Cytell - GEヘルスケア・ジャパン株式会社 ライフサイエンス統括本部
imagination at work ウェスタンブロッティングだけでは見られない タンパク質発現の局在を定量しませんか 撮影から解析 グラフ化まで1台で! Cytell Cell Imageing System 660 万円 薬剤・作用溶量・曝露・作用時間などの影響による局在変化をみたい 論文掲載にむけた n=3 の実験で増大するサンプル数の対策に ウェル毎の平均値だけでなく、特定の細胞集団割合を解析したい (例:GFP 陽性細胞率) という方におすすめ ウェスタンブロッティング イメージングサイトメーター 細胞培養 細胞培養 35 mm ディッシュ以上の大きなディッ 35/60 mm ディッシュは シュで培養。 もちろんのこと、 6 ∼ 96 サンプル数分の枚数が必要。 ウェルプレート1 枚での 35/60 mm ディッシュはもちろん のこと、 6 ∼ 96 ウェルプレート1 枚 Cytell でのアッセイも可能。 アッセイも可能。 タンパク質抽出 免疫染色 (抗体反応) 電気泳動 細胞の撮影 転 写 解 析 抗体反応 バンドの検出 ウェスタンを 補完する技術 発現量比も 数値化できる! 解 析 コントロール さらに X線フィルム画像や ゲル画像 細胞内の 発現部位が見える 画像解析装置や 表計算ソフトウェアを 用いた数値化 複数のタンパク質 の発現が 同時に見える 取扱店 サンプル Case その 1 細胞内でのタンパク質の発現量と存在パターンを調べたい 細胞内でのタンパク質の発現量・存在パターン (凝集、散在) の評価が可能 ウェスタンブロッティングではとらえることが難しい、 タンパク質の存在パターンの変化を、Cytell で解析した例をご紹介します。 FYVE は PI3Kinase によってリン酸化されるドメインの 1 つで、リン酸化されるとエンドソームに凝集します。その性質を利用し、 EGFP 融合 FYVE を安定的に発現させた U-2 OS 細胞で、リン酸化阻害剤(Wortmannin)のさまざまな濃度における発現量および 存在パターンを調べました。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 10 µM 5 µM 2.5 µM 1.25 µM 625 nM 312.5 nM 156.3 nM 78.1 nM 39 nM 19.5 nM 9.8 nM 0M <プレートフォーマット> A B C Plate 1 D Plate 2 E Plate 3 F 0M G H ※ プレート内の数字は Wortmannin 濃度 1 Cytell で撮影した細胞画像 2 1 細胞あたりのタンパク質発現量 下図 B、 D よりリン酸化阻害剤濃度が高くなることで、FYVE の 凝集が減少し、散在することがわかりました。 1 細胞あたりのタンパク質発現量が確認できるのもイメージング Hoechst(核) GFP(2xFYVE) B 1 細胞あたりの GFP 総蛍光輝度 (RFU x µM2) 2,500,000 リン酸化阻害剤濃度 +0.0195 µM A サイトメーターの特長です。リン酸化阻害剤の濃度が変わっても、 発現量に変化がないことがわかりました。 C D 2,000,000 1,500,000 Plate 1 Plate 2 1,000,000 Plate 3 500,000 0 0.0195 1.25 +1.25 µM リン酸化阻害剤濃度 (µM) 3 1 細胞あたりのスポット数 1 で撮影した画像から、1 細胞あたりのスポット数を自動的にカ ウントします。その結果、濃度が高くなるにつれスポット数が減少 することがわかりました。 35.000 FYVE 1 細胞あたりの EGFP-2x FYVE スポット数 30.000 リン酸化 阻害剤濃度 リン酸化阻害剤の濃度依存的なタンパク質存在パターンの変化 25.000 20.000 Plate 1 15.000 Plate 2 Plate 3 10.000 リン酸化阻害剤濃度 (µM) 2 5 10 2.5 1.25 0.625 0.3125 0.1563 0.039 0.0781 0.0195 0 0.000 0.0098 5.000 Case その 2 シグナルトランダクションや細胞分化、 マーカー発現の解析をしたい PDGF 刺激によって核移行したリン酸化 ERK の定量解析 x10レンズ (一部拡大) PDGF 刺激 PDGF 刺激+阻害剤 0 min 蛍光シグナルの経時的変化 0 min 10 min PDGF刺激 340 320 300 280 260 240 220 200 0 10 min 核内シグナル強度 細胞質内シグナル強度 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 PDGF刺激+阻害剤 340 320 核内シグナル強度 300 細胞質内シグナル強度 280 260 240 220 0 ADCC アッセイ x10レンズ 抗体 エフェクター細胞 ー + 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 + + 抗体- 添加直後 抗体+ 1.2 総細胞蛍光シグナル強度 1 添加 6 時間後 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 添加直後 添加 6 時間後 ターゲット細胞の Calcein 蛍光イメージ マウス腎臓組織切片のマーカー発現解析 2 色のマーカーによる 2D プロット Phalloidin 蛍光輝度 x4レンズ 青:DAPI 緑:Alexa Fluor 488 WGA 赤:Alexa Fluor 568 Phalloidin WGA 蛍光輝度 神経突起伸長解析 x10レンズ 未処理細胞 レチノイン酸処理細胞 3 1 細胞あたりの神経突起長の平均値 N2a 細胞を 96 ウェルプレートに播種し、列ごとにさまざまな濃度のレチノイン酸で処理しました。 レチノイン酸濃度 (µM) 90 100 Pie Chart transfe Negative Positive Classes Transf s of dete Cell Count effect Cell CountsiGLO 2313 493 1 had 2313 these 493 Transf favour of siRN Transfection Conditions 1. A549 cells were plated in 96-well plates at 10,000 cells/well in medium containing Ham’s F-12, 2 mM L-Glutamine, 1.5 g/L Sodium Bicarbonate and 10% FBS, of red 24 hr before transfection. favour 2. siGLO Transfection Indicators and DharmaFECT 1 Transfection Reagent were mixed in reduced serum medium and incubated for 20 min at room temperature. 3. Complete growth medium was added to each siGLO/DharmaFECT 1 mixture, and growth medium on the cells replaced with 100 µL of resulting transfection transfe mix. Transfected cells were incubated for 24 hr in 37C 5% CO humidified incubator, fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde, washed with DPBS, and stained with increa Hoechst 33342 (1 µM). B wells is siGLO Red Imaging and Analysis with Cytell B siGLO 1. A 2-color BioApp was created using MyBioApp by setting the Blue Channel to image nuclei (Hoechst) and either the Orange or Green Channel to image Heat Map siGLO Red * siGLO fluorescence. with re 蛍光標識 の を用いてトランスフェクションの可否を確認した例をご紹介します。