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みられる: インピーダンスpHモニタリング検査および
Gastro-oesophageal reflux is common in oligosymptomatic patients with dental erosion: a pH-impedance and endoscopic study
Wilder-Smith CH, Materna A, Martig L, Lussi A. UEG Journal 2015; 3(2): 174-181.
歯牙酸蝕症は GERD の確立された合併症である。大規
模前向き ProGERD 試験によって、食道の症状以外の逆流
関連兆候が胸焼け患者の 32.8%に、びらん性 GERD 患者
の 34.9%に認められたことが示された 1)。しかしながら、
GERD の症状がほとんど認められないか、まったく認めら
れない歯牙酸蝕症患者を対象に、インピーダンス pH モニ
現在のところ、GERD と歯牙酸蝕症の関連性は明らかに
pH モニタリング検査を用いて GERD を特徴づけ、関連因
歯牙酸蝕症患者を GERD について評価
2009 年から 2012 年までの間に歯牙酸蝕症で歯科医を
受診した合計 374 名の連続患者を、逆流以外の酸蝕症の
原因を除外したうえで GERD の評価のために紹介した。
歯牙酸蝕症を Lussi スコア > 1 または Basic Erosion Wear
Examination(BEWE )スコア > 8 と定義した。歯ぎしり、
歯牙酸蝕症の重症度については、2012 年に利用可能に
なって以降は BEWE を使用して評価した。同じ上級の胃腸
は問診および Reflux Disease Questionnaire(RDQ )
的に必要な場合は、食道生検、24 時間インピーダンス pH
の測定を引き続き行った。インピーダンス pH の測定中は、
および逆流症状について記録するよう指導を受けた。全 24
時間における全逆流エピソード(pH < 7)
ソード(pH < 4)
および弱酸性逆流エピソード(pH > 4 ~
< 7)
の回数、pH < 4 および< 5.5 の時間の割合、近位逆流
エピソードの割合、DeMeester スコアならびに symptom
association probability(SAP )> 95%による症状相関を
ベースライン時のRDQスコアの中央値は、275 名(74%)
は 0 〜 6 の範囲で、
99 名(26%)
は 7 〜 14 の範囲であった。
通常の逆流症状は、合計 274 名の患者(73%)
で週 1回未
満、24 名(6%)で週に 1 〜 2 回、76 名(20%)で週 2 回超
Association between Dental Erosion and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GERD) Investigated
Dental erosion is an established complication of
GERD. The large, prospective ProGERD study demonstrated extra-oesophageal reflux-associated disorders in
32.8% of patients with heartburn and in 34.9% of patients with erosive GERD1). However, there have been
no comprehensive studies evaluating reflux with pH-impedance monitoring in patients with few or no symptoms
of GERD and dental erosions.
Currently, the association between GERD and dental
erosion is not well defined and no guidelines exist. The
aims of this large, observational study of patients presenting to dentists with dental erosion were to characterize
GERD using endoscopy and oesophageal pH-impedance
testing and to assess associated factors.
Patients with Dental Erosions Evaluated for GERD
A total of 374 consecutive patients presenting to dentists with dental erosion between 2009 and 2012 were
referred for evaluation of GERD after non-reflux causes
of erosion were excluded. Dental erosion was defined
by a Lussi score > 1 or a Basic Erosion Wear Examination (BEWE) score > 8. Patients with a history of bruxism, eating disorders, recurrent vomiting, severe obesity,
past bariatric surgery, or dietary or abrasive causes for
dental erosion were excluded.
The severity of erosion was graded using the BEWE
once it became available in 2012. All patients were examined by the same senior gastroenterologist, reflux
symptoms were assessed by interview and the Reflux
Disease Questionnaire (RDQ), oesophago-gastro-duodenoscopy, and, if clinically indicated, oesophageal biopsies
and subsequent 24-hour pH-impedance measurements
were performed. During pH-impedance, patients were
instructed to perform normal daily activities, including
eating and drinking, as usual and to record lying down,
eating and drinking, and reflux symptoms. The numbers
of all ( pH < 7 ), acidic ( pH < 4 ), and weakly acidic
( pH > 4 and < 7 ) reflux episodes, percentage of time
with pH < 4 and < 5.5, percentage of proximal reflux episodes in the total 24 h, DeMeester score, and symptom
associations by symptom association probability
(SAP) > 95% were assessed.
Significant Reflux among Patients with Dental Erosion
At baseline, median RDQ scores ranged from 0 to 6 in
275 patients (74%) and from 7 to 14 in 99 patients
(26%). A total of 274 patients (73%) had regular reflux
symptoms less than once per week, 24 (6%) had symptoms once to twice per week, and 76 (20%) had symptoms
more than twice per week. None had previously received
英文サマリーの音声は zeria-online.com に掲載されています。
ueg journal Vol.2,No.2.indd 6
15/11/04 14:54
Wilder-Smith CH, et al.
