
Custom presentations in drawings

by taratuta

Category: Documents





Custom presentations in drawings
1. Symbol style layering marker. The number, for example number 1 in T1, indicates the
layer number. The letter, for example T in T1, indicates whether the reinforcing bar is on
the top, bottom, near side or far side layer.
2. Level prefix style layering marker. The number of triangles indicates the layer number
from the face. Triangle orientation indicates whether the reinforcing bar is on the top,
bottom, near side or far side layer. For example for top bars, the triangle head points
downwards, and for bottom bars upwards.
See also Classifying reinforcement to layers (RebarClassificator)
Building objects in drawings on page 195
4.9 Custom presentations in drawings
You can modify the appearance of many of the objects in drawings using custom
presentations. Custom presentations are delivered in Tekla Warehouse as extensions. The
presentations can be controlled on the view level and object level.
When you have downloaded a custom presentation for an object type, the Custom
presentation tab will become available in the drawing property dialog for that object. The
list will only show custom presentations that are available for that specific object type –
part, weld, mark, etc.
The following object types support custom presentations:
welds and weld marks
Editing drawings
Custom presentations in drawings
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