
Jun Kimura

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Jun Kimura
Jun Kimura
Curriculum Vitae
Jun Kimura
Research Scientist, EON Co-Executive Director
Earth-Life Science Institute
Tokyo Institute of Technology
2-12-1-I7E-304 Ookayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8550, Japan
[email protected]
Personal Data
Date of Birth: July 2, 1974, Saitama, JAPAN
Ph.D., Earth and Planetary Science, The University of Tokyo, JAPAN
Thesis: Tectonic history of the icy satellites: Discussions on the internal evolution and its
surface manifestation.
Advisor: Prof. Kei Kurita
M.S., Astrophysics and Planetary Science, Ibaraki University, Ibaraki, JAPAN.
Advisor: Prof. Masayoshi Yokosawa
B.S., Physics and Planetary Science, Ibaraki University, Ibaraki, Japan.
Advisor: Prof. Masayoshi Yokosawa
Co-executive Director, ELSI Origins Network
Research Scientist, Earth-Life Science Institute, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Executive staff, Center for Planetary Science, Kobe University
Researcher, Department of Cosmosciences, Hokkaido University
Invited Researcher in SELENE/KAGUYA Project, JAXA Space Exploration Center,
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Project Researcher, Division of Earth Mechanics, Earthquake Research Institute, The
University of Tokyo
Research Fellow, Division of Earth Mechanics, Earthquake Research Institute, The
University of Tokyo
Teaching Assistant, Excersises for Earth and planetary physics, The University of Tokyo
Teaching Assistant, Experiments for Earth and planetary physics, The University of
Professional services
Secretariat of Planetary Science Section, Asia Oceania Geoscience Society Annual
Convener of the session “Science from Current and Future Planetary Missions” in AGU
Fall Meeting 2015
Jun Kimura
Curriculum Vitae
Convener of the session “Icy Satellites and Rings”, Asia Oceania Geoscience Society
Annual Meeting
Convener of the session “Outer Solar System explorations today and tomorrow”, Japan
Geoscience Union Annual Meeting
Working group for Future international Jovian system synthetic exploration project in
Peer-Reviewed Publications
 Jun Kimura, and Akihiko Yamagishi, Exploration for the extra-terrestrial life in the Solar System,
BUTSURI, submitted.
 Shunichi Kamata, Jun Kimura, Koji Matsumoto, Francis Nimmo, Kiyoshi Kuramoto, and Noriyuki
Namiki, Tidal deformation of Ganymede: Sensitivity of Love numbers on the interior structure, J.
Geophys. Res. 121, 1362-1375, doi:10.1002/2016JE005071, 2016.
 Jun Kimura, and Norio Kitadai, Polymerization of building blocks of life on Europa and other icy
moons, Astrobiology 15, 430-441, doi:10.1089/ast.2015.1306, 2015.
 Yuka Fujii, Jun Kimura, James Dohm, and Makiko Ohtake, Geology and photometric variation of
Solar System bodies with minor atmospheres: Implications for solid exoplanets, Astrobiology
14, 753-768, doi:10.1089/ast.2014.1165, 2014.
 Noriyuki Namiki, Takahide Mizuno, Naru Hirata, Hirotomo Noda, Hiroki Senshu, Ryuhei Yamada,
Hitoshi Ikeda, Shinsuke Abe, Koji Matsumoto, Shoko Oshigami, Hideaki Miyamoto, Sho Sasaki,
Hiroshi Araki, Sei-ichi Tazawa, Makoto Shizugami, Yoshiaki Ishihara, Masanori Kobayashi, Koji
Wada, Hirohide Demura, Jun Kimura, Fumi Yoshida, and Naoyuki Hirata, Scientific use of LIDAR
data of Hayabusa-2 Mission, New Results in the Observations and Space Exploration of
Asteroids: Proc. Intl. CJMT-1 Workshop on Asteroidal Science, 74-96, 2014.
 Yasuhito Sekine, Yoshinori Takano, Hajime Yano, Ryu Funase, Ken Takai, Morio Ishihara, Takazo
Shibuya, Shogo Tachibana, Kiyoshi Kuramoto, Hikaru Yabuta, Jun Kimura, Yoshihiro Furukawa,
Exploration of Enceladus’ water-rich plumes toward understanding of chemistry and biology of the
interior ocean, Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Aerospace
Technology Japan 12, No. ists29, p. Tk 7 - Tk 11, doi:10.2322/tastj.12.Tk_7, 2014.
 Koji Tsumura, Ko Arimatsu, Eiichi Egami, Yutaka Hayano, Chikatoshi Honda, Jun Kimura, Kiyoshi
Kuramoto, Shuji Matsuura, Yosuke Minowa, Kensuke Nakajima, Taishi Nakamoto, Mai Shirahata,
Jason Surace, Yasuto Takahashi, and and Takehiko Wada, Near-infrared Brightness of the Galilean
Satellites Eclipsed in Jovian Shadow: A New Technique to Investigate Jovian Upper Atmosphere, The
Astrophysical Journal 789, 122, doi:10.1088/0004-637X/789/2/122, 2014.
 Yasuhito Sekine, Yoshinori Takano, Hajime Yano, Ryu Funase, Ken Takai, Morio Ishihara, Takazo
Shibuya, Shogo Tachibana, Kiyoshi Kuramoto, Hikaru Yabuta, Jun Kimura, Yoshihiro Furukawa,
Exploration of Enceladus' water-rich plumes toward understanding chemistry and biology of the
interior ocean (in Japanese), Planetary People 21, 229-238, 2012.
 Jun Kimura, Interior structure, generation of the magnetic field, and formation of the metallic core of
giant icy moons (in Japanese), Planetary People 20, 10-15, 2012.
 Sho Sasaki, Masaki Fujimoto, Takeshi Takashima, Hajime Yano, Yasumasa Kasaba, Yukihiro
Takahashi, Jun Kimura, Tatsuaki Okada, Yasuhiro Kawakatsu, Yuichi Tsuda, Jun-ichiro Kawaguchi,
Ryu Funase, Osamu Mori, Mutsuko Morimoto, Masahiro Ikoma, Takeshi Naganuma, Atsushi Yamaji,
Hauke Hussmann, Kei Kurita, and Jupiter Working Group, Exploration of the Jovian system by EJSM
Jun Kimura
Curriculum Vitae
(Europa Jupiter System Mission): Origin of Jupiter and evolution of satellites, Transactions of the
Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, Aerospace Technology Japan 8, Tk_35-Tk_38, 2012.
 Jun Kimura, Taichi Kawamura, Hisataka Morito, Tomokatsu Morota, Chikatoshi Honda, Kiyoshi
Kuramoto, and Tatsuaki Okada, Sublimation's impact on temporal change of albedo dichotomy on
Iapetus, Icarus 214, 596-605, 2011.
 Tomokatsu Morota, Jun-ichi Haruyama, Makiko Ohtake, Tsuneo Matsunaga, Chikatoshi Honda,
Yasuhiro Yokota, Jun Kimura, Yoshiko Ogawa, Naru Hirata, Hirohide Demura, Akira Iwasaki,
Takamitsu Sugihara, Kazuto Saiki, Ryosuke Nakamura, Shingo Kobayashi, Yoshiaki Ishihara, Hiroshi
Takeda, and Harald Hiesinger, Timing and characteristics of the latest mare eruption on the Moon,
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 302, 255-266, 2011.
