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The handle http://hdl.handle.net/1887/19051 holds various files of this Leiden University
Author: Breugem, Vincent Michaël Nicolaas
Title: From prominence to obscurity : a study of the Darumashū : Japan's first Zen school
Issue Date: 2012-05-30
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書院, 1941.
Nihon bukkyōshi jiten 日本仏教史辞典. Imaizumi Yoshio 今泉淑夫 (ed.). Yoshikawa Kōbunkan
吉川弘文館, 1999.
Nihon zuihitsu taisei (daisanki)日本隨筆大成 (第三期 ). 24 vols. Zuihitsu taisei henshūbu 日本
隨筆大成編輯部 (ed). Yoshikawa Kōbunkan 吉川弘文館, 1976-1978.
Shōwa teihon Nichiren Shōnin ibun 昭和定本日蓮聖人遺文, 日蓮, 1222-1282. 立正大学宗学硏
究所編 総本山身延久遠寺 Minobu-chō (Yamanashi-ken) Sōhonzan Minobu Kuonji
Shōwa 27-43 [1952-1968]
Ōsaka shiseki jiten 大阪史蹟辞典. Miyoshi Teiji (ed.) 三善貞司. Osaka: Seibundō Shuppan 清
文堂出版, 1986.
Shinwa densetsu jiten 神話伝説辞典. Asakura Haruhiko 朝倉治彦, et al. (ed.). Tokyo: Tōkyōdo,
Taishō shinshū daizōkyō 大正新脩大藏經. Takakusu Junjirō 高楠順次郎, Watanabe Kaigyoku
渡邊海旭, Ono Genmyō 小野玄妙 (eds.). 85 vols. Tokyo: Taishō Issaikyō Kankōkai
大 正 一 切 經 刊 行 會 . (digital: The SAT Daizōkyō text database. http://21dzk.l.utokyo.ac.jp/SAT/
Xuzangjing 續藏經. (Reprint of Dainihon zokuzōkyō, 150 vols. Kyoto: Zōkyō shōin, 1905-12)
Taipei: Xinwenfeng 1968-70. (digital: cbeta.org)
Zengaku daijiten (shinpan) 禪學大辭典 (新版). Zengaku daijiten hensanjo (ed.) 禪學大辭典編
纂所. Tokyo: Taishūkan Shoten 大修館書店, 1985.
Zengojiten 禅語辞典. Koga Hidehiko 古賀英彦 (ed.). Kyoto: Shibunkaku Shuppan,
思文閣出版, 1991.
Zoku gunshoruijū 続群書類従. Hanawa Hokiichi 塙保己一. Tokyo: Naigai shoseki 内外書籍,
Zoku Shingonshū zensho 續眞言宗全書. Zoku Shingonshū zensho kankōkai 續眞言宗全書刊行
會, Nakagawa Zenkyō 中川善敎 (ed.). Kōyasan: Zoku Shingonshū zensho kankōkai,
Achamopusa jing 阿差末菩薩經 . T. 403.
Amida goma ryaku shiki 阿彌陀護摩略私記. Manuscript copied by Ginō in 1263. Shinpukuji
Azuma kagami 吾妻鏡 . Shintei zōho kokushi taikei 新訂增補国史 大系 32-33. Yoshikawa
Kōbunkan, 1936.
Baolin zhuan 寶林傳 (801). Compiled by Zhiju 智炬. In Yanagida Seizan 柳田聖山 (ed.), Sozo
ichin: Horinden, Dento gyokueishu 宋藏遺珍: 寶林傳, 傳燈玉英集, Kyoto: Chubun,
Buttoku Daitsū Zenji goroku 佛徳大通禪師語録. Guchū Shūkyū 愚中周及 (1323-1409). T. 2563.
Changzhua fanzhi qingwenjing 長爪梵志請問經 . T. 584.
Chanyuan zhuquanji duxu 禪源諸詮集都序. Zongmi 宗密. T. 2015.
Chanmen zhuzushi jiesong 禪門諸祖師偈頌. Compiled by Zhisheng 子昇 (n.d.) and Ruyou 如祐
(n.d.). X. 1298.
Chanzong songgu lianzhu tongji 禪宗頌古聯珠通集 . Compiled in 1175 by Faying 法應 . X.
Chanzong Yongjia ji 禪宗永嘉集 . T. 2013
Chishō daishi shōrai mokuroku 智證大師請来目録. Enchin (814- 891). T. 2173.
