Architectural Woodwork and Fixtures
j6 F R E N C H FRAMES PROVENANCE Private collection, Switzerland, 1980s; [Rainer Zietz, L t d . , London]; [Rosenberg and Stiebel, Inc., N e w York]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1987," GettyMusJi6 (1988), no. 68, p. 177, illus. 115. Frame Paris, circa 1775-1780 (?) By Paul Georges Gessoed and gilded oak Overall Height: 6 ft. 10 in. (208.3 c m )? W i d t h : 5 ft. % i n . (152.4 cm); Interior Height: 4 ft. 8% i n . (144 cm); W i d t h : 3 ft. yV% i n . 115 (109.8 cm) Stamped P. GEORGES 114 Architectural Woodwork and Fixtures on. back and inked 61 across the top. Accession number 88.DA.49 PROVENANCE George Baillie-Hamilton, 12th Earl o f Haddington, Tyninghame House, East FRAMES Lothian, Scotland (sold after his death, Sotheby's, Tyninghame House, Septem 114. Frame for a Mirror Paris, circa 1690-1700 ber 28-29,1987, lot 551); [Christopher Gibbs, L o n d o n ] . Gessoed and gilded oak; modern m i r r o r glass Height: 6 ft. 8 i n . (183.5 cm); W i d t h : 4 ft. 2 i n . (127 cm); D e p t h : 4 i n . (10.2 cm) BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1988," GettyMusJvj (1989), no. 75, p. 143, illus. Accession number 87.DH.78 ιι6 F R E N C H PANELING I i 6 . Frame for a Mirror Paris, circa 1775-1780 Painted and gilded oak; modern mirror glass Height: 6 ft. 1V4 i n . (187.2 cm); W i d t h : 4 ft. 3% i n . (131 cm); D e p t h : 3% i n . (9.5 cm) Accession number 9 2 . D H . 2 0 P R O V E N A N C E [Kraemer et Cíe, Paris]. B I B L I O G R A P H Y "Acquisitions/1992," GettyMusJ21 (1993), i n press, illus. P A N E L I N G A N D M A N T E L P I E C E S 117. Ten Panels One of four 117 Paris, circa 1661 Design attributed to Charles Le Brun P R O V E N A N C E Painted and gilded oak (?) Nicolas Fouquet, Chateau de Vaux-le- Panels .1-.2: Height: 6 ft. 11% i n . (213 cm); Vicomte; Felix Harbord, England, 1960s; W i d t h : 2 ft. IOVS i n . (88 cm); Panels . 3 - 4 : Felix Fenston, England (sold by his widow, Height: 6 ft. 11% i n . (213 cm); W i d t h : Sotheby's, L o n d o n , M a y 25,1990, lot 50, to 2 ft. 7 / 8 i n . (79 cm); Panels .5-.6: Height: [Christopher Gibbs, L o n d o n ] ) . 3 ft. 11% i n . (120 cm); W i d t h : 2 ft. 9% i n . B I B L I O G R A P H Y (80.4 cm); Panels .7-.8: Height: 3ft.10V16 "Acquisitions/1991," GettyMusJ'20 (1992), i n . (118 cm); W i d t h : 2 ft. 9% i n . (80.4 cm); no. 76, p. 174, illus. (two). Panel .9: Height: 1 ft. 8/16 i n . (51 cm); W i d t h : 5 ft. 11 Vie i n . (180.5 c m ) ; Panel .10: Height: 1 ft. 7 / 2 i n . (49.5 cm); W i d t h : 6 ft. 8 / i 6 i n . (202.25 cm) I3 Accession number 91.DH.18.1—.10 One of four 117 77 78 F R E N C H PANELING A N D M A N T E L P I E C E S 118 118. Mantelpiece (?) Paris, circa 1690-1700 Sarrancolin des Pyrenees marble (also k n o w n as marbre d'Antin) and breche violette Height: 5 ft. 10Vz i n . (179.1 cm); W i d t h : 7 ft. 10% i n . (240 cm); D e p t h : 1 ft. ι λ i n . ι (34.3 cm) Accession number 8 9 . D H . 3 0 P R O V E N A N C E [B. Fab re et Fils, Paris]. 119 B I B L I O G R A P H Y "Acquisitions/1989," GettyMusJ18 (1990), no. 52, p. 193, illus. 