学習院大学 2017 度 協定留学プログラム(第2期) 派遣先大学 留学先の
学習院大学 2017 度 協定留学プログラム(第2期) 派遣先大学 留学先の 使用言語 国名 No. 1 1 台湾 2 中国語 2 中国 6 7 1 5 北京外国語大学 9 2 11 2 13 3 16 1 18 2 10 アサンプション大学 20 3 11 ノースカロライナ州立大学 シャーロット校 22 1 12 イーストアングリア大学 24 3 13 エディンバラ大学 26 1 14 オックスフォード・ブルックス大学 28 3 15 ヨーク大学 30 2 アイスランド 16 アイスランド大学 31 2 8 エストニア 17 タルトゥ大学(新規募集) 34 1 9 ドイツ 36 2 39 1 10 11 オーストリア フランス 19 マンハイム大学 ※英語での留学も可 バイロイト大学 20 ザルツブルク大学 40 1 21 リヨン第二大学 42 2 22 パリ第七大学 44 2 23 パリ第十大学 47 1 48 2 50 2 52 2 55 2 18 24 25 イタリア 語 香港中文大学(新規募集) ※中国語での留学も可 慶北大学校 ※韓国語での留学も可 啓明大学校 ※韓国語での留学も可 チュラロンコン大学 ※タイ語での留学も可 7 ドイツ語 フランス 語 1 復旦大学 ※一部英語による受講も可 タイ イギリス 3 4 韓国 アメリカ 2 1 9 5 1 5 8 英語 募集 人数 北京大学 7 4 東呉大学 ※英語での留学も可 国立中山大学(新規募集) ※英語での留学も可 頁 3 6 3 大学名 12 イタリア 26 27 リヨン政治学院 ※英語での留学も可 国立ナポリ東洋大学 ※英語での留学も可 ボローニャ大学 ※英語での留学も可 トリノ大学(新規募集) ※英語での留学も可 ※募集人数は留学期間を 1 年間とした場合の人数を表す。 合計 48 名 各募集校の共通項目として、以下条件を前提とし、例外がある場合は、各大学の該当箇所に注記 (以下、※)を示す。 応募条件: ・ 留学時に本学学部または大学院の正規の課程に在籍する者(科目等履修生、研究生、委託生、 協定留学生等を除く) ・ 各校の応募条件については、該当ページを熟読すること。 学籍上の留学期間: 留学期間が 1 年間の場合 :2017 年 10 月1日~2018 年 9 月 30 日 留学期間が半年間の場合 :2017 年 10 月1日~2018 年3月 31 表の読み取り方 ※各大学により、項目数が異なる場合がある。 N/A (Not applicable) :該当なし TBA (To be advised later) :未定 Name of University 〇〇大学 備考 Number of places available for the academic year 2 full-year students or 4 semester students 募集定員を表す。 左記の場合「1 年間留学者を 2 名、または半年間留学者を 4 名受入れることが可能」を意 味する。 〔formula〕 1 full-year student (=2 semester students) Admission open to Undergraduate Graduate Students ■ ■ Undergraduate Graduate 募集学生の区分を表す。 左記の場合、 「学部学生、大学 院学生のどちらも出願でき る」ことを意味する。 Other restrictions (e.g. 3rd year and above students only) Academic calendar 1st semester: Mid. September ~Mid. January 2nd semester: Mid. February ~ Mid. June 派遣先大学の学年暦を表す。 Areas of study / departments / colleges open to the exchange students Humanities, Social Sciences, Economics and Business Administration 派遣先大学で選択可能な授業 分野を表す。 左記の場合、 「人文、社会科学、 経済、経営」は選択可能。 Are there any course restrictions for exchange students? ■ □ 派遣先大学で選択不可能な授 業分野を表す。 左記の場合、 「医学部」は選択 不可能。 Language requirements Undergraduate requirements Yes (Medical Dept.) No ■ IELTS 6.0 with no sub score below 5.5 (must be the academic test paper) ■ TOEFL iBT 80 □ TOEFL ITP □ Others 協定留学プログラム出願時 に必要な語学条件を表す。 Undergraduate requirements ■ IELTS 6.5 with no sub score below 6.0 (must be the academic test paper) ■ TOEFL iBT 90 Do you offer courses in English open to the exchange students ■ □ Yes No 派遣先大学で交換留学生が履 修可能な英語授業の有無を表 す。 Do you offer a pre-semester language course for the exchange students? ■ □ Yes No 派遣先大学の学期開始前に、 交換留学生向けの語学準備コ ースの開講の有無を表す。 If yes, are there fees attached? ■ □ Yes No 開講される場合、その受講料 が有料または無料かを表す。 Is there any language school affiliated to your university? ■ □ Yes No 大学付属の語学学校の有無を 表す。 Tuition and Fees ■ □ Waived Paying 派遣先大学の授業料について 表す。 Waived→派遣先大学の授業 料が免除され、本学には所定 の授業料を納める。 Paying→派遣先大学の授業料 を払い、本学の授業料は在籍 料を除いて免除される。 Financial support for the exchange students (e.g. scholarships, stipend, living allowances etc.) N/A 派遣先大学における、交換留 学生向けの奨学金制度の有無 を表す。左記の場合、 「該当が ない」ことを表す。 Accommodation [Procedures for Registration] Please request during application. We will try to arrange for you. But please not dormitory arrangement is NOT guaranteed. 寮など、宿舎の案内 [monthly amount] The housing information is to be announced. The estimated cost is NT $22,800~NT $37,500 / semester. Detailed information → TBA Other suggestions if any 左記の場合、 「詳細は未定」で あることを意味する。 その他の注意事項、各情報の 参照先 (1)東呉大学 Name of University Soochow University Address 70, Linhsi Rd., Shilin Dist., Taipei, Taiwan 11102 Website Number of places available for the academic year 2 full-year students 〔formula〕 1 full-year student (=2 semester students) Academic calendar To be announced Admission open to Undergraduate Graduate Students ☑ ☑ Undergraduate Graduate Other restrictions (e.g. 3rd year and above students only) Areas of study / departments / colleges open to the exchange students Please refer to the website for curriculum Are there any course restrictions for exchange students? ☑ Yes (If yes, please inform the details) Student need to get the approval from departments. Courses are never guaranteed due to unmet prerequisites, over-capacity, time conflicts and class cancellations. □ Course information (website) Language requirements No 中国語での受講を希望する場合 ・本学開講の中国語 B(初級)および中国語 C(初級)を修了 している者。または、派遣開始時までに修了することが見 込まれる者。ただし、中国語 R(中級)および中国語 C(中 級)以上を修了しているか、履修中であることが望ましい。 ・漢語水平考試(HSK)3級または中国語検定3級を取得している 者。または、派遣開始時までに取得することが見込まれる 者。 英語での受講を希望する場合 ・TOEFL iBT61、TOEFL-ITP500 または IELTS5.0 のいずれ かを取得している者。または、派遣開始時までに取得するこ とが見込まれる者。 (For the country which English is not for the first language) 1 Do you offer courses in English open to the exchange students ☑ □ Yes No Do you offer a pre-semester language course for the exchange students? □ ☑ Yes No If yes, are there fees attached? □ Yes □ No Our Chinese Language Center has winter/summer camp. (tuition-based) Is there any language school affiliated to your university? ☑ □ Yes No Tuition and Fees ☑ □ Waived Paying Financial support for the exchange students (e.g. scholarships, stipend, living allowances etc.) N/A Accommodation [Procedures for Registration] Please request during application. Coordinator will send housing survey to students who want to apply. We will try to arrange for you. Please note: dormitory is NOT guaranteed. [monthly amount] 2 ppl room: NT 10,000 / month 4 ppl room: NT 5,000 /month 5~8 ppl room: NT 8,500 / semester What kind of insurance do the exchange students enter? Students are required to have medical insurance during the whole exchange period. They can buy at their home country or after come to Taiwan. Compulsory fees for the exchange students N/A Required documents for the application We accept online application. Please upload the following documents by deadline. * Application form (with a 2” photo attached);; * An official transcript from home university (all prior to the exchange); * A photocopy of passport; * A study plan & Statement of purpose; * Certification of nomination from the home university; and * A passport-size photo for registration procedure. Application deadline(s) Fall: May 1st Other suggestions if any For more information please refer to our website and fact sheet. 2 (2)国立中山大学 Name of University National Sun Yat-sen University Address Room 2004, Admin. Building,70 Lien-hai Rd., Kaohsiung City, R.O.C (Taiwan) 80424 Website Number of places available for the academic year 1 full-year student 〔formula〕 1 full-year student (=2 semester students) Academic calendar Admission open to Undergraduate Graduate Students Academic calendar for Fall 2017 will only be announced in June 2017. ☑ ☑ Undergraduate Graduate Other restrictions (e.g. 3rd year and above students only) Areas of study / departments / colleges open to the exchange students All fields are open to Exchange students as long as the student has adequate Chinese proficiency, otherwise, students can only take courses offered in English. Are there any course restrictions for exchange students? ☑ Yes (If yes, please inform the details) Some core and sport courses are only open to our degree students. □ Course information (website) Language requirements No 国際交流センターに問い合せること。 中国語での受講を希望する場合 ・本学開講の中国語 B(初級)および中国語 C(初級)を修了 している者。または、派遣開始時までに修了することが見 込まれる者。ただし、中国語 R(中級)および中国語 C(中 級)以上を修了しているか、履修中であることが望ましい。 ・漢語水平考試(HSK)3級または中国語検定3級を取得している 者。または、派遣開始時までに取得することが見込まれる 者。 英語での受講を希望する場合 ・TOEFL iBT61、TOEFL-ITP500 または IELTS5.0 のいずれ かを取得している者。または、派遣開始時までに取得すること が見込まれる者。 (For the country which English is not for the first language) Do you offer courses in English open to the exchange students ☑ □ Yes No 3 Do you offer a pre-semester language course for the exchange students? □ ☑ Yes No If yes, are there fees attached? □ □ Yes No Is there any language school affiliated to your university? ☑ □ Yes No Tuition and Fees ☑ Waived – tuition fee for regular courses ☑ Paying – courses offered by Music department, language school & teaching program Financial support for the exchange students (e.g. scholarships, stipend, living allowances etc.) N/A Accommodation [Procedures for Registration] Students must apply on-campus housing at time of application. [monthly amount] Local dorm (4 people share a room): NT$8500 International Village (2 people share a room): NT$17000 What kind of insurance do the exchange students enter? All exchange students are required to join the Student Group Insurance. Students staying here for one academic year are required to join the National Health Insurance, starting the 6th month they receive their Alien Resident Certificate. Compulsory fees for the exchange students Student Group Insurance: NT$306/per semester National Health Insurance: NT$749/per month Internet: NT$300/per semester Required documents for the application All students must upload the following documents before the deadline. 1. Application form: the form will be generated automatically after completing the personal information online, it must be printed, signed and uploaded into our system. 2. Nomination letter issued by our partner university must print-screen the successful payment page. 3. Proof of enrolment issued by your home university 4. One digital 3.5X4.5 cm color photo, it must taken in front of white background. 