
院長 宇野敏彦

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院長 宇野敏彦
Yoshiyuki Horio, Tatsuya Tanaka, Masato Taketoshi, Toshihiko Uno, Hiroshi Wada, Rat
cytosolic aspartate aminotransferase: Regulation of its mRNA and contribution to
gluconeogenesis. J. Biochem.103:805-808, 1988
Kozaburo Hayashi, Toshihiko Uno, Yuichi Ohashi, Norio Kazami, Reizo Manabe An
analysis of the subpopulation in draining lymph node cells and MHC antigen induction
in murine herpetic keratitis. Current Eye Research 10 (suppl.):55-62, 1991.
宇野敏彦, 林皓三郎、大橋裕一,
織適合抗原の発現、浸潤細胞の動態-. 日本眼科学会雑誌 97: 441-447, 1993.
児玉俊夫,宇野敏彦、平野直彦、寄井秀樹、大橋裕一 ヒト正常マイボーム腺脂質の分析の
試み.日本眼科紀要 45:223-226,1994.
Toshihiko Uno, Streilein, J.W., Ksander, B.R. The effect of IL-12 on immune privilege of
the eye. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 795 : 426-428,1996.
Chen, P.W., Murray, T.G., Uno, T., Salgaller, M.L., Reddy R. & Ksander, B.R. Expression
of MAGE gene in ocular melanoma during progression from primary to metastatic
disease. Clinical & Experimental Metastasis 15: 509- 518,1997.
Uno, T.,Chen, P.W., Murray, T.G, Podack, E.R. & Ksander B.R Gene transfer of the
CD80 costimulatory molecule into ocular melanoma cells using a novel episomal vector.
Investigative Ophthalmology & Vision Science 38: 2531-2539, 1997.
T.Goto, Klyce SD, Kataoka H, Uno T, Karon M, Tatematsu Y, Bessyo T, Tsubota K,
Ohashi Y. A new method for tear film stability analysis using videokeratography
Am J
Ophthalmol 135: 607-612,2003.
川崎史朗, 宇野敏彦
マイトマイシン C 術中塗布と羊膜移植を併用
した再発性翼状片の手術成績. 日眼会誌 107:316-321 , 2003.
Xiaodong Zheng Toshihiko Uno, Tomoko Goto, Wei Zhang, James M Hill, Yuichi Ohashi,
Pathogenic Acanthamoeba induces Apoptosis of Human Corneal Epithelial Cells. Jpn J
Ophthalmol 48: 23-29, 2004.
Tomoko Goto, Xiaodong Zheng, Stephen D. Klyce, Hisashi Kataoka, Toshihiko Uno,
Masahiko Yamaguchi, Mike Karon, Sumie Hirano, Shigeki Okamoto, Yuichi Ohashi,
Evaluation of the Tear Flim Stability After Laser in Situ Keratomileusis Using the Tear
Flim stability Analysis System. Am J Ophthalmology 137: 116-120, 2004.
宇野敏彦, 秦野
寛、大橋裕一, ガチフロキサシンの眼科臨床分離株に対する抗菌力. あた
らしい眼科 21:1547-1553, 2004.
大橋裕一, 糸状菌による
角膜真菌症における病型と予後の検討. 臨床眼科 58:2153-2157, 2004.
Nanba A, Amano S, Oshika T, Uno T, Toshino A, Ohashi Y, Yamaguchi T, Mihashi T.,
Corneal higher order wavefront aberrations after hyperopic laser in situ keratomileusis.
J Refract Surg 21: 46-51,2005.
Toshino A, Uno T, Ohashi Y, Maeda N, Oshika T
Transient keratectasia caused by
intraocular pressure elevation after laser in situ keratomileusis. Cataract Refract Surg
31: 202-204,2005.
平野澄江, 岡本茂樹、園田祥三、五藤智子、山口昌彦、宇野敏彦、大橋裕一
ロイド投与プロトコールによる全層角膜移植の術後成績. あたらしい眼科 22: 1123-1127,
Shiro Amano , Nanba Atsuko , Naoki Hamada , Testsuro Oshika, Toshihiko Uno, Atsuko
Toshino, Yuichi Ohashi,
Corneal irregular Astigmatism After Hyperopic Laser In Situ
Keratomileusis. Cornea 24: 789-792, 2005.
