
1 京都大学大学院文学研究科/文学部・2013 年度

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1 京都大学大学院文学研究科/文学部・2013 年度
京都大学大学院文学研究科/文学部・2013 年度集中講義
(2013/9/27 版)
Ademollo, F. (2012), ‘The Platonic origins of Stoic theology’, Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 43, 217-243.
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Brunschwig, J. (1988), ‘La théorie stoïcienne du genre suprême et l’ontologie platonicienne’, in Barnes, J. & Mignucci, M.
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Caston, V. (1999), ‘Something and nothing: the Stoics on concepts and universals’, Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 17,
Cherniss, H. (ed.) (1976), Plutarch’s Moralia, vol. 13.2 (Cambridge, MA).
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Cohoon, J. W. (1939), Dio Chrysostom, vol. II (Cambridge, MA).
Colson, F. H. (1941), Philo, vol. IX (Cambridge, MA).
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Concolino Mancini, A. (1976), ‘Sulle opere polemiche di Colote’, Cronache Erconalesi 6, 61-67.
Cooper, J. M. (1998), ‘The unity of virtue’, Social Philosophy and Policy 15.1, 233-74; rpt. in id. (1999), Reason and Emotion:
Essays on Ancient Moral Psychology and Ethical Theory (Princeton, NJ), 76-117.
Cooper, J. M. (2003), ‘Stoic Autonomy’, Social Philosophy and Policy, 20, 1-29; rpt. in id. (2004), Knowledge, Nature and the
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Glucker, J. (1995), ‘Socrates in the Academic books and other Ciceronian works’, in Inwood, B. & Mansfeld, J. (eds.), Assent
and Argument: Studies in Cicero’s Academic Books (Leiden), 58-88.
Glucker, J. (2001), ‘Carneades in Rome: some unsolved problems’, in Powell, J. G. F. & North, J. A. (eds.), Cicero’s Republic,
Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies, Suppl. 76 (London), 57-82.
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pars 2/2 (Turnhout), 1-61.
Hadot, P. (1992), La citadelle intérieure (Paris); English translation by M. Chase (1998), The inner citadel: the Meditations of
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Hahm, D. E. (1999), ‘Plato, Carneades, and Cicero’s Philus (Cicero, Rep. 3.8–31)’, Classical Quarterly 49, 167-83.
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di Gabriele Giannantoni (Napoli), 457-480.
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Long, A. A. (2002b), ‘Zeno’s epistemology and Plato’s Theaetetus’, in Scaltsas, T. & Mason, A. S. (eds.), The Philosophy of
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