5. A copy of student's passport 6. Transcript 7. Authorization for Emergency Treatment: the form will be generated automatically after completing the personal information online. Application deadline(s) Applicants for Fall Semester (September ~ January): March 15th to April 30th Other suggestions if any For exchange student Q & A 4 (3)北京大学 Name of University Peking University Address Peking University, No.5 Yiheyuan Road Haidian District, Beijing, P.R. China 100871 Website Number of places available for the academic year 1 full-year student 〔formula〕 1 full-year student (=2 semester students) Academic calendar 2016-2017 for reference FIRST SEMESTER (SEP 2016- JAN 2017) September 2-3, 2016 Sept. 5-11, 2016 8-Sep-16 12-Sep-16 January 2-15, 2017 16-Jan-17 SECOND SEMESTER (FEB 2017- JUN 2017) 20-Feb-17 February 20-24, 2017 April 21-23, 2017 4-May-17 June 12-25, 2017 26-Jun-17 Admission open to Undergraduate Graduate Students Other restrictions (e.g. 3rd year and above students only) ☑ ☑ Registration Orientation Undergraduate Class-sign up Lectures begin Examination Period Semester ends Lectures begin Registration PKU Sports Day PKU Anniversary Day Examination Period Semester ends Undergraduate Graduate Remark: 1) Nominees should be above 18 and under 45 of age. 2) Nominees in their graduate year should have complete 5 d all necessary credits for graduation at home universit y before they start the exchange. Areas of study / departments / colleges open to the exchange students Overseas Universities with student exchange agreements with Peking University may select students of non-Chinese nationality for an exchange program at Peking University for a Chinese language course or specific undergraduate courses. Are there any course restrictions for exchange students? ☑ Yes (If yes, please inform the details) □ No Course information (website) GPA requirements Language requirements 3.0 A: Chinese Course 下記のいずれかに該当するもの ・本学開講の中国語 B(初級)および中国語 C(初級)を修了 している者。または、派遣開始時までに修了することが見 込まれる者。ただし、中国語 R(中級)および中国語 C(中 級)以上を修了しているか、履修中であることが望ましい。 ・漢語水平考試(HSK)3級または中国語検定3級を取得し ている者。または、派遣開始時までに取得することが見込 まれる者。 B: Specific Undergraduate Course 下記に該当する者 ・HSK6 に相当する中国語能力 (※regular courses の受講が保証されるものではなく、受 講の可否は、到着後の中国語能力テストの結果による) (For the country which English is not for the first language) □ ☑ Yes No □ ☑ Yes No If yes, are there fees attached? □ □ Yes No Is there any language school affiliated to your university? ☑ □ Yes No □ ☑ Yes No Do you offer courses in English open to the exchange students Do you offer a pre-semester language course for the exchange students? Do you offer a combined program of one semester language course(fee-paying) with conditional one semester exchange(fee- waived)? i.e. 1st semester - language school 2nd semester- departments or colleges 6 Tuition and Fees ☑ □ Financial support for the exchange students (e.g. scholarships, stipend, living allowances etc.) N/A Accommodation [Procedures for Registration] Waived Paying [monthly amount] TBA What kind of insurance do the exchange students enter? TBA Compulsory fees for the exchange students TBA Required documents for the application For undergraduate and master students who will attend courses, they should select the General Visiting Student Program (G1), and provide the following documents: (1) The signed Application Form (stick one shoulder-lengt h photo). (2) Official transcript in English, signed/stamped by auth orized parties. (3) The signed Study Plan Form. (4) One original recommendation letter which must be wr itten in Chinese or English and hand-signed by a profess or or scholar. (5) One official nomination letter from the International Office as a second recommendation letter. (6) One photocopy of applicant’s current and valid passpo rt (the page with personal information and the passport type “ordinary”) (7) HSK certificate (if applicable) Application deadline(s) April 15, 2017 Other suggestions if any (4)復旦大学 Name of University Fudan University Address R105, Ma Jinming Building, Foreign Affairs Office, 220 Han Dan Road, Yangpu District Shanghai 200433 China Website Number of places available for the academic year 1 full-year student 〔formula〕 7 1 full-year student (=2 semester students) Academic calendar Early September, 2017 to early January, 2018 Admission open to Undergraduate Graduate Students ☑ ☑ Undergraduate Graduate Other restrictions (e.g. 3rd year and above students only) Areas of study / departments / colleges open to the exchange students A: Are there any course restrictions for exchange students? ☑ Yes (If yes, please inform the details) Please see the list above. 国際文化交流学院 B: Undergraduate/Graduate Level (Except Medical School, LLM program, MBA programs, some specific programs in some departments) □ No Course information (website) GPA requirements At Least 2.8 Language requirements A:国際文化交流学院 下記のいずれかに該当する者 ・本学開講の中国語 B(初級)および中国語 C(初級)を修 了している者。または、派遣開始時までに修了することが 見込まれる者。ただし、中国語 R(中級)および中国語 C (中級)以上を修了しているか、履修中であることが望ま しい。 ・漢語水平考試(HSK)3級または中国語検定3級を取得し ている者。または、派遣開始時までに取得することが見込 まれる者。 B: Undergraduate/Graduate Level 中国語での受講を希望する場合 ・Chinese-taught courses: HSK6 (score above 200) 英語での受講を希望する場合 ☑ IELTS 6.0 ☑ TOEFL iBT 80 ☑ TOEFL ITP 550 □ Other (Please inform the details) (For the country which English is not for the first language) ☑ □ Yes No Do you offer courses in English open to the exchange students 8 Do you offer a pre-semester language course for the exchange students? □ ☑ Yes No If yes, are there fees attached? □ □ Yes No Tuition and Fees ☑ □ Waived Paying Financial support for the exchange students (e.g. scholarships, stipend, living allowances etc.) N/A Accommodation [Procedures for Registration] To be announced in the admission package after the students are admitted. [monthly amount] About RMB3000yuan per month What kind of insurance do the exchange students enter? Chinese Mandatory Insurance required by Chinese Ministry of Education (RMB400yuan per semester) Compulsory fees for the exchange students TBA Required documents for the application All documents needs to be uploaded in the online application system. 1. Passport photopage 2. Transcript 3. Study plan or course proposal 4. Language proficiency if applicable Application deadline(s) May 1, 2017 Other suggestions if any (5)北京外国語大学 Name of University Beijing Foreign Studies University Address No.2 North Xisanhuan Road, Beijing, P.R. China 100089 Website Number of places available for the academic year 2 full-year students 〔formula〕 1 full-year student (=2 semester students) Academic calendar 9 Admission open to Undergraduate Graduate Students ☑ □ Undergraduate Graduate Other restrictions (e.g. 3rd year and above students only) Areas of study / departments / colleges open to the exchange students Chinese Department Are there any course restrictions for exchange students? ☑ Yes (If yes, please inform the details) Exchange students can choose 7 courses at the most in International Business School. □ No Course information (website) Language requirements 下記のいずれかに該当する者 ・本学開講の中国語 B(初級)および中国語 C(初級)を修了 している者。または、派遣開始時までに修了することが見 込まれる者。ただし、中国語 R(中級)および中国語 C(中 級)以上を修了しているか、履修中であることが望ましい。 ・漢語水平考試(HSK)3級または中国語検定3級を取得している 者。または、派遣開始時までに取得することが見込まれる者。 Do you offer a pre-semester language course for the exchange students? □ ☑ Yes No If yes, are there fees attached? □ ☑ Yes No Is there any language school affiliated to your university? □ ☑ Yes No □ ☑ Yes No Tuition and Fees ☑ □ Waived Paying Financial support for the exchange students (e.g. scholarships, stipend, living allowances etc.) N/A Accommodation [Procedures for Registration] Do you offer a combined program of one semester language course(fee-paying) with conditional one semester exchange(fee- waived)? i.e. 1st semester - language school 2nd semester- departments or colleges 10 [monthly amount] Please access to website What kind of insurance do the exchange students enter? TBA Compulsory fees for the exchange students None Required documents for the application Online application: Application deadline(s) from beginning of April to 10 June Other suggestions if any Applicants must submit detailed contact information including: contact person, mailing address, zip code, telephone number, and email address. Applicants must regularly check the mailbox at the email address submitted during the application process. BFSU may require further materials and may need to contact the applicant for any clarification. (6)香港中文大学 Name of University The Chinese University of Hong Kong Address Office of Academic Links i-Centre, 1/F, Yasumoto International Academic Park (YIA) The Chinese University of Hong Kong Shatin, New Territories Hong Kong Website Number of places available for the academic year 2 full-year students 〔formula〕 1 full-year student (=2 semester students) Academic calendar (2017-18) (Tentative) September 2017 – Late December 2017 January 2018 – Late May 2018. Do you accept exchange students just for one semester? ☑ □ Yes No Admission open to Undergraduate Graduate Students ☑ □ Undergraduate Graduate 11 Other restrictions (e.g. 3rd year and above students only) Areas of study / departments / colleges open to the exchange students Please refer to nges-for-visiting-students/term-time-exchangestudy-abroad/ study-at-cuhk/programme-information#Course_information Are there any course restrictions for exchange students? ☑ Yes (If yes, please inform the details) □ No Course information (website) nges-for-visiting-students/term-time-exchangestudy-abroad/ study-at-cuhk/programme-information#Course_information GPA requirements 3.0 out of 4.0 Language requirements ☑ ☑ ☑ □ IELTS 6.0 TOEFL iBT 71 TOEFL ITP 530 Other (Please inform the details) Do you offer courses in English open to the exchange students ☑ □ Yes No Do you offer a pre-semester language course for the exchange students? □ ☑ Yes No If yes, are there fees attached? □ □ Yes No Is there any language school affiliated to your university? □ ☑ Yes No □ □ Yes No ☑ □ Waived (programme) Paying (For the country which English is not for the first language) Do you offer a combined program of one semester language course(fee-paying) with conditional one semester exchange(fee- waived)? i.e. 1st semester - language school 2nd semester- departments or colleges Tuition and Fees Students are required to settle fees. nges-for-visiting-students/term-time-exchangestudy-abroad/ study-at-cuhk/cost for details on fees. 12 Financial support for the exchange students (e.g. scholarships, stipend, living allowances etc.) N/A Accommodation [Procedures for Registration] Students are advised to indicate their accommodation preference in the online application form. [monthly amount] Please see nges-for-visiting-students/term-time-exchangestudy-abroad/ study-at-cuhk/cost for details. What kind of insurance do the exchange students enter? Exchange students should arrange, at their own cost, accident and sickness insurance coverage with provisions for emergency evacuation/rescuer’s expenses and repatriation for the duration of their studies in Hong Kong. They should make sure that their insurance policy covers those regions as well if they have plans to travel outside Hong Kong. The University Health Service (UHS) of CUHK provides free primary care facilities and clinical services to all local and exchange students. Basic medication is free of charge. Compulsory fees for the exchange students Please see nges-for-visiting-students/term-time-exchangestudy-abroad/ study-at-cuhk/cost for details on fees. Required documents for the application Please see nges-for-visiting-students/term-time-exchangestudy-abroad/ application-visiting-students/application-procedures for details. Application deadline(s) 1 April, 2017 Other suggestions if any Please browse at our website (Click “Study Abroad & Exchanges for Visiting Students”) for further information. 