 Tomokatsu Morota, Junichi Haruyama, Makiko Ohtake, Tsuneo Matsunaga, Taichi Kawamura,
Yasuhiro Yokota, Chikatoshi Honda, Jun Kimura, Naru Hirata, Hirohide Demura, Akira Iwasaki,
Takamitsu Sugihara, and LISM Working Group, Timing and Duration of Mare Volcanism in the
Central Region of the Northern Farside of the Moon, Earth, Planets and Space 63, 5-13, 2011.
 Frank Sohl, Matheu Choukroun, Jeffrey Kargel, Jun Kimura, Robert Pappalardo, Steve Vance, and
Mikhail Zolotov, Subsurface Water Oceans on Icy Satellites: Chemical Composition and Exchange
Processes, in Satellites of the Outer Solar System: Exchange processes involving the interiors, pp. 483-508, 2010.
 Jun Kimura, Takashi Nakagawa, and K. Kurita, Size and compositional constraints of Ganymede's
metallic core for driving an active dynamo, Icarus 202, 216-224, 2009.
 Tomokatsu Morota, Junichi Haruyama, Chikatoshi Honda, Makiko Ohtake, Yasuhiro Yokota, Jun
Kimura, Tsuneo Matsunaga, Yoshiko Ogawa, Naru Hirata, Hirohide Demura, Akira Iwasaki, Hideaki
Miyamoto, Ryosuke Nakamura, Hiroshi Takeda, Yoshiaki Ishihara, and Sho Sasaki, Mare Volcanism
in the Lunar Farside Moscoviense Region: Implication for Lateral Variation in Magma Production of
the Moon, Geophys. Res. Lett., 10.1029/2009GL040472, 2009.
 Tomokatsu Morota, Junichi Haruyama, Hideaki Miyamoto, Chikatoshi Honda, Makiko Ohtake,
Yasuhiro Yokota, Tsuneo Matsunaga, Naru Hirata, Hirohide Demura, Hiroshi Takeda, Yoshiko
Ogawa, and Jun Kimura, Formation age of the lunar crater Giordano Bruno, Meteoritics & Planetary
Science, 44, Nr 8, 1115-1120, 2009.
 Jun Kimura, Taxonomy and internal structure of the satellites: implications for the Dwarf Planets, (in
Japanese), Planetary People 17, pp. 29-33, 2008.
 S. Vance, J. Harnmeijer, Jun Kimura, H. Hussmann, B. DeMartin, and J. Michael Brown,
Hydrothermal systems in small ocean planets, Astrobilogy 7 (6), 987-1005, 2007.
 Jun Kimura, Y. Yamagishi, and K. Kurita, Tectonic history of Europa: Coupling between internal
evolution and surface stresses, Earth Planets and Space 59, 113-125, 2007.
 Jun Kimura, and K. Kurita, Surface tectonics and crustal evolution of icy satellites (in Japanese),
Planetary People 15, 20-27, 2006.
 Jun Kimura and K. Kurita, Surface features, internal structure, and their evolution of Europa (in
Japanese), Planetary People 12, 133-143, 2003.
Unrefereed Publications and Proceedings
 Caleb Scharf, Nathaniel Virgo, H. James Cleaves II, Masashi Aono, Nathanael Aubert-Kato, Arsev
Aydinoglu, Ana Barahona, Laura M. Barge, Steven A. Benner, Martin Biehl, Ramon Brasser,
Christopher J. Butch, Kuhan Chandru, Leroy Cronin, Sebastian Danielache, Jakob Fischer, John
Hernlund, Piet Hut, Takashi Ikegami, Jun Kimura, and 17 authors, A Strategy for Origins of Life
Research, Astrobiology 15, 1031-1042, doi:10.1089/ast.2015.1113, 2016.
Jun Kimura
Curriculum Vitae
 Jun Kimura, A report on the workshop for giant planetary system, Planetary People (in Japanese),
vol. 24, 135-138, 2015.
 Jun Kimura, Hidenori Genda, Yuka Fujii, Daisuke Kiga, Masashi Aono and Norio Kitadai, A report
on the 3rd ELSI symposium, Planetary People (in Japanese), vol. 24, 69-74, 2015.
 Jun Kimura, Icy moon and water ocean: Explorations of the Jovian system, Transactions of the
Institute of Natural Science, Senshu University (in Japanese) 94, 14-18, 2014.
 Jun Kimura, Sho Sasaki, and Masdaki Fujimoto, Back to Jupiter, with renovated interest in the
system and fresh focus on the icy moons (1) - Jupiter system exploration mission "JUICE" as the
mission by mankind -, Planetary People (in Japanese) 22, 146-151, 2013.
 Jun Kimura, Kei Kurita, Miwa Kuri, Kiyoshi Kuramoto and George Hashimoto, A report on the 2nd
seminar for the forefront of planetary science, Planetary People (in Japanese), vol. 22, 44-47, 2013.
 Chikatoshi Honda, Naru Hirata, Ken Ishiyama, Takeshi Mikami, Hirohide Demura, Tomokatsu
Morota, Jun Kimura, Naoki Kobayashi, A report on the 6th school of lunar and planetary exploration
data analyses, Planetary People (in Japanese) 21, 380-383, 2012
 Chikatoshi Honda, Naoki Kobayashi, Jun Kimura, Ken Ishiyama, Ryunosuke Imaeda, Mizuho Koike,
A report on the 5th school of lunar and planetary exploration data analyses, Planetary People (in
Japanese) 21, 180-183, 2012
 Jun Kimura, Sho Sasaki, Masaki Fujimoto and Yasumasa Kasaba, Sciences toward future
explorations for the Jovian and Saturnian systems, Planetary People (in Japanese), vol. 20, 252-253,
 Eiji Ohtani, Kiyoshi Kuramoto, Takeshi Imamura, Naoki Terada, Shigeto Watanabe, Masahiko
Arakawa, Takashi Ito, Hisayoshi Yurimoto, Jun-ichi Watanabe, Jun Kimura and 10 authors, Strategic
study of lunar and planetary explorations in coming decade: Panel report on top sciences, Planetary
People (in Japanese) 20, 349-365, 2011
 Satoshi Tanaka, Tatsuaki Hashimoto, Takeshi Hoshino, Yuuichi Iijima, Takefumi Mitani, Hisashi
Ohtake, Naoki Kobayashi, and Jun Kimura, Introduction and current status of the Japanese lunar
landing mission SELENE-2, Planetary People (in Japanese) 19, 214-220, 2010
 Jun Kimura and Sho Sasaki, Morphology, internal structure, and magnetic field of the Galilean
Satellites, Proc. of the 10th Conference on Earth, Platens, and Space (in Japanese), 2009.
 Jun Kimura, and Hirokazu Hoshino, KAGUYA image gallery guide, Planetary People (in Japanese)
18, 31-34, 2009
 Jun Kimura, Grand tour to Jovian system again: Toward the realization of international mission,
Planetary Geology News (in Japanese) 20-2, p.37-41.
 Jun Kimura, Tectonics on the icy satellites and dynamics of the icy shell, Low Temperature Science,
66, p.149 -157, 2008.
