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February 26, 2009
2009 年 2 月 9 日、連邦巡回控訴裁はこれまでの流れを引き継いで、米国の特許クレームが「自明」で
あるか否かの判定基準を見直した連邦最高裁の 2007 年の重要判決(KSR判決: KSR v. Teleflex, 550
U.S.398 (2007))に準拠する判決を示した。Ball Aerosol And Specialty Container, Inc.対Limited Brands,
ームが公開されている 2 つの先行技術に鑑み自明ではなく、特許は「有効」であるとした連邦地裁の
主張されている 2 件のクレームは、そのすべての要素が 2 つの先行技術文献の組み合わせの中に認め
ル立ての底部によって焦げ付きが生じる問題は認識されていたことから、2 つの先行技術を組み合わ
裁判官 3 名の合議体を代表して判決文を書いた Lourie 裁判官は、本件がまさしく 2007 年の最高裁の
「当業者が予測可能な変更使用を行う場合、その特許性は[米国特許法]第 103 条によって否定され
る可能性が高い」とした KSR 判決で詳しく述べられている法の原則に当てはまるものであると判断し
た。KSR 判決で、連邦最高裁は先行技術文献を組み合わせる理由は「明確にされるべき」としていた。
Ball Aerosol 事件では、連邦巡回控訴裁がこの最高裁の声明の意味を解明し、先行技術文献を組み合わ
KSR 判決の下で「明確」にされる必要があるのは、組み合わせの動機付けに関する連邦地裁の分析の
2 つ以上の文献を組み合わせる「動機付け」が存在すると認めた理由を明確に説明しなければならな
い。従って、Ball Aerosol 事件で連邦巡回控訴裁は、KSR 判決における要件が「組み合わせの明確な
Lourie 裁判官は、「裁判所は特許が有効であると宣言するものではなく、無効であることが証明され
お問合せはこちらまで。Robert W. Busby
([email protected])
Motivation to Combine Prior Art to Render a Patent Obvious Need Not Be Explicit
On February 9, 2009, the Federal Circuit continued its line of cases defining the U.S. Supreme Court’s
2007 seminal decision in KSR, which redefined the standards for determining whether a patent claim is
“obvious” in the United States. In Ball Aerosol and Specialty Container, Inc. v. Limited Brands, Inc.,
the Federal Circuit reversed the district court’s grant of summary judgment of infringement as well as
the district court’s findings that the asserted claims are not obvious in view of two published pieces of
prior art and that the patent is “valid.” Taking an unusual step, the U.S. District Court for the Northern
District of Illinois had issued an order that declared all claims of the patent valid (including unasserted
claims), even though the plaintiff had not requested that relief. The Federal Circuit flipped the decision
— finding the asserted claims invalid as obvious in view of the prior art and vacating the district court’s
declaration that the entire patent was “valid.”
The patent at issue covered a candle tin with a removable lid. The lid is designed to fit under the candle
to help avoid scorching the underlying surface when the candle is lit. According to the claims, the
candle tin also has legs or “protrusions” that rest upon the cover.
It was undisputed by the parties that all of the elements of the two asserted claims could be found in the
combination of two prior art references. The district court had concluded that there was not clear and
convincing evidence of a motivation to combine, but the Federal Circuit found a motivation to combine
the two pieces of prior art based on the recognized problem of scorching caused by bottoms of hot
candle holders. The Federal Circuit noted that it is undisputed that the technology is “simple and easily
Judge Lourie, writing for the three-judge panel, found that the case fell squarely under the rule of law
expounded by the Supreme Court’s 2007 KSR ruling that “[i]f a person of ordinary skill can implement
a predictable variation, Section 103 [of the U.S. Patent laws] likely bars its patentability.” In the KSR
decision, the U.S. Supreme Court indicated that the reasons for combining prior art references “should
be made explicit.” In Ball Aerosol, the Federal Circuit clarified the Supreme Court’s statement and
explained that the motivation to combine prior art references need not be explicit in any reference.
According to the Federal Circuit, the analysis that should be made “explicit” is not to the discussion in
the prior art references. Rather, under KSR, what needs to be “explicit” is the district court’s analysis of
the motivation to combine. In other words, a district court must explicitly explain its reasoning for
finding a “motivation” to combine two or more references to invalidate a patent claim for obviousness.
Thus, the Federal Circuit held that the district court in Ball Aerosol case erred in finding a requirement
in the KSR case of an “explicit motivation to combine.”
On another matter, the Federal Circuit found that the district court erred by declaring the patent “valid.”
Judge Lourie wrote that “courts do not declare patents to be valid, and only declare that they have not
been proved invalid, if such is the case.” Additionally, the Federal Circuit made it clear that district
courts do not adjudicate claims that the parties have not put in issue. Thus, unasserted claims in a patent
are not to be declared “valid” by a district court.
The opinion is available at http://www.cafc.uscourts.gov/opinions/08-1333.pdf.
