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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -ミルスペース 090520- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [What s New in Virtual Library?] HP http://www.space-library.com
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仏大使館より cnes mag No.41 0904 を寄贈、感謝。
------------------------------------------7:30 p.m. CDT Sunday, May 17, 2009
Mission Control Center, Houston, Texas
Status Report : STS-125-13
史上 6 番目に長時間にわたる 8 時間 2 分のスペースウォークの末、STIS イメージング・スペクトログラフの修理を終える
In the sixth longest spacewalk in history, Astronauts Mike
plate could be installed. At about three hours into the spacewalk,
Massimino and Michael Good tackled the intricate task of
Massimino broke the handrail free allowing the spacewalkers to
removing and capturing 111 screws to be able to revive the
proceed with the day s tasks. The initial aliveness test reported
the STIS as working properly. The initial functional test was
Telescope s
capability. In the 8 hour, 2 minute spacewalk, Massimino and
ended when the telescope put itself into
safe mode,
Good repaired the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS)
reached a low thermal limit. The STIS is believed to be in good
by replacing a power supply board. STIS, installed on the Hubble
shape. Ground controllers will start the functional tests over
Space Telescope in 1997, stopped working in August 2004 due to
again, once the telescope reaches a good temperature. The STIS
a power supply failure and was in a safe mode. Though the
separates light into its component colors to reveal information
removal of the many screws was expected to be difficult, a
about the chemical content, temperature and motion of planets,
handrail gave Good and Massimino trouble. The handrail was
comets, stars, interstellar gas and galaxies. The information it
obstructing the path of a fastener capture plate and one stripped
can provide will help scientists better understand the physical
bolt prevented it from coming free. Massimino followed steps
properties of the material universe ‒ putting the physics in
developed quickly at the Goddard Spaceflight Center to carefully
astrophysics. (後略)
bend and break the handrail free so that the fastener capture
- - - - - - - - - -関連ニュース - - - - - - - - - - posted: 17 May 2009
07:11 pm ET
By Tariq Malik
Senior Editor
Astronauts Repair Key Hubble Device in Tough Spacewalk
HOUSTON - Two embattled astronauts fought through a stuck
never designed to be fixed in orbit. Ultimately, the astronauts
bolt and dead battery on Sunday to fix a key instrument in the
completed their repair work on Hubble's ailing Space Telescope
Hubble Space Telescope in a frustratingly long spacewalk.
Imaging Spectrograph (STIS), which failed in 2004. But it was a
Atlantis astronauts Michael Massimino and Michael Good were
long, tough haul that prevented the spacewalkers from finishing
already expecting a challenging day to repair a long-broken
all their tasks. (後略)
spectrograph on the 19-year-old Hubble. The instrument was
------------------------------------------MAY 15, 2009, 6:28 A.M. ET
Wall Street Journal
ボーデン元宇宙士が NASA 長官になる見込み
Bolden Likely to Be Named NASA Head
After months of political tussling between the White House and
Barack Obama's likely choice to head the National Aeronautics
some Democratic lawmakers, former astronaut and retired
and Space Administration, according to government and industry
Marine Corps Gen. Charles Bolden has emerged as President
officials familiar with the matter. (後略)
- - - - - - - - - -関連ニュース - - - - - - - - - - Mon May 18, 5:14 pm ET
オバマ大統領は NASA 長官任命のうわさのさなかに元宇宙飛行士と会談予定
Obama to meet veteran astronaut amid NASA chief rumors
WASHINGTON (AFP) ‒ President Barack Obama is set Tuesday
Major-general Bolden, a retired Marine pilot who saw service in
to meet veteran shuttle astronaut Charles Bolden, the White
Vietnam, flew on the first of four space flights in 1986 as a pilot
House said amid speculation that he will name Bolden as NASA's
on board the shuttle Columbia. The 62-year-old aviation
first black chief. "The visit with Mr Bolden will be tomorrow
consultant is reportedly Obama's pick to become administrator
morning," White House spokesman Robert Gibbs told reporters
of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, a post
Monday. A meeting between Obama and Bolden planned for
that has remained vacant since the president took office in
Monday was put off after talks between the US president and
January. (後略)
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ran late, Gibbs said.
- - - - - - - - - -関連ニュース - - - - - - - - - - 2009/5/15 19:23 -
オバマ大統領、ボーデン元宇宙士に対して NASA 長官への就任を要請
オバマ大統領が NASA のチャールズ・ボーデン(Charles F. Bolden
States Naval Academy)を 1968 年卒業。卒業後、米海軍戦闘機パ
イロットとしてベトナム戦争に従軍。ベトナム戦争終結後の 1979 年から
統領執務室内で会談を行っていたことが 14 日、複数の報道機関の報
は米海軍テストパイロットとして活躍。1980 年には NASA 宇宙飛行士
に選抜され、パイロットおよび船長としてスペースシャトルミッション合計 4
NASA 長官就任を要請した模様。今のところホワイトハウス、ボーデン
回従事した経歴を持つ。NASA 退役後は米海兵隊に復帰、最後は
宇宙飛行士 1946 年生まれの現在 62 歳。米海軍士官学校(United
- - - - - - - - - -関連ニュース - - - - - - - - - - Jan. 6, 2009, 11:08PM
Houston Chronicle
Ex-astronaut may be Obama's pick to lead NASA
He would be the first black to be named administrator
A former astronaut who has made four trips into space is
Houston's Bay Area, would be the first black American to head
reportedly a leading candidate for the top job at NASA. If
the space agency. The former test pilot left NASA in 1994 after
selected by President-elect Barack Obama, Charles Bolden Jr.,
14 years of service to return to the Marine Corps, where he rose
62, a retired Marine Corps general who makes his home in
to the rank of major general. He retired in 2003. (後略)
- - - - - - - - - -関連ニュース - - - - - - - - - - [編注] 写真,など多数掲載
09.01.17 ミルスペース page 6-7
[編注] 候補者 3 名の一人だった。海兵隊キャリアと宇宙飛行 4 回経
学生に講演をやったり、イントルーダでベトナム戦出撃も 100 回とか。
- - - - - - - - -関連ニュース (Bolden 発言)- - - - - - - - - - - 06.06.13 ミルスペース page 9
Scientist, ex-astronaut warn lawmakers of medical risks of space exploration
(前略) "In the long term, we are retaining and accumulating
"Building a vehicle or set of vehicles to take humans to the
human risk to spaceflight, in order to progress with an
moon and on to Mars without continued emphasis on the life
underfunded vision for space exploration," Pawelczyk testified. "I
science research to understand more fully the environmental and
think we have an ethical obligation to our current and future
human factors challenges that must be overcome to successfully
space explorers, and to the American public, to do better."
allow humans to survive these journeys is a certain recipe for
Retired Marine Corps Maj. Gen. Charles Bolden, a former shuttle
disaster and ultimate failure," he said. (後略)
astronaut, echoed Pawelczyk's concerns.
第 6 回 宇宙協議会 2009 年 5 月 29 日 欧州委員会
Sixth Space Council
於 ブリュッセル
29 May 2009, European Council, Brussels
(13/05/2009) The Sixth Space Council will take place on 29 May
Environment and Security (GMES) ‒ its initial operations
2009 in the morning, in the margins of the Competitiveness
covering the period 2011-2013, and long-term arrangements for
Council. Two main topics will frame the Council s agenda: (i)
the GMES Space Component. The Space Council is co-chaired
space and its contribution to innovation, competitiveness and
by the EU and ESA Presidencies.
-----------------------------------------6-7 May 2009
International Symposium on Remote Sensing of the Environment - Stresa (Italy)
* GMES グローバル・ランド・ワークショップ GMES Global Land Workshop
Agenda: http://ec.europa.eu/gmes/pdf/GLMCS_WS_agenda.pdf
Global Land Working Group: Global component of the GMES Land Monitoring Core Service: http://ec.europa.eu/gmes/pdf/Global%20component%20LMCS_v02.pdf
*Comparison Workshop on a European Digital Elevation Model
-----------------------------------------2009/5/14 18:49 ‒ Technobahn
インド宇宙機関 ISRO(Indian Space Research Organisation)は今
後、10∼15 年以内をメドに再利用可能な独自スペースシャトル型ロケ
ット開発を行うことを表明。11 日に行われた宇宙関連シンポジウム後
に行われた会見で ISRO の G Madhvan Nair 長官が述べたもので、新
ISRO は昨年末、独自開発月探査衛星「CHANDRAYAAN-1」の打
げている宇宙機関。ロケット打上げや衛星開発を欧米の 10 分の 1 程
ISRO 開 発 中 の 再 利 用 可 能 シ ャ ト ル 型 実 験 機 Reusable Launch
Vehicle-Tech Demonstrator
-----------------------------------------2009/5/14 20:15 - Technobahn
11 日、打上げに成功したスペースシャトル「アトランティス」とスペースデ
ブリが至近距離まで接近という事態が生じたことが 3 日、明らかと。
NAS の発表によるとこのデブリは 2007 年 1 月に中国が実施した対衛
たスペースデブリは NASA の危険分類では「イエロー」に属する。NASA
星兵器(ASAT)実験により生じたものの 1 つで、大きさは約 10cm。13
は「イエロー」のスペースデブリが ISS に接近した場合には、その都度、
日午後 7 時 28 分米東部標準時にアトランティス前方、2.8km の距離
を通り過ぎたとしている。NASA によると、特に対処を取ることはしなかっ
た。2003 年 2 月に起きたコロンビア空中分解事故以降、新たに定めら
ャトルは ISS と同じ軌道高度(約 400 キロ)でのミッションしか行ってこな
かった。ISS 軌道高度の場合、スペースデブリ数は比較的少ないが、ハ
------------------------------------------8:23PM Sunday May 17, 2009
7 年以内に宇宙からのエネルギーを予測
Energy from space predicted in seven years
In as little as seven years we could be getting energy from space,
purchasing it in 2016," says Friedman. For reasons of military
according to American author and futurist George Friedman. He
and technological superiority, Friedman maintains his country will
believes the 21st century will be shaped by space age solutions
stay the world's dominant power for this century. But there are
to Earth-bound problems and nations that will emerge to surprise
three others he thinks will be hugely important - Mexico, already
us. Space is home of the hubble telescope and the final frontier,
the world's 13th largest economy, and right next door to the
and with oil set to run out some time this century, Friedman says
American powerhouse. "It is going ahead by leaps and bounds.
we must look to the sun. "But it's not going to be Earth based
People tend to think of it as a third world country but it really
solar power, that would be an ecological disaster. We're going to
isn't," says Friedman.
put it into space, where there's plenty of room, no night, no
clouds, and beam it back to Earth in the form of microwave
energy," he says. Friedman is a forecaster and writer. His new
book, The Next Hundred Years, A Forecast For The 21st Century,
suggests California will be using power from space in seven years.
