3`円 OJOnL 606bnq3nL さ 00ql`nL
rl 〆 ︲︲ q00066nb bn16円 し 6円 nさ Jonb 60qう `ln FU3001R3bさ 3 0母 “ さ 00ql`nL 3`円 OJOnL 606bnq3nL `00001母 円L3さ bOJさ b〕 hm330mb 〕 )hCD09600 し J〕 qさ Ob F80bnL 10LOし `円 30 卜[110/11 o jger363r6o, 2013 $3qo Obさ Ro J〕 00も ぃ 6800b`0も 。も あ、68し ■0`Ob 2013,ROb 17 bJo008o`b ba殴 Oo7o`OR0 2010▼R。 も 5o680b00b,,b可 も `080殴 い o630b0000(り oOoO。 0)(8R。 るNot“ 。も60Ro O`。 6b30600し い 6800も もoし Obbo baqpa8`り RobOb(b300ooRり `00(,も `0030る ふ J3b.3(り o品 00b6o63moF10。 も o60ooRo,boマ るo8o‐ 3`00JbO I)o8ROROδ 。'2012 1Roも 24(18RO“ ,.し 」 む `Ob `0。Oo“ 0も しδ o68ab00000 3品bObb()b 6腱 b`00も い 63(D` “ boく oる oO、 ♂ 6。 ROび 6。 も%R06`δ 択 o30b(ら 80]RO。 `0ふ `0300b`boOo30)(0ヽ も6」bυ る(■ もabbOb ‐ 3`00ぉ o II)''o8RoROお ,2012,Rob 24(,8喫 ObOも ,,も 可 o`080殴 Obbヽ も 島 00も ぃ 6000δ `)b。 `Oδ pお 3A・ 0030“ ℃ あ b(い 6t旬 商 )(い bD■ ε膠や d“ b6臨 Ⅲ 5oし ぃ 6評 Ⅲ 〕 b“ 0680い 0 3崚 つo“bOb か `'も (っ 恥メ 間 ・ 3`00」00 “あ 63b.30`ob Roす )6o6も 00`)も "“086oboし ,,bbJo`030ROb Ro S00も ぃ 63mδ Hr'。3ROROふ δ Ro 2010恥 マOb 21 `060も OROあ (07‐ 81:02102013) '03殴 ド oO`。 6b30600b b50680%00003`Oo`oO、 δ 560殴 Ob(aR。 る。 Bb`60 bOoり 08`DRO。 Ro t“ 1′ trgoS.rStm-t$oAXC0r, 3m0o$3$o ,。 3田 1も 3。 。 6」ln80000Ъ o‐ 0511-2011 ´8o6め ,■ o‐ 0511-13H L.';l\6,\ it t!' t. o,,' &, <a ) 1311-2911 , 4,X 6.' nt ;71a' It ; t.: ,ytlo1);fi1Ao. lto)U!!o^; aa luitit rtj L hr!*,4,; ; :ttt t t u,6ot"o lt41t11'4,,7,\.714ut,; L.:j.:6or33qmb J;r6qs3X6$oL Bo3r4o rRb05l1: tr.:j.:<6m33qmL Jrr6qr3X5$oL 3rn3o$1$3dlr; p.:o$i1rnb 5rnr68rgo2qo .:J$oL Jt6mlJ trs l3 j;r6or3lqmL J;16qs3X5$ob - cnr336pr.r3;r6n qr L;J.:6q.:3X5$r'r 3t6':j1;o1b?o RrSom 3b13':?3oqo (D30賃 ?〔 ηも 3`0%0殴 8600 もδ」ふ″ヽ It jr6or3gq,otr Jrt6q'.:036$b brjrdrorpqrc'rb 3e$b$o$30oob 65-c a3bq'obr Qr "brjrt6or3gq'r'rb brg6orstser6ober b3q,0g63q'3bgbob o3b,>bgb" b,>js<6or3cq'arb 3'rberSob 03-15 opbq,ob ESbrbsoobsqr, 6r6ogo3o6xbob,:or3ob $;60r'r6oqr6g6or 2013 $q,ob 17 t ccoc0bc6,b b3q,0rn$36oq, 2010 $q'ob 5 s63ob$eir ,,bsjr6orgq,erbr qrr ,:boob 5r53oorr6gbob b,:63b 0er6rob brbSbber b3q'036r5q'3bob (bJ36orq,36o (0qr564ro 36b,:63q'o o6rSbJo66ob 5l63oorr63bob bso63gbgo6oer J6<n56r0,> - JdroSj$o I)" 6q'oq'3brli, 2012 $q'ob 24 o3q'obob ,,brjrtrrorpqrcnL,> q)J oboob 6r63oorr63bob bu53b 0r'16olr bgbbob erJ36u3o3bo) bgq,E66gq,g0ob (Bggq,gb6o3o oJS6r6ogbo) (0qr56uqro 360,>53q'o II)" 66r,>6bJofi6ob 5,:53oorr6X0ob bmbpb6o6oer J6r'r56r8r - J6r'rXj$o qrs rboolr 5r53oor,l63boli 33q,oq,3b,:b, 2012 $q,ob 24 o3qrobob ,,bsjr6o63q,arbr br63b 0r'r6ob bgbbob bgq,ts363q,3bob (5r6br3SofrXbpq'o erJ36r4o3bo) (0qr66rqro g6brbgq,o gt6r6bJer6$ob 5,:63oorr63bob b.:obgL6oSoer J6rn56r0,r - J6co3j6o rboob II)" 63q,oq,3blbr qrs 2010 $qrob 21 o3Sobob ,,lrsjc6or3gq'erbr qgr 6,>53oors63bob br53lr 0er6ob qrrgoblbbSbob Br6Bo bgq,0663q,3bob (0qp66rqo gt6br63q,o 66r5bJrn6gob b,:obgb$ogoo J6rn56$r)" g3qoq,3b.:b. い 1/266 30092013 もδ」δ″ヽ (〕 30⊆?mb3`o%o殴 6δ 63ふ N30/09/02 0660も FT8も ふ 6て〕 2013,智 oし“30 bO」 Oo05o6o J.060響 Ob0 6.0出 が 0"雪 Ob D― bδ ♪ bt藤 増 調 o5oOo “ o00bb05゛ qtt Q55o035ob 30bb゛ 6w5005oo O"035ob 00bδ "b53δ bOb“ 6030響 Ob 3δ 5o5ob δ bδ 」 00 3 Ob 360%o"05ooし 0006 00b響 0し 00 5305」 oo3 00bδ b。 OoboQ,bδ J。 6030響 oし 005oOo 6000900060。 Obδ 030し 69&〕 5o響 20136響 6030響 Ob 3。 6響 ° δ δ じ 」 17 bO」 o00606b '。 Ob 5 b器 0し oOb,い Jb6030響 Obδ Qb 20106響 00'06o響 bo響 30360Ψ ObOb(b300oδ 響060 ヵ 00bが 5300b606ob bb53b 0060b b“ obbO bo響 o306o00060) (0966o● o 066550響 o o6o5b3o6oOb 655300。 605ob 30,20126響 ob 24 o530b00000 36066005 36oO」 oo I)“ 03響 0響 0。 メ 06ob bObbob ° しい53005600ob 0553し 。 6o30響 Obb Qb力 ° し Ob,お 5」 δ 03響 。 ° bo響 00360響 050b(3300智 066o30 0306500050)(Oq66δ Q0 06bb50響 bδ oO II)“ 0655b3o6oob 655300。 605ob b5o530b00000 36o6650o - 36oO」 ObOb "bb」 b6o30響 出 。 9δ °%° °b ob 24 o3響 力 0響 0' 2012 6響 0。 03響 0 553b。 (“ 。し bobbob bo響 30360響 05ob(い 5bo3006009響 ぃ 5300δ 6050b。 5300b605ob o30650o050) (3966b90 065。 50響 o o6δ 5し 3o60ob 6δ bδ Q5 2010 6響 Ob o530b00000 36o66δ O。 36oO」 o0 11)“ o3く で0響 0。 δ し δ 21 o35obob ,,し でo9o555b05ob 0」 δ 5300δ 606ob bδ 53し 3060し δ 6030響 Obb Qb b%° Ob ら 35680 bo響 Oo360響 050b (0966。 ゃ0 065550響 o 2 Urjs6or3Xq'eir Of)rbbJel6$ob brobpb$o3orn J6rn5ttro0r)" 6q'oq'30r9ca Jr6q,r0g6gob JclAoOCOCb0o qrs Jq'35r63q' bbqgerOSbb3 0o0bb36Xbq":q.o qrlo6oBSerlr 6cmt16o bcjr6o63q'ob gobrbborc 0o6ob66ob Jo633qro 0euqr6oq'3 otbgo03oqn. bδ 」さ6(D80貿?OЪ MINISTRY OF FINANCE も50060も 0〔 ちm 80656も 0も OF GEORGIA N07‐ 02/70484 70484-07‐ 17/09/2013 旧IⅢ ⅢⅧ酬IⅢ Ⅲ脚‖ Ⅲ‖ ‖ 02‐ 2-201309171249 │‖ ta6sblft{r'r UrJ,6oU9$d toAr{'6o tr.1 a3orl a.&t$'r.i, A$qRrl("t d,('bro.6 o!a!r DC6rArqocrr Jrct$r5. . . oDar6'. arRt€6.E, eoJ.6.ft&r}:d6ol, qr d$&, USSvr!}oAd U{(6G J6.ioCq?.pedl ar6b.r,,0nJ(r38qre 2ol3 Sqvrr 17 LIbsACtil, bc('oofu&te': 2010 0{rr, 2l €Edllll llCyroBCqtin q!) rt ri, s.)fu.E$'.,c&r.i 0r53b (^DB) 4.6.1, Ee€dfcr6.t, .8aatueo rr''u$Oq,6 ' AA0iel6bg!.1, R!c,o DNfreCq?E l, 6rr^) qD lDjr6roBCe!'rl' aiSCoo,niClol, qD rt d, Aft.EDtqCld, eSJt, (A.DB) !.iLrl, 201? Sqta 2a (Bqdib toqfr'ftr!.(| lsltl,D.a b0eAa}6ieEDCa.l, (8s'arseo atr'd$Ae'6 6rir6hi6i$0r{, D53(EDtrabt, t\h6d\try- JtqoO6rSJ ' Jd'6doo 2) @eyt'CecD.r, acor6ob aCu$Cl t $6o8ae'cr}r q,r 5$.,.r, U63oor.)ttCE $ l$JU &601, !$)S.5$1Jca.,l, 8!tqh boq alr,"q$d, q'r l$ly$&r bo<A$6tre"DCLl, o3qxryCAlr: qD U'C.6otfl(Fi!' q'r rt nl, bCqAl]6?C'3Dol,} @<qcDC!.r, a3oDSob bcq€aJl5Eq3EdJ . . . a&(g,rq!d 0,$JU (^DB) (0q!6.e. 5i6.qJ(r' 0ir'.f,$.'60r$ quD3b ud,'6oBCe't'll)! Sq.t s !a3d$.I bcc&&rr<' nJCrs Jd'%'5JAr - J6oJ . I) t.$3.ENtqCloU Lrriou 2ol0 qs Jb.rrr (BeftE[rb ar63.Eayrcld, L$lU ac'6nb Dl$sor,qDger lDtabbc' 0J16.'e69ft{r, 6eYtEEC0o ocB{d.&aJUr Uv$Adrcrt.rl J6.,e'cr&1, q.b.eJ$ qD 0c6.Odr.6Ant l$/idotrli.'L B(Y("Li} Jott3reo Jlhdbdr O,|flrq$lo asr5te3f,Oe. C6o,Xrqn CmJ6i.{d0rlr, JC'!&'(' .o,&}qy,ljr$ risartJ$ ai6J0a'b a)aaxradroDs EA tfrta.ll<dl at.t 6rr.6ltyalodl' arr.fuLlb qr.r l.rJhbdr or)SbC!.lli eil$!A{$e AJErB{ICDJ A'J rbBJ, Itlib.b al$atcaob $adr ara'rdle$t . FAAno 0cr6J atr.Cbol, Br6"$rao BJarrkJ6'E'o Cf'o-3.ioo fuJtrcrtbrh .m6d.xp .Eobcgntr b(Nn[ q6rDsrlr. 0oar$a6cDo qD o*'s{$61,l }Je'JJi*r, Sf'qfa)' DApC}$; bgttd, ogbd rs,l u,mo ra, (rlerf).o! lr$lEer)aoft t98oo6fL* (r$o6"e'() oD6b.U fuAO.r6Jb 16 ar&{loa$t, ITA-oo, Ala.Dtqrt,Jer) or$bol,, oe36+'bob 8J8O.f)CErll er A.rro oi&HC6rb! lgUla(,Ca9('(' oJ6CL, Baq}ac6o lrrlrjlrtr bC{€OfrC(}3aCOd) aJtsot03!.tlnu) qD b!li.t, o)6b9a.'b D6r6.(TE$. Atuq,c{p59{..lJ, (rra l(5o63q'o bJ(+J6?SCAJUd) e{EDa tDB.tuEt oBrqr$$d,.rho) Gl)<tra.or hqEAb l. 2. 3 { ― ¨ '-C}.$-€.J3fh a-y\!5b. qr lixht, arh..r6raot N6J! (^Dl) ar'6.I bCs"lr4Ctr<h q!€.5$lrrLl, Ai.*! bC<sl}('CeC!.tr qD lDlr !o bcq!$e3(r ?0.1r B(r{raC!.t, o&vrr6\b .6t|eoqc|i rorq qD odx, }dE Osb €o[603.!x' tDCraldj3qy'\r ot6a6r6.r t!.$6oB3q!rlD qtr lLhu !$O.Dnrg.r, u$Jl, (ADl) .!*%r5,\r da({rrO6 l!.JlroBcstr! aa,Jt lol,sbtolo 3fu3lCldr !i4.,.1, bcq€.{drrlqn l$t{[!.! bJ(ocadrJqtlnl, J6stc qD ooltr }'r,orJ(. rJs{6O€6., a!6e6J8.r 2013 6e.ii 2 tddrEaamb ri6-/:l es 2ol3 13 [sdr 'Q'n6.U ffii.' lrll]r6(ht tlzlo !r<.r!.r t∞ 。ゆ 3S 曽 〕 ?ノ 鳳 … "。 Oo5ok,oし 酬 惚ι 電鵬 1■柳 Bqbq!0.! l跳多 解 L“Z`%写 葛胤躙 庁 LDJ06m33Rm ‖ I□ Ⅲ ЩIЩ 輻 ロ Lこ rヽ 二,日 LSJ00mS I 「:nし o■ m ,01 i101/【 К 1/07/2013 lrJdld,q4Cgol, go6o6uorJ UrAo6olrQ6<,r o$96o t '" 'r'.o 2013 Eq'ol, 23 o3q'olr,u N 97{)r56pf, EC'i({'d, $trcNA 6o5\6oor, trCJfESCqxrb l,Jcaoot Us6o6olf)tiob Art $oJtr lrliyqoBoq'r't r q\r .t$.r)|, e$OoorJ6C0ol, b6Jl, (ADB) Acrlif) 2r ' -.r-ot 3: 5 lag.lro.rlJ bCq€GtgCfxry lrJlrdrbo bcq8frqCq$roo (S{D6qr, !i6&tCq,o Ol().g}Jr6ool,) Jt*%6,!a! - JCx,dOo D ACU\}r&, Bgl({gCD(ll, J6F,OCO.,I,I orifltr$} - , .,,. ...,30rt lsr639b{joo(lal qD6rdEro: f E3cfurl bv'.-'I5 (rxroqtq `い化訳ンしゃ たまン h ヾ■。 l j,,r-!.rcnuo U)tu6,o{10{crRo “ “ eap)f,O,raC60o し00040130qnL 1lSヽ 6t00し Oan61も う /γ タ ・ 製 _・ ″ θ ' 2"う ●1ハ uool llsn101nol " I l3 o$oqntm, &rr Eoordotr C. l+4r OCg: (+99532) 294 50 q)i tsJCbo: (+995 32) 29,1 50 0l `rl 0 LOJDハ m33R円 ‖ Ⅲ 胴1嶼 W硼 幽脚‖ ‐ L03'4´ LDJ30m0 L I:し o“ 円 1/30725 「 _013 ls- :(,u,,3gq,ols qo rtodt ^- l,.:Fc6oq' lr$rClibo i ,:OgDoU h び り Vド ' '''c;l ' : ' o\)t*rd Ar6oboq,J Urju6o6gq,rnbs gq,ob 5 o6otJ6ob bCq,0mscd,o qr o$crrb 0rqoov{()ca(i, 0,$3b (A.DB) 6r6rbUJrnt6gob 6s6goorst6gbot ;3q,c{,C0C0ot, Jriog6f$o ;3r;ro &1oor6q)g$gOob , CI ( l$o53gltngff ,;6oqlrl tsgor6b0CAob er 6sorgrq,o CgrSgCai. ,ObO,ooo,hOodO b」 〔 沖4oN:← 9'3321594昴 面bF`I砺 3212945001 www.nf3.gsv.g6 br jrt6orgXq,cnb ogbgogoob bt0o6ob66o MINISTRY OF JUSTICE OF GEORGIA │1翻 00-。 24● ― 目 □ │││││││││1田 II KAl 10138422110Sl〕 [[`υ 。[14, “ II● 1ま 猟諮i猫11蹴 離翻 吉 洲ヽ77465 30 / o3q{t o / 2013 [. lrrdr6oBCqd $'6!AJo,r 0o&&O6dr Oat.rAtfq1lr DtOn6 qrgoo, q'eD3Jl, o\)cr6.,l q,$(Er, tlst{,oBRclJ qct,onoGrr u8fr&51ftr6 D6obqD q,J$6o o}nnqt!, S!6fr{6C5<(, UJCr6oECqdD q!! !tr$ Dlo6o0C0o, d,(r6 h06o JdJf,)06o(rr, Wedg?DOo 2013 gqrr, I qqrrrrJ tw742tf,,r,7J U$ .fh - DEEftoAao,, rrqa g,r6Ar(6C6qr, lofrdrbc, bNnCj6Cq$* Cqrxqt0C6.t) &qcrdo.f, &,SJ6o f.6d6qu) r8 Orr.ld, brc"1l,6JqC6lrro>3dr t"jGo-ng.dr-+i.Eg*qd";e"ggge.qr" Ce,.J. i l') 6,l88o.Dorrtr Jrlicr6.r. 6rn r6rq\-J lrJ3.!qE J\).XatrGS&,o,, Ъ・U特が 芍 嘲 … 瀾 … … … 。 b。 。 6030QOb 00035uΨ oい 530 」 Na男 reottb 易 72θ 3 ;3)、 イ P//θ bSJS6の 3躍 Ob 80555b∽ o Oo5ob06ob 00。 9´ ΨOb 6ooo5ゃ o30∽ ΨO,3。 し 0」 306b2013,wob N07‐ 02/56971 。 し Ob 23 o3智 186oΨ ヽ3 6oom5m● 530CD, 。 輸 30Ψ mb 06035っ 雪05 6。 5305 655oboで 、 し 」 Ъ。 。 し 可56cD30時 Obδ で。 δ 655300。 606oも 6o53b(ADB)306ob 2010,Ψ 。 し5o視 ObOmb boΨ Om恥 6。 で し 。 し Obb0 bOΨ 80360Ψ o6」 。(096659o366。 5っ o 06558o600b 6553005606oし じ 50530b00000 Ψ 36o66505-3600」 Oo I)o3Ψ oΨ 06o60b 00055oし 30ヽ bOoし 。 6の J。 30Ψ ObS 95 5Ъ Oob b。 6o530∽ 060bOb 6553し 36oO」 0。 006ob 65b53m60050Ψ 。 bObbm bOΨ 003あ り Ψoう 。し03Ψ oΨ 06060b 6o05o5060, 600 o6m353Ψ “ も。 53も , Oo30b0 300000o50o。 し い60oで ぃ5oΨ 。90380060ob 000。 60005o0350b yぅ 。0」 3b 8566Ψ ob60, y 翼‖ 》鰍 /‐ イ 823 06m35っ Ψ。6553。 し3000 360Ъ o9o50o 2d07,b 「鳥liI´ .蕊 0114/00oぐ oし″ し ●o60b2/00智 2406406.2406120/9可 い :24∞ 577/0990し :infO@nbg い 2 SanaPiro str/Tbilis1 01 14/Tel■ “ 2406406,2406120/Fax:2406577′ ー E‐ Inai卜 を 帆 つ 80V ge′ 30や 020410484 info@nb8 80V ge/code,20410484 ⅢⅢ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ ⅢⅢ Ⅲ ‖ Ⅲ KA020‖ 70!7984313 brj,:6or3gqrrnb g3obnOo3ol.t qgs 0qr56.>po 6163oot6gbolr brOo6ob66rn 1108σ心 .3。 MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF GEORGIA 6006、 も」N12 TCt:(+99532)299:l os,29911 11 12 C Chanturiastr 0108 7bHist ceOrgia … Fa「 l109/5237 (+99532)2921534 25/o3Qr。 し。/2013,. し 。 ● 」 `03-じ 305、 6b∞ o3o5oし 06oし Oooで 。 。 でOb いo● 5 Ψo300曽 3。 "。 bi0<16r.l CQJgoor, Jr1)o3obgg0oor, Aot,olrOf)oU arnJe6clq,C ″物 y り,バ l,01,,´ 、 Oe,s口 .)6JJqio ArOJrgr 1、 し し。 δ 6030Ψ Oし 606o050彎 o655300δ 606obδ 」 o696oし 06o」 Oo60bb。 Oo5ob060 Qδ MINISTRY OF REG10NAL DEVELOPMENT AND INFRASTRUmE OF GEORCIA *0501480840543 13* KA050148084054313 い」 蒟0∞ ぐ0,いい00も 00!611,ゃ 12.AL Kagiave ol“ u珈 もかい 12崚 :「 "'32)25Ю GЮ 口 ヽ Td(+"5'2)2510611:FⅨ Tbi“ 611:0」 ,(● :● “ "532)25Ю 679 99532)2510679 “ 卜L3742/6 r63ob6o / 2013 g. b,: jrt6or35q,erlr go6rEbort 0o6otr6t6olr 0o.rqr6oq,3U bs6r'16 ps3oor q'CJ JBJb 02 / 0,>6e6o qrs3nor, U.>c.:t6o69q,nb t6g6rx'r6gqn 6,>63cvrlrfu6olrt qr o6g6rbO6UjOU6oU b)Ao6drodx,r0 6.t6obcq,r ofu36o 0r€qr6.)69 sqnli 23 %qnbob N07-0266970 $xooq*,, 6.nage{B 9bx6r ttjl6or3xqvrbr er stoot, 6163oo111690olr A16$ ArfnU 2010 Sqrf, 5$crb 6.:gex60g0gq, Urugbbcr bgqfigJ6).Jqlbrao (Aq,a6r(,o g60r6pqrl O6rEUJsft0(l) 6.>63oor.1690olr bro63glrrJqcx'r J6<r66r0r - &6oCCOol ) $qr{fAg0c,U 0gg.>6ob 09Usb30 UrJrtro3gqritt er Jt+<n9j6b gr i. rt 'ot 6r63r:ortfubob br63! dor6oU 6,:U.>geri0gAgqn lrsUgubo bgq€gJd,gqlxbgAob ggq.oq,COotr ,r.rb3bor, Frctr $srl0erqr66oq' Jrrx,rgj6ot6 qr.:3r3Bol6g6nor 8396o 3o0JX6g6gffb Br6iAq!8Ao 096o03690o,:61 2^',j3tr. Jrgqobg3S^rn, ao5oltot6ou Ac)..'.. oq,C 」 ミ。 めヽ 0erors 0g6qgqo し0」 06000CpOb oコ 50003δ QpD60 665301D06ooob 90500 MUNECIPAL DEVELOPMENT FUND OF GEORCIA 51426 1 一= Ⅲ 0 1404- ︱ 偏︱ ︱ 躙 器 VB剛 習鑑 料 8661・ T申 乱翼 田 N1404-6 25/07/2013 111111111111111111111111‖ I bsjstrror3gq,r'rb go6,:6bor,: 0o6oU616ob Omrq6oq,3b br6o6 qrr3oor bsOo5o O、 30∞ q,gg.r3.:b , 6。 ヽ し ヽ 。 ^oΨ Ob Ou5oOo35Ψ 86o 65530∞ 560bOb 305Ψ ∂ 」 o655oboΨ 。∽J306o O, 23o3Ψ Oじ Ob o N'' 756972,6ooOΨ 00 0b゛ 。し ,060Ψ 16Cn30Ψ ObS e0 0%00b6● 530∽ 。 6メいしら ヽ 63し 0060b201o 可 腱 oし 5 、 し 30b 6。 30680b3Ψ b“ 8“ゎcob。 あ (■ 9665o∞ 066o欧人,O o6“ 出060ob 6.も 300。 60。 お '0530b00o0036o66105-ま 柿」001)o3qり でOb゛ ob匈 055oし 30bob゛ blJ。 "bO"c助 ∞ぐ0し ヽでいヽ0。 し 、 53し 0060し 6o530CD` 606討 o036EKPぃ 0し o3Ψ OΨ ゛Ob mO」“ 6。 ヽ906oFOqp boし 3bb● bび ご Oし ヽ ∞,600,。 60mⅧ 5oΨ o 3600」 00b00016∽ ag5oOo31Ψ 6。 35o・ 530の 。 6060b3m5∞ b 060 6● し 6。 、 口 ` δ 66Ψ 06o0005o03506o o6 6。 585o5 00o50oob 9。 '30∞ J)C^" .JAool, 482″ ・ びT60χ obOご 2`0,13 肛 ガ g o6gjgor )・ ●1“ uttntハ ,1.1"1`niO h,r3'' bodoc,- . . ,b AJ6o0oJueJ6o ao63oor6Cdob g(96eo odoe)ouo 0112. e. oeA,)EC6Cbe)ol, 150. r5( .), ocg.: (+995 32) 243 70 o1tOZO3lU godlror (+995 32) 243 70 77 E-m6il: [email protected] n/*w. mdf .org.0e _ _ 、 __ _. Municipal DevelopmOnt Fund of Goorgi8 Nlヨ 3.D A9mashenob●「 Ave.011 2 Tbilsis,Ceo「 91a Te11('99532)2437001′ 0203′ 04 Fax:(+99532)2437077 E‐ mal mdr@。 r900 -mdf org 00 ●∞qιQ⊆pqgoC崚πЧ3δこあ“o F ■ ご ‘ π で σ つ ‘ f ■ f ス 囃 0 颯 C 近 ζ ふ し Q6 じ 甲 ふ 3 8 8 観法 いよ 8 κ 〓 ざ ■ ソ コ ひ b だ つF g S l σ” 鵠 8 0 メ 8 曖 g ︰ , げ ︱︱ILだ陽 C CI/ ● CC/ ′ c/ ヽ ごと称98角 3げ “ ♭3888増 380 げ “方 ガ 3 ” 場 0こ鳳 b∞ g8 F更 ゴ 3 α 3 コ 3 ふ 寝漁3 0% y p b 鴇 う ●3 0ι 彙 ∫ レ , σ 3 ︶”と 3o●c ねい ρ υ 3 ^ O p る ” 月 こ A ∈ ∝ い “ o o さ フ受 曳F υoL3oF︶0 駕 甕 嵐 螢 晏 罫 “ 8 r 鵠 G C温0電0■38︶ ■ 電σ , 6 の8 〇 五 5 ●塾 ビ ぽ И 3 ^ス ゑ 口 野 い Q 許 鬱 や ﹁ M い で 法 F 湯 r Ч 2 え ぶ 3 ヽ ご P ︲象 I ´ ●費︶ い 汁 0いF g ︹ 2σo O 餞 ざ 3 , R 洒 ‘ 4 ︹ F? ど 員 掲 ■ F a■6 甲πF 熟 ン yaQ g % F 曖 珪 3 ■ 月 ﹁F ご 5 0 0% Ъ 8 X a g F “ 硼 Я a g げ 〓, ︰ で ‘C て′ 、‘ ナヽく ′ t ・GFゞ″ 敏XとF‰イ62Fぜい3 F■ご84法 F%0﹁ FЪ83Fpふoだヽ3 圧百醤雇ュ ξ逸どξ ヽ ﹃ l ぎ l e 33 ど き ξ l げ Fふ了●2オ︶ひ3 ⋮ F畜 漏 層 3 82 ご 〓 ち F C ⋮ ︰ J げむ 3 鎮 福 げ 8 ご ざュ E 黙 ど , Fサ熟嵐壺甕3げFτO﹁ F旨 9 題 卦 ご F r ′ ′ t rン′ c ′ d ピ ン 、C 〓 C ´ C・ g げ 8論r ︺ 家■ 8 燎 ■ 一 43y 8 2 38ヽ ガ g8 嘆 恨 ︶ 旨 ■8月3ヴ 8 4尾 38o ひ6掟℃qふ30■ coa゛& 伊∝F﹂ “ 旨 463 8 ヴ3 3 0 レ 0 0 5● げo﹂贅F8 3C o〇 3 o■7υ 9X 気り ゛3 8 ” 男 “ 電 β バ 唆 4 一 ● リ ё 0 9 ” σ∞ぬ“〇一0ぬち ΦαへXメ︺ 〇一∝∞ぬ“oσk8∞o∝ υSX︺。ぬ﹃い。Oぬりo ●oあつLFυ 。 r , S53 σ Q К゛ o もの 9 0 o 曳6∝ 0 メ% 03α‰ごβう G3● % ∞ 3ひ¨ 3鴇5σ ” 33● 380c なぉ3 げ . . 。 υ 6υ o一 Ooぃ 8κるoo3 ” σ”Ъ田ぎ ■3y 3384●OO d %写σ ♂も だg齢ざ増o , んo ● サ熟出勇電´ 38 お“ 8o8︶ ”レ 841凋33p c ξ ∝ こ1 等 尾 o σ 君 f ご 1 ∝ ∞ 強 d旨 ぬ ξ 蠣 ■ gc e 氣ご■33 響ねo Fg638 膚受ざ8 家Inる●3o プ 09”零F38げ ● ・ 888L在F8●4oo∞ んo■333 。 4υ , 0いo︶ ∞o中鉢︶ 月いo●。︹︺ oぬ“o シ、 υOげωい。。σ σ一′一 300、︶ ぬ 88 o n“o 一〇箋5あ電o︲ , , , 3ひ∂ 湯 0 43 尾 3 許 ●気 な 8 占 3 ‘ 4 a F サ ご 員 π 電 ブ 8 ● ,な ガ´ Oυぃ ∝ ︵ >∪︺︶ り1砂oσ σ安七やo口ヽ夕角毬︶ %X5∝ o蜂ざo9 ご ∝ P q 噸 あ3 ■ 彦 98 ″ ,Q &鵠3o5 %%3● ″ 8罫9■3 ︶ 398 ご 電 ブ∝ , 3o 3 g∝ 3 ど ●8ご ■32o吸´ g4● 3 9 ″ 8 o 8o 3o 83●6一 ■3 8 Qι3 σ”“ 0浄88お博げ げ g ooL ●ゴせご И百 F K , 8 罫 ″ ︵ ゴ8 J﹂ 3 o o 3 0 員 o 3 ■ を 8 4 8 ね 洒 % 8 ■ 8 万 督 gξ 8″ ン348喘G 3・ F写唱β■掲〓 3こ ︿ 象Jび Qごo■3o “£ さ 8 σ” , g げ rσ ¨ 3 3 〇ふ ¨ “ σ 6レッる・ g ハ■8ぎ 4 汁 9 3 o 0畠当魚更ざげ ●8 88 a ‘ 0 一 ω 8ね843o 3鴇5∝。 ‰ごo∝ 9 S 3 Я 電 & ●3υ ∝こb 98唸 2゛ ● ● ”こ︶ おnぅη鴇こぎ リバυ●o●o るo∝%85げOυ ︵ d gF r 31 al ● ‘〓‘ヨ F73 飼胃 弩 ∝ 388● X3 %♂8 1 ど こ F av ” げ / Fr聟≡ЧI にし ↑ ・︶ ど 一 ,ま︶o。o∞o∝0 ハ o● ︵ こヽ ⋮ 患 憎 いてヽ ス も ヽ ど ё ふ 3 3 E棗馨2ざ Fこ、どざ吸■3∝跡 7●ぢ ⋮ 3 0霧 鳥 コ g ふ %漁 J ●↑FJ ●∞一ヽッ 3●υ ”OЭ● Эレ ● 0﹁ 諄 ♂g b τ燿 J 0﹂卿ュ L満ぅo 0 ﹂認‘oセひ゛o ゆ Ft ζ曖 ■ ∝ ぎ ⋮ │ rtooU 6r6goor.>r630ob 0163o 0C606rq,U6ro q,J erb.:3q,3o,ltcrrb qrg.)J66raC66o 6-6 6oqr.rr6 l3 qEotro 20t3 brqrg6o ao6oU06() bJCr60€Cq'oL go6r6bors bs6o6oU66o 6ots6rUqrob J.t6, o0oq,obo, br Oll4 jr6or3gq,o A10(',6(') Ao6obo6o, ligLrbo 2655-GEO(SF): 0qr6r6sqpo g6br6gq,o O6r6lrJo6ool, oro3oorJlbCAou UJo6gglgo6oo J rgfuo I @eoqCaCbo UrbCUbo qqri1a6gq,CbrAo ) qg.l rtoob 6s63oor6Coot br6Jb &6o616.>0r, (,,ADB,,) Ao6ob 2O1O aJao ac0J6oq,o g3q,oqrgbgboor,.bUgl-rbo b9gBgrrrgq,36.:.) 0qr6r<rrqn U66r6uq,o r {,,J6oCCOo,.). b. J6(rCCOo g3q,oq,CbC6oll,rusb3ou o) brl-rgtrbo b3q'0gg69q'30ob *l 1.I._** 2016 gq,ob 0g0qgg66sor6.>qg:,,2018 gq,oU 30 bql6g069Cro,.; 3l 6ot6oo 0or3r$er6q, qrx390036o g,roasq,ol_r q.: asaosrq,o\r3tr 0) QJ6,)6oo l-ob,09-2 (s) J.:r6.r6r6sgolr (i) 6.>Soq,o g.>o?.rq,ob eJ J!6J06,rtsc6o (ii)_q9c6 63br0sOob.>qr; 6.:qr.:o6o0r+rotr (iv)_aqrg $ qr.:6lttoo l-oU 09-3 JJ6ra6rgao dogg0gq,o oJ6o(o 2016 ggqro 30 o36olm gmOuqrotr 8.:0ogrq'obqrgLr ?90q.0966so6.)e:,,2018 gq,ob 3l A1600..; ;:J]o3u;'rti:*,,b (sbt6oqro: usbbou o,:6b3bou ,l) 3o639qro Jg6j6ou (lr.:dgdso $JoAJq"oU er qr.> 6.r6ors3rr3b,> lr.:jo6gqo) BJo$C6oU,,42,920,533.,; 6) a3-2 JgoJgoU (b.:Jo6bUq,Orooo AoAbrbU6C0r prq6g6oq'o bgtrboU orr6b.: (SDR) 6,515,000 eJ aJaoc'bo3r) s6q,.: Bso63sq,ob 0gtrr0.:6ob.:q-o bClrbol., er o.,r6b (SDR) 47,{@,839 Aoaeo6j6C reoo6obo6ortp0.:) ., grnoq,"u q.r ainggo,if, qr.: "s,s46,osf ,9o 6Xbub.r6ob,>qr I ド A) aC-a JU6CO.., (ArJErEoq,cACq,o) ESlsbs,o*qr q.rqr696oq,o trgUbolr or,:6bc (sDR) $ro0.rq'ob q.r Bro$g6<,rl_r,,4,291,416-. 2,833,161 3 aobc6bcouqoaobr qr.: lro0.:66ogotro3ob ggrloq,U er6J6oo b3q'033tlgq'g6oU qrr6!6oo l_oU 3_oU eJ er6.>r6on I er 2_ob brbocr, oJ6 rbq,Job lrJrcubo qr;0r690. agfr.:Oiinfrn Bq,oq,3090ob rblbgoo. 0g-2 Jr6i6r6.rg0o 0o0C0gq, o6oAoEJq'oU bgq'do$orioo q,o o3q,oq,cb J .r*#:;::;:r"rx;t::;,;? g96oq' or6o6o6sq,tr Jro(l3oUOCAoo, Jq,rub AC6JrgbC6 69696rq,96o qnr<pj6o6o OC5O6Jq,U6o (,r JqOotr3qrgo .>$oob AJEUotsoq,COr qr.r6.>6og0o: r. u. .1. brbgbbo b3q,ACg6gq,C0ob eJ6Jr6on lrCUbob bcqp033r6gq,96oU 0g_3 1 g3q,oq"96g0oo, (l 6306(,cl) q"s"o-"r, qg;;co, or*I*roro"ol,l' *., oolr.lqgoos ql.r g3orJ6baCooo. A. OJeJlrOg6C0cr,, r5od UrbSbbo bCq,aAr6Cq,CAoU g3goqrg6r sr6 69ogs3tr o6go60rgorU, r6o09q,o0 6.r6ggo469br pCp-ob 6.l0o6.r3q,obg6lr. L>'ob b.:bgq,oo: bsbgq,o 63s6o: o116,:aqrg0o0.>: g)Yioqo: ) 860も 00 '・ 0、 QS6J6o'o QJ6J6oro l J6o&lOoU .}qEC{6r 1 J6crCCOo U$6U6gCq,g r$3qro0 g66.>6gq, ur66J6bJo6oo o6g6rrbo6uC6u6,rb al ;;d gr66$pq,o ogd36oli go6o0o, lqr$o,>6obor3ob (U.rjsr6o6gq,oU i tgogtqo qu JoEJU6c6Ou6J6or6o 9r<16.1699o, 6l6r30oUqu63oo, 0o0tr.rbg690ob bgqdobrg3gro O6rEUS(,60.'L Ar60oor,jCbct, (ii 2. (,>) J6n,CCOo U6q.> tsgqro,bopglr d90qp6o dorioo.rqo 3oaJo6g6OCOob0J6: g6b.r6gq,o Us6rt.r6uJo66o o69r6rb$6,f (i) cn6oq,obo ga'>3gq'':b 6':0tot6o); .:6.r3q,ooU (iii) acbooou a (ii) { dl,C"Ogo.,uon _3oo.qso6.r6oorr OU6oU aJge;obgbgdr, 03Aq,g6 CaC_J6c,rCCOCbolr BJogq,oo: 3ttg6ob CacD6tlSj6o; Egbrdq,gaq,obgaou 6.,$oqe", a.o-o6,;no6n aJ6ooq,r6coJ *l r*,u"r* (0) J6of,loob od369bq,r,r6ob o6t OoOC0U6o 3 J6oCJOoU erU6Uq,COoU UogJ6rUq,o Ql c)6A oi"*d:T}il:Hr"lfi:*il:,T, gau fi3Jrlogjgou aoa$.:pgbob, 690olrqt63ooro 09g,>b30olrr br0616bJer6Oel orr6oqoJ 2018 gq,ou 31 A160.). CACtrql6o66o. p.> I QoOr16oOヽ yCtRIt'1〔 08Y ': r (,J6J6oo gb6oq,o 〕 』 :主 L:P:l,76o16● 5oopb♪ o"o6o000bo30 ADB-otr q,rg.,6.>614OIf, 0oq'o.>6o or.:6bob 6r6.rbq,gbggo c● 3つ 5し OΨ O。 t "t 9t u. ro6to., f,io'iG[it 6.10oorbo3olr Jr6o g966pq,o gng. 60m a..l0brbC6C6r (rJ 0o0qn6r169 2 eJ6Jdroo 3-ol, (,JaJOC0J Ao,q'oJ6o bJ6XoL 1oo%. ti f` veloPment Bank Central and West Asia Department 1 3 June 2013 Mr Nodar Khaduri Minister Ministry of Finance 16 Gorgasali Street, 0114 Tbilisi, Georgia Dear Minister Khaduri: Loan 2555-GEO(SF): Sustalnable Urban Trensport lnvestrnent Program, Proiect 'l to the Loan Agreement -Amendment 1 We refer to the Loan Agreement (Special Operations) dated 5 August 2010' as amended on 6 April 2012, (the Loan Agreement) between Georgia (the Borrower) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for the Sustainable Urban Transport Investment Program, Project (the Project). 1 2 ln response to your government's request, on 23 May 2013, ADB approved (i) the extension of the loan closing date by 21 months from 31 December 2016 to 30 September 2018; (ii) a minor change to remove from the Project's scope the construction of a road tunnel and recreation area on Gorgasali Street in Tbilisi (the Gorgasali subprojecl), and (iii) the corresponding reallocation of loan proceeds. To reflect the foregoing, we propose to amend the Loan Agreement as set forth below: A. ln Seclion 3.05 of the Loan Agreement, the date of 31 December 2016 shall be deleted and replaced with '30 September 2018'; B. ln Schedule 1, item (i) of paragraph 2(a) shall be deleted, and items (ii) through (iv) renumbered accordinglyi C. ln paragraph 3 of Schedule 1, the date of 30 June 2016 shall be deleted replaced with'31 March 20'18'i and D. Attachment to Schedule 3 (Table: Allocation and Wthdrawal of Loan Proceeds) shall be amended as follows: and (a) the amount of Loan proceeds (in SDR) allocated under ltem 1 (Works and Goods) of 47,409,839 shall be deleted and replaced with '42'920,533'i (b) the amount of Loan Proceeds (in SDR) allocated under ltem 2 (Consulting Services and lncremental Administration) of 6,515,000 shall be deleted and replaced (C) with'9, 6,051'; and the amount of Loan proceeds (in SDR) a‖ ocated under item 4 be deleted and replaced with (Una‖ 。Cated) of 2,833.161 sha‖ ・4,291,416・ 2 3. For your convenience and ease of reference, the revised schedule 1 and Attachment to j of the Loan Agreement incorporating these changes are attached hereto as Schedule Annexes 1 and 2. Please indicate the Borrowe/s agreement to the above amendments by signing 2 ain 1 signed original for original exemplars of this letter in the space ind into force from the date yo;r records and return the other to ADB. This ogether with Bonower's on which ADB will have received Bonowe/s sig 4. notification on the fulfillment of all legal procedures necessary for lts entry into torce According to the ADB'S Public communication Policy (PcP) on disclosure and exchange of information, ihese amendments to the Loan Agreement will be automatically disclosed publicly within 2 weeks of the effective date of the amendment, unless we are advised that any PCP bf the amendments contain sensitive or confidential informalion or data that falls within the exceptions. 5. Sincerely, Central and West Asia DePartment Annexes: 1. Schedule 1 of the Loan Agreement, as amended (1 page) 2. Attachment to Schedule 3 oflhe Loan Agreement, as amended (1 page) A Accepted and agreed. B information confirmed that the amendments to the Loan Agreement do not contain falling within the PCP exceptions. ,,r.'NcJu< k hoJr/ Designation: Date: /jol 20r-3 Annex l SCHEDULE 1 Description of the Project 1. The Project will provide efficient, reliable and affordable urban transport infrastructure and services, thereby increasing economic growlh potential and competitiveness of urban communities, improving livelihoods of over 1,5 million people (approx. 35% of Georgian population). The Proiect will also: (i) improve urban, environment and communities' access to economic opportunities and to public and social services; (ii) promote etficient and sustainable urban transportation; and (iii) generate income and employment opPortunities. The Project shall comprise the following main components: (a) Urban Transoort lnfrastruclure lmorovement, including the following Subprojecls: (D (ii) (iiD Tbilisi metro exlension (Vazha Pshavela avenue); Anaklia Coastal lmprovement subproject; and Road improvements in Mestia. (b) lnstitutional Caoacity Development to strengthen organization, increase coordination, monitoring and financing of urban transport subsector; and (c) Proiect Manaoement Facility and consulting services for Subproject preparation, construction supervision, audit, social and environmental assessments, and institutional capacity development in the urban transport subseclor. 3 The Project is expected to be completed by 31 March 2018. 3 Annex 2 Attachmentto Schedule 3 TABLE ALLOCAT:ON AND W!THDRAWAL OF LOAN PROCEEDS (SuStainable Urban Transportlnvoshent Program,Prdectl) CATECORY ADB F:NANCING Revised Total ltem Percentage and Basis for Withdrawal from the Loan Account Amount A‖ ocated for ADB Financing ISDR〕 42,920,533 100 percent of total expenditure' Consulting Services and lncremental Administration 9,546,051 100 percent of total expenditure' 3 lnterest 1,228,000 100 percent of amounts due 4 Unallocated 412911416 1 Works and Goods つ‘ TOTAL Idxes ar]0 睡 57,986,000 territory Oυ [υ WCl b:H,bOb 6(l'0〔 )F102655‐ GEO(SF) し 、 も J)h"byt枷 OR゛ o (h.31,(lo.` 鯛 t]`00),3i〕 Fn、 (0■ 1、 Fl、 f'.lЩ ,`,(.)Fl、 。(1'3`(` ハ r、 1、 0) (y,I〕 卜 ,160`〕 l'、 、 ぃ 、 631X"` る ヽh l)ヽ ヽ̀F3が (〕 :〕 1ぃ d、 rlo8〔 〕 〕 f質 'め 〕 (D.` 61'も 6● Hヽ ‐ ぁ デ rt,b(}l) .、 (Ilb.、 'マ R` ヽЪ001l oゝ 580り δ●oも ob ら、6Jb ヽ .ヽ 0,.、 F10く '05.ヽ 0:,ol,0(り 2010、 ()Ro LASIGE0 42414 IFANS(AiION 8 1 もヽbObbO bOR■ Oo`■ R3る ` ]RO● 3“ ・ OoOも → (6o6し 、 」 ■o6゛ い 6隠 図 お つ` I端1お 1れ 。 [t‖ Fギ TtЪ 将鳳 儡。 ∫ も 酬│‰ )186認 R° 6択 0ヽ 650: (o) 1,(llibOl' あ3賛 0ふ lぃ 健ヽ ハ lHI贅 鮮蠍麟l‖ li淵ゃ辟 概 6榔 J需 恕辮 獅 ぎ 1輔li蘊 ル ]l::「 ‖ 18:lill島 1lF31‖ :│。 ::!謡 :ミ:F‖││ (│lo6∫ PB13hi,L‖ 慾 Ⅲ H製 ■ 5,6 り l12淵 ‖ 法 峰 ‖ ヽ 淑 靭 rヽご ヽ ‖ 6〕 ││:、 ,‖ ‖、、お .、 t,Oll.、 史 a卜 ::│ .、 6:〕 :〕 ム0 0)● 6卜 llRFJR ilJRttJそ 、1,J: 鈍bRo I tl● し ЪR360も ♪0 OLb"6060Rs00゛ qぅ o6し 。 │ │ ‖墨 出 33ョ 1 ′ ・ 2 rbbeolb MDF-b- qXll,q,Ul,)tr, q,.)a6go03l11q*h 2005 g'{ot, 23 I t8 _q,.rqr6;l6ogl,3iloor, qr6mrn;: A..,6a.rilR ;;n?,i a"l,?,, ?;$oGnR; lr$o61Iorn; (tr) "I,.',lot rXq'fl.ryx'r b.rhlq,fdqa"LOq:.' 6 i 5s53,or..rrrr;;Iolr 1,1531,,., q.r tr3trboli iqSalr q.',1.r3?lot'.r3ilrxrr, (2010, r6r,r0;1q'o11 q (0urq,..,,-1grtre, (i,) 1,.\,t{, '61,.,1.{'(1.\ !('i') l,.,tr;11, iI,,3tr^r t,,,1,,r;1?,.. Arlq3.>E;;q,otr ltrooh .J$fi ffiXISX*f,r,,i " ,g1,nq,Uf.l,ii" ' hlr'ii;;iI.,bs;yr.:t,ilitrr 'ilil,Ir'.Jr{,i11,,,1, .trrr<r;g;191,o tr.rJlrti;E3rr.\6 1gn (q) ,b;itoJflSqglob "F-ARF" 6;llllohb&,,Ilr 5sr,,r1;to,L1. ?1g|,tr18olr.r q,.., 3o3erto1q3otr ?-pr.rl-rbe1l11qo tr;yl,t ,rb .r?gJJl,.i ,{r ADb-lr ?err6otr, pe;" . ^ 15,.'6fl.r,rq,r,ritstto il,rlr?o ?11)nGoq," lj31q,"gl,nhloi 6rrn3.rfto5iirr6llo<,; q.r;113Xtifl1, lr, r6q5or611 1lr ?o6otr. r6o31q'og qO1')q,n(,aa, b.: h hgq'fldq'3.r63q'r,r ? .rqgo6olrgrtr.lSojqo {'1,) 'LARF" ti,,iltr..;glr il,rIrrlr q,,r 6.rt-rL.r hq,;1l,ob q,r,r,1;1il;;Sfl [, 16o15m611 ,?l;11;oq3olr.r 'il.Irr,.6hi1;ytr,,l*l,i^ .11t,h.' rAiJll,.., ;;I *.., nO6-t, 1i.,"O.f,. 'rr",aX,{[ ;;;13;13q,;1}r(o;yr\,rq.r 1 11y1q,oq1;;r\.r b: dl,,O:i.r;; 1,,1. .'l't]'1,,1] tisilr.rr,oo11h3olr .lr..hJqe,tr.l0.rt,0r+r,i, 6XglotrhSr.rAb ADB_tr lr;1LhoL i*'r3..rh,116; q,ro,1110;;6gh (2007,,4;acA;o {;tp.',{o,, u;3naq6r,roil}.R. 1.;31q'or{'ip.rlr); │ ・ Rェ 、afっ :,n、 /〔 :に RT:FIEoぃ γ ___ Mけ ■ ■ ■ ギ 皐f:[貿 乳 Ъミ 1 3 (,1) "il;1lr;1rr1"3'tr \';1lr;1i',ri i,,1q,,rlrhit,,ri\', ADB-. .it;;lr;1r1.;1olr [l;1lr;y]lr (2010, rot',r.rr.stt,r'/.r.r,l-Jil.lilq,ili,..drJA,.,(,.r 1 r.o-rfl;.;g1o1.; ;,1lllrrt:{;1}..1) ; (a) ".)rrr0rgJgolr g,rr66*qi;il'iloi" h.r. 6293, "jsni.xon_r,"Jii,i, b19?13;r61qg6ob ..ff1fi;,t*il:'if* tl[",{ffilq,'gl;,,*.Tf#ff?,,;*]g:iirgL,[,ri*,*?i*I,;,.s115if;.,T,,,,,** 3trbqo II lrgbbo b bXlrbo ADB_oL LJ3go.r1q,76o 14r.rgq,olr n,q,X6r'rl.rg -E3rq6";nt, rtll.rb,;orq,76o lr.rhglrbcr Gnfoqotr 1,:) vlrHHi*l 6s$o,{,o 2.03. bnLh'b;1 qr.rr6o11blgo Jr6r.r6n6$o -o;pb hlt.|c,aolx,o p;g.rr1;q,o 1Eq,--., .\.]6oRbi q'.r 15 mJgroS[3r6b. 16 Soffi,igglrffrr 6g}ol{lonr6o 6b3n 6.rhoh i,2.rq,irq6anr,, 11r,r3gqo fgob 15 0 ‖ )離 川 t,1乳 ざ 「 出 螂‖ χ ‖ 柵 踊‖ 撃慰熱‖榊評‖ J‖ lI輔 │ 卜 缶T)mふ 、ハ 1ド‖ ‖ lT W、 3ミ 1、 1踏 卜 γ R出 0紺 出器 」 建 l 32bqo III bgl-rbob oo6bob aJar'rgg6gl.) l柵 瀞 鰈ギ ヽ ‖wi lill:ittif31jtilミ 3fltよ ふ ∫ 〕 拷 お 8:露 :::ミι 鷲 31Fη Dlltil:の :。 `」 lttj梅 耕 '棚 η:酬t こ ll言 ポ1絆 :l ° 0棚淑 蝉島 it3脚 響 “ t llli瀾戦 ‰ 榊部M、 意膨 棚 鷲 Wb #‰ 鳳 q.r b.;1r4go r',r Ir l ril;;g1,b;1I 5 02hgo lv 6sEb.>.17;ordrn}7qo Jor6erlnf,o li.,\'.)R,,,.1.(tl..l<rcr;1;l1,yol,;,,,r,rr.1yrr11,{J}olrslr ';1'h11'il 6;1;1r:l';1.,1, \'otr.rii,l,;;i\.\d,11 1,..,1,;1tii,r,r- .r.r.rR,..',1.rr('q,;;I.iy{,;1i\olr'i}ittr6.,1r_,iti\.r. 6..\'oq'rr tr;;hhob .ritq,1l,ih L.r,it .4.02, lis,rg-.ri.r.rtr Jr,rorly;'l6otr. t,..,1n,ir:{-l^ [,..rG.r[';ldrrrlr.r o,1 t, lrlLhoh L:flqg}fls - :1,.i,;y,,rii1q,;,Io' 3;f 5 .;16q,r, ?1plrrrrlg3r,rlr ,r6 '(,,ri"d,_h" allf Xaj,q;,, 3.rqtUI.\ ,g6q,r eoL6 ..{* 99o,j.,1fl;1G$olr ?13r,r$e;1t..,. f,.,,bt.;,fr",,, "#'O:,ri?;;l,,rlr?',:l'1f;3j3fi:; 6 Oυ R・ V OoRs■“ 0■ ObrtS IttF漁 1酬 淋 』 ‖ 、 W鶏 ∫ ‖ ‖ り 乱δ 遭 il鵬1撫β ‖ 騰♯ :1お 3υ │ LRO vI t18R3も `00boR3る 。し 6SR彎 Oo。 Rヽ VO贅 to 6 02 、ヽ F、 ,時 Jネ ・ FIJ lぃ lII卜 hr" ° 」 Pl棚 ,器 繊 蹄 Ψ札0深 ヒ 糊淵路‖ どぷ聯鞣熙 II蠍 憮郡 )コ 10 bRO Vu 匈 l,卜 :〕 印蝋:孟‖おt‖ │、 htt‖ 。 お 命 つ ふ 柿 」 l滞 l常 1)【 l卜 611朋 │,1&」 l椒 Iキ L L }つ s埒 。1,b8` li3ぉ 117認 ‖、 R鶏 ll)淫 IPR 、3q8&山 hが 'hOh 1101 3■ 6」 00b 80`ヽ 60ふ 0卜 、 130h 00"n00き 。 ■QO。 l uい 出"ギ 騒ξ lЪ どだ 恥 潟:6br、 端 !6.L.織ギ RpS“ い8060。 場 卜 Ob J■ 1ヽ N16,0114 理 oQfllx),b。 」 ふ 、 0066` o〕 `03岬 り,ヽ :ll,0 (99532)261 461 ゝ ,ユ 1・ … .1)001、 … 、 :、 、R3()("` 6:〕 ふoll み、6`J0 6 ADB Avenue,Mandaluyong city 1550 Metro ManHa,Ph‖ pplnes lぃ JX■ 0賀 OЪ 「 り 00● " (632)6302444 (632)6302301 〔 1ミ │『 │ドRで │‖│』 ;Ii需 ││。 lili:】 Ii ll 'Ii,1:illi:Ilil::││lil『 lぃ J、 ●ox,()'t(:) lい Ъ o,33` あ OQハ 」史oOvJ6s〕 〔 ‖ 賞 ヽ`l)00し o、 630(〕 、 、● 7,01, あ、〔,o (〕 |).\[,ltq','. ,て ,Vi)る ヽ ] 8 ゃo6● 6Φ 0 1 36oO」 00b R,“ 、 る ` q ‖ 。 L・ 精 識棚 卜 買 ゴ P出 ix,tJttL)婦 搬 脚さ│1拙 革 ハ ヽ ` t輸 lδ 6` .0製 0お 1〕 3● (.)ょ 1601,J。 )33mF86tb」 30: (ヽ ) ■00ヽ 」 OJ〔 〕 J360 > v り O n i 3 Jr6ro,1J$ob q,slrrrrllq'ntolr orrr',ropor 2016 ['qI,oL 30 o36oLo. 0.! ilA?(c,d0l,JAi R.) 3?.:3gq'rlr 6,rf'ho6o); 6;l3grotnbn}.: {,r ,"r;63oorulr1il.>; 9 R0606002 ●3o600Ъ ● L6● 56叩 0。 ● (3、 6`、 RO■ 6ら 、63マ ● 06・ 6b3● 600L6.68¨ ●6゛ 。LL● ●6mL00ooゃ o36o66Ы お、 商 .)36ooq,o 1 一 15円 :│● t属 ‖ ヽ ‖ , 2018 l5 .r.trrr,q,o 2019 1,2080420o Fl〔 2 一3 '1 1.208,04200 一4 5 r'r;lfy'rili;ldro 2019 1.208,04200 一5 1,208,04200 一6 15(.)J(ヽ 15ぅ 1 .〕 1)113fl`H,2020 1208,04200 0賞 。2021 1.208,04200 F。 5 r'rJgcrild;;rzrrr 2021 15 s)i,rog1,o 2022 1 5 r,rJ1)r,r8d;rrro 2023 15,、 F90禦 f)2024 ゃ 1,208,0420o .、 1 5 oJ1!r,rili\;11.,o 2024 1 5 1,203.0420o 1墜 _ r'rJ6)r,riJiI;1r.oo … 15、 瞳 1,208.0420o 1,208,0420o 15 .r.)/oog3rr 2027 i,208,04200 5 r,r;lgr.rilll(oo 2027 1,208,0420o 1 15、 .〕 `。 1 K"〕 1.2030420o 2026 15 r'rJ1loil\1;dro 2026 18 19 3`。 2025 ■20a0420o R。 2029「 1,208,04200 15 ,r.ll.rrrqrr 2030 1,203.0420o 5 r',;lf;r,rili\;1r,oo 2030 1,208,04200 │ 151り J(ヽ 1,3AJ6o 2031 … 1.2080420o 00J601) 10 J;t6ooqrr AilRrbRoL o,n6oRo 28 15、 )6()R。 2032 29 (ぃ Ooい ヽ,RO 6Ъ Ob sDR_● R。 3● .l・ 1,203,04200 5 r.r;j6r,rit};;(.ro 2032 1,203.04200 30 15、 3`。 史T(12033 1,208.0420o 31 15 rrJf;r.13l;;6o 2033 1,208,0420o 32 15δ 3`flqマ (,2034 1,203,0420o 1 33 y 1 j 5 r'rJf;oil\;lrtio 2034,.r,rr],o 2035 5 3 一 1,208,04200 38 10、 ヨFni〕 ド,Ч )2037 150,」 6`・10ふ 40 41 1,208,04200 1,20804200 37 39 l,208,04200 1208.04200 6 一3 1 Oo60cnsR0 0● 06`〕 2037 150.〕 F00gP〔 )2038 1,208,04200 43 15 r.rjger8}y,ro 2039 1.208,04200 44 15。 3Fnotr)2040 1.208,04200 ′‘ ^ 4 5 r'r;1()e,;)Ig6o 2038 15 、36。 買 .2039 1 45 1,208,04200 46 1.208,04200 47 1.208,04200 48 1.208,0260o い71'( 57,986,000,00 8。 “ 碑 I 11 Ri!Srdqro 3 lrr,lrnlrbo orr6hnlolr 6s0r,rorhm3.r l. liio6sflRillor6ll qs 6;61$,oqnl.> p,r5..116orolr rn.:6q.rr6o ;i:916r'r<4o1 h.r65;.;Uoh oroo)(.}0xR'o droA0mf,oo .rq5o?5;nh ps6s6or?o 1. or;1 AD8-or.r6 lr h3.r1,,3.rr6.rq, rlJ6A-I.r 'ilgor.r6h06 lqo, 11h6orq?o lir:iloor3q,oggo ,rr<r, ,1r11;;ir.rr,,r.;fl,rlr,r qs.1.1.,,1.rf1;1ir.rr,,r,11f,,rlr il.,.1hgi,;tro t,1i,hnl, t,..,ii,fn;1f.," r1,..,gpf,"tf,,[.. r;1,r',r,1_"i1, il,.r1,.yit,.1!.:{,rr.}4a,.,(r;t6i).,1R,,,,.,U,,1r,,f,,i, t,",;1,,1,r3;1r{,t,;;. Ir.'}',rr.( iil6(rr'r i..r[,s.]ltiturrr 3 iiTJ .1.r$giy.r16rrrr' 6..,ilrr11r.r.1;.lq,o .or.:6hr 6.rl-r3lmg6ogqo.r bXlrbolr .)rlrr;;lgob q,..,b.r11..'r6.'q, t'o,ir.r t, 4. 'J 6,>Ebcxrrl;o;1g1?Iol, .)lrrooqoii 6iihr3g,_a..,2.,. .116r,rg1G$otr t,t.l.r( io.: 3o1hpq,o3..rtg 6hr6o1q?o e.rfi3;163ilq'ob.r, Sooroml}jrlo hnLhoL <n.:Sbobc Rr 0r6,)tnl| .t(osr6X6$jsl,o joqo trllrhotr oro6bs .:qg8;ggtr; .rg ADB-tr ?n2rtq,o.r blbhotr lpg5r'tlrt, br$pdggqtg, grqo.l6sf o=q,r,rlr .r0i3.rr6o つ‘ 5 ",';1 Ir tr 3,15;1..' r'o sqr ,\/, i,.r(ihr.rr'o11rr,;r1'11i1i\.r LlbhoL い 「電 ‖ 出1)bl!‖ 洲1ギlll。 4器 葛hO出 ‖ ぃ 11]#踏 ぃ 13 0b6oRo ''J''` '1'1,tい Ooり :,0〔 )[10` 0∞ δ3い 0。 ● 果ヽ 6ヽ d00卜 Oo。 {3R6`・ Ro 71FIA。 61lQ0 0`ヽ 633(,,660b oδ 6:〕 ()の ` 。し ()680b00oO(,3“ 1'。 `oふ `,,。 :tら 6● 3● ,3`00」 001) ` 露tl織 1鼎 :獄 ギ 織 ) │ 2 3 fltnp3o.r6o hrr6,.5oh 100/or flolr:rq;1brr or.rllt,olr 100% │ 'lr;;lrl'rrlr silq;; i',.r161?;1- 1)11r',rr$r,rCr..r'b11 q.,.rq,6;16oq,o 5.rq,.r lr.rhi:qrgrlotr q,,r B.rlrsJ6;lltl{,ott │.4ρ ,`0,り nA TRAN SLAT:ON :::,vO'Fて 14 RrSrdoo lr.>jo6qolr, lr;32?.>r,r3dolr,r 'l'oi\n.,,' , pr 4 bs3o6Utrq$sgom go8lr.:b3r63dolr ?glrloq3o , l",,,litlll,*,,-,,,".lt"li{]lll;..,. 1'"rr'r'1lrr"rr'h1};1ri'o l*Jr,r51q,,rr. usirz?.sro;g.r, (o.' [1fi*$iji,[:;:, ':;:l;l]:;l[]l'1. ,hii:l;ti;,,:til ;$l:',,5r;;ril*,iJil,,1tr,,,H 60cl1,q,o t6rT Sgq,og b.:goELlq bδ 106¨ 。し、 ∞blぃ 8"買 ;、 口nさ 。し て 3nb“ ,゛ ■、 O嚇 Γ 31鳳 メ i瑚 :│ボ │》 郡 ‖ 器どЪOb鰤 rd‖ J淵 1撚 メ“ :ド 謂 5. orl .鼎 ‖ ll岬 ltl,I‖ :LT得 古 〕 (0` ADB-Loro6 lrbg;63;r6o irsrn,",.r,,ffi;;i.,:.&if,"?[.;,,i,.,l,Hlf;_:i,, n.113d71qo 11,.r glstr'L;, p,ril;yr16;,tr"1q,, b.:,;r,r6tr3q,6,:goo","UICiari,.d16l"r;3.r. y:.:d,lqll tv{DI;l' ;t1,.1rs','.. ;,sitlr,r;;;y',,,1.- L.r,;cr6b1q,g,1;ocr Bo0br jl|;T',H;f,.11, i'x5a"'a' ,s,.,r,6rr;,,,*,,,' .,.",,,u;l2fn',Tu ,i.i:lt,,:il,,lri1;tt:: .Iil;f;;;,iil, I (..) ,1r.rlilr';1q,(;.rtrfy,lr t;r.,n3rr1yr,;.11rxr lr ihh;q,;1rm .,q,l,r6r,l1\d.r.r,.,;.\.tr. 'il,,,r,"i,,,a"soniil,, , (A) r r6 l,0rr1i';11 lrx'rl-r.rr:{,Idrr, ,il;116lig1,r Jr6ol;lfiolr riijli.,,6"r, 2,.rligrrur.r16g},rlrrr3otr; 'i,"g71,i3X,{,1,[ .;1f1j.r61lr. (,,,aXf1t(,XI;)t, i11r6fi13o ..,,1qof,;otrnor3otr. (,.\ ヽ1,:ヽ 1.1 ソ 01 Fl)t TRANSt 15 7-, bltrt'olr- 'rilq,lta': .lr6qr" -j'br611.g1q';1errr o6qogoqr.>qgrrro J.r6bgR6.)6$gf,orr .r1g.:8..,, s'bootr i1.r63rxrrn<i1.,l, il.r6;ob;o>;;ob Bo'.r1qnlo- ifu"i"leZre,d')".SfY.i'qO"idiiri, . r63o6oU .t16er111q,.;;14;llolr illbsil,rilolroq,. 卜●loFla(,xり ヽ 6()6ハ nc,,■ Jム 匈ハcn nあ o h、 rn(,)`nふ ミ1器 f織器‖ 6」 Oll・ 鵠 ‖ 1ズ llド ‖ mFtthFT↓ 」下 嗜 胸や V° bli拙 l)` ll卜 0 ,Ъ (〔 │ド :い 0、 ,ハ f.シ ,.l,/rt'■ :「 1■ o3ブ ___ 16 ミo6、 FO∞ 。 5 36(D8」 6()bら ヽ 6b(,:F1003ROる 。 ;806。 6btl“ O bS30∽ Ъ oる 。 … 1 1,Ol,ROし 、 fl健 1, ぁ ヽ 60。 Ъ 0 0ふ 3、 .ヽ Fl(,,010〔 〕 。 、 卜 Ь 30響 0、 (l.ヽ ■ `lL86‖ `m30響 `00J101' ●Ь Ь 、 (l il` 1‖ ヾ ヽ 3、 1,、 ハ 、 (}F"'│` (0(,)、 6 1∵ .〕 ,ム `り l m‖ ‖ 柵 ド‖ ‖ ‖ ‖ ‖ I淵 lh、 1‖ tШ Iメ ‖、8o66ol'ハ o● 8(lKl'(・ EMP")● ヽln6、 6]卜 │1赳 P, L」 ‖ 上山ュ史全│、 ゛FIい い 単 ,6"l‖ k` 01)‖ ハ るo出 ` ■0い る ` ●OL ttN":ぃ 賞 3 :ド ぃ ‖ 、 ヽ 卜 1, 、 、 H史 ヽ ‖ 、∵ う 判 ィ 1680` ピ R lマ メ l(:史 ・ 1〕 :ド )∵ :ド ‖ 常場 I::ll‖ l淵 ど ?だ 出ど 躙1,317澪 Ora n6● る `(1、 a(rb60ふ .:〕 :夕 ):〕 .J8い R。 ヽ1贅 :〕 h` (■ 301■ (` =OL oヽ 6。 Lぃ (300 δ。61)。 h,t〔 ,3●・ Oδ Ofl l〕 1,011卜 ]ふ 1) ドヽ、Rc,L ADB‐ lぃ (D30h ぃ〔 繋6(''■ ,oJtl10卜 `:〕 `) 8い aOboRIltlo δ`6h、 b製 0ら 01, 60。 85, 80VOL 17 J`l rlrlllく り。 ,ぃ Fl(o、 r )31:料 1満 }‖ 出 i「 Dilド llト ` (.'史 、 さ6a、 賃ミ :,る ● 'Ol' そ 、 `■ ih) :〕 ^ハ ヽ 血Щ Ц阻剤 重畦 鼻 」ユ ェ ‖ 僻 I躙酬 埴鮮蹄 t‖ 車昼 ° 編器‖鰐 1柵 ν岬蜘 ‖ 禍∬‖ 『〉 J,rrtoq' nδ [゛ │ g1q 2rrr 淵出Jぷ∬ゝ、 Ltttb YPF*! Solroqglo 都朧貿 1「 o q,r"3 rr 6.1 6 lrl}; ..)r4o1pl$ o h bASRo o1;r,:tr ?lil86oqo, gmriSotn. 8. L;llrbob ,r0q1tr3s 1'Lr6753gq,1arb, MDF-oL .)r6mXJgolr .r66.r6ot3}olr taXt,nl..,ant,.r[",{.a";i;:;;;;lf;il,{,, [**,;,'oo nt]('o6o, lrr,316rn.r?r,rZrr',.r t,6"Sq.a6;[Xf, 5_l6rbo613oi;q,gEoL ..,';1pr1);;i\rrlr llo;yr',r ADB-lr.rrn;yrlr iJolrr11;1i\rr .f ,,O,.,A;;;f,r,,. [;;lrhol, .rilq,;1A,r .i/,r.r;yJfyol, iJrr,L6;1\rrp to1.;, .:i,tg1,r yt1o,1; h (199g. .il;1gr: [r;1h[,otr .'ilq;1i\rr. ;1n.'[,hil;;,\s r<r.. il,,t, 9 - ,th1.)r1y'Fty1,11;r ..,t'1,..r<rrr'il;1sp119;1i\'p{,,;i\olr.\ (,^r 1,.ri}[;;orrr3],{,lli\ ADts -b .i;llr6ry;1lr ;;1;q;pr, Ir..l,11or.r6o ,].51t],r" .r6 ..16;;Eflg]ob lrl,.rl,,1.:,{,J}oor i1,.,;3q.olrb .ir6r'r;1;11)or.r6 rq..r.1;3?or6;17,i;q,o [i11]olrfo;fro ,r,"Ofggrrfr, -.rq1q-;-.aj, tslr"Aq,n 18 ;13;1,i16o,1Jg;i,o f fl35,11,g3('x\o lr 0060よ 、 31〕 5001, ),″ ク 雪、:,an■ ●■パ〕 ビ1● IFlFO■ V___ , ■ LOAN NUMBER 265● GEO(SF) LOAN AGREEMENT (SpeCial operauong) Stment Pに っ 口 m.PtteCt l) (SuStainabl● Urban TranSportinv● bemon GEORCIA and ASiAN DEVELOPMENT BANK DATED 5 AUGUST 2010 LAS:GE0 42414 LOAN AGREEMENT {Sp● Cla:Operatlong} LOAN ACREEMENT dated 5 Augus1 2010 bOMmen GEORGIA(・ and ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK("ADB・ ) BomWer) WHEREAS k inam湯 O bya mm岬 ∝ [酬 1認 稲器」 鵬こ 甜棚:L鷺 。 