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1027 In Vitro Cytotoxic Effects by Clinical of Vacuolating Isolates Cytotoxin of Helicobacter Produced pylori Kaoru KODAMA1), Toshio FUJIOKA1), Akira ITO1), Akira NISHIZONO2) and Masaru NASU1) SecondDepartmentof Internal Medicine1), Departmentof InfectiousDiseasesControl2), Oita MedicalUniversity (Receiced:February16,1998) (Accepted:June 15,1998) Key words: Helicobacter rabbit pylori, gastric vacuolating epithelial cytotoxin, MTT assay, cells Abstract The factor vacuolating causing induction of of MTT clinically strains duodenal but H. incidence of different Pylori epithelium ulcers duodenal there was no of patients with the patient Similar our of pylon pylori or (p< observed regard to indicate manifestations, induce H. ulcers also with not (63%) gastritis were may by 57 supernatants with results data of gastric H. in culture activity 36 incidence patients clinical particularly used of in patients between and may the of than Although cytotoxin cytotoxin gastric higher virulence cytotoxic gastritis, activity differences We presence in with supernatants. significant vacuolating differences one cytotoxin (RGECs). in the patients cytotoxic isolates. vacuolating no significantly ulcer were prevalance harboring in that cytotoxin-negative between H. to however, vacuolating correlation that not showed gastric were be vacuolating quantitated observed among to of cells and was there considered activity epithelial cytotoxin (Tox+) is the gastric RGECs However, assay with of pylon examined vacuolating cytotoxin MTT patients of we rabbit vacuolation strains. Helicobacter study, of vacuolating The isolates, by this a source pylon positive was Tox+ as isolated from 0.01), pylon Intracellular ulcers. obtained in H. In vacuolation method. with produced ulceration. intracellular supernatants the cytotoxin peptic a they damage to the clear suggest the gastric ulcers. Introduction Helicobacter and mucosal ed Pylori peptic by the have vacA gene, associated with the hybridizes with vacA vacuolating vacuolating cytotoxin MTT to: Department 平成10年10月20日 of and assay Kaoru in gene. In development using cultured of H. of peptic rabbit pylon in clarify the cells pylori isolates fail cytotoxic we epithelial and in isolates vitro to have the Medicine, Oita Medical University, ascribed vitro activity of vacuolating role cells. Hasama-machi, closely gene KODAMA of Internal in encod- Oita 879-5593, that detectable been in is a produce the is and contain beteeen investigated gastric damage which activity relationship ulcers, gastric H. including cytotoxin, eukaryotic most Differences to diseaes inflammation Vacuolating of While 50% order enhance identified4)•`9). ulcers. vitro10)•`12) gastroduodenal may vacuolation peptic approximately activity with that and intracellular probes, vacA associated factors investigated induces cytotoxin by Correspondence Second been in closely virulence development cytotoxin divergence is Several epithelium sequence infection ulcers1)•`3). Japan to of Kaoru 1028 KODAMA et al Methods Strains Strain types NCTC11673, vacuolating cytotoxin-producing consecutive dyspeptic 14-78 years] April 1988 gastric to March with deformity, only biopsy agar, cultured under Systems) at confirmed Preparation of Stored bacterial for cells number of The of isolated, Assay of and of fresh dilutions of control. After 20% RGECs from plates the scar To or obtain medium: H. heart medium, BBL used presence solution study. ulcer (basic System; pylori with received the including Belo-Horizonte H. in of and Microbiology this study urease, were catalase and at -80•Ž. of 107CFU/ml bovine and optical (FBS; 1011CFU/ml, were sterilized of each cells with were in brucella broth Grand Island, Gibco, conditions. density than cultured serum microaerophilic supernatants approved provided FBS, by rabbit a The culture were stored at — 80•Ž density medium. centrifuged the 1,000•~g, filter until of When at 0.45-um-pore-size 0.2% in per cells ml, were cells for (Millipore use. on E. day The Nippon a of modified 100 frozen 24 units humidified by Experithe method Briefly, Shinyaku Co.14). The stomachs epithelial cells were Medium G sodium atomosphere and Animal gestation. Eagle penicilin at -80•Ž for prepared dispersed Dulbecco's in Committee (RGECs) Laboratories, Pronase kanamycin, Tokyo) Review removed subcultured 5, the Ethics epithelial Research were 100ƒÊg the gastric by rabbits and level were 24-well allowed 10%, to hours under MTT were thawed adhere 30%, of for 24 40% hours. 