
Profiles of Faculty and Research Scholars

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Category: Documents





Profiles of Faculty and Research Scholars
Annex 3
Hiroshima University
Hiroshima University (National)
List of faculty members (supervisors) capable of guiding Afghan participants in English
E-mail address
Yukio (Mr.)
Practical Reliability Engineering
[email protected]
Transportation Engineering,
Transportation Planning
[email protected]
Yasushi (Mr.)
Marine Hydrodynamics,
Applied Marine Hydrodynamics
[email protected]
Architectural Planning and
[email protected]
Daisaku (Mr.)
Environmental Planning
[email protected]
Ground Disaster Prevention
Engineering I, II
[email protected]
Takao (Mr.)
Junyi (Mr.)
Osamu (Mr.)
Environmental System
[email protected]
Tetsu (Mr.)
Sustainable Architecture I, II
[email protected]
Marine Environmental
Environment Simulator
Regional and Urban
Tourism Policy
[email protected]
[email protected]
△ Professors who will cease regular teaching within the standard completion period of the thesis.
Applicants are allowed to select him/her as supervisor, but need to inquire of the staff in the Student
Support Office (E-mail: [email protected]).
Profiles of Faculty and Research Scholars in Hiroshima University Fujimoto Yukio
Profiles of Faculty and Research Scholars
Profiles of Faculty and Research Scholars List >Facuity/Department > Faculty of Engineering
>> Japanese
Basic profiles
* Japanese characters are garbled.
Fujimoto Yukio
Faculty of Engineering
Division of Mechanical Systems and Applied Mechanics
Structural System Engineering
Facsimile (FAX):
Work Experience/History of Employment
July 1, 1993
- March 31, 2003 Hiroshima University, Professor
August 1, 1988
- June 30, 1993
Hiroshima University, Associate Professor
September 1, 1986 - June 30, 1987
Visiting Scientist, Columbia University
September 1, 1980 - July 31, 1988
Hiroshima University, Research Associate
Academic Degrees
Master of Engineering, Doctor of Engineering, Doctor of Engineering
Graduating Schools
1981, Osaka University
1975, Hiroshima University, Faculty of Engineering
Teaching Course(s)/Class(es)
Current Research Themes
Development of Structural Monitonic Sensor
Intelligent informatics, Sensitivity informatics/soft computing
Stress Measurement, Fatigue Monitor, Composit Material
Inspection Planning of Deteriorating Structure
Profiles of Faculty and Research Scholars in Hiroshima University Fujimoto Yukio
Civil engineering materials/execution/construction management
Inspection, Repair, Structural Damage
Study on Health Monitoring of Structures
Civil engineering materials/execution/construction management
Structure, Health Monitoring, Intelligent Structure
Development of Piezoelectric sensor for impact force measurement
Machine material/material mechanics, Ship marine engineering
Piezo¡¡Film, Sensor, Impact force
Development of impact force measurement sensor
Thin film and surface interface physical properties
Impact force, measurement, sensor
Development of sensors using piezoelectric material
Civil engineering materials/execution/construction management
Piezoelectric matrial, Sensor, Pressure
Achievements except Papers and Books
Joint Research/Funded Research
Academic Awards
Membership of Academic Societies
• The Japan Society of Mechanical Engeneers
• The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineering
Papers: * Only English titles are listed here
**: Major papers
1. "Coupled Vibration Analysis of Magnetizable Plate in Steady Magnetic Field With Considering Geometric Nonlinearity", IEEE
TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, 45, 3, pp.1254-1257, March 2009.
2. "Coupled vibration analysis of magnetizable plate in steady magnetic field with considering geometric nonlinearity", Proceedings of 13th
Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computaion(CD-ROM),, pp.366, May 2008.
3. "Coupled Vibration analysis of magnetizable plate in magnetic field using magnetic moment method", Book of summaries of 7th international
symposium on electric and magnetic fields, pp.177-178, June 2006.
4. "Development of Instrumentation System for Stress Intensity Factor Measurement using Piezoelectric Material", Transactions of West-Japan
Society of Naval Architects, 109, pp.57-64, March 2005.
5. "Numerical study of resonance characteristics with magnetic damping on higher vibration modes", International Journal of Applied
Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 19, pp.541-544, April 2004.
6. "Stability of augmented staggered method for electromagnetic and structural coupled problem", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 40, 2, pp.549552, April 2004.
7. "Stability of Augmented Staggered Method for Electromagnetic and Structural Coupled Problem", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 40, 2,
pp.549-552, March 2004.
8. "Piezoelectric Sensor for Stress Intensity Factor Measurement of Two Dimensional Cracks", Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 70, 9, pp.12031218, June 2003.
9. "Piezoelectric Sensor for STress Intensity Facotor Measurement of Two Dimensional Cracks", Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol.70,
pp.1203-1218, April 2003.
10. "Stress Intensity Factor Measurement of Two-Dimensional Cracks by the Use of Piezoelectric Sensor", JSME International Journal, 46A, 4,
pp.567-574, April 2003.
11. "Numerical study of resonance characteristics with magnetic damping on higher vibration modes", Proceedings of The 10th International
Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, pp.58-59, April 2003.
12. "Stability of augmented staggered method for electromagnetic and structural coupled problem", 9th Conference on the Computation of Magnetic
Fields COMPUMAG ¡Ç93, 2, pp.46-47, April 2003.
13. "Application of PVDF Film to Stress Measurement of Structural Member", Selected Paper from Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of
Japan, 192, pp.591-599, December 2002.
14. "Application of PVDF Film to Stress Measurement of Structural Member", Selected Paper from Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of
Japan, Vol.192, pp.591-599, April 2002.
15. "Development of High-Sensitivity Sacrificial Specimen for Fatigue Life Prediction of Structures", Journal of Ship Technology Research,
VOl.49, NO.1, pp.33-44, April 2002.
16. "Ship Inspection Support System Using a Product Model", Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 6, pp.205-215, April 2002.
17. "Ship inspection support system using a product model", Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 6, 4, pp.205-215, April 2002.
Profiles of Faculty and Research Scholars in Hiroshima University Fujimoto Yukio
18. "Development of High Sensitivity Sacrificial Specimen for Fatigue Life Prediction of Structures", Ship Technology Research, 49, 1, pp.33-44,
January 2002.
19. "Studies on Ship Inspection Supporting System by the use of Product Model (3rd report: Proposition of Inspection Supporting System with
Considering Uncertainness of the Inspection)", Journal of the society of naval architects of japan, 190, pp.439-447, December 2001.
20. "Study on Simple Sensor for Stress History Measurement of Structural Member using Piezoelectric Element (3rd Report Development of
practical sensor with highly operational function)", Journal of the Society of Naval Arichitects of Japan, 190, pp.141-150, December 2001.
21. "Inherent Damage Zone Model for Strength Evaluation of Small Fatigue Cracks", Engineering Fracture Mechanics, No.68/4, pp.455-473, April
22. "A Simple Probabilistic Model for Corrosion Evaluation of a Ship's Hull", Journal of the society of naval architects of japan, Vol.188, pp.633643, April 2001.
23. "Inherent damage zone model for strength evaluation of small fatigue cracks", Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 68, 4, pp.455-473, March 2001.
24. "Study on Ship Inspection Supporting System by the use of Product Model (2nd Report : Development of Inspection Supporting System to
Generate Information on Corrosion and Inspection)", Journal of the society of naval architects of japan, 188, pp.409-418, December 2000.
25. "Study of a simple sensor for stress history measurements of a structural member using a piezoelectric element", Journal of Marine Science and
Technology, 5, 1, pp.40-47, October 2000.
26. "Development of High-sensitivity Sacrificial Specimen for Long-term Stress Monitoring of Structures", Journal of the Society of Naval
Arichitects of Japan, 187, pp.355-364, June 2000.
27. "Study of a simple sensor for stress history measurement of a structural member using a piezoelectric element", Journal of Marine Science and
Technology, Vol.5 No.1, pp.40-47, April 2000.
28. "Study on Hull Corrosion Degradation of Caraka Jaya Ships Based on Field Data Analysis", Transactions of The West-Japan Society of Naval
Architects, Vol.100, pp.301-312, April 2000.
29. "Propagation and Non-Propagation of Small Fatigue Cracks", The Proceedings of the Sixth(1996) International Offshore and Polar Engineering
Conference, Vol.4, pp.180-187, April 2000.
30. "Optimization for Inspection Planning of Ship Structures Considering Corrosion Effects", The tenth International Offshore and Polar
Engineering Conference, Vol.4, pp.380-386, April 2000.
31. "Study on Simple Sensor for Stress Hiotory Measurement of Structural Member using Piezo electric Element (Part 2 Investigation on
Installation of the Piezoelectric Element to Structures)", Journal of the society of naval architects of japan, 186, pp.343-350, December 1999.
32. "Study on Ship Inspection Supporting System by the use of Product Model(1st report Development of Ship Inspection Simulator)", Journal of
the society of naval architects of japan, 186, pp.611-619, December 1999.
33. "Optimization for Inspection Planning of Ship Structures Considering Corrosion Effects", Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea,
Vol.36, No.4, pp.137-146, April 1999.
34. "Inherent Damage Zone Model for Strngth Evaluation of Small Fatigue Cracks", Proc. Of the 13th Asian Technical Exchange and Advisory
Meeting on Marine Structures=Keelung= Taiwan., pp.223-232, April 1999.
35. "Welding quality in Indonesian Medium shipyards and the effective elements to improve the quality", Transactions of The West-Japan Society
of Naval Architects, Vol.98, pp.231-247, April 1999.
36. "Study on Simple Sensor for Stress History Measurement of Structural Member using Piezoelectric Element", Journal of the Society of Naval
Arichitects of Japan, 184, pp.343-350, December 1998.
37. "Inherent Damage Zone Model for Fatigue Strength Evaluation", Journal of the Society of Naval Arichitects of Japan, 184, pp.315-323,
December 1998.
38. "Study on Measurement of Product Shape for Accuracy Control by using Robot", Transactions of The West-Japan Society of Naval Architects,
96, pp.265-276, August 1998.
39. "Development of sacrificial specimen for fatigue damage prediction of structures", The Proceedings of the Eighth(1998) International Offshore
and Polar Engineering Conference, 4, pp.367-374, May 1998.
40. "Inspection Planning Using Genetic Algorithm for Fatigue Deteriorating Structures", Eighth Int. Conf. Offshore and Polar Engineering Conf., 4,
pp.461-468, April 1998.
41. "Inspection planning using genetic algorithm for fatigue deteriorating structures", Int J Offshore and Polar Engineering, Vol.4, pp.357-374,
April 1998.
42. "Development of Sacrificial Specimen for Fatigue Damage Prediction of Structures", Journal of the Society of Naval Arichitects of Japan, 182,
pp.705-713, December 1997.
43. "Study on Automatic Measurement of Product Accuracy using Robot", Transactions of The West-Japan Society of Naval Archtects, 94, pp.195204, August 1997.
44. "Sensitivity analysis on fatigue reliability and inspection of ship structural members", Journal of the Society of Naval Arichitects of Japan, 181,
pp.367-375, June 1997.
45. "Inspection planning of fatigue deteriorating structures using genetic algorithm", Journal of the society of naval architects of japan, Vol.182,
pp.729-739, April 1997.
46. "Sensitivity analysis on fatigue reliability and inspection of ship structural members", Journal of the society of naval architects of japan,
Vol.181, pp.367-375, April 1997.
47. "Study on Fatigue Reliability and Inspection of Ship Structures Based on the Enquete Information", Journal of the Society of Naval Arichitects
of Japan, 180, pp.601-609, December 1996.
48. "Structural monitoring for fatigue crack detection and prediction", The Proceedings of the Sixth(1996) International Offshore and Polar
Engineering Conference, 4, pp.227-235, June 1996.
49. "Structural monitoring for fatigue crack detection and prediction", The Proceedings of the Eighth(1998) International Offshore and Polar
Engineering Conference, Vol.4, pp.227-235, April 1996.
50. "Study on fatigue reliability and inspection of ship structures based on the enquate information", The fourth Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics
Symposium, pp.65-72, April 1996.
51. "Probabilistic Estimation of Membership Function Based on Fuzzy Data", Journal of Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Systems, 7, 6,
pp.1229-1238, December 1995.
52. "Structural Monitoring for Fatigue Crack Detection and Prediction", Journal of the Society of Naval Arichitects of Japan, 178, pp.523-533,
December 1995.
53. "Influence of inevitable uncertainties on inspection planning for deteriorating structures", The Proceedings of the Fifth(1995) International
Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, 4, pp.153-162, May 1995.
54. "Probabilistic estimation of membership function based on fuzzy data", Journal of FUzzy Theory and Systems, Vol.7, No.6, pp.803-815, April
55. "Influence of inevitable uncertainties on inspection planning for deteriorating structures", The Proceedings of the Fifth(1995) International
Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol.4, pp.153-162, April 1995.
56. "A study of health monitoring of ship structures", MARIENV¡Ç95, pp.227-234, April 1995.
57. "A method to determine the membership function based on fuzzy data", Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering= Hiroshima University, Vol.13,
No.1, pp.2001/11/21, April 1995.
58. "A Method to Determine the Membership Functions Based on Fuzzy Data", Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering= Hiroshima University, 13,
1, pp.11-21, January 1995.
Profiles of Faculty and Research Scholars in Hiroshima University Fujimoto Yukio
59. "Quantification of Subjective Information and Its Utilization in Reliability Engineering", Journal of the Society of Naval Arichitects of Japan,
176, pp.615-624, December 1994.
60. "B-spline approximation of probability density function with complex distribution", Transactions of The West-Japan Society of Naval
Architects, 88, pp.179-194, August 1994.
61. "B-spline approximation of probability density function with complex distribution", Transactions of The West-Japan Society of Naval
Architects, Vol.88, pp.179-194, April 1994.
62. "Inspection planning for deteriorating structures and the influence of inevitable uncertain parameters", Naval Architecture and Ocean
Engineering, Vol.31, pp.135-144, April 1994.
63. "Inspection planning for fatigue deteriorating structures and the influence of inevitable uncertain parameters", Class NK Technical Bulletin,
Vol.12, pp.13-22, April 1994.
64. "Inspection strategy for deteriorating structures based on sequential cost minimization method(Part2: Considerations of inevitable
uncertainties)", Proc. sixth Int. Conf. of Structural Safety and Reliability (ICOSSAR¡Ç93), pp.1013-1020, April 1994.
65. "A study of crack monitoring of ship structures", The fourth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conf., Vol.4, pp.168-175, April 1994.
66. "Influence of inevitable uncertainties on inspection planning for deteriorating structures", The third International Offshore and Polar
Engineering Conf., Vol.4, pp.445-453, April 1993.
67. "BEM analysis of potential distribution in harbor structures under cathodic protection", The third International Offshore and Polar Engineering
Conf., pp.327-333, April 1993.
68. "Non-periodic inspection by Bayesian method (II)", Journal of Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, Vol.7, pp.205-215, April 1992.
69. "Non-periodic inspection by Bayesian method (I)", Journal of Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, Vol.7, pp.191-204, April 1992.
70. "Application of BEM to design of the impressed current cathodic protection system for ship hull", Journal of the society of naval architects of
japan, Vol.171, pp.177-184, April 1992.
71. "Study on stress corrosion cracking in austenitic stainless steel welded joint due to weld bead,spatter and arc strike", Proc. of Int. Symposium on
Non-destructive Testing ¡õ Stress-Strain Measurement, pp.509-515, April 1992.
72. "Inspection strategy for deteriorating structures based on cost minimization method", Proc. of 11-th Int. Conf. on Offshore Mechanics and
Arctic Engineering (OMAE), Vol.2, pp.219-226, April 1992.
73. "Inspection planning for deteriorating structures based on sequential cost minimization method", Journal of the society of naval architects of
japan, Vol.170, pp.755-768, April 1991.
74. "Fitting-adaptive importance sampling in reliability analysis", Proc. first Int. Conf. on Computational Stochastic Mechanics, pp.15-26, April
75. "Inspection strategy for deteriorating structures based on cost minimization approach", Proc. first Int. Conf. on Computational Stochastic
Mechanics, pp.421-432, April 1991.
76. "An empirical fitting-adaptive approach to importance sampling in reliability analysis", Journal of the society of naval architects of japan,
Vol.169, pp.433-442, April 1990.
77. "Estimation of probabilities of crack detection and false indication in visual inspection of structures", Journal of the society of naval architects of
japan, Vol.169, pp.489-497, April 1990.
78. "On reliability assessment of frame structures based on Monte Carlo simulation", Journal of the society of naval architects of japan, Vol.167,
pp.199-204, April 1990.
79. "Reliability analysis of frame structure by Monte Carlo simulation using Neuman expansion", Transactions of The West-Japan Society of Naval
Architects, Vol.79, pp.103-112, April 1990.
80. "Application of multi-notched specimen to fatigue test acceleration", Proc. first Pacific Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Vol.3, pp.199204, April 1990.
81. "Bayesian reliability analysis of structures with multiple components", Structural Safety and Reliability, Vol.3, pp.2143-2146, April 1989.
82. "Fatigue test using multi-notched specimen and its reliability analysis", Proc. fifth Int. Conf. of Structural Safety and Reliability
(ICOSSAR¡Ç89), Vol.2, pp.1603-1610, April 1989.
83. "Bayesian reliability analysis of inspection on ocean structures", Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering= Hiroshima University, Vol.10, No.2,
pp.35-44, April 1988.
84. "Prediction of fatigue life of ship structural members from developed crack length", Proc. Int. Conf. and Expo. on Fatigue Life Analysis and
Prediction= American Society of Metals, pp.37-46, April 1985.
85. "An analysis for fatigue of ship structural members", Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Vol.22, pp.215-226, April 1984.
86. "Studies on the evaluation of corrosion fatigue crack initiation life of notched steel plate", Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering,
Vol.16, pp.138-153, April 1978.
Books: * Only English titles are listed here
**: Major books
Division of Mechanical Systems and Applied Mechanics, Faculty of Engineering, Structural System Engineering Fujimoto Yukio
>> Japanese
Prof. Akimasa Fujiwara
Personal Profile
/ Akimasa Fujiwara (Professor, Ph. D)
Educational Background
• 1993: D. Eng., Civil and Environmental Engineering, Hiroshima University.
• 1985: M. Eng., Civil and Environmental Engineering, Hiroshima University.
• 1983: B. Eng., Civil Engineering, Hiroshima University.
Academic Appointments
2002-Present: Professor, Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Hiroshima University.
2006-Present: Visiting Professor, Lanzhou Jiatong University
1996-1997: Visiting fellow, Imperial College, University of London.
1994-2002: Associate Professor, Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Hiroshima University.
1993-1994: Research Associate, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Hiroshima University.
1992-1993: Visiting fellow, University of Tokyo.
1985-1993: Research Associate, Department of Civil Engineering, Kure National College of Technology.
Research Interests
Transportation planning and transportation policy evaluation;
Sustainable development and transportation;
Activity-based travel demand modeling, and transpiration demand modeling;
Development of survey techniques;
Focusing on understanding and representing the behavioral mechanisms of human, organizations and society, we conduct various
research and education activities related to development of urban and transportation planning methods harmonizing with land use,
environment and natural resources, and evaluation/design of innovative urban and transportation policies. We deal with the issues not
only in Japan and other developed, but also in developing countries. It is expected that our activities will contribute to sustainable urban
and regional development.
Member, The International Association for Travel Behavior Research
Member, Japan Society of Civil Engineers
Member, The City Planning Institute of Japan
Member, Japan Society of Traffic Engineers
Member, Japanese Society for Engineering Education
Member, Transpartation Research Board
Member, Association for European Transport
Member, World Conference on Transport Reserch Society
Member, Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies
Member, Japan Society for International Development
Reviewer, The Journals of Transportation
Best Paper Prize of 5th APac-CHRIE (Asia Pacific International Council on Hotel, Restaurant and
Institutional Education) and the 13th APTA (Asia Pasific Tourism Association) Joint Conference (
Best Paper Prize of 6th EASTS Conference (Yasushima Prize)
Outstanding Paper Award of The Eastern Asia Society
Outstanding Paper Award of The Eastern Asia Society
Prof. Akimasa Fujiwara
Academic Management and Administrative Responsibilities
Vice dean, Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Hiroshima University (1997-date)
Member of JABEE committee in JSCE (1999-date)
Chair of Engineering Ethics Education committee in JSCE (2005-date)
Member of Transport Policy Council of MLIT (2006-date)
Chair of City Planning Council of Hiroshima City (2006-date)
1. Zhang, J., Fujiwara, A. and Sawara, J.(2006) Multi-dimensional timing decisions: A case study in tourism behavior analysis, Consumer
Psychology of Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure, Volume 4, Mazanec, J.A. (eds.)
2. Zhang, J., Fujiwara, A., Timmermans, H. and Borgers, A. (2005) An Empirical Comparison of Alternative Models of Household Time
Allocation, In: Progress in Activity-Based Analysis, Timmermans, H. (ed.), Elsevier, 259-283.
3. Fujiwara, A. and Sugie, Y. (1997) Temporal Stability of Stated Preference Data, In Understanding Travel Behaviour in an Era of Change,
P.Stopher and M.Lee-Gosselin (eds.), Pergamon, pp.257-277.
Refereed Journal Papers (141papers)
English Paper (52 Papers)
1. Rahman, Md. M., Fujiwara, A. and Zhang, J. (2010) Evaluation of environmental emission for optimization of highway improvement
program, Journal of International Development and Cooperation, Vol.16, (in press)
2. Ahmed, A., Fujiwara, A. and Zhang, J. (2010) Land transport sector in Bangladesh: an analysis towards motivating GHG emission
reduction strategies, Journal of International Development and Cooperation, Vol.16, (in press)
3. Yoshino, D., Fujiwara, A. and Zhang, J. (2010) Environmental efficiency model based on data envelopment analysis and its application
to environmentally sustainable transport policies, Transportation Research Record (in press)
4. Chikaraishi, M., Zhang, J., Fujiwara, A., and Axhausen, K.W. (2010) Exploring variation properties of time use behavior based on a
multilevel multiple discrete-continuous extreme value model, Transportation Research Record (in press)
5. Chikaraishi, Fujiwara, A., Zhang, J., and Lee, B. (2010) Applying a sequential Bayesian updating approach to examine spatiotemporal
changes of gasoline price elasticities of traffic demand on expressways in Japan through the whole year of 2008, Transportation
Research Record (in press)
6. Feng X., Zhang, J., Fujiwara, A., Yoshitsugu Hayashi1 and Hirokazu Kato (2010) Improved feedback modeling of transport in enlarging
urban areas of developing countries, Frontiers of Computer Science in China (Higher Education Press, co-published with SpringerVerlag GmbH, ISSN 1673-7350 (Print) 1673-7466 (Online)).
7. Suto, K., Zhang, J., and Fujiwara, A. (2009) Effects of in-vehicle warning information on drivers’ decelerating and accelerating behaviors
near an arch-shaped intersection, Accident Analysis and Prevention (forthcoming).
8. Feng, X., Zhang, J. and Fujiwara, A. (2009) Analysis of feedback to obtain steady-state solutions in four-step modeling, Transportmetrica
(in press, SCI paper).
9. Feng, X., Zhang, J. and Fujiwara, A. (2009) Adding a new step with special autocorrelation to improve the four-step travel demand model
with feedback for a developing country, IATTS (International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences) Research (in press).
10. Zhang, J. and Fujiwara, A. (2009) Representing intra-household interaction in transit-oriented residential choice behavior using stated
preference approach, Transportation Research Record (forthcoming) (SCI paper).
11. Chikaraishi, M., Fujiwara, A., Zhang, J., and Axhausen, K.W. (2009) Exploring variation properties of departure time choice behavior
using multilevel analysis approach, Transportation Research Record (forthcoming) (SCI paper).
12. Zhang, J., Kuwano, M., Lee, B. and Fujiwara, A. (2009) Modeling household discrete choice behavior incorporating heterogeneous group
decision-making mechanisms, Transportation Research Part B: A Special Issue “Household Behavior Modeling”, edited by H.
Timmermans and J. Zhang, 43, 230-250 (SCI paper).
13. Kim, W., Zhang, J., Fujiwara, A., Ryu, C.N. and Namgung, M. (2008) Analysis of stopping behavior at urban signalized intersections: An
empirical study in Korea, Transportation Research Record, 2080, 84-91 (SCI paper).
14. Karen Ann Bianet Jago-on, Kaneko, S., Fujikura, R., Fujiwara, A., Imai, T., Matsumoto, T., Zhang, J., Tanikawa, H., Tanaka, K., Lee, B.,
and Taniguchi, M. (2008) Urbanization and subsurface environmental issues: An attempt at DPSIR model application in Asian cities,
Science of Total Environment (STOTEN), 407(9), 3089-3104. (SCI paper).
15. Feng, X., Fujiwara, A. and Zhang, J. (2008) Exploring sustainable development of a developing city based on a new integrated model,
Intelligent Transportation System and Information Technology, 8(5), 50-60.
16. Zhang, J., Fujiwara, A. and Soe Thein (2008) Capturing travelers’ stated mode choice preferences under the influence of income in
Yangon City, Myanmar, Intelligent Transportation System and Information Technology, 8(4), 49-62.
17. Feng, T., Zhang, J. and Fujiwara, A. (2008) An integrated modeling framework for environmentally efficient car ownership and trip
balance, IATTS (International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences) Research, 32(2), 95-108.
18. Senbil, M., Zhang, J. and Fujiwara, A. (2007) Motorization in Asia: 14 Countries and Three Metropolitan Areas, IATTS (International
Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences) Research, 31(1), 46-58.
19. Zhang, J., Fujiwara, A. and Kuwano, M. (2007) Modeling group decision-making mechanisms in household travel behavior: Theories and
an application, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 7, 654-669.
20. Feng, X., Zhang, J., Fujiwara, A. and Senbil, M. (2007) Evaluating environmentally sustainable urban and transport policies for a
developing city based on a travel demand model with feedback mechanisms, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation
Studies, 7, 751-765.
21. Kuwano, M., Zhang, J. and Fujiwara, A. (2007) Representing household vehicle holding duration with heterogeneous distributions based
on latent class approach, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 7, 782-794.
22. Nugroho, S.B., Fujiwara, A., Zhang, J. and Senbil, M. (2007) Bivariate probit model of on-road emission measurement of passenger cars
in Jakarta city, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 7, 1377-1388.
23. Feng, T., Zhang, J. and Fujiwara, A. (2007) Environmental efficiency analysis of urban transportation systems using a multi-output
stochastic frontier model with flexible cause-effect structure, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 7, 14751489.
24. Feng, T., Zhang, J. and Fujiwara, A. (2007) Modeling the level of environmentally efficient car ownership, Journal of the Eastern Asia
Society for Transportation Studies, 7, 1490-1505.
25. Saarloos, D., Fujiwara, A. and Zhang, J. (2007) The interaction between pedestrians and facilities in central business districts: An
explorative case study, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 7, 1870-1885.
26. He, R., Li., Y., Zhang, J. and Fujiwara, A. (2007) Analysis and application for urban inhabitant travel demand models, Intelligent
Transportation System and Information Technology, 7(6) , 80-84.
Prof. Akimasa Fujiwara
27. Zhang, J. and Fujiwara, A. (2006) Representing household time allocation behavior by endogenously incorporating diverse intrahousehold interactions: A case study in the context of elderly couples, Transportation Research Part B, 40, 54-74 (SCI, EI paper).
28. Zhang, J., Fujiwara, A. and Sawara, J. (2006) Multi-Dimensional Timing Decisions: A Case Study in Tourism Behavior Analysis, Tourism
Analysis, 11, 319-330.
29. Nugroho, S.B., Fujiwara, A. and Zhang, J. (2006) Analysis of roadside air quality in Jakarta city: A structural equation approach, JSME
(Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers) International Journal Series B, 49, 8-18 (SCI, EI, ISTP paper).
30. Nugroho, S.B., Fujiwara, A. and Zhang, J. (2005) Evaluating the effects of a new vehicle emission standard on urban air quality in
Jakarta city, Journal of International Development and Cooperation, 11(2), 11-30.
31. Senbil, M., Fujiwara, A. and Zhang, J. (2005) An integrated process model of social capacity development for environmental
management, Journal of International Development and Cooperation, 11(2), 31-49.
32. Zhang, J., Fujiwara, A. and Da Cruz, M.R.M. (2005) Social capacity indicators for environmental management: A case study in transport
sector using macro-level data, Journal of International Development and Cooperation, 11(2), 51-65.
33. Zhang, J., Fujiwara, A., Senbil, M., Shao, C. and Guo, J. (2005) Measuring capacity indicators of civil society for environmental
management in Beijing based on an attitudinal survey, Journal of International Development and Cooperation, 11(2), 67-86.
34. Hyodo, T., Montalbo, C.M.Jr., Fujiwara A. and Soehodho, S. (2005) Urban travel behavior characteristics of 13 cities based on
household interview survey data, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 6, 23-38.
35. Yamane, K., Fujiwara, A. and Zhang, J. (2005) Analysis of travel behavior array pattern by lifestyle incorporating sequential
dependencies in a day, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 6, 91-106.
36. Moriyama, M., Fujiwara, A. and Zhang, J. (2005) Development of non-monetary indicators to evaluate public transport services in rural
areas, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 6, 423-439.
37. Sugie, Y., Zhang, J., Fujiwara, A. and Suto, K. (2005) The effects of a flextime system on arrival and departure times to and from work,
Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 6, 1956-1970.
38. Kanda Y., Fujiwara, A., Izumi, N., Asada, Y. and Yamada, J. (2005) A study on feasibility and effects evaluation method of introduction
of packaged TDM measures, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 6, 2378-2393.
39. Zhang, J., Fujiwara, A. and Chikaraishi, M. (2005) Comparative analysis of travel patterns in the developing cities based on a hybrid
model, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 6, 4333-4348.
40. Fujiwara, A., Zhang, J., Lee, B. and Da Cruz, M.R.M. (2005) Evaluating sustainability of urban development in developing countries
incorporating dynamic cause-effect relationships over time, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 6, 4349-4364.
41. Fujiwara, A. and Zhang, J. (2005) Development of car tourists' scheduling model for one-day tour, Transportation Research Record,
1921, 100-111 (SCI, EI, ISTP paper).
42. Sugie, Y., and Fujiwara, A. (2004) Dynamic analysis and modeling of stated preference for travel models, International Journal of Urban
Sciences, 8(1), 13-27.
43. Sugie, Y., Zhang, J. and Fujiwara, A. (2003) A weekend shopping activity participation model dependent on weekday shopping behavior,
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 10(6), 335-343.
44. Moriyama, M., Fujiwara, A., Sugie, Y. and Zhang, J. (2003) Development of a travel frequency forecasting system for bus service in
depopulated areas, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 5, 1576-1590.
45. Lee, B., Fujiwara, A. and Sugie, Y. (2003) A sequential method for combining random utility model and fuzzy inference model, Journal of
Advanced Computing Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, 7(2), 200-206.
46. Fujiwara, A. Kanda, Y., Sugie, Y. and Okamura, T. (2001) The effectiveness of non-IIA models on time choice behavior analysis, Journal
of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 4(2), 305-318
47. Zhang, J., Sugie, Y. and Fujiwara, A. (2001) A mode choice model separating taste variation and stated preference reporting bias,
Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 4(3), 23-38.
48. Sugie, Y., Zhang, J. and Fujiwara, A. (2001) Dynamic travel demand models based on longitudinal person-trip data, Journal of the
Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 4(3), 129-144.
49. Fujiwara, A. Okamura, T. and Sugie, Y. (2001) Evaluation of low-floor light rail vehicle based on contingent valuation method, Journal of
the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 4(6), 191-198.
50. Sugie, Y., Zhang, J. and Fujiwara, A. (2000) Dynamic travel demand models incorporating unobserved heterogeneity and first-order
serial correlation, Journal of International Development and Cooperation, 6(1), 159-175.
51. Sugie, Y., Zhang, J. and Fujiwara, A. (1999) Dynamic discrete choice models considering unobserved heterogeneity with mass point
approach, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 3(5), 245-260.
52. Sugie, Y. and Fujiwara, A. (1991) The characteristics of mode choice models based on stated preference data, Memoirs of the Faculty of
Engineering, Hiroshima University, 11(1), 31-42.
Japanese Paper (89 Papers)
A copulabased simultaneous-equation model of vehicle holding duration and travel distance
Analysis of outof-home touring behavior at the car dependent area considering joint-trips
26 403-409.
2009 Proceedings CD-ROM
No.29 1-4.
-A Method of Activity
Classification based on Behavioral Similarity and its Accuracy Verification - A Case Study of Activity Start Time , No. 44-3, 481-486.
K.W. Axhausen 2009 6
Properties of Variations in Travel Behavior Using a Six-Week Travel Diary Data: A Case Study of Activity Generation and Departure
, Vol. 26, 447-455
A Statistical Analysis of
Structural Changes of Traffic Demand Caused by Variation of Gasoline Prices
, Vol. 52, No. 8, 21-29
Modeling of
touring behavior along the Asian Highway incorporating inter-alternative similarities: A comparative analysis between Japanese and
Korean tourists,
, 25, 783-792.
Estimation of household car traveling distances
using hazard-based duration model,
, 25, 623-631.
, Development of time
allocation model with endogenous threshold of activity participation in a depopulated region,
, 43-3, 835-840.
Development of household vehicle holding duration model with multiple-peak distributions and application to policy analysis
, 42-3, 571-576
Prof. Akimasa Fujiwara
Development of household car type choice model incorporating multi decision marking rules,
, 24 (3) , 499507
Time allocation model
incorporating self-selection biases of activity choice and inter-activity interactions,
, 42-3, 553-558.
Study on travel pattern classification in local
, 27, 189-192
Influences of city compactness on travel behavior patterns in a local city: Analysis using an aggregate-type
discrete choice model incorporating inter-alternative similarities,
, 42-3, 595-600.
Influence of dynamic warning
traffic information on driving behavior at an intersection nearby a bridge,
, 27, 133-136.
Driving characteristics and the
effects of warning traffic information provision at a road section with frequent occurrence of traffic accidents,
, 24
(4) , 887-894.
Spatial analysis of driving
behavior at an intersection nearby a bridge and effects of in-vehicle warning information, 6 ITS
2007 Proceedings, 2007,
Comparative Analyses of Group Discrete
Choice Models: A Case Study in the Context of Household Choice of Vehicle Type,
, 23(2), 463-472.
Survey and
model development of household residential choice behavior with group decision-making mechanisms,
, 41(2), 97-102.
Efficiency diagnostics of
household car use in suburbs of local city,
, 41(2), 157-162
Effects of traffic
information provision on dangerous driving behavior and drivers’ attitudes,
, 26, 9-12.
An evaluation method for local city
policy-making focusing on travel behavior patterns and its application,
, 26, 137-140.
An impact assessment
method of packaged TDM measures in commuting hour,
, 21(2), 485-491.
(2005) GIS
Development of GIS-aid planning
system for public transportation in rural depopulated areas,
, 21(3), 759-768.
Applicability of household time allocation model with heterogeneous intra-household interaction to the analysis of transportation policies
for the elderly
, 786/IV-67, 53-65.
A demand
prediction model of transit services for the elderly in rural depopulated areas,
, 786/IV-67, 39-51.
Analysis of seamless transit
system services in depopulated areas,
, 22, 659-666.
Smart-2 Miles Hiroshima Project: A Comprehensive Application of ITS technologies to Enhance Traffic Safety at Successive
Intersections, 26
, 30040.
Evaluation of effects of social capacity for
environmental management on sustainable development in developing cities,
, 214-217.
Representing travel choice
behavior dynamics based on cross-sectional and longitudinal heterogeneity,
, 765/IV-64, 3-15.
Basic study on evaluation
of living environments and analysis of household residential attitude considering intra-household interaction,
, 39-3, 619624
Hybrid discrete choice model
incorporating fuzziness of subjective evaluation data,
, 765/IV-64, 17-28.
Scheduling behavior
models of air travel considering uncertainties,
, 20(3), 509-514.
Effects of multimodal travel information considering unequal evaluation structure of choice alternatives,
, 23, 213-216.
Evaluation of neighborhood street
improvements based on “fuzzy contingent valuation method,
, 38-3, 505-510.
Development of indices evaluating service
levels of public transportation in depopulated areas,
, 38-3, 475-480.
A trial of new engineering education
program based on internship and its evaluation,
, 51(5), 11-17.
Influence of flextime system on departure time from and arrival time to workplace,
, 19, 383-390.
Influences of urban form on transportation
energy consumption in Hiroshima Metropolitan Area,
, 37, 151-156.
Data characteristics of
integrated stored fare card system in urban public transport,
, 19(1), 29-36.
Relationship between level
of travel service and quality of life for the aged in depopulated communities,
, 19(4), 725-732.
of a planning tool for bus operation in depopulated areas using GIS data base of communities,
, 22, 261264.
Demand analysis of public transportation
based on integrated stored fare card data,
, 22, 261-264.
Analysis of SP panel data for
mode choice based on the concept of relative utility,
, 19(3), 365-374.
Effects of Providing Travel
Time Information on Individual Utility of Mode Choice,
, 18(4), 595-602.
Relationship between traffic
accidents and sight distance to signal at signalized intersection with downhill,
, 18(5), 803-808.
Influence of providing information concerning facilities for physically handicapped people on their intention to visit tourist sites,
, 18(5), 957-962.
Analysis of the Attitude for Developing Traffic Calming Roads,
, 18(4), 699-704.
Prof. Akimasa Fujiwara
(2001) r-MNL
Effects of pre-trip travel
information based on r_MNL model and r_NL model,
, 21, 289-292.
Influences of
categorizing alternatives in time choice models on similarity and non-identity among alternatives,
, 17, 599-604.
Evaluation of light rail transit based on contingent valuation
, 35, 577-582.
An evaluation method of traffic calming
measures in CBD,
, 20, 185-188.
Influence of road improvement on
touring behavior,
, 16, 699-705.
Departure time choice under
flexible working hour system by considering household structure,
, 19, 121-124.
(1999) Paired Combinatorial Logit
An application of paired
combinatorial logit model to analyze time choice behavior,
, 19, 117-120.
A correction method of non-response biases in
travel diary data,
, 16, 121-128.
An analysis of departure time
choice behavior under flextime system,
, 16, 941-947.
Analysis of stated preference data collected at two different points in time,
, 20(1), 62-68.
Post-evaluation of community roads in Hiroshima
City by residents and its problems,
, 10, 19-27.
Time series analysis of departure
time choice behavior after introducing flextime system,
, 18, 165-168.
Temporal change of commuting behavior
under flextime system,
, 15, 655-662.
A mode choice model
separating taste variation and stated preference reporting error,
, 15, 609-617.
A weekend shopping trip frequency model,
, 15, 629-637.
Prediction accuracy of mode choice
model based on SP panel data,
, 576/IV-37, 11-22.
(1997) Duration Model
Analysis of attending
behavior to part-and-ride experimental scheme using duration model,
, 14, 671-678.
(1996) Mass Point
A dynamic mode
choice model considering unobserved heterogeneity based on mass point approach,
, 13, 623-632.
(1996) Mass Point
To correct panel attrition and
reporting biases in travel mode choice model based on mass point approach,
, 13, 587-594.
Post evaluation of community roads in
Hiroshima City,
, 16, 133-136.
Influences of pre-trip
information provided at home on commuting mode choice intentions,
, 15, 81-84.
Structural analysis of travel mode choice model
with individual heterogeneity,
, 12, 425-434.
Development of travel demand models using repeated
cross-sectional data,
, 524/IV-29, 93-104.
Mass Point
A multinomial travel mode choice
model with mass point considering unobserved heterogeneity,
, 15, 217-220.
Mode choice models based on stated
preference panel data including refreshed samples,
, 1(1), 105-116.
Development of a travel demand prediction model considering time series elements: Using a longitudinal person-trip data,
, 43(1), 77-87.
Development of travel demand
predicting models using longitudinal person-trip data,
, 14, 173-176.
, Correcting attrition biases latently existing in
SP panel data,
, 11, 311-318.
, Panel analysis of stated preference for travel mode choice,
, 28, 79-84.
Effectiveness of SP survey based on laptop computer,
, 42(1), 21-28.
, Analysis of temporal changes in
stated preference on new transit mode by using panel data,
, 27, 397-402.
, 10, 31-38.
, Reliability of mode choice models based on stated
preference data,
, 8, 49-56.
Stability and reliability of stated preference data,
, 25, 103108.
A fundamental study on effective use of urban facilities - Part 1: An application of SP approach to demand
, 25(2), 41-52.
forecasting of new transit system in Hiroshima,
, Effectiveness of mode choice models based on stated
preference data,
, 24(5), 21-30.
, Effectiveness of travel survey based on activity diary,
, 23, 409-414.
, Effects of socio-demographic characteristics on
individual daily travel behavior,
, 3, 105-112.
Temporal and special stability of characteristics of individual
travel behavior,
, 21, 151-156.
