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【ポイント5倍】【送料無料】バーチェア Refra(レフラ)【カウンターチェア
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Meeting Date: March 16, 2011
Meeting Time: 7:30
Bushman, Dr. Patrick – Retired
Deal, Debbie – GUSD Fdn.
Hendricks, Dr. Michael – COUSD
Herman, Ken – City of Glendora
Lunde, Rona – Jan’s Towing
Murabito, Gene – Business Systems Support
Ruh, Bill – Citrus Valley Assoc. of Realtors
Vobecky, Bianca – Ship DTS
Voors, Robert – GUSD
Woods, Anne – Express Employment Professionals
Albasha, Saed – Farmers Insurance
Chiappetta, Dennis – Athens Services
Imboden, Fawn – ACCU
Hamlow, Dr. Cliff - APU
Hermann, Linda – A & J Cake and Candy
Hofer-Tinsley, Sonia – Chocolates by Imagination
Jafari, D. J. – Glendora Tire & Brake
Loukota, Pat – Coordinating Council
Macias, Anthony - Primerica
Overlock, Daryl – American Home Source
Perri, Dr Geraldine – Citrus College
Quay, Mary Ann – Vicenti, Lloyd & Stutzman
Taj, Arif - Sportclips
Hodge, Kathy – Director of Operations
Thompsett,Valarie - Administrative Assistant
Call to Order –President Linda Hermann
7:30 a.m.
Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of Minutes from the February 16, 2011 Board of Directors Meeting –Motion made by Daryl Overlock and
seconded by Arif Taj.
Approval of the New Members –Motion made by Dennis Chiappetta and seconded by Fawn Imboden
President, Linda Hermann – Linda welcomed everyone. A motion to accept the three nominations for Board
membership was made by Daryl Overlock and seconded by Mary Ann Quay. The three nominated individuals elected
to serve on the Chamber Board for a three year term starting in June 2011 thru June 2014 are: Anthony Macias from
Primerica, Mary Zimmer from Citrus Valley Health Partners and Mercedes Castro from Proforma.
Finance Report- Linda Hermann reported for Gene Murabito that the Chamber is holding its own in view of the fact
that W. Covina Chamber recently closed its doors. It’s important to keep membership up and focus on renewals. A
motion to accept the financial report as read was made by D. J. Jafari and seconded by Anthony Macias.
City Council Report, Cliff Hamlow – Cliff reported that Glendora will not have a station for the Goldline, but 54
Condos and above ground parking will be built on the site originally slated for a station. The site was originally
scheduled to include retail, but that is not part of the new plan.
GUSD –Dr. Robert Voors – No report
COUSD – Dr. Mike Hendricks – No report
Citrus College – Dr. Geraldine Perri – Dr. Perri reported that the college is still dealing with budget issues and
approximately $4 to $8 million more in cuts which could potentially lead to a loss of 1,000 students. The college is
looking at purchasing some additional property to be used to increase parking.
Coordinating Council –Pat Loukota invited everyone to the April 11th meeting of Coordinating Council at the
Continental Restaurant. Each month the Coordinating Council honors one individual with a Humanitarian Award and
one youth with a Youth Recognition Award for their contributions to the community. Nominations for individuals
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worthy of receiving these awards are being sought, so if you know someone who would be a worthy candidate, please
see me.
Foundation for Glendora Schools –No report
Citizen of the Year – The invitations have been mailed reported Kathy. The event is moving along and once again
promises to be a great event for two deserving individuals.
Ambassador Report, Sonia Hofer-Tinsley –Sonia reported that the Ambassadors will be focusing on making new
members feel welcome at events. The Ambassadors did a great job at Petrillo’s of mentoring the new members.
Nine advertising spaces will be sold on the back of the Member 2 Member Discount Card. The cost is $100 and it
appears that four of the spots are already sold. The goal is to print 5,000 Member to Member Discount Cards for
distribution to the membership. The committee will be handing out invitations “ Come to an Ambassador Meeting” at
ribbon cuttings in the hopes of getting the new members involved. The ambassadors are also going to start “tagging”
individuals and personally inviting them to attend a breakfast or lunch on the Chamber in the hopes of getting more
members involved.
Legislative Committee, Dr. Cliff Hamlow – Cliff reported that the Legislative Committee is sponsoring a water forum
on April 26th at the GUSD Board Room to discuss the water issues that could potentially affect everyone. The
Legislative Committee consistently receives requests to support legislation, so feedback on how to proceed is always
Centennial Committee, Dennis Chiappetta – Dennis commented that the November celebration at Louie Pompei Park
continues to grow and will include a car show, carnival and much more.
Relay for Life, Saed Albasha –Relay for Life will take place on June 4th and 5th reported Saed. Volunteers are needed
to man the Chamber booth. Volunteers will work a 3 hour shift. A sign- up sheet was passed around. Cash donations,
raffle prize donations and walkers are needed, so any help you can give will be greatly appreciated. The theme for the
Chamber is the 1980’s , so decorations, clothing, etc. related to the theme would be appreciated.
Flashback, Daryl Overlock –Daryl reported that the Centennial logo has been purchased and will be put on the
Flashback T-shirts. To date 6 of last year’s sponsors have agreed to return. Flashback is only 5 months away.
Director of Operations, Kathy Hodge –April 21, 2011 is the deadline for scholarship applications reported Kathy.
Cuisines in quickly approaching and is sold out with 26 restaurants participating. Sponsorship opportunities are
available. Nominations for Business of the Year and New Member of the Year will start being accepted soon, so its
not to early to begin thinking of someone to recommend. June 26th is the date for Installation Dinner, so mark your
calendars. A Redevelopment Luncheon with Jeff Kugel is planned for March 31st and will be held at Citrus Valley
Assoc. of Realtors. The Chamber is waiting to receive a proof of the map.
Business Development – No report
New Business – Linda mentioned that the Arcadia Chamber hosted an ADA Compliance workshop and questioned
whether the Glendora Chamber should join with other area chambers to host one. It is important that our members be
aware of the rules and regulations regarding people with disabilities. Linda picked A & J Cake and Candy to be the
“Spotlight Business of the Month.”
Linda continued that someone tried to pass a counterfeit $100 bill at her store . They caught the young girl because her
employee recognized that the bill was a fake. They were able to stall the perpetrator long enough that the police were
able to catch her even though she finally left the store.
Arif Taj commented that a lot of counterfeit $20 bills are being circulated. So, be aware.
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Old Business –None
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:15 am
Minutes recorded by Valarie Thompsett
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