Total No. of Questions : 6] P1672 SEAT No. : [4751] - 1 B.Ed. (General) EDUCATION Education For New Times (Paper - I) (2008 Pattern) [Total No. of Pages : 4 Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80 Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books. 3) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4) Essay type questions carry twelve marks and the answers of the same are expected to be written in 300 to 350 words. 5) Short answers type questions carry four marks and answers to the same are expected to be written in 130 to 150 words. 6) Students should specifically follow the limitation of words of answers. 7) In any condition student will Not get Supplement. ) SECTION - I Q1) What is Democratic citizenship? What programmes will you adopt in your school, to develop democratic citizenship among your students? [12] OR "Philosophy, Goals and Curriculum of Education as per Mahatma Gandhi is the reflection of his philosophy of life in education". Justify your opinion. Q2) What is Education? Explain with examples the functions of Education for Social and Individual development. [12] OR Explain the goals of vedic Education. Explain how these goals are useful in Present Times, with reference to following points. a) Teaching method b) Teacher-pupil relationship c) Values in Education P.T.O. Q3) Answer in short any four of the following: a) Explain the Teachers Essential roles in Present Times. b) Explain the concept of informal Education. c) Write the Rausseau's plan of Education as Given in 'Emile'. d) Explain the Essential skills of Teacher in 21st century. e) Write the Mahatma phule's work on woman Education. f) Explain the concept of Education for character formation. [16] SECTION - II Q4) What is 'Social Change'? 'Education is an Instrument of Social Change', Explain with examples. [12] OR Why school is called as 'Social Institution'? State the main functions of school as the social Institution. Being a center of socialization, which functions school can perform in Rural Area. Q5) What is family? What are the characteristics of family? Write Educational Importance of family in the modern time. [12] OR What is 'Mass Communication Media'? How the impact of Mass Communication Media is increasing on society? How will you make use of computer for the educational development of students. Q6) Write the answers of the following in short (any four) : [16] a) Role of teacher in the age of Globalization. b) Concept and Characteristics of Non Government Organization. c) Different ways of Access to Education. d) Educational importance of school Interactions. e) Importance of women Education. f) Concept of 'Futurology of Education' and its effect on education. ddd [4751]-1 -2- Total No. of Questions : 6] P1672 [4751] - 1 B.Ed. (General) {ejU ZdrZ H$mimgmR>r {ejU (nona-I) (2008 n°Q>Z©) (_amR>r ê$nm§Va) doi : 3 Vmg] gyMZm : 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) [EHy$U JwU : 80 gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí¶H$ Amho. XmoZ {d^mJm§Mr CÎmao ñdV§Ì CÎman{ÌHo$V {bhm. COì¶m ~mOwMo A§H$ àíZm§Mo nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV. {Z~§YdOm àíZ 12 JwUm§Mm AgwZ CÎma 300 Vo 350 eãXmV Ano{jV Amho. bKwÎmar Mma JwUm§À¶m àíZmMo CÎma 130 Vo 150 eãXmV Ano{jV Amho. CÎmamgmR>r {Xbobr eãX ¶m©Xm H$Q>mjmZo nmim. H$moU˶mhr n[apñWVrV nwadUr {iUma Zmhr. {d^mJ - I àíZ 1) bmoH$emhr ZmJ[aH$Ëd åhUOo H$m¶? bmoH$emhr ZmJ[aH$Ëd {dÚ϶mªÜ¶o {dH${gV H$aʶmgmR>r [12] VwÀ¶m emioV H$moUH$moUVo CnH«$ am~dmb Vo gmoXmhaU ñnï> H$am. qH$dm ""hmËm Jm§YrOtMo OrdZ{df¶H$ VÎdkmZ ˶m§À¶m {ejU{df¶H$ VÎdkmZ, ܶo¶o d Aä¶mgH«$mV à{Vq~~rV Pmbo Amho'' ¶m {dYmZmÀ¶m gW©ZmW© VwMo V {bhm. àíZ 2) {ejU åhUOo H$m¶? {ejUmMr gmO d ì¶{³V{dH$mgmMr H$m¶} gmoXmhaU {bhm. [12] qH$dm d¡{XH$ H$mimVrb {ejUmMr ܶo¶o ñnï> H$am. hr ܶo¶o AmOÀ¶m H$mimV H$er Cn¶w³V AmhoV Vo Imbrb wXçm§À¶m AmYmao ñnï> H$am. A) AܶmnZ nX²YVr ~) Jwê$-{eî¶ g§~§Y H$) {ejUmVrb yë¶o -3- àíZ 3) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moU˶mhr Mma àíZm§Mr WmoS>³¶mV CÎmao {bhm. A) AmOÀ¶m H$mimVrb {ejH$m§gmR>r Amdí¶H$ ^y{H$m ñnîQ> H$am. ~) ghO {ejU g§H$ënZm ñnîQ> H$am. H$) ê$gmoMr "E{b' Yrb {ejU{df¶H$ ¶moOZm {bhm. S>) 21 ì¶m eVH$mVrb {ejH$mÀ¶m A§Jr Amdí¶H$ H$m¡eë¶o ñnï> H$am. B) hmËm w$bo ¶m§Mo {ó-{ejUm{df¶H$ H$m¶© {bhm. $) Mm[aͶ {Z{©VrMo {ejU hr g§H$ënZm ñnï> H$am. [16] {d^mJ - II àíZ 4) "gmm{OH$ n[adV©Z' åhUOo H$m¶? "{ejU ho gmm{OH$ n[adV©ZmMo EH$ gmYZ Amho' gmoXmhaU ñnîQ> H$am. [12] qH$dm emiobm gmm{OH$ g§ñWm H$m åhUVmV? EH$ gmm{OH$ g§ñWm åhUyZ emioÀ¶m àwI H$m¶mªMo dU©Z H$am. gmmOrH$aUmMo H|$Ð åhUyZ J«mrU ^mJmV emim H$moUVr H$m¶} H$ê$ eHo$b? àíZ 5) Hw$Qw>§~ åhUOo H$m¶? Hw$Qw>§~g§ñWoMr d¡{eîQ>ço H$moUVr? AmYw{ZH$ H$mimVrb Hw$Qw>§~g§ñWoMo e¡j{UH$ [12] hÎd {bhm. qH$dm "gyh g§nH©$ gmYZo' åhUOo H$m¶? gyh g§nH©$ gmYZm§Mm gmOmda à^md H$gm dmT>V Amho? {dÚm϶mªÀ¶m e¡j{UH$ {dH$mgmgmR>r g§JUH$mMm Cn¶moJ H$gm H$ê$Z ¿¶mb? àíZ 6) Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>³¶mV CÎmao {bhm. (H$moUVohr Mma) A) OmJ{VH$sH$aU H$mimVrb {ejH$mMr ^y{H$m ~) AemgH$s¶ g§KQ>ZoMr g§H$ënZm Am{U d¡{eîQ>ço H$) e¡j{UH$ CnbãYVogmR>r {^Þ mJ© S>) embo¶ Am§Va{H«$¶m§Mo e¡j{UH$ hÎd B) ór {ejUmMo hÎd $) "{ejUmMm ^{dî¶mä¶mg'Mr g§H$ënZm d {ejUmdarb à^md ddd [4751]-1 -4- [16] Total No. of Questions : 6] SEAT No. : P1677 [Total No. of Pages : 4 [4751]-101 B.Ed. (General) 101 : EDUCATION FOR DEVELOPMENT IN THE 21ST CENTURY (2014 Pattern) (Credit System) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80 Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 3) Essay type questions carry twelve marks and the answer of the same are expected to be written in 300 to 350 words. 4) Short answer type question carry five marks and answers to the same are expected to be written in 140 to 160 words. 5) Student should strictly follow word limit while writing answers. 6) No suppliment will be provided to the student in any condition. Q1) Explain the meaning & scope of Education. Write with suitable example correlation between education and philosophy. [12] OR What are the aims of education during the Buddist period? As a teacher how will you inculcate these aims of education among your students? Q2) What is the education for democratic citizenship? What activities will you organize to develop democratic citizenship. Explain with suitable example (any four). [12] OR Explain the concept of education for peace? As a teacher what activities will you organize to inculcate peace education in your students. Explain with examples (any four). P.T.O. Q3) Explain the nature of Mahatma Gandhijis basic education system? Explain the utility of basic education system in present scenario. [12] OR Explain the educational thoughts of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar. Write the contribution of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar for the development of weaker section. Q4) What is family? What are the characteristics of family? Write the educational importance of modern family? [12] OR Write the role of the school in modern time. Write how a school can work as a community development centre? Q5) What is mass communication media? Explain the role of following mass communication media in social development? [12] a) T.V. b) Literature c) Radio OR Explain with examples educational contribution of NGOs in education of following social aspects. a) women b) deprived section. Q6) Write short answers any four of the following : a) Explain the aims of education during Islamic period. b) Write the importance of Human Right Education. c) Explain the role of teacher in the 21st century. d) Write the educational importance of peer group. e) Write the educational importance for minority section. f) Write the precautions while using internet. aaa [4751]-101 2 [20] Total No. of Questions : 6] P1677 [4751]-101 B.Ed. (General) 101 : EDUCATION FOR DEVELOPMENT IN THE 21ST CENTURY (2014 Pattern) (Credit System) (_amR>r ê$nm§Va) doi : 3 Vmg] gyMZm : 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) àíZ 1) [EHy$U JwU : 80 gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí`H$. COì¶m ~mOwMo A§H$ àíZm§Mo nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV. {Z~§Y dOm àíZ ~mam JwUm§Mm AgyZ CÎma 300 Vo 350 eãXm§V Ano{jV Amho. bKwÎmar nmM JwUm§À¶m àíZmMo CÎma 140 Vo 160 eãXm§V Ano{jV Amho. {dÚm϶m©Zr CÎmamgmR>r {Xbobr eãX ¶m©Xm H$Q>mjmZo nmimì¶mV. H$moU˶mhr n[apñWVrV {dÚm϶m©Zm nwadUr {iUma Zmhr. {ejUmMm AW© d ì¶már ñnï> H$am. {ejU d VËdkmZ ¶mYrb ghg§~§Y gmoXmhaU {bhm. [12] qH$dm ~m¡ÜX H$mbI§S>mVrb {ejUmMr ܶo¶o H$moUVr? {ejH$ åhUyZ Vwåhr VwÀ¶m {dÚm϶m©Yo hr ܶo¶o H$er ê$Odmb. àíZ 2) bmoH$emhr ZmJ[aH$ËdmMo {ejU åhUOo H$m¶? bmoH$emhr ZmJ[aH$Ëd {dH${gV H$aʶmgmR>r Vwåhr H$moUVo CnH«$ am~dmb Vo gmoXmhaU ñnï> H$am. (H$moUVohr Mma) [12] qH$dm em§VVogmR>r {ejU hr g§H$ënZm ñnï> H$am? {ejH$ ¶m Zm˶mZo {dÚm϶m©Ü¶o hr g§H$ënZm ê$O{dʶmgmR>r Vwåhr H$moUVo CnH«$ am~dmb ho gmoXmhaU ñnï> H$am. (H$moUVohr Mma) 3 àíZ 3) hmËm Jm§YrOrÀ¶m wbmoÚmoJr {ejU àUmbrMo ñdê$n ñnï> H$am? wbmoÚmoJr {ejU àUmbrMr [12] AmOÀ¶m H$mimVrb Cn¶w³VVVm ñnï> H$am. qH$dm S>m°. ~m~mgmho~ Am§~oS>H$a ¶m§Mo e¡j{UH$ {dMma ñnï> H$am? Xþ~©b KQ>H$m§À¶m {dH$mgmgmR>r S>m°. ~m~mgmho~ Am§~oS>H$am§Mo ¶moJXmZ {bhm. àíZ 4) Hw$Qy>§~ åhUOo H$m¶? Hw$Qw>§~g§ñWoMr d¡{eï>ço H$moUVr? AmYw{ZH$ H$mimVrb Hw$Qy>§~ g§ñWoMo e¡j{UH$ hËd {bhm. [12] qH$dm AmYy{ZH$ H$mimVrb emioMr ^y{H$m {bhm. emim gwXm¶ {dH$mgmMo H|$Ð åhUyZ H$em àH$mao H$m¶© H$ê$ eHo$b Vo {bhm. àíZ 5) gyh g§nH©$ gmYZo åhUOo H$m¶? Imbrb gyh g§nH©$ mܶmMr gmm{OH$ {dH$mgmVrb ^y{H$m ñnï> H$am. [12] A) XÿaXe©Z ~) gm{h˶ H$) ao{S>Amo qH$dm Imbrb gmm{OH$ KQ>H$m§À¶m {ejUmgmR>r Aemg{H$¶ g§KQ>Zm§Mo ¶moJXmZ gmoXmhaU ñnï> H$am. A) ór¶m ~) d§{MV KQ>H$ àíZ 6) WmoS>³¶mV CÎmao {bhm. (H$moUVohr Mma) A) Bñbm{H$ H$mbI§S>mVrb {ejUmMr ܶo¶o ñnï> H$am. ~) mZdr h³H$mÀ¶m {ejUmMo hËd {bhm. H$) 21 ì¶m eVH$mVrb {ejH$mMr ^y{H$m ñnï> H$am. S>) gd¶ñH$ gyhmMo e¡j{UH$ hËd {bhm. B) Aën g§»¶mH$mÀ¶m {ejUmMo e¡j{UH$ hËd {bhm. $) B§Q>aZoQ> dmnamg§~§Yr ¿¶md¶mMr XjVm {bhm. aaa [4751]-101 4 [20] Total No. of Questions : 6] SEAT No. : P1678 [Total No. of Pages : 4 [4751]-102 B.Ed. (General) PSYCHOLOGY OF THE LEARNER AND LEARNING (2014 Pattern) (Credit System) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80 Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 3) Essay type questions carry 12 marks and answers of the same are expected in 300 to 350 words. 4) Short answer questions which carry 5 marks are to be written in 140 to 160 words each. 5) Student will not provided any supplement answer sheet. Q1) What is heredity? Explain the laws of heredity. Write the importance of heredity and environment in the development of the learner with suitable examples.[12] OR What are the physical and mental characteristics of students during adolescence. Explain how teacher can guide the students during this period of Storm & stress? Q2) Illustrate diversity in learning styles with reference to individual differences. Write how will you use of diversity in learning style for effective teaching.[12] OR Explain the concept and need of inclusive education. Give the characteristics of learning disabled children. As a teacher write the measures you will adopt for effective learning of such students in general classroom. Q3) What is learning? Explain the concept and types of transfer of learning. Write the educational implications for transfer of learning. [12] OR P.T.O. What is constructivism? Explain co-operative and collaborative learning. How will you use these techniques for effective learning of students. Give examples Q4) What is sensation and perception? Explain the Gestalts view of perception. Write its educational importance in teaching. [12] OR What is imagination? Explain the different types of imagination? What is the educational implication of imagination in teaching learning process. Q5) What is Motivation, suggestion and sympathy? As a teacher how will you use these in your teaching. Explain with examples. [12] OR What is stress? What are the causes of stress? Write with examples how will you manage stress. Q6) Answer the following (Any Four) [20] a) What is the importance of social Heredity? b) What is the role of teacher is multicultural classroom? c) What is the Educational importance of skinners theory of learning? d) Explain with examples the importance of concept mapping in learning process. e) What is the role of a teacher is prevention of child abuse? f) Explain the meaning and types of self concept. ïïï [4751]-102 2 Total No. of Questions : 6] P1678 [4751]-102 B.Ed. (General) PSYCHOLOGY OF THE LEARNER AND LEARNING (2014 Pattern) (Credit System) (_amR>r ê$nm§Va) doi : 3 Vmg] gyMZm : 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) àíZ 1) [EHy$U JwU : 80 gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí`H$ Amho. 12JwUm§À¶m CÎmamgmR>r eãX¶m©Xm 300 Vo 350 eãX Amho. 5 JwUm§À¶m CÎmamgmR>r eãX¶m©Xm 140 Vo 160 eãX Amho. COdrH$S>rb A§H$ JwU Xe©{dVmV. H$moU˶mhr narñWrVrV nwadUr {Xbr OUma Zmhr. AZwd§e åhUOo H$m¶? AZwd§emMo {Z¶ ñnï> H$am. Aܶ¶ZH$˶m©À¶m {dH$mgmVrb AZwd§e d [12] n[apñWVrMo hËd gmoXmhaU {bhm. qH$dm Hw$mamdñWoVrb {dÚm϶m©Mr em[aarH$ d mZ{gH$ d¡{eï>ço {bhm. "dmXir Aem§VVoÀ¶m H$mimV' {ejH$ åhUyZ Aem {dÚm϶mªZm H$go mJ©Xe©Z H$amb Vo ñnï> H$am. àíZ 2) ì¶{³V^oXmg§X^m©V Aܶ¶Z e¡brVrb {d{dYVm ñnï> H$am. Aܶ¶Z e¡brVrb {d{dYVoMm X¡Z§{XZ AܶmnZ n[aUmH$maH$ hmoʶmgmR>r Vwåhr H$gm dmna H$amb Vo {bhm. [12] qH$dm gmdoeH$ {ejUmMr g§H$ënZm d JaO ñnï> H$am. Aܶ¶Z Aj {dÚm϶mªMr d¡{eï>ço {bhm. gd©gmmݶ dJm©Vrb Aܶ¶Z Aj {dÚm϶mªMo Aܶ¶Z n[aUmH$maH$ hmoʶmgmR>r Vwåhr {ejH$ åhUyZ H$moU˶m Cnm¶ ¶moOZm H$amb Vo {bhm. 3 àíZ 3) Aܶ¶Z åhUOo H$m¶? Aܶ¶Z g§H«$UmMr g§H$ënZm d àH$ma ñnï> H$am. Aܶ¶Z g§H«$UmMo [12] e¡j{UH$ hËd {bhm. qH$dm kmZaMZmdmX åhUOo H$m¶? ghH$m¶m©ËH$ d gh^mJmËH$ Aܶ¶Z ñnï> H$am. {ejH$ åhUyZ ¶m V§Ìm§Mm Cn¶moJ {dÚm϶m©Mo Aܶ¶Z n[aUmH$maH$ hmoʶmgmR>r Vwåhr H$gm H$amb Vo gmoXmhaU ñnï> H$am. àíZ 4) g§doXZm d Ad~moY åhUOo H$m¶? JoñQ>m°ëQ>Mm g{ï>dmXr X¥ï>rH$moZ ñnï> H$ê$Z ˶mMo AܶmnZmVrb e¡j{UH$ hËd {bhm. [12] qH$dm H$ënZm åhUOo H$m¶? H$ënZoMo {d{dY àH$ma ñnï> H$ê$Z Aܶ¶Z AܶmnZmVrb H$ënZoMo e¡j{UH$ Cn¶moOZ {bhm. àíZ 5) àoaUm, gyMZ, ghmZw^yVr åhUOo H$m¶? {ejH$ åhUyZ ˶m§Mm AܶmnZmV H$gm Cn¶moJ H$amb Vo gmoXmhaU ñnîQ> H$am. [12] qH$dm VmU åhUOo H$m¶? ˶mMr H$maUo ñnï> H$am. VmUmMo ì¶dñWmnZ Vwåhr H$go H$amb Vo gmoXmhaU ñnï> H$am. àíZ 6) nwT>rb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm. (H$moUVohr Mma) A) gmm{OH$ AZwd§emMo hËd {bhm. ~) ~hþ{dYg§ñH¥$Vr dJm©Vrb {ejH$mMr ^y{H$m ñnîQ> H$am. H$) pñH$ZaÀ¶m Aܶ¶Z CnnÎmrMo e¡j{UH$ hËd {bhm. S>) g§H$ënZm {MÌmMo Aܶ¶ZmVrb hËd gmoXmhaU {bhm. B) B©) ~mbH$m§Mo emofU amoIʶmgmR>r {ejH$mMr ^y{H$m ñnï> H$am. "ñd' g§H$ënZm AW© d àH$ma {bhm. aaa [4751]-102 4 [20] Total No. of Questions : 6] SEAT No. : P1679 [Total No. of Pages : 4 [4751]-103 B.Ed. (Part - I) (General) 103 : QUALITY AND MANAGEMENT OF SCHOOL EDUCATION - ISSUES AND CONCERNS (Credit System) (2014 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory. [Max. Marks : 80 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 3) Essay type questions carry twelve marks and the answers of the same are expected to be written in 300 to 350 words. 4) Short answer type questions carry five marks and answers to the same are expected to be written in 140 to 160 words. 5) Students should specifically follow limitation of words. 