eds and Subp● oc"undげ い bOmOn the Borclwer and ADB.ADB has ag■ gm朧 Ъ anl(the investment p● Program) ‰「柵Ъ 恩幣鵠」 亀lnandng d品 龍 鵠 :鼎 :情 ヽ 用 認 ■ 昭 [よ :n盤 鴨催 Bo剛 σ ,い 0量 ro"'電 製謡 PR,OCr):Ond :ξ │』 described in Schedule l tO this Loan Agreemont(・ (C) thO BOrrowO「 has app‖ ed to ADB for a l● an from lts Special Funds resources forthe purpose● of tho PrOiedi (D〕 the PrOlect w‖ l be caried o嵌 ●nd implemented by the Municlpal une Deve:opment Fund of Goorgia estab‖ shod undor prosldentlal Decroo No 294 datod 7」 1997{‐ MDF"〉 and h稽 円 sい ∞理 uぶ鷺 Agreement of even date herev● “ 」 1:電 ‖ P■ PttBttr紺 l棚 ξ Ⅷ 1鮒 AD 颯 th boい oon 」 NOW THEREFORE the partlo3 89re0 0sfo‖ o″ s: ARTICLE I Loen RegulaUonsi DeRnltlons All th€ Provisions of hB Spocial Op'orations Loan 2006 ('uoan Regulationg')' aI€ herobv .mado January 1 oi niig. oirrd Ssction Regulatlons 1.01. wsrs fully 9ol ,pp-ricaur" to this L@n Agro€ment with iho same force and effect as if lhoy forth heI€ln. WhBrover used in this Loen Agreement' the ssveral Section 1.02. havs the respoctivo moanings lhersin set lorth unloss Rogulstions terms defined in it e Loan modili€dhgreinortheconleltotherwiserequires.AdditionaltslmsUssdinthisLoan Agreemsnl havB the following msanings: (a) No 1 18 dated 'Charlef means tho chartsr of MDF approved by GovGmmsnt D€cree 2t July ZOOS as amendod from tlms to tlme: 2 "Consulting Guidolines' means lhe Guidellnes on th€ U3€ orf ffom tim€ lo consultsnts uy Asian Dovetopmint Bank and its Borow€rs (2010, a8 am€nded (b) timo): 'Consulting Sorvices' means the 8€rvlces to ba financed oui of lhs proceeds of the Loan as descriSed in paragraphs 2(b). and 2(c) of schEdule 1 to lhis Loan Igr,Ll;""i. but excluding any services provlded in relation to Gmds and Works: (c) Environmontal Assessmenl and Ravlew lrcm Framework foi ttre facttity, as agreed between thE Bonowel and ADB' as am€ndod the (d) "EARF" means (e) "FAM" means ths facility adminislration manusl for th€ Fec ity' time to lime. aE aoreedbet\ryeentheBorrowerandAoB,asupdatedftomtimgtotimeinaccordancewilhtho i,i"p"al"" ,atl"i"trative to the Project: Procedures ot MDF and ADB tor application 'Goods" moans equipment-and metorlgls to be linanced out of the includlng related . services. such as transPortation' lnsurance' t-oan, ot ittu i"" commissioning, tralning, ana lnitial maintenence' but sxcluding Consuliing (0 proceeds Servicesi (9)..LARFmeaflslheLendAcquisitionandResetllementFrameworklor amendad irom lime to lime: the Facility, as igreed between lhe Borrower and ADB' as (h)"LoanDisbursem€ntHendbook"masnsADB'ELoanOisbutsement Hahdbook (2007, as smsnded from timo to timE); (i) "PFR" means a pGrlodic financing requost submitled or to be submltted and for-the purpose of by the Bonowei, lor the purPoses of e6ch trancho under the F8cility' 2010; 21 June dated request periodic financing ttii, Lo* egr""."nt m€aos the 0) "Procurement Guldolinos' m6ans ADB'S Procul€menl Guidolinsg (2010, as amBnded from time to tim€): (k).P]ocurementPlan'.meanstheprocurementplantorthe.PfoJoct.dated uPdated from time lo llm6 in June 2OlO ahi agreeO between lhe Bonower and ADB' as Guidellnas, and othet consultlng tho Guldellnes, accordanc€ with th€ rrocuremenl arfangemenls egre6d wllh AoB: I (l) 'Ptoj6ct Executine Asencl' for the pull::9,1-oll-il9-Jltll"^lF Aut'' meens MDF or any Succ€ssor theteb accoptaDle lo meaning of, tne'toan negulations wtricn iJresponsiulE lor the carrying out ol lh€ Project; (m) or subp'oiect lhat "subProiect' me3ns a EPecific development ProiBcl is pmvided tn plrlgraph 2(i) in Schedute 1 tc lhis Loan A gtoement: and con8truction or civil worke to b€ linancad oul of lha 'Work6" means -iervices Buch as drilllng o-r.maPplng' 6nd proroct lelaled proc€eds ol tne'Loan. inctuoing p"''r ot single rosPonsibility or lumkoy contracl' but excluding aro provided (n) !"*""a tft"f Consulting Servlces. "" " ARTICLE II Tho Loen Ssstion 2.01 . ADB agreos io lend to the Bonower lrom AOB'9 Special Funds resourcos an amount in varlous CurrenCies egupalEnt lo lifty-seven million nln€ hundred elghty-six thousand Special Drewing Rights (SDR57,986.000)' (a) The Bono',er shall pay to ADB an int€rost Section 2,02. per ttro grace pedod' and 1.5olo per annum thereefler iriring lyo annum ot el lho rats charge of the Loan urithdrawn from lh6 Loan Accounl and outslanding from timo to onln" "-ornt tims (b) The term "grac€ Poriod" as used in paragraph (a) of this Section means lhe perioO prior !o lhe first Principal Payment Date ln accordanc€ wil'h lhB amortizallon schedulo sel forth ln Schedule 2 to thls Loan Agreem ent' Section 2 03 Tho interesl chsrgo and any other charge on lhe Loan yesr' shau bs payable semiannually on 15 April and 1 5 Octob€r in sach The Borrorsr shall r6psy tho Principal amount ot lh€ LoanwithdrawnftomthaLoanAccountinaccordancgwiththeamortkationschedulssBt Soclion 2.04' torth ln Schedule 2 to thls Loan Agreement' SBction 2.05. The cunency of r€paymont ot the principal of-lho Loan .1.03(a) and of tho tnteresl, chErge for thc purpoces of s6c'llons ana tte 4.04 ol lhe Loan Regulation6 shall be tha Oollar' currenJy oi p"i*""r ARTICLE III Uts ot Proceed! of tho Lorn Section 3.01, Tho Bonoveet chall mako th€ ptoceeds of lhe--Loan 8nd conditions setisfactory to ADB and shell cau8e MOF lo encing ot axpanditurss on tho Proi6ct in accold6nco wilh ths 6nl and the Projscl Agrcsment' The procs€.|s ot the Loan shall be allocatsd Seclion 3.02. as such withdtawn in accordance with the Provislons of Schedule 3 to this Loan Agrgoment' and ADB' the Bonowsr betwaen by agreemeri il;ri; ;"y b. amended from time to time and Except as AOB msy othen'vlss agr€o' lhe Section 3.03. wlth the applicablo shall Otocure or causo to b€ procured items ol exPendtlure in eccoldanco Agroement' proviiions of Schedule 4 to thls Loan Borowor 4 Wthdrawsls from the Loan Account in respecl of the Sectlon 3.04 shall be made only on sccouni o' expenditurss SeNic€s Consullrng and GooOs, Worxs relallng to: (a) Goods which are produced ln and supPlied. ftom and services which aro supplied from such mambBr counttioa of ADB as shall have been specinll by ADB from time to tima as eligible sourc€s for procurE ment and (b) Good6. works and Consulting Selic63 which meot such olher eligibllity rsquirEmelis as shall havo beon spocilied by ADB from tlme to time. Ths Loan Closing Date for the Purpos€s ol Sectlon 8 02 2016 or such other dato as may from lime to 31 Oecembsr be of the Loan negu;tions shell time be agreod bgtwoen the Borlower and AOB' Section 3.05. ARTICLE Particul● Ⅳ F COVOnantB ‰∬電犠習詰 「 T'° 藷 Д 辮 罫!::l凱 詔Ⅲ tte鷺 ::1」 l電 :懲 l』 :盤 The Borrower sha‖ onablo ADB's representatives to secLOo 4 02 inspect the ProleCt,lhe COOdS and Works,and any relevantrecords and documents n403 sec‖ 。 1a) The BOroWer sha‖ Caus● MDFto o)mainta n,or e盤 剛i∬ mettpi:薔 絆 u塩 iil: audnors whOso qualificatlons, oxp● ‖enco 屏乱f¶ i闇 1嵐 Vt鼎 灘 lnents 鵠:l『 1恩 詰t耀10in『 :濯 t塁 1織 .■ ]繕 電 and tho repoFt Of the auditors relating thereto(inCluding the audnonゞ opinion on the use ofthe Loon proceeds and compliance wlth L器 鍛 ‖ :!』 瀧 Wil」 1:習 霊 1£ 冨 胤 話 」T:‖ ぽ 鵬 audnthereOf as ADB sha‖ from mme tO timo reasonabiy requost 111電 絆 1酬:1:押 黒: s request. :o diSCuss ted to tho Project from 滞 禍¨ 稿:L彙ud“ h し :謬 稿im淵 よ 瑞撃 首 5 actions which shall be The Borrower shall lake all Seclion 4.0{ lo perform iis obllgatlons undar the Projecl AgrBsmerit' MOF part Bnable to necessary on it-s performance of such ;;;-;h;ti r"t take or permit any ;dion which would interfere wilh the obligations. ARTICLE V Effectivrnetg Soction5.ol.Adatg60dayganor'thodateofthisLoanAgreemontis tot tl'e PurposeB of Saction 9 04 of the speclneo tor tnJ-e?rciirenes, or tne'lo-"n egieen;enr Loan Regulations. ARTICLE VI DolEgsuon of Authorlty Section MDF as its agent for 6.01. ,"tion ths purposes oi taiins "nv Agree Sections 3.03 ol lhis Loan :i."tr%"flifl'*"; RegulalionsAny action laken or any. agre€mont er erod into by MDF S*rion 6'0l of tiis Lo€n Agreom€nt shall be lully oursuani to the aulhority clnfened and enect ss ir iaken bv thg Section 6.02. ;ffi;";i'#-a-.;;t'-;"i BorrowBr, his 'nJ6t ";il;;;th; samo lorcc of The authotity conlBrred on lvlDF undor Soction 6 01 Section 6.03. and Bonower the between uy agre6mont Loan Agreement may be revokei o'r ]noOin"if ADB. ARTIGLE VIl Mlsccllansous Soction 7.O1 as reprBsentatiJJ-;iln" eo,,o*"' SectiOn 7 02 lhe Borrower is deslgnatad 02 of lho Loan Regulatlons' 11 Seaion of the tot iurposes ThE Mlnisier of Financ€ of purposes Th6 following addrE3sss 8r€ sPacilied tor the ot Section 11 .Ol of the Loan Regulations: 6 For the Borrower External Relations DsPartment Ministry of Financ€ 16 Go]gaEall Str6et, 0114 Tbilisi, Georgia FEcsimils Numb€r: (99532) 261 461' FOT ADB Asian Dev€lopment Bank 6 ADB AvBnue' Mandaluyong city 1550 MetIo Manils' PhiliPpin€s Facslmilo Numbers: (632) 636-24 44 (632) 636-2301' lNWTNESSWHEREOFthoPart8s.ha]eto'actlnglhroughtheir navc caused lhis Loan Agraem€nt to b€ Eignsd in flrat sbogo \f,rtil3n end lo bB delivored at thc "uiiotitJ. m" i"i respacllvo namas as represenbtives lh€reunto duly th6lr principal oflice of ADB. "r "no'Vjat AS:AN DEVELOPMENT BANK RARmTKO KURODA Pre● ldent 7 SCHEDULE 1 DescriPUon of llle Prolsct l.TheProjectwiltprovideofllcient,reliabloandaffodableUrbant,ansport sing Bconom'lc growlh potential and ng livelihoods ol ovsr 1'5 million p€ople inlra com (app and t will also: (t) imptove urbsn' onvitonmeot es and to public and 8oci8l seNic€0i (li) end (iii) genarats incomo and lransportetion: urbBn sustainable and irJmore emcient employment opPortunitles. The Proiect shall complise the followlng msin compononls: (a) Urban Transoort lnfrastsucture lmorovement, lncludtng lhs following SubPIojec,ts: 0 0 0 0 Tbilisi urban anvironment imPmvsmenl and Gorgasali reconstruclion: Tblllsl meuo exlenslon (Vazha Pshevsla avenu€): Xuraist urtan rsneyral and nonfiolorlzed transport facllitios dovelopment; and Road improvements in Mestia, ● ) o road dthalttFt:Ъ だ :FT柵 subseclor:and ri淵 鴇¶鼎糀冊 deve:opment in tho urban transport subsectOr The Pr●ed is eXpected to be∞ rn pl● 10d by 30」 une 2016 E SCHEDULE 2 Amor0zruon SchcdulG (Sustainable Urban Tran3pori lnyestnent Program, prolect 1) Period Date Payment Due PaymEirt of Principal (oxpresssd in SDR)' 1 15 0ctober 2010 1.200,042 I 2 15 April 201 J 15 0ctober 2019 1,208,042 4 1s Apnl 2020 1.208,042 5 15 0ctober 2020 6 tS April 202'l 1.208,O42 1,208,U2 1 ,208,042 7 15 0ctober 2021 1,208,O42 I 15 Apnl2022 '1,208,O42 15 0ctober 2022 1,208,U2 15 Aprll 2023 1,203.042 15 0ctobo7 2023 1,208.042 10 つ‘ 13 14 15 April 2024 1 ,208,042 15 0ctober 2024 1 ,208,042 '15 April 2025 1,208.042 15 0ctober 2025 1,208,042 16 15 April 2026 1200,042 17 15 0ctober 2026 18 15 April 2027 19 15 0ctobo「 2027 1 .208,042 1,208,042 't.208.o42 15 April 2028 'l,209.042 21 15 0ctober 2028 1,208.042 15 April 2029 1.208,U2 つ乙 り‘ 20 15 0ctober 2029 1 ,208,042 24 15 April 2030 1 ,208,042 25 15 0ctober 2030 1.208,042 26 15 April 2031 1,208.042 27 15 0ctober 2031 1.203.042 28 15 April 2032 1,208,042 15 0ctober 2032 1,208,042 つ4 23 30 15 April 2033 1 ,208.O42 Schedule 2 P● ァ :od Osto Psyment Du€ 15 0ctober 2033 (exprBss6d ln SOR). 1 ,208,042 1,208,042 33 15 0clobor 2034 1,208.042 34 15 April 2035 1.208,U2 う0 15 April 2034 15 0ctober 2035 1,208,042 36 15 April 2038 't,208,042 37 15 0ctober 2036 1.208.042 38 15 April 2037 1,208,042 39 15 0ctober 2037 1.208.042 40 15 April 2038 1,200,u2 41 42 43 41 15 0ct● '15 ber 2038 April 2039 15 0ctober 2039 t5 April 20.10 1,208,042 1,208,U2 1 ,208,042 1,208,U2 45 15 0ctober 2040 t,208,u2 40 15 April 2041 1,205,U2 47 150c:ober 2041 1,208,U2 48 15 April 2042 1.209.02e TOTAL 57,988,000 Tho arEng€ments lbr psymaflr srE sutiecl to R€dations. Paymsnt of Prlnclprl th' p.ovicons d sac063 3.(N 8nd 4.03 d th. Loon 10 SCHEOULE 3 Allocation and Withd?ewsl ot Loan Proceadt The tabl6 attached to this Schedule sets forlh the Cstegories of items of expendilure to be financed out of th6 proceeds ol lho Loan and lhe allocation of amounts of lhe Loan to each such Category ("Table'). (Reference io "Calegory. in ihis Schoduls is to a Calegory or Categories of the Table.) Percentaqos of ADB Financlno 2. Except as ADB may oiherwise agree, each ltem ot exponditure shall be financed oul of the proceeds of ths Loan on the basis ot lhs pBrcdntagss set forlh in the Tabl6. lntsrest Charoe 3. The amounl alloc€H to Catogory 3 is for finenclng ths interost chargo on ths Loan during the implemBnlstlon period ol lhe Project. Reallocation 4, Nolwilhnanding the allocation percentages set forlh in the Table, of Loan proc€eds and the withdrawal (a) it the amount ot the Loan allocstsd to any Category appears to b€ insutficient to finance all agreed exp€nditurB in thal Categoty, ADB may, by notice to the Borrower. (i) roallocato to such Category, to the extcnt r€quirad to meet lhc eslimated shortrall, amounts ol lhs Loan which hqve been alloc€tod to anothot C6tegory bul, ln lhg opinion of ADB, ar6 not needed to meel other expendilures, Bnd (ii) if such reatlocation cannot lulty meet the estimated shortfall, reduca the withdrawal pe,oentage appliceble to such expenditures in order lhal ,urther wlthdralvals under such Category may coniinuo until all expenditures thereunder shall hava beon made; and (b) if the amount ol thE Loan allocaled to any Calegory appears to exceed all agrsed expenditures ln thst Category, ADB may. by notlce to tha Borrower, r€allocato such excess amount to arry othBr Catogory, DisbLrrsemenl Procadures 5. Excepl as ADB may olherwise agree, ihe Loan procs€ds shall be disbursed in accordance with lhe Losn Oisbursomsnt Handbook. lmprest Account and Statoment of ExoenditurBs (a) Excepl as ADB may othe]wise ag,ee, th€ Bonower shell establlsh immedialely after the Effeclive Oate, an imprest account al lhs Treasury S6rvice o, the Ministry of Finance of the Borroflor. The imprest account shall be establishgd, managed, U. Schedule 3 replenishd and liquldated in accordanco wilh tha Loan Oisbursomont Handbook and detailed srrangemenls agreed upon bstwagn lh6 Borrower and AOB. The curency of tho imprest account sh6ll b€ tho Dollar. The ceiliog for th€ lmprest account shall not excsad the lower ot (i) tho eslimsted expenditure lo bo linanced from lhe lmprest accounl for the first 6 months of Prolect implementation. or (ii) the oquivalent of 10% ol the Loan amount, untass othenvise agreed by ADB. (b) The statBment of expendiluros procedum may be used for roimbursemenl of eligible exp€hdituros 8nd lo liquidate advances provided into lhe lmprest account, in accordance with Loan Disburssmont Handbook and doleilsd arrsngemonls agreed upon botween ths Bonower and ADB. Any individual payment to be rotmbursed shatl not exc€ed the equivalent of 3100,000, unless otherwise agreGd by ADB. Retroaclive Financino 7. Wthdrawals from the Loan Account may bo made for reimbursement of eligible expenditure8 incuned under tho ProJect boforB the Effective Oate, but not earlier than 12 months belore the dale ol this Loan AgreomBnt in conneclion wlih th€ Works, Goods and Consulting Services, subiect to a msxlmum amount €quivalent to 20% of lhe Loen amounl. 12 AnachmenttO Schedulo 3 TABLE ALLOCAT:ON AND W:THDRAWAL OF LOAN PROCEEDS (SuStainab:o urban Transportinvestnent program,PrOlect l) CATEGORY ADB FINA NCING Tota:Amount ated for AD8 Financing (SDR) A‖ ∝ Number Item Works and Goods Consulting Servicos and lncromental Admhistration 6.515,000 2 3 lnterest 1.228,000 4 U nallocatod TOTAL ' 45024.000 1 Porcsntago and Beria for Withdrawrl from tho Lo.n Account 100 percsnt of total expenditure. 100 percenl ot total oxp€nditure. 5,219,000 57986.000 ExdusNe ol largs sod dunes impos€d within ths l€nho.y ot ths Borlowgr. 100 p€rcant of emounls due 13 SCHEDULE ' Procurement of Goods, Work! and ContulUng Sewlc€g The procurement of Goods, Works and Consulting Sarvices shall be subiect to and govemed by the Procurement Guidelines and tho Codsultlng Guidelines, respecdively. 2. All tsrms used and nol otherwl3e dofined in lhis Loan AgroamBnt have the meanings providod in lho Pro{uremenl Guidellnes snd/or the Consutting Guid€llnes, as appllcable. Procurcment ol Goods and Works 3, Exc€pt ss ADB may othorwise agree, Goods and Works shall only be procured on thg basis of the mBlhods of plocuEmenl set forlh b€low: (a) (b) (c) lntemational Com petilive Bldding: National Comp€litivo Bidding; and Shopplng. 4. The methods of procuremenl are subjecl to, among othsr thlngs, lhe detailod arrangements and lhreshold valus8 set ln tha Procurement Plan. The msthods of procurement or lhroshold values may only b€ moditlBd vrith the ptior agreement of ADg, 8nd modifications musi bo sEt out ln updates lo tho Procurem ent Plan. Consultino Services 5. Except as ADB may otherwlso agIee, and oxcept as s€l forlh in the paragraph bslow. tho Borrower shall ensure thot MDF aPplies quality- and coshbasod selection lor seleciing and engaging the Consulli ng Services. 6. Th6 MDF may apply the follo,vlng mothods for selecllng and sngaging the sp€cified consulting servlces, in ecordanco wiih, Bmong olher things. the proc€dur6s set forth in the Procurement Plan: (a) Consullanl Qualification Ssleclion (b) administration, moniloring and ovalualion, and institutional capaclly dovelopmgnt: and Least€ost Selectlon for auditing. fol inqemsntal project 7. The Borrower shall ensure that MDF recruits the individual consultants for capacity devalopmenl consultancy in accordanca w[h p]ocBdures accsptable to AOB lor recruiting lndividual consultanls. lnduskial or lntellectual Propertv Riohls (") ThB Borrower shall ensura that 8ll Goods and Works Proqrred (including without llmilatlon all comPuter hardware, software and systems, whether 8. 14 Schedule 4 saparately procurBd or incorporated rvithin olher goods and servlces procur€d) do not violate or intringe any industrial prop€rty or lntelloctual property right or claim of eny thlrd party. (b) Tho Borrower shall ensure lhat all contracts for the procuremsnt of Goods and Works conlaln appropriaie repressnlalion6, warranlies and, if appropriate, indemnities from the contractor or supplier with respecl to the matlers rofefied lo in subparagraph (a) of lhis paragfaph. 9, Th6 BorrowEr shall onsurs lhat all ADB-financed conlracts with consultants contain appropriels rspresentations, warrantles end. if appropdete, lndsmnitiss trom lhe consultanls to ensure that tha consultlng SeMces provided aro not violate or infrlng8 sny lndustrial ploperty or intellectual property right or claim of any third party. ADB's Roviow ot Procurement Oecisions 10. Contracls procurod under lnternational Comp€titlve Bidding procedurcs and contrscts for Consulting S6rvicss shall b€ subject lo prlor rsviEw by ADB, unless olh€nvisa agre€d b€tween th6 Bonower and ADB and set forth ln.the Procuremant Plan. Procurem ent lrom Non-member Countries 11. Notwithstanding the provisions ot Socuofl 3.04(a) ot this Loan Agre€mont. Goods, such as meiro signaling equlpment and it8 componenls, lhai ar6 procured for the Projecl from non-member countries ot ADB may be financed lrom the proc€eds of lhe Loan, 15 SCHEDULE 5 Execution of Ptolact rnd Oporetion of Project Faclllties; Flnanclal Matterc lmDlementation Arranoements 1. Tho Bonower shall designaio MDF as the Prolact Executing Agoncy with rosponsibillty lor overall Pro,Ect implementalion and for lieison with ADg and oth€r govornment agencies. The Bonower and MOF 6hall ensu,a that the Proiecl is implemonted tn accordance with the delail€d arrangements sei lorth in lhe FAM. Any subsequent changs to tho FAM shatl bocomB eftective only aftor approvEl of such change by tho MDF and AOB. ln thE evgnt ot any discrepancy b€tween the FAM and this Loan Agreomenl snd/or the Prolect Agreemenl, the provisions ol this Loan Agreemenl and/or the Ptolect Agrsorrlenl shall provall. Environmenl 2. Tho Bonower, through MOF, shall ensure lhat potsntial adgerse onvironmenlal impscts srising from the Project aro minimized by implementing all tho mitigation messures presented ln lhe environmental impact assessment C'ElA") or lnilial EnvironmBntel Exemination ("lEE"), as applicable. and anvironmenlal managemgnt plan ("EMP"). Th6 Borrower will also Bnsure that lhe dBsign, construction, and operation of the Projecl aro in scrotdenco with ADB'8 Sa/eguards Policy Slatemenl (2009), the EARF and the Borrowe/s environmontal lews and regulations, The Borrow€r shall cause MDF to gnsure that (l) during construclion, the contraclor has primary responsibility fo, implementing the miligation mgasurcs and EMP measure3 and the MDF will havo accoss to sulficlent resourc€s to ensure that all environmcntal managoment provlsions are included in the contr8ct; (il) the MDF lylll monitor and rocord lhe implementstion of lhe EMP propard for the Project: (iii) ihe MoF preparBs semlannual environmontal rEports and submlls to ADB, within 3 mohlho of tha end of 6ach half of ths calendar year. trom th6 slart of prolect implomentation and until complollon of the Project. The roport will include, among other things, a revisw of progGss made on onvlronmenial meesures delEil6d ln th€ EIAJIEE end EMP, and problems sncountered and remedial measulos taken. Th6 Bonowsr, through MDF. shall further ensure lhat detailed engineerlng designs, cJvil woIks, and othor coniracls for tho Projoct tacililies incorporate appliceble environmental measures idsntified in the EIA/IEE and El\ilP. Land Acquisilion and Ressttlem ent 3. No land acquisition and resetllement activitiBs are expectod for lh6 Proj€ct, and the Borrower shall ensuro thal MDF implements lhe Proiect within the boundaries of its €xieling land allotments and rights-of-way or on otheMise stateowned land duty allocated for su6h purposo. ll, howevor, Projecl implemenlation will requir€ land acquisilion and resettlemont, lhen the Borrower shall ensure thal MDF promptly pr€parss a resetllement plan ("RP") accsptabls to ADB pursuant to the agrB€d LARF. applicabls laws and regulations ol ths Borower, and ADB'a Sa/eguards Policy Statoment (2009), and carles out such activitios prompily and officiontty in accordance with such approvgd RP. 16 Schedule 5 Health and Labor Slandards 4. The BonowBr shall causB MOF to ensuro that contractors engaged under lhe ProiecusubproJect (i) comply with all aPplicable labor laws: (il) use their bsst efforts to employ womBn and locat poople, including dlsadvantaged people, livlng in the vicinity of the Project (iii) provido equal pay lo men and women tor work of equal typ€; (iv) Provide and adBquately equip first-ald, heallh and sanitation, and pcrsonal hygione facilities fot malo and f,smale workoc at tho Proiecusubpoect slte; (v) maximlze femalo training and ornPloymonq (vl) conduct an informaiion and educalion camPaign on s€xually transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS lot construction worker8 as pari ot the health and safoty ptogrsm Bt campsites and adiacont communilies during Projecusubproject implsmenlation: and (vii) abstaln from chlld labot. Relsvant contracts financed under the Project must include spscilic clausss on tho39 underlakings. Gender and Oevelopment 5. The Borrcw€r shsll causo MOF lo snsuro that withln 6 months of tho Eflsctive Daie. lhe Pro,iect-related community and gendor actlon plafl iB agreed with ADB, and thel it is implemsntsd in a limBly manner ov€r the Proj oct P€riod. Countemart SuDport 6 The Bonower shall ensurB lhat lhe counterpari tunding is promptly provided tor purposes of successlul Projecl lmplemsnlalion. 7. The Borrowel shall cause MOF to eslablish, adoqualely stafl and 6quip a pro.iect management unit in e manner scceptable to ADB. Govemance and Corruolion d e t B i d D u a aA The Bonower shall cause MOF to have the Project-related accounts annualty in accordanco ryilh intemalional standards by an lndep6ndent eudltor acceptablo to L The Bonor\,er shall comPly wlth AOB'S Anticolruplion Policy 11958, as amended to dals) tor the purposes of the Projsc't. Ths BonowBr, consistont wlth its commitment lo good govemance, accountability and ttansparency, agre€s (a) that ADB ros€rves tha right to lnvestigate, directly or through its agenls, any alleged coruPt, ftaudulent, collusivE or coercive practices relatlng to the Proiect and (b) to cooP€r.ltg fully wlth any such lnvostigalion end to extend all n€c€ssary a6sistancs. The Bonower shall ensure that all contracls tlnanced by ADB under ihe Project include provisions specifying the right of ADB to audit and examina thg records and accnunts of the MDF and all conllaclors, suppliets, consultanls, and othgr servlce providers as they relato to lhe Ptoiect or Subproject. Opelational covenanls 10. implemenled The Borrower shall cause MOF to ensure thal (i) the Subprojocts are accordanco wiih design 6p6cifications and construdion normsi and (ii) in construclion supervision. quality conlrol and conlract managemont aro Por{onned in accordanco with internalional standards. 17 Schedule 5 11Tho Borrower shall ensure that th8 relevent municipalilios or aulhorities lnstall appropriat€ safaty signs end facllifles during lmplementaton and ensuro monltoring ol the accidenl rate and traffic volume_ 12Ths Borrower and MoF shal en.urB that ADB'' consenr is obtainBd ar reast 6 months prior io the implementalion of any ol the tollorving: (i) any change ln ownershlp ol any asset. facility or structure linanced under the proiecli 1ii) any sale, tranlfer, or assignment of interesl or control in any assot, facility or structure flnanced under lhs projocl; (iit revision, amendmont or rostalemeni ot MDF's charter that may affocl Implementation or manaiomenl oi ths Proiect; or (iv) any l6ase or other contracl or moditicslion of th6 func.lions and aithority ot MDF over op€ration and maintsnance of any 9 rch sssot, facllity or struciurs linanc€d undeithe Projsct. The Borrower shall ensurs thar any such changes will bs canied out in a legat and lransparent manner. dopnlellt Bank Central and \\ter-t Asia l)epanntent 23 March 2012 Mr Dim‖ ‖Gvindad20 Mini610r Ministry o〔 F‖ lance Tb‖ isi.Ceorgla Dear Minister Gundad20: Subl● Ct Loan 2655‐ GEOISF):S● 9tal● ●bl● U′ ban Tran3pOrtlnvestmont Pro9ram,Prol● ct ― Amendmonts to廿 l "Loan Agreemont l Wo refer to the Loan Aareement(speda1 0pe“ いons)dated 5 August 2010(lhe Loan A9reement)betWOen Geor91a(the BOrrow● r)and the Aslan DeVelopment B● nk(AD8)for the 治 PrOJect) Sustalnable urban Transport lnvestment Program,propd l{サ 器 胤 Fぶ u、 印 格 甜 :濶 語薔 蹴 認 刷 視 野 1鼎 蹴 ξ脅::濫 熙 T To that efrect, On 7 March 2012,ADB approved a rninor change lc he Prolect's scope and reallocalon Of 10an p● ceeds, To renect these chan9o6, WO propOse to amend the Loan Agreement as sotforth below in Schedule l, paragraph 2,lom(a)i SubJtemぐ ‖)sha‖ be del● ted and replaced ttth the followin9:・ (11)Anaklia CoastaHmprovement and" Attachment to Sttedulo 3(Ta」 o All∝ a‖ on and W thdrawal of Loan Proceeds)sha‖ be amendod as fo‖ ows: the amount of Loan pЮ α玲ds a‖ o∞ t● O under‖ o「 1(Wo藤 S and Goods)d ISDR1 45,024.000 Sha‖ be deleted and replaced with・ 47,409,839・ :and the emount o( Loan proceeds a‖ α "ted undor ltem 4(Una‖ 2.333.161・ wIUh・ 5,219,000 sha‖ be doleled and replaced 3. 。Cated)of tSDRl For you「 convenlence aild easo of refere,lce. relovant pages of lhe Loan Agreement lncorpora‖ n9these changes are atached hereto 4 PleaSe indicate he Borrowo「 .S agreoment to the above amendments by signin9 2 01ginal● xernplars ofせ lis letterin the space indicated below Ploaso retain l s19ned Onginal for come lnto fo「 co from the date yOurrecords and return tho Otherto AD8 This amondment sha‖ rower's I have received Borowors signed cOunterpart hereoftogether wlth Bo「 on which ADB wピ no樹 lcation on he fulr‖ ment Of a‖ │"al prooodures necossary for 15 0ntγ lntO fOrce o ADB Of hcc (ri (1,1e Dirccl.ur (ieneisl l)tl :'l.clr, t4r!.latJ)vt Vqrl, tl.n ChJ i. l't'l'rt'in(l うぃ ■,]1● 1ヽ 4■ 1`::‐ 11)(卜 t'::1 5. According to tll€ ADB'S Pubho Gommunic€tion Pollc, (PCP) on disctosuro and exchange of Into.mation, these amerdmsnts to th€ Loan AgrEBment Mll be automatlcally diEclosed publicly wilhin 2 uoeks of th€ offective date of th6 amendment, unbss we arB edvlsgd lhst sny of th6 amendmants conlain sensil^6 or contidontiEl lnformation or data that falls lvlthin the PCP exceptions. Juan MIra--nda Central and West Asia oepartment 1 Atlachmsnts: Schedule I of the Loan Agre€ment (1 page) Attachmonl to Schedub 3 of ttlo Loan Agreoment (1 pags) 2 Forand on behar of me BoRROWER: Agro6 to the amondmont to the Loan AgrBorn€nt as sot forth in this Iotler and confirm thal BUch am€ndmenl doos not contain any intomation or data of a sensitlve or cqnfidential naluro f8lllng urder the rcP excsplions: Name: f). c,,.\ \ .'. G.,,.t.\.'''.it.t Tiue: Oato: 06 6W' urz . Atl.achnrenl SCHEDULE 1 1 O€scrlptlon of tho Pror.ct 1. hfrastructurE of urbBn com reliable and af{ordable urban tran8porl nomic grDwlh potenti€l and competltiveness over 1.5 mlllbn p€ople (approx, 35% of Goorgian populaton). Th6 Proj€ct will aleo: (l) improve urban, anvironment and oommunlUes, accos; to gconomic opporlunities and to pubtic and social $orvices; (ii) promota ofiiclent and sustelnabts urban lransponation; and (ili) genorata incomg and employment opporluniliss, 2 Tho Prqsct shall compris6 the (ollowing main ccmponents: (a) Urban Transoorl lnfrastructurc tmorovement, inctuding the ,othwing Subproj6cts: (i) (ll) (iil) (iv) Tbilisi urban anvlronm€nl improvement and Gorgasali (b) lnstilutionsl CsEcJtv Dsvelooment b 6tr€r{th€n organization, inctosse coordinatbn, and nnandng of uban transport subsectoc and (c) Proiec{ Manaooment Faclllv ard corEulung s€Mces for Subproject preparation, construction supervision, audit, social and enyironmontal asssssments, and inslitutional capacity developftEnt in the urban lransport subseclor. 3 road 16consfucliont Tbilisi metro gxlension (Vazha PEha\€la avenue); Anaklia Costal lmprovemenli and Road impro\Ements in Me stia. The Proj€ct ls €xpected to be completed by 30 June 2016, Attachmen1 2 SCHEDULE 3 ALLOCAT10N AND WITHDRAWAL OF LOAN PROCEEDS (SuStainabl● Urban Transport:nvo8tlnent pr● Oram,Pr●l● ct l) CATE60RY ADB FINANCiNG Rovi● ●d Tota: Amount Allocated for ADB Flnancing(sDR) ltem Numbel 1 Works and Goods 2 Consulting SeNicas and lncremental Admrnistration 3 lnt6rssl 4 una‖ ocated 47.409,839 1 00 percent oftolal expendlture° 100 porcent of total 6,515,000 expenditure' 1,228.030 due 100 percont of amounts 2.833,161 TOTAL ・ E“地●v=0`taxo6 1nd dutlos iml● Psrcentsgc and Basis ,or Wlthdrawal from tho Loan Account 57.986000 9● ●輌ulh‖ 1● 10rrlt● "ofい 00∞ 悧D7 / しOJ3ハ m30R円 ‖ 1■ lllⅢ ‖ Ⅲ :日 IⅢ 旧 ‖ ll‖ I 201-17ヨ 嘔 00つ 00「 01-2‐ L030ハ 3n LSJ00m0 δansnt● ハ円 し N901/30900 30/07/2013 n_bⅢ ¨ … 23"中 い Nけ 初 螂 bNⅢ 崚 も響 ∞ ・ ¨ ― 53(AD助 0-t い しJ山 喝 漁 咽 ぃ も い 緻 地 いけ い "ら 句 "bl・ b ttp輌 帥 nOoOo_綸 .896… 066-・ ゛ 品・ … 山 6653L anb 0M8o bN8-530喝 駅 い がⅢ 崚 Ⅲ … … bObbO b― ob e53… omO。 喫 い ヽ p “rb・ 6_Om― ― 綸 郎 ゝ “ い お― 砂 2013胸 い b… q岬 噛 … “ …い 出 ob8 い… 岬 m00η -03-m― mb‐ Qもご0ゆ ;1"が `コ い … ¨ ― ― m… LO1040100Cnt 91605L00し ヽan6nし o 0l l8 o$rryxtn, Brx'r EoODdol, C. Ne4; drq': (+99532) 29{ 50 OQ ggtrr: 1+SiS fZ1 ZN SO Ot LDJ3ハ m30Eで 円 │111Ⅲ ]‖ l‖ :‖ │II日 II‖ lll‖ │‖ 11 30ワ 26● l‐ 2-20:30ヴ 301013 UlaJ.6Cn UJJaSOJ UJanSnUe ,6Il IF0160725 N/O7nO13 q$UJA6, B$$%CRrdr$ es.r'booU 6$3oortti6ldt DSgb ( DB) D<,r6oB hq8o0C.6oq',0q66!eo UPAsE?qrl 06$rto.60dr 6$georutDolr t toftCltngu r J.6o06!&,tr' qsSo6$Siob BstCtcr bCq'Ogrgpgrdrdto qs l$dr.qo60qxdn qs rtodr 6$3ouignob D!6& lo6ot, he8<.t9c6oq' tuldrbo boq8ol6aq$0D0o toeof0Wo glrr0sulq,o ofrsn ao60rr, 6pftoot6fiU tr:*69!0oger', a6rrSt6o0o - a6od0o Z) Offirr6o 6qrq,il&ol, otu,lEJ$C UsAo6o\y6oa 6,:6oboq,r Usj,:Oo8gq,ol$ q.or o$ooU ffiooot6gaolr 6r6;U (ADB) E<n6ob b3qrAr'r$C6,c{,,AqbOren 966$Uq,o $f,r6bJcldr$ou 6sh61oNt6gbob lrrr63gq)ogoer J6rn0l6s8oU" qrcgo6o6bg$ob 816r&'r Ugq,AClOCeC$$lrr es bjurs6gqxqlrr qrs stoob 0$Oporr(<rC0ob Ds63b llot+nb bgq€er$C6oq, b$bg!,tx'r bCCOAIt63q,3bCB8o (0ca0t6s<9o U60JBCgo QfisbbJo<6gob 6lftoordlg0ob l$ofugbooo(x'r Jt6o6t6.fs - Jfx'lajoo 2) 09bogo6o 6C"oq,CbC0otr Jt6ogfoo e! 0ol, Oo0rdro 5sr86or 6g0gp6o boboU ?196ofu6.>: $q5lq,Chbob f,6x"UlCpU Ay6 {6jgott ot6rMrqg, ggqlcrqtg0gao drqsOo OCSnL rtoolt bCqe"ECfx{r, go6ro([E l$iloo6gq,srt J qr.l rtcntr ffioorfu0ou tlr6Ob (ADB) 0<nt6ob bry,0ar$Cdr(rl "aqtOlqn g1r6,>fuq11 O6r6bh60ol, 6,$3oottfubob bJo63Cb$o6rr<'l Jr<x'rAdt0otr' qgrgo6,)6t C0ol, AsOnm b9q,t$rtJe'C0r, 6mACe$oO Egqnb tC0cDeSo?6'gq,o gCqr:q,CACAo, \'sBo lggoqgs t$jrOo6gqxib 6s63oo,>,tfu0ob br63olt aoC6 $qSoE63qxr $Cfrryo-09orJ5bQC0ol, t'l6ro'do6Jq,cfl EoeCa"U Egaqlco. aoC6, bCq'3&ftfrgqC0ob drq'rBo 0gl6q,c,b.:ogotr rg6oqlg6gqa1 0oq,>lrlb3q€$hgog0r6ogo,:Oru9qryd,Cbol, p.>trtfuqpbotr 0CAqCO, rq6o0fuqn $qtryCbC0olr d.>q,,>Bo 09t-6qnltr6oU 1669o69 rggoq,C0C(r,r lrs$>r6o3gq,ou AoC6 Ooln dsq,sSo 09L6qnttso6oU .>ggoq'g0gqn ?op,:lsbgrq€$qr'rC06o3o JdxBCAEflCbol, q',)ktJq,C0s, $t6&rq9, rq6oEF3qr, 133q,oq'C0CAo 6sgogogof,C0pJe, gflqgl oj6slr ttoj.>t6o3gqxnl, $d,q$g6gob aog6. s6sltors6, CaCSEoU lrJa)6,cr'l S(')qq)oJof,o qru g3o6o0oy3rio J{looriq}g)gbob 6,>o6sqnUffigboo, b$oSobgO<ru 0o$r60C9(,l6oq,5e 0o$6or $r6Acl('.d05oq,(, Qo$b0gbob qrqgg0l. J\y6oltgC0oo,, ヾむ0"χ 聖 ` 0o6ou66ou &r.tq6oq'g 0I18 oOo(rrbo, Ocxr Bo6.:dob j. N"4; OCqr: (+99532) 294 50 00; g.{bo: (+995 32) 294 50 01 ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ b5」 56∽ 30響 Ob 00bO° 000b bδ Oo5obo6o ︱ MINISTRY OF JUSTICE OF GEORGIA ︱ I四 llⅢ 皿l‖ 柵Ⅲ Ⅱ 硼硼柵口 闘皿‖ ︱ КA010130013390213 , caq, 2 1o-! l Tlt:0'1● ■2‐ l_{l.l レNtAIL 'レ “ l 洲b77466 30 / %q'ctr, / 2013 $. l l lrJ}}r.,(rr3C(rd, ts(6!6tio,5 l L\gs6 A'r3oo, q'fiD3rl, Oosaryiob &N{nPq$! l l I I I I I I I I I I I I I ・」特 が 芍 Ъ I I ar― い ¨ er'fiofgJ6dC Srrtr ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 2or3r. ■ 口 1160● 01ハ ` "│も niし boJo6tcn3gqcob 36rar36Xqro do63o National Bank of Georgia a'osf tuea'ts 2t/. Of . 2o/3 b,:jr6or33q,ob goEr6to.r 0o6oUg6ob 0orqr6oq,Xb bJ6r.r6 (rJ3ocn gC{r3Jb oj396U 2013 $q'oU 23 o3q,obou N07-02/56968 g96oq'$3 bs6o6tr qr.:goor, Urj.:6or3gq,ob gr6r'r36gqr0r 616301 5r6oboq,r lr.rjr6o4gq,ol6 (rr rboob 6r63oorx69bob bs63b (ADB) tot6oU 2010 $q'ob 2l o36otrb bgq,0ogg{6oq,o ,,Eqr6r6sqro g6br6gq,o O(qrbbSo(66ob 6s63oor,:63bob tr.:o63gbgogoo J6rr'r6rir0ob,, q.orgo6,:6b3bob Br6Ber b3qrBgtigq,gbob q9.: bsj.>r(ror3gqrobs qrc rbootr 6.:63ool63bob A$3U (ADB) Erq6ob 2012 gq,ob 24 o3qobl-r bgq,0crg36oqr ll.>tr3bbo b9q,Eg6gqpb.:0o (0qg6r6.rqo gt(lb,:6gq,o 96.:6bJo5gol-r 6r63oor.:6gbob lr.>o633b6o6oo J6o6rvr.:0,r - Jr6ogjgo 2) g3q,oq,3bgbob EJOJEoL ACbJbCA bsjr6or3gq,olrs qrs s%ooU 6r63oor.>r6gboU b.:63ob 0o6otr qrsgo6r6bXbol-r 8168o b3q,tsg6gq,gbotrs 6,>btgo663bgq,o q)r ttlr3bbre bgq,fu 36l3q,:3fu Oob g3qroq,gbgboli J6o3jgo. 6s66obgbor, 6rq0 g6o36gqr bt63b, ors3obo 3r'r0Jgg366ool_r gs66q,gb0o, $r60oqr6g6oq,o q9o3p0g66oU Eo0s6or ts36o0363bo s6s sj3b. Jrgo3ob630oo, ,6?,"s ac:" ,1 , u"i;{k"'' Z- g6o36gq'o 0r63ob 3o6-J63boqr366o 0l14/oboq,obo/ Ur6rJo6oU 2 / OCq': 2 Sanapiro srr/ 2406 406. 2406 120/ grjbo: 2406 571l C('. B('|UO!: [email protected] /J{''(r):20410484 Tbilisi 0l14,/ Tel.: 2406 406, 2406 l20l Fax].24065771 E-mail : info@nbg / code: 204104E4 wwr,r, Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅷ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅷ Ⅲ 興 蠅 列幽躙 MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF GEORGIA Urju6or33q.,nl-l qrr 0q966uqro 33nbc.r0o3ol-r,> 5s63oorr6gbob bs0o6ob$6c't o108o6-bO,3S6o06ヽ もJ Tcl:(+99532)2991105,29911 11 N12 FⅨ 12 C Chanturiastr 01081bils,Ceorgia (+99532)2'21534 2013,. 25/o3Ψ Ob。 ノ ]109/5236 Urj.:6ror33q,e'rU 9o6)6lro,J Ao6oUO6'oU Aorp6oq'9lt OJO(.tE QJ3ocD bbOm5o 9o30∞ q'Cg!3ru , ● 3,rgo3obgg0oor, 0o6oU6t<roU 0orqr5oq'3 ″物 ゴ 01`い ●11“ in"nill、 o6o3ぐ 。3ぅ 03。 