西村卓也 村 上 亮 Dike Intrusion Model of the 1930 o
ῒΐ /, (,**1) - +.3ῌ+/3 +3-* ,**1 + 3 ,**1 . . Dike Intrusion Model of the +3-* o# Ito Earthquake Swarm Estimated from Leveling Data Takuya NISHIMURA῍ and Makoto MURAKAMI῍ We examine vertical deformation observed by leveling during and after the +3-* Ito-oki earthquake swarm in the Izu-tobu volcano group, eastern part of the Izu Peninsula, central Japan. Taking the mechanism of the swarm activity after +31*’s in the same area into consideration, we estimate the source model which can explain the observed uplift along the eastern coast of the Izu Peninsula. Although the observed deformation in +3-* allows a wide range of parameters of a tensile fault as a source, it is reasonably explained by a near-vertical tensile fault suggesting dike intrusion east o# Ito. The volume increases are estimated to be 2.2+*1 m- and +..+*2 mbefore and after April, +3-*, respectively. They are much larger than that for each episode of dike activities after +31*’s. Broad uplift with no seismic activity was observed during +3-+ῌ+3--. It is explained by either a spherical inflation source or a horizontal tensile fault at a depth of +* km, west of Ito. In both cases, the volume increase is estimated about 0+*1 m-. Calculation of the Coulomb failure stress suggests that the dike intrusion east o# Ito triggered the M1.- Kita-Izu earthquake occurred on November ,0, +3-*. Key words : Izu-tobu volcano group, crustal deformation, leveling, tensile fault model +ῌ ῐ ῎ ῑ ῏ qrs tu"#Ivw"xyz"$ )-\&{0( +312 ! !"#$% &'( ,**0 . )*+,-*. & +332 / /.- (+) "# |"n}~}$# $ % P f.)9\&%+{ "#$% 0( 1 +31* 2 -&D$.-\&%( -? "#% 345678)9:; (Fig. +) $<8=>& -X)9:= +* km 9:'' ?: @A "BC "BDC)EF 0 )>0 }~}$=( +* km 9: ) <8$G=> "HIJK$L-M>&'( 0)"#$( "H<8NOPQ&*678NO-R (,) #b ` ?? ++*ῌ GPS S8T (EDM) UVW W-X$'> +,/ ¡: f""&¢£¤¥¦)b) 9Y)-: Z[-"H$)-\&' *L¡( §I+# ( ]0 "##^_`a*b & "# ¨©),ª y--P( UV« #^ [cd$Qe9Y)-\0( f> ghi jkRlm !e! Aoki et al., +333 ; )¬'& ..)UV « (1*ῌ2/ ) ¡¢® $k'( Cervelli et al., ,**+ ; Hayashi and Morita, ,**- ; Morita et )?O +312 /¯IPQ&° al., ,**0 ; ,**, ; Okada and Yamamoto, +33+ ; Okada . +{-"HP/Y"#I +3-* ) et al., ,*** ; Tada and Hashimoto, +33+ ; Ukawa and Tsuka- *% &' (Fig. +)( +3-* "# , hara, +330 )9\& /n9Y-"#%op ±hP²¬"#I)> Nasu et al., +3-+ ; ³ ´-*/ῌ*2++ µ¶·¬R!0¸ + 1 ¹2"º""HIlm»¼ih Geography and Crustal Dynamics Research Center, Geographical Survey Institute, + Kitasato, Tsukuba, Ibaraki -*/ῌ*2++, Japan. Corresponding author : Takuya Nishimura e-mail : [email protected] 150 º»¼%»® & Fig. +. Temporal change of vertical displacement at leveling benchmarks around Ito City (modified from Geographical Survey