
Gastrointestinal Function and Exercise

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Gastrointestinal Function and Exercise
Chapter 18
Gastrointestinal Function and Exercise
Investigations into the adaptations of the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems to exercise
training have taken precedence in exercise
science research, with very few controlled
studies of the effects of exercise on gastrointestinal function. Nevertheless, there is a wealth of
knowledge of normal gastrointestinal function
which is pertinent to the design of an optimal
nutritional plan for those actively engaged in
sport. There is also a growing body of knowledge
concerning alterations in gastrointestinal function as a result of exercise. The focus of this
review is to highlight those aspects of gastrointestinal function and dysfunction to give a basis
for nutritional supplementation regimens and to
gain an understanding of the causative factors
involved in the development of gastrointestinal
symptoms as a result of exercise.
Normal gastrointestinal function and
the effects of exercise
Oesophageal function
The tone of the lower oesophageal sphincter is
of primary importance for the maintenance of a
unidirectional flow of fluids and nutrients
through the digestive tract. Several studies have
examined the effects of exercise on this sphincter.
In one study by Worobetz and Gerrard (1986), 1 h
of treadmill running at 50% of Vo2max. resulted in
an increase of the lower sphincter pressure from
a baseline of 24 mmHg to 32 mmHg in asymptomatic, trained individuals. Oesophageal peristalsis, however, remained unchanged. Another
study, however, found a decrease in lower
oesophageal sphincter pressure and an increase
in disordered motility with intensive exercise
compared with rest (Peters et al. 1988). This
is supported by a more recent study by Soffer
et al. (1993), who demonstrated decreasing
oesophageal peristalsis with increasing cycling
intensity from rest to 60% to 75% to 90% of
Vo2peak in trained subjects. The duration, amplitude and frequency of oesophageal contractions
all declined with increasing intensity. The
number of gastro-oesophageal reflux episodes
and the duration of acid exposure were signifi.
cantly increased at 90% Vo2peak. Another study
by the same authors (Soffer et al. 1994) demonstrated similar results with untrained subjects.
Again, subjects cycled at graded intensities
from 60% to 90% of Vo2peak and a decrease in
oesophageal persitalsis with increasing intensity
was observed. Also, an increase in the number
and duration of reflux episodes and acid exposure was observed during cycling at 90% of
Vo2peak as with trained subjects.
The discrepancy between the results obtained
by Worobetz and Gerrard (1986) and those of the
others may be explained by a differential effect of
exercise intensity. It may be that a relatively mild
exercise bout, for those accustomed to training
at a higher intensity, may decrease the lower
oesophageal tone. Beyond a certain relative
intensity, an inverse effect may occur. This idea of
nutrition and exercise
a U-shaped relationship between exercise intensity and digestive processes is in line with early
advice, based on anecdotal evidence, to perform
mild exercise after a meal to facilitate digestion.
There is some evidence to support the idea that
this type of curvilinear relationship also exists
between exercise intensity and gastric emptying.
Schoeman and coworkers (1995) also looked at
the effects of standardized meals and standardized exercise on lower oesophageal pressure and
reflux. It was found that the timing of the meal
had a greater effect on the incidence of reflux
than did exercise. Sixty-six per cent (81 of 123) of
reflux episodes occurred within 3 h after food
intake, but only two episodes occurred during
exercise. A number of other factors, including
fat, alcohol, coffee ingestion and smoking also
reduce sphincter pressure.
Gastric emptying
Early observations of gastric function were made
in which an inhibitory effect of emotional stress
on gastric emptying rate was documented
(Beaumont 1838). In another early study, Campbell et al. (1928) demonstrated that physical stress
also decreased gastric emptying. Costill and
Saltin (1974) showed that 15 min of cycling above
70% of Vo2max. decreased gastric emptying of a
carbohydrate- and electrolyte-containing fluid,
but that exercise at a lower intensity did not
affect the emptying rate. It is, however, only in
the last decade that a larger number of studies
have been conducted to assess the effects of exercise on gastric function. In contrast to most of the
early work, exercise intensity has been more
closely controlled and clearly defined.
There is some disparity in results with regard
to the effects of low- to moderate-intensity exercise on the gastric emptying rate. Neufer and
colleagues (1989b) found an increased gastric
emptying rate with exercise of a low to moderate
intensity, with both walking (28%, 41% and 56%
of Vo2max.) and running (57% and 65% of Vo2max.)
when compared with rest. They also showed a
decrease in emptying with intensive exercise
(75% of Vo2max.). Marzio et al. (1991) also examined the effects of mild (50% max HR) and strenuous (70% max HR) treadmill exercise on gastric
emptying. Their data support those of Neufer in
that the gastric emptying was accelerated with
mild exercise but delayed with more strenuous
exercise. Research by Sole and Noakes (1989) also
demonstrated a decreased emptying of water
with exercise at 75% of Vo2max. compared with
rest, but there was no effect of exercise on the
emptying of a 10% carbohydrate beverage. Since
it is known that increasing carbohydrate concentration decreases the gastric emptying rate (Vist
& Maughan 1994), one may speculate that this
effect overshadowed any exercise-induced inhibition of gastric function. Other researchers have
failed to find a significant difference at moderate
intensities (50% and 70% of Vo2max.), although
trends towards slowing have been observed
(Rehrer et al. 1989), while others have shown a
consistently increasing inhibition with moderate
through to intensive (42%, 60% and 80% Vo2max.)
exercise (Maughan et al. 1990).
