
代謝機能研究グループ - 独立行政法人 理化学研究所 植物科学研究

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代謝機能研究グループ - 独立行政法人 理化学研究所 植物科学研究
RIKEN Report Group/Team 05.11.4 11:37 ページ40
山谷知行は 1972 年 3月に東北大学農学部農芸化学科を卒業後、同年
に進学し、1977 年に博士号
パク質を見いだし、その制御機構を解明した。その後、1977 年から1978
年は日本学術振興会奨励研究員、1978 年から半年間カナダのマクマス
ター大学で博士研究員、1979 年から1980 年 11月まで米国ミシガン州
ションの基礎と、遺伝子増幅に関わる基礎を学んだ。1980 年 12月から
1987 年 12月まで岡山大学農業生物研究所助手を勤め、1988 年 1月か
ら1992 年 11月まで東北大学農学部農芸化学科助教授、1992 年 12月
子機構に関する研究を行っている。2001 年 4月、植物科学研究センター
etabolic Function
Group Director/グループディレクター
Tomoyuki YAMAYA
山谷 知行
After Tomoyuki Yamaya graduated from the Department of
Agricultural Chemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, Tohoku
University in 1972, he entered the Graduate School of
Agriculture of the same university and obtained his Ph.D. in
1977. While at graduate school, he identified a protein factor,
which regulates nitrate reductase activity by binding to
enzyme molecules. After work as a Fellow of Japan Society
for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) (1977-1978), he did
post-doc work at McMaster University, Canada (1978-1979)
then the Plant Research Lab, Michigan State University.
(1979-1980). During this period, he studied metabolic
compartmentation and gene amplification in plants. From
December 1980 to December 1987, he worked at the
Institute for Agricultural and Biological Science, Okayama
University, as an assistant professor, then from January
1988 to the present he has worked at the Department of
Agricultural Chemistry, Faculty of Agriculture (Graduate
School of Agricultural Science), Tohoku University, as an
associate- (till 1992) and then a full professor. During this
period, he has been working on the molecular physiology of
nitrogen metabolism and utilization in rice. In April 2001,
when the Metabolic Function Research Group of the Plant
Science Center at RIKEN was established, he took the post
of Group Director (double post) with the aim of researching
the fundamental problem of the primary metabolisms of
RIKEN Report Group/Team 05.11.4 11:37 ページ41
Research Group
Plant bodies and organs consist of multiple and functionally different cells. Each cell type possesses
distinct function in metabolisms, but the whole process for plant growth and reproduction proceeds as
an integrated manner of each cell function. Molecular aspects for metabolic compartmentation and
signal transduction among cells and organs are, however, poorly understood. Recent progress of the
genome project in Arabidopsis thaliana and rice has made it possible to introduce new techniques
studying complex processes in plant-metabolic functions.
Research was underway to analyze plant metabolic functions from two directions: 1) cellular function
in the primary metabolism of sulfur and nitrogen focusing on transport, assimilation, and regulation
and 2) signal transduction of nitrogen availability by focusing on inter-cellular and inter-organic
communication to integrate metabolic network of distinct cell types.
