
Carpets and Screens

by taratuta

Category: Documents





Carpets and Screens
Louis X I V , by 1667; Church o f Saint-Andrιdes-Arts, Paris, 1769; (?) Parguez-Perdreau,
Paris, M a r c h 1914; [Arnold Seligmann,
Paris, March-June 1914]; George A . Kessler,
June 1914; M o r t i m e r L . Schiff, N e w York
(sold by his heir John L . Schiff, Christie's,
L o n d o n , June 22,1938, lot 77); purchased at
that sale by J. Paul Getty.
Jules Guiffrey, Inventaire general du mobilier
de U couronne sous Louis XIV: Tapis (Paris,
1885-1886), (?) no. 18, p. 378; Verlet et al.,
Chefi d'oeuvre, pp. 134-135, illus.; Pierre
Verlet, The James A. de Rothschild Collection
at Waddesdon Manor: The Savonnerie (Fribourg, 1982), p. 174; n n . 5,11, p. 421; W i l s o n ,
Selections, no. 1, pp. 2-3, illus.
281. C a r p e t
Carpets and Screens
Savonnerie manufactory, before M a y 3,1680
Woven under the direction o f the Lourdet
280. C a r p e t
Savonnerie manufactory, circa 1663
family after the design o f Fran$ois Francart
and Baudoin Yvart (lepereV) according to
Probably made i n the workshops o f
the scheme o f Charles Le B r u n
Philippe Lourdet
W o o l and linen
Length: 29 ft. 9% i n . (908.6 cm); W i d t h :
Length: 21 ft. uVs i n . (669 c m ) ; W i d t h :
15 ft. 7 i n . (472.1 cm)
14 ft. 5 i n . (440 cm)
Accession number 85.DC.515
Accession number 70.DC.63
Delivered to the garde meuble on M a y 3,
1680, by "Veuve" Lourdet for Louis X I V ,
Galerie d u bord de l'eau, Louvre, Paris;
on loan to Pierre-Paul, marquis d'Ossun
(1713-1788), Ambassadeur Extraordinaire et
Plιnipotentiaire de France, 1759, from
circa 1769-1775; [(?) Jacques Seligmann,
Paris, 1926]; M m e Jorge Ortiz-Linares
(nιe Graziella Patino), Paris; by descent
to Georges O r t i z , Geneva.
Pierre Verlet, The James A. de Rothschild
Collection at Waddesdon Manor: The Savonnerie (Fribourg, 1982), p. 203; 72nd carpet p.
491; n n . 119, 123, p. 430; n . 143, p. 432;
n . 149, p. 433; and included as a line drawing
i n a folding plan o f the Galerie d u bord
de l'eau; "Acquisitions/1985,"
(1986), no. 187, p. 240, illus.
282. P a i r o f T h r e e - p a n e l Screens
Savonnerie manufactory, woven between
1714 and 1740
Woven after designs by Jean-Baptiste Belin
[Belain or Blin] de Fontenay and AlexandreFran$ois Desportes
W o o l and linen; m o d e r n velvet backing;
wooden frame
Paris, Manufacture Nationale des Gobelins,
Pierre Verlet, The James A. de Rothschild
Height: 8 ft. 11 4 i n . (273.6 c m ) ; W i d t h :
Tapis de L· Savonnerie, December 1926-
Collection at Waddesdon Manor: The
6 ft. 4/8 i n . (193.2 cm)
January 1927,^0. 96; Paris, Bibliothιque
Savonnerie (Fribourg, 1982), p. 301; n . 82,
Accession number 83.DD.260.1-.2
Nationale, Le Siede de Louis XLV, February-
pp. 457-458; W i l s o n , "Acquisitions 1983,"
A p r i l 1927, no. 1268; Paris, M u s ι e des Arts
no. 2, pp. 180-183, illus.; "Acquisitions/
Dιcoratifs, Louis XLV: Faste et decors, M a y -
1983," GettyMusJ 12 (1984), no. 4, p. 262,
(?) M m e d'Yvon, Paris (sold, Galerie
October i960, no. 774, p i . 52; R i c h m o n d ,
illus.; Handbook 1986, p. 150, illus. (one)
Georges Petit, Paris, M a y 30-June 4,1892,
Virginia, Experts' Choice: One Thousand
p. 151; Catherine H a m r i c k , "European
lot 673); [Jacques Seligmann, Paris] (sold,
Years of the Art Trade, A p r i l 22-June 12,1983,
Folding Screens: M i r r o r s o f an Enduring
Galerie Georges Petit, Paris, M a r c h 9-12,
pp. 82-83, illus., lent by Dalva Brothers, Inc.
Past," Southern Accents (April 1990), pp. 30,
1914, l o t 343); [Germain Seligmann, Paris,
32, 34, 38, 40, illus. p. 34; Handbook 1991,
1927]; [Fran$ois-Gerard Seligmann, Paris, by
p. 164, illus. (one), p. 165.
i960] (sold, Sotheby's, M o n a c o , June 14-15,
1981, l o t 54); [Dalva Brothers, Inc., N e w
York, 1981].
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