Refereed Proceedings Papers (82 papers)
Prof. Akimasa Fujiwara
1. Zhang, J., Senbil, M., and Fujiwara, A. (2010) Exploring Sustainable Urban Forms: A Case Study in Jabotabek Metropolitan Area,
Indonesia, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on the Future of Human Mobility, Thai Society for Transportation and Traffic
Studies, Phuket, Thailand, January 22-23 (Best Paper Award).
2. Yoshino, D., Fujiwara, A. and Zhang, J. (2010) Environmental efficiency model based on data envelopment analysis and its application
to environmentally sustainable transport policies, Compendium of Papers CD-ROM, the 89th Annual Meeting of the Transportation
Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 10-14 (CD-ROM).
3. Nugroho, S.B., Fujiwara, A. and Zhang, J. (2010) Private Motorized Urban Mobility and Its Impact on Inspection and Maintenance
Program in Indonesia, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on the Future of Human Mobility, Thai Society for Transportation
and Traffic Studies, Phuket, Thailand, January 22-23.
4. Feng, X., Fujiwara, A., Zhang, J., and Hayashi, Y. (2010) Backcasting assessment of strategies for efficiently sustainable urban transport
developments of developing cities, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies, Kunming,
China, August 3-5 (forthcoming).
5. Chikaraishi, M., Zhang, J., Fujiwara, A., and Axhausen, K.W. (2010) Exploring variation properties of time use behavior based on a
multilevel multiple discrete-continuous extreme value model, Compendium of Papers CD-ROM, the 89th Annual Meeting of the
Transportation Research Board, January 10-14, Washington, D.C. (CD-ROM).
6. Zhang, J., Zhang, H., Wu, L., and Fujiwara, A. (2009) Representing tourists' context-sensitive time use and expenditure behavior,
Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference, Asia Pacific Tourism Association (APTA), Incheon, Korea, July 9-12 (CD-ROM) (Best
Paper Award)
7. Zhang, J., Fujiwara, A., and Uno, H. (2009) Is trip-making utility positive or negative? - A preliminary examination based on day
reconstruction method -, Paper presented at The 12th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India,
December 13-18 (CD-ROM).
8. Zhang, J., Fujiwara, A., and Hinohara, H. (2009) How to aggregate individual preferences into group choice? - A series of modeling
comparisons based on stated preference survey -, Paper presented at The 12th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research,
Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, December 13-18 (CD-ROM).
9. Wu, L., Zhang, J., and Fujiwara, A. (2009) A model of heterogeneously nested structure of tourists' destination and travel party choices,
Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference, Asia Pacific Tourism Association (APTA), Incheon, Korea, July 9-12 (CD-ROM).
10. Wang, Z., Zhang, J., and Fujiwara, A. (2009) Evaluating the effects of dynamic travel information on driver's stated departure time and
route choice behaviors in Beijing, China, Proceedings of International Symposium on Urban Planning 2009, Tainan, Taiwan, August 2628, 219-228.
11. Shimamoto, H., Zhang, J., and Fujiwara, A. (2009) An effective algorithm to detect the similarities of activity-travel patterns incorporating
activity sequence and its duration, Paper presented at The 12th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Jaipur,
Rajasthan, India, December 13-18 (CD-ROM).
12. Kuwano, M., Fujiwara, A., Tsukai, M., and Zhang, J. (2009) Joint modeling of household vehicle holding duration and usage with a
copula-based multivariate survival model, Paper presented at The 12th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Jaipur,
Rajasthan, India, December 13-18 (CD-ROM).
13. Kim, W., Zhang, J., and Fujiwara, A. (2009) Effects of in-vehicle real-time traffic safety warning information: an evaluation based on
drivers' short-term memory and driving experience, Paper Presented at The 12th International Conference on Travel Behaviour
Research, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, December 13-18 (CD-ROM).
14. Kim, W., Saarloos, D., Cho, J., Lee, S.B., Zhang, J. and Fujiwara, A. (2009) Formation, influence of traffic signal location on driver
braking maneuver at urban signalized intersections: Lessons from a Korean case, Compendium of Papers CD-ROM, the 88th Annual
Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 11-15 (CD-ROM).
15. Chikaraishi, M., Zhang, J., and Fujiwara, A. (2009) An analysis of the long-term changes of cross-sectional variations in Japanese time
use behavior using multilevel multiple discrete-continuous extreme value model, Paper Presented at The 12th International Conference
on Travel Behaviour Research, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, December 13-18 (CD-ROM).
16. Chikaraishi, M., Fujiwara, A., Zhang, J., and Axhausen, K.W. (2009) Decomposing variations and co-variations in discrete travel choice
behavior with multilevel cross-classified logit model, Paper Presented at The 12th International Conference on Travel Behaviour
Research, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, December 13-18 (CD-ROM).
17. Feng, T., Zhang, J., and Fujiwara, A. (2009) Incorporating fuel consumption optimization into traffic assignment process, Presented at
“Track 3B - Sustainable development and transportation: planning for alternatives to car travel, sustainable mobility in cities and national
infrastructures”, the 15th International Sustainable Development Research Conference 2009, Utrecht, The Netherlands, July 5-8
(Proceedings) .
18. Nugroho, S.B., Fujiwara, A., and Zhang, J. (2009) Carbon emissions of in-use passenger car in Indonesia, Presented at “Track 3B Sustainable development and transportation: planning for alternatives to car travel, sustainable mobility in cities and national
infrastructures”, the 15th International Sustainable Development Research Conference 2009, Utrecht, The Netherlands, July 5-8
(Proceedings) .
19. Kim, W., Saarloos, D., Cho, J., Lee, S.B., Zhang, J. and Fujiwara, A. (2009) Formation, influence of traffic signal location on driver
braking maneuver at urban signalized intersections: Lessons from a Korean case, Paper accepted by the 88th Annual Meeting the
Transportation Research Board, January 11-15, 2009, Washington, D.C. (under review for TRR) (SCI paper).
20. Zhang, J., and Fujiwara, A. (2009) A Comparative modeling analysis of household time allocation behavior using a large-scale national
time use data in Japan, Compendium of Papers CD-ROM, the 88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, January 1115, 2009, Washington, D.C. (forthcoming) .
21. Feng, T., Zhang, J., and Fujiwara, A. (2009) A Comparison of transportation network optimization with different equity measures using bilevel programming approach, Compendium of Papers CD-ROM, the 88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board,
January 11-15, 2009, Washington, D.C. (forthcoming) .
22. Rahman, M.S., Fujiwara, A. and Zhang, J. (2009) The influence of socioeconomic characteristics and spatial environments on travel
behavior in Dhaka city, Compendium of Papers CD-ROM, the 88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, January 1115, 2009, Washington, D.C. (forthcoming) .
23. Zhang, J. and Fujiwara A.(2009) Models of household activity and travel behaviors with group decision-making mechanisms in Japan,
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Kyoto, August 16-20, 2006 (forthcoming).
24. Kim, W., Fujiwara, A. and Lee, S. (2008) Development of Utility Function of In-Vehicle Real-Time Traffic Safety Warning Information
Incorporating Driver's Short Term Memory, Proceedings of International Conference of Korean Society of Transportation, Autumn 2008,
25. Wang, Z., Zhang, J., Kitamura, R. and Fujiwara, A. (2008) Modeling heterogeneous dynamics in departure time choice behavior during a
social experiment of discounting the tolls of the Hanshin expressway, Proceedings of International Symposium on City Planning 2008,
443-452, Jeonju, Korea, August 21-23.
26. Suto, K., Zhang, J., and Fujiwara, A. (2008) Effects of an in-vehicle warning information system on drivers’ behavior when they approach
a large-scale crest-shaped intersection, Compendium of Papers CD-ROM, the 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research
Board, Washington D.C., January 13-17.
27. Shimamoto, H., Nishio, S., Zhang, J. and Fujiwara, A. (2008) Analysis of inter-personal and intra-personal similarities of activity-travel
patterns in a depopulated area of Japan, Proceedings of International Symposium on City Planning 2008, 949-958, Jeonju, Korea,
August 21-23.
28. Senbil, M., Zhang, J. and Fujiwara, A. (2008) Child effect on household non-commute trips, Compendium of Papers CD-ROM, the 87th
Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 13-17.
Prof. Akimasa Fujiwara
29. Li, G., Fujiwara, A. and Zhang, J. (2008) Applying expectation maximization method to impute item non-responses in person-trip survey
for an aggregate travel mode choice model in developing countries, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Traffic &
Transportation Studies, 155-164, Nanning, China, August 5-7.
30. Kim, W., Zhang, J., Fujiwara, A. and Chikaraishi, M. (2008) Impact of in-vehicle real-time traffic safety warning information on driving
stability at limited signal visibility approaches: Use of an ordered probit model, Proceedings of the 11th International IEEE Conference on
Intelligent Transportation Systems, October 12-15, 2008, Beijing, China (forthcoming) .
31. He, R., Li, Y., Zhang, J., and Fujiwara, A. (2008) Travel choice analysis of stochastic transfer in urban public transport systems: Theory
and application, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Traffic & Transportation Studies, 334-341, Nanning, China, August
32. Fujiwara, A., Zhang, J. and Suto, K. (2008) Evaluation of the effects of a warning information system on reducing traffic accidents based
on a social experiment in Hiroshima, Japan, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Traffic & Transportation Studies, 26-53,
Nanning, China, August 5-7 (Keynote Paper).
33. Feng, X., Zhang, J., Fujiwara, A., Guo, J. and Senbil, M. (2008) Exploring Sustainable Urban Form of Beijing with an Integrated Model,
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Traffic & Transportation Studies, 111-120, Nanning, China, August 5-7.
34. Feng, T., Zhang, J. and Fujiwara, A. (2008) A comparative evaluation on different equity measures for transportation system: sensitivity
analysis on road network design, Proceedings of International Symposium on City Planning 2008, 927-936, Jeonju, Korea, August 2123.
35. Chikaraishi, M. Fujiwara, A. and Zhang, J. (2008) Analysis of school participation in Dhaka city of Bangladesh based on a time allocation
model with endogenous activity generation, Proceedings of International Symposium on City Planning 2008, 620-629, Jeonju, Korea,
August 21-23.
36. Zhang, J. and Fujiwara, A. (2007) Urban governance of packaging environmentally sustainable transport policies: indicator development
and application, Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 167-184 (on-line).
37. Zhang, J. and Fujiwara, A. (2007) Exploring Japanese tourists’ choice behaviors of tour plans along the Asian highway based on a
paired combinatorial logit model with stated preference data, Proceedings of the 5th APac-CHRIE and the 13th APTA Joint Conference,
Beijing, May 24-27 (CD-ROM).
38. Zhang, J., Timmermans, H. and Fujiwara, A. (2007) A household time allocation model with behavioral interdependency between
weekday and weekend, Proceedings of the 11th World Conference on Transport Research (CD-ROM).
39. Zhang, J., Timmermans, H., Fujiwara, A. and Osedo, M. (2007) A model of household time allocation behavior with endogenously
determined balance of power, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, 235244.
40. Senbil, M, Zhang, J. and Fujiwara, A. (2007) Testing spatial stability of travel time expenditures in the developing world, Proceedings of
the 11th World Conference on Transport Research.
41. Saarloos, D.J.M., Zhang, J. and Fujiwara, A. (2007) A multi-agent model for supporting CBD regeneration based on pedestrian
distributions: Framework and numerical simulations, Proceedings of the 11th World Conference on Transport Research (CD-ROM).
42. Lee, B., Timmermans, H., Fujiwara, A. and Zhang, J. (2007) An latent class competing risks model incorporating heterogeneity of activity
scheduling decisions, Proceedings of the 11th World Conference on Transport Research.
43. Kuwano, M., Fujiwara, A. and Zhang, J. (2007) A discrete choice model with dynamic social interaction: framework and application to
household choice of vehicle type, Proceedings of the 11th World Conference on Transport Research (CD-ROM).
44. Feng, T., Zhang, J., Fujiwara, A. and Yoshino, D. (2007) Analysis of energy consumption efficiency in transport sector using a multipleoutput stochastic frontier model with flexible cause-effect structure, Proceedings of the 11th World Conference on Transport Research
45. Senbil, M, Zhang, J. and Fujiwara, A. (2007) Examining Land Use Effects on Travel Behavior in Jabotabek, Indonesia, Metropolitan
Area, Compendium of Papers CD-ROM, the 86th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, January 21-25, 2007,
Washington, D.C.
46. Senbil, M, Zhang, J. and Fujiwara, A. (2007) Motorcycle Ownership and Use in Metropolitan Area of Jabotabek, Indonesia, Compendium
of Papers CD-ROM, the 86th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, January 21-25, 2007, Washington, D.C.
47. Zhang, J. and Fujiwara, A. (2006) Measuring social capacity for environmental management in transport sector in Beijing based on an
attitudinal survey from the perspective of civil society, Proceedings of the 12th Annual International Sustainable Development Research
Conference, Hong Kong, April 6-8 (CD-ROM).
48. Zhang, J., Fujiwara, A., Timmermans, H., Lee, B. and Arentze, T. (2006) Multi-dimensional timing decision model of household activitytravel behavior with endogenous coupling constraints, Paper presented at the 11th International Conference on Travel Behaviour
Research, Kyoto, Japan, August 16-20 (CD-ROM).
49. Zhang, J., Lee, B., Kuwano, M. and Fujiwara, A. (2006) Bayesian analysis of group choice behaviour in the context of household car
ownership, Paper presented at the 11th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Kyoto, August 16-20 (CD-ROM).
50. Yamane, K., Fujiwara, A. and Zhang, J. (2006) Choice of travel patterns: Cause-effect analysis, Proceedings of the 6th International
Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies, 207-216, Xi'an, China, August 2-4 (EI paper).
51. Nugroho, S.B., Fujiwara, A. and Zhang, J. (2006) A Comparative analysis of surface ozone patterns at different land use types in Jakarta
city based on a structural equation model with latent variables, Compendium of Papers CD-ROM, the 85th Annual Meeting of the
Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 22-26.
52. Lee, B., Timmermans, H., Zhang, J. and Fujiwara, A. (2006) A generalized multi-state hidden Markov extension model for multi-state
activity episode durations, Paper presented at the 11th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Kyoto, Japan, August
16-20 (CD-ROM).
53. Kuwano, M., Fujiwara, A., Zhang, J. and Lee, B. (2006) Evaluating efficiency of household vehicle use, Proceedings of the 6th
International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies, Xi'an, China, August 2-4, 268-277 (EI paper).
54. Feng, T., Fujiwara, A., Zhang, J., Lee, B., and Yang, Z. (2006.) An evolutionary neural network approach for estimation of pollutant
concentration, Proceedings of Joint 3rd International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 7th International
Symposium on advanced Intelligent Systems, Sep. 2006, Tokyo, Japan.
55. Feng, T., Yang, Z., Zhang, J. and Fujiwara, A. (2006) Modeling pollutant concentration based on the technique of artificial neural
network, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies, 299-309, Xi'an, China, August 2-4 (EI
56. Feng, X., Zhang J., Fujiwara, A., M. Senbil, B. Lee, and T. Feng (2006) A travel demand prediction model with feedback for Jabodetabek
metropolitan area, Indonesia, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies, 535-546, Xi'an,
China, August 2-4 (EI paper) .
57. Zhang, J. and Fujiwara, A. (2005) Using Stated Preference Approach as a Tool of Transportation Planning and Policy Analysis: Theory
and Applications, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of Chinese Transportation Professionals, North America Chinese
Transportation Association (NACOTA), 401-427, Xi'an, China, June 25-26.
58. Zhang, J., Fujiwara, A. and Ishikawa, N. (2005) Developing a new activity-trip scheduling model based on utility of timing incorporating
timing constraints, censored timing and sequential correlation, Compendium of Papers CD-ROM, the 84th Annual Meeting of the
Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 9-13.
59. Zhang, J., Fujiwara, A. and Kusakabe, T. (2005) A new discrete choice model with endogenous generation of choice set based on the
principle of relative utility maximization, Compendium of Papers CD-ROM, the 84th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research
Board, Washington D.C., January 9-13.
60. Kuwano, M., Zhang, J. and Fujiwara, A. (2005) Analysis of ownership behavior of low-emission passenger cars in local Japanese cities,
Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 5, 1379-1393 (ISTP paper).
Prof. Akimasa Fujiwara
61. Senbil, M., Fujiwara, A. and Zhang, J. (2005) Development of a choice model for evaluating sustainable urban form in a developing city,
Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 5, 2164-2178 (ISTP paper).
62. Senbil, M., Fujiwara, A. and Zhang, J. (2005) Residential and travel mode choices in the developing world: A comparative study of 11
developing cities, Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 5, 2463 -2469 (ISTP paper).
63. Wang, W., Zhang, J., Fujiwara, A. and Namgung, M. (2005) Time series forecasts of international travel demand from Japan to Korea,
Proceedings of Annual Summer Conference of Korean Society of Transportation, 123-128.
64. Zhang, J. and Fujiwara, A. (2004) Evaluating the effects of multi-modal travel information based on a discrete choice model with unequal
and asymmetric structure, Proceedings of the 11th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, Nagoya, Japan, October 18-24
65. Matsumoto, H., Shimizu, J., Ogura, Y., Harada, K., Fujiwara, A. and Suto, K. (2004) Contributions of regional ITS to vitalizing local
regions: A case study of Shimanami Information System, Proceedings of the 11th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems (CDROM).
66. Zhang, J. and Fujiwara, A. (2004) Representing heterogeneous intra-household interaction in the context of time allocation,
Compendium of Papers CD-ROM, the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 11-15.
67. Zhang, J. and Fujiwara, A. (2004) Development of methodology for analyzing travel patterns in the context of developing countries.
Traffic and Transportation Studies, Proceedings of ICTTS 2004 (International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies), Mao,
B., Tian, Z. and Sun, Q. (eds.), 222-234, Science Press, Beijing (EI, ISTP paper).
68. Zhang, J., Sugie, Y., Fujiwara, A. and Suto, K. (2004) A dynamic bi-ordered-probit model system to evaluate the effects of introducing
flexible working hour system, Selected Proceedings of the 10th World Conference on Transport Research, Istanbul, Turkey, July 4-8
69. Okamura, T., Fujiwara, A. and Zhang, J. (2004) Finding behavioral rules of urban public transport passengers by using boarding records
of integrated stored fare card system, Proceedings of the 10th World Conference on Transport Research, Istanbul, Turkey, July 4-8 (CDROM).
70. Mabazza, D., Fujiwara, A. and Zhang, J. (2004) An analysis of activity-travel patterns in a developing country: The case of Metro Manila,
Proceedings of the 10th World Conference on Transport Research, Istanbul, Turkey, July 4-8 (CD-ROM).
71. Lee, B.J., Fujiwara, A., Zhang, J. and Namgung, M. (2004) Development of mode choice behavior models with incomplete sample data,
Proceedings of the 10th World Conference on Transport Research, Istanbul, Turkey, July 4-8 (CD-ROM).
72. Fujiwara, A., Zhang, J. and Da Cruz, M.R. (2004) Society capacity evaluation for urban air quality management in the context of urban
and transportation planning, Invited paper by the 9th National Convention on Civil Engineering, Thailand, May 19-21 (Keynote Paper).
73. Fujiwara, A., Zhang, J., Lee, B.J. and Kuwano, M. (2004) Development of a fuzzy contingent valuation method to assess amenity
improvement of a neighborhood street, Selected Proceedings of the 10th World Conference on Transport Research, Istanbul, Turkey,
July 4-8 (CD-ROM).
74. Fujiwara, A., Zhang, J. and Odaka, S. (2004) Evaluating the effects of multi-modal travel information based on the principle of relative
utility maximization, Selected Proceedings of the 10th World Conference on Transport Research, Istanbul, Turkey, July 4-8 (CD-ROM).
75. Fujiwara, A., Zhang, J. and Soe Thein (2004) Capturing people's mode choice preferences under changes in travel and social-economic
environments in Yangon city based on stated preference survey, Proceedings of the 10th World Conference on Transport Research,
Istanbul, Turkey, July 4-8 (CD-ROM) .
76. Okamura, T., Fujiwara, A. and Zhang, J. (2003) Transport Survey and Marketing Methods in Urban Public Transport by Using Boarding
Records Collected by Integrated Stored Fare Card System, Selected Paper for International Symposium on City Planning, 270-279.
77. Lee, B.J., Fujiwara, A., Zhang, J. and Sugie, Y. (2003) Analysis of Mode Choice Behaviours based on Latent Class Models, Proceedings
of the 10th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Lucerne, Switzerland, August 10-15 (CD-ROM).
78. Lee, B.J., Fujiwara, A., Zhang, J. and Sugie, Y. (2003) Measurement of Willingness to Pay of Street Environment Improvement Based on
Uncertainty, Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 4, 1356-1365.
79. Fujiwara, A., Lee, B.J. and Zhang, J. (2003) A Hybrid Discrete Choice Model with Fuzziness, Proceedings of European Transport
Conference (CD-ROM).
80. Fujiwara, A., Sugie, Y. and Zhang, J. (2000) A Survey and Analysis Method to Evaluate Influence of Pre-trip Information on Commuter's
Travel Choice Behaviour, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies, ASCE, 754-761 (EI, ISTP
81. Sugie, Y., Zhang, J. and Fujiwara, A. (1998) Dynamic Travel Demand Models incorporating unobserved heterogeneity and first-order
serial correlation,Proceedings of the 8th World Conference on Transport Research, Antwerp, Belgium, July 12-16 (CD-ROM).
82. Fujiwara, A., Sugie, Y. and Zhang, J. (1997) Survival Analysis of Public Participation in Experiment Scheme to Determine Travel
Demand Management Policy, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research, Austin, Texas, September
2-3) Books (7 books)
1. Zhang, J. and Fujiwara A. (2009) Models of household activity and travel behaviors with group decision-making mechanisms in Japan,
In: The Expanding Sphere of Travel Behaviour Research: The Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Travel Behaviour
Research, R. Kitamura, T. Yoshii, and T. Yamamoto (eds.), Emerald, Chapter 8, 187-203.
2. Nugroho, S.B., Fujiwara, A., and Zhang, J. (2009) Analysis of Carbon Emissions from In-use motorcycle in Indonesia, In: Rahman, M.H.,
Badruzzaman, A.B.M., Alam, M.J.B., Rahman, M.M., Ali, M.A., Noor, M.A., and Wadud, Z. (eds.), Climate Change Impacts and
Adaptation Strategies for Bangladesh, International Training Network (ITN) Center, BUET, Dhaka, 179-193.
3. Zhang, J., Fujiwara, A., Timmermans, H. and Borgers, A. (2005) An Empirical Comparison of Alternative Models of Household Time
Allocation, in Progress in Activity-Based Analysis, Timmermans, H. (ed.), Elsevier, 259-283.
Urban transportation system in Jobodetabek and social
capacity for environmental management,
, 71-82.
5. Fujiwara, A. and Sugie, Y. (1997) Temporal Stability of Stated Preference Data, in Understanding Travel Behaviour in an Era of Change,
Stopher, P. and Lee-Gosselin, M. (eds.), Pergamon, 257-277.
, 103-116. ( 2
No.50, 71-83 ( 5
Proceedings Papers with Simplified Review ( 36 papers)
1. Zhang, J., Wu, L., Fujiwara, A. and Lee, B.J. (2010) A comparative analysis between Japanese and Korean tourists' attitude and stated
choice behavior along the Asian Highway, Paper accepted by 17th International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and
Consumer Services Science, Istanbul, Turkey, July 2-5.
2. Zhang, J., Wang, Z., Timmermans, H., and Fujiwara, A. (2010) Re-examining Travel Choice Behavior Based on a Scobit Model,
Accepted by The 12th World Conference on Transportation Research, Lisboa, Portugal, July 11-15.
3. Zhang, J., Wang, Z., Timmermans, H., and Fujiwara, A. (2010) Integrating the Concepts of Relative Utility and Prospect Theory
Curvature to Represent Context Dependence in Travel Choice Behavior, Accepted by The 12th World Conference on Transportation
Research, Lisboa, Portugal, July 11-15.
Prof. Akimasa Fujiwara
4. Nugroho, S.B., A. Fujiwara, Zhang, J. (2009) Modal Shift Impacts on Surface Ozone concentration near to BRT TransJakarta Corridors,
Proceedings of The 5th Japan-China Joint Seminar on City and ITS “Low-Carbon Urban Planning and Transportation Policies”, August
23-24, 17-31.
5. Kuwano, M., Fujiwara, A., Zhang, J., and Tsukai, M. (2009) A copula-based simultaneous-equation model of car ownership and usage
behaviour, Proceedings of The 5th Japan-China Joint Seminar on City and ITS “Low-Carbon Urban Planning and Transportation
Policies”, August 23-24, 139-154.
6. Feng, T., Zhang, J., and Fujiwara, A. (2009) Incorporating fuel consumption optimization into traffic assignment process, Presented at
the 15th International Sustainable Development Research Conference, Utrecht, The Netherlands, July 5-8.
7. Zhang, J., Osedo, M. and Fujiwara, A. (2007) Modeling household time allocation behavior: Comparative analysis using a large-scale
data from survey on time use and leisure activities in Japan, Paper accepted by the IATUR (International Association for Time Use
Research) 29th Annual Conference, Washington DC, Oct 17-19.
8. Zhang, J., Senbil, M. and Fujiwara, A. (2007) Household preferences for sustainable urban forms in Jabotabek metropolitan area,
Indonesia: Survey, model and evaluation, Paper presented at the 13th Annual International Sustainable Development Research
Conference, Västerås, Sweden, June 10-12.
9. Fujiwara, A. (2007) “Smart 2-mile Hiroshima” ITS Project– Progress and Challenges, The 3rd Japan-China Joint Seminar on
Transportation and Urban Planning, Kumamoto University, 2007.8.
10. Feng, X., Zhang, J., Fujiwara, A., Senbil, M. and Lee, B. (2006) A feedback prediction model with applications in the Jabodetabek
Metropolitan Area of Indonesia, Proceedings of International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, 329-337.
11. Kuwano, M., Fujiwara, A. and Zhang, J. (2006) Evaluating Inefficiency of Household Car Use Behavior based on a Stochastic Frontier
Model, Proceedings of International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, 217-225.
12. Saarloos, D., Fujiwara, A. and Zhang, J. (2006) A multi-agent tool to support the process of generating alternative land-use plans,
Proceedings of International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, 207-216.
13. Fujiwara A., Senbil M. and Zhang J. (2005) Comparative analysis of interaction between land use and transportation in developing
countries, Proceedings of the IX INTECOL (The International Association for Ecology) International Congress of Ecology, Montreal,
August 7-12 (CD-ROM).
14. Kuwano, M., Zhang, J. and Fujiwara, A. (2005) Development of a new discrete choice model incorporating group decision-making
mechanisms, Proceedings of International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, 259-268.
15. Senbil, M., Zhang, J. and Fujiwara, A. (2005) Causes of energy efficiency in urban transport sector, Proceedings of International
Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, 249-258.
16. Suto, K., Fujiwara, A., Zhang, J. and Lee, B. (2005) User evaluations of regional intelligent transport systems based on a demonstrative
experiment, Proceedings of International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, 365-370.
17. Nugroho, S.B., Fujiwara, A. and Zhang, J. (2005) The application of structural equation model to analyze urban roadside air pollution in
Jakarta city, Paper presented at the 16th Regional Conference of Clean Air and Environment in Asia Pacific Area 2005, Kogakuin
University - Japan, August 2-4.
18. Nugroho, S.B., Fujiwara, A. and Zhang, J. (2004) Air quality improvement analysis by new emission standards of vehicles, Paper
presented at the Better Air Quality Workshop 2004, Agra-India, December 6-8 (CD-ROM).
19. Zhang, J., Fujiwara, A., Tanaka, K., Senbil, M. and Nagashima, K. (2004) Methodology of developing social capacity indicators for
environmental management: State-of-art and future directions, Selected Proceedings of the 2nd COE Expert Meeting on Social Capacity
for Environmental Management (SCEM) - Capacity Indicators and Development Process Modeling -, Beijing, November 2, 5-55.
20. Senbil, M., Fujiwara, A. and Zhang, J. (2004) Modeling development process of social capacity for environmental management, Selected
Proceedings of the 2nd COE Expert Meeting on Social Capacity for Environmental Management (SCEM) - Capacity Indicators and
Development Process Modeling -, Beijing, November 2, 57-73.
21. Zhang, J., Fujiwara, A. and M.R.M. Da Cruz (2004) Measuring social capacity indicators for environmental management of transport
sectors in the world cities, Selected Proceedings of the 2nd COE Expert Meeting on Social Capacity for Environmental Management
(SCEM) - Capacity Indicators and Development Process Modeling -, Beijing, November 2, 87-100.
22. Zhang, J., Fujiwara, A., Okamura, T., Senbil, M., Shao, C. and Guo, J. (2004) Development of social capacity indicators for
environmental management in Beijing: A case study of citizen capacity indicator, Selected Proceedings of the 2nd COE Expert Meeting
on Social Capacity for Environmental Management (SCEM) - Capacity Indicators and Development Process Modeling -, Beijing,
November 2, 163-180.
23. Senbil, M., Fujiwara, A. and Zhang, J. (2004) A cellular automata model of urban development with discrete choice, Selected
Proceedings of the 2nd COE Expert Meeting on Social Capacity for Environmental Management (SCEM) - Capacity Indicators and
Development Process Modeling -, Beijing, November 2, 219-229.
24. Fujiwara, A., Senbil, M. and Zhang, J. (2004) Urban sprawl, energy use and CO2 emissions in Japanese cities, International Workshop
on “Policy Integration towards Sustainable Energy Use for Asian Cities: Integrating Local Air Pollution and Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Concerns”, IGES Meeting, Kanagawa, JAPAN, January 28-29 (CD-ROM).
25. Fujiwara, A., Zhang, J. and Da Cruz, M.R.M. (2004) Development of social capacity evaluation model for urban air quality management
in the context of urban and transportation planning, Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium “Social Capacity Development for
Environmental Management and International Cooperation in Developing Countries”, Hiroshima, January, 13, 57-68.
26. Fujiwara, A., Zhang, J. and Kandathil, G.T. (2004) Analysis of sustainable urban form in the Jabodetabek region, Proceedings of the 2nd
International Symposium “Social Capacity Development for Environmental Management and International Cooperation in Developing
Countries”, Hiroshima, January, 13, 69-76.
27. Fujiwara, A., Zhang, J. and Soe T. (2004) Capturing people’s mode choice preferences under changes in travel and socio-economic
environments in Yangon city based on stated preference survey, Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium “Social Capacity
Development for Environmental Management and International Cooperation in Developing Countries”, Hiroshima, January, 13, 77-94.
28. Zhang, J., Fujiwara, A. and Kuwano, M. (2004) Analysis of car ownership behavior in local Japanese cities from environmental
perspective, Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium “Social Capacity Development for Environmental Management and
International Cooperation in Developing Countries”, Hiroshima, January, 13, 95-102.
29. Senbil, M., Fujiwara, A. and Zhang, J. (2004) A model of land use based on cellular automata, Proceedings of the 2nd International
Symposium “Social Capacity Development for Environmental Management and International Cooperation in Developing Countries”,
Hiroshima, January, 13, 103-114.
30. Fujiwara, A., Zhang, J. and Okamura, T. (2004) Influence of urban form on transportation energy consumption: Propositions for livable,
environmentally-friendly cities, Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium “Social Capacity Development for Environmental
Management and International Cooperation in Developing Countries”, Hiroshima, January, 13, 115-125.
31. Fujiwara, A., Senbil, M. and Zhang, J. (2004) Urban sprawl, energy use and CO2 emissions in Japanese cities, Proceedings of the 2nd
International Symposium “Social Capacity Development for Environmental Management and International Cooperation in Developing
Countries”, Hiroshima, January, 13, 126-141.
32. Fujiwara, A., Zhang, J., Okamura, T. and Da Cruz, M.R.M. (2004) Using a dynamic structural equation model to evaluate the
sustainability of urban development, Proceedings of International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, 189-198.
33. Kuwano, M., Zhang, J. and Fujiwara, A. (2004) The influence of tax policies on the ownership of low-emission vehicles in local Japanese
cities, Proceedings of International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, 275-280.
34. Senbil, M., Fujiwara, A. and Zhang, J. (2004) Development of a choice model for evaluating sustainable urban form, Proceedings of
International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, 219-227.
35. Zhang, J., Fujiwara, A. and Soe T. (2003) Using stated preference approach to estimate mode choice behavior under changes in travel
and socio-economic environments in Myanmar, Proceedings of International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, 207216.
Prof. Akimasa Fujiwara
36. Kandathil, G.T., Fujiwara, A. and Zhang, J. (2003) Living environment preferences of residents in a developing country and their possible
implications for environmentally-friendly development, Proceedings of International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Papers presented at Japanese Domestic Conferences (116 papers)
Vol.40 CD-ROM
K.W. Axhausen 2009
Vol.40 CD-ROM
Provision under Automatic Guidance System of Multi-Modal Information
Value of Information
Vol.7 pp.39-42
The Stated
Participation Behavior to a Participatory Self-Declaring Survey System for Sustainable Urban Planning
(2009) DRM
Cause-effect structure analysis of
influential factors related to affective experience of using transit systems based on day reconstruction method,
39 (CD-ROM).
A participatory self-declaring survey method: Applicability and
, 39 (CD-ROM).
Nugroho, S.B., Fujiwara, A., and Zhang, J. (2009) Analysis of on-road emissions measurement under the inspection and maintenance
program for passenger cars and motorcycles in Jabodetabek, Indonesia,
, 39 (CD-ROM).
Ahmed, A., Fujiwara, A., and Zhang, J. (2009) Analysis of energy consumption efficiency in transport sector and carbon dioxide
emissions in selected 85 countries of the world,
, 39 (CD-ROM).
Model analysis of responding intentions to a
participatory self-declaring travel behavior survey,
An SP analysis
on influences of providing whole day trip chain information on travel mode choice,
An analysis of
relationship between trip lengths and traffic accident rates on expressways based on Poisson regression model,
The Stated
Participation Behavior to a Participatory Self-Declaring Survey System for Sustainable Urban Planning,
, 7, 47-50,
Value of
Information Provision under Automatic Guidance System of Multi-Modal Information,
, 7, 39-42,
A method of activity classification based on behavioral
, 38 (CD-ROM).
Wang, Z., Zhang, J., and Fujiwara, A. (2008) Modeling heterogeneous dynamics in the stated and revealed travel mode choice
behaviors with panel data,
, 38 (CD-ROM).
A simultaneous-equation model of
car ownership duration and travel distance,
, 38 (CD-ROM).
(2008) DRM
Evaluation of public transportation system users’
affective experiences based on the day reconstruction method,
, 37 (CD-ROM).
Development of discrete choice
model incorporating intra-household interaction at attribute level,
, 37 (CD-ROM).
Change of driving behavior after the
provision of in-vehicle traffic warning information,
, 37 (CD-ROM).
Axhausen, K.W. (2008) 6
analysis of variations of activity patterns using a six-week travel diary data,
, 37 (CD-ROM).
Xu, L., Zhang, J., Hizume, Y. and Fujiwara, A. (2008) Capturing the long-term changes in time use behavior based on time allocation
, 37 (CD-ROM).
Basic analysis of activity patterns in
depopulated areas,
, 6, 13-16,
Basic analysis of activity patterns in
depopulated areas,
, 6, 13-16,
Analysis of household
residential choice behavior in a developing city based on relative utility model,
, 6, 49-52,
Continuous effects of in-vehicle traffic
warning information along a road section with successive intersections,
Influence of
delivery/pick-up behavior on the out-of-home activity participation of the people providing delivery/pick-up,
Factor analysis of
traffic accidents in expressways by integrating probe-vehicle data and existing statistical data,
Analysis of environmental governance in
transport sector at national level,
, 1
, 2008.2.
Modeling of
tourists’ excursion behavior along the Asian Highway incorporating inter-alternative similarities: comparative analysis between Japanese
and Korean tourists ,
, 35 (CD-ROM).
Analysis of permanent
residence attitude and planned duration based on a discrete-continuous model,
, 305306.
Development of vehicle holding
duration with household heterogeneity,
, 323-324.
To measure the effects of in-vehicle
traffic warning information based on a probe-vehicle survey,
, 35 (CD-ROM).
Prof. Akimasa Fujiwara
35 (CD-ROM).
Development of tourism behavior model
considering inter-alternative similarities,
, 321-322.
Effects of mobility management in Hiroshima city,
, 5, 29-32,
Development of a bus use frequency prediction model incorporating asymmetric evaluation of service levels,
, 19-320.
Development of
household time allocation model incorporating weekday-weekend interdependence,
39. Nugroho, S.B., Fujiwara, A. and Zhang, J. (2007) Assessment and prediction of surface ozone concentration using artificial neural
network multilayer perception in Jakarta city,
, 35 (CD-ROM).
ITS -,
, 2007.11
Evaluation of urban governance at a local
city from the perspective of administrative perspective, 58
, 335-336.
Time use, timing and value of time:
methodologies and implications to policy analysis,
, 34 (CD-ROM).
Development of
group discrete choice model with multiple decision-making rules,
, 34 (CD-ROM).
Efficiency analysis of household car use
behavior based on frontier analysis approach,
, 4, 13-16,
Influence of traffic warning
information on driving behavior at an intersection focusing on drivers’ characteristics,
, 34 (CD-ROM).
Study on traffic conflict survey
and evaluation method at a road section with successive intersections,
, 33 (CD-ROM).
Analysis of residential
choice behavior based on group discrete choice model, 58
, 333-334.
Analysis of latent bus demand in depopulated
areas, 58
, 363-364.
(2006) TFP
Examination of sampling attrition
during the process of TFR (travel feedback program) communication,
Analysis of energy consumption
efficiency of urban transportation system, 58
, 343-344.
Influences of regional ITS on tourism
, 34 (CD-ROM).
52. Feng, X., Fujiwara, A., Zhang, J., Senbil, M. and Lee, B. (2006) A travel demand prediction model with feedback of transportation
networks influence for Beijing,
, 33 (CD-ROM).
53. Feng, T., Fujiwara, A., Zhang, J. and Yang, Z. (2006) Analyzing vehicular pollutant concentration using neural network,
, 33 (CD-ROM).
54. Senbil, M., Zhang, J. and Fujiwara, A. (2006) Urban land use models for sustainable futures,
, 33 (CD-ROM).
( ) Results of questionnaire survey
on ethics related problems faced by civil engineers (No.2),
, 45-46.
The second survey on current
ethics education at university,
, 47-48.
Ethics education across the curriculum in civil engineering,
, 49-50.
Change of ethics education for civil engineers and
An intensive training of English
presentation for Engineering students,
, 294-295.
Responsibility of
enterprises and evaluation of students in international internship-based education,
, 578-579.
Practice and effects
of internship-based education - students learn from students,
, 580581.
A trial to develop
debating skill for engineers in cooperation with enterprises,
, 582583.
Analysis of household choice behavior of
vehicle type based on group discrete choice model,
, 32 (CD-ROM).
Evaluation of urban service quality based on a
gap model,
, 3, 27-30,
Evaluation of urban governance
in developing countries: A case study of urban air quality in Beijing,
, 31 (CD-ROM).
A comparative analysis of transport
accessibilities across developing citie4s from the perspective of social equity,
, 31 (CD-ROM).
Analysis of pedestrian walking route
choice behavior at a city center on weekend,
, 31 (CD-ROM).
Analysis of car use and allocation
mechanisms among household members,
, 31 (CD-ROM).
Analysis of household time
allocation behavior model using a large-scaled time use data,
, 31 (CD-ROM).
Evaluation of urban services from the
perspectives of citizens and firms,
, 31 (CD-ROM).
, 395-396
Analysis of activity-travel characteristics of visitors to
city center on weekend,
, 355-356
Basic study on users’
evaluations about a multi-source travel information system,
, 32 (CD-ROM).
A comparative analysis of travel behavior characteristics in
developing cities,
, 353-354.
Prof. Akimasa Fujiwara
Metin Senbil (2005)
Evaluation of a travel
information website based on the concept of virtual accessibility,
, 31 (CD-ROM).
Nugroho, S.B., Zhang, J., Fujiwara, A. and Senbil, M. (2005) Measuring social capacity indicators for urban air pollution from
transportation in Jakarta city based on an attitudinal survey,
, 32 (CD-ROM).
Senbil, M. Zhang, J. and Fujiwara, A. (2005) Evaluating energy efficiency of urban transportation systems in developing cities using a
four-wave panel data,
, 31 (CD-ROM).
Development of a activitytravel scheduling model incorporating timing utility,
, 30 (CD-ROM).
Development of a new discrete choice model with endogenous generation of choice set and application to the analysis of pedestrian
, 30 (CD-ROM).
walking behavior at a city center,
Relationship between parking choice behavior and
vitalization of central urban area,
, 30 (CD-ROM).
