
髙宮利行・松田隆美編『中世イギリス文学入門 - 研究と

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髙宮利行・松田隆美編『中世イギリス文学入門 - 研究と
髙宮利行・松田隆美編『中世イギリス文学入門 - 研究と文献案内』
2008 年に刊行された髙宮利行・松田隆美編『中世イギリス文学入門 - 研究と文献案内』への補
更新日:2009 年 8 月 19 日
141 右 28
165 右 3
(Duggan 近日刊行予定)
168 右 14
'Notes on the Metre of Piers Plowman':
'Notes on the Metre of Piers Plowman: Twenty
Twenty Years On', in The Metres of
Years On', in Approaches to the Metre of
Alliterative Verse, Leeds Studies in English
Alliterative Verse, ed. by Judith Jefferson and Ad
Monograph, ed. by Ad Putter and Judith
Putter, Leeds Texts and Monographs, n.s., 17
Jefferson (近日刊行予定)
(2009), pp. 159-86
The Metres of Alliterative Verse, Leeds
Approaches to the Metre of Alliterative Verse, ed.
Studies in English Monograph, ed. by Ad
by Judith Jefferson and Ad Putter, Leeds Texts and
186 左 31
Putter and Judith Jefferson (近日刊行予定) Monographs, n.s., 17 (2009), pp. 61-76
195 左 28, 35,
196 右 1
197 右 6, 19, 36,
198 左 25
201 左 38
201 右 37
202 左 28
202 左 40
205 右 31
The John Baptists’Preaching
The John Baptists’ Preaching
206 右 36
39, 42
198 左 6, 12, 14,
17, 24, 31, 右
1, 8, 17,
207 右 34, 39
207 左 11
the Ordinalia
208 右 4, 9
209 右 23
い た
210 右 6
212 左 42
213 左 2
214 右 7
267 右 4
ゴドジン(Gododdin)、フレゲド (Rheged)
フレゲド (Rheged)、ゴドジン(Gododdin)
267 右 13
272 左 27
275 左 11
A Guide to Welsh Literature,
A Guide to Welsh Literature, Volume I
275 右 5
Selections form
Selections from
275 右 19
Dublin, 972
Dublin, 1972
275 右 29
307 右 13
Paul Strohm, ed., Oxford Twenty-first Century Approaches to Literature: Middle English (Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 2007) - 30 のキーワードによって中英語文学の作品と文脈を論じた、新しいタイプ
I-7. キリスト教教化文学 / Literature of Religious Instruction
Wenzel, Siegfried, ed., Preaching in the Age of Chaucer: Selected Sermon in Translation (Washington, D.C.,
2008) - 中世後期の主要なジャンルの説教を英訳で読める、便利な選集。
Kerby-Fulton, Kathryn, Books under Suspicion: Censorship and Tolerance of Revelatory Writing in Late
Medieval England (Notre Dame, IN, 2006)
Ⅰ-9. 中英語の抒情詩と論争詩 / Middle English Lyrics and Debate Poetry
Shuffleton, George, ed., Codex Ashmole 61: A Compilation of Popular Middle English Verse, TEAMS Middle
English Texts Series (Kalamazoo, MI, 2008) - 抒情詩のアンソロジー写本を一冊丸ごと校訂したエ
I-11. アーサー王ロマンス / Middle English Arthurian Romances (髙宮利行)
Fulton, Helen, ed., A Companion to Arthurian Literature (Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009) - Blackwell
Companions to Literature and Culture の一巻。 ‗The Arthur of History‘, ‗Celtic Origins of the Arthurian
Legend‘, ‗Continental Arthurian Traditions‘, ‗Arthur in Medieval English Literature‘, ‗From Medieval to
Medievalism‘, ‗Arthur in the Modern Age‘, ‗Arthur on Film‘の 7 部に大別され、伝説の起源から現代の受
容までを包括的に扱う。各部門は数本以上の論文からなる。編者による序文‗Theories and Debates‘は、
I-17. ジョン・ガワー / John Gower (小林宜子)
Yeager, R. F., ‗John Gower‘s Audience: The Ballades‘, Chaucer Review, 40 (2005), 81-105 -『バラード五十
Yeager, R. F., ‗Gower‘s French Audience: The Mirour de l’Omme‘, Chaucer Review, 41 (2006), 111-37 -
『人間の鏡』の最初期の読者について、著者自身が以前、‘Politics and the French Language in England
during the Hundred Years‘ War‘と題する論考(Denise N. Baker, ed., Inscribing the Hundred Years’ War in
French and English Cultures [Albany, NY, 2000] 所収)の中で提示した推論に若干の修正を加えたもの
Kobayashi, Yoshiko, ‗The Voice of an Exile: From Ovidian Lament to Prophecy in Book I of John Gower‘s Vox
Clamantis‘, in Through a Classical Eye: Transcultural and Transhistorical Visions in Medieval English,
Italian, and Latin Literature in Honour of Winthrop Wetherbee, ed. by Andrew Galloway and R.F. Yeager
(Toronto, 2009), pp. 339-62
I-22. 劇 / Drama・Play・Theatre
The Cornish Ordinalia
Norris, Edwin, ed. & trans., The Ancient Cornish Drama, 2 Vols. (Oxford, 1859)のリプリント版 (rept.
