
英 語

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英 語
平成 28 年度
本 郷 高 等 学 校
一般 入学試験問題
英 語
注 意
1.問題は大問 1 〜 6 です。
平成28年度 本郷高等学校 一般入学試験問題
次の英文はNoam Chomsky
(ノーム・チョムスキー)という言語学者が、 WHY
CAN T ANIMALS TALK LIKE US? という質問に答えたものです。よく読ん
─ 出典:Why Can’t I Tickle Myself ?, FABER & FABER ─
平成28年度 本郷高等学校 一般入学試験問題
問1 ( 1 )に入る最も適切なものをア~エから1つ選び、記号で答えなさい。
ア still
イ not really
ウ more and more
エ next to
問2 ( 2 )に入る最も適切なものをア~エから1つ選び、記号で答えなさい。
ア since
イ so
ウ before
エ though
問3 下線部⑶が指す具体的内容にあたる箇所を本文中から見つけ、その最初と
問4 段落[4]の内容に合うように、次の2つの文の空所ⒶⒷに入る最も適切
Language is( Ⓐ )to humans. In the animal world, such a thing
doesn't exist.
ア familiar イ natural ウ unique エ possible
Humans are different from other animals because they can make up
new things that( Ⓑ ).
ア others haven't expressed before
イ nobody has ever studied
ウ everyone has heard or seen
エ someone has already noticed
問5 本文の内容から判断して、下線部⑸とほぼ同じ意味を表すものをア~エか
ア help with
イ communicate with
ウ work with
エ meet with
平成28年度 本郷高等学校 一般入学試験問題
問6 ⑹
[解答例] 並べかえた文の順序がア-イ-ウ-エになる場合
アの次→イ イの次→ウ ウの次→エ エの次→×
ア And like other animals, they cannot make up something new.
イ Parrots can be trained to do that very well.
ウ It sounds a little like language, but they are not really using the
language at all the way humans do.
エ There are some birds that are very good at *mimicking the songs
of other birds, or even human words.
問7 下線部⑺ "an interesting question" とは具体的にどういう問題のことで
平成28年度 本郷高等学校 一般入学試験問題
平成28年度 本郷高等学校 一般入学試験問題
After eating, they all sat outside. The young man explained he was a
scientist, who collected birds. “Do you put them in a cage?”Sylvie asked. “No,”
he answered slowly,“I shoot them and *stuff them with special *chemicals to
*preserve them. I have over one hundred different kinds of birds from all over the
United States in my *study at home.”
“ Ⓐ , too,”her grandmother said proudly. “She knows the
forest so well, the wild animals come and eat bread right out of her hands.”
“So Sylvie knows all about birds. Maybe she can help me then,”the young
man said. “I saw a white *heron not far from here two days ago. I've been
looking for it ever since. It's a very rare bird, the little white heron. Have you
seen it, too?”He asked Sylvie. But Sylvie was silent. “You would know it if you
saw it,”he added. “It's a tall, strange bird with soft white feathers and long thin
legs. It probably has its nest at the top of a tall tree.”
Ⓑ . She knew that strange white bird! She had seen it on
the other side of the forest. The young man was staring at Sylvie. “I would give
ten dollars to the person who showed me where the white heron is.”
That night Sylvie's dreams were full of all the wonderful things she and her
grandmother could buy for ten dollars.
Ⓒ . He told her a lot about the birds they saw. Sylvie
would have had a much better time if the young man had left his gun at home.
She could not understand why he killed the birds he seemed to like so much. She
felt her heart *tremble every time he shot an *unsuspecting bird as it was singing
in the trees.
But Sylvie watched the young man with eyes full of *admiration. She had
never seen anyone so handsome and charming. A strange( 1 )filled her
heart, a new feeling the little girl did not *recognize ... love.
At last evening came. They drove the cow home together. Long after the
moon came out and the young man had fallen asleep Ⓓ . She
had a plan that would get the ten dollars for her grandmother and make the
young man happy. ⑵When it was almost time for the sun to rise, she quietly left
her house and hurried through the forest. She finally reached a huge *pine tree,
so tall it could be seen for many miles around. Her plan was to climb to the top of
平成28年度 本郷高等学校 一般入学試験問題
the pine tree. She could see the whole forest from there. She was sure she would
be able to see where the white heron had hidden its nest.
Sylvie's *bare feet and tiny fingers *grabbed the tree's rough *trunk. Sharp
dry branches scratched at her like cat's *claws. The pine tree's *sticky sap made
her fingers feel *stiff and clumsy as she climbed higher and higher.
The pine tree seemed to grow taller, the higher that Sylvie climbed. The sky
began to brighten in the east. Sylvie's face was like a pale star when, at last, she
reached the tree's highest branch. The golden sun's *rays hit the green forest.
Two hawks flew together in slow-moving circles far below Sylvie. Sylvie felt *as if
she could go flying among the clouds, too. To the west she could see other farms
and forests.
Ⓔ . A bird with broad white wings and a long slender neck
flew past Sylvie and landed on a pine branch below her. The white heron
*smoothed its feathers and called to its *mate, sitting on their nest in a nearby
tree. Then it lifted its wings and flew away. Sylvie gave a long sigh. She knew
the wild bird's secret now. Slowly she began her dangerous trip down the ancient
pine tree. She did not *dare to look down and tried to forget that her fingers hurt
and her feet were *bleeding. All she wanted to think about was what the stranger
would say to her ⑶
(ア where イ when ウ she エ him オ told
カ the heron's nest キ to find)
As Sylvie climbed slowly down the pine tree, the stranger was waking up
back at the farm. He was smiling because he was sure from the way the shy little
girl had looked at him that she had seen the white heron.