Measurement: Heat Map 2. Nuclear reference segmentation, which overlaps the nuclear area, was chosen for the siGLO Transfection Indicators since positive signal will be localized added to the nuclear area of each cell. Measurement: % of Cells * は細胞導入後に核に移行する性質をもつため、 細胞導入の確認が容易となります。ターゲットsiRNA と共にトランスフェクションして使用できます。 siGLO 3. Four fields were captured from each well of the 96-well plate. siRNAs % of Cells Population: 4. After imaging and initial analysis were complete, the threshold (linear gate) setting for positive and negative transfection was set immediately upstream assays of the strong signal observed from a histogram chart from a well containing a significant positive signal. Population: Negative Positivechart Case その 3 siRNA のノックダウン効率を調べたい siRNA のトランスフェクションをスムーズに確認できるツールが揃っています 2 siRNA siGLO Red Transfection Indicator Positive 90ウェルプレート1 枚でトランスフェクション効率と Determining optimal siGLO and DharmaFECT 1 amounts for efficient transfection of A549 cells: プレートマット状の結果から作図も楽々 A two-dimensional dose-response experiment was set up in a 96-well plate to determine efficient transfection conditions for A549 cells (Figure 1). A range of increasing amounts of siGLO Transfection Indicator (12.5-100 nM) and DharmaFECT 1 (0-0.4 µL/well) were used across the plate as indicated. A549 cells were plated and grown for 24 hr before the addition of the siGLO/DharmaFECT 1 mixture. After an additional 24 hr cells were fixed, stained and analysed on the Cytell Cell Imaging System. Positive Sum 細胞増殖を同時に評価 The Cy and ea efficien Indica Map a the am begin to gen confid not ha Cytell C Transf and ea when B 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 nM siGLO RNA 1 Conditions 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Transfection µL/well プレートマップ状に数値結果が配置された状態 0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.2 0.2 0.2 DharmaFECT 1incells es at 10,000 cells/well 1. A549 medium were0containing plated0 in 96-well Ham’s plates F-12, 2atmM 10,000 L-Glutamine, cells/well 1.5 in medium g/L Sodium containing Bicarbonate Ham’s and F-12, 10% 2 mM FBS,L-Glutamine, 1.5 g/L Sodium Bicarbonate and 10% FBS, で保存できます。 A 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 24 hr before transfection. nM siGLO RNA rmaFECT 1 Transfection 2. siGLO Reagent Transfection wereIndicators mixed in reduced and DharmaFECT serum medium 1 Transfection and incubated Reagent forwere 20 min mixed at room in reduced temperature. serum medium and incubated for 20 min at room temperature. C 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 d to each siGLO/DharmaFECT 3. Complete growth 1 mixture, medium and growth was added medium to each on the siGLO/DharmaFECT cells replaced with 1 mixture, 100 µL ofand resulting growthtransfection medium on the cells replaced with 100 µL of resulting transfection D 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 humidified incubator, fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde, humidified washed with incubator, DPBS, and fixed stained with 4% withparaformaldehyde, washed with DPBS, and stained with for 24 hr in 37C 5% mix.CO Transfected cells were incubated for 24 hr in100 37C 5% CO2 100 2 100 E 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Hoechst F 503334250(1 µM).50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 G 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Transfection Efficiency C Transfection Efficiency C siGLO Red Imaging with H and 12.5 Analysis 12.5 12.5 Cytell 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 siGLO Red 120 µL/well MyBioApp by setting 1. A the 2-color Blue BioApp Channel was to created image nuclei using (Hoechst) MyBioApp and by either setting the the Orange Blue Channel or Green to Channel image nuclei to image (Hoechst) and either the Orange or Green Channel to image 120 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.4 0.4 0.4 120 DharmaFECT 1 Figure 1. 