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・[What’s New] 新着アップデート
------------------------------------------------------------2006 年 1 月 5 日 7:07
January Friends of Futron Reports
from Eileen T. McGowan
------------------------------------------------------------2006 年 1 月 6 日 8:00
[email protected]
Happy New Year from AIAA Space 2006!
Space 2006
Happy New Year from AIAA SPACE 2006!
Happy New Year from AIAA Space 2006!
The Value Proposition for Space
Security, Discovery, Prosperity
Time is running out to submit an abstract for the
AIAA Space 2006 Conference & Exposition,
19-21 September 2006 in San Jose, California!
Abstract Submittal Deadline: Friday, 13 January 2006.
Please click here to download a PDF of the Call for Papers, or click here to begin
a new submission.
Session Topics
• Global Security /// • Space Systems /// • Exploration //// • Applications, Commerce, and Benefits /// • Logistics • Space Policy ///• Space
Transportation /// • Space Economics /// • 2nd International Space Architecture Symposium /// • Space Partnerships for the Value Proposition
Space 2006 is Co-Chaired by:
------------------------------------------------------------October 2005,
Defense Science Board Task Force On “The Future of the Global Positioning System”
GPS の耐妨害性能
3.4.2 Military Anti-jam Capability
Figure 6. Current Capabilities
Figure 7. Improvements Possible
------------------------------------------------------------2006 年 1 月 6 日 2:47
AIA dailyLead January 5, 2006 –
GlobalFlyer のケネディスペースセンタへの飛行は遅延
GlobalFlyer's flight to Space Center is delayed
Plans to bring the GlobalFlyer to the Kennedy Space Center have
it was fueled for a test flight. Pilot Steve Fossett hopes to fly the
been postponed. One of the GlobalFlyer's wings was damaged after
plane around the world.
Florida Today (Melbourne) (1/5)
------------------------------------------------------------2006 年 1 月 5 日 1:59
AIA dailyLead January 4, 2006 –
NASA は革新的宇宙のアイデアを求めている
NASA seeks revolutionary space ideas
NASA's Institute for Advanced Concepts has once again made its
fruition within 10 to 40 years. Past proposals include robots able to
annual request for revolutionary space ideas. The institute picks
explore planets and a giant pinehole camera in space.
about a dozen projects a year. Most are long-term and come to
(London) (1/4)
The Guardian
------------------------------------------------------------Aerospace Daily & Defense Report
Jan 5, 2006
米政府は NASA にスタンドアローンの Landsat 衛星を製造するように要求
White House orders NASA to build stand-alone Landsat spacecraft
NASA will work with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) on
pull the mission from the faltering National Polarorbiting
developing a new Earth-observing satellite to continue the
Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS).
33-year-old Landsat data set, following a White House decision to
Presidential science adviser John H. Marburger, III, ordered the
shift on Dec. 23, recognizing that “the complexities of
incorporating Landsat-type sensors on the NPOESS platforms
“The exact decision on what the free-flyer will be is still under
significantly exceeded earlier assessments and made that option less
negotiation,” says Ronald Beck, chief Landsat spokesman at USGS.
suitable to the goals of both programs.”
NASA and the USGS will work together to get another spacecraft
Under the new policy directive, published on the Landsat Data
into polar orbit as soon as possible, a process Beck says probably
Continuity Mission Web site and elsewhere, NASA will develop
will take about three years. Although it remains to be seen how long
one free-flying spacecraft to carry Landsat sensors. As in the past,
Landsat 7 will last, Beck says it is “probable” that there will be a
the USGS will operate it and archive and distribute the data it
gap in the data set before a new spacecraft can be launched.
------------------------------------------------------------Aerospace Daily & Defense Report
Jan 5, 2006
欧州委員会はルクセンブルグと SES の結びつきに質疑
European regulators question Luxembourg/SES ties
Luxembourg must change provisions in its orbital concession
for use of Luxembourg’s orbital slots, allow the government to
agreement with SES Global or face further legal action by the
block any direct or indirect holding in SES Global exceeding 20.1
percent if it deems this to be in the public interest. Moreover, the
Luxembourg maintains the right to block certain shareholdings in
restrictions require that at least 79.9 percent of SES Astra shares be
the Luxembourg-based satellite operator and its European affiliate
held by SES Global. The EC considers such restrictions to be
SES Astra. The EC considers that unjustified restriction on the
inappropriate, considering the private nature of the company and its
movement of capital, and has given the government two months to
increasingly broad international scope. SES last month agreed to
start removing the provisions. If Luxembourg doesn’t budge, the
take over New Skies, after previously acquiring Americom and
EC will take the issue to the European Court of Justice for
shares in Asian, Latin American, and European operators. - Aviation
adjudication. The restrictions in question, imposed as a condition
Week & Space Technology
------------------------------------------------------------Aerospace Daily & Defense Report
Jan 5, 2006
海軍、空軍は JSF の代替エンジンを救済するために動く
Navy, Air Force maneuver to save JSF alternate engine
In a move that echoes past budget maneuvering, the U.S. Navy says
Joint Strike Fighter. . . .
it can't afford to keep developing an alternative engine for the F-35
767 の自己防護システムにイスラエル OK を出す
Self-protection systems for 767s OK'd by Israel
Many Israeli Boeing 767s at El Al and other airlines will now be
shoulder-fired missiles now that
able to operate with Flight Guard systems to protect against
LM ロッキードマーチンは F-16 の作業をギリシャに提供する予定
LM to provide Greece with F-16 aircraft work
Greece's air force will be provided long-lead tasks for the
awarded to Lockheed Martin by the U.S.
production of 30 F-16 aircraft under a $99.7 million contract
プロトンで AMC-23 衛星の打上げ成功
AMC-23 successfully launched on Proton
AMC-23: A Proton rocket successfully launched SES Americom's
Kazakhstan on Dec. 28 local time. Based on Alcatel Alenia Space's
AMC-23 communications satellite from Baikonur Cosmodrome in
Spacebus . . .
$1B 以上の F/A-18E/F の契約がボーイングに明らかにされる
More than $1B in F/A-18E/F awards unveiled by Boeing
The U.S. Navy has awarded the Boeing Co. a five-year, $995
Teaming (FIRST) program, the company announced Jan. 3. . . .
million contract for the F/A-18E/F Integrated Readiness Support
------------------------------------------------------------Jan. 4, 2006
NB #1:
CDI Space Security Update #1
Center for Defense Information
防衛科学委員会は 30 機の GPS III 衛星のコンステレーションを推奨するレポートを発行
NB #1: The Defense Science Board has a report out recommending a constellation of 30 GPS III satellites.
The report is available at http://www.acq.osd.mil/dsb/reports/2005-10-GPS_Report_Final.pdf
NB #2: Congressional Research Service has released a series of
Analysis, and Issues for Congress," "The National Aeronautics and
recently updated reports on space issues, which the Federation
Space Administration: Overview, FY2006 Budget in Brief, and Key
of American Scientists has placed on its website. They include:
Issues for Congress," "U.S. Space Programs: Civilian, Military, and
"Military Space Programs: Issues Concerning DOD's SBIRS and
Commercial," "Space Stations," "The International Space Station
STSS Programs," "Space Exploration: Issues Concerning the
and the Iran Nonproliferation Act (INA): The Bush Administration's
'Vision for Space Exploration'," "The National Aeronautics and
Proposed INA Amendment," and "China's Space Program: An
Space Administration's FY 2006 Budget Request: Description,
Overview." They are available on CDI's website at
NB #3: CDI 研究アナリスト ヴィクトリア・サムソンは ArmsControlWonk ブログのゲストホストを 12 月に務めた。
NB #3: CDI Research Analyst Victoria Samson was a guest host on the ArmsControlWonk blog in December.
Her piece, "How bad things happen to bad space programs," details
Expendable Launch Vehicle program, and is available at
the travails of the proposed United Launch Alliance for the Evolved
1. ガリレオの初号機が打上げられた /// 1. First Galileo satellite launched
2. FY2006 予算は宇宙に関する DoD のレポートを求める /// 2. FY 2006 budget asks for DoD reports on space
3. TSAT, 宇宙レーダは予算投資を失う /// 3. TSAT, Space Radar lose funding
4. ボーイングは Wideband Gapfiller 衛星 4 号機、5 号機を製造予定 /// 4. Boeing to build 4th and 5th Wideband Gapfiller satellites
5. 米空軍宇宙コマンド Lord 大将はリタイヤ予定 /// 5. Lord to retire
6. SBIRS はリストラで競争に直面 /// 6. SBIRS restructured and will face competitor
7. UCS 憂慮する科学者連盟は衛星データベースをリリース /// 7. UCS releases satellite database
8. ロッキードマーチンは高高度飛行船を製造する計画 /// 8. Lockheed Martin to build High-Altitude Airship
1. ガリレオの初号機が打上げられた
1. First Galileo satellite launched
The first satellite of the European Space Agency (ESA) and
European citizens on Earth." The Dec. 28 launch was of Giove A, a
European Commission (EC) Galileo global navigation system was
launched on Dec. 28, 2005. According to French Foreign Minister
responsibilities are to test Galileo's clock, obtain the frequencies
Philippe Douste-Blazy, Galileo illustrates "the independence of the
European Union." However, operators hope that Galileo can be
used in conjunction with the U.S. Global Positioning System (GPS)
Union, and see how well its electronics hold up under space
satellite navigating network to make both more reliable and
radiation. It was launched on a Soyuz-Fregat rocket from Baikonur,
accurate. ESA Director General Jean Jacques Dordain announced
Kazakhstan. Its orbit will be circular and at an altitude of 23,258
that "Years of fruitful cooperation between ESA and the EC have
kilometers. The second Galileo demonstrator satellite, Giove B, is
now provided a new facility in space for improving the life of
currently undergoing testing.