Suzuki T, Kawamura Y, Uno T, Ohashi Y, Ezaki T
epidermidis strains with biofilm-forming ability in isolates from conjunctiva and facial
skin. Am J Ophthalmol.140:844-850, 2005.
Yamaguchi M, Kutsuna M, Uno T, Zheng X, Kodama T, Ohashi Y
fluorescein staining line on the inner lid as indicator of meibomian gland function. Am J
141: 669-675, 2006.
宇田高広, 鈴木崇
臨床分離株の薬剤感受性. あたらしい眼科 23: 933-936, 2006.
大橋裕一, 真菌性角膜炎
砂田淳子, 上田安希子
利誠志, 感染性角膜炎全国サーベイランス分離菌における薬剤感受性と市販点眼薬の
postantibiotic effet の比較. 日眼会誌 110: 973-983, 2006.
宇野敏彦, 大橋裕一、下村嘉一、小林寅喆、北野周作, 外眼部細菌性感染症由来の臨床分離
株に対するモキシフロキサシンの抗菌活性. あたらしい眼科 23:1359- 1367, 2006.
Yamamoto Y, Uno T, Shisida K, Xue L, Shiraishi A, Zheng X, Ohashi Y. Demonstration
of aqueous streaming through a laser iridotomy window against the corneal
endothelium. Arch Ophthalmol.124:387-393, 2006.
Jun Shimazaki, Shiro Amano, Toshihiko Uno, Naoyuki Maeda, Norihiko Yokoi, and teh
Japan Bullous keratopathy Study Group, National Survey on Bullous Keratopathy in
Japan. Cornea 26: 274-278, 2007.
Oshika T, Hatano H, Kuwayama Y, Ogura Y, Ohashi Y, Oki K, Uno T, Usui N, Yoshitomi
Incidence of endophthalmitis after cataract surgery in Japan. Acta Ophthalmol
85: 848-851, 2007.
A Shiraishi, Hara Y, Takahashi M, Oka N, Yamaguchi M, Suzuki T, Uno T, Ohashi Y.
Demonstration of "owl's eye" morphology by confocal microscopy in a patient with
presumed cytomegalovirus corneal endotheliitis.
Am J Ophthalmol 143: 715-717,
宇野敏彦, 大橋裕一, 原二郎 PA・ヨード液およびポビドンヨード液の眼科臨床分離株に対
する殺菌力. 眼科手術 20: 535-539, 2007.
井上幸次、大橋裕一, 浅利誠志, 石橋康久, 宇野敏彦, 木下茂, 塩田洋, 下村嘉一, 田川義継,
秦野寛, 松本光希, 岡本茂樹, 亀井裕子, 北川和子, 外園千恵, 高村悦子, 内藤毅, 中川尚,
檜垣史郎, 福田昌彦, 宮崎大, 感染性角膜炎診療ガイドライン作成委員会, 感染性角膜炎診
療ガイドライン. 日本眼科学会雑誌 111: 769-809, 2007.
Koizumi N, Suzuki T, Uno T, Chihara H, Shiraishi A, Hara Y, Inatomi T, Sotozono C,
Kawasaki S, Yamasaki K, Mochida C, Ohashi Y, Kinoshita S. Cytomegalovirus as an
etiologic factor in corneal endotheliitis. Ophthalmology 115: 292-297, 2008.
Suzuki T, Iihara H, Uno T, Hara Y, Ohkusu K, Hata H, Shudo M, Ohashi
Y. .Suture-related keratitis caused by Corynebacterium macginleyi. J Clin Microbiol.
Suzuki T, Uno T, Chen G, Ohashi Y. Ocular distribution of intravenously administered
micafungin in rabbits. J Infect Chemother. 14: 204-207, 2008.
菊地正晃, 宇野敏彦, 山口昌彦, 原祐子, 白石敦, 大橋裕一, Barron Artificial Anterior
Chamber を用いた表層角膜移植および輪部移植術. 眼科手術 21: 361-365, 2008.
Kawasaki S, Suzuki T, Yamaguchi M, Tasaka Y, Shiraishi A, Uno T, Sadamoto M,
Minami N, Naganobu K, Ohashi Y. Disruption of the posterior chamber-anterior hyaloid
membrane barrier during phacoemulsification and aspiration as revealed by
contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging. Arch Ophthalmol. 127: 465-470, 2009.
Imayasu M, Uno T, Ohashi Y, Cavanagh HD. Effects of multipurpose contact lens care
solutions on the adhesiveness of Acanthamoeba to corneal epithelial cells. Eye Contact
Lens 35:246-250, 2009.