3。 」13Sθ i じδ b6030Ψ Ob 606oo50Ψ o 6δ 5300δ 6060し 。Qδ 」 o586oし o6つ 」 Oo60し もoOo5ob06o ⅣIINISTRY OF REC10NAL DEVELOPMENT AND INFRASTRUCrURE OF GEORCIA *050164262978413* KA050164】 62978413 じ J“ 0∞ ●00。日で06o.0160Ⅲ ,,お 050も びa` 120。 で 。995,2)2`Ю 611● oJbO(+9'5う 2)251067, 12Aし K2Lgi ave O:“ TbJ¨ iC∞ ●ヽTel:(+"532)2,10611:Ftx:← N0374146 "5'2)2510`79 ragouom / 2013 S. brjs6o13gq'ob 9o6sElior,r 0o6ob$t6oL 0r,rrqg6oqr3b 0,:6rn6 qr.l3oor q,CJJ3JU 02 / bl6o6o qt3oor, LrJ.>6o4pq,oU t<r36oo6pgn 6r63oortcrg0oU,r Ar o6g6,rlr66uC6g6olr lr.r0o6ob6r6o0 6.l6oboq'r ojg36o 0o0po6iFr9 $qolt 23 qq'oUoU N07-0266964 $96oq,o, 6r'r0gqng 3bgbs b.> ji6o33q'ol-r.r qgr rtooU AJ63oo)6COoU bs63ft tsotloU 2010 $q'<rl, 2l q6o$11 6rtso6aCAUq, ,,0p66rqro 960,rEpq'o Od,JEbJci66ol, 0r6goor6Cbob Uro63gb6ogoo J6o6t6rOob" q.>9o6.16Ugbolr ErdrSer b3qrdg3rrrgq'C0Jlr! eJ UJCid)o39qxrU.l (,J !$oou 616gcrol16C0oU 016$ ?ot6ob 2012 $q'olr 24 ogqtrUU 6rgot6096gq'o tr.rlrgUbo b3q'?g369qr9b963o (nr<rogjgo 2) g3qmq5636ol, )trnu 6169oor.rl6g6olt 6.:63b ?o6oU 6.rb.r9o160369qrr qgs9o6r61130olr 8r168r'r bXq'tsg3tigq5bolt qoJ UJtrCUbo bgqfgJ6pg30g0ob g3qr<rqfAob Jd,oCCOU q.or 6196o636or, 6<,10 [r60erq,m6oq, J6opj6or,>6 qr3r30ot190oo E396o 3r'r0JgggEgrrrU gcr66q103o 0g6o03690o.t6 6.lj3tr. d3$.r6o11 63Usb30 tr.r j16o139qx'rlrr (,J Js6o3obgg0oor, 0o6ob66oU 0orqr6oq,g 」 ん(映。 arn∞ ぅo。 6,。 tつ 。 メ ′ 多タ ′ 2θ ス 。 0■ ■llⅢ lt`` mqo60う じさJ06030(コ ob ou50003δ Ψ D60 MUMCIPAL DEVELOPMENT― 605000δ 600ob 9o500 D OF CEORCIA 踊 岬Ψヒ 訓 肥闘 翻 鶴 曽3響 乱躍 田 iluiirflrfliifl fiiiiifi i f, ir] m rrrl N1402‐ 6 rl rrrrl lr 25′07/2013 brjr6or3pq,ob go6r6bor ao6ob66ob 0o.:qr6oq,pL br6o6 qr.:goor gXgs3.:U b,rgcr6m p.:3oor, 0o0.:6ror dg6ogoJsq,g,{6o 5s63oortr6g6ob go6qrt_r 6r,>B6or. Jsgo3obgg0oor, イ82ィ , 0フ リ _3 3qv6gX.r bo3r6o03oq,o `(ア Ir・ JqAJU6Cq,CACq'o _2[う ― ndf org 90 藁 m 一 mar mdOor9 9o T E‐ ‐― ― “ ´ ‘ ・ Ooq,: ﹃ 一 よ じ ξ ttlls二 ‖ も 』 :卍:乱 や F` r$oob 6.>6goosr6g6ob 6163o SC6Od,)qpJ6o Ar e.>Ur3q,gor .:toob qrgJ$rgr0g6go b-6 6oqt.>t5 l8 o3q,olro 2013 b4lgr6o 6o6o\)16o bsjr6o6Sq,ob goE.rEUolJ bJAo6oUO6o 6o66rlrq'ou j.16, 0l l4 oaoq'obo, l,rCJ6(,RCq'(', AJOclEo Ao6oUO6('l, MFF 00,(}-cEO: Aq'06seo U60r6OEio O6!6bJcf,Od, A.l63oorr6C0ob lrro5ggbgo6rm J6<'lA6raJ (SUTIP) (,r UCtbo 28792880-GEO(SF): !r6oql6o 2 g3qoqlC0g0o q',)tso6r6trgDob 8.:168o bgq,fo36gq,g0r0o 1. qr brbCUbo bCq,0CJ6Cq,C0CDAo 39gt6p6oboor 6.> (i) L.:js6o3gq,oUr (U3lrbob JAeCOo) er ltoolr gs63oou6gbob 0.>63b (.,ADB,,) ao6ou 2010 Sq'ob 21 og6ob bgg,arr[c6,oq, "qrgo6r6bg0ob 8;68o b3qr033rlpq,goJ. (FFA) AeA6Jq,o g66r6gqr 6r5r6LJor6goU 6,:63ooru6g6ou brohCbooBoo J6o66r0s (,,b.>o639L6o6oo qu (ii) UgUbob 0o0qg6lrr qrr ADB 0o16o11 2012 gqiot 24 o3q,olrtr &6m6t6.>0s"); UCq"i.OCo.q, 0q6rtrgo 9166$99o gri.>6lrJo6oob 0r63ooJ6Cbolr Uso639U6ogoo JooAlrJaJ - Jt6ogjgo 2 -ob ("Jtioodoo") UrbgUbo bXq,0grfuq,g6.)U (bJggo.:qrgrr6o orJgr6tgog6o) qoJ Urb3Ubo bCgACJ6Uq'CbJt, (br6bJJ0o6Cbgq'o oJgrgcgogbo) (,,lrlr3lrbo bgq,0g6pq,9096ot. CaCg" ArAr'rgCEC6gq', as66r0 )6r Ar6a)6696gqr Jot6o6.rb .:jgU o6q9 06o?g69qoO., Org qrgni"Ofrgani SrrvrSo bgqr?6r6gq,g6stso q.: bsUgbbcr bgq,0gr6gq,969O0o, oU J(,EOftlUOo lrfu.:63r6.rqr 116 ,i 6ooob<'rgb. 2. 2013 Sq'oU 17 AJoUU ADB-A eJradlo3r lso&3glrgogcx,r J6o6r6$ob 63q,oq,96.r gq,Cbob 0obgq6oor 0obrq,oqr63q'o B3q9g66ob 3ex6gfl6or99boti Acr$6clol er 6rbJJbq,r 1'1611 ACeCAob o6QoJroo6o. rq6ots6gq,o 63q'oq,g690otr 6$brbor6gogq,90q,rq, Oo)Jgr$(,)oo) qrgoElEbgbolr pc6:6oro 2-olr 6q,oq,, 6oaCq,o0 .>bq,,:glr c0 $9r6oq,_ts9-oUUa3Onfr gtr 6.r0o0qro6.r69o0b t_rro6pb6ogoo Jr6o6r6.r0ob 6.:Oboi0ogq,laou 3. 2013 gq,oU t7 6.:otrtr, ADB_0 rAJbor6JOC G,)Ja Jr6o9j6oqr.>6 .>6<noqo 06bgorotr boqnb bg(,EUCqlOJOoel aoAUrbC6CAr q,r o0o o$bgbolr 6glq,o3.>go.r AJ bJUCbb noq,o, J6('lfrloob 66ofu6gq,rAr6 o3q,.,q,CoJt) qn.>0q53o6.: N2879 bgl$oor Ar(r,3rqtogo6Cag UrlrSbbo .rq6o36gq,o 63q,oq,9690o .lU.:b.r3U $9t6oq,oor OJatrbJ6gq, orboA[JU oJEboqBC0b. .>q6o?6gq,o 6q,oq,9696ob bgq'axy+agq,96r ?gog3rqrob 0g0qrg66rort.:qr: Uq,C0rAo (BOCUq,Cb6%o oJC6)OoC0o) .. a;; rcqcb6.Ro o)g6sgog0o) 2.01 Qgbq,o 0xog3,rqou eJ BJaogJq,ooecu ,,Jp6J6o 2.01 (.>) ADB-o cogcba$ 6rgbg6Ugbogr6 6rbg3tr Ugtrbo dtr9trb969q,$3 o ogq'oq,CDr bJlrobbo bgqragl6gq,C0r0o (6s6Ur3gox6g0pq,o ('Ag,r6s6ogbo) 6) Urb3Ubo b3q,afll6cq'90ou (6,>6Lr3gor690gq,o oJgt6cgog6o) J6crAbpq,ou B.:0og.rq,ooqrgU ?g0qp66.ro6sqr: ,,($ aUgUbgbgq,tr.l qr,: ADB-5 (g 6.:Soq,o Bgoggsq,ob qu dor6olr bCq'aCJ6Uq'C0r B3grgqrgbrtrqo o)96cgog0o.) or.)gr6.l6ogbo) qrs6.u6on 9) b$gLrbo b3q'ts6rrryq1bor'r (6>6Ur3gol63bgq,o oJ3r6.>gog80) QJ6J6olo - g36roq,o-63orr6b0g6ob qr6r6om 3-oU gUOoq,oUagUsaiajr; 4. AJ6qlr tg0o.rp6o?6gqro g3q,oq,9090obr, b9q,a66a3q,9b96ob a3bq,C6o I6BCOJ l-ob 0g_3 Jrr6i66rgoL 6 3-ou ob60q,o, acoo3Jq,ou ra ergo6J6UC6oll SJFrBo bCq,aCJ6,Cq,g6ob qrr lr,:lrg6bo Uggq,Cqo; 5. o6got6argoob arbrXJ6oCAJUJ eJ AJOOq,rbo, Joq'oOoJoU ?9lr$.:0obcqr, qr.rgo6r6trg0oli Brr6Bo icgqob690oo, Jq,JUU A963JU$C6 006Cd)Jggf6o Aod)&l6o6o 096065q'!6o (,J rqOobrgq,go,>$ootr AJ6Uogoq,C6J 1111:1∬ i詳 固い i 1静 ;蹴 l QJEJ6srC6o: 1. qrltso6r6bgbob Er,r,er'r UCeaer&.9q?0ob qr.>6.:6on 2, Oggoe$C0ob a.lo0r(6o9o6C0oo (3 63C6A11); z-.,r, o.."a,gso, ],t*:ffiH'.,:Hffi ,o*r**. *ro"o.eo"i!,uiill- llll'l',i,lffil3lt11lllj6':6bo3so*ix0sqro .:. eier6ssoe0o) $e,oq,sosoorr qr6uloo 3-ob e!o\)cbr Goqoq10s6o.r 6obrqg6oc qr,: 39orr6b690oo,. 6. gJeJUOg'6C0o, 6q'oq'gbr.>6 6oa OgosraL, b.rjrreE6gq,ob bbCq.,o.,; bJbCq,o Er6ro: or16$qg6ob.:: cDJ6oeo: (,rtso6J5uC6ob o6g.o6alo )Ju, Bui8o b9q,06r6gg9br 6-asq,.,g 6setffigoiiii-"u q.os lrJucbbo bCq,AAl6ugcbc0ot) o.u*"ronurou. orJ,iaa60U a0 6rrnR:m tr.:o56lgo6oo )6o6r6r8ntr qs6X68.rril 06s3rq6r6., E?ooiir 5aor, -":,ill,H;T:;ilfi r,66nitoi6! 5.>10Xr.:d1tr;d1q,o y6do51qo 6o16;10o, D5AD6n?o gSqor6 rq6oqmdooSo sJor6eraoJr q'o l,oto6oporglrrro3o 200E ?Xqs6ndoo, loelo.oo .316o9oJoq7r6o 5o5q,o93.: j16d.:G1q 6oot16qnl.: d?6o$aoU 3o3$op3Xqolo ;o8J.r5o3doh qs bg}6m?n LobXlq'0gog',, AnSoOoJiqloOJOJlor., (129,000) q,s diqot63Ro 360,13op163odotr obeti6Oo0q,JA(, tdqolr r16oUseors316c,lo o146s5ots6o3dol: 0!BgnSXlgliFob ?nlxbnE CJ(')RmAo?t6o L06rJO?6o1, Aro'ar,<ol.,Vo6ilA,) Jo,<'ogo,Ji6o R,) 6a6o$AoL 0,J(,}6maoJi6o lrgsdoq,.16 o t.r pnJor6gr0X6goL.: po LLSo ?31;Js0oLo RJOAJ 2009 ggqos6 trgr6s616outr A.r6CAmL ?nq,>r4g6oo, Soleoor q.:$'6Lsltrq3I3loL ;116d,r5trqo ?3COo6R0Ar 6sg$nl3q,o ,J!'{fi0ro 06s5LJr'l60otr 0ogr4 tl0RI6o bX6glo tr (8,000)6srrqnEots ?60or 36rArq'06.'l5?o,,Eo qsgo6s6UildoL lr0rOol,0oJ16o 33j.r5oteoL ,JARJCJBO 2009 [3qo.r6 (1636oo5.:qy6o R,r5J6AA.!, (6(,0.)160 ts3qs6p&lo 6uSSoos16gloLs qs oEg16,>trg61Jgn16ob 6.>o3oqoLgo6giTqo ?6oJ053rs Lrfr035gq,cr brao5oLg16r,r q.> Lh;1o ?1Lnt,r8oLo ll.>01;bX61do) J6l,CdOJt?n q,rU,:JBgl1qo,: t6soqpSod; (2t,?72) L,>J,>6o3;qmL aL oJr, t6nU;6do 1;cr 5r.r3o;o L e616rlEodo.:rrrrn8.; A160 ?olJCAtJ ?trrre0oU L0D0ob6oJoL RCJ160oAC56o oloq'ol.roL a?SoGoJrq,o6COorr.) ps Lt3s ?61.r,>lr6oLo o<65o5o$sgoSdoL 3o36 6.:g,:16111q,o iJBaJ$o,)5o, llso06qo p.: hJq'0oLr[3poao 2009 gnq,or6 tr6N51qo Snqsrtrnloo, Ing16oSLJodrgm Jii('lA6.raoo, o66s5ot,>gou Irpr6ol?orioLo sB aoBL.rt1114@oL oU;r661lpXlb, 1;'Ur6p533q,6r,r6s 39o63, 2.5 floq,oo6o ?3Lsdo8oL oqsSooSo Jsq,rJ3l?o Llp Joqsfud?o 2008 SngIs,J[ ?gps63doo, 57roor 6rot6qntc clloq,ot oL 16A16Aq,o o3 sE g6rr36trqo L;g16,>ELJo16go ! u(,ooroo08o l, o66.rrrro?3|o 0756o.)oqfl6o LOrOolrooJr a006f,JF,q,oOCEo, oX$oltrL6iotr,joaJsEorlo l,[iJs t6s6ot 6oJX6o :δ tttЬ s6 0, も 二 つ も 30`00も 。 `0あ °Ⅲ 聯 服L謄 輌 00boも 。 oOも 。 で 去 ‖ :鵠 い 弓譜よ ::静l需 蹴 面い 6o6b3o(35%), 6o0gqlr.>0 X8troq,o ?gt6l! sj3l, It$o6.:qonlr6on 60aom5rR'l6o 6o53oosr6nlott qo o6ts6,rUO6trJdA6ot grrtoEUJo16go.>5 LrAoSoU66(r 2009 gnqo.rS d;$s l, 0o6sg6€o.: oloqoLo MDF, q; Lh3,> a!5(,OoJ.'RoO000to 0o133loo5 5ortsGgolloL ?Xqsr66loo, 5%-oor 5so$6q6ls ltrlns3nqxt Lo06ts3r9o goU Joqogo,;rL 6sqo$oq3nAo (923,000)llottr6rRr'r3l 6oU.1o 6oao 66,)6LJ(,6doo, 2009 gSqo,r6 L jL6o,;r'rrn16qo6rgo.; lro0os3r6olo 1g51l1}oL ?npornXdoo, o6o3n L,>g1by6tg.> ?31-r.>do0o Ls$o6.:qo6l6o3o bxqL 6sUo)Bol, ?r,6ol, ?X1?qoU LoLogoghq,o ?35.>66tr661s p.> b AitSogoJJRoO1O1al, 0dr 5lrJ.','6 Oo l.r a(rplRir6o Sl6ogoJoqog6gndoU ?nlr,>dqglqotgloL 6s53our.:rtlnloU t6q?XSlo8s o) 6sgo3Il_r. o,ao('ol,?o (54%) 2008 VoqoJG ?0Rrr60loo, 57coo 6rotr6qnds J.rqnloL ihnr6 325ogoJsqtrr6o Ir$o6oqond6o6o 0d'.rElrJo66oU 6s&rxgSgls LaI5.'0oJ.)Rtr6o 6.:53ooorvr3dob gcrGqolr - (5670) oloqot?o 1"o Lhgo ?1b1.:3otro il?t5o()o.I\tll'oOCO0iotr tr5oC06l,oOJ6otr 3o11q'o0 Jo6JILTAR, 3on6 ;r6dr6Xqo 36g16oL 6s3o6oo3d,: ll.'06J6LJl.,6Oo oEB6rL66Ad6U6ol, - i1o3o16ooXds, 6ij.,dot<o0r0os 6s16XoI1t1|.r (r - 6s3oJ3ng618r ?SLsioSoUo 3og16 a,loq,otroL 0ng6oLr pss,jS.rgogoseSll, gXLoo Lorr6trqlo.> 0c,r J.:qoLr ps 3r0r,pgob 0ooLo3G6lb (0rpq'norsqr:ggOr,*9 6(, ey3qg&E) 2016 gqoll>o3oL RuL16?q,RCAT ordogq'olrn-.161LolXoU RJ,IeAJR0J0AtIe, 67,p1 6toL 0?n6gtqol.) J!66rR Uog16s6LJo16go t,5 ;0 Lo6r6doo a6Ugoo[ 20 ;a b6r6doL X6lsGlqo 6o6ob;gnl,: UICRs qotso6o po - U4l.>51qo ?tR$Ja(9Uo(, ('5l_6ooil00aL lgq'nl,:BoLoqo ?0idq,o.\ 0fl0Joos6o 3X6J0oo6oaiFo ps 3X5o0oJ.rq,ngpgol, eJEogoJs!qy6o &eaL\b:,6oaolr 0c6o3.r go o3gollLSIoL .p0Js5ooLr, U'rACq'9'qoI,ro o56s11o?nto ao5r[oqX joq,sjoL 3g}-66r6po qs tt3.: dloL3Xlo - fu6.,OoJr{ooJ60}A\ .:JgJGSo j6t.:Si1,<,o g6s5 LJor4{loq.r6 0tr6o9oJ.rqX16o doAn6oJo(JooL,5 Ro oSgXlgogonAtn 0gpooL 0.:lrsgSlo Jt6gUrtSq,otnlo q.r J<6gl-roL 0o0oboq,3.> 3X5o6oJ,:gy6o 06.\5LJ(,66ot 15 ,j&os6n U0oOoLOo,,., eoaUsJ?o6AloRo fu5o0oJ!qog6got, at! s66or6o?6lo oLoq?.> - 0,rR.)o0.r6s ls?o6oo Jrr5d6.)doo,60ao l, Uo&ksraArdo r&r$ hq,or, ArdCeo6 plgoEsSL;i71,{,o 3o3qo6o163 露 憎 l∬紳f淋鵠 固“ , 0?gEglqot.> t3lr,>lsOo - Eont6 l_r Jsq.:fuI?o 6.>5sLq'qnlr t0 ;0 Uo5r6d5oL 6oSLm6go3qgtXqo 613oOqo6odrn Strsr6po daR030ao 0506Ama${d6riq,JA qgloL qrsstrJ(qqqgo $r6qoL broJy6,:goer q.:Srbsr43grE L q.) 0D6q0AU, 6.!0 !d, .vrou abr6PrlJ6oRo p6Br6lqo 5$s qs 6s6bo6go3q,q6t.; SsJo6RsO0r - oloq'ot?o &r0hSodnaq,Xlo o3XGJOorrEo60Ur lro6t.:r,r L ao't6 3,>r6or3oL 0c506o 2016 gqotro3otr - 6!6rLq,,qCBr tO Ja Lo66doU nr6}.:6nqo 6$.: y6B;G1q, sq6oqnd?o altqooa(''RoRIdo ad603o6olCol, Al,ot 60J6et0d6o,t0}s - RJ 6s5.>bqXlo osRJciqo o3goltrboL 0r6.)ACsoL botnlolr B.> Rr oBJq33g6g.>0o.) 2 0tr5ogoJ.>q16o 6;53oo,sragloL go6polr.r qs ?3tr;ilo8oto 0l5ogoJJq,og1g3dolr R!a0Jo0R0Ar o6oqolraU jou XXL 6p6qo q.: 0n5ogoJrql6o Soaqnds6n ro166,:SotsgnXloU o5L0o03oo(,5.,l{?t6o 0C6o0m6ooU aJ6o,floL ?ill,r,rql,Jdtlloditanb 5.:,lqo161ls Fi 3o5.:$ogl,3 J.>q,r &JSoOoJiq ooi,Oilao 66o5or66i.r 6,>5r6o6ot> qu 616;go,1o b06,roJAoIRo y6}'l6Xq'o Rra0Aan60nol., 06.,5l,J(r60('t ?lgggoL 16X,1r odoq,oLob oSLgogXgor.rEoq,l16 Br6Aq,0uo o rtXgmrlS6do 6sgs6q3d.> Ls3Xtrr65no 0o3o16or ?Xo.rGt01l7qo 5oGLm66onrq,g6trq,o 6q6s .\ Ro na6Ji,,i0du (s0% oJsnts Joqo) J6o616s3olr 6o5to66nnqqpA,> 6o6bortt6olqgloL.r A(mo atrROoAmpsq,?6f, 0o,Jr6roloU 0oqXq,o po oloqoL?o Joq,ogo;76 Bs0opq,o!1ogIs 0trq,go&.rqsq,yio XatrBo, JlR0aot ?n8sq6g5qoloo tsgoJ853l.r q.: ogl6J0oo6o6nll.r fuq'go0oqoqy6o 6.:63omslo3EoL 0sr6o3oLo po 0o5ogo16o66oI EX}.ll: 16oU;nlo - l-ro0org16r.rlsoo?o6o L trgsndglL q., ?nLodrSob 0l5o6oJoqogng1iL tsrr6oL lr1LOo J(,6RoG,)0or LiJq,l.r い 鰐:1 面い - JoqoJoL ll.:Ugo3q,o oi'to oJS16rgoSloU a06pC6?q,o arSbm6Ooaq:,Jd.\rJ l,n$r'l6oRo0A,6oCo ?6trLrl.:0ols 06s5l,Ja,6Oot, OC506,)tq?|'n lpr qot.>oG$n 0j6oOoJsq76 bSqotlgqxdstr 2016 gqotr.sorSotr - ?o'6oL, XdAnSlRo t6ggo16SnloL 06s5l,J(96Ool, gX536oqtrr6o 6X60s. s5 pr;r3?or6gdoor. 6s5ho<6gonq1dc Lor LoLgqBSqo-3i16do ars6s3?6o3g,rolotg (Ppp) - erSrrr6a}Iqn o50C66o60hqo U,:loqnoo LoLg6Bs 6sSbo6gogqqnls Jud3or5SdoU - Bo16og.> ?o,1r6nrsggrrt1tr;lot.r t,t60r5rrt 0l.) 65316o91rrn 3oh3q3oo - 6n66otr p.:o5n66pls po6n533oL J6ogglrXlo q.> qogTdSqXl.: 0o6ogo16o65o 20lE fqobo3ot _ 6sgor63q6i,r l_rsgo6o 0o0L$trhy4nlotr - J(,G06rJOo (pSC) 6.>5Lor66o6q,pgls lrJ0't.)6l. cl6Oo 5o;oq,oL 6uG63o16or;1.> L.r3sqo 5ofiogolr J6ogllror.rtoqy4o J6<n0 {0Aolr 8.;OoXx3olXlo, Jr6rr56s3oL 3ur6o3st6 p,> ggJEo,Jj6. ?gLg;3qo p.> 6s63oosr6gloL Ri'Jgo.6A0loU aot6oo, go6qols po aZ5o0o)rqt6o ,J,D66m i.)Lr6,50l) fl16ogoJrq,y6o 5r5bo66ongl3doL AoaqoS.r6nolr$3 6o53ornu6$oL gospl_rs e.> r6olxlL n;o5o0o3y6o 0o5.>[oq'g t63 LUl lrnitg 6olr,13lo AtrSoOoJDRoO0OClotr ?31,>E.:8oL A(,06 J6oJil6ot &X6ogoJsqogXgXd?o ?gLsdrgXlqolo6 Jr'tq'oOoJi6o L.:;ornLillo og63q,otr tr6lJ61sl R06,rR!6.) lrsg16.>5LJor4go !6nRotol, (6.')XR,o J6of,6oO00t, 0odtspg}l 0obpgdr b,rpr6r,r 1 - 3m31,>qgto go6s6tr116o 0xGxgxSgsgol,, ?0t UopAgaoLs Ro 6.:14s6gogdo U A$6i6i0RU(,tot' g63o6o66ndo 2013,iot - MDF_oL aoJ6 R!Jodir3Aliqo oJSnL - 6gqs L>lo6o JrioggUoo6uqo fuo ?or6oU t5% Joqo 6ogsr6pgL flr6p6o65o ;oSgglmX16o go$oE6oUr po Jr,606sJool, 3o16o3s$X - &o8png6r,, J6.,0Joodob ?nUsrJq,lIq,olSdol: ?nbgo3q,o qs 吉 :11』1乳 !「 o“ o6801: `3o600L 0686。 L66っ 」 6も Oυ `Ob`Ю 6い 。 。 り ・ax。 , 30も 0。 。 R。 ADB:3000o8R6。 ADROcR -01:850R6。 史OR。 つη `0(ADF) 2:6489 8R6 。lη …OR。 で `0,螂 168R6。 ■oゃ 。 o6● 5102: : Rδ 」 R800● OROふ oOo30); 、謡 1‖ υョ {ADF) `。 48890● 6 。■o olnR。 6。 `)し :::10ふ 。 {OCR) 0oog16ods: 51.83 qoq'.r6o 0q,6 ;?? 憎 I∬締喘 固ぶ ヽ ( ・ :l:IIl]培 !認しl」″ °°R° し0000も ゃ。し、JOoO。 6 000(MDF, 006。 ▼ORJ ●obO。 00 `aδ 000,Oo6。 ,OROoo 30・/.。 」600。 JoRO(MDF, :iぷ lttTttRぶ 雷 :漱 。 ェIξ 蹴i溜漁猛 憾鳥i締‖:TI, 5り η 。。6 0` 60b ▼35` 0。 0° `° b (,J6J6oo bObbo 287,bbObbO bぷ Pa“ 匈 Ψ 06。 (鼈刀 Ψ O軸 Ob6響 。 電 o“06む o00。 ) [69b。 "Lb攣 ADB-olr qr.rgo6r6Ugbob 0oryor6o or6bob AJ6JEoq'CdJ (S) J!OC0o6o! じsbOし bO、 6ら o6o5長 晨 3面長露τ こ 「 J6(,0C6OUq,o 8 ,ql., 0JA('lcDbcIOoU 6rqr.:b.:bqrgqroor,>6b.,lr:OOy;- り bOb“ 場 あも 2 “ 1 イ q,56!6oo Itglrbo 2880: tr.rUgbk r bc{'aca6,rq,cDJ (arst Buo6c6gq,o o.lc6roocDo) gbt6oq'o 岬 _し 3blや 065000b鴨 ● ゃ6中 b6sb"増 し ADB‐ 。しTs30515b060し b.>Ugtrbo rq.:Ooaoq,.:O otOblt-, a∽ ぐ Po● 5o055bob ArA('lorbctgou &6(')OCbOUq,o 655o,α で0ら 。(SDR) S.rqr. 3Ю 86060。 3 ●● ● 1 い 爛 I∬!糊 固〉 velo pment Bank Central and VVest Asia Department 18 July 2013 Mr. Nodar Khaduri Minister Ministry of Finance 16 Gorgasali Street, 0114 Tbilisi, Georgia Dear Minister Khaduri: MFF 0043-GEO: Sustainable Urban Transport lnvestment Program (SUTIP) and Loans 2879,2880(SF)€EO: SUTIP Project 2 ' - Amendments to the Framework Financing Agreemont and Loan Agteements 1. We refer to (i) the Framework Financing Agreement ('FFA") dated 21 June 2010 between Georgra ('Borrowef) and Asian Development Bank ('ADB') for the Sustalnable Urban Transport lnvestment Program ('lnvestment Program'); and (ii) the Ordinary Operations Loan Agreement and Special Operations Loan Agreement ('Loan Agreements") dated 24 July 2012 between the Borrower and ADB for Project 2 of lhe lnvestment Program ('Pro,iect'). All capitalized terms used but not defined herein shall have the meaning given thereto in the FFA and the Loan Agreements, unless the context requires otherwise. 2. On 17 May 2013, ADB approved a minor change in the lnvestment Program to conect the year of achievement of the impact of the lnvestment Program and update two of the impact indicators. To give effecl to these changes, we propose to amend Schedule 2 to the FFA as set out in Attachment 1 to this Amendment Letler. This is pursuanl to a recent review of implementation under the lnvestment Program. 3 On 17 May 2013, ADB also approved (i) a major change in the Project by removing the Mtskheta bridge subproject and the consulting services for the Mtskheta bridge subproject and the Tbilisi Eoulevard subproject; and (ii) the reallocation of Loan proceeds and change in the basis for withdrawal from the Loan Accounts in connection with the major change in the Project. ADB approved the cancellation of $15,114,000 from Loan No 2879 also on 17 May 2013. The foregoing changes reflect the request of the Government in its letter dated '15 February 2013 and further discussions between the Government and ADB. To give effect to these changes, we propose that the Loan Agreements be amended as follows: Amendments to the Ordinarv Ooerations Loan Aoreement (a) Section 2.01 of the Ordinary Operalions Loan Agreement shall be revised to read as follows: 'Section 2.0'1. (a) ADB agrees to lend to the Borrower from ADB'S ordinary capital resources an amount of forty-eight million eight hundred eighty six thousand Dollars (548,886,000), as such amount may be converted from time to time through a Currency Conversion in accordance with the provisions of Section 2.06 ofthis Loan Agreement." 2 The Table set out in the Attachment to Schedule 2 to the Ordinary Operations Loan Agreement shall be replaced by Attachment 2 to this (b) letter agreement. Amendments to the Soecial Ooerations Loan Aoreement (c) Recital (c) of the Speciar operations Loan Agreement shal be revised to read as follows: '(C) by a loan agreement between the Borrower and ADB ("Ordinary Operations Loan Agreerent"), ADB has agreed to make to the'Borrower a loan from ADB's ordinary capital resources in the amount of forty_elght mittion eighj hundred eighty six thousand Dollars (g48,896,000) ior ihe purposes of the project;' (d) Paragraph.3(b) of Schedute 1 to the Special Operations Loan Agreement shall be deleted. (e) The Table set out in the Attachment to Schedule 3 to the Special Operations Loan Agreement shall be replaced by Attachment 3 to this letter agreement. 4. save and excepr to the extent set out above, the FFA and the Loan Agreements remain unchanged, 5. pubric Pursuant to ADB's communications poricy on discrosure and exchange of informalion, the amendments to the FFA and the Loan A!reements wiI be posted on iDB,s website within 2 weeks from the date that the amendmerits become effective, after removino any information that fafls within the pcp exceptions as specified uy ftre aoirowei. caie agre I of t this ents letter agreement. amendments agreement ent in the space indicated be ncurrence to the terms of this letter 2 h e for your records and return the other to ADB. The n the date of receipt by ADB of a signed originat of this Yours sincere_ Ul--, Klaus Gerha Director Genbdl Central and West Asia Department Attachments: 1. Schedule 2 of the Framework Financing Agreement, as amended (3 pages) 2, Attachment to Schedule 2 of the Ordinary Operations Loan Agreement, as amended (1 page) 3. Attachment to Schedule (1 page) 3 of the Special Operations Loan Agreement, as amended A Accepted and agreed. B Confirmed lhat the amendments to the FFA and the Loan Agreements do not contain For and on behalf of Georgia Name: Dssignation: Datei イ7 θ9 2ご 13 Attachment l (Page 1 0f3) DESIGN AND MON:TOR:NG FRAMEWORK MULTITRANCHE FINANC!NG FAC:L:Tγ Deslgn Summary lmpact Psrtormancs Targets and lndlcators By 2021 Oata Sources and Reporting Mechanlsms lmproved urban environmenl, expanded local economy, and ‐ Aヒacuveness and preservatわ n b€ner living condrtions within urban areas compared to base‖ no(129,OllK) Or cultural hentagO市 th lo% increase in tounst nights in 2008 ‐Increased safely by「 edudng urban rOad accidents and casualues by 5%compared to baso‖ ne(8.000)in 2009 -Report on multiple lndicators from municipal departments, municipal companies and NGO -Surveys by Tourism Department or other entitjes as aPProPriat€ -Statistical suNeys (MRDI or olher agencies as (inCluding operauon and aPPropriate) - Georgia Department of Labor statistcs -Surveys by Tbilisi base“ ne(21,772)2009 Municipality or other entities as appropriate ‐100 perrnanentiObS in civ‖ enginoe百 ng construction crealed maintenanco)compared to 2018 Outcome Bソ Etticient, reliable, and ‐ Program w‖ l bOnent atloast 2 5 affordable u.ban transport s€rvic€s provided in relevant cities m‖ lion peoplo in urban areas compared to base‖ ne in 2009 ‐ lncrease by 5%or urban pOpulalon in Tbilsi面 th direct access to pub‖ c transpOrt compared to base‖ ne(35%)in 2008 ‐ lncrease in public transport ridership by 5%compared to same level as 2009 baseine (54%) transport cOmpared to base‖ n0 (56%)in 2008 By 2014 infrast uclure ext€nded, rehabil ated and improved by MDF and relevant municipalities Vulnerability of the economy lo exogenous shocks -lmplementation ol ths urban transport road map as planned -Prompt decision-making by the govemment and releasing counterparl funds, and supporting the capacity development needs of the relevant Assumptlon 甥 TT間 :棚 棚 朧 ・劇 l design and cOnslrucuon address specinc needs Of wOmen and men ttders(09.aduls面 Rlsk Ri6k -Weak coordination among govemment departments and relevant municipalities undermines sustainable ・ ncrease by 5%number or women using mun cipal urban ‐ A15 km long Tb‖ isi MOtro planned -MDF, Tbilisi, and other municipalities tollow safeguards policy sp tin Tb‖ isi at least at the Urban transport Appropriate environmental framswork in place Political and economic stability lmplementatioo of the urban transport MFF as municrpalilies 2009 basehne(923.000) 1 The govemmenl pursues strategy of growth Assumptlona -NGO and intemational or national transport associatjons reporls -Municipal statistjcs Metro, bus compani€s, or other agencies statjstics as appropriate -MROI database ― Maintain public transport mOdal Outputs: Assumptlons and Risks Asaumptions th ch"dren) By 2016 ‐ A15 km urban‖ nk Tb‖ s■ Rustavi completed ‐ F。。lb"dges cOnstructed in ielevant cities ‐ 10 kn or urban iOad and coastal waterfront imprOvement ・Trafrc management centerin d -Urban transport road map published by th€ relsvant municipality enforced .Tbilisi Mstro and bus company, annual reports -Participating city website and other municipal communic€tion and media malerials -Press release repo.ts and press revtew -Municipal transport statistics -Municipality reports -Surveys conducted by the municipality -Properly staffed and empow€red institutions ar€ able lo effectively detiver, operate, and manage municipal services Risks -New municipal govemment shining focus from urban transport investments -Capacity of domestic contractors is exhausted due lo large number of onqoino externallv fr,ndr.l Oeslgn Summary 2 lnstitutional and managemenl capacity ol i,llDF and relevant municipalities strengthened Pertormance Targ€ts and lndicators 0ata Sources and Reporting Mechanlsms Assumptions and Risks operatjon in Tbilisi Projects By 2018 .10 km of urban road with urban renewal upgraded in urban areas .Multjmodal interchang6s rodosigned and upgraded -Segregated bus and tram lines, and for riverside urban regeneration considered -Rising energy costs increase operation cost and tariff increases not suppo(ed by consumers By 2014 -Gender-responsivg urban transpo( road map endorsed by Tbilisi -One sex{is€ggregated household survey canied out in Tbilisi (50% of respondents women) -One multimodal traffic model -Padcipating city websile and municipal organization chart Assumptlons -Municipalities receptive to reform agenda and strategic planning -Agroed institutional re[orms are implBmented and continued political will lo manage and monitor program development and rmplgmented -A multimodalteam set up in Tbilisi with women rcpresontalives -One multimodal transport website with gend€r .ssponsivs d€sign of public transportation -A city twinnir€ with focus on gender public transport dBsign implemonted imPlementatiOn Risk6 -lnterd€partmental coordination and support within municipality is nol forthcoming -Divergence betvveen cenlral govemment and municipal authoritiss on the relorm to implement By 2016 -Urban transport master plan developsd and endorsed, including PPP options -One integrated ticketing system implemenled -A parking management outsourcing canied out -Mic.obus organization s€t up rethought in the context ol the urban transporl master plan -Planning processes streamlined and monitoring tools established By 20'18 -One public servics contracls considered -Traffic calming zones or pedestianizalion considered 3. Establishment of skilled and experienced unils lo oversee lhe management and lhe implementation of the program in MDF and the relevant muniCipalities By 2014 -Feasibility studies and project due diligences tim€ly prepared by MDF and padicipating municipalities -Gender sensitive public awareness campaignS organized -Financial management, gendgr sensilization, procurement, AsEumptlon -MDF annual repo( and communic€tion -MDF is giving prioriiy to lhe urban lransporl projects and is willing to hire necessary resourc0s Atachmentl (Page 3 of3) Perf onnance Targets and Dssign Summary lndicato.s Data Sourcos end Reporting Mechanisms safeguards and training provided Assumptions and Risks Risk ― Po‖ t calissues shit urban transpOrt plority By 2013 -Professional staff hlred by MDF with 15% requitment of qualilied women -Training on concession, lease and managemenl contracts canied out -Studies and due diligences Ior subsgqusnt Droiects oreDared lnputg AOB: 5300.00 million with AOF and OCR Tranche 1: $85 million (ADF) Tranche 2: $O4.89 million with $16.00 mrlhon equivalent (ADF) $48.89 million (OCR) Government: 551 63 million I Tranche 3: o) Deta‖ ed design∞ mpleted by month 12 from the efFecliveness ofthe Tranche 3 1oan agreement(MDF partidPaung munidpa‖ es) 0り Timely iand acquisition and implementa“ on of resenlement plans before∞ ntractors “ ∞ ntracl awards(MDF,pa両 dpaung munidpa nies) °り ]:蔵 il聞 語 in phases by (V) cured and d , participating 2 1nsutuoonal Capacity Development P:an ° 鵠 り 冨ば md ttd匈 は 旧舵 m“ d“ 口 o"d"m山 セ lMDFJ師 ● uanК Asran Development F km = kilometer, MDF = MFF = rns1111rrn"l'" ,rnancing facirirv, MRDr = [/inistry of Regionar oeveropmJni;il organrzalion, ocR = ordinary capitar resources, pMU progrim management unit, ppp prur.-prirri" = ;;;;J;il:'ft"i;"j#il;;;]"."r, = i"rriiriii.-' Attachment 2 Loan 2879: Ordinary Operations Loan Agr€ement TABLE ALLOCATION AND WITHDRAWAL OF LOAN PROCEEDS (Sustainable Urban Transport lnvestment program _ project 2) T for ADB Financing Number ltem ($) Category Basis for Withdrawal from the Loan Account 7458%of total Works 36,674,000 2,761,000 expenditure claimed' 3 Services lnterest and Commitment Charges 1,616,400 100% of amounts due 4 Unallocated 71834,600 1 つ4 Total 48,886,000 laxes and dulres imposed within lhe territory territory of the 70.82o/o of lolal Attachment 3 Loan 2880:Specia1 0perations Loan Agrooment TABLE ‐ ALLOCAT:ON AND VVITHDRAWAL OF LOAN PROCEEDS ――」睡菫望旦壼」堅ュ旦rban TranspOrtinvestment P墜 豊ram― Prdect Number Item Tota:Amount A:located for ADB Financing (SDR) Category 2) Basis for Withdrawal from the Loan Account 8,312,000 25.42o/o of lolal expenditure claimed' Consulting Services 758,000 29.18% of total expenditure claimed* 3 Interest Charge 223,000 100%of amounts due 4 Unallocated 1 Works 2 Total of taxes and dulies imposed wi thin the 1,346,000 10,639,000 bXbboL 5o8n6o GEO (SF) LgLboL bnq?X,jt6lqglr (63XtrqX&6o3o oJnt6rgoXlo) (3q6rruqo 3r6d.>52qo grioSLJt'rtrrgot 6;53oo;r6gdoL Luo6g6Lgo6orr J6o5r6r3r - Jr6t'rXjgo 2) b;Jrt6o3Xgolr R.) ,:toob 6s53ootr66dot }r53b ?r'r16otr or;r6oqo 24 o3qobo 2012 $nqo GE0 42414 0 L. |,..--."iJ..,-:.5Eq..r. --.,x ;- -.!r:rr-.,4h :: r Ai\:i!6 <,-, a b.,< 脚゛ 研 “鳴 遭m:Q冨胴 語 o'い tl,η atハ n■ ,Al・ cぃ ●` ^'ヽ ヽ′c.,,・ ‐ 、 .,X'.jH$J:fi ':3f.'fi 31i", l.rsLnbbo bgg?n,1r6pqnd; qsorr6oq6d2qo 2012 $q'oL 24 o3qoboo L;Jr<6oggqol-ro (?n8q6o8?o "SUgLtglgqo') Rr s$ooL 6o6goosr6gloU 0s51L (?X3q6r'r3?o "ADB') to16ob. 3o5ooqs5 (A) ADB-L ?grr6oL 2010 $qoL 2l o3Soboor qsor.:r6oqgdlqo ADB-A qsgo6r6bnlob bnq?X3r6trq35oL 3ob3p3oo (?33q6m3?o 'FFAI, p,>go5o5lr3door SL6LbXlXqb 316l3oqgt6o5?oo5o 6o5,>gb,:po or;5b8rnls, 5s3rol5cotr 16gb2r4Lglo 3qr6r6opo 26d.>5pqo $t?roSLJo16goU SoSgooudrXloL L,>o53gL$ogoro Jr6o5r<r,>8ob (?g8q6o3?o "boo53nb$ogoar Jr6r'r56r3;') gor6gqXd?o 0trnbbgd6qb; qr 6uGLubo16goXrl'1doqo Jt6r'rSjgXlob q;b;goSoSbXlq'rqi (B) 2012 $qob 16 Scrrrgtr, 3l-rlUbXdq'ob Sonrrr 3og16 $or63r'rq6n5oqo Jgr4ooqlqo qrgo6.:Sbglob Soorbm3Soor qo LlLbolr Jt6o3j$oro5 qc.y,>3?or63d1qo SrnqrJrdr.:;1l1doL q6ot StrgtbSdqoL 3ogr4 23 o3qotrtr ?ngs6oq'o ?n'l-r$ror436Xlotr 6,><n3sq'o[$o6X]oo, 3tr;1bbnd3q3c Jnr6ooqlqo go5s5L1r6o 3oobo35oo (?X8p6r'r3?o "PFR") 3o3116or.: ADBtr; ;) LrXLboL 6;3o6r'13ob orcodo$n ADB-L 633lqXlrzro3o ,;cJo$;q2t6o bot6gnloL r6ltr2r6bnloqr5; Rr A) bXLbob 6o8ogogo$n ADB-II b.tggo;qtrr6o go6qob r+r1tr2r6bXdoqc5, 6oEUo,11ot6nbtrqo oJg6;6oXdob LrbnLrho bgq?n,1r61q6dob qr6ot6o l?o uq$nr6oqo Jr6og jgob Oot560obror3oU; (C) SLXLbndnqbo R! ADB-tr ?ot6oU 6sgot606dtrqo ttbnLbo bnq?3j<61q3doL ("1-r,>Untrtm b3q?3;r61q6}o 6r5bo,32or6gd1qo oJ;r4r3oldo') ADB'o s,rGrb8sr 3l-rntrbglXqL, J<6r'rnJ$oL Sot6ndoLso3otr, ADB-oL l-rJngorqtrr6o grT 5pob r6XLgr6LgdoqoS 6.>3r'r2yotr bSbbo coro 3oqooSo Xj3Lob ogp4br4;33$o uorLrob, oqSSodorn lr.);gooq76o L;LSLbrn lgqnlotr Xj3o3.:qnSgot-r (SDR $10,639,000); (O) 6oS3ooror6gdol-r Jr6r.rnJgL 6rScborzrgonqSdb LroJot6o3Xq,ob 816ogoJuq'2rrro gro6Ro ('MDF") Loil116or3nqoL Jr6ntopnS$otr 1997 $qoL 7 o3SoLoL 3o5311661qndc ?1J35oL ?nttb;d. ;3 3o$SndoLoo3ob SLnl-rbnd6qo 1$161533q,XogL 3r'rgn31qo b6q?3;r62qgdno 5;5Lo$q3161qo LSbboL msSb6dotr bnq0obs$3qo0r'rl;b MDF-ob;or3oL ADB-L;or3ob SoLogglo Jor4r'rd6dol-r psg3oL; q,: (E) L SLnbblanq'L LXtbo ADB-oL 63n1qXlr4o3o ;oJogrqldro drSL jr6t-rXloqc5, $'o5;3q3dc<6X b3q?n.;r61qgdob 3oqXlobs qo Jor6olXlot Rr ADB-L; Rr MDF-[, ?or6otr 5;3rnrrr8nBlqo brJt6tonj$rn b3q?X;r61qnlol-r ADB cns6b8ou 6o0ro3;rT ?gLulrSoLuq; Sbcr+rgnlo ?1oro6b3q615 ?33q65tXr !...r./s...--!r,$ .,--- .,- . -. L::.:-_-r.i^ L.:$-t<."l. ;rJ<!: i-<,-6 !.<:1Jiq?q=lb.' A.,..rF ,:,. \'G,l--.- r 8trbqo tSttoL I 6,:gn8ol-r SCLo; Ar50ur60Cl3do Jl6jgo 1.01. 2001 Sqnl, I o3q'oLoor qooror6oq6}lqo B3nlqXlriogo oJ3r6,>go6dobnr3ot 6rSlrstq3rrrtrqo UobXtrbo o6bgr6lJGo0doU (?n8q6o0to "Lsbgtrbo o6Lgr62jgoXbo'), g3gqu qnb1q65o, r6o06qog nbnl.: LIBOR-$X qog1d5ldlq bXUbXltr, Lt62qry 3r663qqnlr So6r3q3drr63 LsUSLbrn b3q?n3r62qgd;$0, oAoA0 d;Roorr Rr 030d0oar, t6o6ot6og 3sL njS6doqs $o5o0q3dor4n qo323n5gto $rt63oq665oL ?33urb333s?o ?13q35o g3qoqXdXBob g.>or3uqolr$o63door: (a) J15Jgo 2.01 (50) o3r.rp3}lq'o; p.: ?3g3qoq,o; ?g3q66oor; "b;Jt4erXJgo b0sl?3361q'glr" 5o?5s31 bgq,?g;r6lqXlrlr 6;gmrtrSX}lqU ADB-1.r,: qo MDF-b LoJt6oSJgo ?rnr6oL; (b) "Jr+rogJgoL go53;bor66ogq6dnqo L.:s6X5gro" LSbboL oELgr6ljgonloL 7.04(b), 9.01(d), 9.01(f), 9.01(k), 10.01(c) 10.02(c) J16Jg3a?o ff;5;63qqr 6gdrSoSoor "MDF' (c) J16jgo 3.03 $r'rq3dlqoo Rr BoGTGJRCU?Roo ?n3q36oar: grqqgdtrqnloL 0.)R,)brbJqo, 3r46qogo; bnLbob RrBr6OoL ArRoL l,rdoSoboo (a) SLSbbXdgqo 5,>qrobqoL 3oqq6dlqnlotr 6oqcL.>bq3qL blLholr oroSboL rlor3oL;AgR 5.>$oqt3, ll.:Lgtrbo bXq?n;r6lqglo?o 6oGbrtq3t6lqo tror6o6nSgrr 6o5c.;3XoroLo qu Jot6nodXlol-r 3ob6q3oor. (b) ADB-o gc1,;nmndL SbnLbXdnq,L ?gq.:3soL l-rrL3Lbo bXq?3,j163q3da'Bo 5o5L.:tq361qo 6s5;;3garotr ?gl-r.,dr3oLsp, ?;qo3.>oroU 615o;33aro oJ56i),: gojLot6XBlqo b6trbob i.lrrrbldr.rlob 0o6doq'tg. ADB-o 6L3trb6dq'oL 0o3rl 6;q;b;bq3q boJr6r.rgnS$o 6o5o;3goL ?3;06or63dtr ?Xqo3sorSBoL 6.>50;g3aroor. (c) 3LXbb3d3q8r I6RD 6oqrob,>qob bXLboL pcarr63oL 3rqoL Lr,joSoLorr LrLgLbrn bXq?n;rzrtrqnlc?o 6rGLrtq3r61qo b.:Jr6r'rgX5$r'r 615o,j33ooL ?glrslsSob.:q, bSbbob q;go163ob 3uqob b;;o3obor.r gojbor6X}trqo,> bXbbob 3rqoL 6r50sgqod.>?o. ADB-3 LSLboU RoBr6CoL Sspob [t;r'r0oLoo tSRr quSr$ob Sbnbbgdqob 3o3dr 6rq.:LrbqSq boJr6oggSgo Lor663I6qb. (d) Jl5jgo 3.06 .)ArlRCItrRor Rr 6r5r33q0A3qor ?CSRJAo@: q,> 0■ 丁石 :― し,I■ 1,手 1■ ■1lξ ●s、r■ ●■c[「 :¬ いに08V o'い 11matハ n■ :む .1.・ ハ,′ r● ,F` ,、 、 ・ . ?nqrgournlo. (a) ADB-b 3oXt6 .:bsq LgLbnltX tr;Jr6tngXSgo 6,>6,>33gorXloU goJLo16gd2q'o bJrl6qob ?339o<66doL 6o3o6bsqXloL ?33orb3X3c?o, ADB-3 15q.> 1trrr163nqXob ?1qlgsoXloo UA6Ro oL 3LXLb3dnq,o, r6o3;qorog y3r6 s6 sJgo p,>gor6gqo bnLho qo LnLbtn 316G3qq35,) 3g16r'r Soqoqo LcJr6oggSgo 6;5o;36oglo. ?nqi:3.:ooL mqnEo}l 6,:3r.roor3q3bt ?63q365oo16.>q: (D bb3rolo prtrbr615nb6qo LXbboU 8rt6n.:br qo oboqo LgbbnloL,: ?gbrluSolr 3oJUor63b3q 3rt6g,:b (6,:3obsbtrqo, 16o6r'1169 [qo2r6o ?or<rob J6r'rg65go) 6o0t6r3qq3dr (ii) Rr?56t5ClCqo bnLboL do6om,:q or,)5brt0, 16o8nqt3g SbnLbXlSqS.> ?5RD AoRrobrRr'rl, J16r'rgX5gog33qo LrJr6oggSgo Xr6omq?o RJVU;dTqo rb.)R trnLbnltX Rslrqo gojbor6Sllq'o 3rr61oL ps!'nlrnloL orrt6oqoqcS. (b) ADB-otr 5XloL3o3t6o 5;SgboqXdotr ?61;b3d, droS qo3o5o5l-rglotr qor6Sdlqgdob Sor6gob qror3q's3 6nlol-r3oXr6o L3LboL 3rq1gc'bX (o5 qu3g3o6Xd1q SXlol-r0onr6 LX0Xbgra?o 6o3r'ro$3o; ADB-ob 0o6ttr oruSbndoL q.:trrn53u, o3 ?n8urb3n3.;?o Aot,lC$0Ab ?nqu3;o,tr 3.:qXgs$fl SLXLb6dgqL. ?3qo3,:orotr orr6bs 6oSooor3qXBs ?n3q,X55.:odroq: (i) p.:3o5;5b3doL qo6SblqndoL 0o16gs (6;3oLcb2qo $qogr6o Jt6ogXSgo) 3r6rrr,:3qqnlo (ii) lrSLbol-r do6oorrq cnr6brtn, 6o3gqt6g SLgbbndlqSs brJr6r'rg35$o tr,>r663}gqo ?5qo 6.:qsob;qrnL o3 JXr6omqoLoor3ob, 16oSqobor3oog Srohpr qo3o5o5l-rgdol.r qo66}lq3ioL 3.>r6yoll 6r3oor3qo. ADB-U t3qo3.:orob oro6br ?pXb3bc Sbgbbnbqob 0onr6 5oqobrbqgq t6r'rgn5gtr, r<roSgqog 3bXLb3I3q3s ?5Rr arqrobDRob Lo6ognSgrr Xr4ooq?o R.)$,UCd?Ro oA Ln0gb$<4ob ?C3q0a, 16oSqol-ro3obrg Smtqldr R.>BoSrSLCAoL Ro6CdIR0AoL 31161oL (e) 5;3oor3q;. J15Jgo 3.07 o3mq3}.1q'o; q,u ?gg3q,oi,q,o; ?33qX6oor: Rrsr6oObo (a) ADB-ob 53Bob3oXr6o 3;511b.:pXdoL oSotr ?nbobg}, 16o0 goJbor6Sbgqo 3.:t7ryr', (Fixed 01r4n Spread) rbJqo LnLbnboLsot3oL TSpr Arot56,qob, 6gdoLSoXrrro SLSbbXdgqo Ro?46?60aCRo bnLhoo,, rvro0xqtxg qo$0L0d?qoo tB6r'l RlbrRo SojLor6g}lqo 3rr6nr ArRrtbRob ADB.I., 3eT3L.>b76ndoU 6rqrtrboqb (Surcharge). 8r'r3trob2r638ob cno6b.> 6r3rnoor3qXd.> ?X0qg65ror6.>q: (i) Lb3ood.: cboqo bsl.rbXlob ?nlr'>do3ol-r qr pJ?]6I5C]0Ro trXLbob 3ojLor63b2q Sodrgrb ?t'rr6oL (6o0r'rL.:blqo 16r'16o169 $qolr'ro Jr6o365$o) ArA6DSRpClr (ii) Pr?b6?5Cd0Ro bSUboL dor6oarcq a.>O5j[r ・ ‐`]ヽ 31,こ つ ― さ ″らつ″ _″ ι "`lη “ ● `l● 1● ′nat t,● ::'Aっ ′r・ ヽ ,`、 、′(::o・ ‐ ・ `ヽ 4 orJSbr$0, 16r'r0XqS3g StrgtrbglXq0r trSqu 3.:qoob.:qoL JrzrrnggSgo 53Xqo L;Jdrr.rgnSgrr JS16ooq?o qo$5nd1q,o .rh;q LnLbXdt3 2316o qud;qo SoJLor6Xdlqo 0or46otr qo$gLXloL orsr6oqoq.:5. (b) ADB-oL SndoLSonr6o SuGgbuqglob ?n3qX6 oBoL ?gL.:bXd, 16r'10 q;go6.:SbXlob qorflblqndotr OorrrgoL (Funding Cost Margin) qoo3quS ESdoL8onr<ro l_rXbbotr 3sqpgutn (oG qo3g,;ogndlq 3sqtrg,>tX) 56boL3ogr6 Ln33Lgr6?o 5r8oog3oc ADB-ob 3oX<6 q;0sgnlooro b;r65Xdob 6o$n3.:, 13 ?g3orb3n3.>?o 0LnLblbXqo 6sqrobpob 6;q,:LrobqSqb (Surharge). 6rqob,>bpXqob oro6br q.>SoGrEbSdoL 5o3r'roor3q6do ?33q665oo<6cp i) qo16ndlqgdol-r 3;16g.: (5r0obob1qo t6r'r6r,116g Sqotrr6o J6rng35go) 6r36.>3qqXb ii) qo1dr4l6ndnqo b3LboL dor{oorrq orsSb;$1, r6o33q'$gg 3L6LbX}Xq,3; ?[Rr 6;q;ob.:poL JdrcnggSgo y3gq.: I.roJ16o665go JXr6ooq?o RJVUC}1Ro o3 trl3nUg6op;5, 16o8q,oLo3ob.r6 Srnbqr qogoEr6bndoL qo6Xil3q6boL So16gob 5r3rnor3qo. ADB-o qo,>8.>g3}b tloSbsbndrgiloL 5;qrLcbqnq o,>5b;L SbSLbglqoL 3og16 goqrbobpgq, JrrrnglSgU, 16oBnqog SLnbbgdgqS; 15qr 6rqsobrqr.rb LoJrrrmgS6go JSr6oerq?o qsg'311q'o o3 bXS6Lgr6oL ?33q66 r6rnSqobor3ob;6 Or,rbq.> qogoSoSLSdolr qor+rgdlqSBoL So16gotr 6.:3r.rrn3q,o. Jl5jgo 1.02. go6;3qXI;16g L.>L6Ubr'r b3q?33162qXlo?o 6;8ro;X6Xdlq g1trr8o53dtr odll, oao3C 05o?35nqmbo, 6"G L;LgLbo oSLgr6lJgond?o R.) 6cEb.:31ort6103q oJnr6o6ondtg Lgbbob bnq?n;drSqXlo?o, o,tJo goSsSqnlor6n blq?93<62q6d;?o ;16 oo3sqol-rgoSXlL g3qoqXlXlU .:5 o2 3o5g3Jbgo 1b3.r63,>r6oq o16 Sooorbo3lr. Ⅲ Jγ “ 昌出:鶏 lCT扉齋 5 8lbqo II bgLbo r15;l$o 2 01 (a) ADB'"t",'"iurfr'r3,J"J"rr53ttJ,nl"t"r0""S#: rLq,s5 ?Xb.;dqnBSqor 5c5bor63olqqXtr ,Sr"B:f3*.u"*uto b3q?x,jt61q3lou 2.06 (b) bnUboL dor6ooroqo q,oSbob 6rq':bqo bodrSo6qqndo 23- !'qotr 3r'rgn31qo 33bq'oL 6.>53o3qmlr?o, t'nLht-n Uo?6qcarort'r JXr4orTqo 6sEbr$qgr61qor (c) J3sJjsjg?o. (b) J33J15j$3o Soooorn}1qo elo63os,, 5o?5o3l.r ijr6ooqtr dor6-oaroqo olSbnl.r 5cq;bqob )or636q olr6oRlfl{n' Lntrboli fn5;3pxirr6x Ul"uXt i', Lp?6o2qnfnu qr5'>r4o l-?o 3ogg3lqo (c) $nr63o6o "Us?3gs3oor<'r JXt6ooqo", o0r.rdr6otogooL 516cAo,lolr ?ntrslu0oL;q J15J$o 2.02. 3tr1Lb681qo 6oqrltpotr ADB-L Jr4reOnS$tr ;o3ob3d2q p., p.1aa15;1Ii{ LSbboL ,o6b"{x- qr6r'rq,>q16r'r TollctR LrJ16rngxS$r'r J;r6ornp?o 5.>S'jg-r.'i itranq6 6;5oL.