3.韓国 (7)慶北大学校 Name of University Kyungpook National University Address 80 Daehak-ro, Buk-gu, Daegu 41566, Republic. of Korea Website 13 Number of places available for the academic year 3 students for academic year or 6 semester students 〔formula〕 1 full-year student (=2 semester students) Academic calendar ・Student Orientation: Aug. 31, 2017 (Tentative) ・Duration: Sept. 1 – Dec. 15, 2017 (Tentative) ・Mid-term Exam Dates: Oct. 16 – Oct. 20, 2017 ・Final Exam Dates: Dec. 4 – Dec. 15, 2017 (Tentative) Do you accept exchange students just for one semester? □ ☑ Yes No Admission open to Undergraduate Graduate Students ☑ □ Undergraduate Graduate Other restrictions (e.g. 3rd year and above students only) Areas of study / departments / colleges open to the exchange students Any areas except for Medicine, Dental Medicine, Nursing, and Fine Arts > International programs > Student Exchange program > 6. Courses Fall 2017 course list will be available from mid-July, 2017 Are there any course restrictions for exchange students? □ Yes (If yes, please inform the details) ☑ No Course information (website) visit > International programs > Student Exchange program > 6. Courses Language requirements 下記のいずれかに該当する者 韓国語での受講を希望する場合 ・本学開講の朝鮮語 B(初級)および朝鮮語 C(初級)を修了 している者。または、派遣開始時までに修了することが見 込まれる者。ただし、朝鮮語 R(中級)および朝鮮語 C(中 級)を修了しているか、履修中であることが望ましい。 ・一般韓国語能力試験(S-TOPIK)中級またはハングル能力検 定試験4級の成績表を提出できる者。または、派遣開始時まで に提出することが見込まれる者。 英語での受講を希望する場合 ・TOEFL iBT79、TOEIC700 取得している者。または、い ずれかのスコアがあり、派遣開始時までに取得することが 見込まれる者。(英語での授業の受講を希望する場合) IELTS のスコアでの出願を希望する場合は、事前に国際交 流センターに相談すること。 (For the country which English is ☑ Yes 14 not for the first language) □ No Do you offer a pre-semester language course for the exchange students? □ ☑ Yes No If yes, are there fees attached? □ □ Yes No Is there any language school affiliated to your university? ☑ □ Yes No Tuition and Fees ☑ □ Waived Paying Financial support for the exchange students (e.g. scholarships, stipend, living allowances etc.) N/A Accommodation [Procedures for Registration] Do you offer courses in English open to the exchange students [monthly amount] ・On-campus dormitory rooms are available at approximately $1100 USD per semester including meal plan. ・Automatically assigned for all exchange students unless otherwise advised. What kind of insurance do the exchange students enter? Mandatory as listed - Proof of purchase to be submitted before arrival ・ Medical benefits of at least $20,000 per accident or illness (Sickness) ・A deductible not to exceed 20% per accident or illness ・Repatriation of remains in the amount of $10,000 ・Medical evacuation in the amount of $10,000 in the event the exchange student must be returned Compulsory fees for the exchange students TBA Required documents for the application Application deadline(s) - On-line application form Nomination letter Official transcript Copy of passport May 25, 2017 Other suggestions if any 15 (2)啓明大学校 Name of University Keimyung University Address 1095 Dalgubeol-daero, Dalseo-Gu, Daegu 42601, Republic of Korea Website Number of places available for the academic year 1 student for academic year 〔formula〕 1 full-year student (=2 semester students) Academic calendar For reference (2016) August 31 (Wed) September 1 (Thu) September 1-5 (Thu-Mon) September 14-16 (Wed-Fri) October 1 (Sat) October 3 (Mon) December 15-21 (Thu-Wed) December 22 (Thu) December 22 (Thu) Admission open to Undergraduate Graduate Students ☑ ☑ Dormitory opens Classes begin (* Orientation Day) Course Drop/Add Period Chuseok, Korean Thanksgiving Day (*National Holidays) Field Trip to Industrial & Historical Sites National Foundation Day (*National Holiday) Final Exam Period Winter vacation begins Dormitory closes Undergraduate Graduate Other restrictions (e.g. 3rd year and above students only) Areas of study / departments / colleges open to the exchange students For reference &cur_year=2016 Are there any course restrictions for exchange students? ☑ Yes (If yes, please inform the details) Please see the list above. □ No Course information (website) For reference &cur_year=2016 Language requirements 下記のいずれかに該当する者 韓国語での受講を希望する場合 16 ・本学開講の朝鮮語 B(初級)および朝鮮語 C(初級)を修了している者。 または、派遣開始時までに修了することが見込まれる者。ただし、朝鮮語 R (中級)および朝鮮語 C(中級)を修了しているか、履修中であることが 望ましい。 ・一般韓国語能力試験(S-TOPIK)中級またはハングル能力検定試験4級の 成績表を提出できる者。または、派遣開始時までに提出することが見込まれ る者。 英語での受講を希望する場合 ・TOEFL iBT、TOEFL-ITP または IELTS のいずれかのスコアを提出でき る者。または、派遣開始時までに提出することが見込まれる者。 Tuition and Fees ☑ □ Financial support for the exchange students (e.g. scholarships, stipend, living allowances etc.) N/A Accommodation [Procedures for Registration] Waived Paying [monthly amount] Link: Process for reservation: - Students should apply for dormitory when they are applying exchange program. - Deposit slip for the dorm payment will be given to the students on the orientation day - Once they receive the deposit slip, they are requested to pay in cash at the designated bank. Prices - General Hall (2 persons/Room) a. With meal: 1,001,000(KRW) b. Without meal: 647,500(KRW) - KELI House(2 persons/Room) (English Speakers only) a. With meal: 1,001,000(KRW) b. Without meal: 647,500(KRW) - Intl’ Hall, Male (3 persons/Room) a. With meal: 1,166,000(KRW) b. Without meal: 817,500(KRW) - Intl’ Hall, Female (2 persons/Room) a. With meal: 1,562,000(KRW) b. Without meal: 1,208,500(KRW) ※ Private bathrooms are only located in International Halls ※ Prices of the dormitory are subject to change by semester. Accommodation type: Double or 3 beds room Address: Myungkyo Dormitory, Keimyung University, 17 1095 Dalgubeoldaero, Dalseo-gu, Daegu 42601, Korea What kind of insurance do the exchange students enter? Mandatory - Proof to be submitted The insurance must cover all costs related to treatment of illnesses, injury and death caused by accidents, and /or disasters during your stay in Korea. The proof of insurance should include student’s name and coverage in English. KMU is not responsible for any personal accident, disease or damage during their stay. Note: Students are requested to submit a copy of your insurance information to us after they receive acceptance letter. Compulsory fees for the exchange students TBA Required documents for the application - Submission by online - Completed application form - Photocopy of passport - Academic transcript in English - Letter of recommendation Application deadline(s) May 15 , 2017 Other suggestions if any 4.タイ (9)チュラロンコン大学 Name of University Chulalongkorn University Address Chaloem Rajakumari 60 Building, 18thFl., Phyathai Rd., Pathumwan, Bangkok, Thailand 10330 Website Number of places available for the academic year 2 full-year students 〔formula〕 1 full-year student (=2 semester students) Academic calendar (2017-18) (Tentative) September 2017 – Late December 2017 January 2018 – Late May 2018. Do you accept exchange students just for one semester? □ ☑ Yes No 18 Admission open to Undergraduate Graduate Students Other restrictions (e.g. 3rd year and above students only) ☑ ☑ Undergraduate ※at least 2 semesters completed. Graduate ※both Master and Doctoral Areas of study / departments / colleges open to the exchange students Please refer to Are there any course restrictions for exchange students? ☑ Yes (If yes, please inform the details) Please refer to the course list above □ No Course information (website) GPA requirements 2.75 Language requirements The score should not more than 2 years 英語での受講を希望する場合 ☑ IELTS 6.0 ☑ TOEFL iBT 79 ☑ TOEFL CBT 213 ☑ TOEFL PBT 550 □ Other (Please inform the details) タイ語での受講を希望する場合 Listen and Speak Thai fluently for regular programs taught in Thai.Listen. Please submit the proficient test, if any. (For the country which English is not for the first language) Do you offer courses in English open to the exchange students ☑ □ Yes No Tuition and Fees ☑ □ Waived Paying Financial support for the exchange students (e.g. scholarships, stipend, living allowances etc.) N/A Accommodation [Procedures for Registration] [monthly amount] on Type of Room month Studio 25 sq. m.(1 bed) 19 10,000 THB Studio 25 sq. m.(2 bed) 11,000 THB 1 Bedroom 50 sq. m.(1 bed) 22,000 THB What kind of insurance do the exchange students enter? Compulsory fees for the exchange students TBA Required documents for the application 1. A completed application form 2. A nomination letter from home institute 3. 2 references in signed and sealed envelopes 4. An official transcript of academic records (to be issued by the institute presently being attended) 5. An English proficiency score record (fornon-native speaker of English)* 6. A photocopy of passport 7. Study plan/ description of academic interests (on a separate sheet of A4-sized paper) 8. Eight 1-inch-colored photos (with blue background) taken no more than six months Application deadline(s) Fall semester intake: 1 April Other suggestions if any (10)アサンプション大学 Name of University Assumption University Address Suwanabhumi Campus, 88 Moo 8 BangNa-Trad Km 26, Bangsaothong, Samuthprakarn, Thailand 10540 ( Office of International Affaurs is located at Huamak Campus, 592/3 Ramkhamhaeng 24, Huamak, Bangkok 10240, Thailand ) Website Number of places available for the academic year 3 full-year students 〔formula〕 1 full-year student (=2 semester students) Academic calendar Aug – December, Do you accept exchange students just for one semester? □ ☑ Yes No Admission open to Undergraduate Graduate Students ☑ □ Undergraduate Graduate Other restrictions (e.g. 3rd year 派遣開始時までに 50 単位以上取得することが見込まれる者。 