London & New York: Blom, 1968)と 旧版への訂正 : Whitley Stokes in Archiv für celtische Lexikographie
1 (1898-1900), 161-71 および J. Loth in Revue Celtique 26 (1905), 218-69 を追加します。なお Norris 版
medievaldrama/Bibliography_of_Cornish_Medieval_Drama.html で閲覧できます。
Ordinalia の校訂版は他に、以下のものもあります:
Harris, Phyllis Pier, Origo Mundi. First Play of the Cornish Mystery Cycle. The Ordinalia. A New Edition (Diss.
PhD, University of Washington, 1964; Ann Arbor: University Microfilms, 1964)
Nance, R. Morton & A. S. D. Smith, ed. Graham Sandercock, The Cornish Ordinalia, Second Play, Christ’s
Passion (1982); Third Play, Resurrection (1984), First Play, The Creation of the World (1989) — いずれも
Cornish Language Board から非印刷版として出されていますが、一部は Extracts from the Cornish Texts
in Unified Spelling II, IV, V & VI として Federation of Old Cornwall Societies (1972)から、またそのリプ
リント版が Cornish Language Board (1973)から出版されています。さらに first play: Origo Mundi は、
Ray Chubb によって出版されました (Redruth, Agan Tavas, 2001)。
Harris, markham, The Cornish Ordinalia. A Medieval Dramatic Trilogy (Washington: Catholic University of
America Press, 1969) — Neville Denny による書評が Medium Aevum 40 (1971), 305-9 にあります。
Kent, Alan M., Ordinalia. The Cornish Mystery Play Cycle. A verse translation (London: Francis Boutle, 2005)
with an informative introduction by Brian Murdoch
Gwreans an bys (The Creation of the World)の校訂・英訳版
Ordinalia 同様、Nance & Smith の校訂版が Federation of Old Cornwall Societies (1959)から出され、そ
の改訂版 E. G. R. Hooper, ed. (Redruth: Truran, 1985) ならびに O. Padel による Old Cornwall 10 (1985),
98f に掲載された書評があります。
Stokes, Whitley, Gwreans an bys. The Creation of the World (London & Edinburgh: Williams and Norgate,
Neuss, Paula, ―The Creation of the World‖ (Diss. PhD, Toronto, 1970)は後に The Creacion of the World. A
Critical Edition and Translation (New York & London: Garland, 1983)として出版され、その書評は T.
Tiller, TLS 21, 10 (1983), p. 1150 に掲載されました。
Beunans Meriasek (The Life of St. Meriasek) の校訂・英訳版
Nance & Smith の校訂版、Extracts from the Cornish Texts in Unified Spelling I, III, VIII (Federation of Old
Cornwall societies/Cornish Language Board, 1966-74)
Stokes, Whitley, The Life of Saint Meriasek, Bishop and Confessor. A Cornish Drama (London: Trubner, 1872)
Combellack-Harris, Myrna, ―A Critical Edition of Beunans Meriasek‖ (Diss. PhD, Exeter, 1985) — 校訂版と
英訳。Murdoch によれば、その後 Leeds Texts and Monographs として出版される予定となっていまし
英訳は散文訳 (Markham Harris) と韻文訳 (Combellack-Harris) があります。
コーンウォールの劇に関する情報は、主に Murdoch, Cornish Literature を参照しました。
Beadle, Richard and Alan J. Fletcher, eds, The Cambridge Companion to Medieval English Theatre, 2nd ed.
(Cambridge, 2008) ― 既に紹介した第 1 版(1994 年)の待望の新版が、2008 年に登場しました。内容
は、1994 年からの 14 年間に起こったイギリス中世劇研究の激動と新思潮を反映し、第 1 版の改訂版
に留まらず、新たに Alexanda Johnston, Greg Walker, John McKinnell の精鋭3人を著者に加え、作品・
っていた Brian Murdoch の‗The Cornish medieval drama‘ が新版では犠牲となりましたが、Beadle と
Fletcher は新版の前書きでその理由を、Murdoch が 1993 年に著した Cornish Literature (Cambridge: D.S.
ています。新版ではまた、各章のタイトルにも最近の研究成果が反映され、例えば Peter Meredith 担
当のタウンリー劇の解説では、第1版で ‗The Townley cycle‘ であったタイトルが、新版では ‗The
Towneley pageants‘ に変更されています。 但し、Meredith の解説は Barbara D. Palmer の研究成果へ
するものであろうと論じています。また Beadle 担当のヨーク劇の章が ‗The York cycle‘ から ‗The
York Corpus Christi Play‘ へ、Darryll Grantley 担当の ‗Saints‘ plays‘ が‗Saints and miracles‘ へと、よ
らダーラムで中世劇専門劇団を主催する McKinell が著す現代における上演についての実況型解説
Murdoch, Brian O., Cornish Literature (Cambridge, 1993) ― 記載漏れにつき、お詫びとともに、ここに追
加します。但し、本文 207 ページの引用は、The Cambridge Companion to Medieval English Theatre (ed.