Institute, ,**0). Vertical displacement is plotted relative to benchmark 3-,2. (Inset) Location map of leveling benchmarks. +. h]"/0®¯°±# P~ ,**0 ²$³´ /0 3-,2 µu;¶µ· &®¯u /0¸¹u ,**- , +- - ,, 1)de5+; f,? +3-* MJMA /.3 . h]< +, hvj, +3-* , / 1 ! , "#$% +, &'()*+,$-. /01 +; hvw]yz/0 3-,2 P + ?hvw|u;1)de5 23145678 Tsuboi (+3-+, +3--) x 29:45+; +3-* <= /01)d&e5 +3-* -ῌ. +3-* ++ῌ+, >+? +31* @AB? CDEF +3-* +, ῌ+3-+ + +3-, +, ῌ+3-- - 3-.. P]hv GH)IJKL;+M NO)&45+; P +3-0 ,ῌ- 1)de5 5 1rs QR Kuno, +3/. ST7UVW= >+ +3-0 1b XYTZ[\ ]^__ (+33*) ` Tsuboi (+3--) )45+; ab+$c%de5+&+ `aK ~K /01sT7 +3-* <f,/01T7g LAGSAS P~ ,**+ g+;) f =IJ) +31* @ABh]i< +3-* -ῌ. +3-* ++ῌ+, jklmnopKL;q\ XYTZ[ - - 1rs)5+&+ ~ +3-, +, ῌ-- \d&rs>+tu; 45+;/01s /01 ?5 1u;?) ¡&+ ,ῌ ῑῐῒΐ῏῍῎ ¢ hvwxyz{+|}/0z ~ 1s¤! 5 z1¥#3 0 1 d451|}/0£ KL;12 +3*. 1 1)¦45+; 5 )S45 ] (MJMA 1.3) , +3,. `a§ ¨©ª«de5¬ ~ ,3 - 1 89123'h +3-* 7-¹T#!º»¼`1 151 !~$% (Fig. ,c) ) !U<'8v +3,1 * [K LHIH8vDC ' !!"#$% &'( $6$%M6:8v Abe (+312) !" )* +, -' LAGSAS '. HI1JNJ* x' 97! / )/0123 .) o (Fig. -b) k7-@M8vGJ +3-*ῌ+3-- 123'4 Tsuboi (+3--) * 5$%<= +3-* 97!O 56* $%JN@ !HI'MP# 789 :;<=6 hk7-@M$%'VI Q<=I 89>?@ +3-* ' ABCD KR* 5 .ῌ, S6* Fig. -c ' F! m GHI89J* 8 -d +3-* < % +31* U LM% 98C'4 LAGSAS 'ABK" '=Saq$% I'r IJ* Fig. 8E .) LM>)INO - c +322 /ῌ1 tD +33* 0ῌ1 t , o$% P89K"Q)* +,RST 5o' +323 ¡_¢T£#{ * #!$%"89C +* km U&M 7-DY6:7-p'f8v 89C''VW0J$%"X(' Fig. ,a $%¤* mI Fig. -d +33- 0ῌ W0)5'* Y5 +, Z*+ 1 tD +33. 1 tm + o$% 5no' [\] ^,_` +3-+ #?% ^7-` +3,2 # GT#!%#{ * 5no'y ?% ].a 89 /, bcd,_e% D 3-.. 8v7u 7-hk¥:&UVJk 8 bcd-7/% K"0fgH5' v#zkT#!#{~ (Fig. -c) hkzH I* 5hS' 0fgHI89K"i1Fj * 5no8v 8v7u7-¥W m 21Jk +,3'j+J* ¦X@M'C65D W¦8v§* +3,.ῌ+3,/ D Fig. . Fig. , - r I89123 +301 m 0 4no57-p89 Fig. , 'l-!4 aE ¨' r I +3-* < % aq$%r6* ms +3-* . tmno (Fig. , +31* U LM%'=Saq$%Y©' a) 7-67u6L' +*.2 cm 8vw 65V* +323 T#!%'=S8 )* x +3-* ++ tmno (Fig. ,b) v (Fig. .e) ¨ ,* km @MDª'8v«m L' +-.. cm 8vw)yk 8v#6 k 8v#Z¬ * 8v#Z¬ 9'zH* y +3-* ++ t w +332 T#!'=S$% ¥[ 6:FN +3-* ++ t ,0 ;97! ,**,% yk +3-* . tm8v®32 (MJMA 1.-) #{<'?@ 97!'= ¯ (Fig. .a) ¤* [K +33-ῌ+33. T# S$%|m* xno (Fig. ,c) 97 !#{ no8v 8v#\z* !|}noJ !~$%L' - cm 2 +3-+ D -- 8v (Fig. .d) 5°®32¯ 1H* x97! > , o (Fig. ,d) '¤* +3-* .ῌ++ t8v (Fig. .b) Y7o J 5no'3?HI!%DHI' ®32¯r * DD@s7-@ML' +..+ cm 'A68vw +3-* E~89U±$%w] )* mI 8v# +3-* no (Fig. ,a-b) ²Jk 5°97! ³ BzHyk Y29>% ?@* D aq$%'V7-hk6: * 7-@M8v +3-- U C 97!<J´n'?@I D (Fig. ,e) C > .* oDI Fig. + Fig. * YI , µ0 !o$% ,f%* -! 97!'=S$%|m* +3-* E~ 789,_D hH ²123D7-T#!