 Jun Kimura, Review for the Cassini observations on the small icy satellites, Proc. of the study
meeting for Trojan asteroids, 2008.
 Jun Kimura, Y. Ogawa, and K. Kurita, Solidification process of subsurface water reservoir as a
source of the active geysering on Enceladus, Proceedings of the 40th. ISAS Lunar and Planetary
Symposium. 2007.
 Jun Kimura and K. Kurita, The stress state in a growing ice shell and possibility of the cracking event
of the icy satellites, Proceedings of the 36th. ISAS Lunar and Planetary Symposium, 2003.
Jun Kimura
Curriculum Vitae
 Jun Kimura, Active satellites around Jupiter, in Encyclopedia of Solid Earth (in Japanese), Ed. M.
Toriumi et al., Asakura Publishing, submitted.
 Jun Kimura, Europa, in Encyclopedia of Exoplanets (in Japanese), Ed. S. Ida, M. Tamura, M. Ikoma
and Y. Sekine, Asakura Publishing, in press.
 Jun Kimura, Ganymede, in Encyclopedia of Exoplanets (in Japanese), Ed. S. Ida, M. Tamura, M.
Ikoma and Y. Sekine, Asakura Publishing, in press.
 Jun Kimura, Satellites, in Encyclopedia of Exoplanets (in Japanese), Ed. S. Ida, M. Tamura, M.
Ikoma and Y. Sekine, Asakura Publishing, in press.
 Jun Kimura, Habitable zone around giant gas planets, in Encyclopedia of Exoplanets (in Japanese),
Ed. S. Ida, M. Tamura, M. Ikoma and Y. Sekine, Asakura Publishing, in press.
 Jun Kimura, Europa, in Life in the Universe (in Japanese), Ed. N. Kaifu, M. Hoshi, and S. Maruyama,
Univ. of Tokyo Press, 2015.
 Jun Kimura, and Takeshi Naganuma, Biological exploration for Jovian moon Europa, in Astrobiology
(in Japanese), Ed. Akihiko Yamagishi, Kagakudoujin, 2013.
 Jun Kimura, K. Kuramoto, K Ohtsuki, and S. Tachibana, Jovian moons and rings, in Planetary
Geology (in Japanese), Ed. H. Miyamoto, S. Tachibana, N. Hirata, and S. Sugita, Univ. of Tokyo Press,
 Frank, Sohl, Mathieu Choukroun, Jeffrey Kargel, Jun Kimura, Robert Pappalardo, Steve Vance, and
Mikhail Zolotov, Subsurface water oceans on icy satellites: chemical composition and exchange
processes, in Satellites of the outer solay system, Ed. O Grasset, M. Blanc, A. Coustenis, W. B.
Durham, H. Hussmann, R. T. Pappalardo, D. Turrini, Space Sciences Series of ISSI, 2010.
 Jun Kimura, Kiyoshi Kuramoto, Keiji Ohtsuki, and Shogo Tachibana, Jovian moons and rings, in
Planetary Geology (in Japanese), Ed. Hideaki Miyamoto, Shogo Tachibana, Naru Hirata, and Seiji
Sugita, Univ. of Tokyo Press, 2008.
 Yasuko Yamagishi, Jun Kimura, and Kei Kurita, Icy satellites, in Applications of the terrestrial
observational data (in Japanese), Ed. Y. Yamaguchi et al.,Earth Remote Sensing Data Analysis Center,
Funded Proposals
 Origin and diversity among the large icy moons: Ganymede, Callisto and Titan, The Ministry of
Education, Science, Sports and Culture, a Grant-in-Aid (KAKENHI) for Young Scientists (B)
25800242: JPY3.0M, 2013-2015.
 Central core in the moon: thermal history, metallic core formation, and origin of the magnetic field,
The Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture, a Grant-in-Aid (KAKENHI) for Young
Scientists (B) 22740285: JPY2.7M, 2010-2012.
 Size and compositional constraint of Ganymede’s core from the condition of driving a dynamo
activity, Funds for attending the international research conference, Society for promotion of space
science, JPY20K, 2006.
 Tectonic History of the Icy Satellites: Discussions on the Internal Evolution and its Surface
Manifestation, Funds for attending the international research conference, The University of Tokyo,
JPY30K, 2004.
Jun Kimura
Curriculum Vitae
Co-I / Collaborator
 Constructing a standard model for satellite formation around gas giants, The Ministry of Education,
Science, Sports and Culture, a Grant-in-Aid (KAKENHI) for Scientific Research (A) 15H02065
(Collaborator, PI: Shigeru Ida (ELSI/Tokyo Tech), 2015-2019.
 Icy worlds: Astrobiology at the water rock interface and beyond…, NASA Astrobiological Institute
(NAI CAN7) (Collaborator, PI: Ishik Kanik (JPL)), 2015-2019.
 Construction of Lunar global geologic map, The Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture, a
Grant-in-Aid (KAKENHI) for Scientific Research (B) 26287107 (Collaborator, PI: Makiko Ohtake
(ISAS/JAXA)), 2014-2016.
Flight Project Experiences
 JUICE Project
Co-I for Ganymede Laser altimeter (GALA) team
Chief scientist for GALA-JAPAN team
Deputy project scientist for JUICE-JAXA project
August 2012 to Present
 Hayabusa-2 Project
Member for Laser altimeter (LIDAR) team
November 2012 to Present
 SELENE-2 Project -> SELENE-R Project
Member for mission system team
Sub-PI for Heat-flow probe (HFP) team
October 2007 to Present
 Intn. Jovian system synthetic exploration project -> JUICE-JAPAN Project
Member for project science team.
January 2007 to Present
 SELENE Project
Member for mission observation planning team
October 2007 to February 2009
Invited Talks in International Conferences
 Jun Kimura, Toward understanding of the extra-terrestrial habitability, Upstairs Downstairs:
Consequences of Internal Planet Evolution for the Habitability and Detectability of Life on Extrasolar
Planets, Tempe, AZ, US, Feb 17-19, 2016 (invited talk).
 Jun Kimura and Kiyoshi Kuramoto, Formation of a conductive core, grooved terrains, and strongly
differentiated interior of Ganymede due to dehydration of primordial hydrous rock with implication for
the dichotomy from Callisto, European Planetary Science Congress 2012, Madrid, Spain, Sep 23-28,
2012 (keynote talk).
Other Presentations in International Conferences
 Stability of subsurface ocean in Pluto, Jun Kimura and Shunichi Kamata, JpGU Meeting 2016, Chiba,
Japan, May 22 - 26, 2016.
 Long-term stability of an subsurface ocean in Ganymede and its effect to tidal response, toward future
altimetry measurement, Jun Kimura Shunichi Kamata, Steve Vance and Hauke Hussmann, AGU Fall
Meeting 2015, SanFrancisco, US, Dec 14-18, 2015.
 Toward characterization of extra-terrestrial deep water world and its habitability using computational
approach and spacecraft exploration, Jun Kimura and Shunichi Kamata, 8th Japan Astrobilogy
Network Workshop, Tokyo, Nov 27 – 28, 2015.