Chuanfa zhengzong ji 傳法正宗記. Qisong 契嵩 (1007-1072). T. 2078.
Chuanxin fayao 傳心法要 . Recorded and edited by Pei Xiu 裴休 (797-870). T. 2012A
Da baoji jing 大寶積經 (Maharatnakuta-sūtra). Compiled by Bodhiruci 菩提流支 (d. 727). T.
Dafangguang yuanjue xiuduoluo liaoyi jing 大方廣圓覺修多羅了義經. T. 842.
Dafangguang fo huayanjing suishou yanyi chao 大方廣佛華嚴經隨疏演義鈔. Chengguan 澄觀
(737-838). T. 1736.
Daie zenji kesa rokuso shari mokuroku 大慧禪師袈裟六祖舎利目録. Typescript rendition in
Nakao Ryōshin, “Settsu sambōji kankei shiryō,” Sōtōshū kenkyūin kenkyūsei kiyō 18
(1986): pp. 142-150.
Da piluzhena chengfo jing shu 大毘盧遮那成佛經疏. Yixing (673-727). T. 1796.
Dashen qixin lun 大乘起信論. Attributed to Aśvaghoṣa. T. 1666.
Dazhidulun 大智度論. Attributed to Nāgārjuna. Translated by Kumārajīva. T. 1509.
Denjutsu isshinkai mon 傳述一心戒文. Kōjō 光定 (779-858) T. 2379.
Denkōroku 傳光録, Keizan 螢山 (1268-1325). T. 2585, 409a20-25.
Eihei kōroku 永平廣録. Dōgen 道元 (1200-1283). DZZ 2, pp. 7-200
Eiheiji sanso gyōgōki 永平寺三祖行業記. SSZ, Shiden 1, pp. 1-9.
Empō dentōroku 延宝伝灯録. Shiban 師蛮 (1627-1710). DNBZ 69-70.
Erru sixing lun 二入四行論. Attributed to Bodhidharma. X. 1217
Famiejin jing 法滅盡經. T. 396.
Fanwang jing 梵網經. T. 1484.
Fozutongji 佛祖統紀. Zhipan 志磐 (d. 1269). T. 2035.
Gaoseng zhuan 高僧傳. Huijao 慧皎 (497-554). T. 2059.
Genkō shakusho 元亨釈書. Kokan Shiren. DNBZ 62.
Genso Koun Tettsū sandaison gyōjōki 元祖孤雲徹通三大尊行状記. In SZ, vol. 16, Shiden 1, pp:
Gikai fuhōjō 義介附法状. Sōtōshū komonjo, 1, p. 526.
Gikan fuhōjō 義鍳附法状, Sōtōshū komonjo, 2, pp. 408-409.
Goyuigo 御遺告. Attributed to Kūkai. T. 2431
Goyuigon kiroku 御遺言記録. Gikai. SSZ, Shūgen, 2, p. 255-262.
Guang qingliang zhuan 廣清涼傳 . Yanyi 延一. T. 2099.
Guanzizai pusa ruyilun niansong yigui 觀自在菩薩如意輪念誦儀軌. Amoghavajra (705-774). T.
Guishan Dayuan chanshi jingce 潙山大圓禪師警策. Included Zimen Jinxun 緇門警訓. T. 48,
Gukanshō 愚管抄. Jien 慈円 (1155-1225). In Nihon koten bungaku taikei 86.
Hannya shingyō hiken 般若心經祕鍵. Kūkai. T. 2203A.
Hōmon taikō 法 門 大 綱 . Kanazawa bunko shiryō zensho, Butten 1, Zensekihen. Shinagawa
kenritsu Kanazawa bunko (ed.). Yokohama: Kanazawa bunko, 1974, pp. 211-219.
Honchō kōsōden 本朝高僧傳. Shiban 師蛮. DNBZ 63.
Hongakusan shaku 本覺讃釈. Attributed to Ryōgen (912-985). In Tendai hongakuron 天台本覺
論, edited by Tada Kōryū 多田厚隆, et al. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten 岩波書店, 1973.
Huayan jing shuchao xuantan 華嚴經疏鈔玄談. Chengguan 澄觀 (738-839). T. 232.
Huayan yanyichao 華嚴演義鈔. Chengguan. T. 1736.
Hyakurenshō 百錬抄, Shintei zōhō kokushitaikei 新訂增補国史大系 11. Tokyō: Yoshikawa
kōbunkan, 1965.
