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氏名 大迫 一史
ローマ字表記 Kazufumi Osako
連絡先:東京都港区港南 4-5-7
品川キャンパス 3 号館 1 階
健康で安全な海洋食資源に関する個々の研究を推進するため、4 名の任期付スタッフを任用
した。教員 10 名を中国・インドネシア・ベトナム・タイなどの研究連携先アジア諸国へ派
遣し、中国・タイの研究連携先から研究者 2 名を本学に招へいして、互いの連携を深めた。
学生 2 名をタイ(チュラロンコン大学・ベタグロ社およびカセサート大学)へ約 2 週間派
ボゴール農科大学にて開催し、本学からは 7 名の教員と 9 名の大学院生が参加して有意義
な研究交流を行った。なお、以上の実施状況については、本学の WEB サイトにて広報する
---------- <シンポジウム開催記録> ---------
(ボゴール農科大学国際コンベンションセンター、2012 年 11 月 13-15 日)
第 3 回プロジェクト国際シンポジウムがインドネシアのボゴール農科大学国際コンベンシ
ョンセンターで 3 日間にわたって開催されました。
など)からの招待研究者から、3 日間にわたって 3 会場で合計 64 件の発表が行われ、活発
---------- <教育事業> --------本プログラムを推進する優秀な大学院生(前期課程)2 名を連携先のアジア諸国へ派遣
プロジェクトでは、本プログラムを推進する優秀な大学院生(前期、後期課程)3 名を、毎
年、連携先のアジア諸国へ各々2 週間程度派遣します。この目的としては、教育研究拠点と
2012 年度は、5 名の応募があり、11 月から 2 月までの 4 か月間のわたる 1 回 2 時間×13 回
後の TOEIC スコアと英語での面接(自己点検委員 3 名により 2013 年 4 月実施)などを基
準とした最終選考に臨んでもらいました。その結果、最終的に下記 2 名を選出し 2013 年度
博士前期課程 1 年
タイ(8 月 27 日~9 月 13 日)
博士前期課程 1 年
タイ(6 月 30 日~7 月 14 日)
2014 年度に派遣を希望する候補者についても 4 名が英会話授業を受講しており、2014 年 4
2012 年度は 11 月~2 月までの期間に、博士後期課程学生 25 名を受講者として、毎週 1 回
90 分で合計 10 回の授業を行いました。また、これを引き継ぐ形で 2013 年度前期(5 月~7
クコース、続く前期にアドバンストコースを開講していく予定です。なお、2012 年度後期
また、2013 年度は初めての試みとして、これに加えてインドネシアで開催された第三回プ
ロジェクト国際シンポジウムへの参加予定学生を対象に、10 月から 11 月にかけてシンポジ
ウムでの発表練習を合計 4 回行いました。
---------- <ニュース> --------2014 年
第 4 回プロジェクトシンポジウムは中国にて
これまでプロジェクト国際シンポジウムを第 1 回目はシンガポールにて、第 2 回目はタイ、
第 3 回目はインドネシアにて開催してきましたが、2014 年度は中国での開催を企画してい
---------- <活動記録> --------2013 年 12 月
萩原知明准教授,大迫一史准教授および学生 7 名とともにシンガポール国立大学での
NUS-TUMSAT JOINT SYMPOSIUM に参加しました。また、シンポジウム終了後は、シンガ
2013 年 12 月
宮本佳則准教授が、カセサート大学に於いて、lecturing on basic of measurements and equipment
2013 年 8 月、11 月
が 2 週間にわたりベタグロサイエンスセンターにて試験研究を行いました(8 月)。11 月には
2013 年 11 月
今田千秋教授が台湾の花蓮市にある国立東華大学で開催された海洋深層水利用学会 2013 台
湾大会で、Analysis of Microbial Community Structure and Isolation of Beneficial Microorganisms
from Deep-sea Water というタイトルで口頭発表しました。学会期間中に国立台湾海洋大学教
2013 年 11 月
2013 年 11 月
The Seventh Annual Meeting of Asian Fisheries Acoustics Society、 AFAS2013
SUSTAINABLE FISHERIES IN ASIA”が東京海洋大学品川キャンパス楽水会館にて開催され
約 70 名(国内 40 名、海外 30 名(中国、韓国、台湾、マレーシアほか)の参加がありまし
2013 年 11 月
