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NASA The Complete Illustrated History, Michael Gorn (J 版毛利衛監訳 2006) 収蔵。
The Dead Sea Scrolls A New Translation, Michael Wise, M. Abegg, and E. Cook (2005) 収蔵。
JAXA より ISAS news 10.10
No.355 寄贈、感謝。
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Futron 10.11- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2010 Orbital Launches
by Launch Vehicle Family
2010 Orbital Commercial Launches
Manufacturer Market Share of Satellites Launched Through October 31, 2010
2010 Cumulative 36-MHz Transponder Equivalents Launched by Frequency
Selected Satellites with Regulatory Activity During October 2010
Galaxy 12
115.25 WL
115.25 WL
133 WL
Intelsat 18
180 WL
XM Radio applied to relocate and operate XM-2 from 85.217 WL to 115.25 WL.
The FCC granted XM Radio's request to relocate and operate XM-4 from 115 WL to 115.25 WL
The FCC granted PanAmSat'srequest to relocate and operate Galaxy 12 from 122.9 WL to 133 WL,
instead of the previously requested location at 129 WL.
Intelsat applied to launch and operate Intelsat 18, a C/Ku-band satellite, at 180 WL (180 EL). Intelsat
18 is scheduled for launch in the first quarter of 2011 and will replace Intelsat 701.
------------------------------------------04 November, 2010
Foreign Policy In Focus
インド; 米国の支援の下宇宙軍事化へ
By Matthew Hoey & Joan Johnson-Freese
India: Militarizing Space With U.S. Help
U.S. President Barack Obama and Indian Prime Minister
of both moves have been neglected in favor of short-term,
Manmohan Singh have a meeting scheduled in Delhi on November
understandable, gains. Nevertheless, the U.S. arms control
8. Certain to be on the agenda is the removal of the last
community, by failing to address this dangerous situation, is
remaining export controls on U.S. dual-use technology and
asleep at the wheel.
military hardware to India, including technology appropriate for
India’s “Peaceful” Space Program
development of space weapons. Since President Obama pledged
India, not surprisingly, says that its space program is for
in 2009 to seek a ban on space weapons, the United States
“peaceful” purposes only. The parallels between India’s nuclear
should not be helping other countries develop these weapons,
especially in dangerous regions that have nuclear weapons on
hair-trigger alert. But with the final hurdles of export control
President Abdul Kalam was a key developer and explicator of
removed, Washington could be doing just that for India, with so
India’s nuclear and missile programs, as well as its current space
far little or no objection. The relationship between the United
vision. His definition of “peaceful” provides India considerable
States and India has been extraordinarily close since 2001. The
latitude. Kalam once stated that, “In the 3,000-year history of
United States views India as a rising democracy and ally in the
India, barring 600 years, the country has been ruled by others. If
fight against radical Islamic fundamentalism. Ten days after 9/11,
you need development, the country should witness peace, and
Washington began to lift sanctions in place against India since its
peace is ensured by strength. Missiles were developed to
1998 nuclear tests. Subsequently in 2001 the number of Indian
strengthen the country.” This philosophy of peace through
companies on the Commerce Department’s Entity List was
strength also provides the rationale for developing a wide range
reduced to just two from 159. Additionally, the U.S. licensing
of new and emerging space technologies with far-reaching
policy with India for nuclear- and missile- related technology
military applications. India considered its nuclear program
changed from “policy of denial” to case-by-case review. Since
peaceful right up to and including its 1974 test. Now, India
2006, delegations from the U.S. defense industry, including large
considers its expanding space program peaceful as well. Despite
numbers of retired high-ranking military officers, have flocked to
contrary indications, Washington is apparently also willing to do
India to prospect the $32 billion that has been allocated for
so. India’s space program dates back to the launching of its first
defense procurement in 2010-11, with $13 billion of that figure
sounding rocket in 1963. Recently, however, the character of the
set aside for the acquisition of new weapons systems. These
Indian program has changed dramatically from utilitarian to more
defense industry representatives and retired military officials
far-reaching. India is developing capabilities, including human
have served as an informal lobbying firm that continues to
exploration of space and expanded utilization of many dual-use
actively encourage the U.S. government to drop remaining export
technologies, to enhance its geostrategic position. This dual-use
restrictions on India organizations like the Indian Space Research
space technology can be used not just for military force
Organization (ISRO) and the Defense Research and Development
enhancement but potentially for space weapons as well. Though
Organization (DRDO). In July 2010, the investment firm Deloitte
most Indian politicians profess that India is not pursuing space
estimated that India will “spend nearly US$80 billion over the
weapons, some blur the lines. In February 2007, for example,
next five years on defense related capital expenditure.” India is
Indian Defense Minister A.K Antony stated that, “It may be
using space development as a way to advance a stronger
difficult to demarcate distinctly between peaceful and military
geostrategic position in the region and globally. The U.S. defense
uses. However, we have always advocated peaceful use of
industry is facilitating this military expansion with its aggressive
technology. Thus, we are of the view that weaponization of space
move in to South Asian markets to supplement reductions in
must be discouraged.”
their Pentagon contracts. The potential long-term ramifications
and in fact at times directly contradicts the politicians. An
The Indian military is not so circumspect
alarming 2000 report titled “Military Dimensions in the Future of
you need space assets.” India’s contradictory intentions
the Indian Presence in Space” caused waves within official
concerning its space program are hard to miss, yet Washington
circles but drew little international attention, probably due to its
seems intent on doing so.
lack of availability outside of India. Perhaps most controversial
U.S. Aerospace Posturing
was its suggestion that India could deploy a directed-energy
Much to the U.S. aerospace industry’s dismay, the Obama
weapon, such as a particle beam weapon, in space by 2010. At
administration cancelled the rocket and spacecraft construction
the time of publication, the paper’s author, V. Siddhartha, was an
connected to NASA’s Constellation program and cut back on
officer on special duty in the secretariat of the scientific advisor
the perpetually close-to-operationally-functional missile defense
to the defense minister. The paper is testament to, at the very
program. Aerospace firms stepped up their scouting efforts for
least, a longstanding interest within the Indian military of
new business, with a major focus on India. In January 2006 the
deploying not only a space-based laser, but also a kinetic
U.S.-India Business Council arranged for the most influential and
anti-satellite (ASAT) system. Although India clearly has not
largest defense-oriented delegation to travel to India to continue
deployed an ASAT system that utilizes directed energy
brokering the strategic partnership between the two nations.
technology to date, Siddhartha’s forecast of India having the
Headed by General (Rtd) Paul H. Kern, who was at the time a
potential to develop an ASAT system still appears officially
senior counselor with former U.S. Defense Secretary William
Cohen’s Cohen Group, the delegation also included four-star
Development Organization (DRDO) Director General V K
Admiral (Rtd) Walter Doran, the vice president of Navy Accounts
Saraswat stated at the 97th Indian Science Congress that, "India
for Business Development at Raytheon, and former NASA
is putting together building blocks of technology that could be
astronaut Andrew Allen, then vice-president of International
used to neutralize enemy satellites.” All the while Indian officials
Fixed Wing Aircraft at Honeywell Defense and Space. The
continue to heavily lobby the United States to remove export
31-member delegation represented 22 of the leading defense
restrictions on DRDO and ISRO, with a continuingly favorable
manufacturers in the United States, including Raytheon,
reaction from the United States. Perhaps most clearly and most
recently, the Indian ministry of defense published a document
Grumman. In 2010 the president and chief executive of Boeing
that serves as a technological roadmap for the Indian military’s
Defense, Space and Security (BDS) Dennis Muilenburg was
future to the year 2015. This Technology Perspective and
referring to India as Boeing’s “Jewel in the Crown.” U.S.
Capability Roadmap confirms the pursuit of a formal anti-satellite
manufacturers, worried about their Pentagon contracts, are
program, stating “development of ASAT for electronic or
pushing hard to open the Indian market wider. Boeing is, for
instance, offering the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)
GEO-synchronous orbits” as a goal for 2015. Not only is the
help with its manned space trip planned for 2016. Export
United States not speaking out against such Indian efforts, it has
restrictions on ISRO, however, remain in place – though perhaps
become more accommodating in providing the technology to
not so after the November meeting in Delhi. Although ISRO
accomplish them. Meanwhile, international attention continues to
considers itself a NASA counterpart and not part of the military
focus on China’s military space activities and, given China’s
establishment, there too the lines between the two are
overt ASAT test in 2007, rightfully so. But shortly after China’s
increasingly blurred. Retired Vice-Admiral Raman Puri, who
satellite shoot-down, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and
then-Russian President Vladimir Putin convened a joint press
coordination of India’s long-range military plans and joint
conference where Singh declared; “Our position is similar in that
doctrines, has recommended that all “future [space] payloads
we are not in favor of the weaponization of outer space.” This
including civilian space payloads should try to be dual-use” –
was just one day after then-Indian Air Force (IAF) chief Shashi
meaning including military missions. As such, the Indian military
Tyagi had stated, “As the reach of our air force is expanding, it
could increasingly use ISRO-developed-and-operated satellites.
has become extremely important that we exploit space, and for it
India’s Space Launch Vehicle (SLV) satellite launchers are not
drawn from prior missile programs, as were early Russian, U.S.,
on India to embrace the Non-Proliferation Treaty; in fact this has
and Chinese launchers. But the Agni missile, first test-fired in
become a perennial practice. India’s status as a non-signatory
1989, is a two-stage missile with the first stage using the
undermines the treaty as long as New Delhi places itself – on
first-stage solid-fuel booster motor of the civilian-developed
paper - in the company of Tehran and Pyongyang. That said,
SLV-3 launch vehicle. The overlap between civilian and military
India’s reasons for not conforming to the NPT are difficult to
communities is undeniable.
discern. While Indian officials say they support full disarmament,
Let’s Make a (Bad) Deal
they seem unwilling to take even the initially required steps on
India’s geostrategic position – as a U.S. ally against Islamic
route to that goal. Calls for India to subscribe to the Missile
radicalism and a potential market for the U.S. defense industry –
Technology Control Regime, which has 34 members, have been
has allowed it leeway not afforded to many other countries. Even
frequent. Although India claims voluntary “partial adherence” to
now, India has enjoyed access to dual-use technology largely
MTCR guidelines, it is not a member. Even in areas of arms
denied to countries with similar positions on proliferation, since
control relating to terrorism – arguably the greatest security
India has not signed either the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
threat facing India – India has declined to participate in globally
or the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) and has not
supported initiatives. As of 2010, India even has yet to sign onto
subscribed to the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR).
the Proliferation Security Initiative to combat the proliferation of
Since 2002, India has continued to push the United States for
weapons of mass destruction. Given its nuclear history and its
concessions in way few other countries would dare. According to
exceptional position on arms control – and its desire for dual-use
the Times of India, “India has ‘very firmly’ asked the U.S. to
ease export controls and remove top Indian agencies like the
adherence to global arms control norms – India must now accept
Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) and the Indian Space
the responsibilities that come with a more pronounced position in
Research Organization (ISRO) from the banned list.” In terms of
global politics. The actions of all the players in this drama may
U.S. foreign policy and exceptionalism, India is to South Asia as
well be rational in the short term. But in the long term, the U.S.