20 Jan to May No summer session and above students only) ※見込めない者は事前に国際交流センターに相談すること。 Areas of study / departments / colleges open to the exchange students BBA/Faculty of Arts Are there any course restrictions for exchange students? ☑ Yes (If yes, please inform the details) □ No Course information (website) GPA requirements 2.5 Language requirements ☑ ☑ ☑ □ IELTS 6.0 TOEFL iBT 60 TOEFL ITP 500 Other (Please inform the details) Do you offer courses in English open to the exchange students ☑ □ Yes No Do you offer a pre-semester language course for the exchange students? □ ☑ Yes No If yes, are there fees attached? □ □ Yes No Is there any language school affiliated to your university? ☑ □ Yes No □ ☑ Yes No Tuition and Fees ☑ □ Waived Paying Financial support for the exchange students (e.g. scholarships, stipend, living allowances etc.) Non available Accommodation [Procedures for Registration] Off campus [monthly amount] US$ 250 (For the country which English is not for the first language) Do you offer a combined program of one semester language course(fee-paying) with conditional one semester exchange(fee- waived)? i.e. 1st semester - language school 2nd semester- departments or colleges 21 What kind of insurance do the exchange students enter? International Health Insurance from Home Country Compulsory fees for the exchange students None Required documents for the application Detailed will be informed later. (Passport Copy, Official Transcript, Insurance document, IELTS or TOEFL result copy) Application deadline(s) Application deadline for (Aug to December) 9 May Other suggestions if any 5.アメリカ (11)ノースカロライナ州立大学シャーロット校 Name of University University of North Carolina at Charlotte Address 9201 University City Boulevard Charlotte, NC 28223-0001 Website Number of places available for the academic year 1 students per year 〔formula〕 1 full-year student (=2 semester students) Academic calendar Admission open to Undergraduate Graduate Students IMPORTANT UNC CHARLOTTE CALENDAR DATES (2016) for reference Arrival August 16 January 8 Residence Halls Open for Exchange August 16 International Student Orientation August 17 First Day of Class August 22 Labor Day (fall)/MLK (spring) Holiday September 5 Fall & Spring Break October 10-11 Thanksgiving Weekend November 23-26 Last Day of Classes December 7 Exams December 9-16 Closing of Residence Halls December 16 Winter Break December 23- Jan 3 ☑ □ Undergraduate Graduate Other restrictions (e.g. 3rd year 22 and above students only) Areas of study / departments / colleges open to the exchange students Depends upon availability of classes, most of colleges welcome exchange students Are there any course restrictions for exchange students? ☑ Yes (If yes, please inform the details) Details will be informed later. □ No Course information (website) Language requirements ☑ ☑ ☑ ☑ □ IELTS 6.0 with minimum at 5.0 in each section TOEFL iBT 70 with minimum at 14 in each section TOEFL ITP TOEFL PBT 523 Other (Please inform the details) Do you offer courses in English open to the exchange students ☑ □ Yes No Do you offer a pre-semester language course for the exchange students? □ ☑ Yes No If yes, are there fees attached? □ □ Yes No Tuition and Fees ☑ □ Waived Paying Financial support for the exchange students (e.g. scholarships, stipend, living allowances etc.) $8,450 per a semester or $16,900 per an academic year. Please note that the estimated cost includes room/board, health insurance, books, and personal expenses. Accommodation [Procedures for Registration] [monthly amount] (For the country which English is not for the first language) On campus housing options are available and exchange student MUST complete and submit the housing application before the deadline assigned by UNC Charlotte’s Housing and Residence Life office. What kind of insurance do the exchange students enter? All exchange students are required to have health insurance while attending UNC Charlotte. Details will be informed later. Compulsory fees for the exchange students TBA Required documents for the application 23 Application deadline(s) Fall (August) Semester: April 15th Other suggestions if any 6.イギリス (12)イーストアングリア大学 Name of University University of East Anglia (UEA) Address Norwich Research Park, Norwich NR4 7TJ United Kingdom Website Number of places available for the academic year 3 full-year students. 〔formula〕 1 full-year student (=2 semester students) Academic calendar Autumn semester 2017 Final Application Deadline Final Accommodation Deadline to be confirmed Arrivals Days 20 September - 21 September 2017 Orientation 22 September - 24 September 2017 Autumn semester 25 September - 15 December 2017 Christmas Break 16 December 20176 - 14 January 2018 Spring semester 2018 Final Application Deadline Accommodation Application Arrivals Day Orientation Admission open to Undergraduate 1-Jun-17 31-Oct-17 to be confirmed 10-Jan-18 11 January - 14 January 2018 Spring semester 15 January - 18 May 2018 Easter Break 17 March - 15 April 2018 Assessment Period 21 May - 15 June 2018 ☑ Undergraduate 24 Graduate Students □ Graduate Other restrictions (e.g. 3rd year and above students only) Areas of study / departments / colleges open to the exchange students All non-Medical subjects Are there any course restrictions for exchange students? ☑ Yes (If yes, please inform the details) □ No Students who meet only IELTS 6.0 with a minimum 5.5 in each category can only take Language modules Course information (website) GPA requirements 2.75 Language requirements Please inform the minimum score ☑ IELTS(UKVI academic) □ TOEFL iBT □ TOEFL ITP □ Other (Please inform the details) 6.5 with minimum 6.0 in each category for all subject options (For the country which English is not for the first language) Do you offer courses in English open to the exchange students □ □ Yes No Do you offer a pre-semester language course for the exchange students? ☑ □ Yes No If yes, are there fees attached? This is run by INTO, which is a separate but affiliated organisation. ☑ □ Yes No This course is called Pre-Sessional English. Tuition and Fees ☑ □ Waived Paying Financial support for the exchange students (e.g. scholarships, stipend, living allowances etc.) Accommodation 25 What kind of insurance do the exchange students enter? TBA Compulsory fees for the exchange students N/A Required documents for the application IELTS documentation Passport Transcript Application deadline(s) Autumn: June 1, Spring: October 31 Other suggestions if any (13)エディンバラ大学 Name of University The University of Edinburgh Address 33 Buccleuch Place, Edinburgh EH8 9JS, Scotland, UK. Website Number of places available for the academic year 1 full-year student. 〔formula〕 1 full-year student (=2 semester students) Academic calendar Admission open to Undergraduate Graduate Students For reference 2016 Semester 1 Accommodation Move-in International Day Welcome week Teaching Exams Semester 2 Accommodation Move-in January Welcome Teaching Spring break Exams ☑ □ 9-Sep-17 10-Sep-17 11 – 17 Sept 2017 18 Sept – 01 Dec 2017 08 – 21 Dec 2017 TBA 10 –14 Jan 2018 15 Jan – 06 April 2018 09 – 20 April 2018 30 April – 25 May 2018 Undergraduate Graduate Other restrictions (e.g. 3rd year and above students only) Areas of study / departments / colleges open to the exchange students Are there any course restrictions for exchange students? ☑ Yes (If yes, please inform the details) 26 Course restrictions for exchange students: Studio Based courses: Architecture, Art, Design, Medicine, Veterinary Science No □ Course information (website) GPA requirements 3.0 Language requirements ☑ IELTS(UKVI academic) □ TOEFL iBT □ TOEFL ITP □ Other (Please inform the details) The minimum English language test scores we accept are as follows: IELTS (Academic module) overall 6.5 with 5.5 in each component If students wish to take third year level (honours) courses in humanities, arts or social sciences then they will need to meet a slightly higher score: IELTS (Academic module) overall 6.5 with 6.5 in each component If you want to take courses in humanities, arts or social sciences then you may need to meet a slightly different requirement depending on the level of the course. (For the country which English is not for the first language) Do you offer courses in English open to the exchange students □ □ Yes No Do you offer a pre-semester language course for the exchange students? ☑ Yes □ No If yes, are there fees attached? ☑ Yes □ No. Tuition and Fees ☑ Waived □ Paying Financial support for the exchange students (e.g. scholarships, stipend, living allowances etc.) N/A Accommodation Exchange students are guaranteed accommodation, providing their application is submitted in good time. What kind of insurance do the exchange students enter? TBA 27 Compulsory fees for the exchange students N/A Required documents for the application TBA Application deadline(s) May 31st, 2017 Other suggestions if any (14)オックスフォード・ブルックス大学 Name of University Oxford Brookes University Address Oxford Brookes University Headington Road Campus Oxford OX3 0BP, UK Website anges/ Number of places available for the academic year 3 full-year studens 〔formula〕 1 full-year student (=2 semester students) Academic calendar Admission open to Undergraduate Graduate Students Semester 1 Enrolment and induction Teaching period and exams Semester 2 Enrolment and induction Teaching period Easter break Teaching period and exams ☑ □ 18 - 22 September 2017 25 September - 18 December 2017 25 - 26 January 2018 29 January - 23 March 2018 26 March - 6 April 2018 9 April - 19 May 2018 Undergraduate Graduate Other restrictions (e.g. 3rd year and above students only) Areas of study / departments / colleges open to the exchange students Humanities and Social Sciences Are there any course restrictions for exchange students? ☑ Yes (If yes, please inform the details) 28 As per the exchange agreement, students need to take Humanities