Analysis of regional tourism behavior in Chugoku,
Shikoku and Kyusyu regions,
, 30 (CD-ROM).
Development of a discrete choice model with inter-agent interaction and application to household car ownership behavior analysis,
, 30 (CD-ROM).
Analysis of low-emission vehicle ownership
behavior in local Japanese cities,
, 30 (CD-ROM).
Evaluation of urban service quality
incorporating the gap between satisfaction and expectation,
, 29 (CD-ROM).
Basic study on urban service quality,
, 409-410.
Relationship between visiting behavior to city center
on weekend and parking behavior,
, 363-364.
Analysis of touring behavior in Chugoku, Shikoku and
Kyusyu regions,
, 367-368
A survey of car ownership behavior in local Japanese cities,
, 365-366.
M. Renato M. Da Cruz (2004)
Development of a dynamic
evaluation model of urban sustainability,
, 29 (CD-ROM).
Analysis of seamless transit
services on depopulated regions,
, 29 (CD-ROM).
Senbil, M., Fujiwara, A. and Zhang, J. (2004) Telecommunications and transportation interactions: A review,
, 29
Expectations to traffic simulation: A prefatory note,
, 39(2), 1-2.
To represent discrete choice behavior based on the concept of
generalized relative utility,
, 28 (CD-ROM).
Development of household time
allocation model based on iso-elastic social welfare function,
, 28 (CD-ROM).
A basic analysis of
urban public transportation marketing by using a data mining approach,
, 28 (CD-ROM).
Analysis of travel mode choice model
considering the acquisition behavior of multi-modal travel information,
, 27 (CD-ROM).
Development of a fuzzy-CVM (contingent
valuation method) for the evaluation of street improvement within a community,
, 28 (CD-ROM).
Analysis of collision traffic accidents in case of
car-following at an intersection nearby a bridge,
, 435-436.
Analysis of travel
information acquisition patterns by using access log data of website,
, 28 (CD-ROM).
Analysis of travel information
acquisition patterns by using access log data of website,
, 431-432.
Fujiwara, A., Zhang, J., Okamura, T. and Soe T. (2003) Analysis of mode choice preferences under changes in travel and socioeconomic environments in Yangon city based on stated preference survey,
, 28 (CD-ROM).
Development of travel mode choice model
explicitly incorporating behavioral change,
, 26 (CD-ROM).
Development of a evaluation model for car-sharing
, 26 (CD-ROM).
Region-wide recreational tour and transportation,
, 35-44.
A new travel mode choice model with attitude,
, 584-585.
A model to represent the change
of commuter’s departure time from home under pre-trip travel information provision,
, 24, 48-49.
(1996) SP
Basic study on determining survey interval for
stated preference panel survey,
, 19 (2), 795-798.
Discussion about evaluation methods of
evaluating the effects of transportation demand management policies,
, 634-635.
(1996) Mass Point
Issues of mass point modeling approach,
, 19(2), 787-790.
(1996) Duration model
Analysis of attending
behavior to park-and-ride experimental scheme based on a duration model,
, 19(2), 849-852.
A fixed-effect travel mode choice model
considering individual unobserved heterogeneity,
, 168-169.
A longitudinal aggregate stated preference
model with serial correlation,
, 166-167.
Structural analysis of travel mode choice model
with individual heterogeneity,
, 17, 427-429.
(1995) Mass Point
A dynamic travel mode
choice model with unobserved heterogeneity based on mass point approach,
, 18(2), 725-728.
Analysis of stated preference
panel data with refreshment samples,
, 68-71.
, Marketing science approach in the field of transportation planning,
, 52-57.
Prof. Akimasa Fujiwara
Working Papers & Discussion Papers (19papers)
1. Zhang, J., Uno, M., and Fujiwara, A. (2010) Applying the day reconstruction method to explore affective experiences during travel by
public transportation systems, HiTEL Working Paper, Hiroshima University, Japan.
2. Kim, W., Zhang, J., and Fujiwara, A. (2010) Temporal changes of factors affecting young drivers’ driving risk incorporating the influence
of driving repetition, HiTEL Working Paper, Hiroshima University, Japan.
3. Kuwano, M., Fujiwara, A., Zhang, J., and Tsukai, M. (2010) A simultaneous analysis of household vehicle ownership and travelling
distance using copula-based multivariate survival model, HiTEL Working Paper, Hiroshima University, Japan.
4. NUGROHO, S.B., FUJIWARA, A., and ZHANG, J. (2010) Impact assessment of BRT implementation on ambient ozone concentration
near TransJakarta corridors, HiTEL Working Paper, Hiroshima University, Japan.
5. Kim, W., Zhang, J., and Fujiwara, A. (2009) Influence of traffic signal location on driver braking maneuver at urban signalized
intersections: Lessons from a Korean case, HiTEL Working Paper, Hiroshima University, Japan.
6. Feng, T., Zhang, J., and Fujiwara, A. (2009) An integrated transport modeling framework incorporating mobility development, social
equity and environment capacity, HiTEL Working Paper, Hiroshima University, Japan.
Development of an activitytravel chaining model incorporating timing utility and recursivity of daily activity participation, Working Paper, Hiroshima University.
8. Zhang, J. and Fujiwara, A. (2008) Development of the DPSIR+C Framework for Measuring the Social Capacity of Environmental
Management, Discussion Paper Series Vol.2007-4, The 21st Century COE Program “Social Capacity Development for Environmental
Management and International Cooperation”, Hiroshima University.
9. Feng, T., Zhang, J. and Fujiwara, A. (2008) An enhanced user equilibrium traffic assignment model incorporating both travel time and
fuel consumption, Working Paper, Hiroshima University.
10. Nugroho, S.B., Fujiwara, A., Zhang, J. and Senbil, M. (2008) Bivariate probit analysis of inspection and maintenance program in Jakarta
city, Working Paper, Hiroshima University.
11. Fujiwara, A., Senbil, M. and Zhang, J. (2007) Capacity development for sustainable urban transport in developing countries, Working
Paper, Hiroshima University.
12. Zhang, J., Fujiwara, A., Timmerman, H., Lee, B. and Arentze, T. (2007) A household activity-travel timing decision model with
endogenous coupling constraints, Working Paper, Hiroshima University.
13. Senbil, M., Fujiwara, A. and Zhang, J. (2007) What can we do to decrease private car ownership and its usage in developing countries: A
capacity development approach for Jabotabek MA (Indonesia), Discussion Paper Series Vol.2007-2, The 21st Century COE Program
“Social Capacity Development for Environmental Management and International Cooperation”, Hiroshima University.
Development of group discrete choice
model and application to household car ownership behavior analysis, Working Paper, Hiroshima University.
evaluate quality of life based on household time allocation model in the framework of group decision-making theory, Working Paper,
Hiroshima University.
16. Senbil, M., Zhang, J. and Fujiwara A. (2006) Motorcycle Ownership and Use in Jabotabek (Indonesia) Metropolitan Area, Discussion
Paper Series Vol.2006-3, The 21st Century COE Program “Social Capacity Development for Environmental Management and
International Cooperation”, Hiroshima University.
17. Senbil, M., Zhang, J. and Fujiwara A. (2006) Land Use Effects on Travel Behavior in Jabotabek (Indonesia) Metropolitan Area,
Vol.2006-4, The 21st Century COE Program “Social Capacity Development for Environmental Management and International
Cooperation”, Hiroshima University.
18. Fujiwara, A., Senbil, M., and Zhang, J. (2006) Capacity Development for Sustainable Urban Transport in Developing Countries,
Vol.2005-6, The 21st Century COE Program “Social Capacity Development for Environmental Management and International
Cooperation”, Hiroshima University.
19. Fujiwara, A., Zhang, J. and Da Cruz, M.R.M. (2004) Social Capacity Development for Urban Air Quality Management the Context of
Urban Transportation Planning, Vol.2004-1, The 21st Century COE Program “Social Capacity Development for Environmental
Management and International Cooperation”, Hiroshima University.
Notes & Reports (56 papers)
, 98(6), 30-44.
, 10(3), 69-
, 44p.
), 6-12.
, 41(
), 9
, 145p.
, A2-1~45.
, 198p.
Elastic price policies for tolled road and roadside environment,
, 41
Fixing and limitation of “engineering ethics”:
referring to practical vices
― Engineering ethics: “Pride” and “social
awareness” in civil engineering ,
, 91(11), 34-37.
An approach of engineering ethics education in university:
― Engineering ethics: “Pride” and “social awareness” in
civil engineering ,
, 92(2), 36-38.
Engineers cross borders, 2003
ComPASS Toward regional public transportation service meeting the scale: A simulation system for planning support,
, 2, 6168.
A new viewpoint of public transportation planning in rural
depopulated area,
,( )
, 7-2(23), 1-8.
Engineers cross borders, 2002
A study on transportation services for elderly people in
rural repopulated areas,
, 1-46.
Influence of urban structure on car travel, 1 7
, 44-57.
Prof. Akimasa Fujiwara
A study on recreational touring behavior
considering environmental load in rural depopulated areas, 1 7
Handbook of transportation modeling(
), 5 7 , 13 , 35 36
, 40-69, 116-127 and 256-258.
2002 Car transportation studies “Environment and policies”,
, 20-21.
Engineers cross borders, 2001
(2001) 21
To reach 21st century: Transportation in IT era-,
, 11, 2-4.
Infrastructure development keeping with the environment: Civil
engineering technologies,
, 51-56.
Appraisal manual of road transportation planning in urban areas in UK
), 3
, 22-33 and 103-123.
Impact evaluation of local road improvements on recreational
touring travels, 1 7
, 1-56.
Considering next generation of international exchange, 2
, 1-67.
A study on introduction of external evaluation of engineering
, 17-22.
Development of evaluation models measuring the effects of
advanced travel information system, 1 5
, 1-38.
A study on
promotion of light railway system using high performance vehicles with low-flat floor to revitalize city center, 3
, 11-74.
Fujiwara, A. (2000) Activity-based Approaches for Urban Transportation Planning, 1998-99 Research Project Grant-in-aid for Scientific
Research (B), Part of Chapter 4, Sugie, Y. (ed.), 39-51.
Development of dynamic models based on SP panel data,
9 11
, 1 2
, 1-129.
Science and technology cooperation and academic
exchange in South-east Asia,
, 12, 91-100.
Generation mechanism of travel behavior at weekend,
, 121-131.
Development of nations and cities,
, 17-24.
A study on a method predicting effects on advanced travel
information system, 1 5
, 1-31.
A trial of
academic network development between Hiroshima University and Asian countries and its evaluation,
, 11, 193200.
Science and technology cooperation and academic exchange in South-east Asia: Problems and perspectives to develop multi-national
exchange network, 1
, 1-47.
(3), A trial of academic network development
between Hiroshima University and Asian countries and its evaluation (No.3),
, 1 3 6
, 1-4, 27-33 and 45-54.
A study on organization and roles of transport administration in UK,
, 4(1), 197-209.
Review of current city planning research and perspectives,
, 215, 39-44.
Development of a simulation approach to
measure the effects of advanced travel information system,
8 9
, 1
, 1-81.
An study on the methodologies of panel
survey and panel data analysis in transportation planning,
8 9
, 2
4(2) 5(3)
, 109-119, 141-152 and 167-196.
Modern heritage in Hiroshima prefecture,
, 27-34.
Urban transport and sustainable development,
C-36, 4 6
, 33-39 and 57-80.
A study on utilization of interactive SP interview
based on personal computer,
6 7
, 1 4
Panel analysis,
, 30(4), 16.
A study on the role of public transit in urban, 4
, 91-109.
A study on dynamic modeling stated
preference of mode choice based on panel data,
5 6
, 1 4
, 1-50 and 63-73.
A study on application of pane survey data in transportation
5 6
, 3 7
, 13-19, 77-80, 85-88, 161174, 187-194 and 203-220.
(1), A trial of academic network development
between Hiroshima University and Asian countries and its evaluation (No.1),
, 1 2
, 1-7.
Development and utilization of stated
preference approach using micro-computer,
4 5
, 1 4
, 1-63.
A guide of stated preference survey design,
, 28(1), 63-71.
A study of applicability of stated preference survey to travel
demand estimation,
3 4
, 1 7
, 1-82.
Stated preference survey to predict the chance
of traffic volume by the introduction of new transit system,
, 7, 18-26.
Development of transport policy evaluation models based ob activity
1 2
, 2
, 12-25.
An evaluation of influences of new transit system
introduction on residents’ travel and activity behavior,
, 107p.
Prof. Akimasa Fujiwara
Invited Speeches and Lectures (2006
Comprehensive Transportation Planning
Hanoi University of Transportation
History of Urban Transport Planning in Japan
20 5 9
20 5 11
20 6 12
KRIHS and RIHN Joint International Symposium on Urban Sustainability in Asia: Urban Planning, Environment and
Environmental efficiency in transport
20 6 13
State-of-the-practice of Public Transport Information in Japan: A new
advertisement in train “Train Channel”
20 7 29
20 8 5
International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies
Warning Information System on Reducing Traffic Accidents: A Social Experiment in Hiroshima
20 8 18
20 8 28
International Symposium on Sustainable Transport for Developing Countries
evaluation of environmental efficiency in transport system
20 9 3
21 9 27
21 10 26
21 10 29
21 11 11
International Workshop on Climate Change and Low-Carbon Society
System in Hiroshima
21 11 24
21 11 28
21 11 30
21 12 18
Keynote Speech An
, Dhaka
20 9 15
20 10 7
20 10 31
20 11 6
International Symposium on Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs R&D Business, KRIHS
Automatic Guidance System of Multi-modal Travel Information
20 11 12
20 12 8
International Symposium on Safe Mobility and International Cooperation
Asia Safe and Mobility
Research Center
20 12 11
State-of-the-art of travel demand analysis
21 1 29
21 1 31
Keynote Speech Effects of a
Policies for a Low Carbon Transport
22 1 28
22 1 29
22 1 30
22 2 2
22 2 4
22 2 9
22 2 16
22 3 2
22 3 9
International Symposium on Safe Mobility and International Cooperation
Kuala Lumpur
The traffic safety
issues and policies in Japan
22 3 10
International Symposium on Safe Mobility and International Cooperation
Kuala Lumpur
Low carbon
transportation policies in Hiroshima city
22 3 30
Bangkok , Bangkok, Invited speech, State-of-the-art of travel modeling
22 3 31
NSTDA Annual Conference 2010
Bangkok Invited speech Eco-efficiency and traffic safety: a lesson learned
from ITS experience
22 4 8
An International Conference on Political Action, Policy, Research and Teaching Opportunities For Climate Change
Adaptation and Mitigation “After Copenhagen: Collaborative Responses to Climate Change”
University of Texas, Austin
environmental leader education program for designing a low carbon society
22 4 12
22 5 8
22 5 20
22 5 22
22 6 1
22 7 16
22 7 23
Prof. Akimasa Fujiwara
1. Zhang, J., Kim, W., and Fujiwara, A. (2010) Effects of In-Vehicle and Roadside Traffic Warning Information: Evaluation Based on a
Social Experiment in Hiroshima, Accepted by the International Symposium on Safe Mobility and International Cooperation, Jointly
Organized by Malaysian Institute Of Road Safety Research (MIROS) Malaysia, and Center of Asian Safe Mobility Research (ASMO),
Hiroshima University, Kuala Lumpur, March 9~10.
2. Omran bin Omar, Zhang, J., and Fujiwara, A. (2010) Influential factors of motorcycle accidents in Kuala Lumpur: evaluation based on a
questionnaire survey, Accepted by the International Symposium on Safe Mobility and International Cooperation, Jointly Organized by
Malaysian Institute Of Road Safety Research (MIROS) Malaysia, and Center of Asian Safe Mobility Research (ASMO), Hiroshima
University, Kuala Lumpur, March 9~10.
3. Zhang, J., Fujiwara, A., and Lee, B. (2010) A comparative analysis between Japanese and Korean tourists' attitude and stated choice
behavior along the Asian Highway, Accepted by The 17th International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer
Services Science, Istanbul, Turkey, July 2-5
4. Zhang, J., Xu, L., Chikaraishi, M., and Fujiwara, A. (2009) Capturing the long-term changes in Japanese women's time use behavior
based on a utility-maximizing time allocation model incorporating activity participation, Presented at the Japan-Netherlands Joint
Seminar on "Household Activity-Travel Behavior Analysis for Urban Policy-Making of Supporting Women's Participation in Labor Market",
Eindhoven, The Netherlands, March 18.
5. Zhang, J., Kuwano, M., and Fujiwara, A. (2009) Representing Household Car Ownership and Use Allocation Behavior Based on a
Bundle Choice Model with Relative Utility, Presented at 16th International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer
Services Science, Niagara Falls, Canada, July 6-9
6. Shimamoto, H., Zhang, J., and Fujiwara, A. (2009) Comparison of activity-travel patterns similarity in a depopulated area using
sequential alignment method, Presented at the Japan-Netherlands Joint Seminar on "Household Activity-Travel Behavior Analysis for
Urban Policy-Making of Supporting Women's Participation in Labor Market", Eindhoven, The Netherlands, March 18.
7. Kuwano, M., Zhang, J., and Fujiwara, A. (2009) Analysis of intra-household car use allocation behavior based on group discrete choice
model, Presented at 16th International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Services Science, Niagara Falls,
Canada, July 6-9.
8. Kuwano, M., Fujiwara, A., Tsukai, M., and Zhang, J. (2009) A simultaneous modeling of household vehicle holding duration and usage
with a copula-based multivariate survival model, Presented at the Japan-Netherlands Joint Seminar on "Household Activity-Travel
Behavior Analysis for Urban Policy-Making of Supporting Women's Participation in Labor Market", Eindhoven, The Netherlands, March
9. Chikaraishi, M., Zhang, J., and Fujiwara, A. (2009) The long-term changes of cross-sectional variations in Japanese time use behavior
using multilevel multiple discrete-continuous extreme value (MDCEV) model, Presented at the Japan-Netherlands Joint Seminar on
"Household Activity-Travel Behavior Analysis for Urban Policy-Making of Supporting Women's Participation in Labor Market", Eindhoven,
The Netherlands, March 18.
10. Zhang, J., Xu, L., Chikaraishi, M. and Fujiwara, A. (2008) Analysis of influential factors causing long-term changes in time use behaviour
based on a time allocation model, Paper accepted by the IATUR (International Association for Time Use Research) 30th Annual
Conference, Sydney, Dec 1-3
11. Zhang, J., Wu, L.L. and Fujiwara, A. (2008) Determinants of regional tourism behavior: A case study of Kyusyu, Chugoku and Shikoku
regions in Japan, Paper presented at the 15th International Conference on Retailing and Services Science, Zagreb, Croatia, July 14-17.
12. Zhang, J., Fujiwara, A., Lee, B. and Sawara, Junichi (2006) International tourism behavior along the Asian Highway: A comparison of
Korean and Japanese travelers, Presented at the 2nd Japan/China Joint Seminar on Urban Development and Intelligent Transport
Systems for the Future of Asian Cities, Harbin, China, July 30.
13. Zhang, J., Fujiwara, A., Lee, B. and Sawara, J. (2006) Comparative analysis of bilateral tourism behavior mechanisms between Japan
and Korea along Asian Highway, Presented at the International Conference on Tourism and the New Asia: Implications for Research,
Policy and Practice, Beijing, August 9-12.
14. Zhang, J. and Fujiwara, A. (2006) Measuring pedestrians' value of time at central urban area, Paper presented at the 13th International
Conference on Retailing and Services Science, Budapest, Hungary, July 9-12.
15. Zhang, J. and Fujiwara, A. (2005) Household activity-travel scheduling model, Paper presented at the International Workshop of
International Workshop on Advanced Transportation Studies (IWATS-2005), Higashi-Hiroshima, March 31.
16. Senbil, M., Fujiwara, A. and Zhang, J. (2005) Residential and travel mode choices in the developing world: A comparative study of 11
developing cities, Paper presented at the International Workshop of International Workshop on Advanced Transportation Studies
(IWATS-2005), Higashi-Hiroshima, March 31.
17. Senbil, M., Fujiwara, A. and Zhang, J. (2005) Representing urban development based on a cellular automata model, Paper presented at
the International Workshop of International Workshop on Advanced Transportation Studies (IWATS-2005), Higashi-Hiroshima, March 31.
18. Kuwano, M., Zhang, J. and Fujiwara, A. (2005) Car ownership and use model with intra-household interaction, Paper presented at the
International Workshop of International Workshop on Advanced Transportation Studies (IWATS-2005), Higashi-Hiroshima, March 31.
19. Zhang, J., Fujiwara, A., Sugie, Y. and Ishihara, Y. (2004) Evaluation of urban service quality in a local city considering intra-household
gap, Paper presented at the 11th International Conference on Retailing and Service Science, Prague, August 10-13.
20. Nugroho, S.B., Fujiwara, A. and Zhang, J. (2004) Air quality improvement analysis by new emission standard of vehicles, Better Air
Quality 2004 Workshop, Agra, India, December 6-8 (CD-ROM).
21. Fujiwara, A., Senbil, M. and Zhang, J. (2004) Urban sprawl, energy use and CO2 emissions in Japanese cities. International Workshop
on "Policy Integration towards Sustainable Energy Use for Asian Cities: Integrating Local Air Pollution and Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Concerns", IGES Meeting, Kanagawa, JAPAN, January 28-29.
22. Zhang, J., Fujiwara, A., Sugie, Y. and Yamada, T. (2003) Analysis of weekly time use pattern of the elderly in rural and mountainous
regions incorporating household members' interaction theoretically. Paper presented at the 10th International Conference on Retailing
and Service Science, Portland, U.S.A., August 7-10.
23. Fujiwara, A., Zhang, J., and Sugie, Y. (2003) Tourist travel demand analysis based on scheduling model, Paper presented at the 10th
International Conference on Retailing and Service Science, Portland, U.S.A., August 7-10.
24. Fujiwara, A., Zhang, J. and Okamura, T. (2003) Influence of urban form on transportation energy consumption: Propositions for livable,
environmentally-friendly cities. Paper presented at the IGES-KEI International Workshop on "The Role of Planning Practices toward
Sustainable Urban Environment in Asia: Environmental".
Scientific Research Funds
6 8
8, 9
Prof. Akimasa Fujiwara
16 17
8. 21
16 17
Prof. Akimasa Fujiwara
About HiTEL | Members | Education | Research | Seminar | Photo Gallery | Links
Transportation Engineering Laboratory, Division of Development Science, Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation,
Hiroshima University
739-8529 Kagamiyama 1-5-1, Higashi-Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture
TEL: 082-424-6922 FAX: 082-424-6922 E-mail: [email protected]
(C)2007 Transportation Engineering Laboratory, IDEC, Hiroshima University, Japan, All Rights Reserved.
Profiles of Faculty and Research Scholars in Hiroshima University Higo Yasushi
Profiles of Faculty and Research Scholars
Profiles of Faculty and Research Scholars List >Facuity/Department > Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation
>> Japanese
Basic profiles
* Japanese characters are garbled.
Higo Yasushi
HIGO Yasushi
Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation
Division of Development Science
Development Technology
Facsimile (FAX):
URL: http://www.naoe.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/staffs/higo/index_j.html
Work Experience/History of Employment
October 1,
October 1,
September 30,
Associate Professor, Gaduate School for Intenational Development and Cooperation, Hiroshima
May 1, 1988
September 30,
Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Hiroshima University
April 1, 1982
- April 30, 1988
Research Assistant, Faculty of Engineering, Hiroshima University
April 1, 1979
- March 31, 1982
Sumitomo Heavy Industry Co.Ltd.
Professor, Gaduate School for Intenational Development and Cooperation, Hiroshima University
Academic Degrees
Master of Engineering, , Doctor of Engineering
Graduating Schools
1979, Osaka University
1977, Osaka University, Faculty of Engineering
Teaching Course(s)/Class(es)
Current Research Themes
A Study on Noise into Sea-water caused by vibrating Floating Body
Profiles of Faculty and Research Scholars in Hiroshima University Higo Yasushi
Water control science
sound noise, vibration
A Study on Seaquake forces Acting on Floating Structure
Ship marine engineering
seaquake forces, sound propagation
Achievements except Papers and Books
Joint Research/Funded Research
Academic Awards
Membership of Academic Societies
• The West-Japan Society of Naval Architects
• The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Rngineering
• The Society of Naval Architects of Japan
Papers: * Only English titles are listed here
**: Major papers
**"A Theoretical Study on the Effect of Seaquakes on a Floating Body", Proc. of ISOPE¡Ç97, IV, pp.480-484, May 1997.
"High Speed Semi-Submersible Vehicle with Wings", Proc. of 4th International Symposium on Marine Engineering, pp.AI1-AI8, January 9999.
"Wave Responses of Coastal Cargo Consisting of Unit Modules", Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 11, 4, pp.260-269, May 2006.
"Wave responses of a coastal cargo ship consisting of unit modules", JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 11, 4,
pp.260-269, January 2006.
"A Study on Characteristics of Compression Waves in Seaquake Generation Tank with Consideration of Transmission on Walls", Transactions
of The West-Japan Society of Naval Architects, 106, pp.°õºþÃæ, April 2003.
"A Study on Characteristic of Compression Waves due to Seaquake in Three Dimensional Time Domain", Transactions of The West-Japan
Society of Naval Architects, 105, pp.159-164, March 2003.
"Accumulation of Hydroxy Lipids in Live Fish Infected with Fish Diseases.", Aquaculture= 211 (1/4)= 341-351 (2002), 211, 1/4, pp.341-351,
August 2002.
"A Study on Characteristic of Compression Waves in Seaquake Generation Tank", Journal of the Kansai Society of Naval Architects= Japan,
238, pp.225-230, April 2002.
"A Study on Seaquakes Acting on a Floating Body Taken into Consideration with the Free-Surface Wave Elevation", Transactions of The WestJapan Society of Naval Architects, 103, pp.239-244, March 2002.
"Free-Surface Wave Elevation Interacted with Compression Waves in Seawater Caused by Earthquake", Journal of the society of naval
architects of japan, 190, pp.81-85, September 2001.
"A New Type VLFS Using Submerged Plates : SUB-PLATE VLFS -Part2 Motion and Mooring of Floating Breakwater-", Proc. of OMAE2001,
pp.CD-Rom, June 2001.
"A New Type VLFS Using Submerged Plates: Sub-Plate VLFS - Part 1: Basic Concept of System -", Proc. of the 20th OMAE, pp.CD-ROM,
June 2001.
"A New Type VLFS Using Submerged Plates : SUB-PLATE VLFS -Part1 Basic Concept of Systems-", Proc. of OMAE2001, pp.CD-Rom,
May 2001.
"Model Experiment of Underwater Sound Radiated from VLFS", Proc. of OMAE2000, pp.CD-Rom, June 2000.
"A Study on Compressional Wave Field in Seawater Caused by Vibrated Floating Body", Proc. of ISOPE¡Ç99, II, pp.65-69, June 1999.
"A Theoretical Study on the Effect of Seaquakes on a Three-Dimensional Floating Body", Proc. of ISOPE¡Ç98, 1, pp.298-302, April 1998.
"A Study on Numerical Calculation Method of Seaquakes in Time Domain", 14th Ocean Engineering Symposium, pp.167-174, April 1998.
"A Study on the Effect of Seaquakes on a Floating Body", Proceedings of Thind Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Ship¡õMarine
Hydrodynamics, pp.269-276, April 1996.
"A Study of the TWO-Dimensional Underwater Sound Field Radiated from Vibrating Bodies in Shallow Water", Proc. of ISOPE¡Ç94, IV,
pp.628-635, May 1994.
"Effects of Connecting Condition on Motions of Huge Floating Structures", Proc. of Int. Workshop on Floating Structures in Coastal Zone,
pp.1-12, April 1994.
"Advanced Numerical Procedure", Proc. of ITTC.SKC-KFR OSAKA MEETING, pp.181-196, June 1992.
"Eigenfunction Expansions in the Theory of Radiation Problems in Finite Water Depth", Proc. Korea-Japan Workshop on Hydrodynarics in
Ship Design, pp.366-376, June 1991.
"A Control of An Unstable Motion of A Semisubmersible Platform with A Large List Angle", Proc. of STAB¡Ç90= Vol.I, II, pp.239-246,
September 1990.
"High Speed Semi-Submersible Vehicle with Wings", 4th International Symposium on Marine Engineering, pp.A-1-1-A-1-6, May 1990.
"A Control Device for Stabilizing A Semisubmersible Platform with A Large List Angle in Waves", Proc. of MARIN Workshop on Floating
Systems and Offshore Operations, pp.25-34, April 1987.
"Non-Linear Hydrodynamic Forces Acting on Two-Dimensional Bodies Oscillating with a Large-Amplitude", Proceedings of the Fourth
International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, pp.43-46, April 1985.
Books: * Only English titles are listed here
**: Major books
Profiles of Faculty and Research Scholars in Hiroshima University Higo Yasushi
Division of Development Science, Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Development Technology Higo Yasushi
>> Japanese
Profiles of Faculty and Research Scholars in Hiroshima University HIRANO YOSHI...
Profiles of Faculty and Research Scholars
Profiles of Faculty and Research Scholars List >Facuity/Department > Faculty of Engineering
>> Japanese
Basic profiles
* Japanese characters are garbled.
Faculty of Engineering
Division of Social Environment and Space
Architectural Planning Lab.
Telephone: +81-82-424-7841
Facsimile (FAX): +81-82-424-7841
Work Experience/History of Employment
Academic Degrees
Graduating Schools
Teaching Course(s)/Class(es)
Current Research Themes
Study on Contract Documentation System for Diverse Procurement Methods in Building Construction Projects
City planning/architectural planning
Building Production, Project, Procurement
Profiles of Faculty and Research Scholars in Hiroshima University HIRANO YOSHI...
Achievements except Papers and Books
Joint Research/Funded Research
Academic Awards
Membership of Academic Societies
Papers: * Only English titles are listed here
**: Major papers
Books: * Only English titles are listed here
**: Major books
Division of Social Environment and Space, Faculty of Engineering, Architectural Planning Lab. HIRANO YOSHINOBU
Profiles of Faculty and Research Scholars in Hiroshima University Nishina Daisaku
Profiles of Faculty and Research Scholars
Profiles of Faculty and Research Scholars List >Facuity/Department > Faculty of Engineering
>> Japanese
Basic profiles
* Japanese characters are garbled.
Nishina Daisaku
Faculty of Engineering
Division of Social Environment and Space
Facsimile (FAX):
Work Experience/History of Employment
April 1, 1993 - June 30, 1997
Hiroshima University, Research Associate
April 1, 1990 - March 31, 1993 Kure National College of Technology, Lecturer
April 1, 1988 - March 31, 1990 Kure National College of Technology, Research Associate
Academic Degrees
M. of Eng., Dr. of Eng.
Graduating Schools
1988, Hiroshima University
1983, Hiroshima University, Faculty of Engineering
Teaching Course(s)/Class(es)
Current Research Themes
A Study on Usefulness and Evaluation of Water Space from the View Point of Physiological Aspect
Bio-function/bioprocesses, Experimental psychology
Water Space, Physiological Reaction, ¦Á Wave
Study on Psychological Evaluation of River Landscape
Bio-function/bioprocesses, Experimental psychology
Profiles of Faculty and Research Scholars in Hiroshima University Nishina Daisaku
Psychological Evaluation, River Landscape
Achievements except Papers and Books
Joint Research/Funded Research
2000 A Study on the Traditional Living Environment and the Characteristics of Water Uses in Myanmar
A Development of the Calculating Method for the Loads of Water and Hot Water Supply based on the Time-Series Use Analysis of the
Academic Awards
Membership of Academic Societies
• Architectural Institute of Japan
Papers: * Only English titles are listed here
**: Major papers
1. "A Study on the water and energy consumption in nursing homes for the elderly", Proceedings of the CIB-W62 International Symposium on
Water Supply and Drainage for Buildings, pp.3-13, September 2007.
2. "An Analysis on the Loads of Hot Water Consumption of the Guest rooms in a Hotel", Proceedings of the CIB-W62 International Symposium
on Water Supply and Drainage for Buildings, pp.1-9, September 2005.
3. "An Analysis on the Loads of Hot Water Consumption in the Restaurants", Proceedings of the CIB-W62 International Symposium on Water
Supply and Drainage for Buildings, pp.1-10, September 2005.
4. "An Analysis on the Loads of Hot Water Consumption of the Guest rooms in a Hotel", Proceedings of the CIB/W62 International Symposium
on Water Supply and Drainage for Buildings, pp.1-9, September 2005.
5. "An Analysis on the Loads of Hot Water Consumption in the Restaurants", Proceedings of the CIB/W62 International Symposium on Water
Supply and Drainage for Buildings, pp.1-10, September 2005.
6. "An Analysis on the Synthetic Satisfaction for Regional Landscapes Based on the Evaluator's Sense for the Value toward Their Surroundings",
Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium for Environment-Behavior Studies, pp.85-91, October 2004.
7. "Comparative Analysis of the Questionnaire for Residents and Designers of Electrified Housing Entered into the Contest of Architectural Works
of them", , 584, pp.75-82, October 2004.
8. "Comparative Analysis on the Evaluation Structures of River Landscapes by the Subjects in Different Countries", Proceedings of the 6th
International Symposium for Environment-Behavior Studies, pp.473-478, October 2004.
9. "Development of the Calculating Method for the Loads of Cold and Hot Water Consumption in Office Building", Proceedings of the CIB-W62
International Symposium on Water Supply and Drainage for Buildings, pp.1-16, September 2004.
10. "Development of the Calculating Method for the Loads of Water Consumption in Restaurant", Proceedings of the CIB-W62 International
Symposium on Water Supply and Drainage for Buildings, pp.1-14, September 2004.
11. "A Study on the Cold and Hot Water Consumption in the University Cafeterias based on the Time Series Analysis", Proceedings of CIB-W62
International Symposium on Water Supply and Drainage for Buildings, pp.1-12, September 2002.
12. "A Study on the Cold and Hot Water Consumption in the University Cafeterias based on the Time Series Analysis", Proceedings of the CIBW62 International Symposium on Water Supply and Drainage for Buildings, pp.1-12, September 2002.
13. "The Changes of Water Usage and Consciousness of Saving Water for One Decade in Houses", Proceedings of CIB-W62 International
Symposium on Water Supply and Drainage for Buildings, C-4, pp.pp.1-11, September 2001.
14. "An Analysis on the Loads of Hot Water Consumption in the Apartment Houses", Proceedings of CIB-W62 International Symposium on Water
Supply and Drainage for Buildings, B-4, pp.pp.1-10, September 2001.
15. "An Analysis on the Loads of Hot Water Consumption in the Apartment Houses", Proceedings of the CIB-W62 International Symposium on
Water Supply and Drainage for Buildings, pp.1-10, September 2001.
16. "Covariance Structure and Succession of Evaluation of Living Environment after Environmental Transaction of College Student", Journal of
Architecture= Planning and Environment Engineering(Transactions of Architectural Institute of Japan), 540, pp.81-88, February 2001.
17. "A Study on the Renewal Effects of Air Conditioning and Lighting in the Office Building", Journal of Architecture= Planning and Environment
Engineering(Transactions of Architectural Institute of Japan), 538, pp.187-194, December 2000.
18. "The Prefferred Shower Temperatures with Post-shower Physiological and Subjective Responses for Young Females in Summer and Winter
Experiments", Journal of the Human-Environmental System, 4, 1, pp.pp.61-68, October 2000.
19. "An Analysis on the Loads of Hot Water Consumption in a Company Dormitory for Business Single-handed and Unmarried Persons",
Proceedings of the CIB-W62 International Symposium on Water Supply and Drainage for Buildings, pp.1-16, September 2000.
20. "Comparison of Inhabitant's Evaluation between before and after Improvement of the River Environment", Journal of Architecture= Planning
and Environment Engineering(Transactions of Architectural Institute of Japan), 533, pp.37-44, July 2000.
21. "An Analysis on the Loads of Hot Water Consumption in a Company Dormitory for Single-handed and Unmarried Persons", Transactions of the
Society of Heating= Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 77, pp.31-41, April 2000.
22. "An Analysis on the Loads of Hot Water Consumption in a Company Dormitory for Business Single-handed and Unmarried Persons",
Proceedings of CIB-W62 International Symposium on Water Supply and Drainage for Buildings, pp.A5-1-16, April 2000.
23. "The Evaluation of Living Environment in Higashi-Hiroshima by Foreign Students", Journal of Architecture= Planning and Environment
Engineering(Transactions of Architectural Institute of Japan), 529, pp.101-108, March 2000.
24. "Relationships between Evaluation of Multipul Functions of Green and Cognition of Green Elements", Journal of Archetecture= Planning and
Environmental Engineering (Transaotions of AIJ), 526, pp.91-98, December 1999.
25. "Analysis on the Properties of Recreational Uses of Inhabitants in Urban River Spaces", Journal of Architecture= Planning and Environment
Engineering(Transactions of Architectural Institute of Japan), 525, pp.75-82, November 1999.
26. "Relationships between the Image Features on a River Landscape and the Subject's Evaluation Structure", Journal of Archetecture= Planning
and Environmental Engineering (Transaotions of AIJ), 524, pp.53-60, October 1999.
Profiles of Faculty and Research Scholars in Hiroshima University Nishina Daisaku
27. "A Study on the Evaluation of Importance of Work Space in Office Buildings - Consideration of the Post Occupancy Evaluation Method-Office
(POEM-O) from Facility Management (FM) -", Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Building and Urban Environmental
Engineering and Management, pp.pp.61-70, October 1999.
28. "A Study of the Evaluation Structure of Traditional Green Landscapes by Regional Inhabitants", Journal of Archetecture= Planning and
Environmental Engineering (Transaotions of AIJ), 509, pp.77-84, November 1998.
29. "A Study on the Evaluation Structure of Inhabitants for Present Conditions and Improvement Plans of River Environment", Journal of
Archetecture= Planning and Environmental Engineering (Transaotions of AIJ), 513, pp.53-60, October 1998.
30. "A Study on Uses of Cooking Appliances and Energy Consumption at Kitchens for Business Use", Transactions of the Society of Heating= Airconditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 69, pp.61-73, April 1998.
31. "Cognition and Evaluation ofGreenUsing the Map Pointing Method", Journal of Architecture= Planning and Environment Engineering
(Transactions of Architectural Institute of Japan), 506, pp.31-38, April 1998.
32. "Making out and Application of the Models for Predicting the Evaluation of River Landscapes A Study of the Evaluation of River Environment
Utilizing the Montage Pictures Produced by Micro-Computer Part2", Journal of Architecture= Planning and Environment Engineering
(Transactions of Architectural Institute of Japan), 494, pp.61-69, April 1997.
33. "A Evaluation Method for Performance of Spray from the Shower Heads", Proceedings of CIB-W62 International Symposium on Water Supply
and Drainage for Buildings, C-5, pp.pp.0-17, April 1997.
34. "A Comparison of Characteristics of Evaluation between Domestic and Foreign River Landscapes", Journal of Architecture= Planning and
Environment Engineering(Transactions of Architectural Institute of Japan), 491, pp.57-65, January 1997.
35. "A Analysis of a Classification and Characteristics of Evaluation for River Landscapes by the Subjects", Journal of Archetecture= Planning and
Environmental Engineering (Transaotions of AIJ), 485, pp.61-70, July 1996.
36. "An Analysis of a Classification and Characteristics of Evaluation for River Landscaopes by the Subjects", Journal of Architecture= Planning
and Environment Engineering(Transactions of Architectural Institute of Japan), 485, pp.61-70, July 1996.
37. "Characterictic of Preference for the view from Buildings Fronting a River by the Subject's Experiment", Journal of Archetecture= Planning and
Environmental Engineering (Transaotions of AIJ), 481, pp.103-111, March 1996.
38. "Relationships between the Image Features on a River Landscape and the Subject's eye Fixation Behaviors", Journal of Archetecture= Planning
and Environmental Engineering (Transaotions of AIJ), 479, pp.67-76, January 1996.
39. "A Study on the Design Requirements of Equipment for Taking a Shawer Part 2 Evaluation of Shower Heads based on the Subject's Feeling for
Uses", Transactions of the Society of Heating= Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 58, pp.119-132, June 1995.
40. "Influence of the View through the Window in Multi-story Flats Fronting a River on the Dwelling Conditions", Journal of Archetecture=
Planning and Environmental Engineering (Transaotions of AIJ), 456, pp.43-52, February 1994.
41. "A Study on the Design Requirements of Equipment for Taking a Shower, Part 1 Avalysis of the Hydrauric Characteristics of the Shower
Heads", Transactions of the Society of Heating= Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 54, pp.23-33, February 1994.
42. "A Study on the Inhabitants' Evaluation for the Improvement of River Environment Imaged by Using Computer", Journal of Architecture=
Planning and Environment Engineering(Transactions of Architectural Institute of Japan), 441, pp.15-24, November 1992.