判定する要素である。35 USC § 284 に基づき、裁判所は侵害が「故意」であったことを示す明確で説
得力のある証拠が認定されれば、損害賠償額を裁判所や陪審によって算定された金額の最高 3 倍まで
れた場合には、裁判所は侵害者に対して陪審員が算定した損害額の最高 3 倍の支払いを侵害者に要求
PalTalk Holdings, Inc.対Microsoft Corp.事件では、テキサス州東部地区連邦地裁が、教唆と故意性の両
方について考察した命令を 2009 年 2 月 2 日に出した。この事件は、2006 年に原告であるPalTalkが、
ロー管理方法に関する 2 件の特許を侵害しているとして被告であるMicrosoftを提訴したもので、
を求める申立を受けて、Microsoft自身の 3 件の特許の審査手続中に米国特許商標庁(USPTO)が
Microsoftに対して当該の 2 件の特許を示しているため、Microsoftは当該特許について実際に知識を有
前権利者に対して 2 社のオンラインサービスを併合する案を持ちかけてきたと主張した。PalTalkによ
れば、これらの事件はMicrosoftが問題の技術の革新的特性、及び主張されている 2 件の特許を含む特
裁判所は PalTalk が提示したこれらの事実に鑑み、陪審は Microsoft が 2 件の特許について実際に知識
を有していたと判断する可能性があり、よって重要事実に関する真の争点が PalTalk によって提起さ
れたものであると判示した。従って、裁判所は教唆及び故意性に関して略式判決を求める Microsoft の
PalTalk が明確で説得力ある証拠を提出することにより主張している状況が事実であることを証明でき
れば、 Microsoft は各顧客による特許方法の使用事例数に応じた損害賠償の支払いを命じられるのみな
らず、この損害賠償額の最高 3 倍の支払いを命じられる可能性がある。
お問合せはこちらまで。Robert W. Busby
([email protected])
An Infringer’s Prior Knowledge of an Asserted Patent May Lead to Increased Damages
Among the many unique aspects of patent litigation in the United States are the concepts of
“inducement” and “willfulness,” two separate aspects of patent law that both find their basis in the
culpable nature of an infringer’s conduct.
Inducement refers to one’s indirect infringement liability for aiding and abetting a direct infringer. For
example, when a method patent is asserted for the use of a product, each customer using the product
may directly infringe by using the product in an infringing manner. Additionally, the manufacturer and
seller of the product may be found to infringe for “inducing” each of the customers to infringe by
encouraging them to use the products in an infringing manner. In such a situation, a patentee will try to
recover damages in proportion to the number of instances of infringement by each customer.
Willfulness is a determination of whether the infringer’s culpability is of such a degree that damages
award should be increased. Under 35 U.S.C. § 284, a court may increase the damages award up to three
times the amount assessed by the court or jury upon a finding of clear and convincing evidence that the
infringement was “willful.” In other words, the court could require the infringer to pay up to three times
the damages verdict assessed against an infringer if the infringer is found to have acted “willfully”
under the law.
In PalTalk Holdings, Inc. v. Microsoft Corp., the Eastern District of Texas issued an order on February
2, 2009, discussing both inducement and willfulness. Plaintiff PalTalk filed suit against defendant
Microsoft in 2006 for infringing two patents relating to methods for managing message flow in instant
messaging applications with its Xbox live online gaming service. PalTalk alleged that Microsoft’s
infringement was willful and that it “induced” customers of its Xbox live online gaming service to
infringe its patents. According to the court, both inducement and willfulness require that the defendant
have some knowledge of the patent before liability for infringement can be found or increased damages
can be considered. In response to Microsoft’s summary judgment motion, PalTalk argued that
Microsoft had actual knowledge of the patent because the USPTO cited the two patents to Microsoft
during prosecution of three of Microsoft’s own patents. PalTalk also contended that Microsoft had
previously conducted “due diligence” of a predecessor in interest to PalTalk to evaluate its technology,
and that Microsoft executives supposedly looked into acquiring the predecessor in interest and licensing
its patents. PalTalk further contended that Microsoft approached the predecessor in interest about the
possibility of merging the two companies’ online services. According to PalTalk, these events
demonstrate that Microsoft was aware of both the innovative characteristics of the technology at issue
as well as the development of the patent portfolio that included the two asserted patents.
In light of these facts presented by PalTalk, the court held that a jury could find that Microsoft had
actual knowledge of the two patents, and therefore that PalTalk had raised a genuine dispute of material
issue of fact. Accordingly, it denied Microsoft’s motion for summary judgment with respect to
inducement and willfulness, thus allowing both issues to proceed to trial. If PalTalk can prove the
alleged circumstances by clear and convincing evidence at trial, which is scheduled to occur later this
year, Microsoft may not only be held liable for damages in proportion to the number of instances of use
of the patented method by each customer, but may also be held liable for up to three times the amount
of such damages.