About an hour later Sylvie appeared. Both her grandmother and the young
man stood up as she came into the kitchen. The *splendid moment to speak about
her secret had come.
But Sylvie was( 4 ). Her grandmother was angry with her. Where had
she been? The young man's kind eyes looked deeply into Sylvie's own dark gray
ones. He could give Sylvie and her grandmother ten dollars. He had promised to
do this, and they needed the money. Besides, Sylvie wanted to make him happy.
But Sylvie was( 4 ). She remembered how the white heron came flying
through the golden air and how they watched the sun rise together from the top of
the world. Sylvie could not speak. She could not tell the heron's secret and give
its life away.
The young man went away disappointed later that day. Sylvie was sad.
She wanted to be his friend. He never returned. But many nights Sylvie heard
the sound of his whistle as she came home with her grandmother's cow.
Were the birds better friends than their hunter might have been? Who can
平成28年度 本郷高等学校 一般入学試験問題
─出典:ゆっくり英語でリスニング, Sarah Orne Jewett,“The White Heron”─
*stuff A with B:AにBを詰め込む
*pine tree:松
*bare feet:裸足
*sticky sap:ネバネバした樹液
*stiff and clumsy:こわばる
*as if:まるで~のように
*dare to ~:あえて~しようとする
問1 下線部Ⓐ~Ⓔに入る最も適切なものを、ア~カからそれぞれ1つずつ選び、
ア Sylvie's heart began to beat fast
イ Suddenly Sylvie's dark gray eyes caught a flash of white that grew
larger and larger
ウ Sylvie knows a lot about birds
エ Sylvie was still awake
オ Sylvie spent the next day in the forest with the young man
カ Sylvie wanted more than ten dollars
問2 本文の内容から判断して、( 1 )
ア anger イ excitement ウ sadness エ fear
平成28年度 本郷高等学校 一般入学試験問題
問3 下線部⑵の目的として最も適切なものをア~エから1つ選び、記号で答え
ア Sylvie wanted to know where the white heron was to keep the
young man away from it.
イ Sylvie didn't want the young man to see her climbing to the top of
a tall tree.
ウ Sylvie wanted to check where the white heron was to please her
grandmother and the young man.
エ Sylvie didn't want to help the young man to kill the birds by
showing him how they live.
問4 下線部⑶が本文の内容に合う英文になるように、
( )
問5 ( 4 )に入る最も適切な英語1語を、本文中から抜き出して答えなさい。
問6 この物語の後半の内容を次のように要約するとき、
( )
The image of the white heron she saw from the top of the tree
stayed in her(ア m _ _ _ _ _ ). She did not want anyone to kill the
bird, so she could not tell the man where it was. However,
(イ n _ _ _ _ _ )knows *if she made the best decision.
平成28年度 本郷高等学校 一般入学試験問題
問7 本文の内容に一致するものを、ア~キから2つ選び、記号で答えなさい。
ア The young man kept the birds alive in his study after he caught
イ Sylvie could give wild animals bread out of her hands.
ウ The young man had wanted to find a white heron for years.
エ Sylvie needed money in order to buy the young man a present.
オ When Sylvie saw the white heron from the top of the tree, the
moon was still shining bright in the sky.
カ Sylvie was so excited to watch the white heron that she never
noticed that she was injured.
キ After Sylvie came home, she had a chance to tell the young man
that she had found the white heron.
平成28年度 本郷高等学校 一般入学試験問題
平成28年度 本郷高等学校 一般入学試験問題
[解答例] I always brushed my tooth after dinner when I was a child.
[誤] ( ウ )
→ [正]
teeth 1.電話を発明したのは誰ですか。
Who was the telephone invented with?
Any other student in his school can sing better than Jun.
I wait for a friend who went back to his classroom to get his textbook.
The boys who are standing at the school gate belongs to the baseball club.
平成28年度 本郷高等学校 一般入学試験問題
次の各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように、( )
1.Make sure that the doors and windows are locked before leaving home.
Don't( )to( )the doors and windows before you leave home.
2.Yesterday Mary didn't have to make dinner for her children.
Yesterday( )was not( )for Mary to make her children's dinner.
3.My brother had a bad cold, so he wasn't able to attend school for a week.
My brother was( )from school for a week because( )a bad cold.
4.I will go to Tokyo Station by car and drive you home.
I will( )you up at Tokyo Station and give you a( )home.
平成28年度 本郷高等学校 一般入学試験問題
[ ]内の語
Recently, universities[ア begun イ in English ウ have エ in Japan オ taught カ to offer キ more classes]
My aunt[ア when イ come ウ would エ me オ I
カ asked キ and see]her during the summer vacation.
Tomorrow she will[ア an airline ticket イ from ウ the money
エ she オ buy カ saved キ with]her part-time job.
平成28年度 本郷高等学校 一般入学試験問題
[ ]内の英文を完成させなさい。ただし、
[ ]内の語は与えられた形のまま、順番通りに用いること。また、解答欄には
[ ]内のみを書きなさい。
1.Mom : What are you going to do this afternoon, Jim?
Jim : I'm going to ABC Park with Kent, Mom.
Mom : Sounds good, but it's very hot outside. Take your cap with you.
Jim : But I don't like wearing a cap.
Mom : Anyway, you must[put, when, outside]
, Jim.
Jim : OK, I will.
2.Jane : Did you go to the new department store in front of the station?
Susan: Yes, but it was terrible.
Jane : What was wrong with it?
Susan: It[crowded, to, anything]I needed.
Jane : Then, try to get there early tomorrow.
: Hello, this is Ted. May I speak to Mary, please?
Mary's mother : Hi, Ted. Sorry, she's just gone out. Would you like to
leave a message?
: Just tell[call, soon, possible]
Mary's mother : All right.
Fly UP