6) In any condition student will not get supplement. Q1) Write the educational Administrative frame work of Maharashtra state. Write the function of education. [12] OR Explain the functions of Maharashtra state Bureau of Text book production and curriculum Research and Maharashtra State Council of Educational Research and Training. Q2) Explain concept of Action Research. Prepare an outline of an Action Research by considering a problem related to management. [12] OR What are the causes of wastage and stagnation. Problems at the stage of Secondary Education? Suggest remedies to over come them. P.T.O. Q3) As a Head Master by which factors will you evaluate teacher? Explain with examples. [12] OR What is meant by pre-service training? Explain need, advantages and limitations of pre-service training. Q4) Explain with suitable examples the aspects which are to be considered for time and classroom management. [12] OR Give the concept of Management. Explain various functions of Management. Q5) Explain the necessity of physical resources in schools with suitable examples. [12] OR As a teacher what will you do for optimum management of physical resources in school? Write with examples. Q6) Answer any four of the following : [20] a) If fire sets in your school, as a teacher how will you implement Disaster Management. b) Write the objectives of teachers organization. c) Which are the styles of leadership? Explain Autocratic styles with their merits and demerits. d) Explain the principles of Fayols theory of Management. e) Write the functions of District Education Officer. f) Explain the concept of Total Quality Management in Education. aaa [4751]-103 2 Total No. of Questions : 6] P1679 [4751]-103 B.Ed. (Part - I) (General) 103 : QUALITY AND MANAGEMENT OF SCHOOL EDUCATION - ISSUES AND CONCERNS (Credit System) (2014 Pattern) (_amR>r ê$nm§Va) doi : 3 Vmg] gyMZm : 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) àíZ 1) [EHy$U JwU : 80 gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí¶H$ Amho. COì¶m ~mOyMo A§H$ àíZm§Mo nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV. {Z~§Y dOm àíZ 12 JwUm§Mm AgyZ CÎma 300 Vo 350 eãXm§V Ano{jV Amho. bKwÎmar nmM JwUm§À¶m àíZmMo CÎma 140 Vo 160 eãXmV Ano{jV Amho. {dÚm϶mªZr CÎmamgmR>r {Xbobm eãX ¶m©Xm H$Q>mjmZo nmimdr. H$moU˶mhr narpñWVrV nwadUr {iUma Zmhr. hmamï´> amÁ¶mVrb e¡j{UH$ àemgZmMm AmamIS>m {bhm. {ejU g§MmbH$mMr H$mo {bhm. [12] qH$dm amÁ¶ nmR>çnwñVH$ {Z{©Vr d Aä¶mgH«$ g§emoYZ §S>i Am{U hmamï´> e¡j{UH$ g§emoYZ d à{ejU narfX ¶m§Mr H$m¶} ñnîQ> H$am. àíZ 2) H¥$Vrg§emoYZmMr g§H$ënZm ñnï> H$ê$Z ì¶dñWmnZmer g§~YrV EH$ gñ¶m KoD$Z H¥$Vrg§emoYZmMm AmamIS>m V¶ma H$am [12] qH$dm mܶ{H$ {ejUmVrb ñWJZ d JiVrÀ¶m gñ¶oMr H$maUo H$moUVr ˶m gñ¶m Xÿa H$aʶmgmR>r Cnm¶ gwMdm. 3 àíZ 3) Vwåhr w»¶mܶmnH$ åhUyZ {ejH$mMo yë¶mnZ H$moUH$moU˶m KQ>H$mVyZ H$amb? gmoXmhaU ñnï> H$am. [12] qH$dm godmnyd© à{ejU åhUOo H$m¶? godmnyd© à{ejUmMr Amdí¶H$Vm, $m¶Xo d ¶m©Xm ñnï> H$am. àíZ 4) doioMo d dJm©Mo ì¶dñWmnZ H$aVmZm H$moUH$moU˶m ~m~r {dMmamV ¿¶mì¶m bmJVmV Vo gmoXmhaU ñnï> H$am. [12] qH$dm ì¶dñWmnZmMr g§H$ënZm gm§JyZ ì¶dñWmnZmMr {d{dY H$m¶} ñnï> H$am. àíZ 5) emioܶo Amdí¶H$ {d{dY ^m¡{VH$ g§gmYZm§Mr Amdí¶H$Vm gmoXmhaU ñnï> H$am. [12] qH$dm ^m¡{VH$ g§gmYZm§À¶m n¶m©á ì¶dñWmnZmgmR>r emioVrb EH$ {ejH$ åhUyZ Vwåhr H$m¶ H$amb gmoXmhaU {bhm. àíZ 6) Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>³¶mV CÎmao {bhm. (H$moUVohr Mma) [20] A) VwÀ¶m emioV AmJ bmJbr Amho. Aer m{hVr {imë¶mda {ejH$ åhUyZ Vwåhr AmnÎmr ì¶dñWmnZ H$go H$amb. ~) {ejH$ g§KQ>ZoMr C{Ôð>o {bhm. H$) ZoV¥Ëd e¡brMo àH$ma H$moUVo? EH$mYrH$maemhr e¡br JwUXmofmgh ñnï> H$am. S>) ì¶dñWmnZ {df¶H$ o$¶m°bÀ¶m CnnÎmrMo VËdo ñnï> H$am. B) {Oëhm {ejU A{YH$mè¶m§Mr H$mo {bhm. $) {ejUmVrb EHy$U JwUdÎmm ì¶dñWmnZ (TQM) g§H$ënZm ñnï> H$am. aaa [4751]-103 4 Total No. of Questions : 6] SEAT No. : P1680 [Total No. of Pages : 4 [4751]-104 B.Ed. (General) 104 : ADVANCED PEDAGOGY & TEACHING (2014 Pattern) (Credit System) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80 Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 3) Essay type questions carry 12 marks and the answers of the same are expected in 300 to 350 words each. 4) Short answer type questions which carry 5 marks are to be written in 140 to 160 words each. 5) Supplement should not be provided. Q1) Explain in detail the teaching phases given in Philip Jakson Model. How will you implement this model in your regular teaching? [12] OR Explain Advanced Pedagogy with respect to following points : a) Concept. b) Need. c) Significance. d) Principles. Q2) Explain the following concepts : a) Active learning. b) Field based learning. c) Problem based learning. How will you use internet for the above. OR [12] Explain Understanding By Design (UBD) model with steps. Write the fundamental characteristics of UBD model. P.T.O. Q3) Ellaborate concept, functions and skills of teaching. How will you use the microteaching skills for teaching any one unit. [12] OR Explain the need & importance of diagnostic testing & remedial teaching. How is diagnostic testing different from other examinations? Q4) Explain any six maxims of teaching with examples. [12] OR Prepare a lesson plan on concept Attainment model selecting any one concept from your subject education. Q5) Explain any two recent pedagogical trends with respect to following points : [12] a) Concept. b) Use in classroom teaching. OR What is reflective teaching? Explain its implications for teachers and students. Q6) Answer the following in short (Any four): [20] a) Write the educational implications of team teaching. b) Explain the parameters of effective teaching. c) As a teacher, what is your role in different teaching phases. d) Explain the different ways to engage student in teaching-learning process. e) Explain the difference between teaching methods & models. f) Explain the principles of teaching. aaa [4751]-104 2 Total No. of Questions : 6] P1680 [4751]-104 B.Ed. (General) 104 : ADVANCED PEDAGOGY & TEACHING (2014 Pattern) (Credit System) (_amR>r ê$nm§Va) doi : 3 Vmg] gyMZm : 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) àíZ 1) [EHy$U JwU : 80 gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí`H$ Amho. COì¶m ~mOwMo A§H$ àíZm§Mo nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV. {Z~§Y dOm àíZ 12 JwUm§Mm AgyZ CÎma 300 Vo 350 eãXm§V Ano{jV Amho. bKwÎmar 5 JwUm§À¶m àíZmMo CÎma 140 Vo 160 eãXm§V Ano{jV Amho. nwadUr {Xbr OmUma Zmhr. {${bn O°³gZ m°S>obYrb AܶmnZmÀ¶m AmdñWm g{dñVa ñnï> H$am. Vwåhr X¡Z§{XZ AܶmnZmV ¶m m°S>obMm dmna H$gm H$amb? [12] qH$dm Imbrb wÔçmÛmao àJV AܶmnZemó ñnï> H$am. A) g§H$ënZm ~) JaO H$) hËd S>) àíZ 2) VËdo Imbrb g§H$ënZm ñnï> H$am. [12] A) {H«$¶merb Aܶ¶Z ~) joÌ AmYm[aV Aܶ¶Z H$) gñ¶m AmYm[aV Aܶ¶Z darb g§H$ënZmV Vwåhr B§Q>aZoQ>Mm dmna H$gm H$amb? 3 qH$dm UBD (Understanding by design) m°S>obÀ¶m nm¶è¶m ñnï> H$am. UBD m°S>obMr yb^yV d¡{eï>ço {bhm. àíZ 3) AܶmnZmMr g§H$ënZm, H$m¶} d H$m¡eë¶o {deX H$am. H$moU˶mhr EH$m KQ>H$mÀ¶m AܶmnZmgmR>r Vwåhr gyú AܶmnZ H$m¡eë¶m§Mm dmna H$gm H$amb? [12] qH$dm {ZXmZmËH$ VnmgUr d CnMmamËH$ AܶmnZ ¶m§Mr JaO d hËd ñnï> H$am. {ZXmZmËH$ VnmgUr hr BVa narjm§nojm H$er doJir Amho? àíZ 4) AܶmnZmMr H$moUVrhr ghm gyÌo CXmhaUmgh ñnï> H$am. [12] qH$dm VwÀ¶m AܶmnZ {df¶mVrb EH$m g§H$ënZogmR>r g§H$ënZm àmár à{VmZmMm dmna H$ê$Z nmR> {Z¶moOZ V¶ma H$am. àíZ 5) Imbrb wÔçmÛmao H$moUVohr XmoZ ZdrZ AܶmnZemór¶ àdmh ñnï> H$am. [12] A) g§H$ënZm ~) dJ©AܶmnZmV Cn¶moJ qH$dm {d{e© AܶmnZ åhUOo H$m¶? {ejH$ d {dÚmWu ¶m§À¶mgmR>r {d{e© AܶmnZmMo Cn¶moOZ ñnï> H$am. àíZ 6) Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>³¶mV CÎmao {bhm. (H$moUVohr Mma) [20] A) gm§{KH$ AܶmnZmMo e¡j{UH$ Cn¶moOZ {bhm. ~) n[aUmH$maH$ AܶmnZmMr àmUHo$ (Parameters) ñnï> H$am. H$) AܶmnZmÀ¶m {d{dY AdñWm§Ü¶o {ejH$ åhUyZ VwMr ^y{H$m H$moUVr? S>) Aܶ¶Z AܶmnZ à{H«$¶oܶo {dÚm϶mªZm Jw§VdyZ R>odʶmgmR>rMo {d{dY mJ© ñnï> H$am. B) AܶmnZ nÜXVr d AܶmnZ à{VmZo ¶m§Vrb $aH$ ñnï> H$am. $) AܶmnZmMr VËdo {deX H$am. aaa [4751]-104 4 Total No. of Questions : 6] SEAT No. : P1681 [Total No. of Pages : 4 [4751]-105 B.Ed. (General) (Compulsory) ADVANCED EVALUATION PROCEDURES IN LEARNING (Course : 105) (2014 Pattern) (Credit System) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80 Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures to the right hand of the questions indicate marks. 3) Students should follow the given word limits. Long answers - (12 marks) - 300-350 words. Short answer (6 marks) - 150-170 words. Short answer - (5 marks) - 140-160 words. 4) In any situation students will not get supplement. 5) Use of single memory calculator is allowed. Q1) Classify the educational objectives of Revised Dr. Blooms Taxonomy. Explain the educational objectives of Affective Domain with examples. [12] OR Write the principles of Evaluation. Explain the objectives and specifications taking examples from your subject education. Q2) What is the meaning of Rating Scale and check list. Construct a 5 point rating scale with five criteria to evaluate an elocution. Prepare a check list with five criteria to find the study habits of students. [12] OR List the characteristics of a good evaluation tool along with their meaning. How will you increase the validity of a test? Q3) a) b) Illustrate the concept and characteristics of Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation. [6] Give the meaning and characteristics of Norm Referenced test. [6] P.T.O. OR a) Explain the concept and characteristics of Choice Based Credit System. b) State the meaning and characteristics of Internal and External Evaluation. Q4) Give the meaning and importance of Blue Print. Construct a three dimensional Blue Print from your subject education for a unit. [12] OR Enumerate the importance of feedback in learning. Explain the types of feedback with examples. Q5) a) b) Calculate the Standard Deviation of the following class Interval. [8] Class 80-89 70-79 60-69 50-59 40-49 30-39 20-29 10-19 interval Frequency 01 03 07 05 15 02 02 05 Differentiate: Histogram and Frequency Polygon. [4] OR a) Calculate the Coefficient of correlation using Spearmans Rank Difference Method using the following data. Interprete it. [8] Student A B C D E F G H I J Science scores Maths scores b) 44 46 46 48 52 54 51 56 60 60 36 40 42 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 List the properties of Normal Probability Curve. Q6) Write short notes on (Any four) : [20] a) Cumulative Record. b) Percentile and Percentile Rank. c) Measures of Central Tendency. d) Concept of Measurement, Assessment and Evaluation. e) Open Book Examination. f) Formative & Summative Evaluation. [4751]-105 [4] 2 Total No. of Questions : 6] P1681 4751]-105 B.Ed. (General) (Compulsory) ADVANCED EVALUATION PROCEDURES IN LEARNING (2014 Pattern) (Course - 105) (Credit System) doi : 3 Vmg] gyMZm : 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) àíZ 1) (_amR>r ê$nm§Va) [EHy$U JwU : 80 gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo A{Zdm`© Amho. àíZm§À¶m COdrH$S>rb A§H$ àíZm§Mo JwU Xe©{dVmV. CÎmamgmR>rÀ¶m Imbrb eãX¶m©Xm nmi>mì¶mV {XKm}Îmar (12JwU ) 300 Vo 350eãX, bKwÎmar (6JwU )150Vo 170 eãX, bKwÎmar (5JwU )140 Vo 160 eãX H$moU˶mhr n[apñWVrV {dXçm϶mªZm nwadUr XoʶmV ¶oUma Zmhr. AmH$S>omoS>rgmR>r EH$M ñ¥Vr Agbobo JUH$¶§Ì dmnaʶmg nadmZJr Amho. amR>r ê$nm§Vam~m~V e§H$m Agë¶mg yi B§J«Or àíZ {dídgZr¶ mZmdoV. S>m°. ãby ¶m§Mo gwYm[aV loUrZwgma e¡j{UH$ C{X²Xï>m§Mo dJuH$aU H$am. ^mdmËH$ joÌmVrb C{X²XîQ>o gmoXmhaU ñnï> H$am. [12] qH$dm yë¶mnZmMr VÎdo {bhm. VwÀ¶m {df¶ [ejUmVrb CXmhaUmÛmao C{X²Xï>ço d ˶m§Mr ñnï>rH$aUo ñnï> H$am. àíZ 2) nX²{ZíM¶Z loUr d nS>Vmim gyMr åhUOo H$m¶? d³V¥ËdmMo yë¶mnZ H$aʶmgmR>r nmM {ZH$fm§H$[aVm n§Mq~Xÿ nX²{ZíM¶Z loUr V¶ma H$am. {dXçm϶mªÀ¶m Aä¶mggd¶r emoYʶmH$[aVm nmM {ZH$fm§gmR>r nS>Vmim gyMr V¶ma H$am. [12] qH$dm Mm§Jë¶m yë¶mnZ gmYZm§Mr d¡{eï>ço AWm©g{hV {bhm. H$gmoQ>rMr gàmUVm Vwåhr H$er dmT>dmb? àíZ 3) A) gmV˶nyU© gdªH$f yë¶mnZmMr g§H$ënZm d d¡{eï>ço gmoXmhaU ñnï> H$am. ~) àmUH$ g§X{^©¶ H$gmoQ>rMm AW© d d¡{eï>ço gmoXmhaU {bhm. 3 [6] [6] qH$dm A) {ZdS> AmYm[aV lo¶m§H$ nÜXVrMr (CBCS) g§H$ënZm d d¡{eï>ço ñnï> H$am. ~) A§VJ©V d ~{hJ©V yë¶mnZmMm AW© d d¡{eïço {bhm. àíZ 4) g§{dYmZ V³Ë¶mMm AW© d hÎd {bhm. VwÀ¶m {df¶ {ejUmVrb EH$m KQ>H$mgmR>r {Ì{Vr g§{dYmZ V³Vm V¶ma H$am. [12] qH$dm Aܶ¶ZmVrb à˶m^aUmMo hÎd {bhm. à˶m^aUmMo àH$ma gmoXmhaU ñnï> H$am. àíZ 5) A) Imbrb dJmªVa {d^mOZ gmaUrMo àmU{dMbZ H$mT>m. [8] dJmªVao 80-89 70-79 60-69 50-59 40-49 30-39 20-29 10-19 (C.I) dma§dm[aVm 1 3 7 5 15 2 2 5 (Frequency) ~) àíZ 5) àíZ 6) ñV§^mboI d dma§dm[aVm ~hþ^yO ¶mVrb $aH$ {bhm. [4] {H§$dm A) Imbr {Xboë¶m m{hVrdê$Z pñnAaZÀ¶m H«$m§Va nÜXVrZo ghg§~§Y JwUH$ H$mTy>Z AW©{Zd©MZ H$am. [8] {dÚmWu A B C D E F G H I J emó (JwU) 44 46 46 48 52 54 51 56 60 60 J{UV (JwU) 36 40 42 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 ~) àgmmݶ g§^d dH«$mMo JwUY© {bhm. [4] Q>rnm {bhm. (H$moUVohr Mma) [20] A) g§H${bV Zmo§XnÌH$ ~) eVVH$ d eVVH$ H«$ H$) H|${ж àd¥ÎmrMr n[amUo S>) mnZ, yë¶mnZ d yë¶{ZYm©aUmMr g§H$ënZm B) w³V nwñVH$ narjm (open book examination) $) gH$m[aH$ d AH$m[aH$ yë¶mnZ (formative & summative evaluation) aaa [4751]-105 4 Total No. of Questions : 6] SEAT No. : P1682 [Total No. of Pages : 7 [4751]-106 B.Ed. (General) 106 : INTEGRATION OF ICT IN TEACHING - LEARNING AND INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN (2014 Pattern) (Credit System) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80 Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 3) Essay type questions carry twelve marks and the answers of the same are expected to be written in 300 to 350 words. 4) Short answer type questions carry five marks and the same are expected to be written in 140 to 160 words. 5) In any condition supplement will not be provided. Q1) Explain the concept of information Communication Technology. Explain the paradigm shift due to ICT in the process of education with respect to following points. [12] a) Methods of teaching. b) Classroom environment. c) Role of teacher. OR What are the challenges to be faced while integrating ICT in Indian School classroom? Which solutions will you suggest for these challenges? Q2) What is e-learning? What are the characteristics of e-learning? How will you use e-learning for catering the demands of diverse learners? [12] OR What is technology aided project based learning. How will you use ICT for effective planning and implementation of a project at school level? P.T.O. Q3) What is meant by on-line learning resources? How will you use following learning resources for increasing the effectiveness of your teaching? [12] a) e-library. b) Mobile. c) Websites. OR Explain the concept of Smart-classroom. Write the advantages of Smart classroom. Which different aspects will you consider while establishing a smart classroom? Q4) Explain the meaning of instructional system design (ISD). How will you use the steps of ISD in teaching learning process? [12] OR Differentiate between education, training and instructions with respect to following points : a) Definition b) Nature & Scope c) Planning d) Advantages Q5) How will you use following techniques for validation of instructional material. [12] a) Individual Testing. b) Group testing. c) Field testing. OR What is meant by self instructional strategy? Which factors will you consider while developing self instructional material for the unit of your subject. Illustrate your answer with suitable examples. [4751]-106 2 Q6) Answer any four following questions: [20] a) Write the essential skills for ICT teacher. b) Write educational implications of web-based learning. c) How does a virtual class-room help to improve the traditional classroom? d) Which principles and assumptions will you use while preparing ISD? e) Explain in brief educational decision model (CIPP Model). f) Explain the advantages and limitations of mastery learning model. aaa [4751]-106 3 Total No. of Questions : 6] P1682 [4751]-106 B.Ed. (General) 106 : INTEGRATION OF ICT IN TEACHING - LEARNING AND INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN (2014 Pattern) (Credit System) (_amR>r ê$nm§Va) doi : 3 Vmg] gyMZm : 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) àíZ 1) [EHy$U JwU : 80 gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo A{Zdm`© Amho. COì`m ~mOyMo A§H$ àíZm§Mo nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV. {Z~§YdOm àíZ 12 JwUm§Mm AgyZ àË`oH$s 300 Vo 350 eãXm§V CÎma Ano{jV Amho. bKwÎmar àíZ 5 JwUm§Mm AgyZ àË`oH$s 140 Vo 160 eãXm§V CÎma Ano{jV Amho. H$moUË`mhr n[apñWVr ܶo nwadUr {iUma Zmhr. mhrVr d g§àofU V§ÌkmZmMr (Am¶.gr.Q>r.) g§H$ënZm ñnï> H$am. ICT wio {ejU à{H«$¶oV Pmbobo ~Xb Imbrb wX²Xçm§Zm AZwgê$Z ñnï> H$am. [12] A) AܶmnZ nÜXVr ~) dJ©dmVmdaU H$) {ejH$mMr ^y{H$m qH$dm ^maVr¶ emioVrb dJmªÜ¶o (Am¶.gr.Q>r) Mo EH$mËrH$aU H$aVmZm H$moUH$moU˶m AmìhmZm§Zm gmmoao Omdo bmJVo? ¶m AmìhmZm§da Vwåhr H$moUVo Cnm¶ gwMdmb? 