履 歴 書 氏 名 八嶋 厚 Atsushi YASHIMA 生年月日 昭和 31(1956)年 5
履 氏 名 八嶋 厚 歴 Atsushi YASHIMA 生年月日 昭和 31(1956)年 5 月 23 日生 所 岐阜大学工学部社会基盤工学科 属 電話番号 058-293-2419 FAX 番号 058-293-2419 書 研究テーマ 地盤工学 地盤材料の力学特性を実験的に把握し、それに基づいて力学モデルを構築する。提 案する力学モデルを数値解析ソフトウェアに導入し、地盤を対象とする種々の問題 を解析する。 地震工学 地震時の液状化現象を予測するための解析手法を提案し、地震時の構造物の変形・ 破壊予測を行うとともに、液状化抑止工法設計のための数値解析手法を開発してい る。 地盤防災工学 地盤災害を軽減するためのハード及びソフト両面からのアプローチを実施してい る。現場調査・GIS・予測解析を実施し、得られた成果は行政や公益企業の防災プ ロジェクトに有効利用されている。 産官学連携 産官学連携を推進し、地域の活性化を図る目的のため、地域自治体、企業を巻き込 んだ種々の産官学連携活動を提案し、実施している。 学 歴 昭和 56 年 3 月 京都大学大学院修士課程交通土木工学専攻 昭和 61 年 5 月 工学博士(京都大学授与) 職 修了 歴 昭和 56 年 4 月 ∼平成 2 年 2 月 京都大学防災研究所 助手 昭和 62 年 9 月 ∼昭和 63 年 8 月 コロラド大学工学部 客員研究員 平成 2 年 3 月 ∼平成 10 年 3 月 岐阜大学工学部 助教授 平成 7 年 7 月 ∼平成 7 年 10 月 ラバル大学工学部 客員研究員 平成 10 年 4 月 ∼ 岐阜大学工学部 教授 平成 13 年 4 月 ∼平成 14 年 3 月 (併任)岐阜大学地域共同研究センター 教授 平成 14 年 4 月 ∼平成 14 年 7 月 (併任)岐阜大学地域共同研究センター 平成 14 年 8 月 ∼平成 18 年 3 月 (併任)岐阜大学産官学融合センター センター長 平成 19 年 4 月 ∼平成 20 年 3 月 (併任)岐阜大学工学部副学部長 センター長 平成 19 年 12 月 ∼ (併任)NPO 地盤防災ネットワーク 理事 平成 20 年 4 月 ∼ (併任)岐阜大学工学部社会基盤工学科 学科長 平成 20 年 4 月 ∼ (併任)岐阜大学監査室長 平成 20 年 4 月 ∼ (併任)(社)岐阜県特殊工事技術協会 平成 20 年 4 月 ∼ (併任)(社)岐阜県道路・舗装技術協会 受 理事 賞 平成 2 年 5 月 土質工学会(現:地盤工学会)論文奨励賞 平成 14 年 12 月 ジオシンセティック学会日本支部技術奨励賞 平成 18 年 5 月 地盤工学会論文賞 平成 19 年 9 月 地盤工学会中部支部功労賞 平成 19 年 4 月 地盤工学会功労賞 所 理事 属 1.(社)地盤工学会 2.(社)土木学会 3.(社)日本地震工学会 4.(社)日本地すべり学会 5.ジオシンセティック学会 委 員 (平成 19 年度) 1.中部地方整備局委員会委員 国土交通省中部地方整備局 2.中日本高速道路名古屋支社アドバイザー 中日本高速道路(株) 3.東海北陸自動車道飛騨トンネル施工技術検討委員 (財)高速道路技術センター 会委員 4.中日本高速道路名古屋支社監査委員会委員 中日本高速道路(株) 5.土岐市下石町地すべり対策検討委員会委員 岐阜県多治見土木事務所 6.大規模盛土造成地基礎調査検討委員会委員 (財)ベターリビング 7.道路防災ドクター 国土交通省中部地方整備局 8.レーザースキャナによる斜面地形情報取得技術の (社)地盤工学会 高度化とその利活用に関する委員会委員長 9.木曽川用水濃尾第二施設に掛かる大規模地震対策 (独)水資源機構木曽川用水総合管理所 検討委員会委員 10.日光川水閘門改築技術検討委員会委員 (財)国土技術研究センター 11.のり面防災対策検討委員会委員 (財)高速道路技術センター 12.防災エキスパート委託業務 (財)高速道路技術センター 13.東海北陸自動車道高土被り下における長大トンネ (財)高速道路技術センター ルの施工実績評価検討委員会委員 14.岐阜県道路管理支援技術者審査委員会委員 岐阜県県土整備部 15.岐阜県建設工事総合評価審査会委員 岐阜県県土整備部 原 著 1. 透水性軟岩の水圧破砕に関する室内実験について (赤井浩一, 大西有三, 八嶋 第13回岩盤力学に関するシンポジウム論文集, 土木学会, pp.71-75 (1980). 2. Strain-softening behavior of soft sedimentary rock in triaxial test condition (K.Akai, Y.Ohnishi and Yashima.A.), Proc. Int. Sympo. Weak Rock, (eds. K.Akai et al.), Tokyo, Vol.1, Balkema, pp.81-86 (1981). 3. 透水性軟岩の水圧破砕に関する実験的研究 Vol.31, No.342, pp.295-301 (1982). 4. 三軸圧縮状態の堆積軟岩の破壊とエネルギ−消散に関する考察 八嶋 厚),土木学会論文報告集, No.321, pp.123-130 (1982). 5. トンネルの支保効果に関する基礎研究 (足立紀尚, 田村 都大学防災研究所年報, 第25号 B-2, pp.85-99 (1982). 6. 群杭の水平抵抗に関する模型実験(1) (柴田 災研究所年報, 第26号 B-2, pp.35-44 (1983). 7. トンネルの支保効果に関する研究 (足立紀尚, 八嶋 究所年報, 第26号 B-2, pp.45-50 (1983). 8. 群杭の水平抵抗に関する模型実験(2) (柴田 災研究所年報, 第27号 B-2, pp.77-85 (1984). 9. 粘土シ−ムを弱面にもつ岩盤の力学挙動に関する実験的研究 (足立紀尚, 八嶋 松陰茂男), 京都大学防災研究所年報, 第27号 B-2, pp.87-95 (1984). (赤井浩一, 大西有三, 八嶋 徹, 八嶋 厚), 材料, (赤井浩一, 大西有三, 武, 八嶋 厚, 木村 亮),京 厚, 寺田典生), 京都大学防 厚, 上野 徹, 八嶋 厚), 洋), 京都大学防災研 厚, 木村 亮), 京都大学防 厚, 10. 粘土シ−ムを弱面にもつ岩盤の力学挙動に関する研究 (足立紀尚, 八嶋 厚, 松陰 茂 男 ), 第 6 回 岩 の 力 学 国 内 シ ン ポ ジ ウ ム 論 文 集 , 岩 の 力 学 連 合 会 ほ か , pp.103-108(1984). 11. 群杭の水平抵抗に関する模型実験(3) (柴田 災研究所年報, 第28号 B-2, pp.97-110 (1985). 徹, 八嶋 厚, 木村 亮), 京都大学防 12. 薄肉柔支保構造(吹付コンクリ−ト、ロックボルト)の支保機構に関する実験的研究 (足立紀尚, 田村 武, 八嶋 厚), 土木学会論文集, No.358/Ⅲ-3, pp.47-52 (1985). 13. 砂質地山トンネルの挙動と解析に関する研究 (足立紀尚, 田村 武, 八嶋 厚, 上野 洋), 土木学会論文集, No.358/Ⅲ-3, pp.129-136 (1985) 14. 粘土シ−ムの岩盤の力学挙動に及ぼす影響に関する研究 茂男), 土木学会論文集, No.364/Ⅲ-4, pp.61-66 (1985). (足立紀尚, 八嶋 厚, 松陰 15. Behavior and simulation of weathered granite tunnel roofed by freezing (Murayama.S., Adachi.T., Tamura.T., Yashima.A., Ohno.T. and Iwasaki.Y.), Proc. 5th Int. Conf. Num. Meth. Geomech., (eds. T.Kawamoto and Y.Ichikawa), Nagoya, Vol.2, Balkema, pp.1119-1126 (1985). 16. Behavior and simulation of sandy ground tunnel (Adachi.T., Tamura.T. and Yashima.A.), Proc. 11th Int. Conf. SMFE, (eds. Publications Committee of XI ICSMFE), San Francisco, Vol.2, Balkema, pp.709-712 (1985). 17. Time-dependence and volumetric change characteristic of frozen sand under triaxial stress condition (Shibata.T., Adachi.T., Yashima.A., Takahashi.T. and Yoshioka.I.), Proc. 4th Int. Sympo. Ground Freezing, (eds. S.Kinoshita and M.Fukuda), Sapporo, Balkema, pp.173-179 (1985). 18. Soil movements associated with tunneling and their effects on an adjacent pile foundation(Yashima.A., Shibata.T., Sekiguchi.H. and Kohno.M.), Bull. Disas. Prev. Res. Inst., Kyoto Univ., Vol.35, Part 4, No.316, pp.115-135 (1985). 19. 被りの浅い砂質地山トンネル掘削に伴う地表面沈下 (足立紀尚, 田村 上野 洋), 土木学会論文集, No.370/Ⅲ-5, pp.85-94 (1986). 武, 八嶋 厚, 20. 三軸応力条件下における凍結砂の力学特性 (八嶋 厚, 柴田 徹, 足立紀尚, 高橋 哲雄, 吉岡一郎), 土の凍結に関するシンポジウム論文集, 土質工学会, pp.43-52 (1986). 21. 群杭の水平抵抗に関する実験的研究 (木村 亮, 柴田 研究所年報, 第30号 B-2, pp.149-166 (1987). 徹, 八嶋 厚), 京都大学防災 22. 木曽檜の年輪を用いた長期的気候変動特性の抽出 (佐藤忠信, 八嶋 京都大学防災研究所年報, 第30号 B-2, pp.191-202 (1987). 厚, 田中 琢), 23. Monitoring and performance of a composite breakwater (T.Shibata, H.Sekiguchi, A.Yashima and S.Ohmaki), Proc. 8th Asian Regional Conf. SMFE, Kyoto, Vol.1, pp.491-494 (1987). 24. 大口径場所打ち杭の周面摩擦抵抗の推定 (柴田 徹, 八嶋 厚, 江見 第32回土質工学シンポジウム論文集, 土質工学会, pp.7-10 (1987). 25. 群杭の水平抵抗に関する研究 (木村 亮, 柴田 年報, 第31号 B-2, pp.147-159 (1988). 徹, 八嶋 晋, 堀越研一), 厚), 京都大学防災研究所 26. Analysis of laterally loaded piles by quasi-three-dimensional finite element method (T.Shibata,A.Yashima, M.Kimura and H.Fukada), Proc. 6th Int. Conf. Num. Meth. Geomech., (ed. G.Swoboda),Innsbruck, Vol.2, Balkema, pp.1051-1058 (1988). 27. 年輪を用いた長期的気候変動特性の抽出 (佐藤忠信, 八嶋 防災研究所年報, 第32号 B-1, pp.279-289 (1989). 厚, 田中 琢), 京都大学 28. 遠心力場における動的実験システムの開発 (北 勝利, 八嶋 厚, 柴田 孝行), 京都大学防災研究所年報, 第32号 B-2, pp.207-217 (1989). 徹, 上田 29. Identification of long-term climatic variations based on tree ring widths of Japanese cypresses(T.Sato, A.Yashima and M.Tanaka), J. Natural Disaster Science, Vol.11, No.2, pp.37-50 (1989). 30. Model tests and analyses of laterally loaded pile groups (T.Shibata, A.Yashima and M.Kimura),Soils and Foundations, Vol.29, No.1, pp.31-44 (1989). 31. General theory of shear bands formation by a non-coaxial Cam-clay model (C.Yatomi, A.Yashima,A.Iizuka and I.Sano), Soils and Foundations, Vol.29, No.3, pp.41-53 (1989). 32. Shear bands formation numerically simulated by a non-coaxial Cam-clay model (C.Yatomi,Yashima, A.Iizuka and I.Sano), Soils and Foundations, Vol.29, No.4, pp.1-13 (1989). 33. 