
ヨーロッパ文庫新着図書一覧(New arrival of European Section)

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ヨーロッパ文庫新着図書一覧(New arrival of European Section)
ヨーロッパ文庫新着図書一覧(New arrival of European Section)
1. A theory of adaptation / Linda Hutcheon with Siobhan O'Flynn ; : hbk, : pbk.-- 2nd ed.-- Routledge; 2013.: pbk,
2. Authorship and film / edited by David A. Gerstner and Janet Staiger ; : pbk.-- Routledge; 2003.-- (AFI film readers).: pbk,
3. Envisioning others : race, color, and the visual in Iberia and Latin America / edited by Pamela A. Patton ; : hbk.-- Brill;
c2016.-- (The medieval and early modern Iberian world ; v. 62).: hbk,EURO:236:P1,1
4. Her Majesty's mails, 2nd ed, 1865 / William Lewins.-- Published by Edition Synapse for Eureka Press; 2015.-- (The
foundations of the modern post-office in Britain : a collection of the nineteenth century sources / edited and introduced by
Megumi Arai ; v. 4).,EURO:693:A1,1-4
5. History of the post-office packet service between the years 1793-1815, 1895 / Arthur H. Norway.-- Published by Edition
Synapse for Eureka Press; 2015.-- (The foundations of the modern post-office in Britain : a collection of the nineteenth
century sources / edited and introduced by Megumi Arai ; v. 2).,EURO:693:A1,1-2
6. L'Europe et le monde de l'antiquité à 1815 / sous la direction de Rainer Bendick ... [et al.] ; les auteurs, Rainer Bendick ...
[et al.] ; traduction d'Isabelle Hausser et Olivier Mannoni, avec la collaboration de Daniel Henri.-- Nathan/Klett; c2011.-(Histoire = Geschichte ; . Manuel d'histoire franco-allemand ; t. 1).,EURO:230:V1,4
7. Masters of the everyday : Dutch artists in the age of Vermeer / Desmond Shawe-Taylor and Quentin Buvelot ; :
hardbound.-- Royal Collection Trust.: hardbound,EURO:720:S1,1
8. Post office reform, 1837 / Rowland Hill . Sir Rowland Hill, 1907 / Eleanor C. Smyth.-- Published by Edition Synapse for
Eureka Press; 2015.-- (The foundations of the modern post-office in Britain : a collection of the nineteenth century sources
/ edited and introduced by Megumi Arai ; v. 3).,EURO:693:A1,1-3
9. Recasting Brussels I : proceedings of the conference held at the University of Milan on November 25-26, 2011 / edited by
Fausto Pocar, Ilaria Viarengo, Francesca C. Villata.-- CEDAM, Casa editrice dott. Antonio Milani; 2012.-- (Studi e
pubblicazioni della Rivista di diritto internazionale privato e processuale ; 76).,EURO:329:P1,1
10. The Bristol Royal Mail : post, telegraph and telephone, c.1899 / R.C. Tombs.-- Published by Edition Synapse for Eureka
Press; 2015.-- (The foundations of the modern post-office in Britain : a collection of the nineteenth century sources /
edited and introduced by Megumi Arai ; v. 6).,EURO:693:A1,1-6
11. The history of British literature on film, 1895-2015 / Greg M. Colón Semenza and Bob Hasenfratz ; : hardback.-Bloomsbury Academic; 2015.-- (The history of world literatures on film / series editors, Greg M. Colón Semenza and Bob
Hasenfratz).: hardback,EURO:778:C1,1
12. The history of the Post Office from its establishment down to 1836, 1893 / Herbert Joyce ; introduction by Megumi Arai.-Published by Edition Synapse for Eureka Press; 2015.-- (The foundations of the modern post-office in Britain : a
collection of the nineteenth century sources / edited and introduced by Megumi Arai ; v. 1).,EURO:693:A1,1-1
13. The Palgrave encyclopedia of imperialism and anti-imperialism / edited by Immanuel Ness and Zak Cope ; [senior
editorial advisor, Saër Maty Bâ] ; : [set], v. 1, v. 2.-- Palgrave Macmillan; 2016.v. 1,EURO:030:N1,1-1
14. The Palgrave encyclopedia of imperialism and anti-imperialism / edited by Immanuel Ness and Zak Cope ; [senior
editorial advisor, Saër Maty Bâ] ; : [set], v. 1, v. 2.-- Palgrave Macmillan; 2016.v. 2,EURO:030:N1,1-2
15. The Royal Mail, 2nd ed., 1885 / James Wilson Hyde.-- Published by Edition Synapse for Eureka Press; 2015.-- (The
foundations of the modern post-office in Britain : a collection of the nineteenth century sources / edited and introduced by
Megumi Arai ; v. 5).,EURO:693:A1,1-5
16. True to the spirit : film adaptation and the question of fidelity / edited by Colin MacCabe, Kathleen Murray, and Rick
Warner ; : pbk.-- Oxford University Press; c2011.: pbk,EURO:778:M3,1
17. サッカーのエスノグラフィーへ : 徹底討論!民族とメディアとワールドカップ / 市之瀬敦,
会評論社; 2002.5.,EURO:780:I1,1
川麻里生編著.-- 社
18. シャーマンとヴィーナス / ヴェリミール・フレーブニコフ著 ; 工藤正廣訳.-- 未知谷; 2003.3.,EURO:980:K1,1
19. 国境を超える現代ヨーロッパ映画250 : 移民・辺境・マイノリティ / 野崎歓 [ほか] 編.-- 河出書房新社; 2015.10.,
20. 明解言語学辞典 / 斎藤純男, 田口善久, 西村義樹編.-- 三省堂; 2015.8.,EURO:801:S1,1
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