allotted to Galileo
(European Space Agency, Dec. 29, 2005; Washington Post, Dec. 29, 2005)
2. FY2006 予算は宇宙に関する DoD のレポートを求める
2. FY 2006 budget asks for DoD reports on space
According to the Fiscal Year (FY) 2006 defense authorization
Congress calls the "space control mission," and underlined how
request, Congress is asking for a series of reports from the Pentagon
crucial this review was by instructing that it be submitted to
on space issues. It asked for the Secretary of Defense to create a
Congress no less than 180 days after the bill was enacted. The
"Space Situational Awareness Strategy" and submit it to Congress
defense authorization defined space control mission as "the mission
by April 15, 2006, and every April 15 thereafter. It also asked that
of the Department of Defense involving the following:
a Space Situational Awareness Implementation Plan be created by
(A) Space situational awareness. /// (B) Defensive counterspace
the Secretary of the Air Force. Finally, it called for a review by the
operations. /// (C) Offensive counterspace operations."
Pentagon ・and specifically not led by the Air Force -- of what
3. TSAT, 宇宙レーダは予算投資を失う
3. TSAT, Space Radar lose funding
Major space acquisition programs took funding hits as Congress
Communications program, or T-Sat (from $836 million requested to
worked out the defense budget for FY 2006. Congressional
$436 million). This comes after a year where Congress became
conferees agreed to cut the funding for Space Radar (from the $226
increasingly concerned with space acquisition program's tendencies
million requested to $100 million) and Transformational Satellite
to run over budget and behind schedule.
(Space News, Dec. 22, 2005; Aerospace Daily & Defense Report, Dec. 20, 2005)
4. ボーイングは Wideband Gapfiller 衛星 4 号機、5 号機を製造予定
4. Boeing to build 4th and 5th Wideband Gapfiller satellites
Boeing is to receive an extra $203.9 million in the upcoming FY
communicate but has been running behind schedule and has seen its
2007-11 defense budget so it can build fourth and fifth satellites for
first launch delayed three years to June 2007. Boeing is building
the upcoming Wideband Gapfiller military communications
the satellite network under a fixed-price contract that will force it to
network, reports Bloomberg.com (Dec. 29, 2005). This news,
pay expenses if it runs over budget, but also grants it greater
coming from a memo dated Dec. 20, 2005, by Deputy Defense
rewards if it comes in under cost. The budget is still being
Secretary Gordon England, bodes well for the program which has
analyzed by the White House Office of Management and Budget;
been struggling with quality control issues. The $1.8 billion
the official
program was initiated to enhance the Pentagon's ability to
budget request will not be released until February.
5. 米空軍宇宙コマンド Lord 大将はリタイヤ予定
5. Lord to retire
The head of U.S. Air Force Space Command, Gen. Lance Lord, has
been named. (SpaceDaily.com, Dec. 16, 2005)
announced he will retire on April 1, 2006. No successor has yet
6. SBIRS はリストラで競争に直面
6. SBIRS restructured and will face competitor
The struggling Space Based Infrared System (SBIRS) will be
generation of new technologies.
restructured in the hopes of getting it back on track, reported
Along those lines, Space News reports (Dec. 5, 2005) that the
WallStreetJournal.com (Dec. 13, 2005).
The earlier contract
Pentagon is also considering possibly using some NASA hardware
dictated that three geosynchronous satellites would be purchased by
to limit the impact of a failed SBIRS program. It is examining the
the Pentagon; now two of the satellites will be built, and only after
prospect of using infrared sensors and hardware developed for
they have completed their development phase will the Pentagon buy
NASA systems in order to ensure that the SBIRS mission of early
the third satellite. Also, even though Kenneth Krieg, the head of
missile warning can be met. According to Gary Payton, deputy
Pentagon's acquisitions, wrote Congress that "There are no
undersecretary of the Air Force for space programs, because "[t]he
alternatives to such acquisition program which will provide equal or
astronomy world is moving to infrared, and that brings with it very,
greater military capability at less cost," he also indicated that he
very sensitive detectors, cryocoolers, [and] better optics・here are a
would like to start a competitor for SBIRS. The proposed
lot of things that we're looking at that could help us for missile
space-based Overhead Non-Imaging Infrared (ONIR) would
warning and missile defense."
parallel SBIRS and, claims Krieg, would spur competition and the
7. UCS 憂慮する科学者連盟は衛星データベースをリリース
7. UCS releases satellite database
The Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) has released its eagerly
open-source information on operational satellites and presenting it
anticipated satellite database. This list of operational satellites
in a format that can be easily manipulated for research and
currently in orbit is, according to UCS' website, intended "to create
analysis." It has 21 types of data on over 800 satellites and their
a research tool for specialists and non-specialists alike by collecting
orbits. The database can be accessed at
8. ロッキードマーチンは高高度飛行船を製造する計画
Lockheed Martin to build High-Altitude Airship
On Dec. 8, 2005, Lockheed Martin won a contract worth $149
Defense Agency hopes that unmanned aerial vehicles like the HAA
million to build a High-Altitude Airship (HAA). This unmanned
could detect ballistic missiles and do so in a way that would be
airship would fly at 60,000 feet, carry up to 500 pounds of sensors,
cheaper than space-based sensors.(Los Angeles Times, Dec. 9,
and remain over one designated site for a month. The U.S. Missile
------------------------------------------------------------Updated November 25, 2005
CRS Report for Congress
Order Code RS21148
Marcia S. Smith
軍事宇宙プログラム: 国防省の SBIRS と STSS プログラムに関する問題
Military Space Programs: Issues Concerning DOD’s SBIRS and STSS Programs
要 約
The Department of Defense’s (DOD’s) programs to develop new
and Surveillance System (STSS, formerly SBIRS-Low), managed
satellites to alert U.S. military commanders to foreign missile
by the Missile Defense Agency, would perform missile tracking and
launches, and to support missile defense objectives, are
controversial because of cost growth and schedule slippage. SBIRS
SBIRS-High program has breached Nunn-McCurdy cost growth
High, managed by the Air Force, would replace existing Defense
limits several times. This report will be updated.
Support Program “early warning” satellites. The Space Tracking
------------------------------------------------------------Posted: 12/29/2005
European Space Agency (ESA)
First Galileo Satellite on Orbit to Demonstrate Key Technologies
December 28, 2005 - The first Galileo demonstrator is in orbit,
radiation to which the satellite is exposed during its two year
marking the very first step to full operability of Europe’s new
mission. The satellite is under the control of SSTL’s own ground
global navigation satellite system, under a partnership between ESA
station. All systems are performing well, the solar arrays are
and the European Commission (EC). Giove A, the first Galileo
deployed and in-orbit checkout of the satellite has begun. Once the
in-orbit validation element, was launched today from Baikonur,
payload is activated, the Galileo signals broadcast by Giove A will
Kazakhstan, atop a Soyuz-Fregat vehicle operated by Starsem.
be carefully analysed by ground stations to make sure they satisfy
Following a textbook lift-off at 05:19 UTC (06:19 CET), the Fregat
the criteria of the ITU filings.
upper stage performed a series of manoeuvres to reach a circular
First step for Galileo
orbit at an altitude of 23 258 km, inclined at 56 degrees to the
A second demonstrator satellite, Giove B, built by the European
Equator, before safely deploying the satellite at 09:01:39 UTC
consortium Galileo Industries, is currently being tested and will be
(10:01:39 CET).“Years of fruitful cooperation between ESA and the
launched later. It is due to demonstrate the Passive Hydrogen Maser
EC have now provided a new facility in space for improving the life
(PHM), which, with a stability better than 1 nanosecond per day,
of European citizens on Earth” said ESA Director General Jean
will be the most accurate atomic clock ever launched into orbit.
Jacques Dordain congratulating ESA and industrial teams on the
Two PHMs will be used as primary clocks onboard the operational
successful launch. This 600 kg satellite, built by Surrey Satellite
Galileo satellites, with two rubidium clocks serving as backups.
