
蔵書一覧 - 上智大学

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蔵書一覧 - 上智大学
1. 1914 : the coming of the First World War / edited by Walter Laqueur & George L. Mosse ; [by] Charles A. Fisher ... [et
al.].-- Harper & Row; 1966.-- (Harper torchbooks ; TB1306).,EURO:209:L1,1
2. 1914 : the days of hope / Lyn Macdonald.-- Penguin; 1989, c1987.-- (Penguin books).,EURO:209:M1,1
3. A certain idea of Europe / Craig Parsons ; : pbk.-- Cornell University Press; 2006.-- (Cornell studies in political economy /
edited by Peter J. Katzenstein).: pbk,EURO:333.7:P1,1
4. A companion to Europe since 1945 / edited by Klaus Larres ; : hardcover.-- Wiley-Blackwell; 2009.-- (Blackwell
companions to European history).: hardcover,EURO:319:L2,1
5. A companion to the Gothic / edited by David Punter ; : hardcover, : pbk.-- Blackwell Publishers; 2000.-- (Blackwell
companions to literature and culture ; 4).: pbk,EURO:930:P1,1
6. A dictionary of the European Union / David Phinnemore and Lee McGowan ; : hbk.-- 6th ed.-- Routledge; 2013.-- (The
Europa publications EU information series).: hbk,EURO:319:P1,1 a
7. A dictionary of the European Union / David Phinnemore and Lee McGowan.-- 4th ed.-- Routledge; 2008.-- (The Europa
publications EU information series).,EURO:319:P1,1
8. A European television history / edited by Jonathan Bignell and Andreas Fickers ; : hardcover, : pbk.-- Wiley-Blackwell;
2008.: hardcover,EURO:699:B1,1
9. A glossary of the European Union / Alistair Jones ; : pbk.-- Edinburgh University Press; c2008.-- (Politics glossaries).:
10. A Greek-English lexicon / compiled by Henry George Liddell and Robert Scott.-- Rev. and augm. throughout / by Sir
Henry Stuart Jones ; with the assistance of Roderick McKenzie ; and with the cooperation of many scholars.-- Clarendon
11. A ruined fortress? : neoliberal hegemony and transformation in Europe / edited by Alan W. Cafruny and Magnus Ryner ; :
pbk, : cloth.-- Rowman & Littlefield; c2003.-- (Governance in Europe).: pbk,EURO:329.37:C1,1
12. A song for Europe : popular music and politics in the Eurovision song contest / edited by Ivan Raykoff and Robert Deam
Tobin ; : hbk, : pbk.-- Ashgate; c2007.-- (Ashgate popular and folk music series).: hbk,EURO:760:R1,1
13. A song for Europe : popular music and politics in the Eurovision song contest / edited by Ivan Raykoff and Robert Deam
Tobin ; : hbk, : pbk.-- Ashgate; c2007.-- (Ashgate popular and folk music series).: pbk,EURO:762:R1,1
14. A theory of adaptation / Linda Hutcheon with Siobhan O'Flynn ; : hbk, : pbk.-- 2nd ed.-- Routledge; 2013.: pbk,
15. After oppression : transitional justice in Latin America and Eastern Europe / edited by Vesselin Popovski, Mónica
Serrano ; : pbk.-- United Nations University Press; c2012.: pbk,EURO:327:P1,1
16. Alternative Europe : eurotrash and exploitation cinema since 1945 / edited by Ernest Mathijs & Xavier Mendik ;
[foreword by Jean Rollin].-- Wallflower Press; 2004.-- (Alterimage).,EURO:778:M2,1
17. An awkward partner : Britain in the European Community / Stephen George ; : pbk.-- 3rd ed.-- Oxford University Press;
1998.: pbk,EURO:333.7:G1,1
18. An introduction to theatre design / Stephen Di Benedetto ; : pbk.-- Routledge; 2012.,EURO:770:B1.1
19. Authorship and film / edited by David A. Gerstner and Janet Staiger ; : pbk.-- Routledge; 2003.-- (AFI film readers).: pbk,
20. Barwy festiwalu = Colours of the festival / fotografie, Józef Ambrozowicz ; wstęp, Waldemar Bałda.-- Agencja
Wydawnicza Jota; 2011.,EURO:709:A1,1
21. Bernini : art as theatre / Genevieve Warwick ; : cl.-- Yale University Press; c2012.: cl,EURO:700:W1,1
22. Challenges to peacebuilding : managing spoilers during conflict resolution / edited by Edward Newman and Oliver
Richmond ; : pbk.-- United Nations University Press; c2006.: pbk,EURO:319:N3,1
23. Christian democracy and the origins of European Union / Wolfram Kaiser ; : pbk..-- Cambridge University Press; 2011.-(New studies in European history).: pbk.,EURO:315:K1,1
24. Citizens' reactions to European integration compared : overlooking Europe / edited by Sophie Duchesne ... [et al.].-Palgrave Macmillan; 2013.,EURO:311:D1,1
25. Civil society, conflicts and the politicization of human rights / edited by Raffaele Marchetti and Nathalie Tocci ; : pbk.-United Nations University Press; c2011.: pbk,EURO:316:M3,1
26. Co-actorship in the development of European law-making : the quality of European legislation and its implementation and
application in the national legal order / Ernst M.H. Hirsch Ballin and Linda A.J. Senden.-- T.M.C. Asser Press; c2005.,
27. Collective action in the European union : interests and the new politics of associability / edited by Justin Greenwood and
Mark Aspinwall ; : pbk.-- Routledge; 1998.: pbk,EURO:319.9:G1,1
28. Comprendre le monde pour le changer : épistémologie du politique / Pierre Favre.-- Presses de la fondation nationale des
sciences politiques; c2005.-- (Références).,EURO:311:F1,1
29. Contemporary European politics : a comparative introduction / José M. Magone ; : hbk, : pbk.-- Routledge; 2011.: pbk,
30. Contemporary France : an introduction to French politics and society / David Howarth, Georgios Varouxakis ; : hbk, :
pbk.-- Arnold; 2003.: pbk,EURO:312.35:H1,1
31. Crafting EU security policy : in pursuit of a European identity / Stephanie B. Anderson ; : hbk.-- Lynne Rienner; 2008.:
32. Crisis in the EU economic governance / edited by Jean-Paul Fitoussi and Jacques le Cacheux ; : hardback.-- Palgrave
Macmillan; 2010.-- (Report on the state of the European Union / edited by Jean-Paul Fitoussi and Fiorella Kostoris Padoa
Schioppa ; v. 3).: hardback,EURO:319:F3,1
33. Dance studies : the basics / Jo Butterworth ; : hbk.-- Routledge; 2012.-- (The basics).,EURO:770:B2,1
34. Democracy in Europe : the EU and national polities / Vivien A. Schmidt ; : hbk, : pbk.-- Oxford University Press; 2006.:
35. Democracy in the European Union : towards the emergence of a public sphere / edited by Liana Giorgi, Ingmar von
Homeyer and Wayne Parsons ; : pbk.-- Routledge; 2006.-- (Routledge advances in European politics ; 39).: pbk,
36. Developments in British politics 9 / edited by Richard Heffernan, Philip Cowley and Colin Hay ; : hbk.-- Palgrave
Macmillan; 2011.: hbk,EURO:310:H1,1
37. Diaghilev and the golden age of the Ballets Russes 1909-1929 / edited by Jane Pritchard.-- V&A Publishing; 2010.,
38. Dictionnaire d'histoire culturelle de la France contemporaine / publié sous la direction de Christian Delporte, Jean-Yves
Mollier, Jean-François Sirinelli ; coordination scientifique, Claire Blandin.-- Presses universitaires de France; 2010.-(Quadrige ; . Dicos poche).,EURO:702:D1,1
39. Donatello, Michelangelo, Cellini : sculptors' drawings from Renaissance Italy / edited by Michael W. Cole ; with essays
by Michael W. Cole ... [et al.].-- Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum.,EURO:700:C1,1
40. Dressing for heaven : religious clothing in Italy, 1215-1545 / Cordelia Warr ; : hbk.-- Manchester University Press; 2010.,
41. East European cinemas / edited by Anikó Imre ; : hardcover, : softcover.-- Routledge; 2005.-- (AFI film readers).:
42. Education of working women and of middle class girls.-- Routledge; 2007.-- (The history of feminism ; . Nineteenthcentury British women's education, 1840-1900 / edited by Susan Hamilton and Janice Schroede ; v. 3).,EURO:372:H1,1-3
43. Emily Davies and the higher education of women.-- Routledge; 2007.-- (The history of feminism ; . Nineteenth-century
British women's education, 1840-1900 / edited by Susan Hamilton and Janice Schroede ; v. 1).,EURO:372:H1,1-1
44. Encyclopaedia of European elections / edited by Yves Deloye and Michael Bruter ; : hardback.-- Palgrave Macmillan;
2007.: hardback,EURO:319:D2,1
45. Environmental politics in the European Union : policy-making, implementation and patterns of multi-level governance /
Christoph Knill and Duncan Liefferink ; : hbk, : pbk.-- Manchester University Press; c2007.-- (Issues in environmental
politics).: pbk,EURO:319:K4,1
46. Envisioning others : race, color, and the visual in Iberia and Latin America / edited by Pamela A. Patton ; : hbk.-- Brill;
c2016.-- (The medieval and early modern Iberian world ; v. 62).: hbk,EURO:236:P1,1
47. Ethnic conflict and war crimes in the Balkans : the narratives of denial in post-conflict Serbia / Jelena ObradovićWochnik.-- I.B. Tauris; 2013.-- (Library of Balkan studies ; v. 1).,EURO:316:O1,1
48. EU enlargement and the Transatlantic alliance : a security relationship in flux / edited by Sven Biscop, Johan Lembke.-Lynne Rienner Publishers; 2008.,EURO:319:B2,1
49. Euro horror : classic European horror cinema in contemporary American culture / Ian Olney ; : pb.-- Indiana University
Press; c2013.-- (New directions in national cinemas).: pb,EURO:778:O2,1
50. Europa denkt mehrsprachig : exemplarisch: deutsche und französische Kulturwissenschaften = L'Europe pense en
plusieurs langues : exemplaires: les sciences de l'homme en France et en Allemagne / herausgegeben von Fritz Nies ; unter
Mitwirkung von Erika Mursa.-- Gunter Narr; c2005.-- (Transfer ; 18).,EURO:802:N1,1
51. Europa und die Welt vom Wiener Kongress bis 1945 / herausgegeben von Daniel Henri, Guillaume Le Quintrec und Peter