RIKEN Report Group/Team 05.11.4 11:38 ページ42
Laboratory for
Metabolic Compartmentation
SULTR1;1、SULTR1;2 はシロイヌナズナの根の表皮、皮層に存在する高親和型硫酸イオントランスポー
現がみられる SULTR1;2 の 2 種類のトランスポーターにより分担されている。本年度は、SULTR1;1 、
SULTR1;2 のタンパク質レベルでの活性制御について検討し、SULTR1;1、SULTR1;2 が複合体を形成
Laboratory Head /チームリーダー
高橋 秀樹
酵母発現系及びシロイヌナズナ T-DNA 挿入変異体を用い、根の内鞘細胞、木部柔細胞で発現する
SULTR3;5 が低親和型硫酸イオン輸送に必須の輸送体であることを明らかにした。また、維管束組織の液
胞膜に局在するSULTR4;1、SULTR4;2 の変異体、sultr1;2 変異体を用いてのマイクロアレイ解析を行い、
1990 年 3月京都大学工学部工業化学科卒業。同年、出光石油
化学 ( 株 )に入社し微生物を用いた不飽和脂肪酸及び有機酸生
産の研究に従事する。1993 年 4月から1995 年 3月まで千葉大
油化学(株)を退社後、1995 年 4月に千葉大学大学院薬学研究
期にはじめたものである。1998 年 3月千葉大学大学院薬学研究
科博士後期課程修了、博士号(薬学)を取得。1999 年 9月まで日
年 10月から2000 年 9月まで米国カーネギー研究所・Dr. Arthur
Grossman の下で緑藻類における栄養環境応答の研究を行う。
2000 年 10月から現職。
Hideki Takahashi graduated from the Department of
Industrial Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto
University in March 1990. In the same year, he joined
the biochemical research section of Idemitsu
Petrochemical Co. Ltd., and conducted research on
the microbial production of unsaturated fatty acids
and organic acids. From April 1993 to March 1995, he
studied sulfur assimilation and cysteine synthesis in
plants as a research student at the Graduate School
of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chiba University, under
Prof. Kazuki Saito. He left Idemitsu Petrochemical Co.
Ltd., and entered the Graduate School of
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chiba University, in April
1995 to continue his study on plant sulfur metabolism.
During his Ph.D. study, he started the work on sulfate
transporters in Arabidopsis. He obtained his Ph.D.
from the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical
Sciences, Chiba University, in March 1998. He stayed
at Chiba University as a postdoctoral research fellow
of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
(JSPS) until September 1999. From October 1999 to
September 2000 he visited the Carnegie Institution of
Washington, U.S.A. as a JSPS postdoctoral research
fellow, and studied the nutrient stress response of
unicellular algae under Dr. Arthur Grossman. In
October 2000, he joined the Plant Science Center as
head of the Laboratory for Metabolic
SULTR1;1 のプロモーター領域について硫黄欠乏に応答するシス因子を同定し、SURE( Sulfur
Responsive Element)
と命名した。シス因子は、シロイヌナズナのオーキシン応答に関わるARF 結合配列に
された硫黄欠乏応答性遺伝子のプロモーター上にもSURE が存在し発現応答に関わることが示唆された。
シロイヌナズナ SULTR1;2-GFP 植物を用いて硫黄欠乏条件で GFP の発現誘導が低下する変異体、増幅
される変異体を単離し解析を行っている。また、SULTR1;2-GFP 植物を親株として用い、SULTR1;2 プロ
モーターにより約 15000 種の独立クローン由来の完全長 cDNA を根で発現させた形質転換体を作製し、
約 18000 株について T2 世代の種子をプール化した。
窒素欠乏により根で発現が誘導される高親和型アンモニウムトランスポーター AMT1;1、AMT1;3 のプロ
イネの 根においてアンモニウム同 化に主 要な役 割を果たす 細 胞 質 型 グルタミン合 成 酵 素 遺 伝 子
(OsGLN1;1, OsGLN1;2)
質に対する親和性が高いが、OsGLN1;1 は OsGLN1;2 の約 2 倍の活性を示した。OsGLN1;1 は窒素欠
乏時に表皮、皮層で発現するが、OsGLN1;2 の発現はアンモニウム添加により誘導され、表皮及び維管束
組織で発現がみられた。また、イネ Tos17 挿入変異体から単離した gln1;1 ノックアウト体の解析を行い、
OsGLN1;1 がアンモニウム同化に主要な役割を担い、同遺伝子の欠損によりグルタミン生合成及び生育が
図1.硫酸イオントランスポーター SULTR1;1 の硫黄欠乏応答
高親和型硫酸イオントランスポーター SULTR1;1 は硫黄欠乏に応答して mRNA の発現が誘導される。SULTR1;1 発現プロモーター領域と
クラゲ緑色蛍光タンパク質(GFP)との融合遺伝子を導入したシロイヌナズナ形質転換植物を用いて SULTR1;1 の根毛細胞での発現と硫黄
(出典:Plant Cell Physiol. 45, 340-345 (2004) )
Figure 1. Sulfur Limitation Response of SULTR1;1 Sulfate Transporter.
