8th East Asia Plant Variety Protection Forum Meeting
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8th East Asia Plant Variety Protection Forum Meeting
8th East Asia Plant Variety Protection Forum Meeting Program Date: 2 September, 2015 from 09:00-16:10 Venue: Brahms Hall (19th floor), Hotel President Working Language: English Participant: Delegations of EAPVP Forum member countries, UPOV and observers 08:30-09:00 Registration 09:00-09:10 Opening Remarks by Mr. Yoon Moo-Kyoung, Director, Korea Seed & Variety Service, Rep. of Korea 09:10-09:20 Welcoming Remarks by Mr. Peter Button, Vice SecretaryGeneral, UPOV 09:20-09:30 Welcoming Remarks by Mr. Tadaatsu Iwase, Deputy Director-General, Food Industry Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Japan 09:30-09:50 Photo Session 09:50-10:10 Coffee break 10:10-10:20 Self introduction 10:20-10:30 Adoption of Agenda 10:30-11:40 Presentation of Country Report and Proposal of Cooperation Activities by Members 11:40-12:00 Report of Achievement of the Forum in 2014-2015 by Forum Office 12:00-13:30 Lunch Break 13:30-13:45 Recent Development of UPOV 13:45-14:15 Report and Adoption on the EAPVPF TGs in 2014-2015 by Leading Experts / Dendrobium, Rambutan, Starfruit 14:15-14:45 Adoption of the Priorities and Criteria in 2015-2016 and Cooperative Activity Plans in 2015-2016 14:45-15:15 Coffee Break 15:15-15:35 Decision of the Host Country for the Next Forum Meeting 15:35-16:00 Adoption of Report 16:00-16:10 Closing 東アジア植物品種保護フォーラム第8回会合参加者リスト (2015年9月2日 韓国ソウル) No. 国名 氏名 役職 所属組織 Brunei Darussalam Brunei Darussalam Fuziah Binti Haji Hamdan Bibi Khadizah Binti Haji Rusli Ms. Assistant Director of Agriculture Ms. Agronomist Department of Agriculture and Agrifood Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources Department of Agriculture and Agrifood Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources 3 Cambodia Phe Chantravuth Mr. Deputy Director DIP in charge of Plant Variety Protection Office Ministry of Industry and Handicraft, Plant Variety Protection Office 4 Cambodia Sao Chesda Mr. Deputy Director Department of Horticulture, GDA/MAFF 5 China Hu Yanjie Ms. Associate professor Chinese Acedamy of Forestry 6 China WANG Qi Mr. Director 7 China ZHENG Yongqi Mr. Director 8 Indonesia Emma Sujaemah Ms. Head of General 9 Indonesia Lia Amalia Ms. PVP Examiner 10 Lao PDR 11 Malaysia 12 Malaysia 13 Myanmar Moe Moe Hlaing Ms. Junior Research Assistant 14 Myanmar Myat Thaint Ko Ms. Senior Research Assistant 15 Singapore Tay Jwee Boon Mr. Senior Scientist 16 Singapore 17 Thailand 18 Thailand 19 Vietnam 20 Vietnam 1 2 21 22 23 Switzerland UPOV Switzerland UPOV Japan MAFF Vanthieng Mr. PHOMMASOULIN Sri Ikarostika Rahayu Ms. BT. Muhammad Ghazi Nursiah BT. Mohamad Ms. Tajol Aros Sandra Lynn MERINDA Ms. Deputy Director of Agronomy Management Division Principal Assistant Director Director Senior Assistant Director Division of PVP, Office of Protection of New Varieties of Plants, State Forestry Administration Molecular testing for PVP, State Forestry Administration Center for Plant Variety Protection and Agricultural Permits, Secretariat General, Ministry of Agriculture Center for Plant Variety Protection and Agricultural Permits, Secretariat General, Ministry of Agriculture Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Crop Quality Control Division, Department of Agriculture Crop Quality Control Division, Department of Agriculture Industrial Crops Section, Department of Agricultural Research (DAR) Horticulture Section, Department of Agricultural Research (DAR) Horticulture Technology Department, AgriFood & Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA) Registries of Patents, Plant Varieties Protection Senior Agricultural Department of Agriculture, Office of Plant Scientist/Deputy Director of Varieties Protection Plant Variety Protection Office Senior Plant Variety Protection Department of Agriculture, Office of Plant Chutima Ratanasatien Ms. Specialist Varieties Protection Vice Director General of Department of Crop Production (DCP), Tran Xuan Dinh Mr. Department of Crop Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Production, MARD (MARD) Vice Director of Plant Variety Department of Crop Production (DCP), Nguyen Thanh Minh Mr. Protection Office (PVPO), Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development DCP, MARD (MARD) Duangduen Sripotar Ms. Peter