Geiss ; [Autoren], Anne Duménil ... [et al.] ; Übersetzung, Reiner Prass, Erika Mursa.-- Ernst Klett; c2008.-- (Histoire =
52. Europa und die Welt von der Antike bis 1815 / herausgegeben von Rainer Bendick ... [et al.] ; [Autoren], Rainer
Bendick ... [et al.] ; Übersetzung, Reiner Prass, Birgit Martens-Schöne.-- Ernst Klett; c2011.-- (Histoire = Geschichte).,
53. Europe, regions and European regionalism / edited by Roger Scully, Richard Wyn Jones.-- Palgrave Macmillan; 2010.-(Palgrave studies in European Union politics).,EURO:318:S1,1
54. European cinema : an introduction / edited by Jill Forbes and Sarah Street ; : hbk, : pbk.-- Palgrave; 2000.: pbk,
55. European cinema / edited by Elizabeth Ezra.-- Oxford University Press; c2004.,EURO:778:E1,1
56. European cinemas in the television age / Dorota Ostrowska and Graham Roberts ; contributions by Gunhild Agger ... [et
al.] ; : hardback, : pbk.-- Edinburgh University Press; c2007.: hardback,EURO:778:O1,1
57. European film and media culture / edited by Lennard Højbjerg and Henrik Søndergaard.-- Museum Tusculanum Press,
University of Copenhagen; 2006.-- (Northern lights ; . Films and media studies yearbook ; 2005).,EURO:778:H1,1
58. European governance and democracy : power and protest in the EU / Richard Balme and Didier Chabanet ; : pbk.-Rowman & Littlefield; c2008.-- (Governance in Europe).: pbk,EURO:319:B3,1
59. European identity / edited by Jeffrey T. Checkel and Peter J. Katzenstein ; : hbk, : pbk.-- Cambridge University Press;
2009.-- (Contemporary European Politics).: pbk,EURO:319:C4,1
60. European immigration : a sourcebook / [edited by Anna Triandafyllidou and Ruby Gropas].-- Ashgate; c2007.,EURO:319:
61. European nightmares : horror cinema in Europe since 1945 / edited by Patricia Allmer, Emily Brick & David Huxley ; :
pbk.-- Wallflower Press; c2012.: pbk,EURO:778:A1,1
62. European Union history : themes and debates / edited by Wolfram Kaiser and Antonio Varsori ; : hbk, : pbk.-- Palgrave
Macmillan; 2010.: pbk,EURO:312:K1,1
63. European Union politics / Michelle Cini, Nieves Perez-Solorzano Borragan ; : pbk.-- 3rd ed.-- Oxford University Press;
2010.: pbk,EURO:311:C1,1
64. European Union politics / Michelle Cini, Nieves Pérez-Solórzano Borragán ; : pbk.-- 3rd ed.-- Oxford University Press;
2010.: pbk,EURO:319:C1,2
65. Europeanization : new research agendas / edited by Paolo Graziano and Maarten P. Vink ; : pbk.-- Palgrave Macmillan;
2008.: pbk,EURO:319:G2,1
66. Europeanization and multilevel governance : cohesion policy in the European Union and Britain / Ian Bache ; : pbk., :
hbk.-- Rowman & Littlefield; c2008.-- (Governance in Europe).: pbk.,EURO:319:B1,1
67. Ever closer union : an introduction to European integration / Desmond Dinan ; : paperback.-- 4th ed.-- Palgrave
Macmillan; 2010.-- (The European Union series / general editors, Neill Nugent, William E. Paterson, Vincent Wright).:
68. Executive power of the European Union : law, practices, and the living constitution / Deirdre Curtin.-- Oxford University
Press; 2009.-- (Collected courses of the Academy of European Law = Recueil des cours de l'Académie de droit européen ;
v. 12/4).,EURO:319:C7,1
69. Experimentalist governance in the European Union : towards a new architecture / edited by Charles F. Sabel and Jonathan
Zeitlin.-- Oxford University Press; 2010.,EURO:319:S6,1
70. Federico Barocci : Urbino, 1535-1612 / Andrea Emiliani ; : set, v. 1, v. 2.-- Ars Books; c2008.,EURO:700:E1,2
71. Federico Barocci : Urbino, 1535-1612 / Andrea Emiliani ; : set, v. 1, v. 2.-- Ars Books; c2008.,EURO:700:E1,1
72. Football, religion et politique en Afrique : sociologie du football africain / Tado Oumarou, Pierre Chazaud ; préface de
Jean-Paul Callède ; : pbk.-- L'Harmattan; c2010.-- (Logiques sociales).: pbk,EURO:302:O1,1
73. Forging multilingual spaces : integrated perspectives on majority and minority bilingual education / edited by Christine
Helot and Anne-Marie de Mejia ; : hbk, : pbk.-- Multilingual Matters; c2008.-- (Bilingual education and bilingualism /
series editors, Colin Baker and Nancy Hornberger ; 68).: hbk,EURO:802:H1,1
74. France in the European Union / Alain Guyomarch, Howard Machin and Ella Ritchie ; : uk : hard, : uk : pbk, : us.-Macmillan; 1998.-- (The European Union series / general editors, Neill Nugent, William E. Paterson, Vincent Wright).:
uk : pbk,EURO:235.07:G1,1
75. Francophonie et mondialisation : histoire et institutions des origines à nos jours / Trang Phan, Michel Guillou ; avec le
concours de Corine Djistera et Nguyen Khanh Toan ; et la collaboration de Sarah Boukri ... [et al.].-- Belin; c2011.,
76. Francophonie et mondialisation / coordonné par Anne-Marie Laulan et Didier Oillo.-- CNRS; 2008.-- (Les essentiels
77. French and German Gothic fiction in the late eighteenth century / Daniel Hall ; : pbk.-- P. Lang; c2005.-- (European
connections / edited by Peter Collier ; v. 14).: pbk,EURO:778:H2,1
78. Gender and the European Union / Johanna Kantola ; : hbk, : pbk.-- Palgrave Macmillan; 2010.-- (The European Union
series / general editors, Neill Nugent, William E. Paterson, Vincent Wright).: hbk,EURO:319:K5,1
79. Girl's and women's education : arguments and experiences.-- Routledge; 2007.-- (The history of feminism ; . Nineteenthcentury British women's education, 1840-1900 / edited by Susan Hamilton and Janice Schroede ; v. 2).,EURO:372:H1,1-2
80. Gouverner par contrat / Jean-Pierre Gaudin ; : pbk.-- 2e ed., revue et augmentee.-- Presses de Sciences Po; 2007.-(Gouvernances).: pbk,EURO:310:G1,1
81. Great military battles / edited by Cyril Falls.-- Spring Books; 1969.,EURO:392:W1,1
82. Green cities of Europe : global lessons on green urbanism / edited by Timothy Beatley ; : cloth, : pbk.-- Island Press;
c2012.: cloth,EURO:318:B1,1
83. Handbook of European societies : social transformations in the 21st century / Stefan Immerfall, Goran Therborn, editors.-Springer; c2010.,EURO:319:I1,1
84. Handbook of European union politics / edited by Knud Erik Jorgensen, Mark A. Pollack and Ben Rosamond.-- SAGE;
85. Her Majesty's mails, 2nd ed, 1865 / William Lewins.-- Published by Edition Synapse for Eureka Press; 2015.-- (The
foundations of the modern post-office in Britain : a collection of the nineteenth century sources / edited and introduced by
Megumi Arai ; v. 4).,EURO:693:A1,1-4
86. Higher education for women.-- Routledge; 2007.-- (The history of feminism ; . Nineteenth-century British women's
education, 1840-1900 / edited by Susan Hamilton and Janice Schroeder ; v. 4).,EURO:372:H1,1-4
87. Histoire de la France : des origines à nos jours / sous la direction de Georges Duby.-- Larousse; c2011.-- (Bibliothèque
historique Larousse).,EURO:235:D1,1
88. Historical dictionary of Baroque art and architecture / Lilian H. Zirpolo.-- Scarecrow Press; 2010.-- (Historical
dictionaries of literature and the arts ; no. 42).,EURO:700:Z1,1
89. Histories and practices of live art / edited by Deirdre Heddon and Jennie Klein ; : pbk.-- Palgrave Macmillan; 2012.,
90. History of the post-office packet service between the years 1793-1815, 1895 / Arthur H. Norway.-- Published by Edition
Synapse for Eureka Press; 2015.-- (The foundations of the modern post-office in Britain : a collection of the nineteenth
century sources / edited and introduced by Megumi Arai ; v. 2).,EURO:693:A1,1-2
91. Horror international / edited by Steven Jay Schneider and Tony Williams ; : pbk.-- Wayne State University Press; c2005.-(Contemporary approaches to film and television series).: pbk,EURO:778:S1,1
92. Il cimitero di Praga / Umberto Eco.-- Bompiani; 2010.-- (Romanzo Bompiani).,EURO:970:E1,1
93. International historical statistics : Europe, 1750-2005 / B.R. Mitchell ; : hardback, : 3 v. set.-- 6th ed.-- Palgrave
Macmillan; 2007.: hardback,EURO:319:M6,1
94. International relations and the European Union / edited by Christopher Hill and Michael Smith.-- Oxford University Press;
2005.-- (The new European Union series).,EURO:319:H5,1
95. Italian Renaissance frames at the V&A / by Christine Powell, Zöe Allen.-- Butterworth-Heinemann; 2010.,EURO:700:
96. Italy in the Eu : love affair or disillusionment? Italian discontent with the European integration, past and present / by
Naval Postgraduate School.-- [s.n.]; [201-].,EURO:302:N1,1
97. Jean Monnet : the first statesman of interdependence / Francois Duch・ne.-- W.W. Norton; c1994.,EURO:289:D1,1
98. Jeanne dite "Jeanne d'Arc" / Henri Guillemin.-- Gallimard; c1970.-- (Collection Folio ; 983).,EURO:209:G1,1
99. Kognitive Modelle in der Wirtschaftskommunikation : eine kognitionslinguistische Fundierung kulturbedingter
Konzeptualisierung / Christopher M. Schmidt.-- Verlag Wissenschaft & Praxis; c2010.-- (Schriftenreihe interkulturelle
Wirtschaftskommunikation ; Bd. 15).,EURO:800:S1,1
100. L'Europe autrement : un projet pour l'Europe des nations / Philippe de Villiers, Georges Berthu.-- Guibert; 1999.,
101. L'Europe est-elle née au Moyen Age? : essai / Jacques Le Goff.-- Seuil; c2003.-- (Faire l'Europe).,EURO:230:G1,1
102. L'Europe et le monde de l'antiquité à 1815 / sous la direction de Rainer Bendick ... [et al.] ; les auteurs, Rainer Bendick ...
