Metallicity of galaxies at high redshift
系外銀河における微細構造輝線の観測とその理解 2014年12月2-3日 @国立天文台 高赤方偏移における星形成銀河の微細構造輝線 観測とその理解 (光赤外からのコメント) 矢部清人 (国立天文台) 系外銀河における微細構造輝線の観測とその理解 2014年12月2-3日 @国立天文台 Cosmic Star-formation history: Redshift Hopkins & Beacom 2006 SFR density z=5 Peak epoch at z~1-3 系外銀河における微細構造輝線の観測とその理解 2014年12月2-3日 @国立天文台 Metallicity of galaxies at high redshift: The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 771:L19 (6pp), 2013 July 10 Zahid et al. metallicity Zahid+13, ApJ, 771, L19 stellar mass Figure 1. MZ relation at five epochs ranging to z ∼ 2.3. The curves are fits to the data defined by Equation (4). The solid curves indicate metallicities determined using the KK04 strong-line method and the dashed curves indicate metallicities converted using the formulae of Kewley & Ellison (2008). Data presented in this figure can be obtained from H.J.Z. upon request. (A color version of this figure is available in the online journal.) The mass-metallicity relation and its evolution 系外銀河における微細構造輝線の観測とその理解 2014年12月2-3日 @国立天文台 – 9 – redshift: Metallicity gradient at high positive gradient Cresci+2010 (220km/s, 13.5G, 0.03) (220km/s, 13.5G, 0.05) (220km/s, 13.5G, 0.07) (220km/s, 3G, 0.03) (220km/s, 3G, 0.05) (220km/s, 3G, 0.07) (150km/s, 3G, 0.03) Yuan+2011 negative gradient • Steeper metallicity gradient at Red lines are the measurements for Sp1149 at Fig. 3.— Left: Metallicity vs. galactocentric radius. highfrom redshift z=1.49 this work. The gradient within the central 4.5 kpc is -0.16+/-0.02 dex kpc−1 . Vertical → red dottedInside-out lines show thegrowth? annulus used to average/sum the spectra. Purple dashed lines show the typical gradients of local isolated late-type galaxies, using the control sample of Rupke et al. Positive gradient (2010b). The orange dotted line represents the mean gradient of local early-type galaxies, which Infall of pristine gas? is → typically ∼ 3 times shallower than local late-type galaxies (Henry & Worthey 1999). Blue lines • 系外銀河における微細構造輝線の観測とその理解 2014年12月2-3日 @国立天文台 Morphology of galaxies at high redshift: SXDS/CANDELS Color composites of galaxies at z~1.4 with HST/ACS+WFC3 images Large variety of galaxy morphology at z>1 系外銀河における微細構造輝線の観測とその理解 2014年12月2-3日 @国立天文台 Kinematics of galaxies at high redshift: No. 2, 2009 SINS SURVEY OF HIGH-REDSHIFT GALAXIES 1403 Forster Schreiber+09 Figure 17. Velocity fields for 30 of the 62 galaxies of the SINS Hα sample. The velocity fields correspond to that derived from the Hα line emission as described in Section 5.1 (the exception is K20–ID5 for which it was obtained from the [O iii] λ 5007 line instead). The color coding is such that blue to red colors correspond to the blueshifted to redshifted line emission with respect to the systemic velocity. The minimum and maximum relative velocities are labeled for each galaxy (in km s−1 ). All sources are shown on the same angular scale; the white bars correspond to 1"" , or about 8 kpc at z = 2. The galaxies are approximately sorted from left to right according to whether their kinematics are rotation-dominated or dispersion-dominated, and from top to bottom according to whether they are disk-like or merger-like as quantified by our kinemetry (Shapiro et al. 2008). Galaxies observed with the aid of adaptive optics (both at the 50 and 125 mas pixel−1 scales) are indicated by the yellow rounded rectangles. Large variety of galaxy kinematics at z~2 系外銀河における微細構造輝線の観測とその理解 2014年12月2-3日 @国立天文台 Connection between galaxies and AGN: BPT ★☆: Stacking analysis Kewley+01 Yabe et al. 2014 AGN contribution? Different ISM condition? 6 系外銀河における微細構造輝線の観測とその理解 2014年12月2-3日 @国立天文台 [N II]/Hα and [O III]/Hβ ratios seen at high redshift. Connection between galaxies and AGN: (3) (4) AGN AGN 1.5 0.5 0.0 z~0 HII -0.5 -1.0 LOG ([OIII]/Hβ) 1.0 0.5 z~0.8 0.0 -0.5 larger q 0.5 LOG ([OIII]/Hβ) 1.0 0.5 z~1.5 0.0 -1.0 higher n e larger q -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 LOG ([NII]/Hα) -0.5 -1.0 1.0 LOG ([OIII]/Hβ) harder EUV 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 Kewley et al. 2013 1.0 HII LOG ([OIII]/Hβ) LOG ([OIII]/Hβ) 1.0 0.5 z~2.