BUTTON Mr. Vice Secretary-General UPOV Jun KOIDE Mr. Technical/Regional Officer UPOV Tadaatsu IWASE Mr. Food Industry Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries New Business and Intellectural Property Deputy Director, International Division, Food Industry Affairs Bureau, Ministry Affairs of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries New Business and Intellectural Property Division, Food Industry Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Deputy Director-General 24 Japan MAFF Akiko NAGANO Ms. 25 Japan MAFF Shou TAKAHASHI Mr. Kimiko ISHIKAWA Ms. Senior Researcher EAPVPF Office Ayako SATO Ms. Staff EAPVPF Office 26 27 Japan JATAFF Japan JATAFF 東アジア植物品種保護フォーラム第8回会合参加者リスト (2015年9月2日 韓国ソウル) No. 国名 氏名 役職 所属組織 28 Korea Mookyoung YOON Mr. Director, PVP Division Korea Seed & Variety Service 29 Korea Seung-In LEE Mr. PVP Examiner Korea Seed & Variety Service 30 Korea Eun-Sun CHUNG Ms. PVP Examiner Korea Seed & Variety Service 31 Korea Byoungoo LEE Mr. PVP Examiner Korea Seed & Variety Service 32 Korea Jungnam SUH Mr. Researcher Korea Seed & Variety Service 33 Korea Jinseok AN Mr. Researcher Korea Seed & Variety Service 34 Korea Oksun KIM Ms. Senior Researcher Korea Seed & Variety Service MAFRA 35 Korea Sanggeum LEE Ms. Researcher Korea Seed & Variety Service 36 Korea Oh Woung KWON Mr. Director, PVP Division Korea Forest Seed & Variety Center 37 Korea Yong Yul KIM Mr. PVP Examiner Korea Forest Seed & Variety Center 38 Korea Areum JEON Ms. Staff Korea Forest Seed & Variety Center 39 Korea Seong Doo HUR Mr. PVP Examiner Korea Forest Seed & Variety Center 40 Korea Hyo Jin WOO Mr. Assistant Researcher Korea Forest Seed & Variety Center 41 Korea Yong HWANG Mr. Assistant Researcher Korea Forest Seed & Variety Center 第 8 回東アジア植物品種保護フォーラム年次会合報告概要 開催日: 平成 27 年 9 月 2 日(水) 開催場所: 韓国・ソウル「ホテル・プレジデント」 議長: Mr. Yoon Moo-Kyoung Director, Korea Seed & Variety Service(韓国) 長野暁子 農林水産省食料産業局新事業創出課 課長補佐 参加者: 東アジア植物品種保護フォーラムメンバー国(13 か国) UPOV 他の関連機関よりオブザーバー 1.カントリーレポート 各国の植物品種保護について現状報告 (各国のカントリーレポートは東アジア植物品種保護フォーラムの ホームページ参照:http://eapvp.org/report/korea/20150925_200638.html) 2.決定事項 ① デンドロビウム、スターフルーツの EAPVPF テストガイドラインが採択された。 ② 第 2 回ランブータンのテストガイドライン調和会合は、タイで実施することとな った。 ③ 2015-2016 年の協力活動のプライオリティと基準が採択された。 (別紙(2)⑤参照) ④ 2015-2016 年の協力活動が採択された。 (別紙(2)⑥参照)。 ⑤ 2016 年の EAPVPF 本会合は、ベトナムが招請することにつき、承認された。 以 上 The 8th East Asia Plant Variety Protection Forum Reported by the host country Date: September 2, 2015 Venue: Brahms Hall, Hotel President Working Language: English Participant: Delegations of EAPVP Forum member countries, UPOV Opening of the session 1. The 8th EAPVP Forum held its eighth session in Seoul, Rep. of Korea on September 2, 2015, chaired by Mr. Yoon Moo-Kyoung, Director of Korea Seed & Variety Service. 2. Director, Yoon Moo-Kyoung delivers opening remarks, welcoming and thanking participants and attendees for participating. Yoon mentions the importance of variety development. 3. Mr. Peter Button, Vice Secretary-General, UPOV, delivers welcoming remarks, thanking Republic of Korea for hosting the event. Button commended the development of the PVP system in Rep. of Korea. 4. Mr. Tadaatsu Iwase, Deputy Director-General, Food Industry Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Japan, delivers welcoming remarks, looking forward to fruitful discussion and outcome in the 8th forum. Presentation of Country Report and Proposal of Cooperation Activities by Members 1. Brunei Darussalam: presented on the cooperative activities participated under the EAPVP Forum between July 2015 and August 2015. Recently, PVP order has been implemented and first draft of PVP rules has been developed. Brunei Darussalam targets the PVP Office to be fully functional by the end of financial year, plans to conduct Public Awareness, Seminar and collaborate with DUS examiners from UPOV member countries. 