4 àíZ 2) B-b{ZªJ åhUOo H$m¶? B-b{ZªJMr d¡{eï>ço H$moUVr? {^Þ Aܶ¶Zm϶mªÀ¶m Aܶ¶Z JaOm§Mr [12] nyV©Vm H$aʶmgmR>r B-b{ZªJMm Cn¶moJ H$em àH$mao H$amb? qH$dm V§ÌkmZm{Y{ð>V àH$ën AmYm[aV Aܶ¶Z åhUOo H$m¶? embo¶ ñVamdarb àH$ënmMo n[aUmH$maH$ {Z¶moOZ d H$m¶©dmhr H$aʶmgmR>r m{hVr d g§àofU V§ÌkmZmMm Cn¶moJ H$gm H$amb? àíZ 3) "Am°Z bmB©Z Aܶ¶Z òmoV' åhUOo H$m¶? AܶmnZmMr n[aUmH$maH$Vm dmT>{dʶmgmR>r Vwåhr nwT>rb Aܶ¶Z òmoVm§Mm H$gm dmna H$amb? [12] A) B-bm¶~«ar ~) mo~mB©b H$) do~gmB©Q>g² qH$dm "ñmQ>© ³bmgê$Mr' g§H$ënZm ñnï> H$am. "ñmQ>© ³bmgê$Mo' $m¶Xo {bhm. ñmQ>© ³bmgê$Mr C^maUr H$aVmZm Vwåhr H$moU˶m Jmoï>rMm {dMma H$amb? [4751]-106 5 àíZ 4) AZwXoeZ àUmbr A{^H$ën (Am¶.Eg.S>r.) Mm AW© ñnï> H$am. Aܶ¶Z-AܶmnZ à{H«$¶oܶo [12] Vwåhr Am¶.Eg.S>r. Mm dmna H$gm H$amb? qH$dm {ejU, à{ejU d AZwXoeZ ¶mVrb $aH$ nwT>rb wX²Xçm§À¶m AmYmao ñnï> H$am. A) ì¶m»¶m ~) ñdê$n d ì¶már H$) {Z¶moOZ S>) àíZ 5) $m¶Xo AZwXoeZ gm{h˶mÀ¶m ¶WmV©Vm àH«$s¶ogmR>r nwT>rb V§Ìm§Mm dmna Vwåhr H$gm H$amb? [12] A) d¡¶{³VH$ MmMUr ~) gyh MmMUr H$) joÌ MmMUr qH$dm "ñd¶§ AZwXoeZ H$m¶©{ZVr' åhUOo H$m¶? VwÀ¶m AܶmnZ {df¶mZwgma EH$m KQ>H$mH$[aVm ñd¶§AZwXoeZ gm{h˶mMr {Z{©Vr H$aVmZm H$moU˶m ~m~tMm {dMma H$amb ho gmoXmhaU ñnï> H$am. [4751]-106 6 àíZ 6) nwT>rbn¡H$s H$moUVohr Mma CnàíZ gmoS>dm. [20] A) (Am¶.gr.Q>r.) {ejH$mg Amdí¶H$ AgUmar H$m¡eë¶o {bhm. ~) "do~ AmYm[aV Aܶ¶ZmMo' e¡j{UH$ Cn¶moOZ {bhm. H$) nma§nm[aH$ dJm©V gwYmaUm KS>dyZ AmUʶmgmR>r Am^mgr dJm©Mr XV H$er hmoVo? S>) AZwXoeZ àUmbr A{^H$ën V¶ma H$aVmZm H$moU˶m VÎdm§Mm d J¥hrVH$m§Mm dmna H$amb? B) e¡j{UH$ {ZU©¶ à{VmZ (gr.Am¶°S>ob) WmoS>³¶mV ñnï> H$am. $) "à^wÎd Aܶ¶Z à{VmZmMo' $m¶Xo d ¶m©Xm ñnï> H$am. aaa [4751]-106 7 Total No. of Questions : 3] SEAT No. : P1708 [Total No. of Pages : 17 [4751]-107 B.Ed. (General) (Credit System) B.Ed. - 107 : Elective Course (107-A : Elective - I and 107-B : Elective - II) (2014 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks :80 Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Student can select one elective from each Elective - I (107-A) and Elective - II (107 - B) and write answers in a separate answer book. 3) Figures to the right indicate marks. 4) Word limit for long answers is 300-350 words and for short answers is 130-150 words. 5) Suppliments will not be provided to the students in any situation. 1) gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo A{Zdm¶© Amho. 2) Bbo³Q>rd I(107-A) Am{U Bbo³Q>rd II (107-B) ¶mn¡H$s {ZdS>boë¶m à˶oH$s EH$m d¡H$pënH$ {df¶mMr CÎmao ñdV§Ì CÎma n{ÌHo$V {bhmdr. 3) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ àíZm§Mo JwU Xe©{dVmV. 4) XrKmoÎmar àíZm§gmR>r eãX¶m©Xm 300-350 eãX Am{U bKwÎmar àíZm§gmR>r eãX¶m©Xm 130-150 eãX Amho. 5) AmnUmg {Xboë¶m CÎma n{ÌH$m§{edm¶ BVa nwadUr {iUma Zmhr. gyMZm : P.T.O. Education for Peace and Human Rights [Max. Marks : 40 Q1) Explain the meaning of Vulnerable and disadvantaged group. Explain the significance of women rights for women empowerment. [12] OR Explain the need of child rights with the help of following points. a) Physical need. b) c) Mental need. Social need. d) Economical need. Q2) Which are the factors of creating chaos. What efforts you will take as a teacher for peace building. [12] OR Explain the challenges given by constructivist approaches in learning to traditional models of learning. Give the importance of constructivist approach for peace education. Q3) Write the answer of following (Any Four): [16] a) b) c) Explain the concept of human right. Explain the role of teacher for challenges before peace education. Write the strategies for peace building with examples. d) Explain the role of teacher to increase the mental courage of student about peace education. Explain the role of teacher for development of positive attitude in tendency of student for peace inculcation. e) f) Explain the function of college to aware the educational skill and morality in student teacher. ZZZ [4751]-107 2 mZdm{YH$ma Am{U em§VVogmR>r {ejU [EHy$U àíZ 1) JwU : 40 g§doXZj d d§{MV JQ>mMr g§H$ënZm ñnï> H$am. {hbm h³H$mMo {hbm g~brH$aUmgmR>r Agbobo hËd ñnï> H$am. [12] qH$dm ~mbh³H$mMr JaO Imbrb wX²Xçm§À¶m AmYmao ñnï> H$am. àíZ 2) A) emar[aH$ JaO ~) mZ{gH$ JaO H$) gmm{OH$ JaO S>) Am{W©H$ JaO Aem§VVm {Zm©U H$aUmao KQ>H$ H$moUVo? EH$ {ejH$ åhUyZ em§VVm {Q>H${dʶmgmR>r Vwåhr H$moUVo à¶ËZ H$amb? [12] qH$dm nma§nm[aH$ Aܶ¶Z à{VmZm§Zm kmZaMZmËH$ Ñ{ï>H$moZmZo {Xbobr AmìhmZo ñnï> H$am. kmZaMZmËH$ Ñ{ï>H$moZmMo em§VVm {ejUmVrb hÎd {bhm. àíZ 3) Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm. (H$moUVohr Mma) A) mZdr h³H$mMr g§H$ënZm ñnï> H$am. ~) [16] em§VVogmoarb AmìhmZo ¶m~m~V {ejH$mMr ^y{H$m ñnï> H$am. H$) em§VVm C^maUrgmR>rÀ¶m H$m¶©{ZVr gmoXmhaU {bhm. S>) {dXçm϶m©Mo em§VVm {ejUmg§X^m©V mZ{gH$ Y¡¶© dmT>{dʶmgmR>r {ejH$mMr ^y{H$m ñnï> H$am. B) em§VVm C^maUrgmR>r {dXçm϶mªÀ¶m àd¥Îmrܶo gH$mamËH$ Ñ{ï>H$moZ {dH${gV H$aʶmgmR>r {ejH$mMr ^y{H$m ñnï> H$am. $) N> m ÌAܶmnH$m§ ܶo {ejUemór¶ H$m¡ e ë¶ Am{U {ZVrMr OmUrd H$aʶmgmR> r hm{dÚmb¶mMo H$m¶© ñnï> H$am. ddd [4751]-107 3 P.T.O. Introduction to Guidance and Counseling in School [Max. Marks : 40 Q1) What is Guidance? Explain any four principles of guidance. How will you use these principles in Educational guidance? [12] OR What is Counseling? State the difference between Directive and Non-Directive Counseling with the help of following points: a) Concept. b) Role of Counsellor. c) Role of Counselle. d) Limitations. e) Utility in Counseling. Q2) Explain the tools Cumulative Record Cards and Rating scale of Guidance and counseling with the help of following points. [12] a) Concept. b) Merits and Limitations. c) Utility in guidance and counseling. OR Explain observation and Interview Technique with the help of following points: a) Concept. b) Merits and Limitations. c) Utility in guidance and counseling. Q3) Write short notes (any four): a) Importance of follow up in Counseling. b) Importance of counseling for childrens with special needs. c) Role of school in guidance. d) Eclectic Counseling. e) Utility of adjustment test in guidance and counseling. f) Merits and Limitations of group counseling. ZZZ [4751]-107 4 [16] embo¶ ñVamda mJ©Xe©Z d gwnXoeZmMr AmoiI [EHy$U àíZ 1) JwU : 40 mJ©Xe©Z åhUOo H$m¶? mJ©Xe©ZmMr H$moUVrhr Mma VÎdo ñnï> H$am. e¡j{UH$ mJ©Xe©ZmV Vwåhr ¶m VÎdm§Mm H$gm dmna H$amb? [12] qH$dm gwnXoeZ åhUOo H$m¶? {ZX}{eV d A{ZX}{eV gwnXoeZmVrb $aH$ Imbrb wÔçm§À¶m AmYmao ñnï> H$am. A) g§H$ënZm ~) gwnXoeH$mMr ^y{H$m H$) gwnXoí¶mMr ^y{H$m S>) ¶m©Xm B) gwnXoeZmVrb Cn¶w³VVm àíZ 2) mJ©Xe©Z d gwnXoeZmMr g§H${bV Zm|X nÌH$ d nX{ZíM¶Z loUr hr gmYZo Imbrb wÔçm§À¶m AmYmao ñnï> H$am. [12] A) g§H$ënZm ~) JwU d ¶m©Xm H$) mJ©Xe©Z d gwnXoeZmVrb Cn¶w³VVm qH$dm {ZarjU d wbmIV V§Ì Imbrb wÔçm§À¶m AmYmao ñnï> H$am. A) g§H$ënZm ~) H$) mJ©Xe©Z d gwnXoeZmVrb Cn¶w³VVm àíZ 3) Q>rnm {bhm. (H$moU˶mhr Mma) A) ~) H$) S>) B) $) [4751]-107 JwU d ¶m©Xm [16] gwnXoeZmV AZwYmdZ H$m¶m©Mo hÎd {deof JaOm AgUmè¶m {dÚm϶m©gmR>r gwnXoeZmMo hÎd mJ©Xe©Z H$m¶m©V emioMr ^y{H$m gd©gmag§J«hmËH$ gwnXoeZ gm¶moOZ MmMUrMr mJ©Xe©Z d gwnXoeZmVrb Cn¶w³VVm gyh gwnXoeZmÀ¶m JwU d ¶m©Xm. ddd 5 P.T.O. Population Education and Adult Education [Max. Marks : 40 Q1) Explain the problem of population in India. How will you implement the remedies through School Education? [12] OR What are the characteristics of world population and Indian population? Explain with illustrations the programmes. You would like to suggest for imparting population education to your pupils. Q2) Explain concept the Adult Education. What are your innovative ideas to impact the Adult Education in your society? [12] OR State characteristics of Adult Education in National Planning 1978. Explain with illustrations the Adult Education programme. You would like to suggest for promoting proper social development through your pupils. Q3) Give short notes (Any Four): [16] a) Population Mobility in India. b) Needs of population education. c) Population control. d) Importance of Adult Education. e) Adult Education and Role of NGO's. f) Adult Education and UNESCO planning. ZZZ [4751]-107 6 bmoH$g§»¶m {ejU Am{U àm¡T> {ejU (d¡H$pënH$ nona {d^mJ 2) [EHy$U àíZ 1) JwU : 40 ^maVmVrb bmoH$g§»¶oÀ¶m gñ¶m ñnï> H$am d embo¶ {ejUmÀ¶m mܶmVyZ ˶mdarb Cnm¶¶moOZm§Mr A§b~OmdUr H$er H$amb? [12] qH$dm OmJ{VH$ bmoH$g§»¶m Am{U ^maVr¶ bmoH$g§»¶oMr d¡{eï>o H$moUVr? Vwåhr VwÀ¶m {dÚm϶mªZm bmoH$g§»¶m {ejU XoʶmgmR>r H$moUVo H$m¶©H«$ gyMdmb Vo CXmhaUmgh ñnï> H$am. àíZ 2) àm¡T> {ejUmMr g§H$ënZm ñnï> H$ê$Z VwÀ¶m gmOmbm àm¡T> {ejU XoʶmgmR>r VwÀ¶m ZmdrʶnwU© [12] H$ënZm H$moU˶m AmhoV? qH$dm 1978 À¶m amï´>r¶ {Z¶moOZmVrb àm¡T> {ejUmMr d¡{eï>ço ñnï> H$am. VwÀ¶m {dÚm϶mªm©$V ¶mo½¶ gmm{OH$ {dH$mg d¥pÜXJV H$aʶmgmR>r àm¡T> {ejUmMm H$m¶©H$« gyMdyZ Vmo CXmhaUmgh ñnï> H$am. àíZ 3) Q>rnm Úm. (H$moU˶mhr Mma) A) ^maVmVrb bmoH$g§»¶oMr J{VmZVm ~) [16] bmoH$g§»¶m {ejUmMr JaO H$) bmoH$g§»¶m {Z¶§ÌU S>) n«m¡T> {ejUmMo hÎd B) n«m¡T> {ejU Am{U AemgH$s¶ g§ñWmMr ^y{H$m $) ¶wZoñH$moMo {Z¶moOZ Am{U àm¡T> {ejU. ddd [4751]-107 7 P.T.O. Health, Physical Education & Yoga [Max. Marks : 40 Q1) Prepare a school health program and explain role of teacher in development of health. [12] OR Define physical education and illustrate objectives of physical education. Q2) Discuss the concept Health related Physical fitness and skill related physical fitness in detail. [12] OR Write types of Yoga and explain eight stages of Yoga. Q3) Write short notes (any four): [16] a) Balanced Diet. b) Scope of physical education. c) Importance of physical activities at school level. d) Pranayam and Shudhikriya. e) Dimensions of health. f) Benefits of physical fitness. ZZZ [4751]-107 8 amR>r ê$nm§Va [EHy$U àíZ 1) JwU : 40 embo¶ Amamo½¶ H$m¶©H«$ V¶ma H$am Am{U Amamo½¶ {dH$mgmV {ejH$mMr ^y{H$m ñnï> H$am.[12] qH$dm emar[aH$ {ejUmMr ì¶m»¶m {bhm Am{U emar[aH$ {ejUmMr C{Ôï>¶o gmoXmhaU ñnï> H$am. àíZ 2) Amamo½¶m{Yð>rV emar[aH$ gwÑT>Vm Am{U H$m¡eë¶m{Yð>rV emar[aH$ gwÑT>Vm g§H$ënZm g{dñVa ñnï> [12] H$am. qH$dm ¶moJmMo àH$ma {bhm Am{U ¶moJmÀ¶m AmR> nm¶è¶m ñnîQ> H$am. àíZ 3) Q>rnm {bhm. (H$moU˶mhr Mma) A) gVmob Amhma ~) [16] emar[aH$ {ejUmMr ì¶már H$) embo¶ ñVamda emar[aH$ CnH«$m§Mo hÎd S>) àmUm¶m Am{U ewÕr{H«$¶m B) Amamo½¶mMr n[amUo $) emar[aH$ gwÑT>VoMo $m¶Xo ddd [4751]-107 9 P.T.O. Environmental Education and Disaster Management [Max. Marks : 40 Q1) "School is the best place to inculcate awareness about environment". Discuss need and importance of Environment Education with reference to the statement. [12] OR Explain impact of Environmental Pollution on Human Health. Suggest preventive measures to minimise the same. Q2) Which are the types of Disaster? Explain your role as a teacher for preventing any Disaster powerfully. [12] OR Explain steps in relief process of Disaster. Q3) Answer any four of the following: [16] a) Explain four reasons of Environmental Education. b) Explain Disaster Management Cycle. c) Explain any two responsibilities of Disaster Control Centre in detail. d) How should we control the diseases caused due to Water Pollution? e) Which things should be remembered for implementation of rescue of victims? f) Explain Duties of a teacher in Disaster Management. ZZZ [4751]-107 10 n¶m©daU {ejU Am{U AmnÎmr ì¶dñWmnZ [EHy$U àíZ 1) JwU : 40 ""emim hr n¶m©daU{df¶H$ OmJê$H$Vm {Zm©U H$aʶmMo CÎm ñWmZ Amho''. ¶m {dYmZmÀ¶m g§X^m©V n¶m©daU {ejUmMr JaO d ˶mMo hËd ¶mda MMm© H$am. [12] qH$dm mZdr Amamo½¶mda hmoUmao n¶m©daUr¶ àXÿfUmMo n[aUm ñnï> H$am. ho n[aUm H$r H$aʶmgmR>r H$moUH$moUVr I~aXmar KoVm ¶oB©b Vo gyMdm. àíZ 2) AmnÎmrMo àH$ma H$moUVo? AmnÎmrMm gW©nUo gmZm H$aʶmgmR>r {ejH$ åhUyZ Vwåhr H$moUVr ^y{H$m ~Odmb? [12] qH$dm AmnÎmrÀ¶m àg§Jr Ho$ë¶m OmUmè¶m XVH$m¶m©À¶m à{H«$¶oMo Q>ßno ñnï> H$am. àíZ 3) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moU˶mhr Mma àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm. A) n¶m©daU {ejUmMr H$moUVr Mma H$maUo ñnï> H$am. ~) [16] AmnËH$mbrZ ì¶dñWmnZ MH«$ ñnï> H$am. H$) AmnÎmr {Z¶§ÌU H|$ÐmÀ¶m H$moU˶mhr XmoZ O~m~Xmè¶m g{dñVa ñnï> H$am. S>) Ob àXÿfUmVyZ hmoUmè¶m AmOmam§Mo {Z¶§ÌU H$go H$aVm ¶oB©b. B) AmnXJ«ñVm§À¶m gwQ>H$m H$m¶m©Mr A§b~OmdUr H$aVmZm H$moU˶m Jmoï>r bjmV R>odmì¶mV? $) AmnÎmr ì¶dñWmnZmV {ejH$mMr H$V©ì¶o ñnï> H$am. ddd [4751]-107 11 P.T.O. Introduction to Educational Research [Max. Marks : 40 Q1) What is Experimental Method of research? Explain the characteristics and steps of Experimental Method. [12] OR What is Educational Research? Write the characteristics of Educational Research. Explain any three areas of Educational research according to your preference areas. Q2) What do you mean by Achievement test? Explain the need, characteristics, merits and limitations of achievement test. [12] OR What is population and sample? Explain types of non-probability sampling techniques. Q3) Attempt any four of the following: [16] a) Applied research. b) Variables in experimental research. c) Historical research. d) Characteristics of action research. e) Hypothesis. f) Merits and limitations of Interview. ZZZ [4751]-107 12 e¡j{UH$ g§emoYZmMr AmoiI [EHy$U àíZ 1) JwU : 40 g§emoYZmMr àm¶mo{JH$ nÕVr åhUOo H$m¶? àm¶mo{JH$ nÕVrMr d¡{eï>ço Am{U nm¶è¶m ñnï> H$am.[12] qH$dm e¡j{UH$ g§emoYZ åhUOo H$m¶? e¡j{UH$ g§emoYZmMr d¡{eï>ço {bhm. VwÀ¶m àmYmݶH«$mZwgma e¡j{UH$ g§emoYZmMr H$moUVohr VrZ joÌ ñnï> H$am. àíZ 2) g§nmXZ MmMUr åhUOo H$m¶? g§nmXZ MmMUrMr JaO, d¡{eï>ço JwU Am{U ¶m©Xm ñnï> H$am.