"NASA's working on it right now and Pacific Gas and Electric
which is California's power company has already contracted for
[編注] 楽観的な感もあるが。カリフォルニアの電力会社 PG&E が動いているのは確か。090421MS の page1 参照。
------------------------------------------2009 年 05 月 14 日
どが宇宙から地上アンテナへの送電や一辺 14m の三角形の網を宇宙
初「宇宙太陽光発電衛星(SPS)」の 2012 年までの打上げを目指し、
宇宙太陽光発電衛星 米のピータ・グレーザ博士が 1968 年に素案を
発表。24 時間日照がある静止軌道上に太陽電池パネルを設置、発
グループが、10 年以内の 10,000kw 級実証衛星打上げを提案したが、
500m 規模のネットを「投網」のように広げ、後で打上げた数 m 四方の
送電電力は約 100kW とわずかだが、実現に大きな意義がある。
SPSは米の学者が 1968 年発表後、オイルショックでNASAなどが研
究を本格化。幅 5km、長さ 10km のパネル案も出たが、費用や技術面
ある。マイクロ波研究では、1983 年に京都大と神戸大が、宇宙空間
で無線送電する世界初実験を実施。2006 年には神戸大と東京大な
- - - - - - - - -- -関連- - - - - - - - - - Accessed 2009.05.14 三菱電機の宇宙事業 将来に向けた取組み
- - - - - - - - -- -関連- - - - - - - - - - 0804
MHI 技報
------------------------------------------5/13 11:07
三菱電機が小型衛星に参入、生産コスト 4 分の 1 欧米企業に対抗
など長期間運用される重量 3 トン以上の大型、1.5ton 程度の中型に
大型衛星に比べ製作にかかる期間が約 1 年と半分、生産コストが約 4
対し、短期間の特定目的に使う小型衛星は 300―500kg。三菱電機
分の 1 の衛星を開発。年度内の初受注を目指す。小型衛星は地形
受注価格は 1 機 20 億―30 億円を見込む。
- - - - - - - - - 関連- - - - - - - - - - - 2008 年 3 月 27 日
news & topics
------------------------------------------2009/5/13 12:51 -
開発が難航している NASA の次世代有人宇宙船「オリオン」に代わる
宙船はベンチャ企業でも開発可能なものなのか? 米宇宙開発政策
企業を活用する方向で検討に入ったことが 11 日までに明らかと。
NASA では既に ISS 物資輸送業者を公募し、昨年末には SpaceX と
Orbital Sciences の 2 社への委託を発表。ISS への人員輸送に関して
も民間委託が決定した場合、NASA を通じ民間公募が発表され、応
募業者の提案内容を審査し、委託先が決定される。既に ISS への物
資輸送受注に成功した SpaceX では補給機の場合、構成変更し有
船による人員輸送業務は NASA 公募条件には含まれてなかったため、
ン有人宇宙船の NASA 主導の下、実設計開発作業は航空宇宙最
大手ロッキード・マーチンにより進められている。NASA が開発しようとし
------------------------------------------2009/5/12 15:02 - Technobahn
NASA 火星探査ローバ「スピリット」車輪が土壌に埋もれ走行不能状
態に陥っていることが 11 日、NASA 発表で明らかと。火星探査ローバ
運用担当の NASA ジェット推進研究所ジョン・カラス(John Callas)プ
に関し調査を行っている最中」と述べた。スピリットは 4 月 11 と 12 日の
2 日間に渡って、搭載コンピュータが勝手にリブートを繰返す現象が発
生。NASA では障害原因を特定のため一時的に運用を止め搭載機
器点検作業を実施。しかし、問題箇所が見つからず 4 月 23 日から平
常運行に戻した。スピリットは 3 年前に障害のため右側前方車輪が回
------------------------------------------2009/5/11 12:29 -
宇宙開発史上最悪の事故を防げ! シャトル救出ミッション「STS-400」
米東部標準時で 11 日の午後 2 時 1 分、いよいよハッブル宇宙望遠
ている。スペースシャトルが 2 機連続して打上げ時に耐熱パネルに致命
れる。NASA では、このハッブル宇宙望遠鏡修理ミッションに合わせ、ス
ろしく「失敗する余地があるなら、失敗する」。実はここにこそ、NASA が
まで、ケープケネディ宇宙センタ第 39B 発射台(Pad 39B)でいつでも発
射が行えるよう即応態勢を続ける。一体、この STS-400 というナンバが
付けられたシャトル救出ミッションとは?画像は NASA が作成したエンデ
の間に移動用ブリッジを作成。乗組員はこのブリッジをたどり、1 名ずつ、
トランティス乗員数は 7 名、もし、このシャトル救出ミッションが実行せざ
るを得ない状況に陥った場合、エンデバーは乗員 4 名で打上げが実施
され、帰路は乗員 11 名もが乗込む形で地球帰還する。但し、このシャ
------------------------------------------Mon May 11, 7:10 pm ET
By Andrea Shalal-Esa
U.S. "harvesting" canceled satellite for future uses
WASHINGTON (Reuters) ‒ The U.S. Air Force on Monday said it
rise from fiscal 2009. Payton said an increasing area of focus
was working with Lockheed Martin Corp and Boeing Co to
was protection of U.S. satellites in space, and space situational
"harvest" for future use any government-owned property or
awareness -- efforts to better track objects in space, predict
possible collisions and understand any problems that arise. The
communications program. Gary Payton, deputy undersecretary of
budget proposal includes $7 billion for satellites, including $1.8
the Air Force for space programs, told reporters the Air Force
billion for the AEHF satellite program and $1.4 billion for
had already spent $2.5 billion during two to three years of initial
launching satellites into space. The proposal also includes $308
developmental work on the Transformational Satellite (TSAT)
million for space situational awareness systems. The budget does
program, and hoped to use some of the technologies developed
not include many new starts, but Payton said the Air Force
for TSAT in future programs. He said the program's original
expected to make decisions within the next year on how to meet
growing demand for space-based radar, and would continue with
communications for selected U.S. government communications,
additional AEHF and WGS procurement. He said broad issues
including the president's ability to order a nuclear attack --
associated with space programs would be addressed during a
remained "absolutely critical." "We're never going to be out of
congressionally mandated space-posture review that was being
that business. We're not going to back away from that job," the
done in tandem with the Pentagon's Quadrennial Defense Review.
Air Force official said. Lockheed and Boeing, which have been
He said Lockheed's AEHF program experienced a disappointing
competing for the TSAT contract, had both been awarded risk
"significant number of piece part failures" on its first satellite,
reduction contracts to ensure that the technologies involved
but those issues had been resolved for the second satellite. The
were mature once the government was ready to award a
first satellite is due to begin thermal vacuum testing soon and
contract to one winner. Defense Secretary Robert Gates last
should be ready for launch in September 2010. Payton said work
month announced the program would be canceled. The program
was going well on the Global Positioning System follow-on
had already been scaled back from its initial ambitious goals. Now
satellites, and the Air Force planned to award a contract this
the Air Force plans to buy more Advanced Extremely High
summer for a next-generation ground control system. Northrop
Frequency (AEHF) satellites, built by Lockheed, and more
Grumman Corp and Raytheon Co are competing for the contract.
Wideband Global SATCOMM (WGS) satellites, built by Boeing.
Another pre-development contract was also expected for the
The Air Force is working hard "to collect what is rightfully the
so-called space fence, a system of ground-based radars and
government's so that we can do competent planning for potential
sensors that track objects in space, a program for which
future evolutions of other systems," Payton said. He said the Air
Lockheed, Northrop and Raytheon are competing, officials said.
Force would seek to take control over everything from
The Air Force was also continuing work on smaller, more quickly
intellectual property developed under its pre-development
launched satellites, and would have a critical design review this
contracts with Lockheed and Boeing, to ground stations to
summer of SAT-1, a small satellite requested by U.S. Central
networking equipment. The Pentagon's fiscal 2010 budget
Command to do low earth orbit infrared imaging. (Reporting by
proposal includes $11.1 billion for space programs, a 3 percent
Andrea Shalal-Esa; Editing by Gary Hill)
- - - - - - - - - - -関連 - - - - - - - - - - Andrea Shalal-Esa is a correspondent for Reuters in Washington, D.C. Her essay on
Arab‒American writers was published in Etching Our Own Image: Voices From Within the
Arab American Art Movement (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007) and her entry on
Arab‒American literature will appear next year in Greenwood s Encyclopedia of
American Literature.
------------------------------------------2009 年 5 月 15 日
米軍が日本とグアムに F22 戦闘機 24 機を配備へ
米軍は F22 戦闘機「ラプタ」飛行大隊を今月中に日本とグアムに配備
実行する計画。F22 の 2 大隊の前線配備に伴い、整備・武装兵力
する計画。ソウル軍事消息筋は「米軍が今年初めに F22 大隊を前線
500 人も同時に移転。同消息筋によると、今回嘉手納基地に配備さ
基地に配備し、帰還させてから1カ月も経たずに再び F22 の 2 大隊を
れる F22 大隊はバージニア州ラングレー空軍基地に所属する第 94 戦
闘飛行大隊。アンダーソン空軍基地に配備される F22 大隊はアラスカ
州エルメンドルフ空軍基地に所属する第 525 戦闘飛行大隊。(編集
アンダーソン空軍基地に F22 を各 12 機配備、今後 4 カ月内に作戦を
------------------------------------------2009 年 5 月 14 日
中国国際放送局 日本語部
米オバマ大統領は現地時間 13 日、アリゾナ州立大卒業式で演説、
益」と述べた。 (ジョウ&金井)
に転換する必要がある」と明言。 オバマ大統領はまた、「我々は自己
------------------------------------------Aerospace Daily & Defense Report
May 12, 2009 GAO Assessments: SBSS
Space Based Space Surveillance Block 10
The Air Force s Space Based Space Surveillance (SBSS) Block
10 satellite is intended to provide a follow-on capability to the
Midcourse Space Experiment / Space Based Visible sensor
satellite, which ended its mission in July 2008. SBSS will consist
of a single satellite and associated command, control,
communications, and ground processing equipment. The SBSS
satellite is expected to operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to
collect positional and characterization data on earth-orbiting
objects of potential interest to national security.
Program Essentials
Prime contractor: Ball Aerospace,
Boeing, Northrop Grumman Mission Systems
Program office: Los Angeles AFB, CA
Funding needed to complete:
R&D: $248 million
Procurement: NA
Total funding:
$248 million
Procurement quantity: 0
The SBSS program initiated development with none of its five
critical technologies mature, although all of the technologies have
now been tested in a relevant environment. The SBSS design
appears stable and 100 percent of the design drawings have been
released to manufacturing. Production maturity could not be
assessed because the contractor does not collect statistical
process control data. In 2005, the program experienced cost
growth with payload electronics, sensor assembly, integration and
test, and launch locks. In 2006, the program was restructured.
New cost and schedule goals were established and a new strategy
was designed to reduce assembly, integration and test risk, and
Program Performance (fiscal year 2009 dollars in millions)
As of
Research and development cost
Procurement cost
Total program cost
Program unit cost
Total quantities
Acquisition cycle time (months)
Attainment of Product Knowledge
relax payload requirements. The SBSS satellite is expected to
complete thermal vacuum testing in February 2009 and launch in
April 2009, nearly 2 years later than originally planned.
------------------------------------------Aerospace Daily & Defense Report
May 12, 2009
Atlantis Blasts Off For Final Hubble Servicing
KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, Fla. - Shuttle Atlantis lifted off from
11, kicking off the final...
Launch Pad 39A in nearly perfect weather at 2:01 p.m. EDT May
Ground Launch Contest Imminent
KENNEDY SPACE CENTER - Boeing expects NASA to issue a
services (EGLS) contract sometime...
draft request for proposals for its exploration ground launch
SSA は FY 10 予算要求の中で非常に関心を集めている
SSA = space situational awareness
SSA Garners Significant Attention In FY 10 Budget Request
The Pentagon's Fiscal 2010 budget includes an increased
under secretary of the Air Forc...
emphasis on space protection efforts, says Gary Payton, deputy
U.S. Must Define What Constitutes Cyberwarfare, Officials Say
A Monroe Doctrine for cyberspace - defining what constitutes an
nation's top officials wit...
attack on America - may not be far off, contend some of the
ロシアは Su-27M と Su-30 戦闘機のアップグレードの追求を強化
Russia Will Increase Pursuit Of Su-27SM, Su-30 Fighter Upgrades
The Russian government has promised to boost its pursuit of
should support the Sukhoi des...
upgrades on Sukhoi Su-27SM and Su-30 fighters in a move that
------------------------------------------Aerospace Daily & Defense Report
May 11, 2009
DOD FY 2010 Budget Request
Sourcer: Department of Defense
------------------------------------------Aerospace Daily & Defense Report
May 11, 2009
XCOR 社は Lynx サブ・オービタル・ビークルの設計を洗練化
XCOR Refines Lynx Design
GOING VERTICAL: XCOR Aerospace is refining the aerodynamic
another round of wind tunnel...
design of its Lynx suborbital launch vehicle and preparing for
JSF の垂直着陸が 9 月に想定されている
JSF Vertical Landing Expected In September
VERTICALLY CHALLENGED: The first vertical landing by the
Aircraft BF-1 is to begin short take...
F-35B Joint Strike Fighter is now expected in September.