Some of the variance in results may be attributed to the testing protocol. In Neufer’s work,
gastric emptying was measured at a single time
point, after 15 min of exercise, by aspirating the
amount of beverage remaining. Marzio’s experimental design entailed 30 min of exercise followed by ingestion of a beverage and thereafter
following emptying with ultrasonography and
scintigraphy. Rehrer and coworkers (1989) used
a repeated, dye-dilution, sampling technique in
which comparisons were made at frequent intervals over a period of 1 h, representing the complete emptying curve of a beverage ingested at
the onset of exercise. Maughan and coworkers’
research (1990) was also done with multiple
measurement points over a complete emptying
curve. They, however, measured blood accumulation of a deuterium tracer added to the
ingested drink, which represents the effects of
both gastric emptying and intestinal absorption.
Nevertheless, both methods in which measurements were made at multiple points, over a
longer exercise time, with beverage ingestion
gastrointestinal function and exercise
prior to exercise, show similar effects. It is tempting to speculate that the 15-min time period is not
sufficient to give a full picture of the gastric emptying rate of the total volume of fluid ingested
and that the chance of error would be greater.
However, Costill and Saltin (1974) also only
looked at 15 min of exercise and found no significant effect of exercise up to around 70% of
Vo2max.. Furthermore, in the experiments in
which complete emptying curves were monitored, the 15-min measuring point also showed
no significant effect.
The previously cited studies all examined the
emptying of water or carbohydrate-containing
liquids. One study also investigated the effect of
mild exercise (walking at speeds of 3.2 km · h–1
and 6.4 km · h–1) on the emptying of a solid meal
(Moore et al. 1990). An increased emptying was
observed during exercise as compared with
rest, based upon half-emptying times of radiolabelled meals and gamma camera monitoring.
Another fairly recent study, by Brown et al.
(1994), demonstrated with ultrasound imaging
that the emptying of a semisolid meal was
delayed with cycling at 85% of the predicted
maximum heart rate compared to rest. In this
study, postexercise contraction frequencies and
antral areas were also monitored. Both were
significantly decreased when compared with
measurements made in experiments without
exercise. Further, there was closure of the pylorus
and a narrowing of the antrum. These changes in
gastric function might explain the decreased
gastric emptying observed. Another study, performed with dogs, showed that with 2 h of
exercise, at 60–70% of the maximum heart rate,
the gastric emptying of a mixed (23.5% protein,
3.5% fat, 66.5% carbohydrate) liquid meal was
delayed and the migrating motor complex
ceased, again indicating that exercise inhibits
gastric motility. Gastric acid and pepsin secretion
were also inhibited during exercise.
In summary, there appear to be no clear effects
on gastric emptying at moderate intensities.
High-intensity exercise (> 70% of Vo2max.) does
appear to increase emptying time. The few
studies that were done at very low intensities
(< 42% of Vo2max.), however, do indicate that
gastric emptying may be enhanced by mild
One may speculate that some of the disparity
in results of different studies was due to the training status of the subjects or the mode of exercise.
However, when two groups, one trained and
competitive in bicycling and the other untrained
for all endurance activity, were compared, no
difference in gastric emptying rate at rest or
during cycling was observed (Rehrer et al. 1989).
Another study, however, was conducted in
which emptying of a radio-labelled egg omelette
was compared in distance runners and sedentary
subjects (Carrio et al. 1989). The trained runners
had an accelerated gastric emptying of the meal
at rest (runners, t1/2 = 67.7 ± 5.9 min; sedentaries,
t1/2 = 85.3 ± 4.5 min, P < 0.001).
Two studies have also compared gastric emptying rates of the same subjects cycling and
running at similar relative intensities (Rehrer
et al. 1990b; Houmard et al. 1991). No difference
in gastric emptying rates was observed due to
mode of exercise. These results are somewhat
unexpected, since the magnitude of accelerations
of the body while running are more than double
that experienced during bicycling; therefore
one might expect that this would result in an
increased gastric emptying rate during running
(Rehrer & Meijer 1991).
Other consequences of exercise can have an
indirect effect on gastric function. Exercise can
sometimes result in hypohydration and hyperthermia. When hyperthermia and hypohydration occur during exercise, the rate of gastric
emptying is reduced (Neufer et al. 1989b; Rehrer
et al. 1990a). The emotional stress that competition can cause may also delay gastric emptying
and thus some of the conclusions drawn from
data collected in a standardized laboratory
setting may not always be applicable to an individual athlete during high-level competition.