119. Paneling P R O V E N A N C E Paris, 1725-1726 Guillaume Cressart, H o t e l Cressart, By Jacques Gaultier, menuisier, after the installed i n 1725 and 1726 i n the chambre designs o f Armand-Claude Mollet ä coucher o f 18 place Vendóme, Paris; Painted and gilded oak and walnut; breche Louis-Auguste Duché, 1733; Jean-Baptiste dAlep mantelpiece; modern mirror glass Duché (brother o f Louis-Auguste Duché), Height: 13 ft. (396.2 cm); W i d t h : 26 ft. 9 i n . by 1743; Elisabeth-Louis Duché (wife o f (815 cm); D e p t h : 22 ft. (670.6 cm) Jacques Bertrand, marquis de Scépeaux et Accession number 71.DH.118 de Beaupreau), after 1743; Elisabeth-LouiseAdélaíde de Scépeaux de Beaupreau (wife o f the comte de La Tour d'Auvergne), 1769; Jean-Louis M i l o n d'Inval, Paris, 1774; by inheritance to his wife, Antoinette Bureau Seraudey ( M m e d'Inval), i n an I I I (1794- F R E N C H 1795) (sold by her heirs i n 1836); Sophie PANELING A N D MANTELPIECES 121. Mantelpiece Dawes (baronne de Feuchéres), 1836; the Paris, circa 1730-1735 chambre a coucher became the salon at this Brecciated marble o f a variety o f sarrancolin time (sold by her heirs after her death i n des Pyrenees; modern brick 1841); the marquise de Las Marismas del Height: 3 ft. 7 / 2 i n . (no.5 cm); W i d t h : Guadalquivir ( M m e Alexandre Aguado), 5 ft. 9 i n . (175.3 cm); Depth: uYz i n . 1842; U n i o n Artistique, 1865; [Andre (29.2 cm) Carlhian, Paris; boiseries removed i n 1936]; Accession number 8 5 . D H . 9 2 [Duveen Brothers, N e w York, 1939; stored P R O V E N A N C E i n Paris u n t i l removed to N e w York i n 1959]; N o r t o n Simon, N e w York, 1965; Detail of one I20 Paris]. purchased by J. Paul Getty. i 2 o . Eleven Panels B I B L I O G R A P H Y Rene Colas, "Les Hotels de la place Vendóme," Paris qui reste: vieux hotels, vieilles demeures, rive droite (Paris, 1914), pp. 105-106, p i . 94; B r u n o Pons, "Les boiseries de Γ H o t e l Cressart au Getty M u s e u m , " GettyMusJn illus. (1983), pp. 67-88, Private residence, Paris; [Fransois Léage, B I B L I O G R A P H Y Paris, circa 1730-1735 "Acquisitions/1985," GettyMusJi^. Oak (1986), no. 195, p. 244, illus. Panels .1-.2: Height: 9 ft. 2% i n . (280 cm); W i d t h : 4 ft. Vz i n . (123 cm); Panels .3~.4: Height: 9 ft. 2% i n . (280 cm); W i d t h : 4 ft. 6/4 i n . (139 cm); Panels .5~.7: Height: 9 ft. 2 i n . (279.4 cm); W i d t h : 1 ft. 3% i n . (40.4 cm); Panel .8: Height: 9 ft. 2 i n . (279.4 cm); W i d t h : 1 ft. 6Y i n . (46.3 cm); 4 Panel .9: Height: 9 ft. 2 i n . (279.4 c m ); W i d t h : ι ft. 10 i n . (55.9 cm); Panels .10-.11: Height: 6 ft. 1 i n . (185.4 c m ) ; W i d t h : 10 i n . (25.4 cm) Accession number 84.DH.52.1-.11 P R O V E N A N C E Chateau de Marly-Le-Roi, Yvelines, by repute; Mallett family, Louveciennes, early nineteenth century; M m e Claude M e l i n , Louveciennes, 1984, by descent. 121 79 8θ F R E N C H P A N E L I N G 123. Paneled Room Paris, circa 1770-1775 Painted and gilded oak; plaster overdoors; m i r r o r glass; breche d'Alep mantelpiece; gilt-bronze hardware H e i g h t ( w i t h o u t cornice): 15 ft. % i n . (458 cm); W i d t h : 30 ft. 4V16 i n . (925 cm); D e p t h : 20 ft. y /s i n . (627 cm) 7 Accession number 8 4 . D H . 3 4 P R O V E N A N C E [Jacques Seligmann, Paris, 1920s]; [Fran$ois-Gerard Seligmann, Paris]. 