[et al.] ; traduction d'Isabelle Hausser et Olivier Mannoni, avec la collaboration de Daniel Henri.-- Nathan/Klett; c2011.-(Histoire = Geschichte ; . Manuel d'histoire franco-allemand ; t. 1).,EURO:230:V1,4
103. L'Europe et le monde du congrès de Vienne à 1945 / sous la direction de Peter Geiss, Daniel Henri et Guillaume Le
Quintrec ; les auteurs, Michaela Braun ... [et al.] ; traductions d'Isabelle Hausser ... [et al.] ; : Nathan, : Klett.-Nathan/Klett; c2008.-- (Histoire = Geschichte).,EURO:230:V1,3
104. L'héritage artistique de Simone Martini : Avignon-Sienne / catalogue sous la direction de Anna Maria Guiducci et
Dominique Vingtain.-- Editions Petit Palais Diffusion; [2009].,EURO:700:S1,1
105. L'idée d'Europe au XXe siècle : des mythes aux réalités / Élisabeth du Réau.-- Nouvelle édition.-- Complexe; c2008.-(Questions au XXe siècle).,EURO:230:R1,1
106. L'Union europeenne et les medias : regards croises sur l'information europeenne / sous la direction de Guillaume Garcia et
Virginie Le Torrec ; ont participe a cet ouvrage, Olivier Baisnee ... [et al.].-- Harmattan; [2005].-- (Collection cahiers
107. La cité des peuples : mémoires de cosmopolitismes / Francis Cheneval.-- Cerf; 2005.-- (Humanités).,EURO:311:C2,1
108. La construction sociale de la réalité / Peter Berger, Thomas Luckmann ; traduction de Pierre Taminiaux ; revue par Danilo
Martuccelli ; avant-propos de Danilo Martuccelli ; postface de François de Singly ; : [pbk.].-- A. Colin; c2014.-(Bibliothèque des classiques).: [pbk.],EURO:361:B1,1
109. La guerre des arts : le paragone peinture-sculpture en Italie XVe-XVIIe siècle / Sefy Hendler ; préface, Philippe Morel ; :
brossura.-- "L'Erma" di Bretschneider; c2013.-- (LermArte ; 11).: brossura,EURO:700:H2.1
110. La pensée française à l'épreuve de l'Europe / Justine Lacroix.-- Bernard Grasset; c2008.-- (Mondes vécus).,EURO:311:
111. Language and identity in a dual immersion school / Kim Potowski ; : hbk, : pbk.-- Multilingual Matters; c2007.-(Bilingual education and bilingualism / series editors, Colin Baker and Nancy Hornberger ; 63).: hbk,EURO:807:Pl,1
112. Language awareness und bilingualer Unterricht : eine komparative Studie / Sylvia Fehling.-- 2., uberarbeitete Aufl.-- Peter
Lang, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften; 2008.-- (LaCuLi : language culture literacy ; Bd. 1).,EURO:802:F1,1
113. Language planning and policy in Europe / edited by Robert B. Kaplan and Richard B. Baldauf, Jr ; v. 1 : hbk, v. 2 : hbk, v.
3 : hbk.-- Multilingual Matters; c2005-.-- (Language planning and policy).v. 1 : hbk,EURO:802:K1,1
114. Language planning and policy in Europe / edited by Robert B. Kaplan and Richard B. Baldauf, Jr ; v. 1 : hbk, v. 2 : hbk, v.
3 : hbk.-- Multilingual Matters; c2005-.-- (Language planning and policy).v. 2 : hbk,EURO:802:K1,2
115. Language planning and policy in Europe / edited by Robert B. Kaplan and Richard B. Baldauf, Jr ; v. 1 : hbk, v. 2 : hbk, v.
3 : hbk.-- Multilingual Matters; c2005-.-- (Language planning and policy).v. 3 : hbk,EURO:802:K1,3
116. Language strategies for bilingual families : the one-parent-one-language approach / Suzanne Barron-Hauwaert ; : pbk, :
hbk.-- Multilingual Matters; c2004.-- (Parents' and teachers' guides ; no. 7).: hbk,EURO:807:B1,1
117. Language, culture and identity in applied linguistics / edited by Richard Kiely ... [et al.].-- British Association for Applied
Linguistics in association with Equinox; 2006.-- (British studies in applied linguistics ; v. 21).,EURO:802:K2,1
118. Language, space and power : a critical look at bilingual education / Samina Hadi-Tabassum ; : pbk, : hbk.-- Multilingual
Matters; c2006.-- (Bilingual education and bilingualism / series editors, Colin Baker and Nancy Hornberger ; 55).: hbk,
119. Le conseil d'Etat : juger, conseiller, servir / Erik Arnoult, Francois Monnier.-- Gallimard; c1999.-- (Decouvertes
Gallimard ; 388 . Histoire).,EURO:342.4:A1,1
120. Le français et les langues partenaires : convivialité et compétitivité / sous la direction de Musanji Ngalasso-Mwatha.-Presses universitaires de Bordeaux; c2013.-- (Études africaines et créoles ; no. 6).,EURO:850:N1,1
121. Le Gothic : influences and appropriations in Europe and America / edited by Avril Horner, Sue Zlosnik.-- Palgrave
Macmillan; 2008.,EURO:930:H1,1
122. Le monde : les grandes crises politiques françaises : 1958-2011 / sous la direction de Gérard Courtois.-- Perrin; c2011.,
123. Le nouvel esprit du capitalisme / Luc Boltanski, Eve Chiapello.-- Gallimard; c1999.-- (NRF essais).,EURO:332:H1,1
124. Le tournant néo-libéral en Europe : idées et recettes dans les pratiques gouvernementales / sous la direction de Bruno
Jobert.-- Harmattan; c1994.-- (Collection Logiques politiques ; 21).,EURO:319:J5,1
125. Leonora Carrington : what she might be / Salomon Grimberg.-- [Mexico Institute in Dallas]; c2008.,EURO:720:G1,2
126. Leonora Carrington, historia en dos tiempos / Lourdes Andrade.-- Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes, Dirección
General de Publicaciones; 1998.-- (Círculo de arte).,EURO:720:G1,1
127. Les empires coloniaux (XIXe-XXe siècle) / sous la direction de Pierre Singaravélou.-- Éditions Points; c2013.-- (Points ; .