二次元液状化解析法について (八嶋 厚, 柴田 徹, 渦岡良介, 岡 二三生, 加藤 満, 大石 博,小坂正明, 中島 豊), 第3回計算力学シンポジウム報文集, 日本科学技術連 盟, pp.409-414 (1989). 34. ひずみ軟化型構成式を用いた有限要素解析 (岡 二三生, 八嶋 学シンポジウム論文集, 土質工学会, pp.219-224 (1989). 厚), 第34回土質工 35. せん断帯(すべり線)の生成機構と応力誘導異方性 (飯塚 敦, 矢富盟祥, 八嶋 厚, 佐野郁雄,太田秀樹), 第34回土質工学シンポジウム論文集, 土質工学会, pp.225-232 (1989). 36. 平面ひずみ試験におけるせん断帯生成シミュレ−ション (八嶋 厚, 矢富盟祥, 飯塚 敦 , 佐 野 郁 雄 , 太 田 秀 樹 ), 第 3 4 回 土 質 工 学 シ ン ポ ジ ウ ム 論 文 集 , 土 質 工 学 会 , pp.233-240 (1989). 37. FEM−FDM液状化解析手法とその適用性 (柴田 徹, 佐藤忠信, 渦岡良介, 岡 二三生, 八嶋 厚, 加藤 満), 第8回日本地震工学シンポジウム論文集, pp.807-812 (1990). 38. 遠心力場における地盤振動実験の相似則の適用性に関する実験的検討 (北 勝利,小 林俊一,八嶋 厚, 柴田 徹), 第8回日本地震工学シンポジウム論文集, pp.987-992 (1990). 39. NATM設計手法の選択に関する考察 No.8, pp.23-30 (1990). (八嶋 厚, 國見 宏), トンネルと地下, Vol.21, 40. 水平力を受ける群杭基礎に関する3次元有限要素解析 (木村 徹), 京都大学防災研究所年報, 第34号 B-2, pp.61-71 (1991). 亮, 八嶋 厚, 柴田 41. A gradient dependent viscoplastic model for clay (F.Oka, A.Yashima, T.Adachi and E.C.Aifantis),Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. Constitutive Laws for Engineering Materials, (eds. C.S.Desai et al.), ASME Press, pp.313-316 (1991). 42. A FEM analysis of strain localization using a non-local strain-softening plasticity (T.Adachi, F.Xhang, F.Oka and A.Yashima), Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. Constitutive Laws for Engineering Materials, (eds. C.S.Desai et al.), ASME Press, pp.655-658 (1991). 43. Three-dimensional finite element analysis of laterally loaded piles (M.Kimura, A.Yashima and T.Shibata), Proc. 7th Int. Conf. Comput. Meth. Adv. Geomech., (eds. G.Beer et al.), Cairns, Australia, Vol.1, Balkema, pp.145-150 (1991). 44. Finite element analyses with strain-softening constitutive model, (T.Adachi, F.Zhang, F.Oka and A.Yashima), Proc. 7th Int. Conf. Comput. Meth. Adv. Geomech., (eds. G.Beer et al.), Cairns, Australia, Vol.1, Balkema, pp.535-540 (1991). 45. FEM-FDM coupled liquefaction analysis of a fluid-saturated ground (T.Shibata, T.Sato, R.Uzuoka, F.Oka, A.Yashima and M.Kato), Proc. 7th Int. Conf. Comput. Meth. Adv. Geomech., (eds. G.Beer et al.), Cairns, Australia, Vol.2, Balkema, pp.869-874(1991). 46. A finite element analysis of strain localization for soft rock using a constitutive equation with strain softening (T.Adachi, F.Oka and A.Yashima), Archive of Applied Mechanics, Vol.61, pp.183-191 (1991). 47. LIQCAによる解析 (八嶋 厚, 岡 二三生, 柴田 徹, 渦岡良介), 地盤の液状化 対策に関するシンポジウム論文集, 土質工学会, pp.165-174 (1991). 48. A finite element analysis of liquefaction of seabed due to wave action (F.Oka, A.Yashima, T.Shibata and M.Kato), Proc. GEO-COAST'91, (ed. Port and Harbour Research Institute), Yokohama, pp.621-626 (1991). 49. Numerical case studies of ground freezing for the construction of drain pump chambers (T.Kunieda, T.Sato, S.Ido, T.Hashimoto, J.Nagaya, F.Oka and A.Yashima), Proc. 6th Int. Sympo. Ground Freezing, (eds. Y.Xiang and W.Changsheng), Beijing, pp.237-243 (1991). 50. Performance of ground freezing for excavation work (T.Hashimoto, J.Nagaya, F.Oka and A.Yashima), Proc. 9th Asian Resional Conf. SMFE, (ed. Technical Sessions and Publications Subcommittee of the Organizing Committee for 9th Asian Resional Conf. SMFE), Bangkok, Vol.1, Balkema, pp.323-326 (1991). 51. Behavior and simulation of sandy ground tunnels (T.Adachi, A.Yashima and K.Kojima), Proc. Sympo. Underground Excav. in Soils and Rocks, including Earth Press. Theo, Buried Struc. And Tunnels, (eds. A.S.Balasbramaniam et al.), Bangkok, Balkema, pp.291-329 (1991). 52. Performance of shaking table tests and measurement of shear wave velocities in a centrifuge (T.Shibata, K.Kita, S.Kobayashi and A.Yashima), Proc. Centrifuge'91, (eds. H.-Y.Ko and F.G.McLean), Boulder, Colorado, Balkema, pp.391-398 (1991). 53. Gradient dependent viscoplastic model for clay and numerical experiments by FEM (F.Oka, A.Yashima, T.Adachi and E.C.Aifantis), Proc. 6th Int. Conf. Mechanical Behaviour of Materials, (eds. M.Jono and T.Inoue), Kyoto, Pergamon Press, pp.203-208 (1991). 54. A constitutive model for sand based on the non-linear kinematic hardening rule and its application (F.Oka, A.Yashima, M.Kato and K.Sekiguchi), Proc. 10th World Conf. Earthquake Engineering, Madrid, Vol.5, Balkema, pp.2529-2534 (1992). 55. A numerical simulation of shaking table test of coal fly ash deposit with cement mixing column (T.Shibata, F.Oka, A.Yashima, H.Goto, K.Goto and K.Takezawa), Proc. 4th Int. Sympo. Num. Models in Geomech., (eds. G.N.Pande and S.Pietruszczak), Swansea, U.K., Vol.1, Balkema, pp.411-420(1992). 56. A finite element analysis of clay foundation based on finite elasto-viscoplasticity, (F.Oka, A.Yashima and I.Kohara), Proc. 4th Int. Sympo. Num. Models in Geomech., (eds. G.N.Pande and S.Pietruszczak), Swansea, U.K., Vol.2, Balkema, pp915-922 (1992). 57. The effect of stress induced anisotropy on shear band formation (A.Iizuka, C.Yatomi, A.Yashima, I.Sano and H.Ohta), Archive of Applied Mechanics, Vol.62, pp.104-114 (1992). 58. Instability of gradient dependent viscoplastic model for clay saturated with water and FEM analysis (F.Oka, A.Yashima, T.Adachi and E.C.Aifantis), Material Instabilities, Appl. Mech. Rev., Vol.45, No.3, ASME, pp.S140-S148 (1992). 59. 若齢埋立地盤における摩擦杭の挙動解析 土と基礎, Vol.40, No.2, pp.11-16 (1992). (柴田 徹, 八嶋 厚, 大林 淳, 尾関 浩), 60. Measurement of shear wave velocities of sand in a centrifuge (K.Kita, T.Shibata, A.Yashima and S.Kobayashi), Soils and Foundations, Vol.32, No.2, pp.134-140 (1992). 61. Numerical analysis of the behavior of clay foundation beneath reinforced embankment (F.Oka, A.Yashima, Y.Iwasaki and J.Nagaya), Proc. Int. Sympo. Earth Reinforcement Practice, (eds. H.Ochiai et al.), Fukuoka, Balkema, pp.665-670 (1992). 62. 間隙水の圧縮性を考慮した浸透破壊解析法について (岡 二三生, 八嶋 厚, 加藤 満, 中島 豊), 第38回土質工学シンポジウム論文集, 土質工学会, pp.9-16 (1993). 63. 粘土の塑性不安定性とひずみの局所化 (岡 二三生, 八嶋 厚, 小原 粒状体の力学シンポジウム論文集, 土質工学会, pp.69-72 (1993). 到, 小野健司), 64. Viscoplastic instability of clay and strain localization (F.Oka and A.Yashima), Proc. IMMM'93, (eds. M.Tokuda et al.), Tsu, Mie Academic Press, pp.103-110 (1993). 65. Shaft friction on piles in layered soil (T.Shibata, A.Yashima and K.Horikoshi), Proc. 2nd Asian-Pacific Conf. Comp. Mech., (eds, S.Valliappan et al.), Sydney, Balkema, pp.477-483 (1993). 