Further, a large variation in standardized gastric
emptying rates between individuals exists
(Foster & Thompson 1990; Brunner et al. 1991).
nutrition and exercise
The factors which influence gastric emptying
rate to a significant degree have, however, the
same relative effect among both ‘slow’ and ‘fast
emptiers’. Beverage or meal size and composition, including nutrient concentration, osmolality and particle size, are all strong modulators of
gastric emptying. In particular, increasing carbohydrate concentration, osmolality and particle
size decrease the gastric emptying rate. For a
more complete review of the factors which influence gastric emptying, see Murray (1987), Costill
(1990), Maughan (1991) or Rehrer et al. (1994).
Bearing in mind the individual differences and
situations, it is useful to look at the upper limits
to gastric emptying rates during continuous
exercise and to compare these with sweat rates
when one is attempting to balance fluid losses.
Mitchell and Voss (1990) observed increasing
gastric emptying rates with increasing gastric
volume up to approximately 1000 ml. With ingestion rates of around 1000 ml · h–1, depending
upon the composition of the beverage, the
volume emptied can reach about 90% of that
ingested (Ryan et al. 1989; Mitchell & Voss 1990;
Rehrer et al. 1990b). Similar high rates of gastric
emptying have also been observed with intermittent exercise (1336 ml · 2 h–1 ingested; 1306 ± 76,
1262 ± 82, 1288 ± 75, 1278 ± 77 ml ·2 h–1 emptied for
water, 5%, 6% and 7.5% carbohydrate, respectively; Beltz 1988). For a review on the effects of
volume on gastric emptying, see Noakes et al.
Intestinal absorption
Net absorption of water and carbohydrates
occurs primarily in the small intestine (duodenum and jejunum). To a lesser extent, water
absorption also occurs in the large intestine
(colon). A large body of research evidence exists
which describes the functioning of the intestinal
tract and the factors which influence the absorption of fluids and carbohydrates, at rest (Riklis
& Quastel 1958; Curran 1960; Crane 1962; Schedl
& Clifton 1963; Holdsworth & Dawson 1964;
Fordtran 1975; Leiper & Maughan 1988; Gisolfi et
al. 1990). Relatively little has been published
regarding intestinal absorption during exercise.
Herewith only research specifically designed to
look at the effects of exercise upon intestinal
function will be discussed.
One of the first controlled studies directly measuring intestinal absorption during exercise was
conducted by Fordtran and Saltin (1967). Intestinal perfusion of the jejunum and ileum with a
triple lumen catheter was done with subjects
at rest and during treadmill running at 70% of
Vo2max.. A 30-min equilibration period was maintained prior to measurement in each condition.
No effect of exercise on glucose absorption
within the jejunum or ileum was observed.
Similarly, no consistent effect of exercise on net
water or electrolyte absorption or secretion was
observed. It should be noted, however, that only
four or five subjects were used in the jejunal perfusion experiments and only two to three in the
ileal perfusion experiments. Conflicting results
were found in another jejunal perfusion study
(Barclay & Turnberg 1988), in which cycling was
performed at a constant, absolute exercise intensity (15 km · h–1, 40–50% above resting heart rate).
A significant net decrease in net water and electrolytes was observed. One difference between
this study and that of Fordtran and Saltin (1967)
is that in the earlier study, the perfusate contained glucose and in the latter study it did
not. The stimulatory effect of glucose on water
absorption may have masked any inhibitory
effects of exercise. Further, the amount of glucose
in the perfusate was not constant across subjects.
This may have given added variability in results
and with the small sample size may have precluded finding a consistent effect.
A more recent study by Maughan et al. (1990)
has been conducted using deuterium accumulation in the plasma after drinking a 2H2O-labelled
beverage to investigate the effects of exercise on
absorption. Subjects performed four separate
trials at rest and cycling at 42%, 61% and 80% of
Vo2max.. A consistent effect of exercise to reduce
the rate of plasma deuterium accumulation was
observed. One must bear in mind that the rate of
deuterium accumulation in the plasma is not
solely a consequence of the rate of intestinal
gastrointestinal function and exercise
absorption but also is influenced by the gastric
emptying rate. Thus it is impossible to conclude
if it is decreased gastric emptying or intestinal
absorption which is responsible for the reduction
in absorption. Further, deuterium accumulation
in the plasma does not give information as to the
net absorption. Alterations in intestinal secretion
are not represented by deuterium accumulation
(Gisolfi et al. 1990). However, it is assumed that
the osmolality of the intestinal contents, as a
function of beverage composition, is primarily
responsible for changes in secretion. There is no
evidence to suggest that exercise affects intestinal secretion. Thus, in the study by Maughan et
al. (1990) in which the same beverage was administered during exercise at various intensities, one
may expect that the secretion rate is constant.
One other problem with using a tracer to evaluate the appearance of a substance is that one
measures the concentration in the plasma which
is also influenced by the rate of disappearance,
i.e. the rate at which the substance is taken up
from the circulation by the tissues. During exercise the rate of mixture of the tracer with the total
body water pool is nearly instantaneous and the
different body compartments may be treated as
one pool (N.J. Rehrer and R.J. Maughan, unpublished observations). This mixing of the tracer
into the body water pool is delayed at rest.