10% and 50%. incubation at (tetrazoliurn) assay 96-well 37•Ž at of At Lincoin After with microscope into cultured. Dickinson, a light seeded and (Becton supplemented 20%, 24 first plates DMEM visually Colorirnetric those had examination. agar of fetal under the more with flasks cells into ml, excluded between (DMEM; (GIBCO) of were seeded 5% and CO2 in GIBCO) 50 in units air. At stored. vacuolation frozen distributed 10% shaker These kindly white SHUSEI, RGEC were and and milk a density measuring to was digested doubling The at with Cultured were culture (GODO population scored al13) with Dispase-I 1ml protocol and supplemented who (Campypak stain skim groups; 57 range hospital three blood known from (•}SD), our Patients histological strains Gram 10% rotary UK). JW/NIBS tissue using sterile supernatants institution. everted 75-cm2 All into ulceration, MD) jars days. of in ulcers. time sheep years biopsy a obtained culture our et fetuses a grew Bedford, on 7% aerobic 4 thawed by pylon experimental of on cell-free cell Matsuoka per the of mentation the H. of is were 50.9•}14.8 antral duodenal Cockeyville, for age, evidence mucosa in supplemented hours no NCTC11637 strains classified or period onto study. supernatants were determined Division, Conditions of was and Products 24 cultured minutes culture isolates Systems) 37•Ž gastric identification in mean gastric long smeared 37•Ž stored pylon pylon Microbiology at the this isolated and showed Systems, and were H. H. a conditions humidity in endoscopically of for Microbiology strains were in microaerobic used clinically 16 females; evidence were bacteriological All and endoscopy changes BBL by oxidase. no whom were The gastroduodenoscopy patients or specimens high males agents in showed gastric NY) The ulcers gastritis, infusion 15 1995. 11639 (Tox+). by anti-inflammatory Patients pylori [41 examined duodenal non-steroid (BBL were and strain patients who ulcers, 11916 FBS confluence, Park, adherence, media containing H. Uninoculated with 5% RGECs NJ) at was pylori brucella CO2, a magnification were trypsinized concentrations removed cultured broth intracellular of and and 1•~105cells replaced with supernatants was used vacuolation as to a give negative of RGECs was at a concentra- of •~200. RGECs microtiter plates (Nunc A/S, Roskilde, Denmark) 感 染 症 学雑 誌 第72巻 第10号 Cytotoxic Effect of H. pylori Supernatants tion of of 5•~103cells fresh per DMEM-10% After 24 hours bromide, some added to was temperature, photometers broth at did not have shown). (NOD) the of each a wells optical quadruplicate. Percent The NOD(%)=[NOD The were expressed determined in Statistical of the by the media, added to products. in of each H. 20% of using spectrobrucella assay (data optical density optical manner. experimental dissolution MTT net of sulfoxide pylon-free The same method scanning background the the 15 minutes plate. the in well. All density of assays supernatant were was expres- 20 clinical equation: control H. brucella pylori the broth]•~100 supernatants supernatants a modification of subtracting each dimethyl multi-well that every measured to of After by confirmed control by and in according measured 100ƒÊl tetrazolium 150ƒÊl a concentration a cytotoxicity in was performed was at as following ammonia of supernatant experiments RGECs alone concentration of well used sample/NOD ammonia concentrations isolates by removal acid-isopropanol, determined index calculated of was After culture formazan each on medium hours. was of Initial was well in pylori MTT effects 24 assay of 540nm. medium incubated H. for [3-(4,5-Dimethyl-2-thiazolyl)-2,5-diphenyl-2H dissolve of this of Japan] density