66. Numerical analysis of wave-induced liquefaction in seabed (F.Oka, A.Yashima, M.Kato and Y.Nakajima), Proc. 3rd Int. Offshore and Polar Eng. Conf., (eds. J.S.Chung et al.), Singapore, pp.591-598 (1993). 67. Numerical prediction for Model No.3 (H.Law, R.Y.S.Pak, S.Sture, H.-Y.Ko and A.Yashima), Proc. Int. Conf. Verification of Numerical Procedures for the Analysis of Soil Liquefaction Problems, (eds. K.Arulanandan and R.F.Scott), Davis, California, Balkema, pp.541-560 (1993). 68. Numerical prediction for Model No.12 (H.Law, R.Y.S.Pak, S.Sture, H.-Y.Ko and A.Yashima), Proc. Int. Conf. Verification of Numerical Procedures for the Analysis of Soil Liquefaction Problems, (eds. K.Arulanandan and R.F.Scott), Davis, California, Balkema, pp.1041-1066 (1993). 69. Instability of an elasto-viscoplastic constitutive model for clay and strain localization (F.Oka, T.Adachi and A.Yashima), Mechanics and Materials, Vol.18, pp.119-129 (1994). 70. FEM-FDM coupled liquefaction analysis of a porous soil using an elasto-plastic model (F.Oka, A.Yashima, T.Shibata, M.Kato and R.Uzuoka), Applied Scientific Research, Vol.52, pp.209-245 (1994). 71. グラベルドレ−ンによる地震時間隙水圧抑制と数値解析による実証 二三生, 八嶋 厚, 田中幸芳), 土と基礎, Vol.42, No.4, pp.39-44 (1994). (加藤 満, 岡 72. Pore water pressure in sand deposits with gravel drains during earthquake loading, (F.Oka, A.Yashima, M.Kato, M.Takano, Y.Nakajima, Y.Tanaka and H.Oishi), Proc. 8th Int. Conf. Comput. Meth. Adv. Geomech., (eds. H.J.Siriwardane and M.M.Zaman), Morgantown, West Verginia, Vol.2, Balkema, pp.955-960 (1994). 73. An elasto-viscoplastic strain localization analysis for clay (F.Oka, A.Yashima and I.Kohara), Proc. 8th Int. Conf. Comput. Meth. Adv. Geomech., (eds. H.J.Siriwardane and M.M.Zaman), Morgantown, West Verginia, Vol.2, Balkema, pp.1693-1698 (1994). 74. 弾塑性構成式を用いた浸透破壊解析法とその応用 (岡 二三生, 八嶋 中島 豊),土木学会論文集, No.493/Ⅲ-27, pp.127-135 (1994). 厚, 加藤 満, 75. Cyclic plasticity models for geomaterials based on non-linear kinematic hardening theory Yashima, F.Oka and M.Kato), Proc. Int. Sympo. Pre-failure Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials, (eds. S.Shibuya et al.), Sapporo, Vol.1, Balkema, pp.469-475 (1994). 76. 飽和粘土の塑性不安定と変形の局所化 (岡 二三生, 八嶋 厚, 足立紀尚, 小野健司), 地盤の破壊とひずみの局所化に関するシンポジウム論文集, 土質工学会, pp.119-126 (1994). 77. 正規圧密粘土のせん断帯まわりの間隙水圧について (岡 二三生, 八嶋 厚, 小野 健司, 沢田和秀), 地盤の破壊とひずみの局所化に関するシンポジウム論文集, 土質工 学会, pp.205-210 (1994). 78. Analysis of earth tunnel by strain softening constitutive model (T.Adachi, F.Oka, A.Yashima and F.Zhang), Proc. 13th Int. Conf. SMFE, New Delhi, Oxford & IBH Pub. Co., pp.879-882 (1994). 79. 波浪による防波堤の沈下のケ−ススタディ−北海道東部、奔幌戸漁港における現地調 査結果−(岡 二三生, 大槇正紀, 鎌田 彰, 八嶋 厚, 三浦均也), 第39回土質工学シ ンポジウム論文集, pp.219-226 (1994). 80. Instability of a viscoplastic model for clay and numerical study of strain localisation (F.Oka, A.Yashima, I.Kohara and T.Adachi), Proc. 3rd Int. Workshop on Localisation and Bifurcation Theory for Soils and Rocks, (eds. R.Chambon et al.), Grenoble, Balkema, pp.237-247 (1994). 81. A strain localization analysis of frozen sand by elasto-viscoplastic softening model (T.Adachi, F.Oka, A.Yashima and L.L.Chu), Proc. 3rd Int. Workshop on Localisation and Bifurcation Theory for Soils and Rocks, (eds. R.Chambon et al.), Grenoble, Balkema, pp.249-256 (1994). 82. Wave propagation in the ground described by strain-gradient dependent constitutive model (F.Oka, H.-B.Muhlhaus, A.Yashima and M.Sugito), 第9回日本地震工学シンポジウム論文 集, Vol.1, pp.301-306 (1994). 83. Strain localization analysis by elasto-viscoplastic softening model for frozen sand (F.Oka, T.Adachi, A.Yashima and L.L.Chu), , Vol.18, pp.813-832. Int. J. Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics(1994) 84. A strain localization analysis of water-saturated cohesive soil (F.Oka and A.Yashima), Proc. Int. Conf. Comp. Meth. in Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, Hong Kong, pp.1568-1573 (1994). 85. A strain localization analysis using a viscoplastic softening model for clay (F.Oka, T.Adachi and A.Yashima), Int. J. Plasticity, Vol.11, No.5, pp.523-545 (1995). 86. A cyclic elasto-viscoplastic model for cohesive soil (F.Oka and A.Yashima), Proc. 11th European Regional Conf. SMFE, Florence, Vol.6, pp.6.145-6.150 (1995). 87. Settlement of breakwater on submarine soil due to wave-induced liquefaction (F.Oka, A.Yashima, K.Miura, S.Ohmaki and A.Kamata), Proc. 5th Int. Offshore and Polar Eng. Conf., (eds. J.S.Chung et al.), The Hague, Vol.1, pp.482-487 (1995). 88. 水の圧縮性を考慮した3次元液状化解析 (八嶋 厚, 岡 二三生, 田口洋輔, 立石 章),第40回地盤工学シンポジウム論文集, 地盤工学会, pp.257-264 (1995). 89. A cyclic elasto-plastic model for sand and its application under various stress conditions (A.Tateishi, Y.Taguchi, F.Oka and A.Yashima), Proc. 1st Int. Cof. Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, (ed. K.Ishihara), Tokyo, Vol.1, Balkema, pp.399-404 (1995). 90. Preliminary study on strong motion records from the South Hyogo Earthquake of Jan. 17, 1995 (Sekiguchi, K., Oka, F., Sugito, M., Yashima, A. and Taguchi, Y.:, )5th KU-KAIST-NTU Seminar, Taipei, pp.208-211,(1995.) 91. Seepage failure of sandy ground in deep excavation (A.Yashima and M.Kato), Proc. 10th Asian Regional Conf. SMFE, Beijing, Vol.1, Int. Acad. Publishers, pp.365-368 (1995). 92. A cyclic elasto-plastic model for sand based on the generalized flow rule and its application (Y.Taguchi, A.Tateishi, F.Oka and A.Yashima), Proc. 5th Int. Sympo. Num. Models in Geomech., (eds. G.N.Pande and S.Pietruszczak), Davos, Switzerland, Balkema, pp.57-62 (1995). 93. On the effect of kinematic hardening rule in a three dimensional consolidation (F.Oka, A.Yashima, K.Sawada and K.Ono), Proc. Int. Sympo. Compression and Consolidation of Clayey Soils, (eds. H.Yoshikuni and O.Kusakabe), Hiroshima, Vol.1, Balkema, pp.355-360 (1995). 94. Liqefaction analysis of ground due to the 1995 Hyogokeen-nambu Earthquake (Oka, F., Yashima, A. and Taguchi, Y.) 6th Japan-U.S. Workshop on Earthquake Resistant Design of Lifeline Facilities and Countermeasures Against Liquefaction, Technical Report NCEER-96-0012, pp.333-343, 1996. 