Israel is to the Middle East. The United States in the past has
wanted India to sign onto the MTCR as quid pro quo for the U.S.
dropping restrictions on ISRO. India, however, will likely offer
technology suggests that it is comfortable blurring the line
some lesser concession for the removal of the last remaining
between civilian and military applications. Moreover, U.S.
hurdles to export control. The economic and political forces
technology given or sold to other countries has sometimes been
behind the prospective commerce law changes seem too strong
subsequently used against the United States. Consequently, at
to stop this fast moving train unless attitudes change very
least slowing down technology transfer to India would be prudent.
Before the November 8 meeting between Obama and Singh, the
India and International Law
Obama administration should reevaluate its role of playing
If the upcoming meetings between Manmohan Singh and
matchmaker between U.S. aerospace industries and the Indian
President Barak Obama are designed to assist India in its effort
military. Matthew Hoey is the director of the Military Space
to enter into a new era of technological and military prosperity,
Transparency Project. Joan Johnson-Freese is a professor at
the United States should require beforehand that India abide by
the Naval War College. They are both contributors to Foreign
the will of the international community. The international
Policy In Focus. This work by Institute for Policy Studies is
community for the most part has embraced a number of treaties
licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United
that serve as the backbone of global disarmament and
States License. Based on a work at www.ips-dc.org.
nonproliferation efforts. The United Nations has frequently called
------------------------------------------Nov. 3, 2010
米国戦略コマンドは Integral Systems 社の衛星干渉の地理的位置検出サービスの契約を行う
U.S. Strategic Command Awards Integral Systems Satellite Interference Geolocation Contract
Integral Systems Service Solutions Provides U.S. Cyber
characterize and geolocate sources of unintentional or deliberate
quickly and
accurately identify,
Interference Geolocation Services to Accurately Locate Sources
of Interference Worldwide
satellites. "The USSTRATCOM and USCYBERCOM missions are
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. and COLUMBIA, Md., Nov. 3, 2010
essential to the defense of the United States," said Ernie
(GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Integral Systems, Inc., (Nasdaq:ISYS)
Dickens, Vice President and General Manager of Integral
announced today that its Services organization, Integral Systems
Systems Service Solutions. "The enhanced protection of critical
Service Solutions (IS3) has been awarded a contract by the
leased commercial SATCOM assets, in conjunction with the
United States Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) to provide
ground breaking operational efficiencies gained from the use of
worldwide interference geolocation services. Under the terms of
existing deployed systems and services, is a unique example of
how commercial capabilities are effectively employed in support
of the warfighter." The contract provides comprehensive
USSTRATCOM, with commercial satellite geolocation services.
geolocation services for commercial communication satellites
The Geolocation Services contract provides USCYBERCOM's
leased by the U.S. Government through 30 September 2011. For
Global SATCOM Support Center (GSSC), located at Peterson
additional information on Integral Systems Service Solutions
AFB, Colo., access to actionable information via IS3's global
(IS3), iDetGeo and its innovative line of services, please visit
network of Monics® advanced Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
monitoring sensors, satID® geolocation systems and tri-band (C-,
Logic and Monics is a registered product of SAT Corporation,
X- and Ku-band) antennas. These systems constitute a
both wholly-owned subsidiaries of Integral Systems, Inc. For
more information on all of Integral Systems' solutions, please
(iDetGeo) network, installed at 11 commercial teleports around
satID is a registered product of RT
visit www.integ.com.
the world, to provide robust Radio Frequency Interference (RFI)
------------------------------------------Fri, 5 November, 2010
By Amy Klamper
選挙は NASA の監視委員会に新しいリーダシップをもたらす
Election Brings New Leadership to NASA Oversight Committees
Representatives by Republicans promising a new era of fiscal
restraint has spawned concerns that NASA’s budget will suffer,
but lawmakers poised to assume key committee chairmanships
next year have been strong supporters of the space agency. (後
Frank Wolf
U.S. Rep. (R-Va.) Frank Wolf. Credit: Space News photo by Chris
------------------------------------------Wed, 3 November, 2010
Eutelsat は重要な市場で強い成長を継続
By Peter B. de Selding
Eutelsat Continues To See Strong Growth in Key Markets
PARIS — Satellite fleet operator Eutelsat on Nov. 3 reported
percent increase in revenue from selling bandwidth to military
continued growth in its core television markets and a nearly 26
forces and other government customers in the Middle East and
Central Asia. The growth was particularly notable in satellite
television in North Africa and the Middle East, which Eutelsat
serves from its 7 degrees east orbital slot; and in Russia and
sub-Saharan Africa, which receive programming from Eutelsat’s
36 degrees east position. Eutelsat reported increases of between
A Eutelsat W series satellite. Credit: Eutelsat artist's concept
12 percent and 41 percent in the past 12 months in the number
of satellite television channels broadcast from these two
locations. (後略)
------------------------------------------Wed, 3 November, 2010
レーダ撮像のオプションについての ODNI 委員会のスタディ
By Turner Brinton
ODNI Commissions Study of Radar Imaging Options
NEW ORLEANS — The U.S. Office of the Director of National
equivalent of two smaller satellites from U.S. commercial imagery
Intelligence (ODNI) has commissioned a panel to make
satellite operators, a plan that ultimately was agreed upon by
recommendations for a future architecture of radar imaging
Pentagon and intelligence community leaders and approved by
capabilities that may include space and airborne assets
U.S. President Barack Obama in 2009. In a similar fashion,
developed by the U.S. government and other governments, and
another panel is now studying possible architectures for radar
by commercial providers, an intelligence official said Nov. 3.
imaging systems, Beauchamp said at the Geoint 2010 conference
Winston Beauchamp, technical executive for the U.S. National
here. Beauchamp led the electro-optical study and is leading the
Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), said the exercise will be
radar imaging study. The recommendations resulting from the
modeled after a study commissioned by the ODNI in 2008 to
study likely will include a mix of assets developed by many
examine options for a next-generation electro-optical satellite
providers, Beauchamp said. The panel has been encouraged
imaging architecture. That study recommended that the U.S.
recently by the availability and capabilities of international
synthetic aperture radar systems, he said. The panel expects to
exquisite-class spy satellites and the NGA buy the imagery
complete its work next year.
------------------------------------------Wed, 3 November, 2010
NGA は画像の配信のアイデアに関して Amazon と Apple に着目
By Peter B. de Selding
NGA Looking at Amazon and Apple for Imagery Distribution Ideas
PARIS — The chief of the U.S. government agency that provides
Orleans, organized by the U.S. Geospatial Intelligence Foundation,
commercial satellite imagery to the nation’s defense and
Long did not say whether the budget pressures on many U.S.
intelligence community on Nov. 2 said the agency will adopt the
government agencies will affect NGA’s operations or its
management of the 10-year, $7.3-billion EnhancedView contract
developers to make itself more user-friendly. Letitia A. Long,
director of the U.S. National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
for commercial satellite imagery. The contract, which took effect
(NGA), also said her organization needs to expand its expertise
in September, is divided between U.S. Earth imaging companies
from analyzing what is happening toward anticipating what is
DigitalGlobe of Longmont, Colo., and GeoEye of Dulles, Va. (後略)
likely to happen. Addressing the GeoInt 2010 Symposium in New
------------------------------------------Wed, 3 November, 2010
By Turner Brinton
Clapper 氏はインテリジェンスの予算削減を段階的に導入することを求める
Clapper Seeks To Phase in Intelligence Spending Cuts
NEW ORLEANS — The United States will soon begin pulling back
start by eliminating staff positions in his office and shifting those
spending on intelligence activities, and a strategy has been
responsibilities elsewhere within the intelligence community, he
initiated to gradually phase in targeted budget cuts over the next
said at the GeoInt 2010 Symposium here. Clapper did not specify
two to three years, the nation’s top intelligence officer said Nov.
any other areas that will be targeted for reductions. (後略)
2. U.S. Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper will
------------------------------------------Wed, 3 November, 2010
DigitalGlobe は米の予算環境に警告
By Peter B. de Selding
DigitalGlobe Warns on U.S. Budget Climate
PARIS — Earth imagery provider DigitalGlobe on Nov. 2 warned
investors that downward pressure on the U.S. government
defense and intelligence budgets could reduce the amount of
revenue it receives under a keystone 10-year, $3.55 billion
contract that took effect in September. In a conference call with
investors, DigitalGlobe Chief Executive Jill D. Smith said the
contract with the U.S. National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
(NGA), called EnhancedView, includes “up to” $750 million in
Jill D. Smith. Credit: DigitalGlobe photo
value-added services in addition to $2.8 billion to be paid out in
annual increments of $250 million for services provided to NGA.
------------------------------------------Tue, 2 November, 2010
By Peter B. de Selding
Britain and France To Revisit Joint Milsatcom Program
PARIS — The British and French governments on Nov. 2 agreed
military satellite communications, with a view to reducing overall
to take a fresh look at whether to combine their next-generation
costs while preserving national sovereignty. We aim to complete
military satellite telecommunications programs to save money, a
a joint concept study in 2011 for the next satellites to enter into
long-discussed idea that up to now has always found ways to be
service between 2018 and 2022.” (後略)
set aside for later. Meeting in London, British Prime Minister
David Cameron and French President Nicolas Sarkozy agreed to
a broad range of defense cooperation agreements, including a
next-generation unmanned aerial vehicles, common standards for
several arms systems and a combined rapid deployment force.
