new concept into practice. Just
as I don’t profess to know how AlAnon works, but I know it does; I
don’t know how this giving thing
works either, but I know it does.
So, at my next meeting I
doubled my giving. Wow, that didn’t
hurt at all. Next meeting- I doubled
my giving. Again it didn’t hurt. As
a matter of fact it felt good. It down
right surprises me. he more I attend Al-Anon the more money I
seem to have to give.
So today, when I see that
7th tradition basket go around, I’m
doubling up. If $1 has brought me
out of insanity, I can hardly wait to
see where $2 will lead me.
(I wrote this article nearly fifteen
years ago for the AlaNews. The journey has been spectacular and only for
$2 a meeting! Linda W.)
World Service Office (WSO) Mail Donations to: 1600 Corporate Landing Parkway Virginia Beach, VA 23454 Phone: 757‐563‐1600 Fax: 757‐563‐1655 Meeting Info: 800‐344‐2666 Web: al‐anon.alateen.org NCWSA (Northern California World Service Area) Web: ncwsa.org Mail Donations to: NCWSA Treasurer P.O. Box 728 Vacaville, CA 95696‐0728 (make checks payable to NCWSA) D19 Calendar
District Speaker Meetings
(1st Monday of month)
Aug 3: 7:00-8:30pm
Sep 7: 7:00-8:30pm
Oct 5: 7:00-8:30pm
East Princeton Baptist Church,
District Business Meetings
(2nd Saturday of month)
2015: Aug 8, Sep 12,
Nov 14, Dec 12,
2016: Jan 9
Time for all meetings: 1:00-3:00pm
Kingsburg Community Church
1590 Smith St. Kingsburg
District 19 Information (Fresno, Madera, Kings & Tulare Counties) Web: southvalleyalanon.org Hotline/Information: Phone # 559‐444‐0224 Leave a message with a volunteer for a return call! Mailing Address: 4974 N. Fresno St., PMB 353 Fresno, CA 93726 Donations to District: Mail to above address. Make checks payable to AFG , and include your group name and group WSO num‐
ber Literature: Sales are by appointment only: email: [email protected] AlaNews: For submissions or to subscribe to the AlaNews email distribution, please email: [email protected] District Meetings: District 19 Business Meetings are held the 2nd Saturday of the month at the Kingsburg Community Church, 1590 Smith Street, Kingsburg. All Al‐Anon/Alateen members are welcome! 1:00pm‐3:00pm 
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