海外ネットワーク (平成11年5月31日現在) 支 店 出 張 所 駐在員事務所 現地法人 出資合弁会社 合 計 18 3 9 15 7 52 海外拠点数 海外拠点 北 米 中 ニューヨーク支店 上海支店 86-21-6841-1000 7F, Shanghai Senmao International Building, 101 Yin Cheng East Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, The People's Republic of China (Shanghai Branch) 東 1-212-898-2000 Two World Trade Center, 79th-82nd Floors, New York, N.Y. 10048, U.S.A. (New York Branch) テヘラン駐在員事務所 ロスアンゼルス支店 1-213-680-9855 333 South Hope Street,Los Angeles, California 90071, U.S.A. (Los Angeles Agency) バハレーン駐在員事務所 98-21-872-6593 3rd Floor, No.1,14th Street, Khaled Eslamboli Avenue, Tëhran, Iran (Tehran Representative Office) 973-224158 Manama Center, Part 4, Government Road, P.O. Box 26899, Manama, Bahrain (Bahrain Representative Office) ニューヨーク支店シカゴ出張所 1-312-621-0500 225 West Wacker Drive, Suite 2000, Chicago, Illinois 60606, U.S.A. (Chicago Branch) ア ジ ア 1-713-759-1800 One Houston Center, Suite 4100, 1221 McKinney Street, Houston, Texas 77010, U.S.A. (Houston Agency) 82-2-311-2000 15th Floor, Doosan Building, 101-1, 1-Ka, Ulji-Ro, Chung-ku, Seoul, Korea (Seoul Branch) シンガポール支店 中 南 米 886-2-2545-5466 12F Hung Kuo Building, 167 Tun Hua North Road, Taipei, Taiwan (Taipei Branch) ムンバイ支店(ボンベイ) 91-22-288-6638 Maker Chamber Ⅲ 1st Floor, Jamnalal Road, Nariman Point, Mumbai 400021, India (Mumbai Branch) ハノイ支店 ソウル支店 ニューヨーク支店ヒューストン出張所 台北支店 65-5343500 1 Raffles Place, #20-00, OUB Center, Singapore 048616, Singapore (Singapore Branch) 84-4-826-6553 Suite 404-407, 63 LTT Building, 63Ly Thai to Street, Hanoi, Socialist Republic of Vietnam (Hanoi Branch) バンコック支店 62-2-632-1900 6th Floor, Q. House Convent Building, 38 Convent Road, Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500,Thailand (Bangkok International Banking Facility) クアラルンプール駐在員事務所 グランドケイマン支店 香港支店 Roywest House, West Bayroad, P.O. Box 707, Grand Cayman, British West Indies (Grand Cayman Branch) 852-2521-4451 26th Floor, Gloucester Tower, The Landmark, 11 Pedder Street, Central, Hong Kong (Hong Kong Branch) サンパウロ駐在員事務所 深 支店 60-3-2307950 30th Floor, UBN Tower, No. 10, Jalan P. Ramlee, 50250 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur Representative Office) 北京駐在員事務所 55-11-289-1812 Avenida Brigadeiro Luiz Antonio, 2020-10 andar, 01318-911 São Paulo, Brazil (São Paulo Representative Office) コロンビア駐在員事務所 Carrera 7 No. 71-52, Torre B. Piso 9, Santafe de Bogota, D.C. Colombia (Cõlombia Representative Office) ヨーロッパ ロンドン支店 44-171-588-2211 River Plate House, 7-11 Finsbury Circus, London, EC2M 7DH, U.K. (London Branch) デュッセルドルフ支店 49-211-16930 Immermannstrasse 3, 40210 Düsseldorf, Federal Republic of Germany (Düsseldorf Branch) 86-755-2221918 21st Floor, Shenzhen International Financial Building, 23, Jian She Lu, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, The People's Republic of China (Shenzhen Branch) 広州駐在員事務所 ラブアン支店 60-87-41-7766 Level 10 (A) Main Office Tower, Financial Park Labuan, Jalan Merdeka, 87000 Federal Territorry of Labuan, Malaysia (Labuan Branch) 86-20-86669277 Room No. 2659, Dongfang Hotel, 1 Liu Hua Lu, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, The People's Republic of China (Guangzhou Representative Office) 天津駐在員事務所 ラブアン支店クアラルンプール出張所 60-3-2015020 30th Floor, UBN Tower, No.10, Jalan P. Ramlee, 50250 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Labuan Branch, Kuala Lumpur Marketing Office) 86-22-23305448 Room 2202, Tianjin International Building 75, Nanjing Road,Tianjin, The People's Republic of China (Tianjin Representative Office) 南京駐在員事務所 大連支店 86-411-3608348 14F, Dalian Senmao Building,147 Zhongshan Lu, Dalian, Liaoning Province, The People's Republic of China (Dalian Branch) マニラ支店 パリ支店 33-1-4413-6000 26 Avenue des Champs-Elysées, 75008 Paris, France (Paris Branch) 86-10-6500-4694 Room No. 802, CITIC Building, 19 Jianguo Men Wai Dajie, Beijing, The People's Republic of China (Beijing Representative Office) 63-2-848-0001 26th Floor, Citibank Tower, Valero Street Corner Villar Street, Salcedo Village, Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines (Manila Branch) 117 86-25-3329379 Nanjing Grand Hotel Room No.801, No.208 Guangzhou Rd. Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, The People's Republic of China (Nanjing Representative Office)