[12] qH$dm OZg§»¶m Am{U ZwZm åhUOo H$m¶? Ag§^mì¶Vm ZwZm {ZdS> V§ÌmMo àH$ma gmoXmhaU ñnï> H$am. àíZ 3) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVohr Mma àíZ gmoS>dm. A) Cn¶moOrV g§emoYZ ~) [16] àm¶mo{JH$ g§emoYZmVrb Mbo H$) Eo{Vhm{gH$ g§emoYZ S>) H¥${V g§emoYZmMr d¡{eï>ço B) n[aH$ënZm $) wbmIVrMo JwU Am{U ¶m©Xm ddd [4751]-107 13 P.T.O. Inclusive Education Time : 1 1 2 Hour] [Max. Marks : 40 Q1) Explain the concept and nature of Inclusive Education. What are the benefits of Inclusion to following, explain with examples. [12] a) Normal students. b) Students with special needs. c) Teachers. d) Society. OR Explain the following differentiating instructions for inclusion with examples. a) Co-operative learning. b) Peer tutoring and teaching. c) Team Teaching. Q2) Explain the following competencies development in a teacher for inclusive education. [12] a) Knowledge. b) Attitude. c) Skills. OR Explain the concept of an Inclusive School. What are the various infrastructural facilities and learning resources required for an inclusive school? Q3) Answer any four of the following: [16] a) Qualities of an Inclusive Teacher. b) Explain about buddy system for inclusion. c) What are various social skills for inclusion? d) Explain about need of Inclusive Education. e) Give a brief about PWD Act - 1995. f) What are the main features of training program for inclusive teachers? ZZZ [4751]-107 14 gmdoeH$ {ejU [EHy$U àíZ 1) JwU : 40 gmdoeH$ {ejUmMr g§H$ënZm d ñdê$n ñnï> H$am. Imbrb KQ>H$mgmR>r gmdoeH$ {ejUmMo $m¶Xo gmoXmhaU ñnï> H$am. [12] A) gd©gmmݶ {dÚmWu ~) {deof JaOm AgUmao {dÚmWu H$) {ejH$ S>) gmO qH$dm Imbr {Xboë¶m gmdoeH$ {ejUmgmR>rÀ¶m doJiçm nÕVrÀ¶m ({S>$aÝerEQ>tJ) AZwXoeZmMo gmoXmhaU ñnï>rH$aU {bhm. A) ghH$m¶m©ËH$ Aܶ¶Z Am{U AܶmnZ ~) gd¶ñH$ Aܶ¶Z AܶmnZ (tutoring) H$) gm§{KH$ AܶmnZ àíZ 2) {ejH$mܶo gmdoeH$ {ejUmgmR>r Amdí¶H$ AgUmè¶m Imbrb jVm§À¶m {dH$mgm~X²Xb ñnï> H$am. [12] A) kmZ ~) A{^d¥Îmr H$) H$m¡eë¶o qH$dm "gmdoeH$ emim' g§H$ënZm ñnï> H$am. gmdoeH$ emiogmR>r Amdí¶H$ AgUmè¶m {d{dY ^m¡{VH$ gw{dYm Am{U Aܶ¶Z gm{h˶ H$moUVo AmhoV. àíZ 3) H$moU˶mhr Mma àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm. A) gmdoeH$ {ejH$mMr JwUd¡{eï>ço ~) gmdoeZmgmR>rMr ~S>r nX²YV ñnï> H$am. H$) gmdoeZmgmR>r bmJUmar {d{dY gmm{OH$ H$m¡eë¶o H$moUVr S>) gmdoeH$ {ejUmMr JaO ñnï> H$am. B) nr S>ãë¶y-S>r H$m¶Xm - 1995 ~X²Xb WmoS>³¶mV {bhm. $) gmdoeH$ {ejH$m§gmR>rÀ¶m à{ejU H$m¶©H«$mMr d¡{eï>ço H$moUVr AmhoV? [4751]-107 ddd 15 [16] P.T.O. Education for Sustainable Development Time : 1 1 2 Hour] [Max. Marks : 40 Q1) What do you mean by environmental education? Explain with suitable examples the need and scope of environmental education. [12] OR What do you mean by economic growth & sustainable consumption? How can one use forest produces sustainably? Illustrate your answer with suitable examples. Q2) What is the scope of environmental conservation in the globalized world? Explain the individuals effort and Govt. initiatives in biodiversity conservation. [12] OR What is the concept of community participation in natural resource management? How Indian Government is initiating community participation in water resource management? Q3) Answer any four of the following: [16] a) Explain "Earth is the living planet". b) Explain the concept of Adaptation with examples. c) Explain the concept of greening the text book. d) Explain the concept of sustainable development. e) How will you incorporate environmental conservation amongst high school students? f) Role of an Individual in energy conservation. ZZZ [4751]-107 16 emídV {dH$mgmgmR>r {ejU [EHy$U àíZ 1) JwU : 40 n¶m©daU {ejU åhUOo H$m¶? n¶m©daU {ejUmMr ì¶már d JaO ¶mo½¶ CXmhaUm§gh ñnï> H$am.[12] qH$dm Am{W©H$ dmT> Am{U emídV dmna åhUOo H$m¶? emídV O§Jb CËnmXZ Vwåhr H$go H$amb? Vo ¶mo½¶ CXmhaUmgh ñnï> H$am. àíZ 2) OmJ{VH$sH$aUmÀ¶m {dídmV n¶m©daU g§dY©ZmMr ì¶már åhUOo H$m¶? O¡d{d{dYVm g§dY©ZmgmR>r [12] ì¶{³VJV à¶ËZ Am{U emgH$s¶ nwT>mH$ma ñnï> H$am. qH$dm Z¡g{J©H$ g§gmYZ ì¶dñWmnZmV gwXm¶ gh^mJmMr g§H$ënZm åhUOo H$m¶? Ob g§gmYZ ì¶dñWmnZmV gwXm¶ gh^mJmgmR>r ^maV gaH$maZo H$gm nwT>mH$ma KoV Amho? àíZ 3) H$moU˶mhr Mmam§Mr CÎmao {bhm. A) ""n¥Ïdr hm gOrd J«h Amho'' ñnï> H$am. ~) [16] AZwHy$bZ hr g§H$ënZm CXmhaUmgh ñnï> H$am. H$) h[aV nmR>çnwñVH$ g§H$ënZm ñnï> H$am. S>) emídV {dH$mg ñnîQ> H$am. B) C mܶ{H$/embo¶ {dÚm϶mªÜ¶o n¶m©daU g§dY©Z H$go ê$Odmb? $) D$Om© g§dY©Zmܶo ì¶{³VJV ^y{H$m ddd [4751]-107 17 Total No. of Questions : 3] SEAT No. : P1709 [Total No. of Pages : 21 [4751] - 108 B.Ed. (General) BED - 108 : Subject Education A and B Pedagogy and Learning Resources (Marathi, Hindi, English, Sanskrit, Urdu, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, Economics, Commerce, Information Technology) (2014 Pattern) (Credit System) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80 Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Answers of the two subjects should be written in separate answer books. 3) Figures to the right of the questions indicate marks. 4) Write answers of question nos. 1 and 2 in about 350 words each. 5) Write answer of question no. 3 in about 150 words. 6) Students should strictly follow word limit while writing answers. 7) No supplements will be provided to the students. 1) gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo A{Zdm¶© Amho. 2) XmoZ {df¶m§Mr CÎmao ñdV§Ì CÎman{ÌHo$V {bhmdrV. 3) àíZm§À¶m COdrH$S>rb A§H$ àíZm§Mo nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV. 4) àíZ H«$m§H$ 1 d 2 Mr CÎmao à˶oH$s 350 eãXmn¶ªV {bhmdrV. 5) àíZ H«$m§H$ 3 Mo CÎma 150 eãXmn¶ªV {bhmdo. 6) {dXçm϶mªZr CÎmamgmR>r {Xbobr eãX¶m©Xm H$Q>mjmZo nmimdr. 7) H$moU˶mhr n[apñWVrV {dXçm϶mªZm nwadUr {iUma Zmhr. gyMZm : P.T.O. amR>r {ejU [EHy$U àíZ 1) JwU : 40 mV¥^mfm AܶmnZmV "yë¶o' hËdmMr H$m AmhoV? mܶ{H$ ñVamdarb {dÚm϶mªV "ór-nwê$f gmZVm' ho yë¶ ê$O{dʶmgmR>r Vwåhr H$moUVo à¶ËZ H$amb Vo gmoXmhaU {bhm. [12] qH$dm amR>r JXç AܶmnZmMr C{X²Xï>o {bhm. mܶ{H$ ñVamda JXçmMo AܶmnZ A{YH$ n[aUmH$maH$ hmoʶmgmR>r ^mfm {ejH$ åhUyZ Vwåhr H$moUVo à¶ËZ H$amb? àíZ 2) mV¥^mfm amR>rMr d¡{eï>¶o {bhÿZ mV¥^mfm AܶmnZmMo hËd {bhm. mV¥^mfm AܶmnZmV amR>r d ^yJmob {df¶mMm gdm¶ H$gm gmYmb Vo mܶ{H$ ñVamdarb CXmhaUmX²dmao ñnï> H$am.[12] qH$dm e¡j{UH$ gmYZm§Mr JaO d hËd ñnï> H$am. mV¥^mfm amR>rÀ¶m AܶmnZmV {d{dY e¡j{UH$ gmYZm§Mm à^mdrnUo dmna H$gm H$aVm ¶oB©b Vo gmoXmhaU ñnï> H$am. àíZ 3) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moU˶mhr Mma àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm. A) amR>r {df¶ g§aMZoMr Mma d¡{eï>¶o {bhm. ~) e¡j{UH$ V§ÌkmZmMm amR>r AܶmnZmVrb dmna gmoXmhaU ñnï> H$am. H$) nX¶ AܶmnZmMr C{X²Xï>o ñnï> H$am. S>) BVa {df¶{ejH$m§nojm ^mfm{ejH$mMo doJionU Mma wX¶mgh ñnï> H$am. B) amï´>^³Vr ho yë¶ nmR>¶nwñVH$mÀ¶m AmYmao Vwåhr H$go gmܶ H$amb Vo {bhm. $) mV¥^mfm amR>r AܶmnZmMo hËd ñnï> H$am. ddd [4751]-108 2 [16] English Education [Max. Marks : 40 Q1) What is structure? Explain the nature of English structure. How the structure is helpful to English teacher? [12] OR Write an importance of language in society. Explain importance of following classroom objectives with examples. a) Knowledge b) Understanding c) Application d) Skills Q2) Explain the nature of Direct method. Which problems will you face to apply direct method in classroom? How will you solve these problems? [12] OR Explain learning resources by considering following points. a) Concept b) Need c) Importance d) Types e) Teacher's role f) Limitation to apply Q3) Write answer of following questions in short (any four) : [16] a) Explain any four core-elements with suitable examples. b) How will you use language Laboratory for teaching English. c) Which internal aspects will you consider to prepare English text-book? d) How will you use SMS facility to teach English. e) Explain any four techniques of English language teaching. f) Suggest any four activities to improve vocabulary. ddd [4751]-108 3 P.T.O. {hÝXr [Hy$b àíZ 1) ^maV H$s ^m{fH$ gñ¶m ~VmVo hþE {Ì^mfm gyÌ H$m hÎd ñnï> H$s{OE: JwU : 40 [12] AWdm H${dVm AܶmnZ Ho$ {bE {ZåZ H$jmAm| | Am¡a C H$jmAm| | H$m¡Z gr nÕ{V¶m| M¶Z H$amoJo CXmhaUg{hV ñnï> H$s{OE: àíZ 2) AmXe© {hÝXr nmR>çnwñVH$ Ho$ {ZH$f gmoXmhaU ñnï> H$s{OE: [12] AWdm {hÝXr AܶmnH$ Ho$ gmmݶ Ed§ {deof JwUm| na àH$me S>m{bE N>mÌm| Ho$ {hÝXr ^mfm H$m¡eb {dH$mg hoVy H$m¡Z-H$m¡Z go à¶mg H$amoJo: àíZ 3) g§{já | CÎma {b{IE (Ho$db Mma) A) {hÝXr ^mfm H$m nmR²>çM¶m© | ñWmZ ñnï> H$s{OE ~) [16] {hÝXr AܶmnZ Ûmam OrdZ H$m¡eë¶ {dH$mg H¡$go H$amoJo H$) {hÝXr AܶmnZ | {ejm ghm¶H$ gmYZm| H$s Amdí¶H$Vm na àH$me S>m{bE: S>) gm§ñH¥${VH$ ^mfm VWm amï´>^mfm H$m hÎd {b{IE B) m¡{IH$ aMZm Ed§ {b{IV aMZm H$m hÎd {b{IE $) gm{hp˶H$ {dYm Ho$ AZwgma {hÝXr {df¶ g§aMZm àmê$n V¡¶ma H$s{OE ddd [4751]-108 4 Sanskrit Education [Max. Marks : 40 Q1) Discuss the qualities of a good Sanskrit Teacher. [12] OR What are the methods of Sanskrit teaching? Explain Bhandarkar method in detail. Q2) Explain concept of content cum methodology and it's need for teaching of Sanskrit. [12] OR What is the important of Sanskrit subject? Explain with example the place of Sanskrit in school curriculum. Q3) Write the answers of any four of the following: [16] a) Explain the utility of Demonstration in Sanskrit teaching. b) How do you find the reflection of 'Saving Environment' core element in 8th STD Sanskrit Text Book. c) Explain the use of Audio-Visual Aids in Sanskrit Teaching. d) Explain the need of structure of Sanskrit subject. e) Write the importance of content Analysis of Sanskrit subject. f) Write the importance of oral examination in evaluation of Sanskrit subject. ddd [4751]-108 5 P.T.O. g§ñH¥$V {ejU [EHy$U àíZ 1) CËH¥$ï> g§ñH¥$V {ejH$mÀ¶m A§Jr Amdí¶H$ AgUmè¶m JwUm§Mr MMm© H$am. JwU : 40 [12] qH$dm g§ñH¥$V AܶmnZmÀ¶m nÕVr H$moU˶m? ^m§S>maH$a nÕVr g{dñVa ñnï> H$am. àíZ 2) Ame¶¶w³V AܶmnZ nÕVrMr g§H$ënZm d g§ñH¥$V {df¶mgmR>r Ame¶¶w³V AܶmnZ nÕVrMr JaO ñnï> H$am. [12] qH$dm g§ñH¥$V {df¶mMo hÎd gm§JyZ embo¶ Aä¶mgH«$mVrb ñWmZ gmoXmhaU ñnîQ> H$am. àíZ 3) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moU˶mhr Mma àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm A) g§ñH¥$V AܶmnZmV ZmQ>¶rH$aUmMr Cn¶w³VVm ñnï> H$am. ~) "n¶m©daU g§ajU' hm Jm^mKQ>H$ B. 8 dr À¶m nmR²>¶nwñVH$mV H$gm à{Vq~{~V hmoVmo Vo ñnï> H$am. H$) g§ñH¥$V AܶmnZmV ÑH$-lmì¶ gmYZm§Mm Cn¶moJ ñnï> H$am. S>) g§ñH¥$V {df¶mÀ¶m g§aMZoMr Amdí¶H$Vm ñnï> H$am. B) g§ñH¥$V {df¶mÀ¶m Ame¶ {díbofUmMo hÎd {bhm. $) g§ñH¥$V {df¶mÀ¶m yë¶mnZmV m¡{IH$ n[ajoMo hÎd {bhm. ddd [4751]-108 [16] 6 ddd [4751]-108 7 P.T.O. Mathematics Education [Max. Marks : 40 Q1) Select the unit of your choice and explain how will you use the method 'AnalysisSynthesis' for teaching the unit. Illustrate your answer with a brief lesson plan for the same. [12] OR What is Project Based teaching? How will you use this method for teaching the unit-"Measurement and tools of Measurement"? What are the advantages of this method? Q2) Analyze the unit 'Congruence of triangle' with respect to following points a) Objectives and specifications b) Teaching points c) Method of teaching d) Teaching aids e) Generalizations f) Evaluation [12] OR What is a structure of a subject? Prepare the structure of subject Mathematics. Enlist the uses of structure of subject to the teacher. Q3) Solve any four of the following : [16] a) What are various objectives for Mathematics at secondary level? b) Write eight qualities of good mathematics teacher. c) Differentiate between syllabus and curriculum. d) Explain in brief how will you use Heuristic method for teaching any unit of your choice. e) How will you develop awareness about environment through Mathematics teaching. f) Describe any two activities of Mathematics club. ddd [4751]-108 8 J{UV {ejU [EHy$U àíZ 1) JwU : 40 J{UV {df¶mVrb H$moUVmhr EH$ KQ>H$ {ZdSy>Z, Vmo KQ>H$ n¥W³H$aU-g§¶moOZ nX²YVrMm dmna H$ê$Z H$gm {eH$dmb Vo ñnîQ> H$am. VwMo CÎma ˶mM KQ>H$mgmR>r nmR>-Q>mMU H$ê$Z {deX H$am. [12] qH$dm àH$ën AmYmarV AܶmnZ åhUOo H$m¶? darb nX²YVr Vwåhr "mnZ Am{U mnZmMr gmYZo' ¶m KQ>H$mMo AܶmnZ H$aʶmgmR>r H$er dmnamb? ¶m nX²YVrMo $m¶Xo H$moUVo? àíZ 2) "{ÌH$moUm§Mr EH$ê$nVm' ¶m KQ>H$mMo Imbrb wX²X¶m§À¶m AmYmao n¥W³H$aU H$am. A) C{XX²ï>o d ñnï>rH$aUo ~) AܶmnZ KQ>H$ (wX²Xo) H$) AܶmnZ nX²YVr S>) AܶmnZ gmYZo B) $) yë¶mnZ gmmݶrH$aU [12] qH$dm {df¶ g§aMZm åhUOo H$m¶? J{UV {df¶mMr g§aMZm V¶ma H$am. g§aMZoÀ¶m {ejH$mbm hmoUmè¶m Cn¶moJm§Mr ¶mXr {bhm. àíZ 3) H$moU˶mhr Mma àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm A) J{UV {df¶mMr mܶ{H$ ñVamdarb CX²Xrï>¶o H$moUVr? ~) [16] Mm§Jë¶m J{UV {ejH$mMr H$moUVrhr AmR> JwUd¡{eîQ>ço {bhm. H$) nmR>çH«$ Am{U Aä¶mgH«$ ¶mVrb $aH$ {bhm. S>) Vwåhr {ZdS>boë¶m H$moU˶mhr EH$m KQ>H$mMo AܶmnZ "ñd¶§emoYZ' nX²YVrMm dmna H$ê$Z H$go H$amb Vo WmoS>³¶mV ñnï> H$am. B) J{UV AܶmnZmVyZ n¶m©daUm{df¶r OmUrdOmJ¥Vr H$er H$amb? $) J{UV §S>imÀ¶m H$moU˶mhr XmoZ CnH««$m§~XX²b dU©Z H$am. ddd [4751]-108 9 P.T.O. Science Education [Max. Marks : 40 Q1) What is text book? What are the criteria of good text book of Science? With the help of these criteria evaluate any one text book of Science of standard VI to X. [12] OR What is correlation? State different types of correlations. Explain correlation of Science subject with Geography and Mathematics subject with suitable examples. Q2) Explain the Laboratory method of science teaching with the help of following points [12] a) Nature b) Merits c) Limitations d) Role of Teacher OR What efforts should a Science teacher take for professional development? Write in detail. Q3) Answer any four of the following questions: [16] a) Write the importance of content analysis. b) Write the importance of Science in day to day life. c) Write the merits and limitations of Heuristic method. d) Write the importance of Excursion in Science Learning. e) Write the criteria of good demonstration in Science teaching. f) How will you inculcate scientific attitude with the help of Science teaching? Explain with suitable example. ddd [4751]-108 10 {dkmZ {ejU [EHy$U àíZ 1) JwU : 40 nmR>çnwñVH$ åhUOo H$m¶? Mm§Jë¶m {dkmZ nmR>çnwñVH$mMo {ZH$f H$moUVo? ¶m {ZH$fm§À¶m AmYmao B¶Îmm VI Vo X (6 Vo 10 dr) n¶©VÀ¶m EH$m nmR>çnwñVH$mMo yë¶mnZ H$am. [12] qH$dm gdm¶ åhUOo H$m¶? gdm¶mMo àH$ma H$moUVo? {dkmZ {df¶mMm ^yJmob d J{UV {df¶m§er AgUmam gdm¶ gmoXmhaU ñnîQ> H$am. àíZ 2) {dkmZ AܶmnZmMr à¶moJemim nX²YVr Imbrb wX²X¶m§À¶m AmYmao ñnï> H$am. A) ñdê$n ~) $m¶Xo H$) ¶m©Xm S>) {ejH$mMr ^y{H$m [12] qH$dm {dkmZ {df¶ {ejH$mZo ì¶mdgm{¶H$ JwUdÎmm dmT>{dʶmgmR>r H$moUH$moUVo à¶ËZ H$amdoV Vo g{dñVa {bhm. àíZ 3) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moU˶mhr Mma àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm. A) Ame¶ {díbofUmMo hÎd {bhm. ~) [16] X¡Z§{XZ OrdZmVrb {dkmZmMo hÎd {bhm. H$) ñd¶§emoYZ nX²YVrMo $m¶Xo d ¶m©Xm {bhm. S>) {dkmZmÀ¶m Aܶ¶Zmܶo joÌ^oQ>rMo hÎd {bhm. B) {dkmZ AܶmnZmVrb Mm§Jë¶m {X½Xe©ZmMo {ZH$f {bhm. $) {dkmZ AܶmnZmVyZ d¡km{ZH$ Ñ{ï>H$moZ H$gm ê$Odmb Vo gmoXmhaU {bhm. ddd [4751]-108 11 P.T.O. History Education [Max. Marks : 40 Q1) What is the meaning of History and explain with example the importance of History in daily life. [12] OR What are the various methods for construction of curriculum of History? What methods have been used to construct the curriculum of History in Maharashtra State? Discuss with examples. Q2) Explain the nature of source method and Dramatization method. How will you use source method at the secondary level for teaching of History. [12] OR What is meant by learning Resources? Explain the need and importance of learning Resources and how you will correlate the traditional and technological Resourses in History teaching. Q3) Answer the following (any four) : [16] a) What is the correlation? How will you correlate History with Geography? b) What are the criteria of a good Text Book of History? c) Prepare the structure of subject History. State the merits of structure which are helpful to the teacher. d) State difference between syllabus and text-book. e) Explain the types of History with proper