
1 Curriculum Vitae(2013 年 9 月現在)

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1 Curriculum Vitae(2013 年 9 月現在)
Curriculum Vitae(2013 年 9 月現在)
成田 大樹
キール世界経済研究所(Kiel Institute for the World Economy)研究員
Kiel Institute for the World Economy, Hindenburgufer 66, Kiel
D-24105, Germany
電話: +49-431-8814-212
E-mail: [email protected]
1999 年 4 月-2004 年 6 月
2006 年春、秋学期
2007 年夏、秋学期
2008 年 6 月-
文部科学省(科学技術庁)事務官(I 種採用)
“Human Ecology” Jeffrey Sachs 教授
“Politics of Sustainable Development” Lisa Anderson 教授
COE プログラム“Future Ocean” アソシエートメンバー
Kiel Earth Institute フェロー
1993 年 3 月
1997 年 3 月
1999 年 3 月
2007 年 5 月
2008 年 5 月
コロンビア大学 Master of Philosophy 取得(Sustainable Development)
コロンビア大学卒業(PhD, Sustainable Development)
博士論文タイトル “Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage (CCS) and
Climate Change Mitigation: An Analysis of Economic Optimality and
Policy Making”(指導教官:Geoffrey Heal 教授)
European Economic Association; European Association of Environmental and Resource
Economists; 環境経済・政策学会; American Geophysical Union
2013 年 2 月
サン・シモン大学(ボリビア)“Natural Resources and the Environment”
2010-2011 冬学期及び 2008-2009 冬学期
キール大学経済学部 “Environment, Development and Sustainability”
2009-2010 冬学期
キール大学経済学部 “Environmental Economics”
(修士レベル、Katrin Rehdanz 教授との共同講義)
2008 年 7 月
キール大学集中講義 “Introduction to the Economics of Natural Resource
Management” (経済学専攻外の PhD 学生対象)
ドイツ教育研究省資金プログラム“Ökonomie des Klimawandels” (「気候変動の経済
学」) プロジェクト “Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation under Uncertainty”
ドイツ教育研究省プロジェクト “BIOACIDII: Biological impacts of ocean acidification
(phase II)”(コンソーシアムメンバーとしての参加)
Economics, the Open-Access, Open Assessment E-Journal アシスタントエディター
(2012 年 5 月-)
雑誌及び報告書査読: Resource and Energy Economics; Economic Modelling; B.E.
Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy; Ecological Economics; Climate Policy; Ecological
Indicators; Annals of Regional Science; Weather, Climate, and Society; Global
Environmental Outlook (GEO-5); Asia-Pacific Development Journal; Science & Technology
Golub, A., D. Narita, and M. Schmidt. “Uncertainty in Integrated Assessment Models of
Climate Change: Alternative Analytical Approaches,” Environmental Modeling and
Assessment, forthcoming.
Maddison, D., Rehdanz, K., and D. Narita. “The Household Production Function Approach to
Valuing Climate: The Case of Japan,” Climatic Change, 116 (2), 207-229, 2013.
Hsiang, S.M., and D.Narita. “Adaptation to Cyclone Risk: Evidence from the Global CrossSection,” Climate Change Economics, 03, 1250011, 2012.
Emadodin, I., D. Narita and H.R. Bork. “Soil Degradation and Agricultural Sustainability: An
Overview from Iran,” Environment, Development and Sustainability, 14 (5), 611-625, 2012.
Van Ruijven, B., M. Weitzel, M. den Elzen, D. van Vuuren, S. Peterson, and D. Narita,
Emission Allowances and Mitigation Costs of China and India Resulting from Different
Effort-Sharing Approaches, Energy Policy, 46, 116–134, 2012.
Narita, D., K. Rehdanz, and R.S.J. Tol. “Economic Costs of Ocean Acidification: A Look into
the Impacts on Global Shellfish Production,” Climatic Change, 113 (3), 1049-1063, 2012.
Heitmann, N., C. Bertram, and D. Narita, “Embedding CCS Infrastructure into the European
Electricity System: The Need for Policy Coordination towards Efficient Installation,”
Mitigation and Adaptation of Strategies for Global Change, 17 (6) (2012), 669-686, 2012.
Narita, D., “Managing Uncertainties: The Making of the IPCC’s Special Report on Carbon
Dioxide Capture and Storage,” Public Understanding of Science, 21(1): 84 – 100, 2012.
Lontzek, T., and D. Narita, “Risk-averse Mitigation Decisions under an Unpredictable
Climate System,” Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 113 (4): 937–958, 2011.
Narita, D., R.S.J. Tol and D. Anthoff, “International Climate Policy and Regional Welfare
Weights,” Environmental Science and Policy, 13 (8): 713-720, 2010.
Narita, D., Tol, R., Anthoff, D., “Economic Costs of Extratropical Storms under Climate
Change: An Application of FUND,” Journal of Environmental Planning and Management
53(3): 371–384, 2010.
Kretschmer, B., D. Narita and S. Peterson, “The Economic Effects of the EU Biofuel Targets,”
Energy Economics 31: S285-S294, 2009.
Narita, D., R.S.J. Tol, and D. Anthoff, “Damage Costs of Climate Change through
Intensification of Tropical Cyclone Activities: An Application of FUND,” Climate Research
39: 87–97, 2009.