Jun Kimura
Curriculum Vitae
 Primordial hydrous model for Ganymede might explain a formation of extensional groove and metallic
core, Jun Kimura and Kiyoshi Kuramoto, JUICE/GALA meeting 2015, DLR Berlin, Germany, Nov
11-12, 2015.
 Jun Kimura, Shunichi Kamata, Koji Matsumoto, Francis Nimmo and Kiyoshi Kuramoto, Tidal
deformation of Ganymede and effects of a subsurface ocean: a model calculation in preparation for
JUICE-GALA measurements, AOGS 2015 Annual Meeting, Singapore, Aug 3 - 7, 2015.
 Stability of an internal ocean in Ganymede, Jun Kimura, Steve Vance, Hauke Hussmann and Kei
Kurita, Astrobiology Science Conference 2015, Chicago, US, June 15 – 19, 2015.
 Targeting the Geologic Signatures of Exoplanets: Lessons Learned from Solid Bodies in the Solar
System, Yuka Fujii, Jun Kimura, James Dohm, Astrobiology Science Conference 2015, Chicago, US,
June 15 – 19, 2015.
 Interior evolution of Ganymede and its surface manifestation: toward JUICE measurements, Jun
Kimura and Kiyoshi Kuramoto, JpGU Meeting 2015, Chiba, Japan, May 24 - 28, 2015.
 Yoda, JpGU Meeting 2015, Chiba, Japan, May 24 - 28, 2015.
 Kamata, JpGU Meeting 2015, Chiba, Japan, May 24 - 28, 2015.
 Performance of HAYABUSA-2 LIDAR in qualification and acceptance tests, Noriyuki Namiki,
Takafumi Mizuno, Makoto Mita, K. Kawahara, H. Kunimori, Hiroki Senshu, Ryuhei Yamada,
Hirotomo Noda, Makoto Shizugami, Naru Hirata, Hitoshi Ikeda, Sshinsuke Abe, Koji Matsumoto,
Shoko Oshigami, Fumi Yoshida, Naoyuki Hirata, Hideaki Miyamoto, Sho Sasaki, Hiroshi. Araki,
Seiichi Tazawa, Yoshiaki Ishihara, Masanori Kobayashi, Koji Wada, Hirohide Demura, Jun Kimura,
M. Hayakawa, and Naoki Kobayashi, 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Woodlands, US,
Mar 16-20, 2015.
 Hiroki Senshu, Noriyuki Namiki, Takafumi Mizuno, Naru Hirata, Hirotomo Noda, Ryuhei Yamada,
Hitoshi Ikeda, Shinsuke Abe, Koji Matsumoto, Shoko Oshigami, Sho Sasaki, Hiroshi Araki, Seiichi
Tazawa, Makoto Shizugami, Masanori Kobayashi, Koji Wada, Yoshiaki Ishihara, Hideaki Miyamoto,
Hirohide Demura, Jun Kimura, Fumi Yoshida, Naoki Kobayashi, Makoto Mita, Scientific Goals of
Hayabusa-2 LIDAR Experiment, 45th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society's Division for
Planetary Sciences (DPS), Denver, US, Oct 6-11, 2014.
 Jun Kimura and Norio Kitadai, Polymerization of building blocks of life on Europa and other icy
moons, European Planetary Science Congress 2014, Cascais, Spain, Sep 7-12, 2014.
 Kohji Tsumura, Ko Arimatsu, Eiichi Egami, Yutaka Hayano, Chikatoshi Honda, Jun Kimura, Kiyoshi
Kuramoto, Shuji Matsuura, Yosuke Minowa, Kensuke Nakajima, Taishi Nakamoto, Mai Shirahata,
Jason Surace, Yasuto Takahashi, and and Takehiko Wada, Near-infrared detections of surprisingly
bright Ganymede and Callisto in the Jovian shadow, AOGS 2014 Annual Meeting, Sapporo, Japan, Jul
28 - Aug 1, 2014.
 Noriyuki Namiki, Masanori Kobayashi, Jun Kimura, Hauke Hussmann, Kay Lingenauber, and
GALA-JAPAN team, Development of JUICE/Ganymede Laser Altimeter (GALA) in Japan, AOGS
2014 Annual Meeting, Sapporo, Japan, Jul 28 - Aug 1, 2014.
 Jun Kimura and Kiyoshi Kuramoto, Divergent evolutional model among the large icy moons:
Metallic core formation, AOGS 2014 Annual Meeting, Sapporo, Japan, Jul 28 - Aug 1, 2014.
 Jun Kimura, and Norio Kitadai, Polymerization of building blocks of life on Europa and other icy
moons, Origins 2014, Nara, Japan, Jul 6-11, 2014.
 Yuka Fujii, Jun Kimura, James Dohm, and Makiko Ohtake, Geology and photometric/spectroscopic
properties of Solar System bodies: Implications for Characterization of Small Exoplanets, Origins
2014, Nara, Japan, Jul 6-11, 2014.
Jun Kimura
Curriculum Vitae
 Naru Hirata, Koji Matsumoto, Jun Kimura, Kohei Kitazato, Constraining distribution of regolith
deposits from gravitational potential field on small asteroids, Asteroids, Comets, Meteors, Helsinki,
Finland, Jun 30 – Jul 4, 2014.
 Jun Kimura, Topographic measurements of grooves and insights into the interior differentiation,
JUICE/GALA Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, May 7-8, 2014.
 Jun Kimura, Steve Vance, Hake Hussmann, and Kei Kurita, Longevity of an internal ocean in
Ganymede, JpGU Meeting 2014, Yokohama, Japan, Apr 28 - May 2, 2014.
 Noriyuki Namiki, Masanori Kobayashi, Jun Kimura, Hauke Hussmann, Kay Lingenauber, and
GALA-JAPAN team, Development of JUICE/Ganymede Laser Altimeter (GALA), JpGU Meeting
2014, Yokohama, Japan, Apr 28 - May 2, 2014.
 Sho Sasaki, Jun Kimura, Tadashi Kondo, Koji Matsumoto, Hiroki Senshu, Yasuto Sekine, Takazo
Shibuya, Tomoaki Kubo, Noriyuki Namiki, Yasunori Hori, Shun-ichi Kamata, Formation of
extraterrestrial oceans: Cradles of life, JpGU Meeting 2014, Yokohama, Japan, Apr 28 - May 2, 2014.
 Kohji Tsumura, Ko Arimatsu, Eiichi Egami, Yutaka Hayano, Chikatoshi Honda, Jun Kimura, Kiyoshi
Kuramoto, Shuji Matsuura, Yosuke Minowa, Kensuke Nakajima, Taishi Nakamoto, Mai Shirahata,
Jason Surace, Yasuto Takahashi, and and Takehiko Wada, Near-infrared detections of surprisingly
bright Ganymede and Callisto in the Jovian shadow, JpGU Meeting 2014, Yokohama, Japan, Apr 28 May 2, 2014.