examples. f) Explain the importance of History room with suitable examples. ddd [4751]-108 12 B{Vhmg {ejU àíZ 1) [EHy$U JwU : 40 B{VhmgmMm AW© gm§JyZ B{VhmgmMo X¡Z§{XZ OrdZmVrb hÎd CXmhaUmÛmao ñnîQ> H$am. [12] qH$dm B{Vhmg Aä¶mgH«$ aMZoÀ¶m {d{dY nÕVr H$moU˶m? hmamï´> amÁ¶mÀ¶m B{VhmgmÀ¶m Aä¶mgH«$mV H$moU˶m nÕVrMm dmna Ho$bm Amho? gmoXmhaU MMm© H$am. àíZ 2) AmYmanÕVr d ZmQçrH$aU nÕVrMo ñdê$n ñnï> H$am. mܶ{H$ ñVamda B{Vhmg {df¶ [12] {eH${dʶmgmR>r AmYma nÕVrMm dmna H$gm H$amb? qH$dm Aܶ¶Z gmYZo åhUOo H$m¶? Aܶ¶ZgmYZmMr JaO d hÎd gmoXmhaU ñnï> H$ê$Z nma§nm[aH$ gmYZo d V§ÌkmZm{Yð>rV g§gmYZmMm B{Vhmg AܶmnZmV gdm¶ H$gm gmYmb? àíZ 3) Imbrb n¡H$s H$moU˶mhr Mma àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm A) gdm¶ åhUOo H$m¶? B{Vhmg d ^yJmob ¶mYrb gdm¶ ñnï> H$am. ~) [16] B{VhmgmÀ¶m Mm§Jë¶m nmRçnwñVH$mMo {ZH$f H$moUVo? H$) B{VhmgmMr g§aMZm H$mTy>Z B{Vhmg {ejH$mbm g§aMZoMo H$moUVo $m¶Xo hmoVmV Vo {bhm. S>) nmR>çH«$ d nmR>çnwñVH$ ¶mVrb $aH$ {bhm. B) B{VhmgmMo àH$ma gmoXmhaU ñnï> H$am. $) B{Vhmg ImobrMo hÎd gmoXmhaU ñnï> H$am. ddd [4751]-108 13 P.T.O. Geography Education [Max. Marks : 40 Q1) Explain the concept of "Learning Resources". Write in brief the application of 'Traditional Learning Resources' How will you use 'Internet' as a learning resource for the teaching of Geography? [12] OR Write in detail the difference between 'Journey' and 'Excursion' methods of teaching Geography with the help of following points. a) Nature, Definition c) Limitations b) Advantages Q2) Describe the Internal and External aspects of a good textbook Evaluation. Why Textbook Evaluation is necessary for a Geography Teacher. [12] OR What are the qualities of a good Geography Teacher As a Geography teacher what efforts will you take to create interest in Geography? Q3) Write short answers (any four) : [16] a) Write in brief importance of Local Geography. b) Write any four topics from Geography textbook which will help you in inculcating 'Environment protection' and Gender Equality. c) Write the need & importance of Geography Room. d) Explain the concentric method of curriculum construction of Geography with diagram. e) Write the Advantages of content analysis (any four). f) Explain in brief comparative method of teaching Geography. ddd [4751]-108 14 ^yJmob {ejU [EHy$U àíZ 1) JwU : 40 "Aܶ¶ZmMo g§gmYZo' hr g§H$ënZm ñnï> H$am. ^yJmob AܶmnZmÀ¶m nma§nm[aH$ g§gmYZm§Mr WmoS>³¶mV MMm© H$am. "B§Q>aZoQ>Mm' EH$ Aܶ¶Z g§gmYZ åhUyZ H$gm dmna H$amb? [12] qH$dm ^yJmob AܶmnZmÀ¶m ghb d àdmg nX²YVrVrb $aH$ Imbrb wÚm§À¶m ghmæ¶mZo g{dñVa ñnï> H$am. A) ñdê$n d d¡{eîQ>ço ~) $m¶Xo H$) ¶m©Xm àíZ 2) ^yJmobmÀ¶m AmXe© nmR>çnwñVH$mÀ¶m yë¶mnZmMo A§VJ©V d ~{hJ©V (~mhç) {ZH$f g{dñVa {bhm. ^yJmob {ejH$mgmR>r nmR>çnwñVH$mMo yë¶mnZ Amdí¶H$ H$m Amho Vo {bhm. [12] qH$dm AmXe© ^yJmob {ejH$m§gmR>r Amdí¶H$ JwU H$moUVo Vo {bhm. ^yJmob {df¶mܶo ag {Zm©U ìhmdm ¶mgmR>r EH$ ^yJmob {ejH$ åhUyZ Vwåhr H$moUVo à¶ËZ H$amb? àíZ 3) WmoS>³¶mV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVrhr Mma) A) ñWm{ZH$ ^yJmobmMo hËd WmoS>³¶mV {bhm. ~) [16] "n¶m©daU g§ajU' d "órnwê$f gmZVm' ê$OdʶmgmR>r Amdí¶H$ ^yJmobmVrb H$moUVohr Mma KQ>H$ {bhm. H$) ^yJmob ImobrMr JaO d hËd ñnîQ> H$am. S>) ^yJmob Aä¶mgH«$ aMZoMr "gH|$Ð nX²YVr AmH¥$Vrgh' ñnï> H$am. B) Ame¶{díbofUmMo $m¶Xo (H$moUVohr Mma) {bhm. $) ^yJmob AܶmnZmÀ¶m VwbZmËH$ nX²YVrMo WmoS>³¶mV ñdê$n {bhm. ddd [4751]-108 15 P.T.O. Economics Education [Max. Marks : 40 Q1) What is Economics? Explain the importance of Economics in daily life with examples. [12] OR Explain Learning Resources of Economics with the help of following points. a) Meaning b) Importance c) Types d) Use of technology based resources for teaching of Economics at 9th std. Q2) Explain the steps of Problem Solving Method. How will you use this method while teaching of Economics at 11th std? [12] OR Explain Dramatization Technique in detail. How will you use this technique for teaching of Economics? Explain with example. Q3) Write any four of the following : [16] a) Explain the difference between curriculum and syllabus of Economics. b) What are the limitations of Project Method? c) Explain the life skill, 'Effective Communication' which activities will you plan for development of this life skill among your students. d) Explain the place of Economics in school curriculum. e) Explain any four qualities of a good Economics teacher. f) Explain the need of content analysis. ddd [4751]-108 16 AW©emó {ejU [EHy$U àíZ 1) AW©emó åhUOo H$m¶? AW©emómMo X¡Z§{XZ OrdZmVrb hËd gmoXmhaU ñnï> H$am. JwU : 40 [12] qH$dm AW©emómMo Aܶ¶Z g§gmYZm§Mo Imbrb wÚm§À¶m AmYmao ñnï> H$am. A) AW© ~) hÎd H$) àH$ma S>) àíZ 2) B¶Îmm 9 dr bm AW©emó {eH${dʶmgmR>r V§ÌkmZm{Y{ð>V ómoVm§Mm Cn¶moJ. gñ¶m {ZamH$aU nX²YVrÀ¶m nm¶è¶m ñnîQ> H$am. B¶Îmm 11 dr bm AW©emó {eH${dVmZm ¶m nX²YVrMm dmna H$gm H$amb? [12] qH$dm ZmQ>¶rH$aU V§ÌmMo g{dñVa ñnï>rH$aU H$am. ¶m V§ÌmMm Cn¶moJ AW©emó AܶmnZmgmR>r H$gm H$amb Vo gmoXmhaU ñnï> H$am. àíZ 3) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moU˶mhr Mmam§Mr CÎmao {bhm. A) AW©emómÀ¶m Aä¶mgH«$ d nmR>çH«$mVrb $aH$ ñnï> H$am. ~) [16] àH$ën nX²YVrÀ¶m ¶m©Xm H$moU˶m? H$) à^mdr g§àofU ¶m OrdZH$m¡eë¶mMo ñnï>rH$aU H$am. VwÀ¶m {dÚm϶mªÜ¶o ho OrdZ H$m¡eë¶ {dH${gV H$aʶmgmR>r Vwåhr H$moU˶m CnH«$m§Mo {Z¶moOZ H$amb? S>) embo¶ Aä¶mgH«$mVrb AW©emómMo ñWmZ ñnîQ> H$am. B) AW©emómÀ¶m Mm§Jë¶m {ejH$mMo H$moUVohr Mma JwU{deof ñnï> H$am. $) Ame¶ {díbofUmMr JaO ñnï> H$am. ddd [4751]-108 17 P.T.O. Commerce Education [Max. Marks : 40 Q1) What is correlation? Write the importance of correlation. Explain the correlation of Commerce with Geography, History and Mathematics with suitable example.[12] OR What are the types of learning resources? How will you use technology based learning resources in teaching of Commerce? Explain with example. Q2) Explain 'Project Method' with the help of following points. [12] a) Meaning b) Steps c) Merits d) Utility in Commerce teaching OR Explain the nature and importance of 'Inductive-Deductive method'. How will you use Inductive-Deductive method in teaching of Commerce? Explain with example. Q3) Answer any four of the following: [16] a) Explain any four external criterias of text book analysis. b) Write the difference between curriculum and syllabus. c) How will you inculcate scientific temper among your students through Commerce teaching? d) Explain the place of Commerce in school curriculum. e) Explain the merits of assignment technique. f) Explain the role of a teacher in todays Commerce teaching. ddd [4751]-108 18 dm{UÁ¶ {ejU [EHy$U àíZ 1) JwU : 40 gdm¶ åhUOo H$m¶? gdm¶mMo hÎd {bhm. dm{UÁ¶mMm ^yJmob, B{Vhmg d J{UV {df¶m§er Agbobm gdm¶ gmoXmhaU ñnï> H$am. [12] qH$dm Aܶ¶Z g§gmYZm§Mo àH$ma H$moUVo? dm{UÁ¶ AܶmnZmV Vwåhr V§ÌkmZm{Yð>rV Aܶ¶Z ómoVm§Mm dmna H$gm H$amb? gmoXmhaU ñnï> H$am. àíZ 2) àH$ën nÕVr Imbrb wX²Xçm§À¶m AmYmao ñnï> H$am. [12] A) AW© ~) Q>ßno H$) JwU S>) dm{UÁ¶ AܶmnZmVrb Cn¶w³VVm qH$dm CX²Jmr-AdJmr nÕVrMo ñdê$n d hÎd ñnï> H$am. dm{UÁ¶ AܶmnZmV CX²Jmr AdJmr nÕVrMm dmna H$gm H$amb? gmoXmhaU ñnîQ> H$am. àíZ 3) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moU˶mhr Mmam§Mr CÎmao {bhm. A) nmR>çnwñVH$ {díbofUmMo H$moUVohr Mma ~mø {ZH$f ñnï> H$am. ~) [16] Aä¶mgH«$ d nmR>çH«$ ¶mVrb $aH$ {bhm. H$) dm{UÁ¶ AܶmnZmÛmao d¡km{ZH$ Ñ{ï>H$moZ VwÀ¶m {dXçm϶m©Ü¶o Vwåhr H$gm ê$Odmb Vo XmoZ CXmhaUm§À¶m ghmæ¶mZo ñnîQ> H$am. S>) embo¶ Aä¶mgH«$mV dm{UÁ¶ {df¶mMo ñWmZ ñnï> H$am. B) ñdmܶm¶ V§ÌmMo JwU ñnï> H$am. $) AmOÀ¶m dm{UÁ¶ AܶmnZmV {ejH$mMr ^y{H$m ñnï> H$am. ddd [4751]-108 19 P.T.O. Information Technology Education [Max. Marks : 40 Q1) What is Correlation? How will you correlate Information Technology with other school subject? [12] OR What are the various methods of learning and teaching of Information Technology? Explain 'Project Based Learning & online learning' method with the help of following points: = Basic Concept = Advantages = Limitations = Examples Q2) Analyse content of the Unit 'Morals & Ethics' with respect to the following points: [12] a) Objectives b) Teaching Points c) Methods of Teaching d) Learning Experiences e) Values and Core Elements f) Evaluation OR What are the qualities of good I.T. teacher? Explain Role of I.T. teacher with suitable examples. Q3) Answer any four of the following: [16] a) What is the importance of I.T. in education. b) Explain Structure of Information Technology. c) Write advantages of Technology Aided learning. d) Give suggestions about maintaining I.T. Laboratory. e) Explain educational uses of following Hardware tool of Information Technology. i) Printer ii) Image Projector f) What is the place of I.T. in school curriculum. ddd [4751]-108 20 m{hVr V§ÌkmZ {ejU [EHy$U JwU : 40 àíZ 1) gdm¶ åhUOo H$m¶? m{hVr V§ÌkmZmMm BVa embo¶ {df¶m§Mr H$gm gdm¶ gmYmb? [12] qH$dm m{hVr V§ÌkmZmÀ¶m Aܶ¶Z-AܶmnZmÀ¶m {d{dY nÕVr H$moU˶m? "àH$ën AmYmarV Aܶ¶Z' d "Am°ZbmB©Z Aܶ¶Z' nÕV nwT>rb wX²Xçm§À¶m AmYmao ñnï> H$am. = yi g§H$ënZm = $m¶Xo = ¶m©Xm = CXmhaUo àíZ 2) 'Morals & Ethics' ¶m KQ>H$mMo Ame¶-{díbofU Imbr {Xboë¶m wXX² çm§À¶m AmYmao H$am.[12] A) C{X²Xï>ço H$) AܶmnZ nÕV B) yë¶ Am{U yb^yV KQ>H$ ~) AܶmnZ wX²Xo S>) Aܶ¶Z AZw^d $) yë¶mnZ qH$dm Mm§Jë¶m m{hVr V§ÌkmZ {ejH$mMo JwU H$moUVo? m{hVr V§ÌkmZ {ejH$mMr ^y{H$m CXmhaUmgh ñnîQ> H$am. àíZ 3) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moU˶mhr Mma àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm. [16] A) m{hVr V§ÌkmZmMo {ejUmVrb hÎd ñnï> H$am. ~) m{hVr V§ÌkmZmMr g§aMZm ñnï> H$am. H$) V§ÌkmZ ghmpæ¶V Aܶ¶ZmMo $m¶Xo {bhm. S>) m{hVr V§ÌkmZ à¶moJemioMr {ZJm amIʶmgmR>r gyMZm gm§Jm. B) m{hVr V§ÌkmZmVrb Imbrb hmS>©doAa gmYZm§Mm Cn¶moJ e¡j{UH$ H$m¶m©gmR>r H$gm H$amb Vo ñnîQ> H$am. i) qàQ>a ii) BoO àmoOo³Q>a $) m{hVr V§ÌkmZmMo embo¶ Aä¶mgH«$mVrb ñWmZ gm§Jm. ddd [4751]-108 21 Total No. of Questions : 6] P1673 SEAT No. : [Total No. of Pages : 4 [4751] - 2 B.Ed. (General) PSYCHOLOGY Psychology of Development& Learning (Paper - II) (2008 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80 Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Answer to the two sections should be written in separate answer books. 3) Figure to the right indicate full marks. 4) Essay type questions carry twelve marks and the answers of the same are expected to be written in 300 to 350 words. 5) Short answers type questions carry four marks and answers to the same are expected to be written in 130 to 150 words. 6) Students should strictly follow word limit while writing answers. 7) In any condition student will Not get Supplement. ) SECTION - I Q1) Write the meaning, nature and scope of educational psychology. How does the knowledge of educational psychology help in modification of behaviour of the learner. [12] OR What are individual differences? What are the causes of Individual differences? How is the knowledge of Individual differences essential for the teacher to teach the learning disabled children? Q2) What are the stages of growth and development? What is the role of a teacher in the physical and mental development of a child in Laterchild hood? [12] OR Write the concept of mal adjustment. State its causes. How will the teacher guide the parents of mal-adjusted children? P.T.O. Q3) Answer the following (Any Four) a) Write merits and Demerits of case study method. b) Write the features of mentally healthy person. c) Explain the concept of social heredity. d) Suggest Four activities to overcome stress. e) Write the Importance of 'e' Environment. f) Write the role of a teacher to prevent child abused. [16] SECTION - II Q4) Explain Thorndike's 'Trial and Error' theory of Learning. How this theory is useful in making Learning effective? Explain it with examples. [12] OR What do you mean by 'Concept'? What are the different types of 'Concept'? How mind mapping is effective in developing students learning abilities. Q5) What are the characteristics of favourable school Climate? As a teacher how you are going to use Co-operative and collaborative learning to maintain school climate favourable. [12] OR What is memory? Explain the steps in process of memorisation? What are the various ways that you can suggest to enhance memory of your students. Q6) Answer the following (Any Four): a) Explain the concept of 'Sensation & Perception'. b) Illustrate the types of intelligence. c) State the types of transfer of learning with examples. d) Explain the concept of 'Brain Based Learning'. e) Write Four activities to improve teacher student interaction. f) Explain what is behaviourism. ddd [4751] - 2 -2- [16] Total No. of Questions : 6] P1673 [4751] - 2 B.Ed. (General) PSYCHOLOGY Psychology of Development& Learning (Paper - II) (2008 Pattern) doi : 3 Vmg] gyMZm : 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) (_amR>r ê$nm§Va) [EHy$U gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí¶H$ AmhoV. à˶oH$ {d^mJmgmR>r ñdV§Ì CÎman{ÌH$m dmnamdr. 12 JwUm§À¶m CÎmamgmR>r eãX¶m©Xm 300 Vo 350 eãX Amho. 4 JwUm§À¶m CÎmamgmR>r eãX¶m©Xm 130 Vo 150 eãX Amho. {dÚm϶mªZm nwadUr {iUma Zmhr. JwU : 80 {d^mJ - I àíZ 1) e¡j{UH$ mZgemómMm AW©, ñdê$n, ì¶már {bhm. e¡j{UH$ mZgemómÀ¶m kmZmMm Cn¶moJ {dÚm϶mªÀ¶m gw¶mo½¶ dV©Z ~XbmgmR>r H$gm hmoB©b Vo {bhm. [12] qH$dm ì¶{³V^oX åhUOo H$m¶? ì¶{³V^oXmMr H$maUo H$moUVr? ì¶{³V^oX hr g§H$ënZm {ejH$m§Zm Aܶ¶Z Aj {dÚm϶mªZm mJ©Xe©Z nwaʶmgmR>r Hw$er Cn¶w³V Amho Vo {bhm. àíZ 2) dmT> Am{U {dH$mgmÀ¶m AdñWm {bhm. CÎma {H$emoamdñWoVrb ~mbH$mÀ¶m emar[aH$ d mZ{gH$ {dH$mgmVrb {ejH$mMr ^y{H$m ñnîQ> H$am. [12] qH$dm "{dfgm¶moOZ' g§H$ënZm ñnîQ> H$am. {dfgm¶moOZmMr H$maUo gm§Jm {dfgm¶mo{OV ~mbH$m§À¶m nmbH$m§Zm {ejH$ åhUyZ Vwåhr H$go mJ©Xe©Z H$amb? àíZ 3) WmoS>³¶mV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma) [16] A) OrdZd¥Îmm§V nÕVrMo $m¶Xo d ¶m©Xm {bhm. ~) Mm§Jbo mZ{gH$ Amamo½¶ Agboë¶m ì¶{³VMr d¡{eîQ>ço {bhm. -3- H$) gmm{OH$ AZwd§emMr g§H$ënZm ñnîQ> H$am. S>) VUmdmnmgyZ Xÿa amhmʶmgmR>r Mma CnH«$ gyMdm. B) B©-n[agamMo hÎd {bhm. $) ~mbH$mMo emofU amoIʶmgmR>r {ejH$mMr ^y{H$m {bhm. {d^mJ - II àíZ 4) Wm°Z©S>mB©H$ ¶m§Mr Aܶ¶Z {df¶H$ à¶ËZ àmX nÕVr ñnï> H$am. Aܶ¶Z n[aUmH$maH$ hmoʶmgmR>r hr CnnÎmr H$er Cn¶w³V R>aVo ho CXmhaUmgh ñnï> H$am. [12] qH$dm "g§~moY' g§H$ënZm ñnîQ> H$am. g§~moYmMo {d{dY àH$ma H$moUVo? {dÚm϶mªÀ¶m Aܶ¶ZjVm§Mm {dH$mg hmoʶmgmR>r ZmomnZ H$go n[aUmH$maH$ hmoB©b Vo {bhm. àíZ 5) nmofH$ embo¶ dmVmdaUmMr d¡{eï>ço H$moUVr? embo¶ dmVmdaU nmofH$ R>odʶmgmR>r Vwåhr {ejH$ åhUyZ ghH$mamËH$ Am{U gh^mJmËH$ Aܶ¶ZmMm H$gm dmna H$amb Vo {bhm. [12] qH$dm "ñaU' g§H$ënZm ñnï> H$am. ñaU à{H«$¶oVrb nm¶è¶m g§mJm. {dÚm϶mªMr ñaU à{H«$¶m {dH${gV hmoʶmgmR>r {d{dY mJ© gyMdm àíZ 6) Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm. (H$moUVohr Mma) A) g§doXZ d Ad~moY g§H$ënZm ñnï> H$am. ~) ~wpÜXÎmoMo àH$ma CXmhaUmgh gm§Jm. H$) Aܶ¶Z g§H«$UmMo àH$ma CXmhaUmgh {bhm. S>) "|XÿAmYm[aV {ejU' g§H$ënZm ñnîQ> H$am. B) {ejH$-{dÚmWu Am§Va{H«$¶m gwYmaʶmMo Mma CnH«$ {bhm. $) "dV©ZdmX' g§H$ënZm ñnîQ> H$am. ddd [4751] - 2 -4- [16] Total No. of Questions : 6] SEAT No. : P1674 [Total No. of Pages : 4 [4751] - 3 B.Ed. (General) (Paper - III) SCHOOL MANAGEMENT : PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES (2008 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80 Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books. 3) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4) Essay type questions carry twelve marks and the answers of the same are expected to be written in 300 to 350 words. 