Technology Ltd (SSTL) of Guildford, in the UK, has a threefold
Subsequently, four operational satellites will be launched to validate
mission. First, it will secure use of the frequencies allocated by the
the basic Galileo space and related ground segments. Once this
International Telecommunications Union (ITU) for the Galileo
In-Orbit Validation (IOV) phase is completed, the remaining
system. Second, it will demonstrate critical technologies for the
satellites will be launched to achieve Full Operational Capability
navigation payload of future operational Galileo satellites. Third, it
(FOC). Galileo will be Europe’s own global navigation satellite
will characterise the radiation environment of the orbits planned for
system, providing a highly accurate, guaranteed global positioning
the Galileo constellation. Formerly known as GSTB-V2/A (Galileo
service under civilian control. It will be inter-operable with the US
System Test Bed Version 2), Giove A carries two redundant,
Global Positioning System (GPS) and Russia’s Global Navigation
small-size rubidium atomic clocks, each with a stability of 10
Satellite System (Glonass), the two other global satellite navigation
nanoseconds per day, and two signal generation units, one able to
systems. Galileo will deliver real-time positioning accuracy down
generate a simple Galileo signal and the other, more representative
to the metric range with unrivaled integrity. Numerous applications
Galileo signals. These two signals will be broadcast through an
are planned for Galileo, including positioning and derived
L-band phased-array antenna designed to cover all of the visible
value-added services for transport by road, rail, air and sea,
Earth under the satellite. Two instruments will monitor the types of
fisheries and agriculture, oil prospecting, civil protection activities,
building, public works and telecommunications.
関連:- First Galileo Satellite On Orbit To Demonstrate Key Technologies
------------------------------------------------------------Astro.Expo Conference Listing
Nov. 8 - 10, 2006
Event Title(Click for details)
Event Focus
2006 Core Technologies for Space Space Technologies
Systems Conference
2006 IEEE Nuclear and Space Space Electronics
Radiation Effects Conference
International Microelectronics Reliability
Reliability Physics Symposium
and Military Space
2006 IEEE Aerospace Conference Aerospace Systems
2006 Components for Military and Space Electronics
Space Electronics Conference &
International Microelectronics
Solid-State Circuits Conference
52nd Annual Reliability & Product
Symposium Maintainability
July 17 - 21, 2006
March 26 - 30, 2006
March 8 - 9, 2006
Mar 4 - Mar 11, 2006
Feb. 6 - 9, 2006
Feb. 4 - 8, 2006
Jan. 23 - 26, 2006
------------------------------------------------------------12/26/2005 to 12/30/2005
Launch News
12/30/2005 - AMC-23 Successfully Launched from Baikonur
Proton/Breeze M Combination Works Flawlessly December 29, 2005 - Princeton, NJ - The AMERICOM-23 (AMC-23) satellite of
SES AMERICOM, an SES GLOBAL company (Euronext Paris and Luxembourg Stock Exchange: SESG), roared into space
onboard an International Launch Services Proton/Breeze M launch vehicle from the Baikonur Cosmodrome (Kazakhstan) at - Click
here for more...
12/30/2005 - Proton Booster with U.S. Satellite Blasts off from Baikonur
MOSCOW, December 29, 2005 - /Itar-Tass/ - A Proton booster rocket with the U.S. telecommunications satellite AMS-23 blasted
off from Russia’s Baikonur cosmodrome at 5:28 am, Moscow time, on Thursday, Baikonur sources have told Itar-Tass. Under the
schedule, the satellite will be put into the target geostationary orbit at about 2:47 pm, Moscow t - Click here for more...
12/30/2005 - Russian Rocket Blasts Off with U.S. Satellite
MOSCOW, December 29, 2005 - /RIA Novosti/ - A Russian rocket carrying an American communications satellite blasted off from
the Baiknour space center in Kazakhstan early Thursday morning, the Russian Space Agency said. The Proton-M rocket was
carrying the U.S. AMC-23 (Worldsat-3) satellite, which is designed to provide communications services, - Click here for more...
12/30/2005 - Proton Launches AMC-23 Satellite; 7th and Final Mission of Year for ILS
BAIKONUR COSMODROME, Kazakhstan, Dec. 29, 2005 - International Launch Services (ILS) wrapped up a successful year
today with the launch of its Proton Breeze M vehicle carrying the AMC-23 communications satellite. This was the seventh mission
of the year for ILS, a Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) joint venture that markets satellite launches on the R - Click here for more...
12/30/2005 - Alcatel Alenia Space-Built AMC-23 Telecommunication Satellite Successfully Launched from Baikonur, Kazakhstan
Paris, December 29, 2005 - Alcatel Alenia Space applauds the successful launch of the AMC-23 communications satellite from
Baikonur in Kazakhstan. This satellite, dedicated to the U.S. operator SES AMERICOM, an SES GLOBAL company, has been
launched by International Launch Services on a Proton Breeze M and will cover the Pacific region. This hyb - Click here for more...
12/30/2005 - Southwest Research Institute Leading New Horizons Science Mission to Explore Pluto, Charon and Possibly the
Kuiper Belt
Spacecraft Expected to Launch Jan. 17, 2006 Dec. 20, 2005 - Following four years of design and construction, NASA's New
Horizons spacecraft is completing preparations for a January launch -- the first mission to the last planet. Southwest Research
Institute leads the science mission to explore the icy worlds of Pluto, its moon Charon and poss - Click here for more...
12/29/2005 - First Satellite of European Global Position System in Orbit
MOSCOW, December 28, 2005 - /Itar-Tass/ - A Russian carrier rocket Soyuz-FG with the first satellite of the European Global
Positioning System Galileo blasted off the Baikonur cosmodrome on Wednesday morning, bringing the GPS spacecraft to a preset
circular orbit at 12:01, Moscow time, with an altitude of more than 23,000 kilometers and inclination - Click here for more...
12/29/2005 - Soyuz Carrier Rocket Takes European Satellite to Orbit
MOSCOW, December 28, 2005 - /RIA Novosti/ - A Russian Soyuz carrier rocket with European GIOVE A satellite has lifted off
from the Baikonur space center in Kazakhstan, the Russian Space Agency (Roskosmos) said Wednesday. The satellite is
expected to reach the orbit at 12:02 p.m. Moscow time (9:02 GMT) on Wednesday. The GIOVE A satellite is - Click here for more...
12/29/2005 - EU Launches First Satellite in Galileo Navigation Program
Dec. 28, 2005 - /Pravda/ - The first satellite in the EU's Galileo satellite navigation program was launched from Kazakhstan on
Wednesday, a major step forward for Europe's answer to the United States' Global Positioning System satellites. The satellite,
named "Giove A," took off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan aboard a Soyuz rocket on s - Click here for more...
12/28/2005 - GIOVE-A on the Launch Pad; Launch Rehearsal Completed
December 27, 2005 - GIOVE-A, now mated with the Soyuz launcher that will carry it into orbit, is in position on launch pad six at
the Baikonur Cosmodrome. A successful launch rehearsal for Soyuz, GIOVE and the ground station network has been completed.
Lift-off is set for 05:19:08 UTC (06:19:08 CET, 11:19:08 Baikonur local time) on 28 December. - Click here for more...
12/28/2005 - Surrey Satellite Technology Invite Media to Live Coverage of Galileo Satellite Launch
On-site SNG will provide a live video feed from the Baikonur launch site Guildford , UK - December 23, 2005 - Surrey Satellite
Technology Ltd (SSTL), manufacturer of the GIOVE-A satellite will be hosting a launch press conference at the University of
Surrey , Guildford on the 28th December, starting at 4:30 am for broadcast starting at 5:00 . - Click here for more...
12/28/2005 - Blast Off for European Satellite Navigation System
Dec. 23, 2005 - Europe 's plans for its own global satellite navigation system take a massive step forward on 28 December with
the launch of the GIOVE-A satellite from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan . GIOVE - the Galileo In-Orbit Validation
Element - is the first phase in the GALILEO project that aims to give Europe a rival network to the - Click here for more...
12/27/2005 - First Galileo Satellite Launch Set for Dec. 28
MOSCOW, December 26, 2005 - /RIA Novosti/ - The first satellite in Europe's planned Galileo satellite navigation system will be
launched on December 28, the Russian Space Agency's official spokesman said Monday. Vyacheslav Davidenko said the Galileo
would be carried into orbit by a Russian Soyuz rocket from Russia's Baikonur Space Center at 5:1 - Click here for more...
12/27/2005 - Proton-M Launch Set for December 29
MOSCOW, December 26, 2005 - /RIA Novosti/ - After repeatedly being postponed, the launch date for a Russian Proton-M carrier
rocket carrying a U.S. AMC-23 satellite (WorldSat-3) has been set for December 29 at 2:28 a.m. GMT, a Russian space agency
official said Monday. "In accordance with the decision of the state commission on December 26, the - Click here for more...
12/27/2005 - ILS to Launch ASTRA 1KR in 2006; First Atlas V Launch for SES ASTRA
MCLEAN, Va. - Dec. 21, 2005 - International Launch Services, a Lockheed Martin joint venture (NYSE:LMT), has scheduled the
launch of the ASTRA 1KR satellite on an Atlas V vehicle for April 2006 from Cape Canaveral, Fla. This will be the first Atlas
mission for SES ASTRA of Luxembourg, which is a longtime customer of International Launch Service - Click here for more...
12/26/2005 - ILS Reschedules Proton Launch Of AMC-23 Satellite
Dec. 22, 2005 Payload: AMC-23 communications satellite Spacebus 4000 platform Separated spacecraft mass: Approx. 10,981
lbs (4,981 kg) Launch Vehicle: Proton M/Breeze M Weight at liftoff: 691,272 kg (1.5 million lbs), including payload Height: 61 m
(200 ft) Launch Date: Dec. 29, 2005 (Baikonur, GMT) Dec. 28, 2005 (U.S.) Launch Wi - Click here for more...