Jiatai pudeng lu 嘉泰普燈録. Zhengshou 正受. X. 1559
Jingde chuandeng lu 景徳傳燈録. Daoyuan 道原
Jingang bore boluomi jing 金剛般若波羅蜜經. T. 235.
Jingangjing zhu 金剛經註 . Yefu Daochuan. X. 461
Jingtulun 淨土論. Jiacai 迦才 (620-680). T. 1963.
Jingye zhang jing 淨業障經 (Skt. Karmāvaraṇa-viśuddhi-sutra). T. 1494.
Jinglu yixiang 經律異相. Compiled by the Baochang, T. 2121.
Jōtōshōgakuron 成等正覚論. Kanazawa bunko shiryō zensho, Butten 1, Zensekihen. Shinagawa
kenritsu Kanazawa bunko (ed.). Yokohama: Kanazawa bunko, 1974, pp. 200-207.
Keiranshūyōshū 渓嵐拾葉集. Kōshū (1276-1350). T. 2410
Kenmitsu mondōshō, Zoku Shingonshū zensho 23, p. 23-43.
Kenshōjobutsugi 見性成佛義. Kanazawa bunko shiryō zensho, Butten 1, Zensekihen. Shinagawa
kenritsu Kanazawa bunko (ed.). Yokohama Kanazawa bunko, pp. 174-198.
Kenzeiki 建撕記. Kenzei 建撕. In Shohon taikō Eihei kaisan Dōgen zenji gyōjō Kenzeiki, 諸本
対校永平開山道元禪師行状建撕記, edited by Kawamura Kōdō. Tokyo: Taishūkan
shoten, 1975.
Kinkōshū 金 剛 集 . Nichiren 日 蓮 (1222-1282), compiled by Nikkō 日 向 (1253-1314).
Nichirenshū shūgaku zensho 日蓮宗宗学全書, vol. 13/14. Risshō Daigaku Nichiren
kyōgaku kenkyūjo 立正大学日蓮教学研究所 (ed.).
Kokkōshū 谷 響 集 . Musō Sōseki 夢 窓 疎 石 (1275-1351). In Muchū mondōshū tsuketari
Kokkyōshū 夢中問答集 付谷響集, Kazuma Kawase 川瀬一馬 (ed.). Tokyo: Benseisha
勉誠社, 1977.
Kōzengokokuron 興禪護國論 . Eisai 榮西. T. 2543.
Kurodani Shōnin gotōroku 黒谷上人語燈録. Hōnen. Compiled by Dōkō 道光 (Ryōe 了慧)
(1244-1330). T. 2611.
Lebang wenlei 樂邦文類. Zongxiao (1151-1214). T. 1969A.
Liandeng huiyao 聯燈會要. Wuming 悟明. X. 1557.
Lidai fabaoji 歴代法寶記. T. 2075.
Linji lu 臨済録. T. 1985.
Lengyan jing xun wenji 楞嚴經熏聞記. Renyue 仁岳. T. 269.
Lengqie shiziji 楞伽師資記. Jingjue. T. 2837.
Mazu yulu 馬祖語録. In Sija yulu 四家語録. X. 1321, 2a07-5b21
Miaofa lianhua jing 妙法蓮華經 (Lotus Sūtra). Kumārajīva (trans.). T. 262
Miaofa lanhuajing xuanyi 妙法蓮華經玄義. Zhiyi. T. 1716.
Miaofa lianhuajing youbotishe 妙 法 蓮 華 經 憂 波 提 (Skt. Saddharmapuṇḍarīkopadeśa).
Attributed to Vasubandhu. T. 1519.
Miyanjing 密嚴經. T. 681/T. 682.
Mishasaibuhexi wufen lü 彌沙塞部和醯五分律 (Skt. Mahīśāsaka-vinaya). T. 1421.
Mohe zhiguan 摩訶止観. Zhiyi. T. 1911.
Matsudai nenbutsu jushūin. 末代念仏授手印. Benchō 弁長. T. 2613.
Nianfo sanmei baowang lun 念佛三昧寶王論. T. 1967.
Nihon tōjō rentōroku 日本洞上聯燈録. Compiled (1727) by Reinan Shūjō 嶺南秀恕. SSZ 16,
Shiden 1, pp. 1919-522..
Nichiiki tōjōshosoden 日域洞上諸祖伝 . Compiled (1694) by Tangen Jishō. SSZ 16, Shiden 1, pp.
Nittō shingushōgyō mokuroku 入唐新求聖教目録. Ennin. T. 2167.
Pusadiqi jing 菩薩地持經. T. 1581.