95. Analysis of strong motion records from the South Hyogo earthquake of January 17, 1995 (F.Oka, M.Sugito, A.Yashima, Y.Taguchi and K.Sekiguchi), Engineering Geology, Vol.43, pp.85-106 (1996). 96. Dynamic and quasi-static characteristics of gradient-dependent viscoplastic model (F.Oka, A.Yashima, A.Koyama and M.Kohara), Proc. Asia-Pacific Sympo. Advances in Engineering Plasticity and its Applications, (eds. T.Abe and T.Tsuta), Hiroshima, Pergamon Press, pp.561-565 (1996). 97. Application of Laval type large diameter sampler to soft clay in Japan (F.Oka, A.Yashima, T.Hashimoto and M.Amemiya), Soils and Foundations, Vol.36, No.3, pp.99-111 (1996). 98. Sampling of soft soils in Japan (H.Tanaka, F.Oka and A.Yashima), Marine Georesources and Geotechnology, Vol.14, pp.283-295 (1996). 99. 鉛直アレー観測記録を用いたポートアイランドの連成3次元液状化解析(岡二三生, 八 嶋厚, 田口洋輔, 立石章, 古川浩司, 福島研一) 土木学会, 阪神・淡路大震災に関する 学術講演会, pp.137-144, 1996. 100. 兵庫県南部地震における鉛直アレー強震記録に基づく地震動非線型増幅特性と地盤震 動解析法の検討(関口宏二, 杉戸真太, 八嶋厚, 田口洋輔, 岡二三生, 加藤要一) 阪神・ 淡路大震災に関する学術講演会, 土木学会, pp.137-144, (1996) 101. Three-dimensional liquefaction analysis method and array record simulation in Great Hanshin Earthquake (Y.Taguchi, A.Tateishi, F.Oka and A.Yashima), Proc. 11th World Conf. Earthquake Engineering, Acaplco, Elsevier Science Ltd., No.1042 (1996). 102. Behavior of reinforced earth embankments on liquefiable sandy ground (R.Uzuoka, M.Mihara, F.Oka and A.Yashima), Proc. Int. Sympo. Earth Reinforcement, (eds. H.Ochiai et al.), Fukuoka, Vol.1, Balkema, pp.273-278 (1996). 103. Correction of orientation error of borehole strong motion array records obtained during the South Hyogo Earthquake of Jan.17, 1995 (M.Sugito, K.Sekiguchi, A.Yashima, F.Oka, Y.Taguchi and Y.Kato), J. Struct. Mech. Earthquake Eng., No.531/Ⅰ-34, pp.95-107 (1996). 104. Analysis of a liquefaction flow failure in a compacted till (J.-M.Konrad and A.Yashima), Proc. 7th Int. Sympo. Landslides, (ed. K.Senneset), Trondheim, Norway, Vol.2, Balkema, pp.797-802 (1996). 105. Three dimensional liquefaction analysis of reclaimed island (F.Oka, A.Yashima, M.Sugito and Y.Taguchi), Proc. 7th Int. Offshore and Polar Eng. Conf., (eds. J.S.Chung et al.), Honolulu, Vol.1, Balkema, pp.665-670 (1997). 106. Effect of internal structure on mechanical behavior of Osaka Pleistocene marine clay Yashima, F.Oka and H.Shigematsu), Proc. 7th Int. Offshore and Polar Eng. Conf., (eds. J.S.Chung et al.), Honolulu, Vol.1, Balkema, pp.933-938 (1997). 107. An elasto-thermo-viscoplastic model for natural clay and its application (F.Oka, A.Yashima and S.Leroueil), Proc. 6th Int. Sympo. Num. Models in Geomech., (eds. S.Pietruszczak and G.N.Pande), Montreal, Balkema, pp.105-110 (1997). 108. Numerical simulation of soil-foundation interaction behavior during subsoil liquefaction(Y.Taguchi, A.Tateishi, F.Oka and A.Yashima), Proc. 6th Int. Sympo. Num. Models in Geomech.,(eds. S.Pietruszczak and G.N.Pande), Montreal, Balkema, pp.561-566 (1997). 109. An analysis of lateral spreading of liquefied subsoil based on Bingham model (R.Uzuoka, M.Mihara, A.Yashima and T.Kawakami), Proc. 6th Int. Sympo. Num. Models in Geomech., (eds. S.Pietruszczak and G.N.Pande), Montreal, Balkema, pp.685-690 (1997). 110. Effects of viscoplastic strain gradient on strain localization analysis (F.Oka, A.Yashima, K.Sawada and T.Adachi), Deformation and Progressive Failure in Geomechanics, (eds. A.Asaoka et al.), Nagoya, Pergamon Press, pp.27-32 (1997). 111. Analysis of a progressive flow failure in an embankment of compacted till (A.Yashima, F.Oka, J.-M.Konrad, R.Uzuoka and Y.Taguchi), Deformation and Progressive Failure in Geomechanics, (eds. A.Asaoka et al.), Nagoya, Pergamon Press, pp.599-604 (1997). 112. Nonlinear ground motion amplification at reclaimed borehole stations (M.Sugito, F.Oka, A.Yashima and K.Yamada), Deformation and Progressive Failure in Geomechanics, (eds. A.Asaoka et al.), Nagoya, Pergamon Press, pp.641-646 (1997). 113. Nonlocal continuum in geomechanics (F.Oka, A.Yashima and K.Sawada), Deformmation and Progressive Failure in Geomechanics, (eds. A.Asaoka et al.), Nagoya, Pergamon Press, pp.851-870 (1997). 114. A strain softening constitutive model for rock interface (A.Yashima, F.Oka and T.Sumi) Proc. 9th Int. Conf. Comput. Meth. Adv. Geomech., (ed. J.-X.Yuan), Wuhan, Vol.2, Balkema, pp.905-910 (1997). 115. Modelling temperature and strain rate dependent behavior of clays: One dimensional consolidation (A.Yashima, S.Leroueil, F.Oka and I.Guntoro), Proc. Soils and Foundations, Vol.38, No.2, pp.63-73 (1998). 116. Static and dynamic characteristics of strain gradient dependent elastic and elasto-viscoplastic models (F.Oka, A.Yashima and K.Sawada), Proc. 4th Int. Workshop on Localization and Bifurcation Theory for Soils and Rocks, (eds. T.Adachi et al.), Gifu, Balkema, pp.71-79 (1998). 117. Progressive flow failure analysis of liquefied subsoil as the Bingham fluidYashima and R.Uzuoka), 4th Int. Workshop on Localization and Bifurcation Theory for Soils and Rocks, (eds. T. Adachi et al.), Gifu, Balkema, pp.199-208 (1998). 118. 負のダイレイタンシー特性を示す軟岩のひずみ軟化型構成式(岡 二三生,八嶋 厚), 第 10 回岩の力学国内シンポジウム論文集,岩の力学連合会ほか,pp.7-12 (1998) 119. 岩盤不連続面に対するひずみ軟化型弾塑性モデル(八嶋 厚, 鷲見武富, 岡 足立紀尚),土木学会論文集, No.596/Ⅲ-43, pp.111-121 (1998). 二三生, 120. 大口径ラバル型サンドサンプラ−の開発と適用(岡 二三生, 八嶋 厚, 三村 本 正, 坂上敏彦, 市原浩司),土と基礎, 第 46 巻, 第 5 号, pp.19-21 (1998). 衛, 橋 121. 液状化地盤の流体的挙動に関する解析的考察(渦岡良介, 八嶋 厚, 川上哲太朗)地震 時の地盤・土構造物の流動性と永久変形に関するシンポジウム発表論文集, 地盤工学会, pp.417-420 (1998). 122. Fluid dynamics based prediction of liquefaction induced lateral spreading (R.Uzuoka, A.Yashima, T.Kawakami, and J.-M.Konrad), Computers and Geotechnics, Vol.22, No.3/4, pp.243-282 (1998). 123. Effect of internal structure as related to geotechnical properties of Osaka Pleistocene clay (A.Yashima, H.Shigematsu, and F.Oka), Proc. Int. Sympo. on Problematic Soils, (eds. E.Yanagisawa et al.), Sendai, pp.571-574 (1998). 124. Quasi-static and dynamic characteristics of strain gradient dependent non-local constitutive models (F.Oka, H.B.Muhlhaaus, A.Yashima and K.Sawada), Material Instabilities in Solids, ① (eds. R. de Borst et al.), pp.387-404 (1998). 