43. "A Study of the Inhabitants' Evaluation on the River Improvement Plans", Proceedings of IAPS 12 International Conference, Vol.IV, pp.86-96,
July 1992.
44. "Study on the Effect of River on Thermal Environment in urban Area (Part2)", Journal of Architecture= Planning and Environmental
Engineering (Transactions of AIJ), pp.415, September 1990.
45. "Study on the Effect of River on Thermal Environment in Urban Area", Journal of Architecture= Planning and Environmental Engineering
(Transactions of AIJ), pp.393, November 1988.
46. "Analyses of Inhabitants' Uses and Evaluations based on a Way from Dwelling for Recreational Green-Water Places in Urban Areas", Journal of
Architecture= Planning and Environmental Engineering (Transactions of AIJ), pp.389, July 1988.
47. "Analyses on the Evaluation of River Environment in Urban Areas based on Information Obtained from Dwellers, On-Site Inspections and
Colour Slides", Journal of Architecture= Planning and Environmental Engineering (Transactions of AIJ), pp.384, February 1988.
48. "Analyses on the Evaluation of River Environment in Urban Areas based on People's Opinions and Sense", Journal of Architecture= Planning
and Environmental Engineering (Transactions of AIJ), 366, pp.42-52, August 1986.
Books: * Only English titles are listed here
**: Major books
Division of Social Environment and Space, Faculty of Engineering, Nishina Daisaku
Profiles of Faculty and Research Scholars in Hiroshima University Yamamoto Haruyuki 1/4
Profiles of Faculty and Research Scholars
Profiles of Faculty and Research Scholars List >Facuity/Department > Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation
>> Japanese
Basic profiles
* Japanese characters are garbled.
Yamamoto Haruyuki
Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation
Division of Development Science
Development Technology
Telephone: +81-82-424-6928
Facsimile (FAX): +81-82-424-6928
E-mail: a040564?at?hiroshima-u.ac.jp
CAUTION: The E-mail address is modified. Please exchange ?at? to @ if you send.
Work Experience/History of Employment
June 24, 1994 -
Hiroshima University, Associate Professor
April 1, 1982 - June 23, 1994
Hiroshima University, Research Associate
April 1, 1976 - March 31, 1977 Hiroshima Institute of Technology, Research Associate
Academic Degrees
Bachelor of Engineering, Ms. Eng., Dr. Eng.
Graduating Schools
1982, Hiroshima University
1976, Hiroshima Institute of Technology, Faculty of Engineering
Teaching Course(s)/Class(es)
Current Research Themes
Observation of granular materials using digital image analysis.
Soil foundations engineering
Keywords: granular materials, shear zone, digital image analysis
Profiles of Faculty and Research Scholars in Hiroshima University Yamamoto Haruyuki 2/4
Differential Settlements of Structures on Soft Grounds.
Soil foundations engineering, Structural engineering, earthquake engineering, maintenance management engineering
Keywords: Soft Ground, Differential Settlement
An Analytical Method of Vertical Behavior of Pile with Asphaltic Bitumen Slip layer.
Soil foundations engineering, Building construction/material
Keywords: pile, asphaltic bitumen, numerical calculation
Constitutive relations for granular materials
Soil foundations engineering
Keywords: Constitutive law, Granular materials, Particle crushing
Composite Foundation System combined with Raft and Soil improvement
Soil foundations engineering
Keywords: Raft foundation, Soil improvement, Differential settlement
Design and construction of foundation structures by Soil-bags
Soil foundations engineering
Keywords: Soil-bags, Foundation structures
Achievements except Papers and Books
Joint Research/Funded Research
Academic Awards
Membership of Academic Societies
Papers: * Only English titles are listed here
**: Major papers
1. **"Experimental study on Visco-Elastic behavior of Asphattic Bitumen slip Logers used for SL-Pile.", Journal of Structural and Construction
Engineering, 524, pp.89-93, April 1999.
2. **"Model Tests of Friction Picles in Sand By Means of the Hydrandic Gradient Sumilarity Method", Journal of Structural Engineering, 37, B,
pp.11-22, April 1991.
3. **"A method for the calculation of displacements of soil around piles", Journal of Structural Engineering, 32, B, pp.29-38, April 1986.
4. **"An Analytical Study on Differential Settlements of Structures with Raft Foundation on Poor Grounds", Transactions of the Architectural
Institute of Japan, 331, April 1983.
5. **"Nonlinear and time-dependent behavior of reinforced concrete beams and columns", Transactions of the Architectural Institute of Japan,
322, pp.36-43, April 1982.
6. "Numerical analysis of soilbags under compression and cyclic shear", COMPUTERS AND GEOTECHNICS, 38, 5, pp.659-668, July 2011.
pp.1-14, February 2008.
9. "Finite element analysis of enlarged end piles using frictional contact", SOILS AND FOUNDATIONS, 48, 1, pp.1-14, February 2008.
Sino-Japan Geotechnical Symposium Chongqing, pp.344-352, November 2007.
11. "BEEARING CAPACUTY OF REINFORCEMENT SOIL BAGS", Proceedings of the 3rd Sino-Japan Geotechnical Symposium Chongqing,
pp.653-658, November 2007.
12. "Design and construction of a retaining wall constructed from soil-bags", 4th International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference,
pp.81-85, September 2007.
13. "Analytiacl study on nonlinear behavior of a new raft foundation system", 4th International Structural Engineering and Construction
Conference, pp.1075-1080, September 2007.
14. "An Elastoplastic Model for Granular Materals Exhibiting Particle Crushing", Key Engineering Materials, 340, pp.1273-1278, April 2007.
ÆüËÜ·úÃ۳زñµ»½ÑÊó¹ð½¸, 24, pp.101-104, December 2006.
16. "Application of digital image analysis to displacement measurements of sand particles near steel surface in friction tests", Geomechanics and
Geotechnics of Particulate Media, pp.341-347, September 2006.
17. "RISK OF EARTHQUAKE DAMAGE ON RESIDENTIAL FILL LAND", Proc. 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, pp.Paper
No.390, August 2004.
Symposium on Geotechnical Engineering, pp.29-30, October 2003.
19. "Measurement of Soil Displacement around Pile Tip by Digital Image Analysis", Proceedings of The Sino-Japanese Symposium on
Geotechnical Engineering, pp.393-400, October 2003.
Profiles of Faculty and Research Scholars in Hiroshima University Yamamoto Haruyuki 3/4
20. "Frictional behaviour between clay and steel by direct shear type apparatus", International Conference Deformation Characteristics of
Geomaterials= IS-LYON-03, September 2003.
21. "Numerical analysis on point bearing mechanism of apile in sand", Journal of Structural Engineering, 49, B, pp.149-156, March 2003.
22. "Experimental study on effects of overburdening pressures and end shapes for point bearing capacities of pile", Journal of Structural
Engineering, 49, B, pp.157-162, March 2003.
23. "Experimental Study on Effects of Overburdening Pressures and End Shapes for Point Bearing Capacities of Pile", Journal of Structural
Engineering, 49B, pp.157-162, March 2003.
24. "Lateral Subgrade Reaction of Single Pile in Soil Reduced Effective Stress During an Earthquake", Jourual of Structural and Construction
Engineering, -, 551, pp.81-86, January 2002.
25. "Observation of Sand Particles in Shear Zone using Digital Image Analysis", Journal of International Development and Cooperation., 7, 2,
pp.77-89, April 2001.
26. "Experimental study for lateral subgrade reaction on pile in sturated sand with controled effective stress", 5th PILE TALK INTERNATIONAL,
pp.303-310, April 2001.
27. "Experimental Study on Lateral Subgread Reaction of Single Pile in Soil Controlled Effective Stress", Journal of Structural Engineering, -, 47B,
pp.361-366, March 2001.
28. "Experimental Study for Lateral Subgrade Reaction on Pile in Saturated Sand with Controlled Effective Stress", Proc. of 5th International
Conference on Deep Foundation Practice Incorporating Piletalk, pp.303-310, March 2001.
29. "Observation of Sand Particles in Shear Zone using Digital Image Analysis", Journal of Internatinal Development and Cooperation, 7, 1, pp.7789, March 2001.
30. "An Analytical Method for Vertical Behavior of Slip Layer Pile under Earthquake", Proc. of the 12nd World Conference on Earthquake
Engineering, pp.CD, June 2000.
31. "Effects of overburdening pressures and end shapes on bearing capacities under-reamed end piles", Geotechnical engineering conference in
AIT, pp.245-250, April 2000.
32. "An analytical method for vertical behavior of slip layer pile during an earthquake", Proc. 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering,
pp.Paper No.180, April 2000.
33. "Horizontal Behavior of a Pile in Slope", Proc. of First International Conference on Structural Engineering, pp.120-125, October 1999.
34. "Experimental Study for Effect of Under-reamed End Shapes on a Cast-in-place Concrete Pile", Proc. of First International Conference on
Structural Engineering, pp.245-250, October 1999.
35. "Experimental Study on Visco-elastic Behavior of Asphltic Bitumen Slip Layers Used for SL-Pile", Journal of Structural and Construction
Engineering, -, 524, pp.87-93, October 1999.
36. "Experimental Study on Cracks Occurring in End Surfaces of Cast-in- place Concrete Piles with an Enlarged Base", Proc. of the 11th Asian
Region Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineerings, pp.65-66, June 1999.
37. "Experimental study for effect of underreamed end shapes on bearing capacity of a cast-in-place concrete pile", Proceeding of first international
conferrence on structural engineering in China, pp.245-250, April 1999.
38. "Experimental study on cracks occurring in end surfaces of cast-in-place concrete piles with an enlarged base", 11th asian regional conference
on soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering, pp.66-67, April 1999.
39. "Element Test on Shear Behavior of Asphaltic Slip-layer to Reduce Negative Skin Friction on Pile", Ground Engineering, 16, 1, pp.25-32,
October 1998.
40. "Inverse Analysis for Non-linear Vertical Behavior of Piles", Journal of International Development and Cooperation., 3, 1, pp.91-100, April
41. "Inverse Analysis for Non-linear Vertical Behavior of Piles.", Journal of International Development and Cooperation., 3, 1, pp.91-101, April
42. "Experimental Study of Effect of Embedded Length on Behavior of Laterally Loaded Piles", Journal of Structural and Construction
Engineering, -, 438, pp.127-136, August 1992.
43. "Field Test Data on Yield Earth Pressure of Laterally Loaded Piles in Cohesionless Soils", Ground Engineering, 9, 1, pp.73-80, December 1991.
44. "Analytical and Experimental Studies on Behavior of Fixed-head and Free-head Single Pile to Failure under Lateral Loading", Journal of
Structural Engineering, -, 37B, pp.1-10, March 1991.
45. "Model Tests of Friction Piles in Sand by Means of the Hydraulic Similarity Method", Journal of Structural Engineering, -, 37B, pp.11-22,
March 1991.
46. "Modelling of Lateral Behavior of Piles under Monotonic and Cyclic Loadings", Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering= Hiroshima Univ., 10,
3, pp.63-70, January 1990.
47. "Effect of Vertical Load on Lateral Resistance of Single Pile", Ground Engineering, 7, 1, pp.55-65, December 1989.
48. "Analysis of Lateral Behavior of Model Pile Groups Subjected to Combined Loads", Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering, -, 401,
pp.163-171, July 1989.
49. "Analysis of the ultimate Earth Pressure on Underground Conduits", Bulletin of Faculty of Engineering= Hiroshima University, 38, pp.1, April
50. "Analysis of Lateral Behavior of Single Model Piles under Combined Loads", Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering= Hiroshima Univ., 10,
pp.2, January 1989.
51. "Experimental Study on the Group Effect of Underground Conduits", Ground Engineering, 6, 1, pp.1-9, December 1988.
52. "Experimental Studies on Lateral Behavior of Pile Groups under Combined Load", Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering, -, 394,
pp.130-140, December 1988.
53. "Experimental Study for Behavior of Uplifted Underground Conduit", Ground Engineering, 5, 1, pp.67-75, December 1987.
54. "Experimental Research on Contralling the Effective Stress in Sand by means of Seepage Force", Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering=
Hiroshima University, 36, 1, pp.33-41, June 1987.
55. "Experimental Research on Controlling the Effective Stress in Sand by Means of Seepage Force", Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering=
Hiroshima Univ., 36, pp.1, April 1987.
56. "Analysis of Elastic Behavior of Pile Group Foundation under Combined Loads", Bulletin of Faculty of Engineering= Hiroshima University, 35,
2, pp.227-239, October 1986.
57. "A Method for the Calculation of Displacements of Soil Around Piles", Journal of Structural Engineering, -, 32B, pp.29-38, March 1986.
58. "A Method of Limit Analysis for Laterally Loaded Pile Groups", Ground Engineering, 2, 2, pp.67-77, December 1984.
59. "A Theoretical Study on Differential Settlements of Reinforced Concrete Frame Structures Considering their Nonlinear and Time-dependent
Behavior", Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering= Hiroshima Univ., 30, pp.1, April 1981.
Books: * Only English titles are listed here
**: Major books
Profiles of Faculty and Research Scholars in Hiroshima University Yamamoto Haruyuki 4/4
Division of Development Science, Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Development Technology Yamamoto Haruyuki
>> Japanese
Profiles of Faculty and Research Scholars in Hiroshima University yamashita takao
Profiles of Faculty and Research Scholars
Profiles of Faculty and Research Scholars List >Facuity/Department > Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation
>> Japanese
Basic profiles
* Japanese characters are garbled.
yamashita takao
Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation
Division of Development Science
Development Technology
Telephone: +81-82-424-6926
Facsimile (FAX): +81-82-424-6926
URL: http://home.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/takao52/
Work Experience/History of Employment
April 1, 2006 -
Professor, Graduate School IDEC, Hiroshima University
April 1, 1996 - March 31, 2006 Associate Professor,DPRI, Kyoto University
April 1, 1977 - March 31, 1996 Assistant Professor, DPRI, Kyoto University
Academic Degrees
Dr. Eng. (Kyoto University)
Graduating Schools
1977, Kyoto University
1975, Kyoto University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Transportation Civil Engineering
Teaching Course(s)/Class(es)
Current Research Themes
Achievements except Papers and Books
Joint Research/Funded Research
Academic Awards
Profiles of Faculty and Research Scholars in Hiroshima University yamashita takao
Membership of Academic Societies
• American Geophysical Union
Papers: * Only English titles are listed here
**: Major papers
ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 53, 4, pp.491-520, December 2011.
2. "Status of municipal solid waste management in Hanoi, Vietnam", WASTE MANAGEMENT, 30, 3, pp.541-543, March 2010.
3. "Abnormal storm waves in the winter East/Japan Sea: generation process and hindcasting using an atmosphere-wind wave modelling system",
NATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, 10, 4, pp.773-792, January 2010.
4. "Modelling hydrodynamics in Yachiyo Lake using a non-hydrostatic general circulation model with spatially and temporally varying
meteorological conditions", HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES, 23, 14, pp.1973-1987, July 2009.
5. "Storm surge simulation using wind-wave-surge coupling model", JOURNAL OF OCEANOGRAPHY, 64, 4, pp.621-630, August 2008.
6. "Wave and Storm Surge Simulations for Hurricane Katrina using Coupled Process Based Models", KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL
ENGINEERING, 12, 1, pp.1-8, January 2008.
7. "Coupled process-based cyclone surge simulation for the Bay of Bengal", OCEAN MODELLING, 25, 3-4, pp.132-143, January 2008.
8. "Asian Environmental Simulator", Third Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Engineering, National Cheng Kung
University, Tainan, pp.1-11, November 2006.
Books: * Only English titles are listed here
**: Major books
Division of Development Science, Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Development Technology yamashita takao
>> Japanese
張峻屹 教授 Prof. Junyi ZHANG
雑誌・会議の論文査読 REVIEWERS
著書 Books
社会活動 Social Activities
1. 1983.09 - 1987.06 Northern (currently Beijing) JiaoTong University, Beijing, China (Bachelor of Engineering;
Major: Railway Management) 中国北京交通大学(旧:北方交通大学)運輸系卒業(鉄道運輸管理:工学学士
2. 1987.09 - 1988.06 Northern (currently Beijing) JiaoTong University, Beijing, China (Master Course; Major:
Comprehensive Transportation Planning; Quit school because of study in Japan with the Japanese
Government Scholarship) 中国北京交通大学・大学院(専攻:総合交通計画;文部省奨学生として日本へ留
3. 1988.09 - 1989.10 Preparatory School for Graduates Going to Japan, Changchun, China (Study the
Japanese) 中国赴日本国留学生予備学校(長春市,日本語研修)
4. 1989.11- 1991.03 Faculty of Engineering, Hiroshima University, Japan (Research Student) 広島大学工学部
5. 1991.04 - 1993.03 Graduate School of Engineering, Hiroshima University, Japan (Master of Engineering;
Major: Transportation Planning) 広島大学大学院工学研究科博士課程前期環境工学専攻(交通工学)(文部
6. 1993.04 - 1996.03 Graduate School of Engineering, Hiroshima University, Japan (Doctor of Engineering;
Major: Transportation Planning) 広島大学大学院工学研究科博士課程後期環境工・Ew専攻(交通工学)(文
1. 1996.04 – 1998.03 Research Associate, Faculty of Engineering, Hiroshima University, Japan広島大学
2. 1998.04 – 2000.03 Transportation Consultant, Stannum Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japanスタナム株式会社勤務
3. 2000.04 – 2001.03 Research Fellow, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlandsオランダ・ア
4. 2001.04 – 2002.09 Director, Institute of Social Infrastructure Planning, Tokyo, Japan社会インフラ計画研
究所 代表(都市・交通コンサルタント)
5. 2002.10 - present Associate Professor, Hiroshima University, Japan広島大学大学院国際協力研究科
新しいセクション 1 - 1 ページ
1. 都市工学 Urban Engineering
2. 市民生活行動学 Life-oriented approach
3. 交通計画学 Transportation Planning
4. 交通工学 Transportation Engineering
5. 交通行動学 Travel Behavior
6. 観光政策 Tourism Policy
7. 環境工学 Environmental Engineering
1. 土木学会 (Japan Society of Civil Engineers): 1993~
2. 交通工学研究会 (Japan Society of Traffic Engineers): 1994~
3. International Association on Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR): 1997~
4. Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS): 2001~
5. Transportation Research Board (TRB): 2001~
6. 日本都市計画学会 (The City Planning Institute of Japan): 2002~
7. World Conference on Transport Research Society (WCTRS): 2004~–
8. International Society of Lifestyle, Leisure and Tourism Science: 2005~9. International Association for Time Use Research (IATBR): 2007~
10. Asia Pacific Tourism Association (APTA): 2007~
11. エネルギー・資源学会(Japan Society of Energy and Resources): 2010~
12. 日本公衆衛生学会Japanese Society of Public Health: 2011~
13. サービス学会Society for Serviceology: 2013~
1. (SCI) Transportation Research Part B: Methodological
2. (SCI) Transportation Research Record (TRR)
3. (SCI) Transportation Science
4. (SCI) Transportation
5. (SCI) Transportmetrica
6. (SCI) Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE
7. (SCI) CACAIE (Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering)
8. (SCI) Journal of Transportation Engineering, ASCE
9. (SCI) Journal of Advanced Transportation
10. (SCI) Environment and Planning A
11. (SSCI) Psychology and Marketing
12. (SSCI) Tourism Management
13. (SCI) Energy Economics
14. (SCI) International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory
15. (SSCI) Journal of Leisure Research
16. (SSCI) Urban Geography
17. Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB)
18. International Conference of IATBR (International Association on Travel Behaviour)
19. Asian Transport Studies (ATS), EASTS (Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies)
20. Journal of Transport and Land Use
21. Journal of Choice Modelling
22. International Conference of EASTS (Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies)
23. IATSS (International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences) Research
24. International Journal of ITS Research
25. JRCS (Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services)
26. International Choice Modelling Conference
27. Environment, Development and Sustainability
28. Travel Behavior and Society
29. Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics
30. International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies (ICTTS)
31. International Conference of Chinese Transportation Professionals (ICTTP)
32. 土木学会論文集 (Journal of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers)
33. 土木計画学論文集 (Infrastructure Planning Review)
新しいセクション 1 - 2 ページ
土木計画学論文集 (Infrastructure Planning Review)
都市計画論文集 (Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan)
Outstanding Paper Award for Young Engineers/Researchers, The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, 2008
2007 Eric I. Pas Prize of IATBR (2008)
IATBR Eric I. Pas Prize: Dissertation Prize Selection Committee (Chair: 2013; Member (one of three
members): 2011, 2012)
38. Reviewer of the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO), Belgium, 2011~
学部講義 Lectures for Undergraduate Students
1. (前期)土木計画学(学部3年生,2006~2007)
(The 1st semester)Infrastructure Planning (3rd-year students, 2006~2007)
2. (前期)科学技術英語演習(学部3年生,2008~)
(The 1st semester)Practice of Scientific and Technical English (3rd-year students, 2008~)
3. (前期)技術協力論(学部3年生,2008~)
(The 1st semester)Technological Cooperation (3rd-year students, 2008~)
4. (後期)人と環境と社会基盤(学部2年生,2003, 2006~2007)
(The 2nd semester)Human, Environment and Infrastructure (2nd-year students, 2006~2007)
5. (前期)アジアの光と影(学部2年生,2003~2004)
(The 1st semester)Asian Issues: Light and Shadow (2nd-year students, 2003~2004)
6. (前期)グローバル・パートナーシップ学(学部1年生,2011~)
(The 1st semester)Global Partnership Study (2011~)
大学院講義 Lectures for Graduate Students
博士課程前期 Master Course
1. (前期,後期)国際協力プロジェクト演習(2009~)
(The whole year)Seminar on International Cooperation Project (2009~)
2. (前期,後期)地域・都市工学演習(2002~)
(The whole year)Seminar on Regional and Urban Engineering (2002~)
3. (前期)国際環境協力学特論Ⅰ(2008~)
(The 1st semester) International Environmental Cooperation Studies I (2008~)
4. (後期)国際環境協力学特論Ⅱ(2009~)
(The 2nd semester) International Environmental Cooperation Studies II (2009~)
5. (前期)開発技術論(2003~)
(The 1st semester)Development Technology (2003~)
6. (後期)地域・都市工学・EEi2002~)
(The 2nd semester)Regional and Urban Engineering (2002~)
7. (後期)観光政策(2008~)
(The 2nd semester)Tourism Policy (2008~)
博士課程後期 Doctoral Course
1. (前期,後期)地域・都市計画演習Ⅰ(2002~)
(The whole year)Seminar on Regional and Urban Planning I (2002~)
2. (前期,後期)地域・都市計画演習Ⅱ(2002~)
(The whole year)Seminar on Regional and Urban Planning II (2002~)
公開講座・市民講座 Lectures for the Public
1. 広島大学主催,公開講座「アジアにみるゆとり・安全・環境」,講義題名:北京市都市計画,2005.07.99(対象
2. 財団法人ひろしま国際センター主催,ひろしま国際塾「地球環境と社会の未来を考える ― 先進国・発展途
上国の課題 ―」,講義題名:北京市の持続可能な都市づくり政策」,2009.06.10(対象者:一般市民)
3. 広島大学主催,公開講座「国際環境協力学に向けて」,講義題名:世帯生活行動と低炭素型まちづく
4. 広島市区民アカデミー講座「未来環境を守るためのエコライフ」,講義題名:エコカーライフ~クルマと公共交
5. 広島大学・公開講座「低炭素社会形成に向けて:国際協力学の取り組み」 2010.06.18-都市設計から見た
新しいセクション 1 - 3 ページ
Focusing on the various issues related to city, transportation, environment and tourism, as of April 2013, I
published 268 refereed academic papers (SCI, SSCI papers: 40; Papers in English: 209) and 294 non-refereed
academic papers (Papers in English: 151) about the development of methodologies (e.g., surveys, modeling, policy
evaluation and planning) and applications of the methodologies from the interdisciplinary perspective. I was
awarded as Best Paper Awards or Outstanding Paper Awards for 10 times by international/domestic
associations/conferences (e.g., Best of Best Paper Awards of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies
(EASTS), Best Paper Awards of International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences (IATSS), Best Paper
Awards of Asia Pacific Tourism Association (APTA), and Best Research Award (KOMETANI-SASAKI Prize),
Institute of Systems Science Research, Japan).
1. 市民生活行動学の構築による部門横断型まちづくり政策立案方法論の開発 Cross-sectoral Decision
Support Methodology for Urban Planning and Management Based on Life-oriented Approach
Research Part B(交通分野の世界最高峰雑誌), Transportation, 土木学会論文集や都市計画学会学術研
I have studied travel behavior since 1990. Since 2000, I have extended the travel behavior studies to cover
more general behavioral aspects in both urban and transportation contexts, by making full use of transdisciplinary knowledge, including time use studies, health behavior theory, home economics, quality of life
studies as well as travel behavior theory. As of April 2013, 108 refereed papers and 126 other papers were
published in internationally recognized journals (e.g., Transportation Research Part B (SCI journal, the top
transportation journal), Transportation (SCI), Transportation Research Record (SCI), Energy Policy (SCI),
and Japanese well-known journals such as Journal of Infrastructure Planning and Management, Journal of
the City Planning Institute of Japan). As a result of making various efforts, I successfully won one of the
biggest scientific funds “Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion
of Science)”. One of the papers were awarded as Outstanding Paper Awards by the EASTS (Eastern Asia
Society for Transportation Studies) in 2001, and a series of papers were awarded as Best Research Award
(KOMETANI-SASAKI Prize), Institute of Systems Science Research, Japan in 2007 (Prof. Kometani and
Prof. Sasaki are two pioneers in Transportation Engineering in Japan).
2. 統合型観光行動モデルによる観光政策意思決定方法論の開発 Integrated Tourist Behavior Models for
Tourism Policy
てきている。今まで観光分野の世界最高峰雑誌のTourism ManagementとAnnals of Tourism
Research、EASTS最高峰雑誌Asian Transport Studies、土木計画学研究論文集などにて23編査読付き論
To provide scientific tourism policy decision making methods, I have developed integrated tourism behavior
models by simultaneously representing tourism generation, tourist destination choice, travel party choice,
travel mode choice and route choice, departure time choice, time use and expenditure decisions. As of April
2013, 23 refereed papers and 23 other papers were published in internationally recognized journals, such as
Tourism Management and Annals of Tourism Research (SSCI journals, two of the top two journals in
tourism studies), Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research (SSCI), ATS (Asian Transport Studies) of
EASTS. One of the papers was awarded as Best Paper Award of the 5th APac-CHRIE (Asia Pacific
新しいセクション 1 - 4 ページ
EASTS. One of the papers was awarded as Best Paper Award of the 5th APac-CHRIE (Asia Pacific
International Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education) and the 13th APTA (Asia Pacific
Tourism Association) Joint Conference (Beijing, May 24-27, 2007), and another papers as Best Paper
Award of the 15th Annual Conference, Asia Pacific Tourism Association (APTA) (Incheon, Korea, July 9-12,
3. 統合型都市交通モデルの開発 Integrated Urban and Transportation Models
利用者均衡配分の統合モデル)である。今までTransportation Research Part D, TransportmetricaやJournal
of Advanced Transportation、土木学会論文集などにて28編査読付き論文、他9編論文を公表した。1994年
Four types of integrated urban and transportation models were developed: 1) an aggregate dynamic
transport demand models with spatial heterogeneity, state dependence and serial correlation; 2) an
integrated transport supply and demand model based on multi-market disequilibrium theory; 3) an integrated
transportation model with full feedback mechanisms to endogenously represent spatial distribution of
population based on the concept of spatial auto-correlation; and 4) a bi-level integrated model, where the
upper level deals with the maximization of mobility, optimization of modal split, special equity of accessibility
conditional on environmental capacity of urban areas, and the lower level deals with a combined model split
and user equilibrium traffic assignment). As of April 2013, 28 refereed papers and 9 other papers were
published in international recognized journals such as Transportation Research Part D (SCI),
Transportmetrica (SCI), Journal of Advanced Transportation (SCI), and EASTS Journal. One of the papers
was awarded as Research Encouragement Award by Japan Society of Traffic Engineers in 1994 and
another as the Outstanding Paper Award by the EASTS (Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies)
in 1999.
4. 途上国を含む持続可能な発展と都市・交通の研究 Sustainable Urban and Transportation Studies in both
Developed and Developing Countries
境ガバナンスなどを研究してきている。研究成果としてEnergy Policy, Environment and Planning B,
Transportation Research Record, EASTS最高峰雑誌Asian Transport Studies、土木計画学研究論文集など
I have conducted various studies on sustainable development in the context of urban and transportation
systems. The research topics cover adaptation measures to global warming (smart use of car based on ITS,
low-emission vehicles, car sharing, lifestyle, etc.), mitigation measures (urban form, energy consumption,
comprehensive transportation systems, promotion of public transportation systems, control of car
ownership and usage, etc.), and transition measures (paratransit systems, urban governance, etc.). Related
to developing countries, various studies have been carried out related to eco-life study from the
perspective of household energy consumption, sustainable development by making better use of paratransit
systems from the perspective of employment and social equity, evaluation of environmental efficiency of
transportation systems, environmental monitoring in transport sector, and environmental governance, etc.
As of April 2013, 83 refereed papers and 119 other papers were published in international recognized
journals such as Energy Policy (SCI), Environment and Planning B (SCI), Transportation Research Record
(SCI), and ATS (Asian Transport Studies) of EASTS. One of the papers was awarded as Best Paper Prize
(Yasojima Prize) by the EASTS (Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies) in 2005, one as Best
Paper Award by the IATSS (International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences) in 2008, and the other
as Best Paper Award of the 1st International Conference on the Future of Human Mobility by Thai Society
for Transportation and Traffic Studies in 2010.
5. 交通安全の研究 Traffic Safety Studies
Analysis and Prevention(交通事故研究の世界最高峰雑誌)、EASTS最高峰雑誌Asian Transport Studies、
新しいセクション 1 - 5 ページ
Analysis and Prevention(交通事故研究の世界最高峰雑誌)、EASTS最高峰雑誌Asian Transport Studies、
The relevant studies include, 1) econometric analyses of factors causing traffic accidents and evaluation of
effects of existing traffic safety measures by using existing statistical data; 2) evaluation of ITS-based
traffic safety measures (ordinary roads and expressways) based on social experiments (probe vehicle
surveys) and stated preference surveys by incorporating the influence drivers’ heterogeneity and shortterm memory; 3) driving risk modeling by making full use of driving speed, electrocardiogram, brain wave,
movement of eyes. As of April 2013, 23 refereed papers and 17 other papers were published in international
recognized journals such as Accident Analysis and Prevention (SCI, the top journal of traffic safety
studies), Transportation Research Record (SCI), and ATS (Asian Transport Studies) of EASTS.
1. Travel Behavior Survey and Modeling
2. Household Behavior Modeling in Urban and Transportation Studies
3. Household Car Ownership and Usage
4. Intelligent Transport Systems
5. Public Transportation Policies
6. Urban and Transportation Issues in Developing Countries
7. City Center Development and Pedestrian Behavior
8. Environmental and Energy Policies in Transport Sector
9. Low-Carbon Urban System Design
10. Climate Disasters and Adaptation Measures in Developing Countries, etc.
1. (2010.04) Best Paper Award of “Expressways and Automobiles”, the Journal Published by Express Highway
Research Foundation of Japan(財)高速道路調査会「道路と交通論文賞(経済社会部門)」
Makoto CHIKARAISHI, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG and Mokoto TSUKAI (2010) Statistical Analysis
of Structural Changes of Traffic Demand Due to Variations of Gasoline Price, Expressways and
Automobiles, Vol. 52, No. 8, 21-29 (in Japanese)
析,高速道路と自動車, Vol. 52, No. 8, 21-29.
2. (2010.01) Best Paper Award of the 1st International Conference on the Future of Human Mobility, Thai
Society for Transportation and Traffic Studies, Phuket, Thailand, January 22-23, 2010
Junyi ZHANG, Metin SENBIL, Akimasa FUJIWARA (2010) Exploring Sustainable Urban Forms: A Case Study
in Jabotabek Metropolitan Area, Indonesia, Journal of Society for Transportation and Traffic Studies
(TSTS), Vol.1, 36-54.
3. (2009.07) Best Paper Award of the 15th Annual Conference, Asia Pacific Tourism Association (APTA),
Incheon, Korea, July 9-12, 2009
Junyi ZHANG, Hui ZHANG, Lingling WU and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2009) Representing tourists’ contextsensitive time use and expenditure behavior, Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference, Asia Pacific
Tourism Association (APTA), Incheon, Korea, July 9-12, 2009 (CD-ROM)
4. (2008.04) IATSS (International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences)Best Paper Award国際交通安全
学会賞 論文部門
Metin SENBIL, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2007) Motorization in Asia: 14 Countries and Three
Metropolitan Areas, IATSS Research, 31 (1), 46-58.
5. (2007.11) Best Research Award (KOMETANI-SASAKI Prize), Institute of Systems Science Research, Japan
日本・社団法人システム科学研究所-米谷・佐佐木基金 第3回 米谷・佐佐木賞【研究部門】受賞,京
Junyi ZHANG: Development of activity and travel behavior model with interpersonal interaction
6. (2007.05) Best Paper Award of the 5th APac-CHRIE (Asia Pacific International Council on Hotel,
Restaurant and Institutional Education) and the 13th APTA (Asia Pacific Tourism Association) Joint
Conference, Beijing, May 24-27, 2007.
Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2007) Exploring Japanese Tourists’ Choice Behaviors of Tour
Plans along the Asian Highway based on a Paired Combinatorial Logit Model with Stated Preference Data,
Proceedings of the 5th APac-CHRIE and the 13th APTA Joint Conference, Beijing, May 24-27 (CD-ROM)
7. (2005.09) EASTS (Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies) Best Paper Prize (Yasojima Prize),
Bangkok, September 21-24, 2005.
新しいセクション 1 - 6 ページ
Bangkok, September 21-24, 2005.
Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG, Backjin LEE and M.R.M. DA CRUZ (2005) Evaluating sustainability of
urban development in developing countries incorporating dynamic cause-effect relationships over time,
Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 6, 4349-4364.
8. (2001.10) EASTS (Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies) Outstanding Paper Award, Hanoi,
October 24-27, 2001.
Junyi ZHANG, Yoriyasu SUGIE and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2001) A Mode Choice Model Separating Taste
Variation and Stated Preference Reporting Bias, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation
Studies, Vol.4, No.3, 23-38.
9. (1999.09) EASTS (Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies) Outstanding Paper Award, Taipei,
September 15-17, 1999.
Yoriyasu SUGIE, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (1999) Dynamic Discrete Choice Models
Considering Unobserved Heterogeneity with Mass Point Approach, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for
Transportation Studies, Vol.3, No.5, 245-260
10. (1994.11) Research Encouragement Award, Japan Society of Traffic Engineers日本交通工学研究発表会研
Junyi ZHANG, Yoriyasu SUGIE and Akimasa FUJIWARA (1994) Development of travel demand predicting
models using longitudinal person-trip data, Selected Proceedings of Annual Meeting of Japan Society of
Traffic Engineers, No.14, 173-176.
通工学・、究発表会論文報告集, No.14,173-176
11. 2010年度広島大学学長表彰:広島大学国際環境協力プロジェクト研究センター(サブプログラム「脱温暖化
社会システムの設計」のリーダーとして)、表彰の該当基準 ・・・ 要項第2の第2号(教育研究活動)
PUBLICATIONS(As of April 2013)
The numbers ①~⑤ correspond to the above five major research topics, respectively.
Refereed Papers
SCI/SSCI Papers: 40 papers
1. Ying JIANG, Junyi ZHANG (2014) Drivers' Adaptation Behavior to Traffic Accidents on Expressways and
Dynamic Travel Information: Analysis Based on a Large-Scale Stated-Preference Survey in Japan.
Transportation Research Record (forthcoming)
2. Biying YU, Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA (2013) Rebound effects caused by the improvement of
vehicle energy efficiency: An analysis based on an SP-off-RP survey. Transportation Research Part D:
Transport and Environment, 24, 62-68.
3. Lingling WU, Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA (2013) Tourism participation and expenditure behavior:
Analysis using a Scobit-based discrete-continuous choice model. Annals of Tourism Research, 40, 1-17
4. Lingling WU, Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA (2013) Representing the influence of multiple social
interactions on monthly tourism participation behavior. Tourism Management, 36, 480-489.
5. Junyi ZHANG, Timmermans, H.J.P. (2012) Activity-travel behaviour analysis for universal mobility design.
Transportmetrica, 8(3), 149-156.
6. Junyi ZHANG, Lili XU, Akimasa FUJIWARA (2012) Developing an integrated Scobit-based activity
participation and time allocation model to explore influence of childcare on women's time use behaviour,
Transportation, 39, 125-149.
7. Hui ZHANG, Junyi ZHANG, Masashi KUWANO (2012) An integrated model of tourists' time use and
expenditure behavior with self-selection based on a fully-nested Archimedean copula function. Tourism
Management, 33(6), 1562-1573.
8. Biying YU, Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA (2012) Analysis of the residential location choice and
household energy consumption behavior by incorporating multiple self-selection effects. Energy Policy, 46,
9. Biying YU, Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA (2012) A household time use and energy consumption model
with multiple behavioral interactions and zero-consumption, Environment and Planning B: Planning and
Design, 40 (2), 330-349.
10. Lingling WU, Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA (2012) Dynamic analysis of Japanese tourists' three stage
choices: Tourism participation, destination choice and travel mode choice, Transportation Research Record,
2322, 91-101.
新しいセクション 1 - 7 ページ
2322, 91-101.
11. Tao FENG, Junyi ZHANG (2012) Multicriteria evaluation on accessibility-based transportation equity in road
network design problem. Journal of Advanced Transportation (in press, Online August).
12. Makoto CHIKARAISHI, Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA (2012) Effects of nursing care on time use
behaviour: A comparative analysis in Japan. Transportmetrica, 8(3), 181-208.
13. Biying YU, Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA (2011) Representing household energy consumption behavior
in Beijing with the consideration of in-home and out-of-home interdependence, Energy Policy, 39(7),
4168-4177 (Special Section: Renewable energy policy and development).
14. Lingling WU, Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA (2011) Representing tourists' heterogeneous choices of
destination and travel party with an integrated latent class and nested logit model, Tourism Management,
32, 1407-1413.
15. Lingling WU, Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA (2011) A tourist's multi-destination choice model with
future dependency, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 17(2), 121-132.
16. Sudarmanto Budi NUGROHO, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG (2011) An Empirical Analysis of the
impact of Bus Rapid Transit system on the concentration of secondary pollutants in the roadside areas of
TransJakarta Corridors: A structural equation model and artificial neural network approach, Stochastic
Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 25(5), 655-669.
17. Masashi KUWANO, Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA (2011) A dynamic discrete choice model with multidimensional social interactions, Transportation Research Record, 2231, 68-75.
Changes in variations of travel time expenditure: some methodological considerations and empirical results
from German Mobility Panel, Transportation Research Record, 2230, 121-131.
19. Makoto CHIKARAISHI, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG, Kay W. AXHAUSEN (2011) Identifying variations
and co-variations in discrete choice models, Transportation 38(6), 993-1016.
20. Junyi ZHANG, H.J.P. TIMMERMANS (2010) Scobit-based panel analysis of public transport users'
multitasking behavior, Transportation Research Record, 2157, 46-53.
21. Daisuke YOSHINO, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG (2010) Environmental efficiency model based on
data envelopment analysis and its application to environmentally sustainable transport policies,
Transportation Research Record, 2136, 112-123.
22. Hiroshi SHIMAMOTO, Naoki MURAYAMA, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG (2010) Evaluation of an
existing bus network using a transit network optimisation model: A case study of the Hiroshima City Bus
network, Transportation, 37(5), 801-823.
23. Xuesong FENG, Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Yoshitsugu HAYASHI, Hirokazu KATO (2010) Improved
feedback modeling of transport in enlarging urban areas of developing countries, Frontiers of Computer
Science in China, 4(1), 112-122.
24. Tao FENG, Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA, H.J.P. TIMMERMANS (2010) An integrated model system
and policy evaluation tool for maximizing mobility under environmental capacity constraints: A case study in
Dalian, China, Transportation Research Part D, 15 (5), 263-274.
25. Makoto CHIKARAISHI, Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Kay W. AXHAUSEN (2010) Exploring Variation
Properties of Time Use Behavior on the Basis of a Multilevel Multiple Discrete-Continuous Extreme Value
Model, Transportation Research Record, 2156, 101-110.
26. Makoto CHIKARAISHI, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG, Backjin LEE (2010) Spatiotemporal Changes of
Traffic Demand Price Elasticities in Japan Throughout 2008: Bayesian Approach, Transportation Research
Record, 2156, 81-92.
27. Junyi ZHANG, Masashi KUWANO, Backjin LEE, Akimasa FUJIWARA (2009) Modeling household discrete
choice behavior incorporating heterogeneous group decision-making mechanisms, Transportation Research
Part B: A Special Issue "Household Behavior Modeling", edited by H.J.P. TIMMERMANS and Junyi ZHANG,
43, 230-250.