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 LOG ([NII]/Hα) -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 LOG ([NII]/Hα) Figure 2. An illustration of the effect of varying different galaxy parameters on the star-forming galaxy abundance sequence in the [N II]/Hα versus [O III]/Hβ diagnostic diagram. The original SDSS star-forming galaxy sequence is well-fit by the red theoretical curve. Raising the hardness of the ionizing radiation field (orange dashed line) moves the abundance sequence towards larger [N II]/Hα and [O III]/Hβ ratios. A similar effect is seen when the electron density of the gas is raised (green dot-dashed line). The relationship between ionization parameter, metallicity and the [N II]/Hα and [O III]/Hβ line ratios is more complex. At high metallicities, raising the ionization parameter causes the [N II]/Hα ratio to become smaller, while [O III]/Hβ is largely unaffected. At low metallicities, Different ISM condition at high redshift? 系外銀河における微細構造輝線の観測とその理解 2014年12月2-3日 @国立天文台 Galaxies at high-redshift is dusty!!: T. Goto et al.: Infrared luminosity functions with the AKARI Goto et al. 2010 Fig. 16. Evolution of TIR luminosity density based on TIR LFs (red circles), 8 µm LFs (stars), and 12 µm LFs (filled triangles). The blue open squares and orange filled squares are for only LIRG and ULIRGs, also based on our LTIR LFs. Overplotted dot-dashed lines are estimates from the literature: Le Floc’h et al. (2005), Magnelli et al. (2009), Pérez-González et al. (2005), Caputi et al. (2007), and Babbedge et al. (2006) are in cyan, yellow, green, navy, and pink, respectively. The purple dash-dotted line shows UV estimate by Schiminovich et al. (2005). The pink dashed line shows the total estimate of IR (TIR LF) and UV (Schiminovich et al. 2005). Contribution to SFRD from LIRG/ULIRG increases with increasing redshift 系外銀河における微細構造輝線の観測とその理解 2014年12月2-3日 @国立天文台 Metallicity of galaxies at high redshift: The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 771:L19 (6pp), 2013 July 10 Zahid et al. metallicity Zahid+13, ApJ, 771, L19 stellar mass Figure 1. MZ relation at five epochs ranging to z ∼ 2.3. The curves are fits to the data defined by Equation (4). The solid curves indicate metallicities determined using the KK04 strong-line method and the dashed curves indicate metallicities converted using the formulae of Kewley & Ellison (2008). Data presented in this figure can be obtained from H.J.Z. upon request. (A color version of this figure is available in the online journal.) Evolution of mass-metallicity relation is real? high-redshift sample, although without binning them with the rest 系外銀河における微細構造輝線の観測とその理解 2014年12月2-3日 @国立天文台 of the galaxies. Metallicity of galaxies at redshift: 2.3 zhigh = 3–4 Abundances of Luminous Infrared Galaxies A significant sample of 16 galaxies at redshift between 3 and 4 was observed by Maiolino et al. (2008) and Mannucci et al. (2009) for the Mannucci+2010 lower SFR ULIRG Seeing only surface metallicity? Rupke+2008 metallicity higherSFR stellar mass Left-hand panel: mass–metallicity of local galaxies. g. 11.— Comparison of the mass-metallicity relationFigure from 1.the Fig.the 12.— Differencerelation between theSDSS observed a the thick central line showing the median relation. The coloured lines show the SS (Tremonti et al. 2004) with LIRG and ULIRG abundances and ULIRGs and the L − Z and M − Z rela values of SFR. Right-hand panel: median metallicity as a(red) function of SFR for gal stellar masses. The average LIRG and ULIRG are significantly of infrared luminosity. The thick open d with increasing SFR at constant mass. er-abundant, as they are when compared to the L − Z relation. deviations from the M − Z relation. There is dotted lines show 1σ scatter on either side of the mean SDSS agreement between the two, though compariso tion, which has been shifted upward by 0.1 dex to account for lation yields a slightly larger under-abundance Low metallicity in dusty and high SFR galaxies? ratio continues to increase, the to decreasing Charlot & Longhetti (2001). despite We prefer estimate the ionof these line ratios, we have summarized in Figure(1987). 