Beadle, 1994)の第8章からのものです。
Normington, Katie, Medieval English Drama: Performance and Spectatorship, Cultural History of Literature
(Cambridge: Polity Press, 2009) ― 初学者用と銘打ってはいますが、目次を見ただけて「野心作」であ
ることが窺えます。著者は、既に紹介した Gender and Medieval Drama (Cambridge, 2006) で中世劇研
中心ですが、例えば前書きで述べているように、ヤウス (Hans Robert Jauss) の「観客(読者)受容
なども含んだ「パフォーマティヴィティ」(―Performativity‖, p. 2)を持つ、それゆえに「観客の受容」
Tiner, Elza C., ed., Teaching with the Record of Early English Drama (Toronto, 2006) ― 大学で中世劇の授
業を担当する教師が、REED の資料を学生の理解・研究指導のためにどのように活用できるかにつ
いて、Johnston, Mills, Palmer など著名な教授陣が解説する指南書の様相を呈してますが、実は授業を
受ける側の学生、特に大学院生にとっても、REED を研究の「座右の書」として利用する方法を知
Brown, Peter, ed., A Companion to Medieval English Literature and Culture C. 1350-C. 1500 (Oxford, Malden,
MA & Carlton, Victoria, 2007) ― 劇に関する章は、27、28、29 の3章です。
コーンウォール劇の入門書としては、Murdoch の前掲書の他に、以下の3冊が手に入りやすいで
Longworth, Robert, The Cornish Ordinalia. Religion and Dramaturgy (Cambridge, Mass., 1967)
Ellis, P. Beresford, The Cornish Language and its Literature (London & Boston, 1974)
Bakere, Jane A., The Cornish Ordinalia. A Critical Study (Cardiff, 1980)
I-26. サー・トマス・マロリー / Sir Thomas Malory (加藤誉子)
Putter, Ad, ‗Metre and the Editing of Middle English Verse: Prospects for Tail-Rhyme Romance, Alliterative
Poetry, and Chaucer‘, Poetica 71(2009), 29-47
Field, P. J. C., ed., Le Morte Darthur: The Seventh and Eighth Tales (Indianapolis, CA, 2008) - P. J. C.
Field による Hodder & Stoughton による第 7・8 話の校訂版を基に、本文、イントロダクション、
注と、 全面的に改訂されている。ぺ-パーバックで値段も手頃。
Yuji, Nakao, Philological and Textual Studies of Sir Thomas Malory’s Arthuriad (Tokyo, 2008) - ウィンチ
ェスター写本とキャクストン版とのテキスト上の相違に関する、これまでに出版された 中尾氏によ
る論文 17 本を集積した論文集。
I-30. 中世ケルト語圏の文学 / Medieval Celtic Literature
MacAulay, Donald ed., The Celtic Languages (Cambridge, 1992)
Russel, Paul, An Introduction to the Celtic Languages (Harlow, 1995)
Helen Fulton, Medieval Celtic Literature and Society (Dublin, 2005)
Haycock, Marged, ‗Literary criticism in Wales before c. 1300‘ in The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism
(Cambridge, 2005), pp. 333–44
Jarman, A. O. H., and G. R. Hughes, A Guide to Welsh Literature, Volume I, 2nd rev. edn (Cardiff, 1992)
--------, A Guide to Welsh Literature 1282 —c. 1550, Volume II (Cardiff, 1997)
Roberts, Brynley, Studies on Middle Welsh Literature (Lewiston/Queenston/Lampester, 1992)
Bromwich, Rachel, and D. Simon Evans, eds, Culhwch and Olwen: An Edition and Study of the Oldest
Arthurian Tale (Cardiff, 1992)
Evans, J. G., and R. M. Jones, eds, Llyr Gwyn Rhydderch: Y Chwedlau a’r Rhamantau (Cardiff, 1972, 1977)
Ford, Patrick K., ed., Ystoria Taliesin (Cardiff, 1992) ―英語では T. Love Peacock, The Misfortune of Elphin
Goetinck, Glenys W., ed., Historia Peredur vab Efrawc (Cardiff, 1976)
Gruffydd, R. G., gen. ed., Cyfres Beirdd y Tywysogion, 7 vols (Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1991-96)
Richards, Melville, ed., Breudwyt Ronabwy (Cardiff, 1948, 1980)
Roberts, Brynley F., ed., Breudwyt Maxen Wledic (Dublin, 2005)
--------, ed., Brut y Brenhinedd: Llanstephan ms 1 version (Dublin, 1971; repr. 1984) ―ジェフリー・オブ・モ
--------, ed., Cyfranc Lludd a Llefelys (Dublin, 1975)
Thomson, R. L., ed., Owein or Chwedyl Iarlles y Ffynnawn (Dublin, 1986)
--------, ed., Ystorya Gereint uab Erbin (Dublin, 1997)
Williams, J.E. Caerwyn, The Poets of the Welsh Princes (Cardiff, 1987, 1994)
Williams, Ifo, ed., Canu Aneirin (Cardiff, 1938, 1989)
Williams, Ifo, ed., Pedeir Keinc y Mabinogi, new edn (Cardiff, 1930, 1994) ―いまだ『マビノギ』のエディ
Parry, Thomas, ed., Gwaith Dafydd ap Gwilym rev. edn (Cardiff, 1952, 1993).