French President Nicolas Sarkozy (left) and British Prime Minister David
The agreement on satellite communications is more limited. In a
Cameron (right) signing treaties during the UK-France summit at
statement issued after the meeting, the two heads of state said
Lancaster House, in London. Credit: Photo courtesy of the U.K.
they agreed to “assess the potential for cooperation on future
------------------------------------------Mon, 25 October, 2010
アナリストは、SBIRS を優先すべきと述べる [Lexington Institute] Analyst Says SBIRS Must Take Priority [Lexington Institute]
On the Lexington Institute's website, defense analyst Loren
Thompson, the organization's chief operating officer, argues that
the first dedicated Space Based Infrared System (SBIRS) missile
launch of the Space Based Infrared System (SBIRS) that will
warning satellite must take priority should its launch date come
detect hostile missiles has already been delayed many years, and
into conflict with those of a pair of NASA planetary missions
we can't wait any longer to replace aging early warning satellites
whose launch windows occur less than once per year. "Given the
already in orbit. If we do wait longer, there is a real danger that
inflexible timeframes in which the planetary missions must be
the government might lose its ability to detect some nuclear
launched, the solution is to defer launch of the missile warning
attacks. Obviously, you can't deter such attacks effectively if
satellite if it delayed for any reason, right? Wrong! The first
you can't detect them."
------------------------------------------Nov 2, 2010
By Bill Sweetman
Technology Opens Military Space
although China has proposed to stop the “weaponization” of
space, these proposals encompass only weapons on-orbit, not
ground-launched systems or orbital sensors. As the USA 193
shoot-down showed, ballistic missile defense (BMD) technology
Image: NASA
can be adapted to counterspace use, and will only increase its
As space becomes more important to military operations, the
reach into higher orbits with the advent of higher-velocity
flimsiness(薄弱さ) of the laws and conventions that govern space
interceptors such as the larger-diameter Standard Missile 3
operations is more apparent. It’s not so much that the structure
Block IIA and forthcoming Block IIB—the latter now regarded as a
has become weaker as that technological and industrial
new missile. Space-based infrared technology, used to track
developments have exposed its failings. Recent years have seen
orbital objects in the U.S./Boeing Space Based Surveillance
a satellite shoot-down demonstration by China in January 2007,
System and to support BMD in the Space Tracking and
followed a year later by the U.S. shoot-down of the
Surveillance System, can be used against satellites as well as
malfunctioning USA 193 spacecraft. There have also been
missiles or debris.
reported incidents of deliberate non-kinetic interference with U.S.
National Security Space Office Director Joseph Rouge outlined
Analyst Dean Cheng of the Heritage Foundation, speaking at a
principles for space deterrence in Omaha, including setting norms
symposium on deterrence in Omaha, Neb., noted that Chinese
of behavior—which implies improving space situational awareness
and setting “redlines” in terms of activities that draw a
compellance (making an adversary take an action, rather than
response—becoming interdependent with the commercial world
refraining), and that deterrence extends across all domains,
and imposing costs on an adversary who violates norms or
including conventional, cyber and space. Cheng said China’s
redlines. One point regarding the latter, apparently an issue in
policy of compellance and deterrence stresses the importance of
the Schriever X wargame, was that space deterrence requires a
demonstrating the will to act, as the 2007 test did. China, added
formal escalation structure similar to the DefCon system in
Cheng, sees the U.S. Schriever X space wargame—conducted at
nuclear deterrence; otherwise, timely response is impossible.
Nellis AFB, Nev., in May—as a demonstration of intent, and
Many aspects of space deterrence are as much about diplomacy
and policy as technology, but spacecraft design and operational
because it was recoverable and carried a large onboard fuel load,
features play a vital role in situational awareness (as in the SSTS
a motor sized for orbital insertion and a solar power system. (The
and SSBS programs) and in another area identified by
X-37 and X-40 designations have been used for different SMV
Rouge—“reducing the gain” from denying space capabilities.
demonstrators.) The idea was a vehicle that could loiter on orbit
There are many ways of doing the latter. Terrestrial fiber can be
but perform large, rapid orbital changes on demand, and do so
affordably since it could be recovered when it ran low on fuel.
The missions for such a vehicle were never made clear, but its
technical characteristics point at potential applications. A “dark
side” maneuver would allow it to overfly a target without notice,
communications. Laser communications are seen as a key
defeating camouflage or deception efforts that rely on knowing
technology for ultra-stealthy manned and unmanned aircraft
the orbits of imaging satellites. It could pass close enough to a
operating in heavily defended airspace. Aircraft and missiles
spacecraft to acquire detailed imagery to determine its mission,
operating at low altitude can use terrain-referenced navigation if
or carry a cluster of microsatellites and dispense them in a
GPS is unavailable—Saab developed an advanced system for
pattern. Probably of more concern to the anxious Chinese
generating databases, which is offered to civilian and military
bloggers is the potential for such a vehicle to interfere with a
spacecraft, possibly in ways that would be hard to detect. It’s
operations—and astro-inertial systems are making a comeback
been suggested, for example, that it would be possible to coat a
for high-altitude platforms. Another way to reduce gain is to
spacecraft or its solar panels with non-reflective material and
develop ways of replacing disabled spacecraft. The U.S. military
condemn it to death by overheating or loss of power. In
spent a lot of time and money over the past 25 years on
Schriever X, more conventional “sleeper” spacecraft that had
revolutionary space-launch systems, with few results. (Examples
been on orbit for several years played a similar role. One reason
include the National AeroSpace Plane, the Delta Clipper
a nation might want to do this is the rising number of imaging
sponsored by the Strategic Defense Initiative and the Space
satellites in service worldwide. Under the Clinton administration,
Operations Vehicle/Military Spaceplane proposal of the late
the U.S. sought to control advances in technology—with the
1990s.) USAF has been looking at a two-stage-to-orbit system
move from low-resolution imaging systems, such as Landsat, to
in which the booster stage reverses course after releasing its
meter-class craft—by releasing teams that had designed U.S.
upper stage for a quick return to the launch site. The only known
intelligence satellites to the commercial market, resulting in the
hardware to emerge from this effort is the Boeing X-37B, which
Ikonos program. The idea was that U.S. technology with secure
is still on orbit as this issue goes to press (DTI October, p. 30),
U.S. “shutter control” would dominate the market. However,
and which Cheng said is causing “conniptions(カッとなること)”
imaging satellites have proliferated and access to launch
among Chinese space bloggers. The X-37B first saw the light of
providers that don’t impose restrictions has increased, while the
day in the mid-1990s as a previously classified Rockwell project
cyberespionage threat could provide a way for state and
(hence its shuttle-like appearance) called Refly. It then became
non-state adversaries to tap into a third-party satellite. The
part of the Space Operations Vehicle (SOV)/Military Spaceplane
result for deployed forces could be an environment similar to a
project, which envisioned a reusable, suborbital, unitary vehicle
security camera-saturated city, where the assumption is that
(some designs were based on Delta Clipper, others on NASA’s
any move is observed. But the idea of reconstituting space
abortive X-33) carrying one of three upper stages, all of which
assets through more responsive launch of smaller spacecraft
received X-series designators. The X-41 was the Common Air
gets little more than lip service. When Scaled Composites
Vehicle, a hypersonic glide weapon (now the basis for
unveiled the SpaceShipOne suborbital demonstrator in 2003, the
Conventional Prompt Global Strike efforts), and the X-42 was a
Air Force’s senior officer in charge of space transformation, Brig.
low-cost expendable upper stage to launch satellites. Refly
Gen. Pete Worden, was present, indicating that the service was
became the X-40 Space Maneuver Vehicle (SMV), so named
taking a keen interest in the technology. The Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency, too, was sponsoring programs such
suborbital vehicle intended for commercial operations—while
as AirLaunch, with a simple booster released in flight from a
earmarking money for development of a satellite launcher using
C-17. Airborne launch has advantages. The launch aircraft can
the same platform. The project is on hold but there is little doubt
fly to the equator, where rocket payloads increase. The rocket
as to its feasibility. The UAE-backed project was aimed at
does not have to fly through the thick lower atmosphere and its
establishing a small-satellite launch capability in the Persian Gulf
nozzle can be sized for high-altitude operations. There is also an
area. The UAE has been using space for military purposes for
element of covertness: A launch can take place over the sea,
several years. In 2003, its air force had a space reconnaissance
and the AirLaunch system was designed around an externally
unit, using imagery from U.S. Ikonos spacecraft, and in 2009
unmodified C-17. Most recently, a United Arab Emirates-based
announced plans to acquire a constellation of European-built
investor group contributed funds to the follow-on SpaceShipTwo
radar-imaging satellites named GulfSar and a Telespazio 50-cm.
program—currently testing a larger launch aircraft and a
(20-in.)-resolution imaging satellite.
------------------------------------------Oct 29, 2010
AEHF 衛星の試験が完了
Testing For AEHF Satellite Services Completed
AEHF 衛星の 2 号機のすべての地上試験が完了し、11 月には保存庫に入れられる。
AEHF の3号機は、カリフォルニア州サニーヴェイルのロッキードマーチン社工場で熱真空試験を実施中である。
bpsで提供することを実証した。 新しく拡張した戦略的・戦術的なア
量増加、覆域、ネット接続で従来比 10 倍の能力をもつ XDR によって
可能である。 米空軍宇宙ミサイルシステムセンタの保護衛星通信グ
The second AEHF satellite has completed all testing and will be placed in
storage next month. The third AEHF satellite is progressing through
員に提供する段階に入ることになる」と語った。 ロッキードマーチン社の
thermal vacuum environmental testing at the Lockheed Martin facility in
AEHF 担当副社長マイク・デイヴィスは「2 号機におけるセグメント間シス
Sunnyvale, Calif.