9 a logical highest masses, despite the fact that both methods are predomP05. electron semiempirical method of Veilleux & Osterbrock temperature. Eventually,explicitly, at still higher metallicities, ization parameter based upon nitrothe process whereby asofmany estimates of both the chemical Our calibration this ratio is shown in Figure 7, with inantly based on H ii regions with Te metallicities. At the lowest method is available for only 546/27,730 (2%) of The direct T gen becomes the dominant coolant in the nebula, and the e abundance and ionization parameters as are 系外銀河における微細構造輝線の観測とその理解 2014年12月2-3日 @国立天文台 theoretical models. compatible polynomial fits as in equation (4) and coefficients given in stellar masses, this difference disappears. The difference between electron temperature falls sufficiently to ensure that thein our the galaxies SDSS sample. The [O iii] k4363 line is weak with the Table 3. data set can be obtained using the techniques nitrogen line4.4. weakens increasing metallicity. Since only described inlow this section. Thethis process canscales beThe automated, and is usually observed inmetallicity, metal-poor galaxies. SDSS Diagnostic Diagram The S23with At very ratio simply asand the the empirical methods may be attributed to the different H ii rethe [N ii] line is produced in the low-excitation zone of an IDL script to do this is available on request from the first contains very fewabundance, metal-poor they nitrogen to galaxies first order.because However, it isare known gion samples used to derive the calibrations. At the highest metOur of the ratiois ([S !!6717,catalog 6731 +[S iii] the H calibration ii region, [N ii]/H! alsoii] sensitive to ionization author (L. J. K.). However, we will describe a more direct in thisand metallicity regime, the nitrogen abundance allicities, the PP04 methods utilize four H ii regions with detailed compact, faint (e.g., Terlevich et al.in1991; !!9069, 9532)/H" (popularly known as S23intrinsically ) is shown in rare, that parameter. method for the derivation of these parameters, x 7 below. No. 1, 2002 ABUNDANCES IN EXTRAGALACTIC H REGIONS 41 Masegosa et al. 1994; van Zeeii 2000). Panel (10) ofauthors’ Figuretechni1 From the comparative analysis with other 4.6. The ½N ii"=½O iii" Diagnostic Diagram ques which follows, we are confident that this new technique shows that a total of 477 Te metallicities is insufficient to obtain a 1.0 1.5 Figure 6. Again, we (7)fit fourth-order defined as q=3e8 (7) will provide the most abundancepolynomials estimates currently The advantage of using [N ii] and [O iii] lines is that they q=3e8reliable 1.5e8 (6) clear M-Z relation. Because we are unable to fitZ an M-Z relation 1.5e8 (6) =are 0.5 solar in equation (4), and the coefficients given in Table 3. 8e7 (5) possible. are unaffected by absorption lines originating from underly8e7 (5) Kewley & they Dopita 02 usinglines 4e7 (4) do not Te of method further in Te metallicities, 4e7 all (4) suchthe As is the caseconsider in ratios forbidden to recombina0 we 2e7 (3) ing1.0stellar populations, lie close to Balmer that 2e7 (3) 1e7 (2) has a maximum at a certain metaltion lines, the S23 1e7 ratio (2) can be used to eliminate errors due to dust reddening, this work.and 5e6 (1) 5. COMPARISON WITH OTHER 5e6 (1) 7 0.5 licity, and therefore itlarge is twofor valued at all other metallicities. they are both strong and easily observable in The the optical. 6 scatter in the M-Z relation is all metallicity calBRIGHT-LINE TECHNIQUES 0.5 5 For this particular ratio the maximum occurs at a somewhat Both empirical and theoretical relationships for the [N ii]/ 4 ibrations; the rms residual about the line of best fit is 0.08–0.13. Comparison [O iii] 3ratio as a function of oxygen abundance currently higher abundance5.1. than for the RData 23 ratio; at metallicities of 2 -1 The cause of the roughly scatter in the M-Z relation is unknown. Our exist Considère et al. 2000). solar [log ðO=HÞ þ 12 $ 8:8]. Again, to 1 0.0 (e.g., Most of the data sets previously used to compare andraise cali- the Our calibration of the [N ii]/[O iii] ratio is shown in degeneracy in the solutions, an initial guess of the metalcomparison between differentdiagnostics metallicity 0.0 bratethe abundance hadcalibrations been selected shows in different Figure 8. The fourth-order polynomial fit coefficients are the and licity must first be obtained from angalaxy alternative that differing ionization parameter doesdiagnostic. notH ii heterogeneous ways:among some bygalaxies (brightest -0.5 in Table 3. given dependent on ionization parameter S232 1isorquite regions, brightest disk H ii regions), some by objective cause or contribute to the scatter. The ionization parameter is for all Because the two ions have quite different ionization 3 metallicities, therefore the ionization 1 prism searchesand (which are biased towardparameter strong [Oderived iii] .. -2 explicitly calculated and intoii]by account some metallicity potentials, the [N ii]/[O