However, this could not account entirely for
the difference in plasma deuterium accumulation during exercise in the study in question
(Maughan et al. 1990), since during exercise
the concentration of the label in the plasma continued to rise throughout the exercise protocol,
rather than peaking early and decreasing with
exercise duration, as one would expect if a
delayed rate of efflux accounted for the reduced
rate of plasma accumulation of the deuterium.
In conclusion, no consistent clear picture of
the effect of exercise upon intestinal absorption is
evident. Beverage composition, in particular carbohydrate concentration and osmolality, has a
greater influence on net absorption.
A few studies have looked at intestinal permeability during or after exercise. Both Moses et al.
(1991) and Oktedalen et al. (1992) have shown a
decreased functioning of the mucosal barrier
with running. More recently, Ryan et al. (1996)
have shown that intestinal permeability is
reduced to a greater degree when exercise and
aspirin ingestion are combined than with aspirin
ingestion at rest. This apparent lack of maintenance of intestinal membrane integrity may be
related to alterations in blood flow to the intestinal region during strenuous exercise.
Splanchnic blood flow
Rowell et al. (1964) and others (Clausen 1977;
Qamar & Read 1987; Rehrer et al. 1992a; Kenney
& Ho 1995; Seto et al. 1995) have demonstrated a
decrease in blood flow to the intestinal tract as
a result of physical exercise. Early studies, with
limited exercise, indicated that splanchnic blood
flow could be altered with exercise. Bishop et al.
(1957) showed a decrease in arteriovenous difference in oxygen content over the liver, with
supine cycling ergometry. Wade et al. (1956)
demonstrated reduced bromosulphalein clearance in patients recovering from pulmonary
infections, undertaking ‘light’, supine exercise
(7–8 min of leg lifts). Rowell et al. (1964) were the
first to quantify this decrease during upright
treadmill exercise, using indocyanine green
(ICG) clearance as an indication of splanchnic
flow. They showed decreases of up to 84% with
A number of the more recent studies have
made use of pulsed Doppler ultrasound to
measure blood flow. In some cases the superior
mesentery artery is measured and in others the
portal vein. The measurements of the superior
mesenteric artery (SMA) are typically done at
rest prior to or after exercise as accurate measurements during exercise are made difficult due to
the increased force of contraction of the heart
during intensive exercise. This gives large fluctuations in the aortic flow which results in a superimposed flow on top of the true mesentery flow.
Nevertheless, the measurements that are taken
shortly after exercise has stopped do show a
reduction in SMA flow. In one study, in which
subjects walked at 5 km · h–1 up a 20% incline for
nutrition and exercise
15 min, a reduction in SMA flow of 43% was
observed (Qamar & Read 1987).
In other studies, the venous portal flow was
monitored by Doppler to give an indication of
splanchnic blood flow. In one study in which
upright cycling was conducted at 70% Vo2max.,
and environmental temperature was 26.8 ± 0.2°C
and humidity was 58 ± 2%, a reduction in portal
flow after 60 min of exercise of 80 ± 7% was
observed (Rehrer et al. 1992a). These results are in
line with Rowell’s earlier work using ICG clearance with intensive upright exercise.
Kenney and Ho (1995) demonstrated a difference in redistribution of blood flow with exercise
between old and young subjects, even when
matched for Vo2max. and exercising at the same
intensity. Younger (26 ± 2 years) subjects experienced a 45 ± 2% reduction in estimated splanchnic flow (ICG clearance) during cycling at 60% of
Vo2peak at an ambient temperature of 36°C. Older
(mean, 64 ± 2 years) subjects only experienced
a 33 ± 3% decrease. A decrease in blood supply
and relative ischaemia to the splanchnic area
decreases the absorption of actively transported
nutrients, e.g. glucose (Varro et al. 1965).
However, a decrease in flow of less than 40% is
compensated for by an increase in oxygen extraction, and absorptive capacity is not altered. A
greater decrease than this results in a reduced
oxygen supply and reduced absorption. This
leads one to wonder if the decreased splanchnic
flow caused by exercise may inhibit normal
absorption of nutrients during exercise.
Relatively few studies have assessed the combined effects of exercise and nutrient ingestion
on splanchnic blood flow. It has been known for
some time that ingestion and absorption of nutrients results in an increased blood flow to the
intestinal tract at rest. The effect of exercise and
nutrient ingestion/absorption has been little
studied. One early study did look at the blood
flow within the SMA in dogs after a meal, at rest
and during exercise (Burns & Schenck 1969).
Exercise consisted of treadmill running on an
incline until panting began (after about 5–
10 min). An indwelling electromagnetic flow
probe, which was surgically placed several days
prior to experiments, was used to measure flow.
A 20% decrease in SMA flow with exercise was
observed, and this was lessened (14% decrease)
when the exercise was performed 3 h after
feeding. Another similar study with dogs was
performed in which they were exercised on a
treadmill for 4 min at 1.5 km · h–1 (Fronek &
Fronek 1970). Although no effect of exercise on
SMA flow in the fasted state was observed, exercise immediately following meal ingestion
resulted in a relatively reduced blood flow in
contrast to that seen with feeding at rest.