96-well plate map of A549 cell transfection conditions. Triplicate wells containing siGLO Transfection Indicator (12.5, 25, 50, or 100 nM) and siGLODharmaFECT fluorescence. 1 (0, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.35, and 0.4 µL/well) are indicated. 100 100 ch overlaps the2.nuclear Nuclear area, reference was chosen segmentation, for the siGLO which Transfection overlaps the Indicators nuclear since area, positive was chosen signal forwill thebe siGLO localized Transfection Indicators since positive signal will be localized 100 As expected, the siGLO Red Transfection Indicatorgelife Imaging and Analysis with to the nuclear area ofCytell eachCell cell.Imaging System: siGLO Red Using MyBioApp a simple 2-color BioApp was developed for each siGLO Transfection Indicator and named siGLO Green and siGLO Red, respectively. Since siGLO 80 results (Figure 4) are very similar tosiGLO those observed 80 80 Transfection Indicators to the nucleus nuclear reference segmentation well of the 96-well 3. Four plate. fieldsbecome werelocalized captured fromin positive eachtransfections, well of the 96-well plate. was applied as a mask to sample the siGLO Pie Chart Cytell i fluorescence signal. Example images of negative and positive transfections are shown in Figure 2. RNA 濃度 one of e complete, the4. threshold After imaging (linear and gate)initial setting analysis for positive were complete, and negative the transfection threshold (linear was gate) set immediately setting for positive upstream and negative transfection was set immediately upstream for siGLO Green (Figure 3). Again, increased 100nM Classes 60 100nM 60 60 50nM histogram chart from of the a well strong containing signal observed a significant frompositive a histogram signal.chart from a well containing a significant positive signal. transfection is seen by increasing both siGLO 50nMAll goo Negative siGLO Red results: B C % Transfected Transfected %% Transfected A % Transfected % Transfected A Positive 40 40 40 and co Health and co local G current 25nM 25nM 12.5nM 12.5nM Transfection Indicator and DharmaFECT 1. Pie O and DharmaFECT Determining 1 amounts optimal siGLO for efficient and DharmaFECT transfection1ofamounts A549 cells: for efficient transfection of A549 cells: chart size offers immediate visual indication ment was set upAintwo-dimensional a 96-well plate todose-response determine efficient experiment transfection was set conditions up in a 96-well for A549 plate cells to(Figure determine 1). Aefficient range oftransfection increasing conditions for A549 cells (Figure 1). A range an of increasing 20 20 12.5-100 nM) and amounts DharmaFECT of siGLO 1 (0-0.4 Transfection µL/well)Indicator were used (12.5-100 across the nM)plate and DharmaFECT as indicated. A549 1 (0-0.4 cells µL/well) were plated were used and grown across for the plate20 as indicated. A549 were platedwhether and growneither for of cells determining reagent had an armaFECT 1 mixture. 24 hr After before anthe additional addition24 of hr thecells siGLO/DharmaFECT were fixed, stained 1 mixture. and analysed After an on additional the Cytell Cell 24 hr Imaging cells were System. fixed, stained and analysed on the effect Cytell Cell System. Neither high amounts of The Cyt Cell Count onImaging cell growth. 