iii] ratio depends strongly on the 4thetaken 4 from [S iii]/[S diagnostic should toirregueliminate ""4959, 5007), some Galaxy in type (suchbe asused dwarf -1.0 -0.5 ionization parameter. Thus, if this diagnostic is to be use5 5 a free diagnostics ( KD02; M91), but see ainreduction thisKK04; as variable. lars). These different datawe setsdo arenot reflected the differences ful for6 abundance it must be used in q=3e8determinations, (7) 6 the various between calibrations of abundance. Care must 1.5e8 (6) in scatter for these methods. A full investigation into the scatter combination with8e7an (5) independent ionization parameter -1.5 bewill taken therefore when comparing different abundance 4e7 (4) 4.5. The ½N ii&=H# Diagnostic Diagram 7 in the M-Z relation be presented in S. L. Ellison et al. (2008, in diagnostic. However, 2e7 (3) if the [O ii] or [S ii], and [S iii] lines 7 diagnostics to take into account biases (if any) introduced -3 1e7 (2) Primary Nitrogen Secondary Nitrogen -1.0 5e6 (1) In the absence of other emission lines, the [N ii]/H# line preparation). by the comparison data. -2.07.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 ratio canthe betoused a M-Z crude8.5 estimator of9.0the metallicity. Note LOG (O/H) 8.0 8.5 + 12 9.0 We 9.5 40 7.5 KEWLEY &compare DOPITA Vol. 142 directly best-fit curves for nine 7.5 chose 8.0 as 9.5 We use observations of H ii regions available LOG (O/H) + 12 + 12 that the thelarge [N ii]/H# ratioLOG is (O/H) particularly from and2, homogeneous data set van P05. Zeeto et shock al. strong-line calibrations in Figure including both P01ofsensitive and 4 1.5 Fig. 6.—The log (([S ii] !!6717, 6731 +[Satiii]high !!9069, 9532)/H") (S q=3e8 (7) 23 ) excitation orauthors the q=3e8 presence of a185 hard ionizing radiation field, very difficult to observe. Second, metallicity, the (1998). These observed H ii regions in 13 spiral (7) 1.5e8 (6)vs. metallicity. Curves for each ionization Fig. 7.—The log ([N ii] !6584/H#) diagnostic for abundance vs. metaldiagnostic for abundance 1.5e8in (6) metallicity The top theanrms scatter the mean Fig. 5.—The logtemperature (([O8e7ii](5)!3727 gives þ ½O iii] !!4959, 5007)/H") (R23panel ) diagZ =about 0.5on solar from AGN. The of between strong shock excitation lower electron thermal electrons of shows galaxies with the Double Spectrograph the Palomar 5 m 8e7 (5)presence )1 6 to 3 ( 108fewer 6 to 3 ( 8 or Z = 0.5 solar cm s are shown. Filled circles 10 licity. Curves for each ionization parameter q ¼ 5 ( 10 parameter between q ¼ 5 ( 10 4e7metallicity. (4) nostic for abundance vs. Curves for each ionization parameter 4e7 (4) ) ¼ 0:2. The major difference in mass bins of width (M /M an AGN will increase the [N ii]/H# ratio and cause the high energy, leading to a strong decrease in the number of )1!log 2e7from (3) ! telescope. These data have the additional advantage of cov)1 6 8 2e7 (3) 7 cm s are shown. Filled circles represent the data points from our models represent the data points our models at metallicities from left to right 3( are shown. Filled circles represent between q ¼ 5 ( 10 to1e7 (2) 10 cm s 1e7 (2) collisional excitations theat3.0 blue ii] the lines (which has aofofthe relabundances determined be artificially high. IfThe the . [See electronic the M-Zat . metallicities left5e6 to(1)metallicity right to of 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0[N Z*ii]/ of 0.05, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, Z*[O ering range in and ionization parameter, 5e6 1.5, (1)of 2.0, 1.0a large between curves is from their position along the y-axis. the data 0.1, points from our models metallicities from left toedition right 0.05, 6 2 0.5, Journal for a1.0, color version of this [See theratio electronic edition of theet Journal for aoptical color version of this figure.] atively high threshold energy forelectronic excitation) relative to thefor is to be used, diagnostic diagrams [See the edition of the Journal 0.1, 0.2, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0 Z*.figure.] asH# was shown in Dopita al.photoionization (2000). curves with the largest y-intercept are standard all model 5 alower color version thisii] figure.] energyof[N lines. should first applied to rule possibility presSince [S iii]bemeasurements areout notthe available for of thethe van 4 based (KK04; Z94; KD02; T04; M91). Among these photoFor Z < 0:5 Z! [log ðO=HÞ þ 12 < 8:6], the metallicity