BAE 社の Mantis 無人機が 5 月に飛行するかもしれない
Mantis May Fly in May
the end of this month, says Kevin Taylor...
medium-altitude long-endurance unmanned aerial vehicle before
AsiaSat は新しい衛星で Loral を指名
AsiaSat Taps Loral For New Satellite
LORAL TAPPED: Asia Satellite Telecommunications Co. has
satellite that will serve as a ba...
picked Space Systems/Loral (SS/L) to build AsiaSat 5C, a new
GAO 行政監察局は宇宙ステーションの再補給契約への抗議を却下
GAO Dismisses Space Station Resupply Protest
STATION RESUPPLY: NASA can proceed with its effort to
Space Station, now that an ind...
develop and fly commercial vehicles to resupply the International
Augustine 氏は少なくとも 1 種は有人宇宙飛行の代替を期待
Augustine Expects At Least One Human Spaceflight Alternative
The expert panel set up to review human spaceflight options for
alternative to the present...
the Obama administration is likely to produce at least one
SpaceX は Falcon 1 再利用の試行を計画
SpaceX Plans Falcon 1 Relaunch Attempt
LOS ANGELES Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX) hopes
RazakSAT Earth resource sate...
to reschedule a second launch attempt of the delayed Malaysian
ロシアは 20 以上の偵察(レーダとアビオニクス)機器の製造メーカを統合
Russia Consolidates Recon Equipment Manufacturers
companies to create a single entity respons...
consolidation of more than 20 aerospace radar and avionics
ボーイングは Phantom Ray 無人実証機を公開
Boeing Unveils Phantom Ray UAV Demonstrator
PHANTOM RAY: Boeing on May 8 unveiled the Phantom Ray - a
prototype. The company is using its...
version of its defunct X-45 unmanned combat air vehicle
------------------------------------------Aerospace Daily & Defense Report
May 8, 2009
NASA FY 2010 Budget Request Summary
*Following the human spaceflight review, the Administration will provide an updated request for Exploration activities reflecting the review's results.
Summary全体は: http://www.nasa.gov/pdf/344612main_Agency_Summary_Final_updates_5_6_09_R2.pdf
Overviewは: http://www.nasa.gov/pdf/344749main_FY10_Agency_Budget_Overview_5_7_09.pdf
予算要求ドキュメント全体は: http://www.nasa.gov/pdf/345225main_FY_2010_UPDATED_final_5-11-09_with_cover.pdf
------------------------------------------Aerospace Daily & Defense Report
May 8, 2009
Augustine 氏は 彼の 1990 年の宇宙政策パネルを オバマ政権に対して、再演することに
Augustine To Reprise His 1990 Space Policy Panel For Obama
President Obama's long-term plan for human spaceflight will
earliest, while a panel hea...
have an asterisk next to it until the end of the summer at the
Progress 33 が宇宙ステーションに向けて打上げ出発
Progress 33 Blasts Off To Station
PROGRESS FLIES: The latest unmanned Russian supply vehicle
from Baikonur Cosmodrome in...
for the International Space Station, ISS Progress 33, launched
MDA はミサイルを上昇のフェイズで迎撃するところに焦点を移す
MDA Shifts Focus To Hitting Missiles In Ascent Phase
The U.S. Missile Defense Agency's (MDA) fiscal 2010 budget
alternatives and toward a new "ascent...
request shows a shift away from midcourse engagement
米の ISR(インテリ・監視・偵察)予算の無人機部分が大幅増
Unmanned Aircraft Part Of U.S. ISR Budget Boost
For all the statements about the importance of intelligence,
budget's release, details...
surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) ahead of the U.S. defense
Aerojet は Orion の 投棄(打上げ中止放出用) モータ初号機を出荷
Aerojet Ships First Orion Jettison Motor
Aerojet has shipped the first solid-fuel jettison motor for NASA's
Missile Range, N.M.,...
Orion crew exploration vehicle to the U.S. Army's White Sands
NRC 米国学術研究会議は宇宙機向けのプルトニウム 238 の製造ラインの再開始を促す
NRC Urges Restart Of Plutonium-238 Line For Spacecraft
NASA is running out of plutonium-238, the nuclear-weapons
venture beyond the range of so...
byproduct it uses to generate electricity for spacecraft that
Kongsberg は JSF 向けの対艦ミサイルの作業を開始
Kongsberg Begins Work On Anti-ship Missile For JSF
Kongsberg has begun development of the Joint Strike Missile
Norwegian Defense Procureme...
(JSM) under a NOK166 million ($25.6 million) contract from the
ロッキード・マーチンは GOES-R の製造を承認された
Lockheed Martin Cleared To Build GOES-R
PROCEED: Lockheed Martin Space Systems Co. will build the
Atmospheric Administration (...
first two spacecraft in the next series of National Oceanic and
------------------------------------------Aerospace Daily & Defense Report
May 7, 2009
ホワイトハウスは Tausher 代表を国務省のポストに任命
White House Nominates Rep. Tauscher for State Dept. Post
TAUSCHER TAPPED: More than a month after word first started
President Barack Obama is nomin...
leaking out about it, the White House announced May 5 that
Ellen O'Kane Tauscher (born November 15, 1951) is an American
politician and a Democratic member of the United States House
of Representatives, representing California's 10th congressional
district since 1997. The district includes a number of areas in the
East Bay portion of the San Francisco Bay Area, as well as some
areas near Sacramento.
2003.11 下院議員時, 水爆の父 故 Edward Teller の追悼記念式典で
On March 18, 2009, Tauscher announced that she had accepted
the position of Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and
International Security
6 名クルーは ISS のサイエンス成果を 3 倍にする
Six-Member Crew Will Triple ISS Science Output
The crew of the International Space Station (ISS) is scheduled to
marking the first time...
double in size when Russia's Soyuz TMA-15 arrives on May 29,
ロッキードのフライト・テストは Desert Hawk 無人機を改善
Lockheed Flight-tests Improved Desert Hawk UAV
Hawk III small unmanned aircraft, use...
signals-intelligence payload and new wing design for its Desert
Aurora 社はソーラ駆動無人機プロトタイプの飛行準備
Aurora Readies Prototype Solar-Powered UAV To Fly
Aurora Flight Sciences is preparing to fly a prototype
of an ultra-long-endurance surveil...
solar-powered unmanned aircraft as a step toward development
悪天候で TacSat-3 打上げ延期
Bad Weather Forces TacSat-3 Launch Scrub
The U.S. Air Force will try again the night of May 7 to launch the
a Minotaur 1 vehic...
TacSat-3 satellite for the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory on
U.S. Navy Eyes Thousands Of Unmanned Air Systems
NATIONAL HARBOR, Md. - The U.S. Navy's program executive
Adm. Bill Shannon, says that...
officer for unmanned aviation and strike weapons, U.S. Navy Rear
海上配備型 BMD に関しては監督の問題が残り得ると CRS 議会調査局は述べる
Oversight Issues Could Remain For Sea-Based BMD, CRS says
Potential oversight issues could continue to keep Congress busy
recent Congressional Re...
with sea-based ballistic missile defense (BMD), according to a
AFRl 空軍研究所は Raven 無人機に搭載し燃料電池駆動の実証を行なう契約をする
AFRL Contracts For Fuel Cell Power Demo On Raven UAV
LONGER LEGS: Protonex Technology has received a $265,000
fuel-cell power system in the AeroVir...
Air Force Research Laboratory contract to demonstrate a
------------------------------------------Aerospace Daily & Defense Report
May 6, 2009
Michoud 事業所の切り替りと共に宇宙飛行の移行は継続
Spaceflight Transition Continues With Michoud Switchover
Jacobs Technology will take over from Lockheed Martin as
Assembly Facility in New Orlea...
support and facilities operations contractor at NASA's Michoud
陸軍はアフガニスタンで VUIT-2 を配備する差当りの計画何もなし
Army Has No Immediate Plans To Field VUIT-2 in Afghanistan
NASHVILLE, Tenn. - Despite its success in Iraq, the VUIT-2
yet, according to the servi...
system will not be fielded on the Apache Longbow in Afghanistan
---------------------関連--------------------February 23, 2009
ロッキード・マーチンの VUIT-2 は戦域でビデオ・ネットワーク能力を提供
Lockheed Martin s VUIT-2 Delivers Video Network Capability in Theater
Delta II はミサイル防衛のセンサ技術衛星を打上げる
Delta II Lofts Missile Defense Sensor Tech Satellite
A NASA-supervised mission carrying a satellite with a prototype
was put into a low-Earth p...
sensor technology for the U.S. Missile Defense Agency (MDA)
Boeing の子会社の Insitu は STUAS 候補に関する打上げカストマをふんだくる
Insitu Nabs Launch Customer For STUAS Candidate
Boeing subsidiary Insitu will begin production deliveries of its
next year, to an unid...
Integrator unmanned aerial system (UAS) in the first quarter of
KillerBee は回収用ネットを見い出すとレイセオンは主張
KillerBee Finds The Net, Raytheon Asserts
NATIONAL HARBOR, Md. - Raytheon announced that its
recovered from a net on a moving platform...
KillerBee unmanned aircraft system demonstrated it can be
------------------------------------------Aerospace Daily & Defense Report
May 5, 2009
豪州は潜水艦部隊を2倍に F-35 を承認する予定
Australia To Double Sub Force; Endorses F-35
The Royal Australian Navy will become heavily oriented toward
the fleet's submarine arm....
underwater combat under a new policy that proposes doubling
トマホーク向けにアップグレードした弾頭、AESA が見込まれる
Upgraded Warhead, AESA Eyed For Tomahawk
Raytheon is studying options to upgrade the BGM-109
a sophisticated radar sensor....
Tomahawk ship-launched cruise missile, including the addition of
米空軍は ORS 即応打上げ向けに商業用の海外のプロバイダを検討
USAF Ponders Commercial, Foreign Providers For ORS
LOS ANGELES - The U.S. Air Force is studying the potential
even foreign launch providers...
involvement of U.S. commercial space industry and potentially
宇宙法のパイオニアの Eilene Galloway が 102 歳で死去
Space-law Pioneer Eilene Galloway Dead At 102
Eilene Marie Galloway, who helped draft the legislation that
recognized expert in space law and...
created NASA and went on to become an internationally
Rockwell Collins は耐損傷無人機コントロールをフライト・テスト予定
Rockwell Collins To Flight-test Damage-Tolerant UAV Controls
DAMAGE CONTROL: Rockwell Collins is to demonstrate
aircraft under an extension to a U.S. Def...
damage-tolerant flight control of an operational unmanned
------------------------------------------2009 年 5 月 15 日
[編注] 首位争いにあっては 1 位は 2 位に追越されぬよう、あらゆる行動をとり、その逆もまた真。
外交部の定例会見で 14 日、馬朝旭報道局長が記者の質問に答え
た。----昨日(13 日)、米の一官僚が中国政府情報要員に国家機
う米側に求める。(編集 NA)
------------------------------------------2009 年 5 月 14 日
国務院、11 科技プロジェクト推進を確認 バイオ産業発展も
中国政府の公式サイトによると、国務院の温家宝総理は 13 日、国務
院常務会議を開いた。会議では、大型機などの 11 科学プロジェクトの
実施を推進するため、中央財政が今年の予算から 328 億元をあて、
来年も 300 億元前後を用意し、企業投資も刺激していくことが指摘さ
られたのは次の 11 項目。
オ産業を大きく発展させていくことが確認された。(編集 MA)
------------------------------------------2009 年 5 月 14 日
プは 13 日、米航空機器メーカー「ハネウェル」のデビッド・コート CEO が
増加について、「海外と中国との航空業での協力は 3 つのモデルが考え
完成しており、2014 年までに初飛行となる予定だ。大型機プロジェクト
1 機に使われている部品は世界 5 千社のサプライヤーから供給されてい
ネウェル社は、フォーチュン誌の「グローバル 500 社」にも選ばれている大
になるだろう」と林総経理は語った。(編集 MA)
------------------------------------------2009 年 5 月 13 日
中国国際放送局 日本語部
中国国務院台湾弁公室の 13 日の記者会見で、楊毅報道官は「アメ
なものだ」と述べた。 楊毅報道官は、「台湾海峡両岸の関係は去年
------------------------------------------2009/5/14 22:39 -
小林製薬 (4967) は 12 日、同社のホームページが何者かによって改
れぞれ、5 月 9 日 5 時 27 分から 5 月 11 日 21 日 27 分までこれらの
場合、sqlsodbc.chm の改変、コマンドプロンプトが起動不能、レジスト
しのヒントお知らせ隊(http://hint.kobayashi.co.jp/)」「ハナノア ブラン
Mac と Windows Vista に関してはこのウィルスには感染する恐れはない
ブランドサイト(http://hint.kobayashi.co.jp/easyfiber/) 」の 3 つ。そ
------------------------------------------2009/05/11 07:36:47
今年 7 月末に打上げられる韓国初の宇宙ロケット KSLV1 号の名前が
「羅老(NARO)」に決まった。教育科学技術部は 10 日、「KSLV1 号の
53=が応募した 羅老 を大賞に選定した」と発表した。
■[ロケット]ESA、Ariane 5 ECA による Herschel と Planck の打上げに成功
Herschel は L2 からの平均距離 80 万 km の疑似 Halo 軌道に直接投入され、衛星側は軌道微修正しか行わない。Planck は平均距離 40 万 km
のリサジュー軌道に投入するが、L2 からの距離を短縮する軌道修正を実施する。
コメント:Halo 軌道ってロケットで直接投入できるんですね。そういえば学生時代に計算した気もします。
------------------------------------------C4ISR Journal
------------------------------------------Space News
Eutelsat の売上げ増、5%以上
Eutelsat Sales Up More Than 5 Percent
KOUROU, French Guiana ̶ Satellite fleet operator Eutelsat on
months ending March 31 compared to a year ago and said all
May 14 reported a 5.6 percent increase in revenue for three
three of its principal business lines contributed to the growth.