cytotoxic 37•Ž Instead to wavelength percentage Measurement of the of method three of control Okuda et strains al16). and The concentration was mM. analysis The was the at MTT Osaka, the experimental in as 20ƒÊl 37•Ž, Co., any well performed at modifications. Therefore, cell-free sed a test cultured containing Junyaku with at and incubation Wako (DMSO) not FBS of Mossmann15) room well 1029 frequency of compared in statistical the patients with significance SEM, and expression was compared by of vacuolating gastritis, set at gastric p<0.05. Fisher's cytotoxin and The PLSD activity duodenal results in ulcers of MTT by H. the assay pylon clinical chi-squared were isolates test, and as mean•} expressed the test. Results In vitro activity Since the sensitivity cells cells, (Tox+ of a half vacuolation strain NCTC11637 volume of induced vacuolation even RGECs isolate the volume the presence of considered to Toxa half Table Although of was volume the of 平 成10年10月20日 these of of the unconcentrated of isolates of H. H. Pylori (63%) the RGECs Pylon produced H. NCTC11639 cell culture intracellular cells of the cells there strain, not in cytotoxin vacuolation no a Thus, cytotoxin. Figure H. RGECs Therefore, culture in 57 clinical of RGECs, pylori even in intracel- vacuolation RGECs 10% vacuola- different exhibited was NCTC11916, exhibit of medium. the of of supernatant. of in supernatants by presence supernatant vacuolating HeLa vacuolation in 20% Centriplus- of presence did induced the intracellular than NCTC11637 culture vacuolation in of the pylon RGECs the gastric using However, in tested rat by culture even Another supernaton harboring medium. However, apparent more vacuolation we RGM1 supernatant Unconcentrated formation concentrated when The medium. assay lines17), cells, concentration culture concentrated show positive the of vacuole not 10-fold frequency clinical for with did considered a hlaf 36 suitable strains in conditions. cell HeLa induced conditions. of lines, a 10-fold process culture same volume RGECs volume 1 shows the a half be same in the under of This vacuolation supernatant RGECs percentages vacuolation the different cell experiments. to supernatant under cells between different 50min MA). intracellular of the of for Beverly, cells three preliminary 3,000•~g concentrated induced were presence presence of RGM1 supernatants. lular Inc., of cultured varies using a series at unconcentrated in 1 shows in various cytotoxin activity centrifuged of against vacuolating cytotoxin (Amicon, visible cytotoxin RGECs, was concentrator tion of to and strain) presence vacuolating activity of mucosal 100 of in the medium. isolates. there were Kaoru 1030 KODAMA et al Fig. 1 Percentage of RGECs with intracellular vacuolation produced by H. pylori isolate supernatants. After 24 hours of incubation with the H. pylon isolate supernatants at a concentration of 50%, intracellular vacuolation of RGECs was scored visually under a light microscope. A positive cytotoxic effect was considered when wells contained more than 20% of vacuolated cells. Twenty-one isolates had no vacuolating cytotoxic activity (Tox-) while 36 isolates were considered Tox+ isolates. Table 1 Number (percentage) producing vacuolating isolates no significant differences no significant difference of RGECs GU from no and showing DU, Cytotoxic activity by was MTT assay. significantly difference between H. lower than isolates NOD in patients from the patients in the percentage of isolates between male supernatants 73•}30%, be activity of of with Tox+ cytotoxic among the Tox+ isolates. and three groups The obtained Although than There female. isolates respectively. from Tox+ those with was gastritis, isolates obtained gastritis, (Fisher's also percentages there PLSD was test). RGECs supernatants supernatants gastritis with of more against activities percent Tox+ to supernatants cytotoxic mean tended vacuolyzing pylori the The by and ulceration in of 2 shows groups of 75•}23% peptic difference Figure three induced 60•}29%, with significant the frequency vacuolation were patients among in