Zee H of ii regions, also used two additional data sets ence an AGNweorhave shocked excitation. We recommend the 3 ionization model for metallicities, the agreement is&optical #0.2 dex. This and dependence of the [N ii]/[O ii] ratio is lost because nitrogen Stasińska (1983) the use0.5 of Sthe Kewley et Dennefeld al. (2001b) diagnostics 2 since 23 diagnostic; factor ’’ or ‘‘ excitation parameter ’’ to correct the observed 1 here (like 0oxygen) is predominantly a primary nucleosynthesis Kennicutt &based Garnett (1996). These also cover a wide range these the same theoretical models used agreement is within theare margin ofonerror typically cited for these 1ionization parameter, such as in Pilyugin (2000); R 23 for in inand ionization parameter and metallicity. Using the previous ESO element this metallicity range. In addition, the nitrogenhave been shown to be more reliable than the calibrations (#0.1–0.15 dex for each calibration). Some calibraCharlot ion2& Longhetti (2001). We prefer to estimate 3.6 m telescope,method Dennefeld & Stasińska (1983) observed to-oxygen abundance ratio shows large scatter fromthe object semiempirical of Veilleux & Osterbrock (1987). 0.0 ization parameter explicitly, based upon the tions consistently agree to within 0.1 dex (e.g., KK04 and Z94; #40Our H iicalibration regions in the Galaxy, 3 In this regime, nitrogen production increases as a to object. of Magellanic this ratio isClouds shownand in the Figure 7, with theoretical Kennicutt (1996) observed a similar numKD02 and M91).while Comparisons between metallicities calculated function4 ofmodels. time since the bulk of the star formation polynomial fits& asGarnett in equation (4) and coefficients given in -2 ber ofmethods, H3.ii regions in M101 using and the 2.1 m telescope at Kitt 5 (Edmunds & Pagel 1978; Matteucci & Tosi 1985; occurred Table using these consistent such as KD02 M91, are likely -0.5 6 al. 1997). Peak. Dopita et Therefore, for a sample of H ii regions, Diagram 4.4. The S23 Diagnostic At very low metallicity, this ratio scales simply Kewley & Ellison 08 to be reliable to within 0.1 dex. However, comparisons between as the 7 the varying age distribution of the stellar population from nitrogen abundance, to first order. However, it is known Our calibration of the ratio ([S ii] !!6717, 6731 +[S iii] 5.2. Comparison Techniques for Deriving Abundance that showthat large disagreement (such as KK04 and P05) object to object will cause scatter in themethods N/O ratios in thisPrimary metallicity regime, the nitrogen abundance Nitrogen Secondary Nitrogen !!9069, 9532)/H" (popularly known as S23 ) is shown in Primary Nitrogen Secondary -4 observed. Good evidence for the primary dependence of -1.0 will beNitrogen contaminated by the large discrepancy between As discussed in xsystematic 1, a wide number of empirical and semi7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 nitrogen at low abundances 4 of empirical approaches already LOGcan (O/H) +be 12 found in LOGexist (O/H) + for 12 the determination of theFigure calibrations. Considère et al. (2000), in which log ðN=OÞ derived from a abundances in H ii regions. We compare three of the most 1.0 The lowest curves in Figure 2 q=3e8 are(7)the produced M-Z relations derived (7) large sample iiq=3e8 regions is iii] compared with the commonly used calibrations by McGaugh (1991, Fig. 8.—Theof logH ([N ii] "6584/[O "5007) diagnostic for expected abundance 1.5e8 (6) Fig. 4.—The log ([N ii] !6584/[S ii] !!6717,Z6731) diagnostic for abunFig. 2.—Robust best-fit M-Z relations calculated using the different metallicity 1.5e8 (6) 6 = 0.5 solar 8e7 (5) using the empirical methods (i.e., P01, P05, and the two PP04 vs. metallicity. Curves for each ionization parameter between q ¼ 5 % 10 relations for &1 a primary, secondary, and primary + seconhereafter M91), Zaritsky, Kennicutt, & Huchra (1994, here8e7 (5) dance vs. metallicity. Curves for each ionization parameter between 4e7 (4) 8 cm s calibrations listed in Table 1, except the Te method. The top panel shows the rms to 3 % 10 are shown. Filled circles represent the data points from 4e7 (4) *1 8 cm s 0Z94), (3) and Charlot Longhetti (2001, C01) dary origin for 2e7 nitrogen production (Vila-Costas & 3 + 10 are shown. Filled circles hereafter represent the data qafter ¼5+ 106 tomethods methods). These empirical are& calibrated predominantly 2e7 (3) 1e7 (2)from left to right of 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, our models at metallicities scatter in metallicity about the best-fit relation for each calibration in 0.1 dex bins of points from our models at metallicities from left to right of 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 1e7 (2) 5e6 (1) with the results produced by our proposed theoretical Edmunds [See the electronic edition of the Journal for a color 2.0, 3.0 Z'. 