Qamar and Read (1987) found that mild exercise (walking, 15 min at 5 km · h–1, 20% incline)
reduced the increase in SMA blood flow
observed after a meal in man. The flow, however,
was still greater than that observed at rest in
the fasted state. Strenuous exercise of longer
duration (70% of Vo2max. for 60 min) has been
observed to cause an attenuation of the increased
flow through the portal vein observed with
glucose (100 g · h–1) ingestion (Rehrer et al. 1993).
Flow increased to 195 ± 19% of the resting, fasted
value after glucose ingestion and decreased to
61 ± 15% with glucose ingestion during exercise.
Although this type and intensity of exercise
with glucose ingestion did result in a significant
decrease in portal flow, it is of a lesser magnitude
than that observed with similar exercise in
the fasted state (Rehrer et al. 1992a). Thus, when
glucose is ingested during exercise, the reduction in flow is lessened to such a degree that
one would not expect glucose absorption to be
The redistribution in splanchnic blood flow
observed as a result of exercise and meal ingestion is regulated by hormonal and neural stimuli,
with the sympathetic nervous system playing a
central role. Several studies have demonstrated a
relationship between sympathoadrenergic activation and splanchnic blood flow alterations
with exercise (Chaudhuri et al. 1992; Iwao et al.
1995; Kenney & Ho 1995). In particular, an
inverse correlation between portal venous flow
and plasma noradrenaline concentration has
been observed with measurements taken at rest
and during mild and intensive exercise in man
gastrointestinal function and exercise
(r = –0.54, P < 0.01; Iwao et al. 1995). In this study,
however, exercise was performed on a treadmill,
but measurements were made after exercise
ceased, with subjects in a supine position. A
similar inverse correlation between portal
venous flow and plasma noradrenaline concentration in man was observed (r = – 0.65, P < 0.01)
when data were collected at rest and during
cycling exercise at 70% of Vo2max. with and
without glucose ingestion, inhibitory and stimulatory influences, respectively (Rehrer et al. 1993).
Neuropeptide Y is also known to be released
from nerve endings with sympathetic activation
and has been observed to be increased during
exercise (Ahlborg et al. 1992). As it also is a vasoconstrictor in the blood vessels of the kidneys
and splanchnic region, it may be implicated in
the redistribution of blood flow during exercise.
Other hormones implicated in the regulation
of intestinal blood flow include cholecystekinin
(CCK) and secretin, both having been observed
to increase blood flow within the SMA (Fara &
Madden 1975). Although these hormones are of
particular relevance with respect to blood supply
to the digestive organs after the ingestion of a
meal, it is doubtful that they play a role in the
regulation of blood flow in response to exercise.
Angiotensin II, however, is increased during
exercise and it causes vasoconstriction of
splanchnic and renal blood vessels (Stebbins &
Symons 1995). Similarly, endothelin-1 (ET-1)
increases during exercise and an infusion of ET-1
has been shown to decrease the splanchnic blood
flow to levels lower than those observed during
exercise without ET-1 infusion (Ahlborg et al.
Gastrointestinal transit
Regular exercise has been observed to increase
the rate of gastrointestinal transit. Cordain et al.
(1986) observed an increased transit as a result of
participation in a running training programme.
It was thought that the mechanical jarring occurring during running may have caused the
increased transit. However, in another study,
Koffler et al. (1992) have demonstrated that
strength training also increases gastrointestinal
transit in elderly and middle-aged men. Further
in support of these findings is a study showing
that a brief period (2 weeks) of relative inactivity
decreases transit in elderly individuals (Liu
et al. 1993). The mechanism responsible for the
decreased transit time with exercise is uncertain.
Changes in hormones and/or parasympathetic
tone, an increased food intake and mechanical
effects have been speculated upon.
A positive health effect may be related to this
adjustment in gastrointestinal transit time
observed with regular exercise. A number of
studies indicate an inverse relationship between
physical activity and colorectal cancer; among
these, one of the most comprehensive is a cohort
study of 104 485 Norwegians (Thune & Lund
1996). These authors speculate that it is the
increase in gastrointestinal transit, reducing
exposure of the gut to potentially carcinogenic
components of the diet, which may account for
the decrease in colorectal cancer seen with
increased levels of exercise participation.
Exercise and
gastrointestinal dysfunction
A number of gastrointestinal symptoms have
long been linked to various forms of moderate
exercise (Larson & Fisher 1987; Green 1992;
Brukner & Kahn 1993). Surveys of runners and
multisport athletes have confirmed the frequency with which prolonged physical exertion
precipitates significant digestive tract problems
which may interrupt training and hinder performance (Moses 1990). Fortunately, such symptoms are most often self-limiting rather than
life-threatening, but it is increasingly more
common for sports physicians to evaluate gastrointestinal symptoms.