125. A constitutive model for soft rock with both strain softening and negative dilatancy (F.Oka, T.Adachi and A.Yashima), Proc. 2nd Int. Sympo. on Hard Soils-Soft Rocks, Naples, Italy, pp.737-744 (1998). 126. Fluid dynamics based prediction of large deformation and failure in geomechanics (A.Yashima, and S.Hadush), Proc. 8th KKNN Seminar on Civil Engr., Singapore, pp.356-361 (1998). 127. Stress-strain characteristics of Osaka Pleistocene clay (F.Oka, A.Yashima and H.Shigematsu), Proc. 8th KKNN Seminar on Civil Engr., Singapore, pp.434-439 (1998). 128. 砂の細粒分鉱物組成と液状化抵抗の関係について(岡 二三生,八嶋 厚,重松宏明, 戸塚大介),液状化メカニズム・予測法と設計法に関するシンポジウム発表論文集,地 盤工学会,pp.419-424(1999). 129. 液状化性地盤上の盛土構造物の挙動に関する解析的考察(八嶋 厚,佐々木康,渦岡 良介),液状化メカニズム・予測法と設計法に関するシンポジウム発表論文集,地盤工 学会,pp.451-456(1999) . 130. 液状化した埋立地盤における地震動増幅特性とその経時変化(岡 二三生,杉戸真太, 八嶋 厚,古本吉倫,山田耕一郎) ,液状化メカニズム・予測法と設計法に関するシン ポジウム発表論文集,地盤工学会,pp.539-544(1999). 131. 上部大阪洪積粘土の力学特性と構造変化(八嶋 厚,重松宏明,岡 一),土木学会論文集, No.624/Ⅲ-47, pp.217-229 (1999). 二三生,長屋淳 132. Strain localization analysis for clay by using a strain gradient elasto-viscoplastic Model(F.Oka, A.Yashima and K.Sawada), Proc. 7th Int. Sympo. on plasticity and its current application (ed. A.S.Khan), Cancun, Mexico, pp.511-514 (1999) 133. Microstructure and geotechnical properties of Pleistocene clay (A.Yashima, H.Shigematsu and J.Nagaya), Proc. 11th Asian Regional Conf. on soil mechanics and geothechnical eng. (eds. S.W.Hong et al.), Seoul, Korea, pp.7-10 (1999) 134. Instability of gradient dependent Elasto-viscoplasticity for clay (E.C.Aifantis, F.Oka, A.Yashima and T.Adachi), Int. J. for numer. and anal. Meth. in geomech., pp.973-994 (1999) 135. Case study of a cut slope failure in diatom earth (A.Yashima, H.Shigematsu, S.Okuzono and M.Nishio), Slope stability engineering (eds. N.Yagi et al.), Matsuyama, Vol.2, Balkema, pp.977-982 ,(1999) 136. Microstructure and geotechnical property Characterization Pleistocene(A.Yashima,H.Shigematsu,F.Oka) Clays,(Edited by T.Tsuchida, A.Nakase),pp165-174(1999) of of Soft Osaka Marine 137. 粘土の温度・ひずみ速度依存性挙動のモデル化―1次元圧密―(八嶋厚、岡二三生、 Serge Leroueilwan Guntoro)平成11年度発表論文集地盤工学会、pp77-82(1999) 138. A cyclic elasto-plastic constitutive model for sand considering a plastic-strain dependence of the shear modulus(F.Oka,A.Yashima,A.Taguchi,S.Yamashita)Geotechnique,Vol.Xlix Number5 Oct.pp661-680(1999) 139. Fluid dynamics based prediction of liquefaction induced lateral spreading load (R.,Uzuoka, A.,Yashima,T.,Kawakami) Proceedings of the Sevevth U.S.-Japan Workshop on Earthquake Resistant Design of Lifeline Facilities and Countermeasures Against Soil Liquefaction,pp131-144,(1999) 140. Verification of the similitude law for flow of liquefied ground(S.,Hadush,A.,Yashima,R.,Uzuoka) Proceedings of the Sevevth U.S.-Japan Workshop on Earthquake Resistant Design of Lifeline Facilities and Countermeasures Against Soil Liquefaction,pp221-236,(1999) 141. Frequency dependent equivalent-inearized technique for fem response analysis of ground (Y.,Furumoto, M.,Sugito, A.,Yashima) 12WCEE, 1806,(2000) 142. Time dependent ground motion amplification at reclaimed land after the 1995 Hyogo-Nanbu Earthquake (F.,Oka, M.,Sugito, A.,Yashima, Y.,Furumoto, K.,Yamada) 12WCEE, 2046,(2000) 143. 3-D Analysis to evaluate the effect of soil improvement on liquefaction of man-made island (A.,Yashima, F.,Oka, H.,Kanami) 12WCEE, 2116,(2000) 144. Time-dependent ground motion amplification characteristics at reclaimed land after the 1995 Hyogoken Nambu Earthquake (M.,Sugito, F.,Oka, A.,Yashima, Y.,Furumoto, K.,Yamada) Engineering Geology 56, pp137-150, (2000) 145. 3-D FEM Analysis of Laterally Cyclic Loaded Group-Pile Foundation Based on an Axial-Force Dependent Hysteretic Model For RC, (F. Zhang, A. Yashima, M. Kimura and R. Uzuoka), Proc. of Int. Conf. On Geotechnical and Geological Engineering (GeoEng2000), Melbourne, Balkema, CD-ROM. 146. Importance of viscous fluid characteristics in liquefaction induced lateral spreading analysis (S.,Hadush, A.,Yashima, R.,Uzuoka) Computer and Geotechnics 27 pp199-224 (2000) 147. Instability of Gradient-Dependent Elastoviscoplastic Model for Clay and Strain Localization Analysis,( Oka, F., Yashima, A., Sawada, K. and Aifantis, E.C) Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 183, pp.67-86.( 2000) 148. 不連続面位置とくさび効果を考慮した岩盤斜面の安定性評価手法 厚)土木学会論文集 No.659/ Ⅲ-52,pp265-276, (2000) (鷲見武富、八嶋 149. 埋立地盤の圧密履歴を考慮した地震増幅特性について Ground motion amplification due to consolidation history of a reclaimed land (古田竜一、竹内法道、八嶋厚、杉戸真太、古 本吉倫、渦岡良介)構造物の安全性および信頼性 Vol.4, JCOSSAR 2000 論文集 pp289-295, (2000) 150. Analysis of laterally cyclic loaded group-pile foundation based on an axial-force dependent hysteretic model for RC, (Zhang, F., Yashima, A., Kimura, M. and Uzuoka, R..), Proc. of International Conference on Geotechnical & Geological Engineering, GeoEng2000, Paper Number PF1181, (2000) 151. 3-D finite element liquefaction analysis of a petroleum tank-ground-foundation system based on a kinematic hardening elastoplastic model, (A. Yashima, F. Zhang, R. Uzuoka and H. Sawada), Proc. of 4th Int. Conf. on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, San Diego, Balkema, 4.10, CD-ROM. 152. 3-D liquefaction analysis of reclaimed ground with tank and foundation ( F.,Zhang, A.,Yashima, R.,Uzuoka) Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics Vol.2 pp1145-1149 (2001) 153. Liquefaction Analysis of a Petroleum Tank-Ground-Pile Ring System in Reclaimed Ground Near Shore (Yashima, A., Zhang, F., Uzuoka, R. and Sawada, K) Proc. of 4th Int. Conf. on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, San Diego, Paper No. 4.10,(2001) 154. Numerical study on 3-dimensional behavior of a damaged pile foundation during the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake (Uzuoka, R., Kubo, T., Yashima, A. and Zhang, F.) Proc. of 4th Int. Conf. on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, San Diego, Paper No. 6.22,(2001) 155. 