Histoire ; H468).,EURO:334.5:S1,1
128. Les frontières de la démocratie / Étienne Balibar.-- La Découverte; 1992.-- (Cahiers libres ; Essais).,EURO:311:E1,1
129. Les terrains politiques du football.-- Karthala; c2010.-- (Politique africaine ; 118).,EURO:302:K1,1
130. Lobbying the European Union : institutions, actors, and issues / edited by David Coen and Jeremy Richardson.-- Oxford
University Press; 2009.,EURO:315.3:C1,1
131. Louis XIV / by John B. Wolf.-- [1st ed.].-- W.W. Norton; [1968].,EURO:289:W1,1
132. Mapping linguistic diversity in multicultural contexts / edited by Monica Barni, Guus Extra ; : hard, : pbk.-- Mouton de
Gruyter; c2008.-- (Contributions to the sociology of language ; 94).: hard,EURO:802:B2,1
133. Masterpieces in detail : early Netherlandish art from van Eyck to Bosch / Till-Holger Borchert ; [translated by Karen
Williams and Michael Scuffil].-- Prestel; c2014.,EURO:700:B1,1
134. Masters of the everyday : Dutch artists in the age of Vermeer / Desmond Shawe-Taylor and Quentin Buvelot ; :
hardbound.-- Royal Collection Trust.: hardbound,EURO:720:S1,1
135. Mediterranean mosaic : popular music and global sounds / edited by Goffredo Plastino ; : hbk, : pbk.-- Routledge;
c2003.-- (Perspectives on global pop).: hbk,EURO:762:P1,1
136. Migration and mobility in the European Union / Christina Boswell and Andrew Geddes ; : pbk.-- Palgrave Macmillan;
2011.-- (The European Union series).: pbk,EURO:319:B5,1
137. Multi-level governance and European integration / Liesbet Hooghe and Gary Marks ; : pbk.-- Rowman & Littlefield
Publishers; c2001.-- (Governance in Europe).: pbk,EURO:329.37:H1,1
138. Multilingual Europe : facts and policies / edited by Guus Extra, Durk Gorter ; : hardcover.-- Mouton de Gruyter; c2008.-(Contributions to the sociology of language ; 96).: hardcover,EURO:802:E1,1
139. Multimedia performance / Rosemary Klich and Edward Scheer ; : hardback, : pbk.-- Palgrave Macmillan; 2012.,
140. Murder most royal / Jean Plaidy.-- Pan Books; 1966.,EURO:230:P2,1
141. Negotiating gender and diversity in an emergent European public sphere / edited by Birte Siim and Monika Mokre.-Palgrave Macmillan; 2013.-- (Gender and politics series / series editors, Johanna Kantola).,EURO:316:S2,1
142. New research directions.-- Routledge; 2013.-- (Critical concepts in political science ; . Political knowledge / edited by
Jeffrey Friedman and Shterna Friedman ; v. 4).,EURO:310:F1,4
143. Nineteenth-century writings on homosexuality : a sourcebook / edited by Chris White ; : hbk, : pbk.-- Routledge; 1999.:
144. Normative and theoretical perspectives.-- Routledge; 2013.-- (Critical concepts in political science ; . Political knowledge
/ edited by Jeffrey Friedman and Shterna Friedman ; v. 1).,EURO:310:F1,1
145. Oil and gas : world history / Ivan Mazur ; editor-in-chief Ivan Mazur.-- Elima; 2005.,EURO:568:M1,1
146. Origins and evolution of the European Union / edited by Desmond Dinan.-- Oxford University Press; 2006.-- (The new
European Union series).,EURO:333.7:D1,1
147. Painting and sculpture / edited by Jacques Thuillier ; coordinated by Elena Cattarini Léger.-- "L'Erma" di Bretschneider;
c2014.-- (Atlas of the Baroque world ; 1).,EURO:700:T1,1
148. Palgrave advances in European Union studies / edited by Michelle Cini and Angela K. Bourne ; : cloth, : pbk.-- Palgrave
Macmillan; 2006.-- (Palgrave advances).: pbk,EURO:319:C1,1
149. Performing European memories : trauma, ethics, politics / Milija Gluhovic.-- Palgrave Macmillan; 2013.-- (Studies in
international performance).,EURO:770:G1,1
150. Performing Greek comedy / Alan Hughes ; : hardback.-- Cambridge University Press; 2012.,EURO:772:H1,1
151. Pioneers of European integration : citizenship and mobility in the EU / edited by Ettore Recchi, Adrian Favell ; : hbk.-Edward Elgar; 2009.,EURO:319:R3,1
152. Polices en réseaux : l'expérience européenne / Didier Bigo.-- Presses de la Fondation nationale des sciences politiques;
153. Policy-making in the European Union / edited by Helen Wallace, Mark A. Pollack and Alasdair R. Young ; : pbk.-- 6th
ed.-- Oxford University Press; 2010.-- (The new European Union series).: pbk,EURO:317:W1,1
154. Policy-making in the European Union / edited by Helen Wallace, Mark A. Pollack and Alasdair R. Young ; : pbk.-- 6th
ed.-- Oxford University Press; 2010.-- (The new European Union series).: pbk,EURO:319:W3,1
155. Political conflict in Western Europe / Hanspeter Kriesi ... [et al.] ; : pbk.-- Cambridge University Press; 2012.,EURO:353:
156. Political heuristics and biases.-- Routledge; 2013.-- (Critical concepts in political science ; . Political knowledge / edited
by Jeffrey Friedman and Shterna Friedman ; v. 3).,EURO:310:F1,3
157. Political knowledge and its transmission.-- Routledge; 2013.-- (Critical concepts in political science ; . Political
knowledge / edited by Jeffrey Friedman and Shterna Friedman ; v. 2).,EURO:310:F1,2
158. Politics in Europe / M. Donald Hancock ... [et al.] ; : [pbk.].-- 6th ed.-- Sage : CQ Press; c2015.: [pbk.],EURO:310:H2,1
159. Populism and crisis politics in Greece / Takis S. Pappas ; : hbk.-- Palgrave Macmillan; 2014.-- (Palgrave pivot).: hbk,
160. Post office reform, 1837 / Rowland Hill . Sir Rowland Hill, 1907 / Eleanor C. Smyth.-- Published by Edition Synapse for
Eureka Press; 2015.-- (The foundations of the modern post-office in Britain : a collection of the nineteenth century sources
/ edited and introduced by Megumi Arai ; v. 3).,EURO:693:A1,1-3
161. Pour(quoi) la philosophie politique / Jean Leca.-- Presses de Sciences Po; c2001.-- (Petit traité de science politique).,
162. Principes du gouvernement représentatif / Bernard Manin.-- [2e éd. augm. d'une postface].-- Flammarion; c2012.-(Champs ; Essais ; 820).,EURO:311:M1,1
163. Progress in international relations theory : appraising the field / Colin Elman and Miriam Fendius Elman, editors ; : hc, :
pbk.-- MIT Press; c2003.-- (BCSIA studies in international security).: pbk,EURO:319:E2,1
164. Promoting democracy : progress report on U.S. democratic development assistance to Russia.-- [U.S. General Accounting
Office]; [1996].,EURO:319:U2,1
165. Promoting unity, preserving diversity? : member-state institutions and European integration / Andrea M. Gates ; : cloth.-Lexington Books, a division of Rowman & Littlefield Publishers; c2006.: cloth,EURO:319:G1,1
166. Public Chamber of Russia : politics of Russia, federal subjects of Russia, Vladimir Putin / Lambert M. Surhone, Mariam
T. Tennoe, Susan F. Henssonow (ed.).-- Betascript Pub.; 2011.,EURO:313:S1,1
167. Recasting Brussels I : proceedings of the conference held at the University of Milan on November 25-26, 2011 / edited by
Fausto Pocar, Ilaria Viarengo, Francesca C. Villata.-- CEDAM, Casa editrice dott. Antonio Milani; 2012.-- (Studi e
pubblicazioni della Rivista di diritto internazionale privato e processuale ; 76).,EURO:329:P1,1
168. Reconfiguring Europe : the contribution of applied linguistics ; selected papers from the annual meeting of the British
Association for Applied Linguistics King's College, London, September 2004 / edited by Constant Leung and Jennifer
Jenkins ; : pbk.-- British Association for Applied Linguistics in association with Equinox; 2006.-- (British studies in
applied linguistics ; v. 20).: pbk,EURO:802:Ll,1
169. Regionalism, multilateralism and economic integration : the recent experience / edited by Gary P. Sampson and Stephen
Woolcock.-- United Nations University Press; c2003.,EURO:333:S3,1
170. Research agendas in EU studies : stalking the elephant / edited by Michelle Egan, Neill Nugent and William E. Paterson ; :
hbk, : pbk.-- Palgrave Macmillan; 2010.-- (Palgrave studies in European Union politics).: pbk,EURO:312:E1,1
171. Restructuring Europe : centre formation, system building and political structuring between the nation-state and the
European Union / Stefano Bartolini.-- Oxford University Press; 2005.,EURO:312,B2,1
172. Russians in Britain : British theatre and the Russian tradition of actor training / edited by Jonathan Pitches ; : pbk.-Routledge; 2012.,EURO:772:P1.1
173. Security and defence policy in the European Union / Jolyon Howorth ; : hbk, : pbk.-- Palgrave Macmillan; 2007.-- (The
European Union series / general editors, Neill Nugent, William E. Paterson, Vincent Wright).: pbk,EURO:392:H1,1
174. Social exclusion : perspectives from France and Japan / edited by Marc Humbert and Yoshimichi Sato ; : [pbk].-- Trans
Pacific Press; 2012.-- (Stratification and inequality series ; v. 13).,EURO:360:H1,1
175. Social-nationalism : an anatomy of French euroscepticism / Bertrand Benoit ; : hard.-- Ashgate; c1997.: hard,
176. Sociologie et théorie du langage : Christian Gauss Lectures, 1970/1971 / Jürgen Habermas ; traduit de l'allemand par
Rainer Rochlitz.-- Armand Colin; c1995.-- (Théories).,EURO:361:H1,1
177. Sociologie politique / Philippe Braud.-- 10e éd.-- L.G.D.J; c2011.-- (Manuel).,EURO:311:B2,1
178. Ten film classics : a re-viewing / Edward Murray ; : pbk.-- F. Ungar; c1978.-- (Ungar film library).,EURO:778:M1,1