Eutelsat W2A 衛星の S-バンドのアンテナが故障
Eutelsat W2A's S-band Antenna Malfunctions
KOUROU, French Guiana ̶ The 12-meter-diameter S-band
service across Europe as required by its regulatory license, one
antenna aboard the Eutelsat W2A satellite launched April 4 has
of two granted May 14, according to industry officials.
suffered an anomaly that may reduce its ability to provide
Ariane 5 は ESA の Hershel-Plank ミッションを打上げ
Ariane 5 Rocket Sends ESA's Herschel-Plank Mission on its Way
KOUROU, French Guiana ̶ A European Ariane 5 ECA rocket on
orbit that ultimately will find them at 1.5 million kilometers from
May 14 successfully placed into orbit two science satellites,
Earth to study the origins of the universe and provide clues on
Herschel and Planck, both of which are now on their way to an
how stars and galaxies are formed.
Astrium は Eutelsat の Atlantic Bird 7 通信衛星を製造予定
Astrium To Build Eutelsat's Atlantic Bird 7 Comsat
KOUROU, French Guiana ̶ Astrium Satellites will build the
strengthen Eutelsat's growing partnership with Egypt's satellite
Atlantic Bird 7 satellite for satellite fleet operator Eutelsat to
operator, Nilesat. A launch is planned for late 2011, Astrium and
bolster capacity over the Middle East and North Africa and
Eutelsat announced May 14.
Intelsat の売上げは米国内での Ku-バンド市場の軟調にもかかわらず、増す
Intelsat Sales Up Despite Soft Ku-band Market in U.S.
KOUROU, French Guiana ̶ Satellite fleet operator Intelsat Ltd.
the three months ending March 31 compared to a year ago, and
on May 13 reported higher revenue and fleet-utilization rates for
said its overall business remains strong, especially in certain
markets such as Africa, and for government customers in general.
is soft, despite a tight supply, because competitors are selling
But the company also said the North American Ku-band market
capacity at rates below what's acceptable to Intelsat.
OHB 社の売上げは 1Q に急上昇
OHB Revenue Up Sharply in 1st Quarter
KOUROU, French Guiana ̶ Satellite and rocket-component
also rose on the strength of work on Earth observation and
builder OHB Technology reported a 29 percent increase in
telecommunications satellite programs.
revenue for the first three months of 2009 and said pretax profit
Orbcomm は 6 機の新しい衛星で全損を宣言予定
Orbcomm To Declare Total Loss on Six New Satellites
KOUROU, French Guiana ̶ Satellite mobile messaging service
the other five qualifies as a "working satellite" under the
provider Orbcomm will file a $50 million total-loss insurance
company's insurance policy, Orbcomm Chief Executive Marc J.
claim for all six satellites it launched in June 2008, arguing that
Eisenberg said May 11.
even if only one of them has completely failed in orbit, none of
GeoEye-1 のセールスはゆっくりと、衛星のセンサに問題
GeoEye-1 Sales Off to a Slow Start; Satellite Sensor has Glitch
WASHINGTON ̶ GeoEye began booking revenue from U.S.
with the spacecraft's sensor that could affect sales to non-U.S.
government purchases of imagery from its GeoEye-1 satellite
government customers, officials with the Dulles, Va.-based
during the 2009 first quarter, but recently discovered an issue
company said.
Telesat は3Q の売上げ利益共に増の業績を発表
Telesat Posts Revenue, Profit Gains in Third Quarter
PARIS ̶ Satellite fleet operator Telesat of Canada reported
sharp increase in the value of the U.S. dollar relative to the
substantial increases in revenue and gross profit for the three
Canadian dollar, Ottawa-based Telesat announced May 11.
months ending March 31 even after removing the effects of a
Astrium の売上げは航法と通信衛星で増
Navigation, Telecomm Satellites Give Astrium Revenue Boost
PARIS ̶ The Astrium space division of European aerospace
giant EADS on May 12 reported a 20 percent increase in revenue
telecommunications satellites for the revenue
and a 9 percent increase in pretax profit for the three months
------------------------------------------Lockheed Martin Press Releases http://www.lockheedmartin.com/news/
------------------------------------------Boeing News Releases http://www.boeing.com/news/releases/index.html
Jane s Defence Weekly http://jdw.janes.com/public/jdw/index.shtml
5/16 0057GMT 打上成功:放送衛星 ProtoStar2,Proton/Breeze M,Baikonur
5/15 若田飛行士 おもしろ宇宙実験 2 回目(JAXA,毎,経)
5/14- HST 修理進行中
5/14 1312GMT 打上成功:{赤外線天文衛星 Herschel,電波天文衛星 Planck}, Ariane5/ECA,Kourou
5/13 三菱電機 小型衛星に参入(経)
5/11 1801GMT 打上成功:Atlantis,STS-125(HST 修理),KSC
5/19 2335-0300GMT 打上:米空軍実験衛星 TacSat 3,Minotaur,Wallops 島
5/16 0057GMT 打上:放送衛星 ProtoStar2,Proton/Breeze M,Baikonur
5/14 1312-1407GMT 打上:{赤外線天文衛星 Herschel,電波天文衛星 Planck}, Ariane5/ECA,Kourou
ISAS パネル巡回展
・6/6-28 日本の宇宙科学の歴史,八ヶ岳自然文化園 /// ・6/6-30 太陽のふしぎ,福岡県青少年科学館
・6/6-28 月のふしぎ,多摩六都科学館 /// ・6/6-28 日時計の楽しみ,郡山市ふれあい科学館
5/17 まで ISAS パネル巡回展 月のふしぎ,雲仙岳災害記念館
5/16 JAXA 地球観測センター(鳩山町) 一般公開
6/18-19 第 41 回流体力学講演会/航空宇宙数値シミュレーション 技術シンポジウム 2009,JAXA 調布
5/24 日本宇宙エレベータ協会第 3 回ワークショップ,日本大学(駿河台)
5/16-21 日本地球惑星科学連合 2009 年大会,幕張メッセ
5/18 締切:宇宙基本計画へのパブリックコメント
------------------------------------------あわや宇宙で衝突!中国製の宇宙ゴミ vs 米アトランティス号―米 NASA(Record China)15 日 - 11 時 25 分
【中国】大型科学技術プロジェクトに 328 億元、有人宇宙船は除外(NNA)15 日 - 8 時 30 分
------------------------------------------<若田光一さん>魔法のじゅうたん…2度目のおもしろ実験(毎日新聞)15 日 - 21 時 1 分
ハッブル望遠鏡の修理、第 1 回船外活動が無事終了 NASA(CNN.co.jp)15 日 - 11 時 42 分
カメラ交換成功=ハッブル望遠鏡修理(時事通信)15 日 - 8 時 53 分 *S11
船外活動、カメラ交換成功=ハッブル望遠鏡修理−NASA(時事通信)15 日 - 7 時 12 分
米シャトル、ハッブル望遠鏡つかむことに成功(ロイター)14 日 - 15 時 5 分 *S12
上空約 560 キロ、作業順調=NASA(時事通信)14 日 - 10 時 38 分
ハッブル望遠鏡つかんだ=シャトルのロボットアーム−NASA(時事通信)14 日 - 9 時 59 分
史上初!宇宙から「Twitter」に投稿、シャトル搭乗飛行士(CNN.co.jp)13 日 - 17 時 48 分
最新画像で明らかになる水星の姿(ナショナルジオグラフィック 公式日本語サイト)13 日 - 12 時 12 分 *S14
------------------------------------------精度向上 3200キロ飛ぶ 4月発射の北ミサイル 防衛省分析(産経新聞)16 日 - 7 時 57 分
発射前に北戦闘機、イージス艦偵察(産経新聞)16 日 - 7 時 56 分
北ミサイル対処能力は十分(産経新聞)16 日 - 7 時 56 分
北ミサイル 発射誤情報は「人的なミス」(産経新聞)16 日 - 1 時 6 分
北ミサイル 3200キロ飛行、命中精度試す 防衛省分析 設定区域に落下(産経新聞)15 日 - 16 時 1 分
MD予算減でも北ミサイル対処(産経新聞)15 日 - 16 時 0 分
「国民に多大な迷惑かけた」…ミサイル誤報で防衛省(読売新聞)15 日 - 12 時 16 分
北朝鮮ミサイル 分析結果公表 目的は性能向上の技術検証(毎日新聞)15 日 - 11 時 41 分 *MD11
をまとめた。ミサイルは日本上空を高度約370∼400km で通過、飛行距離は
功したかどうかは明らかにしていない。 高度については、日本の領空に西から
高さ約 370km で入り、約 400km に上昇した時点で東へ抜けた。その後最高高
度は 500km 弱に達したとみられるが、「射程が 3,500km の場合は 700km 程度」
「成功したとは考えられない」と結論づけた。ミサイルに関しては、全長約30m の
3段式と推定。発射7分後に1段目ブースタが秋田県西方約320km の日本
ポドン1」の飛行距離約 1,600km から大幅に伸びており、日本を射程に収める
射地点から約 3,150∼3,200km 付近の太平洋に落ちた。落下地点はいずれも
<民主代表選>岡田氏は核廃絶、鳩山氏は北方領土返還を主張(毎日新聞)15 日 - 11 時 24 分
<北朝鮮ミサイル>分析結果公表 目的は性能向上の技術検証(毎日新聞)15 日 - 10 時 32 分
<北朝鮮ミサイル>誤報問題で検証 原因は人為的ミスの連鎖(毎日新聞)15 日 - 10 時 28 分
北朝鮮に備え地上迎撃ミサイル 30 発配置、米国防長官(YONHAP NEWS)15 日 - 10 時 21 分
関係者処分はせず=「人為的ミス重なる」−ミサイル発射「誤情報」で・防衛省(時事通信)15 日 - 8 時 53 分
テポドン2号、約3200キロ飛行 防衛省が分析結果公表(産経新聞)15 日 - 8 時 48 分
3,150∼3,200km だったと推定。1と2段目以降はいずれも北朝鮮が設定した危
射程約 6,000km で撃った場合、高度は約 1,000km に達する。今回はミサイル
の高度が最高高度に近い日本通過時点で 370∼400km にとどまっており、「あ
秋田県西約 320km の日本海に落下。2段目以降は東北上空を通過し、同4
6分ごろに発射基地から 3,150∼3,200km 離れた太平洋上に落下した。1と2
った。防衛省が当初2段目の落下予測として発表した日本の東約 1,270km の
太平洋上への落下物は確認できなかった。また、秋田県西約 280km の海上と
北ミサイル、3 千キロ超飛行=「長射程化が進展」−防衛省分析(時事通信)15 日 - 8 時 45 分
北ミサイル「第三国から技術流入」示唆…防衛省報告書(読売新聞)15 日 - 8 時 39 分
3,000km 以上で、北朝鮮はミサイル性能向上に必要な技術的検証を行うこと
離について、防衛省幹部は「発射地点から 3,150 から 3,200km」と説明。北朝
目は秋田県の西約 320km、2段目以降は発射から約16分後に太平洋に落
北のミサイルに十分対応可能 米国防長官(産経新聞)15 日 - 8 時 36 分
北の弾道ミサイルに迎撃体制十分=MD 予算削減でも−米国防長官(時事通信)15 日 - 6 時 20 分
北、強硬路線で体制強化=非難声明採択から 1 カ月(時事通信)14 日 - 18 時 56 分
米国防予算 オバマ色どこまで 長官VS.議会、F22復活焦点(産経新聞)14 日 - 7 時 56 分
米国防予算案 国防長官と議会攻防(産経新聞)14 日 - 1 時 59 分
<ロシア>米MDは「軍事的脅威」 国家安保戦略(毎日新聞)13 日 - 21 時 2 分
資源競争は激化 ロシア国家安全保障戦略(産経新聞)13 日 - 18 時 43 分
米国家情報局の北朝鮮担当官が訪韓、政府高官と会合(YONHAP NEWS)12 日 - 17 時 16 分
------------------------------------------懸念強まるパキスタン情勢、「汚い爆弾」拡散リスクも(ロイター)17 日 - 10 時 51 分
NPT準備委が閉幕 核軍縮の機運映すも実質的議論に課題 国連(産経新聞)16 日 - 16 時 58 分
中国との機密合意資料を誤って国会に提出=輸出ウランの核兵器転用禁止―豪州(Record China)16 日 - 16 時 3 分 *N11
<NPT>再検討会議議題まとまる 対立解決は先送り(毎日新聞)16 日 - 11 時 12 分
核軍縮への空気は前向き NPT準備会合が閉幕(産経新聞)16 日 - 9 時 16 分
勧告案で合意できず閉幕=議題は採択−NPT 準備委(時事通信)16 日 - 8 時 40 分
仏がパキスタンと核協力へ=欧米の大半慎重、異例の対応(時事通信)16 日 - 7 時 6 分
北の米記者裁判を「歓迎」=核問題では譲歩せず−米長官(時事通信)15 日 - 8 時 42 分
米前政権の専門家提唱 対北政策「新たな抑止、圧力行使を」(産経新聞)15 日 - 7 時 56 分
圧力行使の対北新政策提案 米前政権の専門家ら(産経新聞)14 日 - 21 時 35 分
