
CV: Eiji Matsunaga - RIKEN Brain Science Institute

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CV: Eiji Matsunaga - RIKEN Brain Science Institute
Curriculum Vitae
Research Scientist
Laboratory for Symbolic Cognitive Development
RIKEN Brain Science Institute
2-1 Hirosawa, Wako-shi, Saitama, 351-0198, Japan
TEL: +81-48-462-1111 (ext. 6439)
Fax: +81-48-467-9645
1992-1996 Bachelor, Department of Industrial Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto
University (Prof. Atsuo Tanaka)
1996-1998 Master, Department of Bioscience, Nara Institute of Science & Technology
(Prof. Kozo Kaibuchi)
1998-2002 PhD., Department of Medical Sciences, Graduate School of Medicine,
Tohoku University (Prof. Harukazu Nakamura)
2002 Poste Vert Postdoctoral Fellow, INSERM U106, Hopital de la Salpetriere
(Supervisor, Prof. Constantino Sotelo)
2002-2005 HFSP Long Term Fellow, UMR CNRS 7102, Paris VI University (Supervisor,
Dr. Alain Chédotal)
2005-2008 JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow (SPD), Lab for Biolinguistics, RIKEN Brain
Science Institute (Supervisor, Dr. Kazuo Okanoya)
2008-2011 RIKEN Special Postdoctoral Researcher
2008-2010 Lab for Biolinguistics (Supervisor, Dr. Kazuo Okanoya)
2010-2011 Lab for Symbolic Cognitive Development (Supervisor, Dr. Atsushi Iriki)
2011- Research Scientist, Lab for Symbolic Cognitive Development, RIKEN Brain
Science Institute (Supervisor, Dr. Atsushi Iriki)
[PUBLICATION LIST (with peer review)]
Original paper
1) *Eiji Matsunaga, Sanae Nambu, Mariko Oka, Atsushi Iriki (2013) Differential
cadherin expression in the developing postnatal telencephalon of a New World monkey.
Under revision.
2) *Eiji Matsunaga, Sanae Nambu, Mariko Oka, Kazuo Okanoya, Atsushi Iriki (2013)
Comparative analysis of protocadherin-11 X-linked expression among postnatal rodents,
non-human primates, and songbirds suggests its possible involvement in brain
evolution. Under revision.
3) Ryoko Nakagawa, Eiji Matsunaga, Kazuo Okanoya (2012) Defects in ultrasonic
vocalization of cadherin-6 knockout mice. PLoS ONE 7(11), e49233.
4) Ryoko Nakagawa, Eiji Matsunaga, Kazuo Okanoya, Yoshibumi Matsushima (2012)
Vocalizations in a Japanese wild-derived laboratory mouse KOR1: development,
behavioral contexts, and sound characteristics. Acoust Sci Tech 32, 52-55.
5) *Eiji Matsunaga, Kenta Suzuki, Tohru Kurotani, Kazuo Okanoya (2011)
Comparative analysis of mineralocorticoid receptor expression among vocal learners
(Bengalese finch and budgerigar) and non-vocal learners (quail and ring dove) has
implication for the evolution of the avian vocal learning. Development Growth &
Differentiation 53, 961-970.
6) *Eiji Matsunaga, Kenta Suzuki, Shigeki Kato, Tohru Kurotani, Kazuto Kobayashi,
Kazuo Okanoya. (2011) Dynamic expression of cadherins modulates vocal
development in a songbird. PLoS ONE 6(9), e25272.
7) Kenta Suzuki, *Eiji Matsunaga, Tetsuya Kobayashi, Kazuo Okanoya (2011)
Expression patterns of mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid receptors in Bengalese
finch (Lonchura striata var. domestica) brain suggest a relationship between stress
hormone and the song system development. Neuroscience 194, 72-83.
8) Eiji Matsunaga, Tohru Kurotani, Kenta Suzuki, Kazuo Okanoya (2011) Type-II
cadherins modulate neuronal activity in rat hippocampal culture neurons. NeuroReport
22, 629-632.
9) *Eiji Matsunaga, Kazuo Okanoya (2011) Diverse cadherin expression patterns in the
Bengalese finch, budgerigar, and quail have implications for the vocal system evolution
in the avian brain. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy 5, 28.
10) Eiji Matsunaga, Sanae Nambu, Atsushi Iriki, Kazuo Okanoya (2011) Expression
pattern of cadherins in Naked mole rat (Heterocephalus glaber) suggests innate cortical
diversification of the cerebrum. Journal of Comparative Neurology 519, 1736-1747.
11) *Eiji Matsunaga, Kazuo Okanoya. (2009) Vocal control area-related expression of neuropilin-1, plexin-A4, and the ligand semaphorin-3A has implications for the evolution
of the avian vocal system. Development Growth & Differentiation. 51 (1), 45-54.
12) *Eiji Matsunaga, Kazuo Okanoya. (2008) Vocal area-specific expression of the
androgen receptor in the budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus) brain. Brain Research
1208, 87-94.