179. The arts of Piranesi : architect, etcher, antiquarian, vedutista, designer.-- Fondazione Giorgio Cini.,EURO:700:F1,1
180. The Bristol Royal Mail : post, telegraph and telephone, c.1899 / R.C. Tombs.-- Published by Edition Synapse for Eureka
Press; 2015.-- (The foundations of the modern post-office in Britain : a collection of the nineteenth century sources /
edited and introduced by Megumi Arai ; v. 6).,EURO:693:A1,1-6
181. The concise illustrated history of the Civil War / narrative by James I. Robertson, Jr. ; illustrations selected by Frederic
Ray ; design by Krone Art Service.-- National Historical Society; c1971.,EURO:253:I1,1
182. The crisis of the European Union : a response / Jürgen Habermas ; translated by Ciaran Cronin.-- Polity; c2012.,
183. The drama, theatre & performance companion / Michael Mangan.-- Palgrave Macmillan; 2013.-- (Palgrave student
184. The economic performance of the European Union : issues, trends and policies / edited by Antonin Rusek, Lubor Lacina,
Jarko Fidrmuc.-- Palgrave Macmillan; 2009.,EURO:319:R2,1
185. The EU as a global security actor : a comprehensive analysis beyond CFSP and JHA / Christian Kaunert and Kamil
Zwolski.-- Palgrave Macmillan; 2013.-- (Palgrave studies in European Union politics).,EURO:319:K6,1
186. The EU's transformative power : Europeanization through conditionality in Central and Eastern Europe / Heather
Grabbe.-- Palgrave Macmillan; 2006.-- (Palgrave studies in European Union politics).,EURO:319:G3,1
187. The European cinema reader / edited by Catherine Fowler ; : hbk, : pbk.-- Routledge; 2002.: hbk,EURO:778:F2,1
188. The European Commission and the integration of Europe : images of governance / Liesbet Hooghe ; : hbk, : pbk.-Cambridge University Press; 2001.-- (Themes in European governance).: pbk,EURO:333.7:H1,1
189. The European finality debate and its national dimensions / edited by Simon Serfaty ; foreword by Guenter Burghardt.-Center for Strategic and International Studies; c2003.-- (Significant issues series ; v. 25, no. 1).,EURO:311:S1,1
190. The European neighbourhood policy in perspective : context, implementation and impact / edited by Richard G. Whitman
and Stefan Wolff.-- Palgrave Macmillan; 2010.-- (Palgrave studies in European Union politics).,EURO:319:W4,1
191. The European puzzle : the political structuring of cultural identities at a time of transition / edited by Marion Demossier ; :
hardcover, : pbk.-- Berghahn Books; 2007.: pbk,EURO:319:D1,1
192. The European Union : how does it work? / [edited by] Elizabeth Bomberg, John Peterson, and Alexander Stubb.-- 2nd
ed..-- Oxford University Press; 2008.-- (The new European Union series).,EURO:319:B4,1
193. The European Union : readings on the theory and practice of European integration / edited by Brent F. Nelsen, Alexander
Stubb ; paper.-- 3rd ed.-- L. Rienner; 2003.paper,EURO:319:N1,1
194. The European Union and international development : the politics of foreign aid / Maurizio Carbone.-- Routledge; 2007.-(UACES contemporary European studies series / edited by Tanja Borzel, Michelle Cini, and Roger Scully ; 4).,
195. The European Union and the social dimension of globalization : how the EU influences the world / edited by Jan Orbie
and Lisa Tortell ; : hbk.-- Routledge; 2009.-- (Routledge/GARNET series : Europe in the world / edited by Mary Farrell
and Karoline Postel-Vinay).: hbk,EURO:319:O3,1
196. The European Union in international politics : Baptism by fire / Roy H. Ginsberg ; foreword by Stuart E. Eizenstat ; :
pbk.-- Rowman & Littlefield; c2001.-- (New international relations of Europe).: pbk,EURO:329.37:G1,1
197. The health of nations : society and law beyond the state / Philip Allott ; : hbk, : pbk.-- Cambridge University Press; 2002.:
198. The history of British literature on film, 1895-2015 / Greg M. Colón Semenza and Bob Hasenfratz ; : hardback.-Bloomsbury Academic; 2015.-- (The history of world literatures on film / series editors, Greg M. Colón Semenza and Bob
Hasenfratz).: hardback,EURO:778:C1,1
199. The history of the Post Office from its establishment down to 1836, 1893 / Herbert Joyce ; introduction by Megumi Arai.-Published by Edition Synapse for Eureka Press; 2015.-- (The foundations of the modern post-office in Britain : a
collection of the nineteenth century sources / edited and introduced by Megumi Arai ; v. 1).,EURO:693:A1,1-1
200. The hound and the falcon : the story of a reconversion to the Catholic faith / Antonia White.-- Longmans; 1965.,
201. The impact of ageing : a common challenge for Europe and Asia / edited by Gabriele Sinigoj ... [et al.] ; : Austria, :
Germany.-- LIT; c2007.: Austria,EURO:334:S1,1
202. The making of EU foreign policy : the case of Eastern Europe / Karen E. Smith ; pbk..-- 2nd ed.-- Palgrave Macmillan;
203. The multiculturalism backlash : European discourses, policies and practices / edited by Steven Vertovec and Susanne
Wessendorf ; : hc, : pbk.-- Routledge; 2010.,EURO:319:V1,1
204. The Oxford handbook of British politics / edited by Matthew Flinders ... [et al.] ; : hbk.-- Oxford University Press; 2009.:
205. The Oxford handbook of fascism / edited by R.J.B. Bosworth ; : pbk.-- Oxford University Press; 2010, c2009.: pbk,
206. The Oxford handbook of local and regional democracy in Europe / edited by John Loughlin, Frank Hendriks, Anders
Lidström ; : pbk.-- Oxford University Press; 2012, c2011.,EURO:353:L1,1
207. The Oxford handbook of medieval Latin literature / edited by Ralph J. Hexter and David Townsend.-- Oxford University
Press; c2012.,EURO:992:H1,1
208. The Palgrave encyclopedia of imperialism and anti-imperialism / edited by Immanuel Ness and Zak Cope ; [senior
editorial advisor, Saër Maty Bâ] ; : [set], v. 1, v. 2.-- Palgrave Macmillan; 2016.v. 1,EURO:030:N1,1-1
209. The Palgrave encyclopedia of imperialism and anti-imperialism / edited by Immanuel Ness and Zak Cope ; [senior
editorial advisor, Saër Maty Bâ] ; : [set], v. 1, v. 2.-- Palgrave Macmillan; 2016.v. 2,EURO:030:N1,1-2
210. The religious roots of contemporary European identity / edited by Lucia Faltin and Melanie J. Wright.-- Continuum;
2007.-- (T & T Clark theology).,EURO:319:F2,1
211. The Royal Mail, 2nd ed., 1885 / James Wilson Hyde.-- Published by Edition Synapse for Eureka Press; 2015.-- (The
foundations of the modern post-office in Britain : a collection of the nineteenth century sources / edited and introduced by
Megumi Arai ; v. 5).,EURO:693:A1,1-5
212. The SAGE handbook of European studies / edited by Chris Rumford ; hbk.-- SAGE; 2009.hbk,EURO:319:R1,1
213. The search for a European identity : values, policies and legitimacy of the European Union / edited by Furio Cerutti and
Sonia Lucarelli ; : hbk.-- Routledge; 2008.-- (Routledge/GARNET series : Europe in the world / edited by Mary Farrell
and Karoline Postel-Vinay ; 2).: hbk,EURO:319:C5,1
214. The single currency and European citizenship : unveiling the other side of the coin / edited by Giovanni Moro ; : hbk, :
pbk.-- Bloomsbury Academic; 2013.: pbk,EURO:316:M2,1
215. The sovereignty of law : the European way / by Francis G. Jacobs ; : hbk, : pbk.-- Cambridge University Press; 2007.-(The Hamlyn lectures ; [58th ser.]).: pbk,EURO:319:J2,1
216. The unfinished democratization of Europe / by Erik O. Eriksen.-- Oxford University Press; 2009.,EURO:319:E4,1
217. The world crisis, 1911-1918 / Winston S. Churchill ; v. 1, v. 2.-- New English Library; 1968.-- (A Mentor book).,
218. The world crisis, 1911-1918 / Winston S. Churchill ; v. 1, v. 2.-- New English Library; 1968.-- (A Mentor book).,
219. The WTO and global governance : future directions / edited by Gary P. Sampson ; : pbk.-- United Nations University
Press; c2008.: pbk,EURO:678:S1,1
220. The young Van Dyck / edited by Alejandro Vergara and Friso Lammertse ; : hbk..-- Thames & Hudson; 2013.: hbk.,
221. Théories des relations internationales / Dario Battistella.-- 4e éd. mise à jour et augm.-- Sciences Po; c2012.-(Références ; Monde et sociétés).,EURO:319:B8,1
222. Theories of international relations / Scott Burchill ... [et al.] ; : hardback, : pbk.-- 4th ed.-- Palgrave Macmillan; 2009.:
223. Theorizing European integration / Dimitris N. Chryssochoou ; : pbk.-- 2nd ed.-- Routledge; 2009.: pbk,EURO:319:C3,1
224. Transnational gothic : literary and social exchanges in the long nineteenth century / [edited by] Monika Elbert and Bridget
M. Marshall.-- Ashgate; c2013.,EURO:930:E1,1
225. True to the spirit : film adaptation and the question of fidelity / edited by Colin MacCabe, Kathleen Murray, and Rick
Warner ; : pbk.-- Oxford University Press; c2011.: pbk,EURO:778:M3,1
226. Turkey and the European Union : domestic politics, economic integration and international dynamics / editors, Ali
Carko?lu, Barry Rubin ; : pbk.-- Frank Cass; 2003.: pbk,EURO:319:C2,1
227. Turkey and the European Union : internal dynamics and external challenges / edited by Joseph S. Joseph ; : cloth.-Palgrave Macmillan; 2006.: cloth,EURO:319:J4,1