0 0 100 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 10 6 11 7 12 82313 0.1 0 493 9 0.15 0.05 0.2 0.25 0.1 0.15 DharmaFECT 1 0.20.3 0.35 0.25 0.3 0.4 0.350.45 DharmaFECT 1 Indicator nor siGLO Transfection トランフェクション試薬 DharmaFECT 1 濃度 DharmaFECT 1 DharmaFECT 1 siGLO Red results: siGLO Red results: 10 0.4 0.45 DharmaFECT are for proced 11 12 Life Tec 1 had significant effect on cell growth under µL/well 濃 度が 以 上、 および が 0.15 siGLO 25 nM DharmaFECT µl/well Scienti 4. Transfection results for chart siGLOview Red. A. Pie chart view showing negative positive (red) transfection Figure results for siGLO Red. A. Pie negative (blue) and positive(blue) (red)and transfection 0.1 0.1 0 transfection 0.1 of A5490cells.0.15 0 0.15 0.10.15 0.1 0.1 0.2 was added, 0.15 0.2 4. Transfection 0.15 Figure 0.15 0.2 0.2showing 0.2 Figure 2. Images of negative A. Negative Controls, in which no DharmaFECT 1 and up to 100 nM0.2 siGLO Transfection Indicator DharmaFECT 1 and positive these conditions. The heat maps for both siGLO As expected, the siGLO Red Transfection Indicator are trad show no nuclear siGLO fluorescence for either siGLO Green or siGLO Red Transfection Indicator; representative image shown. B. Positive transfection staining in the nuclear In addition, theset BioApp been set upsize to automatically size each pie diagram to indicate results. In addition, results. the以上のときに、 BioApp has been up tohas automatically each pie diagram to indicate number of cells number of cells トランスフェクション効率が 以上になることが 90% siGLO Red region for Hoechst (blue) and siGLO Green Transfection Indicator (green). C. Positive transfection staining in the nuclear region for both Hoechst (blue) and siGLO Red Transfection expected, the siGLO Red Transfection Indicator counted. B. Heat map showing percentage Red Transfection Indicator cells. C. A graph of transfect Dharm counted. B.4) Heat showing percentage of siGLO Red Transfection Indicator positive cells. C. Apositive graph of transfection Indicator (orange). 100 100 A 100100 100100 100100 siGLO 100100 100100 As100 100results 100 100 100 100 100 100of siGLO 100 (Figure aremap very similar to those observed Transfection Indicators allow an easy way to select Red 分かります。 Pie Chart efficiency versus DharmaFECT 1 concentration for 4 concentrations of siGLO Red Transfection Indicator. 0 5 nM siGLO RNA 4 0 0 nM siGLO RNA 3 0.05 efficiency versussimilar DharmaFECT 1those concentration for 4 concentrations of siGLO Red Transfection Indicator. All othe results (Figure 4) are very observed Pie 50 Chart for siGLO Green (Figure 3).to Again, increased for evaluating transfectionCompa Classes50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 favourable 50 conditions 50 for siGLO Green (Figure 3). Again, increased Classes Negative transfection is seen by increasing bothof siGLO siRNAs. As can be seen by the large number Electric March 2 25 25 25 C 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Positive 25 25 Red 25 results: 25 25seen 25 by 25 25 25 25 25 siGLO transfection is increasing siGLO Negative Transfection Indicator andboth DharmaFECT 1. Piecolored wells, there is a broad range of of red Little Ch Positive siGLO Red results: As expected, the siGLO Red Transfection Indicator Transfection Indicator and DharmaFECT 1. Pie 12.5 12.5 12.5 D 12.512.5 12.512.5siGLO 12.5Red 12.5 12.512.5 12.512.5 12.512.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 visual 12.5 12.5 12.5 chart12.5 size offers an immediate indication favourable conditions. The average percent of Cytell Resource Center: siGLO Red results: As expected, the siGLO Transfection Indicator GE Healthcare Cytell Resource Center: Custom results (Figure 4)Red are similar to those observed chart size offers an immediate visual indication Pie Chart siGLO Red ofvery determining whether either had an100 100 100 100 E 100100 siGLO 100100 100 100 100 100 100100 100 100 100 100 reagent 100transfection 100 Technic Red results: of varying