124. Paneled Room Paris, circa 1788-1789 Panels attributed to Rousseau de la Rottiére after designs by Claude-Nicolas Ledoux Painted and gilded oak; plaster overdoors; m i r r o r glass; white marble mantelpiece Four Double Doors: Height: 9 ft. 5 %. i n . 122 122. Paneled Room P R O V E N A N C E A n unidentified hotel o n the quai Malaquais, Painted and gilded oak; four oil-on-canvas Paris, u n t i l 1900; M m e Doucet, Paris, 1900- overdoor paintings; breche d'Alep mantel 1907; due de Gramont, avenue Georges piece; modern mirror glass; gilt-bronze Mandel, Paris, 1907 (offered for sale i n situ, hardware Ader Picard, Paris, October 9,1969, bought Height: 14 ft. 4 i n . (436.9 cm); W i d t h : in); [R. and M . Carlhian, Paris]; purchased 23 ft. 6Vz i n . (718 cm); D e p t h : 25 ft. 6 i n . by J. Paul Getty. Accession number 73.DH.107 c m ) ; W i d t h ( o f one door): 2 ft. 3% i n . (70.5 cm); Four Large Panels: Height: Paris, circa 1755 (777 cm) (287.7 B I B L I O G R A P H Y La comtesse Jean Louis de Maigret, " U n demi-siécle ä l'Hötel Gramont," Con naissance des arts 141 (November 1963), p. 92, illus. 9 ft. 5/8 i n . (297.3 cm); W i d t h : 2 ft. 8 4 i n . 3 (83.2 cm); Five Panels: Height: 9 ft. 3% i n . (285.1 cm); W i d t h : ι ft. 6Yz i n . (46.9 cm); Four Panels: Height: 9 f t . 3% i n . (285.1 cm); W i d t h : ι ft. Yz i n . (31.8 cm); Four Over doors: Height: 2 ft. 4 i n . (90.8 cm); W i d t h : 3 5 ft. 4 i n . (167 cm) 3 Accession number (moldings only) 91.DH.-60.1-.26 P R O V E N A N C E "Grand salon," M a i s o n Hosten, rue SaintGeorges, Paris, u n t i l circa 1892; M m e C. Lelong, Paris, after 1892; Fournier, Paris, F R E N C H P A N E L I N G pp. 128-129, illus. p. 181, fig. 106; Michel Gallet, Claude-Nicolas Ledoux 1736-1806 (Paris, 1980), pp. 209-213, figs. 372-383; La Nouvelle Athenes: Le Quartier Saint-Georges de Louis XV a Napoleon III (Musée Carnavalet, Paris, 1984), no. 22, p. 20. Room as formerly installed in Paris 123 before (?) 1897; due de Rivoli, no. 8 rue B I B L I O G R A P H Y Jean Goujon, Paris, (?) 1897 Krafft and Ransonette, Choix des plus belles t o M a y 1913; [in storage w i t h Maison Carlhian from maisons de Paris (Paris, 1805), p i . 5; Alfred M a y 1913 to January 1920, when consigned de Champeaux, L'art décoratif dans le vieux to both Maison Carlhian and Jacques Paris (Paris, 1898), p. 319; Paul M a r m o t t a n , Seligmann]; [Maison Carlhian and Jacques Le Style empire: Architecture et décors Seligmann, Paris, 1921]. rieurs (Paris, 1927), vol. 4, pp. 1-2, pis. 1-7; Panels only: O t t o Wolff, Cologne, 1925 or Marcel Raval, Claude-Nicolas 1928; private collection, Cologne, before 1736-1806 (Paris, 1945), p. 51, pis. 50-59; 1969; [Joachim Kaiser and Georg Fahrbach, Louis Hautecoeur, Histoire de Tarchitecture Cologne, 1969-1986]; [Axel Vervoordt, classique en France, v o l . 5, Revolution et d'inté- Ledoux Belgium, 1986]; acquired by the J. Paul Tempire(Paris, 1953), pp. 347, 371; Jacques Getty Trust. Hillairet, Dictionnaire historique des rues de Moldings only: [R. and M . Carlhian, Paris]. Paris (Paris, 1963), vol. 2, p. 408; "Ledoux e Paris," Cahiers de la rotonde 3 (Paris, 1979), Two door panels 124 8l