
Galaxy S6 edge. GalaxyGoogle Play Games

by taratuta

Category: Documents





Galaxy S6 edge. GalaxyGoogle Play Games
 3. Enter an address, city, facility name, etc., and then tap a candidate in the results list.
A map of the specified location opens.
Google Maps Operations
n Viewing Current Location: From the Maps app, tap .
n Obtain Useful Area Information for Current Location: Tap the Search field, enter the information you are looking for, and then tap a result to view it.
n View Traffic Information, Aerial Photos, Etc.: Tap Menu Satellite, Google Earth, etc. and then tap Traffic, n Check Route to Destination: Tap , enter your current location and your destination, and then tap a method of transport (car, public transit, bicycle, or on foot) to see available routes.
n Check Detailed Operation for Maps: From the Maps app, tap Menu > Help.
Google Play Books
Discovering your favorite books and authors has never been easier. With Google Play Books, you can shop the world's largest selection of eBooks and read them anywhere you like.
n From home, tap Apps > Google > Play Books . Google Play Games
Google Play Games is the easiest way for you to discover new games, track achievements and scores, and play with friends around the world. It brings all of your gaming on Google Play together in a unified Android experience.
Useful Apps and Features
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