産局、日本大使館、JICA 等との意見交換を行いました。今後もミャンマーとの連携協力を
2013 年 10 月
松川真吾准教授が,サンカルロス大学の生物学科の Ilano 教授他のスタッフに海洋食資源研
究拠点形成プロジェクトについて説明を行い、Ilano 教授とは具体的に貝類の奇形発生や貝
た。また、翌 10 月 3 日には研究センターの Largo 教授他、化学科、物理学科のスタッフに
2013 年 10 月
2013 年 9 月
芳賀穣准教授と大迫一史准教授が、他の 8 名の教員とともに中国の浙江海洋大学に出向き、
2013 年 8 月~11 月
2013 年 8 月
中国広東海洋大学 毛偉傑副教授を本学に招聘し、共同研究打合せを行いました。本研
究成果は国際会議(8th International CIGR Technical Symposium、China、 11 月)で発
表、『Best Poster Award』を受賞しました。
8th International CIGR Technical Symposium での受賞(右:毛偉傑副教授)
2013 年 6 月
有元貴文教授がインドネシア、ボゴール農科大学を訪問し、11 月に予定されている本プロ
2013 年 6 月
6/22~6/29 にかけて、萩原知明准教授がタイ王国カセサート大学の Ratanasumawong Savitree
先 生 を 招 聘 し 共 同 研 究 に 関 す る 打 ち 合 わ せ を 行 い ま し た 。
2013 年 5 月
有元貴文教授が、FAO と ICES(国際海洋開発協議会)の共催による漁業技術・魚群行動研
M. Takase, E. Takahashi, M. Murata, H. Ohnuki, K. Hibi, H. Ren, H. Endo, Development of a
biocompatible glucose biosensor for wireless and real time blood glucose monitoring of fish, Int. J.
Environ. Anal. Chem. 93 125-139 (2013)
M. Hirai, T. Muramatsu, H. Ohnuki, K. Hibi, H. Ren, H. Endo, Carbon nanotube enhanced label-free
immunosensor for amperometric determination of oocyte maturation-inducing hormone in fish, Fish
Physiol. Biochem. 39 299-308 (2013)
R. Ohno, H. Ohnuki, H. Wang, T. Yokoyama, H. Endo, D. Tsuya, M. Izumi, Electrochemical Impedance
Spectroscopy Biosensor with Interdigitated Electrode for Detection of Human Immunoglobulin A,
Biosens. Bioelecton. 40, 422–426 (2013)
M. Takase, M. Murata, K. Hibi, R. Huifeng, H. Endo, Development of mediator-type biosensor to
wirelessly monitor whole cholesterol concentration in fish, Fish Physiol. Biochem. inpress
H. Ren, H. Jia, H. Suzuki, Y. Nagae, H. Endo, Effects of Petroselinum crispum and Coriandrum sativum
on oral cadmium-induced micronucleus formation in mice, Food Sci. Technol. Res. 19, 263-268 (2013)
Jun Lu, Goro Yoshizaki, Masato Endo, Toshio Takeuchi (2013): Effect of dietary high amount of calcium
and phosphorus on reducing the prevalence of morphological deformities in GH-transgenic Nile tilapia.
Fish. Sci., 79:647–658.
Modification of the n-3 HUFA biosynthetic pathway by transgenesis in a marine teleost, nibe croaker.