and Social Sciences modules □ No Course information (website) anges/coming-to-brookes/academic-study/ GPA requirements 2.8 Language requirements ☑ □ □ □ IELTS UKVI (academic) please refer to the following; TOEFL iBT TOEFL ITP Other (Please inform the details) Law, Psychology, Architecture, English, Accounting and Finance IELTS6.5 with 6.0 in reading and writing, 5.5 in listening and speaking Health and Social Care IELTS6.5 or 7.0 with 6.0 in reading and writing, 5.5 in listening and speaking All other undergraduate courses IELTS6.0 with 6.0 in reading and writing; 5.5 in listening and speaking Do you offer a pre-semester language course for the exchange students? ☑ Yes □ No If yes, are there fees attached? Tuition and Fees ☑ □ Financial support for the exchange students (e.g. scholarships, stipend, living allowances etc.) N/A Accommodation anges/coming-to-brookes/living-at-brookes/ What kind of insurance do the exchange students enter? al-guide/health-and-insurance/ Compulsory fees for the exchange students anges/coming-to-brookes/fees-and-costs/ Required documents for the application anges/coming-to-brookes/how-to-apply/ Waived Paying 29 Application deadline(s) anges/coming-to-brookes/how-to-apply/ Other suggestions if any (15)ヨーク大学 Name of University University of York Number of spaces available for the academic year 2 full-year students Admission open to Undergraduate / Graduate Students ☑ ☑ Academic calendar For reference Undergraduate Graduate 2016/17 Autumn 3 October 2016 - 9 December 2016 Spring 9 January 2017 - 17 March 2017 Summer 18 April 2017 - 23 June 2017 Areas of study / departments / colleges open to the visiting students Undergraduate Level Arts and Humanities. Archaeology, Education, English and Related Literature, History, History of Art, Language and Linguistic Science, Music, Philosophy, Theatre, Film and Television. Social Sciences. Economic and Related Studies, Law, Management, Politics, Social Policy and Social Work, Sociology. Science and Technology. Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science and Engineering, Electronics, Environment, Mathematics, Physics, Psychology (Psychology - full year students only, first year modules only). Graduate Level As above (Not Management) Plus Centre for Medieval Studies, Centre for Women’s Studies, Post War Reconstruction and Development Studies. Other Postgraduate Centres may be available on a case by case basis Are there any course restrictions for incoming exchange students? Some Departments have specialist requirements, please check webpage. Do you offer a pre-semester language course for the exchange students? If yes, are there fees ☑ Yes Yes, these are run by our Centre for English Language Teaching □ No 30 attached? Language requirement Depends on the course you are applying to; Undergraduate: anguage/ Graduate: sh/ GPA requirement 3.0 Other restrictions on or requirements for the exchange students (e.g. 3rd year and above students only) Students should have completed two years of University study and should have taken the majority of their classes in the subject/s requested at York. Tuition and Fees ☑ □ Financial support for the exchange students (e.g. scholarships, stipend, living allowances etc.) N/A Accommodation Students can access the University of York Accommodation application only after they have enrolled. Accommodation information is at modation/ Application deadlines Autumn 15 May Other suggestions For further information please see our web page or contact the Visiting Student Co-ordinator Waived (Partly waived) Paying 7.アイスランド (16)アイスランド大学 Name of University University of Iceland Address Haskolatorg, Saemundargotu 4, 101 Reyjkavik Website 31 Number of places available for the academic year 2 full-year students 〔formula〕 1 full-year student (=2 semester students) Academic calendar For reference Autumn 2016 15 August - 1 Sept. 22 - 26 August 24-Aug Autumn semester instruction commences Orientation week for international students Welcome reception for international students Final day to review course registration for Autumn semester 2016 Autumn semester examination schedule published Mid-semester evaluation of teaching and courses Final day to withdraw from Autumn semester courses/examinations Final day to apply for special needs services at UI Educational and Career Counselling Teaching and course evaluation survey End of Autumn semester classes Autumn semester examinations Makeup exams (due to illness)1 (all Schools except Social Sciences and Engineering and Natural Sciences) Christmas break (both days included) 10 Sept. 28 Sept. 30 Sept. - 5 Oct. 1 Oct. 15 Oct. 17 Nov. - 1 Dec. 21 - 30 Nov. 2 - 16 Dec. 19 - 20 Dec. 19 Dec. - 4 Jan. Spring 2017 5 - 6 January 5 - 9 January 5 - 6 January Orientation days for international students Spring semester instruction commences Makeup exams (due to illness)2 (all Schools except Social Sciences and Engineering and Natural Sciences) Final day to review course registration for Spring semester 2017 Spring semester examination schedule published Final day to withdraw from Spring semester courses/examinations Application deadline for international students (non-exchange students), undergraduate and graduate studies Mid-semester evaluation of teaching and courses Graduation Registration for next year's courses, Autumn and Spring semesters 2017-2018 Final day to apply for special needs services at UI Educational and Career Counselling 21-Jan 30-Jan 1-Feb 1-Feb 10 - 15 February 18-Feb 6 March - 1 April 15-Mar 32 7 - 19 April 8 - 24 April 12 - 18 April 15-Apr End of Spring semester classes Teaching and course evaluation survey Easter break (both days included) Application deadline for Master's and Doctoral studies commencing autumn semester 2017 (Icelandic students only) Spring semester examinations Makeup exams (due to illness) for the Spring semester (all Schools except Social Sciences and Engineering and Natural Sciences) Makeup exams and special resit exams3 for Autumn semester 2016 - Schools of Social Sciences and Engineering and Natural Sciences Special resit exams3 Makeup exams and special resit exams3 for Spring semester 2017 - Schools of Social Sciences and Engineering and Natural Sciences Application deadline, undergraduate studies (Icelandic students) Graduation 25 April - 10 May 17 - 23 May 17 - 23 May 1 - 8 June 1 - 8 June 5-Jun 24-Jun Admission open to Undergraduate Graduate Students ☑ ☑ Undergraduate Graduate Other restrictions (e.g. 3rd year and above students only) Areas of study / departments / colleges open to the exchange students All except Health Science and Law only for graduates. Few or no English language courses in Business and Economics Are there any course restrictions for exchange students? ☑ Yes (If yes, please inform the details) At least 60% has to be in Department of Major □ No Course information (website) English language programs are only for students majoring in English at their home university (except for the course English for Practical Purposes) Language requirements Please inform the minimum score ☑ IELTS 6.5 ☑ TOEFL iBT 79 □ TOEFL ITP □ Other (Please inform the details) (For the country which English is not for the first language) ☑ Yes 33 Do you offer courses in English open to the exchange students □ No Tuition and Fees ☑ Waived □ Paying Financial support for the exchange students (e.g. scholarships, stipend, living allowances etc.) N/A Accommodation [Procedures for Registration] The University does not offer housing, student agency does for some students: [monthly amount] JPY 55.000 to JPY 90.000 What kind of insurance do the exchange students enter? TBA Compulsory fees for the exchange students N/A Required documents for the application Transcript, application, photo. More documents required for visa application: Application deadline(s) 1 March, 2017 Other suggestions if any 8.エストニア (17)タルトゥ大学 Name of University University of Tartu Address Ülikooli 18-132, Tartu 50090, Estonia Website 34 Number of places available for the academic year 1 full-year student 〔formula〕 1 full-year student (=2 semester students) Academic calendar Admission open to Undergraduate Graduate Students Tentative Autumn semester: 28.09.2017-28.01.2018 Spring semester: 05.02.2018-24.06.2018 ☑ Undergraduate □ Graduate Other restrictions (e.g. 3rd year and above students only) Areas of study / departments / colleges open to the exchange students All of the academic units and courses open to exchange students: Are there any course restrictions for exchange students? ☑ Yes (If yes, please inform the details) There might be restrictions due to the differences in the study levels. □ No Course information (website) Courses can be found here: GPA requirements N/A Language requirements Please inform the minimum score ☑ IELTS 5.5 (no part can be below 5.5) ☑ TOEFL iBT 75 □ TOEFL ITP □ Other (Please inform the details) (For the country which English is not for the first language) Do you offer courses in English open to the exchange students ☑ Yes □ No Is there any language school affiliated to your university? ☑ Yes □ No Do you offer a combined program of one semester language course(fee-paying) with conditional one semester exchange(fee- waived)? i.e. 1st semester - language school 2nd semester- departments or colleges □ Yes ☑ No 35 Tuition and Fees ☑ Waived □ Paying Financial support for the exchange students (e.g. scholarships, stipend, living allowances etc.) Only applicable if certain programme offers stipend. Accommodation [Procedures for Registration] Students need to apply for a place in the dormitory themselves. Deadlines: for autumn semester: July 28; [monthly amount] 120 euros per month plus a refundable deposit of 100 EUR per place. What kind of insurance do the exchange students enter? Exchange students must purchase health insurance accepted by our Police and Border Guard Board: Compulsory fees for the exchange students Dormitory deposit, textbooks, health insurance Required documents for the application Admission procedure and deadlines: Application deadline(s) Autumn semester: May 15* Other suggestions if any 8.