Sunnyvale CA (SPX) Oct 29, 2010 ロッキードマーチン社は、AEHF
に成功したことを意味する」と語った。 AEHF2 号機は、全ての地上試
軍事通信衛星 2 号機のセグメント間システム試験を、カリフォルニア州
験が完了し、11 月に保管される。AEHF3 号機は、ロッキードマーチン
社サニーヴェイル工場で熱真空試験を実施中である。 AEHF チーム
戦闘員を保護通信で接続する能力を著しく向上した新しい XDR(拡
張データレート)の打上げ前実証が行われたことである。 AEHF は現
在衛星群 5 機で運用しているミルスター後継機で、地球規模の高度
が主契約者、ノースロップグラマン社がペイロードを提供している。 ロッ
キードマーチン社は現時点では AEHF 衛星3機と運用管制部門を提
海上・航空のプラットフォームを運用する戦闘員に提供する。 AEHF2
号機のセグメント間システム試験は、新しい XDR を使って広範な利用
機の長納期部品の事前調達も含んでおり、4 号機の本格的製造の
契約は 2010 年末に予定。
4 号
------------------------------------------101025AWST_Public_Parameters_APAS_Docking_System [編注] 宇宙機ドッキング・システムは標準化され、お互いに訪問もできるという事
NASA is developing Its androgynous docking system to the new international standard. The system can be used In passive and active modes, but it
requires less force to close, latch and seal than its Russian predecessor.
------------------------------------------Space News
------------------------------------------Lockheed Martin Press Releases
------------------------------------------Boeing News Releases
------------------------------------------ESA Portal
------------------------------------------2010 年 11 月 6 日 11 時 30 分
近しているハートレイ彗星(すいせい)に700km の距離まで近づき、彗
星の核の撮影に成功した。核は長さが約2km で、ピーナツの殻のよう
タンクに異常が見つかったためで、大幅遅延となった。 NASAによると、
------------------------------------------09:43 October 30 2010
NASA は火星の新しい写真を公表、水の存在の証拠を見つける
NASA releases new photos of Mars, finding evidence of water
This mosaic of images, released by NASA October 28, 2010,
shows the soil in front of NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit
after a series of short backward drives during attempts to
extricate the rover from a sand trap in January and early
February 2010. It is presented in false color to make some
differences between materials easier to see. Bright-toned soil
was freshly exposed by the rover's left-front wheel during the
drives and can be seen with a "sand wave" shaping that resulted
from the unseen wheel's action. Insets in the upper left and lower
right corners of the frame show magnified views of the nearby
inscribed rectangles within the mosaic. The patch of ground
within each rectangle is about 25 centimeters (10 inches) across.
The top inset and upper portion of the mosaic include targets
within soil layers exposed by the action of Spirit's wheels in April
2009 and examined in detail with instruments on Spirit's arm
during the five subsequent months. This pattern suggests water
has moved downward through the soil, dissolving and carrying the
ferric sulfates. photo:Xinhua/Reuters
------------------------------------------RIA Novosti
Science & Technology http://en.rian.ru/science/
------------------------------------------中国・韓国 関連
------------------------------------------2010 年 11 月 3 日
2 機目の気象衛星「風雲 3 号」 打上げ成功
2 機目の気象衛星「風雲 3 号」が北京時間 5 日 2 時 37 分、キャリア
更なる向上が見込まれる。中国次世代極軌道気象衛星「風雲 3 号」
ロケット「長征 4 号丙」を使用し、太原衛星発射センタから打上げた。5
日「中国新聞網」伝。西安衛星観測センタによると、打上げから 19 分
発、全世界を範囲とした 3D・全天候型・マルチスペクトル・定量観測が
後、衛星は無事太陽同期軌道に入った。「風雲 3 号」は軌道テストを
上げた衛星は、2008 年 5 月 27 日打上げた 1 機目の「風雲 3 号」と
「長征」シリーズのロケットによる打上げは今回で 134 回目。(編集 SN)
------------------------------------------2010 年 11 月 3 日
中国 気象衛星「風雲 3 号」の 2 機目を打上げへ
3 日、太原衛星発射センタ責任者によると、中国は近々キャリアロケッ
いる。「風雲 3 号」は幅広い応用の余地があり、広範囲における自然
ト「長征 4 号丙」を使用し、気象衛星「風雲 3 号」 2 機目を打上げる
態は良好で、各準備業務も順調。3 日、新華社伝。2008 年 5 月 27
日、中国初となる次世代極軌道気象衛星「風雲 3 号」 1 機目衛星
雲 3 号」打上げ成功は、中国の気象衛星と衛星気象事業の発展が、
が太原衛星発射センタから打上げ。「風雲 3 号」は既に世界気象機
既に新たな歴史的な段階を表すとの見解。(編集 SN)
------------------------------------------2010 年 11 月 3 日
「嫦娥2号」 長期的な月周回軌道に移行
における主任務は 3 種。
「嫦娥2号」軌道の近月点高度は 1 カ月以内に大きく変化すると見ら
れる。定期的軌道維持コントロールを行い、軌道高度を100km 付近
に保つ必要がある。 [2].衛星メンテナンス。衛星プラットフォームの各シ
インとした様々な長期的科学的観測・テストを行っていく。3 日「北京
行われ、さらに、月面虹湾区に対する撮影も引続き実施。(編集 SN)
いく。 同センタ飛行管理室の劉俊澤主任によると、衛星の長期管理
------------------------------------------2010 年 11 月 1 日
「嫦娥 2 号」、月面・虹湾区の画像取得に成功
月探査衛星「嫦娥 2 号」はこのほど、月面の虹湾区における画像取
得を無事終了。北京宇宙飛行コントロールセンタは 10 月 29 日 10 時
34 分、「嫦娥 2 号」に対し軌道上昇指令を出し、衛星は月からの距
離 100km 地点にまで移動した。衛星は 30 日に軌道維持を行い、
(3)「嫦娥 2 号」任務における、月からの距離が 15km の軌道降下ポ
100km×100km の円軌道に戻る。今回の画像取得は、今後行われ
る「嫦娥 3 号」月面着陸地点選択に向け実施された。29 日人民網伝。
行コントロールセンタの 1 つである北京センタでは、嫦娥 2 号任務にお
いて 4 つの要となる技術を攻略した」と述べる。4 つの要となる技術とは
(編集 SN)
------------------------------------------2010 年 11 月 1 日
中国が 6 機目のナビ衛星「北斗」打上げに成功
11 月 1 日午前 0 時 26 分北京時間、中国西昌衛星発射センタでは、
上げ成功。中国で今年に入ってから打上げたナビ衛星「北斗」は 4 機
6 機目のナビ衛星「北斗」を載せたキャリアロケット「長征 3 号丙」が打
目に。(編集 YH)
------------------------------------------2010 年 11 月 3 日
科学技術発展の基本構想 次期 5 カ年計画
科学技術部の万鋼部長は 1 日、「第 12 回中国科学技術協会年次
総会」開幕式で、「第 12 次 5 カ年計画(2011-2015 年)」期間中の
科学技術発展は五原則と基本構想に従うと述べた。2 日付「科技日
制を整え、資源配置を 最適化し、システム革新を図ることで、大きな
集 KA)
NASA Spaceflight(11/2)
Delta II with COSMO-4 suffers third scrub in a row
■[ロケット] ULA 社、Delta2 の打上げを 3 日連続で中止
当初日曜の予定だった打上げはエンジン部ヒータ故障で 24 時間延期され、
値が低いために延期。3 日連続のカウントダウン作業となったため、クルーに
月曜の打上げはリフトオフ 2 分前にエンジン部 GN2 空調流量指示値が低い
休憩を取らせるために 1 日間隔をあけて、次は木曜の予定。
ため延期され、火曜の打上げはリフトオフ 1 分前に2段搭載電池電圧指示
International Space Station partners agree common docking interface standard
■[有人宇宙] ISS 参加各国、次期共通ドッキングシステムの仕様を合意
International Docking System Standard (IDSS)と呼ばれ、露のものと欧米
で検討してきた共通ドッキングシステムを IDSS 準拠に修正する計画。
が次世代向けに検討していたものの両方をベースとしており、ESA は、これま
USSR Academy of Science
Apollo-Soyuz docking required a special module (left)
NASA Spaceflight(10/31)
Chinese Long March 3C launches with BeiDou-2
■[ロケット] 中国、長征 3C ロケットで測位衛星(Beidou 2)の 6 機目を打上げ
Eutelsat W3B Declared Total Loss; Plans Under Way To Deorbit Craft
■[実用衛星] Eutelsat 社、打上げ直後に W3B の機能喪失を表明、制御落下マヌーバを計画
酸化剤タンクに漏洩が発見され、GEO 投入後墓場軌道に遷移させる余裕
がないことから、GTO から制御落下を行う。衛星は Thales Alenia 社製。
Eutelsat 社によると、漏洩量は非常に大きいため衛星整備時に見逃すこと
Ariane 5 hits the mark with satellites for Europe, Japan