Rokuso daikan zenji reige ryakki 六祖大鑑禪師霊牙略記. DNS, 6, 27, pp. 613-14.
Rulengqie jing 入楞伽經 (Skt. Laṅkāvatāra sutra). Śiksānanda (trans.). T. 672.
Ryōinketsu 了因決. Compiled Ryōe 良惠 . T. 2414).
Sanjū shika no kotogaki. Sanjū shika no kotogaki 三十四箇事書 (Notes on thirty-four articles)
attributed to Genshin (942-1017). Compiled Kōkaku (fl. 1150). In Tendai hongakuron,
pp. 357-368.
Senchaku denkōketsu gishō 選擇傳弘決疑鈔. Ryōchū. T. 2610
Senchaku hongan nenbutsushū 選擇本願念佛集. Hōnen. T. 2608.
Senchaku mitsuyō ketsu 選擇密要決 . Shōkū. T. 2620.
Shari kōshiki 舎利講式. Atrributed to Genshin. Kōshiki database (text nr. 39)
Shari kuyōshiki 舎利供養式. Kakuban. Kōshiki database (text nr. 40).
Shimoheyanlun 釋摩訶衍論. Attributed to Nāgarjuna. T. 1668.
Shedasheng lun shi 攝大乘論釋. Asvabhāva. Xuanzang 玄奘 (602-664) (trans.). T. 1595.
Shengman jing 勝鬘經 (Śrīmālādevī sūtra). T. 353.
Shinzoku zakki mondōshō. Raiyu. Shingonshū zensho 37.
Shōbōgenzō. Dōgen. T. 2582.
Shōbōgenzō Gokikigakishō 正法眼藏御聞書抄. Senne and Kyōgō. In Eihei Shōbōgenzō shūsho
taisei 永平正法眼藏蒐書大成, Eihei Shōbōgenzō shūsho taiseikan kōkai 永平正法眼
藏蒐書大成刊行 (ed.), Tokyo: Taishūkan shoten, 1974-1982, vols 11-14.
Shōbōgenzō zuimonki 正法眼蔵随聞記 . Koun Ejō. In Shōbōgenzō – Shōbōgenzō zuimonki,
Nihon koten bungaku taikei 81, edited by Nishio Minoru 西尾実, et al. Tokyo: Iwanami
Shoten, 1965.
Shoke kyōsō dōi shū 諸家教相同異集 . Enchin 円珍 T. 2368.
Shōkō shōninden 聖光上人傳. Zoku gunshoruijū 9, pp. 28-37.
Shoulengyan sanmei jing 楞嚴三昧經. T. 642.
Song gaoseng zhuan 宋高僧傳. Zanning. T. 2061.
Tanzhou Longyashan Dun Chanshi song 潭州龍牙山遁禪師. X. 1298.
Teiho Kenzeiki 訂補建撕記 (Annotated Kenzeiki). Menzan Zuihō 面山瑞方. See Kenzeiki.
Tetsu senchakushō 徹選擇鈔. Ryōchū 忠良. JZ, pp. 113-123.
Tetsu senchaku hongan nenbutsushū 徹選擇本願念佛集 Benchō (Shōkō). T. 2609
Tetsu senchaku honmatsu kudensho 徹選擇本末口傳抄. Shōsō 聖聡 (1366-1440). JZ 7, pp. 124163.
Tōiki dentō mokuroku 東域傳燈目録. Eichō 永超. T. 2183.
Tōkokki 洞谷記. Keizan Jōkin 螢山紹瑾. SSZ, Shūgen 2, pp. 503-43
Tōnomine ryakki 多武峰略記. DNBZ, Jishi sōsho 2, pp. 484-511.
Wenshushili suoshuo mohebore boluomi jing 文殊師利所説摩訶般若波羅蜜經. T. 232.
Wudeng huiyuan 五燈會元. Puji 普濟 (1179-1253). X. 1565.
Wumen guang 無門關 . Wumen Huikai 無門慧開(1183-1260). T. 2005.
Wuxing lun 悟性論. Attributed to Bodhidharma. In Shoshitsu rokumon 少室六門 . T. 2009,
Xiuxi zhiguan zuochan fayao 修習止觀坐禪法要 (Xiao zhiguan 小止觀). Zhiyi. T. 1915.
Yuanjuejing 圓覺經. T. 842.
Yuanjuejing dashu 圓覺經大疏 . Zongmi. X. 243.
Yuanjue jing dashu shiyi chao 圓覺經大疏釋義鈔. Zongmi. X. 245.
