
テZフウ トソY{ d a チ うサ テ Z澄 ノね シze ハウ|¿ Y{〇] チ ハウ|タ険 cY iY ハ ] ノY

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テZフウ トソY{ d a チ うサ テ Z澄 ノね シze ハウ|¿ Y{〇] チ ハウ|タ険 cY iY ハ ] ノY
( ) Journal of Plant Protection
Vol. 26, No. 3, Fall 2012, P. 308-315
308-315 .% 1391 #$ 3 !" 26 !" #$ Tetranychus urticae Koch. %& ' " Ginkgo biloba L.
03 *,4 567 -*2)*+ , #. -1( 1390/4/14 : 1391/2/12 :
56+7! 8; " Ginkgo biloba L.'+& ,( " -. $ *( !" # $%& #'! ()" 6" D6 E6) 6)C .6 6 *6" A( # $%& B. .? " Tetranychus urticae Koch. # *<=( > * #?
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n6" 6B J>6u " Z7O ) Ginkgo biloba L. $ .(29)
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Z6? > 8M >'U *" (Rh) $) U
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4- Ginkgo T.D
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(Email: [email protected]
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# Tetranychus urticae # *6<=( >6 *6 +
6-" W6n Phaseolus vulgaris # *6q e6 #6"M $
P 55±5 eE( "T J 7( *. 26±1 j?
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4- Bakker
5- Exocarp
6- Kernel
7- Petrolium eter
8- Brix percent
9- Refractometer
10- Rotary Evaporator
11- Potter Tower
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6PO # 6-. X6" M(6 $%& * $ Z( lugens
$%6& *6 $6? N! >z'U . $; > # $%6& .(2) ?" $; > # " # >u D n "C
6" Panonychus citri 6e n * # ( $ *(
) 5+7! ~( * | # " $ > X" $%& .(30) $?
*6 6( $? )C Culex r. ) | #'" 8n( #U *
Z6& *6" iM > ) $" # ~( * U # "
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.(31 4) ) - Tetranychus urticae Koch. #*-M > *
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6 6" Tetranychus urticae # *6<=( >6 *
6P *" $ *( !" * ZC T
. n *E= *bM< *(.
1- Diterpenoids
2- Ginkgolides
3- Niclosamide
1391 #$ 3!" 26 ( ) *6" *6. 6" .6" * W! # $%& *" †" ZC >7" LC50 Z6 >6" J(CL) Z6'T $6i ) $C " $)"
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.Tetranychus urticae 9 :
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62 /135-71/152
256/742 b
94/140 a
65/802 a
398/706 b
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Fly UP