Title Author(s) Citation Issue Date URL 〈特別寄稿〉生命の哲学から見た脳死概念の一考察-大統 領レポートと「息」の復権- 森岡, 正博 哲学論叢 (2014), 41: 13-23 2014-11 Right Type Textversion Departmental Bulletin Paper publisher Kyoto University 2000 (President’s Commission, 1981) (President’s Council, 2008) 1 2 1960 2000 - 13 - 1 1967 1968 brain death irreversible coma 1970 (President’s Commission, 1981, p. 62 ) or 1974 - 14 - (President’s Commission, 1981, p. 121 ) 1970 the whole brain formulations higher brain formulations the the non-brain formulations whole brain death functions the integrated functioning of the body’s major organ system hallmark (President’s Commission, 1981, p. 32) breathing and heartbeat are not life itself - 15 - a triangle of interrelated systems with the brain at its apex death is that moment at which the body’s physiological system ceases to constitute an integrated whole necessary but not sufficient neurologic integration (President’s Commission, 1981, p. 33) 2 1 1981 direct the usual synchronized integration of the body (President’s Commission, 1981, p. 34) - 16 - (President’s Commission, 1981, pp. 34-35) no longer than several days dead dying motionless except for the chest movements produced by their respirators they cannot replace the myriad functions of the brainstem or of the rest of the brain (President’s Commission, 1981, p. 35) philosophical refinement beyond a certain point may not be necessary (President’s Commission, 1981, p. 36) personhood personal identity - 17 - (President’s Commission, 1981, pp. 38-40) (President’s Commission, 1981, pp. 41-42) Determination of Death 1 2 accepted medical standards (President’s Commission, 1981, p. 73) 1 1 1984 1998 - 18 - 1 (2001) 2008 2 2 1 brain death total brain failure (President’s Council, 2008, p. 19) 56 2 1 2 oxygenated air and nutrients (President’s Council, 2008, p. 60) 1 2 - 19 - 3 the basic felt need (President’s Council, 2008, p. 61) drive spontaneous breathing (President’s Council, 2008, p. 62) the drive to breathe continued impulse to live (President’s Council, 2008, p. 62) 1 felt need (President’s Council, 2008, p. 63) mimic vital sign - 20 - (President’s Council, 2008, p. 64) (President’s Council, 2008, pp. 64-65) 2 2 (President’s Council, 2008, pp. 65-67) - 21 - breath of life (President’s Council, 2008, pp. 65-67) 1 2 2 the drive to breathe breath of life pneuma 2 2 - 22 - 2 the drive to grow continued impulse to grow 2 President’s Commission for the Study of Ethical Problems in Medicine and Biomedical and Behavioral Research (1981). Defining Death: A Report on the Medical, Legal and Ethical Issues in the Determination of Death, Washington, D.C.: US Government Printing Office. President’s Council on Bioethics (2008). Controversy in the Determination of Death. Retrieved September 1, 2014, from (2003). , , 13 1 , 122-129 . (2008). , , 18 1 , 39-46 . (2001). , . - 23 -