北、強硬路線で体制強化=非難声明採択から 1 カ月(時事通信)14 日 - 18 時 56 分
北朝鮮の 6 カ国協議拒否にも、中朝交流は活発(YONHAP NEWS)13 日 - 15 時 13 分
米国務省「北朝鮮の 6 カ国協議復帰が目標」(YONHAP NEWS)13 日 - 10 時 21 分
<米国>北朝鮮での米朝協議を検討…ボスワース米特別代表(毎日新聞)12 日 - 21 時 7 分
米国の北朝鮮政策担当特別代表、歴訪終え帰国(YONHAP NEWS)12 日 - 17 時 25 分 *N12
米国家情報局の北朝鮮担当官が訪韓、政府高官と会合(YONHAP NEWS)12 日 - 17 時 16 分
------------------------------------------「長男、金正男は知りすぎた」「後継者は三男」説が急浮上(産経新聞)16 日 - 18 時 26 分
左翼退潮の象徴?作家の黄氏が韓国大統領随員に(産経新聞)15 日 - 18 時 27 分
拘束の記者 来月4日裁判 北、対米姿勢強硬に(産経新聞)15 日 - 7 時 56 分
米前政権の専門家提唱 対北政策「新たな抑止、圧力行使を」(産経新聞)15 日 - 7 時 56 分
ジンバブエと協力合意=北朝鮮(時事通信)14 日 - 19 時 10 分
拘束の米国人記者、6月4日に裁判(産経新聞)14 日 - 19 時 9 分
拘束の米記者 2 人、裁判日程決まると北朝鮮(CNN.co.jp)14 日 - 12 時 18 分
<北朝鮮>拘束の米国人記者2人に対し裁判 6月4日に(毎日新聞)14 日 - 12 時 17 分
来月 4 日に米国人記者の初公判=北朝鮮(時事通信)14 日 - 10 時 36 分
<米国>北朝鮮での米朝協議を検討…ボスワース米特別代表(毎日新聞)12 日 - 21 時 7 分
北で総書記三男紹介する講演会=「唯一の後継者」−脱北者団体(時事通信)12 日 - 18 時 40 分
------------------------------------------親愛なるオバマ大統領 核の傘は本当に機能していますか?(産経新聞)18 日 - 2 時 56 分
米ブラックウオーター傘下会社要員、アフガンで市民射殺か(読売新聞)17 日 - 22 時 8 分
米テロ情報を韓国軍に実時間提供、韓米軍当局が検討(YONHAP NEWS)17 日 - 11 時 32 分
中国が新型の戦闘型無人機を開発中、既にパキスタンに技術提供か―米誌(Record China)16 日 - 18 時 46 分
パキスタン部族地域にミサイル攻撃、米軍無人機か 多数死亡(CNN.co.jp)16 日 - 18 時 30 分
米軍契約企業の従業員がアフガンで発砲、住民負傷 飲酒か(CNN.co.jp)16 日 - 17 時 48 分
60 歳少佐、爆弾で死亡 現役兵では最高齢の犠牲者 イラク(CNN.co.jp)16 日 - 16 時 57 分
<米オバマ大統領>軍事法廷、審理再開 「変節」批判も(毎日新聞)16 日 - 10 時 59 分
グアンタナモ基地の元囚人が仏到着(産経新聞)16 日 - 10 時 31 分
在日米軍犯罪、8割が不起訴 「特別扱い」浮き彫り(琉球新報)16 日 - 10 時 10 分
司法手続きを改善、再開へ=グアンタナモ特別軍事法廷−米大統領(時事通信)16 日 - 9 時 43 分
北ミサイル対処能力は十分(産経新聞)16 日 - 7 時 56 分
北ミサイル 発射誤情報は「人的なミス」(産経新聞)16 日 - 1 時 6 分
グアンタナモ基地での審理、米大統領が一部再開の方針(読売新聞)15 日 - 19 時 47 分
米韓軍が海賊撃退、17 人を拘束 ソマリア沖(CNN.co.jp)15 日 - 17 時 3 分
<スパイ>米国防省元職員が中国へ軍事秘密を漏えい、台湾系も関与―仏メディア(Record China)15 日 - 16 時 41 分
MD予算減でも北ミサイル対処(産経新聞)15 日 - 16 時 0 分
米特別軍事法廷を見直し=グアンタナモの被告権利保障−オバマ政権(時事通信)15 日 - 15 時 55 分
オバマ大統領、グアンタナモ軍事法廷を一部再開へ(CNN.co.jp)15 日 - 14 時 36 分
沖縄平和行進 本土復帰37年で県内3カ所でスタート(毎日新聞)15 日 - 12 時 0 分
<沖縄平和行進>本土復帰37年で県内3カ所でスタート(毎日新聞)15 日 - 11 時 56 分
北朝鮮に備え地上迎撃ミサイル 30 発配置、米国防長官(YONHAP NEWS)15 日 - 10 時 21 分
瑞慶覧は「大規模返還」 メア総領事、F22再配備 問題視せず(琉球新報)15 日 - 10 時 5 分
体質変わらぬ政府 オスプレイ配備 黙認 (琉球新報)15 日 - 9 時 55 分
米韓艦艇、ソマリア沖で海賊17人拘束(産経新聞)15 日 - 9 時 52 分
きょう本土復帰37年 経済自立、道半ば(琉球新報)15 日 - 9 時 35 分
沖縄移転協定承認を歓迎 米政府(産経新聞)15 日 - 8 時 39 分
北のミサイルに十分対応可能 米国防長官(産経新聞)15 日 - 8 時 36 分
米機密文書、中国に提供 太平洋軍所長代理起訴(産経新聞)15 日 - 7 時 57 分
北の弾道ミサイルに迎撃体制十分=MD 予算削減でも−米国防長官(時事通信)15 日 - 6 時 20 分
グアム移転協定承認を歓迎=米(時事通信)15 日 - 6 時 17 分
【韓国】米軍、 F−22・24 号機を日本とグアムの前線基地に配備(サーチナ)15 日 - 5 時 32 分
<中曽根外相>人道支援協力でカナダとの覚書に署名(毎日新聞)15 日 - 1 時 54 分
米軍所長代理を情報漏洩で起訴(産経新聞)14 日 - 15 時 32 分
イラク・アフガン収容者虐待写真 米大統領、一転し非公開 (産経新聞)14 日 - 15 時 32 分
スパイ容疑で国防総省職員逮捕=中国に機密情報提供−米司法省(時事通信)14 日 - 11 時 16 分
<在沖縄米海兵隊>グアム移転協定の国会承認 米国務省歓迎(毎日新聞)14 日 - 10 時 59 分
移転費に不確定要素 グアム協定成立(琉球新報)14 日 - 10 時 45 分
横須賀署、米憲兵隊に出遅れ十数分…米民間人けんかで出動(読売新聞)14 日 - 10 時 28 分
収容者虐待画像、公表差し止めへ 米軍の安全に配慮と(CNN.co.jp)14 日 - 10 時 0 分
韓米 SPI 会議開催、軍アフガン派遣論議に注目(YONHAP NEWS)14 日 - 9 時 56 分
グアム協定期待と批判(琉球新報)14 日 - 9 時 45 分
米司法当局、太平洋軍幹部をスパイ共謀容疑で逮捕(産経新聞)14 日 - 9 時 14 分
米国防予算 オバマ色どこまで 長官VS.議会、F22復活焦点(産経新聞)14 日 - 7 時 56 分
警官ひき逃げ 米兵有罪判決 地裁佐世保支部(西日本新聞)14 日 - 7 時 9 分
米国防予算案 国防長官と議会攻防(産経新聞)14 日 - 1 時 59 分
中国、ステルス機開発 10 年必要=米軍制空権の優位不変−ゲーツ長官(時事通信)14 日 - 0 時 4 分
グアム移転協定、衆院優越で承認…普天間移設調整がカギ(読売新聞)13 日 - 23 時 42 分
イラクとアルカイダの関係を「虚偽証言」の男自殺、刑務所で(CNN.co.jp)13 日 - 21 時 15 分
<グアム協定>米国、負担増要求の懸念 費用、想定の3倍(毎日新聞)13 日 - 19 時 51 分
<グアム移転協定>衆院議決優先で承認…参院では否決(毎日新聞)13 日 - 19 時 47 分
犯行前にケンカと、イラク駐留米軍基地の米兵の銃乱射事件(CNN.co.jp)13 日 - 19 時 24 分
グアム移転協定を承認 在沖縄米海兵隊(産経新聞)13 日 - 18 時 4 分
米軍基地前で車爆弾テロ、多数死傷 アフガニスタン東部(CNN.co.jp)13 日 - 17 時 9 分
グアム移転協定を承認=国会(時事通信)13 日 - 17 時 6 分 *M11
グアム移転協定が成立 衆院議決を優先、締結承認される(琉球新報)13 日 - 17 時 0 分
アフガン東部 また自爆テロ 駐留米軍基地前で住民6人死亡(産経新聞)13 日 - 16 時 54 分
グアム移転協定を承認=両院協は不調−国会(時事通信)13 日 - 15 時 46 分
グアム移転協定 午後に承認(産経新聞)13 日 - 15 時 42 分
松山ひき逃げ事件で海兵隊員を書類送検(琉球新報)13 日 - 12 時 25 分
<グアム移転協定>承認案、参院否決(毎日新聞)13 日 - 12 時 25 分
グアム移転協定を参院否決 午後承認へ(産経新聞)13 日 - 11 時 52 分
タリバーンがアフガン東部で自爆攻撃 米軍と交戦(CNN.co.jp)13 日 - 11 時 15 分
グアム移転協定、午後に承認=参院は否決(時事通信)13 日 - 10 時 43 分
嘉手納基地、F22今月再配備 空自と訓練検討(琉球新報)13 日 - 9 時 40 分
グアム協定 きょう成立(琉球新報)13 日 - 9 時 40 分
アフガン米軍司令官を更迭 新戦略で確執?(産経新聞)13 日 - 7 時 57 分
タリバーン軍事訓練所にミサイル攻撃、米軍無人機か パキスタン(CNN.co.jp)12 日 - 20 時 33 分
グアム移転協定 参院外交防衛委員会、締結承認を否決(琉球新報)12 日 - 19 時 35 分
<米海兵隊>グアム移転に関する協定 国会が13日承認へ(毎日新聞)12 日 - 19 時 8 分
FAA、海軍機の NY 上空飛行認めず 大統領機騒ぎの余波(CNN.co.jp)12 日 - 16 時 58 分
米軍司令官 異例の更迭 タリバン掃討「経験不足」(産経新聞)12 日 - 15 時 33 分
イラク駐留米軍基地内で米兵が同僚 5 人を射殺(ロイター)12 日 - 14 時 6 分
------------------------------------------[ASAGUMO NEWS]
------------------------------------------5/18 「ニュース」更新
新型インフル検疫支援 ///
水際阻止に全力 派遣医官ら
新型インフルで陸自医官ら ///
日米防衛首脳会談 米新政権も同盟堅持 ///
アデン湾海賊対処 護衛16回、48隻に ///
武田政務官 ジブチを訪問、視察 ///
ゲーツ長官 対北の連携評価 ///
米 QDR と大綱見直し 策定へ対話を確認
派遣2艦 ジブチに入港し補給
海賊対処 派遣隊員ら激励
20年度調達 164件、786億円の増 ///
契約高上位社 菱重、菱電、川重など
日・米・印共同訓練「マラバール09」終わる ///
不審船役の米艦臨検 ///
防衛省・DRC 共催 懸賞論文「海上の安全保障」 ///
「くらま」など参加 対空・対潜・対水上戦も
5/13 「コラム」更新
・朝雲寸言 /// ・新型インフルと政局 /// ・インド総選挙の意味
------------------------------------------[民間航空機関連 (ex-SJAC 三輪さん)]
DL0515)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ブランソン会長 AA/BA 提携はヴァージン航空の存続を脅かすと
Branson says AA/BA alliance threatens Virgin's survival
Approval of the proposed tie-up between American Airlines and British Airways "will be absolutely disastrous" for consumers and
competitors, British billionaire and Virgin Atlantic head Richard Branson said Thursday at a press conference in Washington. "I cannot
guarantee Virgin Atlantic's survival if BA and AA are allowed to merge," he added. However, a spokesman for American Airlines noted
the Department of Transportation already has approved antitrust waivers for 16 airlines in two other alliances, and the pending request
from Oneworld carriers is "simply seeking to level the playing field." Google/Agence France-Presse (5/14) , Reuters (5/14) , The Dallas
Morning News/Airline Biz Blog (5/14) , Financial Times (5/14)
NTSB closes crash hearings with focus on safety devices
In a final day of NTSB hearings into the crash of Continental Connection flight 3407, several experts on Thursday said additional safety
equipment might have prevented the tragedy. "I think this crew went from complacency to catastrophe in 20 seconds," said board
member Debbie Hersman, who advocated an audio warning system to alert pilots when their airspeed drops to unsafe levels. If the
NTSB adopts such a recommendation in its final report, it would not be the first time. Investigators called for audible cockpit warnings
following the crash of a twin-engine turboprop that claimed the life of Minnesota Sen. Paul Wellstone in 2002. The New York Times
(5/14) , Chicago Tribune (free registration) (5/15)
ゲーツ長官 ボーイングの FCS(将来戦闘システム)契約のインセンティブ部分の低さを批判
Gates wants more incentives in Boeing FCS contract
Boeing Co.'s 12-year development contract for the Army's Future Combat Systems program fails to provide sufficient incentive for
outstanding performance, according to Defense Secretary Robert Gates. "The contract was all messed up," Gates told the Senate
Armed Services Committee. "Ninety percent of the performance fee is guaranteed, so there's little performance incentive left for the
rest of the program, including prototyping and so on." Bloomberg (5/14)
Lockheed, Alenia compete for cargo orders
The Pentagon's decision to shift control of a cargo plane program from the Army to the Air Force may mean additional sales for
Lockheed Martin Corp., according to a Capitol Hill newspaper. The Army has favored the C-27J built by Alenia North America, a unit of
Italy's Finmeccanica, but Defense Secretary Robert Gates has said only 38 more are needed because there are already more than 200
Lockheed-built C-130s in the domestic inventory. Supporters of the smaller Alenia aircraft argue that the planes are complementary
rather than competitive. "The C-27J was designed not as a replacement to the 130s but to augment and support larger aircraft in more
austere and rugged areas such as Afghanistan," the company says. The Hill (5/14)
Despite waste, Gates still supports missile defense
Defense Secretary Robert Gates told lawmakers Thursday he has been a supporter of missile defense since President Ronald Reagan