Common explanations for these clinical symptoms include dehydration, altered gastrointestinal blood flow, changes in gut permeability,
disturbed gastrointestinal tract motility, psychological influences (‘stress’) and pharmacological
agents (Table 18.1) (Brukner & Khan 1993). Irrespective of the cause, exercise-induced al-
nutrition and exercise
Table 18.1 Common gastrointestinal symptoms
associated with exercise.
Upper gastrointestinal
Epigastric pain
Lower gastrointestinal
Rectal blood loss
Urge to defecate
Abdominal cramps
Faecal incontinence
Possible contributing factors
Altered gastrointestinal
blood flow
Altered gut permeability
Disturbed gastrointestinal
Pharmacological agents
terations to normal gastrointestinal tract function
have frequent clinical associates. These include
such uppergastrointestinal tract complaints as
nausea, vomiting, reflux, epigastric pain, bloating and excessive belching. Lower gastrointestinal tract symptoms include altered bowel habit
(constipation or diarrhoea), rectal blood loss,
flatulence, the urge to defecate, abdominal
cramps and faecal incontinence (Brukner & Kahn
Various studies have reported the frequency of
symptomatic, gastrointestinal tract-affected athletes to range from 50% (Brouns 1991; Wright
1991) to over 80% in a group of New Zealand
endurance athletes (Worobetz & Gerrard 1985). It
therefore behoves all sports physicians to recognize the exercise-related symptoms of gastrointestinal tract dysfunction and offer appropriate
This section will discuss some of the more
common symptoms related to gastrointestinal
tract dysfunction in athletes and describe them
on a regional basis.
Oesophageal symptoms
Symptoms including ‘heartburn’ and acid reflux
are frequent associates of exercise, generally
thought to be linked to altered oesophageal
sphincter tone. A consequence of lowered
oesophageal sphincter pressure is disruption to
the unidirectional flow of upper gastrointestinal
tract contents. This is frequently reported to be
exacerbated by exercise, resulting in altered
oesophageal peristalsis, reflux and exposure
of the oesophagus to acid gastric contents
(Worobetz & Gerrard 1986; Larson & Fisher
1987; Moses 1990; Wright 1991; Green 1992;
Peters et al. 1993). The local irritant effect gives
rise to the unpleasant sensation of retrosternal
pain described colloquially as ‘heartburn’. It is
well recognized that the retrosternal discomfort
often precipitated by exercise may have cardiological origins. Clinical wisdom demands a full
investigation in cases where the age, family
history and risk factors for ischaemic heart
disease coexist.
The ingestion of carbohydrate-rich supplements was followed by bouts of cycling and
running in a study by Peters et al. (1993). This
association was found to correlate highly with
symptoms of nausea, belching, epigastric fullness (bloating), the urge to defecate, abdominal
cramps and flatulence. The mode of exercise as a
factor in provoking oesophageal symptoms was
investigated by Rehrer et al. (1992) in a group of
triathletes. These investigators found a higher
incidence of gastrointestinal tract symptoms
associated with running. Similar conclusions
were drawn by Sullivan (1994), who questioned
110 triathletes to find that running was associated with ‘a preponderance of gastrooesophageal and colonic symptoms’. However,
given the fact that the running section of a
triathlon is always preceded by the swim and
cycle phases, the results of these studies should
be interpreted with some caution. Factors such as
hydration status, fatigue level and posture are
possible influences of some significance. In fact,
Rehrer et al. (1990) identified a body weight loss
of 3.5–4.0% by dehydration, to be associated with
an increase in gastrointestinal tract symptoms in
Worobetz and Gerrard (1986) found that only
gastrointestinal function and exercise
moderate amounts of exercise were associated
with altered lower oesophageal sphincter pressure, which was measured using a small
manometer placed at the gastro-oesophageal
junction. Other studies link symptoms of disordered oesophageal motility to factors which
include exercise intensity, the timing of food
intake, specific foods such as alcohol and coffee
and the influence of smoking (Schoeman et al.
1995). However, the latter is an unlikely habitual
associate of the athlete.
Measures which reduce the volume of the
stomach contents during exercise are likely to
reduce the possibility of symptoms associated
with reflux. In the same way, the composition of
the prerace meal has been found to influence
symptoms such as flatulence and side ache.
Peters et al. (1993) tested different carbohydrate
supplements in 32 male triathletes to determine
the prevalence, duration and seriousness of gastrointestinal symptoms. Their results suggested
possible mechanisms including duration of exercise, altered gastrointestinal tract blood supply,
carbohydrate ‘spill over’ and the postural (vertical) effect of running.
The symptomatic relief of ‘heartburn’ can be
achieved through the use of simple antacids such
as aluminium hydroxide, sodium bicarbonate,
magnesium carbonate or alignic acid. If such
agents alone are insufficient to relieve symptoms
then the use of H2-receptor antagonists is indicated. Examples of these agents include cimetidine and ranitidine. Their action is to inhibit both
the stimulated basal secretion of gastric acid
and to reduce pepsin output by histamine H2receptor antagonism. Additional therapy may
include the use of muscarinic M1-antagonists,
prostaglandin analogues or proton pump
inhibitors such as omeprazole. Metaclopramide
may also provide short-term relief by improving
the contractility of the lower oesophageal sphincter tone.