>tq316;;dr ?33qg6o 3cff3;;63dq3Iol.r pSoot: (a) (b) 0.600/o-l-r, rrro6m166 (c) LnLboL qs3;dr3ol-r 3cqoL br,.;r'r8oUoro 0'20% cnqnSr'rdoo' brtrXbbo o5l.r$dr2 j3o3doL 303 J16j$ob lntroloSob'>q 6L 5o5tr,>tq3r4lqoo b,>UXUbo o5b$r6ljgonbot' 1.OZ J15J6?o, [.r8rr,1q3]1qn 0200/o ,1r63qo$o, r6t'r6r'rr63 3L q'' 5;5brt (3r61qoo boblbbrn o6tr$rilJgoldotr 3 03 J15J$?o; Sbnbbnlgqo Srqrlbpob ADB-b Vqntr6 JjSj$o 2.03 bpXI': bnbboL i.'qrbJbq3qt 0.15%'oi oqSSrnloor' ;]rf-ry q':r6o6b3c 3,>qqXblqnloL " bgq?6;r63qxloL Er6le Xsu"ti ia"stt 6;gn8xqo r"6bnln1, $o5o3qx}':r63 ;Soj8npgboqo6 60 pqoL 3;qr?o. - bbSs 6oprLobqnloL 6rprobpnlo J15J$o 2.04 r6r'rgn56o Rr q.: 15 oSqoLb' o153o16l-r 15 6obX3rr4$qo1r6op, U.SColn $,q'ob 3b31b;1d1q'o LSbbob r55or6otoqr5 6r3o0r6oq 2.05 J25j$o -o-bpnl, do6ocr,)R o,;5bri, $o5o3p3d;r6; b;1q?n;rtrlqndott q.r6'>t6tno l-oL q38lq6}ldotr ?;boloSoL;q. (a) SLXLbgdgeb' L6btoL 6o5o3r+r3qo J15J$o 2.06. l.rgl-rboL 0;16o13ol-r Aot6gliS-u"or3ob, ?nSdqoc qr6ooL SXlotr3oX6 3rn3X5$?o 0ooobrn3mb ?38q16o Jor6t'rdlIoL ?n33qo: 0狡 褐 860し さ ご “ `│¬ Ⅲ前%11窟 鶏:Q製融 “ _81て :J入 6′ 1● :。 ,● ・ f´ っ `, ヽ ヽ ヽ C,,・ ・ ヽ 6 blLbob dor4ooropo oroSbob o5 6r$oq'ob, oo3oLndlqo o5 oior3oLgdnqo 5o!'oqot, trSbbol.r 3rq1$ob q$$1o63d1qo ArRT$oq, ?CGAq.' do6oor'>qo oor3obXb2qo Rb q.>15r4166dnqo trnLbnU -0orqor5o q,s6bol.,. l-r,>Ic$oLrr 5s$oqolr6o3o oE ,q1Sn;a.I, bsirr,r'rG356o gSoqglopo 6.,5r;33ooL SoJbodrSdlqo L;Jr6r'rg;15$o 6s5c.;3norour (iii) sor3obXd2qo Jor6oJoor, ?CG8Ro' Rr?d6?5CA3Ro bgbboU .dot6ouroqo .q35rldnL SorqooSo '>5 5l$oqrrd6o3o or6botr- 63q"'q 616i,j33ort X [;Jaci[35$o 6;5o.133orob (b) RJ t5 qoSo$3dob q'>$313d'>, 6o5.:,j33oroL tXqo g3q':R t'q3o16oL o5 615o33Xotg l-rcJr6r'rgn5$rT j3nqs tg3rr4oL qrq635oU 6$oor' $oGsSP6Bor6nEu$oqob 3lbqo III LnLboL 6rSngXEXd,: J1sd$o 3.01. 3b1bbnd3q3.> 15qr 1$rvr253nqgmL MDF-oboar3ob Lgtrbob or6bSdoL An$.qXlo ADB-tr;or3ob Sobrq6U 3oqS}to qs Jor6rnb3}ol - So. t58o 3$t6{533q5oli ob o,>5bX}ob 5;8r'rpSXds Jr6rT Xj$oLr _horzrl6d{r . 8ot5-3boboo3ob, f"S"d'qi["ilX h3q?63r61q6]oL.: qr l.roJ<art'r6j$r'r hnq?33r43q;botr q3]lqXdXdoL ?XbolsSottq. J36Jgo 3.02. LXbbob oo6bnloL 6oSoXogo RD q;$_o! - ^q6eo -$nEr8qXlsr63 lr;lrXbbo b3q?3;rrr2qnloL q16116o1 2-ob ?nbod'>3otcp' 6rEbor66onqqgl -q46.:r6orto Jnr6ooqlqrq ?63oq3b 33qoq6]n]o Ja"ur,:Si"tg[saqShq'n! Sbstrbsbqotll q; ADB-otr 216oonr4or?3o;5b36boU L;31d3nq$X. olt ADB-bor;S trb3r53sr4op cr4 oJ53a9 Jl6Jgo 3.03. ?XorrGbSnb2qo,- a[nLb3]XqAo XEq.> ?3oUXopoL c6 2$6153Xqy'rb o3 ;o$66r'16ooL b;Jo5q';t ?3bUoq3.:, r+roaqnlog 15p.r qoSoSoELpxb LXUbob uro6b3Uoor, LoL;;trbn bSrrl?1.163qXloL 6o5Lo3trrnr63d1q mJ36;3oXdo pcEs6or 4-ob ?31-roBoSoLtq. ADB'1.) ?gldqoo lsr6o 6s5cgb,:qcrb obXaro 3r'r5$r6rj$ob qtSo6rSLnls$3, rrro0qoL gor66q3d'ilo6 ?3trgoq3r sr6 6s5bnr6go3qqo q; ADB-L ?r'rr6oL €Xo,.i6b3gd1q'o Jr6o63q1r6;1doLr ?lLclsSobuq 15 o3 3t.r5$r6;j$oL 3oqnlo pr Jor6r'rIglo .:16 o16ol-r SoUoqSbo ADB-Lror3ol.r. │「 ξ ::ご 鳳 こ当詰11■ ■ だ ざ∫ 1」 qsxrtョ しにこ,l¬ FICD OY nndγ 敲出:鶏 lCT輝 需 ..r .r.6.:.:.-'r 6. l.lo m.l,,,.:rr AT,f... 7 ur6 oilSSBs ?3oo5t83biqo' Jtr5j$o 3.0a. o2 ADB'boro5 lrb3s53;r'r-rq. -qr3o6o5bn]trqo bnbboo 136qo 3;$X6rT ttrooLr Sbrbbrbles; [5[".> ltOlS3lqgrT b qS}ob SotS6botroo3ob' g.r5"3iS"3ai Abrn-qop lZoSJ6ob 5o5bnr43o1 JtSdOo 3O5. t'Cttbou o5L$drlJ0o3a* 90-2 25J$oL ?nlolrSobsq 3I-qX3nA]X6o .>5 Lb3; orr6oqo' r6t'rSnqtng ?Xarr5b0q36os5 SLSbbXbSqo q': ADB' Jr6r'r6JgoU q"U{r6 3if, oor6nqio 2018[fflJp !'qo[ 1● j、 ‐し1゛ .. . ・ t,1‐ , .ッ ● ● ● , ― t● .、 .│― ′_・.、 1、 こ│。 `つ ― 0ン ら 860じ“ さ `.ぃ い 1-..t、 "`0 剛前 Jγ 品出:鶏 lQ製摩齋 8 80bRo 6● 5し 、 8υ "6oも uRO 、36UR33o60 ふ 獅U靱 。 器、 デ躊 :蠍 1:島 ::b::│1昭 ,::s,舘::ll『 19::軍 11】 ミ さ :│。 0」 fi11:∫ ::::llぃ ::『 111ll[│li規 ::lマ ∫ 機 6智 30`:° 11111:。 し ,。 il∬ &せ 。 % R P MiPN酉 Ⅳ 。 6::∬ し ab:漱 ぁ R° Л:t』 II撃・Ъ 肥‖ 拙ill ;繋 110Rs ll:!:昇 認 i3.6。 1:λ : │ 駅燿厠 OA■ ′ 1 10 32bqo V drqr?o ?6Lrgqr $:;isill:;3"i'i'if.,rl'fi Jd;:tllmt-tn:,X'*,1,'fr*","o'3fl u**ffi I 0■ bRO Ⅵ u8R3も 、80bOR030b R」 R06。 6o3。 T■ 1■ 1二 島嵐 L ― 絲 │ 瞑、0■ ヨuCC11¬ 1に ,Oγ い I贅 Jttr鶏 ・ 」:I 腎 節 ・‐ I」 =Q讐 1い 16+■ ■ 11 1り 111lilttlili[II∫ 80も Ro Lb3● vII RSLob8。 °6理 bOも ::6薦 ::し 薇 ::Lb∫ 8胸 ::::ミ :l。 し:19:08:ミ 6● 00υ 06030質 1。 ∫ lil'ti6:竜。bl:l,Hi:。 6し ::`。 :器 0`υ 」o003ob :0 8hnLhnAOob。 。nOb `0303o6● 」 (99532)2261461 ° Ъ 鮒 t:蝸:t 1201 3。 5J60b ∂oЪ 6∂ δoL。 00。 L :° 3ヽ bO: tl:111:lll 6b03。 し で03o60● 30600 ご 品籠 讐鰯・′りγ ふミ 舜魚[=繊 ・■ く tollll卜 0'l● ― riつ illFヽ .へ C・ 12 LTIl汎 b‖ :13欧 3』ll:ス [摯ざ :島 ふ 出 神 tuDb0Eo, ACr6o o$ooL 6t53ooo1668oL し oし o, 〔 0史マ 63。 `0 Rr │ o,>5u8q66old d.:G,1o 6o8ROら のも でヽΦ。 可 ― ・・ い゛ γ 敲(ξ [:llマ ■irili 中 “ Iニ .ぃ .1‖ lluilif・ .lJギ ° 。 =― ― 二 ― ― 13 qo6n6q,o I Rl6r6q,o I ,)A(')6ootrcoot a6!goJo (3p6r6uryo g16;5L)o16gotr ,6dr51qo 6.:5300rr6ndo. 'soSpLgogoob Jr60616sgo do`00。 ∞。 。。6Ь 01, (g;3oLoh2q,o Zo-?oj ー 15 fl。 63。 15 00只 `0, 2020 2020 10bO, 15 0。 60。 , 2021 15 03'tObO, `。 2021 15 0。 68。 6o,2022 15 00,■ 。bO, 2022 15 0。 68δ 15 00,1。 `0, 2023 bO, 2023 15 0。 60。 60, 2024 15 00Rで 。し0, 2024 15 0。 60。 15 03'(ObO, `0, 2025 2025 15 0。 68。 60, 2026 15 00,P。 し0, 2026 15 0。 63。 60, 15 03史 PObO, 2027 2027 15 0。 60。 6。 , 2028 15 00Rで 。bO, 2028 15 0。 63。 60, 2029 !5 00,PobO, 2029 15 (〕 。 68。 `0, 2o30 2173913 2173913 2173913 2173913 2173913 2173913 2173913 2173913 2173913 2173913 2173913 2173913 2173913 2173913 2173913 2173913 2173913 2173913 2173913 2173913 2173913 Jr6,ni$o 2) lTT■ t・ '・ '‐ く′ _1.、 1く こt``っ … ■い 14 … 2173913 2173913 2173913 2173913 2173913 2173913 2173913 2173913 2173913 2173913 2173913 2173913 2173913 2173913 2173913 2173913 2173913 2173913 2173913 2173913 2173913 2173913 2173913 2173913 2173915 15 oO,tobO, 203Kl 15 oo68。 2031 15 o3'マ 。`0, し0, 2031 15 oo60o6o, 2032 15 oO,lobO, 2032 15 oo50o6o, 2033 15 o8史t。 もo, 2033 15 oo60o`0, 2034 15(〕 3'(ObO, 2034 15 oo63さ `0, 15 oO,(obO, 15 oo63。 60, 15 o3'マ ObO, 15 oo50o`o, 15 o3gマ obo, 15 oo68● 60, 2035 2035 2036 2036 2037 2037 2038 15 o3'マ 0し 0, 2038 15 oo60o6o, 2039 15 o3ЯマObO, 2039 15 oo68。 6o, 2040 15 o3'tObO, 2040 15 oo60o6o, 2041 15 o3'マ ObO, 2041 15 oo63。 60,2042 15 o3globo, 2042 100000000 bO熙 .T bgbbol-r oroSbXdo b6"CqrCg .:rtr oJSXls to3obSbgq,o dodroorsqo rn;5bolr 5oq.:bqob Jorrr3gq'o orcr6oqolror3olr, SlrlLbXbqoL 0onrrr Xo33q dor6oartqo ooSboL qsdrrrlSSdol.r 5.>qobpoL orst6oqoltor3ob dot6ooroqo ursSboL Soqobsbpsqo rn.:5bo q6o6qn}.> ?n8qn6Srorrrrq: 2. (a) o0 ?X3ob3X3r?o, or? LgLbob 6or633X2qo oro6bo rr6ob our3ol-rgd1qo dor6oar.>qo orEbob 6rqrbqob Jor63lqo oror6oqoLor3otr, 3tr3Lb3dXq,8.> tr5qr 3.>q,>oblpob ror3obXdtrqo qr ?3U.>I.:8oLo our6oqoLo3oL arqo?bRCqo o;5bo;8 6ur6o6oL Jor63lqo Jo6o616rgoL ?Xlr;d$olroq. (b) 56doL3o3r6o or5bo, t6r'r3q,ob oor3oLr6dr6 Sobq; Jor63gqo dodroorsqo o16boL 6rqubpob ar;r6oqoL ?33qn5 15qu oj5.:L 3;qrbqoqo Uo36q dor<roo;qo o,>5boU 6;qrbqol-r o116oqto, 16r'r8gqo6 qlq5ndu ,:qSot52qo .:or3oLndoL ?13q96 o3 oqnSmloo 16o6o161; 6;6botq3t6;3L ADB 5r.r33qo oLnoro .ro3ob;doL qroShoL 6o316s3q3doo $oqoq'Lg, r<ro0qotr frrrogh3lqog oJ61ds rnr,3qoJor6SXq'o $oqo, r6r'r3gqo11 3rn11332qo,> Jor63nq,o Jor6o6rtuSto rnsShotr 6.>q.rtrr:bq6q,o dor6oor;qo 3<ogg31*q gbdroq,?o ?XLcl,>3obo do6oorrqo orsEbotr 6sqcbpotr orsr6oqobi:m3otr (oo3qrJor43nqo dor6ooroqo oro6bol-r g.>qrl-ubqXqo $oqo) q,> 05o?351qo oj63ds o3 or.:6oq?o o5 l3 or;t6oqoL ?X3q35 q;t6Bn5oRo do6oorr(ro o;5Lob 5rqrbqoL or,:r4oqnloL ?6ltd.r8olro orr3q;Jor43Xqo dot6oor,>qo ooSLob SrqrbobqXqo $'oqob yr8o, R,) ;lrgoro 。゛ ェm′ っハπ “r■ っ、cc,:¬ F,E00V 雪、ゝ “ い dγ 晶 :鶏 :Q冨扉齋 ふ ′ ‐ 、′ “rn 81.oo:1'A● o`:ド t● rぃ o、 (ヽ GI,■・ ‐ ヽ 15 og,:6s6mo I or6br ?XodqXlr ?gogSrqob olgoqgtrqoloU ?X8orb363oto, oqSo?53q SnrnobS Jor6r516rg?o 8obLn5og01qo SgloL0ont6o q,,)5bol, 61514o6ob AJSclJq'Cloor, t6r'r8nqtng 3t66gqqn0o ArRf,$ob 3o533t69;go.:. 6;6sl-r.:bpXqo @.)5brt 0 o0 3. sor3oLgls r6oSnqog ArSbm6OoCRR.) Jor63gqo dorioo;qo o.:6botr oror6oq,$pX r'16o cr,0oL 5153.>3qod.:?o, SXlol-r8o3<6o dor6oaroqo olSbol-r brRrbRol., o.>16oqoblo3ob dor6oor,>qo arRJbRCdott 6;3r'ro13qoL 8ot5oor, oj53}.: blRrbqoL ts;or3q,oqo drgr5o169 ooSolr6}lq'o Rr arRr?bR0qo tor3otrldoL or;16oqol-r ?33q36 33r.rr6n dor6ooroqo ur;SboL SopobpoL olrrroqoblo3olr qr oJ56b 6oqsL.>bqgq'o yo3nq dor6ooroqo oroSbob 6op.:bpob oot6oq?o qo$31d2q,o ;o3olrndoL oo16ogob ?X3p36 qr8p5rr6o 33r'16; dor6oor;qo ar;6bol-r Suqcbq,ob oorloqoq,:5. $o6;SqndrrrrX qrSor6orob Jor63Xqo Rr 8;r'rrtrl J;6r6rrrogldoL RChqCA1aob 3o1bnq,>3.:q, ror3otrSdjqo bnLbotr dor4oorsqo ouSboL - Ooqo;6.>p o6 4. 5c$oqoBrrro3 q;8g3ogg}nq 3oq1gs?o 3r'r53nr6gor6Xd jqo ,;r'r533r6$orrrXloL ?X3orb3Xg;?o, ooSbu qsSg3ogn}Sq 3.rq1gs?o, rrroSnqog TER; oJ63L 6sqsbqoqo r6o3Xqo3X do6oor,>qo orsSbob goqobqoL orsrcroq?o, r6t'r33qog qoq6S}s JXrrrocrqoL 6c53;3qols?o oj6nlo 6.:5Urtqgr4trqo ADB 3o6111 3mS3Xr6grgorARC cr,.)Aob 3iR[OD?o qg5o3o5or6X]1qo .:qr6o?6jqo o.:6hotr 6r3r6.:3q,6]oo 3r6or-nr6or$3 3o3qn35o orvroqoS: (i) 6rg3qooro J?6t oq,, 6rlA0qog oL,:bc3b dot6ooroq oroSLoL sqSo?51q q;3g;ogXdSq 3rRtrOD?o, r6r'r3qoL ArRrbRrG bqSd; ADB-oL 3onr6 3rR?0o1., J336o16nlob gt6sEtuJgooL g;r66qnd?o, r,roSnqog qo;r'3?ot4n02qoo oqSo?51q 3r'r53gr6grgo.>Lor.>5 cS (ii) o1 ADB-o oLn 6;5Lr1,q3r6s3L .1r'r6gn6$o6ooL Jr6oSgoJnloU ?3b;dr0oL,>p, 6.>0r'19bspX}lqo ar311Roolo dt6lloor (Screen Rate). 5. ,! bnLrboL .:ar3oL3dlqo pr ArRr?hRXqo dot6oo.:qo or;5br qr6r'rp;qr6rn pg5o3o5ot<r331qor gt6or$1 3Xg LSLboL 3rq3go?o, u3 6r5rtro5oL qgd2qglndo OsR-OoqJC 6;0ooygSXdo Lnbbob lrn3Xq Arq.I$o?o 3o5botrq3t62q'o orrSboL 3o3;r4or, oJGXd,> obn 16r'13 3oq3}3qo oJ6glr g;q,jn r8or6gotogooL g1616o6o Xo3X,rl'o oroGboLoor3oL. rL;1uro l). tntomit.n6::, A1,c^r r'r .._, 6r^.- r 16 Rrsr6oo LnLbob ol6bSlot 2 6,:3r,16og,> Rr aoq1ar tr.,Asqo 5s$oalo 1. $o6r8qnlrr6Xqr6;r6uroLgbrvroq?o("Ob6oqo")6r6Lr$q3r41qorL3UboL orSbnloo qcLrgoSo6UglXqo brrrrgXlob,io$X5odro3do,,)A{6o,00 o,oolclC?Ro .;o$n5r,rr<roobror3oU 6;&'rXogoqo o;5bo. ("jo$36r'r16o;" o3 p;5rr6o?o ogSo?5s3L gbr6oq?o 3ogX31q ",.p966r'r16osL" .:5 "j333cgX6r'rr6o;1"). LlbboU oSaot6o?oq;5 orSbol-r ao6oSoL LsB?dgla?o 2. -I ADB-boroG [rb3r63;6oq .>rzr oj6Xbr ?Xoo5b8X6lq'o, UnLboU o,>5bg]o 6rogX3; q,oq,r'rJ?Ro borrr6oL ;o$;5o16ooL;rn3oL ghr6oq?o 5r6L.:tq3r6trqo Jr4rngl5g1qo oqX6oBob tr;31d3gq$9. b,rJt6r'rGa50r'r a,>5.:dgAq,o q,) LAtboL ArSsrurqgolr g.x"l(rlulTolldot, t,'rOoLosr 3. ;.:$16mr6oo 3-to 5o5Lo$q3r61qo cnbSbr 6s8r'rogo3; Jr6o6J$oL 6sGbot66olqnloL J;r6ooq?o trXbbtX po6o9b1qo boJ16ognSgt'r Lor65XlXqob; q.> UlLboL 6oSoyogoL 3;qqnb1qnloL L;,.;r'r3ol-roolr qobcgor6.>q. ADB 1gqSdc8oboq'o.> q,>q615oq 3;q3d?o b$r6r.rgX6go Lutar5Xlqotro q,> USLbob 5r3r'ryoSoL 3,>qqSdlqnloL lrr;r,rSoborob frr3o.rlr4rlr lr.rlot6o or.:5b6Bo lrgbboU o56o<6o?oqs5 qo aDSrbr,l6Oo3Rr'rU 6rqobqo SLgl.rb6dqob btbXqoo, oo3ol.r l.robor66nlqoq. 16Aro?r.rdsBos 4, 3o1bnq;3;q gbr6oq?o 0oooo6dXqo b6Lbol-r o;SboLrs qo gogrSol-r J<6r'rgX5$1q,o 8;63nSXdqoLs: (a) rn1 53}olr3oXr6o ;o$n6r'r6ooLoorSoL 6,>3oXo3oqo lr3LboL ur.>5b.> s6obo;SrdroLo oqSrnBGqXdo s3 3o$;6ro16oob 133sls ?ncr,,)5b36I1qo qo6obo16goL q,r Lrrgo5r5L03slrR, ADB-L ?g1dq'o;, StrXbbgbq,ob,:or3oL ?3gyrobo63doL 6o6ts35otr ?3Aqn6, (l) oro3oqcS 5;q;c5;['oqlrob LXLboL LcbLr4Sdo ql, strnor ;;$6grnr6ost6 6oqSoogo6otr ArrsAr6o?CdURo pSgogo$ob pob;go16;p .:ngoq,3d6qo ob or,:5b,:, 6rnSgqog oB 3rn3n5$oLo3olr 5rSoXoSoqoo Lb3r ;r$15or6ootr.:orXolr qr, ADB-[) ;trrroo, ;3 b,>r6363bol.r qsLsgoSo6lrldq.:R 16 n6ol., blor6o; q.r (2) orl obnoro 6;qo5o$oqXboo Lr61,{oq 3316 b316bqg}r 5;.:56o16o?1b2qo qsgogogoL qrgsr63o, ?g;31;orrrmL ;3 bo16SoLoor3oL 6;0r'r5X53}trqo Jr6r'rgg5glqo 3rB335Xlgglo, 6ro,r ?n3q6o3?o ?XL;dqgdSqo oyotr .)a 3.:gX6or6ooqo6 ooSboL 6tgrSoL 3s5s8qg 6r6t6dXqXd;, bo5;3 bnq?13r61qXloo 6.>o3oqoL$o53d2qo UA1q,D bor6yo o16 p,>go5;5Lq3do; q.> (b) arl r6o8nqoSX ;;gX6r.rr6ooLro3ob 3.:Sogr.rgoqo bXLboL oroSbr rq63.:gnlr ,:0 ,;,:g66odroob g3Xqo ?nos5b33d1q'o bsr6yoL oq35r'rd.:b, ADB-t ?11dq'o.:, StrSLLXlq'otrsor3oL ?n$yrnloS;1dolr ArAtrSSot) ?g3qX6, rtrnoro t3qOn$o o,>5bc Lb3r ;o$n6rnrrrond$3 6oqorEr[oq,r.rL :黒 漱締t遍 置ヽ :十 6, l.lam.l,.rh.:, AT'r.s ri. s/ 6.,,_..- r 17 … 5 6。 000。 ∞ヽ6Ъ ∽D ADB‐ しのo6 しb3。 03。 6。 R。 あ o」 603o■ Ooo6b80も ]Ro,bObboし OboL 88R3` 60gloし ■0も 。も。8oも sR 6bo60oOロ マR3さ 。 もObbOb ∞。6b8も Ob 6。 008ob bobO,マ 6。 Ob 6。 0。 6o ■OoOROも 、 6● 6も o60oORROb b ■08R06, ∽000 0。 質 t。 ■0 ■Ob8QOb USP`Ob 12 1D80bb ‐ Ob ■0。 R606b oJoOoogマ 860し 6.t.1^m.l.o^::' 4.,..F.rt..\,G,r_.,- i 18 Gt6oqo bnLbob onSbXJoL 6,>&ryr,tgs pn An0;6n (3qgr6sqo 7vrbr51qo gr6oSLJor4goL 6o53oocr665ob LooS3XL$ogoo Jr6r'r6r6s3o ADB-I, qrgoS;Strnlobrur3oL 6c0r,16r'rgoqo qoUobsqnd.: 5o3n16o yr0ylo o,rSbob - Jr6t'rnj$o 2) botntrbo l56or6o?oq,>5 or,:5hoL 6s0ooto3ob Jt6r'rgX5$1qo VnRn (5) ,tJAilA(96oo 1 bu31?,>r'r;do 50,000,000 br;r'r5b2qg;goo 4.549,000 0r.r8Lrb71161du J16r.rgn5go, 3 1 ,616,400 ryt316o 3r'rcnbo35oq,o 8U/o 5o3trr6o Soorbo3Soq'o 8U/o' q.>llogor6o o;Sbotr 6r15;Ioqldlqo lrlq 7,834,600 64,000,000 'SLgLbXlqoU $X16ogrn16oo1ll 3r.rl8Xpo g;qrrl-roh;q16ol.r.: ps 3<nL.:3tvrgdqXloL bo163qo1-r 100% 3rqqSdXqg6otr arpoltbrpo 4 b.:r43qolr ' 6rrtrn'tlX. 0● Tn′ 。ハπ ′YOχ 、 ″ “ `四 、、r、 っ、cc11¬ い100Y 鰤 ・ γ ttf灘 鶏lQT瓢 “ (ernnt.o● :JA,′ `" o'1ぃ ■● 1` `′C','′ ‐ ヽ ` ヽ LOAN NUMBER 287卜 GEO LOAN AGREEMENr (Ordinaryぃ ra歓油●) (S中 山Jnab10 urbon Tran3pOrtinvemnt P7● grom― Ptted 2) be幅 n GEORG:A and ASIAN DMLOPMENT BAK DATED 24 JULY 2012 GE0 42414 LOAX AGREEXENT (Ordhrry Opor.donr) LOAN AGREEMENT dared 24 July 2012 betrye€n GEORGIA ('Borrowof) and ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK CAOE), WHEREAS (A) by a framowotk tinancing agroemoni dated 21 June 2010 belwoen lhs Borrowsr and ADB ('FFA'), AOB has agreed to proviro a multtanchs tinancing ,acility to the Borrolvor for purposas of flnanclng projocts undor the Sustalnable Urban Transport lnvesbnent Program ('lnvoglment Proeram'): (B) by a pododlc f,nenckE requ€st dated 16 March 2012 ('PFR') and as amonded by the BonowEr through tho mlnuios of the loan nagoliauons for the Prolecl dated ?3 July 2012, lhe BonowEr has applled to ADB fon (l) e losn from ADB'S odlnary capital rosouroEa: and (ll) a loan from ADB'S spoclsl Funds resourcos, for t'ts purposas of the Projecl d€scrlb€d ln Slodulo 1 to ths Sp€dal Oporallorls Loan Agrs€mont (refened to in Rocftal (C) bslow): (C) by a loan agreernent bottrEon th€ Borrurrar and ADB ('Spodal Operations Loan Agreemenf), ADB has agreed to mako to the Bono,rtr a loan trom ADB'S Special Funds n souroos ln various crinsndes oqulvalont to ten mllllon 8lx hundrsd thlrtynino thousand Special Drawing Righls (SDRI0,639,000) for tho purposes ot the Prdoct; (D) the Proiecl will b€ canisd out by lhs Munlcipal Developmont Fund of Geor,gia established urd€r Presldsntial Oecreo dated 7 June 1997 ('MDF'), snd for thls purposo ths Bonofler will make availiauo to MDF ths procoeds of lhe loan provlded for hersin upon tsrms and condiuons satlEfactory to AOB; end (E) ADB has agrs€d to mako a lo6n to th€ Bonow€r fro.n ADB'S ordtnary c€pltal r€sourcas upon lhs term6 and condhbns sol forth hereln and in the proJect AgrBem€nt b€trren ADB and MDF; NOW THEREFORE iho parti€s hereto agre€ as lollo\fls: ARTICLE Lo.n R.gula0dti S€c,tlon 1.01. I [rofl nltlons Al ths provlslons oI the Ordinary Operatons Loan Rsguliatlons AFpllcablo to LIBOR€asod Loans Made trom ADB'3 Ordinary Capttel Resourc€s, datod 1 July 2001 ('Loan Rogutaibn8'), aro herBby made app c€bte to thls Loan Agreemenl with the same forco and efiecl as lf th€y wEr6 fully sel forth horein, subiect, howewr, to the folbwing modiricallons: (a) S€clion 2.01(5O) ls dol€ied and the lollorylng ts substitutod theretor: 2 ・P"●d Agreomonr means tho Prom Agroornont bemon ADB ond MDF (b) Tho terln・Prolect Exocuung Agenqr app・ a‖ ng :n Sechon 7 04(b), 901(d),901(0,901(k),1001(C)and 10 021c)ofthe Loan Regulallons sha‖ (C) bo substtdod by the tem・ MDF・ Sedbn 3 031s deloted and the fo‖ owlng ls subsuuted therefor (a) c● Inm― nt Char9● :Cred■ :HatuⅢ r prom:um. The BOliuwor shall pay a mlnmment charge on he unwthdrewn amount ofthe Loan at ho 7ate and on the to71nS specr10d in the Loan Agr● ●mOnt (b) ADB sha‖ prOrde to th● Boromr a cred al th0 7atO Spedrod in the L● an Agr●●r71ent WhiCh Crod“ sha‖ 70rrlaln lxed for the tern of the Loan. ADB sha‖ apply崎 C79dn against h● lnter● st payable by● Ю Bomwer (C) ThO BOrr― r sha‖ pay a matuⅢ premlum at the rate specntt h he Loan AOroorlent wh団 matunty promlum sha‖ 707nah ned fOr the terrn ofい o Loan ADB Sha‖ 3dd the matuntt prOm:um to the lntorest payab!o by the Borowor (d) Secuon 3 06 19 doletod and the fo‖ owlng is subst“ utod therefor Rob● to (a) Follng any announ∞ rlent by AD8 that tho Fixod Spread applk3ble to new Loans sha‖ be reduced.ADB 9ho‖ provldo o Robate to ony Bo― er wllh an outstanding Loan on whtt a hlghr FIxod Spro● d ls app‖ coblo The ellloum ofせЮ Robate 8ha‖ be dOtornined by mulupぃ ng o)the d輛 erenco b● │“ ∞n ttЮ FLod Spread applicable to tho outstandhg Loan and the Fbted Sproad that Spread that燎 ‖b● app‖ ed to now L● an3 3 Bonoi\ror for tho lnterEst Pgrlod comrn€ncing knmedlalely affer Somester for whlch the Funding Cost Margln was calculated. the (。 ) S€clion 3.07 ls doletod and the follo{vlng ls subotltutod lher€lot: Surchrrgr. (a) Follofling 6ny announcament by that the Flxed Spread ePpllcablo lo nsw Loant shall b€ ADB lncGas€d, any Bonolver wlth an oulslandlng Loan on whlch e lowor Fb(ed Sprsed ls appllcable shall pey ADB a Surctaqe Tho amounl ot ths Su]dtstgo shall bo dolermln€d by multlplylng (l) the difrorsncs botrvs€n he Fked Spread that will b€ applled to noir LoEns and tho Fixod SPr68d aPplic€bl€ to tll€ outstandlng L@n (expross€d 8E a porcantago P€r annum), by 0l) Up princ.lpal Emounl of the ouBtanding Loan on whirl the BonowBr shall pay intorost tor 8ll lnlorBsl p€riods commenclng on and snor tho gffectlvo dats of the high€r Fix€d Sproad that w l b€ appll€d lo n€u, Loens. (b) Fdlowlng any Bnnouncomont by ADB that lts Fundlng Cost lrargin calculatbns wlth reepocl to any Loan CurBncy (or Approved Cur€ncy) ln any SBmoster r€sultod ln ADB hcurlng eddltional 6sts, the Bo.row€r shal Pay ADB a Surchsrgo. The amount of the Surciatgg shell b€ dolormhod by mtfiplrng (l) ho Fundlng Cost MatEln (elPressod ae a porcanlag8 p€r annum) by (ll) lhe principal arnount of th€ Loan on whhh tho Bono\,ver shEll Pay lnlerost tor th€ lntoro8t Perlod @mmendng tnmedletev enor tho SomestoT fot whlch the Fundlng Cosl lrtargln nBs c.lc1.rlsted. ADB thall add lhe amount ol th€ Sulchango lo lll€ lnlorest p€yablo by tho Borfir€r lor tho lntsrEsl Perlod commondng lmmedlstety sftsr ths S€rnoslsr lor whlch lhe Fundlng Cosl Margln was c€lculated. Sectlon 1 02 Whsrever us6d ln thb Loan AglE€mont the s€Ysral lerms deflnod ln ifie Loan Regulaums 8nd ln th€ Sp€dsl OP6ratlons Losn Agrsomor have thg rEp€cllvs m€€nhEs theroin s€i forth unless rnodtflsd hereln or the contsrl othoMis€ requlres. 1 ARNCLE II Tha Lo.n Sttlon 2 01 (a) AOB agr€os to lerxt to tho Borower trom ADB'6 odlnsry c€pltal nsEourcoa an amount of Blxty-four mllllon Dolars ($84,000,000), as suctt amounl may b€ convertod lrom dme to tkn6 lhrough a Cunencl Conyefslon ln sEdanca wllh lho prcvlslons ol Sec'tbo 2.00 ot thh Loan Agr€omont. (b) The Loon has I princlpsl repayment p€riod of 23 )rears, and podod as doflned ln subsecffon (c) hoEinaller. I graco (c) Tho term'grece p€dod'Es usod ln subsocllon (b) her€hsbovs meBns the perbd pdor to tho llrat Prindpal Paymont He ln accordanco wit l tho amorttzatjon schedule sel forth ln Schodule 1 to this Losn Agr€€mont 2.02. Secton Tho Bonow€r shall psy to ADB lnter€sl on tho prlndpsl srnount of the Loan nliMrcs'n erd outsiandlng frun tlfiE to Ume at a rale for eadr lnlorost Porbd oqual to th€ 6um of: (a) (b) LIBOR; I 0.6O96 aa provlded by S€c0on 3.02 of lhe Loan Regutstbfls lass crEdh of 0.20% a8 prcvldod by Soctlon 3.03 of the Loan RegulafloB; and (c) a matudv promhrm ol 0.209t as Fovldcd by S€cfbn 3.03 of tho Loan R€gubrbns. Socuon 2 03. The Bo]fottEr shall pay a commitsnont cisrge ol 0. 15% p€r annum. SiJdr cfisrge lhell 6c€n o on tlo full amount ot lh€ Loan (h33 arnounb wlttrrEwn |torn Umo to time), commgndrE 60 (bys oftor the dste of thls Loan AgrB€menl. Secuon 2 04 lnlerast and othor dlarles on lhe Loan shall be p4rable ssrniannually on l5 Januery end 15 July ln each yosr. Sttbn 2 05 The Bononor sholl rspay tho p.lnclpal arnounl of ths Loan withdrfln lrom the Loen Accourl ln eccordanoe s{th lhe provlslo.,ts ot Schodul€ 1 to thl8 Loen Agfssment. (a) The Eonorrsr may at any Ums rEquost any d Sodon 2.06. th6 folbwing Con\rorslcns ol lh€ l€rrns of tho Losn ln oftter to facllltate pndcnt iebl mansgsment: (l) a change of tho Lo6n Cunency of all or any portlon ol lh€ pdncipgl emount ot th€ Loan, whothor urlthdraMr end outgtandlng or urrvdtMrawn, to an Approrr€d Cursncy; 0D I chango ol tho hl,ors3t rale basb sppllcabb lo ell or any po{tlon of tho princlpel emount of the Loan withdrawn end 5 outstandlng ftom a Floating Ftalo io a Fixsd Raie, or vlca versa; and (iii) tho 3€ttlng ot llmlts on th€ Floaung Ralo appli:abio to all or 8ny portbn of iho prlndpal amounl ot lhe Losn wfihdrawn and outstsrdlng by th6 oslablishm€nt of an lnterosl Rato Cap or Inlarost Rato Collar on sai, Fbatlng Rals. (b) Any convor8lon rBqu€sted pursuanl to 8ubsoc{on (a) h8r€lnsbovo lh6t ls accoptBd by ADB shall b€ consldercd a 'Cdrwrsbn', aE doflned in Soc{bn 2.01(6) ot ths Loen Reguhtiong, end shall bo ell6dod ln Eccordanco wlih tho provisbns of Artlcle V ol tho Lo6n RogulatlorE ond ths Conwrslon Guld€lln€s. ARTrcLE III Ur. of Proc.adr ot lfi. Loan Tho BorrosEr shall mako th€ procoods o{ the Loan Sectlon 3.01. Bv8ilabb to MDF upon tarms and condtlbns 3athfadofy lo ADB end shsll causo MOF lo apply such prooe€ds lo ths llnancing o, expondlturos on the Pmjgc{ ln accordanca wtth the provislons of thlo Losn AgrEemsnt srd lhe Proroct AgrEomont. Sodlon 3 02 The procaeds or, the Loan sholl be Ellocstsd and wlthdrayryl ln acco.danco rvlth Os p.ovislonB ol Scheduls 2 to thb Loan AgrBem€rn, ss sucfi Schsdub may b€ amondsd lmm Ume to thre by agrEement botwEon th€ Eonoly€r 6nd ADB. Sodon 3 03 Excopt ss ADB may outo]wlao agros, lf|€ Bonorlr shall prccuro, or causg to bg procrJrBd, thg ltgms ot g)gondlfurs to b€ nnanced out of ih€ procs€ds of the Lo€n ln eccsdancs nifi tho provlslons ol Schodulo 4 to tho Speclal Oporetlons Loan Agrroment ADB may refusa to financa a cont act whero any BUch ltem has not b€on prccured undor prccaduroo Bubstan0slly ln accordanca wlih thogs agrgod bolws€n the BoIIow€r end AOB or wher€ tho temE end condltlons of tho contracl are not sstsfactory to AOB. Eic€pt as ADB nl6y othorwlE€ agrso, the Bo.rosEr Socfon 3.O4. sholl causa ell itsrns of orp€ndltur€ tlnencod oul ot tho procsods of tho Loan to bo us6d exdusivoly in ths carrying out o{ tho Prqec{. Se● on 3 05 Th€ Loan Closlng Dats ior the purp€€s of Sedion 9.02 ol tho L@n R€gulatlons shall b€ 31 Decemb€r 2018 or such othor dato es may from tlme to tlms b€ agrood b€tween tho Bofiowsr and ADB. 6 ARTICLE Prrllcul 1V CovcnEntr (s) The Bonou,€r 6hall cause the projed to bo Ssction 4.01. caniod out sdth du€ dlllgonco and efilclenc, and in conformlg with sound applicabts technical, linanclal, businoss, and dovalopment pracdcos. (b) ln lhc carylng oul ot tlo Pmiocl and operatlon d th6 Proiect facilit're6, thg BofiotrEr 8hell perlom, or causo to bo pertomr€d, all oulgalbns sot forth In Sdlodulo 5 to tha Spodal Op€rationr Loan Agreom€r( and tho Prorocl Agr€€menL Sodon 4 o2_ The BonouJsr shall mako avBllabb, or cau6o lo b€ mads ovallablo, promplly as nedd, the fund8, fadlltlos, sorvicos, land and othe, rssourcG, as rcqulrEd, ln addition to ths procoeds of tho Loan, for tho c€rrying oul of ih6 Proroc{. Secton 4.03. (a) ln tlle carrying out of the Proiect, iho Borower shell cause comp€ter and qualiflod consultants and conbac,lors, accaptable lo ADB, lo be smployod to an exlont aM upon t€rms and condllbns saUsfaclory to Elo Bonor,oa and ADB. (b) Tha Bororlror shall csuse the ProJecl to b€ c€rried out in occord€nca plans, doslgn standads, spodflcatons, wo{k safisdulos and construdion msthods accaptable to the Eorrol,vor and ADB, a9 appllcablo. Tha BororlEr Bhall fumlsh, or cau8€ to b€ fumbhod, to ADB, promptly afler their pGporatlon, sucfi plans, doslgn standards, spociflcatbns and ulor* Schodules, and any mslerlal modmcadons subesquenuy mads wfi thersin, in such d€tail a6 AOB shall roesonably roquest. Socton 4 04 The Bono,i€r BhEll enrurE thei tho aclivltes o, its dopErlmonB and ag€ndos with rospocl iro the carrng out d the Pror€ct and op€ratlon of tho Projocl tacllltl€s are @.duct€d End coadinatod ln ec@rdan@ wlth sound admlnlstratlvo policios and procoduros. Sectlon 4 05 Tho Bono$€r shall ensble ADB'S ropres€ntallvos to inspect tho Prdect and Wo.ks. and any rElovant rs@rds and dGJmer s. (a) Settn 4 06 Th6 Bonortsr shsll c€use MOF to (l) malnl,sln Goparato accounls and r€co.ds fq ihe Proiect; (ii) prEparE annual flnandal stEternonls tor the ProJocl In accor(bncB wltfi occountlng prlnc-iples accoptsble to ADB; (lii) hav€ such financial stat€monB audlted annuelly by lndepondent srrito€ whce quelfhetlon8, sxpodenoe and torms of roforonca ar€ accoptBblo to AD8, ln accsdanog wlth lntemetlonsl standads for auditing or th6 natlonsl oquh/alent accopbble to ADB: (iv) a.s pa.t ol eadl such audit, ha,rs the audltors prspsrs I r€port (rvt'lcfi lndudes tho Buditors'ophlon on lhe u8o ot tho Loan proco€ds and complisnco wlth tll€ llnancial cov€nants ol thb Loen Aoroomont as woll as on the uso of the procsdurss for tho lmpr€st account(o) and statement of exp€nditurss) and a management lenor (yrfilch Eots oul the dollclondcs ln th6 lntemal conifol of the Proigd thst wsrB ldenllfisd ln ths cours€ ot tfl€ sudit. lf any)i ond (v) fuml8fi to ADB, no latsr than 6 months atler the erld of oaclr rslabd nscal yoar, coplos o, Euch auditsd flnandat 6tEtornonts, audit r€port and managemanl lstter, all ln lho English language, and sucrr other lnlomallon concoming lhe86 docum€nts End the audit thorEof as ADB 6hsll ftom tim€ to time teasonably tsquosL 7 ual audned anancia: sbloments for ule da:statemOntS wtthin 30 days ofthe dale PrOled and of thelr re● ● 鳳騨翻署翼誌:電 認山』 nnanc日 瘤。 bL ADB,u"n AD3s requ● ゛ わdi“u"he 。 mwOrs flnando!ofralrs where they,o1810 tO bsod10n(all‖ )hO剛 naboVO,3nd Sh」 ●udltors to partidpato ln any Such │ ondmOd such diⅢ ^1'ss10ns 3ha‖ b● ● Boromr, unloss the Borowor sha‖ oい o円 Ⅵ90 agro0 sectlon 4 07 絶 :h鯉 協 器 i』 爆 識 『 sec‖ on 4 03 The Boromr shall onsuro that eny raci:ltlos rol● ぜ鋼 :誅 評 The ぶ "lr° dh・ ・ cordan∞ 満 "ratlonal and mahtona― vant lo Ыo soutt ap口 pradices “ 日にrn"″ or sha‖ take a‖ 8CuOnS whtth sha‖ b0 北1器常淵鷺鵬 雪よ 副謂 y轟 出 競 晶 :鵞ミ腺露L湘‖ 。bllgalons ARTICLE V Efrcedvtn tl Th€ ,oll Secilon 5.0f ' for A0roome lhls Loan ol the ofloatwnoss Rogulauons: the S dollvotEd on behall than e oonditlon r€q ItB terms. A dato 60 d8)t8 e'ltor lh€ date of thlE Loan Aorooment ls s.Ut. purposos of socliofl 10.04 of spodnsd tor ur"-"ti;i6;" of thts Loan Agreernent for th€ Ss.tlon th€ Loan Rogulaoons. I ARTICLE VI D.l.gltlon ot A.ttrodty 0.01. Ttre Bororcr horeby de3lgnal63 MDF aB [8 a€6ni for S€dion the purpc€s of t8ling any acflon ot entorlrp hlo any agro€m€nl rEqulrEd or p€rmnod undot S€ctbns 3.02, 3.03 and 3.05 of thls Losn Agro€m€nt and und€r Soctons 8.01, 6.02, 6.03 and 0.0,+ ot the Loan Regulaucns. Any ecffon taksn or eny egr6emenl €r ored l]lto by MDF Sedlon 6.02. puBuant to the authodty corf€nld unds Soction 6.01 of thb Loen Agreamont shall b€ lully bhdlng on th€ Boror}Br end sh€ll ]lave the s6lIF lolca and sfioct as lf takon by the Boflow€r. 6.03. Th€ atilfiorlty confeftsd on MOF und€r S€clbn 6.01 ot Soclbn thls Loan Agroom€nt may bo rer,pkad or modltlod by agr€€ms] b€tm€n th€ BorowBr and ADB. ARNCLE VII f,lac.lhnaou3 Sedon 7,01. Th€ Mnbler as rop.Bsontattv€ ot the Bonowsr lor tho pu.P€€ d Flnance ol the BonorlEr b dasignaH ot S€ctbn 12.02 of the Loen RsgulsdonE. Th€ rollowlng addrEssas aI€ spoclfied tor lho purposos Sodon 7.02. R€gulaibns: ot S€don 12.01 otlhe Loan For the Borlo*€r Pubuc Debt and Extsmal Fbanca DoPartment Mlnbty ol Flnanca r0 Go.gasell 0114 Tbllbl, G€orEl8 SM, Flcslmlle Numbar (9S532) 2261 461. 9 For ADB A81an Devolopment Bank 6 ADB Avenue Mando ung C町 1550 Moto Mani:a Phi‖ pphes Fac8:m‖ O Numbers: (632)6路 2444 (632)3362301 1N W:TNESS WHEREOF the pa口 歯● 枷 t●・ acung through tholr ropre9o"L」 vo● hroulto du:y outhorlzed,have cauood thle Loon Ag● ●montto b● 6句 ned h th● 貯r● ● 9oM narrlos o● ofthe day and yoar arst ab● vo Ⅷ献bn andto bo ddhrod at h p‖ ndpal om∞ Of ADB GEORG:A DIMITR:GⅥ NDADZE Mlnistor of Flnan∞ Ro● ldont RoproEOnlah G● orgla Rosldont M133bn 10 SCHEDULE l Amorunt:。 n schedul● (S― l nab10 uttn Tran● port:n“ 節 The fo‖ o曲廻 tablo 8013 7om the P‖ "ntPqr● m― Prolm 2) ndpal Po卿 om Dates of m Loan andtho poroonttDe of曽 "tota:Pdndpal amount ofthe Loan payable on each Pdn""l PanOnt Date o ぐnSta‖ IVI● nt Share)r the prO― ds of the Loan sha‖ have b● ●n fully muldrawn as of● lrst Plndpal Payment Dato,the p‖ nclpai amotlnt of the Loan ropayablo by the Bo¨ On oach P‖ ndpal Paコ●ont D3te Sh● ‖ be dotennhed by ADB by mu:upung:(a)he mt plndpa:amount of the Loon wnhdrewn ond outStandlng es of tto n口 ■ Prlndpal Pa"ent nt Sharo for ea力 PttcttHI Pa"nt Datol such rep● 卿 ont am酬 Datei by(b)● Ю :籠 由酬 "Ю ssawo to deduct any enlounts,ofem剣 to in pattЮ raph 4 of thに ● ● ne∞ to bo odlusted・ S6odulo,to whlch a Curency ConvoNon appllos PaⅥ ment Dlle 15」 ●nuary 2020 15」 uly 2020 15 Jenuery 2021 15 Ju:y2021 15」 anuary 2022 15」 uly 2022 15」 anuary 2023 15 July 2023 15 January 2024 15」 uly 2024 15」 anuary 2025 15 Julソ 2025 15」 enuary 2026 15」 uly 2026 15」 anuary 2027 15」 dy 2027 15 January 2020 15」 uly 2028 15 Janu● ry 2029 15」 uly 2029 15」 anuary 2030 in血 ‖mom Share (Eゅ 膊 s80d aS a%) 2173913 2173913 2173913 2.173913 2.173913 2173913 2173913 2173913 2.173913 2173913 2173913 2173913 2173013 2173913 2173913 2173913 2173913 2173913 2.173913 2173913 15 July 2030 2.173913 2.173913 15 Januav 2031 15」 u:y2031 2.173913 15 January 2032 15」 uv 2032 15」 anu● 7y2033 15」 uly 2033 15」 anuary 2034 15 July 2034 2173913 2173913 2173913 2.173913 2173913 2173913 2173913 Schedulo l Pavrnent Due lnsta:hent Share (Exproo30d aS a%) 15」 anuary 2035 15」 uly 2035 15」 anuaり 2036 15 July 2036 15」 anuary 2037 15」 uly 2037 15 January 2038 15 July 2038 15」 anuary 2039 15」 u:y2039 15 January 2040 15」 uly 2040 15」 anuary 2041 15 July 2041 15」 ●nuary 2042 15 July 2042 2173913 2.173913 2173913 2173913 2173913 2173913 2173913 2173913 2173913 2173913 2173913 2173913 2173913 2173913 2173913 2.173915 100∞ 0000 Total :11輩 │:酬 :繋 B‖ '品 漕潔柵肌僻 ° by n叩 hO BO rOn..ф 'Ы 哺 thdrawn (3) TO th0 0XtOntthat dra¬ m as of tho■時t Prtnd● ol Pay'Ю nt Date, outslandhg as Of such dato ln accordanoo wI and (b) An rop● ld on ead¬ Prlndpal detennlnod by ADB by nurle面 or of whlch sha‖ l ofthL SChedub for satt Pttdpa!Patton donornhator d whidh Bha‖ beい e sum of Pandp● l PO"Ont Datos 131::ng on or anor such date, such repapent amountt to be adluStOd.05 ne000oory,to deduct any arrlounts ro7orrod to h paragmph 4 or thls schOdulo, to which a Cumncy Converslon applles 3 Whdmぃ にlS mado wllhh"Ю calend● r months prlorto any p‖ Dato 3ha‖ ,for he purpOsOs solely or calculaungぃ 。 Plndpal Pattent Dete,b0 Date folb^出 ヽ9 th0 Par・ Ont oate∞ mmonChg P曰 口 mnt n中 !Payment P"ndpal PHndpal "ndpal arlounb payablo on any 0 dat● ●f 哺 thdrawal 4 Notwlthstandhg tho prousl● ns ofpttη raphs l and 2 d this Scheduo,upon a Curency conversbn ora‖ 。r any portbn o7the wth“ oWn p‖ ndpa!amount ofthe LOan to an 12 S$sl@l Approvsd Cunency, the amount so convBrled ir sald Agpro\r€d Cunensy that shall b€ repayable on any Pdndpal Psyment Oate oc.rrnhg durlng tho Con\ro]3ion Pedod, shall b€ dolormlned by AOB by mu,tlplying rucfi amount h lts cunency ot derpminatir lmmodiately prior to sald Conwrslcn by ellher: (l) the oxchango rate thal r8frect3 lhe amounB ot prlncip8l ln said Approvod Clrrancy pay?Ue by ADB under ths Cunoncy H€dge Transsctoo rBlatng to s6ld Converslon: or (li) tt ADB so dotemln6s ln 6ocordan6 wtth ihs Convsrsim Guuelinss, the oxchango rale component ot th€ ScI€€n Rale. lf ths prlncipal amount o( lhs Loan wlthdrawn and orrtstanding trom timo lo lime gllall be dorEmlnstod h morE than me Loan Cunencl, lh€ prcvlsbns of thls Scfiodule shall appv soporatoly to th€ srrEunl dommlnatod in oach Loan Curroncy, so as to produc€ a separalo amortza0on s{hedulo for oach 6uch atnounL 13 SCHEDULE 2 Al:● catlon and WIthdmal of L● an Procood● The tablo otached to this SChedulo sots fonh he CatOgorles of lterts of expendlture to bo■ nan●●do工 of tho procoods of tho Loan end the a‖ ocauOn d the Loan procoods to ooch such Catり oγ (´ rab10・ )(Reforenco to・ Catog∝ノ in thlS Schedulo 19 to a Cato9ory or Subcat● 9ory Ofい O Tablo) Bags for wkhdrawa!from the Loan Account 2 Except ●s ADB my oooM80 dlsbursod on the bo913 d the轍 M腱 agr●●, h pmcoodB or the L●an ":perontage for e動 the Tabb 臨 sha‖ be or expendbre setfom in lntoreslond Commhtt Chamoo 3 The● ●│● unt a‖ ●cated to Cato9ory 3 1s for inandng lnterest and cornmment es onい o Lcan du‖ ng the lmplemonlatbn paod of he PrOlod ADB sha‖ b● ●nuued tO wlndraw iЮ m the Looo A― unt and pay to L"r,On bOhar of he BOrmwer,the arnounts chこ 町 「oqul「 ed to moot pattents,whon duo,of such lnterest and oommttont char9os Roolloca断 4 NoulhStanding tho o:に κntlon of Loan pro― ds and ttЮ wnhdran● │ pOrOOntages setfott in the Table, (a) r the anOunt of the L● an a:located to any Cetogory eppears tO be expondnures:n ulat cat9。 ry,ADB may,by n● ●ce to u" ●xtont requl耐 to moot廿 ● ostimated fthe Loan whlch have boon a!located to ano踊 r Catogory bu,ln h● shortra‖ ,ar10un● ● t輸 er expendms,and。 りr Such rO● :!ocauon dod to m● ● oplnlon of AD3,日 o not n● ● inddontto nnance a‖ agr● ●d Bomwor,o)708110cate to such Cato9ory,to h● 籠‖ソ moot th● ●●umeted shorL‖ ,Io― the wlhdmlp● ― t890 app‖ Cable to ouch expend‖ ur● ●hm“ r that fu曲 げ wnhdn腱 b undorsuch mo9呵 may●munuO unti b● ●n mdoland a‖ oxpondhres heretnder shal:hav● ca耐 a‖ ted b any Category appeam to oxood (b) r the amOunt of訥 ●Loan a‖ … 口9red expendttures ln hat CatogOry,ADB may,by nou00 to mO oorrowor,roolocate such● xoo99 arr10untto any o● er mogory DIsbu"omont Pmceduros 5 acc● rdanco Ex● optaS ADB may oho― a暉 wh the Loan DIsbur80ment Handbook ,the L● ●n procood8 8hall bo di3buヽ nd in 14 Scfi€dul€ 2 Rebooc rB Flnsndno 6. Wihd.a*als trsn tho Loan Ac.ou.rt may be mado tor rolmbursemerfl ot eltglble expondlturos ln(,Ircd undor tho PIolocl botoro the EfiE{ive Date, but not oarlior thsn 12 monlhs b3lda th. ddc of thls Loan Agr€€m€nl h corm€don t rtth Work6 8nd Con8uldng S€Mces, sub,ecl lo a marlmum arnount oquhralent to 20% of tho Loan amunl. Attachment to Schedule 2 TABLE @WAIOFLOANPROCEEDS (Suttlln U.ttbrnTt ntPo lnvt itom Numbat tn r Prognm - 2) Totll Amoutrt Alloclt d 8..13 tot wlthdrtwrl toi ADB Fln.mlng (lt from tho Lorn Account Clt3Eory 80% ot lotal e)@ndlture 1 Wo(ks 50,000,m0 4,549,000 3 Consultlng S€rvi:as lnterosl and Cornmltmont CharE€8 4 Unallocatod 7,834,600 Total 64,0m,000 clalm6d' E0% of total erPendltur€ 'Exclurli€ of taxos snd dute! krp@cd t d$lln I,610,400 O|o iadtgry ot Olo Bdrotvcr' dairnod' 10O% of ernounts due LSLboL 5,'r36r4e- GEO (SF) L6l-rbot bnqBn3r6trqnlr (6r5bt;lor16Xltrqo oJ6r6tgonlo) (8q6r6ogo trr6lr6pqo O6s6l,Jel6Ool, 6;53oour6XloU tooS3nb$o6orr Jr6o6r6s3r Jt6o3j$o 2) brjo6o3Sqobs R! r$oob 6s6goos<46dob 6r53b tsmr6oL pror;r6oqgdlqo 24 o3qoLo 2012 $3q'o GE0 42414 r b,>UnUbo bnq?n3t41qg}.> (6.>5Lr3trot63dtrqo oJgrrrsgoXdo) L,>LXbbo b3q?n;t61qXdu qoor<6oqX}lqo 24 o3qoLo 2012 !,3qn brJrrrror3Xqob (?33q5r'r3?o "3bXLbXL3qo") q,> r$oob 5r53oor;16Xlob br5,jL (?n3q6o3?o "ADB') ?r'r16oL. 3o5;opo5 (A) SbJbbUI0glbi p,> ADB-tr ?arr6ob 2010 $,qob 2l o3Sobom qso.:r6oqgdlqo qsgoSoSbgdoL bgq?6.1rrrlq6bob 3ob3q3oo (?n3q6n3?o "FFA'), ADB-o cno5b3oB.> 6o3o135rnL SL6Lbglnqb 016uXcqgrrrrS?or5o p,>goSrGLXdoL SgJoSotSocn rrrSLyrrtro eq6r6sqo 16ds51qo g16;6trJrrrrr$ob boo633l-r$ogoo Jr6o6dr;8olr (tg0q6o3?o "lr,>oS3gbgogoo J16o6r4,>3u") gsr66qgd?o 6o5l.r;bodr6o6qXd6qo J<6o3JggloL qol-rgo5a6L3dqoq; (B) 2012 $qoL 16 3sr6gL, SLXLbn0nqoL 3o916 $or63r'rq6X5oqo JXr6ooq2qo qrSo6o6Lg6oL 3omho35oo qs Lnlrbob Jr6o6j$or.