2. Cambodia: presents about the situation of seed and variety in 2014-2015; cooperation activities under PVP - trainings & meetings. DUS testing, legal framework and documentations are the main issue for the additional understanding of PVP system, 3. China: Activities during July 2014-August 2015. National training workshop on PVP in forestry sector was held in Changsha, the capital city of Hunan Province, 120 participated. Participation in the negotiations of China-Korea FTA in PVP related issues; Preparation of the China-EU cooperation study on IP protection. Target and action plan in FY 2015 is to work on a harmonization a Acacia TG in collaboration with member countries and implementation of training and study tours of the ChinaEU cooperation study on IP protection including PVP system; 4. Indonesia: presents about PVP, Indonesia’s Legal Basics and organization, human resources and facilities. PVP statistics until July 2015 is 546 applications; 344 granted, mostly vegetables application, mostly from seed industries. Total number of national TGs is 84(67 from UPOV TG and 17 from no UPOV TG) and 10 new national guidelines will be added. 5. Japan: Intellectual property stategies 2020 of MAFF have 8 strategic directions: Geographical Indication(GI) to protect agriculture, Human resource development in food-related areas through partnership with ASEAN universities. Expected outcome is strengthening of linkage along food value chain and reducing food losses. Importance of seeds in the food value chain: High quality seeds of productive varieties are the key at production sites. Cooperation activities: group training jointly operated with JICA. 6. Korea: PVP system since 1998 and global top 7 PVP country. 10th Korea top variety awards. 14th BMT meeting was held in Seoul from Nov. 9 to 13, 2014. PVP MOU, KSVS-Netherlands & Singapore signed Applications are on increasing. Most of foreign applications are ornamental. Training program on Seed Industry Development in Gimcheon from Nov. 1 to 14, 2015 7. Lao PDR: Major crops in the country are mainly rice, maize. Long term objectives towards the year 2020 is to improve productivity continuously by applying successes and advancement of world sciences and technologies in agriculture and forestry, utilizing high quality seeds, tree species, so as to modernize gradually the sector of agriculture. Cooperation activities: trainings & meetings. Future direction: establishing new plant variety registration system at the Ministry of Science and Technology. Establishing the DUS Test Center at the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. Proposal activities in the year 2015: workshop on awareness of PVP under UPOV Convention, December, 2015 Vientiane, Lao PDR. Conclusion: requires more assistance and exchange. 8. Malaysia: received 207 applications from 2008 to 2015. 56 applications were granted. Participated actively in all activities under EA PVP Forum from Sep. 2014-Aug. 2015. Proposed activities which need further discussion with all ASEAN members on 1. Network of novelty checking, 2. To establish collaboration on DUS Testing among ASEAN countries 9. Myanmar: Currently member of the East Asia PVP forum, but not yet UPOV membership. PVP law was now submitted to Parliament for enactment in August 2015. Future needs: technology & laboratory. Proposed plan: training(in-country, abroad), technical and administrative activities for development and harmonization of the PVP system. 10. Singapore: amendments to the PVP Act and Rules took effect on 30 July 2014. IPOS recently appointed KSVS as an examiner under the PVP Act. 11. Thailand: 62 genera species for protection. Total 1,204 applications, 224 granted. DUS test: 847 varieties; rejected: 6 varieties (maize); withdrew: 8 varieties. Cooperation activities in 2014: 7th EAPVPF meeting, training course for DUS Test of Rice(30 September – 2 October 2014), etc. Target and Action plan in 2015 : Follow up the law revision, Organize awareness meeting in PVP. 12. Viet Nam: cooperation activities: training course on DUS test of rice: purpose is to get mutual understanding among region countries for cooperation. It has a plan to host the 9th EAPVP Meeting in Hanoi on 2016.(will be checked) Report of Achievement of the Forum in 2014-2015 by Forum Office 13. The 7th EAPVP Forum Meeting was held in Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic on Wednesday August 7, 2014: “Priorities for Activities to be implemented under the EAPVPF Cooperation Framework in 2014-2015” was adopted. Cooperation activity plans for 2014-2015 were adopted. Korea offered to host the 8th forum meeting and the offer was agreed. Cooperative activities implemented in 20142015: Harmonization Meetings of TG for Star fruit and Rambutan as well as Dendrobium were held in Malaysia and Korea respectively. TGs for Star fruit and Dendrobium were completed and adopted in this meeting. Recent Development of UPOV 