
馬瀬に来る前に読んでください 2014 年版 Information about Maze for

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馬瀬に来る前に読んでください 2014 年版 Information about Maze for
馬瀬に来る前に読んでください 2014 年版
Information about Maze for 2014
Hi there! We appreciate your having interest in helping us as WWOOFer(s). we hope that through reasonable and
enjoyable work, you will discover hidden facets of Japanese country life.
●馬瀬というところ / Maze where we live
一部です。9 割以上が杉やヒノキの森林で、急峻な斜面の谷に、釣りで有名な馬瀬川が流れています。人口は約 1400
We live in the central Japan area, a region called Hida known for being mountainous. On the Southern tip, there is
Gero-city famous for hotsprings, and Maze is part of it. Over 90% is forests of ceder and cypress, and at the bottom
of steep slopes there is Maze river, nationally known for quality of fishing. The population is about 1400, and small
hamlets are scattered alongside this river. In this natural setup you will see traditional houses, temples and shrines,
rice paddies and vegetable fields. Maze belongs to the Association of the Most Beautiful Villages in Japan, and tries
to develop soft tourism while preserving traditional landscape.
Rice grown at the bottom of the valley
Fishing Center facing the Maze river
●ホストが働いているところ / Where the hosts work
沢のぼり(6 月~9 月)
を行っています。4 月末から 11 月半ばまでオープン。忙しいのは 4 月末~5 月初旬のゴールデンウィークと、7 月
末~8 月末の夏休み期間、あとは週末。
Years ago, the Gero-city built the Fishing Center Mizube no Yakata, a riverside BBQ site for the sake of promoting
nature tourism. The manager Rocky OSAKI and his wife Ikumi manage this site, The Fishing Center offers:
covered BBQ site right in front of the river
trout hand catch in a shallow pond (popular with kids) later to be tasted in charcoal BBQ
river side park open to the public, where people can swim in summer and observe fish
fishing tackle rental
Ayu fishing lesson (July to August). This fish lives only in Asian rivers and the Japanese consider Ayu as best
tasting among freshwater fish.
Shower climbing (easy canyoneering) and canyoneering. June to September
forest adventure (rope course)
The Fishing Center is open between end of April and middle of November. Busy periods are the Golden Week, the
big spring holiday week from end of April, and the summer vacation period from end of July till end of August, and
weekends. It is quiet during weekdays.
Trout hand catch is popular with kids
Rope course
Japanese cooking class (sushi)
●2014 年のスケジュール / 2014 schedule of events
4 月末~5 月初め
6 月 28 日
7 月 19 日以降
中学生英語キャンプ。定員 6 名
8 月 9 日~17 日
8 月 22 日~23 日
犬山市から 20 名の小学生がキャンプ。沢のぼり、森のニンジャ、釣り体験
8 月 27 日~29 日
中学生英語キャンプ。定員 6 名
8 月 30 日
9 月 19 日
大阪の中学生修学旅行。約 12 名が森のニンジャ体験とパーク整備、釣り。夜は 60 名が
End Apr – Begin May
Golden week (a big Japanese spring holiday week)
Maintenance and planning
canyoneering starts
June 5
Local junior high school kids come for canyoneering
June 28
Ayu (sweet fish) fishing opens
After July 19
School holidays begins and we expect more kids
30 July - Aug 1
English camp for junior high school kids. Max 6.
Aug 9 - 17
All the Japanese take this week off so this will be the busiest week. Very lively.
Aug 22 – 23
20 primary school kids come over for camping and experience canyoneering / forest rope
course / fishing.
Aug 24
Mazegawa fireworks festival. Known for impressive echoes between the mountains.
Aug 27 – 29
English camp for junior high school kids. Max 6.
Sept 19
An Osaka junior high school comes over for a school trip. About 6 will try forest
ropecourse then do volunteer maintenance work. Another 6 will try fishing. At night, about
60 kids gather for BBQ.
●ゲストにしてもらいたいこと / What we expect from WWOOFers
などあります。お客さんが多くなる時期はホストが朝 7 時から夜 8 時まで働くこともあります。週に 6 日、1 日 6
時間の労働時間が超えないよう努力しますが、6 時間を超えることもあります。その場合、別の日により休暇時間
The Fishing Center is not a farm, so there is little farming work, except for a tiny patch of herbal garden. Otherwise,
helping normal business operations like BBQ and trout hand catch
teaching fishing if you can
communication with customers. We are trying to develop international tourism in this region. Small language
workshops will be appreciated.
maintenance work of the Fishing Center, like weeding, collecting garbage within and around the venue,
maintenance of the building facilities, and etc.
if you know rock climbing, please help as an assistant guide of the forest adventure rope course.