>5 qo,1o3?o16gd2qo 3r'rqoJ.>r?r.>.6IgloU pr6rnL Sb3trbXdq,ob 3ogrzr 23 o3qoLLr ?XgoSoqo ?ntr$'r'rdrglXloL 6sar3oqob$o5gloor, SLXbbXlnqSr )nr6ooq1q'o go5r5L2r4o 3r'robrn3Soor (?n8q6o3?o "PFR'') 3o3;t6orc ADBt.r: s) b6Lbotr 6r8oXogoL oroS;tX ADB-L 6361q6dt6o3o JrJo0rRS6o r6nL2t6Lopr5; qc a) ADB-b LJngooqy6o Br'rSRoL 60tr?6bXloqs6 LSbbob 6;3oXo6ol: @rodrt6, 0rng1311qo LXLbob bXq?X,jr61q3bob Rr6r6cn l-?o ;q$nr6oq'o JrvrnlJ$otr 3ob53trolrrm3oLi (C) 0LXbbg}gqLo RD ADB-b ?r'r6ob ADtreda1}?Ro LXbbolr bnq,?6,jr61q,Xdob ("1-r;LXLbo b3q?g;16gq18; fi3X2qgA16o3 oJ3Frc1lo3bo") ur;5ob0uq, ADB-o oruSobSu ADB-b E311q3d16o3o ,joJogsq'y6o 16ntr2r6trploprS SbXbbXlXqL, Jr4oXjgob SotGgdol-rcorSol-r, 5o3r'r35oL LrSbbo L,>3r'r6qorrurbo SoqooSo o?? qoqo16ob ($64,000,000) r'rp65r'rdoor; (D) JrrroXJgb g;Sobor6golqnlL LoJ;rrror3Sqrnb 325ogoJsq1r6o 6o53oosr4nloL 3o5qo ('MDF'). ttjs16o3Sqr.rtr .it<rgtopn6$ob 1997 !'qol-r 7 o3SoLoLr 6o5;o652q68oor. rA SotSgdoUoo3oL 0b6bb3}3qo 1trrr3536q5r.rgt 3ogn82q'o bXq?g3r61qnloo 6o5b;tq3161q,o bSbbotr ocSbnlob b6qSobo$3qmBgrdob MDF-oUucn3otr ADB-buor3oL 3ot-rrqXlo Jor6obgloor; qc (E) t33o;q5o?51qoL 6;orSsqob$o5gloor, ADB ors6,\haD.\ 6.:3o1gol: SLXLbS}Xqtr LStrbo ADB-L LJ3gorqytro goSqob r6gby6tr6dopo5, ADB-trs qo MDF-tr ?tr16ob 5rgodrSXdgqo tr.:JrrronJgr.r b3q?3,j62qnlotr ?gLud$oL;p, Sborrr3Sbo or;5b3qglo;5 ?i13qg6tg: fIユ 亀JI域 蕗ぶ 二 浦 “ ヽ Lr、 ■ 0。 、,.DATE q、“ ンCERnlこ 9い Y a、 コ Sヽ 、 re,■ ■ 品1:■γ 5,「 ● ミ 」 釧lЪ 全 ぶ : 2 3trbqo I bnbboL 6rgg0ob ggbglo; 6158.:r6ggdnlo J15Jgo l0l. ADB-b 2006 $qoL I os5gr6oU bJggorqS6o oJnr6;go6dob trSbboU 6sgnSob $nL6dob oGLgr+rljgoXloL (?33q5o3?o "L3trbotr o5lgt6lJgo6do") g3gqo q6}lqglr br6trqrq 3t6113qqXlr $oSr3qnlrdrn UrtnLbo [Xq?X;r63q'X};tX, ?fqg6o g3qoqglXlotr 6ror3,>qoL$o53Ioor: (a) J15Jgo 2.01 (25) ;8r'rq3dlqor Rr ?JOlRoRor ?30qg6oor: "LoJtTrt'r6jgc'r b6q?X3r61q'glo" 6o?5r3b bXq?X;r61qXd,>U ADB-b,: qo MDF-b ?rnr6ob; L,>JdroXjgo p.> (b) "Jr6ogJgoL 6o53cbot6gonq3d3q'o Los6g5go" trSlrbotr oELgr6lJgo;Bob 6.01(a), 8.01(d), 8.01(0, 8.01(k), 9.01(c) po 9.02(c) J15jgX8?o ff;Srggqq; gX16SoSoor'MDF". JpSjgo 1.02. $'o5.:0qgls16g LuLgLho b3q?gjrzr2gglsto 613r'rgnGpdlq oboSC 35o?353qr.rlu, r4.'0 LXlboL o5Lg62Jgo2d?o, o?,lo b3q?13r63qn0.:?o ;rrr oo3,>qotSoSXlb g3qoq6bglL rE or2 ,;oSgnjl-rgo Lb3o63.rr6rq .:16 3r'roobm3L. trsLXLbm bXq?n;r61qXlr?o 5o8o535g}1q ggdrSo5gdb oj3L ?n3qn6o gX6eo56bL rd3l, 35o?3Snqolnlo: (a) "RCdtRSdr" 51qobb8r'rlb MDF-ob q;dSqnluL q,>8g3og1d2qb 2005 $qob 23 o3qoboL 3or.:3r6rolob Nl18 g,>5;sr651q'3boo, 8.:b?o Jlr6onoqtrqoq ?ggrSoqo gsqoqXbgdoL 6;o13.rqotr$oEglo<n; (b) "br;o6lilq,g.:goo tr.:b,1qfldq3o5;qn" 5o?5;31 bobnq8dqSrSSqoL u$oolr 5.:53oarsr6gdob d.>5,jolrs 11'r SLgLbgdlqgloL ?r'116olr SrnGLlq$;6$Xlotr 6o3er515gloL ur.:od;$g (2010, 8.:Lto ?ggo5oq'o ?XL.:6;3obo llgqoq,XdSdoor); (c) "Ls.;o6L1q9.:goo 3r'r3L;b16Xdo" 5o?5s3b SoStrcby6SdXll-r, t+rrrSqgdog t5R" qo3oSoSLqXL l-rlLboL arl'6bXloor, $oSo8qXdotin LrLlLbo b3q?1;r6lq6Irrb qr5o16o,o l-ob 3(c) J3XJ15J6otr ?nbrdo0otruq; (d) "6;t633rotr ?Sgrtrnlobr qo 8o3r,rboq3ob Rm,ltAC5Oo" - 'EARF' 5o?5;3b 6ortrnSotg t66;3qn5oU ?iygcLl}oLu Rn 3o8r'rhoq3ob qm,j23n5gL L;o533L$o6oo Jr4ogr6r3oL.:orgoL, ?3rno5b3n}trqtr SLXtrbXb3qlrl Rr ADB-[ ?ot4ob pr $'.:163ooq635b FFA-L 5o$oqL, Rr'rJtA050?o .|316ooqlqop ?ng;5oqo ?nLoloSoLo g3qoq,6dnloor: (e) "5rr633r.rLqr113ooro 0.:r6or3ob a1AAJ" - 'EMP" 6lqobb0odtr Jt6o3j1)oL 6o16;3oUqo1l3ouro 3;t6or3ob g363rb, Oot-r?o SggcSoqo 63qoqldoor, t6 r'r0Xq,o g $;rrr3r'rrqSg[ b EE-o[ [,:$'oq' L; I ?gL.:BcSoLo :」 ニ ー ニ‐ 一 ―一 一 ¨‐ 3 RIo6∽ o卜 o」 03)vぶ bミ :鷲 FT“ 壼 3呻 0も 腕 ::乱 翼 30お ∫ くt 8ooし o860bbi 'lLT:::‖ ∞鴻 Rm。 瀾 ま `脚 6080Qo9`"ご 8m8Ъ oR3b3RO。 8oで 3も つ 史 0。 3し 3bも Ob興 Ob 6:亀 :5瀾 10認 品1絆 ふ ギ 漱 出 ■0も o3o8oboR R、 8oO` EARF‐ oし 8ooも m8603ob ADB‐ oし 3o06: 6。 出 轟 Ъ滞 部 oЪ 史3mgR 6o6し … 3あ 8岬 PS13tF喘 糧 し 81::口 ヽ :器 ド 0称 燎 紺 謝 蹴 8illi; 馴 060o30bЪ o R。 3oの もo860も も : り Oo3し oも 0`03ollitob3gi::::::31:311ら )1° tO‖ ::::ill黒 :::11]呂 :。 8o磁 ミ :‖ [t::選 11:0)1013:lll∫ 18:::∫ 慧 ° も と 翻 Ъ ::]│;bObも 『 調‖ 3皇 :::]二 │° :繁 lli31鷺 しR。 00oo )8o6ol,66。 I:キ II‖ oO■ R0 3● o30R060も 。 │ │:llil『 (k) “Oob30R3`)も 0) ■obuOR30も “ も。ЪOQ8dQ3S60賃 口" 6o■ 6。 3b ADB‐ ob ■ObuoR30し 。 b。 も OR80R3δ 60史 ob(2010,■ 0も oも o3obo 03熙 R330300) も ]為 電ご 習 翻辮 鞘∬ m鼈 :‖ '脚l郎 が 、 七 留 出。 i罵 ° も "織し 。 '' Fl】 5° 5o■ 6o311 l° 6068。 01:lt,6。 :ll:° 3,1111:5'∫ li30゛ :!l,Tlil職 ° ' ・ !押:°RЪ 。llj3111鶉 lll]1::。 :。 ilob11::Fi 0° °6卜 80も 釈 し 8し 01,b030Rb。 マ。 ADB― : 60S:8:0:i'RPち °R電 3`Oo」 000 ::∞ 3。 (11:lta∫‖ど (38熙 0貿 860も 0∞ , 3m8Ъ oR3b]Qし ▼。 `8o、 ° bll:ll:R3器 8:キ lt° ::b』 嵩 Ott61)oも 11:lllり 〔∫ ∫:ξ :::: ■o R。 3o,oROも つ貿 b ObObbOも ROb 8oO` RF‐ ob 8oO`: 606og=o3oobm8603ob■ Ob。 あ。00も oR Ro父 も8oOo00bogtb ADB‐ 0030b Ъ0006ob 8o61oo“ o56oも o66o`o■ 0'' 6o■ 6o3も ``■ 1,。 3`∞ Ъ ° b6f[!160:『 (0) 吉 誇 :蕊 EMP, RP Ro lPP :〉 も 誂ゞピ 鵬。 oo3貿 0∞ しβ 3600066o■ 賃oR。 3o3060」 00`oboRO Q06ob8o030る 。 ; SPS・ ヽ “ っし ■6∽ b0030し 30'(oooOob 6● 6δ Oboマ o''― “ 、 りも 861nbm060b 3ogloooOob 6。 6。 OboRb(2009),R。 (p) 』 T° 1::弓 [ミ :θ :品II揚 :'T,I曾 :ち :::Tl° 3β ::〕 iミ!ふ (boも 0`Ooも ob ■08∞ も303。 ■0) R03380600ふ ob ■01'。 もδ8obδ R, 6o■ 6o3b ADB‐ ob 1 “ 111せ itI■ ‐ (q) "Lr82?roXdo" 6rr?5s3tr bc8?n6ndqo o6 3?n63dqerlcb, r6oSqXlog qrSo6r6Uqgdo bXUboL oo5b3doo. ctr;oro [r;32?oo3do Soogo3b ]lrzrg3ob 16 r61;;1dob 3o3tr;pldoL lro33?uoglL q,o J16r'r;1Jgor5 p.:;.r3?orrrXd2q ol-rnor 8o8b,>b1r6XlglL, 6o3r:l3do0 bo16lyonqq3dr g16oryS16oqo .)ol-rlbobS6Xlqololr ,>5 bstSqrSbCRC0R. .3r.r6grrruJgoU 3ct66qgd?o, 6.:16qo LsjrnGLlqgogorn 0oBlrobSr6nloL;. 8lLqo II UnLto ADB o,:5st8ss ADB-oL LJXgotq,?6o Br'lSRCloL J15Jgo 2.01 r63Llr6bgdopr5 6oLggL LnLbo 3l-rnbb3ilnqt3 Lb3cqoUbgc brbob 3rq1$r?o, r6o36q'ob roqXSrnd.:g ?6rq6g5tr ooro SoqooSo gJ3Lrtr ogqugbr6oSS$o oar;Lo, LJ66ooql6o bobgbbo 33q1doL XJ3o3oq366b (SDR S10,639,000). (a) SLXbbXBSqo ADRrtbRol, ADB-L UoJr6og35$r'r .)16jgo 2.02 tr.>r65glXqL, 16o8qotr Iqo116o 5o5r,13Xuro l-rt?lgo3ooro .)3<6or.rqol.r 5o53r3qobr?o ?1;q565lr il; L6bbol-r oS6orio?oq,>5 Jlt6ooqlqoq 0r0rEoRo Rn Ro?qlr6o3o LXLboL oqg6r'rloL ;y6o JrrrogXS$b (l%), t33p6r'r3?o ;o - nrrroScbn3crrr rrrrngXS6L (t,s%). J3gJl5J6ot (b) $nr+r3o5o "tro?6qo3ooro Jnr6oopo", rcro03qo11 brAr.rUCSClIRor Da (a) 5.:$oq?o ?oooorXdtrqo SorrrSoor, 62qotrb8olL J3r6ooqb LXbbotr do6ooopo orsSbol-r 6sq.rbqob Jorcr36qo AoRrhRotJ or;rrroqo8q6, $o5o8qnlt6n trotnLbo bnq?X;rrrlqXlob 3X-2 po5;rrror?o 3r'rgn82qo trgbboL ;0or6$t>$ogootr 56o6o3olr ?11.r,>dcSolrrq. J16Jgo 2.03. bnbbtn pot6ogblqo J6t'rg050o 15 66dob3o3t<ro l-rb3u Lrbob Lu3oSol-roo qsgor62qo 15p.> ogoL 6ob13;r6Sqolrrr;q, Uo31q'o $goL 15 os53rr6L qs 15 o3qoLL. Jt5d0o 2.04. Sblbbnlnqo q.,,godro3L do5,.;ob LrbnLbo r56ortro?oq,>5 LSLbob dorioor;p orsSbsb, $oSoSqXlrrvrX Lrl-r3bbrn bXq,?n3r62qXbob 3gor6X 5,>gs6oRo qo5.>6cn?o 3rog131qo LSbboL ;3tnr6go$ugoob 616,>go,;oL ?6U;d.:8oL;p. Jl5Jgo 2.05. LnLhoL 6o6;10ob g6bXlol.r 4.O3(a)-olr,: 8o$SnloLto3o bSLbob dor6ooroqo o;5boLo qsg;t63obro3ob 6o5;1or35oq, RJ q.:r6ogb2qo lrRT$rR 6s5b,:Sg3163qo; qrnqrr4o. pr 4.04-ob Jr6o6n6$oL F` ;ヽ「ソ `ぅ ・ ・:` o・ 5 8lbqo III bXUboL ooEboL 6s8rrgg6gls J15Jgo 3.01. Str6trbg}gqo 6sbqolr bnqSotro$gqrr3b UgLbol-r 3rq6doLr q.> Jor6odSdoL RrOSooi o6r6no3n 15q.: 11rr61531q'yoL 18 or;SbXlob 6c3ogX5X}l Jt6onilgob brt6jgndob SotSnlotso3oL, $oSoOqgdor6n bnq?3.36lqXdoLc po Jt6rn6jgoL bgq?ngr6lqglob R3d?R040601., osSbSbl-r MDF-ob ADB-oL;orgoL 3otr.:q6do ?nUols0oLrq. tSbhoL ur.:SbndoL 6r8t'rorbrn3o R! arAmUCSAlD !6RD J15jgo 3.02. So6bor6goSqqnb $o5u3q3d;r6X tr;Lnl.rbo bXq'?X;t61q3doL 86Lo8n qoScr6orolr ?gLrlcSoLrq. Rr5i6q,?o JXr6oroplqrq ?g$.:5oqo g3qoqX}Sdob ArolArRoUVoS3Aool SLSLhndqoLc q.: ADB-oL 2r6oroXdror?3oroEb8$oL b;g2d3Xq$9. Jl5Jgo 3.03. 5sr6qc lrb3s ?33ob3633doLr, ADB-otr u,rSbSoloL ?X8ob3g3s?o, bXbboL grSbgdoo 3L3bb3dXq8r ?5qo AJ5.)bcr63o0q,oL uG 1$r6153gq5r'rb ?Xb1oq3;, $o5o3qXil;r6g boLltrbm h6q?1,jr62qXdoL Sgoorbs qr6rr6orotr ?3L.r}.>3oLrp. Jl5Jgo 3.0a. 6,>rtp,> trb3o ?g3ob333XloLs, ADB-ob olo6b8mloL ?13orb3X3r?n, SLgtrbXdXqSr 25qo 1t161531qXob LgLboor po3o6,>5bXd3qo 53gqo qrb;bXqXdob 6c3r'ry35gbs Sboq'r'rq J6r'rCdOoL brEb(',6OoCRldotr 8ot53boUrot3ob. 3.0s. dr6,jol-r L.>tr6lrbo o66.>r6o?oqu5 oro6bob 6r$o5o, t4.:g L,iJoSb?q$ogor.r Srn8l.rshlr5XloLor;5 oJ6nlr qo3.:3?or6n}1qo [5eo Rr Or'rbq3L o3 bcr61Xlot, Lrgld3nq'bX, 6rr8gqo6 q;;o3?or66d1q,oo ?38q36 bor6SnlosS: J1SJgo bo82?or.rgdtro (a) pr Lo.;r'rSbtrqgrgoo SoALJb?63]6do, t6o33qo,> ADB-oL ob VC3t6n j3XX53Bo, ubor6golqSdb 3o$oq3brb 16roSq1dog ADB-ob SoXrvr SooooXd2qou ?3L3oq3oL 0obrq6do [rs81?rondo $g;16ooSbotr 511bbr?o; (b) qs l-r.>33?ro3Io q; L.:3o5I-rlqgrGor'l Ama[)nh?6XdX]o, r6t'r8qXdog sS0oXrn3oq'3dL ADB-oL 3o316 J;16oo1q,.:q RrRA0Soq, ?n'LsdrSotr qsSr$g&rur 3ocnhrn35ldlr. 3.06. t-rgUbol"r o6h$r6ljgoXloL 8.02 Sot6XloLoor3oL Lnbbot qsb2r63oL or;r6oq;q 5o5oLotq3r61d.: 2018 $qoL 3l rqg;X0d3r6o AJGJtollSo,Ro ;5 bb3.: arrrtroqo, drrn8Xqtsg Jldromqlq;q ?3orr6b3q3}o,>5 SbXLbSdnqo qo ADB. JTbJOo b 8lbqo IV 6o5b'>,l3orrvrndtrqo Jor6r'rlXlo R! Jrarol j$or.r5 qo,is3?or6Xllqorb o SbXLb6dSqo ?SobtrrtrolXlb ^ 3ogX82qo X,jrr,lqginb 5y5 qo6or6or?o J15J$o a.02 g.,d,Boaop6x53;b" !i:o":o:r: 56bob3o3r6o ? 6s5o$3 3bXLb;1b3q3; -Lo?SoqXlo 15-qo- 8oLg3L ADB'ob o6trrnor36 ;nr{a""[.ri;rrran ["or#;ro5:,r"os]ob' n.sossasanu"(b]"#?3rrg"i?,','"'fi S;ql^"#"'di"':'$tlff:iit"'F:iry-:i aotro ADB-or-r 3x}-5336ptx ;;;;?,1""';;;i 6,>5orcalrlboU ?nq3-bnqo5" 30- 6t ;ili'" 6ia"fq'(lriotn' oat. (c) ADB-oL 8oorbo36o i聾翌 “ :こ liri三二 J16jgo 4.U. 8L3LbXdgqo 3o3,rr4or.:nL U00q) oB to8;lr, 6o0 rlgoq6d6qoo MDF-oL 3o116 JrlrrlJgoor 6w3sq'oU$o5nI2q'o 3.:q'pnI2qgdndoL ?gbdrgqSboboor3ob; oOrborS, SLnbbldSqo o16 rbr.rrzrgolqglb 15 ,:r4 1?33db oLXoro JS;q6dgloL 6uEbo66oXqn}lL, r6o3qXl3;g ?nL.>dqou bnqo ?X1?;qob sqSo?52qo 3,>qqgdlqXBglob ?;lUt6lqgbstr. _‐ DATE 8 8uЪ Ro 3● 熙 o■ V o ■Ot8R。 ■Q060b 1瀧 ::tlb。 〉 ゴ doQ。 ■0 00も 3熙 `b) li昌 i爆 11ト ]¬ lt∫ lilil.1;,鳥 ││‖ ビ │llili協 札お 311: Rllb° 01tqo VI lSqnlsOrrboqnboL 6rqs633r 5.02, 5.03 qc 5.04 J15j$3door. qnUotr ?X3ob36o?o' J26;lgo 6.03. 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gr,rgog0ogUs c gsoqsq0r-rporgcQ o0rls g0og11o9C9 9r,r,)tgogggsgstoo (q) cd rloQpe8 qr-rqurdcilcp :ooq0gCBrags? rloqCQgCQs ge gc ooq0itsg oge<o0,Psq cq0optrgeQ rloq0Pegcgcdlorg r,r,)l0asB 'r1oqr^rtoolJ,lso ,r1crr.ro80,9trl' r-r90<-rgqr-rq89 o,il0q0gog0cl'cd geoQp0r,rgg qto,)l0oogurql'gs? cqC,)l80 q-g6y gurgco,it cd (ooq0go$qo,) s0tocQ qoq0q0,io CO o,)rugcQ0g '9661) cPoQo,IJtog r-ril0,o0B0atoluQgs q-SCV gsS0usd (e) :9cu9s o;l0q8d,)lcS ggyl sd o,)l0q0qq0qg Zt e,-ro6eEiit-r-d-r?6 'ry.r0oqoS0$dog cd cr1Q9u9r,rQo9r,rg qoQCgq,og cd 869e€?. eqoq0Q0dCg odcoogop qogQCQ od0gpurgerl oil0.g0dg0Q c'Q0gr,rt ordsgcocq q0d,)l0oogurqgsQ dc,il0gsil0,Q0g (p) s.d loq0qg0,r10g ogAQatl{'Cdc qoBt-rorgc9 dcilq0,iBgqsq0g qog?CQ oJCgpurgcq o,it8,g0dg0Q (c) tq0qsqCg rloq0ilC,gqCg qoqCq0oplogr,rJ o,iJogCQdoggeg ogegQ0Q od0gptagsq ,;l0aCdgCe g0og qoq0gr,rQpsgQgtrP qqCqC;rC,qCd qCd[isOoCg oq0QgCg8,Purd ogCdgCQeq (q) ldcqogsqsq8g qoq0deS4oq0qtogoq r.rrpg r10d,il0,gq0g cgQCQ orJ0gpogsq r1og0d90g 'r1oB,)lCC9["9qC cdg0 sg-3qy1 'ou08gqqoJlcp qoil0q0qqCqg fi (e) ,gro9 ceeE(6-otg<.e-(.d-rErdgm 'qo8<ocrloqSgCoqooe o;to;n8@r,rgsg toog0q rlqCqCil0q0d g0.)Jso00qrl r18d8e0o0g, cdg0, oq0QpcaQgtoP oil0,q0qgcao8ed ogq0irQgs8 qoQp0ogq 'gsQeqoq0gpsqcd qoqC8g8cq gCqCDc{'oCg q0eo Q) cd :gCqeqCg qorldog cd erlr-rqCq0ds8ced oqCdgcieQ ooq,Q r-r{lo9qr,rqCf 11 r190o9r'1,g<,{, ur,}lq0,)tocacggcQcrl g0q0gcQcsg cd 11co0cg9o89u 98ql),i0t)9CssQ,ogqC,iQgsG rlogcaQtogq qoq0r,rqrogB"qi sd sqoS0cd qr-rqoitXogggsX ,qoSosquq0gcr-rgsUe uq0gCtoqOg CqcogoQogCQ C9<,qCdgr-rg sd crlqClsgeg tocg0gcq ,ogdor-rgCq 11oq0,)l0trOgu-rq9sQ 1oQpCo91 (a) lCcgcc,gorQugCQ rloQpCr,rgg qQCoBCasSg,otaq C0,)lc0-,)tsO 9CBr,rB,ii1089P"9qC qoSocrloqCOcl,cgcg cd sqoq0,itsp .qq8,it00og0 , CgeQugeq sd ogtrt)ud0geq ,quq0gcgqcS odeit8Sguq ,) oCa0[,is dsgC,QcSPCds g0qoligeurg (p) lg0qCqeScoq0g qcq0g0s,f(cas gs?sgsto qqS0cPcgeg co) crlq0iJcp ogtoeg0gcq ,iJ0q0il0grl0g CSsgo cb eqog0 (c) lg0qogCr,rqO CXcogoQugCQ qoQpCogq OuqC,)ngr,rg .rlqCgsogede gso,ilScqorg0g0gu0g 9 alnpews Q l渉 ぐさ ゃ1 ぬ ω りP oお 09ω °bl路 ∞ギ 010oぐ ?ぐ 100 o 1 ぐQObOoOり ω19o9 o∞ 01ゃ b30 9ぐ 9ぐ ぐ1° ol;∬ 瀾 F路盤 ]:: T四 1崎9品 x9サ 嗜 `Q ωoOo 9`0り 000b01`9ω 3000 0。 9ぐ 1`0り `90 ヾ8・ JG四 ぐあ ぐebC20q1010 9, 0990り ω909ω e 10QObQ0900り Q81oOω り000ぐ ゝ 900町 で `?CPぐ Qγ De。 あ 9ぐ ぐ 03¶ 10QOQOお ぐ 』糠 )3ぐ 10 ,Oo0 1o20ω 9QQり ω OQ011018 ヽ ;lω Rお0090り ヽ[ぐ 90ぐ 8お l部 ず 忘 ギl器 認 ob00∞ りゃ88 9' ω 唱CTH胎 ∬ ° 乱電 子̀ 絆犠黙ゝ g elnpeЧ os Oι フし LOAN NUMBER 288● GEOISF) LOAN AGREEMENT (SpedJ Operatlons) (SuG趣 :naЫ O Urban Transport:nv● stnent Pmgram― Projoct 2) betwgsn GEORGIA and ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK DATED 24」 ULY 2012 GE0 42414 LOAH AGREEMENT lSpeC:● :Operatlon3) LOAN AGREEMENT dated 24」 uly 2012 bemeen cEORG!A(・ ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK(‐ ADB・ ) Bo「 OWer)and WHEREAS (A) by a rramework inanclng agreerrlent dated 21」 uno 2010 bom● on the BomDv"r arld ADB(・ FFA・ ),ADB has agrood to provlde a mul‖ trancho■ nancing fadlⅢ to the Borowor for purposos of rlnancing 可odS undor lho Sustainab:● Urban Transpon :nvestmOnt Program(・ :nVesment Program・ } “ (B) by a pe‖ odlo inandng requost dated 16 March 2012(・ PFR・ )and● S amendod by thO BOroworth7ough the mhute6 0fthe:● ●n negoぬ tons for tho Prolod dated 23」 uly 2012t ho Bor― r has app:団 lo ADB ror o)a10an frOm ADB's ordinary capbl rosources:and(1)a10an iЮ m ADB's Speclal Funds rosources,for the purpo9oS Or the prO"descdbed in Schedu:o l to thIS Loan Agr● ●mont (C) by a l● an 39re● 171ent betwoon tho Borrower and ADB(・ Ordinary Operallons L● ●n Agreemenr),ADB has agrood to make to the Bo― or a l● an from ADB's fOur m‖ bn Dollars(S64,000,000)fOr h ordinary cepnal resOurces in the arlount of 9は け‐ purposos oftho Prolecti (D) い● PrOled輛 ‖be camed ou bythe Mun:dpa:Devolopmont Fund of shed under Prosldenua Decr● ● datod 7 June 1997(・ MDF"),and 7or this purposo tho Borrow●『 wⅢ mako avallable to MDFい o pr● ●●●do of tho loan povlded for G● or9ia estab‖ herein upon te""s and oondnlons satisfactory to ADB:and (E) ADB has agrood to make a loan to tho Borrowerfrom ADB'3 SpeCtal Funds rooourcos upon the to:‖ is and oondtions sot fofth hereln and ln the Prol● Ct Agreement bem● on AD3 and MDF: NOW THEREFORE tho partios agree as ro‖ _: AR¬ CLE: Loan Ro9ul● ●●●●;Derln:t10n3 secuOn l ol Rogulauons of ADB, dalod l All the prous10ns of ule Sp..a1 0peratlons Loan 」anuary 2006(・ Loan Regulatons・ ), are hereby lvlad0 app‖ cable to thls Loan AgrooFr ent喘 h the same fo∝ e and effect as r they were fu‖ y set fOnh hereln,subled,hい 鳴vor,to the folloung modmcat10ns: (o) Sectlon 2.01(25) is dol€lod and the follo,yhg iB substitul€d thgrefor: 2 en ADB and ・ Prolect AgrOorlenr means tho Prolect Agroomont b● "“ MDF O I賑 ng ttenげ appea‖ ng h Sedon 6_∝ o, 901(C)and 9.02(c)of the LOan Ro9ulauons :」 ぜ 品 『 器 澪 MDF・ shJ!be substtuted by the tenll・ . Wherever used ln thに Loan Agroomont,tho sevo口 So“ on 1 02 │ terns dolned in tho Loan Ro9ulatlons have the respectve mean:ngs ulereln set forth unless mOdirled herein or tho Oontext othoMISO requlres Addltonal terrns used in this Loan Agreement have the foloMng meanlngs: 器:l淵 8daOdttJu」劉 嗅 南‖ (b) pp∞ 1』 Tl踊 島Ч 鷺 :・ "d by Govommom Decroo Use or ・ COnsuning Cuido‖ nos・ rleans tho Cuido‖ nos on th● consultants by A9:an Development Bank and lt9 Bo― ers(2010.os amended from tlme to time): proco“ sd tt b.;T麗 N'Oement (d) 島 認 『 乱 躙 器 ¶ 寄 :臨 :ぽ 呪 ・ Enuronrrlental As9ossmOnt and Revlow Franlo"rk・ 訛 1出 or・ EAR「 moans the envI"nmenta:assessfrlont and n帥 loW framevЮ rk for tho hvestmont Program, including any update thereto,agrOod bOmenthe BOmw● r and ADB and incorporated by 『●forenco ln tho FFA: (o) ・ En゛ にnmontal Managemont Plan・ or ・ EMP・ moans each en● ronmental managemont plan of ho ProleCt,lncluding any update theretoi incOrporated ln the:EE: (f) setrOrth ln Chaptor V,Append秋 (9) s・ moans he p● nclp:es and requrerlonts 1,and Appondlx“4(os app‖ Cab!o)ofthO SPS: ・Envlronmontal Safog、 旧 ■nklal EnⅥ ronmontal FY● minatlon・ or ■EE・ means an innlal envlronmenlal e"minauOn Or a PrOled, hcludhg any update thereto, proparod and submttod by the Borowor pursuantto the roqulrolnonts sotforth in ttЮ EARF and deared by ADB: (h) ■nVOluntary ResetuemOnt Safogtts'mo● ns tho p‖ ndplos and requiromonts set forth in Chapter V,AppOnd侠 2,and Appendlx 4(as appliCable)ofthe sPS: o) ・ Loan D:sbursolnent Handbx来・ means ADB's Loan DIsburserlent o) ・PAM・ means tho pttod admin:straton menu● l for tho ProleCt datod Handbook(2012,as amondedfmm imeto lme) 23」 u:y2012 and agreod b― on tho Bor― r and ADB,as updated from‖ me to‖ me in accordanco wllh the rospectヽ c administrauve pmcOduros ofthe Borrower and ADB: 3 (k) "Procuremont Guldelines' means ADB'S Procuroment Guldelines (20'10, as amanded from tlm€ lo time); (l) 'Plocurem€nl Plan' msans the Ptocu]€ment plan for lho Prolecl dEted ald agrBed betnoen the Bonower 8nd ADB, ss updatod from tlme to time in 23 accord'ance wtlh the Proqlremont Guldslinos, the Consulting Guidelines, and other July 2012 anangomenl8 agregd wtth ADB; (m) 'Lard Acquisilion and Rss€ttlem€nt Framer,rcrk' or 'LARF' means th€ land acqulsltlon and rosstllement lramenprk lor the lnvestment Program, lnduding any update thereto, agteod betlvs€n the BonolilEr and ADB and incorporatod by rdter€nca ln tho FFA; (n) 'Land Acqulsition and Resettlomont Plan" or 'LAFIP' means 6ach (o) 'sateguard Pollcy Staiemenf or'SPS'meam ADB'6 Safeguard Policy resetlloment plin ol lhe Project, lnduding sny update thersto' Prepared and submltlod by th€ Bonowsr pursuant to lho rcqulromenB set lorth ln the RF and clearod by ADB; Stalement (2009): (p) 'satsgusrds Moniirodng Roport' means aach report PrBParBd and submitted by t'tr6 Bonor,ver- to AOB that d66crlbos plogtess with lmplamentallon of, aM complbnco *ttt , tt e EMp, tho RP and the IPP (as 8pPl'rcabl€), lncluding sny @necilve and pravsntawe actlons; and (q) lrorlG' rnoans @nsltudlon or clvil trcrks to bo financod oul of the procoods of tre'Uoan, lndudlng sarvlc€s such as drilling or mapplng, and prorect rolaled iorvices that are proylded as part ol a slngle r€sponslblllty or tumksy contrac,l, but excluding Conoultlng Sorvlcos. ARTICLE II Th. Loln AOB agrB€6 to lerd to th€ Bonower from AO8's Spocial S● dlon 2 01 Funds rosourcas an amount in various olnonclos equlvalont tD tan million six hundred lhlrtynine thousand Spedal OrawirE Rights (SDR 10,639,000). (a) The Boron€r sh6ll pay lo ADB an lntsrest Settn 2 02 cfiaEo al the raE of 106 p{ annum dudng th€ graca pedod, and 1.5% Per Ennum lh€roafrer on the amount of the Loan nfihdrawll from tho Loan Accounl and outst8nding frdn tlms to time. (b) The tem "gEcs p€riod' as used in subsoction (a) hsrslnabove ped:d pria lo lhe first PrinclPal Paymont Date ln accordanco with the m6ans tho amortlzatlon schodulo sot forlh in Scheduls 2 to tl{s Loan AgrE€meflt. 4 The interest cha電 o and any oth● r charge on the Loan y on 15 January and 15 Julyin each yoar sha‖ bo payab:o sombnnua‖ Sectlon 2 03. SecOon 2 04 The Bomwor sha‖ 7opay ule p● ndpa! amount of昴 ● Loan wthdrawn frorn the Loan Account in ac● oだanco wth 01o ofllottatlon schedule set forth in Schedulo 2 1o thlS Loan Agr● Sedon 2 05 ●rrlent The curoncy of ropawoot of he prlncipal amount of the Loan and ho curroncy or pa"nt Of tho lnterost char9e for m purpOsOs or SeCuOns 403(a)and 4 04 ofthe Loan Re9u:ations sha‖ bo Do‖ ar ARTICLE III U3e of Procoedr of tho Loan Tho Bono,t er shall make tho proceeds ol lhe Loan Soc{on available to MDF upon tems and conditbns satistactory lo ADB and shall causo MDF to apply such proceedi to ths financlng ot oxp€nditurgs on th€ Pm1ecl in accordanco wlth lhe provisions of thb Loan Agrg€ment and the Pror€d Agroomeflt' 3.01. Tho proceods of ths Loan shall bs ellocatod and S€cton withdrarvn ln accordance wlth lhe prcvlslons of sch€dul€ 3 to thls Loan Ag]eomont, ss su€rt Schedulo may b€ amend€d frorn fkn€ to timo by ogra€mer b€twson tha Borou,sr and ADB' 3.02. Ercept as ADB may otherwbo egroe, th€ Bono$€r Section 3.03. procured, the lleme ol o)Q€ndlturs lo be tlnancad out ot the procure, to bo or cauae shall pmceeas of th€ Loan ln accordBnca wlth tho provlslon8 ol Schodule 4 to tils Loan Agraement. Eicept as ADB may otherwls€ agreo, the Bororvel Secllon 3.04. shall cause all items of expordituro linancsd ot l ol the Procoeds of the Loan to bs used oxdusively in the catrying oul of the Prorecl. wthdrawals from the Losn Account ln resPeci ot Works S銀 ion 3 05 made only on account of oxpondilurBs relatlng to: bs S€rvicos shall Consulting and (a) Worfts and Con6ulting Sorvlcas whlch aro supPlied lrom such momb€l countrbE ot ADB as shall havs bson spodned by ADB flom time to time as eliglblo sources for Procuremonu and (b) Worts and Consultlng S€rvicas vvhich mest such oth6r eliglblllty requlrem€nt8 as shell have b€on spodfled by AOB from time to tme. Sedion 3 06 The Loan Closlng Dats for the purposes of Sec{on E.02 of the Loan Ro9uletion3 Sh● ‖bo 31 D● ●●mber 2010 or such oher date as may from tヒ ne to ume be agreed bomonthe Borowo「 and ADB 5 ARTiCLE IV Parucu:ar covenants Sedon 4 01 PrOlea fadlkles,me 8o― 1n the car"ng out thO Prolaは and Operatlon Or the r sha‖ prom,oF CauSe to be perfomed,a‖ ment and訥 o Proled Agr● ●rnont rOtth ln schedulo 5 to th:s Loan Agr● ● oO:● at10ns set Tho Bonot!,or shall enable AOg's ropresontattues lo Sodion 4 02 lnsp€cl the ProJecl, th€ Works and any relevant records 8nd documants. Sodlon 4 03 (a) The BOrOwer 8ha‖ Causo MDF to o)malnbin 80parato occount3 and rOoords for tho Pro10d:0り p70pare annua:loondal● taterrlonts for the Prolect ln a― rdan∞ 哺 th a∝Юuntng Ⅲ dp10S acoo口 bble to ADB;ぐ ‖)havO such¶ nondal slatomonts● udlod annua‖ y by lndopendont audRo7● WhOSo qualncauo09,Oxp● ‖enc● ●nd temo d roforonce are ao● Dptablo to ADB,in a― rdanoo wlh lntemational standards for S ptt of oodl such audn,hav0 aud‖ ng orthe nauona1 0qumlont a_ptable to ADB:〈 ")● on tho uso orthe L● an the audnors prOparo a roport(Wh断 :ndud● 6い O audiors'oplnlon pmcoods and∞ mplし nco wlth tho lnanclal∞ venant8 0f thI● Loan Agroomont as w● ‖a60n dures for the impred oα Юunt(S)and ghtOmont of oxpendttures)● nd a tho us● of tho pro● ● manaOoment:● ●tS od the doldendes ln ule htemal control oftho P""d that wore ldonllod "or"hlch● in he courso of the atldn,r any)and(V)fumlsh to ADBi no later than 6 months after mo ond 。子 ●ach ro!at●d nscal yoor, ooples Of 3uCh audtod inanclal slaterrlents,audt report and managemontletteri a‖ inせЮ Eng‖ sh language,and such dhor infoma● ●n∞ ncemmg hOsO d∝ uments ond昴 o audn thorOOfa9 ADB sha‖ from ume tO tlme roasonabッ rOquOst (b) ADB sh● ‖disdoso the annua!audk● d nnandai statoments for tho Pn,Od and訥 o oplnlon oftho oudnors on訥 0 1na"ね I slatemonls wllh!n30 day8● fthe dBto of tholr ro● ●Ipt by posung hem on AD8'o web9ne (c) Th● lnancle:statemett for● 8-o「 sha‖ Ц uestto d… い aralrB whero they rOlate to Onablo ADB,upon ADB's o Prolect and hO B… r8flnand● l tho Prolect Wllll the audbrs eppOlntod pureuant to sub9odoo(ax‖ )herehabOvo,and sha‖ 麟Jpate :n any such 7● qu03tOd by ADB Thls ls pr劇 ● d that such dlscusslong sha‖ bo● mduaod al飾 n2● and roqu`ro ony mpro80ntam Of such audltors to pa‖ disa19sloll● only h the pro∞ nco of an author120d OmCOr d tho Bo― o訥 o南 3o ogree r,un!oss ho Oo― 山 ‖ Sec● on 4 04 Tho Bo― r sha‖ tBke a‖ actlon8 Wh Ch Sha‖ be ry on tts part tO onablo tho MDF to perform ns Obllga」 ons undor tho Prolod Agroomenti and sha‖ not tako or perrnit any aclon whlch would lnterfere 嘲 th h nec● 錮 porformanoo of ouch ob‖ ga耐 ons 6 ARNCLE V Efiactivenes3 Section 5 01 The tollowing ls spsdliod aB an additional condillon to tho ofiodivsness of thls Loan Agraemenl for the Purposes of Sscibn 9.01(0 of lhe Loan Rsgulatjons: the Ordinary Operations Loan Agrsomsnt 6hall have beon duly executed and dsliverad on b€half c U|€ Borowsr and all conditions predonl to hs effecllvenoss (othsr than a conditlon rgquiring tho etrectlveness of this Loan Agre€mont) shall havo boon fumlled. The followlng ls sP€cfl€d as 8n additlon€l matler, for Soction 5.02, ths purpo's€s of Seclbn 9.02(d) of the Loan Rogulatlons, to bo lnduded ln the opinlon or opinlons io be fumbhsd to ADB: that tha Ordtnary Oporatlons Loan Agresmont has be€n duly aulhodzod by or ratlflod by, and exsdried and deltvercd on behatt of, ths Bono\.,Br, and is legally blnding upon lho Bonowgr ln accordanca wlth lts terms. A dats EO days afler ths dete of thb Loan Agrssmoni is sectlon 5 03 sp€ctllod for tho efiedlvenoss ot lhe Loan Agrssmont for tho puposes ol Sec on 9.O4 of tho Loan Regul80ons, ARNCLE VI Drl.gttlon of Authorlty 6.01. Tho Boro$Br h€reby doshnat€s MOF as lts a€ent fo. S€ctlon the purpos€s of taklng any action or ontBring inlo any agrsemont rsquirBd or p€rmlttad undsl Sectlons 3.02, 3.03 and 3.05 of thh Loan AgrBomer and undsr Sectons 5.01, 5.02, 5.03 and s.Oi of lhs Loan Regulatlons. S● chon 6 02 Any acllon iaken or any agreemont entarEd into by ths Projocl Executing Aooncy purauant lo tho authority cont€r€d under Socllon 7.01 of thb Loan Agr€sn€nt shall be fully blnding on lho Bonower snd Bhall havo lh6 same forco and efleci as ll taken by the Borov/or. Section 6 03 Ths Buthority mnfenEd on the Projecl Executing Agsncy under Seciion 7.01 of this Loan Agre€ment may be rovokod or modmed by agreomont betyvsen tho Bonower and ADB. ARTICLE VII Ilsc.lhnaous Soctlon 7.0'1. The Minister ol Flnanco of the Bonou,Br a8 ropres€ntative ot the Borrow€r tor tho purpGes of seclion 1 as daslgn€ted 1.02 0f ths Loan Regulilbns. 7 The foll● wlng address● 3 0rO SpO血 df●「 訥o purposes Section 7 02 Or sect10n l1 01 ofthe Loan RoOulauons: Fortho Borcmr Pub‖ c Debt and ttemal Financo Dopartmont Mlnt6り Of Finanoe 16 Gor9asa‖ Sい ot,0114 Tb‖ sI,Goorgia Facsimlle Number For ADB (99532)2261461 Aslan Developmont Bank 6 ADB Avenuo Mandaluyong City 1550 Moい o Manila Philipplnes Facsimilo NumbFs: (632)63● 2444 (632)630‐ 2301 :N WiTNESS WHEREOF the panbs hoは o, acung through hel「 roprosorttatves thefountO duly euthotod,have catlsed this Loan′ ommentto be slned:n tho「 rospecave nar100 as oftho d8y and yoar l嗜 t above wtthn and to be dol卜 ●rod at he p‖ ndpa:ofnc0 0f ADB GEORG:A D:MITR:GVINDAD Mlnister of Flnanco Resldent R6pregentalivg G€orgla Rssident Mlsslon I SCHEDULE D.3cdPdon ot I lh. Prol.ct 1. Ths objoctlvo ot tho lnwstmed Progrem B to improve sflldsncy, rellabllty and afiordabllirry ot u6an fansport lnfrasfuclung and 36rvlcss. d tho lnv€stment Prooram, the ProJecl alm3 to lmprove ulbsn 2. A8 part 3. Th€ ProJecl shall conslst ol: transport lnfr4trucluro and seMoes ln sel€cted munkiPal[los. 4. (a) construction ol tlto s€clions ol a four'lang road (of sn epPro'mate aggregal€ lsngth o{ 10.8 kilomeiers) betrvEen ih€ city of Tblbi and ths city ot Rustsvi: (b) comtrudion of (c) ln Provlslon of Pr(tisd lmptotnentation suppst (thi8 indud€8 essistanco consttuc'lion supervision, procuromont, finEnclal manag€m€nl and onvlrcnmental and goctal safeguads, and pmvtslon of tlnanclal audits) and capadty (bvd@mont on brk ge conaltuc{on alrd malnlonanc'e' a 151 moier8 ttt Glano brilgo over tho Aragvi Rlvsr botwe€n the city of Mlskh€ta and ths natlonal easi-lr,sst hlghway; 8nd Ths Prolec't b expectsd ro b€ cornpleted by 3'l July2018' 9 SCHEDULE 2 Amoru2000n Sched口 o {Su● ta:n● Ы●Uttn Dato Pavment DuQ Tran3p● ■ h― Ont PmOram― PmJ● ct Pavrno献 2) d ttncbJ (OXpressod ln Speda: Drattng Rght3)・ 15」 anuary 2021 15」 uly 2021 15」 anuary 2022 15 July 2022 15」 anualγ 2023 15 July 2023 15」 anuary 2024 15」 u!y2024 15 January 2025 15 July 2025 15 January 2026 15 July 2026 15」 anuary 2027 15」 uly 2027 15」 anuaり 2028 15」 uly 2028 15」 anuary 2029 15」 uly 2029 15」 anuary 2030 15 July 2030 15 January 2031 15 July 2031 15」 anuary 2032 15」 uly 2032 15」 anuary 2033 15 July 2033 15」 anuary 2034 15」 uly 2034 15 January 2035 15 July 2035 15」 anuary 2036 15」 uly 2036 15」 onuary 2037 15」 uly 2037 15」 anuary 2038 15」 uly 2038 15」 anuary 2039 15 July 2039 15」 anuary 2040 15」 uly 2040 221,646 221,648 221,646 221,646 221,646 221,646 221.646 221.646 221,646 221,646 221,646 221,646 221,646 221,646 221.646 221,646 221,646 221,646 2211646 221,646 221,646 221,646 221,646 221,646 221,646 221,646 221.646 221,646 221,646 221,646 221.646 221,646 221,646 221,646 221,646 221,646 221,646 221,646 221,646 221,646 10 Schedub 2 Dato Pavmont Du● (OXpr● ‐ ●d:n Speda: Dredng RlghL)・ 221,646 221,646 221,646 221,646 15 January 2041 15」 uly 2041 15 Jerluary 2042 15 Ju!y2042 15 January 2043 15 Jdy 2043 15」 8nuary 2044 15 Ju:y2044 221,646 221,646 221.646 221,038 101039,000 Tota: Tha lmnef,ltlrn br prytirn .tia tut d b tlr ProYitlq[ R€rr.tb.t!, oa S.dotlt 3 O' oil ol tp Lryl 'lrd '' 11 SCHEDULE 3 :On and Wlnd― ●:o'L● an Pro― dB All《xヨ 蔵 The table ataChed to bls SchOdulo sets fom the catogo蔽 澪 of lorne of 臓臨 ∵l側 1島 脂 鴨鵠話趣肥 穏ポi::締 躙 諸押 認謡ど o) : Catogory or Subcatogory of be TaЫ Bags for Wnhdrawalffom tho Loon A― unt 39bu疇 s讐 1晟 濡 。n品 調 瀾 写 嵩 高 朧 詭 「犠 認 F凛 ‖詰 F:。 :誂 常 the Tablo “ lntorest Chamo 3 ThO● rnount albcated to Catogory 3 is for flnandng the:nterod charge on the orthO PrOleCt Loan du"ng the hpbmOntatlon p帥 “ Roa‖ ●caOon 4 N¨ standlng the a‖ ocatlon of Loan pec00dS and th● 嗣 rawal percon"9os 8otfodヽ ln the Table, (。 ) r the amOunt of腱 Loan 8!10Cated to any CatoOory appears to b● a糧 鵠 :躙 認 ぶ 調 器誂 ル 罵 剛 協 騰 1:需 撚 、電 』観 路 神 Dに burB● IIlent Prooodures 5 Exoopt oo ADB mey othen‖ se agree,the Loan p● ●oods sha‖ bo dlsbursod ln acoordan● e wllh mO Loan Dlsbursemont Handbook Romvo Flnoodno 6 Whdrawa:6 frOm mO Loan A中 nt may bo medo for reimbursoment of 鷹拙:財鳳鵬識認辮棚鷺淵鶏瀾 協 i鵬簡鼎鵠端出 maxhum arlountOqu∼ abntto 20%of be Loon 3mOunt Servloos,subleCt t。 ● 12 Attiacfiment to Scieduls 3 TABLE AILocAnoN AI{o IVITHoRAWAL oF LoAN PRGEEDE-(Su.t lnrbl. Urttn Trsn.pon tll pr€er.m - pror.ct 2) Numbar Totrl Amouni Allocrt d tor ADB Fln nclng (sDRl hem! Cd.oory 8,312,000 1 Works 2 Coneurung Sorvlcss 758,000 lntorgst Chamo ?23,O00 4 ' Una‖ ocatod 1,346,000 Total r0,639,000 Erdr6h/6 cd taro! and duih tnFsod udthln tho te[rito.y ol thc for Umhdrawat frofi Lorn Account 20% ol totsl €xp€ndltJrE dBlm€d' 20% of total expenditure dElrned' 'lOO% of smounb dua BororE. th. 13 SCHEDULE 4 Procun"nont Of wO慮 ●●nd Coneu:ung serv:.● 8 General 嵐m“ 2. "hlmu淵 l躊 md l胤 冨‰澗品選 糊 ° 出ゝ All terms used ln this Scheduts and not oth€rwiEe doflnod Agre€.n€r he'/€ the mosnings provldod in lhe Procurement Guld€llnesln thb Loan andor tho Consulling Guldellne, es appllcable. Works :Lssdl而 ml認 磐 γ 鰤 訓 。日y ""r00'Worko晰 4 a m procur“ On tm ulings,the detaled The Bor―r 0 may agreerrlent of AD8, a Condtons for A"rd of Contrad 5 The Bo― r sha‖ not aⅥ 燿劇 any VV。 ■s contraa whlch involv00 onvionrrlenta‖ mpatt llnt‖ MDF has: (a) 。btahed thO nna approval of ole lEE ttm the apprOprlat● the BorOwOη and (b) in∞ rporated ∞ ntaa the rolovant provls10ns ttЮ ●ulhoⅢ d m thO EMP IntO ne Work9 謂 乳i出)騰富選 器 乱躙ltRI昭 懺需 DB's doaranco of3uch LARP COnsuluno ulcos 7. Fttmpt as ADB may cherw180 0groo,thO BO_,sha‖ apply qua1ly‐ and oost‐ baSed 801(κ ‖on 8 a… donco hdじ 輛J =冒 。nsuro that MDF for 9oledng and On9oging cOnsunh9-ces ThO oO― r6ha‖ ensuro衝旧t MDF romn thO hdMdual consuLnts in nth pmcedures aく ng indMdual cOnsullant9 "ptable to ADB ror recru‖ Orl献 d OduJ Pr000‐ Rお hヽ 需rauon翻 淵pmoR出 絆鰍1渇 蹴 響 :剛認識麗Ш 曰 『 珊」 Sdl€dule 4 incorporat€d ra(hln other goods 6nd s€rvicos p]lcurod) do not violat€ or lnfdnge any induslrial proporty oI lntellecluEl property ight or clalm ot any thlrd party. (b) Th6 Bonowrr shatl onsure that all dthacls tor the proct rEment of Works contaln approprlate rsprssontatbng, wzrrantles and, eppropfuio, lndemnlll€s lrom the cor rador o. Buppli€r with rospod to lhs mauers rofenBd to ln subperagraph (a) of his paragraph. 10. Ths Bonower shall ensurE that all ADB-tinancod contractg wilh consuttants contaln approprbto ropresontations, wanantios and, lf approprlste, lndomnlltss from tho conoultanB to €nsuE lhat Consurung SoNtcas provld€d do not vlolate or lnfrlnge any lndustrial prop€fty or lntellectusl prop€rty dght or daim ot any thlrd party. ADB'S Roviow of Procurem€nt Ooclsions 11. Cootrscls p.ocured under intomatlonel cornpotitive blddlng proc€dures d contracts for Consulung SoMco. shall b€ subj€ct to prlor rovbw by ADB, unlo8s oth€nriso agrg€d b€tlrEon the Bo,IonEr and AOB and set forlh h the P]o€ursm€nl plan. 12- The Borovr€r Bhall sook ADB'S opFoval bofo.€ (a) [: grants any erlenslon ol lho 3tipulated tim€ for comptotion of 6 contrsd for Wdi(8; or (b) agroo8 lo any ,nodllicatbn or tt,alvsr of lhe conditbns of a conFasl fof Works, lndudln€ Eny chango ordor lhal f'lls undor (c) or (d) botow; or (c) ls6uer eny changa order undor a conbed for Works thst tNill in agErsgato hcrss8o tho orighel conbecl pdco (for the aroidance of doubt, eucfi aggrsgate 6hall take lnto eccqJnt any prevlous or slmullaneous chang€ o.d6r d o{U€rt undor sudt contrEct): or (d) i9su6s any chango ord6r und€r a @ntsact fo. Wofts thal wlll aied moro than 15% o{ ttB orlglnsl cofliract prlce (either through lncrsa8€s or dry€asoa), ewn ll the n€t olled ol Euch ctEngo ord€r wlll nol ln aggrBgste lncrBaso lhe orlglnsl confad pdce. For tho a\loldancs ot doubt, 8ucfi aggr€g8to shall take lnto account dly provlorrs or slmultanoous chsn€o order or odsrs undor 6uch @niracl. 13. ADB shall rospond b €ad|,equ6l lor epproyal undd p€rEgrEph t2 abor€ wllhln 10 bu8lnoss da)r8 (ln ManllE) of ADB'8 rEcolpt of such Equest Such respongo will lndlcatc that th€ rEqu€d ls (a) approv€d, (b) d€dlnod, (c) p€ndh rEcslpl of addloonol lnformgtbn or dGrmontEtbn, d (d) pendlng conslrergton by ADB'3 Procurern€ri Commitl€o, ln eacfi cas6 es ddormln€d by ADB. lf ADB lells io rBpond wlthin 10 bushess dayt (h Nhnlla) ot ADB's rocolpt of sudr r€quost, tho requert (cxcopt if ll rolates to conslderatlon by tho ProqJroment Commlttoo) stpll bc deomed to haye b€on approved by AD8. ln tho c€Eo of (c), th€ BonotYsr shall Fo.npoy prorrld. he rsquoted irfomation or docr.rnentetlon lo ADB ard ADB shall r€Epond to the rolovant r€quost wlthin 10 buslnoss days (ln Manlla) upon reaelpt of suclt roquostod lnfdmation or documoniatlon s€lisraclory lo ADB. ln ihe caso ol (d), ADB shall noiify the Bcro*,er of tho dsdsion by tho Proorromeni Sdldulo 4 Commme€ wlthln Commluo€. 14. The (a) t0 br.6ln€!s ds)r8 (ln Msnala) of 8ucfi declBlon by tho procursmer Borwor she[, or Bhsll onsuF th€t MDF wlll: of sll tma extonslons, hcludlng cfisngo od6rs) peGgreph 12 sbovo and (b) m€lnteln a rocord of a[ change oder8 undor all contracis for Wdks whlcfi do not rsqulIo ADB'8 p.lor apprcyat undo. p.ragraph i2 ebol,o 6nd Subml 8uch rerd for ADB'6 revlow every 6 nrcnttrc. 