amounts of siGLO Red with As 100 expected, the100 siGLO Red Indicator results (Figure 4)Transfection are very similar toAgain, thoseincreased observed for siGLO Green (Figure 3). of determining whether either reagent had an Chart Classes siGLO RedAsPie gelifesc Cell Count effect on cell growth. Neither high amounts of expected, the siGLO Red Transfection Indicator increasing DharmaFECT 1 amounts from triplicate (Figure 4) are very similar to those observed for siGLO Green (Figure 3). Again, increased 50 50siGLO Red 50 F Pie Chart 50 50 Classes 50 50 results 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 transfection is seen by increasing both siGLO Negative Cell Count effect on cell growth. Neither high amounts of siGLO Transfection Indicator nor DharmaFECT results (Figure 4) are very similar to those observed Positive (Figure Again, increased transfection is493 seen by increasing both siGLO nor wells is shown in25 Figure 4C. As expected, both Negative for siGLO Green 2313 3). Pie Chart Indicator and DharmaFECT Pie Transfection Indicator DharmaFECT 25 25 25 G Classes 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Transfection 25 25 siGLO 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 under 25 1 had significant effect1.Red on cell growth siGLO Positive 493byincreased (Figure2313 3). Again, transfection is seen increasing both siGLO Classes Negative for siGLO Green Transfection Indicator and DharmaFECT 1.on Pieindication siGLO Transfection Indicators performed similarly chart size offers an immediate visual 1 had significant effect cell growth under Heat Map 上図:A549 細胞に導入した、 ョン試薬 濃度を示したプレー トマ ップ。 siGLO DharmaFECT 1 these12.5 conditions. maps for12.5 both siGLO Positive 12.5 12.5 12.5 H 12.512.5transfection 12.512.5試薬およびトランスフェクシ 12.5by increasing 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.512.5 12.5 12.5The heat 12.5 12.5 12.5 is12.5 seen both siGLO Negative Transfection Indicator and DharmaFECT 1. Pie chart size an immediate visual indication with respect to siGLO and DharmaFECT 1 amount of offers determining whether either reagent had an these conditions. The heat maps for both siGLO 下図Positive :パイチャー トでトランスフェクシ ョン効率を確認できます。また、 円のサイズが生細胞の数を示しており、 トランス Transfection Indicators allow an easy way to select µL/well Measurement: Indicator and DharmaFECT 1.visual Pie chart size offers an immediate indication of0.3determining whether reagent had an an 0.35 0.25 0.3 0.3 0.250.3 Transfection 0.250.35Cell 0.250.35 0.35 0.3 on 0.4 0.3 either 0.4 0.35 0.4 high 0.35 0.4select 0.4 a choice when pairing with DharmaFECT 1 Count effect cell growth. Neither amounts of Transfection Indicators allow easy way to added.0.4 This allows フェクシ ョン試薬の細胞増殖に与える影響についても同時に確認できます。 favourable conditions for evaluating transfection % of Cells chartCount size offers an immediate visual indication determining whether either an amounts effect on cell growth. Neither high f A549 cell transfection conditions.Figure Triplicate 1. 96-well wellsCell containing plate mapof siGLO of A549 Transfection cell transfection Indicator conditions. (12.5, 25, Triplicate 50,reagent or 100 wells nM)had containing and siGLO Transfection Indicator (12.5, 25, 50, or 100 nM) and siGLO Transfection Indicator nor DharmaFECT favourable conditions forof evaluating transfection and performing fluorescent phenotypic of siRNAs. As can be seen by the large siRNAs number 493 determining whether either reagent had anamounts Population: 2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.35, and 0.4 µL/well) are DharmaFECT indicated. 