Samsung Galaxy Light. USB Tethering
Deactivating Wi-Fi 1. From the Home screen, press Settings ➔ Connections tab. and then tap 2. In a single motion touch and slide the Wi-Fi slider to the left to turn it off. – or – Activate and Deactivate Wi-Fi from the Notification bar. Note: Use of wireless data connections such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth can reduce battery life and use times. USB Tethering This option allows you to share your device’s mobile data connection via a direct USB connection between your device and a single computer. The Mobile HotSpot connectivity is a wireless version of this same functionality and allows you to provide Internet connectivity to multiple devices. 208 Note: You can not mount your device’s microSD card to your computer while using the USB tethering feature. If additional software or USB drivers are required, navigate to: downloads. To connect using USB Tethering: 1. From the Home screen, tap (Mobile HotSpot). – or – (Apps) ➔ From the Home screen, press and then tap Settings ➔ (Connections tab) ➔ More networks ➔ Tethering and Mobile HotSpot. 2. Plug in the USB cable between your computer and your device. 3. Tap USB tethering from the Tethering menu. This places a green check mark next to the entry and activates the feature. A Tethering or HotSpot active notification briefly appears on the screen. Look for the Tethering active icon in the Status bar area of the screen.