■[ロケット] Arianespace 社、Ariane 5 ECA で W3B と BSAT 3b を打上げ
W3B は 5.3ton、BSAT-3b は 2.0ton で、近地点高度 250km,軌道傾斜角 2 度の GTO に投入。
米国防総省は、米サイバー軍 (USCYBERCOM : US Cyber Command) が FOC (Full Operational Capability) を達成したと発表した。(DoD 2010/11/3)
台 湾 で ス パ イ 事 件 ; 台 湾 軍 の 情 報 部 門 ・ MIB (Military Intelligence
Bureau) に属する Lo Chi-cheng 大佐と民間人の Lo Pin 容疑者が、中
と引替えに中国のダブル エージェントになった次第。この事件で中国にいる
MIB 関係者の情報が中国側に流れたとされており、台湾政府では問題の
2007 年以降に合計 10 万ドルの報酬を受け取っていたと報じられている。
関 係 者 の 安 全 な 帰 国 を 図 る た め に 努 力 す る と し て い る 。 (SpaceWar
Lo Pin 容疑者は 2005 年に MIB にリクルートされたが、その 1 年後に中
2010/11/2, DefenseNews 2010/11/3)
EADS Astrium 傘下の Astrium Services は、SAT-OPTIMI (Satellite
立 て る 狙 い 。 期 間 は 5 ヶ 月 、 SESAR (Single European Sky ATM
Oceanic Position Tracking Improvement and Monitoring Initiative) のス
Research) の案件。仏 DGAC (General Directorate for Civil Aviation) な
ら び に カナ ダ STAR Navigation Systems が 協 力 す る。 (EADS Astrium
インドは 12 月に、露向けとシンガポール向けの衛星打上げを実施する。対象衛星は以下;
GSAT-5 Prime : C バンドのトラポン×24 本と拡張 C バンドのトラポン×12 本を持つ通信衛星
Resourcesat-2 : 2003 年 10 月に打上げられた Resourcesat-1 後継機
Youthsat : 科学研究衛星で、露のペイロード×1・インドのペイロード×2 を搭載
X-Sat : シンガポールの NTU (Nanyang Technological University) が製造、同国初の国産衛星
GSAT-5 Prime は GSLV-5P を使って打上げる。後の 3 つは PSLV-C16 を使って、まとめて打上げる。(ddi Indian Government news 2010/11/3)
Rockwell Collins Inc. と BAE Systems のジョイント ベンチャ・DLS (Data
System) Class 2 ターミナルをアップグレード改修する契約を 3,700 万ドル
Link Solutions) が米海軍 SPAWAR (Space and Naval Warfare Systems
Command) から、既存 JTIDS (Joint Tactical Information Distribution
る。(Rockwell Collins 2010/11/1)
Boeing Co. の子会社・Spectrolab Inc. が手掛けている、宇宙空間向けの
Spectrolab の設立は 1956 年、アポロ 11 号でも同社製の太陽電池が
マルチ ジャンクション太陽電池が、累計 300 万セルの製造を達成。これだ
使われた。最近だと、NASA JPL (NASA-Jet Propulsion Laboratory) の
けで過去 15 年超、他の宇宙関連製品も含めると 50 年超の実績がある。
JUNO ミッションにも関わっている。(Boeing 2010/11/1)
JFTM-4; 米ミサイル防衛局 (MDA : Missile Defense Agency) は 29
度 100 マイル程度の位置で要撃。このほか、USS Lake Erie (CG-70) と
日、海自イージス護衛艦「きりしま」がイージス BMD の要撃試験 JFTM-4
USS Russell (DDG-59) が、同じ標的の探知・追跡と模擬交戦を実施。な
を成功裏に実施した、と発表。海自が実施したものとしては通算 4 回目、
お、「きりしま」は 10 月初頭に相互運用性検証の目的で、米海軍駆逐艦
そのうち成功は 3 回目。SM-3 を使用した要撃試験全体では通算 18
回目。PMRF (Pacific Missile Range Facility, Barking Sands, Kauai, HI)
2010/10/29, Raytheon 2010/10/29, Lockheed Martin 2010/10/29, Orbital
から発射した Orbital Science Corp. 製標的ミサイルは、射程 1,000km
Sciences 2001/10/29)
程度の弾道ミサイルを想定したもの。それを、SM-3 ブロック IA を使って高
米政府は「中国依存回避」のため、希土類を扱っている民間企業に対する資金援助を検討中。(DID 2010/10/31)
露は 10/28 に、弾道ミサイルの試射を立て続けに実施、成功させた。まず、
からの発射。さらに 露海軍の SSBN・Dmitry Donskoy が 29 日、白海の
RS-12M Topol (SS-25 Sickle, 射 程 10,000km) を Plesetsk か ら
Kura 射場から Kamchatka に向けて Bulava ミサイル試射を実施、飛翔
Kamchatka 半島の射場に向けて発射。続いて、P-29P (RSM-50, 射程
距離は 6,000km。国防省広報官は「計画通りに飛翔した」と説明。年内に
6,500km) と R-29U/RSM-54 Sineva (SS-N-23 Skiff, 過去の試射で射
もう 1 回、通算 15 回目となる試射を予定。 (DefenseNews 2010/10/28,
程 11,547km をマーク) を潜水艦から試射している。後者は Barents Sea
SpaceWar 2010/10/29, DefenseNews 2010/10/29))
米 ACA (Arms Control Association) がまとめた核兵器管理に関するレポ
ている点がランクを下げている。(SpaceWar 2010/10/27)
Sagem Defense Securite は Euronaval 2010 展示会に、沿岸監視・救
通信を利用でき、100nm 以上遠方まで進出可能。管制ステーションは
難・密輸監視・海賊対策・密航対策等の用途を想定した長距離型 UAV・
STANAG 4609 対応、受信したデータを揚陸艦等に送信する使い方も可
Patroller-M (Maritime) を出展。特殊作戦にも対応可能としている。衛星
能。(Sagem Defense Securite 2010/10/26)
欧州委員会 (EC : European Commission) は 10/26 に、Galileo 計画
注したもの。2014 年に予定している初期段階分の配備と運用開始に備え
に関連する追加の契約を ESA (European Space Agency) 経由で発注し
たもの。これまでに、システム エンジニアリング サポート、衛星、打上げロケッ
たと発表。SpaceOpal GmbH (DLR GfR と Telespazio Sp.A のジョイント
ト、地上側の任務インフラと管制インフラ、合計 5 件の契約が発注されてお
ベンチャ) に、衛星と地上インフラの運用業務を 1 億 9,400 万ユーロで発
り、今回の分で 6 件目。(European Commission 2010/10/26)
GeoEye Inc. 傘 下 の GeoEye Imagery Collection Systems Inc. は
調 達 に は 着 手 済 み で 、 そ れ が 本 番 に 移 行 す る こ と に な る 。 (GeoEye
LMSSC (Lockheed Martin Space Systems Co.) に、GeoEye-2 衛星と関
EADS Astrium とカザフスタンの KGS (JSC NC Kazakhstan Gharysh
を AIT センタに据付ける。施設建設や機材調整は KGS 担当。2009 年
Sapary) は、Astana に衛星の組立・試験を担当する AIT (Assembly,
10 月に、地表観測衛星×2 機の共同開発合意をまとめたのに続く動きで、
Integration and Test) セ ン タ を 開 設 す る と い う 合 意 を ま と め た 。 EADS
こ の AIT セ ン タ が "Space City" の 一 環 と な る 。 (EADS Astrium
Astrium が機械・放射線・熱・音響といった分野の試験機材を提供、それ
米 空 軍 ESC (Electronic Systems Center, Hanscom AFB, MA) は
(PDR : Preliminary Design Review)・レーダ性能分析・評価作業などの実
10/20 に、 宇宙空間を浮遊する物体やゴミを探知・追跡する Space
現に向けて、2 件の契約を総額 2 億 1,400 万ドルで発注予定。予定期
Fence 計画の次期フェーズについて、RfP を発出した。予備設計審査
間は 18 ヶ月。(AFNews 2010/10/28)
C4ISR Journal
RIA Novosti
Military News
Jane’s Defence Weekly http://jdw.janes.com/public/jdw/index.shtml
Indigenous Indian engine makes maiden flight
The Indian-designed and developed Kaveri engine made its maiden flight
during trials at Gromov Flight Research Institute (GFRI) in Moscow, the
Indian Ministry of ...
英は F-35 の空母発進型 F-35C を検討
UK considers carrier launch system options
The UK's decision to drop the F-35B short take-off/vertical landing
the F-35C Carrier Variant...
(STOVL) variant of Lockheed Martin's Joint Strike Fighter in favour of
レイセオンは Trusted Computer Solutions を買収
Raytheon buys Trusted Computer Solutions
Raytheon's push to enhance its cyber-security capabilities has
The purchase of TCS - described by...
continued with the acquisition of Trusted Computer Solutions (TCS).
英マンデルソン卿は 20 年間の中国への武器禁輸の終了を要求 Lord Mandelson calls for end of 20-year EU arms embargo to China
Lord Peter Mandelson, the former UK business secretary and European
EU arms embargo against...
trade commissioner, has publicly called for the lifting of the 20-year-old
04-Nov-2010 ボーイングは F-15 Silent Eagle を韓国へ売却する輸出許可を取得 Boeing gets export licence to sell F-15 Silent Eagle to South Korea
Boeing has obtained an export licence to sell its F-15 Silent Eagle to South Korea to meet the country's requirements under phase three of...