28. Junyi ZHANG, Koji SUTO, Akimasa FUJIWARA (2009) Effects of in-vehicle warning information on drivers'
decelerating and accelerating behaviors near an arch-shaped intersection, Accident Analysis and
Prevention, 41, 948-958.
29. Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA (2009) Intrahousehold interaction in transit-oriented residential choice
behavior represented in stated preference approach, Transportation Research Record, 2134, 73-81.
30. H.J.P. TIMMERMANS, Junyi ZHANG (2009) Modeling household activity travel behavior: Examples of state
of the art modeling approaches and research agenda, Transportation Research Part B: A Special Issue
"Household Behavior Modeling", edited by H.J.P. TIMMERMANS and Junyi ZHANG, 43, 187-190.
31. Karen Ann Bianet Jago-on, Shinji KANEKO, Ryo FUJIKURA, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Tsuyoshi IMAI, Toru
(2009) Urbanization and subsurface environmental issues: An attempt at DPSIR model application in Asian
cities, Science of Total Environment (STOTEN), 407 (9), 3089-3104.
新しいセクション 1 - 8 ページ
cities, Science of Total Environment (STOTEN), 407 (9), 3089-3104.
32. Xuesong FENG, Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA (2009) Analysis of feedback to obtain steady-state
solutions in four-step modeling, Transportmetrica, 5, 215-227.
33. Makoto CHIKARAISHI, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG, Kay W. AXHAUSEN (2009) Exploring variation
properties of departure time choice behavior using multilevel analysis approach, Transportation Research
Record, 2134, 10-20.
34. Wonchul KIM, Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Tae Youn JANG, Moon NAMGUNG (2008) Analysis of
stopping behavior at urban signalized intersections: Empirical study in Korea, Transportation Research
Record, 2080, 84-91.
35. Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA (2006) Representing household time allocation behavior by
endogenously incorporating diverse intra-household interactions: A case study in the context of elderly
couples, Transportation Research Part B, 40, 54-74.
36. Sudarmanto Budi Nugroho, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG (2006) Analysis of roadside air quality in
Jakarta city: A structural equation approach, JSME (Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers) International
Journal Series B, 49, 8-18.
37. Junyi ZHANG, H.J.P. TIMMERMANS, Aloys BORGERS (2005) A model of household task allocation and time
use, Transportation Research Part B, 39, 81-95.
38. Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG (2005) Development of a scheduling model for car tourists' 1-day tours,
Transportation Research Record, 1921, 100-111.
39. Junyi ZHANG, H.J.P. TIMMERMANS, Aloys BORGERS, Donggen WANG (2004) Modeling traveler choice
behavior using the concepts of relative utility and relative interest, Transportation Research Part B, 38(3),
40. Junyi ZHANG, H.J.P. TIMMERMANS, Aloys BORGERS (2002) A utility-maximizing model of household time
use for independent, shared and allocated activities incorporating group decision mechanisms,
Transportation Research Record, 1807, 1-8.
Refereed Journal Papers: 140 papers (6 papers under review)
1. Junyi ZHANG (2013) Modeling of multiple context dependencies based on relative utility. Journal of
Marketing (under review) (①)
2. Junyi ZHANG (2013) Exploring transit users’ affective experiences based on day reconstruction method.
Transport Policy (under review) (④)
3. Junyi ZHANG (2013) Revisiting the residential self-selection issues: A life-oriented approach. Special issue
“Viewpoints on self-selection”, Journal of Land Use and Transport (under review) (①)
4. Junyi ZHANG (2013) Intrahousehold interaction modeling: A comparative study in the context of residential
choice and commuting mode choice behavior. Transportation Research Part B (under review) (①)
5. Junyi ZHANG, Timmermans H.J.P., Dick ETTEMA (2013) Extending relative utility model with multiple
reference points to incorporate asymmetric, non-Linear response curvature. Transportation Research Part
B (under review) (①)
6. Junyi ZHANG, Biying YU, Makoto CHIKARAISHI (2013) Using a life history survey to explore biographical
interactions of households’ total mobilities. Journal of Transport Geography (under review) (①)
7. Ying JIANG, Junyi ZHANG (2014) Drivers' Adaptation Behavior to Traffic Accidents on Expressways and
Dynamic Travel Information: Analysis Based on a Large-Scale Stated-Preference Survey in Japan.
Transportation Research Record (conditional acceptance)(⑤)
8. Biying YU, Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA (2013) Rebound effects caused by the improvement of
vehicle energy efficiency: An analysis based on an SP-off-RP survey. Transportation Research Part D:
Transport and Environment, 24, 62-68 (①、④)
9. Ling SUN, Junyi ZHANG (2013) Stated responses to policy interventions and technological innovation of
electric motorcycles in Lao PDR. Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (in press)
10. Minh Tu TRAN, Mokoto CHIKARAISHI, Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA (2013) How current living
environments influence Hanoians’ expectations about residential location choice in future?, Journal of the
Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (in press) (④)
11. Widyarini WENINGTYAS, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG (2013) Does Improved Paratransit Level of
Service Improve Drivers’ QOL?. Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (in press)
12. Lingling WU, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2013) Tourism participation and expenditure behavior:
Analysis using a Scobit-based discrete-continuous choice model. Annals of Tourism Research, 40,
新しいセクション 1 - 9 ページ
13. Lingling WU, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2013) Representing the influence of multiple social
interactions on monthly tourism participation behavior. Tourism Management, 36, 480-489(②)
14. 中川辰則・桑野将司・張峻屹(2012)異質性を考慮した滞在時間と消費金額の同時決定モデルによる観光行
動分析Analysis of tourist behavior based on a joint model of stay time and expenditure with heterogeneity,
都市計画論文集Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan,47 (3), 649-654(②)
15. 張峻屹・小林敏生(2012)健康増進に寄与するまちづくりのための健康関連QOLの調査および因果構造分析
Survey and cause-effect analysis of health-related QOL for the health-promotion urban planning and
management,都市計画論文集Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan,47 (3), 277-282(①)
16. 楠橋康広・張峻屹・力石真・藤原章正(2012)山陽道における交通安全施設の効果に関する考察Effects of
Traffic Safety Countermeasures on Sanyo Expressway, 高速道路と自動車Expressways and Automobiles,
55 (11), 24-33(⑤)
17. Junyi ZHANG and Timmermans, H.J.P. (2012) Activity-travel behaviour analysis for universal mobility
design. Transportmetrica, 8(3), 149-156(①)
18. Junyi ZHANG, Lili XU and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2012) Developing an integrated Scobit-based activity
participation and time allocation model to explore influence of childcare on women's time use behaviour,
Transportation, 39, 125-149(①)
19. Hui ZHANG, Junyi ZHANG and Masashi KUWANO (2012) An integrated model of tourists' time use and
expenditure behavior with self-selection based on a fully-nested Archimedean copula function. Tourism
Management, 33(6), 1562-1573(②)
20. Biying YU, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2012) Analysis of the residential location choice and
household energy consumption behavior by incorporating multiple self-selection effects. Energy Policy, 46,
21. Biying YU, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2012) A household time use and energy consumption
model with multiple behavioral interactions and zero-consumption, Environment and Planning B: Planning
and Design, 40 (2), 330-349(①)
22. Lingling WU, Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Makoto CHIKARAISHI (2012) Analysis of tourism
generation incorporating the influence of constraints based on a Scobit model, Asian Transport Studies,
Vol. 2, Issue 1, 19-33(②)
23. Lingling WU, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2012) Dynamic analysis of Japanese tourists' three
stage choices: Tourism participation, destination choice and travel mode choice, Transportation Research
Record, 2322, 91-101(②)
24. Yasuhiro KUSUHASHI, Junyi ZHANG, Makoto CHIKARAISHI and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2012) Heterogeneous
influence of driving propensity on driving intention on expressways under the provision of traffic warning
information, Asian Transport Studies, 2 (2), 161-177(⑤)
25. Tao FENG and Junyi ZHANG (2012) Multicriteria evaluation on accessibility-based transportation equity in
road network design problem. Journal of Advanced Transportation (in press, Online August)(③)
26. Makoto CHIKARAISHI, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2012) Exploring the long-term changes of
cross-sectional variations in Japanese time use behaviour,土木学会論文集Journal of Infrastructure
Planning and Management, 68(3), 200-215(①)
27. Makoto CHIKARAISHI, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2012) Effects of nursing care on time use
behaviour: A comparative analysis in Japan. Transportmetrica, 8(3), 181-208(①)
28. Biying YU, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2011) Representing household energy consumption
behavior in Beijing with the consideration of in-home and out-of-home interdependence, Energy Policy,
39(7), 4168-4177 (Special Section: Renewable energy policy and development)(④)
29. Biying YU, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2011) Comparative analysis on household energy
consumption behavior in Asia megacities by considering the effects of car ownership and self-selection,
Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 9, 724-739(④)
30. Lingling WU, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2011) Representing tourist's time use behavior based
on a multiple discrete-continuous extreme value model, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for
Transportation Studies, 9, 796-809(②)
31. Lingling WU, Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA (2011) Representing tourists' heterogeneous choices of
destination and travel party with an integrated latent class and nested logit model, Tourism Management,
32, 1407-1413(②)
32. Lingling WU, Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA (2011) A tourist's multi-destination choice model with
future dependency, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 17(2), 121-132(②)
33. Sudarmanto Budi Nugroho, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2011) Exploring variation of
maintenance action and its impacts on emissions and cost in Jakarta city. Energy and Environment
Research, 1 (1), 163-174(④)
34. Sudarmanto Budi NUGROHO, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2011) An Empirical Analysis of the
新しいセクション 1 - 10 ページ
34. Sudarmanto Budi NUGROHO, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2011) An Empirical Analysis of the
impact of Bus Rapid Transit system on the concentration of secondary pollutants in the roadside areas of
TransJakarta Corridors: A structural equation model and artificial neural network approach, Stochastic
Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 25(5), 655-669(④)
35. Sudarmanto Budi NUGROHO, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2011) Exploring variation of
maintenance action and its impacts on emission and cost in Jakarta City, Energy and Environment
Research, 1 (1), 163-174(④)
36. Gang LI, Junyi ZHANG, Sudarmanto Budi Nugroho, Tran Ngoc LINH and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2011)
Analysis of paratransit drivers' job choice behavior under sustainable working environment incorporating the
influence of captivity: A case study in Jabodetabek metropolitan area, Indonesia, Journal of the Eastern
Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 9, 1144-1159(④)
37. Masashi KUWANO, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2011) A dynamic discrete choice model with
multi-dimensional social interactions, Transportation Research Record, 2231, 68-75(①)
38. Masashi KUWANO, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG and Makoto TSUKAI (2011) Joint modeling of vehicle
holding duration and traveling distance with a copula-based multivaiate survival model, Asian Transport
Studies, 1 (3), 303-317(①)
(2011) Changes in variations of travel time expenditure: some methodological considerations and empirical
results from German Mobility Panel, Transportation Research Record, 2230, 121-131(①)
40. Makoto CHIKARAISHI, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG and Kay W. AXHAUSEN (2011) Identifying
variations and co-variations in discrete choice models, Transportation 38(6), 993-1016(①)
41. 桑野将司・岩本真由子・塚井誠人・藤原章正・張峻屹(2010)保有と利用の相互依存性を考慮した世帯の自
動車取換更新行動モデルの開発Development of household vehicle transaction behavior incorporating the
interdependency between ownership and usage,土木計画学研究・論文集Infrastructure Planning
Review,27,539-549 (①)
42. 桑野将司・藤原章正・塚井誠人・張峻屹・岩本真由子(2010)コピュラを用いた自動車保有期間と走行距離の
同時決定モデルの開発A copula-based simultaneous-equation model of vehicle holding duration and travel
distance,土木学会論文集Journal of Infrastructure Planning and Management,66 (1), 54-63(①)
43. Junyi ZHANG and H.J.P. TIMMERMANS (2010) Scobit-based panel analysis of public transport users'
multitasking behavior, Transportation Research Record, 2157, 46-53(④)
44. Junyi ZHANG, Metin SENBIL, Akimasa FUJIWARA (2010) Exploring Sustainable Urban Forms: A Case Study
in Jabotabek Metropolitan Area, Indonesia, Journal of Society for Transportation and Traffic Studies
(TSTS), 1, 36-54(④)
45. Daisuke YOSHINO, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2010) Environmental efficiency model based on
data envelopment analysis and its application to environmentally sustainable transport policies,
Transportation Research Record, 2136, 112-123(④)
46. Lili XU, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2010) Modeling the interactions between activity
participation and time use behaviors over the course of a day, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for
Transportation Studies, 8, 672-681(①)
47. Zhuo WANG, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2010) Representing the dynamics in stated travel
choice behavior based on a DGEV model with heterogeneity, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for
Transportation Studies, 8, 564-578(①)
48. Patwary, M.A.H., Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2010) A joint modeling of injury severity and
collision type focusing on national highway intersections in Japan, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for
Transportation Studies, 8, 1810-1825(⑤)
49. Sudarmanto Budi Nugroho, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2010) Analysis of inspection and
maintenance program for in-use motorcycles emissions in Indonesia, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society
for Transportation Studies, 8, 1015-1026(④)
50. Wonchul KIM, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2010) Impacts of Driving Experience and In-Vehicle
Traffic Safety Information on Traffic Stability Risk in Young Male Drivers: An Evaluation Incorporating
Driver's Short-Term Memory, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 8,
51. Hiroshi SHIMAMOTO, Naoki MURAYAMA, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2010) Evaluation of an
existing bus network using a transit network optimisation model: A case study of the Hiroshima City Bus
network, Transportation, 37(5), 801-823(③)
52. Dick SAARLOOS, Chang-Hyeon JOH, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2010) A segmentation study
of pedestrian weekend activity patterns in a central business district, Journal of Retailing and Consumer
Services 17(2), 119-129(①)
53. Sudarmanto Budi Nugroho, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2010) Comparison Analysis of Idle
Emissions Measurement Program in Jabodetabek, Indonesia, Traffic and Transportation Studies 2010 ASCE
新しいセクション 1 - 11 ページ
Emissions Measurement Program in Jabodetabek, Indonesia, Traffic and Transportation Studies 2010 ASCE
(Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies, Kunming, China,
August 3-5, 238-255(④)
Sudarmanto Budi Nugroho, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2010) Private Motorized Urban Mobility
and Its Impact on Inspection and Maintenance Program in Indonesia, Journal of Society for Transportation
and Traffic Studies (TSTS), 1 (4), 60-77(④)
Xuesong FENG, Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Yoshitsugu HAYASHI and Hirokazu KATO (2010)
Improved feedback modeling of transport in enlarging urban areas of developing countries, Frontiers of
Computer Science in China, 4(1), 112-122(③)
Tao FENG, Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA and H.J.P. TIMMERMANS (2010) Incorporating accessibilitybased equity into stochastic road network design problem: Sensitive analyses and policy implications,
Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 8, 985-998(③)
Tao FENG, Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA and H.J.P. TIMMERMANS (2010) An integrated model
system and policy evaluation tool for maximizing mobility under environmental capacity constraints: A case
study in Dalian, China, Transportation Research Part D, 15 (5), 263-274(③)
Makoto CHIKARAISHI, Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Kay W. AXHAUSEN (2010) Exploring
Variation Properties of Time Use Behavior on the Basis of a Multilevel Multiple Discrete-Continuous
Extreme Value Model, Transportation Research Record, 2156, 101-110(①)
Makoto CHIKARAISHI, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG and Backjin LEE (2010) Spatiotemporal Changes
of Traffic Demand Price Elasticities in Japan Throughout 2008: Bayesian Approach, Transportation
Research Record, 2156, 81-92(④)
Makoto CHIKARAISHI, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2010) Sequential updating of price
elasticities of traffic demand incorporating regional differences based on a hierarchical Bayesian approach,
Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 8, 548-563(④)
A Statistical Analysis of Structural Changes of Traffic Demand Caused by Variation of Gasoline Prices,高
速道路と自動車Expressways and Automobiles, 52 (8), 21-29(①)
力石真・藤原章正・張峻屹・Kay W. AXHAUSEN(2009)6週間の交通日誌データを用いた交通行動の変動特
性の分析-活動発生と出発時刻を例にProperties of Variations in Travel Behavior Using a Six-Week Travel
Diary Data: A Case Study of Activity Generation and Departure Time,土木計画学研究・論文集
Infrastructure Planning Review, 26, 447-455(①)
力石真・張峻屹・藤原章正(2009)行動の類似性に基づく活動分類手法の提案及び精度検証- 活動開始時
刻を例に-A Method of Activity Classification based on Behavioral Similarity and its Accuracy Verification A Case Study of Activity Start Time ,都市計画学会学術研究論文集Journal of the City Planning Institute
of Japan, 44 (3), 481-486(①)
及ぼす影響の分析Analysis of out-of-home touring behavior at the car dependent area considering jointtrips,土木計画学研究・論文集Infrastructure Planning Review, 26, 403-409(①)
Junyi ZHANG, Masashi KUWANO, Backjin LEE and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2009) Modeling household discrete
choice behavior incorporating heterogeneous group decision-making mechanisms, Transportation Research
Part B: A Special Issue "Household Behavior Modeling", edited by H.J.P. TIMMERMANS and Junyi ZHANG,
43, 230-250(①)
Junyi ZHANG, Koji SUTO and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2009) Effects of in-vehicle warning information on
drivers' decelerating and accelerating behaviors near an arch-shaped intersection, Accident Analysis and
Prevention, 41, 948-958(⑤)
Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2009) Intrahousehold interaction in transit-oriented residential
choice behavior represented in stated preference approach, Transportation Research Record, 2134,
H.J.P. TIMMERMANS and Junyi ZHANG (2009) Modeling household activity travel behavior: Examples of
state of the art modeling approaches and research agenda, Transportation Research Part B: A Special
Issue "Household Behavior Modeling", edited by H.J.P. TIMMERMANS and Junyi ZHANG, 43, 187-190(①)
Karen Ann Bianet Jago-on, Shinji KANEKO, Ryo FUJIKURA, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Tsuyoshi IMAI, Toru
(2009) Urbanization and subsurface environmental issues: An attempt at DPSIR model application in Asian
cities, Science of Total Environment (STOTEN), 407 (9), 3089-3104(④)
Xuesong FENG, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2009) Analysis of feedback to obtain steady-state
solutions in four-step modeling, Transportmetrica, 5, 215-227(③)
Xuesong FENG, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2009) Adding a new step with special
autocorrelation to improve the four-step travel demand model with feedback for a developing country,
IATSS (International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences) Research, 33(1), 44-54(③)
新しいセクション 1 - 12 ページ
IATSS (International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences) Research, 33(1), 44-54(③)
72. Makoto CHIKARAISHI, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG and Kay W. AXHAUSEN (2009) Exploring
variation properties of departure time choice behavior using multilevel analysis approach, Transportation
Research Record, 2134, 10-20(①)
73. 張峻屹・箱田祐介・藤原章正(2008) 選択肢間の類似性を考慮したアジアハイウエイ観光周遊行動モデル:日
韓観光客の比較Modeling of touring behavior along the Asian Highway incorporating inter-alternative
similarities: A comparative analysis between Japanese and Korean tourists,土木計画学研究・論文集
Infrastructure Planning Review,25,783-792(②)
74. 桑野将司・藤原章正・張峻屹 (2008) 生存時間モデルによる世帯の自動車走行距離の・E錵stimation of
household car traveling distances using hazard-based duration model,土木計画学研究・論文集
Infrastructure Planning Review,25,623-631(①)
75. Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Soe Thein (2008) Capturing travelers' stated mode choice
preferences under the influence of income in Yangon City, Myanmar, Intelligent Transportation System and
Information Technology, 8(4), 49-62(④)
76. Wonchul KIM, Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Tae Youn JANG and Moon NAMGUNG (2008) Analysis of
stopping behavior at urban signalized intersections: Empirical study in Korea, Transportation Research
Record, 2080, 84-91(⑤)
77. Xuesong FENG, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2008) Exploring sustainable development of a
developing city based on a new integrated model, Intelligent Transportation System and Information
Technology, 8(5), 50-60(③)
78. Tao FENG, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2008) An integrated modeling framework for
environmentally efficient car ownership and trip balance, IATSS (International Association of Traffic and
Safety Sciences) Research, 32(2), 95-108(③)
79. 力石真・張峻屹・藤原章正(2007)活動の自己選択バイアスと活動間の相互作用を考慮した時間配分モデル
の構築Time allocation model incorporating self-selection biases of activity choice and inter-activity
interactions, 都市計画学会学術研究論文集Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, 42 (3),
80. 周藤浩司・藤原章正・張峻屹(2007)交通事故多発区間における運転挙動特性と警告情報の提供による効
果Driving characteristics and the effects of warning traffic information provision at a road section with
frequent occurrence of traffic accidents, 土木計画学研究・論文集Infrastructure Planning Review,Vol.24,
81. 山根公八・張峻屹・藤・エ章正(2007)地方都市のコンパクト化が生活者行動パターンに与える影響:選択肢間
の類似性を考慮した集計型離散選択モデルを用いた分析Influences of city compactness on travel behavior
patterns in a local city: Analysis using an aggregate-type discrete choice model incorporating interalternative similarities,都市計画学会学術研究論文集Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, 42
(3), 595-600(①)
82. 桑野将司・張峻屹・藤原章正・李百鎭・高本圭吾(2007)複数の意思決定ルールを取り入れた世帯離散選択
モデルの開発と車種選択分析への応用Development of household car type choice model incorporating
multiple decision marking rules,土木計画学研究・論文集Infrastructure Planning Review,24(3),
83. 桑野将司・張峻屹・岡英紀・藤原章正(2007)複数ピークのもつ分布形状を取り入れた世帯自動車保有期間
モデルの開発と政策分析への応用Development of household vehicle holding duration model with multiplepeak distributions and application to policy analysis, 都市計画学会学術研究論文集Journal of the City
Planning Institute of Japan, 42 (3), 571-576(①)
84. Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Masashi KUWANO (2007) Modeling group decision-making
mechanisms in household travel behavior: Theories and an application, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society
for Transportation Studies, 7, 654-669(①)
85. Metin SENBIL, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2007) Motorization in Asia: 14 Countries and Three
Metropolitan Areas, IATSS (International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences) Research, 31 (1),
86. Dick SAARLOOS, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2007) The interaction between pedestrians and
facilities in central business districts: An explorative case study, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for
Transportation Studies, 7, 1870-1885(①)
87. Sudarmanto Budi Nugroho, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG and Metin SENBIL (2007) Bivariate probit
model of on-road emission measurement of passenger cars in Jakarta city, Journal of the Eastern Asia
Society for Transportation Studies, 7, 1377-1388(④・j
88. Masashi KUWANO, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2007) Representing household vehicle holding
duration with heterogeneous distributions based on latent class approach, Journal of the Eastern Asia
Society for Transportation Studies, 7, 782-794(①)
89. Ruichun HE, Yinzhen LI, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2007) Analysis and application for urban
新しいセクション 1 - 13 ページ
89. Ruichun HE, Yinzhen LI, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2007) Analysis and application for urban
inhabitant travel demand models, Intelligent Transportation System and Information Technology, 7(6),
90. Xuesong FENG, Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Metin SENBIL (2007) Evaluating environmentally
sustainable urban and transport policies for a developing city based on a travel demand model with
feedback mechanisms, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 7, 751-765(③)
91. Tao FENG, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2007) Modeling the level of environmentally efficient car
ownership, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 7, 1490-1505(③)
92. Tao FENG, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2007) Environmental efficiency analysis of
transportation system: A stochastic frontier approach with flexible cause-effect Structure, Journal of the
Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 7, 1475-1489(③)
93. 張峻屹・藤原章正・桑野将司・杉恵頼寧・李百鎭(2006)集団意思決定メカニズムを考慮した世帯居住地選択
行動の調査とモデル化Survey and model development of household residential choice behavior with group
decision-making mechanisms,都市計画学会学術研究論文集Journal of the City Planning Institute of
Japan, 41(2), 97-102(①)
94. 張峻屹・桑野将司・藤原章正(2006)集団離散選択モデルの比較分析:世帯の車種選択を例にComparative
analyses of group discrete choice models: A case study in the context of household choice of vehicle
type,土木計画学研究・論文集Infrastructure Planning Review,23(2),463-472(①)
95. 張峻屹(2006)世帯行動の分析手法:概念的考察Analysis methods of household behavior: Conceptual
96. 桑野将司・藤原章正・張峻屹・李百鎭(2006)地方都市郊外部における世帯の自動車利用行動の効率性診
断Efficiency diagnostics of household car use in suburbs of local city,都市計画学会学・p研・・_文集Journal
of the City Planning Institute of Japan, 41(3), 157-162(④)
97. Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junichi SAWARA (2006) Multi-Dimensional Timing Decisions: A
Case Study in Tourism Behavior Analysis, Tourism Analysis, 11, 319-330(②)
98. Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2006) Representing household time allocation behavior by
endogenously incorporating diverse intra-household interactions: A case study in the context of elderly
couples, Transportation Research Part B, 40, 54-74(①)
99. Sudarmanto Budi Nugroho, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2006) Analysis of roadside air quality in
Jakarta city: A structural equation approach, JSME (Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers) International
Journal Series B, 49, 8-18(④)
100. 張峻屹・藤原章正・杉恵・株J・山田敏久(2005)世帯内相互作用の異質性を考慮した時間配分モデルの高齢
者交通政策分析への適用可能性Applicability of household time allocation model with heterogeneous intrahousehold interaction to the analysis of transportation policies for the elderly,土木学会論文集Journal of
Infrastructure Planning and Management, 786/IV-67, 53-65(①)
101. 森山昌幸・藤原章正・張峻屹・杉恵頼寧(2005)中山間地域における高齢者対応型公共交通サービスの需要
予測モデルの提案A demand prediction model of transit services for the elderly in rural depopulated areas,
土木学会論文集Journal of Infrastructure Planning and Management, 786/IV-67, 39-51(①)
102. 森山昌幸・藤原章正・張峻屹・杉恵頼寧(2005)中山間地域におけるシームレスな公共交通サービスの分析
Analysis of seamless transit system services in depopulated areas,土木計画学研究・論文集Infrastructure
Planning Review,22,659-666(①)
103. Junyi ZHANG, H.J.P. TIMMERMANS and Aloys BORGERS (2005) A model of household task allocation and
time use, Transportation Research Part B, 39, 81-95(①)
104. Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Makoto CHIKARAISHI (2005) Comparative analysis of travel
patterns in the developing cities based on a hybrid model, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for
Transportation Studies, 6, 4333-4348(・C)
105. Kohachi YAMANE, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2005) Analysis of travel behavior array pattern
by lifestyle incorporating sequential dependencies in a day, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for
Transportation Studies, 6, 91-106(①)
106. Yoriyasu SUGIE, Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Koji SUTO (2005) The effects of a flextime system
on arrival and departure times to and from work, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation
Studies, 6, 1956-1970(④)
107. Sudarmanto Budi Nugroho, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2005) Evaluating the effects of a new
vehicle emission standard on urban air quality in Jakarta city, Journal of International Development and
Cooperation, 11(2), 11-30(④)
108. Masayuki MORIYAMA, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2005) Development of non-monetary
indicators to evaluate public transport services in rural areas, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for
Transportation Studies, 6, 423-439(①)
109. Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG, Backjin LEE and M.R.M. DA CRUZ (2005) Evaluating sustainability of
urban development in developing countries incorporating dynamic cause-effect relationships over time,
新しいセクション 1 - 14 ページ
urban development in developing countries incorporating dynamic cause-effect relationships over time,
Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 6, 4349-4364(④)
Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2005) Development of a scheduling model for car tourists' 1-day
tours, Transportation Research Record, 1921, 100-111(②)
discrete choice model incorporating fuzziness of subjective evaluation data,土木学会論文集Journal of
Infrastructure Planning and Management,765/IV-64, 17-28(①)
的研究Basic study on evaluation of living environments and analysis of household residential attitude
considering intra-household interaction,都市計画学会学術研究論文集Journal of the City Planning
Institute of Japan,39 (3),619-624(①)
現Representing travel choice behavior dynamics based on cross-sectional and longitudinal heterogeneity,
土木学会論文集Journal of Infrastructure Planning and Management,765/IV-64, 3-15(①)
Junyi ZHANG, H.J.P. TIMMERMANS, Aloys BORGERS and Donggen WANG (2004) Modeling traveler choice
behavior using the concepts of relative utility and relative interest, Transportation Research Part B, 38(3),
藤原章正・張峻屹・岡村敏之 (2003) ファジィ理論に基づくCV調査分析法による住区内街路整備の評価
Evaluation of neighborhood street improvements based on fuzzy contingent valuation method,都市計画学
会学術研究論文集Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan,38 (3),505-510(④)
Junyi ZHANG and Hirokazu MONDEN (2003) Transport demand and supply model based on disequilibrium
theory, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 5, 1262-1277(③)
Yoriyasu SUGIE, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2003) A weekend shopping activity participation
model dependent on weekday shopping behavior, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 10 (6),
Masayuki MORIYAMA, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Yoriyasu SUGIE and Junyi ZHANG (2003) Development of a
travel frequency forecasting system for bus service in depopulated areas, Journal of the Eastern Asia
Society for Transportation Studies, 5, 1576-1590(①)
張峻屹・杉恵頼寧・藤原章正・玉置善生 (2002) 相対性効用の概念に基づく交通機関SPパネルデータの分
析Analysis of SP panel data for mode choice based on the concept of relative utility,土木計画学研究・論
文集Infrastructure Planning Review,19 (3),365-374(①)
張峻屹・黒水健 (2002) 多項線形効用関数に基づく個人生活時間配分モデルノ関する基礎的な研究
Individual time allocation model based on multi-linear utility function,都市計画学会学術研究論文集
Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan,37,121-126(①)
張峻屹・Aloys BORGERS・H.J.P. TIMMERMANS (2002) 集団効用関数に薰テく世帯時間配分モデルの開発
及び実証的分析Household time allocation model based on group utility function,土木計画学研究・論文集
Infrastructure Planning Review,19 (3),391-398(①)
杉恵頼寧・張峻屹・岡村敏之・藤原章正・周藤浩司 (2002) フレックスタイム制度の導入が出社・退社時刻選
択行動に及ぼす影響の分析Influence of flextime system on departure time from and arrival time to
workplace,土木計画学研究・論カ集Infrastructure Planning Review, 19, 383-390(④)
Junyi ZHANG, H.J.P. TIMMERMANS and Aloys BORGERS (2002) A utility-maximizing model of household
time use for independent, shared and allocated activities incorporat- ing group decision mechanisms,
Transportation Research Record, 1807, 1-8(①)
Junyi ZHANG, Yoriyasu SUGIE and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2001) A mode choice model separating taste
variation and stated preference reporting bias, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation
Studies, 4(3), 23-38(①)
Yoriyasu SUGIE, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2001) Dynamic travel demand models based on
longitudinal person-trip data, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 4, 3,
杉恵頼寧・藤原章正・森山昌幸・奥村誠・張峻屹 (1999) 道路整備が観光周遊行動に及ぼす影響の分析
Influence of road improvement on touring behavior,土木計画学研究・論文集Infrastructure Planning
Yoriyasu SUGIE, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (1999) Dynamic discrete choice models considering
unobserved heterogeneity with mass point approach, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation
Studies, 3 (5), 245-260(①)
張峻屹・杉恵頼寧・藤原章正 (1998) 週末買物交通発生モデルに関する研究A weekend shopping trip
frequency model span,土木計画学研究・・_・カ集Infrastructure Planning Review,15,629-637(①)
杉恵頼寧・張峻屹・藤原章正・宮地武志 (1998) 嗜好とSPデータの回答バイアスを分離した交通機関選択モ
デルA mode choice model separating taste variation and stated preference reporting error, 土木計画学研
究・論文集Infrastructure Planning Review,15,609-617(①
新しいセクション 1 - 15 ページ
究・論文集Infrastructure Planning Review,15,609-617(①
130. 藤原章正・杉恵頼寧・張峻屹・重松史生 (1997) Duration Modelによるパーク・アンド・ライド社会実験への参
加s動の分析Analysis of attending behavior to part-and-ride experimental scheme using duration model,土
木計画学研究・論文集Infrastructure Planning Review,14,671-678(④)
131. 藤原章正・杉恵頼寧・」峻屹 (1996) Mass Point手法による交通機関選好モデルの消耗及び回答バイアスの
修正To correct panel attrition and reporting biases in travel mode choice model based on mass point
approach,土木計画学研究・論文集Infrastructure Planning Review,13,587-594(①)
132. 杉恵頼寧・張峻屹・藤原章正 (1996) Mass Point手法により非観測異質性を考慮した交通機関選択のダイナ
ミックモデルA dynamic mode choice model considering unobserved heterogeneity based on mass point
approach,土木計画学研究・論文集Infrastructure Planning Review, 13, 623-632(①)
133. 杉恵頼寧・張峻屹・藤原章正 (1995) 多時点集計型交通需要予測モデルの開発Development of travel
demand models using repeated cross-sectional data,土木学会論文集Journal of Infrastructure Planning
and Management,524/IV-29,93-104(③)
134. 杉恵頼寧・張峻屹・藤原章正 (1995) 個人の異質性による交通機関選択モデルの構造分析Structural
analysis of travel mode choice model with individual heterogeneity,土木計画学研究・論文集Infrastructure
Planning Review,12,425-434(①)
Refereed Papers of University Journals: 6 papers
1. Md. Moshiur RAHMAN, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG and Hiroshi SHIMAMOTO (2010) Evaluation of
environmental emission for optimization of highway improvement program, Journal of International
Development and Cooperation, 16 (2), 39-53(④)
2. Asif AHMED, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2010) Land transport sector in Bangladesh: an
analysis towards motivating GHG emission reduction strategies, Journal of International Development and
Cooperation, 16 (2), 55-68(④)
3. Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Metin SENBIL, Chunfu SHAO and Jifu GUO (2005) Measuring capacity
indicators of civil society for environmental management in Beijing based on an attitudinal survey, Journal
of International Development and Cooperation, 11(2), 67-86(④)
4. Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA and M.R.M. DA CRUZ (2005) Social capacity indicators for
environmental management: A case study in transport sector using macro-level data, Journal of
International Development and Cooperation, 11(2), 51-65(④)
5. Metin SENBIL, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2005) Dynamic process model of social capacity
development for environmental management, Journal of International Development and Cooperation, 11(2),
6. 杉恵頼寧・張峻屹・藤原章正 (1994) 時系列的な要素を考慮した交通需要予測モデルの開発~多時点パー
ソントリップデータを用いて~Development of a travel demand prediction model considering time series
elements: Using a longitudinal person-trip data,広島大学工学部研究報告,第43巻第1号, 77-87(③)
Refereed Papers of Proceedings of International Conferences: 138 papers (3 papers under review)
1. Yubing XIONG, Junyi ZHANG (2014) Applying the life-oriented approach to evaluate the influence of
residential and travel behavior on quality of life. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Traffic
and Transportation Studies, Shaoxing, China, August 1-2 (under review) (①)
2. Arie Dipareza Syafei, Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA (2014) Spatial and temporal factors of air quality
in Surabaya City: An analysis based on a multilevel model. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference
on Traffic and Transportation Studies, Shaoxing, China, August 1-2 (under review) (④)
3. Tran Minh TU, Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA (2014) Analyzing the future potential for motorcycle as
access mode to urban railway stations in Hanoi, Vietnam. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference
on Traffic and Transportation Studies, Shaoxing, China, August 1-2 (under review) (④)
4. Junyi ZHANG (2014) Necessity of Developing a Life-Oriented Approach for Representing Residential Selfselection. Compendium of Papers CD-ROM, the 93rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research
Board, Washington D.C., January 12-16 (①)
5. Yubing XIONG, Junyi ZHANG (2014) How do residential environment and travel behavior influence people's
life satisfaction? Bayesian network analysis. Compendium of Papers CD-ROM, the 93rd Annual Meeting of
the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 12-16 (①)
6. Gang LI, Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Xiaobin ZHANG, Feng HONG (2013) Social aspects of
paratransit policy making: analysis of paratransit service supply and drivers' life satisfaction. Compendium of
Papers CD-ROM, the 93rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C.,
January 12-16 (④)
7. Ying JIANG, Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Hisanori TOMITAKA, Takashi MATSUSHITA (2013)
新しいセクション 1 - 16 ページ
7. Ying JIANG, Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Hisanori TOMITAKA, Takashi MATSUSHITA (2013)
Analysis of the occurrence and clearance time of traffic congestion caused by accidents on expressways
based on a copula modeling approach. Proceedings of The 18th International Conference of Hong Kong
Society for Transportation Studies, December 14-16.(⑤)
8. Ying JIANG, Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Hisanori TOMITAKA, Takashi MATSUSHITA (2013) Effects
of individualized dynamic travel information on drivers’ adaptation behavior to the occurrence of traffic
accidents. Proceedings of the 20th ITS World Congress TOKYO 2013, October 22-26 (⑤)
9. Arie Dipareza SYAFEI, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG (2013) A comparative study on NO concentration
interpolation in Surabaya City, Proceedings of the 10th Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies,
Taipei, September 9-12 (in press) (④)
10. Junyi ZHANG (2013) A generalized relative utility based choice model with multiple context dependencies.
Paper Presented at the International Choice Modelling Conference 2013, Sydney, July 3 ? 5 (①)
11. Junyi ZHANG, Biying YU and Harry TIMMERMANS (2013) Extending Relative Utility Model with Multiple
Reference Points to Incorporate Asymmetric, Non-Linear Response Curvature. Compendium of Papers
CD-ROM, the 92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January
12. Hui ZHANG and Junyi ZHANG (2013) A Nested Tourist Time Use and Expenditure Behavior Model with
Multi-Destination Visit Based on Pair Copula. Compendium of Papers CD-ROM, the 92nd Annual Meeting
of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 13-17(②)
13. Lingling WU and Junyi ZHANG (2013) Representing the influence of multiple social interactions on monthly
tourism participation behavior. Compendium of Papers CD-ROM, the 92nd Annual Meeting of the
Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 13-17(②)
14. Sudarmanto Budi NUGROHO, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2013) Does Paratransit Drivers' Low
Job Satisfaction Lead to Job Mobility? A case study of taxi-like paratransit drivers in Jakarta city.