12/26/2005 - GIOVE-A Ready to Join its Soyuz Launcher; Launch Timeline
December 23, 2005 - With the launch date set for 28 December, work on preparing GIOVE-A for its big day is approaching
completion. The satellite and the launcher upper stage that will guide it into its final orbit have now been enclosed in the rocket
nose cone. They will soon be moved to the launcher integration facility, where they will be mated w - Click here for more...
------------------------------------------------------------2005 年 12 月 29 日 10:25
SpaceDaily Express - December 29, 2005
Simon Mansfield
- First Galileo Satellite On Orbit To Demonstrate Key Technologies
- British Built Navigation Satellite Is First For Europe
欧州はガリレオの GPS ネットワークで民間の航法システムを開始することに
- Europe To Open Up Civil Navigation System With Galileo GPS Network
SMART 1 は新しい撮像技術を月軌道で使用する
- SMART 1 Uses New Imaging Technique In Lunar Orbit
- An Explosion On The Moon
ILS は ASTRA 1KR を 2006 年に打上げる計画
- ILS to Launch ASTRA 1KR in 2006
- Fast Track For Innovative Space Technologies
- Ultracold Test Produces Long-Sought Quantum Mix
NASA マーズローバ Spirit は Algonquin をスタディ中
- NASA Mars Rover Spirit Studying Algonquin
NASA は星間積荷の帰還に備える
- NASA Prepares For Return Of Interstellar Cargo
- Galaxy's Neighboring Spiral Arm Is Closer Than Thought
新しい NASA の衛星が射場に出荷された
- New NASA Satellites Shipped To Launch Site
衛星打上げがインドにおける DTH 直接放送を強化
- Satellite Launch To Boost DTH In India
Vega の Zefiro 9 エンジンの最初の試験成功
- Successful First Test For Vega's Zefiro 9 Engine
Telematic Solutions 社はクールーにおける Vega パッドの作業で 8M ユーロの契約を獲得
- Telematic Solutions Awarded EUR8Mn Contract For Vega Pad Work In Kourou
2006 年 1 月 3 日 22:37
New Futron White Paper
from Eileen T. McGowan
Futron Corporation
This data has been taken from Futron’s database of commercial
Just three months after the news of Intelsat’s acquisition of
GEO satellite supply and reflects a current snapshot, recognizing
PanAmSat has come the news of SES Global’s acquisition of New
that some of the capacity is on moveable spot beams or on broader
Skies Satellites (NSS). Continuing our exploration of the impact of
beams which can transfer service between regions as demand
these changes on the industry, Futron has compiled an update of our
requires. This update also reflects the beginning of operation of new
review of the C-Band and Ku-Band capacity now on orbit around
satellites, including the Intelsat Americas 8 and iPStar, which were
the globe operated by the following:
not included in the previous analysis While it is clear that the
Intelsat/PanAmSat combined
continued consolidation is producing two dominant FSS operators
SES Global and NSS combined (including Americom, Astra
at the global level, the large number of “independent” operators
and other operators in which SES has a significant investment, i.e.,
sustains a competitive environment, especially in some regional
AsiaSat, Nahuelsat, Star One, Sirius)
markets. There thus remains room for further consolidation, or
perhaps integration among different types of systems (e.g., FSS
Loral Skynet
with BSS or MSS). Either way, this is likely not the last shoe to
Other (all other national/regional FSS and BSS operators)
drop in the satellite industry
Global FSS/BSS Capacity by Operator
------------------------------------------------------------2006 年 1 月 3 日 17:57
川島レイさん@UNISEC 事務局より
します。UNISEC では、「義務と義理」はなしにして、皆様が本当に
UNISEC の活動が広がり、いささかでも世のため人のためになって
航空高専の超小型衛星づくりがモデルの理系青春小説「2005 年
のロケットボーイズ」(双葉社 五十嵐貴久著)が、1月9日 25 時スタ
り得るそうです。テレビ東京 月曜 25:00~ ///
火曜 25:30~ ///
ビ北海道 火曜 26:30~ ///
テレビ愛知 火曜 26:28~ ///
テレビ九州 土曜 25:55~
昨年 11 月から、宇宙服のデザインコンテスト、第1回の「スペース・
クチュール・デザインコンテスト」 が3月締め切りで作品募集中で
UNISEC関係者の皆様からの作品が入賞し、2007 年度から始ま
る民間人の宇宙旅行服に採用されますよう期待します。 コンテス
トについては、下記 URL をご覧下さい。
--------------------------------2006 年 1 月 3 日 12:29
UNISEC 島田一雄(元航高専 校長先生)様より
下記 URL をご覧下さい。
------------------------------------------------------------2006 年 1 月 4 日 0:34
The Asahi Shimbun
via Hashimoto, Rick @Boeing
Wakata, Noguchi to spend months at space station
WASHINGTON--In what would shatter the previous record for
2008, taking it up in sections to be attached to the ISS. Although 15
time in space by a Japanese astronaut, Koichi Wakata and Soichi
nations are collaborating on the ISS project, the United States and
Noguchi have been tentatively selected for three- to six-month stays
Russia are the key players. Astronauts staying at the ISS first
at the International Space Station (ISS), sources said. Wakata, 42, is
undergo intensive training in the two countries. The training in
already training in Russia for his mission.
Noguchi, 40, is
Russia is held at a center outside Moscow. There, a Japanese space
scheduled to follow suit in mid-January. The Japan Aerospace
agency source said, the astronauts will start off with Russian
Exploration Agency decided to send the two because of their
language lessons. The training covers a wide range of other areas,
experience in space. Wakata was a mission specialist aboard the
too, as the astronauts will be operating and maintaining equipment
U.S. space shuttle Endeavor in 1996, and again aboard Discovery in
developed by other nations during their long stays aboard the
2000. He is well- known in NASA for his work with robotic arms.
station. Whether Wakata or Noguchi goes up first depends on the
Noguchi was in charge of working on the exterior of Discovery
progress Japan makes in the construction of its module, according
during his first shuttle flight in the summer of 2005. The two are
to Japanese space agency sources.
expected to stay at the ISS for the attachment of Japan's experiment
But since NASA has decided to review the construction schedule of
module Kibo (hope). Construction of the module is scheduled to
the ISS itself, Kibo's construction is also likely to be delayed. So far,
start in 2007. Originally, the agency planned to send Japanese
five Japanese space agency astronauts have traveled to space on
astronauts to the ISS following Kibo's completion, slated for 2008.
eight occasions. The longest time spent in space on a single mission
Plans have now changed, sources said. U.S. space shuttles will
launch Kibo into space in three phases over the course of 2007 and
1997.(IHT/Asahi: January 3,2006)
astronaut was
days in
------------------------------------------------------------2006 年 1 月 6 日
中国初の 50kg 級「TJ-1 型無人機リモセン高速観測システム」がこ
最大飛行高度 3km、制御半径 100km、時速 100km、連続飛行時
のほど開発に成功。国家ハイテク計画「863 計画」の重大な成果。
間 4 時間。民間のリモセンに使用し、国土、海洋、水利、林業、環
同機は独自知的財産権を持ち、全幅 4.2m、全長 2.4m、全高 0.9m、
境保護などのニーズを満たすことができる。(編集 NA)
-----------------------------------------------------------2006 年 1 月 5 日 19:01
WIRED NEWS (2006/01/05)
ブロードバンド:2006 年内に中国が回線数で世界一へ
世界ブロードバンド利用調査結果によると、中国契約回線数が急速に増えて、2006 年内に総数で米を抜き世界 1 位になる見通し。
-----------------------------------------------------------2006 年 1 月 4 日 2:42
AIA dailyLead January 3, 2006 -
Scientists praise images from Mars rovers
The two Mars rovers have sent back photographs that led scientists
Rovers Spirit and Opportunity are still at work on Mars. The rovers
to important discoveries and helped engineers navigate the Martian
were only expected to last three months after landing on Mars in
terrain. A new IMAX movie will feature images from the mission.
January 2004, but they are still operating today.
Florida Today
(Melbourne) (1/3)
------------------------------------------------------------2006 年 1 月 4 日 2:42
AIA dailyLead January 3, 2006 -
ロッキードは 2006 年、成長を続けると CEO は発言
Lockheed to continue growth in 2006, CEO says
Lockheed Martin hopes to stick to its strategy of disciplined
programs that are under review in the Quadrennial Defense Review
growth in 2006, Chief Executive Bob Stevens said in an interview
"will be validated."