228. Turkey-European Union relations : dilemmas, opportunities, and constraints / Meltem Muftuler-Bac and Yannis A.
Stivachtis ; : cloth.-- Lexington Books; c2008.: cloth,EURO:319:M3,1
229. Turkish immigrants in the European Union : determinants of immigration and integration / edited by Refik Erzan and
Kemal Kirişci ; : hbk.-- Routledge; 2008.: hbk,EURO:319:E2,1
230. Twelve who ruled : the year of the terror in the French Revolution / by R.R. Palmer ; paperback, hardcover.-- Princeton
University Press; 1970, c1969.,EURO:155:P1,1
231. Understanding the European Union : a concise introduction / John McCormick ; : pbk.-- 4th ed.-- Palgrave Macmillan;
2008.-- (The European Union series / general editors, Neill Nugent, William E. Paterson, Vincent Wright).: pbk,
232. United in diversity? : European integration and political cultures / edited by Ekavi Athanassopoulou.-- I.B. Tauris; 2008.-(Library of European studies ; 2).,EURO:319:A4,1
233. Unveiling the council of the European Union : games governments play in Brussels / edited by Daniel Naurin and Helen
Wallace.-- Palgrave Macmillan; 2008.-- (Palgrave studies in European Union politics).,EURO:319:N2,1
234. Values and principles in European Union foreign policy / edited by Sonia Lucarelli and Ian Manners ; : hbk, : pbk.-Routledge; 2006.-- (Routledge advances in European politics ; 37).: pbk,EURO:319:L3,1
235. Vermeer : the complete paintings / Walter Liedtke ; : H.N. Abrams.-- Ludion.-- (The classical art series / edited by TillHolger Borchert, Christopher Brown, Mauro Lucco).,EURO:700:L1,1
236. Wage and welfare : new perspectives on employment and social rights in Europe / Bernadette Clasquin ... [et al.], (eds.).-P.I.E.-Peter Lang; c2004.-- (Work & society ; no. 43).,EURO:366:C1,1
237. War in the air 1939-1945 / by Richard Humble ; edited by Iain Parsons.-- Phoebus; 1975.-- (Purnell's history of the World
Wars special).,EURO:390:H1,1
238. Waterloo : a novel based on the screenplay by H. A. L. Craig for the Dino De Laurentiis film: Waterloo / Frederick E.
Smith ; : [pbk.].-- Pan Books; 1970.-- (A Pan original).,EURO:289:S1,1
239. What kind of Europe? / Loukas Tsoukalis ; : pbk.-- Updated and expanded ed.-- Oxford University Press; 2005.: pbk,
240. Women as educators : Arguments and experiences.-- Routledge; 2007.-- (The history of feminism ; . Nineteenth-century
British women's education, 1840-1900 / edited by Susan Hamilton and Janice Schroeder ; v. 6).,EURO:372:H1,1-6
241. Women as educators : Dorothea Beale, Frances Mary Buss, Maria Grey and Emily Shirreff.-- Routledge; 2007.-- (The
history of feminism ; . Nineteenth-century British women's education, 1840-1900 / edited by Susan Hamilton and Janice
Schroeder ; v. 5).,EURO:372:H1,1-5
242. World War I / by S.L.A. Marshall.-- American Heritage.-- (The American Heritage library).,EURO:209:M2,1
243. Большой англо-русский словарь : 220000 слов, словосочетаний, идиоматических выражений, пословиц и
поговорок / В. Мюллер = Complete English-Russian dictionary : 220000 words, word combinations, idioms, proverbs
and sayings / V. Müller.-- Новой ред., Изд. 10-е, стереотипное.-- Цитадель-трейд : Вече; c2010.,EURO:843:M1,2
244. Большой англо-русский словарь = Comprehensive English-Russian dictionary : свыше 280000 слов, словосочетаний
и значений английского языка / А.Г. Пивовар ; под общей редакцией Л.С. Робатень ; : ACT.-- Астрель : АСТ :
Хранитель; c2007.,EURO:843:P2,1
245. Большой визуальный словарь : русский, украинский, английский, немецкий, французский, испанский ; :
Украина, : Россия.-- "Клуб семейного досуга"; 2010.,EURO:843:S3,1
246. Большой русско-английский словарь : 120000 слов и выражений / В.К. Мюллер.-- Эксмо; 2008.-- (Библиотека
словарей Мюллера).,EURO:843:M1,4
247. Большой русско-английский словарь : более 160000 слов и словосочетаний / под общим руководством А.И.
Смирницкого ; под редакцией О.С. Ахмановой ; с приложением кратких сведений по английской грамматике и
орфоэпии, составленных А.И. Смирницким = Comprehensive Russian-English dictionary : over 160000 words and
expressions / under the general direction of A.I. Smirnitsky ; under the editorship of O.S. Akhmanova ; with a supplement
containing a brief account of English grammar and pronunciation and notes on Russian grammmar by A.I. Smirnitsky.-29-е изд., стереотипное = 29th stereotype ed.-- Русский язык Медиа; 2007.,EURO:843:S4,1
248. Большой русско-английский словарь : около 200000 слов и выражений / М.И. Дубровин.-- АСТ-ПРЕСС; [2008].-(Программа словари XXI века).,EURO:843:D1,2
249. Визуальный словарь : русский, английский, французский, немецкий, испанский / [authors, Jean-Claude Corbeil and
Ariane Archambault].-- Рипол Классик; c2010.,EURO:843:C1,1
250. Новый англо-русский словарь : около 200000 слов и словосочетаний / В.К. Мюллер = Modern English-Russian
dictionary : about 200000 words and expressions / V.K. Müller ; : Рус. яз. медиа, : Дрофа.-- 15-е изд., испр. = 15th rev.
ed.-- Дрофа : Русский язык медиа; 2008.,EURO:843:M1,3
251. Полный англо-русский словарь = Complete English-Russian dictionary : около 70000 слов английского языка и
около 90000 примеров словоупотребления / А. Александров ; : АСТ, : Астрель.-- АСТ : Астрель; c2007.,
252. Полный исторический атлас России ; изд-во АСТ, изд-во Астрель.-- АСТ : Астрель; c2010.изд-во АСТ,EURO:238:
253. Русско-английский словарь : 100000 слов, словосочетаний, выражений и значений / М.И. Дубровин ; : ACT.-АСТ : Астрель; [2011].,EURO:843:D1,1
254. Русско-английский экономический словарь : более 80000 терминов и терминологических словосочетаний / И.Ф.