護岸近傍に位置する建物基礎杭被害の有効応力解析(渦岡良介, 久保哲夫, 八嶋厚, 張 鋒) 杭基礎の耐震設計法に関するシンポジウム論文集・報告書, 土木学会, pp.53-60 ( 2001) 156. CIP based Liquefaction Induced Lateral Spreading Analysis,(Hadush, S., Moriguchi, S., Yashima, A., Sawada, K. & Uzuoka, R) Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics, Vol. 2, pp. 1093-1098, Tucson, Arizona, USA. (2001) 157. CIP and CA based large deformation analysis of collapse of a soil column, (Sawada, K., Hadush, S., Moriguchi, S., Yashima, A., Murakami, A., Takasuka, T. and Mutsuda, H.), Proc. of the 1st Asian-Pacific Conference on Computational Mechanics, Sydney, Australia, Valliappan, S. and Khalili, N. editors., Elsevier, pp.479-484., (2001) 158. Trial Construction of the Reinforced River Dike and Its Performance,( Sawada, K., Yashima, A., Sato, Y., Fujita, Y., Maeda, H., Matsumoto, N. and Hazama, A) Proc. of the International Symposium on Earth Reinforcement, Fukuoka, Ochiai et al. eds. Vol. 1, pp.271-276., (2001) 159. コセラ連続体理論を用いた飽和粘性土の変形解析,(沢田和秀,八嶋厚,岡二三生)日本材料 学会学会誌, 第 50 巻, 第 6 号, pp585-592. (2001) 160. Numerical analysis of a large-scale slope failure, (Zhang, F., Yashima, A., Sawada, K., Sumi, T., Adachi, T. and Oka, F.) Proc. of the 1st Asian-Pacific Conference on Computational Mechanics, Sydney, Australia, Valliappan, S. and Khalili, N., editors., Elsevier, pp.527-532., (2001) 161. Numerical Analysis of Deformation of Saturated Clay based on elasto-viscoplastic Cosserat type model,( Sawada, K., Yashima, A. and Oka, F.) Proc. 5th Int. Workshop on Bifurcation and Localization in Geomechanics, (eds. Muhlhaus, H.-B. et al.), Perth, pp.155-160., Balkema, (2001) 162. Liquefaction Induced Lateral Spread Analysis Using the CIP Method (Hadush, S., Yashima, A., Uzuoka, R., Moriguchi, S. and Sawada, K.) Computers and Geotechnics, No. 8, Vol. 28, pp. 549-574. (2001). 163. Assessment of the long-term stability of tunnel with FEM based on elasto-viscoplastic model,( Zhang, F., Sawada, K. and Yashima, A.) TC34 of ISSMGE, International Workshop on Deformation of Earth Materials, Sendai-Japan, (2001) 164. A fundamental study on a trapdoor in sandy ground using FEM with a strain softening model, (F. Zhang, A. Yashima, T. Adachi and F. Oka), Proc. of Regional conference on Geotechnical Engineering in Soft Ground, Liu & Liao (eds.), Shanghai, Tongji University Press, 575-580 165. 岐阜県奥美濃地方に分布する珪藻土の工学的性質と切取のり面安定(重松宏明・八嶋 厚・西尾宗雄・坂保共・畑中信吾)土木学会論文集№687/Ⅲ-56、pp139-154, (2001) 166. 岩盤斜面における水圧と地震力を考慮した不安定なくさび型不連続面の検索手法(鷲 見武富・八嶋厚)土木学会論文集№687/Ⅲ-56、pp125-138, (2001) 167. Geotechnical Study of ALMA Site Fundation in the Cerro Chascon Science Preserve (A.,Yashima, F.,Zhang, H.,Shigematsu, A.,Endo, K.,Nishida, S.,Sakamoto) Publications of Bational Astronomical Observation of Japan, Vol.6,pp65-74 (2001) 168. New approach for assessing long-term stability of tunnel and remedial work (A.,Yashima, F.,Zhang) Proc.16th ICSMGE,vol.13,pp1435-1438 (2001) 169. 不飽和層への浸透現象を考慮した液状化解析(渦岡良介、久保哲夫、八嶋厚、張鋒) 土木学会論文集№694/Ⅲ-57、pp153-163, (2001) 170. Slope failure at tunnel entrance due to excavation and its countermeasure (A.,Yashima, A.,Matsumoto, K.,Tanabe) Modern Tunneling Science and Technology,vol.1,Adachi et al(eds), Swets &Zeitling,ISBN,pp557-562 (2001) 171. 補強土河川護岸構造物の破壊実験と試験堤防再構築(森口周二・八嶋厚・沢田和秀・弓 良知・前田英史・松本七保子・間昭徳)ジオシンセティックス論文集第 17 巻,pp.195-200, (2002). 172. 3-D dynamic liquefaction analysis on a damaged group-pile foundation (Uzuoka, R., Yashima, A., Zhang, F. and Takagi, M.) Proc. of 5th European Conference on Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering, Mestat (eds), Paris, pp.1017-1024,(2002) 173. Analytical study of grains rotation using tij sand model based on Cosserat continuum theory, (Sawada, K., Kato, H., Yashima, A. & Zhang, F.) Proceedings of 1st International Workshop on New Frontiers in Computational Geotechnics, Banff Alberta, Canada, pp.175-182. (2002) 174. Large deformation analysis of geomaterials in the frame work of fluid dynamics using CIP method, (Moriguchi,S., Yashima, A. & Sawada, K)Proceedings of 1st International Workshop on New Frontiers in Computational Geotechnics, Banff Alberta, Canada., pp.107-110. (2002) 175. 液状化地盤中の杭の地盤反力評価に対する 3 次元有効応力解析の適用性(渦岡良介, 芝 崎水無子, 風間基樹, 八嶋厚, 張鋒)第 11 回日本地震工学シンポジウム, pp.1055-1060, (2002) 176. A cyclic elasto-plastic model for sand ant its application to liquefaction analysis (Oka, F., Uzuoka, R., Tateishi, A. and Yashima, A.) Constitutive modeling of Geomaterials, selected contributions from the Frank L. DiMaggio Symp., Inelastic behavior committee Engineering Mechanics Division, ASCE, CRC Press, pp.75-99, (2002). 177. 水平 2 方向入力を考慮した液状化地盤中の単杭の 3 次元有効応力解析(渦岡良介, 權永 哲, 張鋒, 八嶋厚):, レベル2地震動による液状化に関するシンポジウム発表論文集, 土木学会, pp.401-408, (2003) 178. A cyclic elasto-plastic constitutive model for sand and its application in liquefaction analysis (R.,Furuta, A.,Yashima, F.,Zhang ) New Frontiers in Computational Geotechnics, IWS-Calgary 2002 ,pp33-42(2002) 179. Strain softening with negative dilatancy for highly structured geomaterials (A.,Moctar, A.,Yashima, F.,Zhang) New Frontiers in Computational Geotechnics, IWS-Calgary 2002,pp43-52, (2002) 180. 3D finite element analysis of a large-scale failure due to heavy rain (G. L. Ye, A., Yashima, F., Zhang) New Frontiers in Computational Geotechnics, IWS-Calgary 2002,pp99-106, (2002) 181. 3-D Analysis on dynamic behavior of jacket-foundation with inclined piles (F.,Zhang, A.,Yashima, M.,Higuchi, M.,Kimura) New Frontiers in Computational Geotechnics, IWS-Calgary 2002,pp123-128, (2002) 182. A seismic response FEM-Analysis of ground with inclined base layer by using frequency-dependent equivalent linearized technique (Y.,Furumoto, M.,Sugito, A.,Yashima) New Frontiers in Computational Geotechnics, IWS-Calgary 2002,pp155-162, (2002) 183. 埋立礫材の新しいサンプリング手法と室内試験に基づいた群杭基礎水平載荷試験の数 値解析(張鋒,八嶋 厚,木村 亮,景山 学,片山辰雄)土木学会論文集 No.715/Ⅲ -60, pp.227-236. (2002) 184. 護岸近傍に位置する杭基礎建物の3次元有効応力解析(渦岡良介,仙道紀明,八嶋 厚, 張 鋒)日本地震工学会論文集, 第2巻, 第2号, pp.1-14. (2002) 185. 埋立層直下の粘土層の圧密進行度が人工島液状化特性に及ぼす影響(古田竜一,八嶋 厚,渦岡良介,竹内法道)土木学会論文集 No.729/Ⅲ-62, pp.15-30.(2003) 186. Seismic evaluation of group pile foundation with M1 and M2 model, (Zhang,F., Yashima,A., Sawada,K. and Noda,Y.) Pro. 27th JSCE Symposium on Earthquake Engineering, JSCE The Earthquake Engineering Committee, CD-ROM.