Rowlands, Eurys I., ed., Poems of the Cywyddwyr: a selection of cywyddau, c. 1375–1525 (Dublin, 1976)
Clancy, Joseph P., Medieval Welsh Lyrics ( NY, 1965)
Loomis, Richard, Dafydd ab Gwilym: The Poems, Translation and Commentary
Pennar, Meirion, Taliesin Poems (Lampester, 1988)
Thomas, Gwyn, Dafydd ap Gwilym: His Poems (Cardiff, 2001)
Edwards, Huw W., Dafydd ap Gwiym: Influences and Analogues (Oxford, 1996)
Koch, John T., The Gododdin of Aneirin (Cardiff, 1997)
Sims-Williams, Patirck, ‗Dafydd ap Gwilym and Celtic Literature‘, in Boris Ford ed., Medieval Literature: The
European Inheritance, Volume I, Part Two (London, 1984; repr. 1995)
Ní Bhrolchain, Muireann, Introduction to Early Irish Literature (Dublin, 2009)
Sims-Williams, Patrick and Erich Poppe, ‗Medieval Irish literary theory and criticism‘ in The Cambridge
History of Literary Criticism (Cambridge, 2005), pp. 291–309
Best, R. I., and Osborn Bergin, eds, Lebor na hUidre: Book of the Dun Cow (Dublin, 1929)
Green, David, ed., Fingal Rónáin and Other Stories (Dublin, 1955) →ウェブ版へ
Mulchrone, Kathleen, The Book of Lecan: Leabhor Mór Mhic Fhir Bhisigh Lecáin (Dublin, 1937)
Selmer, Carl, ed., Navigatio Sancti Brendani Abbatis: from Early Latin Manuscripts (1959; repr. Dublin, 1989)
Fowler, Barbara Hughes, ed. and trans., Medieval Irish Lyrics (Nortre Dame, 2000)
松村賢一『ケルトの古歌「ブランの航海」序説(補遺 異界と海の彼方)』(中央大学出版、1997)
Fulton, Helen, ed., A Companion to Arthurian Literature (Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009)
Sayers, William, ‗Medieval Irish Language and Literature: An Orientation for Arthurians‘, Arthuriana17.4
(2007), 70–80
Amodio, Mark C. ed., New Directions in Oral Theory: Essays on Ancient and Medieval Literatures (Tempe,
Doniger, Wendy, The Implied Spider: Politics & Theology in Myth (New York: Columbia University Press,
II-4. 中世イギリス文学と美術史
Scott, Kathleen L., Tradition and Innovation in Later Medieval English Manuscripts
(London, 2007)
Kolve, V. A., Telling Images: Chaucer and the Imagery of Narrative II (Stanford, CA, 2009) - 1984 年刊行
の Chaucer and the Imagery of Narrative への続編。
II-5. 中世イギリス文学と写本、書物史研究
Connolly, Margaret, John Shirley: Book Production and the Noble Household in Fifteenth-Century England
(Aldershot, 1998) - 14 世紀末から 15 世紀初めに活躍し、チョーサーやリドゲイト作品などの俗語
Dane, Joseph A. Abstractions of Evidence in the Study of Manuscripts and Early Printed Books (Aldershot,
2009) - 著者が過去に発表した論文を中核とした研究書で、中世写本と初期印刷本の具体的な作品
の検討を通して、authorship、editing、publishing の問題などについて示唆深い見解を示す。
Duff, Gordon, Fifteenth-Century English Books: A Bibliography of Books and Documents Printed in England
and of Books for the English Market Printed Abroad, ed. by Lotte Hellinga (London, 2009) - 15 世紀にイ
Echard, Sian, Printing the Middle Ages (Philadelphia, PA, 2008) - 後世において古英語、中英語の作品が
Eliot, Simon, and Jonathan Rose, eds, A Companion to the History of the Book, Blackwell Companions to
Literature and Culture 48 (Oxford, 2007) - ブラックウェル社が出版する必携書シリーズの 1 つで、欧
Kuskin, William, Symbolic Caxton: Literary Culture and Print Capitalism ((Notre Dame, IN, 2008) - キャク
ストンの出版物を通して、15 世紀末におけるイギリス文学のキャノンの成立を書物史と文学史の両
The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain,7 vols (1999− ), II: 1100−1400. ed. by Nigel Morgan and
Rodney M. Thomson, eds, (Cambridge, 2008) - ケンブリッジ大学出版会からの書物史シリーズの第 2
巻。ノルマン征服から 14 世紀末までを扱う。
Wakelin, Daniel, Humanism, Reading, and English Literature 1430 —1530 (Oxford, 2007) - イングランドに
おける人文主義の普及は 16 世紀以降が中心とされてきたが、著者は中世写本や初期印刷本を丁寧に
II-7. 中世イギリス文学批評の現在
Chaucer Review, Vol. 41, No. 3, 2007 - 20 世紀を代表するチョーサー研究者のひとり、E. Talbot
Donaldson を追悼する特集号として編まれたものであるが、ニュー・クリティシズムの手法、とりわ
け close reading の意義を再評価する内容の論文が複数含まれている。Ralph Hanna による論考は、
Donaldson の「帰納的」なアプローチを Robertson 流の「演繹的」なアプローチと対比させて論じて
Scala, Elizabeth, and Sylvia Federico, eds., The Post-Historical Middle Ages (New York, 2009) - 1980 年代
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies, Vol. 37, No. 3, Fall 2007 - ―Rethinking Periodization‖をテ
ーマにした特集号。Patterson 編 Literary Practice and Social Change in Britain, 1380-1530 や James
Simpson 著 1350—1547: Reform and Cultural Revolution の流れを汲み、「中世 /(初期)近代」という
Cohen, Jeffrey Jerome, ed., Cultural Diversity in the British Middle Ages: Archipelago, Island, England (New
York, 2008 - 同じ編者による The Postcolonial Middle Ages の姉妹編として出版された論文集。The
Postcolonial Middle Ages がおもにブリテン島から地中海へと広がるヨーロッパ的文脈の中で中世イ
II-11. 中世研究とデジタル化
Ciula, Arianna, ‗Digital Palaeography: Using the Digital Representation of Medieval Script to Support
Palaeographic Analysis‘, Digital Medievalist, 1.1. (Spring 2005). ISSN: 1715-0736
Rydberg-Cox, Jeffrey A. ‗Digitizing Latin Incunabula: Challenges, Methods, and Possibilities‘, Digital
Humanities Quarterly, 3.1 (2009)
Stokes, Peter A., ‗Palaegraphy and Image-Processing: Some Solutions and Problems‘, Digital Medievalist, 3
(2007-08). ISSN: 1715-0736
III-2. 文献講読のための中英語入門
Benson, L. D., general ed., The Riverside Chaucer, 3rd edn, with a new foreword by Christopher Cannon
(Oxford, 2008)
記念論文集・追悼論文集 (Honorand のアルファベット順)
Shinsuke Ando (安東伸介)
Takamiya, Toshiyuki, and Richard Beadle, eds, Chaucer to Shakespeare: Essays in Honour of Shinsuke Ando
(Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 1992)
A. C. Baugh
Leach, MacEdward, ed, Studies in Medieval Literature in Honor of Professor Albert Croll Baugh (Philadelphia:
University of Pennsylvania Press, 1961)
Paul E. Beichner
Vasta, Edward, and Zacharias P. Thundy, eds, Chaucerian problems and Perspectives: Essays Presented to Paul
E. Beichner, C.S.C. (Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1979)
J. A. W. Bennett
P. L. Heyworth, Medieval Studies for J. A. W. Bennett: Aetatis suae LXX (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1981)
Richard E. Blackwelder
Hammond, Wayne G., and Christina Scull, eds, The Lord of the Rings 1954–2004: Scholarship in Honour of
Richard E. Blackwelder, ed. by (Milwaukee, 2006)
Norman Blake
Lester, Geoffrey, ed, Chaucer in Perspective: Middle English Essays in Honour of Norman Blake (Sheffield:
Academic Press, 1999)
A. J. Bliss
Dolan, T. P., ed, ‗The English of the Irish: Special Issue in Memory of A. J. Bliss‘, Irish University Review: A
Journal of Irish Studies, vol. 20, no. 1 (Spring 1990)
Morton W. Bloomfield
Benson, Larry D., and Siegfried Wenzel, eds, The Wisdom of Poetry: Essays in Early English Literature in
Honor of Morton W. Bloomfield (Kalamazoo: Western Michigan University, 1982)
Marie Borroff
Tavormina, M. Teresa, and R. F. Yeager, eds, The Endless Knot: Essays on Old and Middle English in Honor of
Marie Borroff (Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 1995)
Leonard E. Boyle
Brown, Jacqueline, and William P. Stoneman, eds, A Distant Voice: Medieval Studies in Honor of Leonard E.
Boyle, O.P. (Notre Dame, ID: University of Notre Dame Press, 1997)
Derek Brewer
Morse, Ruth, and Barry Windeatt, eds, Chaucer Traditions: Studies in Honour of Derek Brewer (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1990)
Carleton Brown
Essays and Studies in Honor of Carleton Brown (New York: New York University Press, 1940)
Robert Burchfield
Stanley, E. G., and T. F. Hoad, eds, Words: for Robert Burchfield’s Sixty-fifth Birthday (Cambridge: D. S.
Brewer, 1988)
John Burrow
Minnis, A.J., Charlotte C. Morse, and Thorlac Turville-Petre, eds, Essays on Ricardian Literature in Honour of
J.A. Burrow (Oxford,Clarendon Press,1997)
A. C. Cawley
Meredith, Peter, ed, ‗Essays in Honour of A. C. Cawley‘, Leeds Studies in English, New Series, vol. 12 (1981
for 1980 and 1981)
John Will Clark
Fasciculus Ioanni Willis Clark Dictus (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1909)
Peter Clemoes
Lapidge, Michael, and Helmut Gneuss, eds, Learning and Literature in Anglo-Saxon England: Studies
Presented to Peter Clemoes on the Occasion of his Sixty-fifth Birthday (Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 1985)
Nevill Coghill
Lawlor, John, and W. H. Auden, collected, To Nevill Coghill from Friends (London: Faber and Faber, 1966)
Basil Cottle
Stokes, M., and T. L. Burton, eds, Medieval Literature and Antiquities: Studies in Honour of Basil Cottle
(Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 1987)
William A. Craigie
A Memoir and a List of the Published Writings of Sir William A. Craigie (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1952)
André Crépin
Carruthers, Leo, ed, Heroes and Heroines in Medieval English Literature Presented to André Crépin
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J. E. Cross
Collins, Marie, Jocelyn Price, and Andrew Hamer, eds, ‗Sources and Relations: Studies in Honour of J. E.
Cross‘, Leeds Studies in English, NS, vol. 16(1985)
W. C. Curry
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Norman Davis
Gray, Douglas, and E. G. Stanley, eds, Middle English Studies Presented to Norman Davis in Honour of his
Seventieth Birthday (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1983)
E. J. Dobson
Stanley, E. G., and Douglas Gray, eds, Five Hundred Years of Words and Sounds for Eric Dobson (Cambridge:
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E. T. Donaldson
Carruthers, Mary J., and Elizabeth D. Kirk, eds, Acts of Interpretation: The Text in its Contexts 700-1600:
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A. I. Doyle
Minnis, A. J., ed, Late-Medieval Religious Texts and their Transmission: Essays in Honour of A. I. Doyle
(Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 1994)
Beadle, Richard, and A. J. Piper, eds, New Science out of Old Books: Studies in Manuscripts and Early Printed
Books in Honour of A. I. Doyle (Ashgate: Scolar Press, 1995)
P. J. C. Field
Wheeler, Bonnie, ed, Arthurian Studies in Honour of F. J. C. Field (Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 2004)
Jacek Fisiak
Hickey, Raymond, and Stanislaw Puppel, eds, Language History and Linguistic Modelling: A Festschrift for
Jack Fisiak on his 60th Birthday (Berlin: de Gruyter, 1997)
Mirjam Foot
Pearson, David, ed, ‘For the Love of the Binding’: Studies in Bookbinding History Presented to Mirjam Foot
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Ford, Patrick K.