Жданова = Russian-English economic dictionary : about 80000 entries / I.F. Zhdanova ; : Рус. яз.-Медиа, : Дрофа.-- 9-е
изд., стереотипное = 9th stereotype ed.-- Русский язык Медиа : Дрофа; 2008.,EURO:843:F1,1
255. Словарь употребительных слов на 11 языках : английский, немецкий, французский, итальянский, испанский,
нидерландский, шведский, польский, чешский, венгерский, русский / [редактор Лазарева Е. И.] ; : АСТ, :
Астрель.-- АСТ : Астрель; c2007.,EURO:843:N1,1
256. Словарь-тезаурус русских пословиц, поговорок и метких выражений : более 22000 пословиц, поговорок,
молвушек, присловий,приговорок, присказок, загадок, примет, дразнилок, считалок / В. И. Зимин.-- АСТ-ПРЕСС;
[200-].-- (Программа словари XXI века).,EURO:843:Z1,1
257. Содружество независимых государств : краткий справочник предварительных статистических итогов =
Commonwealth of Independent States : digest of provisional statistical results ; в 1997 году - в 2011 году.-Статкомитет СНГ; 1998-.,EURO:353:S1,1
258. Содружество Независимых Государств : статистический ежегодник / Межгосударственный статистический
комитет Содружества независимых государств = Commonwealth of Independent States : statistical yearbook /
Interstate Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Indepemdent States ; в 1994 году - в 2011 году.-Межгосударственный статистический комитет Содружества независимых государств; 1995-.,EURO:353:S1,2
259. Содружество Независимых Государств : статистический ежегодник / Межгосударственный статистический
комитет Содружества независимых государств = Commonwealth of Independent States : statistical yearbook /
Interstate Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Indepemdent States ; в 1994 году - в 2011 году.-Межгосударственный статистический комитет Содружества независимых государств; 1995-.,EURO:353:S1,3
260. Универсальный англо-русский словарь современной лексики : около 100000 слов и выражений / под общей
редакцией А.Ю. Баженковой = Universal English-Russian dictionary of modern lexicon : about 100000 entries / under
the editorship of A. Bazhenkova.-- АСТ.,EURO:843:B1,1
261. Учебный англо-русский словарь : 120000 слов / В.К. Мюллер.-- Эксмо; 2007.,EURO:843:M1,1
262. 21世紀のドイツ : 政治・経済・社会からみた過去・現在・未来 / 河崎健編著.-- Sophia University Press 上智大学
出版; 2011.5.,EURO:234:K1,1
263. EU : 欧州統合の現在 / 辰巳浅嗣編著.-- 第2版.-- 創元社; 2005.7.,EURO:319:T2,2
264. EU(欧州連合)を知るための63章 / 羽場久美子編著.-- 明石書店; 2013.9.-- (エリア・スタディーズ ; 124).,
265. EUとドイツ語圏諸国 / 木村直司編.-- 南窓社; 2000.2.,EURO:329:K1,1
266. EUと市民 / 田中俊郎, 庄司克宏編.-- 慶應義塾大学出版会; 2005.3.-- (叢書21COE-CCC多文化世界における市民意
識の動態 ; 13).,EURO:333:T1,1
267. EUのガヴァナンスと政策形成 / 田中俊郎, 庄司克宏, 浅見政江編.-- 慶應義塾大学出版会; 2009.2.,EURO:319:T3,1
268. EUのなかの国民国家 : デモクラシーの変容 / 日本比較政治学会編.-- 早稲田大学出版部; 2003.6.-- (日本比較政治
学会年報 / 日本比較政治学会編 ; 第5号).,EURO:312:N1,1
269. EUの地域政策 /
悟一著.-- 世界思想社; 2003.1.-- (Sekaishiso seminar).,EURO:601:T1,1
270. EUの外交・安全保障政策 : 欧州政治統合の歩み / 辰巳浅嗣著.-- 成文堂; 2001.3.-- (阪南大学叢書 ; 63).,
271. EUの知識 / 藤井良広著.-- 14版.-- 日本経済新聞社; 2005.10.-- (日経文庫 ; 1079).,EURO:333:F1,1
272. EUの開発援助政策 : ロメ協定の研究:パ-トナ-シップからコンディショナリティ-ヘ / 前田啓一著.-- 御茶の水書
房; 2000.3.-- (大阪商業大学比較地域研究所研究叢書 / 大阪商業大学比較地域研究所 [編] ; 第2巻).,EURO:333:
273. EUは国家を超えられるか : 政治統合のゆくえ / 平島健司著.-- 岩波書店; 2004.7.-- (新世界事情).,EURO:329:H1,1
274. EU入門 : 誕生から, 政治・法律・経済まで / 島野卓爾, 岡村堯, 田中俊郎編著.-- 有斐閣; 2000.3.,EURO:329:S1,1
275. EU単一市場とヨーロッパの将来 : モンティ報告 / マリオ・モンティ [著] ; 田中素香訳.-- 東洋経済新報社;
276. EU市民権と市民意識の動態 / 鈴木規子著.-- 慶應義塾大学出版会; 2007.11.-- (叢書21COE-CCC多文化世界におけ
る市民意識の動態 / Center for Civil Society with Comparative Perspective [編] ; 25).,EURO:319:S3,1
277. EU情報事典 / 村上直久編著.-- 大修館書店; 2009.9.,EURO:319:M5,1
278. EU拡大のフロンティア : トルコとの対話 / 八谷まち子編著.-- 信山社出版; 2007.12.,EURO:319:H3,1
279. EU法 / 庄司克宏著 ; 基礎 , 政策
, 実務
.-- 岩波書店; 2003.9-2008.4.-- (岩波テキストブックス).基礎
280. EU法 / 庄司克宏著 ; 基礎 , 政策
, 実務
.-- 岩波書店; 2003.9-2008.4.-- (岩波テキストブックス).政策
281. EU研究の新地平 : 前例なき政体への接近 / 中村民雄編.-- ミネルヴァ書房; 2005.2.,EURO:329:N1,1
282. EU社会政策の展開 / 佐藤進著.-- 法律文化社; 2006.8.,EURO:364:S1,1
283. EU経済論 : 拡大と変革の未来像 / 内田勝敏, 清水貞俊編著.-- ミネルヴァ書房; 2001.5.-- (Basic books).,EURO:333:
284. EU統合の軌跡とベクトル : トランスナショナルな政治社会秩序形成への模索 / 田中俊郎, 庄司克宏編.-- 慶應義
塾大学出版会; 2006.11.-- (叢書21COE-CCC多文化世界における市民意識の動態 / Center for Civil Society with
Comparative Perspective [編] ; 17).,EURO:319:T3,2
285. EU論 / 柏倉康夫, 植田隆子, 小川英治編著.-- 第2刷.-- 放送大学教育振興会; 2007.3.-- (放送大学大学院教材 ;
8910286-1-0611 . 総合文化プログラム : 文化情報科学群||8910286-1-0611 . ソウゴウ ブンカ プログラム : ブンカ
ジョウホウ カガクグン).,EURO:319:K2,1
286. イギリス文学入門 / 石塚久郎責任編集 ; 大久保譲 [ほか] 編集委員 ; 岩田美喜 [ほか] 執筆.-- 三修社; 2014.6.,
287. サッカーのエスノグラフィーへ : 徹底討論!民族とメディアとワールドカップ / 市之瀬敦,
会評論社; 2002.5.,EURO:780:I1,1
川麻里生編著.-- 社
288. シャーマンとヴィーナス / ヴェリミール・フレーブニコフ著 ; 工藤正廣訳.-- 未知谷; 2003.3.,EURO:980:K1,1
289. スウェーデン語辞典 / 尾崎義 [ほか] 著.-- 大学書林; 1990.9.,EURO:843:O1,1
290. デンマーク語辞典 / 古城健志, 松下正三編著.-- 大学書林; 1993.11.,EURO:843:K1,1
291. トルコ語辞典 / 竹内和夫著.-- 改訂増補版.-- 大学書林; 1996.10.,EURO:843:T1,1
292. ハンガリー語辞典 / 今岡十一郎編著.-- 大学書林; 2001.2.,EURO:843:I1,1
293. プチ・ロワイヤル和仏辞典 / 恒川邦夫, 吉田城, 牛場暁夫編.-- 第2版.-- 旺文社; 2003.1.,EURO:843:T2,1
294. フランスとドイツの国籍とネーション : 国籍形成の比較歴史社会学 / ロジャース・ブルーベイカー著 ; 佐藤成
基, 佐々木てる監訳.-- 明石書店; 2005.10.-- (明石ライブラリー ; 82).,EURO:329:B1,1
295. マルチ言語宣言 : なぜ英語以外の外国語を学ぶのか / 大木充, 西山教行編.-- 京都大学学術出版会; 2011.6.,
296. ユーロと国際通貨システム / 田中素香, 藤田誠一編著.-- 蒼天社出版; 2003.5.,EURO:338:T1,1