Journal of Biotechnology 172 46-54 (2014)
Production of genetically diversified fish seeds using spermatogonia transplantation. Aquaculture
422-423 218-224 (2014)
The Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis) dead end gene is suitable as a specific molecular marker of
type A spermatogonia. Mol Reprod Dev. 80(10) 871-880 (2013)
Effect of dietary high amount of calcium and phosphorous on reducing the prevalence of morphological
deformities in GH-transgenic Nile tilapia. Fish. Sci. 79 647-658 (2013)
Identification and migration of primordial germ cells in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar: Characterization of
vasa, dead end, and lymphocyte antigen 75 genes. Mol Reprod Dev. 80(2) 118-131 (2013)
Gonadal development and fertility of triploid grass puffer takifugu niphobles induced by cold shock
treatment. Mar. Biotechnol. 15(2) 133-144 (2013)
Germ cell transplantation as a potential biotechnological approach to fish. reproduction
Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 39 3-11 (2013)
Short-term in vitro culturing improves transplantability of type A spermatogonia in rainbow trout
(Oncorhynchus mykiss). Molecular Reproduction & Development 80(9) 763-773 (2013)
Improvement of ovulation induction by additive injection of 17,20β-Dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one after
human chorionic gonadotropin administration in a pelagic egg spawning marine teleost, nibe croaker
Nibea mitsukurii (Jordan &Snyder). Aquaculture Research 10 SEP 1-9 (2013)
Expression profile of ribosomal protein L10a throughout gonadal development in rainbow trout
(Oncorhynchus mykiss). Fish Physiology and Biochemistry Online 03-January 2014 (2014)
Generation of functional eggs and sperm from cryopreserved whole testes. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 110(5) 1640-1645 (2013)
Intraperitoneal germ cell transplantation in the Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus. Marine Biotechnology
Online 06-October 2013 (2013)
Kaneko G, Yamada T, Han Y, Hirano Y, Khieokhajonkhet A, Shirakami H, Nagasaka R, Kondo H,
Hirono I, Ushio H, Watabe S. (2013) Differences in lipid distribution and expression of peroxisome
proliferator-activated receptor gamma and lipoprotein lipase genes in torafugu and red seabream. Gen
Comp Endocrinol. 184:51-60
Kato G, Goto K, Akune I, Aoka S, Kondo H, Hirono I. (2013) CD4 and CD8 homologues in Japanese
flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus: Differences in the expressions and localizations of CD4-1, CD4-2,
CD8α and CD8β. Dev Comp Immunol. 39:293-301
Koyama T, Kondo H, Aoki T, Hirono I. (2013) Identification of two penelope-like elements with
different structures and chromosome localization in kuruma shrimp genome. Mar. Biotechnol. 15:115-23
Han Y, Kaneko G, Nagasaka R, Kondo H, Hirono I, Takahashi SI, Watabe S, Ushio H. (2013)
Distribution of adipocyte-related cells in skeletal muscle of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. Fish Sci,
79: 143-148.
Shitara A, Kondo H, Hirono I. (2013) New type of heat shock protein 70 homologue gene abounds in the
genomic sequence of kuruma shrimp Marsupenaeus japonicus. Fish Sci, 79: 397-405.
Feroudj H, Matsumoto T, Kurosu Y, Kaneko G, Ushio H, Suzuki K, Kondo H, Hirono I, Nagashima Y,
Akimoto S, Usui K, Kinoshita S, Asakawa S, Kodama M, Watabe S. (2013) DNA microarray analysis on
gene candidates possibly related to tetrodotoxin accumulation in pufferfish. Toxicon, in press
Ohtani M, Hikima JI, Jung TS, Kondo H, Hirono I, Takeyama H, Aoki T. (2013) Variable domain
antibodies specific for viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (VHSV) selected from a randomized IgNAR
phage display library. Fish Shellfish Immunol, 34:724-8
Del Castillo CS, Hikima J, Jang HB, Nho SW, Jung TS, Wongtavatchai J, Kondo H, Hirono I, Takeyama
H, Aoki T. (2013) Comparative sequence analysis of a multi-drug resistant plasmid from Aeromonas
hydrophila. Antimicrob Agents Chemther, 57:120-9
Taechavasonyoo A, Kondo H, Nozaki R, Suzuki Y, Hirono I. (2013) Identification of novel interleukin 1
beta family genes in Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus. Fish Shellfish Immunol, 34:393-6
Ohtani M, Hikima JI, Jung TS, Kondo H, Hirono I, Aoki T. (2013) Construction of an Artificially
Randomized IgNAR Phage Display Library: Screening of Variable Regions that Bind to Hen Egg White
Lysozyme. Mar Biotechnol, 15:56-62
Kurokawa S, Kabayama J, Fukuyasu T, Hwang SD, Park CI, Park SB, Del Castillo CS, Hikima JI, Jung
TS, Kondo H, Hirono I, Takeyama H, Aoki T. (2013) Bacterial classification of fish-pathogenic
Mycobacterium species by multigene phylogenetic analyses and MALDI biotyper identification system.
Mar Biotechnol, 15:340-8
Del Castillo CS, Jang HB, Hikima JI, Jung TS, Morii H, Hirono I, Kondo H, Kurosaka C, Aoki T. (2013)
Comparative analysis and distribution of pP9014, a novel drug resistance IncP-1 plasmid from
Photobacterium damselae subsp. piscicida. Int J Antimicrob Agents. 42:10-18.