Nagy, Joseph F., and Leslie E. Jones, eds, Heroic Poets and Poetic Heroes in Celtic Tradition: A Fetschrift for
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Maureen Fries
Wheeler, Bonnie, and Fiona Tolhurst, eds, On Arthurian Women: Essays in Memory of Maureen Fries (Dallas,
TX: Scriptorium Press, 2001)
F. J. Furnivall
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Press, 1901)
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G. N. Garmonsway
Pearsall, D. A., and R. A. Waldron, eds, Medieval Literature and Civilization: Studies in Memory of G. N.
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Helmut Gneuss
Korhammer, Michael, ed with the assistance of Karl Reichl and Hans Sauer, Words, Texts, and Manuscripts:
Studies in Anglo-Saxon Culture Presented to Helmut Gneuss on the Occasion of his Sixty-fifth Birthday
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Heinz Göller
Böker, Uwe, ed, Of Rememberaunce the Keye: Medieval Literature and its Impact through the Ages: Festschrift
for Heinz Göller on the Occasion of his 80 th Birthday (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2004)
Douglas Gray
Cooper, Helen, and Sally Mapstone, eds, The Long Fifteenth Century: Essays for Douglas Gray (Oxford:
Clarendon Press, 1997)
Stanley B. Greenfield
Brown, Phyllis Rugg, George Ronan Crampton and Fred C. Robinson, Modes of Interpretation in Old English
Literature: Essays in Honour of Stanley B. Greenfield (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1986)
Jeremy Griffiths
Edwards, A. S. G., Vincent Gillespie and Ralph Hanna, eds, The English Medieval Books: Studies in Memory of
Jeremy Griffiths (London: British Library, 2000)
Lotte Hellinga
Davies, Martin, ed, Incunabula: Studies in Fifteenth-Century Printed Books Presented to Lotte Hellinga
(London: British Library, 1999)
George Henderson
Binski, Paul, and William Noel, eds, New Offerings, Ancient Treasures: Studies in Medieval Art for George
Henderson (Stroud: Sutton, 2001)
Anthony Hobson
Rhodes, Dennis E., ed, Book Bindings & Other Bibliophily: Essays in Honour of Anthony Hobson (Verona:
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Donald R. Howard
Dean, James M., and Christian K. Zacher, eds, The Idea of Medieval Literature: New Essays on Chaucer and
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R. W. Hunt
Alexander, J. J. G., and M. T. Gibson, eds, Medieval Learning and Literature: Essays Presented to Richard
William Hunt (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1976)
Otto Jespersen
Bogholm, N., Aage Brusendorff and C. A. Bodelsen, eds, A Grammatical Miscellany Offered to Otto Jespersen
on his Seventieth Birthday (Copenhagen: Levin & Muksgaard/ London: George Allen & Unwin, 1930)
George Kane
Kennedy, Edward Donald, Ronald Waldron and Joseph S. Wittig, eds, Medieval English Studies Presented to
George Kane (Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 1988)
Douglas Kelly
Busby, Keith, and Norris J. Lacy, eds, Conjunctures: Medieval Studies in Honor of Douglas Kelly (Amsterdam:
Rodopi, 1994)
Elspeth Kennedy
Pratt, Karen, ed, Shifts and Transpositions in Medieval Narrative: A Festschrift for Dr Elspeth Kennedy
(Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 1994)
N. R. Ker
Parkes, M. B., and Andrew G. Watson, eds, Medieval Scribes, Manuscripts & Libraries: Essays Presented to N.
R. Ker (London: Scolar Press, 1978)
Stephen Knight
Evans, Ruth, Helen Fulton and David Matthews, eds, Medeival Cultural Studies: Essays in Honour of Stephen
Knight (Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2006)
V. A. Kolve
Yeager, Robert F., and Charlotte C. Morse, eds, Speaking Images: Essays in Honour of V. A. Kolve (Asheville,
NC: Pegasus Press, 2001)
Hans P. Kraus
Lehmann-Haupt, Hellmut, ed, Homage to a Bookman: Essays on Manuscripts, Books and Printing Written for
Hans P. Kraus on his 60th Birthday Oct. 12, 1967 (Berlin: Mann, 1967)
Tadao Kubouchi (久保内端郎)
Oizumi, Akio, Jacek Fisiak and John Scahill, eds, Text and Language in Medieval English Prose: A Festschrift
for Tadao Kubouchi (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2005)
Valerie M. Lagorio
Schichtman, Martin B., and James P. Carley, eds, Culture and the King: the Social Implication of the Arthurian
Legend: Essays in Honor of Valerie M. Lagorio (Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1994)
Bartlett, Anne Clark, et al, eds, Vox Mystica: Essays on Medieval Mysticism in Honor of Professor Valerie M.