 Noriyuki Namiki, Takafumi Mizuno, Makoto Mita, K. Kawahara, H. Kunimori, Hiroki Senshu, Ryuhei
Yamada, Hirotomo Noda, Makoto Shizugami, Naru Hirata, Hitoshi Ikeda, Shinsuke Abe, Koji
Matsumoto, Shoko Oshigami, Fumi Yoshida, Hideaki Miyamoto, Sho Sasaki, Hiroshi Araki, Seiichi
Tazawa, Yoshiaki Ishihara, Masanori Kobayashi, Koji Wada, Hirohide Demura, Jun Kimura, Makoto
Hayakawa, Naoki Kobayashi, Development of Hayabusa-2 LIDAR, 45th Lunar and Planetary Science
Conference, Woodlands, US, Mar 17-21, 2014.
 Sho Sasaki, Yoshifumi Saito, Masaki Fujimoto, Jun Kimura, Yasumasa Kasaba and JUICE JAPAN,
Science Targets of JUICE Mission: What we can do in 20 years later ?, Symposium on Planetary
Science 2014, Sendai, Japan, Feb 19-21, 2014.
 Jun Kimura, “Deep Habitat” in the icy moons: structure and evolution of the internal ocean,
International Astrobiology Workshop 2013, Sagamihara, Japan, Nov 28-30, 2013.
 Jun Kimura, Research activities on icy and rocky satellites in Japan: Theory, experiments, and
explorations, JUICE/GALA meeting 2013, DLR Berlin, Germany, Aug 29-30, 2013.
 Yasuhito Sekine, Yoshinori Takano, Hajime Yano, Ryo Funase, Ken Takai, Morio Ishihara, Takazo
Shibuya, Shogo Tachibana, Kiyoshi Kuramoto, Hikaru Yabuta, Jun Kimura, Yoshihiro Furukawa,
Exploration of Enceladus' Water-rich Plumes Toward Understanding of Chemistry and Biology of the
Interior Ocean, 29th International symposium on space technology and science, Nagoya, Japan, June 29, 2013.
 Jun Kimura and Kiyoshi Kuramoto, Evolution and diversity of the large icy moons, JpGU Meeting
2013, Chiba, Japan, May 19-24, 2013.
 Noriyuki Namiki, Masanori Kobayashi, Jun Kimura, Hauke Hussmann, Kay Lingenauber, Jurugen
Oberst, GALA-Japan Team, Development of JUICE/Ganymede Laser Altimeter (GALA), JpGU
Meeting 2013, Chiba, Japan, May 19-24, 2013.
 Jun Kimura and Kiyoshi Kuramoto, Formation of Ganymede conductive core and grooved terrain by
dehydration of primordial hydrous rock, AOGS 9th Annual Meeting 2012, Singapore, Aug 13-17,
Jun Kimura
Curriculum Vitae
 Jun Kimura and Kiyoshi Kuramoto, Dehydration of primordial hydrous rock in Ganymede:
Formation of the conductive core and the grooved terrain, 9th CPS International School of Planetary
Sciences, Kobe, Japan, June 24-29, 2012.
 Jun Kimura and Kiyoshi Kuramoto, Dehydration of primordial hydrous rock in Ganymede:
Formation of the conductive core and the grooved terrain, JpGU Meeting 2012, Chiba, Japan, May 2025, 2012.
 Satoshi Tanaka, Takefumi Mitani, Yuichi Iijima, Hisashi Otake, Kazunori Ogawa, Naoki Kobayashi,
TatsuakiHashimoto, TakeshiHoshino, Masatsugu Otsuki, Jun Kimura and Kiyoshi Kuramoto,
Overview of Candidate Instruments On Board the Lunar Lander Project SELENE-2, 43rd Lunar and
Planetary Science Conference, Woodlands, US, Mar 19-23, 2012.
 Jun Kimura and Kiyoshi Kuramoto, Dehydration of primordial hydrous rock in Ganymede: formation
of the conductive core, the grooved terrain, and the contrasting interior from Callisto, AGU Fall
Meeting 2011, SanFrancisco, US, Dec 05-09, 2011.
 Jun Kimura and Kiyoshi Kuramoto, Turning point in differentiation history between Ganymede and
Callisto induced by dehydration of primitive hydrous rock, EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2011, Nantes,
France, Oct 02-07, 2011.
 Jun Kimura and Kiyoshi Kuramoto, Divergent interior histories of giant icy satellites induced by
dehydration of pristine hydrous rock and its implication for the surface tectonics, AOGS 8th Annual
Meeting 2011, Taipei, Taiwan, Aug 08-12, 2011.
 Jun Kimura and Kiyoshi Kuramoto, Turning point in differentiation history of giant icy satellites
induced by dehydration of pristine hydrous rock, JpGU Meeting 2011, Chiba, Japan, May 22-27, 2011.
 Satoshi Tanaka, Takefumi Mitani, Yuichi Iijima, Hisashi Otake, Kazunori Ogawa, Naoki Kobayashi,
TatsuakiHashimoto, Takeshi Hoshino, Masatsugu Otsuki, Jun Kimura and Kiyoshi Kuramoto, The
Science Objectives of Japanese Lunar Lander Project SELENE-II, 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science
Conference, Woodlands, US, 2011.
 Jun Kimura and Kiyoshi Kuramoto, Internal differentiation and thermal history of giant icy moons:
implications for the dichotomy between Ganymede and Callisto, European Planetary Science Congress
2010, Rome, Itary, September 20-24, 2010.
 Tomokatsu Morota, Haruyama, J., Ohtake, M., Matsunaga, T., Yokota, Y., Honda, C., Sugihara, T.,
Jun Kimura, Ishihara, Y., Kawamura, T., Iwasaki, A., Saiki, K., and Takeda, H., Mare Volcanism on
the Farside and in the Orientale Region of the Moon, 41st lunar and planetary science conference,
Woodlands, US, 2010.
 Jun Kimura and Kei Kurita, Magnetic dichotomy of Ganymede and Europa, CPS Workshop on Icy
Moons and Origin of Jupiter and other Giant Planets, Sapporo, Japan, November 9-10, 2009.
 Jun Kimura, Hisataka Morito, Tomokatsu Morota, Chikatoshi Honda, Taichi Kawamura, and
Tatsuaki Okada, Sublimation impact for the temporal change of albedo dichotomy on Iapetus, AOGS
6th. Annual Meeting 2009, Singapore, August 11-15, 2009.
 Hisataka Morito, Jun Kimura, Taichi Kawamura, Tomokatsu Morota, Chikatoshi Honda, Yusuke
Kobayashi, and Tatsuaki Okada, Sublimation Impact for the Temporal Change of Albedo Dichotomy
on Iapetus, 40th lunar and planetary science conference, Woodlands, US, 2009.
 Tomokatsu Morota, Haruyama, J., Honda, C., Ohtake, M., Yokota, Y., Jun Kimura, Matsunaga, T.,
Ogawa, Y., Hirata, N., Demura, H., Iwasaki, A., Miyamoto, H., Nakamura, R., Ishihara, Y., and
Sasaki, S., Ages and Thicknesses of Mare Basalts in Mare Moscoviense: Results from SELENE
(KAGUYA), Terrain camera data, 40th lunar and planetary science conference, Woodlands, US, 2009.
Jun Kimura
Curriculum Vitae
 Shin-ichi Sobue, Sasaki, S., Kato, M., Maejima, H., Minamino, H., Nakazawa, S., Ootake, H., Konishi,
H., Tateno, N., Yonekura, K., Hoshino, H., and Jun Kimura, The Project Highlight of Japan’s Lunar
Explorer Kaguya (SELENE), 40th lunar and planetary science conference, Woodlands, US, 2009.