1 (0, 0.1, 0.15, 2313 0.2, 0.25, 0.3,cell 0.35, and 0.4 µL/well) are indicated. Cell Count of effect on growth. Neither high of siGLO Transfection Indicator nor DharmaFECT 1 had significant effect on cell growth under of siRNAs. As can be seen by the large number assays used to evaluate knockdown effects. of red colored wells, there is a broad range of 2313on cell 493 growth. Neither high amounts of Cell Count effect Positive siGLO Transfection Indicator nor 1 had significant effect onThe cellheat growth under these conditions. maps for both siGLO ofDharmaFECT red colored wells, there is a broad range of favourable conditions. The average percent of 2313 493siGLO Transfection Indicator nor DharmaFECT 1 had significant effect on cell growth h Cytell Cell Imaging Imaging and System: Analysisョン後の細胞の状態も確認可能 with Cytell Cell System: theseImaging conditions. The heatunder maps for both siGLO トランスフェクシ Transfection Indicators allow anofeasy to select favourable conditions. The way average percent of Red with 2313 493 transfection varying amounts of siGLO 1 had significant effect on for cell growth under was developedUsing for each MyBioApp siGLO Transfection a simple 2-color Indicator BioApp and was named developed siGLO Green each and siGLO siGLO Transfection Red, Indicator Since and siGLO named siGLO Green and siGLO Red, respectively. Since siGLO these conditions. The heat maps forrespectively. both siGLO Transfection Indicators allow an easy way totransfection select favourable conditions for evaluating transfection of varying amounts of siGLO Red with increasing DharmaFECT amounts triplicate Cytell Cell Imaging System provides a rapid d to the nucleussiGLO Transfection in positive transfections, Indicators become nuclear reference to segmentation theThe nucleus inmaps was positive applied transfections, asan asiGLO mask toevaluating sample the transfection siGLO segmentation1 was appliedfrom asThe a mask to the siGLOブコントロール、 theselocalized conditions. heat forconditions both は導入後核内に移行するため、 細胞画像からも トランスフェクシ ョンの可否が確認できます。 Asample はネガティ Transfection Indicators allow easy way toreference select favourable fornuclear of siRNAs. As can be seen by the large number increasing DharmaFECT 1 amounts from triplicate wells is shown both negative and positive fluorescence transfections signal. are Example shown images in Figure of negative 2.Indicators and allow positivean transfections areselect shown in Figure 2. in Figure 4C. As expected, and easy means of evaluating transfection Transfection easy way to siGLO favourable conditions for evaluating transfection of( siRNAs. AsRed can be seen by the large number 青) 、siGLO Hoechst Red Transfection Indicator B はポジティブコントロールで、 of red colored wells, there is a broad range of(オレンジ) wells is shown in Figure 4C. As expected, both で示しています。 siGLO Transfection Indicators performed similarlyusing Dharmacon siGLO Transfection siGLO Red Heat Map favourable of conditions for evaluating transfection efficiency siRNAs. Asofcan seen by thesiGLO largeTransfection number redbe colored wells, there is a broad range of favourable conditions. average percent of Indicators performed similarly Heatby Map withThe respect to siGLO and DharmaFECT 1 amount of siRNAs. As be seen thethere large Indicators. A quick scan of the Pie Chart or Heat of can red colored wells, isnumber a broad range of favourable conditions. average percent ofDharmaFECT transfection of The varying amounts of siGLO Red with BB Measurement: with respect to siGLO and 1 amount BA C C added. This allows a choice when pairing with Measurement: of red colored wells, there is a%broad of amounts of Cells Map allows the user to make decisions about favourable conditions. The average percent of transfection ofrange varying siGLO Red with increasing DharmaFECT 1ofand amounts from triplicate added. This allows aperforming choice when pairing with siRNAs fluorescent phenotypic %The of Cells