Lagorio (Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 1995)
C. S. Lewis
Lawlor, John, ed, Patterns of Love and Courtesy: Essays in Memory of C. S. Lewis (London: Edward Arnold,
Como, James T., ed, C. S. Lewis at the Breakfast Table and Other Reminiscences (London: Collins, 1980)
Gertrude Schoepperle Loomis
Loomis, Roger Sherman, ed, Medieval Studies in Memory of Gertrude Schoepperle Loomis (New York:
Columbia University Press, 1927)
Roger Sherman Loomis
Baugh, Albert C., preface, Studies in Medieval Literature: A Memorial Collection of Essays (New York: Burt
Franklin, [1970])
Proinsias Mac Cana
Ildánach Ildírech: A Fetschrift for Proinsias Mac Cana, ed. by John Carey, John T. Koch, & Pierre-Yves
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Angus McIntosh
Benskin, Michael, and M. L. Samuels, eds, So meny people longages and tonges: Philologcal Essays in Scots
and Mediaeval English Presented to Angus McIntosh (Edinburgh: Michael Benskin and M. L. Samuels, 1981)
F. P. Magoun, Jr.
Bessinger, Jess B., Jr., and Robert P. Creed, eds, Medieval and Linguistic Studies in Honor of Fraincis Peabody
Magoun, Jr. (London: George Allen and Unwin, 1965)
Kemp Malone
Kirby, Thomas A., and Henry Bosley Woolf, eds, Philologica: the Malone Anniversary Studies (Baltimore:
Johns Hopkins University Press, 1949)
James Marrow
Hamburger, Jeffrey F., and Anne S. Korteweg, eds, Tributes in Honor of James H. Marrow: Studies in Painting
and Manuscript Illumination of the Late Middle Ages and Northern Renaissance (London: Harvey Miller, 2006)
Herbert Dean Meritt
Rosier, James L., ed, Philological Essays: Studies in Old and Middle English Language and Literature in
Honour of Herbert Dean Meritt (The Hague: Mouton, 1970)
Maldwyn Mills
Fellows, Jenny, Rosalind Field, Gillian Rogers and Judith Weiss, eds, Romance Reading on the Book: Essays on
Medieval Narrative Presented to Madlwyn Mills (Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1996)
Bruce Mitchell
Walmsley, John, ed, Inside Old English: Essays in Honour of Bruce Mitchell (Oxford: Blackwell, 2006)
Fernand Mossé
Mélanges de Linguistique et de Philologie: Fernand Mossé in Memoriam (Paris: Didier, 1959)
Tauno F. Mustanoja
‗Studies Presented to Tauno F. Mustanoja on the Occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday‘, Neuphilologische
Mitteilungen, vol. 73, nos. 1-2 (1972)
Shunichi Noguchi(野口俊一)
Suzuki, Takashi, and Tsuyoshi Mukai, eds, Arthurian and Other studies Presented to Shunichi Noguchi
(Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 1993)
Akio Oizumi (大泉昭夫)
Fisiak, Jacek, ed, Studies in English Historical Linguistics and Philology: A Festschrift for Akio Oizumi
(Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2002)
M. B. Parkes
Robinson, P. R., and Rivkah Zim, eds, Of the Making of Books: Medieval Manuscripts, their Scribes, and
Readers: Essays Presented to M. B. Parkes (Aldershot: Scolar Press, 1997)
Derek Pearsall
Minnis, A. J., ed, Middle English Poetry: Texts and Traditions: Essays in Honour of Derek Pearsall
(Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 2001)
Graham Pollard
Studies in the Book Trade in Honour of Graham Pollard (Oxford: Oxford Bibliographical Society, 1975)
M. K. Pope
Studies in French Language and Mediaeval Literature Presented to Professor Mildred K. Pope by Pupils,
Colleagues and Friends (1939; reprinted Freeport, NY: Books for Libraries Press, 1969)
Felicity Riddy
Wogan-Browne, Jocelyn, and Others, eds, Medieval Women: Texts and Contexts in Late Medieval Britain:
Essays for Felicity Riddy (Turnhout: Brepols, 2000)
A.G. Rigg
Green, Richard Firth, and Linne R. Mooney, eds, Interstices: Studies in Middle English and Anglo-Latin Texts in
Honour of A.G. Rigg (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2004)
Rossell Hope Robbins
Rowland, Beryl, ed, Chaucer and Middle English Studies in Honour of Rossell Hope Robbins (London: George
Allen & Unwin, 1974)
Jane Roberts
Kay, Christian J., and Louise M. Sylvester, eds, Lexis and Texts in Early English: Studies Presented to Jane
Roberts (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2001)
Fred C. Robinson
Baker, Peter S., and Nicholas Howe, eds, Words and Works: Studies in Medieval English Language and
Literature in Honour of Fred C. Robinson (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1998)
Alarik Rynell
Rydén, Mats, and Lennart A. Björk, eds, Studies in English Philology, Linguistics and Literature Presented to
Alarik Rynell 7 March 1978 (Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1978)
Elizabeth Salter
Pearsall, Derek, ed, ‗Essays in Memory of Elizabeth Salter‘, Leeds Studies in English, New Series, vol. 14
Kathleen L. Scott
Hennessy, Arlene Villalobos, ed, Tributes to Kathleen L. Scott: English Medieval Manuscripts: Readers, Makers