ドイツ (18)マンハイム大学 Name of University University of Mannheim Address L1,1, 68131 Mannheim, GERMANY Website Number of places available for the academic year 2 full-year students 〔formula〕 1 full-year student (=2 semester students) Academic calendar For reference Fall Semester 2016 Term period: August 1 - January 31 Lecture period: September 5 - December 12 Exam period: December 9 - 22 36 Spring Semester 2017 Term period: February 1 - July 31 Lecture period: February 13 - June 2 Easter Holidays: April 10 - April 22 Exam period: June 3 - 19 Do you accept exchange students just for one semester? □ Yes ☑ No Admission open to Undergraduate Graduate Students ☑ Undergraduate □ Graduate Other restrictions (e.g. 3rd year and above students only) Areas of study / departments / colleges open to the exchange students Business, Social Sciences, Economics, Law, Humanities, Business Mathematics and Informatics Are there any course restrictions for exchange students? ☑ Yes (If yes, please inform the details) Students will be enrolled according to their major and can only choose courses from their respective School or the university-wide electives □ Course information (website) No The course list will be published on www.unimannheim. de/aaa/courses. Exchange students must take the majority of courses from the school to which they are coming on exchange. However, they can choose 1-2 courses from the university-wide elective courses of other schools. Language requirements ドイツ語での受講を希望する場合 ・本学開講のドイツ語 R(中級)およびドイツ語 C(中級) を修了している者。または、派遣開始時までに修了するこ とが見込まれる者。 ・ドイツ語技能検定3級、ゲーテ・インスティテュート・ドイツ語 検定試験 A2、または CEFR A2 の証明書を提出できる者。 あるいは、派遣開始時までに提出することが見込まれる者。 ただし、CEFR B1 レベル(ドイツ語技能検定2級等)の証明 書が提出できることが望ましい。 英語での受講を希望する場合 TOEFL iBT72 または IELTS5.0 のいずれかのスコアを取 得している者。または、派遣開始時までに取得することが 見込まれる者。 (For the country which English is not for the first language) Do you offer courses in English open to the exchange students ☑ Yes □ No 37 Do you offer a pre-semester language course for the exchange students? ☑ Yes □ No If yes, are there fees attached? ☑ €15 □ No Is there any language school affiliated to your university? ☑ Yes □ No Do you offer a combined program of one semester language course (fee-paying) with conditional one semester exchange(fee- waived)? i.e. 1st semester - language school 2nd semester- departments or colleges Yes: For reference ☑ Courses offered with 100 teaching units Beginner's / Intermediate / Advanced levels Date: August 1st - August 29th, 2016 Arrival and August 1st, 2016 Registration day : Placement test: online Registration June 30th, 2016 deadline: Total fee: € 570,- (due date: July15th, 2016) ECTS-Credits: 6 students/language_courses/german_language_courses/index. html □ No Tuition and Fees ☑ Waived □ Paying Financial support for the exchange students (e.g. scholarships, stipend, living allowances etc.) N/A Accommodation Students can apply for student residences or look for a room on the private market. For exchange students from overseas, we offer a very limited number of places in our off-campus student residences: single bedrooms in student dormitories for € 280* - 320*, apartments € 330*- € 390*. What kind of insurance do the exchange students enter? Non-EU members: we strongly recommend all our exchange students from non-EU countries to purchase a statutory German health insurance. Students will have the opportunity to buy German health insurance after their arrival in Mannheim. It costs about € 85 per month (standard price for students from all health insurance companies). Compulsory fees for the exchange students TBA Required documents for the application TBA 38 Application deadline(s) May 10, 2017 Other suggestions if any Students have the opportunity to be matched with a local student for support. (19)バイロイト大学 Name of University Universität Bayreuth Address Central University Administration (ZUV), Room 1.85 Universitätsstr. 30, 95447 Bayreuth Website Number of places available for the academic year 1 full-year student 〔formula〕 1 full-year student (=2 semester students) Academic calendar Winter semester: 1st of October – 31st March Summer semester: 1st of April – 30th September Do you accept exchange students just for one semester? □ ☑ Yes No Admission open to Undergraduate Graduate Students ☑ ☑ Undergraduate Graduate Other restrictions (e.g. 3rd year and above students only) Areas of study / departments / colleges open to the exchange students _Programs/index.html Are there any course restrictions for exchange students? ☑ Yes _Programs/01_Programs_Courses/index.html □ Language requirements No 下記のいずれかに該当する者 ・本学開講のドイツ語 R(中級)およびドイツ語 C(中級) を修了している者。または、派遣開始時までに修了するこ とが見込まれる者。 ・ドイツ語技能検定3級、ゲーテ・インスティテュート・ドイツ語 検定試験 A2、または CEFR A2 の証明書を提出できる者。 あるいは、派遣開始時までに提出することが見込まれる者。 ただし、CEFR B1 レベル(ドイツ語技能検定2級等)の証明 書が提出できることが望ましい。 (For the country which English is not for the first language) 39 Do you offer courses in English open to the exchange students ☑ Yes □ No Do you offer a pre-semester language course for the exchange students? ☑ Yes □ No If yes, are there fees attached? ☑ Yes □ No Tuition and Fees ☑ Waived □ Paying Financial support for the exchange students (e.g. scholarships, stipend, living allowances etc.) N/A Accommodation TBA What kind of insurance do the exchange students enter? Compulsory fees for the exchange students TBA Required documents for the application TBA Application deadline(s) July 15, 2017 Other suggestions if any 9.オーストリア (20)ザルツブルク大学 Name of University University of Salzburg Number of spaces available for the academic year 1 full-year student Admission open to Undergraduate / Graduate Students ☑ ☑ Academic calendar For reference Undergraduate Graduate Winter semester (fall semester): October 1st – January 31st Summer semester (spring semester): March 1st – June 30th Academic Year: October 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 40 Winter semester: October 1, 2015 - January 31, 2016 Semester Break: February 1, 2016 - February 28, 2016 Summer semester: March 1, 2016 - June 30, 2016 Summer Holidays: July 1, 2016 - September 30, 2016 Areas of study / departments / colleges open to the exchange students All regular courses are open to exchange students from partner Universities. Are there any course restrictions for incoming exchange students? University Non-Degree Courses (“Universitätslehrgänge”) Do you offer courses in English open to the exchange students ☑ Yes Almost every Faculty/ Department offers courses taught in English. The number of courses taught in English differs from semester to semester. List of courses taught in English in the academic year 2016/2017: ?pVortragsSpracheNr=2&pSpracheNr=2&pSjNr=1643 □ Do you offer a pre-semester language course for the exchange students? If yes, are there fees attached? No The department of German at the University of Salzburg offers intensive German language courses (6 hours/week) on different levels during the whole academic year. We offer a two-week preparatory language course for exchange students at the beginning of each academic year. (Mid-September – end of September) at a reduced participation fee. General information: Language requirement 下記のいずれかに該当する者 ・本学開講のドイツ語 R(中級)およびドイツ語 C(中級) を修了している者。または、派遣開始時までに修了すること が見込まれる者。 ・ドイツ語技能検定3級、ゲーテ・インスティテュート・ドイツ語検 定試験 A2、または CEFR A2 の合格証書を提出できる者。あ るいは、派遣開始時までに提出することが見込まれる者。た だし、CEFR B1 レベル(ドイツ語技能検定2級等)の証明書が 提出できることが望ましい。 Other restrictions on or requirements for the exchange students (e.g. 3rd year and above students only) Undergraduate / BA: students with at least 2 semesters completed Graduate / MA: students with at least 1 semester completed Tuition and Fees ☑ Waived □ Paying 41 Financial support for the exchange students (e.g. scholarships, stipend, living allowances etc.) N/A Accommodation The University of Salzburg does not own any student dormitories and therefore cannot offer a housing service. However we provide information about Housing Opportunities in Salzburg on our website: Home>International>Studying in Salzburg>Student Housing in Salzburg -45355&L=1 International students may also contact the Housing Office of the Austrian Exchange Service: and book accommodation there. Contact: Tel.: + 43 662 8044 0 Other suggestions 10.フランス (21)リヨン第二大学 Name of University Université Lumière Lyon 2 Address 18 quai Claude Bernard, 69007 Lyon (FRANCE) Website Vous êtes ici : Accueil>International>Venir en programme d'échange ( e-d-echange-530338.kjsp?RH=WWW402) Number of places available for the academic year 2 students for the full-year 〔formula〕 1 full-year student (=2 semester students) Academic calendar Admission open to Undergraduate Graduate Students gramme-d-echange/calendrier-universitaire-2012-2013-269812.kj sp ☑ ☑ Undergraduate Graduate Other restrictions (e.g. 42 3rd year and above students only) Areas of study / departments / colleges open to the exchange students All departments are opened to exchange students. Exchange students have the possibility to : - choose classes from licence 1, 2, 3 as well as master 1 at Lyon2 - to take a couple of courses in another university from Lyon (Institut des études politiques; Université jean moulin Lyon3; Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1; École Normale Supérieure/Université Catholique de Lyon) if and only if those classes are not offered at Lyon 2. - attend classes from different faculties : faculty of psychology, foreign languages, economics, anthropology, etc. etc. Are there any course restrictions for exchange students? ☑ Yes Yes, classes of Masters 2 and professional degrees (licences professionnelles / Diplômes Universitaires) are not opened to exchange students). □ No Course information (website) 1/ 2/ For more information, to look at the webpage of the different faculties (eg :,, etc. Language requirements 下記のいずれかに該当する者 ・本学開講のフランス語 R(中級)およびフランス語 C(中級)を修 了している者。または、派遣開始時までに修了することが見込ま れる者。 ・実用フランス語技能検定試験準2級または、DELF A2の合格証書 を提出できる者。または、派遣開始時までに提出することが見込ま れる者。 (For the country which English is not for the first language) □ Do you offer courses in English open to the exchange students Do you offer a pre-semester language course for the exchange students? If yes, are there fees attached? ☑ No(少ない。