
Galaxy S6 edge. GalaxyGoogle Search

by taratuta

Category: Documents





Galaxy S6 edge. GalaxyGoogle Search
Google Play Newsstand
With Google Play Newsstand, discover more of the news and magazines you care about all in one app on your phone. Enjoy breaking news and in-depth articles featuring audio and video. From sports, business, cooking, entertainment, fashion and more it’s all in one place.
n From home, tap Apps > Google > Play Newsstand . Google Search
Search information saved on the phone and in phone applications as well as on the Internet.
Use Google Search
Type search terms in the Google Search bar to find information on your phone and around the globe.
1. From home, tap the Google search bar or tap Apps > Google > Google .
The Search window opens.
l If a description for Google Now appears, tap What can Google Now do? and read the information. Tap YES, I’M IN on the last page if you want to use Google Now.
Useful Apps and Features
2. Type your search keywords and tap Search .
Search results appear.
l To search by voice, tap in the search bar and speak your search terms.
Google Search Options
Note: To set Google Search options, from the main Google Search screen, press the Back key n Changing Search Information: In the search window, tap Menu
search and select where to search.
> Settings > Phone
n Using Google Now: Google Now automatically searches for information based on search keywords used, your current location, etc., and presents search results in the search screen. Google Now also informs users of scheduled events. l To enable Google Now, in the search window, tap Menu
and then tap the ON/OFF switch next to Show cards.
> Settings. Tap Now cards, l To disable Google Now, in the search window, tap Menu
> Settings. Tap Now cards, and then tap the ON/OFF switch next to Show cards. Tap TURN OFF to confirm.
Use Google Voice Search
Use your voice to search instead of typing, with Google Voice Search.
1. From home, tap Apps Useful Apps and Features
> Google > Voice Search .
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