Reports of upper gastrointestinal tract bleeding associated with physical exertion have been
well documented, and recently correlated with
digestive complaints and clinically demonstrable iron-deficient states (Brouns 1991; Wright
1991; Moses 1993; Rudzki et al. 1995). The causes
of such blood losses can include a Mallory–Weiss
tear from the mechanical trauma of repetitive
vomiting to bleeding from a peptic ulcer. Any
unaccountable blood loss from the gastrointestinal tract deserves full clinical investigation.
Gastric symptoms
The commonly reported effects of gastric dysfunction in athletes include nausea, bloating,
epigastric pain and belching. In addition, haemorrhagic gastritis is reported as a common cause
of gastrointestinal tract bleeding but is most
often transient and usually localized to the
fundus (Brukner & Kahn 1993). The use of salicylates and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
(NSAIDs) in the athletic population is also recognized as having a potential for gastrointestinal
tract irritation leading to gastritis and ulceration.
However, in two studies the use of these drugs
was not correlated with an increase in upper
gastrointestinal tract bleeding (McMahon et al.
1984; Baska et al. 1990). An additional problem
with NSAID ingestion linked with their
antiprostaglandin effect is a reduction of renal
blood flow, which is considered to be a potential
factor in the genesis of renal failure in athletes
(Walker et al. 1994).
Documented influences upon the rate of
gastric emptying in athletes include the temperature, energy content and osmolality of the gastric
contents, environmental temperature and exercise conditions (Costill & Saltin 1974; Murray
1987; Neufer 1989a; Moses 1990; Rehrer et al.
1990b; Green 1992). Hyperosmolar solutions
have been found to empty more slowly from the
stomach during exercise and therefore should be
avoided. While light exercise is considered a positive stimulus to the gastric emptying of fluids, the
passage of solid foods is delayed by vigorous
activity (Moses 1990). The clinical significance of
this information is the timing and composition of
precompetition meals, and advice for those athletes whose choice of event demands that they
‘top up’ during a race or on long training runs.
Gastric retention has been suggested as causing
nutrition and exercise
nausea and vomiting after exercise, or the cause
of disabling cramps during running (Olivares
1988 cited in Moses 1990). It would seem from the
literature that gastric stasis may be avoided by
choosing low-volume, isotonic, liquid meals
which are low in fat, protein and dietary fibre.
In addition, there appear to be a number of
anecdotal references to athletes in whom gastric
clearance has been influenced by the psychological stresses of competition (Larson & Fisher
1987). References to the link between psychological stress and gastric function were made over
60 years ago. A delay in gastric emptying was
noted by Campbell et al. (1928) and revisited by
Beaumont 10 years later. These influences, which
are often more difficult to quantify but are no less
important to the athlete, represent an area of considerable research potential that can be explored
with the aid of contemporary instruments of
measurement including radio isotope-labelled
meals, gamma cameras and ultrasound.
Intestinal symptoms
Reported lower gastrointestinal tract symptoms
during exercise (particularly running) include
abdominal cramps, urgency of bowel movement,
diarrhoea, rectal bleeding, flatulence and postexercise anorexia.
A model for factors associated with gastrointestinal tract symptoms during exercise has been
proposed by Peters et al. (1995). There is a strong
recognition of the interrelationship between
several factors:
• Hydration status.
• Mechanical trauma.
• Neuroendocrine alterations.
• Psychological stress.
• Reduced gastrointestinal tract blood supply.
• Altered gut motility.
• Influence of medication.
Gastrointestinal tract bleeding
Exercise-associated gastrointestinal bleeding has
been reported by several authors (Porter 1983;
McMahon et al. 1984; Stewart et al. 1984; Scobie
1985; Robertson et al. 1987; Baska et al. 1990;
Moses 1990; Schwartz et al. 1990; Green 1992).
Haemorrhage from the gastrointestinal tract is
always of concern to the athlete. The presentation
may be very dramatic and, irrespective of the
source, it is important to evaluate the frequency
and significance of the blood loss given that
occult blood loss has been frequently reported in
endurance athletes (Green 1992). It has become
more evident through contemporary methods of
endoscopic examination that the intensity of
exercise rather than mechanical influences are
causative in the loss of blood from the gastrointestinal tract. A proposed mechanism of direct
trauma to the gut through running was the basis
for the syndrome of ‘caecal slap’ reported by
Porter in 1982. It was postulated that the mechanical effect of running was physically insulting on the ileocaecal junction and produced a
localized contusion. However, since then the
study of other athletes, including cyclists (Dobbs
et al. 1988 cited in Green 1992), suggests that any
endurance athletes, and not just runners, may
suffer significant occult gastrointestinal blood
loss and that the mechanism for this is likely to be
the result of endocrine and vascular insults and
factors related to hydration status.
