
Week1 - C

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Week1 - C
•  オニキユウジ 研究室3603 [email protected]­‐u.ac.jp
1. 主に1980年代の小説と映画を考察しながら、
していきます。 2. 長編小説を扱いますが、けっして「難しい物語」
ではありません。 3. 同時に、物語を分析する講義のアプローチは
極めて論理的です。 注意事項:
1.  作品の購読、そして授業資料サイトの復習 h6p://c-­‐faculty.chuo-­‐u.ac.jp/~oniki/ 「アメリカ文学特殊研究」リンク
2.  3回以上の欠席=E (公欠届は例外) 3.  20分以上遅刻した場合、入室不可。 4.  「居眠り」出席は欠席とします。
3回以上の欠席=E (公欠届は例外) 20分以上遅刻した場合、入室不可。 「居眠り」出席は欠席とします。 スマートフォン、タブレット、およびラップトッ
プは使用できません。 アメリカ文学特殊研究
Silence of the Lambs 『羊たちの沈黙』
•  前期は映画作品のスクリプトを精読したが、 今期は、長編小説を扱う。 1.まず翻訳を通して、大まかなあらすじを把握し、 2.そこから大事な部分に着眼し、分析を深める。 アプローチに関して
•  大事な部分とは: •  英語のニュアンスとテーマとの関連性。 •  テーマは、原文のほうが明解につかめる。 アプローチに関して
•  テーマは、原文のほうが明解につかめる。 •  キーワードの連鎖性。 前期の例: •  Passing – performaKve 言葉/表現に関して
•  辞書に記載されている意味だけでは、アメリ
カ文化におけるニュアンスは、把握できない。 •  英文テキストの1頁、あるいは1パラグラスに
予習 (講義の前)
予習 (講義の前)
•  指定された「章」を講読。 •  講読内容は、主に翻訳本。 (3~4章程度、15分程度) •  配布プリントは、1~6章。 予習 (講義の前)
•  訳本は、生協で購入可能。(通学に読もう!) •  上巻¥600位 •  また、共同研究室(3535号室)でも20分以内で
予習 (講義の前)
•  原文のペーパーバックも共同研究室(3535号室)
に置いてあるので、閲覧可。(借り出し不可) •  また、原文のコピーは、共同研究室に置いてあ
•  学生が、指定された部分のあらすじを知って
おける分析や説明をすすめる。 講義内容
•  指定された部分のあらすじを知っている前提
で、原文テキストを紹介する。 •  Keywords •  Key concepts •  Character Analysis •  Themes 復習 (講義の翌週)
•  パワーポイントのプリント(3535号室)をざっと
閲覧し、気になったポイントに着眼。 •  ポイントと関連している場面/会話/表現に
焦点を当てて、原文の部分を読む。 On Reviewing
•  What if I read right through the novel? •  That’s fine. Just skim the assigned chapters for the week. •  Also, if you are invested in learning English, then I would simply read the parts you found interesKng in the original English. Keywords •  Detect = to noKce, to pursue Keywords •  Detect = to noKce, to pursue •  DetecKve = 探偵、捜査官 Keywords •  Detect = to noKce, to pursue •  DetecKve = 探偵、捜査官 Keywords •  How do detecKves solve a crime? Keywords •  How do detecKves solve a crime? •  They need to perceive. •  They need to see things that most other people can’t. Keywords •  They need to see things that most other people can’t. •  In English, the private detecKve (私立探偵) is also called a private eye. Features of Silence of the Lambs
Features of Silence…
•  Main character: young female student at the FBI academy. •  1980s •  A “coming of age” story
Features of Silence…
•  A “coming of age” story •  “SenKmental EducaKon” •  「感情教育」とも言われています。) Features of Silence…
•  A “coming of age” story •  How a “young adult” becomes an “adult.” •  How a girl becomes a woman. Features of Silence…
•  In “classic literature” there are many many stories about how boys become men, but there are only a few about girls becoming women. Features of Silence…
•  In “classic literature” there are many many stories about how boys become men, but there are only a few about girls becoming women. •  There are almost no stories about women detecKves. •  Why is that? Features of Silence…
•  There is something about being a detecKve being a guy. Features of Silence…
•  There is something about being a detecKve being a guy. •  If the private detecKve (私立探偵) is called a private eye, then we see the crime solved through his eyes as a guy. Features of Silence…
•  There is something about being a detecKve being a guy. •  It is told from the guy’s point of view. Features of Silence…
•  Silence… is interesKng because it is the story of a woman as a detecKve. Features of Silence…
•  Silence… is interesKng because it is the story of a woman as a detecKve. •  Or more accurately, it is the story of a woman becoming a detecKve. •  We will see the world as it appears through her eyes. Features of Silence…
