
Galaxy S6 edge. GalaxyGoogle Maps

by taratuta

Category: Documents





Galaxy S6 edge. GalaxyGoogle Maps
 3. Type a name, email, number, or circle, or select a contact from the list.
4. Type a message or tap to start a video chat.
A chat window or a video chat window opens.
l Each time text is entered, the corresponding friend appears.
l If a friend is not in a Hangout, you will see a message. Tap Send invitation to invite them to join the Hangout.
Hangouts Operations
n Ending a Video Chat: In the video chat window, tap .
n Disabling Chat History: If you don’t want to keep chat history, in the chat window, tap More
options > Turn history off.
n Delete Chat History: To delete all your chat history, in the chat window, tap More options > Delete > DELETE.
Note: You can use Hangouts as your phone’s default messaging app, or as a standalone IM app. If you set Hangouts as the default messaging app, the Messages app will be disabled. For more information, see Default Messaging App Settings.
Google Maps
Use the Google Maps app to determine your location, find directions, browse local businesses and attractions, rate and review places, and more.
Note: To use Google Maps, you will need to have your phone's Location feature turned on. See Location Settings for information about enabling Location on your phone.
Useful Apps and Features
View Maps of Specified Places
Use Google Maps to locate and map a specific address or destination.
1. From home, tap Apps > Google > Maps .
Google Maps opens.
Note: The first time you access Maps, you may be prompted to accept the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Tap ACCEPT & CONTINUE to continue.
2. Tap in the search box to start a search.
Useful Apps and Features
Fly UP