5) Short answers type questions carry four marks and answers to the same are expected to be written in 130 to 150 words. 6) Students should strictly follow word limit while writing answers. 7) In any condition, student willl not get supplement. SECTION - I Q1) What is meant by Institutional Planning? Explain steps involved in it. Write merits of Institutional Planning. [12] OR Write the Educational Administrative Frame work of Maharashtra state. What are the functions of District Educational Officer. (Z.P.) Q2) What is meant by Management? Explain characteristics of Taylor's and Fayol's Theories of Management. [12] OR Explain the Human and Academic needs of School Management. Explain Infrastructural facilities in High Excellent School. P.T.O. Q3) Answer any four of the following: a) Explain any four functions of Educational Management. [16] b) c) Explain Democratic style of leadership with its merits and demerits. Explain the functions of Block Education officer. d) Explain the functions of Maharashtra State Bureau of Textbook Production and Curriculum Research. Explain the concept of 'Total Quality Management' in Education. Explain the need of Supervision in a school. e) f) SECTION - II Q4) What are the problems in enrolment of students in Urban and Rural Schools? Suggest remedies to overcome these problems. [12] OR Which problems are creating of Higher Secondary Classes to attach school and colleges? What is your opinion where to attach this classes. Explain with example. Q5) What is meant by Action Research? Prepare an outline of an Action Research by considering a problem related to school management. [12] OR What is meant by In service Training? Explain need, advantages and limitations of In-service Training. Q6) Answer any four of the following: [16] a) b) Write objectives of teacher's organization. Suggest the remedies wastage and stagnation in secondary education. c) d) e) Explain the need of Time management. Write the objectives of B.A. B.Ed. 4 years Integrated Course. As a teacher which are to be considered for class room management. f) Explain importance of Financial management. ddd [4751] - 3 -2- Total No. of Questions : 6] P1674 [4751] - 3 B.Ed. (General) (Paper - III) embo ¶ ì¶dñWmnZ : VËdo Am{U àm˶{jHo $ (2008 Pattern) (_amR>r ê$nm§Va) doi : 3 Vmg] gyMZm : 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) àíZ 1) [EHy$U JwU : 80 gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí¶H$ XmoZ {d^mJm§Mr CÎmao ñdV§Ì CÎman{ÌHo$V {bhmdrV COì¶m ~mOwMo A§H$ àíZm§Mo nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV. {Z~§YdOm àíZ 12 JwUm§Mm AgyZ à˶oH$s 300 Vo 350 eãXmV CÎma Ano{jV Amho bKwÎmar àíZ 4 JwUm§Mm AgyZ à˶oH$s 130 Vo 150 eãXmV CÎma Ano{jV Amho. H$moU˶mhr n[apñWVrV nwadUr {iUma Zmhr. {d^mJ - I g§ñWm{Zhm¶ {Z¶moOZ åhUOo H$m¶? g§ñWm{Zhm¶ {Z¶moOZmV A§V^y©V Agboë¶m nm¶è¶m gmoXmhaU ñnîQ> H$ê$Z $m¶Xo {bhm. [12] qH$dm hmamï´> amÁ¶mVrb e¡j{UH$ àemgZmMm AmamIS>m {bhm. {Oëhm n[afX {ejU A{YH$mè¶mMr H$mo H$moUVr. àíZ 2) ì¶dñWmnZ åhUOo H$m¶? ì¶dñWmnZ {df¶H$ Q>b o a d o$¶m°b ¶m§À¶m CnnÎmrMr d¡{eîR>ço ñnï> H$am.[12] qH$dm embo¶ ì¶dñWmnZmVrb mZdr d e¡j{UH$ JaOm ñnï> H$am. A{V CËH¥$ï> emioVrb ^m¡{VH$ gmoB© gw{dYm ñnï> H$am. àíZ 3) Imbrb n¡H$s H$moU˶mhr Mmam§Mr WmoS>³¶mV CÎmao {bhm. [16] A) ì¶dñWmnZmMr H$moUVrhr Mma H$m¶} ñnîQ> H$am. ~) bmoH$emhr e¡br JwUXmofmgh ñnï> H$am. H$) JQ> {ejUm{YH$mè¶mMr H$m¶} ñnï> H$am. S>) hmamï´> amÁ¶ nmR>çnwñVH$ >{Z{©Vr d Aä¶mgH«$ g§emoYZ §S>imMr H$m¶} {bhm. B) {ejUmVrb EHy$Z JwUdÎmm ì¶dñWmnZ g§H$ënZm ñnï> H$am. $) emioVrb n¶©dojUmMr JaO ñnï> H$am. -3- {d^mJ - II àíZ 4) ehar Am{U J«mrU ^mJmVrb emim§Yrb {dXçm϶mªÀ¶m nQ>Zm|XUr{df¶H$ ¶oUmè¶m gñ¶m H$moU˶m? ˶m gñ¶m Xÿa H$aʶmgmR>r Cnm¶ gyMdm. [12] qH$dm C mܶ{H$Mo dJ© emim d hm{dXçmb¶mg OmoS>ë¶mwio H$moUH$moU˶m gñ¶m {Zm©U Pmë¶m? ho dJ© H$moR>o OmoS>mdoV ¶m~m~V VwMo V gmoXmhaU ñnï> H$am. àíZ 5) H¥$Vr g§emoYZ åhUOo H$m¶? embo¶ ì¶dñWmnZmer g§~§{YV EH$ gñ¶m KoD$Z H¥$Vr g§emoYZmMm AmamIS>m V¶ma H$am. [12] qH$dm godm§VJ©V à{ejU åhUOo H$m¶? godm§VJ©V à{ejUmMr Amdí¶H$Vm, $m¶Xo d ¶m©Xm ñnï> H$am. àíZ 6) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moU˶mhr Mma àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm. A) {ejH$ g§KQ>ZoMr C{Ôï>ço {bhm. ~) mܶ{H$ {ejUmVrb ñWJZ d JiVrÀ¶m gñ¶odarb Cnm¶¶moOZm {bhm. H$) doioÀ¶m ì¶dñWmnZmMr JaO ñnï> H$am. S>) Mma dfm©À¶m EH$mpËH$ ~r.E.~r.ES>. Aä¶mgH«$mMr C{Ôï>o {bhm. B) dJm©Mo ì¶dñWmnZ H$aVmZm {ejH$ åhUyZ Vwåhr H$moU˶m ~m~r {dMmamV ¿¶mb. $) Am{W©H$ ì¶dñWmnZmMo hÎd ñnï> H$am. ddd [4751] - 3 -4- [16] Total No. of Questions : 6] SEAT No. : P1675 [Total No. of Pages : 4 [4751] - 4 B.Ed. (General) (Paper - IV) INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY AND INSTRUCTIONAL SYSTEM (2008 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80 Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books. 3) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4) Essay type questions carry twelve marks and the answers of the same are expected to be written in 300 to 350 words. 5) Short answer type questions carry four marks and the same are expected to be written in 130 to 150 words. 6) In any condition supplement willl not be provided. ) SECTION - I Q1) What is meant by ICT? What efforts a teacher has to take to face the challenges while integrating ICT in educational processes? [12] OR How is internet different than intranet? Explain the usefulness of a) e-mail b) e-library to teachers and students Q2) What is meant by application software? What are the characteristics of application software? How will you use spread sheet for the following. [12] a) Teaching - Learning process b) School Management c) Research OR What is 'e-learning'? What are the characteristics of 'e-learning'? Considering the limitations of 'e-learning'. How will you guide the students for self-learning. P.T.O. Q3) Answer any four of the following: a) How will you make use of ICT for collaborative Learning? [16] b) c) What do you mean by BLOG? How will you create your own 'BLOG'? How will you conduct 'Project based learning' with the help of ICT? d) e) f) How will you protect your computer system from virus? How the knowledge of 'Copy right act' is essential to teachers? Explain the role of teacher with respect to changes in education occurred due to ICT. SECTION - II Q4) What is system approach? Explain the application of steps of system approach for instruction of a unit of your subject. [12] OR Which models are used for instructional system? Explain the application of "Modified system model" for classroom instruction. Q5) How will you use technology for instructional system? Illustrate the steps to develop self instructional material. [12] OR Explain the use of following models for evaluation of instructional system. a) CIPP model b) Intrinsic model Q6) Write in short (any four) : [16] a) What are the principles of selecting technology for instructional system? b) c) d) Illustrate the components of instructional system. Explain the nature of computer-assisted instructional strategy. How will you prepare online instructional design. e) f) How field test is useful for validation of instructional material? Explain the need of validation of instructional material. ddd [4751] - 4 -2- Total No. of Questions : 6] P1675 [4751] - 4 B.Ed. (General) (Paper - IV) m{hVr Am{U g§ à o f U V§ Ì kmZ Am{U AZw X o e Z àUmbr (2008 Pattern) (_amR>r ê$nm§Va) doi : 3 Vmg] gyMZm : 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) [EHy$U JwU : 80 gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí¶H$ AmhoV. XmoZ {d^mJm§Mr CÎmao ñdV§Ì CÎman{ÌHo$V {bhmdrV. COì¶m ~mOwMo A§H$ àíZm§Mo nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV. {Z~§YdOm àíZ 12 JwUm§Mm AgwZ à˶oH$s 300 Vo 350 eãXmV CÎmao Ano{jV Amho. bKwÎmar àíZ 4 JwUm§Mm AgyZ à˶oH$s 130 Vo 150 eãXmV CÎmao Ano{jV Amho. H$moU˶mhr narpñWVrܶo nwadUr {iUma Zmhr. {d^mJ - I àíZ 1) m{hVr Am{U g§àofU V§ÌkmZ åhUOo H$m¶? Am¶grQ>rMm {ejU à{H«$¶oV A§V^m©d H$aVmZm, {ejH$mbm ¶oUmè¶m AmìhmZm§Zm gmmoao OmʶmgmR>r H$moU˶m H¥$Vr H$amì¶m bmJVmV? [12] qH$dm B§Q´>mZoQ>nojm B§Q>aZoQ> doJio H$go Amho? {ejH$ Am{U {dÚmWu ¶m§Zm A) B-ob ~) B-J«§Wmb¶ H$go Cn¶w³V Amho Vo ñnï> H$am. àíZ 2) A°pßbHo$eZ gm°âQ>doAa åhUOo H$m¶? ApßbHo$eZ gm°âQ>doAaMr d¡{eîQ>ço H$m¶? nwT>rb g§X^m©Ü¶o ñàoS>erQ>Mm dmna Vwåhr H$gm H$amb? [12] A) Aܶ¶Z - AܶmnZ à{H«$¶m ~) embo¶ ì¶dñWmnZ H$) g§emoYZ qH$dm B-b{ZªJ (Aܶ¶Z) åhUOo H$m¶? B-b{ZªJ (Aܶ¶Zm)Mr d¡{eîQ>ço H$m¶? B-b{ZªJ (Aܶ¶Z)À¶m ¶m©Xm {dMmamV KoD$Z ñd¶§Aܶ¶ZmgmR>r {dÚm϶mªZm H$moU˶m àH$mao mJ©Xe©Z H$amb? -3- àíZ 3) WmoS>³¶mV CÎmao {bhm ($³V Mma) [16] A) gh¶moJr Aܶ¶Zmܶo Vwåhr Am¶grQ>rMm dmna H$gm H$amb? ~) "ãbm°J' åhUOo H$m¶? Vwåhr VwMm ñdV:Mm ãbm°J H$gm V¶ma H$amb? H$) àH$ënmYm[aV Aܶ¶Zmܶo Am¶grQ>rMm dmna Vwåhr H$gm H$amb? S>) Amnbr g§JUH$ àUmbr Vwåhr {dfmUy (ìhm¶ag) nmgyZ H$er gwa{jV R>odmb? B) {ejH$m§gmR>r "~m¡pÜXH$ g§nXm H$m¶Xm' ¶mMo kmZ H$em àH$mao Cn¶w³V Amho? $) m{hVr Am{U gàofU V§ÌkmZmwio {ejUmܶo Oo ~Xb Pmbobo Amho ˶mYrb {ejH$mMr ^y{H$m ñnï> H$am. {d^mJ - II àíZ 4) {ejUmVrb àUmbr CnmJ åhUOo H$m¶? VwÀ¶m {df¶mÀ¶m H$moU˶mhr EH$m KQ>H$mÀ¶m AZwXoeZmgmR>r àUmbr CnmJmÀ¶m nm¶è¶m§Mm Cn¶moJ ñnï> H$am. [12] qH$dm AZwXoeZ àUmbrgmR>r dmnabr OmUmar à{VmZo H$moUVr? gwYmarV àUmbr à{VmZmMm dmna VwÀ¶m dJ©AZwXoeZm gmR>r H$gm H$amb Vo ñnîQ> H$am? àíZ 5) AZwXoeZ àUmbrgmR>r V§ÌkmZmMm Cn¶moJ H$gm H$amb? ñd¶§ AZwXoeZ gm{h˶ {dH$gZmÀ¶m nm¶è¶m CXmhaUmg{hV ñnï> H$am. [12] qH$dm AZwXoeZ àUmbrÀ¶m yë¶mnZmgmR>r nwT>rb à{VmZm§Mm Cn¶moJ ñnï> H$am. A) e¡j{UH$ {ZU©¶mËH$ à{VmZ ~) ybJmr yë¶mnZ à{VmZ àíZ 6) nwT>rb àíZm§Mr WmoS>³¶mV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVo hr Mma) A) AZwXoeZ àUmbrgmR>r V§ÌkmZ {ZdS>rMr VÎdo H$moUVr? ~) AZwXoeZ àUmbrMo KQ>H$ CXmhaUmg{hV ñnï> H$am. H$) g§JUH$ ghmpæ¶V AZwXoeZ H$m¶©{ZVrMo ñdê$n ñnîQ> H$am. S>) Am°ZbmB©Z AZwXoeZ A{^H$ën H$gm V¶ma H$amb. B) AZwXoeZ gm{h˶mMr d¡YVm R>a{dʶm H$arVm "joÌMmMUr' H$er Cn¶w³V R>aVo? $) AZwXoeZ gm{h˶mÀ¶m d¡YVoMr JaO ñnï> H$am. ddd [4751] - 4 -4- [16] Total No. of Questions : 3] P1676 SEAT No. : [Total No. of Pages : 13 [4751] - 5 B.Ed. (General) (Paper - V) EDUCATIONAL EVALUATION AND ELECTIVES (Section -I i.e. Educational Evaluation is Compulsory for all and Section - II will be any one elective) (2008 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80 Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Answers of the two sections (subjects) should be written in seperate answer - books. 3) For all students, Section - I is compulsory. i.e. Educational Evaluation. From electives, student can select any one elective and write answers in a separate answer book. 4) Figures to the right hand of the questions indicate marks. 5) Students should follow the given word limit: Long answer 300 to 350 words, short answer 130 to 150 words. 6) In any situation, students will not be provided extra supplements. 7) Only the use of single memory calculator is allowed. 1) gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo A{Zdm¶© Amho. XmoZ {d^mJm§Mr ({df¶) CÎmao ñdV§Ì CÎman{ÌHo$V {bhmdrV. {d^mJ-1 åhUOo e¡j{UH$ yë¶mnZ gdmªZm A{Zdm¶© Amho. {d^mJ-2 Yrb {ZdS>boë¶m d¡H$pënH$ {df¶mMr CÎmao ñdV§Ì CÎman{ÌHo$V {bhmdrV. àíZm§À¶m COdrH$S>rb A§H$ àíZm§Mo nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV. CÎmamgmR>rÀ¶m Imbrb eãX¶m©Xm nmimì¶mV. {XKm}Îmar 300 Vo 350 eãX, bKwÎmar 130 Vo 150 eãX AmnUmg {Xboë¶m CÎman{ÌH$m§{edm¶ BVa nwadUr {iUma Zmhr. AmH$S>omoS>rgmR>r EH$M ñ¥Vr Agbobo JUH$¶§Ì dmnaʶmg nadmZJr Amho. gyMZm : 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) P.T.O. EDUCATIONAL EVALUATION & ELECTIVES (Paper - V) [Max. Marks : 40 SECTION - I Q1) What do you mean by Continuous Remedial Evaluation Procedure and Grading System? How will you use them in your daily teaching to evaluate the students?[12] OR Write Dr. Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational objectives. Illustrate how will you fulfill the objectives of Affective Domain in your daily teaching. Q2) a) Calculate Mode from the following frequency distribution. [Given : Mdn = 86.3] [8] Class 120-129 110-119 100-109 90-99 80-89 70-79 60-69 50-5940-49 Interval Frequency 7 11 14 20 25 17 13 09 04 b) Explain the causes of Kurtosis. [4] OR a) Compute Quartile Deviation for the following frequency distribution. Class 95-99 90-94 85-89 80-84 75-79 70-74 65-69 60-64 Interval Frequency 1 2 4 9 15 11 7 1 b) Explain the types of correlation with suitable examples. Q3) Answer any four of the following: [16] a) What is a Rating Scale? prepare a rating scale with four criteria for evaluating the students practical skills in science. b) c) d) Explain the meaning and importance of Educational Evaluation. Which precautions will you take while writing specifications for an educational objective? Illustrate. Write a note on 'Blue Print'. e) f) Suggest any four measures to increase the objectivity of a test. Compare Histogram and Frequency Polygon. (Any 4 points) [4751] - 5 ddd 2 e¡j{UH$ yë¶mnZ d d¡H$pënH$ (nona - V) [EHy$U JwU : 40 {d^mJ - I àíZ 1) gmV˶nyU© ({Za§Va) CnMmamËH$ yë¶mnZ nX²YV d loUr nX²YV åhUOo H$m¶? ˶m§Mm X¡Z§{XZ AܶmnZmV {dXçm϶mªMo yë¶mnZ H$aʶmgmR>r Vwåhr H$gm Cn¶moJ H$amb? [12] qH$dm S>m°. ãby ¶m§Mo e¡j{UH$ C{X²Xï>m§Mo dJuH$aU {bhm. ^mdmËH$ joÌmVrb C{X²ï>ço X¡Z§{XZ AܶmnZmVyZ Vwåhr H$go gmܶ H$amb Vo CXmhaUmgh ñnï> H$am. àíZ 2) A) Imbr {Xboë¶m dma§dm[aVm gmaUrdê$Z ~hþbH$ H$mT>m. (ܶm§H$ = 86.3) [8] dJmªVao 120-129 110-119 100-109 90-99 80-89 70-79 60-69 50-5940-49 dma§dm[aVm 7 11 14 20 25 17 13 09 04 ~) {eIaXmofmMr H$maUo ñnï> H$am. [4] qH$dm A) Imbr {Xboë¶m dma§dm[aVm gmaUrdê$Z MVwW©H$ {dMbZ H$mT>m. dJmªVao 95-99 90-94 85-89 80-84 75-79 70-74 65-69 60-64 dma§dm[aVm 1 2 4 9 15 11 7 1 ~) àíZ 3) ghg§~§YmMo àH$ma gmoXmhaU ñnï> H$am. Imbrbn¡H$s H$moU˶mhr Mma àíZm§Mr WmoS>³¶mV CÎmao {bhm. [16] A) nX²{ZíM¶Z loUr åhUOo H$m¶? {dXçm϶mªMo {dkmZmVrb àm˶{jH$ H$m¡eë¶m§Mo yë¶mnZ H$aʶmgmR>r Mma {ZH$fmgmR>r nX²{ZíM¶Z loUr V¶ma H$am. ~) e¡j{UH$ yë¶mnZmMm AW© d hÎd ñnîQ> H$am. H$) e¡j{UH$ C{X²Xï>m§Mr ñnîQ>rH$aUo {b{hVm§Zm Vwåhr H$moUVr H$miOr ¿¶mb? CXmhaUmgh ñnîQ> H$am. S>) {Q>n {bhm - "g§{dYmZ V³Vm' B) MmMUrMr dñVw{Zð>Vm dmT>{dʶmgmR>r Mma Cnm¶¶moOZm gyMdm. $) ñV§^mboI d dma§dm[aVm ~hþ^yO ¶m§Mr VwbZm H$am. (H$moUVohr Mma wX²Xo) ddd [4751] - 5 3 P.T.O. INTRODUCTION TO GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING IN SCHOOL (Elective) (Paper - V) [Max. Marks : 40 SECTION - II Q1) Explain Personal, Educational and Vocational Guidance with the help of following points: [12] a) Concept b) Need c) Role of School OR What is Guidance? Explain any four principles of Guidance. How will you use these principles for Vocational Guidance for students? Q2) Explain the difference between Indivisual Counselling and Group Counselling. How will you use both kind of Counselling at school level. Explain with an example. [12] OR What is Counselling? Explain the qualities of good counsellor with suitable examples. Q3) Answer any four of the following: [16] a) Explain the need of Directive Counselling. b) State the role of school in guidance. c) Write the importance of Rating scale as a guidance tool. d) Write the importance of Discussion Technique in counselling. e) What are the limitations of observation technique in guidance. f) Explain the importance of follow up service in counselling. ddd [4751] - 5 4 embo¶ ì¶dñWoV mJ©Xe©Z d gwnXoeZmMr AmoiI (d¡H$pënH$) (nona - V) [EHy$U JwU : 40 {d^mJ - II àíZ 1) d¡¶{³VH$, e¡j{UH$ Am{U ì¶mdgm{¶H$ mJ©Xe©Z Imbrb wX²X¶m§À¶m AmYmao ñnï> H$am. [12] A) g§H$ënZm ~) JaO H$) emioMr ^y{H$m qH$dm mJ©Xe©Z åhUOo H$m¶? mJ©Xe©ZmMr H$moUVrhr Mma VÎdo ñnîQ> H$am. {dXçm϶m©À¶m ì¶mdgm{¶H$ mJ©Xe©ZmV ¶m VÎdm§Mm Cn¶moJ H$gm H$amb Vo ñnï> H$am. àíZ 2) d¡¶{³VH$ gwnXoeZ d gyh gwnXoeZ ¶mVrb $aH$ ñnï> H$am. XmoÝhr gwnXoeZ nÜXVtMm embo¶ ñVamda Cn¶moJ H$gm H$amb? [12] qH$dm gwnXoeZ åhUOo H$m¶? Mm§Jë¶m gwnXoeH$mMr JwUd¡{eï>o gmoXmhaU ñnï> H$am. àíZ 3) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moU˶mhr Mma àíZm§Mr WmoS>³¶mV CÎmao {bhm. A) {ZX}{eV gwnXoeZmMr JaO ñnîQ> H$am. ~) mJ©Xe©ZmVrb emioMr ^y{H$m {deX H$am. H$) mJ©Xe©ZmMo gmYZ åhUyZ nX{ZíM¶Z loUrMo hÎd {bhm. S>) MMm© V§ÌmMo gwnXoeZmVrb hÎd gm§Jm. B) mJ©Xe©ZmVrb {ZarjU V§ÌmÀ¶m ¶m©Xm H$moU˶m? $) AZwYmdZ H$m¶m©Mo gwnXoeZmVrb hÎd ñnîQ> H$am. [16] ddd [4751] - 5 5 P.T.O. POPULATION EDUCATION AND ADULT EDUCATION (Elective - II) (Paper - V) [Max. Marks : 40 Q1) Explain the problems of population in India. How will you implement the remedies through school education? [12] OR What is the role of educational institutes in Adult Education? How will you play this role through your teaching subject? Q2) Explain concept and need of population Education and State its objectives.