Compendium of Papers CD-ROM, the 92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board,
Washington D.C., January 13-17(④)
15. Qingchang LU, Zhongren PENG and Junyi ZHANG (2013) Criticality prioritization of transportation
infrastructure under flooding in coastal areas. Compendium of Papers CD-ROM, the 92nd Annual Meeting
of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 13-17(④)
16. Masashi KUWANO, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG and Makoto TSUKAI (2013) Analysis of household
vehicle usage and ownership under different taxation policies. Compendium of Papers CD-ROM, the 92nd
Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 13-17(④)
17. Makoto CHIKARAISHI, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Masashi Kuwano and Junyi ZHANG (2013) Functionings
enhanced by social networks in elder's activity participations: The capability approach. Compendium of
Papers CD-ROM, the 92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C.,
January 13-17(①)
18. Widyarini WENINGTYAS, Hiroshi SHIMAMOTO, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2012) Sensitivity
analysis of paratransit network optimization for transportation planning in developing cities. Proceedings of
17th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, Hong Kong, December
15-17, 639-646(③)
19. Widyarini WENINGTYAS, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2012) A multilevel analysis on link
performance functions for paratransit networks in Bandung City, Indonesia. Proceedings of 17th
International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, Hong Kong, December 15-17,
20. Junyi ZHANG, Backjin LEE, Hiroshi SHIMAMOTO and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2012) Trip makers' needs for
the next-generation travel information: A comparison between Japan and Korea. Paper accepted by the
13th World Conference on Transportation Research, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 15-18 (CD-ROM)(④)
21. Junyi ZHANG (2013) Testing a participatory self-declaring travel dairy survey method in a small-sized
Japanese city. Paper accepted by the 13th World Conference on Transportation Research, Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil, July 15-18 (CD-ROM)(①)
22. Junyi ZHANG (2013) Urban forms and health promotion: An evaluation based on health-related QOL
indicators. Paper accepted by the 13th World Conference on Transportation Research, Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil, July 15-18 (CD-ROM)(①)
23. Masashi KUWANO, Tastunori NAKAGAWA and Junyi ZHANG (2013) Copula modelling approaches to jointly
represent tourists' time use and expenditure behaviour. Selected Proceedings of the 13th World
Conference on Transportation Research, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 15-18 (CD-ROM)(①)
24. Makoto Chikaraishi, Akimasa Fujiwara, Masato Ueda and Junyi ZHANG (2013) Panel analysis of behavioural
modifications by the Great East Japan Earthquake. Paper accepted by the 13th World Conference on
Transportation Research, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 15-18 (CD-ROM)(①)
25. 楠橋康広・張峻屹・藤原章正(2012)ITS技術を活用した高速道路における車内注意喚起情報提供の効果
新しいセクション 1 - 17 ページ
25. 楠橋康広・張峻屹・藤原章正(2012)ITS技術を活用した高速道路における車内注意喚起情報提供の効果
Effects of ITS-based in-vehicle traffic warning information for use of expressways,交通工学研究発表会論
文報告集Selected Proceedings of Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Traffic Engineers, 32, 403-408(⑤)
26. Ngoc Linh TRAN, Makoto CHIKARAISHI, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2012) Impacts of
residential neighborhood and origin-destination land use patterns on mode choice behavior. P Proceedings
of the International Symposium on City Planning 2012, August 23-25 (CD-ROM)(④)
27. Widyarini WENINGTYAS, Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Sudarmanto Budi NUGROHO and Makoto
CHIKARAISHI (2012) Evaluation of paratransit services from the perspective of environmental impacts and
drivers' quality of life. Proceedings of the International Symposium on City Planning 2012, August 23-25,
133-143 (CD-ROM)(④)
28. Ying JIANG and Junyi ZHANG (2012) Chinese drivers' multitasking behavior during driving and accident
involvement: An analysis linked with aberrant driving behavior and unsafe driving propensity. Proceedings of
the International Symposium on City Planning 2012, August 23-25 (CD-ROM)(⑤)
29. Le Anh SON, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2012) The MATLAB toolbox for GPS data to
calculate motorcycle emission in Hanoi - Vietnam. Proceedings of 2012 International Conference on
Chemical Engineering and Applications, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 5-6(④)
30. Junyi ZHANG, Biying YU and Mokoto CHIKARAISHI (2012) A dynamic analysis of biographical interactions
of households' total mobilities based on a life history survey data. Paper presented at the 13th International
Conference on Travel Behavior Research, Canada, July 15-19(①)
31. Biying YU, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2012) Comparative analysis on two types of multiple
discrete-continuous models in the context of household energy consumption behavior. Paper presented at
the 13th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research, Canada, July 15-19(①)
32. Ngoc Linh TRAN, Makoto CHIKARAISHI, Sudarmanto Budi NUGROHO, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa
FUJIWARA (2012) Context dependencies of travel behavior: A case study on motorcycle owners' bus usage
and non-motorcycle owners' motorcycle usage in Hanoi. Paper presented at the 13th International
Conference on Travel Behavior Research, Canada, July 15-19(④)
33. Sudarmanto Budi NUGROHO, Makoto CHIKARAISHI, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2012)
Exploring taxi-like paratransit drivers' behavior of stopping service in Jakarta city. Paper presented at the
13th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research, Canada, July 15-19(④)
34. Makoto CHIKARAISHI, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Masashi KUWANO, Junyi ZHANG (2012) Elder's social network
and mobility support resources: Similarities/differences and their impacts on activity-travel patterns. Paper
presented at the 13th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research, Canada, July 15-19(①)
35. Sudarmanto Budi Nugroho, Makoto CHIKARAISHI, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2012) Exploring
variation of trip fares by taxi-like paratransits services in Jakarta City: A Multilevel Analysis. Compendium
of Papers CD-ROM, the 91th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.,
January 22-26(④)
36. Ngoc Linh TRAN, Makoto CHIKARAISHI, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2012) Exploring day-today variations in bus usage behavior of motorcycle owners in Hanoi. Traffic and Transportation Studies
2012 ASCE (Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies),
Changsha, China, August 1-3 (CD-ROM)(④)
37. Sudarmanto Budi Nugroho, Makoto CHIKARAISHI, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2012) Exploring
variation of trip fares by taxi-like paratransits services in Jakarta City: A Multilevel Analysis. Compendium
of Papers CD-ROM, the 91th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.,
January 22-26(④)
38. Biying YU, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2011) Mining household car ownership and usage
behavior based on rough set theory: A case study of Beijing. Proceedings of the International Symposium
on City Planning 2011, 283-292(①)
39. Sudarmanto Budi NUGROHO, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2011) Comparison analysis of repair
versus replacement in the maintenance of non-compliance vehicle in Jakarta City, Proceedings of the
Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 8, 158-172(④)
40. Gang LI, Junyi ZHANG, Sudarmanto Budi NUGROHO and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2011) Paratransit users'
perception on service quality and life satisfaction in developing countries: An analysis based on structural
equation modeling. Selected Proceedings of Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Traffic Engineers(④)
41. Gang LI, Junyi ZHANG, Sudarmanto Budi NUGROHO and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2011) Effects of availability
of paratransit and car on travel mode choice behavior in a developing city: An evaluation based on stated
preference survey and discrete choice model with captivity. Selected Proceedings of Annual Meeting of
Japan Society of Traffic Engineers(④)
42. Wonchul, KIM, Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Moon NAMGUNG (2011) Evaluation of the effects of
in-vehicle real-time traffic safety warning information incorporating the influence of short-term memory:
Model development and application, Compendium of Papers CD-ROM, the 90th Annual Meeting of the
新しいセクション 1 - 18 ページ
Model development and application, Compendium of Papers CD-ROM, the 90th Annual Meeting of the
Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 23-27 (CD-ROM)(⑤)
Wonchul, KIM, Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Soo Beom LEE (2011) Effects of in-vehicle traffic
warning information under heterogeneous driving situations, Compendium of Papers CD-ROM, the 90th
Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 23-27 (CD-ROM)(⑤)
Makoto CHIKARAISHI, Ngoc Linh TRAN, Junyi ZHANG, Sudarmanto Budi NUGROHO and Akimasa
FUJIWARA (2011) Can motorcycle alleviate coupling constraints : A case study of child effect on parents'
travel behavior in Hanoi city. Proceedings of the International Symposium on City Planning 2011,
A.H.M. Mehbub, ANWAR, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2011) Newly developed link performance
functions incorporating the influence of on-street occupancy for developing cities: Study on Dhaka City of
Bangladesh, Compendium of Papers CD-ROM, the 90th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research
Board, Washington, D.C., January 23-27 (CD-ROM)(④)
動意向に及ぼす影響Influence of Driving Propensity on Stated Driving Behavior on Expressway Responding
to Traffic Warning Information,第9回ITSシンポジウムProceedings of the 9th ITS Symposium(CD-ROM)
響の評価Influence of ITS technologies and existing traffic safety measures on drivers' safe driving
intention, 交通工学研究発表会論文報告集Selected Proceedings of Annual Meeting of Japan Society of
Traffic Engineers, 30, 97-100(⑤)
Junyi ZHANG and H.J.P. TIMMERMANS (2010) A Scobit-based travel mode choice model, Proceedings of
the 2010 Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon, USA, May 26 ~ 29(①)
Kuo-Ching WANG, Ying-Zhi GUO, Junyi ZHANG, Yu-Shan LIN and Ya-Fang HUNG (2010) Outbound Group
Package Tours: Three Years' Experiences in Japan, Taiwan and China, Proceedings of 2010 Global
Marketing Conference at Tokyo "Marketing in a Turbulent Environment", 1617-1630, Tokyo, Japan,
September 9-11 (CD-ROM)(②)
Sudarmanto Budi Nugroho, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2010) The influence of BRT on the
ambient PM10 concentration at roadside sites of Trans Jakarta Corridors, Procedia Environmental Science,
2, ISEIS (International Society for Environmental Information Sciences) 2010 International Conference on
Environmental Informatics, 914-924(④)
Gang LI, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2010) A comparative analysis of travel patterns of
paratransit usage in developing cities, 交通工学研究発表会論文報告集Selected Proceedings of Annual
Meeting of Japan Society of Traffic Engineers, 30, 221-224・Ei・C・j
Xuesong FENG, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG, X.J. NIU and Yoshitsugu HAYASHI (2010) Backcasting
assessment of strategies for efficiently sustainable urban transport developments of developing cities,
Traffic and Transportation Studies 2010 ASCE (Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Traffic
and Transportation Studies, Kunming, China, August 3-5), 13-26(③)
ムに向けた行動学的評価Behavioral evaluation for user-friendly multi-modal travel information guidance
system,第8回ITSシンポジウムProceedings of the 8th ITS Symposium(CD-ROM)(④)
characteristics of activity pattern classification methods focusing on activity sequences,交通工学研究発
表会論文報告集Selected Proceedings of Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Traffic
楠橋康広・藤原章正・張峻屹(2009)高速道路の長い下り勾配区間における速度抑制対策の効果Effects of
speed reduction measures on long downward slope sections of expressways,交通工学研究発表会論文報
告集Selected Proceedings of Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Traffic Engineers, 29, 1-4(⑤)
Junyi ZHANG, Hui ZHANG, Lingling WU and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2009) Representing tourists' contextsensitive time use and expenditure behavior, Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference, Asia Pacific
Tourism Association (APTA), Incheon, Korea, July 9-12 (CD-ROM)(②)
Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Motohiro UNO (2009) Is trip-making utility positive or negative? - A
preliminary examination based on day reconstruction method -, Proceedings of the 12th International
Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, December 13-18 (CD-ROM)(①)
Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Hiroyuki HINOHARA (2009) How to aggregate individual preferences
into group choice? - A series of modeling comparisons based on stated preference survey -, Proceedings
of the 12th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, December
13-18 (CD-ROM)(①)
Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2009) A Comparative modeling analysis of household time allocation
behavior using a large-scale national time use data in Japan, Compendium of Papers CD-ROM, the 88th
新しいセクション 1 - 19 ページ
behavior using a large-scale national time use data in Japan, Compendium of Papers CD-ROM, the 88th
Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, January 11-15, 2009, Washington, D.C. (CD-ROM)
Junyi ZHANG (2009) Subjective well-being and activity-travel behavior analysis: Applying day
reconstruction method to explore affective experience during travel, Proceedings of The 14th International
Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, Hong Kong, December 10-12, Vol. 2,
Lingling WU, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2009) A model of heterogeneously nested structure of
tourists' destination and travel party choices, Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference, Asia Pacific
Tourism Association (APTA), Incheon, Korea, July 9-12 (CD-ROM)(②)
Zhuo WANG, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2009) Evaluating the effects of dynamic travel
information on driver's stated departure time and route choice behaviors in Beijing, China, Proceedings of
International Symposium on Urban Planning 2009, Tainan, Taiwan, August 26-28, 219-228(④)
Zhuo WANG, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2009) Drivers' willingness-to-pay for personal
navigation device in Beijing, 交通工学研究発表会論文報告集Selected Proceedings of Annual Meeting of
Japan Society of Traffic Engineers,29,309-312(④)
H.J.P. TIMMERMANS and Junyi ZHANG (2009) Analyses of multi-tasking on public buses during work
commute using support vector machines and boosted regression trees, Proceedings of the 14th
International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, Hong Kong, December 10-12,
Vol. 2, 549-558(④)
Joyce SOO, Junyi ZHANG, Henk F.L. OTTENS and Dick ETTEMA (2009) Household time allocation and
Interaction: A comparison of households with and without young children, Compendium of Papers CD-ROM,
the 88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, January 11-15, 2009, Washington, D.C.
Hiroshi SHIMAMOTO, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2009) An effective algorithm to detect the
similarities of activity-travel patterns incorporating activity sequence and its duration, Proceedings of the
12th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, December 13-18
Md. Saidur RAHMAN, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2009) The influence of socioeconomic
characteristics and spatial environments on travel behavior in Dhaka city, Compendium of Papers CD-ROM,
the 88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, January 11-15, 2009, Washington, D.C.
Wonchul KIM, Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Yasuhiro KUSUHASHI (2009 Exploring dynamics in
driving risk factors for repeated driving behavior, 交通工学研究発表会論文報告集Selected Proceedings of
Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Traffic Engineers,29,97-100(⑤)
Wonchul KIM, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2009) Effects of in-vehicle real-time traffic safety
warning information: an evaluation based on drivers' short-term memory and driving experience,
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India,
December 13-18 (CD-ROM)(⑤)
Wonchul KIM, Dick SAARLOOS, Junhan CHO, Soo Beom LEE, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA
(2009) Formation, influence of traffic signal location on driver braking maneuver at urban signalized
intersections: Lessons from a Korean case, Compendium of Papers CD-ROM, the 88th Annual Meeting of
the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 11-15 (CD-ROM)(⑤)
Masashi KUWANO, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Makoto TSUKAI and Junyi ZHANG (2009) Joint modeling of
household vehicle holding duration and usage with a copula-based multivariate survival model, Proceedings
of the 12th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, December
13-18 (CD-ROM)(①)
Tao FENG, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2009) A comparison of transportation network
optimization with different equity measures using bi-level programming approach, Compendium of Papers
CD-ROM, the 88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, January 11-15, 2009,
Washington, D.C. (CD-ROM)(③)
Makoto CHIKARAISHI, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2009) An analysis of the long-term changes
of cross-sectional variations in Japanese time use behavior using multilevel multiple discrete-continuous
extreme value model, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research,
Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, December 13-18 (CD-ROM)(①)
Makoto CHIKARAISHI, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG and Kay W. AXHAUSEN (2009) Decomposing
variations and co-variations in discrete travel choice behavior with multilevel cross-classified logit model,
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India,
December 13-18 (CD-ROM)(①)
Zhuo WANG, Junyi ZHANG, Ryuichi KITAMURA and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2008) Modeling heterogeneous
新しいセクション 1 - 20 ページ
75. Zhuo WANG, Junyi ZHANG, Ryuichi KITAMURA and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2008) Modeling heterogeneous
dynamics in departure time choice behavior during a social experiment of discounting the tolls of the
Hanshin expressway, Proceedings of International Symposium on City Planning 2008, 443-452, Jeonju,
Korea, August 21-23(①)
76. Hiroshi SHIMAMOTO, Shinya NISHIO, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2008): Analysis of interpersonal and intra-personal similarities of activity-travel patterns in a depopulated area of Japan,
Proceedings of International Symposium on City Planning 2008, 949-958, Jeonju, Korea, August 21-23(①)
77. Metin SENBIL, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2008) Child effect on household non-commute trips,
Compendium of Papers CD-ROM, the 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board,
Washington D.C., January 13-17(①)
78. Gang LI, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2008) Applying expectation maximization method to impute
item non-responses in person-trip survey for an aggregate travel mode choice model in developing
countries, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Traffic & Transportation Studies, 155-164,
Nanning, China, August 5-7(④)
79. Wonchul KIM, Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Makoto CHIKARAISHI (2008) Impact of in-vehicle
real-time traffic safety warning information on driving stability at limited signal visibility approaches: Use of
an ordered probit model, Proceedings of the 11th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent
Transportation Systems, Beijing, China, October 12-15 (CD-ROM)(⑤)
80. Ruichun HE, Yinzhen LI, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2008) Travel choice analysis of stochastic
transfer in urban public transport systems: Theory and application, Proceedings of the 6th International
Conference on Traffic & Transportation Studies, 334-341, Nanning, China, August 5-7(④)
81. Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG and Koji SUTO (2008) Evaluation of the effects of a warning information
system on reducing traffic accidents based on a social experiment in Hiroshima, Japan, Proceedings of the
6th International Conference on Traffic & Transportation Studies, 26-53, Nanning, China, August 5-7(⑤)
82. Xuesong FENG, Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Jifu GUO and Metin SENBIL (2008) Exploring
Sustainable Urban Form of Beijing with an Integrated Model, Proceedings of the 6th International
Conference on Traffic & Transportation Studies, 111-120, Nanning, China, August 5-7(③)
83. Tao FENG, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2008): A comparative evaluation on different equity
measures for transportation system: sensitivity analysis on road network design, Proceedings of
International Symposium on City Planning 2008, 927-936, Jeonju, Korea, August 21-23(③)
84. Makoto CHIKARAISHI Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2008) Analysis of school participation in
Dhaka city of Bangladesh based on a time allocation model with endogenous activity generation,
Proceedings of International Symposium on City Planning 2008, 620-629, Jeonju, Korea, August 21-23(①)
85. Aloys BORGERS, Chang-Hyeon JOH, Astrid KEMPERMAN, Shigeyuki KUROSE, Dick SAARLOOS, Junyi
ZHANG, Wei ZHU and H.J.P. TIMMERMANS (2008) Alternative ways of measuring activities and movement
patterns of transients in urban areas: International experiences, Proceedings of the 8th International
Conference on Survey Methods in Trans- port: Harmonisation and Data Comparability, Annecy, France,
May 25-31. (CD-ROM)(①)
86. 山根公八・張峻屹・E藤原章正(2007)地方都市における交通行動パターンの分類に関する試みStudy on
travel pattern classification in local cities,交通工学研究発表会論文報告集Selected Proceedings of
Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Traffic Engineers,27, 189-192(①)
87. 周藤浩司・藤原章正・張峻屹(2007)橋詰交差点付近での動的警告情報がドライバーの運転挙動に与える影
響Influence of dynamic warning traffic information on driving behavior at an intersection nearby a bridge,交
通工学研究発表会論文報告集Selected Proceedings of Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Traffic
Engineers,27, 133-136(⑤)
88. 周藤浩司・藤原章正・張峻屹(2007)クレスト部近接交差点における運転挙動の空間分析と車内警告情報に
よる影響Spatial analysis of driving behavior at an intersection nearby a bridge and effects of in-vehicle
warning information,第6回ITSシンポジウムProceedings of the 6th ITS Symposium (CD-ROM)(⑤)
89. Junyi ZHANG, H.J.P. TIMMERMANS, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Masaru OSEDO (2007) A model of household
time allocation behavior with endogenously determined balance of power, Proceedings of the 12th
International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, 235-244(①)
90. Junyi ZHANG, H.J.P. TIMMERMANS and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2007) A household time allocation model with
behavioral interdependency between weekday and weekend, Proceedings of the 11th World Conference on
Transport Research, California, USA, June 24-28 (CD-ROM)(①)
91. Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2007) Exploring Japanese tourists' choice behaviors of tour plans
along the Asian highway based on a paired combinatorial logit model with stated preference data,
Proceedings of the 5th APac-CHRIE and the 13th APTA Joint Conference, Beijing, May 24-27 (CD-ROM)
92. Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2007) Urban governance of packaging environmentally sustainable
transport policies: indicator development and application, Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for
新しいセクション 1 - 21 ページ
transport policies: indicator development and application, Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for
Transportation Studies, 167-184(④)
Dick SAARLOOS, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2007) A multi-agent model for supporting CBD
regeneration based on pedestrian distributions: Framework and numerical simulations, Proceedings of the
11th World Conference on Transport Research, California, USA, June 24-28 (CD-ROM)(①)
Metin SENBIL, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2007) Motorcycle Ownership and Use in
Metropolitan Area of Jabotabek, Indonesia. Compendium of Papers CD-ROM, the 86th Annual Meeting of
the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 21-25(④)
Metin SENBIL, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2007) Examining Land Use Effects on Travel
Behavior in Jabotabek, Indonesia, Metropolitan Area. Compendium of Papers CD-ROM, the 86th Annual
Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 21-25(④)
Tao FENG, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2007) Analysis of energy consumption efficiency in
transport sector using a multiple-output stochastic frontier model with flexible cause-effect structure,
Proceedings of the 11th World Conference on Transport Research, California, USA, June 24-28 (CD-ROM)
evaluation method for local city policy-making focusing on travel behavior patterns and its applicationC交通
工学研究発表会論文報告集Selected Proceedings of Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Traffic
Engineers,26, 137-140(①・j
える影響Effects of traffic information provision on dangerous driving behavior and drivers' attitudes,交通
工学研究発表会論文報告集Selected Proceedings of Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Traffic
Engineers,26, 9-12(⑤)
Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA, H.J.P. TIMMERMANS, Backjin LEE and Theo ARENTZE (2006) Multidimensional timing decision model of household activity-travel behavior with endogenous coupling
constraints, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Kyoto, Japan,
August 16-20 (CD-ROM)(①)
Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2006) Measuring social capacity for environmental management in
transport sector in Beijing based on an attitudinal survey from the perspective of civil society, Proceedings
of the 12th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference, Hong Kong, April 6-8 (CDROM)(④)
Kohachi YAMANE, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2006) Choice of travel patterns: Cause-effect
analysis, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies, 207-216,
Xi'an, China, August 2-4(①)
Kuo-Ching WANG, Yingzhi GUO, Junyi ZHANG and Po-Chen JAO (2006) Inherent risks for group package
tour leaders: What and Why, Proceedings of the International Conference on Tourism and the New Asia:
Implications for Research, Policy and Practice, 607-619, Beijing, August 9-12 (CD-ROM)(②)
Sudarmanto Budi Nugroho, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2006) A Comparative analysis of
surface ozone patterns at different land use types in Jakarta city based on a structural equation model
with latent variables, Compendium of Papers CD-ROM, the 85th Annual Meeting of the Transportation
Research Board, Washington D.C., January 22-26(④)
Masashi KUWANO, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG and Backjin LEE (2006) Evaluating efficiency of
household vehicle use, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation
Studies, Xi'an, China, August 2-4, 268-277(①)
Backjin LEE, H.J.P. TIMMERMANS, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2006) A generalized multi-state
hidden Markov extension model for multi-state activity episode durations, Proceedings of the 11th
International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Kyoto, Japan, August 16-20 (CD-ROM)(①)
Jingxian JIANG, Yingzhi GUO, Kuo-Ching WANG and Junyi ZHANG (2006) The Current status of Shanghai's
MICE industry and its marketing strategies, Proceedings of the International Conference on Tourism and
the New Asia: Implications for Research, Policy and Practice, 257-264, Beijing, August 9-12 (CD-ROM)(②)
Xuesong FENG, Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Metin SENBIL, Backjin LEE and Tao FENG (2006) A
travel demand prediction model with feedback for Jabodetabek metropolitan area, Indonesia, Proceedings of
the 6th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies, 535-546, Xi'an, China, August
Tao FENG, Zhongzhen YANG, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2006) Modeling pollutant
concentration based on the technique of artificial neural network, Proceedings of the 6th International
Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies, 299-309, Xi'an, China, August 2-4(③)
Tao FENG, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG, Backjin LEE and Zhongzhen YANG (2006) An evolutionary
neural network approach for estimation of pollutant concentration, Proceedings of Joint 3rd International
Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 7th International Symposium on advanced
新しいセクション 1 - 22 ページ
Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 7th International Symposium on advanced
Intelligent Systems, Tokyo, Japan, September 20-24(③)
Qin FANG, Yoriyasu SUGIE, Zhongzhen YANG and Junyi ZHANG (2006) Transit-Oriented Development and
its Application in GuiYang, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation
Studies, 246-255, Xi'an, China, August 2-4(④)
Yong CHEN, Yingzhi GUO, Kuo-Ching WANG and Junyi ZHANG (2006) Chinese outbound tourism market:
Development analysis and marketing strategies, Proceedings of the International Conference on Tourism
and the New Asia: Implications for Research, Policy and Practice, 45-50, Beijing, August 9-12 (CD-ROM)
マート2マイル広島の取り組み-Smart-2 Miles Hiroshima Project: A Comprehensive Application of ITS
technologies to Enhance Traffic Safety at Successive Intersections,第26回日本道路会議論文集
Proceedings of the 26th Annual Meeting of Japan Road Association (CD-ROM)(⑤)
Junyi ZHANG, H.J.P. TIMMERMANS and Aloys BORGERS (2005) Comparative analysis of married couples'
task and time allocation behavior on weekdays vs. weekends, Compendium of Papers CD-ROM, the 84th
Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 9-13(①)
Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Tatsuo KUSAKABE (2005) A new discrete choice model with
endogenous generation of choice set based on the principle of relative utility maximization, Compendium of
Papers CD-ROM, the 84th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C.,
January 9-13(①)
Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Noriyuki ISHIKAWA (2005) Developing a new activity-trip scheduling
model based on utility of timing incorporating timing constraints, censored timing and sequential correlation,
Compendium of Papers CD-ROM, the 84th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board,
Washington D.C., January 9-13(①)
Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2005) Using stated preference approach as a tool of transportation
planning and policy analysis: Theory and applications, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of
Chinese Transportation Professionals, North America Chinese Transportation Association (NACOTA),
401-427, Xi'an, China, June 25-26(①)
Weijie WANG, Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Moon NAMGUNG (2005) Time series forecasts of
international travel demand from Japan to Korea, Proceedings of Annual Summer Conference of Korean
Society of Transportation, 123-128(②)
Metin SENBIL, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2005) Residential and travel mode choices in the
developing world: A comparative study of eleven developing cities, Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society
for Transportation Studies, 5, 2463 -2469(④)
Metin SENBIL, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2005) Development of a choice model for evaluating
sustainable urban form, Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 5,
Masashi KUWANO, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2005) Analysis of ownership behavior of lowemission passenger cars in local Japanese cities, Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for
Transportation Studies, 5, 1379-1393(④)
藤原章正・張峻屹(2004)途上国都市の持続可能性に与える社会的環境管理能力の影響評価Evaluation of
effects of social capacity for environmental management on sustainable development in developing cities,
国際開発学会第15回全国大会論文報告集Proceedings of the 15th Annual Meeting of The Japan Society
For International Development, 214-217(④)
Junyi ZHANG, H.J.P. TIMMERMANS and Aloys BORGERS (2004) Model structure kernel for household task
and time allocation incorporating household interaction and inter-activity dependency, Compendium of
Papers CD-ROM, the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C.,
January 11-15(①)
Junyi ZHANG, Yoriyasu SUGIE, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Koji SUTO (2004) A dynamic bivariate orderedprobit model system to evaluate the effects of introducing flexible working hour system, Selected
Proceedings of the 10th World Conference on Transport Research, Istanbul, Turkey, July 4-8 (CD-ROM)
Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2004) Evaluating the effects of multi-modal travel information
based on a discrete choice model with unequal and asymmetric structure, Proceedings of the 11th World
Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, Nagoya, Japan, October 18-24 (CD-ROM)(④)
Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2004) Development of methodology for analyzing travel patterns in
the context of developing countries. Traffic and Transportation Studies, Proceedings of ICTTS 2004
(International Conference on Traffic and Transporta- tion Studies), Mao, B., Tian, Z. and Sun, Q. (eds.),
222-234, Science Press, Beijing(④・j
Toshiyuki OKAMURA, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2004) Finding behavioral rules of urban public
新しいセクション 1 - 23 ページ
126. Toshiyuki OKAMURA, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2004) Finding behavioral rules of urban public
transport passengers by using boarding records of integrated stored fare card system, Proceedings of the
10th World Conference on Transport Research, Istanbul, Turkey, July 4-8 (CD-ROM)(④)
127. Daniel MABAZZA, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2004) An analysis of activity-travel patterns in a
developing country: The case of Metro Manila, Proceedings of the 10th World Conference on Transport
Research, Istanbul, Turkey, July 4-8 (CD-ROM)(④)
128. Backjin LEE, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG and Moon NAMGUNG (2004) Development of mode choice
behavior models with incomplete sample data, Proceedings of the 10th World Conference on Transport
Research, Istanbul, Turkey, July 4-8 (CD-ROM)(①)
129. Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG and M.R.M. DA CRUZ (2004) Society capacity evaluation for urban air
quality management in the context of urban and transportation planning, Invited Paper by the 9th National
Convention on Civil Engineering, Thailand, May 19-21(④)
130. Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG and Shinji ODAKA (2004) Evaluating the effects of multi-modal travel
information based on the principle of relative utility maximization, Selected Proceedings of the 10th World
Conference on Transport Research, Istanbul, Turkey, July 4-8 (CD-ROM)(④)
131. Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG, Backjin LEE and Masashi KUWANO (2004) Development of a fuzzy
contingent valuation method to assess amenity improvement of a neighborhood street, Selected
Proceedings of the 10th World Conference on Transport Research, Istanbul, Turkey, July 4-8 (CD-ROM)
132. 張峻屹・藤原章正・岡村敏之・尾高慎二 (2003) 選択肢評価構造の不均一性を考慮したマルチモーダル情報
提供効果の評価Effects of multi-modal travel information considering unequal evaluation structure of
choice alternatives,交通工学研究発表会論文報告集Selected Proceedings of Annual Meeting of Japan
Society of Traffic Engineers,23, 213-216(④)
133. Toshiyuki OKAMURA, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2003) Transport Survey and Marketing
Methods in Urban Public Transport by Using Boarding Records Collected by Integrated Stored Fare Card
System, Selected Paper for International Symposium on City Planning, 270-279(④)
134. Backjin LEE, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG and Yoriyasu SUGIE (2003) Measurement of Willingness to
Pay of Street Environment Improvement Based on Uncertainty, Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society
for Transportation Studies, 4, 1356-1365(④)
135. Backjin LEE, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG and Yoriyasu SUGIE (2003) Analysis of Mode Choice
Behaviours based on Latent Class Models, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Travel
Behaviour Research, Lucerne, Switzerland, August 10-15 (CD-ROM)(①)
136. Akimasa FUJIWARA, Backjin LEE and Junyi ZHANG (2003) A hybrid discrete choice model with fuzziness,
Proceedings of European Transport Conference, Strasbourg, France, October 8~10 (CD-ROM)(①)
137. 張峻屹・杉恵頼寧・藤原章正 (2001) r-MNLモデルとr-NLモデルに基づくトリップ前交通情報提供効果の計測
Effects of pre-trip travel information based on r_MNL model and r_NL model,交通工学研究発表会論文報
告集Selected Proceedings of Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Traffic Engineers,21,289-292(④)
138. Akimasa FUJIWARA, Yoriyasu SUGIE and Junyi ZHANG (2000) A Survey and Analysis Method to Evaluate
Influence of Pre-trip Information on Commuter's Travel Choice Behaviour, Proceedings of 2nd International
Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies, ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers),
139. Akimasa FUJIWARA, Yoriyasu SUGIE and Junyi ZHANG (1997) Survival Analysis of Public Participation in
Experiment Scheme to Determine Travel Demand Management Policy, Proceedings of the 8th International
Conference on Travel Behavior Research, Austin, Texas, September (CD-ROM)(④)
140. 張s屹・杉恵頼寧・藤原章正 (1995) 非観測異質性を考慮した多項交通機関選択のMass PointモデルA
multinomial travel mode choice model with mass point considering unobserved heterogeneity,交通工学研
究発表会論文報告集Selected Proceedings of Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Traffic
141. 張峻屹・杉恵頼寧・藤原章正 (1994) 多時点パーソントリップデータを用いた交通需要予測モデルの開発
Development of travel demand predicting models using longitudinal person-trip data,交通工学研究発表会
論文報告集Selected Proceedings of Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Traffic
1. Junyi ZHANG, Yubing XIONG (2013) Effects of life choices on the quality of life: A case study in Japan
based on a combined Exhaustive CHAID and Bayesian Belief Network Approach. Invited Speech at the
Seminar ‘Advances in Happiness Economics’, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands, October
28-29 (①)
2. 張峻屹(2013)市民生活行動学の視点からみた次世代モビリティ.次世代モビリティ研究会、刈谷市、2月7
新しいセクション 1 - 24 ページ
2. 張峻屹(2013)市民生活行動学の視点からみた次世代モビリティ.次世代モビリティ研究会、刈谷市、2月7
3. Junyi ZHANG (2012) From activity-based to life-oriented approach: Interdisciplinary challenges. Invited
Speech at the International Seminar on Applications of Activity-based Transportation Modeling in
Simulation and ICT Impacts, Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements (KRIHS) and TOD-based
Engineering Research Center (TOD ERC), Seoul, South Korea, October 19. (①)
4. Junyi ZHANG (2012) Interdisciplinary behavior studies for cross-sector energy policies. Keynote Speech in
the International Conference on Low-carbon Transportation, Logistics and Green Buildings (LTLGB2012),
Beijing, October 12-13.(①)
5. Junyi ZHANG (2010) A review of tourist scheduling behavior models, Presented at The First International
Conference on the Future of Human Mobility, Thai Society for Transportation and Traffic Studies, Phuket,
Thailand, January 22-23. (②)
6. Junyi ZHANG (2010) Modeling inter-personal interactions in activity-travel behavior, Traffic and
Transportation Studies 2010 ASCE (Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Traffic and
Transportation Studies, Kunming, China, August 3-5, 13-26. (①)
7. Junyi ZHANG (2009) Subjective well-being and activity-travel behavior analysis: Applying day
reconstruction method to explore affective experience during travel, Proceedings of The 14th International
Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, Hong Kong, December 10-12, Vol. 2,
8. Junyi ZHANG (2009) Transport Governance for a Low-carbon Society: Theories and Practices, Invited
Speech at the 5th China Transport Forum, October 17(④)
9. Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG and Koji SUTO (2008) Evaluation of the effects of a warning information
system on reducing traffic accidents based on a social experiment in Hiroshima, Japan, Proceedings of the
6th International Conference on Traffic & Transportation Studies, 26-53, Nanning, China, August 5-7.(⑤)
10. Junyi ZHANG (2006) Promoting Transit-Oriented Residential Choice in Hiroshima City. Invited Speech at
the TOD (Transit-Oriented Development) Symposium in DaLian, China, June 3.(④)
11. Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG and M.R.M. DA CRUZ (2004) Society capacity evaluation for urban air
quality management in the context of urban and transportation planning, Presented at the 9th National
Convention on Civil Engineering, Thailand, May 19-21.(④)
学会発表 Proceedings of and Oral Presentations at International Conferences
国際会議での発表 Proceedings of International Conferences
国際会議: 概要査読フルペーパー
Proceedings of International Conferences with Abstract Review: 64 papers
1. Osamu HIGASHI and Junyi ZHANG (2013) PBL Education for Designing Sustainable Infrastructure System
at Tonle Sap Lake. Proceedings of Mekong Environmental Symposium 2013, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam,
March 5-7(④)
2. Junyi ZHANG and Gang LI (2012) Paratransit Users' Happiness during Travel and Life Satisfaction: A Case
Study in Jakarta, Indonesia. Paper presented at the 11th ISQOLS (International Society for Quality-of-Life
Studies) International Conference: Discovering New Frontiers in Quality of Life Research. Venice, Italy,
November 1-4(①)
3. Junyi ZHANG (2012) Affective Experience during Travel: A Survey Based on Day Reconstruction Method.
Paper presented at the 11th ISQOLS (International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies) International
Conference: Discovering New Frontiers in Quality of Life Research. Venice, Italy, November 1-4(④)
4. Junyi ZHANG and Toshio KOBAYASHI (2012) Influence of park usage and travel behavior on health-related
QOL: A cause-effect structural analysis. Paper presented at the 11th ISQOLS (International Society for
Quality-of-Life Studies) International Conference: Discovering New Frontiers in Quality of Life Research.
Venice, Italy, November 1-4(①)
5. Junyi ZHANG and Biying YU (2012) Households' Multidimensional Mobilities over Life Course and QOL: A
Case Study in Japan. Paper presented at the 11th ISQOLS (International Society for Quality-of-Life
Studies) International Conference: Discovering New Frontiers in Quality of Life Research. Venice, Italy,
November 1-4(①)
6. Lingling WU and Junyi ZHANG (2012) Accommodating Taste Variations in Tourist Satisfaction Analysis.
Paper presented at the 43rd Annual Conference of the Travel and Tourism Research Association (TTRA),
Virginia Beach, June 17-19(②)
7. Junyi ZHANG, Yoshiyuki TSUCHIYA, Hiroyuki HINOHARA and Mokoto CHIKARAISHI (2012) Citizens' life
behavior and quality of life: Survey and modeling, Paper presented at the IATUR (International Association
for Time Use Research) 34th Annual Conference, Matsue City, Japan, August 22-24(①)
8. Junyi ZHANG (2012) An analysis of shoppers' time use, expenditure behavior incorporating the influence of
affective experience. Paper presented at the 19th Conference on Retailing and Consumer Services, The
新しいセクション 1 - 25 ページ
affective experience. Paper presented at the 19th Conference on Retailing and Consumer Services, The
European Institute of Retailing and Services Studies (EIRASS), Vienna, Austria, July 9-12. (CD-ROM)(①)
Junyi ZHANG, Makoto CHIKARAISHI, Suguru SHINDOME, Akimasa FUJIWARA (2011) An analysis of
shoppers' spatial choice behavior incorporating the influence of subjective well-being. Paper presented at
the 51st European Congress of the Regional Science Association International, Barcelona, Spain, August
30 - September 3(①)
Makoto CHIKARAISHI, Junyi ZHANG, Shohei OHYA, Akimasa FUJIWARA (2011) Exploring microscopic and
long-term relationships between car ownership and residential location choice by using a retrospective life
history survey. Paper presented at the 51st European Congress of the Regional Science Association
International, Barcelona, Spain, August 30 - September 3(①)
Junyi ZHANG, Yoshiyuki TSUCHIYA, Akimasa FUJIWARA (2011) Proposing a participatory self-declaring
survey and examining its public acceptance based on stated preference survey. Paper presented at the 9th
International Conference on Transport survey Methods, Termas Puyehue, Chile, November 14-18(①)
Junyi ZHANG, Makoto CHIKARAISHI, Shohei OHYA and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2011) Applying a web-based
life history survey to capture car-dependent mobility over life course in consideration of the influence of
memory. Paper presented at the 9th International Conference on Transport survey Methods, Termas
Puyehue, Chile, November 14-18(①)
Makoto CHIKARAISHI , Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG and Kenta TANAKA (2011) Identifying shortdistance trips and their characteristics by utilizing GPS trajectories and individual-specific spatiotemporal
information. Paper presented at the 9th International Conference on Transport survey Methods, Termas
Puyehue, Chile, November 14-18(①)
Optimal sampling designs for multi-day and multi-period panel survey: Empirical evidences from German
Mobility Panel. Paper presented at the 9th International Conference on Transport survey Methods, Termas
Puyehue, Chile, November 14-18(①)
Junyi ZHANG, Zhuo WANG, H.J.P. TIMMERMANS and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2010) Re-examining Travel
Choice Behavior Based on a Scobit Model, Proceedings of The 12th World Conference on Transportation
Research, Lisboa, Portugal, July 11-15 (CD-ROM)(①)
Junyi ZHANG, Zhuo WANG, H.J.P. TIMMERMANS and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2010) Integrating the concepts
of relative utility and prospect theory curvature to represent context dependence in travel choice behavior,
Proceedings of The 12th World Conference on Transportation Research, Lisboa, Portugal, July 11-15 (CDROM)(①)
Junyi ZHANG, Suguru SHINDOME, Makoto CHIKARAISHI and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2011) An analysis of
shoppers' time use and monetary consumption behavior and affective experience based on DRM survey.