%'=S F_p + $6 DDHI* 'l- $%S65^ * mI 5#'¶_ noaq$% (Fig. -a) ·;)I 7- +31- ¸ +311 k7-@M8vGJ* 58 JI ¶_123D +3-* $%S6 v 97!!HI1 Abe, +312% 5V* ! D97!4 JV* mI Fig. , IhS' 7-@M 152 u Fig. ,. Vertical displacement on the leveling route along the eastern coast of Izu Peninsula. Bars denote vertical displacement relative to the reference benchmark denoted as Ref. Lines in northern part of Izu peninsula represents surface trace of the Tanna fault system ruptured by the +3-* Kita-Izu earthquake. Data period is written. m ,. nopqrstuvO^wx. my Ref. Qzh{|}~P~<[uvO ^ P. no1t' +3-* ^hab P. mH' myzh,1. -ῌ ΐῒ῏῎ῐ῍ῑ D /* EFGH:;I4J$4KLM9N + +31* OPQ'RST+U +31* !"#$%& !"#$%&' ' +3-* VWXYZ['U1. B ()*+,-. /01234567 , \]O^'_`abcdef-QRST 89:;;<=>?@AB,C1+ +. gh ijk +3-* l] [\]. +3-* ±·¸nmW¹Aº»¼#$ Fig. -. 153 Vertical displacement on the leveling route of Izu Peninsula. Symbols are the same as Fig. ,. -. ±²³´[\V~.wµ¶ Na , :; (Nasu et al., +3-+ ; Yoshida and Hama- |./ }~.- wxT *./ km da, +33+) +31* SQR) Period B k !"T^ !"# x?>T`)c $ %&'() *+,-./ 0) QR) Period C k Wl^ / fg T / km S 1/2 34256!"789 +31* o7B Period A, B ^ :; 2<. =>) 78 2 ^ Ug`. 1/2 342 9?>@ / ) ABCDEFBG d#$e [56!" d$e HIJK )L789MNO MNO , #$@ P.?>OQRSTU. Matsu’ura and Hase- 56!"T +* km >) //2 / ) $ gawa (+321) V WX O )789 QR.2 M YZ Okada (+32/) . [\] NOP.?>O'T ^@_`Na +3-* . bc2 Period A dFig. ABCDEFB [\a d ,a .ae +3-* . bfg ++ b Period B dFig. ,b e [\]ABCDEFB .be +3-* ++ῌ+, bfg +3-- - b Period C dFig. @ [\x \ )¡[ ,d Fig. .de hi/ ) NaMNOQR \ ).<.^ STU56!"789?>) c ./ \¢ j Period A B MNOk lmnmW .£¤¥¦§}~./ ^2¨. ©) l^o/./ fg +31* pJ ª«Jf ¬_`. 56!"#$qr2<. +,*s ) tuv 2*s 2 Fig. . 2 ®]OV¯#$.Y ) c Period A k !"wx^yz{ ZO° ®]x \ ) 154 S Fig. .. Vertical displacement on the leveling route along the eastern coast of Izu Peninsula. Horizontal axis is distance from benchmark J/,. Data period is written. n .. opqrst uvwxSyz{|>} ~ 7W n4./ ] J/, #uvS)5 Vn s : mm U. V7WXYZ[\]^_`ab sa ῍ ῌ L : : km a : Fig. / 45 !" #$%&'( *.22 )* (+, -./0&123) Table + 45 6 . +3-* 789:;<1/=>?@A(4. .+ BC DEFG *.+ HI 5JKLMNO Period A (0&1XYZ[ abG +31* P 678Q5;< DEFG *.3 RST cdRefghii`j\XYZ[klJ5m AºghiM +3-* <»O¼789:£¤g Table +. 155 Estimated fault parameters4 ,**, ; Ukawa and Tsukahara, +330) Period B !"#$%$&'( )*+,-./0 !12%3 456789:8; +31* <=>?@*3 ' /0 !ABCD !EFGHI + /0 !J2K(L Period B /0 ! Period A M(NOP3 Yoshida and Hamada (+33+) M +3-* < - Q / Q:RSTUV6' S-P WX)* - Q YZ[)12\ L( ]^_` abc6d ]^_6"efZghij)* k% l /0mnohi p3q3rsthuvwx yd(z{|(& \)\ - } 6d~}fx\ EFGJ2 K(c &| 3 fZR )*S+&'4 fC~}f mnohi')*6d (Okada, +32/) ~ } Period A B 6p3q3 2.2+*1 m-, +.. +*2 m- 6d +323 <>?789:g6 + ,+*1 m- 6d Cervelli et al., ,**+ ; ,**, ; OkaFig. /. Location map of the estimated fault model. The rectangles show the locations of the estimated tensile faults. The solid line