Kurokawa S, Kabayama J, Hwang SD, Nho SW, Hikima JI, Jung TS, Sakai M, Kondo H, Hirono I,
Takeyama H, Aoki T. (2013) Comparative genome analysis of fish and human isolates of Mycobacterium
marinum. Mar Biotechnol, 15: 596-605.
Kurokawa S, Kabayama J, Nho SW, Hwang SD, Hikima JI, Jung TS, Kondo H, Hirono I, Takeyama H,
Aoki T. (2013) Whole-Genome Sequence of Fish-Pathogenic Mycobacterium sp. Strain 012931, Isolated
from Yellowtail (Seriola quinqueradiata). Genome Announc. 1(4). e00534-13.
Taechavasonyoo A, Hirono I, Kondo H. (2013) The immune-adjuvant effect of Japanese flounder
Paralichthys olivaceus IL-1β. Dev Comp Immunol. 41: 564-8.
Limtipsuntorn U, Haga Y, Kondo H, Hirono I, Satoh S. (2013) Microarray analysis of hepatic gene
expression in juvenile Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus fed diets supplemented with fish or
vegetable oils. Mar. Biotechnol. in press
Nho SW, Hikima J, Park SB, Jang HB, Cha IS, Yasuike M, Nakamura Y, Fujiwara A, Sano M, Kanai K,
Kondo H, Hirono I, Takeyama H, Aoki T, Jung TS. (2013) Comparative Genomic Characterization of
Three Streptococcus parauberis Strains in Fish Pathogen, as Assessed by Wide-Genome Analyses. PLoS
One. 8(11):e80395.
F. Kitamura, H. Watanabe, A. Umeno, Y. Yoshida, K. Kurata, and N. Gotoh, Oxidized trilinoleate and
tridocosahexaenoate induce pica behavior and change locomotor activity. J. Oleo Sci. 62, 207-212 (2013).
K. Yoshinaga, T. Nagai, H. Mizobe, K. Kojima, and N. Gotoh, Simple method for the quantification of
milk fat content in foods by LC-APCI-MS/MS using 1,2-dipalmitoyl-3-butyroyl-glycerol as an indicator.
J. Oleo Sci. 62, 115-121 (2013).
K. Okada, E. Warabi, H. Sugimoto, M. Horie, N. Gotoh, K. Tokushige, E. Hashimoto, H. Utsunomiya, H.
Takahashi, T. Ishii, M. Yamamoto, and J. Shoda, Deletion of Nrf2 leads to rapid progression of
steatohepatitis in mice fed atherogenic plus high-fat diet. J. Gastroenterol. 48, 620-632 (2013).
K. Yoshinaga, M. Asanuma, C. Xu, H. Mizobe, K. Kojima, T. Nagai, F. Beppu, and N. Gotoh, Resolution
behavior of cis- and trans-octadecenoic acid isomers by AOCS official method using SP-2560 column. J.
Oleo Sci. 62, 781-788 (2013).
N. Gotoh, T. Nagai, K. Yoshinaga, H. Mizobe, and H. Watanabe, Comparison of catabolic rates of fatty
acids using stable isotope and isotope-ratio mass spectrometry. Lipid Tech. 25, 110-112 (2013).
F. Beppu, T. Nagai, K. Yoshinaga, H. Mizobe, K. Kojima, and N. Gotoh, Quantification of triacylglycerol
molecular species in cocoa butter using high-performance liquid chromatography equipped with nano
quantity analyte detector. J. Oleo Sci. 62, 789-794 (2013).
T. Nagai, Y. Matsumoto, Y. Jiang, K. Ishikawa, T. Wakatabe, H. Mizobe, K. Yoshinaga, K. Kojima, I.
Kuroda, T. Saito, F. Beppu, and N. Gotoh, Actual ratios of triacylglycerol positional isomers and
enantiomers comprising saturated fatty acids and highly unsaturated fatty acids in fish and marine
mammals. J. Oleo Sci. 62, 1009-1015 (2013).
C. Jayashinghe, N. Gotoh, and S. Wada, Pro-oxidant/antioxidant behaviour of ascorbic acid, tocopherol
and plant extracts in n-3 highly unsaturated fatty acid oil-in-water emulsion. Food Chem. 141, 3077-3084
Ionized silica in the estuary of a river as supply to seawater:identification and ionization efficiency of
silica species by FAB-MS. Miho Tanaka and Kazuya Takahashi, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science,
121-122, 1-7 (2013).