Mauzerall, D., D. Narita, H. Akimoto, L. Horowitz, S. Walters, D. Hauglustaine, and G.
Brasseur, “Seasonal Characteristics of Tropospheric Ozone Production and Mixing Ratios
Over East Asia: A Global Three-Dimensional Chemical Transport Model Analysis,” Journal
of Geophysical Research, 105, 17895-17910, 2000.
Narita, D., P. Pochanart, J. Matsumoto, and 8 authors, “Seasonal Variation of Carbon
Monoxide at Remote Sites in Japan,” Chemosphere - Global Change Science, 1, 137-144,
Bahr, G., D. Narita, and W. Rickels, 2012. “Recent Developments in European Support
Systems for Renewable Power,” Kiel Policy Brief 53.
Bertram, C., N. Heitmann, D. Narita and M. Schwedeler, 2012. “How Will Germany’s CCS
Policy Affect the Development of a European CO2 Transport Infrastructure?” Kiel Policy
Brief 43.
Narita, D., 2011. “Do We Know Enough to Control the Environmental Problems Now or
Should We Wait Until More Is Known?” in Trofimenko, N. (ed.) Climate Change: Current
Issues, Kiel Institute for the World Economy.
Van Ruijven, B., M. Weitzel, M. den Elzen, D. van Vuuren, S. Peterson, and D. Narita, 2010.
“Assessment of the Impacts of Different Post-Kyoto Regime Proposals on China and India,
POEM Working Package 2 report” (EU-financed project).
Rehdanz, K., H. Welsch, D. Narita and T. Okubo. “Well-Being Effects of a Major Negative
Externality: The Case of Fukushima” (Kiel Working Paper 1855 and Panel Data Research
Center at Keio University Discussion Paper Series DP2013-001, 2013)
Schröder, C., K. Rehdanz, D. Narita, and T. Okubo. “Household Formation and Residential
Energy Demand: Evidence from Japan” (Kiel Working Paper 1836 and Keio/Kyoto Global
COE Discussion Paper Series DP2012-047, 2013)
Narita, D., and M. Quaas. “Adaptation to Climate Change and Climate Variability: Do It Now
or Wait and See?” (Kiel Working Paper, 1809, 2012)
Narita, D., and U. Wagner. “Expectation-Driven Climate Treaties with Breakthrough
Technologies” (Kiel Working Paper 1732, 2011)
Narita, D. “Climate Policy as Expectation Management?” (Kiel Working Paper 1624, 2010)
Lontzek, T., and D.Narita. “Climate Change Mitigation and Ecosystem Services: A Stochastic
Analysis” (Kiel Working Paper 1593, 2010)
Narita, D. “Climate Policy, Technology Choice, and Multiple Equilibria in A Developing
Economy” (Kiel Working Paper, 1590, 2010)
Narita, D. “Economic Optimality of CCS Use: A Resource-Economic Model” (Kiel Working
Paper 1508, 2009)
学術発表 (2008 年以降、*は査読付)
2008 年:
Columbia University (New York, NY), Kiel Institute for the World Economy (Kiel,
Germany), Conference “Tough Choice – Land Use under a Changing Climate” (Berlin,
2009 年:
Center for European Economic Research (Mannheim, Germany), European Association of
Environmental and Resource Economists 2009 meeting (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) *,
Symposium on Energy and CO2 Emissions/Policies – Global CO2 Economics (Sønderborg,
Denmark), American Geophysical Union Fall 2009 meeting (San Francisco, USA) *
2010 年:
IED Workshop 2010 “Environmental Decisions: Risks and Uncertainties” (Ascona,
Switzerland) *, International Energy Workshop 2010 (Stockholm, Sweden) *, World
Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists 2010 (Montreal, Canada) *,
Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik 2010 (Kiel, Germany) *, Nordcluster meeting
(Hamburg, Germany)
2011 年:
International Forum - Towards Global Agreements on Environmental Protection and
Sustainability (Exeter, UK) *, Conference “Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change in
Low-Income Countries” (Washington DC, USA) *, European Association of Environmental
and Resource Economists 2011 meeting (Rome, Italy) *, International Energy Workshop
2011 (Stanford University, USA) *, 13th Annual BIOECON Conference (Geneva,
Switzerland) *, American Geophysical Union Fall 2011 meeting (San Francisco, USA) *,
Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (葉山, 日本)
2012 年:
TEEB Conference 2012 (Leipzig, Germany) *, International Energy Workshop 2012 (Cape
Town, South Africa) *, European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists
2012 meeting (Prague, Czech Republic) *, European Economic Association and Econometric
Society 2012 meeting (Málaga, Spain) *, Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik 2012
(Göttingen, Germany) *, Umeå University (Umeå, Sweden), Second International Conference
on Environment and Natural Resources Management in Developing and Transition
Economies (Clermont-Ferrand, France) *
2013 年(現在まで):
Impacts World 2013 (Potsdam, Germany) *, Davos Atmosphere and Cryosphere Assembly
DACA-13 (Davos, Switzerland) *, European Economic Association and Econometric Society
2013 meeting (Gothenburg, Sweden) *, 15th Annual BIOECON Conference (Cambridge, UK)
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