Yes, but at the time of writing I am not able to provide you with an updated list of courses.と返答あり) ☑ Yes Yes, the “stage PRUNe” of the CIEF (Centre International d’Etudes Françaises). Fees have to be paid. For more information, please visit this page : --579759.kjsp □ Tuition and Fees Yes No ☑ Waived □ Paying 43 Financial support for the exchange students (e.g. scholarships, stipend, living allowances etc.) No financial support except one from the French Government depending on the type of accommodation rented. This financial aid is called “aide au lodgement”. This is the CAF (Caisse d’Allocations Familiales) which provides this help. An online form needs to be filled in. Accommodation Exchange students can apply for an accommodation in a public students’ residence when filling in the application form of Lyon 2. As the number of rooms if limited, if we are not able to provide them with one, we give them useful resources to help them in their research. What kind of insurance do the exchange students enter? All non-European exchange students have to pay the 215 euros of compulsory student’s health insurance. Compulsory fees for the exchange students Student’s health insurance = about 215 euros. Required documents for the application The printed online application form, the copy of the passport and a certificate of French level Application deadline(s) May 30th, 2017 Other suggestions if any (22)パリ第七大学 Name of University Universite Paris Diderot – Paris 7 Address Batiment des Grands Moulins Aile A – 2eme etage 5 rue Thomas Mann 75013 PARIS – France Website il Number of places available for the academic year 2 students for the full-year 〔formula〕 1 full-year student (=2 semester students) Academic calendar Admission open to Undergraduate Graduate Students Classes begin: Sept. Classes end: January ☑ ☑ Undergraduate Graduate Other restrictions (e.g. 3rd year and above students only) 44 Areas of study / departments / colleges open to the exchange students All the classes are categorized by field and by level (“Licence”, “Master”...). CCUEIL&g=m We remind you that students have to respect the field of study and the department or faculty (UFR) indicated on the signed agreement. Students have to choose 2 courses at least per semester intheir field of study. Students have to make sure they register to courses linked to the University Paris Diderot in order to earn the credits (ECTS). Level of studies on the agreement: "F level"(First cycle) = undergraduate level = Licence in French higher education "S level" (Second cycle) = postgraduate level = Master in French higher education "T level" (Third cycle) = doctorate level = Doctorat in French higher education Link to brochures: http://www.univ-parisdiderot. fr/sc/site.php?bc=international&np=cataloguecoursetudiantechan ge&g=m Are there any course restrictions for exchange students? ☑ Yes - Courses in Film studies are overcrowded: these courses are only for students coming within a Film studies agreement. Workshops cannot be attended. - Courses from the Psychology faculty are only for students coming within a Psychology studies agreement. - Medical studies are available only for students coming on a Medical agreement. - Engineering studies are only available if there is an agreement with the Engineering School. □ Course information (website) No CCUEIL&g=m cataloguecoursetudiantechange&g=m Language requirements 下記のいずれかのフランス語能力のある者 DELF B2、DALF C1、TCF B1、TEF Level 3 All courses are taught in French except for some courses within the department of English studies and Language courses. French level B1 (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) is required to attend courses at the University Paris Diderot. A certificate is required in the application form. (For the country which English is not for the first language) □ Yes 45 ☑ Do you offer courses in English open to the exchange students Do you offer a pre-semester language course for the exchange students? If yes, are there fees attached? No ☑ Yes Intensive French classes (SILC) are available for exchange students before each semester (beginning of September and January): fr ancaisstageintegration&g=m Price: 250€ for 40 hours (8 days) Students who want to apply need to tick the box on their moveonline application form if they want to receive information. □ No Tuition and Fees ☑ Waived □ Paying Financial support for the exchange students (e.g. scholarships, stipend, living allowances etc.) No financial support except one from the French Government depending on the type of accommodation rented. This financial aid is called “aide au lodgement”. This is the CAF (Caisse d’Allocations Familiales) which provides this help. An online form needs to be filled in. Accommodation The University Paris Diderot only has 95 rooms allocated in five residences for all the International and Erasmus students. As a consequence, we cannot guarantee accommodation for every student. Accommodations are either on campus or off campus, near metro stations, with kitchenette, bathroom facilities and internet access. Link to get more information: =LogementsEtudiants&g=sm Rent (€): around 750 €/month for a room (in Paris) for reference What kind of insurance do the exchange students enter? Students need to get their European Health Insurance card before coming for their mobility. It has to be valid for the entire mobility period. Compulsory fees for the exchange students Student’s health insurance = about 215 euros. Required documents for the application The printed online application form, the copy of the passport and a certificate of French level Application deadline(s) Other suggestions if any May 30th, 2017 Buddy Program Information: To make it easier for incoming students to adapt to their new environment and life in Paris, a “buddy program” has been developed. Students from Paris Diderot propose to help and assist Erasmus and international students during their mobility in 46 cultural, administrative and sometimes academic aspects. (23)パリ第十大学 Name of University Universite Paris Diderot – Paris 7 Address 200 avenue de la République 92001 Nanterre Cedex Website Number of places available for the academic year 1 student for the full-year 〔formula〕 1 full-year student (=2 semester students) Academic calendar Admission open to Undergraduate Graduate Students SEMESTRE 1 : September - January SEMESTRE 2 : February - June ☑ ☑ Undergraduate Graduate Other restrictions (e.g. 3rd year and above students only) Areas of study / departments / colleges open to the exchange students 文学・言語学・人文科学・社会科学・法学・経済学等 Are there any course restrictions for exchange students? ☑ □ Yes No Course information (website) Language requirements level B2 in the CEFR (For the country which English is not for the first language) □ Yes ☑ No Do you offer courses in English open to the exchange students Do you offer a pre-semester language course for the exchange ☑ Yes □ No 47 students? If yes, are there fees attached? Tuition and Fees ☑ Waived □ Paying Financial support for the exchange students (e.g. scholarships, stipend, living allowances etc.) N/A Accommodation All international students have a room at University dormitory ※CAF(による housing assistance あり。 What kind of insurance do the exchange students enter? Compulsory fees for the exchange students Required documents for the application Application deadline(s) Other suggestions if any (24)リヨン政治学院 Name of University Sciences Po Lyon Address 14, avenue Berthelot, F-69007 Lyon, France Website Number of places available for the academic year 2 full-year students 〔formula〕 1 full-year student (=2 semester students) Academic calendar Admission open to Undergraduate Graduate Students 1st semester: beginning of September – End of December 2nd semester: beginning of January – End of May ☑ ☑ Undergraduate Graduate Other restrictions (e.g. 3rd year and above students only) 48 Areas of study / departments / colleges open to the exchange students All except language classes <Undergraduate Level> <Graduate Level> ※"Seminars" and "5th year courses" are not opened to incoming exchange students Are there any course restrictions for exchange students? □ Yes (If yes, please inform the details) Course information (website) Language requirements 下記のいずれかに該当する者 フランス語での受講を希望する場合 ・本学開講のフランス語 R(中級)およびフランス語 C(中級)を修 了している者。または、派遣開始時までに修了することが見込まれ る者。 ・実用フランス語技能検定試験準1級または、DELF B2の合格証書 を提出できる者。または、派遣開始時までに提出することが見込ま れる者。 ☑ No 英語での受講を希望する場合 TOEFL iBT80 を取得している者。または、現在 TOEFL 又はこれに 順ずるテストのスコアを所持し、出願手続き開始時までに TOEFL ibt80 を取得することが見込まれる者。(英語での授業の受講を希望 する場合) ※IELTS での出願を希望する場合は事前に国際交流センターに相談 すること。 (For the country which English is not for the first language) Do you offer courses in English open to the exchange students? Do you offer a pre-semester language course for the exchange students? If yes, are there fees attached? ☑ Yes □ No ☑ Yes □ No ☑ Yes □ No Tuition and Fees ☑ Waived □ Paying Financial support for the exchange students (e.g. scholarships, stipend, N/A. 49 living allowances etc.) Accommodation Students should send an email to the IRO 200 € - 450 € depending on accommodation What kind of insurance do the exchange students enter? Compulsory French Social Security (health insurance) of about 215 € Compulsory fees for the exchange students See above Required documents for the application Online application form, CV, Covering letter, transcripts from home university Application deadline(s) May 31, 2017 Other suggestions if any 11.イタリア (25)国立ナポリ東洋大学 Name of University Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale” Address Via Chiatamone 61 – 80121 Napoli - Italia Website Number of places available for the academic year 2 full-year students 〔formula〕 1 full-year student (=2 semester students) Academic calendar Admission open to Undergraduate Graduate Students Semester1: October-January Semester2: February-June ☑ ☑ Undergraduate Graduate Other restrictions (e.g. 3rd year and above students only) Areas of study / Asian, African and Mediterranean Studies, Human and Social 50 departments / colleges open to the exchange students Sciences, Literary, Linguistics and comparative Studies <Undergraduate Level> 016-17.html <Graduate Level> Are there any course restrictions for exchange students? □ Yes ☑ No Course information (website) Language requirements イタリア語での受講を希望する場合 下記のいずれかに該当する者 ・本学開講のイタリア語 B(初級)およびイタリア C(初級)を修了し ている者。