1. Moderator invited Mr. Jun Koide for the presentation regarding recent development of UPOV. UPOV status in 2015: 73 members. Significant proportions of applications come from Asian region more than 100,000 PBR titles in force. More than 3,400 genera and/or species pro total among UPOV members. Various information materials adopted in 2014. In 2015, UPOV15/3 Guidance for Members of UPOV (revision) was adopted- this part contains two sections. Part II Operating the UPOV PVP system (consult flow-chart). Presentation showed Impact study and other documents available at UPOV website, DL-205 : registration period in from Aug. 17 to Sep. 27, 2015 UPOV explained Electronic Application Form Project. Participating Asian countries: Japan, Rep. of Korea, Vietnam. on or comment Report of the Meeting of Test Guidelines Harmonization in 2014-2015 by Leading Experts & Adoption of EAPVPF TGs 2. Dendrobium: Harmonization & Revision of the TGs for Dendrobium. TG was adopted by EAPVP with correction of cover page. 3. Rambutan: Malaysia had proposed to lead during the 6th EAPVP Forum meeting, 3rd July 2013, Sarawak. Conclusion: Thailand agreed to host the next meeting and will discuss the proposal with her Director General of her country. Adoption of the Priorities and Criteria in 2015-2016 and Cooperative Activity Plans in 20152016 4. Ms. Ishikawa explained about the Priorities for Activities to be implemented under the EAPOV Forum Cooperation Framework and proposed implementation schedule in 2015-2016: 1) In-country training(training organized by host country) : Rice in Malaysia , Tomato in Vietnam. 2) Harmonization of Test Guidelines and other tools for PVP examination in the region; Acacia in Malaysia 4)Awareness raising for key person in decision making(seminars, workshops) ; in Lao PDR, Cambodia, study course to Japan(funded by Indonesia) and Brunei. 5. High level study tour in Japan 2015-2016 proposed. Duration 6 days. Site-Japan, near Tokyo. Expected participants: High level officials in ASEAN member countries. Contents visit breeding entities, markets, PVP seminar. Development to Assist Accession to UPOV in Malaysia. Support for PVP Law Fund, such as travel fees to be prepared by UPOV by using Japan Fund in Trust. 6. Information sharing through the forum website. Smart phone & tablet users found difficulties in using it. This renewal site will be launched at the end of September. Decision of the Host Country for the Next Forum It is hosted by Vietnam for the Next Forum Closing of the session Priorities for Activities to be implemented under the East Asia Plant Variety Protection Forum Cooperation Framework (draft) in [2015-2016] 1. Recognizing that the East Asia Plant Variety Protection (EAPVP) Forum, established in 2007 is a framework to promote mutual cooperation for ASEAN+3 countries to develop and implement PVP systems based on the UPOV system, for the overall goal of achieving food security and other benefits to the society, through sustainable plant breeding activities, and the necessity to focus our efforts on certain activities to achieve maximum outcomes, the following are priorities for EAPVPF cooperation activities in [2015-2016]; (1) In-country training (training organized by host country) (2) Harmonization of test guidelines and other tools for PVP examination in the region (3) Information sharing including through the Forum Website. (4) Awareness raising for key persons in decision making (Seminars, Workshops) (5) Support for PVP law development and other activity to assist accession to UPOV* Note: Activities related to (5) Support for PVP law development will in principle be implemented by the Office of UPOV. This means some form of official request to UPOV will be required, in addition to proposal to the EAPVPF Office. 