297. ユーロの夜明け前に : ジャパニーズビジネスマン揺れ動くヨーロッパを行く / 有川徹[著].-- 日本図書刊行会;
298. ユーロへの挑戦 / H・ティートマイヤー著.-- 京都大学学術出版会; 2007.9.,EURO:319:T4,1
299. ユダヤ人の起源 : 歴史はどのように創作されたのか / シュロモー・サンド著 ; 佐々木康之, 木村高子訳.-- 浩気社;
300. ヨーロッパ : 統合への道 / フローラ・ルイス著 ; 友田錫訳 ; 上, 下.-- 改訂増補.-- 河出書房新社; 2002.3.上,
301. ヨーロッパ : 統合への道 / フローラ・ルイス著 ; 友田錫訳 ; 上, 下.-- 改訂増補.-- 河出書房新社; 2002.3.下,
302. ヨーロッパ・デモクラシーの新世紀 : グローバル化時代の挑戦 / 高橋進, 坪郷實編.-- 早稲田大学出版部; 2006.2.,
303. ヨーロッパ2010 : EU・世界を読み解く5つのシナリオ / G・ベルトラン, A・ミシャルスキ, L・ペンク編著 ; 小久
保康之監訳 ; 小林正英, 東野篤子訳.-- ミネルヴァ書房; 2000.11.-- (Minerva21世紀ライブラリー ; 63).,EURO:302:
304. ヨーロッパとイスラーム : 共生は可能か / 内藤正典著.-- 岩波書店; 2004.8.-- (岩波新書 ; 新赤版 905).,EURO:316:
305. ヨーロッパとは何か : 分裂と統合の1500年 / クシシトフ・ポミアン著 ; 松村剛訳.-- 増補.-- 平凡社; 2002.7.-- (平
凡社ライブラリー ; 437).,EURO:230:P1,1
306. ヨーロッパの民主政治 : 類似点と相違点 / マテイ・ドガン著 ; 櫻井陽二監訳.--
書房; 1995.6.,EURO:312:D1,1
307. ヨーロッパの統合とアメリカの戦略 : 統合による「帝国」への道 / ゲア・ルンデスタッド著 ; 河田潤一訳.-NTT出版; 2005.3.-- (叢書「世界認識の最前線」).,EURO:319:L1,1
308. ヨーロッパをつくる思想 / 山本浩, 高橋由美子編.-- 上智大学出版会; 2002.3.,EURO:319:Y1,1
309. ヨーロッパ単一通貨圏 : 金融・資本市場はこう変わる / 相沢幸悦著.-- 東洋経済新報社; 1997.7.,EURO:319:A3,1
310. ヨーロッパ国際関係史 : 繁栄と凋落,そして再生 / 渡邊啓貴編.-- 有斐閣; 2002.4.-- (有斐閣アルマ ; Specialized).,
311. ヨーロッパ学入門 / 武蔵大学人文学部ヨーロッパ比較文化学科編.-- 朝日出版社; 2005.6.,EURO:230:M1,1
312. ヨーロッパ市民の誕生 : 開かれたシティズンシップへ / 宮島喬著.-- 岩波書店; 2004.12.-- (岩波新書 ; 新赤版
313. ヨーロッパ政治ハンドブック / 馬場康雄, 平島健司編.-- 東京大学出版会; 2000.9.,EURO:312:B1,1
314. ヨーロッパ政治ハンドブック / 馬場康雄, 平島健司編.-- 第2版.-- 東京大学出版会; 2010.5.,EURO:302:B2,1
315. ヨーロッパ政治史 : 冷戦からEUへ / 田口晃著.-- 放送大学教育振興会; 2001.3.-- (放送大学教材 ; 53479-1-0111).,
316. ヨーロッパ政治史 / 平島健司, 飯田芳弘著.-- 新訂.-- 放送大学教育振興会; 2005.3.-- (放送大学教材 ; 1590413-1
317. ヨーロッパ新秩序と民族問題 / 高柳先男編著.-- 中央大学出版部; 1998.3.-- (研究叢書 / 中央大学社会科学研究所
編 ; 6 . 国際共同研究||コクサイ キョウドウ ケンキュウ ; 2).,EURO:316:T1,1
318. ヨーロッパ比較政治発展論 / ゲルハルト・レームブルッフ著 ; 平島健司編訳.-- 東京大学出版会; 2004.2.,
319. ヨーロッパ法 / 岡村堯著.-- 三省堂; 2001.4.,EURO:329:O1,1
320. ヨーロッパ統合と国際関係 / 木畑洋一編 ; 木畑洋一 [ほか] 著.-- 日本経済評論社; 2005.12.,EURO:319:K1,1
321. ヨーロッパ統合と日欧関係 / 高柳先男編著.-- 中央大学出版部; 1998.3.-- (研究叢書 / 中央大学社会科学研究所編 ;
5 . 国際共同研究||コクサイ キョウドウ ケンキュウ ; 1).,EURO:319:T1,1
322. ヨーロッパ統合のゆくえ : 民族・地域・国家 / 宮島喬,羽場久?子編 ; 宮島喬[ほか]著.-- 人文書院; 2001.9.,
323. ヨーロッパ統合の国際関係論 / 坂井一成編 ; 坂井一成 [ほか] 著.--
書房; 2003.4.,EURO:319:S1,1
324. ヨーロッパ統合の理論 / アンツェ・ヴィーナー, トマス・ディーズ編 ; 東野篤子訳.-- 勁草書房; 2010.11.,
325. ヨーロッパ統合史 = A history of European integration / 遠藤乾編.-- 名古屋大学出版会; 2008.4.,EURO:319:E1,1
326. ヨーロッパ統計年鑑 / ヨーロッパ連合編 ; 猪口孝監訳 ; '95 - 2008.-- 東洋書林; 1997.2-.2004,EURO:353:E1,1
327. ヨーロッパ言語事典 / グランヴィル・プライス編 ; 山本秀樹, 佐々木冠, 山田久就訳.-- 東洋書林; 2003.8.,
328. ヨーロピアン・ドリーム / ジェレミー・リフキン著 ; 柴田裕之訳.-- 日本放送出版協会; 2006.1.,EURO:302:R2,1
329. ローマ字ポ和辞典 / 坂根茂, 日向ノエミア著.-- 改訂新版.-- カーザ・オノ商会; 1991.1.,EURO:843:S2,1
330. ローマ字和ポ辞典 / 日向ノエミア著.-- 柏書房; 1992.3.,EURO:843:H1,1
331. 一にして多のヨーロッパ : 統合のゆくえを問う / 宮島喬著.-- 勁草書房; 2010.11.,EURO:319:M2,2
332. 不死身のヨーロッパ : 過去・現在・未来 / テオ・ゾンマー著 ; 加藤幹雄訳.-- 岩波書店; 2000.12.,EURO:319:S2,1
333. 二一世紀の欧州とアジア / 植田隆子編著.-- 勁草書房; 2002.10.,EURO:319:U1,2
334. 人間らしく働くルール : ヨーロッパの挑戦 / 宮前忠夫著.-- 学習の友社; 2001.8.,EURO:366:M1,1
335. 企業の社会的責任 / 松本恒雄, 杉浦保友編.-- 勁草書房; 2007.10.-- (EUスタディーズ ; 4).,EURO:329:M3,1
336. 出会いが生む言葉クレオール語に恋して / 市之瀬敦著.-- 現代書館; 2010.7.,EURO:890:I1,1
337. 原典ヨーロッパ統合史 : 史料と解説 = A documentary history of European integration : texts & commentaries / 遠藤乾
編.-- 名古屋大学出版会; 2008.11.,EURO:319:E1,2
338. 国境を超える現代ヨーロッパ映画250 : 移民・辺境・マイノリティ / 野崎歓 [ほか] 編.-- 河出書房新社; 2015.10.,
339. 国民国家と国家連邦 : 欧州国際統合の将来 / 宮本光雄著.-- 国際書院; 2002.7.,EURO:319:M1,1
340. 国民投票と欧州統合 : デンマーク・EU関係史 / 吉武信彦著.-- 勁草書房; 2005.3.,EURO:333:Y1,1
341. 国際関係の中の拡大EU / 森井裕一編.-- 信山社出版; 2005.2.,EURO:333:M1,1
342. 大欧州の時代 : ブリュッセルからの報告 / 脇阪紀行著.-- 岩波書店; 2006.3.-- (岩波新書 ; 新赤版 997).,EURO:333:
343. 学習者中心の外国語教育をめざして : 流通科学大学ドイツ語教授法ワークショップ論文集 / 板山眞由美, 森田昌
美編.-- 三修社; 2004.11.,EURO:807:I1,1
344. 小学館伊和中辞典 / 池田廉 [ほか] 編集委員.-- 小学館; 1983.1.,EURO:843:I2,1
345. 戦後国際秩序とイギリス外交 : 戦後ヨーロッパの形成1945年∼1951年 / 細谷雄一著.-- 創文社; 2001.10.,
346. 拡大EU辞典 / 高橋和, 臼井陽一郎, 浪岡新太郎著.-- 小学館; 2006.8.,EURO:333:S1,1
347. 拡大ヨーロッパの挑戦 : アメリカに並ぶ多元的パワーとなるか / 羽場久?子著.-- 中央公論新社; 2004.6.-- (中公
新書 ; 1751).,EURO:319:H2,1
348. 新しいヨーロッパ像をもとめて / 蝋山道雄, 中村雅治編著.-- 同文舘出版; 1999.3.,EURO:302:R1,1
349. 明解言語学辞典 / 斎藤純男, 田口善久, 西村義樹編.-- 三省堂; 2015.8.,EURO:801:S1,1
350. 東欧を知る事典 / 伊東孝之 [ほか] 監修.-- 新訂増補.-- 平凡社; 2001.3.,EURO:302:I1,1
351. 欧州のエネルギー自立地域 : 100%再生可能へ! / 滝川薫編著 ; 村上敦 [ほか] 著.-- 学芸出版社; 2012.3.,EURO:501:
352. 欧州の国際関係1919-1946 : フランス外交の視角から / 大井孝著.-- たちばな出版; 2008.7.,EURO:319:O4,1
353. 欧州公共圏 : EUデモクラシーの制度デザイン / 安江則子著.-- 慶應義塾大学出版会; 2007.10.,EURO:319:Y2,1
354. 欧州周縁の言語マイノリティと東アジア : 言語多様性の継承は可能か / 寺尾智史著.-- 彩流社; 2014.7.,EURO:801:
355. 欧州憲法条約とEU統合の行方 / 福田耕治編.-- 早稲田大学出版部; 2006.10.-- (早稲田大学現代政治経済研究所研
究叢書 ; 24).,EURO:323:F1,1
356. 欧州石炭鉄鋼共同体 : EU統合の原点 / 島田悦子著.-- 日本経済評論社; 2004.10.,EURO:567:S1,1
357. 欧州統合と近代国家の変容 : EUの多次元的ネットワーク・ガバナンス / 中村健吾著.-- 昭和堂; 2005.10.,
358. 欧州統合史のダイナミズム : フランスとパートナー国 / ロベール・フランク著 ; 廣田功訳.-- 日本経済評論社;
359. 欧州議会と欧州統合 : EUにおける議会制民主主義の形成と展開 / 児玉昌己著 ; 久留米大学法学会編.-- 成文堂;
2004.3.-- (久留米大学法政叢書 ; 13).,EURO:314:K1,1
360. 欧米における公と私 / 佐々木毅, 金泰昌編.-- 東京大学出版会; 2002.1.-- (公共哲学 / 佐々木毅, 金泰昌編 ; 4).,
361. 欧米の社会労働事情 : 欧米人の仕事と暮らし / 日本ILO協会編集 ; 島田陽一 [ほか] 著.-- 日本ILO協会; 2005.1.,
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363. 現代ヨーロッパ国際政治 / 植田隆子編.-- 岩波書店; 2003.3.-- (岩波テキストブックス).,EURO:319:U1,1
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