11/2 ISS 有人滞在 10 周年(読,毎,時)
11/2 0059GMT 打上成功:軍事通信衛星,Soyuz/Fregat,Plesetsk
10/31 1626GMT 打上成功:測位衛星 北斗,長征 3C,西昌
10/28 秋の園遊会 山崎直子・野口聡一飛行士ら(共,時,経,毎,朝,読)
10/28 2151GMT 打上成功:{通信衛星 W3B,放送衛星 BSAT3b(日本)},Ariane5ECA,Kourou
・W3B は推進剤漏洩のため GTO から GEO への投入断念
11/6 0220GMT 打上:レーダ撮像衛星 COSMO-SkyMed4(伊),Delta2,Vandenberg
11/4 1402GMT 彗星探査機 EPOXI ハートレー2 彗星に接近
11/4 打上:気象衛星 風雲 3B,長征 4C,太原
11/4 1929GMT 打上:Discovery,STS-133(ISS ULF5),KSC
11/1 申込締切:2nd Nano-Satellite Symposium,3/14-16,東大(本郷)
JAXA/ISAS 内之浦宇宙空間観測所
・12/5 施設特別公開 // ・12/4-5 小惑星探査機「はやぶさ」カプセル等特別公開
11/16 宇宙産業と地域活性化を考える会,グランドホテル浜松
11/7 まで 小惑星探査機「はやぶさ」カプセル等の展示,国立科学博物館(上野)
11/6-7 全天周映像「HAYABUSA -BACK TO THE EARTH-」,一宮地域文化広場
12/3 JSME 宇宙工学部門 宇宙サロン,東工大(大岡山) 「宇宙でセイリング!~IKAROS 近況報告と未来の宇宙航行」
12/1 平成 22 年度宇宙航空品質保証シンポジウム,秋葉原コンベンションホール
11/6 JSME 北陸信越支部 特別講演会,JAXA 泉耕二 「日本の交通システムの変化と世界の航空宇宙の今」,信州大学
11/4 申込締切:第 38 回溶接学会東部支部実用溶接講座(見学&講演会),「宇宙機器製造工場の見学及び航空宇宙技術と溶接」,11/24,IHI 富岡工場
11/2 第 11 回宇宙環境技術交流会,九工大(戸畑)
11/1 申込締切:2nd Nano-Satellite Symposium,3/14-16,東大(本郷)
11/8 新刊:「宇宙をつかう くらしが変わる 日本の宇宙産業 2」日経 BP
11/5 新刊:野口聡一,JAXA,NASA「ワンダフル・プラネット!」集英社
11/5 新刊:「宇宙大航海 日本の天文学と惑星探査のいま」別冊日経サイエンス
------------------------------------------中国の宇宙探査、目的は「軍事」3 割、「資源」3 割…アンケ(サーチナ)1 日 - 12 時 24 分
探査を実施する目的で「軍事」を挙げる人が約 3 割で、最も多い(1 日午後 0 時現
化の歩みを加速している」を選択した人は 31.81%だった。「ちがう。宇宙資源の探査
と利用を加速しているだけだ」は 29.72%。「分からない」は 38.47%。
中国、測位衛星「北斗」の打上げ成功(新華社ニュース)1 日 - 11 時 54 分
------------------------------------------ハートレー彗星を撮影=NASA 探査機(時事通信)5 日 - 15 時 37 分 *S04
GM と NASA が共同開発したロボット、宇宙に出発(レスポンス)5 日 - 15 時 9 分 *S05
ハートレー彗星を撮影=全長 2 キロ、氷やちりで形成―NASA 探査機(時事通信)5 日 - 14 時 29 分
きらめく長靴、宇宙から見る夜景(ナショナルジオグラフィック 公式日本語サイト)5 日 - 12 時 53 分 *S06
NASA 探査機がハートレイ彗星に接近、画像撮影(CNN.co.jp)5 日 - 10 時 3 分
生命は見つかるか? 火星の海に新理論(ナショナルジオグラフィック 公式日本語サイト)4 日 - 20 時 36 分 *S07
川重、H2B 向け衛星格納器を出荷(時事通信)4 日 - 20 時 1 分
「羅老号」3 回目打上げ、早ければ来年末に可能(聯合ニュース)4 日 - 17 時 8 分
復活の日、ディスカバリーの軌跡(ナショナルジオグラフィック 公式日本語サイト)4 日 - 15 時 13 分 *S08
最高齢記録、ディスカバリーの軌跡(ナショナルジオグラフィック 公式日本語サイト)4 日 - 14 時 32 分 *S09
初飛行、ディスカバリーの軌跡(ナショナルジオグラフィック 公式日本語サイト)4 日 - 13 時 29 分 *S10
ISS 滞在 10 周年、米ロ飛行士が会見(時事通信)3 日 - 12 時 13 分 *S11
ISS 滞在10周年 米露飛行士が会見(毎日新聞)3 日 - 0 時 0 分
「10 年続いたことは素晴らしい」=国際宇宙基地の飛行士滞在(時事通信)2 日 - 23 時 58 分
<ISS>滞在10周年 米露飛行士が会見(毎日新聞)2 日 - 23 時 49 分
国際宇宙ステーション、飛行士滞在が10周年(読売新聞)2 日 - 19 時 26 分
【iEXPO2010(Vol.4)】「はやぶさ」の感動再び!講演&展示を予定(RBB TODAY)2 日 - 14 時 12 分 *S12
<小惑星探査機「はやぶさ」>カプセル最新報告 「たとえ1粒でも分析」と期待(毎日新聞)2 日 - 9 時 38 分
確認でき回収可能な0・01mm 以上の粒子は極めて少ないことが判明。これまでに
宇宙長期滞在、10 周年(時事通信)1 日 - 19 時 53 分
宇宙長期滞在、2 日で 10 周年=冷戦から国際協力象徴に―ISS(時事通信)1 日 - 17 時 50 分
------------------------------------------ブッシュ前米大統領、シリア空爆を一時検討 回顧録で明らかに(産経新聞)6 日 - 17 時 40 分
「北は基礎的水準の核融合開始」国防部長官(聯合ニュース)4 日 - 9 時 52 分 金泰栄長官 *N11
<米中間選挙>共和党躍進 核軍縮・不拡散政策に影響も(毎日新聞)3 日 - 20 時 32 分
核実験施設を共同設置=英仏(時事通信)3 日 - 9 時 6 分 *N12
英仏、軍事協力を拡大 空母共同運用、核兵器開発も(産経新聞)3 日 - 7 時 56 分
英仏が防衛協力条約、空母共同運用も(TBS 系(JNN))3 日 - 0 時 50 分
核実験施設を共同設置=軍事で広範協力へ―英仏(時事通信)2 日 - 22 時 45 分
<英仏軍事協力>条約を締結 相互補完的に能力維持が目的(毎日新聞)2 日 - 20 時 7 分
------------------------------------------シリア「核施設」の攻撃検討=イスラエルの要請受け―前米大統領(時事通信)6 日 - 7 時 57 分
保守派勝利の「十月革命」 中国の朝鮮戦争参戦60周年(産経新聞)6 日 - 7 時 57 分
水責め「もちろんだ」ブッシュ前大統領が承認(読売新聞)5 日 - 21 時 7 分
<米国務省>イランの「ジュンダラ」を国際テロ組織に指定(毎日新聞)4 日 - 20 時 6 分
ハンガリー廃液流出事故、今の現場は(TBS 系(JNN))4 日 - 13 時 20 分
イラン「ジュンダラ」をテロ組織に=米(時事通信)4 日 - 0 時 58 分
グアンタナモ元受刑者内報で爆発物事件発覚=イエメン筋(ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル)2 日 - 10 時 54 分
航空貨物の爆発物、アルカイダの専門家が関与か(CNN.co.jp)1 日 - 10 時 42 分
------------------------------------------グアム移転費融資、防衛副大臣が予算計上の考え(読売新聞)7 日 - 11 時 2 分
「思いやり予算」日米協議、結論を持ち越し(読売新聞)7 日 - 10 時 51 分
思いやり予算、日米で平行線=APEC 後に再協議(時事通信)6 日 - 12 時 41 分
米航空母艦参加の合同訓練「必ず実施」(中央日報日本語版)6 日 - 12 時 10 分
保守派勝利の「十月革命」 中国の朝鮮戦争参戦60周年(産経新聞)6 日 - 7 時 57 分
「1 日 160 億円、海軍艦艇 34 隻」=大統領歴訪でうわさ、政府否定―米(時事通信)6 日 - 6 時 31 分
日米合同訓練を公開 空中機能作戦など検証(産経新聞)5 日 - 17 時 43 分
エコ対策と光熱水費で平行線 思いやり予算で日米協議(産経新聞)4 日 - 22 時 56 分
米駆逐艦が下関港に親善寄港(産経新聞)4 日 - 20 時 35 分
思いやり予算、米大統領訪日時の合意こだわらず(読売新聞)4 日 - 14 時 38 分
名護市長 普天間移設海域を初めて視察(日本テレビ系(NNN))3 日 - 20 時 59 分
バグダッドで連続爆弾テロ、76人死亡(TBS 系(JNN))3 日 - 12 時 3 分
クラスター爆弾 安全確認済みわずか0.4% ラオス北部(毎日新聞)3 日 - 10 時 24 分
米大使、安保改定50周年懇談会で挨拶(TBS 系(JNN))3 日 - 6 時 45 分
安保改定50周年を記念、日米が洋上懇談会(日本テレビ系(NNN))3 日 - 6 時 16 分
米軍の同性愛者規制撤廃、当面延期へ(新華社ニュース)2 日 - 16 時 21 分
中国のレアアース輸出制限はわが軍の脅威ではない=米国(サーチナ)2 日 - 15 時 16 分
米歯科医がハロウィーンのキャンデー回収、米軍に寄付へ(ロイター)2 日 - 12 時 23 分
沖縄の選択:基地反対論は収まらず―知事選まで 1 カ月(ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル)2 日 - 10 時 18 分
来年から米軍撤退開始のアフガン、治安部隊の訓練要員が不足(ロイター)1 日 - 14 時 40 分
------------------------------------------[ASAGUMO NEWS]
11/4 「コラム」更新
・朝雲寸言 // ・献金受け取り再開 // ・英国の財政再建策
11/1 「ニュース」更新
朝霞で第47回中央観閲式 //
「多様な事態に備えよ」 菅首相
菅直人首相訓示 プロの気概と技量を持て
2010中央観閲式 「壮観」「華麗」な絵巻 //
追悼式 「痛恨の極み」と首相 殉職9柱の霊に献花
防衛弘済会 殉職隊員の肖像画贈呈 事務次官に目録
南西諸島防衛、米軍と共同で 年内にも実動訓練
在日米軍司令官 フィールド中将着任 //
パキスタン洪水救援 派遣部隊が帰国 //
空中給油・輸送機 初の人員輸送実任務
奄美大島で豪雨禍 12普連など災派
今年度上半期緊急発進回数 対ロシア機急増 //
日本海から太平洋へ 長距離周回目立つ
「中国の台頭」をめぐり研究大会 日本防衛学会
12・0141、ファックス03・3712・3130、メール boueigaku@
「しらせ」総合訓練 各地に寄港、体験航海も //
2010中央観閲式 朝霞
------------------------------------------[民間航空機関連 (ex-SJAC 三輪さん)] from AIA DailyLead
DL(1105)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
? ボーイング (GE 等大手)サプライヤの専属制を示唆
Big Boeing suppliers must give exclusive value, exec says
Large Boeing suppliers, such as General Electric, must deliver value that is unique to Boeing, said Nicole Piasecki, vice president of business
development and strategic integration at Boeing Commercial Airplanes. Large suppliers cannot take expertise gained at Boeing's expense, such as
with the 787 Dreamliner, and apply it for the benefit of rivals such as Airbus. "When you have someone like a GE, who represents 90% of all engines
that deliver out of Boeing today, GE has to be delivering unique and exclusive value to Boeing in order to get that type of position, or at least as we
go forward we have to be managing that and ensuring that there's value flowing in both directions, and there is with GE," Piasecki said.