proposed it in the 1980s, though he considers parts of the current system wasteful. Defending his plan to cut $1 billion in funding from
the program, Gates said an additional 14 interceptors are not needed to defend against a launch by North Korea. Yahoo!/The
Associated Press (5/14)
No plan to cancel Eurofighter order, U.K. says
The U.K. still intends to buy a third batch of Eurofighters, though the size of its order is under review. "We look forward to receiving an
affordable bid from European industry," U.K. Defense Secretary John Hutton said Thursday. The British order could be worth up to $2.4
billion. Bloomberg (5/14)
" Whenever I feel blue, I start breathing again."
--L. Frank Baum,
author of "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" 「オズの魔法使い」の作者:L. フランク・バウム
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LaHood cancels plans for N.Y. slot auctions
Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said Wednesday he is dropping a Bush administration plan to auction takeoff and landing slots at
New York-area airports. "I'll be talking with airline, airport and consumer stakeholders, as well as elected officials, over the summer
about the best ways to move forward," LaHood said, insisting that his department is "still serious about tackling aviation congestion in
the New York region." Industry groups had sued to block the auctions, and they immediately praised LaHood for his decision. Chicago
Tribune/The Associated Press (free registration) (5/13) , The New York Times (5/13)
コルガン航空の事故の原因として、勤務管理に問題ありと NTSB
NTSB probes Colgan Air on personnel policies
During the second day of NTSB hearings into the Feb. 12 crash of Flight 3407 outside Buffalo, investigators focused on crew fatigue and
qualifications while Colgan Air officials defended their company's policies. The co-pilot had flown overnight from Seattle to make a flight
in Newark. One NTSB board member suggested fatigue was "a recipe for an accident, and that's what we have here." Colgan officials
told the board that the pilot "would have immediately been terminated" had they known he failed multiple proficiency tests before
applying with the airline. USA TODAY (5/13) , The Wall Street Journal (5/14)
C-17 追加 15 機の予算を補正予算に含めるよう要請書が上院議員から
Senators urge committee to fund 15 additional C-17s
Nineteen U.S. senators have signed a letter urging the Appropriations Committee to include funding for 15 additional C-17 cargo lifters
when it takes up the $85 billion supplemental spending bill to pay for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Obama administration is
seeking to limit the C-17 program to those aircraft already in production and wants to begin shutting down assembly lines in fiscal 2010.
Aerospace Daily & Defense Report (5/13)
議会 防衛予算で明確な方針が必要
Congress showing rare discipline on defense budget -- for now
As the Senate Appropriations Committee meets to vote on the 2009 wartime supplemental spending bill, Chairman Daniel Inouye,
D-Hawaii, vows to pass a "clean" bill free of earmarks for members' pet projects. So far, experts say the White House and
congressional leaders have been unusually successful in maintaining discipline, but some question how long that can last. "My suspicion
is that the (defense) secretary won't be able to hold this firm line indefinitely," says one congressional aide. "This is sort of a unique
moment in time." Reuters (5/13)
大統領ヘリコプタ計画 撤廃ではなく縮小を
Column: Scale back -- but don't scrap -- presidential helicopter program
An op-ed columnist for The New York Times argues that President Barack Obama's decision to scrap the presidential helicopter
program has more to do with politics than economics. Starting over with a whole new contract when taxpayers have already spent
nearly $4 billion on R&D for the VH-71 makes no sense, according to Gail Collins. "We don't wind up actually saving money. We lose our
original investment and spend vast new sums on something that's theoretically going to be better," she writes. The New York Times
" Out of need springs desire, and out of desire springs the energy and the will to win."
--Denis Waitley,
motivational speaker, author
やる気評論家・作家 デニス・ウェイトレー
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空中給油機(タンカー)を外国企業にだすな とワシントン州上院議員ブログ上で
Blog: Washington senator renews flap over aerial tanker
Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., told a union conference that the Air Force's decision to award an aerial tanker contract to a team of EADS
and Northrop Grumman Corp. "would give away our jobs -- and the control of our national defense -- to a foreign company." To
protect the U.S. aerospace industry, Murray said she had introduced an amendment that would require the Pentagon to analyze effects
on the nation's industrial base when an acquisition program is canceled. Northrop Grumman responded that it, too, is an American
company and that building the refueling tanker at its plant in Alabama will create some 48,000 U.S. jobs. SeattlePI.com (5/12)
原子力武器の廃棄には、15 年かかる
Study: Disposing of nuclear weapons to take 15 years
The U.S. faces a 15-year backlog in dismantling its nuclear warheads already slated for retirement, even as President Barack Obama
plans additional deep cuts in the nation's nuclear stockpile. Dismantling and disposing of retired warheads will require billions of dollars in
additional infrastructure, including a Texas storage site that won't be completed until 2014 and a South Carolina plant that will take two
years longer. Despite the billions of dollars needed, the president's 2010 budget requests just $84 million for nuclear disposition. USA
TODAY (5/12)
事故機のパイロット 公聴会でも経験不足を披瀝
Pilots faulted in first day of Colgan Air crash hearings
During the first day of hearings into the February crash of Continental Connection Flight 3407 near Buffalo, attention focused on pilot
Marvin Renslow and co-pilot Rebecca Shaw, who talked casually about icy conditions and lack of experience just minutes before the
plane went down. As the pilots chatted, they failed to notice that the plane's speed dropped by 57 mph in less than 30 seconds, falling
below the minimum speed for safe flying in icy weather. The Air Line Pilots Association questioned the training Renslow and Shaw
received from Colgan Air, which operated the flight, while a Colgan spokesman noted the two were trained under a federally approved
program. The Wall Street Journal (5/13) , USA TODAY (5/12) , Chicago Tribune/The Associated Press (free registration) (5/13) , The
New York Times (5/12)
エアライン 2003 年以来最良の定時発着率をマーク
Airlines notch best on-time figures since 2003
In the first quarter of 2009, U.S. commercial airlines achieved their best on-time performance in six years, according to new figures from
the Transportation Department. The 19 carriers tracked by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics brought in 79.2% of their flights on
time, up from 70.9% in the same quarter last year. For March, the airlines also improved their year-over-year performance in baggage
handling and customer complaints, the DOT reported. The Wall Street Journal (5/13) , USA TODAY (5/12)
Sens. Dorgan, Ensign reintroduce Travel Promotion Act
Sens. John Ensign, R-Nev., and Byron Dorgan, D-N.D., have introduced the Travel Promotion Act of 2009, a bill that is almost identical
to the House version that passed last year. The legislation would establish a corporation that would launch an educational and marketing
campaign to promote the U.S. as a travel destination. Travel Weekly (5/12)
AIA leads SMART coalition in comments on specialty metals
The Defense Department and the aerospace and defense industry are moving closer to resolving how specialty metals not produced in
the U.S. are being used and reported on in defense contracts. In comments on behalf of the Specialty Metals Availability Reform Team
in response to a proposed Pentagon rule, AIA says relatively few outstanding issues remain. Read more here.