16 SCHEOULE 5 Erccdton of prol.ct Rnlndd f,rilsra lmolomentallon furanosmonts 1. The Bonowsr and MOF shall an8ull that Ule proJeci ls implemented tn accordenco ndth th€ dstailod anangomontB set fDrth ln lhe pAM. Anli eubsequint chaflg€ to the PAM shsll b€co]fl€ ef,gc vE only anor approval of auch cfrango by thd Bororci8nd ADB. ln tho evenl of any discropancy b€thson he pAM and thb Loan A!rcomer and/or the Prolocl Agreomert, th€ provlstons of thb Agre€ment and/or thtpn €ct A€[E6mont shall prBvsil. Lo Envlronment 2. Tho Eonolvor shall causo MDF to ensur€ that the proparatbn, d€sEn, constnrclbn, lmdemBnlaticn, oporaton and decommlscioning of the prolect comply wiih: la) all applk=blo lss ond rsgul6ti6ls ot the Bonour€r rrtstng to enviroilnsrl, treatttr, ahO satotyi (b) lhe Environmontal Safoguards: (c) ths EARF; and (d) a[ meaaurcs and r€qutrom€nts s€t forlh ln tho r6poclhro IEE snd EMP, snd eny conBclrvo or prev€ntBuv€ aclbns s€t forth in a S8foguards Montlorhg Repo( Land Acoulsltlon and lnvoluntarv Resattlomsnt 3. a Th€ Eqrouror shall causo the irDF to onsurB that a[ land ond rtghts-of-way roquirod for tho Projd ar€ made ayallauo to tho Workg conbscloI ln eccordanco $,ith lho schsdulo agrood urder the rBbted Works contracl and all land aoqulsitbn and rosoUefllsnt ac{irilba ars lmplemontEd ln compllanco wfih: (a) all appllcable laws and r6gul6lbns of th€ acqui8ilbn and lnvoluntary resotuemont; (b) the lnrclunt8ry eM roqufrment8 sBt in any corocfve or prevontatiw aclbns set torth tn a Sat€guards (c) the LARF| and (d) ell measurcs Monltorlng Reporl. lrnltng the Bpp caflon ol tllo lnvotuntEry ttho LARF __ or Wnnout tl|o LARP, the Bononor Rssotdomont Safeguerds. shall cause MDF to ensure economlc displacomont takes daca ln connec0on wilh tho proled urdl: (a) tlut no phys_-i:al or compensailon and othor ontiuomonts have boon provldod to aflecled p€opl€ ln accon dlco wlth the LAFIP; and (b) I e compr€honstvo lncoma and li\rsllhood restoEllon program hes boon estsbllshed ln accordan:e ui1$ the LARp. ndioonoug P6or{os 5. ewnt adhoros I dtscrapan prevsir. the lho P.'ecl' ln €ncurE that ll l{ ther€ 16 anY the sPs thell 17 Schedul€ 5 Human and Financlal Resourc€s lo lmolement Saroouards Reouirements 6. Tho Borro or shall causo MDF to mako availablo necassary budgstary and human rssour@a to fully lmplomont the EMP and the LARP. Salequards - Relaled Provisions ln Biddino Oo(rlmsnls and Works Contre{s 7. The Bonower Bhall cause MDF to snsure thal all blddlng documents and contsads for Wsks contain provislons lhat roqulra confedors to: (a) comply with lhe rneasures and requir€ments r€loyant to lh€ contaclor set fodh in tho lEE, tho EMP and ths LARP (to tho oxlent they concom lmpacis on attected p@de during constuclbn), and any corI€ctfue or prsventatlvo adhns set out in a Safeguards Monftoring Reporl: (b) mak6 available a budgel tor all such envlronm€ntal aM soclal msasuros; (c) proyide ttl8 Bonouror wilh a wdtten notioo ot any unanticipatod enyimnrn€ntal, rBsotllsmgnt or lndlgenous p€oples rlsks or lmpacls that arko durlng construc{on, lmplementation or operatlon ot tho Proj€d thEt lr€rs not corBldsrod ln tha lEE, ih€ EMP or th€ LARP: (d) adoquately rEcord tho corditlon of rosds, Bgrlcullural land and oth€r lnfrastuc,turo prbr to startrE to bansport materhl3 and conEtruc{on: and (e) tully rElnslale pathvvays, other local infrastructur€, and sgdcrrltural land io at leagt thek pr8-9rojec{ condruon upon the cqnpletlon ol conEtsuc{bn. Safmuards [{onitorino and Roportino 8. Th€ Bonovrsr shall cause MDF to do tha following: (a) submit semLannual Seteguards Monitoring Reports to ADB snd disclos€ rBlevant information from such reports to aflsdgd persorB promplly upon submigsion; (b) if any unantlclpatsd envkonrrEni,al and,lor social rtsks and impacb aris€ during construc,ilon, lnplomenlatlon or op€ratlon ol the Plolod thal trpre not consldered in the lEE, th€ EMP or ths LARP. promptty infsm ADB of the ocdJnBncs ol sudt rbks or impacB, with deEilod doscrlpuon ot thc ev€nt end propos€d con€c1ive ac on plan: (c) no laler than 3 monthE aner the Efecllve Dato, ongage quallll€d and sxpsriencod o{€mal €xperts or a qualmed NGO und€r a solocllon procgss and tsrms ot rsfersnca a@ptabl€ to ADB, to verlry lnformatbn producod through tho rosd rnonitorlrE p.oooss, and 18 Schedule 5 faci tale tho csrrying out of any verlllcation actvitios by such extemat experts; and (d) reporl any sctusl or potonual breEch of cornplhncs with th€ m€asurss and roqulraments ssi forih ln the EMp or the LARP prompuy aner becomlng awarB of tho b.each. Prohlbtlsd Llst of lnysstmonts 9. ThS Bonower shall cause MOF to onsurc thst no procoeds of tho Loan ars ho lbt of prohlbned invesbnenl adMuos proyldod ln used to..flnsnca any qcdvtty lndudod ln App€ndlx 5 of the SPS. Hoalth and Labor StrEnda.ds 10. The Borro\rr€r sholl caus€ MOF to onsurc th6t contractors ongaged under tho Pro.ioct (a) comply wtlh all Bppllcabl€ hbor lew! and rEgulauon3 of th€ Bono$ui (b) us€ thek b€st oflorts b employ ronr€n alld loc€t poople, lndudlng dlsadventagod peogti, itvtng ,."..t provldo equal pay lo men and uomen for wolk of equel typel quip flrst-ald, ho€lh and ssn[aUon, an<l persomt hynidm (Ol fac wortsts at th€ project stte; (e) conduct an htorms0on and educsllon campsEn on E€xuslly trensmlttod di8€osos and Hlv/AlDs lor conslrucion y,oIterE pal.c,f 1s lho hoalth and saJety program at campElloo snd ad,lacoot commurltbs during Prqod impternontston; and (f) aNrln ftom tlld tabor. ContractB financod under the pojei strsll lndude spoclflc provlslons on the96 r€quirsments. Gonder and D6vEk orn€nt 1'1. Th€ Bonower shell causs MDF to €nsur€ that: (a) th6 gender edbn plan 19 implornontod ln accordsnc8 w{tfi lts tsrns; (b) Uto blddlng documenC lndudo rslovant provl:lons to( contsaclorr to comply wflh lho m€asur€B s€i lor$ ln the gender ac$on plani (c) adoquate resources are allocst€d for tho lmplemanteton of tho gencler actcn ptani and (d) key gender outqne Govsmanco and and ouFd to€sts ar€ monitor€d rsgul€rly and a€rllswd. Crruplbn 12. The Eonorrer snd MOF shalt: (a) comply wtth ADB'S tutticonup0on pollcy (]994, as amondod to dato) end ackno,rtodge that ADB r@€rves tho rtlht to lnv€Bugat; dlrecty, or throwl tts agontE, any allogod corlupt, h8udul€nt, collushre or-coercio pra&ce rolatlng to the fto,lec1; and (b) cooporate wlth any such lnvosttgatbn and exiend all nscossary asaiatBnce for setlsfaclory comphtio.r ot sucfi hv€sUgauon. 13. Tho Bonollor shall cauee MDF to en9ur6 thal th€ an corupton p.ovlslons accoptablo to ADB aro includ€d ln sll blddlng doqrmont6 and conusds, lndudhg fmvtslons spedfying the ri;ht of ADa to audlt and examh€ the rEcords and accotrrts ot th;'oxocutng and lmdemontlng agetrcbs snd all conlradoE, suppllors, consutrnG, and oiher servhe provldoE as thoy rolals lo th6 Projecl. 19 Sdredulo 5 Ooorational Cownants 14. Th6 Borosr€r 6hall cause MOF to onsurs lhat (a) the prol€cl ls lmpl€montod In accordanca w h d$lgn spociflcalbns and constructbn noflrs; and (b) odnstucton supoMslon, quallty control and conlrBd meneorn€nl ero porfofm€d ln aciordancs wlth intomatlonal standarls. '15. Th€ Borouror shall ensl'rB that the rolevant munlcjpslttbs or aulhoritios lnsta apEopriate safBty sEns and facllltbs durtng lmptem€ntE$on end ensuro monltodng of tho acdd€nt rot8 and befllc volume. '16. Tho BorrorEr End MDF shatl onsuro lhat ADB'8 consent b obtElnsd at loasl 6 months pdor !o lho lmplomentstlon of sny of tho tofowing: (e) sny c,tano€ ln ownerahlp of any ass€t, fadlity or stn drr€ financed undor the ProJoct (b) any salo, trensfer, or asslgn n€nt of lntc(€sl or @ntsol ln any a8sol, tedltty or suucturr flnenced undor tho pn ecl; (c) r€vlslon, amordmenl of rastal€rnont of MOF8 Chaner Ol5l may sfl€ct knplsmontallon or mansgomer of th6 Pro.lo€t or (d) my les6€ or oth€r conFact or modiflcaton ol the tuncdons and authorlty of MDF ovor of,oratbn end m€lnlonanca o( any Such assst" fedlfiry or strucluo llnancad under th€ PIoJ€CI. The Boflo$s shall cnslJlD that any sucfi chsnggs wifl bo csnl€d oul h e logal and transparEnt mannor. p.>BoSrGLtCdoL Bsr6ffo bnq?n;trrtrq3lo (l*jor6ognqrn: 3q6r6oqo 16ls63qo $6s6bJor6$ot 6o63notr6g6ob Jt6o66oil's) 3h,1611tro: (FFA), Er,rdAqga') So6.rAqnA$66 qogoSo6bXloU 6ot6ltcl bCR?CJ6fRCa.! l,rJor6ognqoU ('Us;lu6orgnqoJ qo rtoolt O!50oo!dr0.ol, 616;L ('ADBJ ?o6ob 2'l onSolro, 2010 M FF bOo600b60o00 3● o6る oa、 in,[.;111;1",'. il;1i]('i,r'rH,' l{l Iiil'i'1,.\o'}:tr)lt. lrs;1.:dr'r'J('r'rN'. ?;;''11i1111-'l' [rrh111'r'ril6rxn' I iIr1's',rs6rq'o .iil'il g'rq's('rolr ;1;11,;1'q'16111r lr.,r,l,;1;11r1)r11r*r .rrrrlr,,,r'rril.: 1'lrrr;1ti1;;11-;1 r11lr J,ititil0,)n6,,. lr.rtrq,r'r q,.r ilq,lit6rsrr ';1<r<\..t,,;1r.*,r (yr,r.rf'lr.tor.rflolr h;;g1itoL,'\'3r1'r',Hlr,l.r L tr.rl.\t+ror3;;r-r''lr',1r'rl.rtr';1qrr .r11'1,,r,r{'lt,\ol'. Ns"htl{'r,,it}rx,,. 2.5 3|ll'6 ilolrnbq'olrorlolr n6t'r1yrn;;1 q'.rt'i'1.:r6;;AoL 5.-$;y;;.rL fl';;6o11o.I'rqrtgl(11drrlr; Ri ltl jlt6rnng1:l,'rl) ihtrrl3'r.)r'tll11i')r' qr $1l6o,11trro .1.'y, hrxn. esr'ror;1otr 1,,.:6;yxn..r'ogAolr,1y,rf'q,rlrsor3olr, grr6sGlryao, .trrlr;1JOrr ?Jo,l,{';14.' &'x1;.r;1{;tI ?Xit[,151: I .y'rilJcr6l6Srr: r6trs6i1r{rr grrriElr.lodr$olr o6o,jfo.>b1)61J$7r6ot) LfaTlslitrruJ.\ 't i1'l'1prrl, q.. hop11trotr r'o;1,y'r5lr$r63fiyr.r [o.r flt6]str;1trlo 1lbo3trr$rrlr 2. 3 tl lll ei6.:3sq g16.r5ilo;5,r p.:go6;5L;loL f3J.r5otflo q.r 15.rr'.r;13r"lr 5.>1lila'.rtrnL3dr lrs'l,r'ril.rqcrlICrrr;yr (iri.:6LJor61'yrtr ;llr;1rgoh. rtf"1lri.rh$r6'1;11$',lroolr r'r;1;i\r rq'o$rgrrs qu.' 6.r".1.rr<rorlr3}..l ill,rs;1.rq,.3'I6J1yr1l'ro 6s51Aoi1Ao, ilsor '3r'116olr. J.r6,1trCr;1}s 1'.: ii,r,ldr.rlr,\olr 0rdror;;.' .y,,ilJl,i,;yt gyl r,6l$r,6 ;11y'r',6rlll','p,r 6s61yxnst'o;fr ,1,,ri).n.rtrX6(yr: .ir<rrr6t?r.ri}rlr ilsrzrorl,,lr il;;1.'6rJl'ilo ilr-".'.g,rs1'1jr'rst' il,r.rf', 11..1,,1';yr;1t",91o,. ' g.."1of'sf,lt;;,\,,1, 3X;lst,il'il tr:'o6;g1;116, r1 1r rl r .116r'r6r<i.,i r L q.'1,.'1,rt.r6lr;;,\ig,rq oU ,irrCrr,rl'orr,. 16r'ril .'L;p,o ,,JGXir.r -'f,' il6a r (MFF .,6 ;tilrt,ir,ir,) ilsl'r51-;ld ii r 'lr'rlr;1J$;;ir lr .]rrlr;1J1)X&r 'il;llrrd"ihlrrri\.' ilo q,r'tr.'r4o,?o fooxro,;1l1t!l' ,;t6rr$;fxr';131411.16 I qs [rr6sflq1ldsdr;| MFF ilr.r1H.r6or\' .lot6r'rI1Aor.'6. !r,f,..ilq,;;i\,.dr;1 l-lrA .6r ..,3o116;y\lr lr,:it.rr6orq';1&zrrr;1 ;1.rq q';1\1'11-;1\;;t'lr. ADB-lr ` √.,1皆 塁塁塁軍理型全[=ヽ 二 t,,1,, _ _ 「 ア "`ι ヽリ .. =t,ビ ト コヽ る。 `611● 、 ADB‐ L ,1■ 嗅 ` ` J‖ 、、 1ド ハイ、トイIド 11ミ て■` る` `11 ヽ` .`ヽ :)ら I興 F・ 1, &。 (lメ h● て FFA■ ヽ Ⅲ ,。 `Ⅲ FFA 56 せ ,116メ ,1, 卜 ``ヽ 〉 0 0(つ `0,b`・ 6 am,ぃ ゃ メヽ ヽ ":卜 “ ` ` わ 嗜0 "R:β 。 l .,ヽ `い ●oっ 調 `“も│、 q、 ■o■ ,ヽ lqn卜 0、 `嗽 ● い o,ine・ , 、3F● 1● │ Я R、 ■o ■:In。 3ヽ L ηJ映 :ll, `。 (]1ド ィ ヾ ,い “Jあ ヽ `o FFA `卜 ヽLo` も、卜 ADB‐ K型 ■ 。│ ヾヽ卜 興1ヽ ぃヽ ■ ヽ “ ヽ ■,N、 :IRn,1,v‐ .,ハる(11) lう ● `■ 。 L、 ぃうol「 │ヾ い11' ル コ 1)``メ ■Oh、 あ●0` ヽ `ぁFl、 n 、 ・ 6矢 :Ⅲ ゞ ・ "Jk,wⅢ o「 `、 卜 ハ・ 卜 η 11卜 R“ 1「 l貨 ` ● 「 lⅢ :Rllll`千 1ヽu,` (1, .、 史、 ・ ・ ,111` .,あ :メ ,あ 1、 l` ′││卜 {,ntJ,,6rEl,JA,,l' i\ili\i}i :{ゞ ti、 J311` ・ “ ,(1:,"1)ヽ “ ど ''` 卜■ '「 11ヽ 0.ヽ r・ Ⅲl`・ 'ハ ‐ ゃ uあ る ■o156L]I・ ヽ▼ RrSoSJELCaob Jo'ioa0ro l・ `` ilt' , ■,ヽ で、 6`6ヽ 0ヽ ぃ │。 iぃ 3、 マ l● 17) `、 lrq (aR5 sirn 』 】 樹舗濡 '1灘船囃難畔ヽ 搬楡淵 哺榛・ ` ⅢⅢl.史 め ■ ,1● "1, "卜 . h.l・ ` 卜ヾ 11ヽ 、 7'卜 い 賞 (1、 Yぃ ‖llい 。イ llo、 “ ADB‐ ト i6 i}ndnE{1dolr lnhoor' rlr;ynrr 0r'r6'llolt ihSid'o' \'it\i+, r6r\,;]6ooh. :F't('tt0aiRii"l, 6rL""L"t.rq'or$ $ ru.{to6i6l'iti\nl'x l,itl'hol'] ADB-I, l,\i\i.r,i6(',,x,, il,1hr./,.\6 il,;lsr,o,tisilii. reroillll;io11 &rilit !,1,\r?o oJ56l.' ('rr',.'t,'il.'l',rifi'\,r,,1{,,',,}l ir.\ol, hi|qAr'$Jr'roL |l'(,itl, ititil.t,ll,3',1, l'. il,t..r{,arL, -r 4,s.;1,,lirLL;p,,I il.ljltoi14-';(r0 n,.\f'b"., 100 ilq6 s?'il. {. ,q..nx, ,,!},, inr\i,,!.,it.(:n(", "Jl,;f.. ( r.\..titJrl[ Oirr.\t' ]Xfoo AD8-iil, I'tll',lr! if'6',it.' rt: k,Oll-:)'rx, 6Jl,:td,l,ii'Nsfr' r. ' l,.ru r,,.'11",16" 1t.a6("ii '1, axlrlol';p,1".'5'. ;y"3;1qo ll;1[hol' r*1r'AiA' Nn q:iiqJa0I,,A]6ol,i']t'ir60r\ osrtJit.')rlo Or"s6ihl, J.,6dxxlt 6?o ('r ?nh$..;hl,ols?o oil6JA.\ ADB'I' aopliS .I,'sl.oOD,JT6 .t:i6lE[t. $ a$r6o't6oL A.r6brlipill od's6u.D J06,-pn|q" $,Sd6r6l',tf.b aoobq6.L ?a&lRaai s'6.\i$SG!50t ml6 Vqol' 3l .iwl$oli,lto. iSb1lot' rx\:Ir6o(,biplt Ai6[o6OoSqC]l (PFR) 9.\'ripAJe. Jo6en6lo qs R8liq0rAao l\r+x6@AJqo x1616;xgyoSh Uo1U{o O6n6Ao a.a1d q{ ?garlDsq'o[ .]6.rd6.QD 6.w3qq'ol'$o6Ca qo L'61giinl' ,{rllw3o6.\5badq.N. goL.A('nrrq3 FFA. a', tr i Jo:IR{' 0615&,1, t!'l'01,h., h {?i}fitR$.'?" &.r1sifu qo Jt6olnr\rnr ?11'.rl.Sok4, lllr.l.'6"IA.l' fl,\6aq'itA?o lrghlrrm iL!l,;i;ylllo '8ili]'rl,s:tstq,,, i\.*r:06J4:R o SsA"itC6:F.n, 'xtaq" ol1rh J6i!$l1qr, arr.h6l,l.,60.h J.toilloiit,l, (il!\.i}'6i6bii{'stp. nr',ila|r.l{,. 'aitl,.?I16nl,,"}in'.. (,.',(itP,'l).t6i'Oifa,'XAii,tr iloi1gs6,aq",' f,,r+A|l'jtA..r,J fl A-,1 ihJ {,.J',\'i'o, iI' ?al|16Iqilsr l,s,'6itillt,\ r, r' .tl",,5rrr"it,'h 6.'[,H"h0r.,1jo;n-,ip;qo lrr.iu60r,, (l:A) oj6ii,' l'..iln6,nllE{,irh ihti(r'ili*-';.tr.ri, it'r,lt,xtrs6ii,ol, "Jn6\x' (lllDF), A.,6nSoRi, +,.tti,( r,'.r"rqrhi)s61A,n MDF., ort*hodttyrl11-'ipl' J:ff.)60Jil$0Al, '16i(5iAdl' lrro6;[1h0,1t,r,r .16(,d6.\ilol, yt,v66{ii1ih. il bl||!]?&I6'J,{$oh ,}odru{-' q,\tsr'{i;1,, ilraigit")A.., JfroS(pJJ}.,l)i 1..\ 454 ,e.rt'.rr6onrl, ?;pt;Xolr .f''igiy''nJihA,n' n;1lrsl.'&'lt q. 6.*ltq0r"(i tr,.g"6d'n, '6oh &r16straq", i,r)JJtii, O6r6"nl' l]06@Rir.'o ?10516bi6o aoobc66$o o,f,o{o t hiEt il&t6?R'ijls? hoglu ADB{' qryr.r6h3t,lr ,r6',O6.r&ns -$h ?it:rlq N 'Dha;rlb. J6oilih8lol' \u.L\t'6.\61, \.!p e;IJ.6ol'&'ll ar.VE\oA]Ju$ J#t,,"ef<,' "Jo6n6l,?ttno t.n,ho'06oh "J-\6bRira"o lritltt0lo[ (PFR) f.6tcaaG'1, l"rlt;'.trRt + :,('.Ii!{o PFR i!6{{s $n6.t{,ao& 'l! l,sCs6'ni q.r C.rLmr6 ,$.'J.rir?ri'liiitRo [aq?cJ6re.ilsb (sq{ra6:|l{{i h.1fl1\r.'xi.[ lN,tl,tn (Hq"q0aii6[ +J8qAa. .!"'Riil' OCR hltxltk. ..1,1-. I'al,l,n'.{,il', i1.*.ai$6i1.{itq.o i,J6iin .tA.ol' l'.l rcrq,:r6o .|' 6ntI4hiio{.\6 i\\riil,ri\'. l;n\,'l'&'rfn, l,1lLlv,lar3rl' ,;.$.11o1f.q... Z(rbf I a5X6iE $r,v+x(ra5|q,t lll rr\tl r.6 ,,.rir\r,iinli l$l' l,lxr .lrir'r i&tl, q ita.iR;,6iAr nililq.iii\r, lNl'ri.'iA"llJ;i.r. $ni,I18(or\.n$\ 'z ;1,"x;1s1,, r,ir'"n, l,.litlil,,, n/n"A,r!, ,r,rro { a,q..lllrA,n, ilifuflr'. n\r,\iti.. sF llnliil'll, R l,.l,xl,r,", ,n'6rtr|:fn',.\1, rfrrri\tt'ra7,.''il', hnl,itl)t,r' r,'nn,lAiirl(t 'r-, 'tX o.tif.r\ 1,, ,r,r?,6aiirl\ QJJifEAi/CFmlf tED BY M,rr'srr} .,r 6,rr.te,, l.,trrr.Itrorr t Aor 0碑 1ヽ 静 。 lllbも ♪1, ト ● い71暉 ヽ ゎ ロ k00も 0め ヽlrmヽ 6:● 。l oCnヾ 。1,0"│(MDF), PFR― “ nヽ 、“R、 0`。 6● 0` ヽ あ` 。 ヽド ヽ “η IM`¬ 興い1,1,■ メヽお 1ヽ 静 mm● 00 (,`,3ヽ 鸞 静 鋪 │■ mt・ ヽ製 ‖h督 〕 るヽ 6、 ● 611' ■lwi、 F卜 ヽ l, ● B興 6・ lγ n ゛●,興 1, .610も `ヽ 、J, PFRヽ 。,¬ “o洵 J● L A【 )8■ , ぃ ,い 、 `嗅 ヾ、 い。 ■1、・ 卜Ч ・ 贅│●やヽ o■ いnl,゛ “ ヾ:β ヽηJL` ユ n,h。 、31卜 1ヽ 1■ `理 │■ lrl檀 ゛゛ "ROも “ l`.1蔵 、 い ●`nti● 、, a,(、 ぃ、 ‖ メド PFRて ,, ,● ¶`:` 61,i■ ● ・ 卜 `"1"t、 「 ` お` 0■ ● (■ ■ o1 16`o」 ●0調 ♂h 史.耐 arttIIヽ ■14 _6■ ・ ■β■理 o6■ 川 Ⅲ `“ 、ふ 、 卜、 │メ Ⅲ ■J,4ヽ ■■m 、 rヽ 1・・ 判 ヽメ:ド 、¬贅a"ヽ か'■ も "ぃ ヽ ヽli`“ ,卜 11' ヽt'6● 13.111:""ト トa“ irO`│" 1,● ●〕JO■ いヽヽ Nヽ `卜 I口 ・ :ぃ "、 `"│● `:メ ト ● ,¬ 。 i16● J■ 1,&.'aい 、 ヾ:● 、 `り ."、 n3卜 1,tor, 6い る()・ ORヽ い。 ` a 。、 。 u廣 ,6・ ,b6● 0`゛ nJJ● 6oヽ “ a`ふ 6`・ :a"町 O'■ b碑 ● ● 6“ マ ヽ 0‐ ■●しい●OL “ 「 」 Omoつ `a,´ ▼漁 理 ■3m bhoy60■ 雪 `,(3η 凛 `'卜 “ 16・34“ 鈍 ` PFR b“ 卜 0“ ・ bお い● “ ¶`,“ 61Ю ,。 t r,6!Ro 0"&"8:5Or"L IoUCJar- .)60(]Cpi6fllo R蝸 。 mL 贅、 υR:0'L 8● 3 ゃ、 ヽR, (FAM)η ¨ い bttDJR3S6標 0も 1、 あ nO“ リ “ ,■ “ ` い ヾ、F聖 0 “ 叩 bttb"D軍 R。 も ヽお螺 静b '“ Ob ● b四 ●コrtlR゛ `iも ar〕 .5● ゆ■ `tltuRや ``%・x・ n 166澁 “ル b ゛ , ηa哺 輌 喚 ぃ6い 女p凛 n。 史 bnょ 〕 …v“ , 0'。 'Ъ `,♪ 濤 , ant郵“ ■。 いヽ ゎ あ卜 も 、 LJ,“ , 時.。 。 J60ヽ `嗅■LF● ■RIお :'■ ` “ a♪ 60■ ar, .ぃ。 ぃ6い つ , 0■ ■ 角 ハ,a`,1, 1.`わ 贅 あ ¬。│` ` 。 0■ ' 6め ` 6η :,0 ゃ ヽ :IIl:'(1● Y● 0あ ヽ11rド `11、 ハL ヾ 、、:綺 ■く│ハ :「 ト ・ 1、 “ `‖ イ (い しヽ `DB L A■ 卜 、、ぃ●6J埋 . PFRⅢ ■Jい ヽ1^ 史¨ X ⅢⅢ3oお 卜 ′ 1ヽ "‖ 口 ヽる PrR.卜 、 、 ハ:`■ ヽ1 ヽ ta(v`‖ 15ヾ ヾ :`,「 ロヘ "w`J: “ }PFR `、 ●′ (2)│.。 J・ ″ 1:ヽ ■ っ6● ● Tヽ ヾ ハ̀'6.■ I ADB‐ 卜 6 ●:r"` 6卜 │:ハ ,lg゛ “ allH、 (ヽ 「 ・コ l`,.(1ド l、 ,■ “ Ir"`:lヽ 6■ `,,、 `。 , (3) 1:,¬ ,,禦 ` ■ ●0'ま Ъ ■ い おsb。 、6、 、,1.0■ め゛ 0 `、 "禦 L PFR",Lれ 霊♪ 。L nЬ 。6rn、 ▼¨ コ れ ヽヽ 、 ぃ も、ヽ■`゛ ■静 〕R゛ ゛ L":♪ `β か L6● 鸞 ゛16も 、卜│し "熙 `■ ",bO製 “ PFR ,1● lw彎 . 3P“ HtO● 氏n 3“ a,も ¬ 5 `u.も 興。 ,0ヽ ,● 楔 Jヽ `x● N(b R(bヾ め ヽヾ(ハ lヽ (D bnも “ bflbhol' ヽol, o,“ o,,6k,l' ,!qitk*i: (1) (4)● ,コ PrR o5dJo6a.\]os ADB、 ぃ、ぅ tl● (2) \"sls,ltoL\ShJiliJRo J6oi[jd0&n JDa.]o6c56Jaol' .x,volrrir (l) :r,iuRo la&et!r6a'{" *|JJ6Fcd0ot ?fir.rb0t@o sfur6d?0&r w 'ilot6oL, 6rr?11&r L ?flAil,itaol s6b.rr6oft,, i1r6L'hqarob &1b& - or1| .\l,Uon' (a) r6t'ii{.Ol' qn A.,1tq&'a{Ao6i!.o A.q&'a{Ao6i!.o lNaUe,re. PFR-oI arshor,Oo;tRJalq -.1J4"o,sxs't ` `つ6('6め ` U('ら 「 ・ J66s6d?o So5.\ lbqr6m]xrXlot qo6oL,loJ]iJ]'bJ: i,Anlqo lr1l,LrL, xr J6!'illdfl.i'l' hn61td,.{d!,0},tF t{.t m, ; 1rnヽ ■ 61略 メ 10,ヽ 6 ・6 `J, a“ l`¬ R゛ 。 ハ や` .い 3■ 060` ■ 鸞0卜 、xTヽ 鸞url● や"6● しい。 lル ヽ 卜 れ蒟山ヽメ (6)、 lR■ ltrn.R“・ ■, v"Ⅵ 厳J、 ヾ、 お0、 ゎ れ ・ ` ,卜 興、 (5)11「 い ・ 1lh♪ `、 ,``"ハ J理 │ハ .hヾ ヽ ,1、 卜 ● "r ilヽ 、 : ●ぅo,T`ヒ rrrlf}〔 `0「 M● ,s,r,`メ 「 T`イ 0,lγ →7で ,19` A ANS、 ハ1:(),、 (7) (3) 016、 1,ADDヽ ■,i rl 減̀ittlギ 柵出 〉ぶ̀"l.「 WI]、 ホ│ │ │、 ハヽ .卜 、.、 ‖│,い `ヽ 「ヽ ` ‖ :` `, 、 ●│:● ■Щ,, ADB― い '卜 T,卜 、,F:11卜 │メ ,(rX, :`1 ` !J卜 も ・ ` ヽ 1職 ド ギ fiヽ 11ド ヾ、 3.ヽ r・ l、 ハ¬畔 “ l‖ JI‖ ,湖 1 鸞●.5ol、 11,ヽ 1ヽ 。│ も̀│‖ ど 、 ■ ヽ 6&"ヽ DB¬ "∫ “ _(‖ 0(● ●ObU(NO` Yl`0'卜 ・ 1'^● `● Iぃ │も (oa ` 瀾│:‖ 」 lilll`,` ‖ │。 ' ∬‖ 湖 バ計 惜ド│』憾蝋翻‖ : 1出 いで。 いJ"6L● 興0も 00 ‐ よ ヽ .・ l,,6t,■ 理0。 鴫 」 'も ■ x0 00:07 い。 いぶっ6bDR6Ю 00 、 000“ b● )0,で ,,o(ヽ `゛ ,1・ "が あo● ,い 卜 ヾヽ ヽ 1'ハ │`卜 ADB L I、 興、゛n鸞 ♪ヽ 9o6● 6“ ,卜 ■0も 、 卜 、0.、 `ヽ 〕 ょ、 .、 aoJК lF・ 11■ 1,、 `. , お ぃOo■ 1・ , も、 も‖ もし 6卜 イ「.111、 Ⅲ,■ .111ヽ ぃ卜│、 1`"I{LI、 ハ、 16` :メ `,`(111ゝ =、 ヽ れ 、 ¨ 0ヽ 6卜 〔 ●●│ 卜 、 Ⅲlr■ 貨■ 1`r● "ム ● ふ ゞ、 ヽDB卜 Цメ '`o(ド ヽ ■ あ`l'■ ヽ ●“ “ 贅 l",ド hO■ 1い 、‖0,0曜 ぃれ 'コ alべ 。 │ハ ‖ '│ m` 、 ・ ,L12“ )'ヽ lol■ 、 “ い る o(〕 卜:│、 1ヽ '` .ヽ ,卜 `ヽ 'て .` │■ . 806oo● Ⅲo660L ヨ "Sb♪ o6。 s“ o■ ObSヽ 。 b “o ♪゛ 岬 6oも あ“ │ ボ 蜘 鮒 卜6事MI胤 鮮 ヽ 撫 0● 0%`'b lX'Ъ oOヽ も (PPMS〕 ADE應 o“ ヽ あ L型 ゛ `, 31Ⅲ 6● │● ヽ` ‐"6う●しm、 ヽ │・ ,臓沿 t“ Jヽ 。` ■ぃ ` PPMS ●│16、 ゛ も 嚇 (1躙 嗅 洒 “ Ⅲ `ら “ “ ° 勒 付湧 ぽ1輔 ,哺 場 袢 │ |!,l,rr'sr,t I 'r F rrFr,./,, tr,t!r r! j rOn.rt A(1, 'r! Aat ,,f,yt'"c,il.{r,'.J'. ,,,..ii' h,,,rr1 ri,",ilit1{.';l',( c',"lrrrlls(i ADB i}'r'fl't{rlb ihu6;l ilrD,' il;tl6ttrl ir.\''. rt:111 \if,r Ssrnaotuq,6X6s$f s qs 6.rr6s66o3lo PFR' 'if' :Fo'n{ 1,x1.;irx!.1"' 1,""6;;f6", \'.'argi136l' ilitl'rlltqipol' .6i\i6o?l' (taqxoqo'}r ('r r (' "('r h6 il61'1;1q" r "Jt'J'1\ FFA'l' {'irq;dn&'l' h;p.1"i111r<r;1q'idrn' ,lr'':llr'6J60i,'irlr ('ng0\ ;l;;6 q.rtrsrtoilo iI'11;p1qor a; sr{iL&ni6 gr,ls;1ilx1;p1po 1\'i[6o'Jilrir'! ' l \r: ('il'\'Jr'Jlijd' .il,,r,tr i,rt ;gro,srt;! rl' a"6.yr 'iIi}- JAnihh,'1:1,, \'nd,ac,a.\\'i\ittrJl-I' ';1.111- ;f ,ih l, 'g- o|r6ac)il.{,OitBJ1q! | QJOirFai/cf-BrlfID rlY M,,"st.) ,r. Lr.,,(1,, Afi or l,,tr:r r\Jt.orr.rt a(,, (t'r;praoaJq'o: 0486.{9(' s. n{t.|6iRo Ota}5UJ.,6OoL As6aoot!6Cfot )6o0in}0r) tS6500A('.JRo lmois(}oi {..','l;OJbri,t,;t,\Ttr.r, ilsrn,,lt,\ ,,i1,)t{,"1, ;\..iI rfu,rf,'r'rx. 6,,i| ib,:itf'.,a01, }':x:t,E,. Jnqs.tlAo hh.\,5ni)'rlxr A.$a,k?'riHA:El 2 n.\q\!t. iB'atu1il",,.trl, ' 5lbi, ,&,h, (i'a{,&n, (tJt6'r'Ja\, ('i .li|rl'd:}6,'lEl'o G3t('orl'$iinl, I iI'q,',..d,N", ';l,l q'.)\'rr'l'J ilito,, ':lii\'-d",il, ,,t;1116,1lrlpo, drsor.' (ii) il'"l,.brlHif,"lr 11[o3trr$nh (,o6oL ,.,.,1,r11,;,,rr-, irl, ,tn(,iy, ,niii"",Jt\,'l' dnra,)td,'(';I\i: .t,'q,ifl l"{,,n,,, I'Ait11166fl(\o1, 'il1h",\silnlro "f.Yt6.110'6.riloi)6 l' nsfln;Pqr*;is, r4r(l .ti)/, .Pf.b6o3lL Pr hsJil tr\&,'.,n, ;lxh.'lq1$t- t,l;;l ,l' b{t.nx .,lx}Ar'Ai, itltidoo.\6o aid'ip"'l' 6"6lrs l,q.34r'no t1s1hilC,;is or,itJl,f)r,6ijAh 'rDt 2mr 2@s-2ur9 ftq3l"l, .!rd'|l'.i\it.'s.1, JJai,Dqn'[ [.v1.,:Fi||{o l{r.6rdJa,N rs66tinfisa,,l' l!06s0fi1,,i rrtl'l,s(iFn, J6.1(!,h'iini. ilst{{$ ei lAbfl(l8$oflolt ( \Ansr)/DAtr eJJl]l.Eai,/CFrrr|f|tD B\, I I I M,r'.s',r i,f F r..,r.J,r _ A,r る ぃ 1 5 p_"椰 "∞ 1、 J“ o■ 、 m● m■ ・ ●6NttRo b“ 7● 0` 03。 b“ 胸 00 bJo(“ ‐ 6¬ 熙 1、 66“ 1豪 い "` 6s。 ● 61`1ヽ J6コ R● ■)ヽ 。 ,0」 "興 “ “ 晰 60b・ l1000b `“ ゃ、卜0■ 蒟詢 , `■m ¨ αハR0 “ “ ′́ イ 0` あ″ ■′́ │パ .力「レ ″ ん 、 型'ン わ。 ル■、 F`,2あ 脅′ `″ '4ヽ 卜、 'r7F,ら り "ル ″ `″′ ,41ゎ ′ ″ 、 ム ■ ら`・ ″ ル ● ,IA′ ′ ′ イ ム "%v,`/1j四 、 あ ′ ′ た イヽ ●' ■,■ ′ "`わ ″ ′ 7,X'′ 1'`4″ ′ '^'ち ′ 7r7`ル で η′ :71"'′ '″ `′ ′ おおφ″″、 ιハら″ ″ ル4′ ッ │“ イ″́ り14,ι ん “り″り の出′ ' ″aら `´、′l″ ″ 'う `ツ ' 147rう `〃 "ヽ `'あ ''″ わ "ル らlrl/7,%わ 4ヽ 、 "ぃみ ハ ″ぺ小 r'″ ″ ●17ヽ お , 7rデ ″ ■ ハ ″′ i/rJ/1″ ″4′ ル 'ハ 、 .l′ ,`.,、 ,′ ,″ '′ `′ ,ル .′ ,′ '′ ′ `/7パ 。み ハい ′ ■,の 方 ′ ■ ιン んろ ■ ′ らヽ ″,ち ′ 3 │ク 4"。 う ,4ヽ ″ η6'あ ,(.′ ● 16′ ツ 々 `` "・ `ゎ “ `′ ` ・7r2″ ′ヽ ■7774カ ′̀ ・● ′ 4vaソ 1カ ル″ ′ ,い %″ ゎ│タ ル , .い │■ ン "″ 1,'あ ` ぺ■ く 7ペ ンル′ ″ ″ vル キ ′́1タ“ル ん , ″k・ ヽ'7/4′ ″、 ′ ッパ 'ち F77,ι ″ ′ 、 171.1″ ウ "′ `フ ″′ ″粋 ` 7r,ち ム ″い│フ ′ ヮ イ Ftl`′ ●ツ ■ 、.´ ′′ ″,4xッ シ,(■ ″● Jぅ、 瑯 ″カ l,ぐ “ ′ ゎ N71`,′ シ , 4`′ ヽ癬 ′ ″ ヽ リ ι マヽ ′ゆ″ “ り =(り べ ●″ ス ′ 7' ′ 1,ス ィ ` ヾo′ 吻 ar,4″ 雪″ ル、ぃ ι `,あ ι ろンく1/rl'あ マ ル,ι ・ ,oム ψり《 お″ lⅢ絆襦′.1"′ 尺ヽ ・ ム〕 "κ ●″ “ 7・ ,′ 'ル .ん ,″ `χ '″ ``フ `・ 'ん `、 .′ 2 ADB `)卜 b・ ■ヽ ` 6● ヽ6し■,`0(, 卜 ィ1,` 6110ヽ 卜 │(I` あ0 1● Kr'3● ヾ 。●│● (!卜 '卜 〕111 、 ''10ぎヽ 「 ヽ b ` Fnt,¨ 興 1,11)。 ` 洵,o60ヽ oЪ 71()腋 口` 0■ ●,ぃ 。 静 )詢 Illq l・ ヾ1,“ ,1"`1,o` L (1、 静 1,日 ●o∼ 1,あ ":r隔 `,8ヽ ぃヽ ,・ tい 1ぃ 2) "、 “ `fド "ミ `・ o` ,:,OAnh し lヽ b■ `Pい 6. J.ri,,l' 0d'.'6h d,so'.. l,.,Ji,{,, r . l,s6t I'rsL. r{?,,'.1, .. oi 4,,'iI\6; I ,r.l itc,,l 2 :6a56neo 66551 .'60ot, [email protected] 6m0s 0its6?L J8.,lrfl;I{(trJl' (D &,,tr:.i[|.'ru$6o l$a,rfrl3A*r i\i tu, ,,t1itl\1,){t,,a4,,,, ili(,iIa( t:t:t.il1{,,, t)r,.n,l'.k l!.Jil...f,. it,,,,tnil,i (nr) 'aoa 2oo9 2(u) Sq,o[ 6r'aiR.?o(] A.\('.r?t,.uiJi$ly' h.$1?*,;fr ,ll 6,xxilr,:!,,_ ;3,g; qr;5;|i1ihq1 lrrtr"Jil6Jal, 1,,.s a,,n,G.,Xl r'{1,,1' q,. ;l\,1r,,.,!-,, -rr.,i\..6trr:r, {th1{irai\,,t, t..Fitrh.rr)lii. ,gr.,iit?oi6iFitqto 'Jril(1o4,, fsl,aA,,lj ;1"t'i).'Xq,rrl,s'J" n,,tr,t{,,,ll1. frao,L ,:tt,nt,-"6 ?Ji^[.S,,iri"i. ',\ol rf,,hrl'it}(,n..t ill,iBl,r,L ,'i\, , i,.\6il{,r6ii,i. il'i1,.'6oi , irr,1,..fiit*1,,, l\').6$;tit{rn16,ii N.r !I{r'd,q.rtn6ad.\ .rn6i},ii,n,.\ {r h,\ic,.\t,l,.trad,O0 i6q.,1q6"ni .t!.'kr. t6.iur<,x.d, tr$ibsrlilor. l,rl{Ilsou dLqo anmn-, a,f*,qn. ADB ir\ ldt.]q{ir6,' l,s0/4,61'ri16p' t ltrleot "tRqe a.xdtiE" L,e.'idJq- aeF\ 20t0. - 略 ら eI$rEai,/CF RTrF rt D I ty o, ir.ts.,,rt.o.r,rt Agrr.(,.6s|lls rrr G(,(,. r,,r い 5灘 ∫ぜ 鷺嚇輔鰍 椰欄 騨 魃 l♂ fi、 ar・ ):15'■ 。 〔 │み `ふ 几ba■ る 燿“ ♪ ° "興 ♪ 。 ヽ ■い 。 し ・ ゛ │ ° 、 ぶ ヽ.謡 o . │ド Jttβ “ ●6:,れ ,ト l・ 6:卜 ヾ .1■ o,、 で `ぃ ●` `1'``"''、 史ぃ ● oヽ lF● ト:)■ で、卜、■ ●o ` (‖ ) ` : 。61`・ 蒟 0・ ' 1 ● ヽ` い ト て :、 ` 6 Hい 6ヽ `ヽ 、 ヽト ` 'や ■:β ペ 、 。 。 ` 601,、 ぃ 、 、 (■ 6」 卜 a、 〕.,、 ll。 ゎ 11`:ぃ ,,卜 :│卜 '"● 'あ 'a卜 “ L もヽヾハ●0メ■' 、、 ハ0` ● (。 'M00` ヽ蛉 ・ も S‖ ・ 6い 。 ■ 。卜・ '`ヽ ヽ 11)、 lrl‐ 1ヽ 、6・ ヽ '11● l● :r¬ “8、 r"、 R。 、60い 。 、卜 ● ■,tll'ヽ `●O lmtOiβ ♪。 ヾがつ 賃oヽ "史 ぃ o・ ・ “ ‐ ヽ:力 ヽ (iv) 3● `,,0」 ●゛Ob 4山 ■ 綺ル ヽ ヽηが電 j` Jin“ "。 ,60 “80Lゅ 7`6゛ L `● │● ● `ヽ :` 'ふ Llr・ `ド , 1〕 淵需R鶏訛 m :1ぷ 辮駆臨拙喘器 熙:講常ユ ‖`謂 響l鮮珊中謂 R0 O) tヽ " い ` L“ 6Ъ Lso“ 6い 面 耐 ・ “ `"lm “ .1格 1ヾ 出島 t=織 譜 1ゝ 性 :“ `¬ さЪЫ 」1,1“ 10卜 `anJ5,マ 。あDる。 ゃ、a.1■ 1、 6530 J` Я ●ヽJD■ )も :、 16て ,1,o(〕 、い 、 0・ l.● ♪ 鑽 い ヽ` 0■ “ `'。 ●) ° 腋)b6:力 b .0躍 9`"■ ■ l, ■ヽ , Ъ 、 ヽ11,1,、 、LTFl、 マ "η )t',`6・ ` L。 ` :ハ `1, │“ li、 ::`,1、 .t'.` ヽ 11ヽ 、 ,“ rⅢ` 0り ヽ ヽヽ oゃ ヽ ヽ 6 Ⅲ 6 い ``a・ 'a)aゃ │● 。 ・ ` X■ 6・ 1(1' :メ 3`,卜 い!史 `Ⅲ Jハ ` 卜響` 、16● IIヽ 6:卜 6:゛ ,X:, 116● 1, 卜 あ 、 1ハ `Ю 1"' ' 0`ヽ 61` "`)0… Ⅲ `61■ 1卜 “" 卜 ヽ ` 6` ふ ト● ‐ 01 qわ ‖ 今 0る ・ oヤ '`″ ` メつq・ ・ lヽ督メ゛ 卜 'ヽ Ⅲ l'Ofl● OL R■ ■`0ロ ,製 "あ :β ` 0■ ル '` ・ ・ ⅢⅢ `搬 い● “ “ (lV)“ oo%`η で ヽ な N,“ ヽ ぃ6 “ “ 時、 ."RO゛ つ鸞 。 ヾ"“・卜 δ M,r'.rilry or t r.r.rq,, A n!,,|r i\..i\ r'.Il]iiol' .!ir6Jo)aa aitl,e, a.res.\e3',qiiol,r lt.l,,,fi{i},aii,, I's;li.tsq'ir.\it,\.1, i\sA'{JJilF,,l, ltroihq{{4;iol' Ar1,&ui ;liil.|i|i'q,c,J 3- e.\ t'b0r Ls8o#Jrgo aJ6ArLosS N{!A?o.68a:lq,o aJEt ,qS! 11 ot' ?iirao,nJnl)ri?tq,, o6tt6ntr06:JJoif'J... 6oatlllFqi 0o;q'6rq'os5o rgoAJ88ndflAi'LonSsn er.p3ildnithq,'. ,r.r6rn,sq.q,. An Bit6d(itia6({' s6 qs6;g&a1 Inc,Jd60Al, JLiPs.,€ rLq(, ?f D5iti ('n i ofi.&,,J:|{,' ?l.r60frr8}.uo l,rt|ir.|lljq'$t lt &ri.'e'oiJanRo &doqt|lto}olN er lr66r5L}.,1dr, &.xnkr36nlr ltrrttlJ qt& aoeqXl(l(l bbXqgrl,bsr' Xt6Lr51q dxm6;A?o .xto6o36iin. S0ihtrilvi rts ?J@.'65ap.r J,r6tu,riPo n686iqCdhl0t'6Jaol! h)&')6.s3.,Ro .SrnAre aod.ttqn f56&rq\o0J6l, litS0Mo:l ,esa6Jo,qaanL 6(lcgqrg ot6 &$061, lc{6ob t'qiAo.)Jh o8 ?lgXcb$Xfobs qr L1y'$$oL 6wrSsqob$o6naoo, ttloA (",(1 teJoAlP .\'qb6Ai1g 3b.qs bop$n sqoSo?frxAs (s b?o6rR tt6.\51*r60ol, s5$t6ols.p5 b.r1qntqao,E1aoL .g;f Lxf lr ',f$Ioon3r1,;lara"s tl';p", shrqo trralplr it?CGAAq'QA.r t6o3;1qq1 lsl1;troslgoLs qr D. ARoGnnC ,t.r8?,r6U 6 F,6iit (,.\,ilol"6.*rr[o'16 (".\r,t.'3';L'6J]l! a6,, il;16;gr" f,' ' orAnqrrLi.l" ,l,r;p;trr.'t,rl, Jitf,st'it ih,lr6ilr}ol, ?;ruiJ(tlh$Nl, :fl,6?l6itJq fa?t l, rax..ilr|{, lt6o1ilill,,,a);|d)l' J\l,iil,,l' (rJEilcn',i5 ao.t6H.rJ0c,aIl,NAol' Ad'nits|q'o L\'1,' llif,n'r,l' :lll2 1,..1','1, n..oi',,h{JA} r\.. I6oit,y'6lxt)Jd',1, lhe(t?6ol! Bihl'L\ .,. t.'tt Aoc' JA l, ittr'fu5;1$r;g6.q '8;y.i\ 1'a;pl' 1r"11'l'",,, Jl'xs-,,1 ?iHIFtJAnl' qr ;1,61611;pi,3c6lt l'1qL.rf,;61o rr',',laol' 'it,r,{"J6;tl"|(' : 6r6rl'q 1,r,rl,v,;yolr .\e"1"r"6.';1;. r11,r6oi1t;f1.. il6o?;15;yqrr;1stu' l)nd6n6hJof'Oia ina,}.4.n{As i,,Ai'r\r,ltl,. \o.\ 6:11utr!irl, (&".\irir,, thA11,iin6it $ 120.0fit i\yk"Xt4;iq"-) ?,r6,n'. 11.13 :t61.'6?q.o fu.6o1' i\s,ils6onala"\1, cr loJa 1,.\rJdr'&14"r-r,6'tr,t' li.grr,pqnlxlnh 6r6Jo6c 1llr. 6X;t$nfu';alqrs $ 0160 At{.)J,'l) * ia!,t..it8n60}itq'" "6l,Jair-,' 6'bol' Airl\bq$s,g-r aoLo b.\e$ij(tfl.r ol'ip fl1}.rs?R i$C'l'rr6.rR, rr'oaffr tb11 e.r4.qrr l,uh?or6ot ls.r:1ooallx{ bshrL 6.g.st61pot ?0U'dteipR,ra! &15fl}\ &'Lo!6rqCoe3rl L pr s.6.rao0m6otCAnRo o,A,a1'ohb { s jlourl,?,r tuLo 3 06.$L}',qooLs'aol, anls}sSotro 6t@ i'h'6lfuqtm8d 6.{rB(06fl<{' b.)J@tN ARo[dNm 6sqlltl,CeJqgaq en Uilh 1 sa6Coca t.{,iik, foU 6.$Jloa6oqo !i65imql'rn'",8i{}s \".'ti6r':xhoaitllto. o.,,qoL?n\t!'Rol, 6irxi.'ao[ A?aC$qcnr .vtu Aboecry l$6'ln6trMon ao,Li'u"&,b Jod,o,laaL bi'natoli,L$t R! l.lor'aitaoh Enl&aipslL !6it.XJ,'l!e0ab onitotso6, .5i6.raile, uL:gqdrrtlq'.4,, ;;t'61;6$0q orgl' aqxr5$6X adJS6oL 4glt3 $Xboor &tlxt^ntXstro,.lqot, 6$;1o16o*$r rtrsq'o $o&rtA qr ohsoo .Ix6pJotrro 6$otr ?nip6sL, 'no88po(|,lao(l Jlqtiltr o6.vr'ol' (\l,r,to,n6 fu 1gsr.px?rlr6flAl 14 l'.)o6JJl\5ig,xr Jirrrrar6Ji.\ ,rslil16r,aJl,Jat, ;luqtfu&rlt 1yr5oii,,iit6 (,r (rr.16n{)c'6,,ad,'1, (5?t6ol'd1q i,rtJd ,.',6it6r lrslraorl6-r";l,r ol'}n,, 0;i6o0of,,'.JhJ trtcr6rt6,1N" .i6.\,tq{n. a.wirAo q.. il;1116,,. r,\ j ,n irrq,,'hf,,6iFl, ,'6itJl0r'r',J.,,,hro'ijol, A\l\1oaNst"(6$Jrl'o "J5il0o6itlk,lr Inla.Fr(',r\iF.'1, O-ln,iul.l. i\s6aotr,..c'31'rhor;!,,1, il;;hfloslr",s6 .1t64s611rg,, l$bt$r, aolbt{ArfloL iilht'iiq",nlol, (rlll(i:lqJA.\ i\itii,x,nri,iinl!,,4 uJ.!dxn.'.16'air6.Aot! Giliotq,o oJSJai.6oACsl'o(t iliJri,,rt, i)rtiso,Rii,'1,. iilotnrifa$olh {r ,jilEtd 60l, o6bi5o'1,s0 '1, ' l,ytC6r'?o i);|ih;;.q, il6o'i111r,3_rr1s6 ,,irq0?|l'r:tr-r, aiil t3'){l.6JEao l' $oe}e .\ikrulr leJ.);lrEei,/cFmrt6D .Jl/ _ I v.,rf:trrr \n r,t|\qit atl ri l' tii,,..rr(n,,rr a.,,,,r.,i,.rrts .,, (,,.,,, ヽ !?J -l{rtai,/CFrIT|f|ED iry ,,r Litu^Jttonrrr ae,.,..,(",,rs .,t 61.i,, r, r .口 聖 06` 。 (ハ お:綺 '。 ペミ tr“ ,製 o .、 61っ 011“ 1・ (ヽ ■● ぃ 、(ln● 01ヽ 1・ .ヽ ヽ8ヽ 6卜 f.I '鴫 、 。t‖ ム ヽ J^・ 卜 ぃ にヽ V‖ 1ヽ メ ぃ 「 1' 61 1'ヽ Orlヽ 。 L6Jい o oJ6゛ 。 0`、 613o66(り ` (・ ``'1`'1'、 `'ヽ ト `,`。 ` おい N“ 嗅 │れ 'J響`い o 16ヽ `理 ■ `。 、マ'゛ ,も ‖ ,th6:lonO。 6 ハl hヽ 0`ヽ 6い ",``t.' れ ・ l“ N.,あ て ヽ ろ■ `1。 1■ 1,る 。 11,あ 0` 、 、い 」ξ`)、 も “(0 。 "h "→ ,コ `(ハ ゝ 。 R蒟 。L。 1ぃ 。 、alハ 0。 ,`、 1,`、 :ゃ ヽ も R・ `m。史 ヾi)(n` ヽNヽ `o 、 'あ :● `k" ― 16:゛ 鸞r,ぉ 、tぃ `│¬ “ `a、 `卜 L 熙│● ヾ 6.め 、 lI""ヽ “ oヽ 0`r卜 ・ ・ J` :lt,■ .● 6.■ ・ `:ぃ I “ hヽ 1鸞 1'otい 03(・ ,ふ " “ い ●0003δ ●5● "嗣 ♂0 い611ゃ 、 やヽ ■● 、 6・ 11ド ゛ ,F,O i卜 鸞 、1:}卜 1,` ″ 1`あ 、6,lqo い。4:卜 " 1、 H。 ・ ,お ぃЩ n卜 ●h YI、 ぃ史 :nh "1 3`゛ .卜 ` │,‖ 卜●卜,F,1`ヽ ol ¬■61f・ 11,鸞 ‖て ` ト ●■ (ヽ ・ 11ヽ 贅 もヽ1,rr・ .卜 1、 " a6(、 ■‖ 0.`.11` 50 'lr“ `││ハ `"l・ l `6 4‖ ,Ц ● い、J.Ⅲ ■ い` 1卜 (1゛ ● )ntF` ● 0¬ (""`・ 卜` '卜 ・ “xに l卜 ・ Jl"Ylヽ `め R:│` “ `` " oL 〔 ● “ ⅢⅢ イ ,・ │、 o,“ ヾ “ ゃヽ1,6`ヽ 0:ぃ `'1,興 。il‖ :│ヽ i`(,0卜 に。 ●:`n“ :β :NI、 ・ 6(■ 1、 6.rlr¬ ql, Jヽ 3` ヾ.■ ` ' 卜 “ 22 r・ l・ L。 ヽ 61い 1'ヾ aFl¬ 興oぃ ら ハ (1メ 1,0ヾ ヽ■ :│、 0。 メ ,,X.)● kOo6(,`iゃ 、 ●0■ (ず ヤ1`00。 ■ヾ`1■ , ハ、 .ぃ 1,x,● “ t,る 卜 “、 Alll● 1,`‖ ,A` `「 w、 111● :│` つ `111:,6へ toハ J` " `(.,atin,(〕 1、 、 興 、 :,oЪ 響、 。 ・ 。11,"● め、 "'` `・ 小いて . ●41:● Ⅲ,0卜 ヽ 3● ¬116● 61:バ 11・ ●L 、 o● ュ10い 〔 卜 "● `、 い01κ :い ¬6・ 6iHⅢ ,`a` ■1う :,6(,,゛ 督 。 ●61マ ヽ い`6h`(ド ヽ 'J` .│、 '0、 いOo."卜 │ヽ al.鸞 。、゛ 。卜ヽ ヾヽ 'RIIあ 1 06b6・ 61111-5、マυ6o`0● m● 0、 │き ,■ 'い `■'」・♪ヽヾヽ1い 沢 い`lШ Ч、も,ぃ P静 ゛檀 土ぼA♪ L,理 ・ a.ha"0,6ヽ L ヵ ヽ。 ・Verku時 。│ いイⅢ駅 。nる 0。 い,“ ■ゝ ■, ル■け'あ や“ .63《 T,■ 、 :Ⅲ ゛ヽ う ・ヽ ' ^``卜 3Ⅲ■ "¨市“「 ` 30qiF,t・ 6● 3`・ 60・ 1, 眺 ,3瞑 ヽ卜 &。 あ │¬ 《 “ "`い 1‐ ●` rl● I mヽ o● 0 っ6お 、 “ ・ ``0・ ' 1ヽ “ `"」 ,ヽ ち 卜 〕 l` ヽ ■。.I' ● 01・・`て 卜lkir,..1・・ c● OJf'“ `卜ヽ いい ゛ 。 ●●ぃ ● マn● 、 “ “ み 'ハ 0● "“ ざ や 6● `1'ヽ ● `oo` ` 6 o。 (1● う イI:`「 、, 0ゞ ■` l:ド ギⅢ Ⅲ “ ●わ n“ ●II¬ ti'4い ・ 卜“:口 ヽ ・ ,ヾ iい 十J, 1,6. ヽ 40.ぃ 60Ъ at・ , 1¬ (・ `Ⅲ Ⅲ ハ11 ■民 卜1く ド●はⅢ "P, 10る 1'ヽ "■,^.ri,ox.rt A1r,,..,t(.,,rs r)! Gr.rr,,r,, o喝 `“ lM● ● 型 °`Ⅲ ♪ 砕0` 愉 ・0品 ■ 'ば " RI卜 脚 ““ ‖ │:謝 ギ 嵩n駅 71器撃 2 0oい 6b静 o00b●Rn` R“ ら゛。 24 も 。 3`,6“ b゛ qo、 ヽ A`“ "ヽ ・ 、ヽ1` lm` 6。 ("ヽ・ 卜●ヽ゛oも 、、 ● 1● い6● `● 0あ 。も`Ч "■ Fヽ ,“ `、 ` い 。 6■ 。 い 。 lヽ ol'` つ 1ぅ も ` ` い 口理。“い` る ¨ 赳iハ │ハ い ・ 6(3.'1興 :や ` ・ lm:わ 。 ぃヾ ` ッ.,“ 6● ゃ ・ ``“ `“ ゛゛ .L“ `、 ` 。 。 〈 , が'ぃ ら` 鴫 i'° │■ がい1、 ふ` 3UO'`゛ `ゆ ,oЪ I` 1'卜 ● .1■ 、 ヽ●1ハ め 、 ら )ヽ 6o「 ` ヽ ぃ ゎ、 ヾ(,,:ゆ 「 `x"`:り ヽ rrr'`00 rlうJ:メ ヽ 1■ ,6・ ヾ Iハ ● o「 卜 トЪ ヽ 01, 、 い ハ ヽあ ,メ "`0ロ “ lヽ .,、 1, l・ .、 `:● R卜 │ハ 贅 、ゞ 卜、ィ ``,6` 3 am6● 6・ 0660 “ (,,3静 ゛ o● ,`JI・ 4 やoヽ bO、 ) ●0ヽ ■ゃ゛RO`ゆ。o欽 0´ ♂` Robarゃ メ "0、 50● 脚 6F0 、F`:も 、T,詢 聟 。 `″ II・ 401'。 ` ヽ 。あ● │ 、 0コ るo● `'い ヽ ヽ。 `● ヾ6`ras■ ヾ ぃ 。ら,`、 卜● ‖ `、 `卜 `¬ `● .'卜 nl` 6卜 ,,`(1.:翡 an,6x" `"ム `鸞 。1,ぃ 卜じ ` 1.■ 1:Jヽ・ ''ヽ 1ド 1'0` コ史... ` ハ` ヽい ` て :1ヽ `ハ ヽ 卜 ゞ。L、 、 。●tr'贅 :ハ ‖嗅 めtl。 lJ「 ドI、 ヽⅢlllll“ ` 、ぃ 1賞 ■│ヽ 卜1ヽ 1,,6●'ハ ・ Ⅲ16iや ヽ 、。ヽい。 `ヽ ''゛ `中 ド `マ!i`(■ ,卜 ■0 ●■ , ■na""、 ぃ1,iO● 賞 0 ト 1ぃ of・ も、 理 あ`■ ' “ 、o lllヽ 、│卜 │、 ■‖ T`● , 3F● ●●11■ L ‖ヽ 、 「 “ `て 26 1,`Ⅲ 111ヽ ,`ぃ ヽ, い ` ● ::`",、 ■ “ く お,x"、 イ も、 ハヽ リ ●` 0`"(b¬ `nト `コ1.`■ い ■ド、■ メ¬賞 卜 ・ :h卜 ‐)● :“ 嗅“ ` 06Y,`、 1● ,ハ , 'あ :卜 'い 卜、 6に 、 (、 `03お an卜 ヽ あ●。 ヽ 。 、 い ` "'v口 れ、 ` ●` 6h。 1ぃ 。 卜 ●。コib■ 6oL 15鸞 (ふ ド ・ 1,` L '`♪ " LoAl● 卜“ `ヽ く │:01、 1,● 、も,0メ 綺000 na、 い1興 :l^ヽ ,a→ 。 (ド 0、 ■ `:● ら、ち 0● (■ liパ ゛メ 0り Lti岬 川 ヽ nl、 卜 ●0ヽ ■:1調 6、 6"nR"卜 Tt山 β っ`N"` Ц卜 06ヽ 613・ “ `,(,ぃ '` `0`J'い “ 27 ● 613● ,`o● ` In。 ``"anl も ヽlqfl● ヽ `、、1、 ゃヽ句‖ 嗅 ぃ卜 ・ 1■ `ヽ れ。 “ “ m ヾ:`も ` 、ヽ o01'('0♪ ヽ (“ )η 」l,“ ふ・ll h■ 、い。w`も お ゛ い ヽ。 m_m:10..。 いヽ。 卜 ● (1`ゅ ゛脚 n脚 ,00b。 取〕 :β 四 〇 660mい b 10め コお がら 1` 3“ '` 6o。 6。 綱い 0、 r,あ '● `鸞 `ヽ `00ol。 536ぉ ■●o lヽ“Ъ ゛興:β 詢 `おぃ 興 ♪5. 16● 」nL哺 鸞o a,。 :β 、 、 ¬い ●6側 鯉 n・3● 01),ド ■ 3ぃ qP801昴 “ コ IR",`・ 調 ぼ ■)b・ ●ヽ あ (b`` b● 。 ●` 即 りJメ 」貯 Ⅲ o`蛉 oo興“ “ 0い 0● 。6● る om ptR・ h ●飾 つ6側 瞑 U"``予 予 N亀 曖 O b。 6‐n“ ハ ヾ゛ ヽ1崚“ が ・ふ ♪ 01 ¶o・Jo111る oL b゛ ヽ 口 熙 か "・ ,0.s3● 摯 つ も め "゛ D6い、 Jヽ 驚 。 looo 飾 sn“ い も 跡 in蒟 ♂、`cr● ● ・ ■ ゃ。 ・ (・ ,● lヽ `o (口 Ь ¨ 0` 詭 い」 ゛Ъ Oo.〕 ¬も “ … 000mm qr\1{'E ai, /,c E flrlf l€ rr,,rrrrontrr D ilv _ a(r,.,",(",,r. "r-O.,.,..,,, U- l'so6aCl,0o(ld, AADi dadd'o0J6aaoU U.\o50al,Ooooo R.)$o5r6l,Clr 20lo $qok.tol3ol, 2010‐ 2013 186 Irrld, il,n,rt,r, ol, :ln6i,lt(lr !\.\'ii\ul,lll' r,: Iiu,ii6" I'fr,"?I. ,\\ll'..r..( l$1lo6.N ii.rn':r, 6ri..t :11,`メ ,(111ム ● 1, l. ' 史、 ,,ト .● ヽ6`ヽ 61■ I'ha{r,sl,h$ あ :■ ・ 11'● ヽ1` ''「 `● o '時1ル ● AfⅢ l,3ヽ ・ `,お1・ ヾヽ 卜ヽ1、 ・ ●●.IL` ● l♂ ● ・ ^`1誦 F・ `1■ ■‐ 、 ■6Ⅲ Ⅲ:r""'11、 3■ ・ ・ `■ '`li¬ Q● ●イ●1 .IPI ● 1,6● Ⅲtじ loヽ・ .6● ,1卜 ・ `ヽ 。●I``0・ '4ヽ りlⅢ I` ..暉 1'‖ `''ヽ 。II.`11` (1、 ■ ぃ 16,Fゝ (1.ヽ 「 ハ̀■・ N〕 3● ●:ri卜 ヽ “ ` ‖ J(■ コ '3・ (l● q=¬ ` `・ で ヽ.l(1● ら イ r'`1。 ,1い Ψヽ。 「卜│メ 、 "嗅 `Ⅲ `‖ 1、 lF● ● 嗅 ・ :`:,` ぉ 1,■ ,■ [、 6。 │卜 、 `'1■ `。 、ュ 静 0 063nt崎 ヽ,0゛ 。uss ooRoo6゛ Ъ .r・ 11∞ lil -El,1.lui il'r itni\6rir{iA' dirl, \ l!166,,1, ,t\n\ a;lit{,J.\(r'a". ifi-A)jf'6i,n.\r,r' 8t 700 ' USI Soqm6nlto 20,3‐ 2116 2016‐ 2021 127co 1500 20∞ 7o oo 2020‐ 2131 16000 i\"lilt .'ti "tr,ol, ..n, i,.tr'li 000 .\'r.1, 4000 4S364 22 79 1∞ 124 00 d) ∞ 255 40351 t5m 1900 7500 ●ヽ1` ヽ 6 、 ヽ loo 00 5∞ 2500 150Ю 、 6` 、 ・ 1ヽ 1て Totai `● `、 6● 1 0∞ 45∞ 000 ,イ 2503 3700 iri6l'. n, nc,ol' 62 &l ,「 l・ I:iNrr, .r,a6lt1lll0..6$J;\i' 15∞ 2∞ 550 650 1092 1002 32459 33242 i\i6l nrt n6rl' 350 itn6[ .r, srlol' 10 92 An5lL,\{c i6ol, 48,a2 17m 15.50 3275 33/a l43g.a3 M-,rrrrrt ,r, i L :ts o'cc(,,(り 1, q!(\6oo 2 (L6Js6oS0qo: sqadsqo D6]56tq'n O6s6lrJ.xl0ol, Ai50@.,'cAAoL }6o8i1.'8s) l'.)oS0iton(Jm JdtobdsSol, Rr6{68.rin0}olrr es &r6o6o6o56oL t6r6ld0f6.) Mlo6il6oL a3jqla0lo A16b..}r6OooqCaol, aotSXI./ asBAC6JaRJlo arl6q1gAo! SU.6oAA.'/ po?3na3}o qs tlo[,p[o rGA!'6olaJ8ol, ax.l.:6otaxro ?rm" Rs?oalJd" i\r"tih,,,drl,iI\-rq,,, itr,6.-trtq'n o..r1lil'l lm8 [ill{-,..r, ;r'nl \6t\,rn. lO!,o-nn i,i,!ild,llii. oifx ,ill l,,t,it 1,,\,.trq,",n.\ ,l.i I J1q\'11*l{, i\,y'i\ r,, rn(i.,lC,J0rr\,1,. lshJstal,lIa i[{,60.,I]r{tBl, 'l'6!l,,'l' l'06n6itA,'nlj ! it,il.t,t,,q,a1.I,ldl,t, 'N..\f,\ ,\( q, \(,,t1 ir.,lllt;tt;rarr tit.. i,tntA.n,.tq ;d,,1,'ir;tl,.tlF l'6611d0ir,'o l, :fiD f i!:l'o,.\t' iliq.r{6Jd,i,, 5 ,8, il. l(l06pAl.' $&r,if o ?i1ao [iBrJaot, siF!.60.SAf,Ont. r,r,05 ?0t!*s&,1x, r\ r i\.e,r.tq,oh$o5crn Ja|l{oodJit{'o q\\ FiV0L0aiq,JtCI.[ soJd' t$0.vr'Ah,q,o,litRin0do AJ",6ofio,,y,o Ito.,iotq?|(rr1..t aa+\rlbitr 0ro &xrt{Jrit6 l$ttobooJ .16'qd0c.ito esl'r$0a,R55 ,Bqerr" n6IrSiqo llYtbJ:l8'l, LIA?JSJBRo irt1o 6'ri.r6Ln,60ob (l,mclJoo l,$taYr (6&rx.'66RIr'o{o) A.trr,lml\{r'0loL! en ofu6!L06nJ6U.1ol, lEso6oqj6o qn l,has 6.lrnf"4gotg7qo ?0llr1.$0ln 46rfl.!r{'06}6?l'.550 qi$o6n6U0.ob A0iF6ot3ol, p;50663!. 6mnqq'o$goGAhRn ttialr)hx6$o) rHr4 b.tShtlr4So|r:Clob.wJolt. l,Jixl.tto,r?f',' 6ol',mAo (,ifl.\qi]4fl& n' 'ihl'i1',Tlr- iiiil' n.rq,n0:,6.k\ qn l,hit..'ni,l'$si}'ltrl alt6o( fi ii|l',(,,1t.i.. 1, !,'i,,,rt,o ?Nmn i,YtirJdo.'6", r,,nili|l(F (,r :|l1 hiR'ilnrf:t(c,al an{iitq,' ilafl hi bn{6i;tr.n ' I'h'iils3Jq,iI1t.\ ?itl,.*.\Ai'1, .1.\qnlJa &' 2018 georlroaot, 2{Xn f ;6q"..{' ?J{,.vi J,l,xn, l'.\t,,;d"h [rf 1r6;dtggrr 2m8 $Jq.",.16 ?iA\lf'JhM, +;1fuyn.rs12rrr" r6o8flq,t's(] if?i^tq.o i&l' lt'r$ '.xr'r$6rJ ?JLpt AlfrrlSr'd,,.rf,o,l,r itn6J Rifuoaoro l,nJ6o,s'&a6.1'n if,iit6 {o o,a.|Ilhl,,l!,$ i.64.\6nrl'o AeL\t!iCo&'[ .6o(rhi]n, l,ptlrih,yrL .11,::.11-1Ao ol'.d'i\ipsl'iltl'. l,:|q' il(i'ir'J, 2 a,i{rf,,6o rq,,{},n5., ;f,{,n*F?o 5%{D il.v'tunpiio il'rxdr s{i :f4AnGt{o [.rblao 6t.,i,L es6il6A3.\ bJita,'I ?rl,nl.riloLr( bsJ.)irnD tqr.'tr l+\Oot Oo,F {,sAU.'6$Roil' 4006r,&qq,!0J5o, &q,0.n t."; .'i0.,r?h,laeh JrA.Ir6oAao s5 l,t l(j56ol$trJn6o A.Yt'.i$'JI6ot<0A l, TCI'.!a.!&,Lo d,sSLJaolr iJ.r A.\&ai|tl$r; ,)SAOSn/oat r<AN:jiit r(_\N ^at.o,rdt ,AV, cr.r r or l,,rc, r ゃoい 6■ 蒟 ♪ `口 "",ぃ●メ,柿 ヽ♪0曖、 %x● 卜││● ヽ、:口 ハ秋 。`(N■ ,、 “ 1、 ● ・る。 ・ ●"゛ `0,, 0● 5F・ L… 600' 21XD,(R口 ,ヽ 6● が , , メ `‐ L ●qり t応 ぃ o瀞 o00 。゛●"bu`ヽ ・ 。 o● ●6in・ 16ooト ル 6゛ド い ´ 00` ヨ」6蒟 賄")o静 0,あ 。 `● t、 蜀 句 600`n颯 ゃ。 。:10DI・ )b ■Obい 鸞♪ROあ い。│ 60口‐‐ さ。 0あ 01' h8Jit.r?il ";)&, も 控 ¬ いo 6m.r,6sq ir6o '」 MDF,昴 Ⅲ 雪Obo゛ o ir.r5i@r6Caolb qn os$riil$6Adonrrol, l,卜 t\Y}'&,l$dll! lr &rL1lgAos lllUr ' tl`L`■ 6:10興 UO:,01 1"嗅 。0・ Jヽ ` `,R01,■ よ削 ヽ 1:ヾ "ヽ 6 η:理 。 α t'X" " 5° `:,お 6N・ l,r・ .:)● 。 i卜 、 ilあ い│“ `16 1,16(,0`,,` ■ “I]● '0 卜、l,0め 、 。(.):い F111, ``111「 :Ⅲ 、 ll`ヽ 6卜 ` 'イ 0ぅ 鈍 60(〕 `゛ ` R0006ル い ル 、6 6● 660♪ 。 も ●。 “ `oも J。 `つ1001に ,● ,`● ol、 (:()、 卜` 3("。 3● ● ふ。 っV,ハ :o・ 卜・ 、 ' 11● '`(1,ハ 1、 。ム。 a,、 1, 匈 6・ (rllヽ R。 0:蛉 :ハ ` 。ト ト,マ L "r,る ・ ■01,1鸞 `'1' 1,、 ('(〕 ` R'' l、 `,(ぅ ts'aF(uol\\ Nr Lhfl.\ ,r,16.)?lL$tqit ilix)6ol' 6.{.yr'dx,,,1r.\ 15 Ja 1、 o`、 6Ll● │● 00 0■ 16ヽ 1も わ● も `、 10お 、 `。 あ` ■` 卜`。 0。 ヾヽ `R00ヽ 〕 `い ぁヽつ策 お‖ 1ヽ 、 “ lt・ 1ヽ iltltrSilK.o tjr6'1r6lrl,."i)6(, 16rr ol, d.)a,J&IJ6$4," ?xt$Nsotro iBRAa.\erkrleo AJ&\y .{hOCoob A,if6 品 い ilxlrsa$olrr 句 ,(押 湮 Ooめ ゛OL 0,,tr “ 16"AJ6 I'oOJ6ol! e.Yl]*l,DJ ぁ 1ヽ 1ド 理 ヽっ :rm0 蒟。 3'詢 卜20.ri 卜,1、 6.い ト irir、 6t,,ぐ 1ヽ 0JtD..trot ' 1■ 1'0''・ l lⅢ ,, `1'` 卜 ヽ J` ` a5fi{JoJll{tirD &.'sls[X'r'0anb a!6o0s `:II● m6。 、L。 れ Vi聖 0卜 史oわ Ъ:nト '“ ●:,:“ 史Ⅲ、トトヽ1● a詢 厳,(rn wl● 。 ♂"キ │「 ,`ぃ (1`` ■ 、、 ■N。 ,ヽ い、1,o “ 16:,66i!ヽ ず L:● 1,ヾ ヽ 1`。 し、 Lれ“ n,bO.1、 aX6(tGliqo6$JA &, &rt,r,xllr ;.16.*601, '゛ i llて ''` `''′ ',27 , 卜、‖ぃt(■ 1"ぃ ,ド 1,,` `'ヽ いJ。 1(11興 ` マ `デ 1ぃ 靡 ,ヾ 、 “ ハ仕,6:)` 史mふ 。 IL ぃ。 Jヽ P8`彎 ゛、働 ` `", お い ■凛 P。 詢(0い ぃ ao、 ハ ,。 L at,ぃ .`メ 1, 鈍 h〕 00Ⅲ 子 o6b6LmooL o rL.\(,,ir ihrr rt, rrY{,:ra) ..6i\.\&aiia\ .\iD6otr 36i$6i|tqr 6o.{rlrh*ooqn6 .6aJlloo(Jldtfl tO綸 0時 OuS lt?rr(rr.r ,p60'6sJ0r,r6i]401, lr*l!{.,J6&i,, QJDirtai,/CF gr|ftEo fry _ aF,$fit'rq;. atbq)oJ{eioJool, arad) ao6lx,,.60oJqJa?qo LRoし い や●lⅢ 凛 やい。 ・ 0■ L― Pb N` ¨ ゛いJ"¬ ●:A理 。ぁヽo αヽ 加 b"“ J・ q゛ lハ Ъ 06"め ¨ メ、 `ぃ が● 1,Nふ ヽ6知 あ ゛。 1● 即 b LH・ ,3´ ヽドX・ Nら 、メ 1,、 。 ●、い ヽ , OJ、 。 n,ト 0い 1● メL6● 〕 、 る(1,い ヽ ● る、、 ■ “・ ャメ ■日m_:ゃ 嗅:● ,も `雪 ` 卜虫 10 、 la 卜 1 0〆 ` 1■ 賀 。 ヽ そ1.` '` `li`16.■ 6h.`(デ lRヾ ィ 、、ぁ、 ぃ、 ■0`、 、 て,:l` 「、 5。 ..晏 .1:`、 'lF tヽ o,■ ■ .(■ ,■ , ・ ,■ 6よ 〕 。 嬌゛ Ll、 ■1,Mっ 「 n、 ・ `.lrJ,(,:r tl■ (● `● 2018 7`■ ぃ Ob靱 oOb い 、か :0“ n 、 ■ O bl'ト `(,ol,"`お ,“ が 檀 Nハ "ゃ マ:ハ ■ ““ “ lx,ぁ ) ι卜でo(■ ,ゃ ゛ 鸞l16● ぃ鴫 田 飾 ¨い滲 oL 6"nab“ メヽ 、ヽ 6・ マ0ヽ ““ 卜`マヽ (p● on¬ RO、 o"品 ¬ ・ ,1,、 。1、 、 。 a『 ゝ :,br・ `。 〕 R♂ o6o、 Th l, `ユ ヽ督 :Ⅲ Ⅲ ハ■ ,x"、 6(,1, oL。 1,、 民 ,て ■1・ ■メ `■ 軸 K■ nヽ ・ oiめ IⅢ 10(10取 “ ,"R理 ,“ 0 “ ヾ、a、 ``"3nh oヽ ll卜 ヽ0メ 鸞 「 あN'鸞 `I“ ハ `静 │ヽ 61■ ,ヽ 2014▼ RoL:詢 30L J卜Rヽ JOI )。 .、 , lヽ ヾヽ ヽHパ :ぃ 、",` `,gti,卜 (1、 ■│ヽ :い ヽ 60● :`.'0・ .6`"│ 6il只 で 。わる。 61■ .6(,・ ト 1,`ヽ 、 L、 1,、 ぃ 'Ⅲ llぃ `ヽ T`、 ゃ ^,` ●in`、 o、 、 h● 、,・ )、 、 “`。 ぃ ●6● :0¬ ゛ り、 ヽ 6・ が` L、 00〕 660● `、 “ ・ .Itt」 ド (幻 %oJ61卜 、卜R。 ) 1● 1、 , =16`' 、Grl,、 〕 て ,0、 .h YⅢ `ヽ o,ハ (`,、 N{,r.oo 6.!ArApoEr6;l 56o 15」 ● │― mメ ゛中 心 aoaArr6r{6il .l,fiid60aoL ,Hq'itm}" 。 │ 6.rf'A\r6 $'t]r,6s6t,iFial[ `● 'て ,i Jt, +JR (1rflol\',\rI il6o ;lt\uiEy,I ili6ln.6GD.!i.{?,., it.\610.6(loJ,{,JAol'r ,rui hn60nmi6Jilol, b-r6l 6(toit!l\'Jan t/ro", a,ilq'6,*I'rrr.'q,?60 JNr<o6oJt6 60lnl' &,J6.Y,IoL i*{RiIqtr, 60l,Jaao 6r?hqnt'?o L,rAoni'loasos?oilob i!&eJ.rqoa(Jr5 AIR'dlsc,R.rRU6o ra8n8,\ i980as1't' \o.r ?X1118.16ol, Jse;&'l, lldqe6J6qlrrrn CitGqJoJnR oO06sal, ?xoff6na.r q\r .Irr6qo6.r1yn 61qt ?'.ln.,[ l,iboo trBr{ol aeaits(oo oJfl1ro,' iolr ,l?|I6;ltmr&{6lil, + S0,'eqe.rr{t6" l!\O6r6l,;Iai66r' ir,.l} ?itIl'nt$tu!.\ il..q...iJ.,l, r,:l,f .Jrl.,., 0;rr,,, hxq,ol',,1y1q.;tArl, hils,i!.\{'l,,.dai4' dr,.\ 2016 ,.k,rr(1t,1, lll,, t,.,,t, t,1 ';lr,n,,,t', r,a,rf ,6ailA,,h d.nrr,!'d,t $Rrl,io8nt' :f,l$i{lo O'r'.!51*ad'Ool, bit606.\s:i6o hinAs, u,Lctll,asos!ts.|l)'ft, o'stuaft6r4aeorsts (PPP) $)&J.\6aheo o60oad'n60lI|I:r' l\rlte0oxq Lol6i,ai O66t{.6coit $ead! .N6Jit06ol, Ssiilo'Sn &Jfta.BOa :ll,alott a"6A.\5o$d! bfl6if6.'q, 60 6;1i1ihl, 8ol';p'3rrr |{,]',6a6iyis (,:i,!i[\Aa,'l' (,syt?rltrr,idn ira&t)rd,,,6i\,, 20tE veol$o0oI,ili\Jd., 1,,\,.\..\.*,, jIlal'.\ill'.['t6tJ,,t' .,,{{.)6.\111,' tpSC) II i,'itr(,iiil,o'nE q ai,/cFHlrf ,f D rtY V I.stry t,r F,,r..rrJ,r Ati Rt,lil::│′ c、 ,、 ,,wl, 、 ,.ィ (,イ ,、 1 ∫ l、 1、 i".vrr,( te.rj.:,' 211‖ ' 16,altJliinl,,,!,.1,, `' ,`、 ,..,│ 1,Ⅲ ' ▼●0も め o01, OJ“ '.‐ ↓,"餞 ■1,rⅢ ・ ,lr6f,i\r,r5a,l, As60,ai\,.t i\i6hfrqc":tr{'ll\r'll (,i Rs.rito6in&,1 &tl,&rn, &it60( lGr.\('T16i )(′ ` .・ 61,‖ .〆 .`":I● [` ` :「 ` ,ヽ ' 6.sJihl\l1iJ&,1, A'rfu ls n;L:&r&nr 1gr e?k\l,rr.tq{16i$ii*, MDF ヽにヽ 'T、 !贅 "が x,`,1型 為 。卜` “ "、 61卜"Fl● 6560α `,│,'6ヾ く`A'“ T`ヽ■0 Ⅲ 興,o:わ :● 0卜 れ," b“ kⅢ・ MDF〕 船 ``x,6“ 、 601゛ ヽ ァ お6■ 鸞 .n。 ヽ、 も o6“ “ 06`つ もTヽ 部 ♪“ l、 (■ 。蒟 卜→ 、3L t● 63で ` マトl,、 0`'L Ъ 0油 崚ヤ市 Ъ やめ 檀 咆 60●Ⅲ cnbn、 aい ●″ヽ ヽ m¨ ■● “ '`T'洲 ` や。¬o゛ ゛。 `ab詢 `b゛ 1,o も̀x■ ・ , 6obJ160 )"中喘 Oooう 。 joOb詢 ■■〕 8ROb ・ l16“ “ 鴫興 Lヽ う 610“ る0,) 〕 `ヽ 綸 b い いか し、 蒟 " o60f・ ゛Ob い脚 LA・ 昴 hゃ nら 、 いい `師 ``x"``ぅ m、 っ 6。 ■Fぶ Oo略 01 η:}ヽ“ 1い ゃヽ :,N8:め 。 、 る、ヽ、 。L `,iハ ¬1'`■ 63nR‖ `'vI・ h . ● :,● .。 :、 `:rr.`,■ .、 2013,00い 岬,00b ヽ:D::■ ,卜 ● 、 て 1● ヾヽ 十r、「 ・・ Jlい 。 ヽ卜 ゛ rlヽ 1・ め ""鸞 “ ,`て ・ ,`"ヽ 6ヽ ,In :1● 。 │:メ ■ 6●/.Jヽ 、 " :贅 ' ,・ ' ``J、 ` 06漁 でド 「 0曖 出`びら :い 型恥 `ヾ Jlヽ “ “ d,M。 ぃ 。 rn恥 “ がヽ ^お “ " ) 晒 脚 い 商 ol由 ゛ , h国 興♪岬 め ・ ゛ “ ヨob▼ 、〕 Rお ・ 、 `6Ⅲ"■OSt, ●ぃ °̀“ いObい b66油 静。 曲Obaい 爾凛° 翼 燎 竃 轟 ぷ 。 田 01 ・ い ‖‖ 111,‖Piヽ ]11)IWl,1,Rざ 出総 ヽ 川 ll酬 出 》 。 ヽ 、 、 ヽ い¬貨 、い ■、 0● “ "メ fli器 ・ ;拙 鼎 ¬.1,ハ Jヽ ・ ψ Ч¬ kl"「 1,4ゃ .0¬ 「 `ふ 、 螂 口 MD「 ヽ 出 ■ .,■ 1` 蜘 “ 押 "口 鸞 山 6¬ 理 ・ ハ 、 lDF¨ 岬 `■ l雌#謂∵ 翠胤.出 肝 中“畑 “ l・ "・ 8o5● 6bv“ ,0● qミ 4・ ADBi 3∞ ∞ aマ 6、 ■η ADROCR T■ 85 at6 om ●0(A DF) ●1。 ヽ ` a。 ,50``.、 、 51633ヽ ollマ ■,t、 `. ` QNitet..ri,/cFrrr|f|ft) rrY M,r'rsl.y or t,rr..r(Jrr A IniNsr /tt i{.)N ., lr, ter ^ot.o.r.rt A9, rr rr,'ls L)l G{'(:! !1, I --1 . tr{1ltihdl, ,{,itorl:l,.r..xt q{jl,.n ,r,. air.. r):G- ,tr lt,,hal,tf, LiR?lIrr.,.tR,J&'tr J.itJ,ld:tcr,)ill(,i6 ll {,iH (Nlt)r. a0t$\i,q,it itt6,,(|,ri.xl$d;f):io)i . &'{iF.l, !$,,,..Irr, . . 'ihhiro{,iti r.r i,|j6l,ih(lJaDt, Ai6aitA,)1, i\.,6b,a6(}oJr{Jirj .r.r6d6iilariF.,h LiEl,ar,$J6.$,{,it {MDF. Ar6r\i,RJ alt6o(r,,}iq,.Oil1;Fo): .?J6;i?tR.. A,iJ,.'a.trl,i,ikl;ta]sl.,' r{f ?r:fiJ(t,i{&n6Jh , .t|lani61trl,,, ^6rtf,ilt d,:t..16?6r 60 o,:t{ (MDF. ar,5s[oqi,J lh[.{r,,,ts('l,trJ6i&,. .ta566.i:jara,6itlo): *'.\ ao$c'\oiJAilR o .:,6 d,:ti, (MDF. en6svoqU lllfX63,1*,4". "Jl,ir,r\'?t(-o AItu\r, .y!$$JOii,'. aVn6ilaiiq.itA.r: 06!5?0 . . . 3: J6oijdool, rJosrl?6o so'l,ro6o. Ail.l O.\6?ot, tblut,hfi l,0q.Tiur6 q,olot, J{ti,,ld?l6r'ri'ie.r6 12,';tA (MDF. Aa5.r$r4t;t a?t"rrorqqr{ld1n}o}. &l9Jan[ pd'r':],<{, :hlU.EJ.r Rr a.\6lbbqJrol, &Baddlt br5h.,'6(|o;R0a,r Jir566R6JOr&,[ bJR'ec'9;,6!etPJ (MDF, to,tu$,lRJ +lrery,l"s.OaOar"L 0dr5ahc.* ,."" An6d{)orr6o6JalA,o i6r.\FIRo o6 (MDF. tuf,r[oq,x &J6o0o.]rrs\1co0A.\ ' 5!li,(afi{o?\ qlu\nqo ,\o.! '[e,R0lnqo ]6 o r (MDF, &asng,al.0 e.r6ooor',iq.t1 J0d,n' a9s6&1aleJ..rt 2. o5l$o0aoon!6o ?gbaqAlqo8Of.U as68ooE aofot Aee\ . Jrq. |., r"' l!.tr6r6lrlin6o &\t6.yrlnr[ 1l()6.\oilJc?qD Aflr{;tq,nl, i\.$ltoo.r/,Ji\s I2 o,ilt (MDF, o,A,!(.oL,,lr ilXG,\!"Jir:.o6Jo.rt A1{,d,"3l1A,..n1,.,,t|.!, .f.i\tlyt,,t, l,r;}aa.x3na1n Ptr,:tx l!,.. a-tR,r1!ti|I{n.\s:.r6,, ,1"Q j.1"311.''t' Ar,q,JA. t8 ",itJ {il.rtt't,ryl,x . iht {t.rlsq,?f, (xriitl'r . llitt('( r.,.i.\r.1.,d)it6iii,rr {;x)_Y{.,il,g-JR,., hsl{,i}.\q o,rtri.,iJ,, O,nn6lr}",c,ODh |l.' AnL\ltill.xs .,.itn,t, i\i6:ID,,\r'ii.\ 3 . . . . r,.llrr'.\)06x&,lr Jdrnr6dsilob A16oS0l! onSar&,\-t0',.\ 'i,h.itld'o,liaitdi,I l!tJ( t.,ssl.' I l\r)r.ln t, (,ntr,JAJ.\\ ih&(r'rlsq,odif,;io). i}i, t,iifiDr h.iIa.t,xDh:ts 24 o,:rt (il.,f,rti q,x aXt,1ri",,61$1p". 6 n,1r rtltDF, &,tn\i\(,1 iaiFrDiI6:Ro ,tt'a,tt,hr6:)ar MDF \,., ADB-b N.rbi\6ir1N, 4,6;th$,1|iFdl, dlbar hn6txr6(y,Jrq,Jas 48 d,JJ. it a6.\VoqJo,i $y. ol6iJitr -lsr- o (MDF, ar'5.\SoRJ }Jfr,oi,JnsrooUogo)t )6r,06.)A0l' As6 oo\\.r'itaol, ahn'ilqnfudn, as6h(,qroJq,c}r Rr ih6o3.r Jl6oa658ol, bn6L!,6ooirq38ol, aisassqs$.ril, (MDF, &o&rgoq,x h6,rGd.\i{o0iba&r. o`o5■ o u: ゃ瑚 0。 。、o3。 20:0 7q。 も あ0● 0も め 00も 2● 11 ▼Roも lII: D_8 - ,:l,.ff'l' ?tncr*ltaa.l, I$.Jq MDF = eJ6.('.a(idn l!scro!,rC&,r, A,16eD. RMD| - ,1mri6.qiiln .snrsqytnJat5rotr llfi,LOn-, Nc(,) - ii(.h..for3;c*; .60"6"r{J;, o&ii = fD5*ri.6.6ia" Rr ?r5.v1ln50r\ pt{- e66\g.qi Ai6q t..t.,q.dtl0?x, rOnS-= .ro,"6,t il,t &nfr,.,,\aa,1., +, 6$_t:,6_Je'\' Ri ah6oil.n,o6i1"l, l{,1'6irll., PM - {rt,|l<,,1,,,1, +J&,0,,.r{,,,(Hrl,l 1, 4,,6:fxn.\6:f.1, .\r,.r, fi}.'ir .1, 8J(",' J,,1itt'o,"t,.,cI,. l{,'r1; di"rl,,. CWUS h.,,r.rt, lto6slia,.r i,J6Jir)iR,.Jr,ro (,,d,i;h(,rro, Cfl RD (“ ホ蒟 OmR‐ │● 3 ● ぃ 6n耐 160L 趙R006● “ :睫 o^ゃ 。 ●銀 b“ 3-“ attb“ 066錮 υ 6bo60oOでj"b b06■ dO■ 6s 。さ 器lRlぷ い 1° い lRTttl柵 nR柵 哺 オ t滞 "二 点 橘│‖ 獅“ “ 糊蹴 ∬ぶ 、 ぁ、6b● b060oが で030RO● ■6o3000あ 0ヽ , 2 卜、 063“ い 0.{3“ " :`('0`` 3・ 卜 ぃ ●:00,‐ oあ ,ふ 蠣● ■ 0(MDF)10 ` ROあ ■て ヽ `】 鸞 卜 ■0■ TT"ふ h MDF `わ● 6卜 )`t,00■ ■03`'1'、 t)` “ 01)“ 。ぅ.61 ),、 '〔 。F0003oRO● o も`JRI‐ ‐ O “ o● 0300J6000b 6。 Ro` m0 360036゛ 。 も 1, 0 `Jや b凛 映 ●。`3“ ゛5“ 興。 ▼蒟 い → “ 01) > v i bon61。 LOヽ 〕q, 36● ,6“ 、い ヽ ■5`。 鸞 ♪ Ъ P30で VR。 っ6o Oollヽ まン 1' ヾ5、 鋤 嶼 〕 」`うもひ aっ 出 さヾゃ 、、。 , v 牌#岬鮒 撃 締httP蝋 0褥鵠 1‖ “ ヽ0 も ぃ肺 も 0° 価 UR° 0出 o` 。 00ぁ oヽ 016o。 る。 ギ 辮 ぶ ‖11倒 lfl肺│:`諾 〕′ 、 れ ‖..ヽ ゃぅuAoЪ ` a〕 ■、 い .1い い い ヽヽ い、い“ 6鸞 ゎ1, ■obu`● 3SLヽ 5ヽ ♪oL やヽ .・ 、 、 n6`r)(1:,あ ヽ LI: で“ m‖ 〕 0` い 。6 J&,6oOJ6oあ t)■ 田 。 b『 ` : ・ ・ ´■‐椰 ●■ い … ― ― " … M.nrsr.! ,ri I )rr.rq,, Atl l, rrj,,,rt,On.rt A!rrt,r. blR♪ nt otl喫 ♂Jレ 。 ● 5bn60.3Rが ` , コba禦 闘時│“ oR゛ b .し 6・ あ 0‐ Oo静 LR蒟 ´αⅢ しよ6・ 鴨鑽 ,6。 い 滞ぽ 皿 貰》:∬ `1鶏 卜 w° W凛 l細 ぶl ‖ F常 ‖ 。 砲 出 惟‖l淑 aぅ 。6卜 で,q lllo ,1, 1,・ 61.,,ヽ l' ni,1, ぃ、 :]。 ¨ 。卜 │ト ト lヽ ' 1` h l● ( '601ヽ N」 ^●t,R3。 ,も ハaヽ て ぃ 6卜 1ぃ .6u01,6・ oO(つ よう ● も │ 6 . ( 8 師 ●りqo oヽ 6卜 。Rが 0い 。 3 。、 、 `00つ 鸞。 `、 卜''興 ユ■つ 301い , 1、 `,600LO(K,(“ o`● 001, 、36` ' ■●OJや 00る 。 6■ 0も 0鑽 06ぺ N♪ つ●0椰 a16: am゛ ,b喫 。さ │→ Ъ δ鸞 ぃ つ “ 蒟 ヽか O1090 `。 .sa60“ 。 ■J,め ヽ a,b択 bw択 ゛ 。 日 ob lヽ Jお 。 あ ヽヽ o筍 ♪■呼 ゃ 6oい 10メ ゛も ・ 6Ъ ぅ も ぁ。 R゛ 0卜 │`0● 606b.δ “ “ O`p00 bbOo L、 6、 L颯 恥 61Lb“ ЬOに ■ RFO I‐ Ooヽ あ 、。`、 lぃ o60tObo904'い 066Jヽ 〕 “ "つ b,● 速ゃ訳 tpO nn,Ь 彎 06● '0`` 001■ ¨ ●R゛ ■0● ゛ 00。 ●01T060` コ ぃoJ (1バ ORII` も い ●,(,Jn,J、 61■ :嬌 "`n、 、1綸 :卜 、 ■ らヽ 。 ■,ヽ 訳● 岬メ」 鸞(ド `:゛ │ド t,● lllil● `‖ n・ “ )0る ● 織11(‖ 辟F:〔 官‖ 、 l拙 鯰 ).1` ^` ,1:ぶ ‖1:澪機∫ IPふ 1:11い │♂ 職 ‖ 1淵 ‖ に'`メ ■ xョ ■ "ド ― ― 絡 … Q● 0'ヽ aじ /cFFrFr,ED ,V ヽ メ ぃ1、 !「 ),,,「 ●r`・ ,9`) L'r l' le,,, aq,.r( 事 RJヽ (い お 士声 出 “ `cm 4 06S6-00b。 ●6_メ nt h`釣 "¬ ♂mb● メ 6まpb J6oo岬 詢 ぃ ぃ も armb〕 姉 ∞ Ln 時● `0-:■ ・・ rぬ 凛・ “ oコ´ 3■rも 謹 00"ぱ o30 10o6、 ,OR3 0● 6oOい 。 R嗚 000。 Ob● "6mS 2 」 6・ ILbabb● い し″〕 ```0メ `」 :淑 b漁 0部 瀞 も ■脚 :昭 満 置 l嚇 “ "“ 出 I漱 す ぃ りぃ ヽ コ決 めoヽ っ 標 わ o "」 需酬品調罵黒Wb淵 t(器 出留:よ 出I ' itn*!6iqo ddr6lnEd, ,L &r, ,ardDl, a,[iAdn,. h6\.1d6.-,t\ krtq.w,J&irso firn6L]ritont . tlrarD E irrr:".o1 arsfl(ad+,k. e\6Jr6or, L,"ini,a3"r,. *, a11q. a,.i.i$-.;;;;a",,r, n?asr.R.*t.,!i.t. 0.t6.,L<,rA, i5 6iFL{.nr,},(Fs QNSftai/cEm+lfD r]Y w.r"strt r,r i )r-,rr,, Afl Lrr I' lr!r 4atrOrr.rt A,., e'ils .,1 G(.(',,jr I 3. fiJ.Jlio&baaot ?At|L0I5 5 *|ir.]'"o,ixh$dh ?rJ5t,0ai $(,., l(,h.ypo Jto0c6odc&nr acLr.Dit[ "Ji(ofiro (l) L.rg7hp\n 0i!&,J:f+Ur,5h&).ty6. ,tnEI n aJ, ,ir,6;il'. 'r'oe *ff.Ino,&Joo i,As:I,ttolll0ah AD&I, 0&16o,J76, rrsoa',tiF, Aohrn,.,,!6 es d6l,Oodft rn,tus:,ift &'rohr.45;ptri (ll) Iq"r i,i.$rxq.6pJl' *|lr,l.ioixlon, ;1flt""&,.F6o k11r11LRol'lR'd'o.r6,oai ADB,I, Jraa*1id{n, 1 r,rtr,&'.J:1,i,,, l':t\RiIlrir.,iJrl,r,.16o6{lddx,l, (19q?f.) hiyti}ttilr:lt,Ar sFrrl4'h,,1, t"r1./,ir&'1, (lll) Jl,!,.. .l6iairildiA'l' N.ll ,r:tird,,l al, ,i.iit,rcn,)1.1D,,1, "t,'6.,h1,-fx, il{.i\6.\q'r'ni ADBi,tr al)ltl,h;]tR olloilllt, aJGJNill|I,6dl,i l\,., .-6.,q(,'l,olr l,rLi|(l,&rtl]lrrfii}rlr" (2m6 f.) ilf3. atr4 rus ,..ll, ti,!d)in;i Jr_,,, "t,,t.'l;,1'tf6,, .'l;rq,,"1,',li\ q,,t 3,,ti.\t t,n6o al6i|l(Aifrdot, ilx,;|rlr;["lr';l ,l)o,i|ot'. r'r'4.!{.h.\r .'ilitl, ;lit'Lq,i[{i|rll{' f iihiil;NJ^i aotr,,l, qLUoeJ.\tls qr r &.r|,.!{tP l, b.\,1, &1.!q.a i6irs6,,?ii th,,6Jitttr,(r({a Jlr,o0i6.\3o1, r!..' i\.'61$hrl'ld',1) (,,{.tTFitt6,'1, 'it1l'.'A..3olry{, (,,r,. LJq?i 6i1qi}\o[ Aif5 (v) lbf nr it-\6hr,63oJr{ qs 11.r$6,rr lDil.nlo,s8Jrt'. ,.Je.Niiob ?sittit'CL ifus l' ?.trlllxrgo?x'l' Ca"br{J0*" ?ilBntAaolf,' R., aoamboe8ot' ("r),r,Jai,€t)ol! (vl) q,oCotrtorr'Cat t0&a,poq0ao[ Jsa'J'6lqJJ60IolDro[ iflq. &aa$lqNJL 6s6L,'?,ooul,iiol, Ro'fiot doiDarol.) Rr ?0lrlqJkolilol, .Aqiq'oE l' ai|6eo o5l$o6ir(|d'6sq.il6o b.\60mr.il10lnl$ |6! A. l 6nCAolr.r I qs q.S6JoOAao[ J.1o06bo [.tDtj. h.t",l,,,rl,"itt, i\r6.1.(,.\itl, {r,' V YDI-:'. ?t r,.. ;t-Ddi,,trt, l, \ei]o,3.\.irir,J0 ls}io, r\tsho.t- L5ao5oLOr4oL t!?!I.rR0atu, Vs6.x6A6l, 4tjt,&foi,[ AD&?o hSd,fiXistrR 0aj6nr?60Jo$.qaoJ tPr ill .rr!.,i[la,i,tt, {,. A,.'aO,t,{tJAh. r lo Ri&eg80liq pFR.l,, N6 (o ]',Rrdr ,$q,0"b .e6o6"?o,.lis r6-.,lp, Qoδ i¬ Fnt,/。 M.r,rsr, 「Y ,● 0 1iV `{T「 .,' f "..r.rrr Arr VL o,■ ヽ細 ●叡`'よb・ ,06、 パ゛ル “ ADB‐ b V‖ W胤 協 ‖鷲 凛 就 ド r・ I」 o゛ `,L R・ :`¨ 詢 嗅 ゛b η静3oぃ ヽ ●・●│¨ 」゛b Qo ADB■ Ъ じふ も 昴 R000ぃ も,ADBヽ ■ “ '』 N“ MD「 o o,齢 b Oo転マ静 L ADB・" L " M`郎●n♪ ab(201● │、 コ。L蝸 Ln 3o6"黎 楔 0 n6J`、 ■わ し ηobr"■● “0● 1ヽ b標 口 on“ (釈 ゛:0口 )ワ nlヽ`あい `専 … 。 商 o 7 8oい 61` 。 も 、 a`,6`,11。 6・ (x'“ R"● 0 1` 600o・ 。 ●♪● 、ヽ068`。 L06っ 」 ゛o6`,も 66(■ 、 oll● 0ト ト ', `(l。 ′ い●:か ,6ゃ 。 ■ 。 いヽ nっ ix,o、 埒 め♪n゛ 。 ADIl‐ oぃ 。 10o`0■ つ も 理¬ い6■ ■ 鋪い(,い 。 01。 ふ 16 `崎 '│り “ 1'ヽ '` ADE卜 `・ ,ir・ ,、 あ 1, 6、 卜翡ド● T興 Цい an,`,議 (1,ヽ でヽ ヽい )mN"0、 Aれ "“ ・・ ・ ●●`' 。6か 6o● oヽ `J。 、 。 .I・ 6ヽ ■鸞 0■ 1・ ♪ `“ ,ADじ │。 ,.6、 ,,6ヽ ¬ R゛ "、 ヽ 6。 (1'゛ 。 ぃ ・ ●(100興 熙 β53戸 α “ "、 ■鸞 “ `` ハ o,卜 │,3r● 1,ADB`"a● │ヽ 1`、 卜Jら ヽ‖ヽ1 。 1'コ ・ F・ "貿 ,'''「 「 1、 つ `● 嗚 M″ "J「 ン 11ュ 〔 器Ъ t ヽもヽ `-5 (b5」 ・ 60oo嗅 m:崚 0`黎 0静 δ ●RO o^5ヽ Ⅲ Ⅲ Oob 666"_● ●J“ b〕 Ⅲ %`SOSl Oさ 600mLttЮ 」渕吟 0) dり (I:I) “ Ro中 ●60● 哺 6ob● j"b絆 ●60L● ●● 静 0 ハヽ ・ 1,● 1■ ,■ ■P,TO∼ 1ヽ ■o■ 、も:● `ふ ヽ10。 a¨ ヽ`興 ,P,ト マr,J¬ aJ鴫 `'(EARF, `:ル ● `,VoL“ おい 卜Rメ .Ъ 、.■ ,¬ a,f1/1。 (LARFI υ Iヾ 3`■ '卜 や` い` │ゃ ヽ H:lf・ r` ` :MP) (「 (13,x'"'316:Iヽ ● ゎ:11。 ・ `り '(・ 5 ぃ。 、 ,n, `、 ヽ● o` い F択 ηJ",Loょ ゃι 、゛¬R゛ メl, ). ゃヽ ℃ 」`looあ ・ L 。 │` &円 :r"0。 も 商 ●3お 卜 ●a 06つ R“ ゛標 ぁ、n`│、 。 ゛ 、 `、 Olb66oooし tOさ TEat,/c「 OTr,cDI]γ M,,rslrt ,,t ,:, r.r.rur! TB.iN\! r.t.i) o, lr t!r ^ot rolrrt 49r r. b.tiiA&,L E6OCr a- aqtr'c,-tfn_ es{{,E.t6t 0?tRo u,,iriRo J.6rl0JOo as q,Rntr qo &r3g>?g6ib3. tr.fr1.aqjt _a$to6oo.l\.rinlio606flq" rys eAa8'0AAl"L ogo;p,3,1 eOa-t .\r'rR0rr, ,r,r! \qr,ti3r60otr (2009 8. -i1.. !.) tnLoaoaoLls. iirr'..6.'ir"r'hA,, ll].xol, I l;:I;l:;'t;:,,", ''.irir1r"1id;ti' t'''ii,,r'xa*1',"-i;.;xr';'li,'i "lr1i.o""li,,n"""s. MDI n6id,"tlll, { r:tinn,, itiFiNAit6d)nt\ Ainful} irrt }ia6(r,, rl.ilit.r ,.,e;..1. ,...,.,-p,"r1,...1 ,.1,,,",, ri6r;ii,rd,;i ,r,,,riljii ,;;*.., d,rr.arr,t{,\ri,s i"l'*ssP: l. SoSob ?6Lpq6s e! SsSti$q1r.l U'0630CInし ら0_ M,rr.stry r,, t , r.r,rrr,, A Itli!N(i! r.t tr)N ― `,“ (lll) (lv) 12. lL\6'allrar, ll',it,i.rx,t,.\ il;df,iJ; iil'il,'1.',it' r.flllt. .a,,tlL\...&,t,,, LARp-b A,oltr.tpii.t .lirrr"4rirrr(' iPXJf{,i, ?JfubF&, ",.. rli|""l')R")ila r"rarsrr*''^l'o';61"nir,,r, "6iftir, snlr65,i.irrs :#1';,.]l' "rt,,rxRF,)h d,.160.., l ral6Jltsr bsqlh,,J.o[ orit(r6@o 6r5t'.rh{r}'L o..l,}r:l $!s6oh.,0}o! (2m, 9.) os5rhA.R, lEJnrD j.lB{,rl d;tapmc (oo.JiaJ666t' (l) r6p. bnoocL iaq{,}c}dis LARP.ot Ro6oLdoodc.ol, }')RqtoJot, Joalcstrxrds ;JRtoc,eraou !1ISo (n60arqsaor ,'q06.,a@, 6saoMo0,i c6o,sR, 6oap}d,o 6*s.s"uqknr1q.J il,,[*rr$,*,. LARF-@' p.) ll. I, 6r A ?ill,Dliaolk, 6.r,s6 .*oflJtxrt ADB{,| ',"j:-.,:...,::"--'" il ';['ff:l':h6:' l.l. .yn a.h(,oar .,1(x,.rro(, t .\s?#:i|r o hsillurJ}ll, qd.r6.1,8ob .d!6a|qiJl?o Rst €o6.)Gl,adcR o ,ttt66inrdd!,, .rr,r"3jia,-n"r, ta0.f*anq t "Ro?o .rc60n, ' !G.!a ADB .yr 6-"A,,ffinfi iir-n.r, lii'"l*i:$ff,;Yffi;JfJffi;:,Tg* "'*'n & bl,oolqlrao leiv80rol, SA6p!,iiiRn 0.GA(,,uids q,s t hs t slr' {n ",e*& LAro H: RNaOJ.{J0alt ?ntrrqosor' a.11 ._ ∴(′ ■//し /レ 、 T lt5 o1 0t,0,り `,i る ` ` .1"川 ♪ '111嶋 塩 t。 ∬ 鵠 は 、ハ 織 露 鼎 「 鵠 ‖IFil‖ R出 ∫lと 1淵 ど ‖ 鰍 謀い 選 ■・ 6oJ卜 ●o(r"■ ' 1る ヾ:● ・ '● 6● J` η::t`¬ ヽ :lヽ い卜 l`lo● lII ¬い ` 卜t'X● (Ⅲ l興 、o` りヾoヽ 03ヽ 〕 "て ,`● Siヽ い `● ■,6(1● "]ふ に "卜 r MD「 い、 れ●6、 マ`,理 ‖ n.6,.r・ `、て●:い `い l tr・ のw も、ヽい●0:● 0卜 ・ Ooス 6 詢い ヽ "“ いo● 。`,ヽ ●06ヾ (`」 鸞 ・ `m■ ‖o゛ 山 ハ:い い。 (CAP, 1● 喘:円 。 ● 6■ )I J。 赳 、Ъ ●obl時 。も 、聰`N“ 801J■ `ヽ ぃ い、四 仰あ、■, 、。 ¬■,`"■ ■嗅 ゛"b &lm 、 ,コ 賞0 011`¬ 鸞ば、 い ・ ,躙b`・ L )│`“ ■、3、 MDF‐ a、 ■。&0・ 。 っ 。 ●ヽ¬,(・ ,` GAP‐ ヽ コ L`¬`● ●つヾ●。い l'ADB L 暉:│、 L T゛ 71賃 0,wa`,1“ 、静 ▼。 '``16● δ‐ o■ Oa`,lx,anヾ `,“ るがっし■,ぃ 、っあ、ヽ “ “ “ ) :〕 q\grta\i/CFrTrrF|€o lry M,r"s,, t,,, F, :r.!,,J,, IItirrs. ;..1 .{. ,,,:iii :r! ()t,1r,.rr , R゛ ヽ る -6 (boJ、 6● 3r● 0:矢 ら 0,る ヽ 6¬ R06`。 6い ●6oOも o。 ●●゛コR」 ら 0い `o、 ¨ 蹄 1ぶ論 Ⅲ I議 李│‖ ::憔 ド ‖ 。。6000゛ 10bOb昴 1出 Oo`釣 薄 譜・悧 l膊 `郡 °チ 曰 穏郁:脳│:卜 1繍串詳F震ふ欄器ヽど胤 │ M.,,1・ .,rv 01F→ Lrr rr,trrr ,,tl,,A “ γnANstAl。 ヽ r:ntroIrrt A9l ● o嗜 n↓ /clmrに _ `:A `メ TRANSt八 li(〉 ´,=1`・・,「 ッ “ ヽ F`ヽ D:]γ rn,● ∼ Suslainable Urbar Transport lnveslmenl Prooram (RRP GEO 42414.01\ FRAMEWORK FINANCING AGREEMENT (GEO: Sustainable Urban Transport lnvestment Program) Parties This Framework Financing Agreement ("FFA") OateO ri? '( .lunel 20lO is between Geoigla and Aslan Oevelopmont Bank ("AOB"). MFF:nvestnent Program Georgia is commined to and will implement improvemenl of urban lransport syslem in urban areas of Georgia. The total cost of lhe lnvestment Program (to be implemented from 2010 to 2018) is estimated at $351.63 million equivalenl. The total cost of the entile tnv€stment requirements for the sector, over the period o{ next 10 years is estimated 8t around 51 billion equivalenl. The investmenl program will improve access to eflicient, relable, and sustainable urban transport for about 2.5 million urban residents in Geolgia It will provide. as appropriate, targeted assistance lo municipalities and Municipal Development Fund of Georgia (MDF) focusing on linancial, managerial, and technical performance. The investment program will comprise the following parts Component l: Urban Transport lnlrastructure lmprovemenl 1 Road and bridge construclion and urban habitat and waterlronl improvement 2. Public transporl network and infraslructuro rehabililation and 3. erlension Multimodal facilities including parking and traflic management Component ll: lnstitutional Capacity Oevelopmenl Componenl lll: Program Management Facility Multi‐ Tranche Financlng FacHity The Multitranche Financing Facility (the Facility or MFF) is intended to finance projects under the investment program, provided that such projects comply with the criteria set out in schedulo 4 hereto and lhat understandings set out in lhis FFA are complied wilh The projecls under the facrlity may rnclude, bul not limited; (i) conslruclion, upgrading. and rehabilitation ot urban lransporl systems such as roads, bndges, public transport. multimodal facilities, traflic management and parking. urban habitat improvemsnl measures in tho contexi of sustainable urban development, and (ii) policy and instituiional support to implement efticienl and reliable urban transporl services, Sustainable financing mechanism tor investment and operation, improved financial managem€nt and revenue mobilization. and developing efficieni accounlable service providers. This FFA does not constltute a legal obligation on the part of ADB to commit any financing. At its sole discrelion. exercised reasonably, AOB has the right lo deny any finaocing request made by Georgia. cancel the uncommitted portion of the Facility, and wilhdraw Georgia's right lo request any {inancing tranche under the Facitity. Financing tranches may b€ made avaitable by AOB provided maners continue to be in accordance wilh the genergl understandings and expectatlons on which the Facility is bas€d and which are laid oul in this FFA. ADB may exercise its right lo refuse a financing request, by givinO wrinen notice to such effect to the other parlies. The w/inen noUce will provide an explanation lor the cancellatron or refusal and, in the case of a cancellation, sp€city lhe date on which lhe cance alion takes etfecl. Thrs FFA will enler into force upon notice trom Georgia to ADB on the fulfillment ol domestic procedures ,or entering into force in accordance with Georgia's applicable legislation. bul nol later than etfectiveness ol the toan agfeemenl tor tranche 1 pro,ect Financing Plen The financing plan tor the Investmenl Program is summarEed below Government Financing Terms 30000 5163 1468% ADB will provide loans to finance components under the lnvestment Program, as and when the latter are ready for financing. provided. Georgia is rn compliance with lhe understandings hereunder. and lhe components are in line with lhose same understandings Amount The maximum financing amount available under the Facility is 5300 million. It will be provrded in individual tranches from ADB,s ordinary capital 3 resources! and Special Funds resources2. subject to the latter availability and allocation under ADB'S applicable policles and procedures, from time to time. Avsllabillty Perlod The.last date on which any disbursement under any tranche may be made will be 30 Oecember 2018. The last periodic Financing Request (pFR) expecled to be submitted no later than 31 August 20.16. is Terms and Conditlong Georgia will cause the proceeds ot each tranchs lo b€ applisd to the tinancing of oxpenditures of the inveslment program, in accordance with th6 condilions set forth in this Agreement and the legat agreemenls for each lranche. The loan proc€eds under the Facitity will be used to finance urban transport prolects. for which eligibility and approvat criteria are set oul in Schedule 4 to this FFA Ere c ut ion The Executing Agency (EA) lor the tnvestment program wiI be MDF with the assistance of the participating municipalities The EA will executa the subprojects under the lnvestment Program in accordance wilh Ihe principles set forth in Schedule 1 to this Agreement and the s€lection crilerie set torth |n Schedule 4 to lhis Agreement, as supplemented in the legal agreements for each loan. Psriodic Fina ncing Georgia may requesl. and ADB may agree, to provide loans. under the Facility lo finance ths investment program and its related subprolects upon the submission of a Periodic Finencing Request (pFR). Each pFR should be submined by Georgia Georgia wi make available to MOF the proceeds ol the loan in accordance with the related pFR and the tegal 69lsgrngnqr J.t lhe tranche RequGsts Each rndividual tranchs witt be for an amount of no tess than US$50 mjllion, or its equivslent. AOB will review the PFRS, and il found satisfactory. wil prepare lhe related legal agreements The subproiects for which financlng is requested under the pFR wilt be subjecl to Ihe selection criteria and approval process set out in Schedute 4 hereto satislactory due dilige tevant saleguards, fiduciary requiremenls and Facility will be implemented in accordancg wi et out in Schedule 3 to this FFA and the Facility Admtnistration Manual agroed between the parties. Unless otherwrse nolrned by Georgta in wrtting, pFR wilt be signed on behall Provrs,ons-ot the Ord'nE.y Opo.aloos LoEn Rogutatroh! ap Ordt^a.y Caprlal Rcaourc€s, dalod I Juty 2OO1 !,vould appty n6nl (sax, Ordr tom ADB.g tigns, .ny. ro modilt€d. ) rons applcable Io Loans Mads by ,n:ruq6d ulrle,.ny Lo.n Asr€ome.,r (",,d A0B lrorn rts Spocral funds s*,,i?T"i:t"::'U:ili*J:ITjfi$,Ll';:ili"j,I:lrT called the sF Lgan Reguration3 and, collsctrvcry n'th the ocR Lo€n R;gubtrone, th€ Loan Regurations-) of Georgia by the Ministry of Finance General The Facilily will be implemented in accordance with the general lramework lmplementation Framework. set out in Schedule 3 herelo Specific implementation detarls may be set out in the relevant legal agreemenls. Procedures Each tranche to be provided under the Faqlrty wlll be subject to the following procedures and underlakings PFR information The PFR wrll substantially be in an agreed format, and will contain the following detalls: (i) (ri) ii,il (iv) (v) (vi) Safeguards Loan amount; Descriptron of components to be financed, Appraisal reports tor all constituenl subproiects including envlronmental assessment report, resettlement plan, it any, and a due dihgence report on safeguards implemenlallon in the previous PFR: Cost estimates and Financing Plan lor the proposed loan and the subprojects. lmpiomenlation arrangements specilic to the subprojects or comPonentsl Confirmalion of the contlnuing validity of. and adhe,ence to' the Attached as Schedule 5 to lhis Agreement, are lhe social and environmental safeguards frameworks that will be complied with during the implemontation of lhe investment Program ADB safeguard polioes tn eflect at the lime ADB approves the provisron of a frnancing lranche will be applied with respect lo the subproiects financed under such tranches Procurcment All goods and works to be linanced under lhe Facility will be Procured in accordance with AOB'S Procurement Guidelines (2010, as amended from time to time). Consulting Serv ices All consulting services to be financed undet the Facility witl be procu'ed in accordance witn noB's Guidelines on the use of consultants (2010, as 5 amended from time to time) Advance Contracting and Retroactlve Fina nclng Under each tranche. ADB may subject lo its policies and procedules, allow on request (a) advance contracling and (b) retroactive tinancing of eligible expendilures tor up to 20% of the propossd individual loan. incurred prior to loan effectiveness but not earlier than 12 months before lhe date ol signing of the relaled legal agreement, Georgra acknowledgos that any approval of advance contracting and/or retroaclive linancing will not constitule commitment by AD8 to finance the felated proiect Olsbursemonts a for aach tranche will be made in accordance with the conditions of disbursemenl in the relevani Loan Agreement and in Disburgement accordance with ADB'S Loan Disbursemont Handbook (2007' ss emended lrom time to lime). Monitotlng, Evaluation, and Reportlng Arrangomentg Wthin 3 months ol the effectivoness dale ol the loan agreement lor each loan under the Facility, the EA will establish a Program Perfolmance Monitoring System (PPMS) ln forms and substance accePtable to AOB. The PPMS wiil first select a set ol Podormance monitoring indicators rslating to physical implementatron and institutional relorm, and capacity building mrlestones including those rn the Design and Monitoring Framewotk (Schedule 2). The EA wrll establtsh basoline data for each of the selected indicators and will conduct annual surveys and update ADB on the progrgss against each indicator The EA will slso prepare and submit consolidated semiannual progresg reports rn English for each loan on all aspects of Project implementation wrthin 30 days of lhe end of each 6 months, the reporls will give the details of overall implementation progress, problems encounlered during the reporting period, measures taken or proposed to remBdy thege problems, and the proposed program of activities lot the next 6 months. The EA will submit to AOB a pro,ect complelion raport within 3 months ot Physical complelion ot the subproiscts financed under each loan, and I facility completion report within 3 months of the physical completion of each rndividual lranche ThBse reports will describe ths delails ol implementation. costs. monitoflng and evaluation results. problems encountered and actron taken, and other information that ADB may request. Wth lhe second PFR. the EA will submit a compliance report confirming the continued validity and the adherence to provisions of FFA and preceding agreement on each component. ADB will ield reviow missions as required to discuss the progress of the lnvestmenl P.ogram under each loan. any changos in the implementation arrangements, or remedial measures that are needed to achieve the oversll obrectives of specitlc subprojacts and of overall lnvesim€nt Program. ln addition to regular reviews. includrng a midterm review for each loan. a detarled midterm review of the Facility will be done 3 years after the lirst loan takes effect The midterm review for each loan under the Facility will be done rn accordance with the implementation period ot eech loan. The midterm reviews will evaluate in detail the scope of lhe Facilily and projects. ^ b implementation arrangemenls, any outstanding issues, environment and resettlement as w€ll as other safeguard issues, achievement of scheduled targets, contract management progress. and other issues, as appropriate. Representations schedute 6 hereto sets out the undertakings provided by Georgla in relation and Warranties to the Facility GEORGIA ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK /ヽ SCHEDULE SCHEDULE SCHEDULE SCHEDULE SCHEDULE SCHEDULE Authorized Repre6entative l: 2: 3: 4: 51 61 FACiLITY CONSTITUTENTS DES:GN AND MON:TORING FRAMEWORK FOR THE FAC:LITY IMPLEMENTAT10N FRAMEWORK SELECT10N CRITER:A AND APPROVAL PROCESS FOR SUBPROJECTS SAFEGUARD REQUIREMENT AND SOC!AL DEVELOpMENT POLICES UNDERTAKINCS SCHEDULE 1 (GEO: Sustalnable Utban Transport lnvestment Program) A. '1. Strateglc Context Georgia is one of the most urbanized countries in South Caucasus with an urban population expected to reach 560/0 of the total population by 2030 There is an urgenl need to rehabrlil.ale. upgrade and improve Urban transport infrastructure in maior cities and towns in provide more compelitive plattorms lor economic growlh and improve living standird Georgian cities and towns are constrained by unequal local gove.nment capacity and remaining orga;izational gaps in: inrraslructure management ensuring effective management and regulation of transport operalors: etfective projecl implementation and monitoring; revenue generation in thB transpori sector; and integrstod urban management and planning systems. Georgia. lo 2 Slnce the Government's visron is to maks sure cities play lheir proper role as engines of oalronal growth, centers ot economic activity and knowledge, and focal points foI cultural change tne invsstmenl proglam otlers a programmatic, long{erm approach to the revitalization of cities gurded by road maps for urban sector and instilutional retorms The inv€stment program ii fuly consistent wilh ADB'g tong-term assislance program in Geolgia that includes urbin service detivery. sustainable basic infrastructure, improved urban kansporl syslems. and strengthened governance and rnStitutions for bener municiPal management lt also matches lhe Government pohcy to tmprove urban and munlclpal iniraslructure and reduce road I transportalion constlaints on economic actlvity. 3 The devetopment ot a suslainable urban transport network is also a key componenl lor the development of urban areas and lo enhance the role ot Tbilisi as an important business cenlre rn lhe Caucasus region Based on local strategy and exisling masterplans, the Government has prioflttzed lhe improvemenl ol lransport servicBs in all towns and ctties lhrough the country, starting in areas or most urgent or strategic needs. The Government has already invested significantty Ouring ZOO5-20i0, and lhere is need lor more than S'l billion of furthel invsstmenti in ordei to: (i) meet the inqeasing demand and guarantee good mobility conditions for all citizens; (ii) improvg inhabitant's quality of life. protect the environmental conditlons, and support development of tourisml and (iii) provide world-class inlraslructuro companies and inveslors to llnd a convenient and efficient environment B. lo allow private Road Map 1. A vlsion lor Sustainable urban transport ln Georgia by 2030 4 The stralegrc vision of the project is to promote a sustainable, integtated, socially affordable, environmentally lriendly and cost etficient urban lransport system 8y 2030, with lhe benelits of the investment program, urban transport wrll play a major role in improvlng access to businesses and communities, attracling rnveslments, and enabling citizens to tap economic and social opporlunities This investment program will ptomote etficient and etlective urban transport services with incenlives and capacity to improve quality. efliciency, reliability, accessibility. atfordability, integration and covetage ol transporl sorvices. lt will help resolve heavy traftic congestion and air and noise pollution, caused by incleesed private cat ownership, inadequate roads. weak traftic management. and imp€rlect public transport services. lt will also boosl the ' eOB ZOOf tntenm Op€rst@nat Strategy 2OO8-2OO9 and Country Partr.rshrp Stratogy undor proparalron. Manila 2 economy, sustain tourism development, and slrengthen employmont The inveslment proglam financed by ADB is structured as a multilranche financing tacility and wrll support a program of investmenls to resolve these issues mainly in Tbilisi, Kutaisi and Mestia in the first tranche and rn other main cilies in Georgia in subsequent tranches. lt provides financing fol physical improvements in main urban areas, benefiting a lolal population ol 2 2 million, and lor rnslitutional strenglhening and capacity building'? 5. - Five main goals have been idenllfied for the urban transporl sector in Georgla: aad noMort in utban arcas lo b@sl the economy and strenglhen employment. A coherent, oPtimized, efiicient time saving road nstwork' decrjasing conge;tion and urban barrier effects, and sustaining economic development in Goal 1: Complete and upgrade the general and development ot tourism in parlicular. . 2: Prcmote a sustainable developmenl ol load netvgo,* opofttion' ln order to maintaln aproperqualityofroadnetwork,themanagementolthet'atfic'thequalityofservic€and Goal the oiganisation of its maintenance will be improved using privats sector involvement and public private partnership (PPP) to malch demand, and reduce congoslion and cal and energy saving strategy to upgradB. lriendly usage An atlordable, environmentally infrastruclures, and renew vehicle fleet public ttansporl renovale, complete Goat 4: lmprove public trenspod elficancy, profitability and quality ol sevice with integrdted and suslainable urban lranspod syslem wrth an easy to implement strategy tor public lranspoft and tailored solutions to promole intermodality and maximize lhe benefits of an - Goat - 3 lmprove public t@nspod notwotl< rnlegrated transporl nelwork - 5 lmpmve quahly ol tile wlh specilic measurcs lor non molonzed transpotT lo reduce polluhon, noise and tralfic Eccidenls. An ambitious siralegy in order to limit the flow of cars inside the dense parts of the clties and to develop exemplary urban .enewal project in each city particularly sustainable coastal waterfront improvemenl to promole non motorized transporl uses (pedestrian, h^ro-wheeler' etc) Goal The sector roadmap aims to allocate over its 20 year.p6riod equal effori for the road sector and for public and non-motorized transports and improvement of urban living habitat conditions in order to otfer reliebl€ alternalrve lo car usB, promote a mors sustainable mobility in Georgian cities. This is particularly relevant considering tho ADB policy paper on sustainable transporl,r which suggests that the three strategy elemenis of a sustainable urban transPorl model pohcy should be avod . shift and 'improve'. These refer to the principle of reducing lhe need to travel and lo encourage lravelers to use sustainable modes and energy etlicient. 6. 'green' vehicles and luels 2. A sequenced urban transport development plsn 7 The principle of the urban sustainable transport road map is to proposs a list of actions which aim to deal wth different issues identitied These aclions are integrated and interrelaied prorocts, in order to rmplement a cohelent development ol the transporl network in Tbilisi and in Dttanb ]温 :躙 1:品 紹昭:肥Ψ乳 ‖ 翌 iJ脚 ♂::盤 躙 1[ul出 1'「:出 語 Sustainable Transport Operat onaI Plan,Manla and AOa 2“ Q 3 developed in a holistic Yisionl other participating municipalities The difterent inlrastructures are modes' especially road and for pro,ects all ttansport lhe key issue is lo propose complementary prur" irr".p".t nei*orts ttre roaa ."p *it1 be implemented in 3 phasss which may coincide wrth tho three tranches of the MFF (i) lmmediate action plan, with urgent actions and inveslment lt mainly includes the already planned pro,ects habitat (ii) Medium term actions: aim ai providing transportation. and sustainable urban years' " few impiovement solutions to match increase in demand in the next (iii) Long term development: the obiective development and the transport network' is to sttalegize and coordinatB the urban municipalities They have to be coordinated as ii. ilnir"."^trtion'of the road map consists rn the following obi€ctives: actions are proposed to cope with the increesing 9. Msdium tetm actions: difterent -tt,e cunent Itansporl provision and crealing new urgent demand It arms al rmprovlng rnlrastruclures: (l) '' (ii) road 10 improve safety reRoad notwork. creation of missrng links' upgrading.existing maln roads the of designlng main problematic crossioads and renovation public. transport network according to Public transport: rostructuring and devoloping -and integratlon ol the ditferenl public demand and n"* o"r"iop.'"nl in ttre city, ol the metro network in Tbilisi to thg densest areas' transport services' e*teniion relurbishment or rne miin stations and renovatlon of the rolhng stock: and reorganization of microbuses services (iii) parking Policy and concession Parking organizalion and management: reform of the for new Patking lot (iv) urban renewal and Non motorized transporl: develoP urban proiecls which combine lacilities to pro.ote ieJJr'an'and othor sofl modes uses' including sustainable for pedestrian and recreaiional coastal waterfront i.iau"r"nt given ils imporlance life quality improvement, urban regeneration and coastline tourism developmgnt quality of transportation Long tetm devolopment: rt promoles a dramalic increase of rncluding: participating municipalities, and qualily;f lifs in the 1O (r)Roadn€tworkc'eationofnewroadsconnectingthesurroundinga(eas,tollmlttraflic network tn the do$,/ntown area. and refurbishmenl and upgrading of the road (ii) Public transport: refurbrshment of the whole public tlansport system includinglnlerchangBstaclhtlestoprovidesa|e.attractiveandatlordableservices.creationof main corridors ol new fast, attractive anJ nign-capacity public itanspon lines on the demand (rii) lacilitiss at the Parking organization: crearion ol safe parklng lots and "Park and ride" use public car and p€ople leave their to extremities of the metro lines to encourage transporl or walking zones for their trip in the centte (iv) Non-molorized transport. caeaiion of lraf'lic calming zones in touristic areas of cily centef lo lmprove the qualily of life, enhance cultural heritage and promote the use of pedeslrian and other soft modes. 