[12] OR What is Androgogy? What are knowle's Assumptions of this theory? How do you use these assumptions to impart education to adult? Q3) Write short notes (Any Four) a) High population and environment problems. [16] b) c) Lifelong Learning. Objectives of Adult Education. d) Human Resource Development (HRD) and qualities of population in India. Literate society and development. Life skills education. e) f) ddd [4751] - 5 6 bmoH$g§»¶m {ejU Am{U àm¡T> {ejU (d¡H$pënH$ - 2) (nona - 5) [EHy$U JwU 40 {d^mJ - II àíZ 1) ^maVmVrb bmoH$g§»¶oÀ¶m gñ¶m ñnï> H$am. embo¶ {ejUmÀ¶m mܶmVyZ ˶mdarb Cnm¶¶moOZmMr A§b~OmdUr H$er H$amb. [12] qH$dm embo¶ g§ñWmMr àm¡T> {ejUmVrb ^y{H$m H$moUVr? Vwåhr {eH${dV Agboë¶m {df¶mÀ¶m mܶmVyZ hr ^y{H$m H$er nma nmS>mb. àíZ 2) bmoH$g§»¶m {ejUmMr g§H$ënZm d JaO ñnï> H$ê$Z ˶m {ejUmMr C{Ôï>ço gm§Jm. [12] qH$dm àm¡T>m§Mo Aܶ¶Zemó åhUOo H$m¶? Zmob>(knowle)Mr àm¡T> {ejUmMr J¥hrV VÎdo H$moUVr? hçm VÎdm§Mm àm¡T> {ejU XoʶmgmR>r H$gm Cn¶moJ H$amb. àíZ 3) Q>rnm {bhm. (H$moU˶mhr Mma) A) dmT>Vr bmoH$g§»¶m Am{U n¶m©daU gñ¶m ~) AmOrdZ {ejU H$) àm¡T> {ejUmMr C{Ôï>ço S>) ^maVr¶ bmoH$g§»¶oMr JwUdÎmm Am{U mZdr g§gmYZ {dH$mg B) gmja gmO Am{U {dH$mg $) OrdZ H$m¡eë¶o {ejU [16] ddd [4751] - 5 7 P.T.O. INTRODUCTION TO EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH (Elective) (P5 S2) [Max. Marks : 40 Q1) What is Historical method of research? Explain it's nature & steps in detail.[12] OR What is an Interview? How it is useful in Educational Research? What precautions will you take during interview? Add a note on merits & limitations of interview. Q2) What is Sample? What are the characteristics of a good sample? Explain Non-probability method of sampling. [12] OR What is the need of Research praposal to the researcher? Write the steps of research praposal with suitable example. Q3) Answer the following (Any Four) [16] a) What is Bibliography? Explain how to write a reference of a book with one example. b) c) What is Educational Research? Explain its Characteristics. Explain the concept of Fundamental Research & Applied Research. d) e) f) Explain any two areas of Educational Research. Explain characteristics of Experimental Research. Explain data analysis tools. ddd [4751] - 5 8 e¡j{UH$ g§emoYZmMr AmoiI (Elective) (P5 S2) [EHy$U JwU : 40 àíZ 1) Eo{Vhm{gH$ g§emoYZ nÕVr åhUOo H$m¶? {VMo ñdê$n d nm¶è¶m g{dñVa ñnï> H$am. [12] qH$dm wbmIV åhUOo H$m¶? e¡j{UH$ g§emoYZmV wbmIV H$em àH$mao Cn¶moJr R>aVo? wbmIV KoVm§Zm Vwåhr H$moUVr H$miOr ¿¶mb? wbmIVrMo $m¶Xo d ¶m©Xm ¶mda {Q>n {bhm. àíZ 2) ZwZm åhUOo H$m¶? Mm§Jë¶m ZwݶmMr d¡{eîQ>ço H$moUVr? Ag§^mì¶Vm ZwZm {ZdS>rMo àH$ma ñnï> H$am. [12] qH$dm g§emoYH$mbm g§emoYZ AmamIS>çmMr JaO H$m¶ Amho? g§emoYZ AmamIS>m boIZmÀ¶m nm¶è¶m gmoXmhaU {bhm. àíZ 3) Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>³¶mV CÎmao {bhm. (H$moUVohr Mma) [16] A) g§X^©gyMr åhUOo H$m¶? nwñVH$mÀ¶m g§X^m©Mo boIZ H$em àH$mao H$aVmV Vo EH$m CXmhaUmg§h ñnîQ> H$am. ~) e¡j{UH$ g§emoYZ åhUOo H$m¶? e¡j{UH$ g§emoYZmMr d¡{eï>ço ñnï> H$am. H$) yb^yV g§emoYZ d Cn¶mo{OV g§emoYZ ¶m g§H$ënZm ñnîQ> H$am. S>) e¡j{UH$ g§emoYZmMr H$moUVrhr XmoZ joÌo ñnï> H$am. B) àm¶mo{JH$ g§emoYZmMr d¡{eîQ>ço ñnîQ> H$am. $) m{hVrÀ¶m {díbofUmMr gmYZo ñnï> H$am. ddd [4751] - 5 9 P.T.O. HEALTH PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND YOG A P4 (Elective) Time : 2 Hrs] [Max. Marks : 40 Q1) Write different factors of Physical fitness and explain Importance or benifits of doing Physical fitness. [12] OR Define health and explain in detail the dimentions of health. Q2) What is physical education? Discuss the need and importance of physical education in school education. [12] OR Write meaning and types of yoga and write any ten yogasanas and its Importance. Q3) Write short notes (any four) a) Suryanamaskar [16] b) c) Scope of Physical Education Balanced diet d) e) f) Objectives of Physical Education. Any one test for measuring physical fitness factor Pranayama ddd [4751] - 5 10 HEALTH PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND YOGA P4 (Elective) [EHy$U JwU : 40 àíZ 1) emar[aH$ gwÑT>VoMo {d{dY KQ>H$ {bhÿZ emar[aH$ gwÑT>Vm Ho$ë¶mwio {iUmao $m¶Xo AWdm hËd ñnîQ> H$am. [12] qH$dm Amamo½¶mMr ì¶m»¶m {bhÿZ Amamo½¶mMr n[amUo g{dñVa ñnï> H$am. àíZ 2) emar[aH$ {ejU åhUOo H$m¶? embo¶ {ejUmV emar[aH$ {ejUmMr JaO Am{U hÎd ¶mMr MMm© H$am. [12] qH$dm ¶moJmMm AW© Am{U àH$ma {bhÿZ H$moUVohr Xhm ¶moJmgZo {bhÿZ ˶m§Mo hËd {bhm. àíZ 3) Q>rnm {bhm (H$moU˶mhr Mma) A) gy¶©ZñH$ma ~) emar[aH$ {ejUmMr ì¶már H$) gVmob Amhma S>) emar[aH$ {ejUmMr C{XîQ>ço B) emar[aH$ gwÑT>VoVrb H$moU˶mhr EH$m KQ>H$mMr EH$ H$gmoQ>r $) àmUm¶m [16] ddd [4751] - 5 11 P.T.O. ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT (Elective) (Paper - V) [Max. Marks : 40 SECTION - II Q1) What is Environment Education? State the need of Environment Education. Explain with Example. How will you transfarm Environment Education through teaching of the school subject? [12] OR Which things should be remembered for implementation of rescue of victims? How will you manage for rescue of students? When there is fire in Laboratory on Second Floor of the school building? Q2) What do you mean by air pollution? What are the various reasons of air pollution? Explain with examples how will you reduce air pollution? [12] OR Explain in detail causes and effects of a disaster, How will you manage for disaster preparedness to rescue from various types of disasters? Explain with example. [16] Q3) Answer any four of the following : a) Explain disaster management cycle. b) Which activity will you organize, to aware the student about water pollution? c) d) Explain the nature of solid waste material produced in home, farms, industries and medical area. What do you mean by environmental balance? Explain. e) f) How should every family prepare itself to face disaster? What sort of training is given to people working for relief from disaster? ddd [4751] - 5 12 n¶m©daU {ejU Am{U AmnÎmr ì¶dñWmnZ (d¡H$pënH$) (nona - V) [EHy$U JwU : 40 {d^mJ - II àíZ 1) n¶m©daU {ejU åhUOo H$m¶? n¶m©daU {ejUmMr JaO {bhm. Vwåhr AܶmnZ H$aV Agboë¶m embo¶ {df¶mVyZ n¶m©daU {ejU H$go XoVm ¶oB©b Vo ñnîQ> H$am. [12] qH$dm AmnX²J«ñVm§À¶m gwQ>H$m H$m¶m©Mr A§b~OmdUr H$aVmZm H$moU˶m Jmoï>r bjmV R>odmì¶mV? VwÀ¶m emioÀ¶m BmaVr{Yb Xÿgè¶m Oë¶mdarb à¶moJ emioV AMmZH$ AmJ bmJë¶mg {dXçm϶m©À¶m gwQ>Ho$gmR>r H$go ì¶dñWmnZ H$amb? àíZ 2) dm¶y àXÿfU åhUOo H$m¶? dm¶y àXÿfUmMr {d{dY H$maUo H$moUVr? dm¶y àXÿfU H$go H$r H$amb [12] Vo gmoXmhaU ñnï> H$am. qH$dm AmnÎmrMr H$maUo d n[aUm g{dñVa ñnîQ> H$am. {d{dY àH$maÀ¶m AmnÎmrnmgyZ ~Mmd H$aʶmgmR>r Vyåhr AmnÎmrnyd© {Z¶moOZ H$go H$amb. Vo CXmgh ñnï> H$am. àíZ 3) nwT>rb n¡H$s H$moU˶mhr Mma àíZm§Mr CÎmao WmoS>³¶mV {bhm. [16] A) AmnÎmrH$mbrZ MH«$ ñnîQ> H$am. ~) {dXçm϶mªZm ObàXÿfU {df¶r Om{Ud OmJ¥VrgmR>r Vwåhr H$moUVo CnH«$ am~dmb? H$) Ka, eoVr, H$maImZo, Amamo½¶joÌ ¶m {R>H$mUr V¶ma hmoUmè¶m KZ H$Mè¶mMo ñdê$n ñnîQ> H$am. S>) n¶m©daU gVmob åhUOo H$m¶? ñnï> H$am. B) à˶oH$ Hw$Qy§~mZo AmnÎmrbm gmmoao OmʶmgmR>r H$moUVr V¶mar H$amdr? $) AmnÎmrVyZ gwQ>Ho$gmR>r H$m¶© H$aUmè¶m H$m¶©H$˶mªZm H$moU˶m àH$maMo à{ejU {Xbo OmVo. ddd [4751] - 5 13 Total No. of Questions : 3] SEAT No. : P1707 [Total No. of Pages : 21 [4751]-6 B.Ed. (Part - I) (General) EDUCATION (Paper - VI) (Marathi, English, Hindi, Sanskrit, Urdu, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, Economics, Commerce, Information Technology) (2008 Pattern) Time :3 Hours] [Max. Marks :80 Instructions to the candidates: gyMZm : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Answers to the two subjects should be written in separate answer books. 3) Figures to the right of the questions indicate marks. 4) Write answers of question nos. 1 and 2 in about 350 words each. 5) Write answer of question no. 3 in about 150 words. 6) Students should strictly follow word limit while writing answers. 7) No supplements will be provided to the students. 1) gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo A{Zdm`© Amho. 2) XmoZ {df`m§Mr CÎmao ñdV§Ì CÎma n{ÌHo$V {bhmdrV. 3) àíZm§À`m COdrH$S>rb A§H$ àíZm§Mo nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV. 4) àíZ H«$_m§H$ 1 d 2 Mr CÎmao àË`oH$s 350 eãXm§n`ªV {bhmdrV. 5) àíZ H«$_m§H$ 3 Mo CÎma 150 eãXm§n`ªV {bhmdo. 6) {dXçmÏ`mªZr CÎmamgmR>r {Xbobr eãX_`m©Xm H$Q>mjmZo nmimdr. 7) H$moUË`mhr narpñWVrV {dXçmÏ`mªZm nwadUr {_iUma Zmhr. P.T.O. _amR>r {ejU [EHy$U JwU : 40 à. 1) gm§{KH$ AܶmnZ åhUOo H$m¶? gm§{KH$ AܶmnZmMr d¡{eï>ço gm§JZy ˶mMo Aܶ¶Z - AܶmnZmVrb ’$m¶Xo ñnï> H$am. gm§{KH$ AܶmnZmgmR>r H$moUVr H$miOr ¿¶mdr Vo ^mfm{ejH$mÀ¶m ^y{‘Ho$VyZ gm§Jm. [12] > qH$dm Ame¶{díbofUmMr JaO ñnîQ> H$ê$Z ˶mMr CX²{Xï>o {bhm. Ame¶{díbofU H$aVmZm H$moUH$moU˶m ~m~tMm {dMma H$amdm bmJVmo. Vo ‘mܶ{‘H$ ñVamdarb EH$m KQ>H$mÛmao ñnï> H$am. à.2) ‘amR>r {df¶{ejH$mÀ¶m A§Jr H$moUH$moUVr JwUd¡{eï>ço AgmdrV? {dXçm϶mªÀ¶m ì¶{º$‘Îd {dH$mgmÀ¶m ÑîQ>rZo ‘amR>r {df¶mÀ¶m AZwf§JmZo {ejH$ åhUyZ H$moUH$moUVo {deof CnH«$‘ am~{dVm ¶oVrb Vo gmoXmhaU {bhm. [12] > qH$dm CX²Jm‘r d AdJm‘r nX²YVr åhUOo H$m¶? ¶m nX²YVrMr d¡{eîQ>ço {bhm. "‘mܶ{‘H$ ñVamda' ì¶mH$aUmMo AܶmnZ H$aVmZm ¶m nX²YVtMm dmna Vwåhr H$gm H$amb Vo gmoXmhaU {bhm. à.3) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moU˶mhr Mma àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm. [16] A) ‘amR>r {df¶mÀ¶m g§aMZoMo AܶmnZmVrb ‘hÎd gmoXmhaU {bhm. ~) ‘mV¥^mfm ‘amR>rMo ñWmZ C§MmdʶmgmR>r {H$‘mZ AmR> ^m{fH$ CnH«$‘ gwMdm. H$) Ame¶¶wº$ AܶmnZmÀ¶m nm¶è¶m§À¶m Cn¶moJ AܶmnZmV H$gm H$amb? S>) ‘mV¥^mfm ‘amR>rÀ¶m AܶmnZmV CnMmamË‘H$ AܶmnZmMr JaO gmoXmhaU ñnï> H$am. B) ‘mV¥^mfm ‘amR>rÀ¶m ‘w붑mnZmV ‘m¡{IH$ narjoMr JaO ñnï> H$ê$Z Vr narjm KoVmZm {ejH$ åhUyyZ Vwåhr H$moUVr H$miOr ¿¶mb? ’$) H$moUVohr XmoZ Jm^mKQ>H$ X¡Z§{XZ AܶmnZmVyZ H$go gmܶ H$amb? gmoXmhaU {bhm. [4751]-6 2 ENGLISH EDUCATION [Max. Marks : 40 Q1) Explain the role of English language. Which principles of English language will you prefer for teaching English? How? [12] OR Explain the nature of C. C. M. Which steps will you follow in C. C. M. Workshop? Q2) Explain the nature of Direct Method. Which activities will you organise for teaching by Direct Method? [12] OR What is Audio-Visual Aids? How will you use audio-visual aids for teaching English prose? Write suitable example. Q3) Write the answer of following questions (any four) : [16] a) Explain the process of evaluation of prose. b) Explain the qualities of good English teacher. c) Explain the methods for developing writing skill. d) Write any two values, explain any two activities to inculcate them. e) Which activities will you organise for developing speaking skill? f) Which steps will you follow for content analysis? [4751]-6 3 P.T.O. qhXr {ejU [EHy$U JwU : 40 à.1) {hÝXr {ejm ‘| AܶmnZ gyÌmo H$m Cn¶moJ {H$g àH$ma H$amoJo gmoXmhaU ñnï> H$s{OE& [12] AWdm {hÝXr ^mfm g§aMZm H$s {deofVm ~VmVo hþE gm{hp˶H$ {dYm Ho$ AZwgma {hÝXr ^mfm g§aMZm ~ZmBE& à.2) ‘mܶ{‘H$ ñVa na ‘yë¶ g§ñH$ma hoVy {d{dY N>h nmR>çH«$‘mZwdVu H$m¶©H«$‘m| H$m Am¶moOZ {H$g àH$ma H$amoJo& [12] AWdm {hÝXr AܶmnH$ Ho$ JyU{deof ~VmVo hþE {hÝXr H$m Hw$eb AܶmnH$ ~ZZo Ho$ {bE Amn H$m¡Z-H$m¡Z go à¶mg H$amoJo& à.3) {ZåZ{b{IV _| go {H$Ýht Mma Cn-àíZm| Ho$ CÎma {b{IE : A) amîQ´>^mfm {ejm Ho$ gm‘mݶ CX²Xoí¶ {b{IE& ~) {hÝXr ì¶mH$aU AܶmnZ H$mo amoMH$ ~ZmZo Ho$ {bE H$m¡Zgr nX²Y{V H$m Cn¶moJ H$amoJo& H$) {ejm ghm¶H$ gmYZm| H$m à¶moJ H$aVo g‘¶ H$m¡Zgr gmdYm{Z¶m± ~aVmoJo? S>) Ame¶¶w³V AܶmnZ nX²Y{V H$s Amdí¶H$Vm ñnï> H$s{OE& B) g‘Vm Am¡a d¡km{ZH$ Ñ{ï>H$moZ BZ H|${ж VÎdm| na AmYm[aV Xmo nmR>m| H$s MMm© H$s{OE& \$) {ZXmZmË‘H$ Ed§ CnMmamË‘H$ AܶmnZ H$s Amdí¶H$Vm ñnï> H$s{OE& [4751]-6 4 [16] SANSKRIT EDUCATION [Max. Marks : 40 Q1) What are the norms of ideal textbook? Evaluate 9th STD Sanskrit textbook as per the norms of ideal textbook. [12] OR Which are various methods of Sanskrit teaching? Illustrate the Bhandarkar method of Sanskrit teaching with examples. Q2) What is Structure? Explain the need of structure of Sanskrit with examples.[12] OR What is content cum methodology? Write down the nature of content cum methodology for Sanskrit with examples. Q3) Solve any four of the following : [16] a) Write down the nature of content analysis in brief. b) How is the value of equality of gender reflected in 8th STD textbook of Sanskrit? c) Explain the place of Sanskrit in school-curriculum. d) Write down the objectives of classroom teaching of Sanskrit in brief. e) How does the value of Neatness reflect in 9th STD textbook of Sanskrit? f) Prepare two Questions to test how far the linguistic skill of Sanskrit acquired by student. [4751]-6 5 P.T.O. g§ ñ H¥ $ V - {ejU [EHy$U JwU : 40 à.1) AmXe© nmR²>`nwñVH$mMo {ZH$f H$moUVo? B. 9 dr À¶m (ZddrÀ¶m) g§ñH¥$V nmR²>çnwñVH$mMo AmXe© nmR²>çnwñVH$mÀ¶m {ZH$fm§À¶m AmYmao ‘y붑mnZ H$am. [12] qH$dm g§ñH¥$V AÜ`mnZmÀ`m {d{dY AܶmnZ nÜXVr H$moUË`m? ^m§S>maH$a nÜXVr gmoXmhaU ñnï> H$am. à.2) g§aMZm åhUOo H$m¶? g§ñH¥$V {df¶mÀ¶m g§aMZoMr Amdí¶H$Vm gmoXmhaU ñnï> H$am. [12] qH$dm Ame¶¶w³V AܶmnZ nÜXVr åhUOo H$m¶? g§ñH¥$V {df¶mÀ¶m Ame¶¶w³V AܶmnZmMo ñdê$n gmoXmhaU {bhm. à.3) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVohr Mma àíZ gmoS>dm : [16] A) KQ>H$ {dûcofUmMo ñdê$n WmoS>³¶mV {bhm. ~) B. 8 dr À`m g§ñH¥$V nmR²>`nwñVH$mV "ór-nwê$f g‘mZVm' ho _yë` H$go à{Vq~{~V Pmbo Amho. H$) g§ñH¥$V {df¶mMo embo¶ Aä¶mgH«$‘mVrb ñWmZ ñnï> H$am. S>) g§ñH¥$V {df¶mÀ¶m dJm©Ü¶mnZmMr C{Ôï>o WmoS>³¶mV {bhm. B) B. 9 dr À`m g§ñH¥$V nmR²>`nwñVH$mV "ZrQ>ZoQ>Ho$nUm' ho _yë` H$go à{Vq~{~V Pmbo Amho. ’$) g§ñH¥$V {df¶mMo ^m{fH$ H$m¡eë¶ {dÚm϶m©Zo {H$VnV àmá Ho$bo Amho, ho VnmgUmao XmoZ àíZ V¶ma H$am. [4751]-6 6 P.T.O. 7 [4751]-6 MATHEMATICS EDUCATION [Max. Marks : 40 Q1) Prepare a brief lesson plan for teaching "Laws of indices" using InductiveDeductive method. (Select any one law) What are the advantages and limitations of this method of teaching mathematics? [12] OR Explain the syntax of 'Advance Organizer' model with the help of suitable example Enlist the advantages of using Advance Organizer model for teaching mathematics. Q2) Analyze the content of the unit "Graphs" with the help of following points.