2. Based on the above and the following criteria as a basis for considering proposals, the schedule of activities would be as described in the Annex to this document. <Criteria> (1) Relevance to the priorities into which the proposal has been classified (2) Accuracy of objectives and contents of the proposal (3) Availability of resources including from the proposing country, and/or donor country (4) Cooperation among ASEAN member states are also encouraged, taking into consideration the launching of ASEAN Economic Community in 2015 (5) Other specific circumstances Summary of Proposed Activities in 2015 - 2016 No. Host Country Title 1 Malaysia In-country training ■Dispatched Experts for Setting up Example Varieties for Selected Crops (Rice) : Nov. 24-27 2 Vietnam In-country training ■Training Course for DUS of Upland Crops (EXPECTED with TOMATO) : Nov.30 to Dec. 4 3 Malaysia Harmonization of test guidelines and other tools for PVP examination in the region ■Test Guidelines Harmonisation Meeting on ACACIA (Acacia spp.): Sep. 8-11 4 Lao PDR Awareness raising for key persons in decision making ■Workshop on Awareness of Plant Varieties Protection under UPOV Convention : Dec. 7-8 5 Awareness raising for key persons in decision making Cambodia ■Plant Variety Protection and DUS Technical Testing under the UPOV Convention : Dec. 9-10 6 UPOV Awareness raising for key persons in decision making ■ High Level Tour in Japan 7 Indonesia Awareness raising for key persons in decision making ■ Study Course for DUS test fascilities in Japan 8 Burunei Awareness raising for key persons in decision making ■Plant Variety Protection and DUS Technical Testing under the UPOV Convention : the date is not yet fixed 9 Malaysia Supprt for PVP law development and other activity to assist accession to UPOV ■Legal Consultation on International Harmonized PVP System : Proposed Date Aug. 1819 Proposed Implementation Schedule of the EAPVPF Cooperation Activities 2015-2016 by EAPVPF Office Title Year 2015 August September October Year 2016 November December January February March Remarks (1) In-country training (Training organized by host country) ①Dispatched Experts for Setting up Example Varieties for Selected Crops (Rice) : Nov. 24-27 1) New Plant Variety Testing Center for Rice 2) Perak, Malaysia 3) Maximum 20 participants (Rice exapminers including PVP officers in charge of rice from Malaysai & Participants from other Forum member countries) ②Training Course for DUS of Upland Crops (EXPECTED with TOMATO) : Nov.30 to Dec. 4 1)Plant Variety Protection Office, Dep. of Crop Production 2)Hanoi, Vietnam 3)Participants from Forum Member countries (2) Harmonization of test guidelines and other tools for PVP examination in the region Test Guidelines Harmonisation Meeting on ACACIA (Acacia spp.): Sep. 811 (3) Information sharing through the Forum Website 1) Forest Research Institute (FRIM) 2) Kepong, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 3) Crop experts, PVP officers and technical resource persons from Forum member countries Update of the EAPVPF Website (4) Awareness raising for key persons in decision making (Seminars, Workshops) ①Workshop on Awareness of Plant Varieties Protection under UPOV Convention : Dec. 7-8 1)Department of Agriculture 2)Vientiane, Lao PDR 3)45participants from rekevants organization of Laos and UPOV members Proposed Implementation Schedule of the EAPVPF Cooperation Activities 2015-2016 by EAPVPF Office Title ②Plant Variety Protection and DUS Technical Testing under the UPOV Convention : Dec.910 ③High Level Tour in Japan ④Study Course for DUS test facilities in Japan ⑤Plant Variety Protection and DUS Technical Testing under the UPOV Convention (5) Supprt for PVP law development and other activity to assist accession to UPOV Legal Consultation on International Harmonized PVP System : Proposed Date Jan., 2016 Year 2015 August September October Year 2016 November December January February March Remarks 1)Plant Variety Protection Office and Dep. of Agriculture 2)Phom Penh, Cambodia 3)56 participants from: 20 local participants from fovernment official of Cambodia, 30 participants from NGOs, private sectors and model farmers, 4 international speakers It will be organized by UPOV 1)Ministry of Agriculture of Indonesia (Funded by Indonesian Government) 2)Japan 3)Delegates from Indonesia 1) Department of Agriculture and Agrifood 2) Brunei 3) Not Determined * The date is not yet fixed. 1)Department of Agriculture 2)Malaysia 3)UPOV Legal Advisor, Malaysian Ministerial Legal Advisor of Ministry of Agriculture, Representative from Malaysian Attorney-General Chamber, Malaysaian Plant Variety Technical Committee Members *Note: - Remarks : (1) Organization of the host country (2) Venue (3)Expected participants - This schedule is subject to change under unexpected situation. - If some activities other than the above which meet the objectives of the EAPVP Forum and of which resources are available are proposed, they may be implemented.