1993). via version fits ofof this the relationship between strong-line H ii for re-a color stellar mass. The y-axis offset, shape, and scatter of the M-Z relation differ sub(1)the electronic ratios [See edition ofand the Journal 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0 Z!. 5e6 0.5 diagnostics. We conclude that [N ii]/[O ii] provides an excellent abunfigure.] version of this figure.] stantially, depending on which metallicity calibration is used. metallicities. There is considerable variation among the gion T e be dance diagnostic for Z > 0:5 Z!, but this ratio cannot used at lower abundances. -1 For Z > 0:5 Z!, the curves in Figure 3 can be fitted by a primarily to the different nucleogenic status of the two elesimple quadratic, facilitating abundance determination ments. At low metallicity, both the elements are primary 0.0 using the [N ii]/[O ii] ratio, i.e., and the ratio becomes insensitive to metallicity. This diag1 nostic is2not as useful as [N ii]/[O ii] for the determination of log ðO=HÞ þ 12 ¼ log ½1:54020 þ 1:26602 R Metallicity calibration with optical lines: [SII]/[NII] LOG ( [NII] / H" ) [NII]/Hα N2 LOG ( [NII] / [SII] ) LOG { ({ [OII]+[OIII] LOG ( [SII]+[SIII]) )/ /H! H!} } LOG ( [NII] / [OIII] ) [NII]/[OIII] ([OIII] + [OII])/Hβ R23 O3N2 N2S2 LOG ( [NII] / H" ) G { ( [SII]+[SIII] ) / H! } Empirical/theoretical metallicity calibration by using strong optical lines (note that systematics exist) 系外銀河における微細構造輝線の観測とその理解 2014年12月2-3日 @国立天文台 Metallicity calibration with FIR FSLs: A&A 526, A149 (2011) Fig. 3. Predicted emission-line flux ratio of [O]51.80/[N]57.21 as a function of gas metallicity. Blue and red lines denote the models with U = 10−2.5 and 10−1.5 , and solid and dashed lines denote the models with nH = 101.0 cm−3 and 103.0 cm−3 , respectively. The flux ratio observed in M 82 and in the Antennae galaxy is shown by black horizontal line (these two galaxies show very similar [O]51.80/[N]57.21 flux ratios; see Table 5). The x-range of this horizontal line corresponds to the inferred metallicity range for M 82 and the Antenna galaxy. Fig. 3. Predicted emission-line flux ratio of [O]51.80/[N]57.21 as a function of gas metallicity. Blue and red lines denote the models with U = 10−2.5 and 10−1.5 , and solid and dashed lines denote the models with nH = 101.0 cm−3 and 103.0 cm−3 , respectively. The flux ratio observed in M 82 and in the Antennae galaxy is shown by black horizontal line (these two galaxies show very similar [O]51.80/[N]57.21 flux ratios; see Table 5). The x-range of this horizontal line corresponds to the inferred metallicity range for M 82 and the Antenna galaxy. Fig. 5. Same as Fig. 3 but for the flux ratio of ([O]51.80+ [O]88.33)/[N]57.21. Note the much lower dependence on the gas density, which makes this ratio particularly suited to measure the gas metallicity. instead of [O]51.80/[O]88.33. Since the [N]205.4 emission is very faint and at a very long wavelength, it is very difficult to study with Herschel and SPICA, though its detection Fig. 5. Same as Fig. 3 but for the flux ratio of ([O]51.80+ should be feasible with ALMA. [O]88.33)/[N]57.21. Note the much lower dependence on the gas Metallicity calibration by using 3.3. Dependences on the stellar age FIR [OIII]52µm, [OIII]88µm, All emission-line flux ratios shown in Figs. 3−7 are calculated [NII]57µm by adopting constant star-formation SEDs with an age of 1 Myr. density, which makes this ratio particularly suited to measure the gas metallicity. instead of it[O ]51.80/[O ]88.33. Since [N]205.4 However, should be verified whether thethe predicted flux emisratios sion is very faint and at a very long wavelength, it is very difdepend on the age of the stellar population, because the adopted ficult to study with Herschel and SPICA, though its detection age (1 Myr) seems too young compared to the typical age of should be feasible withinALMA. star-forming galaxies general. Cid Fernandes et al. (2003) investigated stellar populations of nearby starburst galaxies and reported that the typical starburst age is ∼107.0−7.5 yr. More re3.3. Dependences on the stellar age cently, Rodríguez Zaurín et al. (2010) studied stellar populations of low-z ULIRGs,flux finding similar ageinranges. It isare therefore imAll emission-line ratios shown Figs. 3−7 calculated portant to examine how the emission-line in by adopting constant star-formation SEDs diagnostics with an age studied of 1 Myr. this work it depend age ofwhether the stellar used for However, shouldonbethe verified the populations predicted flux ratios → “SPICA” is necessary!How about ALMA? Nagao+11 Fig. 4. Same as Fig. 3 but for the flux ratio of [O]88.33/[N]57.21. 