The expression of SULTR1;1 high-affinity sulfate transporter is up-regulated by sulfur limitation. The root hair
localization and sulfur response of SULTR1;1 were visualized by expressing a fusion gene construct of SULTR1;1
promoter region and jelly fish green fluorescent protein (GFP) in Arabidopsis plants. Left, sulfur-rich condition; Right,
sulfur-deficient condition. (from Plant Cell Physiol. 45, 340-345 (2004))
RIKEN Report Group/Team 05.11.4 11:38 ページ43
Transport and Assimilation of Macronutrients in Plants
The Laboratory for Metabolic Compartmentation focuses on the regulatory circuits of transport and
primary assimilatory metabolisms of two major mineral elements, sulfur and nitrogen. The final
goal of this project is to plot the functions of transporters and assimilatory enzymes to the
individual physiological processes in plants and to clarify their regulatory mechanisms. The
following are the three major topics studied in this laboratory.
● Characterization of sulfate transporters in Arabidopsis (Kataoka, Hayashi,
■Selected references:
Kataoka, T., Hayashi, N., Yamaya T., and Takahashi, H:
Root-to-shoot transport of sulfate in Arabidopsis:
evidence for the role o SULTR3;5 as a component of lowaffinity sulfate transport system in the root vasculature.
Plant Physiol. 136, in press (2004).
Maruyama-Nakashita, A., Nakamura, Y., Yamaya, T., and
Takahashi, H.:
A novel regulatory pathway of sulfate uptake in
Arabidopsis roots: implication of CRE1/WOL/AHK4mediated cytokinin-dependent regulation.
Plant J. 38, 779-789 (2004).
Yoshimoto, Takahashi)
SULTR1;1 and SULTR1;2 are the two components of high-affinity sulfate transport system
localized at the root epidermis and cortex, facilitating the initial uptake of sulfate from the soil. We
showed that SULTR1;1 and SULTR1;2 form a hetero-oligomeric transporter complex, which is
essential for the regulation of sulfate uptake under low-sulfur conditions. As for the long-distance
inter-organ transport of sulfate, we demonstrated the role of a novel non-functional type sulfate
transporter, SULTR3;5, as an essential component of the root-to-shoot sulfate transport system in
Arabidopsis. SULTR3;5 was expressed in the vasculature, and co-localized with SULTR2;1 lowaffinity sulfate transporter under sulfur-deficient conditions. In addition, we have started a
comparative transcriptome analysis of knockout plants of SULTR1;2 and vacuolar sulfate
transporters, SULTR4;1 and SULTR4;2, to identify the candidates of membrane-bound transporters
that facilitate the internal movement of sulfate in plants.
●Genome-wide analysis of sulfur limitation response in Arabidopsis (Maruyama,
Nakamura, Watanabe, Takahashi)
The cis-acting element for sulfur limitation response was identified from dissection of SULTR1;1
promoter. SURE (Sulfur Responsive Element) identified in SULTR1;1 contained a consensus
sequence of an ARF biding site, which confers auxin response in Arabidopsis. Microarray analysis
of sulfur-deficiency response indicated that SURE sequences are found also in other sulfurregulated genes in Arabidopsis roots.
Arabidopsis mutants were isolated from EMS-mutagenized pools of SULTR1;2 promoter-GFP
plants, displaying the sulfur response as reduced or enhanced expressions of GFP in roots. In
addition, approximately 15,000 clones of RIKEN Arabidopsis full-length cDNAs (RAFL) were
randomly over-expressed under the control of SULTR1;2 promoter, and the seeds of over 18,000
transformants were collected at T2 generation for reverse genetic screening of effector molecules
that may modulate the expression of SULTR1;2.
●Characterization of ammonium transporters and GS/GOGAT cycle enzymes
(Ishiyama, Inoue, Takahashi)
AMT1;1 and AMT1;3 are two major high-affinity ammonium transporters in Arabidopsis root.