13) *Eiji Matsunaga, Kazuo Okanoya (2008) Expression analysis of cadherins in the
songbird brain: relationship to vocal system development. Journal of Comparative
Neurology 508, 329-342.
14) Nardos Tassew, Larisa Chestopolava, Robert Beecroft, Eiji Matsunaga, Henry
Teng, Alain Chedotal, Philippe P. Monnier (2008) Intraretinal RGMa is involved in
retinotectal mapping. Molecular Cellular & Neuroscience 37, 761-769. 15) *Eiji Matsunaga, Masaki Kato, Kazuo Okanoya (2008) Comparative analysis of
gene expression among avian brains: A molecular approach to the evolution of vocal
learning. Brain Research Bulletin 75, 474-479.
16) Eiji Matsunaga, Harukazu Nakamura, Alain Chedotal (2006) Repulsive guidance
molecule plays multiple roles in neuronal differentiation and axon guidance. The Journal
of Neuroscience 26, 6082-6088.
17) Eiji Matsunaga, Servane Tauszig-Delamasure, Philippe P. Monnier, Bernhard K.
Mueller, Stephen M. Strittmatter, Patrick Mehlen, Alain Chedotal (2004) RGM and its
receptor neogenin regulate neuronal survival. Nature Cell Biology 6, 749-755.
18) Varerie Marillat, Christelle Sabatier, Vieri.Failli, Eiji Matsunaga, Constantino Sotelo,
Marc Tessier-Lavigne, Alain Chédotal (2004) The slit receptor Rig1 controls the
development of precerebellar neurons. Neuron 43, 69-79.
19) Eiji Matsunaga, Tatsuya Katahira, Harukazu Nakamura (2002). Role of Lmx1b and
Wnt1 in mesencephalon and metencephalon development. Development, 129,
20) Eiji Matsunaga, Isato Araki, Harukazu Nakamura (2001). Role of Pax3/7 in the
tectum rgionalization. Development, 128, 4069-4077.
21) Eiji Matsunaga, Isato Araki, Harukazu Nakamura (2000). Pax6 defines the
di-mesencephalic boundary by repressing En1 and Pax2. Development 127,
Review paper
1) *Eiji Matsunaga, Kazuo Okanoya (2009) Evolution and diversity in avian vocal
system; An Evo-Devo model from the morphological and behavioral perspectives.
Development Growth & Differentiation. 51 (3), 355-367.
2) Harukazu Nakamura, Tasuya Katahira, Eiji Matsunaga, Tasuya Sato (2005).
Isthmus organizer for midbrain and hindbrain development. Brain Research Brain
Research Review 49, 120-126.
3) *Eiji Matsunaga, Alain Chédotal (2004). Repulsive guidance molecule/neogenin: a
novel ligand-receptor system playing multiple
Development Growth & Differentiation 46, 481-486.
* corresponding author
[Invited talks]
1)「鳥の発声学習を支える分子基盤」福島県立医大、2011 年 10 月 25 日、福島
2)「鳥の歌学習における cadherin 分子の役割」生理学研究所研究会「シナプス可塑性
の分子細胞基盤」生理学研究所、2011 年 6 月 18 日、岡崎 3) 第 3 回 Evo-Devo 青年の会「器官形成の進化的理解に向けて」
東京慈恵会医科大学, 2010 年 11 月 27 日
CompBiol 2009 比較生物若手の会「若手研究者の発展のために~新規の技術をいかに
利用するか~」千里、2009 年 10 月 22 日
5) Evolution and diversity in avian vocal system.
Workshop in OIST Winter Course "Evolution of Complex Systems"
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) 、2008 年 12 月 13 日
6) Molecular basis of avian song system
東北大学脳科学 GCOE 共催セミナー
2008 年 1 月 15 日
情報 システム研究機構 国立遺伝学研究所 The 1203th Biological Symposium
2008 年 1 月 9 日
8) “Molecular basis of the avian song system development”
第 30 回日本神経科学大会シンポジウム 鳥の歌制御システムにおける可塑性の分子機
構、横浜、2007 年 9 月 12 日
名古屋大学理学系研究科生命理学専攻 21世紀 COE セミナー
2006 年 9 月 6 日
2006 年 2 月 6 日
11)「Multiple roles of RGM and its receptor neogenin in neural development」
Centre Leon Berard-Cheney A, Lyon, France
2005 年 2 月 11 日
12)「Multifunction of RGM and its receptor in neural development」
科学研究費補助金、特定領域研究 B「頭部形成」冬の班会議
2005 年 2 月 18 日
13)「Regionalization of the tectum」
Instituto de Neurociencias, Alicante, Spain
2003 年 6 月 5 日
Editorial Board Member, Development, Growth & Differentiation (2009- )
Associate Faculty Member, Faculty of 1000 Biology (Neurodevelopment) (2009-)
Differentiation,‘Phylogeny and Ontogeny of the Nervous System’ (2009)
Incentive Research Award of Institute of Development, Aging & Cancer (2002)
RIKEN Research Incentive Award (2010)
Fly UP