Yuanwu Foguo Chanshi yulu 圓悟佛果禪師語録. T. 1997.
Xinwang ming 心王銘. Attributed to Fu Dashi 傳大士 (497-569). In Jingde chuandenglu, T.
2076, 456c25-457a17.
Xixinming 息心銘. Wang Min 亡名 (fl. 567). In Jingde chuandenglu, T. 2076, 458a15-458b06.
Xuansha Shibei Chanshi guanglu 玄沙師備禪師廣録. X. 1445.
Xuemailun 血脈論 . Attributed to Bodhidharma. In Shoshitsu rokumon . T. 2009, 373b12-376b14.
Xu gaoseng zhuan 續高僧傳. Daoxuan 道宣 (596–667). T. 2060.
Zazengi 坐禪義. Ruru jushi 如如居士 (Yan Bing 顔丙)( (d.1212), also known as Yan Bing 顔丙.
Kanazawa bunko shiryō zensho, Butten 1, Zensekihen. pp. 157-161.
Zengyi ahanjing 增壹阿含經. T. 125.
Zhiguan fuxing zhuan hongjue 止觀輔行傳弘決. Zhanran. T. 1912.
Zhengfa yanzang 正法眼藏 . Dahui Zonggao. X. 1309.
Zhonghua chuan xindi chanmen shizicheng xitu 中華傳心地禪門師資承襲圖. Zongmi. X. 1225.
Zhonglun 中論 . Nāgārjuna. T. 1564.
Zimen jingxun 緇門警訓. T. 2023.
Zongjinglu 宗鏡録. Yongming Yanshou. T. 2016.
Zuichangcheng lun 最上乘論 . Hongren. T. 2011.
Zutangji 祖堂集. Compiled by Jing 靜 and Yun 筠. In Yanagida Seizan (ed.). Sodōshū 祖
堂集, Kyoto: Chūbun Shuppansha 中文出版社, 1984.
Adolphson, Mikael S. The Gates of Power: Monks, Courtiers, and Warriors in Premodern Japan.
University of Hawaii Press, 2000.
Adamek, Wendi L. The Mystique of Transmission. New York: Columbia University Press, 2007.
Aoki Atsushi 青木淳. “Kaikeisaku Kenkōin Amidanyōraizō no kechien kōmyō: zōnai nōnyūhin
shiryō ni miru chūsei shinkōsha no kesshū to sono kōzu 快慶作遣迎院阿弥陀如来像
の 結 縁 交 名 : 像 内 納 入 品 資 料 に 見 る 中 世 信 仰 者 の 結 衆 と そ の 構 図 .”
Bukkyōshigaku kenkyū 佛教史學研究 38-2 (1995): pp. 47-98.
_____. Kenkōin Amida Nyoraizō zōnai nōnyūhin shiryō 遣迎院阿弥陀如来像像内納入品資料.
Kyoto: Kokusai Nihon bunka kenkyū sentaa 国際日本文化硏究センター , 1999.
Ariki Yoshitaka 有木芳隆. “Higō Kangan Giin no zōzō katsudō ni tsuite 肥後・寒巌義尹の造
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Vincent Breugem was born in Mijdrecht on August 3, 1970. He completed his secondary
education (Atheneum) at the Scholengemeenschap Genderdal in Eindhoven in 1990, and enrolled
in the Department of Japanese Studies, Leiden University, in the same year. During his studies he
received a grant from the Netherlands organisation for international cooperation in higher
education (Nuffic) and spent six months in Japan, studying Shingon Buddhism at Shinagawadera
(Honsenji) and Taishō University (Department of Indian and Buddhist Studies) in Tokyo. Having
received his MA from Leiden University in 1996, he was invited by the municipality of Hikawachō and spent a year in Hikawa, a small rural town on the Japan Sea coast. After a brief stint in
the Netherlands he returned to Japan in 1998, became a Zen monk, and for two years entered
monastic life. Awarded a two-year scholarship by the Japanese Ministry of Education (Monbusho)
in 2001, he lived in Kyoto for two years, doing research at Kyoto University (Department of
Japanese History) and Hanazono University (International Research Institute for Zen Studies). In
2004-2008 he obtained a fully funded PhD research position at Leiden University (CNWS). In
2008 he received a three-month grant from the Leiden University Fund (LUF) for research in
Japan. Currently he is a research fellow at the Leiden University Institute for Area Studies (LIAS),
in the VICI project “Buddhism and Social Justice.”
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