and Illuminators (London: Harvey Miller, 2009)
T. A. Shippey
Wawn, Andrew, with Graham Johnson and John Walter, eds, Constructing Nations, Reconstructing Myth:
Essays in Honour of T. A. Shippey (Turnhoust, 2007)
Beryl Smalley
Walsh, Katherine, and Diana Wood, The Bible in the Medieval World: Essays in Memory of Beryl Smalley
(Oxford: Blackwell, 1985)
E. G. Stanley
Godden, Malcolm, Douglas Gray and Terry Hoad, eds, From Anglo-Saxon to Early Middle English: Studies
Presented to E. G. Stanley (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994)
Toshiyuki Takamiya (髙宮利行)
Matsuda, Takami, Richard A. Linenthal and John Scahill, The Medieval Book and A Modern Collector: Essays
in Honour of Toshiyuki Takamiya (Cambridge: D. S. Brewer/ Tokyo: Yushodo, 2004)
Special Issue for Toshiyuki Takamiya, The Book Collector, vol. 53, no. 1 (Spring 2004)
‗Essays in Honour of Toshiyuki Takamiya‘, The Geibun Kenkyu, no. 95 (December, 2008)
Alan G. Thomas
De Hamel, Christopher, and Richard A. Linenthal, eds, Fine Books and Book Collecting: Books and
Manuscripts acquired from Alan G. Thomas and described by his Customers on the Occasion of his Seventieth
Birthday (Leamington Spa: James Hall, 1981)
J. R. R. Tolkien
Davis, Norman, and C. L. Wrenn, eds, English and Medieval Studies Presented to J. R. R. Tolkien on the
Occasion of his Seventieth Birthday (London: George Allen & Unwin, 1962)
Salu, Mary, and Robert T. Farell, eds, J. R. R. Tolkien, Scholar and Story-teller: Essays in Memoriam (Ithaca:
Cornell University Press, 1979)
Lewis Thorpe
Varty, Kenneth, ed, An Arthurian Tapestry: Essays in Memory of Lewis Thorpe (Glasgow: French Department,
University of Glasgow for the British Branch of the International Arthurian Society, 1981)
Francis Lee Utley
Mandel, Jerome, and Bruce A. Rosenberg, eds, Medeival Literature and Folklore Studies: Essays in Honor of
Francis Lee Utley (New Brunswick, NJ: 1970)
Eugène Vinaver
Whitehead, F., A. H. Diverres and F. E. Sutcliffe, eds, Medieval Miscellany Presented to Eugène Vinaver by
Pupils, Colleagues and Friends (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1965)
R. A. Waldron
Powell, Susan, and Jeremy J. Smith, eds, with a Personal Memoir by Derek Pearsall, New Perspectives on
Middle English Texts: A Festschrift for R. A. Waldron (Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 2000)
Andrew Watson
Carley, James P., and Colin G. C. Tite, eds, Books and Collectors 1200-1700: Essays Presented to Andrew
Watson (London: British Library, 1997)
Siegfried Wenzel
Newhauser, Richard G., and John A. Alford, eds, Literature and Religion in the Later Middle Ages: Philological
Studies in Honor of Siegfried Wenzel (Binghamton, NY: Center for Medieval and Early Renaissance Studies,
Dorothy Whitelock
Clemoes, Peter, and Kathleen Hughes, eds, England Before the Conquest: Studies in Primary Sources Presented
to Dorothy Whitelock (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1971)
A. J. Whiting
Benson, Larry D, ed, The Learned and the Lewed: Studies in Chaucer and Medieval Literature (Cambridge:
Harvard University Press, 1974)
Charles Williams
[Lewis, C. S.], ed, Essays Presented to Charles Williams (Oxford: Geoffrey Cumberlege, 1947)
Leslie Workman
Utz, Richard, and Tom Shippey, eds, Medievalism in the Modern World: Essays in Honour of Leslie J.
Workman (Turnout: Brepols, 1998)
Chance, Jane, ed., Women Medievalists and the Academy (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2005) -
Norman Canter の Inventing the Middle Ages に刺激を受けて編纂が始まった、女流中世学者に関する大
事業。Elizabeth Elstob (1683-1756)を嚆矢として 72 名の閨秀中世学者(現存者を含む)の伝記を生年
順に並べたもの。肖像画や写真も可能な限り添えられ、十分な書誌も加えられている。Helen Waddell
Deyermond, Alan, ed., A Century of British Medieval Studies (Oxford: Oxford University Press for the British
Academy, 2007) - British Academy Centenary Monographs の一巻。20 世紀イギリスで展開した中世学
の流れと変化を、第 1 級の学者が分担して概説した案内書。本書に関係ある章と著者には、Celtic
Studies (John T. Koch), Old Norse-Icelandic Studeis (Heather O'Donoghue), Old English (Michael Lapidge),
(Middle English Literature (Douglas Gray), The History of the Book (Richard Gameson)などが含まれる。
Wheeler, Bonnie, and Fiona Tolhurst, eds, On Arthurian Women: Essays in Memory of Maureen Fries (Dallas,
TX: Scriptorium Press, 2001) - アーサー王研究家モーリン・フリースの死を悼んで卓抜なアイディ
析した 19 本の論文と、
第 2 部で扱われる女流アーサー王研究家で物故者
(Charlotte Guest, J. L. Weston,
R. S. Loomis の三人の妻、V. D. Scudder, Rachel Bromwich, Helaine Newstead, Valerie Lagorio, Maureen
Fries)の伝記と現存者(Elspeth Kennedy, Fannie Bogdanow)の自伝にある。(髙宮利行)
Máire Herbert & Kevin Murray eds, Retrospect and Prospect in Celtic Studies: Proceedings of the 11th
International congress of Celtic Studies held in University College, Cork, 25-30 July 1999 (Dublin: Four
Court Press, 2003) (辺見葉子)
(updated 2009/08/19)
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