Transgenic plants expressing the promoter-GFP constructs indicated that they were predominantly
expressed in the epidermis and root hairs. As indicated from a drastic decrease of ammonium
influx activities in the knockout plants, AMT1;1 and AMT1;3 were suggested to facilitate the
uptake of ammonium under low-nitrogen conditions.
The ammonium taken up in root is further converted to glutamine by cytosolic glutamine
synthetase. Previously, we have determined the roles of the four isoenzymes of cytosolic Gln
synthetase (GS) in Arabidopsis roots. In rice, the two cytosolic GS, OsGLN1;1 and OsGLN1;2,
were both high-affinity isoenzymes, but showed different localization and nitrogen responses.
OsGLN1;1, was localized in the root epidermis and cortex of nitrogen-starved plants, whereas
OsGLN1;2 was expressed in response to excessive supply of ammonium in the epidermis and
vasculatures. Furthermore, the analysis of Tos17-inserted knockout plants indicated that
OsGLN1;1 plays a major role in glutamine synthesis, as suggested from the severe growth
reduction and decrease of glutamine synthesis.
図2.液胞に局在する硫酸イオントランスポーター SULTR4;2
硫酸イオントランスポーター SULTR4;2とクラゲ緑色蛍光タンパク質(GFP)との融合遺伝子を
導入したシロイヌナズナ形質転換植物を用いて SULTR4;2 の液胞膜への局在を観察した。
典:Plant Cell 16, 2693-2704 (2004) )
Figure 2. Vacuolar Localization of SULTR4;2 Sulfate Transporter.
Localization of SULTR4;2 transporter in the tonoplast membrane was
visualized by expressing a fusion gene construct of SULTR4;2 transporter and
jelly fish green fluorescent protein (GFP) in Arabidopsis plants. (from Plant
Cell 16, 2693-2704 (2004))
Ishiyama, K., Inoue, E., Watanabe-Takahashi, A., Obara,
M., Yamaya, T., and Takahashi, H.:
Kinetic properties and ammonium-dependent regulation
of cytosolic isoenzymes of glutamine synthetase in
J. Biol. Chem. 279, 16598-16605 (2004).
Maruyama-Nakashita, A., Nakamura, Y., WatanabeTakahashi, A., Yamaya, T., and Takahashi, H.:
Induction of SULTR1;1 sulfate transporter in Arabidopsis
roots involves protein phosphorylation/dephosphorylation
circuit for transcriptional regulation.
Plant Cell Physiol. 45, 340-345 (2004).
Maruyama-Nakashita, A., Inoue, E., WatanabeTakahashi, A., Yamaya, T., and Takahashi, H.:
Transcriptome profiling of sulfur responsive genes in
Arabidopsis reveals global effects of sulfur nutrition on
multiple metabolic pathways.
Plant Physiol. 132, 597-605 (2003).
Yoshimoto, N., Inoue, E., Saito, K., Yamaya, T., and
Takahashi, H.:
Phloem-localizing sulfate transporter, Sultr1;3, mediates
re-distribution of sulfur from source to sink organs in
Plant Physiol. 131, 1511-1517 (2003).
高橋 秀樹
石山 敬貴
片岡 達彦
林 尚美、井上 恵理、中村 有美子
吉本 尚子
小原 実広
橋本 葉子
■Research Staff
● Laboratory Head
Hideki Takahashi
● Research Scientists
Keiki Ishiyama
Tatsuhiko Kataoka
Akiko Maruyama-Nakashita
● Techinical Staffs
Naomi Hayashi
Eri Inoue
Yumiko Nakamura
● Research Collaborator
Akiko Watanabe-Takahashi
● Special Postdoctoral Researcher
Naoko Yoshimoto
● Visiting Members
Mitsuhiro Obara
(Grad. Sch. Agr. Biol. Sci., Tohoku Univ.)
Douglas Van Hoewyk (Colorado State Univ., U.S.A.)