Flight International.com (1/3)
with Flight International. Stevens also believes Lockheed's
ノースロップは$667M の IT の契約を獲得
Northrop may win $667M information technology contract
Northrop Grumman is close to securing a $667 million contract to
includes a five-year option worth $500 million.
run San Diego's information technology services. The contract
Post (1/2)
The Washington
------------------------------------------------------------12 月 30 日 17 時 12 分更新
核、通常兵器を一体運用 米、戦略軍に司令部創設
門家が共同通信に語った。 ブッシュ政権は核の先制使用構想を
------------------------------------------------------------宇宙の防衛利用 国際社会では定着
読売新聞 06 年 01 月 06 日 朝刊 2 面 4 段 1355
宇宙「軍事利用」緩和へ 専門家懇 国会決議見直し着手
産経新聞 05 年 12 月 31 日 朝刊 3 面 5 段 0277
------------------------------------------------------------防衛庁 東シナ海領空侵犯 武器使用「任務」明記 戦闘機応戦を強化
産経新聞 06 年 01 月 04 日 朝刊 2 面 4 段 図 2126
------------------------------------------------------------台湾の陳水扁総統 中国ミサイル非難
東京新聞 06 年 01 月 04 日 朝刊 7 面 1 段 2202
------------------------------------------------------------世界経済2006 どう動く米中欧 米国 中国 欧州
東京新聞 06 年 01 月 03 日 朝刊 6 面 5 段 写図 1539
------------------------------------------------------------防衛庁、対中警戒を強化 陸自、米軍と離島防衛訓練 海自は新型魚雷開発
日本経済新聞 05 年 12 月 31 日 朝刊 2 面 4 段 図 0179
日本経済新聞 05 年 12 月 31 日 朝刊 2 面 2 段 0181
------------------------------------------------------------独立行政法人 新プロジェクトめじろ押し JAXA 海洋機構 理研 原子力機構
日刊工業新聞 06 年 01 月 06 日 朝刊 29 面 8 段 写 0728
------------------------------------------------------------宇宙航空研究開発機構 「太陽帆船」で木星探査 “はやぶさ”川口教授ら、5年後にも
電気新聞 06 年 01 月 06 日 朝刊 2 面 3 段 0936
宇宙航空研究開発機構 「太陽帆船」で木星探査 はやぶさの川口淳一郎教授ら計画
日刊工業新聞 06 年 01 月 05 日 朝刊 29 面 3 段 1097
------------------------------------------------------------視点=ALOSで探る地球の情報 陸域観測技術衛星、19日打上げ 高分解能のデータ収集
日刊工業新聞 06 年 01 月 05 日 朝刊 3 面 5 段 写 0952
------------------------------------------------------------社説=科学技術計画 無駄にはできない25兆円の投資
読売新聞 05 年 12 月 31 日 朝刊 3 面 3 段 0073
------------------------------------------------------------欧州独自GPS 衛星打上げに成功
朝日新聞 05 年 12 月 30 日 朝刊 4 面 1 段 0023
EUが欧州版GPS 初衛星の打上げ成功
電波新聞 05 年 12 月 30 日 朝刊 2 面 1 段 0402
------------------------------------------------------------大阪府立大 衝突しても安全なヘリ 偵察用無人機、近く実用化
フジサンケイビジネスアイ 05 年 12 月 30 日 朝刊 5 面 4 段 写 0486
------------------------------------------------------------宇宙航空研究開発機構 宇宙開発に民間資金 小型衛星や耐熱材
日本経済新聞 06 年 01 月 03 日 朝刊 1 面 4 段 1401
------------------------------------------------------------国立天文台研究員ら新理論 銀河団磁場発生なぜ? ビッグバン後 素粒子の分布に原因
読売新聞 06 年 01 月 06 日 朝刊 2 面 3 段 1359
国立天文台など 宇宙空間の磁場起源突き止める
日本経済新聞 06 年 01 月 06 日 朝刊 42 面 2 段 1660
------------------------------------------------------------宇宙ビジネス熱く 北海道宇宙科学技術創成センター 低コスト開発 JAXA 無人補給機「HTV」
日経産業新聞(日経テレコン21) 06 年 01 月 01 日 朝刊 11 面 5 段写表 0562
------------------------------------------------------------北大水産学部発ベンチャ 衛星データで好漁場即配信 9月から有料で 「燃料代の節約にも」
北海道新聞 06 年 01 月 03 日 朝刊 1 面 5 段 写 1804
------------------------------------------------------------しぶんぎ座流星群 新年の彩り期待 4日未明全国で
朝日新聞 05 年 12 月 31 日 朝刊 34 面 2 段 図 0047
毎日新聞 05 年 12 月 31 日 朝刊 22 面 2 段 0164
------------------------------------------------------------世界の気象とビジネス=フィンランド 幻想的な極夜の空
フジサンケイビジネスアイ 05 年 12 月 31 日 朝刊 24 面 4 段 写 0451
------------------------------------------------------------北海道産ロケット2012年宇宙へ 札幌市・NPO法人 米国ベンチャ人工衛星で技術協力
北海道新聞 05 年 12 月 29 日 朝刊 1 面 7 段 写図 0604
------------------------------------------------------------消防庁 北見消防組合の低体温症判断新基準 全国の救急隊に送付 判定ミス教訓生きる
北海道新聞 05 年 12 月 31 日 朝刊 29 面 4 段 0496
------------------------------------------------------------世界最大の民生電子機器展 06CES開幕 米ラスベガス テーマ 次世代技術の追求
電波新聞 06 年 01 月 06 日 朝刊 1 面 5 段 写 0751
------------------------------------------------------------DXアンテナ ブースタをハイグレード化 DHマーク機種に登録
電波新聞 06 年 01 月 06 日 朝刊 15 面 2 段 写 0846
------------------------------------------------------------展望2006=変わる科学技術立国 研究成果十分な説明を
読売新聞 06 年 01 月 05 日 朝刊 15 面 5 段 写 1760
------------------------------------------------------------ハウスロボット元年 楽ちん主婦の夢(中)=超音波センサーで暗闇でも掃除可能
フジサンケイビジネスアイ 06 年 01 月 05 日 朝刊 22 面 5 段 写 2276
------------------------------------------------------------ナブテスコ 航空機電源システム参入 「B787」向け 米国社と開発に着手
日経産業新聞(日経テレコン21) 06 年 01 月 05 日 朝刊 15 面 4 段写 2417
------------------------------------------------------------米ケイデンス・デザイン・システムズ SoC検証向けテストベンチ自動化ソリューション 機能を強化
電波新聞 05 年 12 月 30 日 朝刊 4 面 2 段 0417
日刊工業新聞 06 年 01 月 04 日 朝刊 24 面 9 段 写 2281
------------------------------------------------------------台湾、官民で共同研究 刀身型サーバ 「スーパーコンピュータ並み」目指す
日経産業新聞(日経テレコン21) 06 年 01 月 04 日 朝刊 4 面 3 段 2592
------------------------------------------------------------米AMD 米デジタルキューブ、ハイエンド娯楽機に供給 高性能、低消費電力が特徴
電波新聞 06 年 01 月 03 日 朝刊 2 面 4 段 写 1576
------------------------------------------------------------清水建設 車いすロボット開発 国内初 公道で実証実験
住宅新報 06 年 01 月 03 日 朝刊 3 面 3 段 写 1740
------------------------------------------------------------AV総合特集 デジタルAV’06トレンド AVデジタル記録メディア 電池 アンテナ AVアクセサリ
電波新聞 06 年 01 月 01 日 朝刊 30 面 5 段 写図表 0459
AV総合特集 ’06競争市場に挑む マスプロ電工 DXアンテナ 八木アンテナ
電波新聞 06 年 01 月 01 日 朝刊 45 面 6 段 写 0472
AV総合特集 民生用電子機器生産 今年、2.5%増(前年比)2兆6083億円
電波新聞 06 年 01 月 01 日 朝刊 47 面 6 段 写図表 0475
------------------------------------------------------------アンリツ 小型測定器を追加 通信基地局用2機種発売
日経産業新聞(日経テレコン21) 06 年 01 月 01 日 朝刊 15 面 3 段写 0569
------------------------------------------------------------KDDI 格安・高速の衛星通信 英国社と組む 世界中でネット可能
日本経済新聞 06 年 01 月 06 日 朝刊 13 面 3 段 1575
------------------------------------------------------------米クアルコムの携帯電話向けTV配信技術「メディアフロー」 サムスン電子、LG電子が採用
電波新聞 06 年 01 月 06 日 朝刊 3 面 4 段 0767
------------------------------------------------------------オークネット 地上系回線開発会社を設立 衛星AAシステム終えん 先進システム構築し競合他社と差別化
日刊自動車新聞 06 年 01 月 05 日 朝刊 4 面 5 段 写 1323
------------------------------------------------------------地デジ放送受信留意点(2)=基幹局と県域民放局を良好に受信するには 県域民放用アンテナのみの場合
電波新聞 06 年 01 月 03 日 朝刊 8 面 3 段 1610
地デジ放送受信留意点(1)=アンテナの選定 UHFのポイント 低受信地域はLM帯域用
電波新聞 06 年 01 月 01 日 朝刊 12 面 3 段 写図表 0427
------------------------------------------------------------IT・デジタル特集 激しい攻防主役は変転 グーグル王国の予感 デジタルシネマ元年
日本経済新聞 06 年 01 月 01 日 朝刊 211 面 7 段 写図 0251
------------------------------------------------------------放送と通信融合でFCC“変身” 自由競争による業界の発展へ 仲介や促進役に
電波新聞 06 年 01 月 01 日 朝刊 6 面 3 段 写図 0413
------------------------------------------------------------WiMAXが解消するデジタルディバイド ブロードバンド化支えるローコストFWAに
電経新聞 06 年 01 月 01 日 朝刊 7 面 5 段 写図 0708
------------------------------------------------------------今年の焦点 戦略の成功の可否を握るSOA-柔軟な情報システムを担う 開発にスピードと効率化
日本情報産業新聞 06 年 01 月 01 日 朝刊 16 面 9 段 写図 0770
------------------------------------------------------------携帯電話各社 「あけまして」携帯規制 年越し30分、メールも
北海道新聞 05 年 12 月 29 日 朝刊 8 面 2 段 0623
携帯電話各社 大みそか深夜-元日 「おめでとう」のメールなど規制
河北新報 05 年 12 月 29 日 朝刊 8 面 1 段 0692
携帯電話各社 おめでとうコールを規制
西日本新聞 05 年 12 月 29 日 朝刊 8 面 1 段 0885
------------------------------------------------------------ヒットの秘訣=トプコン GPSで整地、熟練いらず 企業買収で技術精度向上 自動システム米国で威力発揮
日経産業新聞(日経テレコン21) 06 年 01 月 06 日 朝刊 5 面 5 段写 2169