 Jun Kimura and Kei Kurita, Comparative thermal history of satellites for magnetic field generation,
European Planetary Science Congress 2008, Münster, Germany, September 21-26, 2008.
 Jun Kimura, Thermal history and magnetic field generation on Ganymede, Mini symposium for the
icy satellites, Tokyo, Japan, June 24, 2008.
 Jun Kimura and K. Kurita, Internal structure, thermal history and magnetic field generation on
Ganymede, AOGS 5th. Annual Meeting 2008, Busan, Korea, June 16-20, 2008.
 Jun Kimura, Yoshisada Takizawa, Susumu Sasaki, Manabu Kato, and the SELENE Project Team,
Overview of operation and data analysis of KAGUYA (SELENE) mission, AOGS 5th. Annual
Meeting 2008, Busan, Korea, June 16-20, 2008.
 Jun Kimura, Yoshiko Ogawa, and Kei Kurita, Pressurized Process and Ambient Stress Field of
Subsurface Water Reservoir as the Source of Geyser on Enceladus, AOGS 4th. Annual Meeting 2007,
Bangkok, Thailand, July 30-August 4, 2007.
 Steve Vance, Harnmeijer, J., Jun Kimura, Hussmann, H. and Brown, J. M., Hydrothermal Systems in
Small Ocean Planets, AOGS 4th. Annual Meeting 2007, Bangkok, Thailand, July 30-August 4, 2007.
 Kei Kurita, David Baratoux, Hiyosuki Sato, Ayako Suzuki, Julien Vaucher, Shinsuke Kodama, Mieko
Ichihara, Kazuto Saiki, T. Kaneko, Jun Kimura, Shogo Takahashi, Ryosuke Nakamura, and H.
Watanabe, Thermal Imaging of Volcanic Areas and Implications for the Interpretation of Surface
Temperatures on Mars, The 7th International Conference on Mars, Pasadena, US, July 9-13, 2007.
 Jun Kimura and Kei Kurita, Size and compositional constraint of Ganymedean core from the
condition of driving a dynamo activity, DPS 2006 Meeting, Pasadena, US, October 8-13. 2006.
 Jun Kimura and Kei Kurita, Size and compositional constraint of Ganymedean core from the
condition of driving a dynamo activity, AOGS 3rd. Annual Meeting 2006, Singapore, July 10-14,
 Jun Kimura and Kei Kurita, Contribution of viscous dissipation at the base of the internal ocean in
Europa, 2004 AGU Fall Meeting, SanFrancisco, US, December 13-17, 2004.
 Jun Kimura, Yasuko Yamagishi, and Kei Kurita, Tectonic History of the Icy Satellites: Discussions
on the Internal Evolution and its Surface Manifestation, 9th. Symposium on the Study of the Earth's
Deep Interior, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, July 4-9, 2004.
 Jun Kimura and Kei Kurita, Thermal Anomaly at the base of Internal Ocean Caused by Hydrothermal
Circulation in Europa, 33rd. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1492, South Shore Harbour
Resort and Conference Center, Houston, TX, USA, Mar. 2002.
 Jun Kimura and Kei Kurita, Contribution of viscous dissipation at the base of the internal ocean in
Europa, 2001 AGU Fall Meeting, Moscone Center, SanFrancisco, CA, USA, Dec. 2001.
 Jun Kimura and Kei Kurita, Viscous dissipation in the upper part of rock core in Europa, Jupiter
Meeting: Planet, Satellites and Magnetosphere, Boulder, CO, USA, Jun. 2001.
Invited Talks in Japanase Conferences
 木村淳,地球外生命圏の起源と持続性:氷衛星深部生命圏の理解に向けた理論・観測・探査
の取り組み,宇宙地球科学セミナー,大阪大学宇宙地球科学専攻,2016 年 6 月.
 木村淳,氷衛星の熱史・地質史と木星探査計画 JUICE ~地球型惑星との比較~,地球と惑星
の物理素過程に関する研究会,かんぽの宿 山代,2013 年 10 月.
Jun Kimura
Curriculum Vitae
 木村淳,巨大氷衛星の内部構造(地下海の存在可能性),宇宙における生命の総合的考察と
その研究戦略研究会,国際高等研究所,2011 年 12 月.
 木村淳,カッシーニ探査機による土星小衛星探査結果のレビュー,第 3 回トロヤ群勉強会,
2008 年 7 月, 国立天文台.
 木村淳,氷衛星の内部構造と地質学,TNOs への示唆, 日本地球惑星科学連合 2007 年大会,
幕張メッセ,2007 年 5 月.
Other Presentations in Japanese Conferences
 木村淳,並木則行,鎌田俊一,松本晃治,押上祥子,塩谷圭吾,倉本圭,JUICE レーザ高度
計(GALA)がもたらすサイエンス,日本惑星科学会 2015 年秋季講演会,東京工業大学,2015
年 10 月.
 木村淳,北台紀夫,氷衛星における生命構成物質の重合反応,日本惑星科学会 2014 年秋季講
演会,東北大学,2014 年 9 月.
 佐々木晶,斎藤義文,藤本正樹,木村淳,JUICE-JAPAN,JUICE 木星系探査が拓く科学,日
本惑星科学会 2014 年秋季講演会,東北大学,2014 年 9 月.
 並木則行,小林正規,木村淳,野田寛大,荒木博志,鹿島伸悟,宇都宮真,Hauke Hussmann
Hauke,Kay Lingenauber,Jurgen Oberst,JUICE-JAPAN WG 木星氷衛星探査計画 ― JUICEGALA レーザ高度計 ―,日本惑星科学会 2014 年秋季講演会,東北大学,2014 年 9 月.
 津村耕司,新井俊明,有松亘,江上英一,本田親寿,木村淳,倉本圭,松浦周二,中島健介,
中本泰史,白籏麻衣,Jason Surace,和田武彦,ガリレオ衛星食を用いた木星大気探査: 系外
惑星大気のトランジット観測への応用可能性,日本天文学会 2014 年秋季年会,山形大学,
2014 年 9 月.
 木村淳,Subsurface Ocean in the Icy Moons, as Possible Extraterrestrial Habitats,衛星系研究会:
衛星系から探る外惑星領域の小天体軌道進化,北海道大学低温科学研究所,2014 年 8 月.
 木村淳,北台紀夫,Polymerization of building blocks of life on Europa and other icy moons,衛星
年 8 月.
 木村淳,倉本圭,ガニメデの金属核形成と膨張地形形成:カリスト・タイタンとの進化の分岐,日
本惑星科学会 2013 年秋季講演会,石垣市民会館,2013 年 11 月.
 木村淳,Hauke Hussmann,並木則行,鎌田俊一,松本晃治,倉本圭,佐々木晶,平田成,
JUICE 搭載レーザ高度計(GALA)のサイエンス目標,日本惑星科学会 2013 年秋季講演会,
石垣市民会館,2013 年 11 月.
 木村淳,Hauke Hussmann,並木則行,鎌田俊一,松本晃治,倉本圭,佐々木晶,平田成,
JUICE 搭載レーザ高度計(GALA)のサイエンス目標,日本惑星科学会 2013 年秋季講演会,
石垣市民会館,2013 年 11 月.