Kanematsu, H., N. Hirai, Y. Miura, M. Tanaka, T. Kogo, and H. Itoh, Various Metals from Water by
Biofilm from an Ambient germas in a Reaction Container, in Materials Science and Technology 2013:
Montreal, Quebec, Canada. p. 2154-2161.
Letter to Editor: Concerning the comments “Silicon Species in Seawater” by Professor Exley and
Professor Sjöberg Miho Tanaka*, Kazuya Takahashi, Masao Nemoto and Naho Horimoto Spectrochimica
Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 117, 822 (2014).
An effective method based on wet-heat treatment for the selective isolation of Micromonospora from
estuarine sediments, World J. Microbiol. Biotechnol., DOI 10.1007/s11274-013-1330-4, 2013
Kitagima RE, Haga Y, Hirono I, Endo M, Satoh S. 2013. Cauliflower mosaic virus 35S plant promoter
from GM soybean can drive gene expression in Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus and rainbow
trout Oncorhynchus mykiss cells in vitro and in vivo. Aquac. Nutr. 19, 122-134.
Rodriguez-Estrada U, Satoh S, Haga Y, Fushimi H, Sweetman J. 2013. Effects of inactivated
Enterococcus faecalis and mannan oligosaccharide and their combination on growth, immunity, and
disease protection in rainbow trout. North Am. J. Aquac. 75, 416-428.
Kabeya N, Takeuchi Y, Yamamoto Y, Yazawa R, Haga Y, Satoh S, Yoshizaki G. 2013. Modification of
the EPA and DHA biosynthetic pathway by transgenesis in a marine teleost, nibe croaker. J. Biotech.
Li J, Haga Y, Masuda R, Takahashi K, Ohta H, Ishida S, Satoh S. 2013. Growth, survival, digestive
enzyme activities, and DNA/RNA ratio in Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus larvae fed live food
and casein peptide- and fish meal-based microdiets. Aquac. Sci. 61, 81-93.
Prachom N, Haga Y, Satoh S. 2013. Impact of dietary high protein distillers dried grains on amino acid
utilization, growth response, nutritional health status, and waste output in juvenile rainbow trout
(Oncorhynchus mykiss). Aquac. Nutr. (in press) published online
Limtipsuntorn U, Haga Y, Kondo H, Hirono I, Satoh S. Microarray analysis of hepatic gene expression
profile in juvenile Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus fed fish and vegetable oils supplemented
diets. Mar. Biotechnol. (in press)
Hanini I, Sarker MSA, Satoh S, Haga Y, Corneillie S, Ohkuma T, Nakayama H. 2013. Effects of taurine,
phytase and enzyme complex supplementation to low fish meal diets on growth of juvenile red sea bream
Pagrus major. Aquac. Sci. 61, 367-375.
Bake GG, Endo M, Satoh S, Sadiku SOE, Takeuchi T. 2013. Nitrogen and mineral budget of Nile tilapia
fry fed recycled food wastes materials supplemented with lysine and methionine in a closed recirculating
fish culture system. Continental Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 7 (1): 18-31.
A. Ozaki, K. Yoshida, K. Fuji, S. Kubota, W. Kai, J. Aoki, Y. Kawabata, J. Suzuki, K. Akita, T. Koyama,
M. Nakagawa, T. Hotta, T. Tsuzaki, N. Okamoto, K. Araki and T. Sakamoto: Quantitative trait loci
(QTL) associated with resistance to a monogenean parasite (Benedenia seriolae) in yellowtail (Seriola
quinqueradiata) through genome wide analysis. PLOS ONE, 8 (6), e6498, 1-14. (2013).
T. Sakamoto, Y. Pan, E. Koshimizu, N. Okamoto, T. Nagai and R. Fuseya: Isolation and characterization
of 10 polymorphic microsatellite loci in the devil stinger, Inimicus japonicus. Molecular Ecology
Resources, 13(1), 158-159. (2013).
Qi Liu, Takashi Sakamoto, Satoshi Kubota, Nobuaki Okamoto, Hirofumi Yamashita, Motohiro Takagi,
Yuya Shigenobu, Takuma Sugaya, Yoji Nakamura, Motohiko Sano, Suwit Wuthisuthimethavee, Akiyuki
Ozaki: A genetic linkage map of kelp grouper (Epinephelus bruneus) based on microsatellite markers.
Aquaculture, 414-415, 63-81. (2013).