または、派遣開始時までに修了することが見込まれる者。 ただし、イタリア語 R(中級)およびイタリア語 C(中級)を修了し ているか、履修中であることが望ましい。 ・実用イタリア語検定試験4級又は CILSA2 以上の合格証を提出できる 者。または、派遣開始時までに提出することが見込まれる者。 英語での受講を希望する場合 ☑ IELTS 5.5 ☑ TOEFL iBT 72 □ TOEFL ITP (For the country which English is not for the first language) ☑ Yes □ No we offer these English Taught courses: Do you offer courses in English open to the exchange students International political economy, contemporary African history, governance and analysis of political regimes, history of international relations. Do you offer a pre-semester language course for the exchange students? □ Yes ☑ No If yes, are there fees attached? Is there any language school affiliated to your university? ☑ Yes □ No » Sei in: L’Orientale » Centri di Servizio » C.I.L.A. Centro Interdipartimentale di servizi Linguistici e Audiovisivi 51 Tuition and Fees ☑ Waived □ Paying Financial support for the exchange students (e.g. scholarships, stipend, living allowances etc.) □ Yes ☑ No Accommodation What kind of insurance do the exchange students enter? TBA Compulsory fees for the exchange students □ Yes ☑ No Required documents for the application Application form, learning agreement , copy of passport, a photo Application deadline(s) 15th of June Other suggestions if any (26)ボローニャ大学 Name of University University of Bologna Address Via Filippo Re 4, 40126, Bologna Website Number of places available for the academic year 2 full-year students per year Academic calendar Nomination by home institution Application Period Application Deadline Application Decision Notification 52 Fall Semester (September-December) June 30 March to June June 30 Right after nomination Visa application Process Course Registration One/two months before arrival Arrival/Orientation Semester (Classes) Begins Late August Late September/October Free Italian courses: early September December Semester (Classes) Ends* Exams/Assessment (Begin – End) Admission open to Undergraduate Graduate Students ☑ ☑ Upon arrival From Late May June until July Some exams might be held mid year (December-January) Undergraduate Graduate Other restrictions (e.g. 3rd year and above students only) Areas of study / departments / colleges open to the exchange students All areas are open at undergraduate and graduate level Are there any course restrictions for exchange students? clinical courses of Medicine and Veterinary Course information (website) Language requirements イタリア語での受講を希望する場合 下記のいずれかに該当する者 イタリア語での受講を希望する場合 ・本学開講のイタリア語 B(初級)およびイタリア C(初級)を修了 している者。または、派遣開始時までに修了することが見込 まれる者。ただし、イタリア語 R(中級)およびイタリア語 C (中級)を修了しているか、履修中であることが望ましい。 ・実用イタリア語検定試験4級又は CILSA2 以上の合格証を 提出できる者。または、派遣開始時までに提出することが 見込まれる者。 英語での受講を希望する場合 ☑ IELTS 5.5 ☑ TOEFL iBT 72 □ TOEFL ITP (For the country which English is not for the first language) Yes, we do. All English taught degree programs for each academic area are listed here (English flag): Do you offer courses in English open to the exchange students Home > Teaching > Degree Programmes 53 onmul=true Bachelor degree programs entirely taught in English by academic area -catalogue/international-degree-programmes/internation al-programmes-delivered-in-english-and-erasmus-mundu s-programmes-emjmd/international-bachelor-programme s-delivered-in-english-first-cycle Graduate programs entirely delivered in English: -catalogue/international-degree-programmes/internation al-programmes-delivered-in-english-and-erasmus-mundu s-programmes-emjmd/international-master-programmesdelivered-in-english-second-cycle you can filter units by language of teaching to know which courses are offered in English at: Do you offer a pre-semester language course for the exchange students? If yes, are there fees attached? Italian language courses are provided free of charge (no fees) but only for a limited number of places. The Italian language courses consist of 50 hours and each class has its own goal level (A1, A2, B1, B2, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). The schedule is, roughly, three 2-hour lectures per week for about 8 weeks. At the end students will have to sit the final test. If passed 5 ECTS credits will be assigned (no mark, just a “pass”). The 1st semester courses start in the first week of September. Is there any language school affiliated to your university? ☑ Yes □ No Tuition and Fees ☑ Waived □ Paying Financial support for the exchange students (e.g. scholarships, stipend, living allowances etc.) □ Yes ☑ No Accommodation Housing is not guaranteed by the University. Students normally find accommodation through the private market. There’s plenty of opportunities for shared apartments and flats. Once they have registered online exchange students can sign up to SAIS an online database providing information about available flats. Please check our exchange students guide for more info: ies-at-Unibo/exchange-students-guide What kind of insurance do the Accident and civil liability is extended to exchange 54 exchange students enter? students. Purchase of health insurance is required for Visa purposes Compulsory fees for the exchange students Visa, health insurance and stay permit costs Required documents for the application TBA Application deadline(s) June 1st, 2017 Other suggestions if any Advise your students to read our exchange students guide carefully: ies-at-Unibo/exchange-students-guide (27)トリノ大学 Name of University University of Turin Address Via Verdi, 8 - 10124 Turin Website Number of places available for the academic year 2 full-year students Academic calendar For reference Academic year 2015-2016 The academic calendar indicates all Sundays and religious and civil public holidays, as well as Christmas and Easter breaks, where all teaching activities are stopped. Academic calendar starts: 1st October 2015. Academic calendar ends: 30th September 2016. Public holidays and civil and religious holidays are as follows: 1st November 2015: Ognissanti (All Saints Day) 8th December 2015: Immacolata Concezione 25th December 2015: Natale (Christmas Day) 26th December 2015: Santo Stefano 1st January 2016: Capodanno (New Year's Eve) 6th January 2016: Epifania 27th March 2016: Pasqua (Easter) 28th March: Lunedì dell’Angelo (Easter Monday) 25th April 2016: Festa della Liberazione 1st May 2016: Festa del Lavoro 2nd June 2016: Festa della Repubblica 24th June 2016: San Giovanni 15th August 2016: Assunzione Admission open to Undergraduate ☑ Undergraduate 55 Graduate Students ☑ Graduate Other restrictions (e.g. 3rd year and above students only) Areas of study / departments / colleges open to the exchange students All courses are open to the exchange students Students are generally invited to choose courses within the Department with which the agreement has been signed. However, there is flexibility and if students need to take part of the courses in different Departments, they are allowed to. Academic Programs Are there any course restrictions for exchange students? In general there are no restrictions, however it may be useful to check any possible ones by directly contacting the Professor who is in charge of the agreement between our Universities. Course information (website) a-formativa/scenario-didattico Students are also invited to check course information by directly visiting the website of the Department they will study at. Language requirements イタリア語での受講を希望する場合 下記のいずれかに該当する者 ・本学開講のイタリア語 B(初級)およびイタリア C(初級)を修了 している者。または、派遣開始時までに修了することが見込ま れる者。ただし、イタリア語 R(中級)およびイタリア語 C(中級) を修了しているか、履修中であることが望ましい。 ・実用イタリア語検定試験4級又は CILSA2 以上の合格証を提 出できる者。または、派遣開始時までに提出することが見込ま れる者。 英語での受講を希望する場合 ☑ IELTS 5.5 ☑ TOEFL iBT 72 □ TOEFL ITP A part of courses are offered in foreign languages However, most of our lessons are taught in Italian language, consequently it is advisable to be familiar with the Italian language. (For the country which English is not for the first language) Do you offer courses in English open to the exchange students A part of courses are offered in foreign languages (see below); however, most of our lessons are taught in Italian language, consequently it is advisable to be familiar with the Italian language. Courses offered in foreign languages 56 ages_2016.pdf Degree courses in English rams-english Do you offer a pre-semester language course for the exchange students? For reference If yes, are there fees attached? At the beginning of each semester, 40 hours courses (beginner, intermediate and advanced) are scheduled for all Erasmus and exchange students at the University of Turin. The Italian language courses calendar for the first semester 2016-2017 will be published during September 2016. Free Italian courses for Erasmus and exchange students Italian language courses offered by the University Tuition and Fees ☑ Waived □ Paying Financial support for the exchange students (e.g. scholarships, stipend, living allowances etc.) □ Yes Accommodation ☑ No The University of Torino provides a range of options in order to help its international exchange students and guests find an accommodation in the city. They can apply for accommodation at Edisu University Residences or they can use the Sportello Casa Service and the Internet platform HousingAnywhere to find accommodation in private residences or share an apartment with other students. University residences International exchange students and guests of the University of Turin can rent a room at university residences managed by EDISU Piemonte, the Regional Agency for the Right to Education of Piedmont. Rooms at Edisu must be booked through the EDISU online procedure (available in Italian and English). What kind of insurance do the exchange students enter? TBA Compulsory fees for the exchange students TBA Required documents for the application TBA 57 Application deadline(s) July 15, 2017 Other suggestions if any 58