•  We will see the world as it appears through her eyes. •  We will see how she will learn to see the world as a detecKve. •  Will this way be any different from how male detecKves see crimes and criminals? Features of Silence…
•  Silence… is also interesKng because it is told in the genre of detecKve ficKon through the eyes of a female detecKve. •  She has to find and stop a monstrous criminal. Typical Horror Mystery
•  捜査官 対 「サイコ」 •  DetecKve vs. Monstrous Criminal •  Man vs. Man Typical Horror Mystery
•  捜査官 対 「サイコ」 •  DetecKve vs. Monstrous Criminal •  “Good” Man vs. “Evil” Man Silence…
•  捜査官 対 サイコ •  DetecKve vs. Monstrous Criminal •  Female vs. Man Silence…
•  捜査官 対 サイコ •  DetecKve vs. Monstrous Criminal •  (Good?) Female vs. (Evil?) Man Silence…
捜査官 対 サイコ DetecKve vs. Monstrous Criminal (Good?) Female vs. (Evil?) Man What does it mean to be a detecKve? Silence…
捜査官 対 サイコ DetecKve vs. Monstrous Criminal (Good?) Female vs. (Evil?) Man What does it mean to be a detecKve? Does it really mean you’re the good guy? Silence…
捜査官 対 サイコ DetecKve vs. Monstrous Criminal Female vs. Man (??) What does it mean to be a “man” or a “woman”? Silence…
捜査官 対 サイコ DetecKve vs. Monstrous Criminal Female vs. Man (??) In this story, even the criminal’s gender is unclear. 80年代に関して
•  「揺らぐ」時代。 •  前期: Think of Tootsie •  Who am I as a woman or a man?
•  「揺らぐ」時代。 •  Who am I as a woman or a man? •  Who am I as a middle class man/woman? 80年代に関して
「揺らぐ」時代。 Who am I as a woman or a man? Who am I as a middle class man/woman? Who am I as a lower class man/woman? 80年代に関して
「揺らぐ」時代。 Who am I as a woman or a man? Who am I as a middle class man/woman? Who am I as a lower class man/woman? Who am I as a minority man/woman?
Features of Silence…
•  Silence… is also a horror mystery. •  In other words, we will be looking at the “horror” story to understand its social significance. Discussion Topic
•  Why do we read or watch scary stories? •  Is it the same as reading about real “scary” crimes in the media? Our Context
•  If we spend part of our lives living in fear, then we spend part of our lives wondering about fear. •  We do not wonder about fear when we’re in a real situaKon of terror. Our Context
•  Think of where you are now. •  University. •  One of the benefits of university life is that it is, unlike the real world, very safe. •  You can afford to wonder about anything, both good or bad, nice or terrible. Our Context
•  Think of where you are now. •  University. •  Let’s use this semester as an occasion to understand how fear works and how it takes on the form of crime. Our Context
•  To understand something is to pursue it. •  Pursue = to chase •  We chase aler that thing we don’t understand. •  So we’ll be doing a li6le detecKve work too. Genres
•  Both the mystery novel and horror stories are about the “thing” we don’t understand.
•  The “thing” we don’t understand. •  We either pursue it… •  …or we try to escape from it. Genres
•  The “thing” we don’t understand. •  We either pursue it (detecKve novel). •  …or we try to escape from it (horror story). Genres
The “thing” we don’t understand. We either pursue it (detecKve novel). …or we try to escape from it (horror story). Silence of the Lambs tells the story of pursuit (detecKve) and escape (horror). 注意事項
•  Silence of the Lambsの映画作品がありますが、
ので、避けましょう。 Week 2 (9.28)の課題
•  『羊たちの沈黙』の第1章〜3章まで読む。 •  気になった描写、会話や表現に鉛筆のマークを
入れる(「✔」など)。 •  英語上達課題:チェックした部分を1つか2つ、
•  この授業をとるべきか? •  1章〜3章読んで、まったくおもしろくなければあ
まりすすめられません。 •  前期の授業や他の講義の授業とのアプローチ
はあまり変わりません。 •  主に、主に戦後(50年代)のアメリカを扱ってい
•  話は怖そうで、実はあまり怖くありません。 •  Remember, none of this is real.
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