ドメイン名を変換するシステムと方法の特許性―USPTO の新審決
2008 年 11 月のニューズレターで連邦巡回控訴裁の最近の In re Bilski 事件の判決について取り上げた。
この事件では、裁判官全員が参加した大法廷において、1998 年の連邦巡回控訴裁の State St Bank 事件
判決で明確にされた「有用、具体的かつ有形の結果」という基準は、プロセスクレームが 35 USC §
101 に基づき特許対象となるか否かの判定基準としては不十分との判断が行われた。In re Bilski 事件の
判決によれば、プロセスが 35 USC § 101 に基づき特許対象となるのは、そのプロセスが(1)特定の機
れた。 なお、この「機械または変換」の判定基準は 1970 年代の連邦最高裁の判決に由来するが、い
連邦巡回控訴裁の In re Bilski 事件判決以降、米国特許商標庁(USPTO)の審判・抵触審査部
新しいのが 2009 年 1 月 30 日の Ex Parte Atkin 審決である。Ex Parte Atkin での問題の一つは、「一方向
ン名に変換できるようにするもの)に関する一定のクレームが、35 USC § 101 に基づき、特許対象と
なるかどうかについてだった。当初、USPTO 審査官は自明であるとして全クレームを 35 USC § 103
に基づき拒絶していたが、BPAI は、審査官による第 103 条に基づく拒絶を取り消した。また BPAI は、
第 112 条第二パラグラフに基づくクレームの全てを不確定性の理由により拒絶し、さらに重要なこと
として、第 101 条に基づく一定の方法及びシステムのクレームを拒絶した。
BPAI は、特許権による保護の対象について記載しなかったことを理由に、一定の方法クレームを第
101 条に基づき拒絶した。BPAI は In re Bilski 判決を引用し、これらの方法クレームは「機械や装置の
記載がなく、対象物を異なる状態や物に変換することを要する」ものでもないとした。BPAI によれ
BPAI は、特許権による保護の対象について記載しなかったことを理由に、同様のシステムクレーム
を第 101 条に基づき拒絶した。BPAI によれば、クレームの本文には「ラベル定義機構」、「推論機
In re Bilski 事件の判決文は以下で入手可能である。
Ex Parte Atkin の審決文は以下で入手可能である。
お問合せはこちらまで。Robert W. Busby
([email protected])
Patentability of System and Method of Converting Domain Names: New USPTO Decision
In our November 2008 newsletter, we discussed the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit’s recent In
re Bilski decision, where all judges participated in an en banc panel that found the “useful concrete and
tangible result” formulation articulated in the court’s 1998 State St. Bank decision insufficient to
determine whether a process claim is patent-eligible under 35 U.S.C. § 101. Instead, according to In re
Bilski, a process is patent-eligible under 35 U.S.C. § 101 if (1) it is tied to a particular machine or
apparatus, or (2) it transforms a particular article into a different state or thing. This “machine-ortransformation” test, which finds its origins in U.S. Supreme Court decisions from the 1970s,
significantly cuts back on the types of inventions appropriate for so-called business method patents.
Since the Federal Circuit’s decision in In re Bilski, the USPTO Board of Patent Appeals and
Interferences (BPAI) has issued a string of decisions applying the “machine-or-transformation” test, the
latest of which is Ex Parte Atkin, decided on January 30, 2009. An issue in Ex Parte Atkin is the patenteligibility under 35 U.S.C. § 101 of certain claims for a system or method of “converting a
unidirectional domain name to a bidirectional domain name,” which allows for converting a Englishcentric Internet domain name to a non-English-centric Internet domain name, such as an Arabic Internet
domain name. The USPTO Examiner had originally rejected all claims under 35 U.S.C. § 103 for being
obvious, but the BPAI reversed the Examiner’s section 103 rejection. The BPAI rejected all claims
under section 112, second paragraph, for being indefinite, and, significantly, also rejected certain
method and system claims based on section 101.
The BPAI rejected certain method claims under section 101 for failing to recite patent-eligible subject
matter. Citing In re Bilski, the BPAI found that these method claims do not “recite any machine or
apparatus or call for transforming an article into a different state or thing.” According to the BPAI, a
domain name is simply a series of characters representing the address of a resource, such as a server, on
the World Wide Web. All of the steps of the claims, including “establishing a plurality of labels within
a unidirectional domain name,” “performing [within each said label] inferencing through resolving the
direction of indeterminate characters,” and “reordering said characters within each said label,” are mere
data manipulation steps, and thus not patent-eligible.
The BPAI rejected similar system claims under section 101 because they also did not recite patenteligible subject matter. According to the BPAI, although the body of the claim recites a “label definer,”
an “inferencer,” and a “character reorder,” those recitations fail to serve as structural limitations
because (1) they are not “means-plus-function” limitations, which cover corresponding structures even
if the structure is not recited, and (2) they would not have been understood in the art as implying any
particular structure.
The In re Bilski decision is available at http://www.cafc.uscourts.gov/opinions/07-1130.pdf.
The Ex Parte Atkin decision is available at
For more information, please contact Robert W. Busby at [email protected].
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