系外銀河における微細構造輝線の観測とその理解 2014年12月2-3日 @国立天文台 Metallicity of galaxies at high redshift: 1924 F. Mannucci et al. metallicity Mannucci+09, MNRAS, 398, 1915 stellar mass Figure 5. Evolution of the mass–metallicity relation from z = 0.07 (Kewley & Ellison 2008) to z = 0.7 (Savaglio et al. 2005), z = 2.2 (Erb et al. 2006a) and z = 3–4 (AMAZE+LSD). All data have been calibrated to the same metallicity scale and IMF (Chabrier 2003) in order to make all the different results directly comparable. Turquoise empty dots show the AMAZE galaxies, blue solid dots the LSD galaxies. The solid square shows the ‘average’ LSD galaxy, having average mass and composite spectrum (see Fig. 4). The lines show quadratic fits to the data, as described in the text. Metallicity measurements are limited up to z~3 系外銀河における微細構造輝線の観測とその理解 2014年12月2-3日 @国立天文台 Metallicity of galaxies at high redshift: 1924 F. Mannucci et al. metallicity Mannucci+09, MNRAS, 398, 1915 z>4 stellar mass Figure 5. Evolution of the mass–metallicity relation from z = 0.07 (Kewley & Ellison 2008) to z = 0.7 (Savaglio et al. 2005), z = 2.2 (Erb et al. 2006a) and z = 3–4 (AMAZE+LSD). All data have been calibrated to the same metallicity scale and IMF (Chabrier 2003) in order to make all the different results directly comparable. Turquoise empty dots show the AMAZE galaxies, blue solid dots the LSD galaxies. The solid square shows the ‘average’ LSD galaxy, having average mass and composite spectrum (see Fig. 4). The lines show quadratic fits to the data, as described in the text. Metallicity measurements are limited up to z~3 系外銀河における微細構造輝線の観測とその理解 2014年12月2-3日 @国立天文台 Metallicity of galaxies at high redshift: Strong emission lines used to calibrate the metallicity come through the observable wavelength (>2.5µm) 系外銀河における微細構造輝線の観測とその理解 2014年12月2-3日 @国立天文台 Metallicity of galaxies at high redshift: 1924 F. Mannucci et al. Mannucci+09, MNRAS, 398, 1915 metallicity JWST? SPICA? or z>4 stellar mass ALMA? Figure 5. Evolution of the mass–metallicity relation from z = 0.07 (Kewley & Ellison 2008) to z = 0.7 (Savaglio et al. 2005), z = 2.2 (Erb et al. 2006a) and z = 3–4 (AMAZE+LSD). All data have been calibrated to the same metallicity scale and IMF (Chabrier 2003) in order to make all the different results directly comparable. Turquoise empty dots show the AMAZE galaxies, blue solid dots the LSD galaxies. The solid square shows the ‘average’ LSD galaxy, having average mass and composite spectrum (see Fig. 4). The lines show quadratic fits to the data, as described in the text. Metallicity measurements are limited up to z~3 系外銀河における微細構造輝線の観測とその理解 2014年12月2-3日 @国立天文台 Chemical abundance ratio at high redshift: J. Köppen and G. Hensler: Chemistry of epi lg(N/O) 0 -0.5 -1 100 -1.5 -2 1 Mcloud /Mgal 6.5 7 Koppen & Hensler 05 30 7.5 10 3 8 8.5 9 lg(O/H) 9.5 Fig. 2. Tracks in the N/O–O/H-diagram of infall models with various Effect of gas inflow on chemical evolution mass ratios of the infalling gas and the galaxy. The infall event starts Fig. 3. masses 系外銀河における微細構造輝線の観測とその理解 2014年12月2-3日 @国立天文台 multaFigure 4. SED of A383-5.2 and population synthesis models which provide 3 e CIII] best fit to the continuum SED and CIII] equivalent width. The observed SED is denoted by the diamond data points. The two grey data points at ar for8 Stark et al. <1µm are not included in the fit because of the uncertainty with (arXiv:1408.3649) CIII] nsider Starkassociated et al. 2014 Ly↵ emission contamination and IGM absorption. The data are best fit by a rburst’ 3000 model with a two component star formation history. The UV continuum and n with z=6−7, This work 20 CIII] equivalent width are powered by a recent star formation episode (cyan z=1.5−3.0, Stark et al. 2014 A383−5.2 stellar2500 z=2.3, Erb et al. 2010 curve), while the optical continuum is dominated by an older generation of ΔvLyα = 120 km/s z~3, Shapley et al 2003 th age (composite spec.) stars (red curve). The composite SED is shown in black. Yellow diamonds 2000 shift). show predicted broadband fluxes from the best-fitting model. 