"In the field of observation, chance favors only the prepared mind."
--Louis Pasteur,
French scientist
フランス科学者 ルイ・パストゥール
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ユロファイター・プログラム挫折 英国は中止もありうるとしている
Britain weighing future of Eurojet program
Faced with a severe budget crisis, Britain has missed a payment for a final production stage of the Eurofighter Typhoon combat plane,
and officials are considering pulling out of the program. With the biggest Eurofighter order among the four nations developing the plane,
Britain could face penalties of $6 billion if it backs out now, and critics say such a move would lead to a brain drain among engineers and
other defense workers. "There will be no more defense aerospace in Britain," warns Howard Wheeldon, senior strategist at BGC
Partners. The New York Times (5/11)
Gates removes top U.S. general in Afghanistan
Defense Secretary Robert Gates, in search of "new approaches" and "fresh eyes," has replaced Army Gen. David McKiernan as the top
U.S. commander in Afghanistan. Gates refused to criticize McKiernan's performance, saying only that President Barack Obama has
called for "a new team -- across the board" to implement his strategy in the region. Gates said he plans to nominate two generals to
take over McKiernan's duties. Defense News (5/11)
中国の脅威に対応すべく オーストラリア政府武装計画を強化
Australia plans huge arms buildup
Concerned by saber-rattling in China and shifting priorities in the U.S., Australia plans to go on a weapons-buying spree. Among the
purchases proposed by Prime Minister Kevin Rudd: 12 submarines, 100 fighter jets, 24 naval combat helicopters and nine surface ships.
"We just want to make sure they're properly equipped for the future and proper defense planning means this, being prepared for the
whole range of national security challenges in the future," Rudd said. Voice of America (5/12)
EADS 防衛・民間両部門とも収益減益
EADS profit slides 40% on A400 concerns, weak commercial orders
A $163 million charge to its troubled A400 military-transport program contributed to a 40% first-quarter earnings decline at
Franco-German defense giant EADS. With the plane's first flight delayed indefinitely and customer terms subject to renegotiation, CEO
Louis Gallois said the A400 continues to be "a big concern" for the company. Still, he said, a potential $7.8 billion penalty for canceling
the program appears "very unlikely." On the commercial side, EADS said its Airbus division cut prices on the aircraft it delivered in the
first quarter, while watching net new orders drop to just eight planes, compared to 395 last year. The Wall Street Journal (5/12) ,
Bloomberg (5/11)
フロンティア航空 破産法による機構改革案提出を延期申請
Frontier seeks extension on reorganization plan
Frontier Airlines is asking a bankruptcy court for a four-month extension on its deadline for submitting a reorganization plan. Frontier
says it is "moving forward in our restructuring efforts" and expects by late summer to find a plan sponsor willing to invest up to $150
million to allow the carrier to emerge from Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. The Denver Post (5/12)
旧型ナビの退役で、天候による遅れ事例 大幅に改善
Navigation technology alleviates weather-related delays
Thanks to stepped-up retirement of older planes during the recession, about half the U.S. fleet is currently equipped for Required
Navigation Performance, a technology that allows aircraft to fly on precise flight paths that are accurate to within the wingspan of a
plane. Already in use in Alaska and Canada, RNP has been shown to reduce delays, especially during bad weather, which can cut
landings by half under a conventional radar system. The FAA plans to phase in RNP procedures at the nation's busiest airports, starting
with New York and Chicago. The Wall Street Journal (5/12)
Training, background checks under NTSB microscope
Colgan Air, operator of the regional aircraft that crashed in Buffalo, N.Y., on Feb. 12, is defending its training and policies as the NTSB
opens hearings into the incident. The company said Capt. Marvin Renslow had passed six consecutive hands-on tests, known as check
rides, since joining the airline, but it was unaware of at least two tests he had failed as a general aviation pilot. "Consistent with
standard practice in the airline industry, Colgan did not attempt to access information on prior, general aviation check-ride failures," the
company said. Combating rumors of fatigue and poor training, Colgan also noted that Renslow had "nearly 22 consecutive hours of time
off before he reported for duty" and "all the training and experience" needed to fly the Bombardier Q400 aircraft. The New York Times
(5/11) , The Wall Street Journal (5/12)
オバマ政権 空港の予算配分 セキュレイティ優先で空港改善は遅れる
In Obama budget, airport security wins out over airport improvements
The Obama administration is requesting no increase in funding for the Airport Improvement Program in fiscal 2010, as improved security
and air-traffic control systems take up much of the increased budget for the FAA. The American Association of Airport Executives said
it is grateful that AIP was not subjected to cuts, as it was during the Bush administration, but noted that congressional reauthorization
of the FAA included $4 billion for AIP, while the administration's request was only $3.5 billion. Aviation Daily (5/11)
" Don't be afraid of opposition. Remember, a kite rises against, not with the wind."
--Hamilton Wright Mabie,
American writer
アメリカ作家 ハミルトン・ライト・メイビー
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ボーイング787 25 機キャンセル
Boeing loses contract for 25 Dreamliners
An unidentified customer has canceled an order for 25 Boeing 787 Dreamliners, leaving the company with a net loss of one order for the
year. The latest cancellation, valued at about $4.44 billion, leaves Boeing with a total of 861 contracts for the plane. Bloomberg (5/7)
エアライン業界 構造的見直し
Shrinking airlines changing the face of an industry
Big airlines, once criticized for their aggressive growth, are now in a prolonged contraction mode, leading some experts and industry
insiders to question their business model. Throughout the industry, routes are being cut, employees furloughed and orders for new
planes deferred. United Airlines has been a leader in the trend, counting on regional carriers and alliance partners to take up the slack
from its mainline operations. Though the carrier is much smaller than it was a decade ago, that's not necessarily a bad thing, according
to some. "The irony is that if you look at where they are, it's not a terrible place to be, unless you view it from the standpoint of a
mainline employee," says aviation consultant Robert Mann. "In that case, you see the place literally evaporating in front of your eyes."
TheStreet.com (5/7)
Bird strike expert calls for slower takeoffs, more radars
A top bird-strike expert at the Agriculture Department says the growing population of large birds near U.S. airports increases the need
for new technologies and tougher airworthiness standards. Richard Dolbeer says more bird-detecting radars would help to reduce
collisions, and lower airspeeds under 10,000 feet would reduce the severity of the consequences of such collisions. AviationWeek.com
国防省 主要武器の削減計画発表
OMB details cuts to major weapons programs
New details from the Office of Management and Budget are helping to flesh out Pentagon spending cuts proposed earlier by Defense
Secretary Robert Gates. The presidential helicopter, CSAR-X helicopter and C-17 airlifter would each get less than $100 million in
termination funds for 2010. Among other programs facing steep cuts: airborne laser development (cut from $401 million to $187 million)
and aircraft carrier construction (cut from $1.2 billion to $484 million). Defense News (5/7)
空軍関連予算 新規スタートは 2 件だけ
Air Force budget request includes only two new starts
In its $160.5 billion budget request for fiscal 2010, the Air Force is seeking funding for only two new projects: a replacement for the
KC-135 aerial refueling tanker and a new Common Vertical Lift Support Program. Meanwhile, the service is requesting $91 million to
shut down assembly lines for the C-17 and $64 million to idle production of the F-22. AviationWeek.com (5/7)
ミサイル防衛計画 予算削減
Pentagon seeks to cut missile defense spending by $1.2B
The Pentagon is seeking to fund the Missile Defense Agency at $7.8 billion for fiscal 2010, a $1.2 billion cut from current levels. The new
request would roll back an increase in ground-based interceptors in Alaska while refocusing resources on rogue states and theater
missile defense. The Washington Post/Reuters (5/7)
軍関連調達 改革案 上院で賛成
Unanimous Senate approves procurement reform
By a vote of 93-0, the Senate Thursday passed a bill aimed at reforming the way the Pentagon buys weapons. Armed Services
Committee Chairman Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., a key sponsor of the bill, said cost overruns soak up budget dollars from other promising
programs, "and that means we're denying our troops, as well as soaking our taxpayers." Among other measures, the law will create a
director of independent cost assessment reporting directly to Defense Secretary Robert Gates and stop programs for reassessment
once costs rise 50% above initial estimates. CNN (5/7)
" How can you say luck and chance are the same thing? Chance is the first step you take, luck is what comes afterwards."
幸運(ラッキー)と機会(チャンス)は同じではない。 チャンスは、物事の取りかかり、 幸運は、その後からついてくるもの。
--Amy Tan,
American writer
「エジソン 20 世紀を発明した男」
National Security
Research Lab Technology to Launch Aboard NASA Shuttle Navy NewsStand 11 May 2009
Transcript: MDA News Briefing with David Altweg DoD 07 May 2009
Delta II launch successful AFNS 06 May 2009
Medvedev welcomes new US missile defense stance RIA Novosti 05 May 2009
Hanscom group works to develop acquisition strategy for space ops system AFNS 29 Apr 2009
Agencies Team Up to Improve Missile Defense Training AFPS 28 Apr 2009
SMDC-ONE Technology Demonstration Army News 26 Apr 2009
NATO, Russia to share information on airborne threats RIA Novosti 24 Apr 2009
European Space Agency Seeks Secrets of Universe VOA 14 May 2009
STEREO Reveals Solar Storm in 3D Navy NewsStand 29 Apr 2009
Scientists analyzing dying stars IRNA 21 Apr 2009
Space Station / Shuttle
US Astronauts Undertake 4th Spacewalk for Hubble Repairs VOA 17 May 2009 -- U.S. astronauts are wrapping up their fourth in a series of five
spacewalks to repair the Hubble Space Telescope.
