Grassroots network seeks end to multiple
2/5/2015 Grassroots network seeks end to multiple discrimination faced by disabled women 毎日新聞 Text Photos Font size Contact Us Feb. 5, 2015 (Thu.) Home National Business World Sports Opinion Entertainment Lifestyle [PR] 1日たった5分!空き時間に稼げるFXで月70万/提携 0 ツイート 15 おすすめ 39 Japanese Features Mainichi Weekly 0 記事を印刷 文字サイズ 小 中 今週の一面:阪神大震災20年 鎮魂を祈り 教訓を語り継ぐ 大 HOT TOPICS:米オバマ大統領 が一般教書演説 富裕層への増 税案など表明 Grassroots network seeks end to multiple discrimination faced by disabled women After moving with her family from Aichi Prefecture to the Kanto region, Sadako Sasaki ‒‒ who is completely blind ‒‒ began to face gossip when neighbors learned of her disability. "People started to say things like, 'How sad for her kids. I wonder who cooks for them?'" she recounted. "It made me feel like I was being discriminated against on two separate levels. First, people were assuming that blind people couldn't cook. And secondly, they assumed that since I'm a woman, it was me who was supposed to be doing the cooking in the first place." Sasaki, who belongs to a disabled women's advocacy group called DPI Women's Network Japan ‒‒ an offshoot of the Disabled Peoples' International organization ‒‒ says that she and other women with disabilities face this type of treatment on a routine basis, and that there is a name for it: multiple discrimination. Sasaki shared her experiences during a Disabled Studies course for undergraduate students on Nov. 29, 2013 at Rikkyo University's Niiza campus in Saitama Prefecture, where she and another member introduced the network's initiatives and provided insight into the concept of multiple discrimination ‒‒ a term that only one of the 60‒ odd students said they had encountered before attending the lecture. Noriko Seyama, a non‒disabled member of the organization who joined Sasaki in addressing the students, explained that while existing gender inequalities impact all women, overcoming such barriers in order to achieve economic independence or improved social status is a greater struggle for women with disabilities, due to additional complications with finding work, accessing information, and forging interpersonal connections. Similarly, she pointed out that although ill treatment is commonly faced by all persons with disabilities (PWD), irrespective of gender, such hardships are often further exacerbated for women because of existing workplace inequalities, gender‒related bias SNS話題記事 225 shares 15 shares 64 Japanese Brazilians use experience in Japan to carve out new careers, lives in Brazil Haiku: Feb. 4, 2015 Number of foreign workers in Japan shares hits record‒high 787,627 22 Kaleidoscope of the Heart: Just shares as you are 20 Japan football fires national shares coach Javier Aguirre SNS話題記事 Japanese Brazilians use during job interviews, and sexual abuse from people including male caretakers. 0 shares experience in Japan to carve Seyama also noted that while disability rights supporters in Japan have welcomed 0 shares Haiku: Feb. 4, 2015 recent legislative gains ‒‒ including the 2011 revision of a basic PWD law, the June 2013 passage of a new law to eliminate discrimination against PWD, and government ratification in December 2013 of the U.N. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities ‒‒ the country's laws and policies presently lack the teeth to sufficiently address the multiple discrimination that women with disabilities continue to face. She pointed out, for example, that inadequate understanding regarding the circumstances of women with disabilities can cause additional complications when they attempt to access social services for issues such as domestic violence (DV). "Women with certain disabilities such as speech impairments are sometimes dismissed as prank callers by DV hotline operators, and those in wheelchairs are generally unable to access shelters or other DV assistance facilities unless the buildings are out new careers, lives in Brazil 0 shares 0 shares 0 shares Kaleidoscope of the Heart: Just as you are Number of foreign workers in Japan hits record‒high 787,627 Japan football fires national coach Javier Aguirre 【PR】ピックアップ 今、年収600万~1200万円の求人が増加中。2・ 3・4月入社をお考えの方は必見 阿川泰子、日野皓正、ジョン・健・ヌッツォが映 画音楽でチャリティー公演 barrier‒free," Seyama explained. 