[12] a) Concepts b) Methods of teaching c) Teaching aids d) Evaluation OR How will you use 'IT based approach' of pedagogical analysis in mathematics teaching? Illustrate your answer using suitable example. How does this approach help for better learning of students? Q3) Answer any four of the following : [16] a) Explain the necessity of establishing correlation of mathematics with different branches of science. b) Explain the scope of mathematics in secondary school curriculum. c) What is the need of mathematics laboratory in teaching of mathematics? d) Prepare a brief unit plan for the unit "Trignometry" of class IX. e) It is found that percentage of students failing in mathematics is more. What measures will you suggest to reduce this percentage of failure? f) What is the need of remedial teaching in mathematics education? [4751]-6 8 J{UV {ejU [EHy$U JwU: 40 à.1) "KmVm§H$mMo {Z¶‘' hm KQ>H$ CX²Jm‘r-AdJm‘r nÜXVrZo {eH${dʶmgmR>r nmR> {Z¶moOZ V¶ma H$am. (H$moUVmhr EH$ {Z¶‘ {ZdS>m.) ¶m J{UV AܶmnZ nÜXVrMo ’$m¶Xo d ‘¶m©Xm H$m¶? [12] qH$dm ¶mo½¶ CXmhaUmÀ¶mÛmao "AJ«V g§KQ>H$ à{V‘mZmMm' nX~§Y ñnï> H$am. J{UV AܶmnZmV AJ«V g§KQ>H$ à{V‘mZ dmnaʶmMo ’$m¶Xo {bhm. à.2) ""AmboI'' ¶m KQ>H$mMo Ame¶ {díbofU nwT>rb ‘wX²X¶m§À¶m AmYmao H$am. A) g§H$ënZm ~) AܶmnZ nÜXVr H$) e¡j{UH$ gmYZo S>) ‘y붑mnZ [12] qH$dm J{UVmÀ¶m AܶmnZmV, AܶmnZ emór¶ {díbofUmMm ""‘m{hVr V§ÌkmZm{Y{ð>V Ñï>rH$moZ' H$gm dmnamb ho gmoXmhaU ñnï> H$am. {dXçm϶mªÀ¶m à^mdr Aܶ¶ZmgmR>r hm Ñï>rH$moZ H$em àH$mao ‘XV H$aVmo? à.3) nwT>rbn¡H$s H$moUË`mhr Mma àíZm§Mr CÎmao WmoS>Š`mV {bhm. [16] A) J{UV {df¶mMm {dkmZmÀ¶m {d{dY emIm§er g‘dm¶ gmYʶmMr JaO ñnï> H$am. ~) ‘mܶ{‘H$ embo¶ Aä¶mgH«$‘mVrb J{UV {df¶mMr ì¶már ñnï> H$am. H$) J{UVmÀ¶m AܶmnZmV J{UV à¶moJemioMr H$m¶ JaO Amho? S>) ""{ÌH$moU{‘Vr'' ¶m B¶Îmm 9 dr À¶m nmR>çm§emgmR>r KQ>H$ {Z¶moOZ WmoS>³¶mV V¶ma H$am. B) J{UV {df¶mV ZmnmgmMo à‘mU OmñV Amho Ago {XgyZ ¶oVo. ho Zmnmg hmoʶmMo à‘mU H$‘r H$aʶmgmR>r Cnm¶ gwMdm. \$) J{UV {ejUmV "CnMmamË‘H$ AܶmnZmMr' H$m¶ JaO Amho? [4751]-6 9 P.T.O. SCIENCE EDUCATION [Max. Marks :40 Q1) a) b) What is correlation? What are different types of correlation. [4] Explain with examples the correlation of science subject with Mathematics, Geography, Drawing and History. [8] OR Which are criteria of Good Text Book? Evaluate any one science Text Book of VI. to X std. According to the same criteria. Q2) a) Differentiate between Achievement Test and Diagnostic Test (4 points). [4] b) Explain the concept of Remedial Teaching. Illustrate how will you use Remedial Teaching in Science Teaching? [8] OR Explain the steps of Inquiry Training Model with suitable example in science subject. Write the merits of Inquiry Training Model. Q3) Answer any four of the following : [16] a) Explain the steps of project method with examples. b) How Science Club is useful for increasing student's interest in science? c) Explain the concept and importance of Mastery Learning Approach. d) Explain value 'Scientific Attitude'. How will you inculcate this value while Teaching Science? e) Explain Unit Method and Concentric method of construction of curriculum with examples. f) Explain any four maxims of Teaching of Science with suitable examples. [4751]-6 10 {dkmZ {ejU [EHy$U JwU: 40 à.1) A) g‘dm¶ åhUOo H$m¶? g‘dm¶mMo {d{dY àH$ma H$moUVo? ~) [4] {dkmZ {df¶mMm-J{UV, ^yJmob, {MÌH$bm d B{Vhmg {df¶m§er g‘dm¶ H$gm gmYmb? Vo gmoXmhaU ñnï> H$am. [8] qH$dm Mm§Jë¶m nmR>çnyñVH$mMo {ZH$f H$moUVo? ¶m {ZH$fm§À¶m AmYmao B¶Îmm 6 dr Vo 10 dr n¶ªVÀ¶m {dkmZ {df¶mÀ¶m EH$m nmR>çnyñVH$mMo ‘y붑mnZ H$am. à.2) A) àm{dʶ MmMUr d Z¡Xm{ZH$ MmMUr ¶mVrb ’$aH$mMo Mma ‘wX²Xo {bhm. ~) [4] CnMmamË‘H$ AܶmnZmMr g§H$ënZm ñnï> H$ê$Z, {dkmZ AܶmnZmV CnMmamË‘H$ AܶmnZmMm H$gm Cn¶moJ H$amb Vo gmoXmhaU {bhm. [8] qH$dm n¥ÀN>m à{ejU à{V‘mZmÀ¶m nm¶è¶m, {dkmZ {df¶mVrb ¶mo½¶ CXmhaUmÀ¶m ghmæ¶mZo ñnï> H$am. ¶m à{V‘mZmMo ’$m¶Xo {bhm. à.3) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`mhr Mma àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm. [16] A) àH$ën nX²YVrÀ¶m nm¶è¶m gmoXmhaU ñnï> H$am. ~) {dXçm϶mªMr {dkmZ {df¶mVrb A{^ê$Mr dmT>{dʶmgmR>r {dkmZ ‘§S>imMm Cn¶moJ H$gm H$amb? H$) à^yËd Aܶ¶Z Ñï>rH$moZmMr g§H$ënZm d ‘hÎd {bhm. S>) ""d¡km{ZH$ Ñï>rH$moZ'' ho ‘yë¶ ñnï> H$am. {dkmZ AܶmnZmVyZ ho ‘yë¶ H$go ê$Odmb. B) Aä¶mgH«$‘ aMZoMr KQ>H$nX²YV d g‘H|$Ðr nX²YV gmoXmhaU ñnï> H$am. \$) {dkmZ AܶmnZmMr H$moUVohr Mma gyÌo gmoXmhaU ñnï> H$am. [4751]-6 11 P.T.O. HISTORY EDUCATION [Max. Marks :40 Q1) What are the various methods for the construction of curriculum of History? Explain the concentric method of curriculum construction with its merits and demerits. Give the examples of the units which are occurring in the curriculum with concentric method. [12] OR What is meant by correlation in teaching History? How will you correlate History with Geography, Art and Languages. Q2) State the importance of teaching aids in teaching History. Discuss with examples the use of audio and visual teaching aids in teaching History. [12] OR State the various methods of teaching History. Explain the nature of source method of teaching History. How will you use source method for teaching History at the secondary level? Q3) Answer any four of the following : [16] a) Write any four criteria of good text book of History. b) Explain the need of analysis of content. c) State the importance of History Room. d) Explain the need of unit planning. e) Explain the qualities of History Teacher. f) Write any four objectives of content-cum-methodology. [4751]-6 12 B{Vhmg {ejU [EHy$U JwU: 40 à.1) B{Vhmg Aä¶mgH«$‘ aMZoÀ¶m {d{dY nÜXVr H$moU˶m? g‘H|$Ð nÜXVr {VÀ¶m JwUXmofm§gh ñnï> H$am. B{VhmgmÀ¶m Aä¶mgH«$‘mV H$moUH$moUVo KQ>H$ g‘H|$Ð nÜXVrZo Ambo AmhoV? H$mhr CXm. {bhm. [12] qH$dm B{Vhmg AܶmnZmV g‘dm¶ åhUOo H$m¶? B{Vhmg {df¶mMm ^yJmob, H$bm Am{U ^mfm ¶m {df¶m§er g‘dm¶ H$gm gmYmb? à.2) B{Vhmg AܶmnZmV "e¡j{UH$ gmYZm§Mo' ‘hÎd gm§Jm. B{Vhmg AܶmnZmV ÑH$-lmì¶ e¡j{UH$ gmYZm§Mm Cn¶moJ CXm. gh ñnï> H$am. [12] qH$dm B{Vhmg AܶmnZmÀ¶m {d{dY nÜXVr gm§Jm. AܶmnZmÀ¶m AmYmanÜXVrMo ñdê$n ñnï> H$am. ‘mܶ{‘H$ ñVamda B{Vhmg {df¶ {eH${dʶmgmR>r AmYma nÜXVrMm dmna H$gm H$amb? à.3) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moU˶mhr Mma àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm. [16] A) B{VhmgmÀ¶m Mm§Jë¶m nmR>çnwñVH$mMo H$moUVohr Mma {ZH$f {bhm. ~) Ame¶ {díbofUmMr JaO ñnï> H$am. H$) B{Vhmg ImobrMo ‘hÎd ñnï> H$am. S>) KQ>H$ {Z¶moOZmMr JaO ñnï> H$am. B) B{Vhmg {df¶ {ejH$m§À¶m A§JMo JwUd¡{eï>ço ñnï> H$am. \$) Ame¶¶w³V AܶmnZ nÜXVrMr H$moUVrhr Mma C{Ôï>o {bhm. [4751]-6 13 P.T.O. GEOGRAPHY EDUCATION [Max. Marks :40 Q1) What is correlation? What are the different types of correlation? Explain correlation of Geography with school subjects with suitable examples. [12] OR What is content-cum-methodology? Explain the objectives of content-cummethodology along with its need and importance. Q2) What are the methods of teaching Geography? Explain the difference between Excursion Method and Journey Method. Explain the advantages and limitations of Project Method. [12] OR Explain the importance of teaching aids in teaching of Geography. As a teacher how will you make use of computer and model for teaching Geography, Explain it with suitable examples. Q3) Answer any four of the following : [16] a) Explain the points you will consider for year plan of Geography. b) Importance of Remedial Teaching in Geography c) Explain the importance of local Geography in teaching-learning of Geography. d) Explain concentric Method of Geography curriculum construction with suitable examples. e) Explain the concept and nature of 'Geography Evaluation'. f) Explain the Internal Criteria of a good Geography Textbook. [4751]-6 14 ^y J mo b {ejU [EHy$U JwU: 40 à.1) g‘dm¶ åhUOo H$m¶? g‘dm¶mMo {d{dY àH$ma gm§Jm. ^yJmobmMo AܶmnZ H$aVmZm Vwåhr embo¶ {df¶mer g‘dm¶ H$gm gmYmb Vo gmoXmhaU ñnï> H$am. [12] qH$dm Ame¶¶w³V AܶmnZ nÜXVr åhUOo H$m¶? Ame¶¶w³V AܶmnZ nÜXVrMr C{Ôï>o gm§JyZ JaO d ‘hËd ñnï> H$am. à.2) ^yJmobmÀ¶m {d{dY AܶmnZ nÜXVr H$moU˶m? ghb d àdmg nÜXVr ‘Yrb ’$aH$ ñnï> H$am. àH$ën nÜXVroMo ’$m¶Xo d ‘¶m©Xm g{dñVa ñnï> H$am. [12] qH$dm ^yJmob AܶmnZmV AܶmnZ gm{h˶m§Mo ‘hËd {deX H$am. {ejH$ åhUyZ ^yJmob {df¶mMo AܶmnZ H$aVmZm g§JUH$ d à{VH¥$Vr ¶m e¡j{UH$ gmYZm§Mm Vwåhr à^mdr dmna H$gm H$amb, gmoXmhaU ñnîQ> H$am. à.3) nwT>rb n¡H$s H$moUË`mhr Mmam§Mr WmoS>Š`mV CÎmao {bhm. [16] A) ^yJmob {df¶mMo dmfuH$ {Z¶moOZ H$aVmZm Vwåhr H$moUVo ‘wÔo {dMmamV ¿¶mb. ñnï> H$am. ~) ^wJmob {df¶mV CnMmamË‘H$ AܶmnZmMr Amdí¶H$Vm. H$) ^yJmob Aܶ¶Z d AܶmnZmVrb ñWm{ZH$ ^yJmobmMo ‘hËd {deX H$am. S>) ^yJmob Aä¶mgH«$‘ aMZoMr g‘H|$Ðr nÜXVr gmoXmhaU ñnï> H$am. B) "^yJmob ‘y붑mnZ' g§H$ënZm d ñdê$n ñnï> H$am. \$) Mm§Jë¶m ^yJmob nmR>ç nwñVH$mMo A§VJ©V {ZH$f ñnï> H$am. [4751]-6 15 P.T.O. ECONOMICS EDUCATION [Max. Marks :40 Q1) What is correlation? Explain the types of correlation. Explain the correlation of Economics with any three school subjects with example. [12] OR What are the various methods of teaching Economics? Explain 'InductiveDeductive Method' with the help of following points. a) Meaning and Nature b) Advantages c) Limitations d) Application in teaching of Economics. Q2) Explain the importance and types of Teaching aids. Which teaching aids will you use while teaching the unit 'Family Budget' at 9th std? Why? [12] OR Explain the meaning of content cum methodology. Write down objectives of content cum methodology. Describe need and importance of content cum methodology with suitable examples. Q3) Write any four of the following : [16] a) Explain the relation between syllabus and Text-book. b) Explain the need of content analysis. c) Explain the value 'Scientific Attitude'. Suggest two activities for inculcation of this value among your students. d) Explain the difference between 'Achievement Test' and 'Diagnostic Test'. e) Explain the place of Economics in school curriculum. f) Describe internal criterias of good Economics Text-book. [4751]-6 16 AW© e mó {ejU [EHy$U JwU: 40 à.1) g‘dm¶ åhUOo H$m¶? g‘dm¶mMo àH$ma ñnï> H$am. AW©emómMm H$moU˶mhr VrZ embo¶ {df¶m§er AgUmam g‘dm¶ gmoXmhaU ñnï> H$am. [12] qH$dm AW©emó AܶmnZmÀ¶m {d{dY nX²YVr H$moU˶m? Imbrb ‘wÚm§À¶m AmYmao CX²Jm‘r-AdJm‘r nX²YVrMo ñnï>rH$aU H$am. A) AW© d ñdê$n ~) ’$m¶Xo H$) ‘¶m©Xm S>) AW©emó AܶmnZmVrb Cn¶moOZ à.2) e¡j{UH$ gmYZm§Mo ‘hÎd d àH$ma ñnï> H$am B¶Îmm 9 dr bm "Hw$Q>§w~mMo A§XmOnÌH$' ¶m KQ>H$mMo AܶmnZ H$aVmZm Vwåhr H$moUVr e¡j{UH$ gmYZo dmnamb? H$m? [12] qH$dm "Ame¶¶w³V AܶmnZ nX²YVr' Mm AW© ñnï> H$am. Ame¶¶w³V AܶmnZ nX²YVrMr C{Ôï>o {bhm. Ame¶¶w³V AܶmnZ nX²YVrMr JaO d ‘hÎd ¶mo½¶ CXmhaUm§À¶m ghmæ¶mZo ñnï> H$am. à.3) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`mhr Mma àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm. [16] A) nmR>çH«$‘ d nmR>çnwñVH$ ¶mVrb g§~§Y ñnï> H$am. ~) Ame¶ {díbofUmMr JaO ñnï> H$am. H$) "d¡km{ZH$ Ñï>rH$moZ' ho ‘yë¶ ñnï> H$am. Vw‘À¶m {dÚm϶mª‘ܶo ho ‘yë¶ ê$O{dʶmgmR>r XmoZ CnH«$‘ gwMdm. S>) g§nmXZ MmMUr d Z¡Xm{ZH$ MmMUrVrb ’$aH$ ñnï> H$am. B) AW©emómMo embo¶ Aä¶mgH«$‘mVrb ñWmZ ñnï> H$am. \$) AW©emómÀ¶m Mm§Jë¶m nmR>ç nwñVH$mMo A§VJ©V {ZH$f ñnï> H$am. [4751]-6 17 P.T.O. COMMERCE EDUCATION [Max. Marks :40 Q1) What is 'Maxims of Teaching'? State the meaning of any four maxims of teaching. How will you use them in teaching of commerce? Explain with examples. [12] OR What are the internal and external criterians of a good commerce text-book? Evaluate any one of the XIth standard commerce text-book in the context of above criterians. Q2) What is meant by 'Structure'? State the characteristics of a structure. Prepare the structure for any one unit of XIth std. Commerce Subject. [12] OR Explain the meaning of 'Achievement test' and 'Diagnostic test'. Explain the remedial teaching in teaching of commerce with the help of minimum two examples. Q3) Answer any four of the following : [16] a) Which precautions will you take while using lecture method? Explain with examples. b) Explain the types of correlation. c) Explain any four characteristics of a good commerce teacher. d) Explain the importance of C.C.M., in teaching of commerce. e) Explain the need of 'Content Analysis', in teaching of commerce. f) Which activities will you implement for inculcating the value 'Neatness' among commerce students? Write about two activities in detail. [4751]-6 18 dm{UÁ` {ejU [EHy$U JwU: 40 à.1) "AܶmnZmMr gyÌo' åhUOo H$m¶? H$moU˶mhr Mma AܶmnZgyÌm§Mm AW© gm§JyZ dm{UÁ¶ AܶmnZmV ˶m§Mm H$gm Cn¶moJ H$amb? gmoXmhaU ñnï> H$am. [12] qH$dm Mm§Jë¶m nmR>çnwñVH$mMo A§Va§J d ~{ha§J {ZH$f H$moUVo? B¶Îmm 11 dr À¶m H$moU˶mhr EH$m dm{UÁ¶ nmR>çnwñVH$mMo darb {ZH$fm§À¶m g§X^m©V ‘y붑mnZ H$am. à.2) "g§aMZm' åhUOo H$m¶? g§aMZoMr d¡{eï>ço gm§JyZ B¶Îmm 11 dr dm{UÁ¶ {df¶mÀ¶m H$moU˶mhr EH$m KQ>H$mgmR>r g§aMZm V¶ma H$am. [12] qH$dm "g§nmXZ H$gmoQ>r' d "Z¡Xm{ZH$ H$gmoQ>r' ¶m§Mm AW© ñnï> H$am. dm{UÁ¶ AܶmnZmVrb CnMmamË‘H$ AܶmnZ {H$‘mZ XmoZ CXmhaUm§À¶m AmYmao ñnï> H$am. à.3) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`mhr Mma àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm. [16] A) ì¶m»¶mZ nX²YVr dmnaVmZm H$moU˶m XjVm ¿¶mb? gmoXmhaU ñnï> H$am. ~) g‘dm¶mMo àH$ma ñnï> H$am. H$) Mm§Jë¶m dm{UÁ¶ {ejH$mMr H$moUVrhr Mma JwUd¡{eï>ço ñnï> H$am. S>) dm{UÁ¶ AܶmnZmV Ame¶¶w³V AܶmnZ nX²YVrMo ‘hËd ñnï> H$am. B) dm{UÁ¶ AܶmnZmV Ame¶ {díbofUmMr JaO ñnï> H$am. \$) "ZrQ>ZoQ>Ho$nUm' ho ‘yë¶ dm{UÁ¶ {dÚm϶mª‘ܶo ê$OdʶmgmR>r H$moUVo CnH«$‘ am~dmb? XmoZ CnH«$‘m§~Ôb g{dñVa {bhm. [4751]-6 19 P.T.O. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION [Max. Marks :40 Q1) a) Explain correlation of Information Technology (IT) with other school subjects. [8] b) Explain place of I.T. subjects in Secondary and Higher Secondary School Curriculum. [4] OR What is Technology Aided Learning? What are the advantages of Technology Aided Learning? Enlist limitations of Technology Aided Learning. Q2) a) b) Which criteria will you consider while evaluating the Information Technology Text Book. [8] Explain any four 21st Century skills. [4] OR What do you mean by meaningful Integration of content and methodology? How is the study of C. C. M. Useful for you in the teaching of IT? Q3) Answer any four of the following : [16] a) Differentiate between BLOG and WIKI. b) How is I.T. Used for Distance Mode of Education. c) Prepare a rubric to evaluate website. d) Which core elements can we inculcate through the unit 'Paint'? e) What is the importance of Demonstration? f) How will you use computer for On-line Learning? [4751]-6 20 _m{hVr V§ Ì kmZ {ejU [EHy$U JwU: 40 à.1) A) ‘m{hVr V§ÌkmZ ¶m {df¶mMm BVa embo¶ {df¶m§er AgUmam ghg§~§Y ñnï> H$am. ~) [8] ‘mܶ{‘H$ d Cƒ ‘mܶ{‘H$ Aä¶mgH«$‘mVrb ‘m{hVr V§ÌkmZ ¶m {df¶mMo ñWmZ ñnï> H$am. [4] qH$dm 'Technology Aided Learning' åhUOo H$m¶? ˶mMo ’$m¶Xo ñnï> H$am. Technology Aided Learning' À¶m ‘¶m©Xm {bhm. à.2) A) ‘m{hVr V§ÌkmZmÀ¶m nwñVH$mMo ‘y붑mnZ H$aVmZm Vwåhr H$moUH$moUVo {ZH$f {dMmamV ¿¶mb. [8] ~) EH${dgmì¶m eVH$mV Amdí¶H$ AgUmar H$moUVrhr Mma H$m¡eë¶o ñnï> H$am. [4] qH$dm Ame¶ Am{U AܶmnZnÜXVr ¶m§Mo AW©nyU© EH$mË‘rH$aU åhUOo H$m¶? ‘m{hVr V§ÌkmZmÀ¶m AܶmnZmV Ame¶¶w³V AܶmnZ nÜXVrMm Aä¶mg Vwåhmbm H$gm Cn¶w³V R>aob. à.3) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`mhr Mma àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm. A) BLOG Am{U WIKI ‘Yrb ’$aH$ ñnï> H$am. ~) XÿañW {ejUmgmR>r ‘m{hVr V§ÌkmZmMm Cn¶moJ H$em àH$mao Ho$bm OmVmo? H$) g§Ho$V ñWimMo ‘y붑mnZ H$aʶmgmR>r nX{ZíM¶Z loUr V¶ma H$am. S>) n|Q> ¶m KQ>H$mVyZ AmnU H$moUVm Jm^mKQ>H$ ê$Ody eH$Vmo? B) {X½Xe©ZmMo ‘hÎd gm§Jm. \$) Am°ZbmBZ Aܶ¶ZmgmR>r Vwåhr g§JUH$mMm dmna H$gm H$amb? [4751]-6 21 [16]