Paper Accepted by the 33rd Conference of the International Association for Time Use Research (IATUR),
Oxford, UK, August 1-3(・@)
Hiroshi SHIMAMOTO, Naoki MURAYAMA, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2010) Evaluation of bus
network using a transit network optimization model - Case study on Hiroshima City bus network,
Proceedings of The 12th World Conference on Transportation Research, Lisboa, Portugal, July 11-15 (CDROM)(③)
Sudarmanto Budi Nugroho, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG (2010) Analysis of Inspection and
Maintenance Program in JABODETABEK Indonesia, Proceedings of The 12th World Conference on
Transportation Research, Lisboa, Portugal, July 11-15 (CD-ROM)(④)
Sudarmanto Budi Nugroho, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG (2010) Modal Shift Impacts on PM10
concentration near to BRT TransJakarta Corridors, Proceedings of The 12th World Conference on
Transportation Research, Lisboa, Portugal, July 11-15 (CD-ROM)(④)
Masashi KUWANO, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG and Makoto TSUKAI (2010) An integrated approach
analyzing the household vehicle type choice, travelling distance and holding duration based on a copula
model, Proceedings of The 12th World Conference on Transportation Research, Lisboa, Portugal, July
11-15 (CD-ROM)(④)
Tao FENG, Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA and H.J.P. TIMMERMANS (2010) An integrated
multiobjective model for maximization of mobility and equity under constraints of environmental capacities,
Proceedings of The 12th World Conference on Transportation Research, Lisboa, Portugal, July 11-15 (CDROM)(③)
Kuo-Ching WANG, Ruey-Luen CHEN, Wen-Yu CHEN, Junyi ZHANG, Yu-Lung SUNG and Parisa
RUNGRUANG (2010) Senior Tourists with On-Line Group Package Tour Advertising, Presented at 2010
Global Marketing Conference at Tokyo "Marketing in a Turbulent Environment", Tokyo, Japan, September
9-11 (CD-ROM)(②)
Sudarmanto Budi Nugroho, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG, Kazuya KANEMOTO, Setyo S. Moersidik
and Saleh Abbas (2010) Development of a household energy consumption model for megacities in Asia,
新しいセクション 1 - 26 ページ
and Saleh Abbas (2010) Development of a household energy consumption model for megacities in Asia,
Proceedings of the 15th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference, Hong Kong,
May 30 ~ June 1(④)
Sudarmanto Budi Nugroho, Tran Ngoc LINH, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG, Suyud Warno Utomo and
Saleh Abbas (2010) Measuring social capacity for urban air quality management in megacities in South East
Asia based on attitudinal survey in Jakarta and Hanoi, Proceedings of the 15th Annual International
Sustainable Development Research Conference, Hong Kong, May 30 ~ June 1(④)
Junyi ZHANG (2010) Household choice behavior survey and modeling for urban and transportation planning,
Paper presented at the 4th International Association for China Planning (IACP) Conference, Shanghai,
China, June 19-21(①)
Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2010) An improved indicator system for environmental
management: DPSIR+C, Paper presented at the 4th International Association for China Planning (IACP)
Conference, Shanghai, China, June 19-21(・C)
Junyi ZHANG, Lingling WU, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Backjin LEE (2010) A comparative analysis between
Japanese and Korean tourists' attitude and stated choice behavior along the Asian Highway, Paper
presented at 17th International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Services
Science, Istanbul, Turkey, July 2-5(②・Ej
H.J.P. TIMMERMANS and Junyi ZHANG (2010) Multi-tasking in daily activity-travel patterns: A comparison
of Dutch and Japanese studies, Paper presented at the 32nd Annual Meeting of the International
Association of Time Use Research (IATUR), Paris, France, July 7-10(①)
Sudarmanto Budi Nugroho, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG (2009) Modal Shift Impacts on Surface
Ozone concentration near to BRT TransJakarta Corridors, Proceedings of The 5th Japan-China Joint
Seminar on City and ITS "Low-Carbon Urban Planning and Transportation Policies", August 23-24,
Masashi KUWANO, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG and Makoto TSUKAI (2009) A copula-based
simultaneous-equation model of car ownership and usage behaviour, Proceedings of The 5th Japan-China
Joint Seminar on City and ITS "Low-Carbon Urban Planning and Transportation Policies", August 23-24,
Tao FENG, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2009) Incorporating fuel consumption optimization into
traffic assignment process, Presented at the 15th International Sustainable Development Research
Conference, Utrecht, The Netherlands, July 5-8(③)
Kuo-Ching WANG, Ying-Zhi GUO, Junyi ZHANG, Ya-Fang HUNG and Yu-Shan LIN (2008) The usability you
never detect: database with group package tour product design, Paper presented at the 7th Asian Pacific
Forum for Graduate Student's Research in Tourism and Hospitality, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia, June
Junyi ZHANG, Metin SENBIL and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2007) Household preferences for sustainable urban
forms in Jabotabek metropolitan area, Indonesia: Survey, model and evaluation, Paper presented at the 13th
Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference, Vasteras, Sweden, June 10 - 12.(④)
Junyi ZHANG, Masaru OSEDO and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2007) Modeling household time allocation behavior:
Comparative analysis using a large-scale data from survey on time use and leisure activities in Japan,
Paper accepted by the IATUR (International Association for Time Use Research) 29th Annual Conference,
Washington DC, Oct 17-19.(①)
Dick SAARLOOS, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2006) A multi-agent tool to support the process
of generating alternative land-use plans, Proceedings of International Conference on Civil and
Environmental Engineering, 207-216.(④)
Masashi KUWANO, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2006) Evaluating Inefficiency of Household Car
Use Behavior based on a Stochastic Frontier Model, Proceedings of International Conference on Civil and
Environmental Engineering, 217-225.(④)
Xuesong FENG, Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Metin SENBIL and Backjin LEE (2006) A feedback
prediction model with applications in the Jabodetabek Metropolitan Area of Indonesia, Proceedings of
International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, 329-337.(③)
Junyi ZHANG, H.J.P. TIMMERMANS and Aloys BORGERS (2005) Modeling reactive agents: Analysis of
household synchronized shopping decisions, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Recent
Advances in Retailing And Services Science, The European Institute of Retailing and Services Studies
(EIRASS), Orlando, Florida, USA, July 21-24 (CD-ROM).(①)
Koji SUTO, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG and Backjin LEE (2005) User evaluations of regional
intelligent transport systems based on a demonstrative experiment, Proceedings of International
Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, 365-370.(④)
Metin SENBIL, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2005) Causes of energy efficiency in urban
transport sector, Proceedings of International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, Higashi
新しいセクション 1 - 27 ページ
transport sector, Proceedings of International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, Higashi
Hiroshima, October 26-27, 49-258.(④)
Sudarmanto Budi Nugroho, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2005) The application of structural
equation model to analyze urban roadside air pollution in Jakarta city, Paper presented at the 16th Regional
Conference of Clean Air and Environment in Asia Pacific Area 2005, Kogakuin University - Japan, August
Masashi KUWANO, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2005) Development of a new discrete choice
model incorporating group decision-making mechanisms, Proceedings of International Conference on Civil
and Environmental Engineering, 259-268.(①)
Akimasa FUJIWARA, Metin SENBIL and Junyi ZHANG (2005) Comparative analysis of interaction between
land use and transportation in developing countries, Proceedings of the IX INTECOL (The International
Association for Ecology) International Congress of Ecology, Montreal, August 7-12 (CD-ROM).(④)
Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Masashi KUWANO (2004) Analysis of car ownership behavior in
local Japanese cities from environmental perspective, Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium
"Social Capacity Development for Environmental Management and International Cooperation in Developing
Countries", Hiroshima, January, 13, 95-102(④)
Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Toshiyuki OKAMURA, Metin SENBIL, Chunfu SHAO and Jifu GUO
(2004) Development of social capacity indicators for environmental management in Beijing: A case study of
citizen capacity indicator, Selected Proceedings of the 2nd COE Expert Meeting on Social Capacity for
Environmental Management (SCEM) - Capacity Indicators and Development Process Modeling -, Beijing,
November 2, 163-180.(④)
Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Katsuya TANAKA, Metin SENBIL and Keiko NAGASHIMA (2004)
Methodology of developing social capacity indicators for environmental management: State-of-art and
future directions, Selected Proceedings of the 2nd COE Expert Meeting on Social Capacity for
Environmental Management (SCEM) - Capacity Indicators and Development Process Modeling -, Beijing,
November 2, 5-55.(④)
Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA and M.R.M. DA CRUZ (2004) Measuring social capacity indicators for
environmental management of transport sectors in the world cities, Selected Proceedings of the 2nd COE
Expert Meeting on Social Capacity for Environmental Management (SCEM) - Capacity Indicators and
Development Process Modeling -, Beijing, November 2, 87-100.(④)
Metin SENBIL, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2004) Modeling development process of social
capacity for environmental management, Selected Proceedings of the 2nd COE Expert Meeting on Social
Capacity for Environmental Management (SCEM) - Capacity Indicators and Development Process
Modeling -, Beijing, November 2, 57-73.(④)
Metin SENBIL, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2004) Development of a choice model for evaluating
sustainable urban form, Proceedings of International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Metin SENBIL, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2004) A model of land use based on cellular
automata, Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium "Social Capacity Development for
Environmental Management and International Cooperation in Developing Countries", Hiroshima, January, 13,
Metin SENBIL, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2004) A cellular automata model of urban
development with discrete choice, Selected Proceedings of the 2nd COE Expert Meeting on Social
Capacity for Environmental Management (SCEM) - Capacity Indicators and Development Process
Modeling -, Beijing, November 2, 219-229.(④)
Sudarmanto Budi Nugroho, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2004) Air quality improvement analysis
by new emission standards of vehicles, Paper presented at the Better Air Quality Workshop 2004, AgraIndia, December 6-8 (CD-ROM).(④)
Masashi KUWANO, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2004) The influence of tax policies on the
ownership of low-emission vehicles in local Japanese cities, Proceedings of International Conference on
Civil and Environmental Engineering, 275-280.(④)
Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG, Toshiyuki OKAMURA and M.R.M. DA CRUZ (2004) Using a dynamic
structural equation model to evaluate the sustainability of urban development, Proceedings of International
Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, 189-198.(④)
Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG and Soe Thein (2004) Capturing people's mode choice preferences
under changes in travel and socio-economic environments in Yangon city based on stated preference
survey, Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium "Social Capacity Development for Environmental
Management and International Cooperation in Developing Countries", Hiroshima, January, 13, 77-94.(④)
Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG and Toshiyuki OKAMURA (2004) Influence of urban form on
transportation energy consumption: Propositions for livable, environmentally- friendly cities, Proceedings of
新しいセクション 1 - 28 ページ
transportation energy consumption: Propositions for livable, environmentally- friendly cities, Proceedings of
the 2nd International Symposium "Social Capacity Development for Environmental Management and
International Cooperation in Developing Countries", Hiroshima, January, 13, 115-125.(④)
Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG and George Thomas KANDATHIL (2004) Analysis of sustainable urban
form in the Jabodetabek region, Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium "Social Capacity
Development for Environmental Management and International Cooperation in Developing Countries",
Hiroshima, January, 13, 69-76.(④)
Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG and M.R.M. DA CRUZ (2004) Development of social capacity evaluation
model for urban air quality management in the context of urban and transportation planning, Proceedings of
the 2nd International Symposium "Social Capacity Development for Environmental Management and
International Cooperation in Developing Countries", Hiroshima, January, 13, 57-68.・i・C)
Akimasa FUJIWARA, Metin SENBIL and Junyi ZHANG (2004) Urban sprawl, energy use and CO2 emissions
in Japanese cities, Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium "Social Capacity Development for
Environmental Management and International Cooperation in Developing Countries", Hiroshima, January, 13,
Akimasa FUJIWARA, Metin SENBIL and Junyi ZHANG (2004) Urban sprawl, energy use and CO2 emissions
in Japanese cities, International Workshop on "Policy Integration towards Sustainable Energy Use for Asian
Cities: Integrating Local Air Pollution and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Concerns", IGES Meeting, Kanagawa,
JAPAN, January 28-29 (CD-ROM).(④)
Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Soe Thein (2003) Using stated preference approach to estimate
mode choice behavior under changes in travel and socio-economic environments in Myanmar, Proceedings
of International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, 207-216.(④)
George Thomas KANDATHIL, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2003) Living environment preferences
of residents in a developing country and their possible implications for environmentally-friendly
development, Proceedings of International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Junyi ZHANG (1998) A proposal of ITS System architecture considering functional cooperation with
infrastructure, Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, Seoul, Korea,
October 12-16 (CO-ROM).(④)
Oral Presentations at International Conferences:36 times
1. Junyi ZHANG (2013) Climate disasters and adaptation measures in developing countries ~ A case study of
tourism in Bangladesh ~, Presented at the 4th International Seminar on Urban Transport, Tourism and
Travel Behavior Analysis, Xian, China, April 3-7.(④)
2. Junyi ZHANG (2012) Policy design for low-carbon cities in Asia. Presented at the Special Seminar on
Urban and Regional Development in Climate Change Regime, Organized by the Global Environmental
Leaders Education Program for Designing a Low-Carbon World, MEXT Special Coordination Funds for
Promotion of Science and Technology, Higashi Hiroshima, November 19.(①)
3. Makoto CHIKARAISHI, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG and Makoto TSUKAI (2012) Conceptualizing and
measuring elders' mobility: A capability approach. Aging Mobility and Quality of Life 2012, University of
Michigan, USA, June 24-27.(①)
4. Gang LI, Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Budi Nugroho SUDARMANTO (2011) Behavioral modeling
of paratransit systems in a developing city: Job choice of drivers and travel mode choice of users.
Presented at the International Conference 2011 on Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development,
Kanazawa, Japan, July 29-31.(④)
5. Lingling WU, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2011) Development of an integrated tourist behavior
model system. Presented at the International Conference 2011 on Spatial Planning and Sustainable
Development, Kanazawa, Japan, July 29-31.(②)
6. Biying YU, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2011) Exploring factors affecting household energy
consumption in Asian megacities: Methodological development and applications. Presented at the
International Conference 2011 on Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development, Kanazawa, Japan, July
7. Biying YU., Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Sudarmanto Budi Nugroho (2010) A Comparative Study
on Household In-Home and Out-of-Home Energy Consumption in Asian Megacities, Presented at the 7th
International Conference on Traffic & Transportation Studies (ICTTS'2010), Kunming, China, August 3~
8. Junyi ZHANG, Wonchul KIM and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2010) Effects of In-Vehicle and Roadside Traffic
Warning Information: Evaluation Based on a Social Experiment in Hiroshima, Presented at the International
Symposium on Safe Mobility and International Cooperation, Jointly Organized by Malaysian Institute Of
新しいセクション 1 - 29 ページ
Symposium on Safe Mobility and International Cooperation, Jointly Organized by Malaysian Institute Of
Road Safety Research (MIROS) Malaysia and Center of Asian Safe Mobility Research (ASMO), Hiroshima
University, Kuala Lumpur, March 9~10.(・D)
Kuo-Ching WANG, Ruey-Luen CHEN, Wen-Yu CHEN, Junyi ZHANG, Yu-Lung SUNG, Parisa RUNGRUANG
(2010) Senior tourists with on-line group package tour advertising, Presented at the 2010 Global Marketing
Conference at Tokyo "Marketing in a Turbulent Environment", Tokyo, Japan, September 9-11 (CDROM).(②)
Omran bin OMAR, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2010) Influential factors of motorcycle accidents
in Kuala Lumpur: evaluation based on a questionnaire survey, Presented at the International Symposium on
Safe Mobility and International Cooperation, Jointly Organized by Malaysian Institute Of Road Safety
Research (MIROS) Malaysia and Center of Asian Safe Mobility Research (ASMO), Hiroshima University,
Kuala Lumpur, March 9~10.(⑤)
Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Backjin LEE (2010) A comparative analysis between Japanese and
Korean tourists' attitude and stated choice behavior along the Asian Highway, Presented at the 17th
International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Services Science, Istanbul,
Turkey, July 2-5.(②)
Junyi ZHANG, Lili XU, Makoto CHIKARAISHI and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2009) Capturing the long-term
changes in Japanese women's time use behavior based on a utility-maximizing time allocation model
incorporating activity participation, Presented at the Japan-Netherlands Joint Seminar on "Household
Activity-Travel Behavior Analysis for Urban Policy-Making of Supporting Women's Participation in Labor
Market", Eindhoven, The Netherlands, March 18.(①)
Junyi ZHANG, Masashi KUWANO and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2009) Representing household car ownership
and use allocation behavior based on a bundle choice model with relative utility, Presented at 16th
International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Services Science, Niagara Falls,
Canada, July 6-9.(①)
Junyi ZHANG, Kazuya KANEMOTO, Biying YU and Sudarmanto Budi Nugroho (2009) An activity-based
analysis of household energy consumption in Asian megacities, Presented at the International Workshop on
Policies for a Low-Carbon Society in Developing Countries, IDEC, Hiroshima University, November 11.(④)
Hiroshi SHIMAMOTO, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2009) Comparison of activity-travel patterns
similarity in a depopulated area using sequential alignment method, Presented at the Japan-Netherlands
Joint Seminar on "Household Activity-Travel Behavior Analysis for Urban Policy-Making of Supporting
Women's Participation in Labor Market", Eindhoven, The Netherlands, March 18.(①)
Sudarmanto Budi Nugroho, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2009) Private Motorized Urban Mobility
and Its Impacts on Idle Emissions Measurement Program in Indonesia, Presented at the International
Workshop on Policies for a Low-Carbon Society in Developing Countries, IDEC, Hiroshima University,
November 11.(④)
Masashi KUWANO, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2009) Analysis of intra-household car use
allocation behavior based on group discrete choice model, Presented at 16th International Conference on
Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Services Science, Niagara Falls, Canada, July 6-9.(①)
Masashi KUWANO, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Makoto TSUKAI and Junyi ZHANG (2009) A simultaneous modeling
of household vehicle holding duration and usage with a copula-based multivariate survival model, Presented
at the Japan-Netherlands Joint Seminar on "Household Activity-Travel Behavior Analysis for Urban
Policy-Making of Supporting Women's Participation in Labor Market", Eindhoven, The Netherlands, March
Makoto CHIKARAISHI, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2009) The long-term changes of crosssectional variations in Japanese time use behavior using multilevel multiple discrete-continuous extreme
value (MDCEV) model, Presented at the Japan-Netherlands Joint Seminar on "Household Activity-Travel
Behavior Analysis for Urban Policy-Making of Supporting Women's Participation in Labor Market",
Eindhoven, The Netherlands, March 18.(④)
Junyi ZHANG, Lili XU, Makoto CHIKARAISHI and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2008) Analysis of influential factors
causing long-term changes in time use behavior based on a time allocation model, Presented at the 30th
Annual Conference of IATUR (International Association for Time Use Research), Sydney, Australia, Dec.
Junyi ZHANG, Lingling WU and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2008) Determinants of regional tourism behavior: A
case study of Kyusyu, Chugoku and Shikoku regions in Japan, Presented at the 15th International
Conference on Retailing and Services Science, Zagreb, Croatia, July 14-17.(②)
Junyi ZHANG and Zhuo WANG (2007) Modeling heterogeneous dynamics in choice behavior: an empirical
analysis using panel data, Presented at the International Meeting of the Psychometric Society, Tokyo, July
Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Backjin LEE and Junichi SAWARA (2006) International tourism behavior
新しいセクション 1 - 30 ページ
23. Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Backjin LEE and Junichi SAWARA (2006) International tourism behavior
along the Asian Highway: A comparison of Korean and Japanese travelers, Presented at the 2nd
Japan/China Joint Seminar on Urban Development and Intelligent Transport Systems for the Future of
Asian Cities, Harbin, China, July 30.(②)
24. Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Backjin LEE and Junichi SAWARA (2006) Comparative analysis of
bilateral tourism behavior mechanisms between Japan and Korea along Asian Highway, Presented at the
International Conference on Tourism and the New Asia: Implications for Research, Policy and Practice,
Beijing, August 9-12.(②)
25. Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2006) Measuring pedestrians' value of time at central urban area,
Presented at the 13th International Conference on Retailing and Services Science, Budapest, Hungary, July
26. Junyi ZHANG (2006) A generalized relative utility model: methodological development, Presented at the
11th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, Hong Kong, December
27. Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2005) Household activity-travel scheduling model, Presented at the
International Workshop of International Workshop on Advanced Transportation Studies (IWATS-2005),
Higashi-Hiroshima, March 31.(①)
28. Metin SENBIL, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2005) Residential and travel mode choices in the
developing world: A comparative study of 11 developing cities, Presented at the International Workshop of
International Workshop on Advanced Transportation Studies (IWATS-2005), Higashi-Hiroshima, March
29. Metin SENBIL, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2005) Representing urban development based on a
cellular automata model, Presented at the International Workshop of International Workshop on Advanced
Transportation Studies (IWATS-2005), Higashi-Hiroshima, March 31.(③)
30. Masashi KUWANO, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2005) Car ownership and use model with intrahousehold interaction, Presented at the International Workshop of International Workshop on Advanced
Transportation Studies (IWATS-2005), Higashi-Hiroshima, March 31.(①)
31. Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Yoriyasu SUGIE and Yuko ISHIHARA (2004) Evaluation of urban service
quality in a local city considering intra-household gap, Presented at the 11th International Conference on
Retailing and Service Science, Prague, August 10-13.(①)
32. Sudarmanto Budi Nugroho, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2004) Air quality improvement analysis
by new emission standard of vehicles, Presented Better Air Quality 2004 Workshop, Agra, India, December
6-8 (CD-ROM).(④)
33. Akimasa FUJIWARA, Metin SENBIL and Junyi ZHANG (2004) Urban sprawl, energy use and CO2 emissions
in Japanese cities. International Workshop on "Policy Integration towards Sustainable Energy Use for Asian
Cities: Integrating Local Air Pollution and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Concerns", IGES Meeting, Kanagawa,
JAPAN, Jan. 28-29.(④)
34. Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Yoriyasu SUGIE and Toshihisa YAMADA (2003) Analysis of weekly time
use pattern of the elderly in rural and mountainous regions incorporating household members' interaction
theoretically. Presented at the 10th International Conference on Retailing and Service Science, Portland,
U.S.A., August 7-10.(①)
35. Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG and Yoriyasu SUGIE (2003) Tourist travel demand analysis based on
scheduling model, Presented at the 10th International Conference on Retailing and Service Science,
Portland, U.S.A., August 7-10.(②)
36. Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG and Toshiyuki OKAMURA (2003) Influence of urban form on
transportation energy consumption: Propositions for livable, environmentally- friendly cities. Paper
presented at the IGES-KEI International Workshop on "The Role of Planning Practices toward Sustainable
Urban Environment in Asia: Environmental".(④)
国内会議での発表 Proceedings of Domestic Conference in Japan
Oral Presentations at International Conferences:36 times
国内会議:概要査読フルペーパーProceedings of Domestic Conference in Japan with Abstract Review: 3 papers
1. 張峻屹(2013)市民による公共サービスの評価:都市サービスを例に、サービス学会第1回国内大会論文
2. 張峻屹(2013)SWB の概念を活用した公共交通サービスの評価、サービス学会第1回国内大会論文
3. 張峻屹・香山裕樹(2013)公共サービス提供のための市民生活行動調査のパッケージング方法:ライフドメイ
ン間の相互予測性の評価、サービス学会第1回国内大会論文集、383-388 (①)
国内会議:講演集論文 Proceedings of Domestic Conference in Japan without Review: 167 papers
新しいセクション 1 - 31 ページ
国内会議:講演集論文 Proceedings of Domestic Conference in Japan without Review: 167 papers
1. 土井翔悟・張峻屹(2013)市民の買物意向からみる中心市街地活性化対策、都市計画研究講演集,Vol.11,
2. 玉田博規・張峻屹(2013)広島市における買物行動の実態、都市計画研究講演集,Vol.11, 1-4(日本都市計
画学会中国四国支部研究発表会) (①)
3. 土井翔悟・E」峻屹・藤原章正(2013)中心市街地活性化対策が買物意向に与える影響:場所間相互作用を
取り入れた買物行動モデルに基づく分析, 土木計画学研究講演集, 47 (CD-ROM)(①)
4. Yubing XIONG, Junyi ZHANG (2013) Systematic Approaches for Tourism Transportation Planning: A
Review, 土木計画学研究講演集, 47 (CD-ROM)(②)
5. Junyi ZHANG, Lingling WU (2013) Copula-based Modeling of Tourists' Multi-Destination Visit and Resource
Allocation Behavior, 土木計画学研究講演集, 47 (CD-ROM)(②)
6. Ying JIANG, Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Hisanori TOMITAKA, Takashi MATSUSHITA (2013)
Drivers' Context-sensitive Adaptation Behavior to the Occurrence of Traffic Accidents on Expressways
under Individualized Dynamic Travel Information, 土木計画学研究講演集, 47 (CD-ROM)(⑤)
7. Junyi ZHANG, Biying YU, and Makoto CHIKARAISHI (2013) Applying life history survey to capture
biographical interactions of households' major mobilities over life course, 土木計画学研究講演集, 47 (CDROM)(①)
8. David PEREZ BARBOSA, Junyi ZHANG (2013) Travel Behavior and Health-related QOL: Analysis based on
an interdisciplinary approach, 土木計画学研究講演集, 47 (CD-ROM)(①)
9. Junyi ZHANG, Qingchang LU, ABM Sertajur Rahman, Lingling WU (2013) Climate Disasters in Bangladesh:
Impacts Assessment and Adaptation Measures, 土木計画学研究講演集, 47 (CD-ROM)(④)
10. 塚井誠人・力石真・張峻屹・藤原章正(2012)多様性を前提とした「交通権」概念の成立可能性に関する考察,
土木計画学研究講演集, 45 (CD-ROM)(①)
11. 力石真・藤原章正・張峻屹・塚井誠人(2012)高齢者モビリティの概念と計測:潜在能力アプローチ, 土木計画
学研究講演集, 45 (CD-ROM)(①)
12. Van Tho LE, Junyi ZHANG, Makoto CHIKARAISHI, Akimasa FUJIWARA (2012) Influences of Introducing
High Speed Railway in Vietnam on Intercity Travel Behaviour, 土木計画学研究講演集, 45 (CD-ROM)(④)
13. 張峻屹・谷本修一・力石真・藤原章正(2012)運転意思決定プロセスを考慮した交通事故多発区間における
注意喚起情報提供の効果Effects of traffic warning information in consecutive road sections with frequent
traffic accidents by incorporating the driving decision-making process, 土・リ計・謚w研・・u演集, 45 (CDROM)(⑤・j
14. 張峻屹・谷本修一・楠橋康広・藤原章正(2012)生体反応を考慮した高速道路における注意喚起情報提供の
効果の評価Effects of traffic warning information on expressways: An evaluation based on bio-logical
reaction, 土木計画学研究講演集, 45 (CD-ROM)(⑤)
15. Junyi ZHANG (2012) A Comparison of Quality of Life in Asian Capital Cities, 土木計画学研究講演集, 45
16. Lingling WU and Junyi ZHANG (2012) A dynamic mixed model with interactions between tourists' posttravel evaluation and three stage choices based on prospect theory, 土木計画学研究講演W, 45 (CD-ROM)
17. 力石真・藤原章正・上田將翔・張峻屹(2012)東日本大震災に伴う個人の行動変容に関するパネル分析,第7
18. 張峻屹・土井翔悟(2012)広島市中心部の活性化の方向性に関する市民の意向,都市計画研究講演集,
Vol.10(日本都市計画学会中国四国支部研究発表会), 10, 5-8(①)
19. 小林敏生・張峻屹・吉田いつこ(2011)日本の都市部成人における健康関連QOL尺度SF-36のサマリースコ
20. 力石真・藤原章正・張峻屹(2011)変曲点を含む離散-連続パネル調査の最適設計, 土木計画学研究・講演
集, Vol.44 (CD-ROM).(①)
21. 力石真・田中健太・藤原章正・張峻屹(2011)活動空間の広がり及び社会的接触量に基づく社会的排除の計
測方法の提案,土木計画学研究・講演集,Vol.43 (CD-ROM).(①)
22. 力石真・中島英樹・藤原章正・張峻屹(2011)交通行動モニタリングに関・キる最新の研究動向,土木計画学
研究・講演集,Vol.43 (CD-ROM).(①)
23. Sudarmanto Budi Nugroho, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2011) Empirical study on fuel
consumption of paratransit in Jakarta City,土木計画学研究・講演集,Vol.43 (CD-ROM).(④)
24. 張峻屹・酒井亮・小林敏生・藤原章正(2011)公園利用と交通行動が健康QOLに与える・e響の調査分析,土
木計画学研究・講演集,Vol.43 (CD-ROM).(①)
25. 張峻屹・大矢祥平・力石真・藤原章正(2011)ライ・tヒストリー調査を用いた・s民生活行動・フ超長・咩I・Eネ変
化の把握,土木計画学研究・講演集,Vol.43 (CD-ROM).(①)
26. 張峻屹・土屋善之・藤原章正・力石真(2011)市民生活行動調査の提案とQOL評価への応用,土木計画学研
究・講演集,Vol.43 (CD-ROM).(①)
27. ABM Sertajur, RAHMAN, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG, Sudarmanto Budi Nugroho, Togar Arifin
新しいセクション 1 - 32 ページ
27. ABM Sertajur, RAHMAN, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG, Sudarmanto Budi Nugroho, Togar Arifin
SILABAN (2011) Investigating Travelers' Stated Mode Choice Preferences in BRT System under Influence
of Various Mode Availability Options in Surabaya City,土木計画学研究・講演集,Vol.43 (CD-ROM).(④)
28. Biying YU, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2011) Modeling Household Energy Consumption Behavior
with Self-selection Effects and Heterogeneity,土木計画学研究・講演集,Vol.43 (CD-ROM).(④)
29. Gang LI, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2011) Paratransit users' willingness to pay for reducing
negative effects of paratransit in a developing city,土木計画学研究・講演集,Vol.43 (CD-ROM).(④)
30. 田中健太, 藤原章正, 張峻屹, 力石真 (2011) オールド・ニュータウンにおける高齢者のモビリティ実態, 土木
学会中国支部第63回研究発表会発表概要集 (CD-ROM).(①)
31. 大矢祥平, 張峻屹, 藤原章正, 力石真 (2011) ライフヒストリー調査に基づく自動車保有行動と居住地選択行
動の関連性分析, 土木学会・・綜x部第63回研究発表会発表概要集 (CD-ROM).(①)
32. 張峻屹・土屋善之・藤原章正・力石真(2011)部門横断型政策立案を支援するための市民生活行動調査の
33. 小笹俊成・塚井誠人・藤原章正・張峻屹(2010)地域別評価指標に基づく道路事業評価システムの研究,応
34. 塚井誠人・桑野将司・高松由彦・張峻屹(2010)都道府県別外出活動特性とエネルギー消費原単位に関する
35. 張峻屹・Biying YU・金本和也・Nugroho S.B.・藤エ・ヘ正(2010)アジア大都市圏における世帯エネルギー消費
36. 高松・R彦・・ヒ井誠人・桑野将司・・」峻屹(2010)個人の外出時間に基づく集計的時間利用構造に関する経年
分析,土木計画学研究・講演集,Vol.41 (CD-ROM).(①)
37. 塚井誠人・桑野将司・高松由彦・張峻屹(2010)日本における都道府県エネルギー消費に関する経年分析,
土木計画学研究・講演集,Vol.41 (CD-ROM).(④)
38. Sudarmanto Budi Nugroho, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG and Saleh Abbas (2010) Effects of vehicle
ownership and usage on household fuel consumption in Jakarta city,土木計画学研究・講演集,Vol.41 (CDROM).(④・j
39. 楠橋康広・張峻屹・藤原章正(2010)ITS技術と既存安全施設が高速道路利用者の安全走行に与える影響:
SP調査による評価,y木計画学研究・講演集,Vol.41 (CD-ROM).(⑤)
40. A.H.M. Mehbub ANWAR, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2010)Estimation of BPR function for
Dhaka City by incorporating the influence of illegal on-street parking and street-occupancy,土木計画学研
究・講演集,Vol.41 (CD-ROM).(④)
41. Lingling, WU, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA(2010)Tourism Generation Analysis based on a Scobit
model,土木計画学研究・講演集,Vol.41 (CD-ROM).(②)
42. 吉野大介・藤原章正・張峻屹(2010)DEAを応用した運輸部門におけるCO2削減可能量の推定及び削減策の
検討,土木計画学研究・講演集,Vol.41 (CD-ROM).(④)
43. Biying YU, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2010) Analysis of in-home and out-of-home household
energy consumption analysis in Asian megacities based on a MDCEV model,土木計画学研究・講演集,
Vol.41 (CD-ROM).(④)
44. 張峻屹・藤原章正(2010)DPSIR+Cフレームワークの提案と交通部門環境管理の評価への応用,土木計画
学研究・講演集,Vol.41 (CD-ROM).(④)
45. Junyi ZHANG, Lili XU, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Biying YU (2010) Influence of childcare on women's time
use behavior: An evaluation based on a Scobit-based activity participation and time allocation model,土木
計画学研究・講演集,Vol.41 (CD-ROM).(①)
46. 力石真・張峻屹・藤原章正(2010)繰り返し横断データを用いた時間利用行動の構造変化の分析,土木計画
学研究・E講演集,Vol.41 (CD-ROM).(①)
47. 日野原弘幸・張峻屹・藤原章正(2010)公共交通指向型居住促進政策の評価ツールの開発:世帯選択モデ
ル,土木学会中国支部第62回研究発表会発表概要集 (CD-ROM).(④)
48. 中島英樹・張峻屹・嶋本 寛・藤原ヘ正(2010)付加価値の高い情報の提供による公共交通利用促進効果の検
証,土木学会中国支部第62回研究発表会発表概要集 (CD-ROM).(④)
49. 高松由彦・塚井誠人・桑野将司・張峻屹(2010)個人の外出時間に基づく社会的時間利用構造に関する経年
分析,土木学会中国支部第62回研究発表会発表概要集 (CD-ROM).(①)
50. 川本愛実・嶋本寛・張峻屹・藤原章正・力石真(2010)PTデータを利用したアジア大都市圏における市民のパ
ラトランジット・p行動分析,土木学会中国支部第62回研究発表会発表概要集 (CD-ROM).(④)
51. 張峻屹・金本和也・Biying YU・Sudarmanto Budi Nugroho・藤原章正(2010)アジア大都市圏における世帯エ
52. 力石真・張峻屹・藤原章正・Kay W. AXHAUSEN(2009)マルチレベルMDCEVモデルを用いた時間利用行動の
53. 楠橋康広・藤原章正・張峻屹(2009)休日特別割引前後のGW期間中の高速道路における交通事故特性の
新しいセクション 1 - 33 ページ
54. 嶋本寛・笈田翔平・張峻屹・藤原章正(2009)マルチモーダル情報自動案内システムにおける情報提供の価
55. 土屋善之・張峻屹・藤原章正 (2009) 自己申告型交通行動調査への参加意識のモデル分析, 土木学会中国
支部第61回研究発表会発表概要集 (CD-ROM).(①)
56. 張峻屹・土屋善之・藤原章正(2009)自己申告型・イ査手法・フ適用可能性と課題,土木計画学研究・講演集,
57. 張峻屹・土屋善之・藤原章正(2009)持続可能なまちづくりのための自己申告型調査への参加意向:交通行
59. 谷本修一・藤原章正・嶋本寛・張峻屹・楠橋康広 (2009) ポアソン回帰モデルを用いた高速道路におけるト
リップ長と事故率の分析, 土木学会中国支部第61回研究発表会発表概要集 (CD-ROM).(⑤)
60. 神田佑亮・藤原章正・張峻屹(2009)ブログ情報を用いた観光行動と満足度に関する一考察,土木計画学研
61. 笈田翔平・藤原章正・嶋本寛・張峻屹 (2009) トリップチェーン全体の情報提供が交通機関選択ノ及ぼす影響
の選好意識分析, 土木学会中国支部第61回研究発表会発表概要集 (CD-ROM)(④)岡英紀・藤原章正・力
62. Junyi ZHANG and Lili XU (2009) 時間利用の視点からみた子育てが女性の社会進出に与える長期的な影響
63. Junyi ZHANG (2009) Scheduling behavior models in tourism research: State-of-the-art and future research
64. Akimasa FUJIWARA, Asif AHMED and Junyi ZHANG (2009) Analysis of energy consumption efficiency in
transport sector and carbon dioxide emissions in selected 85 countries of the world,土木計画学研究・講
65. 力石真・藤原章正・張峻屹・Kay W. AXHAUSEN(2008)6週間の交通行動データを用いた活動パターンの変
66. 力石真・張峻屹・藤原章正(2008)行動の類似性に基づく活動分類手法の提案,土木計画学研究・講演集,
67. 播磨総一・嶋本寛・張峻屹・藤原・ヘ正(2008)・vローブデータと既存統計データを融合した高速道路交通事故
68. 嶋本寛・西尾慎也・張峻屹・藤原章正(2008)中山間地域・ノおける活動パターンに関する基礎的分析,都市
69. 張峻屹・宇・・Eウ浩・藤原章正(2008)DRMによる通勤時の公共交通利用者の気持ちの評価,土木計画学研
70. 張峻屹(2008)自己申告調査システムの提案とモデル分析による評価,土木計画学研究・講演集,
71. 張峻屹(2008)まちづくりのための自己申告調査システムの提案と評価-広島県民を対象とした小規模ウェ
72. 村山直輝・張峻屹・嶋本寛・藤原章正(2008)相対性効用モデルを用いた途上国都市の世帯居住選択行動
73. 前山圭司・桑野将司・塚井誠人・藤原章正・張峻屹(2008)洛}の有無が送迎提供可能者の外出行動に及ぼ
74. 植木隆行・張峻屹・藤原章正(2008)国家レベルにおける交通部門の環境ガバナンスの分析,土木学会中国
75. 周藤浩司・藤原章正・張峻屹(2008)車内警告情報提供後におけるドライバーの運転挙動の変化,土木計画
76. 周藤浩司・藤原章正・張峻屹(2008)交差点連続区間における車内警告情報の提供効果の継続性,土木学
77. 桑野将司・藤原章正・塚井誠人・張峻屹・岩本真由子(2008)保有期間と走行距離の同時決定モデルの開
78. 桑野将司・張峻屹・藤原章正(2008)属性レベルでの世帯内相互作用を取り入れた離散選択モデルの開発,
79. Lili XU, Junyi ZHANG, Hizume, Y. and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2008) Capturing the long-term changes in time
use behavior based on time allocation model, 土木計画学研究・講演集,Vol.37(CD-ROM)(①)
80. Zhuo WANG, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2008) Modeling heterogeneous dynamics in the stated
and revealed travel mode choice behaviors with panel data,土木計画学研究・講演集,Vol.38(CD-ROM)
81. 力石真・張峻屹・藤原章正(2007)時刻の効用と・冝Xの活動再帰性を同時に・謔闢・・た活動・E移動連鎖の
新しいセクション 1 - 34 ページ
81. 力石真・張峻屹・藤原章正(2007)時刻の効用と・冝Xの活動再帰性を同時に・謔闢・・た活動・E移動連鎖の
モデリング, 土木計画学研究・講演集,Vol.35(CD-ROM)(①)
82. 矢舗麻美・張峻屹・杉恵頼寧・桑野将司・藤原章正(2007)サービス水準評価の非対称性を考慮したバス利
83. 箱田祐介・張峻屹・藤原章正(2007)選択肢間の類似性を考慮した観光周遊行動モデルの開発,土木学会
84. 藤原章正・張峻屹・桑野将司・東香織(2007)広島モビリティ・マネジメントの効果,都市計画研究・講演集,
85. 張峻屹・箱田祐介・藤原章正(2007)選択肢間の類似性を考慮したアジアハイウエイ観光周遊行動モデル:
日韓観光客の比較, 土木計画学研究・講演集,Vol.35(CD-ROM)(②)
86. 増田尚吾・張峻屹・杉恵頼寧・桑野将司・藤原章正(2007)平日と週末の相互依存性を考慮した世帯時間配
87. 周藤浩司・藤原章正・張峻屹(2007)プローブカー調査による交通危険事象車内警告システムの効果計測,
88. 岡英紀・桑野将司・張峻屹・杉恵頼寧・藤原章正(2007)世帯異質性を考慮した自動車保有期間モデルの開
89. 宇野元浩・張峻屹・杉恵頼寧・桑野将司・藤原章正(2007)離散連続モデルによる定住意識および定住予定
90. Sudarmanto Budi Nugroho, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2007) Assessment and prediction of
surface ozone concentration using artificial neural network multilayer perceptron in Jakarta city, 土木計画
91. 李百鎭・住吉祐志・周藤浩司・藤原章正・張峻屹(2006)地域密着型ITSが観光行動に及ぼす影響の分析,土
92. 藤原章正・東香織・張峻屹・李百鎮(2006jTFPコミュニケーション過程におけるサンプル消耗問題の検証, 第
93. 張峻屹・藤原章・ウ(2006)時・ヤ利用,タイミング・ニ時・ヤ価値・F方法論的考察と政策分析への示唆,土木計
94. 西尾慎也・藤原章正・李百鎭・杉恵頼寧・張峻屹(2006)過疎地域におけるバスの潜在需要分析,第58回土
95. 植木隆行・張峻屹・杉恵頼寧・藤原章正(2006)行政の視点からみた地方都市ガバナンスの評価,第58回土
96. 周藤浩司・藤原章正・張峻屹・李百鎭(2006)交差点連続区間におけるコンフリクト調査手法と評価に関する
97. 周藤浩司・藤原章正・張峻屹・李百鎭(2006)ドライバー特性からみた交差点の警告情報が運転行動に及ぼ
す影響, 土木計謚w研究・講演集,Vol.34(CD-ROM)(⑤)
98. 高本圭吾・張峻屹・杉恵頼寧・桑野将司・藤原章正・李百鎭(2006)集団離散選択モデルを用いた居住地選
99. 桑野将司・藤原章正・張峻屹(2006)フロンティア分析モデルを用いた世帯の自動車利用効率性分析,都市
100. 桑野将司・張峻屹・藤原章正・李百鎭・高本圭吾(2006)複数の意思決定ルールを取り入れた集団離散選択
101. 吉野大介・センビルメティン・藤原章正・張峻屹(2006)都市交通システムのエネルギー消費効率性の分析,
102. Metin SENBIL, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2006) Urban land use models for sustainable futures,
103. Xuesong FENG, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG, Metin SENBIL and Backjin LEE (2006) A travel demand
prediction model with feedback of transportation networks influence for Beijing, 土木計画学研究・講演
集,33(CD-ROM) (③)
104. Tao FENG, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG and Zhongzhen YANG (2006) Analyzing vehicular pollutant
concentration using neural network, 土木計画学研究・講演集,33(CD-ROM)(③)
106. 藤原章正・張峻屹・森井紀裕・Metin Senbil(2005)ヴァーチャルアクセシビリティによる交通情報提供ホーム
ページの評価,土木計画学研究・講演集,Vol.31(CD-ROM) (④)
107. 東香織・張峻屹・杉恵頼寧(2005)企業からみた都市サービスの質の計測,土木学会中国支部第57回研究
108. 張峻屹・力石真・藤原章正(2005)社会的不平等性からみた交通アクセシビリティの途上国都市間比較,土
109. 張峻屹・藤原章正・力石真(2005)途上国における都市ガバナンスの評価:北京市の大気質管理を事例とし
新しいセクション 1 - 35 ページ
110. 張峻屹・藤原章正・杉恵頼寧・東香織(2005)ギャップモデルによる都市サービスの質の評価,都市計画研究
111. 張峻屹・藤原章正・杉浦祐二・日下部達夫(2005)都心部における休日の歩行周遊経路選択の分析,土木計
画学研究・講演集,Vol.31(CD-ROM) (④)
112. 張峻屹・東香織・杉惠頼寧・藤原章正(2005)市民と企業の視点から見た都市サービスの評価,土木計画学
113. 張峻屹・大後戸勝・杉恵頼寧・藤原章正(2005)大規模時間利用データを用いた世帯時間配分行動の分析,
土木計画学研究・講演集,Vol.31(CD-ROM) (①)
114. 張峻屹・桑野将司・藤原章正・李百鎭(2005)集団離散選択モデルによる世帯の車種選択行動分析,土木計
115. 張峻屹・桑野将司・藤原章正(2005)世帯構成員間における自動車の利用配分メカニズムの分析,土木計画
116. 大後戸勝・張峻屹・杉恵頼寧(2005)社会基盤整備水準と時間利用パターンとの関・W,土木学会中国支部第
117. 杉浦祐二・張峻屹・藤原章正(2005)週末における都心来訪者の活動・交通特性の分析,土木学会中国支部
118. 小野隼人・藤原章正・張峻屹(2005)大型交差点における交通事故分析,土木学会中国支部第57回研・・ュ表
119. 周藤浩司・藤原章正・張峻屹・李百鎭・原田和久(2005)複合的情報提供システムの利用者評価に関する基
120. 宮嶋宙・張峻屹・杉恵頼寧(2005)フレックスタイム制度の導入による通勤行動の変化と制度の主観的評価,
121. Metin SENBIL Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2005) Evaluating energy efficiency of urban
transportation systems in developing cities using a four-wave panel data,土木計画学研究・講演集,
Vol.31(CD-ROM) (④)
122. Sudarmanto Budi Nugroho, Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Metin SENBIL (2005) Measuring social
capacity indicators for urban air pollution from transportation in Jakarta city based on an attitudinal survey,
123. 日下部達夫・張峻屹・藤原章正(2004)休日都心来訪行動と駐車行動との関連性分析,土木学会中国支部
124. 藤原章正・張峻屹・讃良純一(2004)中国・四国・九州地方における広域観光行動分析,土木計画学研究・講
演集,No.30 (CD-ROM).(②)
125. 藤原章正・張峻屹・M.R.M. DA CRUZ(2004)都市の持続可能性に関するダイナミック評価モデルの開発, 土
木計画学研究・講演集,No.29 (CD-ROM).・i④)
126. 張峻屹・藤原章正・日下部達夫(2004)駐車場選択行動と都心活性化との関連性分析,土木計画学研究・講
演集,No.30 (CD-ROM).(①)
127. 張峻屹・藤原章正・日下部達夫(2004)選択肢集合の形成を内生化させた新たな離散選択モデルの開発及
び都心回遊行動分析への応用,土木計・謚w研究・講演集,No.30 (CD-ROM).(①)
128. 張峻屹・藤原章正・石川智之・李百鎭(2004)タイミングの効用を考慮した活動・移動スケジューリングモデル
の開発,土木計画学研究・講演集,No.30 (CD-ROM).(①)
129. 張峻屹・藤原章正・石原優子(2004)満足度と期待度とのギャップを考慮した都市サービスの評価,土木計画
130. 張峻屹・藤原章正・桑野将司・岡村敏之・西野亨(2004)地方都市における低公害車保有行動分析,土木計
画学研・・EE講演集・CNo.30 (CD-ROM).(④)
131. 張峻屹・藤原章正・桑野将司(2004)エージェント間の相互作用を考慮した離散選択モデルの開発及び世帯
自動車保有行動分析への応用,土木計画学研究・講演集,No.30 (CD-ROM)(①)
132. 石原優子・。原章正・張峻屹(2004)都市サービスの質の評価に関する基礎的研究,土木学会中国支部第56
133. 西野亨・張峻屹・藤原章正(2004)地方都市における自動車保有実態の調査,第56回土木学会中国支部研
134. 森山昌幸・藤原章正・張峻屹・杉恵頼寧(2004)中山間地域におけるシームレスな公共交通サービスの分
135. 讃良純一・藤原章正・張峻屹(2004)中国・四国・九州地域の観光周遊行動分析,土木学会中国支部第56回
136. Metin SENBIL, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2004) Telecommunications and transportation
interactions: A review,土木計画学研究・講演集,No.29 (CD-ROM).(①)
137. 堀之内猛・藤原章正・張峻屹(2003)橋詰交差点での追従走行時における追突事故の分析, 土木学会中国
138. 尾髙慎二・藤原章正・張峻屹(2003)マルチモーダル情報の獲得行動を考慮した交通手段選択の分析,土木
新しいセクション 1 - 36 ページ
138. 尾髙慎二・藤原章正・張峻屹(2003)マルチモーダル情報の獲得行動を考慮した交通手段選択の分析,土木
139. 張峻屹・藤原章正・杉恵頼寧・山田敏久(2003)等弾力性社会厚生関数に基づく世帯時間配分モデルの提
140. 張峻屹・藤原章正(2003)一般化相対性効用による離散選択行動の表現,土木計画学研究・講演集,
Vol.28(CD-ROM). (①)
141. 森井紀裕・藤原章正・張峻屹・岡村敏之(2003)ホームページのアクセス履歴データを用いた交通情報獲得
142. 森井紀裕・藤原章正・張峻屹(2003)ホームページのアクセス履歴データを用いた交通情報獲得パターンの
143. 桑野将司・藤原章正・張峻屹・李百鎭(2003)住区内街路整備の評価のためのファジィCVMの提案,土木計・
144. 岡村敏之・藤原章正・張峻屹(2003)データマイニング手法を用いた都市公共交通のマーケティングに関する
145. Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG, Toshiyuki OKAMURA and Soe Thein (2003) Analysis of mode choice
preferences under changes in travel and socio-economic environments in Yangon city based on stated
preference survey,土木計画学研究・講演集,Vol.28(CD-ROM)(④)
146. 張峻屹・杉恵頼寧・藤原章正(2002)相乗り型カーシェアリングシステム評価モデルの提案,土木計画学研
147. 張峻屹・杉恵頼寧・藤原章正(2002)行動の変化を明示的に考慮した交通機関選択モデルの提案, 土木計画
148. 張峻屹・高野伸栄・玉置善生・黒水健(2002)都市の魅力形成における交通の役割分析と交通政策ニーズの
149. 張峻屹・玉置善生・黒水健・高野伸栄(2002)アクティビティの違いを考慮した都市の魅力形成における交通
150. 張峻屹(2002)世帯時間配分理論の提案,土木計画学研究・講演集,Vol.26(CD-ROM).(①)
151. 張峻屹・玉置善生(2001)相対性効用に基づく複合交通機関選好意識モデルの実証的分析, 土木学会第56
152. 張峻屹・杉恵頼寧・藤原章正(1998) 態度変数を取り入れた新たな交通機関選択モデル,土木学会第53回年
153. 西井和夫・北村隆一・飯田恭敬・杉恵頼寧・石田東生・屋井鉄雄・森川高行・内田敬・藤原章正・張峻屹・宇野
のための交通調査手法の課題,土木計画学研究・講演集,No. 20, 529-534.(①)
154. 北村隆一・飯田恭敬・杉恵頼寧・石田東生・西井和夫・屋井鉄雄・兵藤哲朗・内田敬・」峻・ヲ・宇野伸宏・佐々
方法論およびパ・lルデータ解・ヘ手・@に関する研究,土木計画学研究・講演集,No. 19, 617-623.(①)
155. 張峻屹・杉恵頼寧・藤原章正・奥村誠 (1996) SPパネル調査の調査期間決定のための基礎分析,土木計画
156. 張峻屹・杉恵頼寧・藤原章正(1996) トリップ前交通情報提供下における通勤者の自宅出発時刻変更モデ
157. 張峻屹・杉恵頼寧・藤原章正 (1996) 交通需要管理施策の効果を評価する手法に関する一考察,土木学会
158. 杉恵頼寧・張峻屹・藤原章正・宮地岳志 (1996) Mass Point手法の課題に関する検討,土木計画学研究・講
159. 重松史生・藤原章正・杉恵頼寧・張峻屹 (1996) Duration modelによるパーク・アンh・ライド社会実験への参
160. 宮地岳志・杉恵頼寧・張峻屹 (1996) 非観測異質性を考慮した動的交通機関選択モデル,土木学会中国支
161. 奥村誠・張峻屹・永野光三 (1996) 生存期間モデルによる出社・退社時刻の要因分析,土木計画学研究・講
162. 藤原章正・杉恵頼寧・張峻屹・野浜伸介・小笹俊成 (1995)更新サンプルを含む選好意識パネルデータの分
析, 日本行動計量学会第22回大会発表論文抄録集,68-71.(①)
163. 張峻屹・杉恵頼寧・藤原章正 (1995) 個人の非観測異質性を考慮した固定効果の交通機関選択モデル,土
164. 杉恵頼寧・張峻屹・藤原章正 (1995) 個人の異質性による交通機関選択モデルの構造分析,土木計画学研
165. 杉恵頼寧・張峻屹・藤原章正 (1995) Mass Point手法により非観測異質性を考慮した交通機関選択のダイナ
166. 小笹俊成・杉恵頼寧・藤原章正・張峻屹 (1995) 系列相関を考慮した集計型多時点SPモデル,土木学会第50
新しいセクション 1 - 37 ページ
167. 張峻屹・杉恵頼寧・斉田信一 (1994) 発生集中交通量予測モデルの時系列分析,土木学会第49回年・汪w術
English Books & Chapters in Books (Refereed)
1. Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2013) Sustainable Transport Studies in Asia. Springer (May
2. Makoto CHIKARAISHI, Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG, Dirk ZUMKELLER (2013) Optimal sampling
designs for multiday and multiperiod panel survey. In: Zmud J, Lee-Gosselin M, Carrasco JA, Munizaga MA
(eds.), Transport Survey Methods: Best Practice for Decision Making. Emerald Group Publishing,
3. Sudarmanto Budi Nugroho, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2012) Spatial and temporal analysis of
surface ozone in urban area: A multilevel and structural equation model approach. In: Budi Haryanto (ed.),
Air Pollution - A Comprehensive Perspective. INTECH (ISBN: 978-953-51-0705-7), Available from:
http://www.intechopen.com/books/ air-pollution-a-comprehensive-perspective/. (August)(④)
4. Junyi ZHANG (2009) A model of pedestrian time and monetary consumption behavior at city center. In:
Pedestrian Behaviour: Models, Data Collection and Applications, H.J.P. TIMMERMANS (ed.), Emerald,
Chapter 8, 157-193.(①)
5. Junyi ZHANG and Andrew DALY (2009) Group behavior modeling, In: The Expanding Sphere of Travel
Behaviour Research (The Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research), R.