------------------------------------------------------------製造技術総合特集 モノづくり国家への技術最前線 于強・横浜国立大学大学院工学研究院助教授
電波新聞 06 年 01 月 06 日 朝刊 21 面 6 段 写図 0851
------------------------------------------------------------放送改革 インタビュー(1)=片山虎之助・自民党参院幹事長 通信と融合著作権がカギ
読売新聞 06 年 01 月 05 日 朝刊 10 面 5 段 写 1747
------------------------------------------------------------簡易型総合評価 問われる自治体の裁量 長野 制度実効性に影響 関東整備局 予定価の超過懸念
建設通信新聞 06 年 01 月 05 日 朝刊 7 面 6 段 1402
------------------------------------------------------------前へ!=第1部 挑戦者たち(2) ロケット研究支援 植松努さん 町工場が宇宙基地
北海道新聞 06 年 01 月 04 日 朝刊 2 面 6 段 写図 2292
------------------------------------------------------------社説=年のはじめに考える 「軽」「薄」を脱しよう
東京新聞 06 年 01 月 04 日 朝刊 5 面 4 段 2189
------------------------------------------------------------DXアンテナ 民生用,産業用,海外市場の3分野 協業で事業領域拡大 外部の技術・製造力受信技術と融合
電波新聞 06 年 01 月 03 日 朝刊 17 面 4 段 写 1631
------------------------------------------------------------宇宙航空研究開発機構方針 若田光一さんと野口聡一さん 宇宙基地長期滞在へ
朝日新聞 06 年 01 月 03 日 朝刊 1 面 4 段 1252
若田光一、野口聡一両宇宙飛行士 宇宙長期滞在へ ISS建設再開が前提 米政権内、低い優先順位
朝日新聞 06 年 01 月 03 日 朝刊 2 面 4 段 写 1255
理系白書’06=ノーベル賞とスペースシャトル エンジニア対談 野口聡一さん 田中耕一さん
毎日新聞 06 年 01 月 01 日 朝刊 28 面 9 段 写 0157
------------------------------------------------------------10年後のハッピー ただ今支度中(1)=JTB宇宙旅行推進室長 中村豊幸さん 宇宙旅行に手が届く
毎日新聞 06 年 01 月 01 日 朝刊 9 面 5 段 写 0145
毎日新聞 06 年 01 月 05 日 朝刊 13 面 1 段 1849
------------------------------------------------------------米インディペンデンス航空 格安便18カ月で清算 運航打切りへ
フジサンケイビジネスアイ 06 年 01 月 05 日 朝刊 12 面 4 段 写 2222
------------------------------------------------------------エアバス 中国に対し20%増の78機を納入へ
フジサンケイビジネスアイ 06 年 01 月 05 日 朝刊 14 面 1 段 2241
------------------------------------------------------------航空3社の貨物戦略 安定収益基盤を構築へ JAL ANA NCA
日本海事新聞 06 年 01 月 05 日 朝刊 13 面 6 段 写 1567
------------------------------------------------------------スカイマークエアラインズ 繁忙期運賃撤廃へ 通常期と一本化
週刊観光経済新聞 06 年 01 月 05 日 朝刊 6 面 1 段 1577
------------------------------------------------------------開港間近神戸空港 航空各社チケット発売 JTB、記念ツアーも
週刊観光経済新聞 06 年 01 月 05 日 朝刊 21 面 5 段 写 1591
------------------------------------------------------------ここがポイント=地方航空路線の振替に制限 幹線への集中認めず 減便・撤退に歯止め
北海道新聞 05 年 12 月 30 日 朝刊 11 面 3 段 0658
------------------------------------------------------------日の丸ジェット開発加速 小型で“すきま”狙う 燃費向上で存在感
産経新聞 06 年 01 月 04 日 朝刊 3 面 4 段 写 2130
------------------------------------------------------------昭和飛行機工業 大型貨物機向け厨房設備を拡販
日経産業新聞(日経テレコン21) 06 年 01 月 04 日 朝刊 14 面 1 段 2643
成田空港 5月に最新システム 視界100メートルでも着陸可能
電波新聞 06 年 01 月 01 日 朝刊 2 面 2 段 0394
------------------------------------------------------------近鉄エクスプレス 航空機産業向け 香港に物流会社
日経産業新聞(日経テレコン21) 06 年 01 月 01 日 朝刊 25 面 1 段 0636
------------------------------------------------------------新北九州空港 3月16日開港 アジアの経済拠点へ 北部九州の空変える国内3路線21便に
西日本新聞 06 年 01 月 01 日 朝刊 13 面 8 段 写図表 1238
------------------------------------------------------------アジア発北海道内便上昇中 ビザ緩和が追い風 でも新千歳は混雑、通訳も不足・・・ 受け入れ態勢課題
北海道新聞 05 年 12 月 31 日 朝刊 9 面 7 段 0487
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[民間航空機関連 (ex-SJAC 三輪さん)]
------------------------------------------------------------2006 年 1 月 6 日 2:47
AIA dailyLead January 5, 2006 -
Smart Quote
"Football is like life: It requires perseverance, self-denial, hard work, sacrifice, dedication and
respect for authority."
--Vince Lombardi, football coach
-----------------------------2006 年 1 月 5 日 1:59
AIA dailyLead January 4, 2006 -
「音楽ほど年代をハッキリ区別するものはない。8 歳 9 歳になるまでに子供達は自分の音楽への感覚を育てる。それは、グズリ態度や妙な
"Nothing separates the generations more than music. By the time a child is 8 or 9, he has developed
a passion for his own music that is even stronger than his passions for procrastination and weird
--Bill Cosby, comedian
-----------------------------2006 年 1 月 4 日 2:42
AIA dailyLead January 3, 2006 -
"Failures are expected by losers, ignored by winners."
--Joe Gibbs,
football coach, NASCAR team owner
------------------------------------------------------------2006 年 1 月 6 日 2:47
AIA dailyLead January 5, 2006 -
Aircraft orders boost November factory report
Strong aircraft orders boosted factory orders in
Transportation equipment rose 15.8%, which includes
orders. Jetmaker Boeing reported a record year for
a 134.3% boost in nondefense aircraft and parts
aircraft orders.
Defense News/Reuters (1/4)
Analysts upbeat about United's life after bankruptcy
UAL Corporation's United Airlines will emerge from
challenges from high fuel prices and debt loads.
bankruptcy protection as a stronger company, some
United hopes to leave bankruptcy protection in a few
analysts say. They also warn the airline will face
USA TODAY/Reuters (1/4)
IATA の予測:2006年世界の航空会社は60億ドル赤字
World's airlines to lose $6B in 2006, IATA predicts
The International Air Transport Association expects
high fuel prices, IATA Chief Executive Giovanni
the world's airlines to lose $6 billion in 2006. Carriers
Bisignani said.
Airport Business (1/2006)
continue to look for ways to lower costs as they face
------------------------------------------------------------2006 年 1 月 5 日 1:59
AIA dailyLead January 4, 2006 -
White House discouraging dissent on spending, defense officials say
The White House is discouraging debate from the
defense industry say they are concerned about the
Department of Defense as it plans future spending
absence of dissenting ideas.
and military force structure. Some officials in the
Defense Report (1/4)
Aerospace Daily &
ボーイング、エアバスそれぞれ 2005 年末の受注案件を発表
Boeing, Airbus book orders at end of 2005
Boeing and Airbus booked several new aircraft
approved Air India's order for 68 Boeing jetliners.
orders at the end of 2005. Boeing said Avion Group
Airbus booked orders from Air Deccan and Bangkok
of Iceland ordered four more 777s. Indian officials
Air Transport World (1/4)
ボーイング787の確定受注 200 機超え、2005 年好調
2003 年発売開始以来受注(含むコミットメント)きは 400 機を超える。新機種の初期売上としては記録的な好調ぶりを示す。
Boeing's 787 makes strong showing in 2005
Boeing booked more than 200 firm orders for its 787
2003, and it has had one of best launches for a new
in 2005, bringing total orders and commitments for
Seattle Post-Intelligencer (1/4)
the aircraft to 400. Boeing launched the program in
Atlanta airport now world's busiest by two measures
Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport is
the world's busiest airport in terms of number of
flights and passengers served, according to Federal
Aviation Administration statistics. The airport had
980,197 flight operations in 2005. In past years,
Journal and Constitution (Atlanta) (1/4)
エアライン経営 2006 年が曲がり角になると予想
Airlines may turn a corner in 2006, experts say
Airlines may post profits if fuel prices do not spike
believe the industry has a chance to break even or
higher, experts say. Higher fares and growing demand
better," Heimlich said. "The huge wild card is going to
are improving business, Air Transport Association
be fuel prices."