(2003) 187. CIP based Large Deformation Analysis in Geomechanics using a fluid model in consideration of the shear strength, (Moriguchi,S., Yashima,A., Sawada,K. and Hayashi,S.) Proc. International Workshop on Prediction and Simulation Methods in Geomechanics (IWS-Athens 2003), TC34 of ISSMGE, pp.133-136. (2003) 188. Stress-dilatancy relation for highly structured soils, (Sarr,A.M., Yashima,A., Zhang,F., Shigematsu,H. and Sawada,K.) Proc. International Workshop on Prediction and Simulation Methods in Geomechanics (IWS-Athens 2003), TC34 of ISSMGE, pp.61-64. (2003) 189. Numerical simulation of progressive failure in cut slope using a soil-water coupled analysis based on a strain-soften model, (Zhang,F., Yashima,A., Osaki,H., Adachi,T. and Oka,F.) Soils and Foundations, Vol. 43, No.5, pp.119-131. (2003) 190. An elastoplastic strain-softening constitutive model for soft rock considering the influence of intermediate stress, (Zhang,F., Yashima,A., Ye,G.L., Adachi,T. and Oka,F.) Soils and Foundations, Vol. 43, No.5, pp.107-117. (2003) 191. Evaluation of the remedial works for cracked tunnels in creep-behaved ground, (Zhang,F., Yashima,A., Matsuda,S., Sekine,Y. and Hyodo,H.). Proc. the 12th Asian Regional Conference of Int. Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Singapore, Leung et al. (eds), pp.895-898. (2003) 192. Numerical simulation of progressive failure of slope, (Zhang,F., Yashima,A., Sumi,T., Ono,H., Ye,G.L. and Sarr,A.M.), Proc. 1st World Forum of Chinese Scholars in Geotechnical Engineering, pp.196-207. (2003) 193. Dynamic behavior of group pile with simplified model and full model, (Zhang,F., Yashima,A. and Noda,Y.), Proc. Sino-Japanese Symposium on Geotechnical Engineering, Beijing, Yu & Akagi (eds), pp.80-87. (2003) 194. 自然共生型補強土護岸工法の設計法について (森口周二,八嶋 史,松本七保子,間 昭徳,弓良 知,久保田 厚,沢田和秀,前田英 薫) ジオシンセティックス論文集第 18 巻, pp.191-196. (2003) 195. Influence of Change in Axial Force on Group-pile Dynamic Behavior in a Liquefied Ground, (Uzuoka,R., Kwon,Y., Zhang,F., Yashima,A. and Oka,F:) Proc. 11th International Conference on Soil Dynamics & Earthquake Engineering and 3rd International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Berkeley, pp.792-799. (2004) 196. Mechanical behavior of reinforced river dike subjected to scouring made from soil using Geo-synthetics, (Sawada,K., Yashima,A., Moriguchi,S., Yumira,T., Kubota,K., Maeda,H., Hazama,A. and Matsumoto,N.), Proc. the 3rd Asian Regional Conference on Geo-synthetics, Geo Asia 2004, pp.851-858. (2004) 197. Experimental study on soft sedimentary rock under plane-strain compression and creep tests, (Ye,G.L., Naito,K., Sawada,K., Zhang,F. and Yashima,A.) Proc. International Symposium of ISRM on 3rd ARMS, (2004) 198. Three-dimensional numerical simulation of pile-soil seismic interaction in saturated deposits with liquefiable sand and soft clay, (Huang,Y., Zhang,F., Yashima,A., Sawada,K., Ye,G.L. and Kubota,N.), Proc. 6th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Yao et al. (ed.), Springer, ISBN 7-89494-512-9, CD-ROM, M-274 (2004) 199. Dynamic behavior of group-pile foundation evaluated by simplified model and sophisticated model, (Ye,G.L., Miyaguchi,H., Huang,Y., Sawada,K., Zhang,F. and Yashima,A.), Proc. 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering , Vancouver, B.C., Canada Paper No. 28 (2004) 200. Evaluation of liquefaction potential by frequency dependent equivalent linearized technique (Yashima,A., Sugito,M. and Okada,H.) Proc. 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering , Vancouver, B.C., Canada Paper No. 200 (2004) 201. Experimental and numerical studies on the change in ground stiffness before and after liquefaction (Sawada,K., Furuta,R., Yashima,A., Zhang,F. and Yoshida,T.) Proc. 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering , Vancouver, B.C., Canada Paper No. 601 (2004) 202. Prediction of earth pressures on a pile group due tolLiquefaction-induced ground flow, (Uzuoka,R., Kazama,M., Zhang,F., Yashima,A. and Oka,F.) Proc. 6th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Yao et al. (ed.), Springer, ISBN 7-89494-512-9, CD-ROM, M-271 (2004) 203. Large deformation analysis in geomechanics using CIP method, (Sawada,K., Moriguchi,S., Yashima,A., Zhang,F. and Uzuoka,R.) International Journal of JSME, Series B, Vol.47, No.4, pp.735-743. (2004) 204. Experimental study on soft sedimentary rock under plane-strain compressionand creep tests, (Ye,G.L., Naito,K., Sawada,K., Zhang,F. and Yashima,A.) Proc. International Symposium of ISRM on 3rd ARMS2004, Ohnishi et al. (ed.), Millpress, pp.865-870. (2004) 205. An elasto-viscoplastic model for soft sedimentary rock based on tij concept and subloading surface, (Zhang,F., Yashima,A., Nakai,T., Ye,G.L. and Aung,H.), Soils and Foundations, Vol.45, No.1, pp.65-73. (2004) 206. Numerical simulation of Tsukidate large-scale landslide using the CIP method, Computational Mechanics, ( Moriguchi,S., Sawada,K., Yashima,A., Uzuoka,R. and Ito,M.), WCCM VI in conjunction with APCOM’04, Tsinghua University Press & Springer-Verlag, Beijing, (2004) 207. Finte element analysis of a reinforced soil dike, (Huang,Y., Sawada,K., Moriguchi,S., Yashima,A. and Zhang,F.), Proc. 2nd International Workshop on New Frontiers in Computational Geotechnics, Fortaleza, Brazil, Zhang et al. (ed.), pp.55-58. (2004) 208. Strain softening, the dependency of soft sedimentary rock and its modeling, (Aung,H., Zhang,F., Yashima,A., Naito,K. and Ye,G.L.), Proc. 2nd International Workshop on New Frontiers in Computational Geotechnics, Fortaleza, Brazil, Zhang et al. (ed.), pp.135-144. (2004) 209. Progressive failure of slope due to tunnel excavation and its numerical simulation, (Yashima,A., Zhang,F. and Ye,G.L.) Proc. 17th ICSMGE, pp.2611-2615. (2005) 210. Numerical analyses on progressive failure of slope due to heavy rain with 2D and 3D FEM, (Ye, G.L., Zhang,F., Yashima,A., Sumi,T. amd Ikemura,T.), Soils and Foundations, Vol. 45, No.2, pp.1-15. (2005) 211. Numerical simulation of flow failure of geomaterials sassed on fluid dynamics, (Moriguchi,S., Yashima,A., Sawada,K., Uzuoka,R. and Ito,M.), Soils and Foundations, Vol. 45, No.2, pp.155-165. (2005) 212. デジタルカメラを用いた簡易斜面安定性評価システムの構築(森口周二,八嶋 厚, 沢田和秀,伊藤修宏,荻本健二,鷲見武富,小嶋正樹,中村洋一)自然災害科学, Vol.123, No.4, pp.565-582. (2005) 213. 