Shiraishi A, Kobayashi T, Hara Y, Yamaguchi M, Uno T, Ohashi Y. Rapid detection of
Acanthamoeba cysts in frozen sections of corneal scrapings with Fungiflora Y. Br J
Ophthalmol. 93:1563-1565, 2009.
Mitani A, Shiraishi A, Uno T, Miyamoto H, Hara Y, Yamaguchi M, Ohashi Y. In vivo and
in vitro investigations of fungal keratitis caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. J
Ocul Pharmacol Ther. 25:563-565, 2009.
宇野敏彦, 大橋裕一, 今安正樹, 森理, コンプライアンスの低い使用環境における多目的用
日本コンタクトレンズ学会誌 51: 36-41, 2009.
木村由衣, 宇野敏彦, 山口昌彦, 原祐子, 島村一郎, 鈴木崇, 山西茂喜, 大橋裕一, 愛媛大学
眼科における細菌性角膜炎症例の検討 あたらしい眼科 26: 833-837, 2009.
鈴木崇, 白石敦, 宇野敏彦, 江口秀一郎, 勝海修, 望月清文, 井上康, 岡宮史武, 宮田和典,
大橋裕一, 洗面所における微生物汚染調査. あたらしい眼科 26: 1387-1391, 2009.
野田恵理子, 山口昌彦, 白石敦, 宇野敏彦, 大橋裕一, 流行性角結膜炎を契機に発症したと
考えられるドライアイの 3 症例. あたらしい眼科 26: 1671-1677, 2009.
Yamamoto Y, Uno T, Joko T, Shiraishi A, Ohashi Y. Effect of anterior chamber depth on
shear stress exerted on corneal endothelial cells by altered aqueous flow after laser
iridotomy. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 51:1956-1964, 2010.
Shiraishi A, Uno T, Oka N, Hara Y, Yamaguchi M, Ohashi Y. In vivo and in vitro laser
confocal microscopy to diagnose acanthamoeba keratitis. Cornea 29: 861-865, 2010.
Takezawa Y, Shiraishi A, Noda E, Hara Y, Yamaguchi M, Uno T, Ohashi Y. Effectiveness
of in vivo confocal microscopy in detecting filamentous fungi during clinical course of
fungal keratitis. Cornea. 29:1346-52, 2010.
Zheng X, Shiraishi A, Okuma S, Mizoue S, Goto T, Kawasaki S, Uno T, Miyoshi T,
Ruggeri A, Ohashi Y. In Vivo Confocal Microscopic Evidence of Keratopathy in Patients
with Pseudoexfoliation Syndrome.
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. Jan 6. [Epub ahead of print], 2011.
宇野敏彦, 福田昌彦, 大橋裕一, 下村嘉一, 石橋康久, 稲葉昌丸, 井上幸次, 植田喜一, 江口
洋, 白石敦, 外園千恵, 田川義継, 近間泰一郎. 重症コンタクトレンズ関連角膜感染症全国
調査 日本眼科学会雑誌
Uno T, Ohashi Y, Nomachi M, Imayasu M. Effects of multipurpose contact lens care
solutions on the adhesion of Acanthamoeba to silicone hydrogel contact lenses.
Cornea. 31(10):1170-5, 2012.
Uno T, Ohashi Y, Imayasu M. Antimicrobial efficacy tests of multipurpose contact lens
care solutions simulating poor contact lens hygiene behaviors.
Eye Contact Lens.
38(6):388-93, 2012
Fukuda M, Yamada M, Kinoshita S, Inatomi T, Ohashi Y, Uno T, Shimazaki J, Satake Y,
Maeda N, Hori Y, Nishida K, Kubota A, Nakazawa T, Shimomura Y.
Comparison of
corneal and aqueous humor penetration of moxifloxacin, gatifloxacin and levofloxacin
during keratoplasty.
Adv Ther. 29(4):339-49, 2012.
植田喜一, 大橋裕一, 下村嘉一, 井上幸次, 石橋康久, 稲葉昌丸, 宇野敏彦、江口洋, 白石敦,
外園千恵, 田川義継, 近間泰一郎、福田昌彦. 重症コンタクトレンズ関連角膜感染症の発症
54: 208-287, 2012.
宇野敏彦. コンタクトレンズ関連角膜感染症と鑑別すべき病態について
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