the of H. pylon isolates cytotoxin among 57 clinical duodenal of from (90•}3.8; ulcer H. pylon patients p<0.01), (72•}5.0) against with RGECs gastric but and there determined ulcer was isolats 感染 症 学 雑誌 no (66•}6.6) significant from 第72巻 gastritis 第10号 Cytotoxic Fig. 2 Cytotoxic The percent of 20% the optical in 8.7, In Tox+ Gastritis three disease Gastritis groups of ammonia Urease is gastric H. pylori on control isolates and Each were were value were DU 70•}6.8), but with RGECs (MTT was at classified further represents assay). evaluated broth as into into Solid bars: three seen among in groups Tox+ significant by isolates, *P<0.01. the Tox- groups two mean•}SEM(%), whereas the a concentration divided activity. also no on RGECs brucella cytotoxic results seen, The tions of 1.49mM, we cytotoxic various effect ammonia the of three isolates, differences (GU of sulfate of that RGECs was cytotoxin cytotoxicity against 平成10年10月20日 rather mucosal than cell low produced pylori-free disease groups (GU a similar trend among 85•}5.8, DU 55•} the 75•}7.7, survival urea concentrations the cells and was pylori were not to vaculoes concentrations in exceeding were might too play 24 was 30mM. low an hours to important in Since while the direct role in of To and 10 isolates 10 isolates examine a of cytotoxic concentration of cytotoxicity, mediating the containing concentration 20mM induce vitro. concentra- a medium minimal injury7). 1.25mM, that t-test). acidic cytotoxic in the from from The RGECs injury mM. 1.30mM, Student's in be cell obtained different for may cellular 32•~10-2 were 100mM). organism mucosal supernatants incubated 10 the and on was p=0.79, supernatants ammonia H. 11916cells of (range, of gastric broth (1.12•}0.26mM, injury. cytotoxicity in by 11639 sulfate at cellular role brucella concentration visually-evident noted on (1.15•}0.24mM) RGECs, culture at NCTC11637, ammonium caused conventional vacuolating on urease ammonia activity ammonia pylori important neutrophillic-dependent ammonia activity cytotoxin effect of H. an by in H. mean cytotoxin concentrations in effect ammonia The vacuolating by play enhance supernatants respectively. against and/or of in may synthesized evaluated ammonia produced pylori cells concentration ammonum H. catalytically vacuolating without by epithelial Therefore, with isolates. concentration produced Ammonia to Clinical vacuolating similar was of diagnosis the p<0.01, of supernatant 1031 98•}7.5). Effects pH. medium. Tox- isolates, 87•}4.3, each (NOD) endoscopic of bars: supernatants of density the to expression open of effect net according patients. effect cytotoxic Effect of H. pylori Supernatants the bacterial Kaoru 1032 KODAMA et al Discussion The of H. results pylori causing of peptic Several groups appear produce detectable The the of genes21). of was due the present was of a activity Therefore results of that the showed low isolates (DU of factors and severity most likely factors the from patients such that is less in the GU the exert assay, other effects the may obtained influenced on the . We RGECs were a higher cytotoxin, it that cause low On in the with and the other of other in yet contaminated , ulcers NOD as three hand duodenal percent is in irritation was factor. have . The had epithelial that super- ulceration compounds mean was pylori supernatants vacuolating postulate might vacuolating H. gastric patients to cytotoxin assay of ammonia from oral a similar organisms virulence region epithelial ulcers, pylon cause of important 98•}7.5) H. with cytotoxic that an which Gastritis as middle vacuolation Tox+ concentration to be isolates cytotoxic well contain mean likely MTT 85•}5.8, As the and process. gastric of patients of Schmitt following cytotoxity addition, compound non-producing values assay. in to showed toxin-induced RGEC the pylori fail mechanism vacuolating and H. gene by with The In the activity, cytotoxity gastritis. and cytotoxin isolates from vacA inflammatory or the obtained the epithelium that duodenal quantify may showed indirect supernatant. MTT one gastric all isolates postulated