 津村耕司,新井俊明,有松亘,江上英一,本田親寿,木村淳,倉本圭,松浦周二,中島健介,
中本泰史,白籏麻衣,Jason Surace,和田武彦,木星の影におけるガニメデからの近赤外放射,
日本惑星科学会 2013 年秋季講演会,石垣市民会館,2013 年 11 月.
 藤井友香,木村淳,James Dohm,大竹真紀子,系外惑星の直接撮像へ向けた系内天体の速攻
特性モデリング,日本惑星科学会 2013 年秋季講演会,石垣市民会館,2013 年 11 月.
Jun Kimura
Curriculum Vitae
 田中智,三谷烈史,大嶽久志,小林直樹,小川和律,橋本樹明,星野健,大槻正嗣,木村淳,
倉本圭,若林幸子,次期月探査計画 SELENE-2 の検討状況:プロジェクト化に向けた新たな
方針,日本惑星科学会 2013 年秋季講演会,石垣市民会館,2013 年 11 月.
 木村淳,木星氷衛星の地質と内部構造,SGEPSS 小型天体環境分科会小研究会,東京工業大
学, 2013 年 9 月.
 木村淳,ガリレオ衛星の内部構造と表層物質,衛星系研究会:衛星観測から探る衛星形成環
境,定山渓温泉渓流荘,2013 年 8 月.
 木村淳,JUICE/GALA のサイエンス:地形,氷面に対するレーザ測距技術を活用した極域計
測・氷衛星探査に関する研究集会,国立極地研究所, 2013 年 8 月.
 木村淳,国際協同木星探査計画 JUICE (JUpiter ICy moon Explorer)の概要,氷面に対するレー
ザ測距技術を活用した極域計測・氷衛星探査に関する研究集会,国立極地研究所,2013 年 8
 木村淳,JUpiter ICy moon Explorer の目指す科学(氷衛星探査の科学),JUICE-Japan Kickoff
Meeting,宇宙科学研究所, 2013 年 3 月.
 木村淳,JUICE/GALA の科学目的,JUICE/GALA 会議,国立天文台, 2013 年 2 月.
 関根康人,高野淑識,矢野創,船瀬龍,高井研,石原盛男,渋谷岳造,橘省吾,倉本圭,薮
査,第 13 回宇宙科学シンポジウム,宇宙科学研究所,2013 年 1 月.
 木村淳,太陽系における生命発生場:氷衛星と地下海の存在可能性,第 2 回惑星科学最前線
セミナー,惑星科学研究センター,2012 年 12 月.
 野田寛大,Hauke Hussmann,荒木博志,木村淳,佐々木晶,田澤誠一,並木則行,Juergen
Oberst,Kay Lingenauber,木星系探査衛星 JUICE 搭載レーザ高度計の開発,日本惑星科学会
2012 年秋季講演会,惑星科学研究センター,2012 年 10 月.
 田中智,三谷烈史,大嶽久志,小川和律,小林直樹,飯島祐一,橋本樹明,星野健,大槻正
嗣,木村淳,次期月探査計画 SELENE-2 の検討状況 (3),日本惑星科学会 2012 年秋季講演会,
惑星科学研究センター,2012 年 10 月.
 木村淳,ガニメデの内部構造と地質,ガニメデを語る会,宇宙科学研究所,2012 年 8 月.
 木村淳,衛星内部構造進化,衛星系形成小研究会,マリンヒルホテル小樽,2012 年 8 月.
 田中智,三谷烈史,大嶽久志,小川和律,小林直樹,飯島祐一,橋本樹明,星野健,大槻正
嗣,木村淳,倉本圭,佐伯和人,次期月探査計画 SELENE-2 の現状と科学搭載機器の開発状
況(2),日本地球惑星科学連合 2012 年大会,幕張メッセ,2012 年 5 月.
 木村淳,中川義次,林祥介,木村宏,杉山耕一朗,高橋芳幸,西澤誠也,鈴木絢子,谷川享
ール・実習・研究会の企画・開催への支援の取り組み,日本惑星科学会 2011 年秋季講演会,
相模女子大学,2011 年 10 月.
 田中智,三谷烈史,大嶽久志,木村淳,小川和律,小林直樹,飯島祐一,次期月探査計画
SELENE-2 の検討状況(2),日本惑星科学会 2011 年秋季講演会,相模女子大学,2011 年 10
 田中智,三谷烈史,大嶽久志,木村淳,小川和律,小林直樹,飯島祐一,次期月探査計画
Jun Kimura
Curriculum Vitae
SELENE-2 の現状と科学搭載機器の開発状況,日本地球惑星科学連合 2011 年大会,幕張メッ
セ,2011 年 5 月.
 高橋幸弘,中島健介,木村淳,中本泰史,三好由純,木星型惑星・氷衛星・系外惑星パネル
第一段階検討報告,日本地球惑星科学連合 2011 年大会,幕張メッセ,2011 年 5 月.
 田中智,木村淳,小川和律,宮原ひろ子, 小林泰三, Tilman Spohn, Matthias Grott, Tim van Zoest,
Axel Hagermann,SELENE-2 における月表層の熱流量観測計画,日本地球惑星科学連合 2011
年大会,幕張メッセ,2011 年 5 月.
 木村淳,倉本圭,巨大氷衛星の内部分化における鉱物脱水作用の寄与,日本惑星科学会 2010
年秋季講演会,名古屋大学,2010 年 10 月.
 諸田智克, 春山純一,大竹真紀子,松永恒雄,本田親寿,横田康弘,木村淳,小川佳子,平
ビージンガーハラルド,月における最後の海の火成活動,日本惑星科学会 2010 年秋季講演会,
名古屋大学,2010 年 10 月.
 田中智,飯島祐一,三谷烈史,大嶽久志,小川和律,小林直樹,橋本樹明,星野健,大槻正
嗣,木村淳,倉本圭,次期月探査計画 SELENE-2 の検討状況,日本惑星科学会 2010 年秋季
講演会,名古屋大学,2010 年 10 月.
 木村淳,倉本圭,巨大氷衛星の内部分化と熱史,日本地球惑星科学連合 2010 年大会,幕張メ
ッセ,2010 年 5 月.
 木村淳,倉本圭,諸田智克,月の内部熱進化再考:地殻重力異常形成と火成活動継続期間へ
の示唆,日本地球惑星科学連合 2010 年大会,幕張メッセ,2010 年 5 月.
 諸田智克,春山純一,大竹真紀子,松永恒雄,横田康弘,杉原孝充,佐伯和人,木村淳,石
の火成活動史,日本地球惑星科学連合 2010 年大会,幕張メッセ,2010 年 5 月.
 木村淳,倉本圭,田中智,飯島祐一,大嶽久志,小林直樹,三谷烈史,小川和律,次期月探
査計画 SELENE-2 で目指すサイエンス,宇宙科学シンポジウム,宇宙科学研究本部,2010 年 1
 木村淳,田中智,飯島祐一,大嶽久志,倉本圭,三谷烈史,小川和律,次期月探査計画
SELENE-2 で目指すサイエンス,日本惑星科学会 2009 年秋季講演会,東京大学,2009 年 9 月.