Satoshi Kubota, Qi Liu, Kanonkporn Kessuwan, Nobuaki Okamoto, Takashi Sakamoto,
Nakamura, Yuya Shigenobu, Takuma Sugaya, Motohiko Sano, Susumu Uji,
Kazuharu Nomura,
Akiyuki Ozaki: High-throughput simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers development for the kelp grouper
(Epinephelus bruneus) and cross-species amplifications for Epinephelinae species.
Advances in
Bioscience and Biotechnology, in press. (2013).
Takaharu Sakiyama, Kentaro Sato, Sanae Tsuda, Hiroki Sugiyama, Tomoaki Hagiwara: Citric acid
pretreatment for suppressing adhesion of major egg allergens to a stainless steel surface. Food Control,
32, 702-706 (2013).
H. Matsuda, Y. Llave, M. Fukuoka, and N. Sakai, Color changes in fish during grilling - Influences of
heat transfer and heating medium on browning color, Journal of Food Engineering, 116,130-137(2013)
H. Kawakami, Y. Llave, M. Fukuoka, and N. Sakai, CFD analysis of the convection flow in the pan
during induction heating and gas range heating, Journal of Food Engineering, 116, 726-736 (2013)
N. Ishiwatari, M. Fukuoka, N. Sakai, Effect of protein denaturation degree on texture and water state of
cooked meat, Journal of Food Engineering, 117, 361–369 (2013)
N. Ishiwatari, M. Fukuoka, N. Hamada-Sato, N. Sakai, Decomposition kinetics of umami component
during meat cooking, Journal of Food Engineering, 119, 324–331 (2013)
Y. Llave, H. Matsuda, M. Fukuoka, N. Sakai, Comparison of the surface browning colour
Y. Llave, T. Nishida, M. Fukuoka, and N. Sakai, Analysis of Radio-frequency Heating During Thawing
of Tuna, Proceedings of 8th International CIGR Technical Symposium, Ref. No. 12 (2013).
S. Liu, M. Fukuoka, N. Sakai, A finite element model for simulating temperature distributions in rotating
food during microwave heating, Journal of Food Engineering, 115(1), 49–62(2013).
W. Mao, M. Kato, M. Fukuoka, and N. Sakai, Analysis of Superheated Steam Heating for
Grilling/Baking Food, Proceedings of 8th International CIGR Technical Symposium, Ref. No. 82(2013).
Yoshiki Mukudai, Seiji Kondo, Sunao Shiogama, Tomoyuki Koyama, Chunnan Li, Kazunaga Yazawa,
Satoru Shintani, Root bark extracts of Juncus effusus and Paeonia suffruticosa protect salivary gland
acinar cells from apoptotic cell death induced by cis-platinum (II) diammine dichloride. Oncol Rep. 30(6),
2665-2671, 2013.
Donald L. Amoroso and Mikako Ogawa, 'Comparing Mobile and PC Internet Adoption Factors of
Loyalty and Satisfaction with Online Shopping Consumers', International Journal of E-Business
Research, Vol.9, No.2, pp.24-45, April-June 2013.
T. Brenner, S. Matsukawa, K. Nishinari, R. Johannsson "Failure in a soft gel: Delayed failure and the
dynamic yield stress" Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics,196(2013)pp1-7.
T. Brenner, M. Shimizu, P. Nantarajit ,S. Matsukawa,“Side-by-side aggregation number of
network-forming gellan aggregates as inferred from gradient NMR measurements”,、Food Hydrocolloids
in press
B. Dai, S. Matsukawa,"Elucidation of Gelation Mechanism and Molecular Interactions of Agarose in
Solution by 1H-NMR",Carbohydrate Research,95(2013)pp485-464
Q.Zhao, T. Brenner,S. Matsukawa "Molecular Mobility and Microscopic Structure Changes in
<kappa>-Carrageenan Solutions Studied by Gradient NMR" Carbohydrate Polymers,95(2013)pp458-464.
H. Mita, A. Koketsu, S. Ishizaki, and K. Shiomi: Molecular cloning and functional expression of
allergenic sarcoplasmic calcium-binding proteins from Penaeus shrimps. Journal of the Science of Food
and Agriculture, 93(7):1737-1742 (2013).
P. Chuang, S. Ishizaki, J. Hongwu, and P. Guangkun: Characterization of crustacyanin extracted from the
shell of Litopenaeus vannamei. Journal of Dalian Ocean University, in press, 2013.
Comparative study of proteins recovered from whole North Pacific krill Euphausia pacifica by acidic and
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