showed cytotoxin with in is ammonia may to supernatants cytotoxin which pylori the of of and pylon sequences vacuolating gastritis, isolates isolates results 75•}7.7, H. to and frequency vacuolating asay that Ammonia that the H. system, related an of analysis was of than gene18)•`20), protease mice, showed with of MTT culture our NOD substances the rather each showed Tox- pylon vacuolating in activity used damage. suggesting three different IgA is in isolates patients than H. clinical among those However, disease, one 50% supernatant ulceration cytotoxin equal than cellular damage. vacA the Genetic activity effect of the the demonstrated Although assay activity vitro al.20) studies8,12,17). we MTT cytotoxic possible of vitro. and into cytotoxin cytotoxic quantify the cytotoxic virulence is approximately in cytotoxin protein vacuolating 63% was to natant. et direct almost insufficient more between cytotoxin cloning However, activity vacuolating study, other molecular 87kDa a purified to in cytotoxic correlation vacuolating gene. cytotoxin an Telford administration activity vacA vacuolating of diversity found the the the the vacuolating release Haas19). that that reported possess between extracellular In examining shown have to a similarity vacA studies have ulcer. isolates injury several infection Tox- unknown these super- natants. The in sera play activity of a vivo. are In of to simple and cells. Our than those that only to have suggest patiens may induce damage to and biochemical the of quantitation isolates with ulceration of gastric in gastric the of RGECs pylori. Our results the cytotoxity of patients with the epithelium H. are or ultimately detectable cytotoxin in a highly may immunological active vacuolating result vacuolating in ulceration cytotoxin . and host their high pylon. for cytotoxic also vacuolating in with and of which vacuolating secretion strains of from that the acid that role usefulness antibodies that epithelium pathogenic H. IgG suggest functions of and also gastric obtained gastritis by results suggested the the cytotoxin for neutralized but also damage understand that is These results demonstrated method from cell the vacuolating easy data in molecular we the cytotoxin subjects. severe necessary summary, sensitivity not cause studies response vacuolating Furthermore, might Further the pylori-infected role in cytotoxin factor H. direct response a of Tox+ H. assay showed pylon gastric cytotoxin that due the to MTT supernatants ulcers is an are on more important assay cultured cytotoxic virulence vivo. 感 染 症 学雑 誌 第72巻 第10号 is Cytotoxic 1033 Effect of H. pylori Supernatants Acknowledgements We thank Dr. F. Ueda for providing RGECs. We also thank Miss. M. Kimoto for her technical support. References 1) Cover TL & Blaser MJ: Helicobacter pylon and gastroduodenal disease. 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J Biol Chem 1995; 270: 17771-17777. 平 成10年10月20日 1034 Kaoru Helicobacter pylori臨 KODAMA et al 床 分離 株 の持 つ空胞 化毒 素 の産 生 と 細 胞 障害性 につ い ての検 討 1)大分医科大学第2内 科 ,2)感染予防医学 要 Helicobacter 児玉 薫1)藤 岡 利 生1)伊 西園 晃2)那 須 勝1) 旨 伝 子 に コー ド され た 細 胞 外 分 泌 蛋 白(空 胞 化 毒 素)が あ る.こ の 毒 素 の活 性 は全 て の菌 株 に は存 在 せ ず,こ 彰1) る細 胞 障 害 度 の 定 量 化 を試 み た. pyloriの 病 原 因子 の ひ とつ に,in vitroで 上 皮 細 胞 に 空 胞 化 変 性 を 引 き起 こ す, vacA遺 藤 の毒 素 を有 す る菌株 と消 化 性 潰 57株 の うち36株(63%)の 培養上 清が空胞化 毒 素 活 性 を有 して い た が,3疾 患群 での空胞化毒 素 陽 性 率 に有 意 差 は 認 め ら れ な か っ た(慢 二 指 腸 漬 瘍57%).一 性 胃炎 73%,胃 潰 瘍62%,十 方, MTT法 で は 胃潰 瘍 患 者 由来 株 の 培 養 上 清 の 細 胞 瘍 との 関連 が 指 摘 さ れ て きた.空 胞 化 毒 素 と消 化 障 害 活 性 は慢 性 胃 炎 患 者 由 来 の それ よ り も有 意 に 性 胃漬 瘍 の 発 生 との 関連 につ い て,胃 粘 膜 上 皮 細 高 か った(p<0.01).空 胞 へ の障 害 性 を検 討 す る こ とに よっ て 明 らか に す 様 の傾 向 が 認 め られ た が(p<0.01),空 る こ とを本 研 究 の 目 的 と した. 陰 性 株 間 で は認 め られ な か っ た. H.pylori感 染 を細 菌 学 的,組 織 学 的 に証 明 した 慢 性 胃炎 患 者(=15),胃 指 腸 漬 瘍 患 者(n=21)か 漬 瘍 患 者(n=21),十 二 ら得 られ たH.pylori臨 床 分 離 株57株 の 培 養 上 清 を用 い て,ウ サ ギ 胃粘 膜 上 皮 細 胞 の空 胞 化 の有 無 を検 討 し,MTT法 胞 化 毒 素 陽 性 株 間 で も同 胞 化毒素 以 上 の 結 果 よ り,空 胞 化 毒 素 は疾 患 特 異 性 を規 定 す る因 子 で は な い が,胃 潰 瘍 患 者 に お い て は そ の 胃粘 膜 障 害 を担 う一つ の病 原 因 子 と して 重 要 な 役 割 を果 た し て い る可 能 性 が示 唆 され た. によ 感 染 症 学雑 誌 第72巻 第10号