 木村淳,田中智,飯島祐一,大嶽久志,倉本圭,三谷烈史,小川和律,次期月探査計画
SELENE-2 で目指すサイエンス,日本鉱物学会 2009 年秋季講演会,北海道大学,2009 年 9 月.
 木村淳,田中智,飯島祐一,大嶽久志,倉本圭,三谷烈史,小川和律,次期月探査計画
SELENE-2 で目指すサイエンス,第 42 回月惑星シンポジウム,宇宙科学研究本部,2009 年 8
 木村淳,栗田敬,月の熱史から見る全球収縮の可能性:28 億年前以降に大規模な冷却は起こ
りえるか,日本地球惑星科学連合 2009 年大会,幕張メッセ,2009 年 5 月.
 田中智,飯島祐一,大嶽久志,三谷烈史,小川和律,木村淳,次期月探査 SELENE-2 で目指
すサイエンスと科学搭載機器の検討状況,日本地球惑星科学連合 2009 年大会,幕張メッセ,
2009 年 5 月.
 木 村 淳 , 森 戸 久 貴 , 諸 田 智 克 , 本 田 親 寿 , 川 村 太 一 , 岡 田 達 明 , 土 星 衛 星 Iapetus の
アルベド二分性とその時間変化,日本地球惑星科学連合 2009 年大会,幕張メッセ,2009 年 5
Jun Kimura
Curriculum Vitae
 木村淳,佐々木晶,ガリレオ衛星の地形・内部構造・磁場,第 10 回惑星圏研究会,東北大学,
2009 年 3 月.
 木村淳,ガリレオ衛星の地質・地形学,国際共同木星総合探査計画ワーキンググループ会合,
東京工業大学,2008 年 12 月.
 木村淳 栗田敬,なぜガニメデには磁場があり,エウロパにはないのか,日本地球惑星科学
連合 2008 年大会,幕張メッセ,2008 年 5 月.
 木村淳,ガニメデ周回探査における固体サイエンス:地質・地下海・固有磁場,第 9 回惑星
圏研究会,東北大学,2008 年 3 月.
 木村淳,小川佳子,栗田敬,衛星エンセラダス氷噴出源としての内部水リザバー固化過程,
第 40 回月・惑星シンポジウム,宇宙科学研究本部,2007 年 7 月.
 木村淳,S. Vance, J. Harnmeijer, H. Hussmann, and J. M. Brown, 内部に海を持つ氷天体における
発熱機構,日本地球惑星科学連合 2007 年大会,幕張メッセ,2007 年 5 月.
 木村淳,ガリレオ衛星の内部構造と表面地形,国際共同木星圏総合探査計画ワークショップ,
宇宙科学研究本部,2006 年 12 月.
 木村淳 栗田敬,ガニメデのダイナモ発生条件に基づくコアサイズの制約,日本地球惑星科
学連合 2006 年大会,幕張メッセ,2006 年 5 月.
 木村淳, S. Vance, J. Harnmeijer, and J. M. Brown,氷衛星の内部海熱水活動と蛇紋岩化作用,日
本地球惑星科学連合 2006 年大会,幕張メッセ,2006 年 5 月.
 木村淳 栗田敬,ガニメデのコア熱史とダイナモ磁場の発生,日本惑星科学会 2005 年秋季講
演会,会津大学,2005 年 9 月.
 木村淳,氷衛星のテクトニクスと内部構造進化,惑星科学における氷レオロジーに関するワ
ークショップ,長岡技術科学大学,2005 年 6 月.
 木村淳 栗田敬,衛星のコア熱史とダイナモ磁場発生の可能性,地球惑星科学関連学会 2005
年合同大会,幕張メッセ,2005 年 5 月.
 木村淳 栗田敬,氷衛星の内部構造進化と応力史,日本惑星科学会 2004 年秋季講演会,札幌
市青少年科学館,2004 年 10 月.
 木村淳 栗田敬,The stress state in a growing ice shell and possibility of the cracking event of the icy
satellites,第 36 回月・惑星シンポジウム,宇宙科学研究所,2003 年 8 月.
 木村淳 栗田敬,氷衛星の液体層固化に伴う地殻応力史と表面更新イベント,日本惑星科学
会 2003 年秋季講演会,大阪市立大学,2003 年 10 月.
 木村淳 栗田敬,エウロパ内部海海底部でのプリューム形成:カオス地形形成への示唆,地
球惑星科学関連学会 2002 年合同大会,国立オリンピック記念青少年総合センター,2002 年 5
 木村淳 栗田敬,エウロパ岩石コア表面領域における粘性散逸,地球惑星科学関連学会 2001
年合同大会,国立オリンピック記念青少年総合センター,2001 年 6 月.
 木村淳 栗田敬,粘性散逸によるマグマ輸送の不安定性,地球惑星科学関連学会 2001 年合同
大会,国立オリンピック記念青少年総合センター,2001 年 6 月.
Jun Kimura
Curriculum Vitae
 お茶の水女子大学(コア科目 文理融合リベラルアーツ),生命と環境 6
科学,2015 年度後期
 武蔵野美術大学(文化総合),宇宙の科学(特別講義),2014 - 2015 年
 北海道大学(全学教育),環境と人間:宇宙惑星探査の新展開(分担),2012 年 1 学
 北海道大学(地球科学科),情報実習,2010 - 2012 年
 北海道大学(全学教育),地球惑星科学 I (基礎地学 I)(分担),2011 年 1 学期.
 岐阜県立大垣東高等学校(理数科:北大双方向遠隔授業),大学連携講座(地球惑
星),2009 年 10 月 16 日.
Public affairs
 朝日カルチャースクール横浜教室:生命の起源と宇宙の生命,氷衛星に生命を探す:
氷の大地と水の海,2015 年 9 月 5 日.
 FM 調布 ミュージックバンカーσ「玉内雅偉のたま声」,2015 年 7 月 7 日, 14 日.
 スーパーサイエンスハイスクール特別講義,氷下の未知なる海:地球外生命圏への期
待,東京工業大学地球生命研究所,2014 年 8 月 7 日.
 専修大学自然科学研究所公開講演会,太陽系探査の最前線:氷の月と水の海~木星衛
星探査~,専修大学,2013 年 12 月 7 日.
 科学の甲子園 エクスカーション講演,氷の月と水の海,惑星科学研究センター,
2012 年 3 月 26 日.
 第 63 回 星の講演会,海を持つ月-氷の下に海を探る-,葛飾区郷土と天文の博物館,
2012 年 2 月 25 日.
 第 3 回でんきと科学の探偵団,「月に帰ったかぐや姫?」~人工衛星「かぐや」につ
いて知ろう,さいたま市 TEPCO SONIC イベントホール,2008 年 11 月 16 日.
 NHK 宇宙スペシャル 2 Days,「かぐや」にまつわる物語Ⅰ~教えて!月と宇宙の秘
密!,栃木県子ども総合科学館 ,2008 年 9 月 14 日.
 NHK 宇宙スペシャル 2 Days,スーパーハープカメラがやってきた!-ハイビジョン
年 9 月 14 日.
 JAXA 理事長表彰,SELENE プロジェクトチーム, 2007 年 10 月 7 日.
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