Chief Economist John Heimlich said. "For the first
Journal and Constitution (Atlanta)
time since 2000, we're coming up on a year where I
AIA 新会長は欧州航空宇宙工業会(ASD)とさらなる協調をとメッセージ
AIA chairman addresses european aerospace leaders
Robert Johnson, 2005 chairman of AIA's Board of
our organizations favor thoughtful reforms that will
Governors, recently told members of the AeroSpace
move us forward and help create a more level playing
and Defence Association of Europe that ASD and AIA
field on both sides of the Atlantic," Johnson predicted.
share the ultimate goal of building a stronger global
Read more in the December AIA Update.
aerospace industry. "At the end of the day, both of
------------------------------------------------------------2006 年 1 月 4 日 2:42
AIA dailyLead January 3, 2006 -
Defense, space to see increased R&D funding
Most of the increases in the U.S. research and
grow 7.3%. The Department of Homeland Security
development budget will go to defense and space
will also receive more R&D funding.
projects. NASA's research and defense budget will
Journal/Associated Press
The Wall Street
Techies explore aviation ventures
Many technology entrepreneurs are launching space
referring to the tech industry dictum that chip
processing power doubles every 18 months. "[But]
exploring advances in aircraft design as well as
pricing and scheduling. "I'm not sure there's a
Moore's Law for aviation," says Federal Aviation
BusinessWeek (1/3)
エアライン経営 2006 年改善の兆し
Column: Airlines' fortunes may improve in 2006
Fewer domestic flights could mean higher fares for
travelers in 2006, Wall Street Journal columnist
Scott McCartney writes. Demand for travel improved
in 2005, with carriers filling 78.2% of seats on
operating more flights across the Atlantic. Some
mainline domestic flights during the first 11 months
analysts say some airlines may post profits in
of the year, according to the Air Transport Association.
The Wall Street Journal
Column: Long-haul flights feature more spacious cabins
Long-haul flights are improving, New York Times
Boeing's 787 features a spacious cabin designed with
columnist Joe Sharkey. Boeing and Airbus are
passenger comfort in mind.
marketing new fuel-efficient, long-range jetliners that
The New York Times
will change the flying experience, Sharkey writes.
Miami airport hopes new terminal lures carriers
Miami International Airport plans to open its new
airport. However, the airport will increase fees to pay
$800 million South Terminal this summer. Officials
for the terminal, which may make it difficult to attract
hope the new terminal help boost business at the
new airlines.
The Miami Herald
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2006 年 1 月 1 日
うるう秒挿入 北京時間きょう午前 8 時前に 1 秒
中国科学院国家授時センタ(陝西省臨潼市)は昨年 12 月 31 日、
06 年 1 月 1 日にうるう秒を 1 秒挿入すると明らかにした。うるう秒が
挿入されるのは、北京時間 2006 年 1 月 1 日午前 7 時 59 分 59 秒
と同日午前 8 時との間。同センタの王正明首席研究員によると、う
する。(編集 UM)
-----------------------------2005 年 12 月 27 日 4:57
via Rick hashimoto(Boeing)
2006 Will Be Delayed by a 'Leap Second'
U.S. Naval Observatory to Add Leap Second to Clocks
Thursday, December 22, 2005
US Naval Observatory
On December 31, 2005 a "leap second" will be added to the world's
cesium beam atomic clocks and hydrogen masers (the last being an
clocks at 23 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds Coordinated
improvement over the tried and true cesium clocks for measuring
Universal Time (UTC). This corresponds to 6:59:59 pm Eastern
short periods of time).
Standard Time, when the extra second will be inserted at the U.S.
Man's oldest clock has always been the Earth. We know it's
Naval Observatory. This marks the 23rd leap second to be added to
morning when the Sun rises, noon when the Sun is overhead, and
UTC, a uniform time-scale kept by atomic clocks around the world.
evening when the Sun sets. The Earth's accuracy as a clock is good
Although you normally don't think about it, for most conventional
to about one thousandth of a second per day - more than enough
uses the "civil" time you use is based on UTC. At the U.S. Naval
accuracy for most people. However, the invention of "atomic"
Observatory, UTC is determined by averaging the time signals from
clocks, which operate by measuring the resonant frequency of a
given atom - (currently Cesium, Hydrogen or Mercury) - greatly
signals: an accuracy of 10 nanoseconds (ten billionths of a second)
increased that accuracy, and has now led to the capability at the U.S.
corresponds to a positional accuracy of about three meters or 10
Naval Observatory of measuring time to accuracies exceeding a
feet. In fast communications, time synchronization is equally
billionth of a second per day.
important. All of these systems are referenced to the U.S. Naval
Time measured by the rotation of the Earth is not uniform when
Observatory Master Clock.
compared to the time kept by atomic clocks. In fact, radio
The present Master Clock is required by the Department of Defense
telescopes now observe the most distant objects in the universe,
to be accurate to better than a billionth of a second per day. It is
known as quasars, to determine the irregularities in the Earth's
based on an ensemble of 60 independently operating cesium-beam
rotation, an important function performed by the Naval Observatory
atomic clocks and 15 hydrogen maser atomic clocks. These clocks
in our Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI)program. As a
operate in environmentally controlled vaults to ensure their stability.
result of these irregularities, atomic clocks gradually get out of sync
By automatic inter-comparison of all of the clocks every 100
with the Earth.
seconds, a time-scale can be computed which is not only reliable
In 1972, by international agreement, it was decided to let atomic
but also extremely stable. Its rate does not change by more than
clocks run independently of the Earth, keep two separate time-
about 100 picoseconds (0.000 000 000 1 seconds) per day from day
scales, and then coordinate the two. In order to keep the difference
to day. On the basis of this computed time-scale, a clock reference
between Earth time and atomic time within nine-tenths of a second
system is steered to produce clock signals which serve as the U.S.
as the two time-scales get out of sync, leap seconds are factored
Naval Observatory Master Clock.
into the atomic time-scale. The International Earth Rotation and
The U.S. Naval Observatory's success in its time standard function
Reference System Service (for which the U.S. Naval Observatory
is evident in the fact that it is the largest single contributor to the
provides the Rapid Service and Prediction Product Center) is the
international time scale (UTC), which is computed in Paris, France,
organization which monitors the differences in the two time scales
at the International Bureau of Weights and Measures. Moreover, its
and calls for leap seconds to be inserted when necessary. Since
principal role in keeping track of the change in the "Earth clock"
1972 leap seconds have been added at intervals varying from six
(i.e., Earth rotation) and its dissemination of this information as the
months to two years. This leap second is occuring seven years since
Rapid Service Bureau and Predictions Product Center for the
the last one. Leap seconds are added because the Earth's rotation
International Earth Rotation and Reference System Service attests
tends to slow down relative to atomic time. If the Earth were to
to the fact that globally, as well as nationally, the U.S. Naval
speed up, a leap second could be removed.
Observatory remains the leader in precise time.
The U.S. Naval Observatory is charged with the responsibility for
Information concerning the U.S Naval Observatory, its mission,
precise determination and management of time dissemination, and
history, and programs is available from our World Wide Web site at
as such provides the Master Clock for the Department of Defense.
USNO, together with the National Institutes for Standards and
Technology (NIST), determines time for the entire nation. Modern
electronic systems, such as electronic navigation or communication
systems, depend increasingly on precise time and time interval
(PTTI). Examples are the ground-based LORAN-C navigation
system and the satellite-based Global Positioning System (GPS).
These systems are all based on the travel time of electromagnetic
--------------------------2006 Will Be Delayed by a 'Leap Second'
Sun Dec 25, 6:43 PM ET
2006 has been postponed. But not for long. A leap second will be
The rotation of the Earth has been slowing down, so leap seconds
inserted in the world's clocks just before midnight – Greenwich
keep the clocks and the Earth from getting out of synch with one
mean time - on New Year's Eve, the U.S. Naval Observatory
another. This will be the 23rd leap second that has been inserted
reported Friday. That means 7 p.m. EST, Dec. 31, will occur one
since 1972 when an international timekeeping agreement was
second later than it would have otherwise. Leap seconds are needed
signed, according to the Observatory. The last one was inserted
occasionally because modern atomic clocks measure time with
seven years ago. ___
great accuracy, while the rotation of the Earth can be inconsistent.
U.S. Naval Observatory: http://www.usno.navy.mil. Copyright (c) 2005 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.
--------------------------New Year's Day 2006: delayed by a second
By Jim Wolf
Sun Dec 25, 1:46 PM ET
Get ready for a minute with 61 seconds. Scientists are delaying the
down because of many factors, including ocean tides. The first leap
start of 2006 by the first "leap second" in seven years, a timing
second was added on June 30, 1972, according to NIST, an arm of
tweak meant to make up for changes in the Earth's rotation.
the U.S. Commerce Department.
