
高3英語【虎の穴】 №10 EO

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高3英語【虎の穴】 №10 EO
英語【虎の穴】EO №10
35 次の英文の空欄に入れるのに最適なものを、それぞれ1つずつ選び、番号で答えなさい。
1) "I miss her badly." "Me, too. (
) getting along?"
① Do you think how she is
② How do you think she is
③ What do you think is she
④ What do you think she is
2) We were all taken in by his good manners and polished way of thinking.
① encouraged
② pleased
③ impressed
④ deceived
3) After his promotion, Mr. Jones worked longer hours and saw (
① any of
② barely
③ infrequently
4) She didn't bother to look at us, (
① the
② no
③ more
② below
④ less of
) less speak to us.
④ much
5) The lecture I attended yesterday was (
① over
) his children.
③ beside
) my head.
④ without
36 次の各組の空所に共通して入れるのに最適な一語を書きなさい。
1) He is earning (
I would think (
2) The President will (
The (
) my salary.
) before running such a risk.
) the nation on human rights.
) was wrong, so the letter returned a week later.
3) The opera singer had to give up the title role "Carmen" (
The report is (
) on Wednesday, but I haven't even started to write it.
4) The two words, "son" and "sun," (
) to a bad cold.
) mind in a (
) the same, but they are spelled differently.
) body.
5) She tried to make both ends (
Yesterday our college had a track (
) by working two jobs.
) with another college.
37 並べ替え
1) テレサは CIA のスパイであることを白状した。
Teresa [the CIA / to / for / being / confessed / a spy] .
2) 彼の手紙はとても情熱的だったので彼女は感動して涙が出てきた。
So [was / was / letter / that / his / she / passionate] moved to tears.
3) The digestive system [ as soon as / enters / it / on the food / sets to work / we eat] the mouth.
4) He hasn't come yet. There is [doubt / forgotten / having / his / no / of] the appointment.
5) 薬はすべて子供達の手の届かないところに保管してください。
Keep [all medicine / children / of / of / out / the reach] .
6) We had [from / the / burning / escape / narrow / house / a] that night.
英語【虎の穴】EO №10
35 次の英文の空欄に入れるのに最適なものを、それぞれ1つずつ選び、番号で答えなさい。
1) "I miss her badly." "Me, too. (
) getting along?"
① Do you think how she is
② How do you think she is
③ What do you think is she
④ What do you think she is
get along:日を送る、暮らす。
cf. How are you getting along? いかがお過
いかがお過ごしですか。 ←良く聞く表現なので憶えておこう。
Yes, Noで答えられない疑問文なので①は不可。 生徒の中にはWhat do you thinkが正しく、
How do you thinkは不可と判断する者もいるが、get alongと結びつく疑問詞はhowである。
2) We were all taken in by his good manners and polished way of thinking.
① encouraged
② pleased
③ impressed
④ deceived
be taken in (by~):(~に)だまされる。 ③の誤答が多い。
3) After his promotion, Mr. Jones worked longer hours and saw (
① any of
② barely
③ infrequently
) his children.
④ less of
級を用いる。A and Bの構造ではAとBには同種のものが置かれる。see much of:によく会う
4) She didn't bother to look at us, (
① the
② no
③ more
) less speak to us.
④ much
bother to~:
わざわざ~する 否定文+much less…:ましてや…でない
5) The lecture I attended yesterday was (
① over
② below
③ beside
) my head.
④ without
over[above] one's head:~の理解力を超えている/(難しすぎて)理解できない。
36 次の各組の空所に共通して入れるのに最適な一語を書きなさい。
1) He is earning (
I would think (
) my salary.
) before running such a risk.
→twice。twice the[one's]~:~の2倍。think twice:もう一度(よく)考える。run a risk:危険を冒す。
2) The President will (
The (
) the nation on human rights.
) was wrong, so the letter returned a week later.
→address。「大統領は国民に向かって人権について演説する予定だ」 adressとする生徒多し。
addreess:(聴衆)に話をする/演説する。the nation:国民[国家]。 aaddress:宛名。
3) The opera singer had to give up the title role "Carmen" (
The report is (
) to a bad cold.
) on Wednesday, but I haven't even started to write it.
due to≒because of。due:(課題などの)期限で。
4) The two words, "son" and "sun," (
) mind in a (
) the same, but they are spelled differently.
) body.
5) She tried to make both ends (
) by working two jobs.
Yesterday our college had a track (
) with another college.
→meet。make (both) ends meet:収入内でやりくりする/収支を合わせる(≒赤字を出さない)。
a track meet:陸上競技会。cf. a swim meet:水泳大会。
37 並べ替え
1) テレサは CIA のスパイであることを白状した。
Teresa [the CIA / to / for / being / confessed / a spy] .
→Teresa) confessed to being a spy for the CIA. ⇒confess to A:Aを白状する。confessは他動詞
でよく見られるかも知れないが、(confess that SV等) このconfessは自動詞。
2) 彼の手紙はとても情熱的だったので彼女は感動して涙が出てきた。
So [was / was / letter / that / his / she / passionate] moved to tears.
→So) passionate was his letter that she was...。否定に限らず副詞(等)が文頭に出ると倒置が起こる。
so 形容詞 that~の倒置形⇒So 形容詞 is S that。His letter was so passionate that she was...。
3) The digestive system [ as soon as / enters / it / on the food / sets to work / we eat] the mouth.
→sets to work on the food we eat as soon as it enters。「消化器系統は、我々の食べている物が
set to~:~に取りかかる、work on~:~に作用する、
the food we eat:私たちが 食べる 食べ物→CAB:AがBするC、 enter~:~に入る、it=the food
4) He hasn't come yet. There is [doubt / forgotten / having / his / no / of] the appointment.
→no doubt of his having forgotten。「彼はまだ来ない。きっと彼は約束を忘れたのだろう」
There is no doubt~:きっと~だろう、この後に同格のofを置き、具体的な内容を続ける。
忘れた⇒having forgotten、動名詞の意味上の主語hisをこの前に置く。
5) 薬はすべて子供達の手の届かないところに保管してください。
Keep [all medicine / children / of / of / out / the reach] .
→all medicine out of the reach of children。~の手の届かないところに:out of (the) reach of~
※the reach のtheは省略可。 cf. ~の手の届くところに:within the reach of~
6) We had [from / the / burning / escape / narrow / house / a] that night.
→(We had) a narrow escape from the burning house。「私たちはその夜、燃えている家から間一髪
※have a narrow escape from 名詞:~
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