favourable transfection conditions. average percent of Population: of varying amounts of in siGLO Red with increasing DharmaFECT 1Figure amounts from triplicate the amount of transfection reagent to use to wells is shown 4C. As expected, both siRNAs and performing fluorescent phenotypic assays used to evaluate knockdown effects. siGLO Red Population: transfection of varying amounts of siGLO Red with increasing DharmaFECT 1 Transfection amounts from wells Positive is shown in Figure 4C.used Astriplicate expected, both begin evaluating unlabelled siRNAs targeted siGLO Indicators performed similarly assays to evaluate knockdown effects. Heat Map Positive siGLO Red increasing DharmaFECT 1in amounts from Figure As triplicate expected, siGLO Transfection Indicators performed similarly with4C. respect to siGLOboth and DharmaFECT 1 amount to genes of interest. The user can also have Heat Mapwells is shown siGLO Redwells Summary: Measurement: is shown in Figure 4C. As expected, both siGLO Transfection Indicators performed similarly with respect to This siGLO and DharmaFECT 1 amount added. allows a choice when pairing with siGLO Red Heat Map Measurement: confidence that the transfection conditions did Summary: % of Cells Indicators performed similarly The Cytell Cell Imaging System provides a rapid siGLO Transfection with respectadded. to siGLO and DharmaFECT 1when amount This allows choice pairing with Heat Map siRNAs andaThe performing fluorescent phenotypic Cytell Cell Imaging System provides a rapid not have an adverse effect on cell growth. The Measurement:% of Cells and easy means of evaluating transfection Population: with respect to siGLO DharmaFECT 1 amount added. Thisand allows aand choice when with siRNAs performing fluorescent phenotypic assays used topairing evaluate knockdown effects. Measurement: and easy means of evaluating transfection Cytell Cell Imaging System and Dharmacon siGLO Transfection Efficiency % of Cells Population: efficiency using Dharmacon siGLO Transfection Positive added. This allows and a choice when pairing with phenotypic performing assays to evaluate knockdown effects. % of Cells Population: Positive siRNAs siGLO Red usedfluorescent efficiency using Dharmacon siGLO Transfection Transfection Indicators provide a rapid, affordable, Indicators. A quick scan of the Pie Chart or Heat siRNAs andassays performing fluorescent phenotypic used to evaluate knockdown effects. 120 Population: Summary: Indicators. Aallows quick scan of the Pie Chart or Heat Positive and easy means to analyse transfection efficiency Map the user to make decisions about assays used to evaluateSummary: knockdown effects. Positive The Cytell Cell Imaging System provides rapidreagent Map allows the userof totransfection make adecisions about the amount to when use to setting up a siRNA experiment. Summary: The Cytell Cell Imaging System provides a rapidreagent to use to and easy means ofbegin evaluating transfection the amount ofevaluating transfection 100 unlabelled siRNAs targeted Summary: The Cytell Cell Imaging System provides a rapid and easy means ofusing evaluating transfection efficiency siGLO begin evaluating unlabelled siRNAs targeted sfection of A549 cells. FigureA.2.Negative Images of Controls, negative in and which positive no DharmaFECT transfection 1 and of A549 up to cells. 