on each rectangle shows the upper edge of the fault. Open squares represent the leveling benchmarks as of +3-*’s. ° / 12%3 !gCD ±²1 2%3/0 !CD³\ ´[µ¶ ·6³ ¸¹G +3-* <=AºCD ³ da and Yamamoto, +33+ ~} \ )*& +3-* <78YZ6 '¡¢¡£¤d | M¥. >"9:¦6j § +3-* <78YZ 1* ¦6d ( (Yoshida and Hamada, +33+) +31* <>?8;\ 78¨©sª « +322 <78 -3 ¦¬ 6 +323 <78 -- ¦ p3® p3>¯ ¨©s6 +/ ¦>e6d M 9:YZ¦) yz{|¸z/ } 156 TMN9N9J0#) "80#MN" )I UVJ (+33*) +3-* =98gU8_ (Nasu et al., +3-+) !" Period A # +323 c GPS SAR OV0DE $% &'() /ῌ+* km * O M2 d u z@Ut Miyazaki et al., +," - #* ,**.| )? M1 d WX Y¡C .+/ / km 0 +,*1 234 0*1 56 V0 zZ¢0| @ z@Ut Fialko, )&')7"89 :;) ,**. ; Nakano and Hirahara, +331| ?9 "," h^ 56 * *#!"&'< £¤ - = [, R F}Z¢0) #+ =98/ *./ km ,> 9gU \< V0 zFig. $?89 :;)@ABC"DE % ,c Fig. .c| ]¤8Z¢0 zFig. ,d Fig. .d| - km F?G+ &4)956 799W^) _ WX Z¢0 20 H I JK Table + '( 0]¤8F9?? Q . ` )L*! + "," :;)"5 F}Z¢0)+a"9 \+ 6MN MNO>PQ+R Period C 0y (Fig. ,d) ¥ - 0 , (RMS) , S-.F? PQ Q y (Fig. ,e) b?¦) ¥ - CQO>79 )/T)9U O8 V ) IH)F}"89Rcid§8 01?+MN2+9W3 j> 0F9 Z¢0mnopqO8 4 XY, Table + "$)Z4 56 0y 0¨+)7 MN[5" z@Ut Pollitz et al., ,**+| e©)ª0+OW MN 59 \], + 67 ygU?9 \« fg hi -O/^0 _)` 0# j ¬ER)k099W^) MN + 8 56)0 234G Fig. -b Period C ® / 0) +9W9aJKb" +3-* $ © /^0 7R¯ ) M /.3 c+ M/ d :*e;" t / cm -.F9 P OWl] 89 f<WV0g JK Z¢0 y :* Z¢0 ="899 +31* >hi $j98 M/ mnopq (Fialko et al., ,**.) g="8 d kk;"89 ?? °"8^±gU Ri l] mnopqr=)> I&s7 ¬ER)709` R /^0<\9 @Ut Mw 0.* aAl] F}Z¢0gU G <WV0 BuCvwxyD z{E © 0#'(lmn! J0# ,**+| b"JK c -cm -.) "8 I ²³o,´+a Period A jOk B /^0 *Sh^ "9 R)k%}899 ) ) +3-* F} ~ ) , Period A, B OW$" 9W 99 "," M gU] $ )+ N m <WV0G" )79 0# / 3 km -.+t µ O?H89gU H )0)7 :;) F} :* HH> ) Period C 0²p¶"89 +33- , +33. s :KCIJK)79 V0 (Fig. -d) ·+0#MN zqr¸s L89#!" (Yoshida and Hamada, +33+) ,**0| ¹g ^t#N , _> 0# s,:* 0#(Cr+MN\ mA I DE (Table +) sº )9 ) :;):MNO" JK) '()L 0»+*1 m- -.)> uv , wR°+ +* km -. 0# .ῌ, +3-+ῌ+3-- ῍ΐ῍ῒ῎ῐ῏ῑ zFig. / Table +| :;) PQ , Period C zFig. NMNb"0#) N x ,d Fig. .d| R F}=98 S % I¼ +* km b"89 qr¸ +,- ./0 +3-* Z[TU"A.@ 157 Fig. 0. Coulomb stress change caused by opening of the estimated tensile faults(CFS). A thick gray plane of a beachball represents the mechanism for calculating CFS. Gray region is positive CFS. Contour intervals are *.+ MPa. No contours are plotted in the region where absolute CFS is larger than - MPa. Left panel shows NS profile at +-3.*E. The star represents the epicenter of the +3-* Kita-Izu earthquake. 0. ' +3-* ¡¢£A.@/¤¥C lCFSn* U¦§¨©6 CFS ª«'¬®UL¯4* §¨$°CFS ±$°* ²³©R´6 ** + MPa µ¶³ -MPa NO²³©6¯* ·¯4¸W¢6 [¹ +-3% ¢* º »6 +3-* Z UU¼&4* (,**0) +33-ῌ+33. 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