● Assistant
Yoko Hashimoto
RIKEN Report Group/Team 05.11.4 11:38 ページ44
Laboratory for
Communication Mechanisms
・ CK 合成経路に関する研究
CK は、植物細胞の分化・増殖に極めて重要な役割を果たすホルモンであるとともに、器
官間での窒素栄養情報伝達物質としても機能している。20 年来不明であったトランスゼ
(tZ)型 CK の合成に関わるP450 酵素遺伝子
Laboratory Head /チームリーダー
・植物と微生物における CK 生合成径路の研究
アグロバクテリウムの CK 合成酵素であるTmr はアミノ末端側に明確なトランジット配列を
榊原 均
されるHMBDPを利用することで直接 tZを合成することを明らかにした。
・CK 生合成酵素の構造生物学的研究
1988 年 3 月名古屋大学農学部農芸化学科卒業。同年名古屋
大学大学院農学研究科博士課程前期課程に進学し、1992 年 3
月に同後期課程を中退、4 月から名古屋大学農学部・大学院生
命農学研究科の助手として勤務した。その間 1995 年 5月に博士
号(農学博士)を授与された。2001 年 4月にコミュニケーション分
Hitoshi Sakakibara graduated from the Department of
Agricultural Biochemistry, School of Agricultural
Sciences, Nagoya University in March 1988. He
entered the Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences,
Nagoya University in April 1988. He was appointed as
Research Assistant of the School of Agricultural
Sciences, Nagoya University in 1992 and obtained
his Ph.D. in agriculture in 1995. He joined the Plant
Science Center in April 2001 as Head of the
Laboratory for Communication Mechanism. Since
graduate school he has been conducting biochemical
and molecular physiological studies on the regulation
mechanism of expression of nitrogen assimilatory
genes and nitrogen signal transduction in higher
アグロバクテリアの CK 合成酵素 Tzs タンパク質の結晶化に成功し、SPring-8 において
・ヌクレオシド型 CK 輸送体遺伝子の同定と解析
イネのヌクレオシド輸送体 OsENT の生化学的解析から、植物体内における CK ヌクレオ
●植物における His-Aspリン酸リレー情報伝達系の研究
・CK 受容体のリガンド特異性と機能分化に関する研究
昨年までの 3 種類の CK 受容体遺伝子(ZmHK1-ZmHK3)
に加え、さらに 3 種類の受容
を同定・解析し、cZ の生理活性は受容
体遺伝子(ZmHK1a2, ZmHK1b1, ZmHK1b2)
既に同定した異なる極性輸送様式を示す篩管タンパク質 2 種 CmPP16-1, CmPP16-2と
RIKEN Report Group/Team 05.11.4 11:38 ページ45
■Selected references:
Transport of Macronutrient Signals in Plants
Inorganic nitrogen source is an important factor ruling plant growth and
development. In our laboratory, we focused on cytokinin-mediated nitrogen
signaling. We aimed to elucidate the molecular mechanism of nitrogen-dependent
cytokinin biosynthesis and translocation and signal transduction in the target cells
to obtain new concepts and rules for long-distance nitrogen signaling.
●Elucidation of regulatory mechanism of nitrogen-dependent
accumulation and translocation of cytokinins
(Takei K, Ueda N, Kojima M, Hirose N, Makita N, Sakakibara H;
Kasahara H, Yamaguchi S).
We first identified CYP735A1 and CYP735A2 from Arabidopsis thaliana as
cytokinin hydroxylase that catalyzes trans-zeatin (tZ)-type cytokinin biosynthesis.
The Agrobacterium tumefaciens infects plants and induces the formation of tumors
called “crown galls". We demonstrated that a cytokinin biosynthesis enzyme Tmr,
encoded by the Agrobacterium T-DNA region, is targeted to and functions in
plastids of infected plant cells. The plastid-localization of Tmr allows this bacterial
enzyme to create a new metabolic bypass, to produce bioactive cytokinins using an
intermediate in the plastid-specific methylerythritol phosphate pathway.
We identified four genes for potential equilibrative nucleoside transporters (ENTs)
from Oryza sativa (OsENT1 - OsENT4) and suggested that OsENT2 participates
in iPR transport in planta.
●Elucidation of physiological function of His-Asp phosphorelay in
cytokinin-mediated nitrogen signaling.