3. Overyiew of Roadmap interventions The proposed infrastruclure development for the Ehort term mainly deals with the already on-going or planned projects Based on the existing mobility and the transport demand generated iy fni n"* urban anb economic developments in various urbsn areas a list o, key intrastructure has been etaborated and agreed. A numb6r o, significent Projects are ernm6nt, in partjcular construction of the highway in Tbilisi on Chachavadze Avenue in Vake business district through 11 districts adiacent to Vake. 12MtkvariRiverinTbilisirepresentsanatura|barrierwhichconslraintslheconnections sxisting road bridges..a between tho banks. Given the current congestion observed on the nine in ii,Og" i, p.posed tinking lhe district! of Saburtalo and Oigomi to Oidube. Congestion densely to a access main the it Stieei in TUrtisi is atso noteworthy as constitules the university campus buildings and research centsrs Today, multiple inhabrted area, including-university to tne city center Th; completion o' the 1'5 km extension of mrcrobus iines link the ".* Kavtaradie network metro l;ne 2 and the opening of the Universrty stalion will relieve pressure on the road Tbilisi and benefits and wi1 have clear reat eslate and sustainable urban de,elopment-related AniTqgl{ Rustavr have effectivBly become two Poles of a singte urban agglomeration commutingtrafficiSobservedbetweenTbihslandRustavi,itsmainadioinedcity(120'000 tnhabrtant;) which extend the urban area and creates a 30km-long metropolitan area The in the TbrlisFRustavi urban interconneclion upgrade will contribute to traftic sarety, reduction lransportationtimeandcongestion.andwilltosterSustainableplanningallalongthe tnterconneclion. lt ts thus recommended to upgrade the elisting road linking these two cities, line eflectrvely turning it into an urban boulevard which could convey a high frequency bus l3Pedes]rianaccessibilityandpromotionolnonmotonzedt]ansportareurgentissuesin Tbilisi and Kutaisi ln Kutaisi. btcycle lanes and related pedestrian/clean lransportation public developmenl is projected to ease pedestrian movement and safety and have positive improving ilaftic health implcations. The construclron of the Gorgasali underpath rn Tbilisi, while pedestrian zone providing new a conditions by removing a maror tratfic bottleneck. also aims al the to pathway the Old City lrom pedestrian on the bankl ot the Mtkval River. oflering direcl river bank. 14 The rnvestment program will allow to tmprove accessibility of cities with high ec.onomic and louristic potential h ttris respect, the pfogtam will supporl the Govetnment in its efrorts to enhance and open up urban areas rn Georgla's mountainous and coaslal areas such as, Anakha Balumi and MBstra This aims to create incentrves lor private investors beneliting lrom strong governmental rnveslment stimuli in tourism development activities. completion of the urbari r;ad access to Mostia is parl of the Governmonl's broader efforl in the conlext of sustainable dovelopment of Georgia's upper svaneti area - the UNESCO World Heritage site whrch rs consprcuous by its exceptional mountain scenery, architectural heritage. climatic condihons cultural and sports tourism potenlial The investmenl progtam will suppo( lhe Governmenl rn its etfort lo ensure sustainable development Ol waterfronts in lhe Elack Sea coastal cities of Batumi and Anaklia. This will take form ol coastal ptotection and coastline pedestrian intrastructure development measures with significant positive externalitres in terms of 5 developmgnto,therelaledurbanareasandenhanongtheiratt,activenesslordomesticand internaiional iourisls which generate employment and revenues numerous urban ln the mld-term, the assessment ol the economic development and the re new transport infrastructures in the next lew mainly caused by 5-6 road iunctions, which se in car tratlic will reinforce the negative d tunnels rs A rk Traftic mprove ay nol be congestion will also be worsened by ant€r-city through 15 new th tra could be ci iit.""tr" enough due to rts long distance'from Ge . (i) toboth wil enable which road, inner ring nign-c"pacity fasl a-no ionsioereo to c-reate a new districts of .onn".i qri.Xfy the main nignways arriring in Tbilisi and (iri to link the surrounding the city withoui going through the avenues in the centre' 16 Several dense areas ol Tbihsl are nol alternative with lransfers at the terminus statio forecasted tid€rship on these sections. new m areas could be relevant Similarly. the tratiic Vake. Delisi, Rustaveli. Didi Digomi. may requ *hi"t *itt depend on demand, alignment and traflic caPacity' be considered for The quality and funclionality of the lntelchange stations can Akhmeteli which and improvement parlicutarty tn" ,e-trJ.i"t,on" oi Vagztis l,;eOanr, Samgori consist of a hohstic sifnificant transters witn the bus and ioach lines' These could 11 "-fuir"", ,r5- iJ"r"6prenl project, including the lull refurbishment of the metro stations: the creation and the development ot ol intermodal faclltties such as pedeitrian paths and bus terminals: privale sector involving orirorg"- armmercial and recreational amenities "ml" has a dlrect impact 0n Parktng lots are missing in Tbilisi, especially secured spaces lt recommended in the densest tratfic congestion by causing ranOom parking Niut lots are of secu-red lots tmplemenlation business a-reas. to crrb parking. Around- otd Tbrhsi, the rernlorce its 18. car kee zone in downlown ;;;il-;i." "n"tt" tt" creatio;of i leisure' altracliveness in terms o, tourism and 19 ln the long term, the rsmoval of the r which could development projects in Tbilisi as lhe land ma used to erect a new district with residenlial bu It is a great opportunity to create an integ road transport network to replace the ex tratfic. an urban boulevard could be designe transporl system. of at c P traffic The cr denser 9 notably between trlork could also I imPortant quire new o connect The long d etficEnt into fast, hlgh capacity solutions to car use such as the transformalion of the main bus foutes could be developeo to facilities transporl systems. when metro will be upgraded, park and ride provide alternative solutions for commuters ^ 0 C. 21. Policy and Reform Framework In order to meet the objectives of the inveslment program n is necessary to develop an the urban sector roadmap anchorid within a holistic and integratd reform agenda improving suitainability, quality. and reliability ot urban transport seryices This requires incenllves and support16rough (i) jn enabting potriy framework, (ii) etfective institutions. professional operation and manage;ent, and (iii) sustainable linancing lor op€ralion and investmsnt 22outsldeTbilisi,inGeorgia,ssecondarycities'furthefimprovementsneedtobgmadein vision: urban plannrng and servrce deiivery This inCludes bul is nol limited to: clear long-term action and strategic lnlegraled of process oulpuls lhe and the mandates ctar(y ol institutronal planning.andcoordlnatlonlnlnveslmenldecisionsthatwou|densureetfeclivesp€ndingln looitionl n"r" is a potential ot improvement rn development and implementation ot Policy Frameworks 1. lnstltutlonal change oPtions ?3. On nuinolty; aspects ol molorized a Transporl managing all servic€s' non ns in order to promote an integrated Public ttansport system; 2. Flnanclal oPPorlunitica end Different financial solutions could be investigated to better cover opersting road new finance proposed to be also could options investmlnt costs for transporlation. Others rnveslments especially tolls on marn highways or public private padnershlp (PPP) to finance 24 new public transPort slations 3. Monitoring 2sMonitoringrefersiotheregularandsyslematiccollectionofdataonspecif]edindicalors progress and io prorioe st;ke[olders of an onloing actrvily with indications ol the extent of the operator's measure and (r) seNices anatyzt acnieremenr ol ob.iectives, Monitoiing iystemi operating of amount (ii) rhe determina aicoroing ro the con'iratt conditions, fu;;;;. to llmit (iii) proPose solutions alternative public t ansport, in subsidies to cover sociil discount of road congestion: (iv) help to decrde on set incentives: and (v) direct on th6 tutule organizalion decisions' the publii transport market (e.g. benchmarking among ditrerent oPerators, tendering etc.) Capacity building through asslstance snd t'ainlng ith these ln'rastructures ptojects and implement the pr ies vrill Iequile assistance and training. organrzational' reforms. Tbilisi anagement and supeNision to implement As-sistance will be required for 4. 26. To properly the proposed intrastructure according lo intetnational standards' 'V€rlehsvelbund' in type ol grganEatgn rs lound in mgsl vrestern aod developed countrlos end rs cslled rn frence Aulhonty-(AOTU) Tranlpon Managemenl Germlny. Pasinger Transpon Aurhonty (PTAi rn UK, Urban Transport and or Road jn Transpo(ation Buresu ol Toryo metropohten (LiA) Srngapore irinsporr 1-O 'Thrs in O'Jbar Thore are usually headed by Mayor or Vrc! Mayor Aulhority (RTA) "r'if,orily 7 27 To strengthen the transport sector stakeholders, capacrty buildlng will be needed including: (i) prof€ssional touts and visils: (ii) a twining with relevant municipalities to provide benchmark and good practices tor implementation: and (ii) the development o[ specific tools. including professional documgntation. studies and softwale to ben€r assesg transPortation trends. tako into consideration urban development. End hslp the authoritiEs to anticipato the future needs and rocus on lh€ main fututes issues. ‖ :ND:CAT:VE INVESTMENT PLAN Sub● ●ctor lnVe● m● nt Roqulrernen■ :o2030・ uSS M":i。 ■o 2010・ RoaO lmprOvemonts and inlr● structuro upgradin9 Trafic Manegqrr€nt Car Parting Mess ,Eprd tran3it Cgnstruclion, Upgradrng and Exlen!lon Pr/blrc Transporl lmProvamEnt! gnd lnvo!tm€nls lntorchange and intormodal connecbon lnlermdalily 61l<l inl99r9led msa! Ngn motor[gd tran8po/t lacilitbt Branding. sbnags nlormaUon and communlcallon Polcソ and:nstitutonal Roforn Pr09ram management“ paoty T Sour∞ SYSTRA AOB 2013 186 84 2013・ 2010 127 00 201● ・ 2020 2020・ 2030 180 00 : 700 1500 1100 2000 4000 70 345' 1500 7000 12400 255 40351 1900 75∞ 500 2500 1500 tb1 1bd 109 00 45 00 bd 8 00 8∞ 2503 1500 550 1092 3700 200 050 1092 000 To● 1bd 403 04 tbd 22 00 tbd 350 1092 15000 ●203 tbd 17∞ tbd 15 50 bd 32 75 SCHEDULE 2 (GEO:Su● talnab:● Urban Transport:71vestment Program) DES:GN AND MONITORING FRAMEWORK FOR THEINVESTMENT PROGRAM lndlcadva Patlormanct Oo!l9n Summt.y lmprct lmproved urban env(onmenl. local economy and bcH6r livrng condlhons wlthin urban areaa T.rg.lrrlndlc:!orl By 2018 Anraciiven€Bs and ptasBrvation ol cullural hertao€ wlh 1oo/o rnc.ea8g tn lourist nEhts c4mpar6d lo basoling rn 2008 Roducg ulbao road accidenls and c€sualtEt by 5% compsrod lo balglins rn 2009 C(i:Ens wll b€netl lro.n Prqoct c!n5tructron lhroleh lob ncrease (bctween 1.000 to 1 500loDl) P.rvet€ seclor rnvolved rn tD€cl6c lasks lor llreamlined imPlomontatlo^ Eflclent "labb and a"o「 dable urban transport selマ ices prov10● ● in relevant c(ilos t酬 0● t● 3● urco● R● pOrtln0 Mochanlom● _ Ropon on mulupl€ lrldrcalo6 ttom Munrcrpal deOartments. Municipal comoanies and NGO Surv€ys by Tgurlsjn Oepsrlm.nt or oth€. entitlos as approPnale Stalislcsl su.veys (MROI or other aqsnc'63) Surveys by Tbihsr Munrcrpalily or other gntrta. 03 spPropdale NGO● nd intern● tbna or ;10rrr tnARh'ra Atrumptlont The Go\€.nmgnt PursuoE slralogy of growlh ApproPriate €nvtronmcntal lrsm€work rn place Politicsl and sconomic stabrl'ly. Aarumpllont 脚 鶏乳::盤 網 l∞ 9 繁15% 疋 』 :!1肥 亀 :出:翼1:l習 訊 natlonal tronsport ass● ●●t:One repOrts lmplomenl,ation ol tho urbeh laanrport roadmeP Munidpal● touclcs Motro buS∞ mpanies or Prompt d€crsion-makng. cOmpared to 2000 Other a9● nc 03● tauBtic8 0s Dpprop● ato l讐 Publlc transport rid● rship lncr● ●30d by 596 … MROIda● base ,ored:o2009● 0901ine 棚出 淵 :躙 蝋 l潔 IW‰ 1屁 器駅器 響T器 "" Urban lransporl rnhcstruclure e ended rghabrllated end by MOF 'mp.ovod End r€levant muncrpalrlie9 -1.-i By 20la A 1 5 km long Tbi[Sl Metro Exlensron to Unrversrty comPl€led OnG urban rodevelop.nent on Gorgasali mplgmented i.cluding one undorpa3s 20 km o, Meltia ro8d upgredod 27 km Dicycl!! lsnqr impl€mrnlad ln Kutaisl Allda3pn aod consttuclron edd.933 tggcific ncods ol woman and rnen ,ide6 By 2010 On6 Bndge on Mfivari complotcd in Tbiltsi and municiPalil16s undglmlnas oP6rElions urban ransgon .oadmEp AttumPtlont Oublishsd by ihe relovanl mun,crpalily €^to.c€d tbrlisi Molro snd bu! Com98ny, annuel rgPortc Progerly stafled ond emgorrc.ed inll ullons are abl€ to deliwr oporrl€, snd managp Pa cipatrng clty tleblite cnd othrr murlicDol cDrnm unication and modiE maleriols Prors releare rGpong rnd pr!3t llvEw gl urban rosd and coestal munlcipelEoMcog Msnsgsm6nt capacilY lor lha rolevant municjPaliti6t strsrEthonsd Rltkr Now muniopal gowmment shiftng locus lrom u.ban MunEipal lranspon stat ltica Munrcjpality 10 km MOF. Tbilisiond oth€. municrgaliti6s tollow oalcgusrd. Policy gov€rnmcnt dogsrtmcntS Foolb.idg63 conslructod in rrt€vsol cltic! vr nd! Ri!I cfiplrtod u6.n lrnk Tbrl€i-Ru.t fu ,€lea3o by GoG WosI coodinatlon among Mun6ipglity ,tPgrtl Survlys conducled bY A 'lskm GleEtng counlgrpan trans@rl invrrtneot! Capacity ot domestic fla cootrtclo'! ia arhaullod due to lerga numbor ol ongdrE oxlamrlly- fundod prei€cts \ratsrlront rmprovomgnl Traltc managGmenl csnler m ogofalon in Rr6ing enorgy c0sl9 rncJaaso operalron cosl and Tbrlisl tErill incJea633 not -su;-po'l6dbYcons''',n6(s urban"neWal Ю ad“ い 棚温 l瀾 器 …"“ a“ 思 」 │:11:濯 薔 甘 ヨ I董[i:寵 l&譜 1111よ uoan :「 d 1:i『 :‖ PerlicrPating crtY vvsbs'lo and municlPal organizatlon chan tnstrlulronaland manageme l capac'ly ol MDF and rglavanl munrciPalrtieg strcngthened 躍鷺 1旧 l侶 rJ∬ Ll詰 濯1桐:∬ :ll]1[:tⅢ 漱 鵠 悧 出c plannng 国 悲Ⅷ Omぃ "Ы o,ptlblC R13k● On gendOr publlC nted `縦 見留 1朧 謬 ∫ :鯛‖ one inleO「 at● ● tlCkeい ng Systern mented 1 lm口 。 Ap● d _ ing man● oernent OulSOurOng “ 服 酬:『 ::『 :1]肌 請誂躍 脚苗:需:翻悧 ugm m ° ned° d 躍 :猟 1に seMce COn口 ds PS0 consrderBd ggdestrisnrzauon Trstfic calming zongs of considered skllled and exPOnOn∝ d untS ,。 。versee the menagernont and lne implomenta10n ol lhe Pκ Юram ln MDF andlhe relevant munlGlpahtles [朧 肥i鯉:l叫 望byttand iairclpatrng munrcrPat'ties publc awareneSs Gendgr sentrt'vo camPE$ns org'nEed '*'ffl"J#il?3:H,:liloi*n*"' and trainrng Provrded ilozrJlrr.3in"r .rrr t'n"d bv MDF wilh 15% fecru lmOnt of quar10d WomOn MOF annual report sod communlcation he 品 普 儒1瓢 l棚 hrs and iB wrllirtg to ngcE5sary tBgourcaE Rhl Pofirical issuos lhii urban t,ansPort PooritY managemool contracts carrl€d oul Sludres and due drlroences lor lubsequent Projecls PrePared inpu● r. ConEi.uctlon. lmp,ovamtnl and rahlblllLtlon ol utbln trantporl lnlnli'uctuts Tranch. 1: . Detail€d de!'gn compl€t€d by month 12 lrcan the etl€cliveness ol lh€ ttancho 1 losn aore€mont (MOF. PM) ADB S3∞ 00 mmiOn■ th ADF′ OCR T1 385 mllon(AOF) G● vornrnent[S5163 ml“ on .-urtan rnlrsslruclures conslrvclad. commrssioaed, and mads oo€r'llonel rn phaEos by month 60 (M0F. PM, ContrlctoG) . Equrf,nronl gro.ursd dslive.ed by month 36 (MDF PM M!^ulscturaft) T.|ncha 2: . DoteiH daign complctcd by month t2 lrom thc afbctivcncls 0t thc tsrrlchr 2 lqtn agr€em8ni (MoF. PM) .-r-ery Eno acqursit on and lmplomsntalDn ot resonbmcnl plSns brloro contlld lwlrd! (MDF. PM) . Urtcn inirrst udurcs consrucl€d, commBsion€d. and medo op€Istjonal ln ph's€3 by month 60 (M0F, PM. Contractors) . EquiDmont p.ocured and deliv€rod by month 36 (M0F. PM Monuladurars) Tranche 3: loan Oelarlad dc$gn comploted by monlh 12 trom thc eflecliwn'Ss o' lhc lfanchg 3 agreemonl (MOF. PM) .imely land lcquigllon and impbmcnlation ol r!!€tl,6mrnt pLn! boforc conlrgclo'l . conlrscr avr8rds (MOF PM) . Urban mlrastructJl€s construcled. commEsroned, and mad€ operalional rn phar€3 by mooth 60 by conraclorr (MDF. PM. Contrgcto.s) . Equrtnenl Drocurod and delrv€rBd by monlh 35 (MDF. PM. ManulactureE) ln.UiuUonll Clprcity O.v.loptnanl Pltn 2 ttousenotd surwy and stratGgc tralfic mod6ldsvolopod by monlh 12 (MOF fM) Multimodal term rot.up al ths muniqp.l levol by Monlh 12 rnd multimodal concapt by month 1E (PM) 'nrl,atcd . Ssx-orsagoregeted public t,.nspod lurvoy !nd dElabasg dowloprd by monh 24 (PM. . . Ogrralo(s) j sfl,, 30 ol womeo wtth at l€ast ps.trcrpanls (MDF. PM) . SuDgort provrded ro th€ P.oerant developmgnt. impl€mentstio^ gnd managsmonl wholo durstpn of lho P.ooram (M0F. PM) h' the Tr.ncha ll: to b. rpP.ovtd by and ol 20loaaglnnlng o, 20tt i Trench.lll: to b. tpp.ovtd !y.nd ol20l3 Fund MROl=Mhも lryЪ i Re9Ю nd Dovebttanllnd lnlrastrudures NGO = non-govc.nftenl grganrzalion O&M = oporsr'on a^d ndnl'nrnc! PM = Pldidpat'ng munrcrpalrrl€s. PPMS. p.o,acl p.Bparalon and monrlonng syslern TM: TDrlrsl Munrcipolity Sourc8 Asran OovalopmBnt gank MBtthow Wosd● ‖ D fector CVtt」 S Dlreclor G● ●●日 CWRD SCHEDULE 3 (GEO:Sustainab:e urban Transport:nvostment P『 Ogram) :MPLEMENTAT10N FRAMEWORK l」 nless modified and amended in loan or prOlect agreements under the Fac‖ investment pro9ram w‖ l be implemented as fo‖ OWS l ity, the imp:ementa‖ On Arrangements A m:AF器 α ∝面 鴫■mcy for he h鴨 ヨ 蹴譜肌蹄 :器電 3Fl胤 ‖ 「 ::rW格 :m酪 撃 鶏淵電鵬冒諾Rttr 2 The [‖ lλ fthe MDF wi‖ include > v ︲ o o o om < of the provision of strategic guidance on and overseeing the imPl€mentation inveEtment program requests (PFRS) fot their submission to AOB imates for activities under the investment preparatlon preparatton program for recruitment consultants, as necessary' to prepare and manage the Program works, and goods, and approval of disbursemonls' and and the subproiects and einsuring compliancs with. safeguards participating the of help with the mstrCrs rr"a, snO bther simitar ;;;i;;i"i;"rvices, lppror"r ot I![ri"*,"i "i municipalities apProPrrale lo gxecule' manage' and monitor the 'progiim MDF will be exPanded as The leam dedlcated lo tho MFF will comprise imptemeniation o, the investment The 4 specialists. technicat, financiat, procurerenr, s5c,a] and environment, and administrative road engineef. a a inctude: shoutd i;Di ;lti trave aoequate stafi witn retevant expertise and an environment procurement Epecialist' a financiat management specialisl, an accountant' inlerpreter, ip".orirt, a soiial safeguards speciatrst. a monrloring and evatuation specialist, an program lhe und6' consultants by ,nd , r"n"g"*unt info-rmation system specialist Supgorted .rn"g";"ni f."ihty (PMF) lComponent of the investment prog'am)' MDF will be responsible i for (i) (ii) (iir) (iv) (v) iuif appraisrngsubProiects; undertakingJeasibrlitystudiesi designs. and services: n suPervislon: Bnd capacity overseeing the implemintation of the inslitutional strengthening develoPment: 2 (vii) (viii) (ir) ixl monitoring and evaluating the implementiation Plogress and impact: checking and guiding S€teguards compllanc€; , coordinaling among government agencies: and program' consolidatlng and preparing peri ldic reports for ths investment 5Amunicipalprojectimplementstiont6am(MPIT)willbesetupineachparlicipatjng municipalily and wrll be responsible for day-to-day implementation o, the subploiects YYithin its peflmeler Each MPIT will b€ headed by a municipal focal poinl B. Approval Procedurs for Tranches For the subprojects that will be included in the latter PFRS lho selection end apptoval are set forlh in Schedule 4 to this FFA 6 C. Reviows AOB will lield review missions as undgr each loan, any changes in the aro needed to achiev€ the ovorall investment Program. ing a midterm reviow for each loen' a detailed ill-bo done 3 years afler th€ elfectiveness of ths for each loan will be done in accordance with tho project imptementation period of each loan. Such midterm reviews will evaluate in detail the tEsenbmenl aciiuitier, lmplementation arrangements, any outstanding issues' onvironmenl and managemenl contract targels' scheduled of iss-ues. achievemenl as well as other safeguard progrsss. and other isJues, as appropriate The mrdterm revGw tor the tnvestmsnt progfam will ioa,r'r on (i) performance undoi lhe Componenls of the investment program: and (ii) any changes to implementation arrangemenls or remedial measur66 needad to be undorlaken acdition mdterm review of loan lor the lirst ire 8. ln toward achieving the objectives ot ths inveslment program' 9 The ADg review missions will be undertaken iointly with MDF and MPITS' sCHEDULE 4 {GEO:Sustainab:e urb● n Transport:nvestment Pro9ram) SELECT:ON CRITER:A AND APPROVAL PROCESS FOR SUBPRO」 A ECTS SELECT10N CR:TERIA l The Asian Development Bank(AD3)w‖ │ in this appendiX l SelectiOn of Participating Munlclpalitles │ 晨顧職捕勲犠憶緻尋 i騨 辞 ls輔‖ :l::認 :瓢 2 3 『:ls酬 鴨 II瑠 ::d wgem n :」 胤 翼 l:器 liT肥‖ 調脳:朧 』 SO10CtiOn of SubprolectS 1n se:ectin9 the subprolects for each municipa‖ fo‖ ty,the fo‖ oWing 9oneral Criteria shOuld be ° lis::T鏑、 魚p:R 『・ in稲 1『 脂 │:認 』 1:l:ギ ‖ ど輩attl凡 点 owedi ① 齢憮l managementimprOvementS S:‖ 暮‖鮒 ¨駐認盤鳳Ⅷ淵留 滞鮮 llil 聯悦I墨:欄驚‖ subprolect aS SCheduled and completloni and iv馘 ADB ° 鳳 鼎:::l軋 調鴨朧 :‖ ::ξ 3. l::『 習 躍│: 誤嶋 『 器 1せ 器::肌 F篇 Appralsal of SubprOlects gng he wb「 ledヽ 制 。 」 肥lecon。 雨 Q 3蟹 酬 柵器謡罐よぎ °幣 諸F撃『ilⅧ t慾漁 :mems S tten ap「 Construct on extenslon uρ9「 3ding o「 rehab‖ tat on Ol urban transport lni,astructures lndudlng Without l`mitat on 9oment parkin9 and mu tim00● l lac“ tles '03dS urban watonOnts publc transpOrt tralFc man● (ii) by an The economic viability of the subProject should have be€n demonstrated lor lhe ADB'G Guid€lines with in accordance economrc analysis u;dertaken 1997)' Ana subproiect should have been demonstraied the linancial (iii) The d flnancial managemsnt assessment undertaken ttrrougtr a frna 4, and 5 ol ADB'J Handb@k tor Borrowers on lhe in accordance of Ptuiecls (2006)' Analysis Finoncial Managemenl and anl resetllEment impact' a resettlement rino acq'isition (iv) for i suOprojeit ,,itn and Resettlemenl Economic plan will be pr.p.r"J. in .i"otdance with lhe Land Acquisition re'erence in Schedule 5 Framework or tne .,eiimeni frogram (incorporated by (v) lo this FFA): examination (lEE) or an environment imPact as3essmenl An inilial envitonmenl'snouio have'besn underlaken loI tho subproiect with (ElA) as appticaoie potential negative sut{rcient mitigatioi ,"".rr"r and budget lor managing Assessment and environmental impicts in accordance w-tth the Environment progrsm (incorporated by rel€rence in Review Frame,for[ J tna tnvestmenl (vi) B. 6 Schedule 5 to lhis FFA); and capacity in"-i.pie.entation eliangements and rnstrtutionsl strengthening and prepared development plan for the subproject have been SELECTION ANO APPROVAL PROCESS Approval procedures for projects proP required review and approval processes in attached to Schedule 5 of this FFA' For the Tr this MFF. all necessary spprovals in Georgia h The lollowing process will be tollowed when requesi: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) their complisnce MOF leviews and screens th€ subproject proposals lo conlirm by lhe Supervisory endorsed wifh eligibility crit"ria. ano nas them I;vl6"ed 8nd Board ; Facility' ensutes MDF, wirh the support from the Program Management studies for the diligenco due and feasitilitY implomentation aJ appraisat of the subProlects; tvtDF prepares the periodic financing request (PFR) based on the subproJect feasibility and due diligence reports, and due The Sujervisory Boaid reviews and endorses the subproject feasibility diligence reports as well as the corresponding PFR' tuo'r submits, through Ministry of Finance (MoF) the endorsed PFR togethel with subproject teasiSitity and due diligence reporls for ADB's approval' (vi)Subiect'to.satisfactorycompliancgwiththeselectioncrite,iaandapproval (vii) procedures, and in comphance with ADB'S relevant Polioes' ADB will approve the ProPosals ol ihe Projects' MOF will proceed *tth procurement exe'cise ln accordance with AOB'S as Procurement GuiOetines and Gr idelines on the Use of Consultants-(2o10' amended lrom tlme to trme) MoF, MRDI, Municipal DeveloPment Fund wiu mainlain contaci thtough periodic AOB ADB 7. i"porri .noln .o doing may effedl advanced cons ng municipalities' and semFannual progress o submission lo ADB' 1 SCHEDULE 6 {GEO:Sustainab!● Urban Transportinveshent Pro9ram) ENVIRONMENT AND SOClAL SAFEGUARDS Geo「 gia W‖l enSure that a‖ l 獣:11%習 記吊1ま ]晴 ::密 il∬ 1 ttl島 認 凝輩i翻 Ttted 1llT出 ξ :ま 計 翻 出 ]輔鮮 蝋鮒 h詳1構‖ 『 The framewo「 kS COVer the Faci‖ 2 ty― specinc information and requirements in accordance 品端鷺 ∬ Tl皿織 l朧11附 桐 I11。 滞檄 編 齢毛 聯野熙鮒爆 猟組習 L《 燃職訴 irameworks and ADB's Sareguard Policy Statement(2009),aS amended from llme to llme 4 1n a‖ Cases,for each new PFR prepara β 鶏 ξ 話器 1織lllliξ tttお ま躍詰 『l船11¶ :胤 lrTI:1浙 er肌 t籠 prepared and submitted io ADB l躍 思 肌 aⅧ 肥ヒ 出 器 ‖ i舗踊野 輔撚[∬ 詈輝 5 1n add“ ion a‖ ADB SafeguardS PO‖ Cles in effecl as of the d3te the nnancing of a proleCt f『 hed A. Environment ty are MDF shan ensure that each p「 oiect and a‖ facilities inanced under the Facl“ e ttwS md Ы th訓 "¨ “ 1雷 認 離 Bξ l暴 ど ∬ 器罵翻 亀:1黒 ::晰5:紺 猥 ∬ullよ 糧 :『 乳龍 電 需 1塁 漏 岳 won‖ 脈 ∫ 寵[長 ∫軍認a:31電 器緊闇器雹∫ 6 :∴ 1]‖ 瀾 堪譜 駆麒 鍔 悧 鵠辮 ll∬ 構 ]舅鰭:繋瀧 Env rOnment PrOtection (When required by Ce〈 1露 design,construction and operation phases of such prOlects 8 MDF sha‖ ensure thatthe EMP ls implemented A‖ recommenda‖ Ons Ofthe EMP are 9 MDF sha‖ :(o monROrthe implementamo incorporated in the bidding documents, civ‖ wO「 kS COntracts and consultant's contracts tO ensure comp‖ ance works and consulting services contracts inclu mpξ 鸞 ∬ 肥器メ 輔:∬電 implementa“ on to ADB on a prolect du“ ng prolectlmp!ementatton nttfI器 :♀ :雨 胤 :濯よ 習 i嵩 :」 cL塁 :緊 n理 ‖:′ 麗 電 ::l』 ]LTl「 淵 Wi割 underthe Fac‖ ity has been appFOVOd by ADB Land Acqu19:tioll and R● oottloment B ll MDF with the participating municipa‖ ty Sha‖ ensure thatland and rights‐ o「 way required 罰 f器 絲 瀞儡 i毬 驀熙■請 ①晰酬獅刷嘗 鷺i臨甦∬:聯li憔 鮒 j蝋 尋 (“ )ADB.s Safeguard Policy Statement(2009) LARF Fac‖ ity A LARP consistent Wnh the re each prolect enta‖ ing land (it) uent The review and update o prOleCt Consistent with the {‖ and i) Preparation of an update consistent with the LARF sha‖ be ac works contractls) civ‖ (V) COmplollon of the implomentation of the LARP sha‖ be a cond“ On for the commencement of Ctvil Works 12 PursuanttO AD3.s Safeguard Policy Statement(2009)on involuntary Reseltlement,the fo‖ owing (1) (1) sha‖ be requiredi COmpensation sha‖ be provided at replacement COSttogether with any enttlements as s‖ pu:ated in the approved LARF and LARPi itation for land laCk Of formaltitle wi‖ not be a barto reseltlement assistance or rehab‖ or any otherlossi m ttn駅 翻 鴨‖ 鴨::』 需鴨舗機 棚 it:器 ‖ 品」 陽Wli::‖ :F鷲 旱 I」 or other afrecled asset being takeni (v) Georgia sha‖ meet any unforeseen obligations in excess of budget estimatesi 3 (v) (vr) consu[alions and grievances related to the investment project's resettlement aclivitigs shall be docum€nted: LARPs shall be updated il an investment project is modiried such thal there are different or additionel resettlement impacts; 8nd resetllement activiti€s shall be reportod to ADB as part of ihe semi-annual progress reports by MOF. 13 MDF shall ensu.e thet within 3 months of lhe etlective date of lhe loan agreement under relBvanl tranche an independent expert. acceptable lo ADB. ls engaged to conduct independent exlernal monitoring and evaluation of the resenlement procesg and imPactg. Reports of tho independent monitoring expert will be submitted to ADB on a somi-annual basi8. 14 No civil works contract shall be awarded until an LARP as may be spPlicable to the proiect financed under the Facility has been approved by ADB. 15. Contractors may only commence civil works atter the LARP has been implemented in accordance with its terms. C. 16 Social lmpacts, Gender Development and Othel l!3ueE MDF wilh lhe particiPating municipality shall ensure a monitoring ot lhe social impacts lhroughout implementslion of the Facility, in consultation with local govemments, local communities, and nongovornmenl organizations. ln this resp€ct. MDF shall ensure that all civil works contractors (i) comply with all applicable labor laws, (ii) use their b€st etforts to employ women and local poople. including disadvanteged pgople. living h the vlcinity of the projecusubprojecl financed under the Facility, (iii) diss€minate information at worksites on health safety for ihose employed duflng construction, (iv) Provide 6qual pay to men and women for work ot equal type, (v) provide safe working conditions gnd separale culturally appropriats lacilities for male and female workers, and (vi) abstain lrom child labor Contracts lor all projects/subprolects to be financed undet the Facility must include specilic clauses on thes€ underlakings. and compliance will be strictly monitored during Road Conidor lnvestment Program implementation 17 MDF with the p8rticipating munrcipality shall develop, as appropriate. the gendel ac{ion ptan (GAP) within six (8) months of the Effectiye Date ol each Trancho. and €nsure that it is timely implemented over the Project period. MOF shall monitor GAP implementation and reporl lhe progress to ADB semiannually. SCHEOULE 6 (GEO: Sustalnable Urban Tran3port lnve3tment Program) UNOERTAKINGS ln addition to such underiakings as ADB will reasonably require in legal agreements foI individual tranches under lhe Faiitity, Georgia undertakes that it will ensure that: (i) urbEn transporl subsector plan: cities of more than 100.000 inhabilants willing to get funding irom the investment program will maintain sound transporl subseclor ioadmaps in line with their long term urban development' (ii)Urbsntran6poripollcyandsecto]managcment:(i)ADBiskeptin'ofmgd.ol Georgia,s policies and programs reteted lo the road sector that will materially aflect the tne elonomic viability of eich project, subprojecl or comPonent financ€d under Facitity:(ii)BesteffortsareUsedtosustainsndstr€ngihenUrbanlransportsector: including human managerial and technical capacity building (iii) Counterpart fundlng and resou.ccs: (i) Financial technical and human tesources program will be and the rmplementat6n anangemenls necessary tor the investment rnainiain the funds sustainably (li) Adequats provided on a timely basis: .to ths investment program ptocured undsr items and intrastructure develop€d whero applicablei recovery throughout its setvace life will be allocated s€eking cost ano 1ii; numan and technical tesources to implement the urban transporl subsector plan will be made available (iv) Constructlon quallty: (i) Subprojects undel the lnvestmsnl Program are compliant with th6 internationai standards and relevant agreements to which Georgia is a conlracting party: (ii) Sound contract managemenl and quality control Proc€dures are perfor-med in accor<lance with internationally ecceptable standardsi and (iii) Completedworkscomplywiththedesigndrawings,conslructionspecirlcatlonsand other documents stipulated in the bidding documents (v) Lrnd acqulgitlon and resetlJement: (i) ln the event that any land acquisition or resettlementbecomesnecessary.appropriatelandacquisitionandressnlement plans (LARPs) will be prepared in accordance with th€ national laws and regulations, lhe resetllement framework and the ADB'S Saleguard Poltcy Slotement (2009) io consultation with the affecled people: (ir) All LARPs are disclosed lo the publrc and submitted to ADB for approval; (iii) All land and right'ol-way required (or ihe project implementation aro madE available in a timely manner' (iv) Land acquisition and rasettlement are carried out promptly and effici.nlly following the LARPs agreed with ADB and monitored, evaluated. and reporled to AOB as required in the LARPS: and (v) Any civil works tvlll be commencod only aner tho required land has been acquired and affected households have been compensated at full replacement cost. (vi) Envlronment: (i) ptojects under the investment program are designed, ca(ied out, maintained, and monilored in compllance with (a) all applicable environmenlal laws and regulations of Georgra; (b) ADB'S Safeguard Policy Statement (2009): (c) environmenlal assessments (lEEs/ElAs) prePared lor each individual projecl; and (d) EMPS. rncludrng the miligatlon measures and monitoring tequlrements arising from the implemenlaton of the lEES/ElAs; (ri) civrl works conlraclors' specifications include requirements to comply wilh the environmental mitrgation measures contained in the lEEs/ElAs and ElllPs. and (iii) civil works contractors are supervised to ensure compliance wilh lhe requirements of the lEEs/ElAs and EMPs. (vii) Local con3ullatlon and gender: (i) Gender Action Plan ag]eed under the MFF is rmplemented; (ii) all local consultations to address satety, social, and cultural issues during implementation of the investment program are carried out as r€commended in the summary poverty reduction and social strategy: (iii) men and women are given equal employment opportunities drrectly, oI indirectly' arising from lhe lnveslment Program and wiihout any ditferentiation ol wages for equal work: and (iv) meahanisms tor maximizing local employment benefits will b€ promoted. (vrir) Health risks and Preventlon all crvil works conttacts will anclude a requiremsnt to conducl an information and education campaign on sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS for construction workers as part of the health and Galety program al campsites during the construction p€riod MDF will {ollow AOB's Anlicomtplion PolEy (1958, as amend€d to dale) and acknowledge that ADB, consistsnl with its commitment to good governance, accountability and lransparency, reserves tho right to underlake dir6ctly, or through its agonts, invesiigation of any alleged corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coetcivo practices related to the MFF and cooperate with such investigation and exlend all necessary assislance inctuding access to all MFF-retevant books and records, and engaging independenl experls who may be needed for saiisractory comPletion of such investigationg. All contracts financed by ADB under ihe investment program includ€ (ix) Anticorruptlon: transparency and good goYarntnce: provisions specifying the right of ADB to audit and examine the MFF'rel8ted rscords and accounls of ihe MDF and all contractors. suppliers, consultants, and olher service providers as they relate to the MFF. Additional measures lo improve governance. accountability. and transparency under the MFF, include (i) hdapendent external auditing ol contlacts. project accounts and financial slalemenls, (u) publcation of decisrons on all procurement'related matters by the MDF. and (rri) timely disclosure of information on selection of consultEnts and contractors through local newspapers