光ファイバーセンサー機能付ジオシンセティックスの性能評価(竜田尚希,横田善弘, 八嶋 厚)基礎工, Vol1.33, No.9, pp.77-80(2005) 214. An investigation into the mechanical behavior of sedimentary soft rock in plane-strain test, (Ye,B., Zhang,F., Yashima,A., Naito,K. and Aung,H.), CISMGE-JGS Shanghai, October 2005, pp.91-96. (2005) 215. Numerical simulation of mitigation for liquefaction by ground improvement and structural enhancement, (Huang,Y., Yashima,A., Zhang,F. and Uzuoka,R.), CISMGE-JGS Shanghai, October 2005, pp.196-203. (2005) 216. Experimental study on dynamic interaction between group-pile foundation and sandy ground with shaking table tests, (Ye,B., Yokawa,H., Kondo,T., Yashima,A. and Zhang,F.), CISMGE-JGS Shanghai, October 2005, pp.579-586. (2005) 217. Prediction of liquefaction-induced earth pressures on a group-pile foundation, (Uzuoka,R., Kazama,M., Zhang,F., Yashima,A. and Oka,F.), Proc. International Symposium on Earthquake Engineering, Commemorating Tenth Anniversary of the 1995 Kobe Earthquake, Kobe, (2005) 218. Numerical assessment of rhe effect of reinforcement on the performance of reinforced soil dikes, (Huang,Y., Sawada,K., Moriguchi,S., Yashima,A. and Zhang,F.), Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 24, pp.169-174. (2006) 219. Expected settlement modes and countermeasures of river levee against liquefaction, (Yashima, A., Sugito.M., Sawada, K., Yokawa, H., Tanabe, A., Huang, Y., Nakayama, O., Tokiwa, S., Abe, T. and Sekizawa,G.), Proc. of New Frontiers in Computational Geotechnics, Xian China, pp.37-43. (2006) 220. Validation of 3-D dynamic soil-water coupled analyses for liquefaction-induced earth pressure on a pile group, (Uzuoka, R., Cubrinovski.M., Zhang, F., Yashima, A, and Oka, F., Proc. of New Frontiers in Computational Geotechnics, Xian China, pp.45-50. (2006) 221. Numerical simulation on repeated processes of liquefaction and consolidation in sandy ground, (Ye, B., Ye, G.L, Zhang.,F. and Yashima, A.), Proc. of New Frontiers in Computational Geotechnics, Xian China, pp.51-56. (2006) 222. Quick and easy approach for large deformation simulations of Geomaterials without sny special attention by ‘G-FRIC/2D, (Sawada, K., Yashima, A. and Moriguchi,S.), Proc. of New Frontiers in Computational Geotechnics, Xian China, pp.57-62. (2006) 223. Numerical analysis for interaction problem between geomaterial and rigid body based on fluid dynamics, (Moriguchi, S., Yashima, A., Sawada, K. and Goshima, M.), Proc. of New Frontiers in Computational Geotechnics, Xian China, pp.177-182. (2006) 224. Accuracy of prediction with effective stress analysis for liquefaction-induced earth pressure on a pile group, (Uzuoka, R., Cubrinovski, M., Zhang, F., Yashima, A. and Oka, F), Proc. of New Zealand Workshop on Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, Christchurch, New Zealand, pp.120-132. (2006) 225. Investigation on Stiffness Recovery of Liquefied Sandy Ground after Liquefaction using Shaking-Table Tests, (Ye,B., Yokawa,H., Kondo,T., Yashima, A., Zhang, F. and Yamada, H ), Soil and Rock Behavior and Modeling, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication, No.150, pp.482-489. (2006) 226. Elasto-Viscoplastic Behavior of Soft Sedimentary Rock, Tests and Its Modeling, Geomechanics II, (Zhang, F., Yashima, A., Ye, G. L., Aung, H., Naitou, K. and Nakai, T. ), Pro. of the Second Japan-U.S. Workshop on Testing, Modeling, and Simulation in Geomechanics, ASCE publications, pp.148-161. (2006) 227. Numerical simulation for earthquake liquefaction of soil embankments, Computational Methods, (Huang,Y., Yashima,A., Zhang,F. and Sawada,K.), Proc. ICCM2006, Liu et al (eds), Springer, pp.269-274. (2006) 228. すべり・落下・転倒を対象としたきれつ性岩盤斜面の簡易安定性評価手法(鷲見武富, 八嶋 厚,沢田和秀,森口周二,小嶋正樹),土木学会論文集 C Vol.63 No.1, pp.188-206. (2007) 229. Three-dimensional numerical simulation of earthquake damage to group-piles in a liquefied ground,(Uzuoka,R., Sento,N., Kazama,M., Zhang,F., Yashima,A. and Oka,F.), Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 27, pp.395-413. (2007) 230. Mechanical behavior of soft sedimentary rock--Testing and modeling, (Zhang,F., Ye,G.L., Naito,K., Aung,H. and Yashima,A.), Proc. International Workshop on Constitutive Modelling-Development, Implementation, Evaluation and Application, Hong Kong, Yin et al (eds), pp.228-237. (2007) 231. Comparative Study on Numerical Methods for Liquefaction-Induced Deformation of River Levee, (Yashima,A., Sugito,M., Nakayama,O., Tokiwa,T., Abe,T. and Miyamoto,M.), EE21C, Topic3:Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, Dynamic Properties and Response of Soil Deposits, No.40, (2007) 232. Experiment and Numerical Simulation of Repeated Liquefaction-Consolidation of sand, (Ye,B., Ye,G., Zhang,F. and Yashima,A.), Soils and Foundations, Vol. 47, No.3, pp.547-558. (2007) 233. Tests on shear strength and creep behavior of sedimentary soft rock under triaxial and plane-strain conditions, (Aung,H., Naito,K., Iwata,M., Ye,B., Yashima,A. and Zhang,F.), Proc. 13th Asian Regional Conference of Int. Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Kolkota, (2007) 234. Repeated liquefaction and consolidation of sand, tests and numerical simulation considering finite deformation, (Ye,B., Yashima,A., Ye.G.L. and Zhang,F.), Proc. 10th International Symposium on Numerical Models in Geomechanics, Rhodes, Greece, Pande et al (eds), Balkema, pp.729-735. (2007) 235. Test on soft sedimentary rock under different loading paths and its interpretation (Ye.G., Zhang.F., Naito.K., Aung.H. and Yashima.A.), Soils and Foundations, Vol. 47, No.5, pp.897-909. (2007) 236. Numerical modeling of earthquake liquefaction in earth embankment foundations, (Huang. Y., Yashima.A., Sawada.K. and Zhang.F.), Engineering Mechanics, 第 24 巻第 12 期, pp.82-87. (2007) 237. Numerical assessment of the seismic response of an earth embankment on liquefiable soils, (Huang.Y., Yashima.A., Sawada.K. and Zhang.F.), Bull. Eng. Geol. Environ., 67: pp.31-39. (2008)