1/5 2/5/2015 Grassroots network seeks end to multiple discrimination faced by disabled women 毎日新聞 "Our research showed that DV support centers and shelters in only four prefectures throughout the entire country had worked with disabled clients ‒‒ and even then, the numbers were extremely low," she added. "Rather than conclude that no disabled women were seeking assistance for DV, it seems clear to us that such individuals are in fact running into trouble when trying to access assistance." The DPI Women's Network Japan was founded in 1986 to unite smaller groups nationwide working for disabled women's rights ‒‒ and went on to spearhead several legislative lobbying campaigns and other advocacy‒related initiatives. Its efforts contributed to the 1996 repeal of provisions within the now defunct Eugenic Protection Law, for example, which had been responsible for forced sterilization of disabled individuals. Additionally, the specific acknowledgement of disabled women's particular needs within revisions to Japan's domestic violence protection law represents a positive first step that may be credited in part to the network's efforts. Although members also lobbied for the 2011 basic PWD law revision to include additional concrete provisions regarding women with disabilities, however, the final version fell short of their hopes ‒‒ referencing the word "gender," but including few specifics. Consequently, Sasaki explained that Also Inside Letter from Burma Haiku in English Hibakusha Series Odds & Ends the network decided to spearhead a questionnaire for women with disabilities, wherein their personal experiences would be collected to clarify existing needs. The initiative yielded responses from 87 individuals, and detailed stories regarding workplace and other societal DPI Women's Network Japan member Kumiko Usui (Photo courtesy of Kumiko Usui) 拡大写真 discriminations. Some 35 percent of respondents also reported experiencing some form of sexual abuse from people including relatives or caretakers, such as inappropriate touching and even rape ‒‒ a higher figure than the network had expected, Sasaki said. Network members ‒‒ who also include non‒disabled women allies and male supporters ‒‒ are hopeful that the recent PWD‒related legal 注目ブランド developments will help the organization continue to advance its goals. あなたのお家は今いくら? "Expanding upon the recent legislative gains, our forthcoming work will focus upon 不動産の実勢価格が変動中!? 簡単45秒入力で一括査定できる! advocacy for Japan's national laws to clearly reference the existence of multiple 愛車、今いくら? 複数社の見積り比較で愛車の現在 価格がわかる!【無料申込み】 discrimination and disabled women's rights, while also keeping our eye on local movements in this regard," commented network member Kumiko Usui, who has been partially deaf since birth. Usui noted that Japan has a long history of excluding PWDs ‒‒ particularly women ‒‒ within the process of crafting the legislation that affects them. "We want women with disabilities to be included within the planning process for both national and local laws," she said. She also pointed out that Kyoto Prefecture is poised to include disabled women within its PWD anti‒discrimination ordinance this year, which, if passed, would be the first in the nation to specifically reference women in this regard. "The enactment of the U.N. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, due 特集企画 一覧 デザインが切り開く未来 グローバル時代の企業の海外進出。デザイ ンを重視したブランドづくりを 信頼性で選ぶ分譲マンション 大手7社が集結した新築マンションポータル 「メジャーセブン」 難関中学校入試問題にチャレン ジ! largely to the efforts of women with disabilities from around the world, has inspired us ロシアの今が分かる「ロシアNOW」 to keep up our fight here in Japan ‒‒ where the level of women's rights remains quite ヘレン・ケラー記念音楽コンクール low," Usui added. "We are extremely grateful for these international allies." 人気推理作家が語る「嗜好と文化」 While legal gains are clearly at the forefront of the network's actions, members also 知っておきたいマネー情報 say that an equally important struggle is that of bettering the existing social 住まいを探すなら毎日新聞×SUUMO awareness regarding their situation. 聖路加国際大学×立教大学 特別対談 "With very few occupations available to blind women, I had little choice but to study 阿川泰子、日野皓正らが映画音楽で公演 to become a massage therapist," Sasaki recounted. "But when I expressed concern *大阪資産活用セミナー3月22日 参加者募集中* that I might face danger while working at night if someone mistook me as being 健康への入り口 第1回 遺伝子解析 2/5 2/5/2015 Grassroots network seeks end to multiple discrimination faced by disabled women 毎日新聞 associated with the adult entertainment industry, an instructor at my school for the 高校生小論文コンテスト結果公開中! blind actually said to me, 'Well, at least you will have been lucky to find work.'" 第11回グリーンツーリズム大賞発表 "This is just one example of the kind of discrimination that we as disabled women 見る知る学ぶ「文字のないニュース」 continually come up against," she said. "What we are striving for is a society where people will be able to stand up in cases like this and clearly say, 'That's wrong.'" For more information on the DPI Women's Network Japan, see (Japanese only). 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