(1) Long-Term Nursing Care Insurance (Kaigo Hoken)
3.高齢者の福祉 3. SOCIAL WELFARE FOR THE AGED (Koreisha no Fukushi) (1)介護保険 (1) Long-Term Nursing Care Insurance (Kaigo Hoken) Look at the “Long-Term Nursing Care Insurance System” on 詳しくは、「介護保険」のページを page 22 for details. ご覧下さい。(18 ページ) 4. MEDICAL SERVICES (Iryo) 4.医療 (1) Numazu City Hospital (Numazu Shiritsu Byoin) (1)沼津市立病院 Numazu City Hospital is the General Hospital which has 沼津市立病院は、近代的な施設と医 modern medical equipment, and provides technologically 療機器を備え、高度な医療を提供する advanced medical treatment. A critical care center is also there とともに、重症患者の治療のため 24 for treatment of severe patients and provides emergency 時間体制で救命救急センターを開設し medical care 24 hours a day. ています。 There are 24 specialties including Physician, Surgery, etc. As 内科、外科など 24 の診療科があり a general rule, a person should bring a medical referral letter ます。初診の際には原則として他の医 from other medical institution for the first visit. 療機関の紹介状が必要です。 ①診療受付 ①Reception: 7:45 a.m. - 12:00 a.m. 午前7時 45 分~午前 12 時 (Anesthesiology closes at 11:00 a.m.) (麻酔科は午前 11 時まで) ② Nonconsultation Day: Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays, Year-End and New Year’s Holidays. ②休診日 土・日曜日、祝日、年末・年始 Information: 問い合わせ: Numazu City Hospital (Numazu Shiritsu Byoin) 沼津市立病院 〒410-0302 〒410‐0302 Numazu shi, Higashi Shiiji, Aza Haru no Ki 550 沼津市東椎路字春ノ木 550 Tel: (055) 924-5100 Tel:(055)924-5100 (2)夜間・休日当番医 (2) Doctors available on Holidays or at Night When people have a sudden illness/ get hurt at night or on a 休みの日や夜間に、急に具合が悪く holiday, they can see the designated doctor/ receive medical なったりケガをしたりした場合、当番 treatment at the designated nighttime emergency medical 医又は夜間救急医療センターを利用し center. てください。 Please confirm which emergency hospital is listed for physician, surgery, pediatrics, obstetrics gynecology, 耳鼻科、歯科の当番医は、「広報ぬま ophthalmology, otolaryngology and dentists in “Numazu’s News づ」または「救急協力医テレフォンサ Letter (Koho Numazu)” or by the voice-guided telephone ービス」(℡935-0119 日本語音声によ information service in Japanese at 935-0119. る案内)でお知らせしています。 英語 and 内科、外科、小児科、産婦人科、眼科、 35 English ① Daytime on Weekends and Holidays: ①休日・祝日の昼間 Emergency patients can be seen by an internal medicine 内科、小児科、外科は、午前8時から physician, pediatrician, or surgeon from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., 午後6時まで、産婦人科、眼科、耳鼻科、 and gynecologist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, or dentist 歯科は、午前8時から午後5時まで、当 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the designated medical 番医で急患に対応します。 institutions. ② Saturdays ②土曜日 Emergency patients can receive medical treatment by an 内科、小児科、外科は正午から午後 internal medicine physician, pediatrician and surgeon from 6 時まで、当番医で急患に対応します。 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at the designated medical institutions. ③ Nights ③夜間 Emergency patients can receive medical treatment by an 平日の内科、小児科、外科は午後5 internal medicine physician, pediatrician and surgeon between 時から午後9時まで、当番医で急患に 5:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. on weekdays at the designated medical 対応します。 institutions. Information: 問い合わせ: Numazu Health Center (Numazu Shi Hoken Center) 沼津市保健センター 〒410-0881 〒410-0881 Numazu shi, Hachiman cho 97 沼津市八幡町 97 Tel: (055) 951-3480 Tel:(055)951-3480 ④ Nighttime Emergency Medical Center ④沼津夜間救急医療センター Emergency patients can have a medical checkup for accident 沼津夜間救急医療センターでは、内 or emergency by an internal medicine physician, pediatrician 科、小児科、外科の急な病気やケガに and surgeon from 8:30 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. on the following 対応するため、平日は午後8時 30 分 morning for weekdays. For weekends and public holidays, it is から翌朝7時まで、土日祝休日は午後 available from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. on the following morning at 6時から翌朝7時まで急患に対応しま the Nighttime Emergency Medical Center. す。 Information: 問い合わせ: Nighttime Emergency Medical Center 沼津夜間救急医療センター (Numazu Yakan Kyukyu Iryou Center) 〒410-0032 〒410-0032 沼津市日の出町 1-15 Numazu shi, Hinode-cho 1-15 Tel:(055)926-8699 Tel: (055) 926-8699 英語 36 English