The adjustment will be carried out by sticking an extra second into
Since 1999 until recently, the two time standards have been in close
atomic clocks worldwide at the stroke of midnight Coordinated
enough synch to escape any need to add a leap second, NIST said.
Universal Time, the widely adopted international standard, the U.S.
Although it is possible to have a negative leap second – that is, a
National Institute of Standards and Technology said this week.
second deducted from Coordinated Universal Time -- so far all have
"Enjoy New Year's Eve a second longer," the institute said in an
been add-ons, reflecting the Earth's general slowing trend due to
explanatory notice. "You can toot your horn an extra second this
tidal braking.
Deciding when to introduce a leap second is the responsibility of
Coordinated Universal Time coincides with winter time in London.
the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service, a
On the U.S. East Coast, the extra second occurs just before 7 p.m.
standards-setting body. Under an international pact, the preference
on New Year's Eve. Atomic clocks at that moment will read
for leap seconds is December 31 or June 30. Precise time
23:59:60 before rolling over to all zeros.
measurements are needed for high-speed communications systems
A leap second is added to keep uniform timekeeping within 0.9
among other modern technologies. Copyright (c) 2005 Reuters
second of the Earth's rotational time, which can speed up or slow
Limited. All rights reserved.
--------------------------Old year to stick around a second longer
Sun Dec 25, 7:04 PM ET
Hate it or love it, but for some in the world the old year of 2005 will
their foreign colleagues to atomic clocks around the world. Asians
stick around just a tad longer -- but not long enough to allow
and Middle Easterners should feel be happier about the addition
champagne to go stale.
because for them, the extension will fall on January 1, a
According to the US National Institute of Standards and Technology,
non-working day.
December 31 will last this year in parts of the world west of the
The procedure will begin at 23:59:59 GMT on December 31, the
Greenwich Mean Time meridian not just 24 hours but 24 hours and
institute said. Standard-setting atomic clocks around the world will
one second.
then show 23:59:60 GMT before moving to their usual 00:00:00
An extra second has accrued to the year because of the vagaries in
GMT, which will mark the arrival of January 1, 2006. On the
Earth's rotation speed over the past seven years. To keep up with the
eastern United States, the addition will occur at 7:00 pm and should
planet, a leap-second will be added by official US timekeepers and
have no significant effect other than to stretch out by a second the
December 31 happy hour. Copyright (c) 2005 Agence France Presse.
All rights reserved.
--------------------------Leap Second to Be Enforced This Year
DECEMBER 26, 2005 03:12
Jin Lee ([email protected])
"Three, two, one, one, 2006!" The New Year will start in England
a leap second adjustment began. According to the Korea Research
like this. "One" will be repeated to account for a "leap second" that
Institute of Standards and Science, this year's leap second addition
will be added to the clock on December 31, the last day of 2005.
will be the 24th time; the 23rd leap second was added on January 1,
One second will be added to the universal time coordinated (UTC)
at 23:59:59 on December 31, 2005 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
The leap second has always been controversial. The United States
(8:59:59 a.m. on January 1, 2006, Korea time).
insists that we adopt a leap hour every 500 to 600 years, rather than
The International Earth Rotation Service (IERS) in Paris, France, an
abolish a leap second, saying that a leap second adjustment can
affiliated organization of United Nations, has decided to add a leap
cause serious errors in computers and artificial satellites. However,
second to the world's calendar in order to adjust the atomic clock,
astronomers worldwide are fiercely opposed, claiming that time
the most precise clock on earth, to match the earth's rotation speed.
should be defined on the basis of the movement of heavenly bodies,
The adjustment is needed because the earth's rotation speed has
and that the costs of adjusting expensive astronomical telescopes
come out of alignment with the atomic clock due to tides. Leap
would be huge without a leap second. Copyright 2002
seconds have been added occasionally since 1972, when the idea of
donga.com.All rights reserved.
--------------------------Added Ticktock of the Clock Restarts Time Debate
By Guy Gugliotta
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, December 26, 2005; A17
Time marches on, but Earth is falling behind. The solution again
Ronald Beard. "If there are no significant problems, the whole issue
this year is to add a "leap second" as 2005 ticks away, so Earth can
will go away, but I don't expect that to happen." Leap seconds are
catch up with the atomic clocks that have defined time since their
an outgrowth of the post-World War II development of increasingly
unerring accuracy trumped the heavens three decades ago. This will
accurate clocks based on the regular vibration, or "resonance," of
be the first leap second in seven years, and its arrival will be closely
atoms as they pass through a magnetic field. In 1958 an atomic
watched by physicists and astronomers enmeshed in a prolonged
second was defined as the time it takes for an atom of cesium 133
debate over the future of time in a world increasingly dominated by
to tick through 9,192,631,770 cycles.
At that point atomic time and astronomical time are approximately
Some experts think the leap second should be abolished because the
the same, with the traditional astronomical second defined as
periodic, but random, adjustment of time imposes unreasonable and
1/86,400th of a "mean solar day," the average time between two
perhaps dangerous disruptions on precision software applications
consecutive noons.
including cell phones, air traffic control and power grids.
The trouble is that the heavens behave more capriciously than
Others, however, argue that it would be expensive to adjust
cesium. Also, the length of Earth's day is increasing by about two
satellites, telescopes and other astronomical systems that are
milliseconds per century because of the tides, whereas today's
hard-wired for the leap second, and besides, people want their
atomic clocks, unaffected by cosmic events, tick away with an
watches to be in sync with the heavens.
accuracy within one second for every 20 million years. Because of
Nobody knows how disruptive the leap second really is, but
this discrepancy, atomic time has been pulling ahead of
researchers hope to find out soon. "We're going to look at what
astronomical time for the past 47 years. To fix this, the International
happens this year," said Naval Research Laboratory physicist
Telecommunication Union in 1972 stipulated that "Coordinated
Universal Time," an atomic time used as the world standard, could
inconvenient, but we've had them for 30-plus years and there's no
not diverge from astronomical time by more than 0.9 seconds.
outcry. I see no reason to get rid of them."
The adjustment tool was the leap second, to be added or subtracted
Furthermore, Seidelmann added, astronomers and satellite operators
at the discretion of the International Earth Rotation and Reference
deploy sensitive equipment on the ground and in space on the
Systems Service, either at the end of June or the end of the year.
assumption that the Coordinated Universal Time signal will match
Beginning in 1972, there have been 21 leap seconds, the last one in
up within a second of astronomical time, critical in decisions such
as when and how to point solar panels or satellite imagers.
"Astronomers wanted a time scale that represented the Earth's
Still, cautioned McCarthy, "we need to make a decision" about the
movement, and the clock community wanted a smooth scale," said
leap second because engineers are designing satellite systems today
physicist Judah Levine of the National Institute of Standards and
that "will be used 20 years from now. We need to do them a service
Technology and the University of Colorado, who favors eliminating
so they're not stuck."
leap seconds. "The compromise has become increasingly difficult to
In recent years, time mavens opened a discussion about what to do,
and a "general consensus" emerged that "the advantage to
The majority of scientists appear to agree that adding leap seconds,
astronomy was not worth the pain and suffering of leap seconds,"
up to now an infrequent exercise, is likely to become a twice-a-year
Levine said. "It looked like a done deal." But it wasn't. Earlier this
experience in about a century as Earth keeps slowing and the
year Britain's Royal Astronomical Society decried a U.S. proposal
unvarying atomic clocks keep ticking away.
to abolish the leap second, suggesting that doing so would disrupt
And unlike leap years or daylight saving time, software designers
not only astronomers but "all who study environmental phenomena
cannot plan ahead because leap seconds get added only when they
related to the rising and setting of the sun."
are needed. The current seven-year hiatus is twice as long as any
previous gap.
Telecommunication Union meeting in Geneva decided to postpone
"At some point this will become so annoying that someone will
discussions of the U.S. proposal, which would have abandoned leap
want to change it," said astronomer Dennis McCarthy, retired
seconds in 2007 and let Coordinated Universal Time and
director of the U.S. Naval Observatory's Directorate on Time and an
astronomical time diverge for several hundred years before
advocate of abolishing the leap second. "I'm quite confident that
inserting a "leap hour."
people are not going to be happy with multiple leap seconds per
The working group said more time was needed to form a consensus,
and suggested that this year's leap second offered a welcome
So why not get rid of them? Industry could enjoy the regularity of
opportunity to determine whether change is necessary. "There is a
atomic clocks without risking technological collapse on New Year's
philosophical feeling that abolishing the leap second results in
Eve. And the divergence from solar time would not be more than
greater decoupling of the time scale from rotation of the Earth, and
one or two seconds per year, perhaps two minutes per century. "The
that this is not a good thing," said McCarthy, a drafter of the U.S.
idea that it's going to be midnight in the middle of the afternoon is
proposal. "But we put up with daylight savings time in the United
just nonsense," Levine said.
States, and China has one time zone for the entire country. My own
Others, however, suggest that the hardship caused by leap seconds
feeling is that we all live with departures." (c) 2005 The
may be overblown, if not illusory, as experts on both sides of the
Washington Post Company
debate agree that there is little data beyond a few anecdotes to
suggest that leap seconds have in the past created havoc in
time-sensitive endeavors.
"The case hasn't been made," said University of Virginia
astronomer Ken Seidelmann. "All there is is rumor that they're
Fly UP