Kitamura, T. Yoshii and T. Yamamoto (eds.), Emerald, Chapter 21, 465-473. (①)
6. Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA (2009) Models of household activity and travel behaviors with group
decision-making mechanisms in Japan, In: The Expanding Sphere of Travel Behaviour Research (The
Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research), R. Kitamura, T. Yoshii and T.
Yamamoto (eds.), Emerald, Chapter 8, 187-203. (①)
7. Sudarmanto Budi Nugroho, Akimasa FUJIWARA and Junyi ZHANG (2009) Analysis of Carbon Emissions
from In-use motorcycle in Indonesia, In: Rahman, M.H., Badruzzaman, A.B.M., Alam, M.J.B., Rahman, M.M.,
Ali, M.A., Noor, M.A. and Wadud, Z. (eds.), Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Strategies for
Bangladesh, International Training Network (ITN) Center, BUET, Dhaka, 179-193. (④)
8. Junyi ZHANG, Akimasa FUJIWARA, H.J.P. TIMMERMANS and Aloys BORGERS (2005) An Empirical
Comparison of Alternative Models of Household Time Allocation, In: Progress in Activity-Based Analysis,
H.J.P. TIMMERMANS (ed.), Elsevier, 259-283. (①)
9. 張峻屹 (2013) 台北と水環境-都市の社会・経済的基盤. In: 谷口真人・吉越昭久・金子慎治(編著),アジア
10. 子育て世帯の多様なライフスタイルを実現する都市・交通施策に関する研究,大森宣暁ほか編,日交研シ
11. オールド・ニュータウンにおける高齢者のモビリティと社会的排除,藤原章正ほか編,日交研シリーズ
12. 子育て世帯の多様なライフスタイルを支援する都市・交通施策に関する研究,大森宣暁ほか編,日交研シ
13. 中山間地域における交通困難集落の実態を踏まえた世帯間送迎サービスの検討,藤原章正ほか編,日交
14. 子育てバリアフリー施策とまちづくり,大森宣暁ほか編,日交研シリーズA-514,2011.03(分担執筆)(①)
15. 中山間地域における生活関連サービスの充足策に関する研究,藤原章正ほか編,日交研シリーズA-511,
16. 子育て中の外出および社会参加を支援するバリアフリー施策,大森宣暁ほか編,日交研シリーズ
17. 「限界集落」を対象とした中山間地域のモビリティ確保と地域再編戦略にヨする・、究,藤原章正ほか編,日交
18. 高齢社会を迎えた地方都市に・ィけるモビ・潟eィ確保のための政策分析,藤原章正ほか編,日交研シリーズ
19. 地方都市における世帯の自動車保有・利用行動と環境効率性の分析,杉惠頼寧ほか編,日交研シリーズ
20. 工学教育論(訳本;中国語:工程教育論),関正夫・大塚豊編,玉川大学出版部,1998(計9章、第5~9章翻
21. 高齢者社会における交通インフラ整備のあり方(その1),杉惠頼寧ほか編,日交研シリーズA-207,日本交
22. 高齢者社会における交通インフラ整備のあり方(その2),杉惠頼寧ほか編,日交研シリーズA-222,日本交
新しいセクション 1 - 38 ページ
22. 高齢者社会における交通インフラ整備のあり方(その2),杉惠頼寧ほか編,日交研シリーズA-222,日本交
23. 張峻屹 (1995) 異質性を考慮した交通需要モデルのダイナミック分析,日交研シリーズA-186,日本交通政
Principal Researcher
538.11百万円 Million Yen
1. 市民生活行動学の構築による部門横断型まちづくりのための政策意思決定方法論の開発,独立行政法人
Development of Cross-Sector Urban Planning and Management Methodologies by Establishing Theory of
Citizen’s Life Decisions and Behavior: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Japan Society for the
Promotion of Science (JSPS), April 2010 ~ March 2014
2. 低炭素社会を設計する国際環境リーダー育成,文部科学省科学技術振興調整費戦略的環境リーダー育成
拠点形成プログラム,2008~2012年度,サブプログラム「脱温暖化社会システムの設計」リーダー) Global
Environmental Leaders Education Program for Designing a Low-Carbon Society, MEXT Special
Coordination Funds for Promotion of Science and Technology, July 2008 ~ June 2012 (JSPS)
3. 個人間相互作・pメカニズムを取り入れた都市生活行動の調査・解析方法の研究,独立行政法人日本学術
振興会科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C),研究課題番号:19560536,2007~2009年度) Survey and
Analysis Method of Urban Activity-Travel Behavior Incorporating inter-personal interaction mechanisms:
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), April 2007 ~
March 2010
4. 女性の社会進出を支援する都市政策の立案のための世帯生活行動に関する日蘭比較研究, 独立行政法人
日本学術振興会E日蘭共同セミナー,2008年度 Household Activity-Travel Behavior Analysis for Urban
Policy-Making of Supporting Women‘s Participation in Labor Market: A Comparative Study between Japan
and the Netherlands, Japan-Netherlands Joint Seminar Program, Japan Society for the Promotion of
Science, 2008
5. 集団意思決定理論による世帯交通行動分析,独立行政法人日本学術振興会科学研究費補助金(若手研究
B, 研究課題番号:16760429,2004~2006年度) Household travel behavior analysis based on group
decision-making theory: Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
(JSPS), April 2004 ~ March 2007
6. 個人の潜在意識の違いを考慮した動的交通行動モデルの実用化,文部省科学研究費補助金(奨励研究,
研究課題番号:09750622,1997~1998年度) Study on the applicability of travel mode choice model with
unobserved heterogeneity: Encouragement of Scientists, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
(JSPS), April 1997 ~ March 1999
7. 異質性を考慮した交通需要モデルのダイナミック分析,日本交通政策研究会,1995年度 Dynamic analysis
of travel demand model considering the heterogeneity, The Japan Research Center for Transport Policy,
April 1995 ~ March 1996
8. 高速道路における個人指向型交通事故発生予防策及び交通事故対策の再評価の研究,西日本高速道路
株式会社中国支社,2012.04~2013.04 Individualized Traffic Accidents Prevention Countermeasures and
Re-evaluation of Traffic Safety Countermeasures on Expressways, West Nippon Expressway Company
Limited, Japan, April 2012 ~ March 2013
9. アジアにおける低炭素交通システムの研究,ALMEC Co. Ltd.,2011~2012年度 Basic Data Collection
Study on Low-Emission Public Transport System in Lao PDR, JICA (2012)
10. 中国市場における安心・安全Needs,(株)マツダ,2011.04~2013.04 Safety and Security Needs in the
Chinese Market, Mazda Motor Corporation, Japan
11. 北京市におけるSTARWINGS導入効果の試算:経路選択モデルの構築,日産自動車株式会社,2008年度
Evaluating the Effects of Introducing STARWINGS in Beijing City: Development of Route Choice Model,
Nissan Motor Company Limited, Japan, April 2008 ~ March 2009
12. 台湾行政院国家科学委員会特別研究プロジェクト,2006-2009年(日本側研究代表者) Model Development
of Travel Product: The Experience in Japan, Taiwan, and China, National Science Council, Taiwan
13. 東広島市の都市魅力づくりと交通の役割に関する研究,平成15年度学園都市づくり推進事業補助金,東広
島市 Study on the roles of transportation and urban attractiveness in Higashi-Hiroshima city, Higashi
Hiroshima City, Japan
合計967.038百万円 Million Yen
新しいセクション 1 - 39 ページ
合計967.038百万円 Million Yen
1. ネットワーク上の交通行動を記述するためのデータ統融合理論とその応用,独立行政法人日本学術振興会
科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(A)(一般),2013~2016年度) Data Integration and Fusion Theory and its
Application for Describing Travel Behavior in Network, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Japan
Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), April 2013 ~ March 2017
2. 子育てしやすい働き方の探求と実現のための施策の立案および評価に関する研究,独立行政法人日本学
3. 高齢化ニュータウンの新しい地区交通計画手法,独立行政法人日本学術振興会科学研究費補助金(基盤研
究(B)(一般), 研究課題番号: 50181409, 2011~2013年度)?
4. プローブ技術を援用したデータフュージョン理論による総合的交通行動調査の高度化,独立行政・@人日本・
w術振興会科学研究・・竢普E焉i基盤研・・iA)(一般),研究課題番号:21246080,2009~2012年度) A
Comprehensive Travel Behavior Survey Based on Data Fusion Theory By Making Full Use of Probe
Technology, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS),
April 2009 ~ March 2013?
5. 環境省環境研究総合推進費「アジア低炭素社会に向けた中長期的政策オプションの立案・予測・評価手法
6. コンテクスト応答型警告システムの地区全体への導入効果評価手法,独立行政法人日本学術振興会科学
研究費補助金(基盤研究(C),研究課題番号:20560491,2008~2010年度) Methods of Evaluating the Effects of
Area-Wide Context-Responsive Traffic Warning System: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Japan
Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), April 2008 ~ March 2010
7. スマートモビリティネットワークの地域展開に関する研究,独立行政法人日本学術振興会科学研究費補助金
(基盤研究(B)(一般),研究課題番号:19360228,2007~2008年度) Study on Regional Deployment of?Smart
Mobility Network: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
(JSPS), April 2007 ~ March 2009
8. アジアハイウェイ・日韓ルートにおける道路案内標示の国際標準化及び交通安全対策に関する研究,独立
行政法人学術振興会日本学術振興会日韓科学協力事業共同研究補助金,2006年7月~2008?年6月 Study
on International Standards of Road Signs and Traffic Safety Strategies for Korea-Japan Route of the Asian
Highway, Japan-Korea Joint Research Program, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, July 2006 ~
June 2008
9. 都市間交通サービスの欠航・遅延リスクに対応した施設計画,独立行政法人日本学術振興会科学研究費補
助金(基盤研究(B)(一般),研究課題番号:17360249,2005~2007年度) Inter-city transportation facility
planning with the consideration of flight cancel and delay risks: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B),
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), April 2005 ~ March 2008
10. ア・Wアハイウ・Gイ・日韓ル・[トの観光需要予測および観光情報提供政策の評価に関する研究,独立行政法
人学術振興会日本学術振興会日韓科学協力事業共同研究補助金,2004年7?月~2006年6月 Study on
Tourist Demand Forecasting and Evaluation of Tourist Information Provision Policy for Japan-Korea Route
of Asian Highway, Japan-Korea Joint Research Program, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, July
2004 ~ June 2006
11. 家族の視点からみた持続可能な都市生活の理論的研究及び政策分析,独立行政法人日本学術振興会科学
研究費補助金(基盤研究C(2),研究課阡ヤ号: 16610008, 2004~2005年度) Theoretical study and policy
analysis of sustainable urban life from the family viewpoint: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C),
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), April 2004 ~ March 2006
12. 文部科学省21世紀COEプログラム「社会的環境管理能力の形成と国際協力拠点」,2003~2007年度独立行
政法人学術振興会日本学術振興会科学研究費補助金) Social Capacity Development for Environmental
Management and International Cooperation: The 21st Century Of Excellence (COE) Program, Japan Society
for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), April 2003 ~ March 2008
13. 世帯の自動車保有と利用の変化に関する分析,独立行政法人学術振興会日本学術振興会日仏交流促進
事業共同研究補助金,2003.10~2005.09 Analysis on Changes in Household Car Ownership and Use:
Japan-France Joint Research Program, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, October 2003 ~
September 2005
14. 主観的価値に基づく超低床式路面電車の導入事業の評価手法の開発,独立行政法人学術振興会日本学術
振興会科学研究費補助金(基盤研究C(2),研究課題番号:14550530,2003~2004年度) Evaluation of
Introducing Low-Floor Light Rail Vehicles Based on Subjective Value: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
(C), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), April 2003 ~ March 2005
15. 高度交通情報システムの整備に伴う効果測定Vステムの開発,独立行政法人日本学術振興会科学研究費
補助金(基盤研究C(2),研究課題番号:13650586,2001~2003年度) Development of an evaluation system
to measure the effects of advanced travel information provision system: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific
Research (C), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), April 2001 ~ March 2004?
究費補助金(基盤研究C(2),研究課題番号:09650588,1997~1999年度) Development of Dynamic Models
新しいセクション 1 - 40 ページ
究費補助金(基盤研究C(2),研究課題番号:09650588,1997~1999年度) Development of Dynamic Models
based on Stated Preference Panel Data: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Japan Society for the
Promotion of Science (JSPS), April 1997 ~ March 2000
C(2),研究課題番号:07650625,1995~1996年度) Development of dynamic travel mode choice model with
stated preference panel data: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Japan Society for the Promotion
of Science (JSPS), April 1995 ~ March 1997
NEXCO中国支社,2010-2011年度 Travel Time Prediction Under Incidental Traffic Conditions and Travel
Behavioral Changes Under the Provision of Travel Information on Travel Time Reliability, West Nippon
Expressway Company Limited, Japan, December 2010 ~ March 2011
電気自動車の地域活用に関する研究,日産自動車株式会社,2010年度 Regional Deployment of Electric
Vehicle, Nissan Motor Company Limited, Japan, December 2010 ~ March 2011ability, West Nippon
Expressway Company Limited, Japan, December 2010 ~ March 2011
地域の課題を効率的に解決するITSの技術の導入戦略に関する調査研究,土木学会,2009年度 Strategic
Deployment of ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems) Technologies for Efficiently Resolving Regional Issues,
Japan Society of Civil Engineers, April 2009 ~ March 2010
度 Innovative Survey Methods for Transportation Planning of Hiroshima Metropolitan Area, Fund of
Hiroshima University, April 2008 ~ March 2009
An Automatic Guidance System of Multi-Modal Travel Information, under the research project titled
“Research and Development for User-Oriented Public Transportation” (project duration: December 2007 ~
September 2011) funded by the Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements
ITS技術を用いた安全性向上策の検討,西日本高速道路株式会社,2007~2008年度 Study on traffic
safety improvement measures by using ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems) technologies, West Nippon
Expressway Company Limited, Japan, April 2007 ~ March 2009
究会,2008年度 Basic study on securing mobility and regional re-construction strategies for depopulated
regions focusing on “near-collapse villages, The Japan Research Center for Transport Policy, April 2008 ~
March 2009?
エリアワイドなコンテクスト応答型交通事故警告システムの研究,土木学会,2007年度 Study on area-wide
context-responsive traffic accident warning information system, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, April
2007 ~ March 2008
Human Activity Impacts on Urban Subsurface Environments: Research Institute for Humanity and Nature,
Inter-University Research Institute Cooperation, National Institutes for the Humanities, Japan, April 2006 ~
March 2011
連続交差点区間の安全性向上に向けたITS技術の総合的適用,土木学会,2004~2006年度 Comprehensive
application of ITS technologies to improve traffic safety at a road section with successive intersection,
Japan Society of Civil Engineers, April 2004 ~ March 2007
ジェクト,2006~2007年度 Analysis of household car ownership and use behavior and efficiency in local
cities, The Japan Research Center for Transport Policy, April 2006 ~ March 2008
東広島市の今後の公共交通施策の検討,東広島市,2006年度 Study on public transportation policies in
Higashi-Hiroshima city, Higashi Hiroshima City, Japan, April 2006 ~ March 2007
東広島市の公共交通の実態と今後の公共交通施策について,東広島市,2005年度 Survey of current
situations of public transportation systems in Higashi-Hiroshima city and future public transportation
policies, Higashi Hiroshima City, Japan, April 2005 ~ March 2006
高齢者社会における交通インフラ整備のあり方,日本交通政策研究会,1996~1998年度 The methods of
transportation infrastructure improvement for the aging society, The Japan Research Center for Transport
新しいセクション 1 - 41 ページ
transportation infrastructure improvement for the aging society, The Japan Research Center for Transport
Policy, April 1996 ~ March 1999
1. Special Issue "Modeling Household Activity Travel Behavio" at Transportation Research Part B:
Methodological (see: H.J.P. TIMMERMANS and Junyi ZHANG (2009) Modeling household activity travel
behavior: Examples of state of the art modeling approaches and research agenda, Transportation Research
Part B: A Special Issue "Household Behavior Modeling", edited by H.J.P. TIMMERMANS and Junyi ZHANG,
43, 187-190)
2. Special Issue "Travel Behavior Modeling for Universal Mobility Design" at Transportmetrica, Junyi ZHANG
and H.J.P. TIMMERMANS, Volume 8, No. 3 (2012)
1. TRB Committee “Committee on Traveler Behavior and Values (ADB10)” Member (2012 ~ )
2. Editorial Advisory Board of the journal Transportation (2012.08~)
3. Associate Editor of Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics (2013~)
4. Member of International Advisory Committee of the HKSTS International Conference Series, Hong Kong
Society For Transportation Studies (HKSTS), 2010~
5. Editorial Board member, Journal of Society for Transportation and Traffic Studies (JSTS), Thailand, 2010~
6. Secretary General, International Symposium on Safe Mobility and International Cooperation, Jointly
organized by the Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS), Malaysia and the Center of Asian
Safe Mobility Research (ASMO), Hiroshima University, Japan, KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, March 9~10, 2010.
7. 土木学会調査研究部門・土木学会論文集編集委員会,D3分冊編集小委員会・委員,2010~2012年
8. Associate Editor, Asian Transport Studies (ATS) journal, Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies
(EASTS), 2009~
9. Organizer, The Japan-Netherlands Joint Seminar on “Household Activity-Travel Behavior Analysis for
Urban Policy-Making of Supporting Women’s Participation in Labor Market”, Eindhoven, The Netherlands,
March 18, 2009.
10. Advisory Committee, International Conference on Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Strategies
(Climate 2009), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh, Feb.
18-20, 2009.
11. Secretary General, International Workshop on Policies for a Low-Carbon Society in Developing Countries,
Organized by the Hiroshima International Center for Environmental Cooperation (HICEC), Hiroshima
University, November 11, 2009.
12. Secretary General, The 5th Japan-China Joint Seminar on City and ITS ~ Low-Carbon Urban Planning and
Transportation Policies ~, Higashi-Hiroshima, August 23~24, 2009.
13. Invited editorial board, Intelligent Transportation System and Information Technology, 2008~
14. International Scientific Committee, Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS), 2008~
15. Member of Steering Committee, International Symposium and Workshop on Sustainable Transport for
Developing Countries, Dhaka, Bangladesh, August 28-29, 2008.
16. Secretary General, International Symposium on Creation of Safe Mobility Society and International
Cooperation, Center of Asian Safe Mobility Research (ASMO), Hiroshima University, Beijing, China,
December 8, 2008.
17. Member of Technical Committee, the 7th International Conference of Chinese Transportation Professionals,
Shanghai, China, May 21-22, 2007.
18. Secretary General, International Workshop on Advanced Transportation Studies, Higashi-Hiroshima, March
31, 2005; August 29, 2007.
19. Co-chair of Organizing Committee, International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies (The
5th, 6th, 7th International Conferences), held once every two years, 2006・`
20. 都市・v・謚w会中国四・綜x部会・企画委員会・委員,2006~
21. Local Committee Member of the 10th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, IATBR (The
International Association for Travel Behaviour Research), Kyoto, Japan, August 16-20, 2006
22. Editorial Advisory Board, International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 2005~
23. 平成19年度土木学会全国大会実行委員会・委員,2005~2007
24. 土木学会土木計画学学術小委員会委員兼幹事,2005~2008
25. 都市計画学会中国四国支部会・学術委員会・委員,2004~
26. Editorial Board, Journal of Lifestyle, Leisure and Tourism Research, 2003~
27. Member of Local Committee, International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, Hiroshima
新しいセクション 1 - 42 ページ
27. Member of Local Committee, International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, Hiroshima
University, 2003~2009, held annually
28. 北京交通大学・兼任教授,2009~
29. 蘭州交通大学・客員教授,2006~
30. (日本)大学共同利用機関法人・人類文化研究機構・総合地球研教学研究所・共同研究員,2005~2011
Social Activities
1. 広島県合同タクシー特定地域協議会・座長,2012年度
2. 東広島市都市交通推進会議委員、2012年
3. 東広島地域公共交通会議・都市交通マスタープラン策定部会・委員、2011年
4. 国土交通省「拡張現実技術を活用した観光地における移動支援手法に関する研究会」座長、2011年
5. 広島交通圏タクシー特定地域協議会・座長,2009~
6. 東広島市大規模小売店舗立地協議会・委員,2008.06~
7. 広島高速道路事業評価監視委員会委員,2008.12~
8. (社)広島県タクシー協会登録諮問委員会・議長,2008.05~
9. 広島県東広島市警察署協議会・委員,2008.06~
10. 広島市有償運送運営協議会・委員(公共交通・学識経験者),2006.6.6~
11. 国土交通省中国地方・ョ備局 東広島・E呉自動車の猛禽類に関する検討会委員,2007.9~
1. Chair, International Symposium on Climate Change and Urban System Design, Higashi Hiroshima, December
17, 2012. Sponsored by the Global Environmental Leaders Education Program for Designing a Low-Carbon
World, MEXT Special Coordination Funds for Promotion of Science and Technology, and the Center of
Asian Sustainable Mobility Research (ASMO), Hiroshima University, Japan
2. Steering Committee of The International Conference of Transportation Safety and Security (ICTSS-2012),
Knoxville, USA, July 15-18, 2012
3. Secretary General, International Symposium on Safe Mobility and International Cooperation, Jointly
organized by the Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS), Malaysia and the Center of Asian
Safe Mobility Research (ASMO), Hiroshima University, Japan, KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, March 9~10, 2010.
4. Secretary General, International Workshop on Policies for a Low-Carbon Society in Developing Countries,
Organized by the Hiroshima International Center for Environmental Cooperation (HICEC), IDEC, Hiroshima
University, November 11, 2009.
5. Secretary General, The 5th Japan-China Joint Seminar on City and ITS ~ Low-Carbon Urban Planning and
Transportation Policies ~, Higashi-Hiroshima, August 23~24, 2009.
6. Organizer: The Japan-Netherlands Joint Seminar on “Household Activity-Travel Behavior Analysis for
Urban Policy-Making of Supporting Women’s Participation in Labor Market”, Eindhoven, The Netherlands,
March 18, 2009.
7. Secretary General, International Symposium on Creation of Safe Mobility Society and International
Cooperation, Center of Asian Safe Mobility Research (ASMO), Hiroshima University, Beijing, China, Dec. 8,
8. Advisory committee, International Conference on Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Strategies
(Climate 2009), BUET, Dhaka, Feb. 18-20, 2009.
9. Steering Committee, International Symposium and Workshop on Sustainable Transport for Developing
Countries, Dhaka, Bangladesh, August 28-29, 2008
10. Co-chair of Organizing Committee, The 7th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies,
Kun Ming, China, August 3-5, 2010
11. Co-chair of Organizing Committee, The 6th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies,
Nan Ning, China, August 5-7, 2008
12. Co-chair of Organizing Committee, The 5th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies,
Xi’An, China, August 2-4, 2006
13. Member of technical committee, the 7th International Conference of Chinese Transportation Professionals,
Shanghai, China, May 21-22, 2007.
14. Member of Local Committee, International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2003, 2004,
2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
15. Secretary General, International Workshop on Advanced Transportation Studies (IWATS), HigashiHiroshima, August 29, 2007
16. Secretary General, International Workshop on Advanced Transportation Studies (IWATS), HigashiHiroshima, March 31, 2005
新しいセクション 1 - 43 ページ
Hiroshima, March 31, 2005
17. Local Committee Member of the 10th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, IATBR (The
International Association for Travel Behaviour Research), Kyoto, Japan, August 16-20, 2006.
18. 学会での企画セッション:QOLと市民生活行動(張峻屹),第43回土木学会土木計画学研究発表会(春大
19. 学会での企画セッション:交通行動モニタリング(力石真・張峻屹),第43回土木学会土木計画学研究発表会
20. ・Ew会での・・画・Zッション:家庭・運輸部門・ノおけるエネルギー消費と温室効果ガス排出(Sudarmanto Budi
21. 学会での企画セッション:時間利pと市民生活(桑野将司・張峻屹),第41回土木学会土木計画学研究発表会
22. 学会での企画セッション:途上国都市におけるエネルギー消費と環境ガバナンス(張峻屹),第41回土木学会
23. 学会での企画セッション:交通行動分析の進化(張峻屹),2008年土木計画学研究発表会(春大会),北海道
24. 学会での企画セッション:使ってみたくなる公共交通システム(張峻屹・佐々木邦明),2008年土木計・謚w研
25. 学会での企画セッション:グループの視点からみた交通行動分析(張峻屹),第31回土木計画学研究発表会
1. 文部科学省科学技術振興調整費戦略的環境リーダー育成拠点形成プログラム「低炭素社会を設計する国
2. Basic Data Collection Study on Low-Emission Public Transport System in Lao PDR, JICA, 2011- 2012.
3. 独立行政法人日本学術振興会・オランダとのセミナー(NWO)「女性の社会進出を支援する都市政策の立案
4. 日産自動車株式会社との共同研究「北京市におけるSTARWINGS導入効・ハの試算・F経路選択モデルの構・
5. 中国・蘭州交通大学・交通運輸学院との共同研究(蘭州市),兼任教授として,2008
6. 韓国・国土研究院・助成金“Research and Development for User-Oriented Public Transportation”(共同研
究)「An Automatic Guidance System of Multi-Modal Travel Information」、コアメンバーとして(韓国),2007
7. 都市の地下環境に残る人間活動の影響,総合地球環境学研究所・研究プロジェクト2-4、研究員として(台
8. 台湾行政院国家科学委員会特別研究プロジェクト「Model Development of Travel Product: The Experiences
in Japan, Taiwan and China」,日本側代表として(台湾),2006~2009
9. 独立行政法人学術振興会日本学術振興会日韓科学協力事業共同研究補助金「アジアハイウエイ・日韓
10. 独立行政法人学術振興会日本学術振興会日韓科学協力事業共同研究補助金「アジアハイウェイ・日韓ルー
11. 独立行政法人学術振興会日本学術振興会日仏交流促進事業共同研究補助・焉u世帯の自動車保有・ニ利
12. 独立行政法人学術振興会日本学術振興会科学研究費補助金、文部科学省21世紀COEプログラム「社会的
環境管理能力の形成と国際協力拠点」、コアメンバーとして(中国、タイ、ベトナム),2003~2007, etc.
Copyright(C)2011 広島大学大学院国際協力研究科交通工学研究 HiTEL
新しいセクション 1 - 44 ページ
Profiles of Faculty and Research Scholars in Hiroshima University HIGASI OSAMU
Profiles of Faculty and Research Scholars
Profiles of Faculty and Research Scholars List >Facuity/Department > Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation
>> Japanese
Basic profiles
* Japanese characters are garbled.
Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation
Division of Development Science
Associate Professor
Facsimile (FAX):
Work Experience/History of Employment
Academic Degrees
Graduating Schools
Teaching Course(s)/Class(es)
Current Research Themes
Achievements except Papers and Books
Joint Research/Funded Research
Academic Awards
Membership of Academic Societies
Papers: * Only English titles are listed here
**: Major papers
Books: * Only English titles are listed here
**: Major books
Profiles of Faculty and Research Scholars in Hiroshima University HIGASI OSAMU
Division of Development Science, Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, HIGASI OSAMU
>> Japanese
Profiles of Faculty and Research Scholars in Hiroshima University KUBOTA TETSU
Profiles of Faculty and Research Scholars
Profiles of Faculty and Research Scholars List >Facuity/Department > Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation
>> Japanese
Basic profiles
* Japanese characters are garbled.
Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation
Division of Development Science
Department of Development Technology
Associate Professor
Telephone: +81-82-424-6925
Facsimile (FAX): +81-82-424-6925
E-mail: tetsu?at?hiroshima-u.ac.jp
CAUTION: The E-mail address is modified. Please exchange ?at? to @ if you send.
Work Experience/History of Employment
Academic Degrees
Doctor of Engineering
Graduating Schools
2001, Shibaura Institute of Technology
1995, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Faculty of System Engineering, Department of Architecture and Environmental Systems
Teaching Course(s)/Class(es)
Current Research Themes
Comparison of sustainable assessment tools in developing countries
Architectural environment/equipment
Keywords: Sustainable building assessment tool, Developing world, Sustainable development
Life cycle assessment of CO2 emission for residential buildings in Malaysia
Architectural environment/equipment
Keywords: Life cycle assessment, energy-saving, Tropics
Profiles of Faculty and Research Scholars in Hiroshima University KUBOTA TETSU
Analysis of spatial and temporal characteristics of urban heat island in the tropics and its mitigation measures
Architectural environment/equipment
Keywords: Urban heat island, Tropics, Energy-saving
Development of comprehensive passive cooling technique for residential buildings in hot-humid climate of Malaysia
Architectural environment/equipment
Keywords: Passive cooling, Energy-saving, Tropics
Planning guidelines of residential areas in consideration of wind flow for reducing air-conditioner usage in Southeast
Architectural environment/equipment
Keywords: Wind flow, Energy-saving, Natural ventilation
Achievements except Papers and Books
Joint Research/Funded Research
Academic Awards
2004 AIJ Encouragement
Standards of gross buildings coverage ratio in major cities for the planning of residential area in consideration
of wind flow
Membership of Academic Societies
• Architectural Institute of Japan
Papers: * Only English titles are listed here
**: Major papers
1. **"The effects of night ventilation technique on indoor thermal environment for residential buildings in hot-humid climate of Malaysia", Energy
and Buildings, 41, 8, pp.829-839, August 2009.
2. **"Analysis of night ventilation potential for residential buildings in hot-humid climate of Malaysia", Proceedings of Passive and Low Energy
Architecture (PLEA 2009), University Laval, Canada, pp.404-409, June 2009.
3. **"Spatial characteristics of urban heat island in Johor Bahru city, Malaysia", Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium of South East Asian Technical
University Consortium (SEATUC), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, pp.39-44, February 2009.
4. **"Wind tunnel tests on the relationship between building density and pedestrian-level wind velocity: Development of guidelines for realizing
acceptable wind environment in residential neighborhoods", Building and Environment, 43, 10, pp.1699-1708, October 2008.
5. "Potential of Passive Cooling Techniques for Modern Houses in the Tropical Climate of Malaysia - Analysis of the Indoor Thermal
Environment for Various Ventilation Strategies", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF VENTILATION, 9, 1, pp.11-23, June 2010.
Books: * Only English titles are listed here
**: Major books
Division of Development Science, Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Department of Development Technology
>> Japanese
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