オ。 - SWU eJournals System
( ) 2 1 ! 2553 '"4/;'!.,' "2( ++. "!1 DISPLAY OF THAI ALPHABETS ON A MATRIX BROAD USING SMS ON MOBILE PHONES ' , " * 4#ABB5 6 ! ! /; $'=> %&C!/ f!%B9 *'?#C!! (&C!/ ; 39 !!&! =!'!?#C!* 9=>>#=>/( /**99 %9?#C > GSM AT Command ?!(=>!3(!* 9=>> /**99=>(!&C!/ ;!* 9=>>9!! 39 ! ;&C!/> C /!$3 => %&C!/f!%B9 !B9!9(!!/!$%&C!/ ; f! %B9C ; %9 *''*: * 9=>>, ! (&C!/ ;, f!%B9 Abstract The aim of this research is to display Thai alphabets on a matrix display by using short message service. The principle of the operation is that the mobile phone is connected to microcontroller and GSM AT Command is then used to communicate to the received mobile phone using microcontroller in order to read short massage from the destined mobile. After that, the massage is decoded to show on the matrix display. The experimental results show that both Thai and English short messages can be correctly displayed on the matrix board. Keywords: Mobile phone, SMS, Matrix display 59 ( ) " g' * 9=>>C !// /!&<; !!#!!' 6 @&<; ;; 60.35 9C! (! BC/* 9=> > > 31.86 9C ! HC9 52.8 [1] !?#C!* 9=> >=>(=>! ! ; !/!$! C!=> !#( ! (&C!/ ;//=$= eg9 %9=>I !?#C!* 9=>>(?3u(/?#C/!>'=! ( &C!/ ; SMS (Short Message Service : SMS) C9 62.2 [2] * >/!?#C!!(&C !/ ; ( 3 DC = !?#C!=> ! > H!=> !%'(' !?3C!(/ #(!#! / " !%C= %9!?#C! cell operator ?3C!!;C !// =>!/(!!>$ ?3C!/!$/! '?#C!C!=> 3=!!?#C( &C!/=>=>! !'?#C!! (&C!/ ; ?* 9=>> H!(?#C!* 9=>>(/ 'AD!/! >!?3C( &C!/ ;!* 9=>> %9$ 3 &C !/ ; => ' / ' A * ?#C &C!/?!'/!/%>3C%9C * [3-7] H!'?#C! (&C!/ ; ?!'/'Aeef!(!I ! ;C /! => !!%&C!/ ;f! %B9 [7] <>!/!$%&C!/ D!! 2 1 ! 2553 (!=> %&C!/% B9 ?3C/&C ?!?#C!?3C!/!$% B9C ; D!! %9 D!! ; ! ; < H! !!% B9&C !/ <> !/!$%&C !/C D!! 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ETSI GSM "+# 66843303848 00 08 = ' Unicode 09 = ! 08 = # 19 = !? 14 = .. 18 = ! 55 = ! 82 = Time zone 0C = 12 Dec I SWU 03.38 $> &C!3 ?3C9!H&C/9&! 8 (!&C!/ “Cabba” %9H&C/9&! 7 !//!G! ETSI GSM 03.38 C= C = 1000011 a = 1100001 b = 1100010 b = 1100010 a = 1100001 !&C!3 H&C/9&! 8 * %?3CC! LSB & $ /!(?3C 8 JC&C /9 8 & %3 > 2 39= 6 C! LSB & $ = > 3 /! ( ?3C 8 C &C / 9 8 & > 2 (!; ' *? 'C! $C!&C/93/3 ?3C>39=/(!(! 63 ( ) )!., "'0#),* 5.!$; ?!( &C !/ ; C ' A D ! ; %( ! !!( C * 9=> > * > = C !C ! #' &C / 9 3 !( &<; /! %9C ?#C > GSM 2 1 ! 2553 AT Command *?#C > AT+CMGS H >?! ! <>$C!3!C!((! OK 3/!9&9!! 66843303848 /#' &C/9= 0011000B916648333048F80000 AA02CF25 %!9!/!!> 2 ) 2 %#'&C/9>?#C(&C!/ ; +# 00 11 00 0B 91 66 48 33 30 48 F8 00 00 AA 02 CF 25 !$3 @'@' ' SMSC "Q&@# ? ;I%J ? ' SMS @'# ? ;I%J $ & ' & &(' @'@' &;I%J &&;I%J (' +66843303848 Protocol Identifier Data Coding Scheme “00” ' 7 @' ' ! & 4 Data Length “02” " X ' !? (2 ) User Data “CF 25” ' “OK” !? ' 7 #2 1! 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' =@ $ @ " ; 4 B !! 65 2 1 ! 2553 ( ) Siemens Mobile phone connector 1 P1.24 P1.25 P1.26 P1.27 P1.28 P1.29 P1.30 P1.31 P0.8/TXD1 P0.9/RXD1 12 1:GND 5:TX 6:RX 16x32 Dot Display Board +3.3V LPC2138 1N60 VREF VDDA VSS1 VSS2 VSS3 +3.3V 0.1PF 22k : RESET VBAT 0.1PF XTAL1 RESET XTAL2 VSSA VSS1 VSS2 VSS3 VSS4 VSS5 32.768kHz RTXC1 22PF 12MHz 22PF RTXC2 22PF 22PF ; 5 >?#C?! /=>/&C!/ ;/!>* 9=>> /**99 J !( > GSM AT Command * 9=>> =>?3C * 9=>>(&C/9&&C!/ ;> &C! /!?3C /**99 =>!$3 %9B9> C %B9> % B%B9 %9 %C 3/!9&C!>(&C!/&C!/! D!> 6 H!%B9!<>% (!!'!/>&C!/ ;(/!=>%B9 *&C!/ ;>(/!= “/ ” %9 %C 9 3/!9&C !> ( &C !//! C&C!/ “OK” %9BC C!#=>/( 66 u u!A> ( 3( ! * 9=> > /**99 => &C / 9 >* 9=>>( /**99 ;$C3=/( *(&C! '/& => /B!( %9 % ! TTL H RS-232 %9(!&C/9C*%/ Hyper Terminal D!> 7 %9&C / 9 > ( ! 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