(Yonekura-Sakakibara K, Sakakibara H)
Cytokinin-mediated nitrogen signal is transmitted by His-Asp phosphorelay
system in the target cell. We identified genes for cytokinin receptors (ZmHK1a2,
ZmHK1b1, ZmHK1b2) from maize, and characterized their ligand specificity and
expression patterns.
●Molecular characterization of traffic system via phloem for organ-to-
organ signaling. (Aoki K, Sakakibara H)
A number of substances, not only metabolites but also growth regulators and
macro-molecules (protein and RNA), are translocated via xylem and phloem to
transmit long-distance metabolic signals. We profiled their direction and selectivity
of translocation in rice phloem.
Yonekura-Sakakibara, K., Kojima, M., Yamaya, T. and
Sakakibara, H.: Molecular characterization of cytokininresponsive histidine kinases in maize: Differential ligand
preferences and response to cis-zeatin. Plant Physiol.
134:1654-1661 (2004).
Kasahara, H., Takei, K., Ueda, N., Hishiyama, S.,
Yamaya, T., Kamiya, Y., Yamaguchi, S. and Sakakibara,
H.: Distinct isoprenoid origins of cis- and trans-zeatin
biosyntheses in Arabidopsis. J. Biol. Chem. 279: 1404914054 (2004).
Asakura, Y., Hagino, T., Ohta, Y., Aoki, K., YonekuraSakakibara, K., Deji, A., Yamaya, T., Sugiyama, T. and
Sakakibara, H.: Molecular characterization of His-Asp
phosphorelay signalling factors in maize leaves:
Implications of the signal divergence by cytokinininducible response regulators in the cytosol and the
nuclei. Plant Mol. Biol. 52: 331-341 (2003).
Takei, K., Sakakibara, H., and Sugiyama, T.: Identification
of genes encoding adenylate isopentenyltransferase, a
cytokinin biosynthesis enzyme, in Arabidopsis thaliana. J.
Biol. Chem. 276: 26405-26410 (2001).
Takei, K., Sakakibara, H., Taniguchi, M. and Sugiyama,
T.: Nitrogen-dependent accumulation of cytokinins in root
and the translocation to leaf: implication of cytokinin
species that induces gene expression of maize response
regulator. Plant Cell Physiol. 42: 85-93 (2001).
榊原 均
青木 考、菅原 肇、武井 兼太郎
広瀬 直也、須藤 恵美
上田 七重
小嶋 美紀子
加藤 真由美、槇田 庸絵
橋本 葉子
山口 信次郎
(PSC 発芽生理機構研究チーム)
笠原 博幸
(PSC 発芽生理機構研究チーム)
河野 能顕
榊原 圭子
(PSC コンパートメンテーション研究チーム)
■Research Staff
● Laboratory Head
Hitoshi Sakakibara
● Research Scientists
Mechanism of Nitrogen Signaling mediated by Cytokinin
iP-type CK
cZ-type CK
1: Identification of cis-Z responsive CK receptor
2: Identification of CK biosynthesis genes (AtIPTs)
3: Elucidation of N-responsive CK biosynthesis
4: Discovery of distinct metabolic origin of
trans- and cis-Z
MEP pathway
isopentenyladenine (iP)
CK synthesis (by AtIPT3 & AtIPT5)
trans-zeatin (tZ)
Mevalonate pathway
cis-zeatin (cZ)
Koh Aoki
Hajime Sugawara
Kentaro Takei
Naoya Hirose
Emi Sudo
● Technical Staffs
Nanae Ueda
● Technical Assistant
Mikiko Kojima
● Contract Technical Assistants
Mayumi Katoh
Nobue Makita
● Assistant
Yoko Hashimoto
● In collaboration with (within RIKEN)
Shinjiro Yamaguchi
(Lab. for Cellular Growth and Development, PSC)
Hiroyuki Kasahara
(Lab. for Cellular Growth and Development, PSC)
Yoshiaki Kawano
(Div. Bio-Crystalography Technology, Spring-8)
Keiko Yonekura-Sakakibara
(Lab. for Metabolic Compartmentation, PSC)
Fly UP