100 A. nM Negative siGLO Transfection Controls, inDharmacon Indicator which no was DharmaFECT added, 1Transfection and up to user 100 nM siGLO Transfection to genes of interest. The can also have Indicator was added, The Cytell Cell Imaging System provides a rapid and easy means ofRed evaluating transfection efficiency using Dharmacon siGLO Transfection siGLO Green or siGLO showRed no nuclear Transfection siGLOIndicator; fluorescence representative for either siGLO image Green shown. or siGLO B. Positive Transfection transfection Indicator; staining inscan representative the nuclear image shown. B.Heat Positive transfection staining in the nuclear Indicators. A quick of the Pie Chart or to genes of interest. The user can also have confidence that the transfection conditions did easy means of Indicator evaluating 80 region nsfection Indicator (green). for C. Hoechst Positive(blue) transfection and and siGLO staining Green in Transfection the nuclear region for(green). bothtransfection Hoechst C.APositive (blue) transfection and siGLO staining RedPie Transfection in the nuclear region for both Hoechst (blue) and siGLO Red Transfection efficiency using Dharmacon siGLO Indicators. quick scan of the Chart or Heat Map allows theTransfection user tohave make decisions about confidence that the transfection conditions didCytell is a trademark of General Electric Company or not an adverse effect on cell growth. The Indicator (orange). efficiency using Dharmacon siGLO Transfection Indicators. AMap quickallows scan of the Pie Heat the user toChart makeor decisions about the amount of transfection reagent toSystem use to growth. 4adverse not have an effect on cell Theone ofsiGLO its subsidiaries. Cytell Cell Imaging and Dharmacon Transfection Efficiency 100nM Indicators. A quick scanthe of the Pie or Heat about Map allows user to Chart make decisions the amount ofevaluating transfection reagent to use totargeted 60 begin unlabelled siRNAs Cytell Cell Imaging System and Dharmacon siGLO Transfection Efficiency siGLO Red Transfection Indicators 50nM provide a rapid, affordable, 50 50 50 B 50 50 50 50 50 50 nM siGLO RNA B nM siGLO RNA GE Healthcare Summary: C ansfected fected 直感的に使えるアプリケーションソフトウェア (BioApps) Cytell 本体には、画像撮影機能に加え、以下のアプリケーションソフトウェア(BioApps)が標準装備されています。 なお、BioApps は今後さらに拡充される予定です。 解析レポート:解析レポートが自動で作成されます。 専用試薬:専用試薬があります。専用試薬以外でもCytell で撮影可能な蛍光波長に適合する蛍光試薬であればご使用いただけます。 Quick Count Automated Imaging オートフォーカス機能があり複数サンプルを同条件で撮影するのに 最適です。 蛍光および透過光撮影ができます。 細胞数計測 蛍光染色が必要です。 ディスポーザブル血球計算板(C-Chip)専用の BioApps です。 Digital Imaging Cell Viability 蛍光および透過光撮影ができます。 生死細胞解析 蛍光染色が必要です。 Apoptosis Cell Cycle 1 波長ごとに撮影条件を手動で最適化できます。 NEW アポトーシス解析 蛍光染色が必要です。 細胞周期解析 蛍光染色が必要です。 GFP Nuclear Signal NEW GFP 陽性細胞率解析 NEW 核内蛍光シグナル解析 蛍光染色が必要です。 核蛍光染色が必要です。 BioApps のワークフロー 数値データ形式 撮影 ウェルごとの結果は、項目ごとにプレートマップ状に表示 解析 細胞ごとのデータも CSV 形式で保存 レポートアウト イメージングサイトメーター Cytell Cell Imaging System ご注文情報 6,600,000 Cytell Cell Imaging System Cytell Cell Imaging System(1PC モデル、IN Cell Investigator 付属) *1 Cytell Cell Imaging System(2PC モデル、IN Cell Investigator 付属) *2 12,900,000 14,000,000 ※ Cytell Cell Imaging System 全モデル共通:ワークステーション、スライドホルダー、ペトリディッシュホルダー (35、60、100 mm) 、フラスコホルダー ( T-25、T-75)、Bio InSite スターターキット、 細胞数計測用のディスポーザブル血球計算板が標準装備されています。 *1 解析用ソフトウェア IN Cell Investigator、Bio InSiteアプリケーションアドバイザー10 時間がついたシステムです。 * 2 解析用ソフトウェア IN Cell Investigator、 IN Cell Investigator 用 PC、Bio InSiteアプリケーションアドバイザー10 時間がついたシステムです。 掲載されている価格は 2015 年 6 月現在の希望小売価格です(表示価格には消費税は含まれて おりません) 。希望小売価格は単なる参考価格であり、弊社販売代理店が自主的に設定する販 売価格を何ら拘束するものではありません。掲載されている製品は試験研究用以外には使用し ないでください。掲載されている内容は予告なく変更される場合がありますのであらかじめ ご了承ください。掲載されている社名や製品名は、各社の商標または登録商標です。 8 71-3766-01 無料 Cytell お試し撮影・解析 ウェスタンブロッティングだけでは見られない タンパク質発現の局在を定量しませんか お客さまのサンプルを用いて Cytell で撮影・解析する作業を実際にご覧いただけます。画像データと解析結果もお渡しします。 ご提供するデータ例 細胞画像 解析結果 お試し撮影・解析のお申込み方法 FAX で以下申込フォームをお送りください 送信先 FAX : 03-5331-9370 ご所属 研究室 様 お名前 電話番号 FAX e-mail 問合せ先 TEL : 03-5331-9336 担当 : 増田、高田 【個人情報の利用目的】 ご記入いただく個人情報は、当社製品・サービスの提供、当社製品に関する情報の収集・分析及び提供、新製品・新サービスの研究開発に利用します。当社は個人情報を業務 委託先に預ける場合がありますが、委託先の管理を厳しく行っております。個人情報に関するお問い合わせは個人情報相談窓口(042-585-5111:平日午前 10 時∼午後 5 時) にて承ります。以上ご同意の上、ご記入ください。 GE ヘルスケア・ジャパン株式会社 個人情報管理責任者