The athlete presenting with frank gastrointestinal tract bleeding deserves a full clinical
evaluation. Local anorectal causes such as haemorrhoids and fissures are easily ruled out by
physical examination, but inflammatory bowel
disease and more sinister causes of bleeding
including carcinoma will require more extensive
endoscopic investigations. In many cases the
athlete may present with haematological evidence of anaemia which is often nutritional, or
due to the expanded plasma volume of exercise
(an apparent or athletes’ pseudoanaemia), but
might also signal insidious blood loss from an
undetermined site. Endoscopic examinations of
both upper and lower gastrointestinal tract are
mandatory investigations particularly where the
age of the athlete, their medical history and the
concurrent use of NSAIDs are reported.
Although the aetiology of gastrointestinal
bleeding is likely to be multifactorial, the litera-
gastrointestinal function and exercise
ture frequently implicates two factors. These are
dehydration and reduced splanchnic blood flow.
The former factor has been associated with
generalized hypovolaemia, particularly in
endurance athletes, but intestinal ischaemia is
the factor most frequently linked with lower gastrointestinal bleeding. The diversion of blood
from the splanchnic bed to supply exercising
muscles is a well-recognized physiological phenomenon. This is reported to deplete local visceral blood flow by up to 75% and establish the
basis of localized ischaemia reported to result
in symptoms such as abdominal cramping and
diarrhoea (Schwartz et al. 1990). Both the upper
and lower portions of the gastrointestinal tract
may be affected by diminished blood supply
with the gastric mucosa appearing to be particularly susceptible to insult. Denied the protective
influence of its mucosal layer, the gastric fundus
is reported to be the most frequently reported
site of gastrointestinal bleeding (Brukner &
Kahn 1993). No small bowel sites of haemorrhage appear to have been reported, but bleeding
from the colon has been frequently reported in
association with exercise (Fogoros 1980). Documented cases have included ischaemic colitis
(Porter 1982; Pruett et al. 1985; Schaub et al. 1985;
Heer et al. 1986; Moses et al. 1988). It has also been
proposed that these cases of gut ischaemia represent a more accurate pathogenesis of the earlier
report of ‘caecal slap’.
Symptoms of altered gastrointestinal transit
As with the pathogenesis of other exerciserelated gastrointestinal symptoms, it is likely
that the causes of altered transit, in particular
diarrhoea, are several. These include the athlete’s
diet (including fluid intake), the use of medication, the influence of psychological stresses, the
intensity and mechanical effect of exercise, hormonal influences and the relative ischaemia of
the gut during exercise.
The term ‘runner’s trots’ was coined by
Fogoros in 1980. It has been widely considered
that the exercise-induced bloody diarrhoea with
antecedent abdominal cramps is the single most
debilitating symptom of gastrointestinal tract
disturbance to the athlete. There are many anecdotal references to this in both lay and professional publications. The full syndrome includes
lower abdominal cramping, the urge to defecate,
rectal bleeding, an increased frequency of bowel
movements with exercise, and frank diarrhoea
(Swain 1994). Clinicians must rule out abnormalities such as irritable bowel syndrome, lactose
intolerance, coeliac disease, ulcerative colitis and
infective causes of diarrhoea before attributing
these symptoms simply to exercise. Such medications as laxatives, H2-antagonists, iron supplements and antibiotics may also induce diarrhoea,
and less common causes, including pancreatic
disease, exercise-induced anaphylaxis, and
diverticular disease are also frequently associated with chronic recurrent symptoms of
Of greater importance to the symptomatic
athlete is the clinical management of this debilitating problem. Clearly the clinician’s first
responsibility is to eliminate any significant
pathology and by so doing reassure the athlete.
The pharmacological management of chronic
diarrhoea in the athlete may employ antidiarrhoeal agents such as loperamide, or antispasmodics to reduce gastrointestinal motility and
thereby enhance absorption. The common antispasmodics include agents from the anticholinergic group of drugs: as these drugs also inhibit
sweating, their use must be balanced against
an increased risk of heat intolerance. Nonpharmacological interventions include attention
to adequate hydration before and during exercise, the avoidance of caffeine because of its
diuretic and cathartic effects, and a low-residue
meal taken several hours before running. Some
authorities also favour the establishment of a
predetermined daily ritual of bowel evacuation.
In summary, however, the management of
exercise-induced lower gastrointestinal tract
symptoms involves the established protocol of
accurate history taking, physical examination,
diagnosis by exclusion and the initial use of
non-pharmacological agents. The use of simple
antidiarrhoeal medication is widely accepted on
nutrition and exercise
an infrequent basis and must be in accordance
with the permitted list of IOC substances.
For the active athlete, the clinical consequences
of disturbed gastrointestinal tract function may
limit successful participation in athletic performance. Furthermore, while attention to fluid and
carbohydrate ingestion is shown to enhance
exercise performance, gastrointestinal dysfunction can significantly limit the assimilation of
essential nutrients. An understanding of gastrointestinal function and the aetiology of gastrointestinal symptoms associated with exercise
is necessary for the design of appropriate supplementation regimens. Athletes thereby benefit
from maximum rates of delivery of nutrients
with less risk of gastrointestinal distress.
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