US Astronauts & 3rd Spacewalk for Hubble Repairs VOA 17 May 2009
US Astronauts Work on Complex Hubble Repairs VOA 16 May 2009
US Astronauts on 2nd Hubble Spacewalk VOA 15 May 2009
US Astronauts Begin Marathon Spacewalk to Repair Hubble Telescope VOA 14 May 2009
Shuttle Captures Hubble Telescope for Repairs VOA 13 May 2009
46th Test Wing integral part of Hubble repair AFNS 13 May 2009
Russia to charge NASA $51 mln for seats on Soyuz spacecraft RIA Novosti 13 May 2009
Russian space freighter docks with ISS RIA Novosti 13 May 2009
Atlantis to Enter Dangerous Debris Field in Orbit VOA 12 May 2009
Atlantis Shuttle Launched on Hubble Repair Mission VOA 11 May 2009
Russia launches space freighter to ISS RIA Novosti 08 May 2009
Progress spacecraft to undock from ISS RIA Novosti 06 May 2009
Retro Space Crew Module Undergoes Tests AFPS 29 Apr 2009
Russia Offers Territory for DPRK Sat Launches VOA 12 May 2009
Russia's Glonass system to get full support RIA Novosti 12 May 2009
Russia to link missile defense in Europe with nuclear arms treaty RIA Novosti 09 May 2009 -- Russia will link US plans for a missile shield in
Europe with the issues of strategic offensive armaments
Russia to launch telecoms satellite on May 16 RIA Novosti 08 May 2009
------------------------------------------[軍事宇宙開発 spacetoday.net: military]
------------------------------------------Friday, May 15
US Air Force ̶ 5:36 pm ET (2136 GMT)
DNI Pushes Spy Sat Shakeup
Monday, May 11
DoD Buzz ̶ 6:33 am ET (1033 GMT)
U.S. "harvesting" canceled satellite for future uses
Thursday, May 14
Reuters ̶ 6:37 pm ET (2237 GMT)
Ramstein Airmen support NASA shuttle launch
Mirrors in the dark
US Air Force ̶ 5:20 pm ET (2120 GMT)
The Space Review ̶ 2:00 pm ET (1800 GMT)
USAF Seeks Reusable Booster Ideas
Space cadets from Oz
Aerospace Daily ̶ 12:01 pm ET (1601 GMT)
The Space Review ̶ 2:00 pm ET (1800 GMT)
46th Test Wing integral part of Hubble repair
Sunday, May 10
US Air Force ̶ 6:00 am ET (1000 GMT)
STS-125: 106th Rescue Wing supports its 100th space shuttle
Tuesday, May 12
45th Space Wing supports final Hubble mission
NasaSpaceFlight.com ̶ 9:20 am ET (1320 GMT)
Wednesday, May 6
Japan to Launch Military-Purpose Satellites
U.S. Air Force eyes way to help space industry
Chosun Ilbo ̶ 8:00 am ET (1200 GMT)
Reuters ̶ 7:25 pm ET (2325 GMT)
Ducommun Incorporated Announces Delivery of Nanosatellites to
Delta II launch successful
U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command
US Air Force ̶ 3:47 am ET (0747 GMT)
Business Wire ̶ 7:46 am ET (1146 GMT)
Tuesday, May 5
Pentagon may reach satellite analysis goal early
Missile Defense Agency Risk Reduction Satellite Launched
Reuters ̶ 7:42 am ET (1142 GMT)
Missile Defense Agency ̶ 8:32 pm ET (0032 GMT)
Tuesday, April 28
Missile defense satellite launched from California
$167m satellite link for defence forces
AP ̶ 7:55 pm ET (2355 GMT)
The Australian ̶ 7:45 am ET (1145 GMT)
Monday, May 4
New space policy plans to focus on missile launch detection
India's Israeli Spy Satellite: Quid Pro Quo
People's Democracy (India) ̶ 7:06 am ET (1106 GMT)
Mainichi Daily News ̶ 7:43 am ET (1143 GMT)
Sunday, May 3
Intelsat, Australia Sign 15-Year Deal
Wallops to launch rocket Tuesday
Wall Street Journal ̶ 7:31 am ET (1131 GMT)
Salisbury (MD) Daily Times ̶ 9:00 am ET (1300 GMT)
Monday, April 27
U.S. military's experimental tactical satellite to launch
Base considers disassembling historical launch complex
Spaceflight Now ̶ 8:35 am ET (1235 GMT)
US Air Force ̶ 8:04 pm ET (0004 GMT)
Friday, May 1
Senator Glenn receives White national defense award
TacSat-3 to provide operational backup and data dissemination
US Air Force ̶ 7:53 pm ET (2353 GMT)
US Air Force ̶ 8:56 pm ET (0056 GMT)
Robotic ravens: American ferret satellite operations during the
Space Radar Loses 2010 Funding
Cold War
DoD Buzz ̶ 8:52 pm ET (0052 GMT)
The Space Review ̶ 12:20 pm ET (1620 GMT)
Space Foundation CEO Receives U.S. Air Force Distinguished
Sustainability: just another excuse for a UN power grab?
Public Service Award
The Space Review ̶ 12:19 pm ET (1619 GMT)
Space Foundation ̶ 4:03 pm ET (2003 GMT)
Five-Satellite Milstar Constellation Built by Lockheed Martin
Demise Of TSAT Is Crucial Test
Achieves 50 Years of Combined On Orbit Operations
Aerospace Daily ̶ 1:50 pm ET (1750 GMT)
PR Newswire ̶ 12:12 pm ET (1612 GMT)
Thursday, April 30
Australian Defence Force Contracts for Hosted Payload on New
Detachment 3 marks 50 years of supporting NASA
Intelsat Satellite
US Air Force ̶ 6:30 pm ET (2230 GMT)
Intelsat ̶ 12:08 pm ET (1608 GMT)
Russia puts military satellite Cosmos-2450 into orbit
Saturday, April 25
MosNews ̶ 7:37 am ET (1137 GMT)
Divorce, Pentagon Style
Wednesday, April 29
DoD Buzz ̶ 8:05 am ET (1205 GMT)
Russian military launches new surveillance satellite
Air Force office marks 50 years of aiding NASA
Spaceflight Now ̶ 7:32 pm ET (2332 GMT)
Florida Today ̶ 7:44 am ET (1144 GMT)
Kosmos-2450 satellite put into designated orbit
Friday, April 24
Itar-Tass ̶ 7:18 pm ET (2318 GMT)
Peterson's 21st Space Wing passes grueling inspection
Russia puts military satellite in orbit
Colorado Springs Gazette ̶ 1:05 pm ET (1705 GMT)
Interfax ̶ 7:18 pm ET (2318 GMT)
Wednesday, April 22
STSS Risk Reduction Flight Eyes Launch
Spy in the Sky?
Aviation Week ̶ 8:00 am ET (1200 GMT)
Khaleej Times ̶ 7:34 pm ET (2334 GMT)
Israel helps India launch spy satellite
Tuesday, April 21
Jerusalem Post ̶ 7:26 am ET (1126 GMT)
Latest spy satellite plan has few details, many skeptics
Japan mulls satellite for missile launch detection
Government Executive Magazine ̶ 12:40 pm ET (1640 GMT)
Reuters ̶ 6:53 am ET (1053 GMT)
------------------------------------------[中国宇宙開発-3 spacetoday.net: China]
------------------------------------------Friday, April 24
China launches "Yaogan VI" remote-sensing satellite
China Launches Remote-Sensing Sat
Xinhua ̶ 12:26 pm ET (1626 GMT)
Aerospace Daily ̶ 12:08 pm ET (1608 GMT)
Chinese launch again with YaoGan Weixing-6 remote sensing
Thursday, April 23
Observation satellite launched into orbit by China
NasaSpaceFlight.com ̶ 12:25 pm ET (1625 GMT)
Spaceflight Now ̶ 5:49 am ET (0949 GMT)
Tuesday, April 21
Wednesday, April 22
China to launch sixth remote-sensing satellite
China's 2nd navigation satellite functioning well in right position
Xinhua ̶ 12:37 pm ET (1637 GMT)
Xinhua ̶ 12:26 pm ET (1626 GMT)
------------------------------------------[Space & Missile Report]
Table of Contents
via Rick Hashimoto (Boeing)
------------------------------------------May 18, 2009
* Obama Condemns Iranian Nuclear Ambitions, Warns Any Talks With Iran Must Show Progress By End Of Year, Not Give Iran Time On
* Atlantis Crew Shines As Hubble Overhaul Sees Repeated Successes; Obstacles Overcome
* Gates Open To Buying 44 GMD Interceptors Eventually, Or At Least To Buying More Than 30 Of The GMD Missiles; GMD Effective
To Kill Incoming North Korean Missiles
* Using Aegis To Defend Europe From Iranian Missiles Far More Costly Than EMD System: Franks
* Analyst Says Gates Errs In Killing KEI
* Democratic, GOP Lawmakers Worried Obama Has No Plan For Rising Crises In Pakistan, Afghanistan, As Turmoil Persists
* Obama Considers Bolden For NASA Administrator /// * NPOESS Hits Milestones, Showing Progress, Company Says
* Russian Soyuz Launches At 6:34 A.M. ET May 27 With Three Astronauts; They Will Initiate The First Six-Member Crew Serving On
Space Station
* Herschel-Planck Launch Successful Atop Ariane 5 /// * NASA's Shuttle and Rocket Missions
* Boeing Moves Missile Defense Headquarters To Alabama /// * Raytheon Recruits Northrop To Integrated Battle Command Program
May 11, 2009
* Atlantis Soars To Service Hubble Space Telescope; Liftoff Perfect As Shuttle Endeavour Poised Nearby
* Augustine: Future Cost Of Manned NASA Space Program A Significant Factor, But Money Already Spent On Constellation Isn't
* Lockheed Again Wins GOES-R Satellite As Boeing Protest Rejected, And NASA And NOAA Again Choose Lockheed
* Panel: Deploy Missile Defense Assets Against Regional Nuclear Aggressors; Missile Defense 'Useful, Valuable'
* Pentagon Errs In Curtailing Airborne Laser; That Would Lose Multiple Benefits: Speed Of Light, Easy Tracking, Before MIRV Threat
* Commission Urges Warhead 'Modernization' And Rehab Of Decaying Production Centers
* Group Asks Why -- With Threats Soaring --Obama Budget Slashes Missile Defense
* Air Force Association Deplores Airborne Laser Missile Defense Cut
* CSBA President Krepinevich Praises Obama-Gates Budget /// * NASA's Shuttle and Rocket Missions
* Space Systems/Loral To Provide AsiaSat 5C Satellite /// * Ariane 5 To Launch JCSAT-13 Satellite In 2013
* Anadarko Gets $37 Million Johnson Space Center Safety/Fire Contract /// * Lockheed Breaks Ground On PAC-3 Factory Expansion
------------------------------------------[Defense Daily]
Table of Contents
via Rick Hashimoto (Boeing)
------------------------------------------May 19, 2009
* Battlefield Sensors Top $1.9 Billion Air Force Unfunded Wish List /// * Army Awaits FCS Acquisition Change Directives
* Navy: Fixed-Price EMALS Talks Reflect GA's Confidence Amid Cost Worries
* CNA Advisory Board Calls For Integrated Energy, Climate, Military Planning
* Navy Pleased With Modernization Efforts On USS /// * A Balanced Force Is Needed For 'The New Normal,' Admiral Says
* MTVR Trailers Top Marine Corps' Thin $188.3 Million Unfunded List
May 18, 2009
* Defense Watch /// * JASSM Gets One Last Shot At Proving Reliability
* Air Force Mobility Official Anticipates Army Future Vehicle Weight Specs
* Raytheon Making Steady Progress Toward NLOS-LS LRIP In Early 2010
* House Panel Chairman Backs Navy Carrier-Reducing Request /// * NPOESS Hits Milestones, Showing Progress
May 15, 2009
* 'No Major Change In Demand Signal' For Airlift, Schwartz Says
* SECAF: 'Not Building the Air Force We Thought We Were Going to Build'
* Air Force Hints At Less Ambitious Next Generation Bomber Plan
* Pentagon Brass See Unmanned Aircraft Dominating Future Fleets
* Incoming GD Chief Johnson Sees No Change To Business Model
* Rival Contractors Cuddle Up; Hanford Contract Proceeds /// * NNSA Rachets Down Tritium Production
* SAC Sends Supp To Floor Without C-17, Stryker Adds In House-Passed Bill
* Lacking Ship Plan, Lawmakers Question If Navy Can Achieve 313-Ship Fleet /// * House Panel Approves TSA Authorization Bill
May 14, 2009
* Inouye: No C-17s In Senate Supp, Stryker Ambulances Possible
* HASC Grills Gates, Mullen On Aircraft, Missile Defense Changes In Budget
* DHS Will Examine Contractor Outsourcing For FY '11 Budget: Napolitano
* Raytheon Demonstrates Ability For At-Sea Capture of Its KillerBee UAS
* USJFCOM Prepares For Future Joint Operations Experiment
* No 'Silver Bullet' To Solve Future Problems, General Says /// * Finland Selects Kongsberg And Raytheon Air Defense System
May 13, 2009
* Army Casting 'Wide Net' For Post-FCS Vehicles /// * The Joint Force Must Accelerate Change, General Says
* USAF Wants $113 Million For Urgent COCOM Needs In Space Budget /// * Navy Holding International Frigate Meeting
* JPEO JTRS, FCS, Team With U.K. On Multinational Experiment
* Proposed Increases In Management Budget Go Toward Unifying DHS, Napolitano Says
May 12, 2009
* F-35 Needs Seen As Major Driver of Future MILSATCOM Architecture
* Navy Says No Structural Changes To P-8; Program Is On Cost And Schedule
* DataPath Shareholders Approve Purchase By Rockwell Collins
* Raytheon, HAVELSAN To Market Frigate Combat System Upgrade Globally
* BAE Systems Offers Replacement Option For Army M113 Vehicles /// * Northrop Grumman Delivers Last
* USCG Wants Fixed-Price Contract With Northrop Grumman For Fourth NSC
* Lockheed Awards Elbit $55 Million For Canadian EW Systems
------------------------------------------[Quotes from the Old/New Testament]
Prophecies in Genesis, Exodus, Hosea and Mica
In your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed, ・・・
・・・nor shall you break one of its bones.
・・・And out of Egypt I called My son.
・・・They will strike the judge of Israel with a rod on the cheek.
But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, Though you are little among the
thousands of Judah, Yet out of you shall come forth of Me The
One to be Ruler in Israel, ・・・
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