内視鏡検査によって、59 名(16%)に食道裂孔ヘルニ
ア、72 名(19%)に食道炎、48 名(13%)に噴門開大、19
名(5%)に胃炎、4 名(1%)に Helicobacter pylori が認め
られた。インピーダンス pH の測定を実施した 349 名の患
者のうち、pH < 4 の時間の割合の平均は 11.0%(95%
信頼区間[CI ]、9.3 ~ 12.7)、pH < 5.5 は 34.4%(95%
CI、31.9 ~ 36.9、表 1)であった。酸曝露時間および逆流
ろ、241 名(69%)に異常な逆流が認められた(表 2)。
BEWE スコアが得られた 162 名のスコアの中央値は
13(四分位範囲[IQR ]、11 ~ 16)であった。BEWE スコ
アと pH < 4 または < 5.5 の時間の割合、全逆流エピソー
かった。GERD 症状、食道炎あるいは食道裂孔ヘルニアの
示された。歯牙酸蝕症の重症度とGERD の標準的な評価基
ダンス pH モニタリングを用いて、歯牙酸蝕症のための臨床
医は、歯牙酸蝕症と非定型 GERDとの間に広範に存在して
proton pump inhibitors.
Endoscopy found hiatal hernia in 59 (16%), oesophagitis in 72 (19%), a gaping cardia in 48 (13%), gastritis in
19 (5%), and Helicobacter pylori in 4 (1%) of patients.
Among the 349 patients with pH-impedance measurements, the mean percentage of time with a pH < 4 was
11.0% (95% CI, 9.3-12.7) and with a pH < 5.5 was
34.4% (95% CI, 31.9-36.9; Table 1). Using normal published values for acid exposure time and reflux episodes,
241 (69%) of patients had abnormal reflux (Table 2).
The median BEWE score was 13 (interquartile range
(IQR], 11-16) in the 162 scored patients. No significant
correlation was observed between BEWE scores and the
percentage of time with pH < 4 or < 5.5, or the total, acidic, weakly acidic, and proximal numbers of reflux episodes. There was an association between the presence of
GERD symptoms, oesophagitis, or hiatal hernia with
greater reflux but not with increased dental erosion
This study demonstrated significant, but mostly asymptomatic oesophageal reflux in the majority of patients
presenting to dentists with dental erosion. No significant
associations between the severity of dental erosions and
any of the classic measures of GERD were found. Additional studies defining clinically relevant reflux parameters
by pH-impedance for dental erosion are needed. According to the authors, gastroenterologists and dentists need
to be aware of the widely prevalent association between
dental erosion and atypical GERD.
Jaspersen D, et al. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2003; 17: 1515–1520.
表 1 歯牙酸蝕症患者のインピーダンスpHモニタリングの
結果:平均および 95%信頼区間を示す
Table 1 pH-impedance results in patients presenting
with dental erosion; means and 95% confidence intervals are shown
Time with pH < 4 (%)
(n = 349)
表 2 GERD に関して公表されている正常値と比較して
Table 2 Number and percentage of 349 patients with
increased pH and impedance results compared
with published normal values for GERD
Number (%)
11.0 (9.3 – 12.7)
34.4 (31.9 – 36.9)
Increased percentage time with pH < 4
193 (55)
DeMeester score
44.1 (25.5 – 62.7)
Increased DeMeester score
198 (56)
Number of all reflux episodes (pH < 7)
71 (63 – 79)
Increased number of all reflux episodes (pH < 7)
148 (42)
Number of acidic reflux episodes (pH < 4)
43 (38 – 49)
Increased number of acidic reflux episodes (pH < 4)
167 (48)
Number of weakly acidic reflux episodes
(pH > 4–pH < 7)
31 (26 – 35)
Increased number of weakly acidic reflux episodes
( pH > 4 – pH < 7)
120 (35)
Percentage proximal reflux
(15 cm above lower oesophageal sphincter)
19 (17 – 21)
Increased number of proximal reflux episodes
108 (31)
Any of the following increased: percentage time with
pH < 4, or number of all, acidic, or weakly acidic
reflux episodes
241 (69)
Time with pH < 5.5 (%)
‘Distal’ refers to 5 cm, and ‘proximal’ to 15 cm above the lower oesophageal
sphincter. Any of the following increased: percentage time with pH < 4, or number
of all, acidic, or weakly acidic reflux episodes 241 (69%).
Highlights from the United European Gastroenterology Journal Vol.2 No.2
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