SeattlePI.com/Aerospace News blog (11/4)
カンタス A380 のエンジントラブルは製造上の問題でメンテナンス関連ではないと
Qantas: Manufacturing -- not maintenance -- led to A380 engine failure
Qantas believes it was "probably, most likely" a design or manufacturing flaw that caused an uncontained engine failure on an Airbus A380 on
Thursday, forcing an emergency landing in Singapore. Experts say such a finding would increase pressure on Rolls-Royce, which supplies the engines
for more than half the A380s currently in service. At least two other A380 flights this year have experienced failures in their Rolls Royce engines,
though not as serious as Thursday's incident. Rolls Royce says it is cooperating in the investigation in the Qantas failure, and the airline has not yet
resumed flying its A380 fleet. The New York Times (free registration) (11/4)
米国運輸省 NYC 地区の FAA 承認航空機の枠数が多すぎることを懸念
DOT says FAA allows too many flights at NYC-area airports
The Department of Transportation has released a report scrutinizing the number of flights the Federal Aviation Administration allows to take off and
land each hour at airports around New York City. The report recommends that the FAA reduce the number of flights and establish standards for
delays deemed acceptable. The FAA, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey and the airline industry agreed that modernizing the air traffic
control system is the best way to tackle the issue. The Star-Ledger (Newark, N.J.) (11/5)
ガルフストリーム 運航部門のリージョナル航空 破産申請
Regional carrier Gulfstream files for bankruptcy
Gulfstream International Group, which flies regional routes on behalf of Continental Airlines and United Airlines, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy
protection on Thursday. Gulfstream President David Hackett said the company was "honoring all tickets and reservations," and a Continental
spokeswoman said Gulfstream "will continue to fly as scheduled." Sun-Sentinel (Fort Lauderdale, Fla.) (11/4)
下院 委員会リーダー変更はボーイングにとり逆風
Change in House leadership could be bad news for Boeing
Tuesday's election results could work against Boeing, as Rep. Norm Dicks, D-Wash., one of Boeing's most reliable advocates in Congress, loses his
chairmanship of the House Appropriations defense subcommittee. Dicks would have been in a key position to try to block funding for an EADS
refueling tanker if the Air Force selected it over Boeing for a contract that is potentially worth up to $50 billion. Reuters (11/4) ,
SeattlePI.com/Aerospace News blog (11/4)
Military plans increased use of drones
As combat airspace becomes increasingly dangerous and terrorist threats persist, the U.S. military plans to develop more advanced high-tech drones,
according to a senior Air Force official. The Air Force has already boosted the number of armed and unarmed drones being used over Afghanistan and
Iraq, but there are increasing concerns that the U.S. needs more aircraft capable of waging electronic attacks in airspace. Google/The Canadian
Press (11/4)
F-35 さらに遅延
Lockheed Martin confirms reports of likely additional F-35 delays
Lockheed Martin CEO Robert Stevens confirmed earlier reports on Thursday that development and testing of the F-35 fighter jet program will likely
take longer and cost more than expected. The program is already five years behind schedule and over budget. Lockheed Martin separately said
testing of the F-35A, a conventional takeoff and landing version designed for the Air Force, continues to progress ahead of schedule. Fort Worth
Star-Telegram (Texas) (11/4)
F-35 遅延で オーストラリア政府再検討開始
F-35 delays spark reports of second thoughts in Australia:
Amid reports of still more delays expected with the already long-delayed F-35 joint strike fighter, new doubts are emerging regarding Australia's
multimillion-dollar purchase of the jet from the U.S. One official said defense staff are putting together a report requiring evidence to support what
they're being told by developers of the program. ABC (Australia) (11/5)
"All the strength you need to achieve anything is within you."
--Sara Henderson,
Australian writer and outback station manager
サラ・ヘンダーソン 豪作家・奥地のステーションマネージャ
DL(1104)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Boeing: No customer pressure on 737 updates
Despite recent press reports, Boeing says "virtually no customers" are clamoring for a re-engined 737 model. "At some point in time, there will be a
moment for a new airplane, a new production program, and we're working very hard to figure out when that might be," said Nicole Piasecki, vice
president of Business Development and Strategic Integration at Boeing Commercial Airplanes, during an aviation conference on Wednesday.
Meanwhile, a top Airbus executive said his company still intends to make a decision on re-engining by the end of the year. "We've gone through the
business case. The issue right now is resources," he noted. SeattlePI.com/Aerospace News blog (11/3)
787 出荷予定通り
787 will be delivered on time, Boeing says
AviationWeek.com (11/3)
FAA と農業省(USDA) は航空機用バイオ燃料につき合意
FAA, USDA in agreement to develop biofuels for aviation
The FAA is in a five-year agreement with the Department of Agriculture to develop biofuels for the airline industry. The agreement is part of a larger
government effort to promote the production of fuel from renewable sources. Under the deal, the agencies will focus on developing a tool to evaluate
the potential of various types of biomass to be turned into jet fuel. FlightGlobal.com (11/3)
カンタス航空 A380 全機グラウンドの処置
Qantas grounds A380 fleet after engine mishap
Australia's Qantas grounded its entire fleet of Airbus A380s after a midair engine failure forced an emergency landing in Singapore. There were no
injuries in the incident, which occurred about 15 minutes after takeoff, but Qantas said it would "suspend those A380 services until we are completely
confident that Qantas safety requirements have been met." Google/The Associated Press (11/4)
Delta flight attendants reject push for unionization
With more than 18,000 votes cast, Delta Air Lines flight attendants decided by the narrowest of margins to reject a union organizing effort by the
Association of Flight Attendants. After months of intense campaigning, the final count was 9,544 votes against unionization, 9,216 in favor. "Now that
the merger has taken place and Northwest sees how Delta operates, they've seen it isn't so bad when there isn't a union," said consultant Jerry
Glass, one of the few experts who predicted the union would be rebuffed. "We have said all along that we believe our direct relationship works well for
our people and our company. Our flight attendants have spoken, and we are pleased that so many flight attendants agree," Delta said in a statement.
Some 30,000 additional Delta workers are voting on unionization later this year, and the flight attendants' election was widely seen as a bellwether for
future contests. The Wall Street Journal (11/4) , MarketWatch (11/3) , The Dallas Morning News/Airline Biz blog (11/3) , Bloomberg
Businessweek/The Associated Press (11/3)
NATO ロシアと戦略的パートナーシップを模索
NATO looks toward strategic partnership with Russia
NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen says the organization is ready to work with its former Cold War foe Russia as a strategic partner
in missile defense. The countries will meet in Lisbon later this month, and Rasmussen said NATO does not view Russia as an enemy and does not
want to impose a specific missile defense architecture on the country. Bloomberg (11/3)
軍用ヘリ 新型チヌーク のローターテストの風洞実験完了
Boeing completes wind tunnel testing of new Chinook rotor blade
Boeing says it has completed scale-model wind tunnel tests on a new rotor blade for the CH-47F Chinook helicopter that is designed to allow for
2,000 pounds more lift without compromising forward-flight performance. The new dihedral-anhedral blade tip is similar to the one developed for the
Boeing/Sikorsky RAH-66 Comanche scout/attack helicopter. AviationWeek.com (11/3)
ブラジル大統領選をへて 戦闘機選択の決断へ向け進む
Brazil ready to move ahead on fighter jet decision
Now that Brazil's presidential election is over, the country's current president, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, says he will soon make a decision on a
multibillion-dollar jet tender. France's Rafale by Dassault, Sweden's Gripen NG by Saab and the U.S.-made F/A-18 Super Hornet by Boeing are
competing to supply the country with 36 modern fighter aircraft in a contract worth between $4 billion and $7 billion, and a decision was put on hold
since March due to the election. The election was won Oct. 31 by Dilma Rousseff, Lula's former cabinet chief. Defense News/AFP (11/3)
航空宇宙工業世界標準会議 IAQG 主催の AATT 開催お知らせ
IAQG-Sanctioned Aerospace Auditor Transition Training (AATT) for
AS9100C:2009 — This 4-day course provides the tools needed to help you successfully address the new requirements. When you sign up for
Aerospace Transition Training with BSI you receive additional white papers and elearning to support your overall learning experience. Register today!
"In the world a man will often be reputed to be a man of sense, only because he is not a man of talent."
--Sir Henry Taylor,
English dramatist
DL(1103)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
❖S 宇宙から中間選挙へ投票する 3 名の宇宙飛行士
Astronauts mark Election Day in space
Three American astronauts cast their votes from the universe's only zero-gravity polling station Tuesday. The trio, who are residents of Texas,
participated in their local elections via electronic ballots administered by NASA Mission Control. Under Texas law, astronauts have been able to vote
from the Earth's orbit since 1997. FoxNews.com/Space.com (11/2)
GOP win in House expected to boost defense companies
Manufacturers of submarines and sea-based anti-missile systems, as well as other defense contractors, may benefit from the turnover in the House
to Republican control, as the GOP pushes for a more aggressive approach to China. While Congress faces continued pressure to pull in the
Pentagon's budget, many companies -- including Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman -- could get a boost. Bloomberg (11/2)
Congress to face tough decisions
The 112th Congress will face difficult decisions on the size of the defense budget and arms control, with pressure expected from "tea party"
activists to reel in out-of-control debt. Democrats are expected to bring the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, or New START, to vote in the
upcoming lame-duck session, but Republicans are expected to oppose the treaty. The Washington Times (11/2)
House Armed Services Chairman Ike Skelton concedes defeat
For the first time in a half-century political career, Missouri Democrat Ike Skelton picked up the phone Tuesday night to concede to a political rival.
The powerful chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, first elected to Congress in 1976, was defeated by Republican Vicky Hartzler, a
former teacher and state lawmaker who successfully portrayed the incumbent as a Washington insider who had lost touch with his district. Skelton
was known as a staunch defender of his state's military interests. Rep. John Boehner, R-Ohio, presumed to be the next House speaker, has vowed to
support Hartzler for a seat on the Armed Services Committee. The Washington Post/The Associated Press (11/3)
England, France consider collaboration on drone development
France's Dassault Aviation and Britain's BAE Systems are considering a partnership to develop unmanned planes amid pressure to reduce defense
spending. The companies discussed their possible collaboration in letters to leaders that were timed to coincide with an Anglo-French summit on
defense cooperation. Reuters (11/2)
エアライン業界は 共和党勝利で恩恵受ける
Airlines are expected to benefit from Republican gains
A shift in the House from Democratic to Republican control is expected to be beneficial for United Continental Holdings, Delta Air Lines and other U.S.
carriers. Republicans are expected to forgo proposals to subject global airline alliances to antitrust enforcement. They are also expected to scrap the
idea of limiting outsourcing of maintenance. "The current Congress has been anti-airline," said William Swelbar, a research engineer at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "There will be a new set of ears to listen to the industry." Bloomberg (11/3)
航空貨物は 今後 20 年間(2029 年まで)年率5.9%で伸長するとボーイング予想
Boeing: Air cargo traffic to grow 5.9% per year through 2029
Boeing forecasts that with air cargo traffic expected to grow 5.9% a year through 2029, as many as 743 new freighters and 1,751 freighters converted
from passenger planes will enter the world's air cargo fleet over the next 20 years. Air cargo traffic, which declined in 2008 and 2009, should return to
the 2007 peak by the end of the year, Boeing said. SeattlePI.com/Aerospace News blog (11/2)
ボーイング 航空貨物の長期増加を予測
Boeing forecasts long-term expansion for air-cargo traffic
Boeing expects this year's global air-cargo traffic to reach its 2007 record high and enter long-running growth. As part of its World Air-Cargo
Forecast 2010/2011, the company predicted an annual growth rate of 5.9% during the next two decades. Boeing also forecast that 1,212 planes will be
added to the world's freighter fleet, totaling 2,967, with 70% of that addition coming from converted passenger and passenger-freighter craft.