15 match-1500 1909Å t comst leftmost pro-1000panel is centred on Ly↵ emission which is detected with the visible he 10 iddle (unsmoothed) and rightmost (smoothed) panels. The [CIII] 1907 emission he star Model fit to A383.5.2 500 mation log U 1.70+0.49 fitting. 0 0.64 5 +0.04 log (M⇤,young /M⇤,tot ) 2.99 0.03 ing of−500 ware (v.2.2.0) in the Recipe Flexible Execution Workbench +0.27 (RE−200 log (Z/Z 0 200 400 600 800 1000 ) 1.33 the al0.20 FLEX) environment to perform a first reduction of Vel (km s−1) calibration and +0.06 log(C/O) 0.58 mass 0.06routines each exposure. We then applied standard IDL and IRAF WCIII],0 (Å) Fλ (10−20 erg cm−2 s−1 Å−1) Chemical abundance ratio at high redshift: +0.10 0 Figure 5. Velocity profile of Ly↵ emission in the zthe = 6.027 galaxy A383-Speciflog(age/yr) for optimally combining and extracting 15 8.72 exposures. 0.10 5.2. Ly↵ is shifted to the rest-frame using the systemic redshift provided by +0.10 −50 0 50 100 150 ically, we used the Lyman-↵ emission line,bywell-detected in each log(M /M ) is shifted 9.50 ⇤,tot n from CIII] 1909. The peak flux of Ly↵ emission v=120 km s 1 0.10 WLy ,0 (Å) +0.08 condiexposure, to correct for variations in1 )seeing and 0.29 atmospheric from the systemic redshift. log(SFR/M yr g wide 0.08 tions between the different OBs, and applied a scaling and weight+0.05 Note that they are gravitational ⌧ ˆ 0.05 model 0.05level ofFigure 6. A comparison of the rest-frame equivalent widths of CIII] 1909 ing of the 2D V spectra according to the flux and detection Å and Ly↵ fromlensed the study of objects z ' 2 lensed sources by Stark et al (2014, the line. We also used the spatial position of the line edshift 6 Lyman-alpha DISCUSSION AND SUMMARY orange points), Erb et al (2010) Table 1. Results of fitting procedure for A383-5.2. Details are providedand in the z' 3 Shapley et al (2003) composite measured in the reduced spectrum to precisely compute the off-alongside the two new CIII] detections beyond z ' 6 (this paper, red stars). nt; 30 Considerable effortand has been placed spectroscopic 6 §4.1, results areindiscussed in study §4.2.of z > ⇠ sets between each OB for optimal combination. We used galaxies. Yet, in spite of significant allocations of telescope timethe to same ompooffsets, scaling factors andspectroscopic weights to combine the exposures several research teams, few redshifts have been con- in the icities near-infrared corrections slightly strengthened firmed beyondarm. z 'Applying 7 due to these the absence of Ly↵. Although the Detection of CIII]λ1909 from galaxies at z~6 系外銀河における微細構造輝線の観測とその理解 2014年12月2-3日 @国立天文台 Newman et al. Morphology and Kinematics at high redshift: nal, 752:111 (19pp), 2012 June 20 Forster Schreiber+09 Clumpy structure in high redshift galaxies Strong Galactic winds in individual clumps of high redshift galaxies Dust geometry in high redshift galaxies Newman et al. 2012, ApJ, 752, 111 Figure 2. Emission line profiles and best fit to Hα and [N ii]λ6584 features for six regions of ZC406690: clump A MIPS J1428 [O I] 63 系外銀河における微細構造輝線の観測とその理解 2014年12月2-3日 @国立天文台 MIPS J1428 F10214 F10214 F10214 [O III] 88 [O IV] 26 [S III] 33 [O III] 52 205 205 179 185 179 Connection between galaxies and AGN: BPT ★☆: Stacking analysis 1 342 187 779 1 342 187 779 1 342 186 812 1 342 187 021 1 342 186 812 1 7 10 6 s Notes. (a) Number of line/range repetitions per nod cycle × number calibration uncertainty of 30% applies; (c) Correction factor, applied central spatial pixel (see text); (d) The signal in this PACS wavelengt of upper limits and RMS unreliable; (e) assuming a Gaussian profile Sturm+10, A&A, 518, L36 [O IV] (25.91µm) / FIR 10−2 Kewley+01 Yabe et al. 2014 AGN diagnostics by using FIR fine structure lines ? NGC 1068 F10214 10−3 Mrk 231 10−4 Arp 220 10−5 M82 108 109 1010 1011 1012 1013 LFIR [ L ] Fig. 2. The [O IV]/FIR limit in F10214 compared to template obje 系外銀河における微細構造輝線の観測とその理解 2014年12月2-3日 @国立天文台 What I want to know: • Star formation rate of galaxies • Metallicity of galaxies • Distribution of star-formation • ISM condition / AGN connection ... from dust-free observations spatially resolved (if possible) ...