Construction of the course is under progress and you can also participate.
if you know canyoneering, please help as an assistant guide of the shower climbing course.
if neighbors wish, we may go out help them with some farming / maintenance work.
During busy periods, we (hosts) may work from 7am to 8pm. We try to limit work hours to 6 hours per day, with 1 day
off per week, but sometimes you may be asked to help us over 6 hours. In this case we try to balance by giving more
time off during other days. In general, we are not as busy as farms.
●ホストが住んでいるところ / Where the hosts live
職場のフィッシングセンター水辺の館から 3km 地点の市営住宅に住んでいます。職場まで歩いて 30 分、自転車で
10 分、車で 3 分。自転車が 2 台あります。ホストは朝早くから晩まで仕事をしていることがあり、ゲストに歩いて
屋が2つあります。家が狭いのでカップルに同室は保障できません。住宅がいっぱいの場合、水辺の館 2 階で寝て
いただくこともあります。今年はホスト夫婦に 3 人目、2013 年 12 月に産まれた赤ん坊がいます。夜、泣き声がす
The hosts live in a house rented by the city government, located 3km upstream alongside the Maze river. To the
Fishing Center where we work, it takes 30min by walk / 10min by bicycle / 3min by car. There are 2 bicycles. The
hosts may leave early in the morning and do not finish till late at night, and in this case the WWOOFers are requested
to commute on their own. The house is wooden, small, one-storey, and there are 2 small additional rooms where
WWOOF guests sleep on futon Japanese beddings. As our house is small, we do not guarantee that couples stay in
the same room. If all the spaces at the host’s house is taken, WWOOFers may be requested to sleep upstairs of the
Fishing Center. The host couple now has a baby girl, born in December 2013. As the baby is still very young, she
may cry at night (we will see).
●食事について / About food
The hosts are responsible for providing food for the WWOOFers. Depending on work hours, hosts may take meals
together but the WWOOFers may have to prepare themselves. The host’s wife is a cook and likes cooking, but
guests who can cook is greatly appreciated. The hosts have strong interest in international cuisine. Please inform us
if you have allergy problems. If you dislike fish, it may be difficult to enjoy meals with some locals, as they are very
proud of Amago trout and Ayu fish.
●ゲストに持ってきてもらいたいもの / What the WWOOFers should bring
As outdoor work is involved, please bring work clothing with long sleeves, and work boots if you have. Work gloves
and rain gear is provided. If keen to do canyoneering, a swimming suit is necessary.
●インターネットについて / Internet
ホストの家でも職場でも無線 LAN が使えます。パソコンは持ってきてください。
Both at home and at work, a wireless LAN can be used. Please bring your own PC.
●アクセスについて / Access
一番近い鉄道駅は、JR 高山線の飛騨萩原です。名古屋から特急で 1 時間半、高山から普通電車で 60 分。英語での
The closest train station is Hidahagiwara on the JR Takayama line. It is located 1h30 from Nagoya by limited express,
60min from Takayama by omnibus train. Train schedule can be checked on this page
We do pickup at the train station, on the condition that we are informed in advance. We are busy during weekends
and holidays so please avoid arriving right in the mid-day. Some people tried hitchhiking to Maze, but please bear in
mind that this is not a common practice in Japan.
●連絡先 / Contact information
岐阜県下呂市馬瀬西村 1508-1 フィッシングセンター水辺の館
Tel & Fax 0576-47-2841 [email protected] www.mazegawa.com/mizube
ロッキー大崎 & 大崎郁美 携帯 080-3409-5871
Fishing Center Mizube no Yakata
1508-1 Nishimura Maze Gero-city, Gifu prefecture 509-2615 Japan
Tel & Fax 0576-47-2841 [email protected] www.mazegawa.com/mizube
Rocky OSAKI & Ikumi OSAKI, cell 080-3409-5871
●他の WWOOF ホストについて / Another WWOOF host in the village
同じ馬瀬地域内、車で 15 分のところに、WWOOF ホストがいて自然的な農業 / 飛騨牛 / いろいろなワークショッ
プ を手掛けています。コード h5792 です。よく協力してより、お互いに手伝うことがあります。
Within the same Maze village, 15min by car, there is another WWOOF host. The owner is practicing eco-friendly
agriculture / hida beef cattle / various nature workshops and is very very unique. Her code is h5792. We help each
other quite a lot.
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