Bloomberg Businessweek (11/2)
エアバス 中国から 100 機の受注を予定 Airbus is poised to book a 100-plane order from China
Bloomberg (11/2)
航空・防衛産業の熟練技術労働者の不足が深刻化 Shortage of skilled engineers plagues aerospace industry
The long-term solution for the serious shortage of high-quality aerospace engineers is to convince schools to include aerospace in their curriculum.
But in the short term, many companies are forced to poach engineers to ease the stress on existing engineers. "This industry is 24/7 and has a harsh
demand on a person's time," Alex Choo, assistant honorary secretary of the Singapore Institute of Aerospace Engineers, said yesterday at Aviation
Week's MRO Asia conference and exhibition in Singapore. AviationWeek.com (11/3)
"I get nervous when I don't get nervous." 緊張であがらないことで余計緊張する
--Beyonce Knowles,
American pop writer and singer
DL(1101)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
?航空貨物便への爆発物事件で セキュリティ・コスト圧迫
Air freight bomb plot likely to raise costs, security screening debate
The discovery of an attempted bomb plot involving packages sent through air freight companies UPS and FedEx last week could result in increased
security and costs for global trade and raise debate over the need for more sophisticated imaging technologies. Most companies use only X-ray
screening, but the method doesn't have explosive detection capacity, and experts say the safer security screening method would be CT scanning.
Reuters (10/31)
Poll: Business fliers doubt the safety of regional airlines
Regional airlines may operate under the same federal safety standards as major carriers, but a new poll shows that a majority of business travelers
may have safety concerns about flying the regionals. The Business Travel Coalition found that 80% of business fliers avoid turboprop aircraft due to
safety fears, and nearly two-thirds of companies will allow employees to avoid regional flights even if a ticket on a major airline costs more. Los
Angeles Times (11/1)
エアライン社債 復調の機
Airline bondholders benefit from a recovering sector
Bondholders of airlines are reaping a big gain, as more carriers report quarterly profit for the first time since 2007. Last month, the sector posted an
increase of 2.36%, pushing total return for the year to 15.4%. "The airlines have had very good financial results through the summer," said Roger King
of CreditSights. "They have a lot of cash, and they've been able to push out their debt maturities. So from a credit-metrics standpoint, they're in very
good shape." Bloomberg (10/31)
ジェットブルー社 ユックリ回復
For JetBlue, cautious growth is the order of the day
JetBlue Airways plans to grow organically rather than jump on the mergers and acquisitions trend, according to CEO Dave Barger. With high customer
satisfaction numbers and $1 billion in revenue for the last quarter, "We don't see a need to" rush to the altar, he noted. In Denver as part of a
nationwide tour of JetBlue markets, Barger said the company would choose its battles and expand cautiously. With three carriers already battling for
market share in the Mile High City, for instance, JetBlue has no immediate plans to expand beyond its three daily flights to New York and Boston. The
Denver Post (11/1)
June 9, 2010
"The most savage controversies are those about matters as to which there is no good evidence either way."
--Bertrand Russell, British philosopher, logician, mathematician and historian バートランド・ラッセル
The Complete Illustrated History
Michael Gorn
NASA―The Complete Illustrated History - 大型本 (2006/8)
Nasa: The Complete Illustrated History [Paperback]
マイケル ゴーン、Michael Gorn、石田尾 美里、 毛利 衛
Michael Gorn (Author), Buzz Aldrin (Foreword)
新品: ¥ 3,570
Price: $19.77
大型本: 304 ページ
Paperback: 304 pages
出版社: トランスワールドジャパン (2006/08)
Publisher: Merrell; Rev. and Updated Ed edition (March 2008)
ISBN-10: 4925112813
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-4925112819
発売日: 2006/08
ISBN-10: 1858944279
ISBN-13: 978-1858944272
寸法: 28.2 x 24.8 x 2.8 cm
Dimensions: 11 x 9.6 x 0.9 inches
Shipping Weight: 3 pounds
NASA に関する初の写真を満載したヒストリーブックであり、20 世紀初頭から現在にいたる宇宙探査の歴史について語られている。宇宙探査のため
のテクノロジーだけでなく、影響を与えた人々にも焦点が当てられる。航空・宇宙開発史を中心とした歴史家、マイケル・ゴーンの手によって NASA と
その前身である NACA の中に息づいた進取の精神やエネルギーが伝えられた歴史書。
National Security
■Space Requires New Thinking, Practices, Lynn Says AFPS 03 Nov 2010
Space Station / Shuttle
■Weather delays launch of shuttle Discovery RIA Novosti 04 Nov 2010
■NASA Puts Shuttle Launch Off Until Friday VOA 04 Nov 2010
■NASA again delays Discovery shuttle launch RIA Novosti 03 Nov 2010
■Electrical Problem Delays Shuttle Launch VOA 02 Nov 2010
■Russian space freighter docks with ISS RIA Novosti 30 Oct 2010
■Saudi Arabia, Ukraine & space explorations RIA Novosti 06 Nov 2010
■China launches weather satellite RIA Novosti 05 Nov 2010
■NATO open to Ukrainian missile defense role RIA Novosti 03 Nov 2010
■Turkey E-W Dilemma & NATO Missile-Shield RFE/RL 02 Nov 2010
■Russia, NATO to discuss Euro missile-defense RIA Novosti 02 Nov 2010
■Russia & Euro missile-defense program RIA Novosti 02 Nov 2010
■Moscow & NATO Euro-missile defense plans RIA Novosti 01 Nov 2010
■Russia & U.S. missile shield plans RIA Novosti 30 Oct 2010
■Space Fence Program Critical Milestone Raytheon 02 Nov 2010
■Software Specification Review for GPS OCX Raytheon 02 Nov 2010
■Aegis BMD System & Japan Missile Test Lockheed Martin 29 Oct 201
■Joint U.S./Japan Missile Defense Test Orbital 29 Oct 2010
■Japan Achieves Third Ballistic Missile Intercept Raytheon 29 Oct 2010
------------------------------------------[軍事宇宙開発 spacetoday.net: military]
------------------------------------------Thursday, November 4
Space News — 5:18 pm ET (2118 GMT)
AFA recognizes Schriever captain, 14 AF/CC
Tuesday, November 2
US Air Force — 12:30 pm ET (1630 GMT)
Britain and France To Revisit Joint Milsatcom Program
Space Requires New Thinking, Practices, Lynn Says
Space News — 6:10 pm ET (2210 GMT)
American Forces Press Service — 6:29 am ET (1029 GMT)
Raytheon's Space Fence Program Completes Critical Milestone
Wednesday, November 3
PR Newswire — 12:29 pm ET (1629 GMT)
Technology Opens Military Space
Interference Geolocation Contract
Aviation Week — 7:16 am ET (1116 GMT)
GlobeNewswire — 5:41 pm ET (2141 GMT)
Monday, November 1
Clapper Seeks To Phase in Intelligence Spending Cuts
Delta II COSMO - SkyMed 4 mission rescheduled for Nov. 1
Space News — 5:19 pm ET (2119 GMT)
US Air Force — 12:10 pm ET (1610 GMT)
NGA Looking at Amazon and Apple for Imagery Distribution Ideas
Deep ops
Space News — 5:19 pm ET (2119 GMT)
The Space Review — 11:57 am ET (1557 GMT)
ODNI Commissions Study of Radar Imaging Options
------------------------------------------[中国宇宙開発-2 spacetoday.net: China]
------------------------------------------Friday, November 5
Monday, November 1
China launches weather satellite
China sets new record for annual launch activity
RIA Novosti — 5:46 am ET (0946 GMT)
Spaceflight Now — 6:47 pm ET (2247 GMT)
Thursday, November 4
China launches 6th satellite for indigenous global navigation,
China launches new weather satellite
positioning network
Xinhua — 7:29 pm ET (2329 GMT)
Xinhua — 8:13 am ET (1213 GMT)
Chinese record year increases as Long March 4C launches Feng
Sunday, October 31
China plans manned space station by 2020
NasaSpaceFlight.com — 7:26 pm ET (2326 GMT)
Financial Times — 7:32 pm ET (2332 GMT)
Wednesday, November 3
Chinese Long March 3C launches with BeiDou-2
China plans space station by 2020
NasaSpaceFlight.com — 7:23 pm ET (2323 GMT)
New Scientist — 5:12 pm ET (2112 GMT)
China Goes To Mars
China to launch new weather satellite in coming days
SpaceDaily — 8:52 am ET (1252 GMT)
Xinhua — 5:41 am ET (0941 GMT)
[Quotes from the Old/New Testament]
光, the light, the day, やみ, the darkness,
And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the
light from the darkness.
And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the
light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good.
He hath compassed the waters with bounds, until the day and
night come to an end.
Where is the way where light dwelleth? and as for darkness,
where is the place thereof,
Then Jesus said unto them, Yet a little while is the light with
you. Walk while ye have the light, lest darkness come upon you:
for he that walketh in darkness knoweth not whither he goeth.
II Cor.
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what
fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what
communion hath light with darkness?
調和, concord, 一致, agreement,
I will not conceal his parts, nor his power, nor his comely
Even he shall build the temple of the LORD; and he shall bear the
glory, and shall sit and rule upon his throne; and he shall be a
priest upon his throne: and the counsel of peace shall be between
them both.
For our comely parts have no need: but God hath tempered the
body together, having given more abundant honour to that part
which lacked:
II Cor.
And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he
that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the
temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God;
as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will
be their God, and they shall be my people.
I John
And there are three that bear witness in earth, the spirit, and the
water, and the blood: and these three agree in one.
Fly UP